Good morning and welcome to the ride! This is the shortest 4 hour show in the world. We are in the middle of a miracle and claim the bright side with us. In it to win it! J. Anthony Brown and the fellas have a list of things that you need to stop doing during this COVID-19 crisis. Oprah is donating $10 million for COVID-19 relief. Our friend and family Sen. Kamala Harris is on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis. She discusses with us key points that we should be focused on and so much more. Our family Samuel L. Jackson had a nice little rhyme for us and Junior and J. Anthony Brown said it was aight. The country's top medical expert on the coronavirus pandemic Dr. Anthony Fauci is facing threats against his life and requires personal security. The continued discussion of Tiger King is now focusing on the disappearance of Don Lewis who is Carole Baskin's ex-husband. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve reminds us that God gave us the power of choice, plus so much more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the million bucks things and the tubbing me through good it. Steve listening to the movie Star, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out. Turn the water, the water go. Come come on your baby, uh I shore will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was. I had my head down and it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was was a huge help and understand about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people, and you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, and you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know. Sometimes, you know, we just lay claim to stuff and it's not always what's in our best interests or it's not always a fact. It's just what we decided we want it. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about a relationship with God. It's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asked you to do something, if God asks you to to be a certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years and I counted on people. And you know, I got myself in a lot of situations, and I got out one a dire situation that I'd been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on, and then he made it away. It made me aware of the problem. And then, man, lord ha mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around. Man, the field get real clear when you're in trouble. The field clear is out. When you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do, when you need help it get real clear on the play and field. Then don't it. Ah. But when things is going right, it's time for a party. We throw in a celebration. We were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all the mine in God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust it, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all riding on what he say. I got it all riding on what she say. Na, Na, No, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my O on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith to mine, and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most. Because his word is absolute. What he say he gonna do, he gonna do what he says. He's not gonna tolerate, He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it you can make it tolerable for yourself, but He's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm wondering how many people out there finding themselves in a situation like me, or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you, whetting people, at the only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God. It is the only one, was the only one who was just right there, right there all the way through. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining, what he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know. I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation, then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said, okay, it's just me, you and God. And when we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful, we keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, we thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, It really really does. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen, let me have your undivided attention, please. It has begun another great day, another day here above ground, another day of blessed day. A time during this challenging time, which is actually a time, if you look at it the correct way, is a time of ease and refreshment. This is a time of ease and refreshment. If you look at it the right way and you can take advantage of it, you can turn this into sunshine. You can make lemonade out of these lemons. You can do something positive and come out of this whole thing bigger and better than you were when you went in. We ain't in the middle of a crisis. We're in the middle of a miracle. I claim it. I asked you to join in and claim it. Stop complaining about it, and look for the bright side. Because we ain't got no where to go. We ain't going nowhere. They don't need a crime about it. We in it to win it. