Happy Friday The Next Holiday Season Begins - 12.01.17

Published Dec 6, 2017, 8:35 AM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back at all, suit all looking back to back down, giving them mo just like theming buck bus. Things in it to y'all to be true? Good to Steve. How guy listening to me? Each other for still far to listen? Moby, why don't you join yeah joint beer with me? Honey said you got to turn, yeah, run, you got to turn, you to turn turn, my lovey got to turn out to turn to turn the water the water go, comey, come on your back. Uh huh, i's your will a good r And everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show uh today, folks. I just want to dive right in because I think I got it. I think I got something that's uh that rings for everybody here it is did you know? Did you know? And I'm talking to everybody, did you know that there is a life for you that's greater then you could have ever dreamed of? Did you know that there is a life for you better than you could have ever imagined. There's a life for you better than better than the one you thought you could have. Did you know that there's a life for you better than the one you've ever felt before? Did you know that that was a life for you greater than the one you saw for yourself? Did you know that there is a life for you greater than you had expected? And did you know that there was a life for you much bigger than the one you wanted? At? Lastly, did you know that what I just said is true? Did you know that? Did you know that the things I just said are available to you? Yeah? You. It's not just intended for other people. It's not just intended for the rich. It's not intended for those with college degree ease. It's not just intended for those who receive awards. It's for everybody. Yeah, you too. It's for you who didn't get your high school diploma. It's for you who are incarcerated. It's for you who have two strikes. It's for you who have been sentenced to life. It's for you who've gotten out and have a felony record and can't seem to get it together. It's for you who have an illness. It's for you who the doctors have given up on. It's for you this life I'm talking about it's for you. Did you know that there's a life for you better than the one you dreamed about, better than the one you've imagined, a life better than the one you thought of, That there's a life for you better than the one you've ever felt before. There's a life for you better than the one you saw for yourself. There's a better life for you than the one you expected and even the one you wanted. Did you know that this is true for you? See? Here's here's let me give you the secret to this thing. Now you have to believe that it is for you. Now, you gotta fight through the doubts. You gotta fight through the wheel of satan, because the devil is busy man. The devil wants you to think that is hopeless. The devil wants you to think that this is it. The devil wants you to think there ain't no more to it. The devil wants you to think that this applies to other people but you, and you've been dealt the worst hand of them all. What you ate, but that's what the devil wants you to think. So you gotta fight through. Now, you gotta fight through to get to what I just said is available for you. But what else you got to do? You ain't doing nothing else, might as well fight. Why just wake up and just let it be? Why would you wake up every day and just exist when there's a chance for you to actually live. See the reason I don't mind smiling so much now is because I'm no longer existing. I'm living now. See. See, that's what you want to get to. You don't want to exist to wake up paycheck to paycheck, date today, not knowing, not understand and not having can't can't get this, can't get that, can't go here, can't go there, Gotta wait, gotta wait, gota wait, gota wait till it seems like you never get nowhere. You can get out of that rut of life, feeling like when you wake up in the morning, that your life is whole hum that you're just in a rut. I drive the same way to work, I do the same thing on my job. When I get off, I drive all the way back home. I sit there, I read the newspaper, I watered the lawn. I'm so sick of my life. It ain't this ain't what I wanted. Man, And start wake up and start over do the same thing. Then the weekend gets in, you gotta mow the lawn, and then you try to fix something in the garage and you feel like your life is in the rut I'm talking about. If this feels like a rut to you know, if it's what you've always wanted, I'm cool with that. But I'm talking to people who want it more, who would love their life to be more, who would love their life two different to be different. I'm not criticizing you if I just described your life. I'm just only talking to the ones who would dad to believe that there's more to it than this. I'm only talking to the ones who would dad dad to accept the challenge to fight through and see what God got for you instead of listening to Satan all the time. The devil is busy, man, Please understand, he's so busy, so busy trying to trick you, get you into the groove. You know they're doing all kinds of stuff now, man, you know atheists and already got prayer. Taking out of schools, excuse me, look at our skills schools, not as a push by the atheist to get the words in God we trust. Taking off our money. It's a deal. If you don't believe in God and you don't want trust and God just going about your business. But what you can't do is spill off all into what I'm talking about. That's the problem I have with all all of them. If you're gonna do you, didn't do you, but don't spill off into what I got now. See, if you don't believe what I'm saying, then I ain't talking to you. Let's just be clear about the relationship with Steve Harvey and his crew. I'm only talking to the people that believe that are looking for something else, that wants something more, that wants something better, that's gotta be out there searching and hoping and and trying to do more. That's all I'm talking to now. If you don't believe what I'm saying it's true, didn't go ahead and try it your way? Go see write me, email me, let me know how it's going for you. But I'm telling you of a way that's tried and true. If you go to God, if you go to your creator, your makeup, if you go to him and you go to him for real and tell him, hey, you know what I want? You to go ahead and take over from here. I'm done. I didn't done all I know how to do, out and out and tried everything I know how to try. I'm sick of me right now. Hey, look here, you created me what you want me to do, and you're a cool thing about it. When I made that decision, y'all see, I was so afraid for years that I was gonna miss out on something if I did that. I couldn't do this no more. But the stuff I needed to stop doing. I really need to stop the things I was afraid of not being able to do anymore with the very same things I really didn't need to be doing no more in the first place. On the real man, on the reel, all that temporary fun, I was having all them temporary outlets. I was using all them temporary things trying to fulfill myself I was doing. I was just doing a bunch of temporary mess man. I said, hold on, man, I want something permanent. Man, I want a permanent feeling in my heart that it's gonna be all right. So he replaced all that fun with joy. But it's only because I went and I faced him. He didn't take me and stop me from being me. He just made a better version of me. See, God don't take he because all the stuff he sent you through, he needed you to go through all him. He needed you to have him experience and what it felt like to be locked up. He needed you to have experience to know what it was to lose everything. He needed you to have experience to make you tough. You're just gonna be a tough one. I'm a tough soldier in his army. That's all I just say. One of the weak ones. I protect the weak ones. God didn't take a lot of stuff from except the stuff I needed. But the stuff he made me to be, He allowed me to keep it, and he just made a better me. Do that, y'all, and you can have what you want. You're morning show ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, players, hustles, gangster inmates, those who wire locked away. We're thinking about you, y'all. Keep your head up behind the wall. Now. Everybody out there has been a victim. Keep your head up. If you're a survivor, ain'ty good. Tell everybody out there to day that's struggling with anything, be strong. Hang on, This too shall pass, This too shall pass. Because just like everything else, it'll pass. I'm saying this to myself today. Sometimes you just gotta remind yourself. Good morning everyone. What a week? What a week? Who ain't InTru You still got your job? Yeah? Searched my life? Boy, take inventory? Yeah, I'm taking my life. You just want to move on? Moving on? Man? You still here? I ain't s I ain't do nothing nothing, you know what. But it's the holiday season, man, the holiday season? Ye are yeah? Yeah, tree got delivered. Georgia Boys your name, No, no, no, that's the Georgia Boys combined with the l A crew to get it. Was some cussing in. Yeah, the trees outside, not in the house. No, no, no, no, it's in the house. Whoa, that's what that's the issue. It's big. It's it's like that with unlike you see it the mom exactly. That's it's that been. Let me it's in the house and it ain't been. No, no, you don't know. Girl from Georgia. Step back, just let us do it. Let us move back the way or the day was they was going at it about that treat because okay, arl Nim chopped the tree and flocked it. You know you, Yeah, they flocked it, did they say, what the flock? The l A boys put the lights on. You know, you gotta put the lights on it before you put it on the truck to bring it. Yeah, because it's too big to put lights