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Sharing straw YEA calling for real, good morning, what's happening? Looking for the two thousand, nine hundred and ninety third wonder of the world, That damn junior boy. Here I'll go full number full number two. Refreshment is a way to look at it, Steve. But you also could call it hell and we out of toilet paper. It could be hell and we out offshment ladies and gentlemen. King of Prink's nephew, Tommy, you you ain't top of the morning under Steve is Friday back. Let's get it. Let's get it, Lets get it. The whole game is here. Hey, let's not rush right now, that's not rush. We got nothing to do after this. I got do. This is the shortest four hours show in the world because right back to walking around in my backyard. And I was supposed to rain today out here walking the rain. Do whatever you gotta do the sting outside. No, I'm sorry, it's not gonna range the day off said they don't range something. But I keep forgetting what that is because they all saying. I got to ask you, what do you miss the most right now that you wish you could do? What do you miss them out being the boss of of my life? Yeah? I mean, like I normally go to places wherein the boss like, y'all don't really take bosson. Well, y'all act like it on the air. I don't. I don't don't, don't don't even try to give me that you're the boss on this air, not my name on the show, because they don't see what be happening on the commercials and stuff that's not part of it. I missed, like going to Family Feud and all the mother's shows. And you know when I'm the boss, the man. You know what I'm saying. This is a family feud. Yeah, yeah, And I damn sure ain't the boss at this house. That's clear in charge over here. Huh huh is in charge? All right? Well, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, Steve and the guys, you guys are here with a list of things we need to stop doing as we obey the stay at home orders. That's coming up right at Yeah, you're listening, all right. Coming up next hour, Senator Kamala Harris will be our special guest. That's right, She's gonna talk about the leadership in the country as we battle this COVID nineteen. But it's time now for Yeah, it's time now for something funny. Uh, Steve, we're all at home now. We're obeying the stead at home orders, of course, but Jay and the guys, you all have a list of things to list. You just stop doing. This is very important. Stop it. Stop it. Stop ordering stuff off the Amazon. You don't need a damn thing Tommy eating it just that's me too, Tommy got boxes. I adn't even open it. In fact, I told Amazon, man, if you pass his damn house one more time and not give me something off that damn Trump, you can have problems fighting. So let me tell you something. Let me tell you what I learned you need to stop doing with Amazon. Stop thinking the ass is coming today. You can stop that. That's the only reason I wanted to get on it because I heard it was same day delivered. Buddy, No, because stop getting mad because they ain't coming to date. It is not crime. It's sometime. It's Amazon sometime. That what most of these Stop Stop in this Amazon. Stop thinking every truck that passed the house is for you, all right, nothing, okay, oh man, stop this, this this one was for my kids. Stop opening that refrigerator thinking you just ate ten minutes ago, so quick coming in there like you stopping. Okay, stop that. Stop damn that's what you're doing when you're at home though. Yeah, I'll tell you what that's really irritating. To me, because you know we all self quarantine. Stop calling me and asking me what I'm doing. Everybody doing the same thing. I mean him in the lake, I mean him playing the lakes were down ten? Yeah, how are doing? Quit doing that? Look ahead, this is your house. You pay the rent. Stop making them babies clean up all that damn so if that's not what they're there for, they're not there to wash windows and clean up the sidewalk. And stop working as child lake with you ass and do something your damn self leading babies alone, all right? Ed to do that? Girl up? Dog? That all right? Here, go on right here. Stop wishing your backyard was bigger. That's just the ward you got. You got what you got. Yes, the pocket just knocked that fist down back then that's stay over you. That's stay y'all. Please stop looking at me like you want to have six I don't want to do nothing. Okay, it's too much going on, Okay, junior bar Yeah. Just this something I've been doing, and I need to stop it. Though. I need to stop opening my door when I hear somebody knock on my neighbor. Though I did. I just be over that looking to see who the hell at it. They didn't even come over here. Fu me what I'm opening the door? Fuck? I didn't even see somebody. Yeah, I got one more. These are things you need to stop doing while you home. Shut down on the stop just stop it. Stop getting dressed up. You ain't going on damn. Stop playing your job out. You're not where that. Yeah it looks good, but where are you going? Where? Okay? Okay, listen, what stop trying to help these kids with their school work. They're gonna flunk if you keep trying to help them. Okay, they're gonna get set back. I promise, come on, big dog grader. I want everybody, and I want everybody to stop doing this. Everybody, Okay, stop talking about what you wish you could do. Can't I wish I could where you You can't. You can't go to the can't you can't go nowhere? Okay? At home? Is you? Jake? Please please please stop teaching MK. We don't need to She don't need to know new dances. Okay, she don't leave off? Okay, okay, okay, let me let me, let me have it. Jake, stop running to the TV every time Trump got breaking news like he gonna say something. Start stop running up there for that. Please leave. I'm gonna tell you what I need to stop doing. Though. I need to stop getting up in the morning picking my keys up like I need to come to work. I don't stop that. It's a bad half to grab my keys. I have it. I know I need feeling. No damn, but I damn like we I didn't hit him up, looking him take us out. This is what I need some people to stop doing. Okay, stop trying to cook new dishes when you can't cook old dishes. Stop trying to cook new dishes, Sherley, and when you can't cook old once, don't stop trying new stuff. Hey, we all got a limited amount of food in refrigerator. You ain't here