on. And you know what I mean in the house. So you gotta so you gotta. You know, had a tree where it can be tilted all the way over, so they wrap all the no, no, no, he put the streetlights. You know, I like, I like this white clear lights. Yeah, and so board they are so now once they chop it down and bring it and flock it, then they let the l A boys put the lights on it. Then the Georgia boys will put it on their truck and bring it into the house. We'll be back, I guess at thirty two, after something funny and more of Steve's Christmas tree story. You're listening to Steve show, all right, it is time for something funny, Steve, just continue with this tree story. Ever, and it was it was a cultural divide at my house. It was the South against the West coast and and Earl Neon wanting hands down. So they chopped the tree down and they flocked it. We'll give us an example of the South coast and West and west of the South and West. Steve, listen, what we're gonna do. It's gonna be really delightful. You're gonna love it. Uh, this is Harvey and I've discussed everything, and we're just gonna make it happen. That the west, here's the South. We're bringing out the tree at tree that's well. Look, look listen, we don't dolts. We don't do that, grace you. We don't do bas We do tree. We treat people. We we use this tree. People we hanging. We ain't got no little tendency to go on it. None of that. We don't do none of that. We when wet, we don't bring eggnog with us. Nothing. We brings out trees. We treat my in And so they chopped the tree down and they flocked it. The boys in the West coast put the lights on. So when errol them go pick it up after the lights on, the arguments started right there. So they're trying to tell them, this is what you're gonna have to do to protect it. We don't need you telling them what to do about no lines say the first tree, we tree people that's all we do. You've done the lots. You just make sure we prop it up there. They come out. You just have your little tastyrself over there, so you have the lights come on. We know how to cat so so they wraps the tree up in tarps, tops and cords. They get it off so the branches don't break, and they get it all the leaves pointed up and they loaded on the flat bed trunk. Right, So they bring it to the house and here they come. Now all the l A boys has got black T shirts on their un yeah, blue jeans and black teacher him got on coverall flannel shirts, jackets, lumber jack clothing, boots, Tim's Jesus. So they're bringing it, they try, and then the tree is so it's got eight to ten men bringing this tree in. Right, So all the dudes and the black T shirts is going a little bit more to the left. Careful, careful, I think we're gonna lose a light or two on this one. Oh, let's tell you what I need y'all to do. I need y'all can just get on out to wait. Take him there. Tight T shirts move off to the left for the right and quick talking to us. We need no instructions. Where's to treat people. It's gonna be up in that there like stay, you gonna treat buzz every year? Ya don't tell you right now, that's what we're gonna do. It's highs done. And they and they brought it in and they got it set up and it fits in there perfect. Because the l A people measured and told Earl then what size the treat could be. Well, it was about three ft too tall. WHOA, No, they had to cut the tip off. So because about two ft too tall, Boy Errol propped that thing up and he was too tall. Well, who dad, Day's measurement two feet off and two inches I got but two feet I mean, come on, a little tight shirt. You're the one been talking all the time. How did you get two feet off? Now we gotta climb up and cut it off so we can be a put a stone on top of this thing. And so he said, we won't be putting us down on the top of this street. The hell you won't. That's that you're gonna put that starfre what you think Christmas is? Firm? This north startling three wise me and then you're gonna put a stone on this tree. So you put no, it ain't that. I had to let Earl new get out. Problem. So I had to let Earl get out. Decorations don't start. But the tree is it? That's cool, that's good news, that's good all together? How many people bring this tree? And really, man about tied and let's just get down to how much did the tree called? Oh here we go? Yeah, it was kind of how we had to because they had come California. It's kind of hot. So this tree went in a lot somewhere. Come on when they stand out with a little fire and stuff like that. No, no, no, I'm gonna show you. I'm gonna show you last year's tree. And this tree is bigger than last years. Wow, I remember last year. What's going on at the chateau. Last year's treat is in my pond in Dallas. While fish it helps had a new fish when they're born in the Christmas tree underwater and they grow and get bigger if they don't have them Christmas trees and the water big fish just either Wow, fishes tree, you got a good as life, man, Tommy, you heard me? What's going on at the chateau? I made Christmas as you just Christmas. Ain't that I ain't. My tree was upen to attic my tree. I love it. Put that tree out, I love it? What a bottom part? Three parts right, A, B and C. You know what I'm putting up? What are you decorating upside down at the club? I'm putting so what is that about? It's like just a joke. But I'm gonna stick presents up on the ceiling to the fun. He was so graty the club. Yeah, I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, because they go to your club, they don't come to the show. Steve Harvey, Well we do know why do you know why? Whatever? I'll be there. Also an argument, you just fact somebody gonna end up in the pond with the old tree up. All right? Well, uh, I guess I'll be there next week. Sounds like yeah. Coming up next at the top of the hour, it's nephew, Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next to the top of the hour, miss Anne with our national news and headlines. But first come on, nephew, it is time for you to run that brank. Back my comb and brush, my comb, And that's because the show is ignorant. My comb and brush. He's still like a pastor. Here you go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach list Yeah this hey, listen, my name Sean. Uh did you uncle that passed away named yep? Alright here your anc right? Yeah, that uncle. We were at him about three and a half months ago. Right. What reason why I was calling was I'm the person that actually cut your anker half when he passed away. Okay, So the reason why I was called um is, uh, the situation is when I cut his how And I know you don't know the history about me, but my my daddy and my granddad was was bablus. We all bob us. Okay, get you come on, get down to the bobblem because you tell my uncle Magne And I'm trying to see what's going on forever, okay, and I'm trying to call you like this. But what I'm telling you is that my granddad and my daddy, they dad passed down a brush and a comb to me. Okay, that is like a tenimental value. Okay, But for the for the last two or three months, I ain't been able to find the comb and the brush that I used what I had cut here now okay, So okay, go and what I was trying to call and tell you is it that I can't find it? And I'm almost certain what I'm trying to tell you what I'm little kid? What many kid? So? So what can I do you find? Cob brother father? That's what I'm saying. When I did miss have and ended it up at the fieldal home, that's the last time I remember having it due three months right right, it's about three months ago. What I'm trying to say is I left the comb and brush and you know what, went to funeral home and did his hawk and I talked to the funeral home and they told me that, you know, if I'm trying to find a Comba bro, I gotta get permission. What code is the Comba brush? What's the color of the Comba black? That both from black, the comban black and hard. You got all kind of combs that black and man, no, no, don't see. What I'm saying is the comban brushes black. And I know I lost it, but I'm almost certain about where it is. Okay, So if you're saying about where it is what you called that The reason why I'm calling you because I'm almost certainly left it with him. You're listening with my bed. So so I called funeral home. They told me I need to call you in order to get permission to get it. Oh call you called funeral homes, get permission from me that you can go get the coman brush from left the funeral. You go down there. They got no no, no, See the comban brush ain't with the funeral. The coman brush in there with your uncle. The comb and brush in the cave on the other stage. You got to say that again. What what I'm trying to say to you is that the comb and brush is in I'm trying to say. You just say what I'm saying it that the Colman brush is in the casket with your uncle. It since in that is six feet let's see. See. What I'm trying to say is that the comban brother is sentimental value to me, bro it couldn't have been to value. But if you lost it, what now what it want? Got value? You know? My work? So I just really got caught up in my work. If you talk my left with my uncle that theyd three months ago Mane, what color is he talking about? On? Bro, all, I'm trying to do what you would see if if you don't mind approving for them to bring the body up so I can get the comb and brush. You know what's there for comb? But but see, but what I'm trying to explain this sentimental value. I'm trying to get you all the brain the body so I can get my comb and brush out of it. Because, like I say, my dad and my granddad was boomed. Just one thing you sentimentally, you talking about my dead uncle man, and you talking about bringing him up out of the ground for comb. Man, I just got these to start crying around here, and and I understand what y'all going through as as a family and stuff. See now I'm trying to get my combing. And how are you trying to go about doing this all? Throw it off on boy, because ain't nobody digging up, nobody to bring back? No no brush, man, You got me tist off now, mane, because you're come on to me talking stupid Mane, you talking. I put on my mom hunter man, that's man, that's start. Give me a look, man, I ain't trying to start. No, you're talking like comban brushman only. But I understand all that. But just a sentimental value man in the middle of me, man, just something that my people live. Sentimental relieve. Okay, got my favorite donc man. Okay, you're talking about putting up this body. Man, I got all what Hey man, man, I I don't want to give you because of my grand that long man. You shouldn't know how I got free. May if we don't get out like this here, man, I ain't been seeing and argue with you. Look, I got some tea, I got some I mean, were you staying? Let me say this. I got some people that's here with me right now. You know, some of my friend and we got some shovels. So I can actually go over and and go on and get the comber now and in the morning, ain't nobody gonna even know. You ain't gonna gonna get now with the long boy to say what you don't get you don't dig going to get a comb? And I have him said with some of you talking about test got to dig a mine. Hey man, I'm gonna calling on and tell you just like here, hey man, I'm trying to get my comb and brush back. I ain't trying to have no problems with you, So I want my call me plus here as you think you're talking to him, Man, go a wrong group going a wrong green war won the safe cold they got him about. I didn't know. Ain't nobody that's been even about your uncle that's long and that this lord to be holling and me nobody hollering at you. Man, I'm not telling you in. I gotta call it bush in your uncle kack it and I want my price. When you did want to? Did you my lie dick too? Say what? Then you're gonna find it right over in there. Yeah, so you're trying to do You're trying to dig a grape from me here? Do you know how this bay? I've been trying to get these? And then stop crying? Ma, may I did you with his body? I did you? Baby? I understand what you're gonna do. Dude. If did it, I told you under my crave is head and I want you could have like a couple of digging on something out about it man over calling bro, I got it. I just tried to call you like a man because I want to get the coming brush and I didn't want to go without give your permission. Map, But I gotta go without getting your permission. We are always read. You know the cry with reef. You just cry with Reef and sent the miss the mess. Just cry with me. Your bad You'll come. I want to say something else to you. You want say how you listen? Dude, coming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You jumped my paint by your boss? Right? Man? Hello, we're talking proke by your boys. Everyday's got a breast of the cars hood. Oh I think I need Hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? You know? Likening? Oh? Give me the word? Right? What y'all think? Crazy? Yeah? I don't have to ask us and brush? Yeah, so I won't. Just a little some something, all right. We gotta get out of here. Coming up at the top of the hour as promised. Ms Anne will be here with our national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's show we all know fired Matt Lower almost immediately after allegations of sexual abuse went public. According to The New York Times, Laer was fired some thirty or four after an accuser thirty four hours after an accuser and her lawyer showed up to NBC headquarters. Sources say NBC New, Both Variety and The New York Times we're researching multiple claims against Matt Lauer, and here are some of the allegations being reported. Lauer once reportedly gave a colleague a sex toy as a present, with an explicit note about how he wanted them to use it. While in his office, he dropped his pants, showed off his I'll say to a different female coworker. When she declined to do anything, he allegedly yelled at her, and then, after being fired. Uh, Matt Lauer finally came out with a statement. He apologized. He said, I apologized to the people I've hurt. I'm truly sorry. Um, I mean, yeah, just you know, it's still devastating, It really really is. It's it's still devastating, you know, many times doing it today show. Yeah, and I've been watching it, I mean for years we've watched he was the man, I mean, cool dude, you really always always had a nice spirit, cool dude. He was always talking, you know, I mean because you know, look, look, look you don't know everything about anybody, you know, because I have a lot of friends that have made a lot of mistakes. I don't stop being your friend because you messed up. That's what friendship is. I mean, I mean friendship. Man, If your friendship is a non judgmental relationship, then I'm with you ride or die. You know, I'm I'm I'm with you to the wheels fall off. I don't have many of those, but if I'm your friend, I will loyally be your friend. Now, that don't mean I'm gonna defend what you did right now that that that ain't what that means. Well, it's like Steve. When Savannah Guthree found out that's Matt Lowerd's partner on the air, she said, you know, she's shocked, she's devastated, she's still processing. She said, this is the man I love of. He is my friend, my dear dear friend, my partner. She said, how do you reconcile you know that with someone you love, with someone the same person who has acted very badly. That's what she said. I mean, she had just found out the news, and you know, you don't have bad friends that anyone to do bad things. It's possible, that's life, but you know it's I don't. I don't like people who become hypocritical, like you know, I ever made him. Oh yeah, That's what I didn't like about Matt because when he had wasn't hand he was really given. He was really given Bill a rally a hard he gave it to it, and he was guilty of the same thing, the same thing hid Well, I mean nothing. He was doing his job, That's what I mean. He was present. Yeah, he still had to do his job. He still had to do his job. But at the same I don't think he was being hypocritical. I think he was laying out the facts because he said to Bill O'Reilly, you had to be guilty of something for Fox to get rid of the top guy. I mean, you were the big money maker, the big sponsorship and uh, you know, he said. Bill o'rolly said, well, that's not necessarily true. That were other businesses is involved too, you know, I mean, there's no look. Once you get busted on that, and if it's true, dog, it's not a lot you can say. You know what i mean, I'm sorry is later after that, you know, and a lot of women are upset because they're saying they're saying they're sorry now because they're caught. Yeah, you know, it's a lot of women in the victims believe. Yeah. Also Steve def JAM founder Russell Simmons. I don't know if you've heard, he announced that he stepping down. Yeah, he's from all of his companies. He's stepping down from his companies. He's built a lot of businesses, you know, throughout the years. Uh, he's stepping down due to sexual misconduct allegations as well. He owned several companies. Yes, he put he put From what I understand, Tommy, he put other people in place so it wouldn't reflect badly what he did. It wouldn't reflect badly, Ladies and gentlemen. She's here without further ado, the one and only Miss Ann True very much, everybody, Good morning, Good morning. This is and trip with the news. Everybody. House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi is calling on Michigan represented John Conyers to leave the Congress. I pray for Congressman Conyers and his family and wish them well. However, Congressman Knyors should resign. Zero tolerance means consequences for everyone, no matter how great the legacy. It's no license to harass or discriminate in fact, it makes it even more disappointing. Well. According to a report from a radio station in Detroit, Conyers, the longest serving congressman on the Hill, has decided not to run again. The eight eight year old can Years, who is currently hospitalized for stress, is accused of sexual harassment by more than one former staffer, although he does deny the allegations. He's been an important legislative voice not only for African Americans, but for all minorities. He's been under fire ever since online news service BuzzFeed report that he'd used taxpayer money for sexual harassment settlement on Capitol Hill. This week, by the way, the House that Represents passed a resolution requiring all lawmakers and staff to undergo anti sexual harassment training. In the waco what seems like an avalanche of misconduct allegations rattling the Congress as well as the entertainment industry. Sticking with that in the hip hop world, now, the latest powerful man to be accused of sexual mists Russell Simmons accused of sexually assaulting actress and screenwriter Jenny Lamette back now Jenny Lament if you recognized the name. Her father is director of Sidney Lamette. He directed The Whiz and she's the granddaughter of the great Lena Horn. Another woman, a model of last week, also accused Simmons of rape. By the way, he says he's stepping away from of his business interests for now. Reports out there that President is about to get rid of Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State. Their reports and several news outlets, including The New York Times, to the effect that Tittleson is about to be replaced by CIA director Mike Poonpeo. White House spokespeople, though, are giving general statements. Rex Tillson has had a number of runnings with Trump over foreign policy, you may remember, since taking the job, and even reportedly referred to the President as a moron. Scientists say at four point one mac two earthquake hit Delaware yesterday just before five o'clock. It was actually felt in a tri state area and sad news actor Jim Nighbors has died. Remember him? Are you nurse pile of Private Gomer Pyle usmc kill me. I just couldn't hardly do that, Sam and goallee. Twenty minutes after the hour, Eugene the Butterflies coming up. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Dave, please introduced j J. Do you know? Thank you so much? Good morning? Have you won? Stephen time? He's Shirley called a junior and the one and only Jay Anthony Brown. Good morning to every every one of my co workers. Morning, doing very well. This is the last week of the tour Mama's Boy, where I have been starring in, and I just want to thank everyone who has come out to see me, all of my public. He introduces people on the play. He doesn't I don't know use in the play. I am in the play. I am in the play. Okay, let's say anything about it. You know why that is, um Anthony Brown. It's because I steal the show and he does not want to give me the recognition that I don't. Did you start this week? I've been in the things in September. I don't know what do you mean? Did I started this week? Were you the first week? Were the first we heard about you in the play? Right? But most Timmy, Johnny Robbins, Givings, Jackie Harry, they all love me. Are you just doing certain cities? No, selected cities. I'm on the whole thing every time. Yes, every single night. Don't discredit me every day. You just do Tuesday and Wednesdays or no, and you're doing cooking. Call to well, no, not exactly. You don't do the curtain. Call well, I can't do the curtain. If he gonna do the curtain, he won't let me do. Right, that's right because you reside in his body and that don't you think that's selfish? Could not be able to come out of every other day? Just go out there and leave him backstage? Could you just do that? That's hard. I've tried to leave him in many days. It's too hard. I can't leave you. There's a lot of jokes right there. Well anyway, wh I don't know if he's like with me at me? And I don't what what is that? Butterfly? Are you laughing with me or at me? Doing always with you? No, it's not always with me, it's not. Let's not. Don't don't do that if you don't come out of curtain? Call you said, That's what I said. It was selfish by time I start this, What did you you wanted it earlier? Why are we doing? Why don't we have to get to this that time it was out without a dollar amount. Butterfly. Right, Normally, if I say I don't get the credit I deserve on this show, you don't, I agree with you. Hey, listen, thank you Butterfly. Okay, coming up next, Jay and Me Brown is gonna be here to murder another hit. We'll be back at thirty four after the hour you're listening. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve come on, introduced Jay. He's here to murder another hit, Folks, without further ado, we murder hits up on Hill because we got him first round Draft choice Lady and Jimmy j Hi. Everybody thanks Sherriff for doing a fantastic job. Jr. Shepherd, Jerry Shepherd did a great job. She came by. Kim Whitley came by. His broncho killed it this week. My good friend George Wallace. George Wallace, have you talked about his mama? Right parking outside in the good couldn't bring him without bringing Comedy Club, Los Angeles, California. Not a song right here, Steve. The song is a special song. The song is dedicated to every man who's been in the friend zone for the entire year. We've all been in the friend zone. It's not a nice place to be. You do everything, you help out wants to get out of the friend zone. Somebody just putting me there. You've been putting friend zone. I mean that now. Yes, songs dedicated to here man is the friend zone, Christmas songs and Christmas ain't gonna be in your friend zone without no pressure. Here you go, here you go, check it out. Dandy Brown murders a hit. He will watch your kids, even by them gifts tithing in the car and take them to the mom. But you'd call him and did he buys your dady? Be here, there's a gift. He wear a dog. You can't fire it from a store. Why don't you get it up on? Chris must De, Oh make a friends, get back a cane. Come on, girl, get over that thing and get it up on Chris Musty. I don't want no time. Just get it up now. I'm mis saw your don't I took you to the stoke. I was there for you when you were unemployed. Stupid stuff. I do light feet enough o the man's kids. Nothing left for me to say, girl, I feel like gett he played Why don't you get it up on Chris my stay, make a man feel like a king. Come on, girl, get out on that bank. Kenny's something on, Chris My stay. I don't want no socks, just getting it up my clothes. Chris was day Oh me man, feel like a king. Come on girl, get all that thing you Oh Chris was day Man? Get friends get out of their friends zone baby by me. No damn socks. All I want to do is get all Come on, where's day up? Even bought your daddy bill? That's good? Yes, yes, the iTunes. Get all your present something. Girls don't enjoy them types. They don't like them. I don't know. They don't even. They don't jump in, they don't see. Just shut it down, sureley, call play that. Come and stch your window all allegedly you go crazy. Alleged you didn't do that. That's why even the friends zone. Now stay right there, y'all. Watch this. You're listening Stry Morning Show coming up to the top of the hour right about four minutes after Get ready for today's Strawberry letter. Oh it's a doozy, but right now it's the nephew and the prank phone. Call what you got your trash, Thank your trash, your trash, I know that it is. Hello, Hello, Hey, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to read swerve. Yeah, this is how you doing? Man, I'm wanting I'm one of your neighbors, but I'm I'm one street over from you. You over the off Yeah, that's right, a little bit this rico. Man, how you doing, I'm one of your neighbors on the next street. Oh how are you doing? Okay, I'm doing good. But how you how you get my Another? One of the neighbors on your block gave me the number. Man. We was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out to tell you, uh, some stuff going on in the neighborhood. Man who wanted to try to make you aware of it. Well, what's going on? Uh? It seemed like, um, well, you know the trash man run on on Tuesday, okay and Saturday right now. The problem is that that that that a lot of people, I guess since the holiday just passed, you know a lot of people got their stuff out on the curve already right right now. The problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo, yo, trash is actually really really foul. It's smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you, man. And if you do not, hold on, hold on, hold on. You say you calling me because you smell my trash. Well yeah, they say, yours is the one that's really speaking. Man. If you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage and tip tuesday. You know, trash and no garage. That's why I put it outside. I didn't have enough room in the garage. Okay what and who is everybody saying my tray a Listen I'm saying. I'm not saying. You know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood I got a file with my trance, thank you? Tell another come take Okay what what? What? What? We we we've discussed that too. But listen, listen. We don't want no trouble man. If we could just get you to put your trays back and I'm not moving over Chad. I paid rent over here, my brother. Hey, we're not gonna go back and I'm not gonna go back. Don't what you're gonna do. I'm telling you what I paid man that don't tell me to just over here. Okay, well, listen, man, aren't you concerned that your trash is thinking and reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn who smell my chances they got a problem with it, telling them come take it out still then and saying out there, okay, whether that's the problem. The problem is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You shouldn't have put list out till Tuesday morning. And that's why I mon fide it. If I put it out there and saying out yesterday, come get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you many even damn what you're gonna do. You ain't even to call me telling me take my land, y'all, I say, ran over here. Okay, How is everybody's smelling my chad out of everybody on the street, I don't know for my understanding. It's just a couple of holes in it, and some food or something must have got out. I don't know if one of the roads or dog got in into what the case may be. But you know, we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. And my chas ain't going no down well and how come you the one? You? How come I next? Nav ain't called? How come you around the corner and you called? Who put you up to this where everybody's smelling it. I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look, I just going and calling myself. I tell you you and he you my phone. I'm thinking that there. Okay, well listen, let's swerve this way. We decide on the case we got to this situation with you, just that I just come over there and put the trash in your backyard, and just Tuesday morning and tunesday morning, I'll come back over there and take it out that way, all the smell of being in your backyard and say, you go what, I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard so to so the smell that I mean, that's that. Let me say, let me take you to say if you come over here, you might well called police, because that's really you're gonna need you come over here. Bring all they had a problem saying my chance, see to come over here and take it out. You. I mean you you're trying. You're trying to you're trying to act like it, don't smell the man you don't give them. If it's man, I'll tell you what I do. I go out