just setting fish on fire. Just in here torching growthries. Use that. No damn broh Man, the nephew would run that, break spam in a bag. You're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour entertainment news Oprah is donating ten million dollars to coronavirus relief efforts, and the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, is donating get this, one hundred million dollars to the nation's food banks. Yeah, it's standing by with today's COVID nineteen coming up when we do our national news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that. Frank back what you got for us NAFF hundred million. You want to be the bad of virus out on just I got adult daycare, Shirley, adult daycare. You know there are times, Shirley, that you know when when life is going normal, people get up and take their kids to daycare before they go to work. But what you did not know is some people get up and take their parents to adult daycare and they'll stay there until the end of the day and then and the kids come back and pick their parents up and take them home. It's adult daycare. Let's go. Cat Doult. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach miss Sharon's. Please. Yes, this is Sharon, Miss Sharon's. My name is Evan. I'm giving you a call from h adult Daycare. Okay, because daycare. My name is Evan, and I got your number and all your information here on file. Um, it looks like you're gonna be joining us starting on Monday, so we're excited to have you, and I wanted to just give you a call and kind of give you the lay of the land of what we have here and how how much fun you're gonna have being here most of the day with these From my understanding is you're gonna be here probably the majority of this year. What are you talking? What are you talking about? Being there? Where? Here? At the adult daycare? Adult daycare? Where? Where's that? What are you talking? Okay? Is Evan? My name? My name is Evan, yes, ma'am. And your third daughter is Diane. Diane, that's what you know my daughters? Yes, well, she's the one that has you signed up. You're gonna be at the adult daycare, so I'm assuming she's gonna be dropping you off every morning, and I how are you talking about? Evan? Evan, hang on a second. All right, First of all, I don't know who you are. You don't know who I am. I don't know how you know who my daughter is. This is really uh inappropriate and weird And what are you trying to get? What do you what do you want? Do you want money to me? Or you like a solicitor? No? No, no, no, ma'am, no no no. Note at I'm as Sharon, your daughter has signed you up? To be here at the adult daycare during the day, so I'm just going to I don't know what you're talking about. There's no way she would do that. I don't day here. What do I need to? Don't day care for? So? What are you home alone most of the time during the day? Who cares if I'm home alone? Who? Why are you asking me that you're trying to break into my house? No? No, no, you want me? I don't know, miss Sharon. Okay, look, I'm hooked up to that uh nine one month stuff. Thanks, like I could just do a panicle right now and they'll trace this call and they will come to you and arrest you because you're harassing me. No, no, no, okay, miss Sharon, I'm not harassing you. Your daughter, Diane came in and signed up. Yes, she signed you up for you to go to this daycare Monday to Friday. Why, she's at work, so she's going to be dropping you off and then she'll pick you up in the evenings on her way home from work. I don't know where you got that from. I don't know who told you that. Yeah, you got my daughter's name, and this is really freaking me out, you know, a little bit over here, Ivan, because I don't know why you know my name, you know my daughter's name. Ah, this is why. The only reason I name miss miss Sharon is because she came in and gave all the information, and she has paid for you to come to the adult day chair on a daily Yeah. Yeah, yeah, hear ye. Hey, you know what, you sound like a nice guy. You know what I mean, Like, you're smooth, you got a nice voice, You're you're you know, like you know what to say. I don't know who the hell you are though, I don't know what you're talking about. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not going to no daycare center. I'm not going with daycare center. I wanted day because I'm fine. Just get that through your head. There's nothing wrong with me. I stay home, I got a dog, I walk the dog, I go grow street shopping. My daughter comes over. Everything's signy. I don't even know daycare center. Okay, I say what I'm saying that there is there is there a reason why she would sign you up, ma'am. She must do she must be looking out for your best. You know your hell. Let me ask you to let me ask you are you single? Are you single? Are you married? What does that have to do? Toby, I'm not coming to no daycare center, all right, Evan, Like, if you want to come to my house and you want to see how I live, you can. I don't know, I'm twitching, I'm switching it up. Okay, I don't need to come to your home. I'm more concerned about making sure you're comfortable here at the a Belt day care when you get here on Monday. Yeah, I'm not coming there. That's it. There's nothing wrong with me. I'm not coming out of my house. But I'll pay for even you. I don't know. I like your voice. I just like your voice. Miss way minute, mischine? How old? How old you? I'm fifty fifty. Have you ever been with an eighty nine year old lady? Wow? Wow? Nine? And you sound really nice, that's all. Like at first I was scared of you. At first I worked. I'll be honest, I was scared of you. And now I'm not. Like, I don't know why. I'm just not you know what I mean? Like you just sound not Yeah, I don't