to Polo when that when that when they helped you out of Look okay, but see does not want the people in the neighborhood want we want you to give a damn what take won't I'm telling you what I'm gonna do? And how do did you get my phone? Ever? Any down? I'd already told you, man, I got your number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left one to the right? Which one? Listen? Listen, listen, swear won't you get to the meet of the problem. The problem is your trash? Think don't How is my chance? How the hell y'all pickpoint my saying now to everybody else edge on the block? And how the hell you smell like? I don't know, man, I don't know what it is. I don't know if you're trads busted, don't open up what the deal is? But everybody's saying. Everybody's saying it swerve trash, that that streak, that's too much chands that needs to be going through time and see what thanks it's by chance out there, and it's gonna say out there I said the ain't come get it, and you ain't coming over there. Okay, now let's see that's where you run swam out. I ain't coming over there. I'm coming over there, and I'm gonna take that trance and put it in the backyard to too. Now you're gonna try to get in my way whatever, but I got to come and get the sands. And if I tell you what, bring you over here? Right now, I'll put on my shoes. I'm standing on the points right now at the car. Come on reco over wherever you go. I'm rec on one street over and I'm smelling your man trash. Take your chands out my make smell. But you ain't there to come take it out and set you that a lift swerves. I'm gonna say this word that I call of like, excuse me, tell calling about it? Who in the hell told you called me swerves? Anything? That? Okay, Well that's what they call you. What's wrong? Me called what's wrong? Me called you? You don't call me that name. Now you saying my chance come over here and take chance out? Hey, man, I ain't I ain't nobody sitting there, scatter you swim. I'm trying to get to get that. Didn't not just say you talk about of my name and where? Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna okay, way and then then it is what it is bottom Lund. I'm on my way over at the mood that damn trash. Come over, Come over here, come over here moving. I'm on the fort's right now, come on over and meet me at about the mask. Thank you trash. You guys, I'm standing right doing now. Okay, well, I tell you what. I'm on my way, nah, and guess what I'm gonna do when I get over there. You ain't gonna do you're gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name when I get over that. My name is niph You tire me from the Steve Harvey Lorny Show. You just got franked by your cousin or Reese. Oh out of here, Hey man, I gotta ask you something, dog, What is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. When they go in many baby, they go all the way in. Won't let go black people go in? Peter you know what it really immediately they go in because there's already enough pressure being Yeah, you know, we got to talk about trash treating us out on the phone right here, and then I'm a little works right, thank you. Genie told y'all earlier. But I am the star, baby boy. You can catch me in Cincinnati to night cleaving the Mark, Columbus, Ohio on Sunday, just letting everybody star baby boy. Man, I'm just this is bad. Keep us Mama's boy. By the way, thank you. Was the movie he was acute. That was the story of his life. No, it's not a Tommy on the curtain call. Who do they announced last? Johnny? Johnny can't kill because they don't want people to feel negatively, you know if they say his name, But then you acted that ladies and gentlemen, Johnny gil it's from the guts, keep your fists coming out, ladies and gentlemen. Conny, Tommy nothing not I get nothing, ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and gentlemen, Thomas Miles nothing because they didn't clap for Tommy. So you go with his full name? Is that Steve Nephews. People happen to two thousand seats dope. All right, in about an hour, another episode in about an hour, another episode of bad acting theater, the Chapman's. But up next, it's the Strawberry Letter Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, get ready, kay, Michelle, our girl will be our special guest, uh, coming up in about an hour, about an hour or so. We love her. Alright, So before we get to today's crazy Strawberry Letter. And this letter is really crazy today. Did you guys see this? Yesterday? Wall Street is celebrating another milestone. The Dow and the SMP five hundred hit record highs. It's Wall Street bets on strong economic growth. The dal Jones Industrial Average and S and P five hundred reached all time highs as investors bet the U. S. Economy's momentum would continue. Goldman Sachs and J P. Morgan Chase were the best performing stocks in the doll The financial sector climbed one percent in early trade to leave the SMP five hundred. The sector posted its best session since March first on Tuesday. Uh The U S economy has picked up steam this year, growing at an annualized rate of more than three percent. Each of the past two quarters. The boom in the stock market is clear reflection of improvements in the US economy. You know, Donald Trump, our president, is taking full credit for all of it, full credit, right, Yeah, have anything to do with the new tax reform. Well, it makes you wonder exactly. So Steve on the show, you're, of course, are the richest person we know in your opinion, should we invest in the stock market? Give us some money tips if you will. Look, you know, the stock market is not a guaranteed play, right, You gotta understand that there are safer plays to do. Um. But if you if you don't mind risk, you know, it's it's it's a good place to be, you know. But there are people who just don't you know. I mean, the best investment you can make, in my opinion is real estate. Best that's to me. Now I could be wrong, that could be some economic experts out there and no more to me. Just for me. Come from where you come from, realist dirt. The reason you want to buy dirt is because they're not making no more of that and with the population state of increasing, somebody gonna need that dirt and your family very easily. Yeah, man, and so that that to me. But you know what, if you have, I think it's good for young people. I recommend to young millennials and everything to get in the stock market, you know, with with with a thousand bucks is so and see what to do because you know you can get in there for five hundred, four hundred three fifty and just try if that money doubles in a year and a half. There's nothing else you can put your money into where it could double. In it it could double in six months. You just don't know that, you know. So I would recommend it, yes, in small increments, not all of your money, because you could wake up one morning and just it's gone wiped out. Yeah. Man, it can happen. But land is definitely the best property. Didn't get your property hold onto it. That's that's my record in l A. Oh my goodness. And then let me tell you something. I'll be looking at prices of houses and not be going really they want that? I kid you not, Margine. I looked at the house the other day. This is better than that. Chris Jenner was on the show and she says, Steve, I know you and Margin are going to be looking for another house soon. So when Soul's houses for sale, I said, really, I didn't know that. Yeah, his house is for sale. I guess how much? How much? Then she just threw it out there like sixty million. Huh, what a million in the house of sixty million, and threw it out there like it was what nothing? She said in his house, and the dude that was would have sitting Now, you don't want that house that's old, sixty I don't want that house. That's Oh if it's brand new, a sixty million, I don't want it. Right, Yeah, six million house ain't coming. It ain't that you can't afford it. What we tell met the nut you just take Listen, you can't tell you well in that house take it with you can't. You know, I can't take none of that if you want to leave all that for me saying how about that, y'all get the house and we'll stay over this and never see each other. We gotta get to this letter. Come on, buggle up, hold on time. We got it full hibberties, strawberry letta and it will be answered by the rich black man. Thank you Tommy. Subject subject Uncle Steve. Oh this is gonna make Tommy mad. Uncle Steve, what should I do? Good morning, Uncle Steve and Shirley. First, let me say that I am addressing you as Uncle Steve, because you are indeed an uncle to me. I don't have many men in my family, and the ones I do have, I wouldn't dare ask them anything because all of their situations are tacked up background. I've been lied to, put second and not chosen so many times, never fought for what I wanted or even spoke up about how I really felt. Always knew my worth, but never live it up to it. I finally made a choice not to settle for good enough, so I dated it and if I wasn't, if it wasn't what I wanted, I left it alone without question, from the guy with no job to the guy with it all from twenty five to forty one, and no one did it for me. I am a smart, attractive and independent thirty one year old woman and this is my problem. Five months ago I met it. I met this twenty six year old man who just touched my heart. He was a complete surprise. I really thought that he was the one, and honestly speaking, I still do. For the first three months we were fined, but I had issues of wanting more time. Then, out of the blue, he tells me that he moved back in with his ex girlfriend and he couldn't see me anymore. Now I know why it didn't get the time I wanted. I was crushed. Less than a week after he told me this, he called me and told me that he thinks he made a mistake. Well, two weeks after the phone call, I saw him and we spent the night together. I left him in my bed and I wrote a note expressing how I felt. When I returned, I saw where he left me a response and told me that he feels happy and loved when he is with me. Since then, we did talk and he told me that he is not sure of what he wants and that he is working on getting his own place. He was back and forth with his ex and his mom. He said that he is not sure if it will always be this way between us. He's so skeptical of being with me. From what he tells me, his relationship with his ex has always been rocky and unfulfilling, but he keeps coming back, keeps going back. The sex was given early on, sooner than I anticipated, but I made the decision to give it based on a personal drought. That's not what moved me, because I felt like he was it before I even shared my body, before the ex situation came about. When we are together, we laugh and talk for hours about anything, um, but we never argue. He's not perfect, neither of my but we fit together perfectly. I'm still seeing him, and I know you're gonna tell me I shouldn't be. I feel I can't walk away from him, Uncle Steve? What should I do? Should I stop seeing him? Is he using me? I feel like he's being sincere signed. Not ready to let go, but for my sanity, I will. We'll be right back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. Bad Acting Theater with the Chapman's. You don't want to miss that. But come on, Steve right now. Part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. Oh ma'am, you're calling me Uncle Steve. Just let me hip you to something. Uh these decisions, Uh, this is on you. You're thirty one. The guy that you finally decided to settle on is twenty six. You say that. Okay, First of all, here's the whole gist of the letter. You fail for this twenty six year old man who has touched my heart. He was a complete surprise. I really thought he was the one, and honestly speaking, I still do. For the first three months, we will find but I had issues of wanting more time. Then out of the blue, he tells me that he's moved back in with his ex girlfriend and he couldn't see me anymore. Now I know why he didn't have the time I wanted. I was crushed. Okay, just right there from the outset of you all beginning that you thought was a complete surprise. You've always had time issue? How could this have possibly been the man you've waited for, the one You know he's the one, but he has always had time issues When a man is the one, Ladies, I'm gonna share this with you about us. That is nothing that can keep us away, is nothing that can keep us away when we really won't you because you will make time for what's important to you. We will create time. We will designed time. We will rearrange the clock, we will call somebody, we will reschedule, we will put on with the hell. We just won't go. That's how men are so. Now from the very beginning, you've had time issues right there. How can you possibly think that was he was a one? Also, let me throw this act you now. Somewhere in the letter that you read up in to him two weeks later after y'all broke up, he moved. She gave it up early, you know, and then he told you that he moved and moved back in with his ex girlfriend. Now somewhere in the letter that says that he lives between his ex wife and his mama house. Okay, ladies, come on, now, you're dating a man that go is between his ex, his house and his mama house. The ex ignorant and you ignorant. He's not the one. Okay, let's just say that he cannot be the one because at this twenty six year old does not have hisself together. Twenty six year old who do? He is the atypical one who don't have it together, has nothing to offer you. The ex or his mama, Yeah, there's nothing serious between her and this guy. He ain't got no rent for the mama, for the ex. He ain't gonna handle rent for you. She says. He's trying to get his own place. Lady, listen to me when that's gonna happen. See, you're twenty six year old dude, and you're trying to get your own place. What what you mean you're trying to get your own place? Why was you living at Beitfotus? Oh you met him? Why was he living? See, ladies, I I hate when y'all do this to yourselves and then want the answer to come outside of yourself, when all these answers lie within yourself. You know, I've often wondered, like, uh, we are we almost offer this stranger letter. This lady told me one time. She said, oh, um, you know, I resent the fact that you keep reiterating that if you're a single mother, that you need a man to help turn the boy into a man. If my man was I would never allow him to raise my son because he's a jerk, and all he would have taught my son to be was how to be a jerk. We often times overlooked these facts. Ladies. You picked him, You decided to have the baby with that man. Now you came to the conclusion he a jerk, he ain't helping out. See, all this gotta be covered before you have the baby. But see, all women want to do? Is some about this man a dog? This man ain't nothing. You pick this one? Somebody picking good men out? I know, all right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls surely switching gears now. Beyonce's iconic pregnancy photo received over eleven point one million likes on Instagram. As you might recall, back on February first, Beyonce made ways when she posted the picture announcing she and Jay Z were expecting twins. Her pregnancy yeah is officially the most liked photo on Instagram this year. Beyonce is the fourth most followed celebrity on the social She pregnant again. No no, no, no, they're saying for this year picture apologize I was going I might want to think about slowing. Thanks just from somebody just goss seven hold on well. Beyonce is the fourth most followed celebrity on the social network on social network and UH two thousand and seventeen, with a hundred and eight million you heard me a hundred and eight million followers. Selena Gomez is at the top of the list. She has a hundred and thirty million, and then who after that? Christiano Ronaldo, Oh he's cute. Yeah, the soccer player from Portuguese. He has a hundred and sixteen million, and then Ariana Grande has a hundred and fifteen million. They got more than the card dash. Oh no, no, no, no, no. Secret's what they do is they pimp all theirs together. They put them all again. They had three hundred million followers. Yeah, how come people who have twelve followers act like they got that minute? You get man at a comment, but then you tap on the six foll why am I getting? I like you? Okay, well let me see. Hey, Tommy Junior wants to challenge, and what I've heard talk is it's a race and a strift challenge to see who the fastest is you can take him. Really, a lot of people see Bad Acting Theater with the Chapman's coming up. You're listening to Steve Show coming up at the top of the hour special guest our Girl. We love her, Kay Michelle, But right now it is time for bad Acting Theater and the Chapman's all right, welcome to another episode of Bad Acting Theater. Okay, here's the deal, he writes, it him over there, he writes it. All right, they're in it, those guys right there. I read it and him him right there. He's the star of it. Do I have to read this? You dig homies? Now? Have you missed your last episode of bad acting theater? Then I've got one word to say to you? One word? Do I have to say this? Yes? Tough cookie? Hold wait a minute, hold on, hold, there's two words. What's two words? Tough cookie? I know it is, Steve. But you said you had one word for you. Then you said tough cookie. There's two words. What I said was, I've got one word for you, tough cookie. You're changing up that time you changed it up. Well, you know what, Steve? What tough cookie? Now? Can we move on? Do do? I'll tell you what look look, look, look to do whatever you want. Quicker, We finished this, quicker, we can get to move on something now. But but you did say tough cookie. Though I heard say tell cookie, and then you said it like if won't work because you said tough cookie, and you're gonna trying to come back tough cookie. You know, like you just want tough cookie. You know, you know, like Bernie maj you your milk and cookie. Let's pick it up. Where you who plays a part of Earl Chapman is helping KK with her little problem? Okay, k KK are you there? Yes, I'm here, I'm here. My head is killing me and I don't know what's wrong. By the way, can you help me with my little problem I'm having with the law? Already? Did did what to kill your little problem? Boy? That was fast as fast as a fat man moves. Say that again? What did you say, Sherley? Boy? That was fast about the fans of the fat man moved for a land piece of pie. So look, coloone down to the hospital. Help me get back on my feet. I need to get back to work at Poke Ryan Company. You're worries, you're waries. Is over. I'll be there in no time. I'm here. Wow, that was even faster, faster than a lady with a hair. We've getting out the rain. Okay, now let's get to work. Wait, I thought she wrecked the seventy panto? What was she driving? Mr? Writer? What? What? Well? The junior is in his car singing off key? Why off key? Because off key is the only key. Junior nose off key key? Maybe why are you're so off key. Tell me, tell me why why are you so off t lay? Put it what? Step out of the car and your hands in the air and where if I'm like, they just don't care. Okay, I'm joking, put them on the hood of the car. I'm on for Sir Rubbert of arrogant Police Department, and I'm placing you want to rest for the kidnapping of Chester Chapman, for the murder of Beauregard, and for the attempting murder of Earl Jackman and the murder of my friend, or for to touch it touch what I beat y'all to it? Mat Wait a minute, hold up, hold up? Did you say one word and then you said tough cookie? Tough cookie? I know you did tough tough cooking. Tough cooking is to work, but you're gonna try and throw it together like tough cookie like you had. So We'll be back next week with another episode of bad acting theater. What the Hater gave Tommy another role in the People? How many people end up next thing? No, yes, Lena, wasn't hibernation? Is that the word? No? Yeah, you're talking about the show. It's gonna be in hibernation. We're gonna We're gonna be anobernation. Chapmans is going in and find today. I ain't all of that man, you nail? Hey, man, you know what I do? I want to be off. Good thing you to put on a key because I never that I would have never got never a little bit more man a key. But the whole song is off. Kid, Hey, I'm all key, key But back to back to the writer though, So how many roles is Tommy? We'll see if you kill a role, you have to bring another character back. Oh because office, by the way, put your hands in you know what you know, if this was scandal, you wouldn't be talking like that. But since you are not Shonda Rhymes, don't nobody questions nobody right your post minutes of something? Dare you? I can't ask a question trying to get into and he didn't even put himself in the script. This man, I'm really bad. You know, bad when you don't want to be in it? All right? Coming up, as promised our girls singer, songwriter and business owner the Fabulous Ca Michelle, you're listening to the Steven Show, Hey, as promised everybody, I Special guests a singer songwriter. Uh, the first African American to have a partnership with Jack Daniels and got paid for it. I have several friends who have had partnerships with I'm talking about so much got stop ship. But she's the first liquor partnership of this kind. That's I didn't know that. That's amazing, man. But more partly though, she's been in the studio and a new album drops December filth, and we're gonna talk to you about the new music and what she's been up to. Ladies and gentlemen, A girl, please welcome to the show one and only Kamschat guys. So upbeat. How are you guys doing this morning? Yeah, we're good girl this morning. See where in the wake? People? Up business? We can't come something we have to Well, it's super early here and I have a new album come out. It comes out actually December the eight. Yeah, it's called Kimberly the people I used to know. It's my fourth album on an anti record, and it seems like time he's just really flown. So um yeah, it's like I just got there. But for me, this fourth album has been really about not being gimmicky or trendy. I just wanted to do the music that I grew up for one, and that was where there was live instrumentation and it was great, you know, lyrics and everything. So this album is Kimberly. Okay, that's slick. Now your lead single, can't Make a Man. It was certified gold. This is your first goal certificate. Congratulations, Yes, yes, yes. Then that song, I liked that song long and um it was just a mixtape song and it was just saying with women like always relate to and that you can't raise nobody else the sun, you know what I'm saying. Like he got to want to do it on his own, so it hit home to people. So that song, I just got goal on that. And then we just put out a song either Way with Chris Brown and the name we called make this Song Cry, and that kind of offended my fiance, but it was hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on, you can't make this song cry for first of all, will Alway. First of all, what fiance? Then let me just go and get there first, because I don't know about this. Proud You're like a man, act like you Okay, okay, okay, okay, so okay, shill. Who is this guy who? His name is Cassis Sen. I've been knowing him for like nineteen years. He is a doctor. And then it and we've been dating now for almost about a year and a half now, but we've been friends that long. I was like, it's high school crushed. You have a great relationship, like you know what they got to stay about my d M enough of this. So I wanted something like that. My parents are together, Um, they're together, So I want I've always seen, I never laughed what a man is supposed to be. I had my grandfather. He's still here, he just had his eighty eight birthday. He raised all of the kidson after my grandmother passed. So I wanted a man like that and like my father, you know, I didn't want you know, just a lot of hoop and holler. Oh it's cool for the blogs. It looks cute, but it's really about me growing and you know, really starting a family. Okay, so okay, So now you say he got a little upset about the song this song cry, Let's let's talk about that. Why Because sometimes y'all forget what you got? You know how you got that beautiful Messrs White we're real fice me, you know, and but mind him. You know that I dropped a lot of dude for you and a lot of things, and I'm sacrificed a lot. But like and it's like a wake up call, Like I'm saying to him, quit playing game boy? How soon do we forget? So now all these girls are fringy to they men, And he just looked at me and just like trying to giggles and shaw just head wow. But that's cool though, that's that's that's what. First of all, congratulations on that. Then you you know that Memphis girl I had wanted. Do you know Marjorie is don't let the blue Green Eyes food? Because she turned off spin on you. She is beautiful and she's like, y'all like gold. You know, I'll be gold. And you know, people don't look like you have any relationship. I love how you always haven't with you by your side, and that's how it's supposed to be. And we're not taught that. In my generation, we're taught to call women out of their names and we're tawed. You know, it's cool to be a side piece or to have a lot of different women. I still look to the men who all their wife. That's that's right, right, Really tell you something that's right, because so many young women sadly because of absence of what you've had. You've always had an example of a real man in your life, your father, your grandfather, so you've seen what it looks like when a young girl don't have that, she's at a disadvantage. So now songs about being a side piece, threesomes. You there the woman you know, you just you the trick and everybody going along with it like this this way, it's just cool. It really ain't high I supposed to go not really no, no, you can do it, but that ain't highposed to go. Yeah, And I just want something different, like you know, like the Jack Dames thing. Like I remember going into Atlantic and they said, well, what endorsements do you want? I said, Jack Daves. They said, well that had happened. Only people they ever endorsed with Frank Sinatra and the Day Matthews band. And so after that, the number one buyer of black names honey is African American women. And after that they wanted a woman who really drank it, who's outenes And I had a song, and many songs Jack Daniels is the only man I'll love the trust. That's what I come on. Guys now they time back. I had like this contest would be et like three hundred thousand people enter. They give some more money to like, you know, another content. I said, no, I want to ring, and I said, no, we don't do that. And I kind of held out and talked to them about it. And I'm the first person ever to have their own drink with Jack Daniels. In fourteen thousand stores and growing. We'll have more stores in March, and I get paid for every case. So al right, girl doesn't want to take When I stopped from bud to me, I didn't want to say the girl the purcast. Can you hang on, Michelle? Can you hang on all right? You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, we're back with Kate Michelle. We were talking about we were just discussing the Jack Daniel hardness shield, and so we kind of got you know, it got good to its cave. Michelle said. Normally they just public eye when I slapped somebody, They yeah, what's your drink with Jack Daniels? An I drink its Southern peach. Jack Daniels got a Southern Peach. Yeah, and I tried it out. I got to pick the flavor, and you know, I'm so irvous. I was like, I want a gold cap. And it was like, you know, you had these mandibles, any of my RBC any of that. They're like, no, we don't do that. I said, I really want to gold cap. They ended up giving me that gold cap the drink. I got to see my drinks leave like the belt where they make it. They gave me land. I've really been, you know, really great. Yeah that's what you mean. You gotta land. And yeah, they gave me some man that gave me a piece of man to be a part of. Like the Jack Daniels club. Girl down here and started drinking girl right on this drink and the girls. I loving it. So, you know, I opened up my own restaurant and the restaurants pack like on a two hour away and we actually make a Southern Peach funnel cake where we talked to the peaches in the Southern Peach and it's this big, oversized funnel cake. So I just love food. So not only am I singing, I'm really branching out because there's not an African American Martha Steward or things like that, something that I'm really good at. So why now I looked like you're shaping up to be the female Puffy. Yes, that boy doing he hat playing. I really like doing business because so many people counted me out like they didn't understand even though I was on Loving hip Hop or I'll do reality. I still graduated from Florida and the university, you know, I still it was miss family and I just got the Long Award just this year. Um yeah, I'll be working seeds. I mean, and they don't ever want you all to hear that. But it's okay because I feel like I say to do us for the heart and not the charts. As long as I'm taking care of my family and as long as i study stacking money and you know different, you know income, I'm okay with that. They don't have to pat me on the back. It's okay. I know that's right, and that's the way you ought to do it too. Have you set a date for the wedding, Well we are. I think we're gonna do like the summertime also, And that was like I didn't with essence, you know, I went through like ibs. I was trying to go ahead and get my eggs out and people have babies all the time. That ain't nothing. I never thought that I was gonna have like fertility issues. That's something that we've been battling so that we can't start a family. It's up to God if you're gonna have the kids, and it's up to God. You can always adopt. You don't have a son, he doesn't have any. So we were able to get like five eggs out and two of them took as embryos. So I'm very excited about it. So don't leave me now. I have one more round and then we're gonna get ready for our wedding. But that's scared of not knowing if you can have kids. Think it's kind of been a lot. Wow, Wow, Hey y'all listen. Uh. The album is called This Is Kimberly all the people I used to know. It's available in stores and iTunes on December eight. Just blow it off. Thank you, Steve. You hope I even needing it so that people who want to hear the good music. So I won't let you. Thank you, all right, and we show are gonna look for k Michelle. We love you, girl, appreciate you. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Today's show. We all know fired Matt lower almost immediately after allegations of sexual abuse went public. According to The New York Times, Lauer was fired some thirty or four after an accuser thirty four hours after an accuser and her lawyer showed up to NBC headquarters. Sources say NBC knew. Both Variety and The New York Times we're researching multiple claims against Matt Lauer, and here are some of the allegations being reported. Lauer once reportedly gave a colleague a sex toy as a present, with an explicit note about how he wanted them to use it. While in his office, he dropped his pants, showed off his I'll say to a different female coworker. When she declined to do anything, he allegedly yelled at her, and then after being fired, uh, Matt Lauer finally came out with a statement. He apologized. He said, I apologized to the people I've hurt. I'm truly sorry. I mean, yeah, just you know, it's still devastating, it really really is. It's it's STI stating I mean, you know, I've many you know, many times doing it today show. Yeah, and I've been watching it. I mean for years we've watched he was the man, cool dude, you really always always had a nice spirit, cool dude. He was always talking, you know. I mean because you know, look, look, look you don't know everything about anybody. You know, because I have a lot of friends that have made a lot of mistakes. I don't stop being your friend because you messed up. That's what friendship is. I mean, I mean friendship. Man, If your friendship is a non judgmental relationship, then I'm with you, ride or die. I don't have many of those. But if I'm your friend, I will loyally be your friend. Now, that don't mean I'm gonna defend what you did right now that that that ain't what that means. Well, it's like Steve. When Savannah Guthree found out that's Matt Lowerd's partner on the air, she said, you know, she's shocked, she's devastated, she's still processing. She said, this is the man I love. He is my friend, my dear dear friend, my partner. She said, how do you reconcile you know that with someone you love with someone the same person who has acted very badly. That's what she said. I mean she had just found out the news, and you don't. Yeah, you can't have bad friends. That anyone could do bad things. It's possible, that's life, but you know it's I don't. I don't like people who become hypocritical, like you know, I've never made him. Oh that's what I didn't like about Matt because when he hadn't hand, he was really given. He was really given Bill a rally a hard he gave it to it, and he was guilty of the same thing, the same thing. Well, I mean nothing. He was doing his job, that's what I mean. Yeah, he was present. Yeah, he still had to do his job. He still he had to do his job. But at the same time, I don't think he was being hypocritical. I think he was laying out the facts because he said to Bill O'Reilly, you had to be guilty of something for Fox to get rid of their top God, I mean, you were the big moneymaker, the big sponsorship, and uh, you know he said, Bill Oroley said, well that's not necessarily true. That were other businesses is involved too, you know, I mean there's no look. Once you get busted on that, and if it's true, dog, it's not a lot you can say I'm sorry is later after that, you know, and a lot of women are upset because they're saying they're saying they're sorry now because they're caught. Yeah, you know, it's a lot of women and the victims believe. Coming up at forty nine after the hour, we'll be back to wrap up the show with just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Show. Here we are with the last break of the day the week. This is just one more thing. Oh what I got? I got want to see if me and Junior are gonna race again, then I think it's like this, Well, if that challenge happens, I think it's fair that Jay and up the Steve race too. I feel like, you know what I'm saying, like something like hot soft man. Yeah, I can't let me tell you something. Yeah, that's an ugly race though. You don't really want to see two sixty year old dudes running, Steve. Have you seen Jay get up that process? Just get just watching two sixty year old dudes run. It's just a slow ass race. It looks at somebody gonna pull up with a muscles. It's ugly. You got another challenge. Now what I will do is I get in the gym part with y'all. I get in the gym with Kei and Tommy though. Yeah, dog, that that's I outlift both of them because you got country strength. I've seen you. But time I don't believe that. No, no, when you hugged me and you pulled me in, that's against my wheel. Forced ain't got no choice but to come in here. Yeah, I know, man, you shake his hands like whoa, I stopped shaking it. He's got that great up. But the thing with Junior and Junior, you know, I love you. I've just never ever heard you talk about running or anything. I tell you what, three people come on here and just tell you how you see. I don't want to talk about that. But all we know that treadmill shot. Your off for the tread was not yeah, and that's all we that's our only reference point I want to hear. In Junior defense, he had on Air Force War, which is not running not They real flat and cumbersome. Then he had the pair of sweatpasts, and he had keys and cell phone, so it was going one way and why he was going the other way, and it looked very uncoordinated. That's all. But you know, hold minute horse speed was a tread meal on leven point Folk. Now I did the level point Folk, but I only did it for like about about six to eight seconds. Then I had to come on out because I felt things in the pool and Pope, see, I'm gonna do what I can do they can't nobody else do, and I can do it. Been to anybody on this show, what out mean everything? I'm out hateful, I'm out? Yeah, you got that. Yeah, a real challenge though, I'm a outsick everybody. So, Junior, what are your feelings about it? Well, you know, I feel as if Tommy always likes to brag. That's how he gets you know, he gets everybody on his team because he always talks about what he does doing something you don't have to talk about. Michael Jordan never talks about knocking down the jump shot. That just what he does. That's what Tommy work together. But I'm gonna have to go with team Tommy. I'm going team Toime. I expect you because you're out meeting me anyway. What are your feelings. I think I will leave Junior by land slide. Yes, good good. If we're running a fifty, let's say we running fifty, I'm gonna beat it. I'm gonna beat Junior at least by team. What did you run with Dan, who didn't look like you were running at all? Show up for? You mean? What did he show up? Supposed to be a foot race? It looks like it looked like a fighter jet was lined up with a mosquito, right man? People still watching that on YouTube watching it? Okay? So but okay, and I think the race should be uh seventy five yards? Okay, okay, we put that he really wants us to have. You really want to put some money on the time. Put money happens, It should happen. You put money on you. So here's what I think we should do. I think we should do it before Christmas, videotaping Christmas. But let but let the house, let me be the house. You take all the money, right, it's Awf'll just take he just want I'm in l a next week. Let's just get it over next week. Next week? Oh you out here next ready? Yess what I'm would be time in l a hold on, hold, on, hold, on hold, come over there when you're right now, show what you want to do with that. Let's do it. Will you be here next Wednesday? Yes, sir? What did het Wednesday? I'm dark on the TV set. I say, let's do it on Wednesday. Why, oh my gosh, I'm winning. When we're gonna do it, we got do it at your house. Nobody in there? No, no, no no, I'll tell you what. I'm gonna research where we can do it. Yeah, send me five yards straight away, probably over there on one of them back lock on the back one of the movies set. I get cameras set up and everything. Cool. Oh that's perfect, and it'll be just sevent five yard race. I mark it off and everything you have. You haven't set up real nice though. You got the cones out there and everything. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, don't, don't don't. I'm I'm gonna have some Hollywood dudes help me set it up. Oh cool, Yeah, that's you. Still haven't said who you hot? I'm hot? Let me just say it this, Shirley, Who you bet? Nonm call it who you bet? That's it. If y'all we wasn't here, Junior would be Bett No for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.