know who you are, but okay, so will you be there? Will you be at the daycare center? Like you because I like to meet you. I'll be at the daycare when you arrive on Monday. But I mean not, um, Miss Sharon. I like that, Miss Sharon. That's nice. Okay. So should I reach out to Diane about this all to reach out tour? Sure, reach out to her. Okay, Well, you're not gonna like it. Yeah, go ahead. You're not gonna come in Monday. I'm right, I'm I'm like, I don't know, you're gonna be very just late the Sharon. It's not about me, it's about you coming in and you're gonna this is where you're gonna be, uh, Monday through Friday from all right. You know, there's there's there's there's other people your age here. There's there's a lot of ladies. You're aging a lot of men your age here, ladies. I'm not in the ladies. I'm not in late. I didn't I'm not turning. Yeah, not into it. I'm in. I'm into you, okay. Um. I think it's a situation like your your daughter doesn't want you to be by yourself. Yeah, could you could I call you back? Can I call you back? Yeah? Let me call you back. Let me call you back. In a couple of minutes. I'm on the shore and I got pulled my off of the thing. This is the first this ever happened to me. Okay, uh, Miss Sherid, Can I tell you who I am? I am Matthew telling me from the Steve Arvey Morning Show. Your daughter Diane got me the prank. Call you, but I promise you you're different you. I promise you. I'm different. I promise you I'm different. Here it relates to Steve Harvey, like the guy on TV that's out of here. He is gorgeous. Ant called me back. All right, all right, okay, I love you, oh my, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment in National News. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, Senator Kamala Harris will be our special guest. We'll get her opinion on the country's leadership from our president as we go through this COVID nineteen pandemic. But first and tell me something good. Entertainment news, Oprah Winfrey is donating ten million dollars and yeah, she's giving back to America. I love that. Yesterday Oprah tweeted, I am donating ten million dollars overall to help Americans during this pandemic in cities across the country and in areas where I grew up. Oprah is also donating another one million dollars to America's Food Fund, and in other news, Amazon CEO Steve Jeff Bezos is donating one hundred million dollars to Feeding America. That's a non profit organization, man. Yeah, but let me tell you something. A million dollars is a lot of food open million plus some million. This guy a hundred million dollars. That's an amazing amount of money, man. Yeah. Yeah, that's Feeding America is a nonprofit organization. It's going to help replenish it. That's the country's food banks. Yeah, that's a lot of money. And you're not looking at the window worried and like that. That is a lot of a million. Shut you down. A million, but it's so good. Million. That's it's kind of a lot of care. A million, A lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it really is. Thank you, Thank you, thank you. Do you know that? Do you not? This Amazon guy? Do you know him? Jeff? I don't know you have We would think you would get your packages on time, he bring your stuff. I don't order one time. I only tried to order stuff something off and then they told me I couldn't get it too, sadness. So I ain't ordered because I wanted to see that same day thing work tomorrow in the morning, you get it, Huh, you do early in the morning ordering, you can get it the same day stock if it's in stock. Yeah, if it's in stock. That's the difference. See, I don't I don't know what's in stock. What ain't But I only tried it one time. They ain't. I ain't. But what is you ordering anyway that you ain't got? I don't want to see something I don't know. I don't even know what Tommy, I tried to order Green Vibrates, Green Vibrants. I tried to order it's it's it's it's it's a plant based super food. You know, you just mix it in water. It's really great product. And I tried to order it online and that was the other day, and that was like Monday. I think, yeah, I think I tried to order it Monday or Wednesday, and they told me I couldn't get it too, saddest, So I ain't do it tomorrow. It's Saturday. I wanted to see the same day. The people telling me I couldn't get it too sad, I said, hell with it. It was Amazon. Can I say something, You've been all this time without it? You can't wait two days? Okay, exactly can? And guess what if you order it before we get off today or after right after we get off, and it'll be there tomorrow. Yeah, already about that. Already you got Okay, I figured out a way to get it. I'm not waiting to sad. That ain't what I do. Not on Monday, I asked for something Monday you're talking about, sad. Sad you got back to the rich and patient right after the evening. Stay tuned. I can't believe it. So so you got it, So you're good. So take that Jeff Basi in Amazon. I mean, you know, I wasn't mad at it for not braining it, but I wanted to hear what you always about the same day delivery. So it depends on what it is. D all right, I'm senior picture. All right, let's go. It's time for today's headlines. Anyway, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne shripk you. Thank you very much everybody. This is answered with the news. Well, we've now reached a sad and scary milestone. According to the latest figures, they are now more than one million confirmed coronavirus cases worldwide, one million and at least fifty thousand people have died. Some six point six million people applied for unemployment checks in the United States last week, which broke the record of the three point three million that was set the week before that. Because that was a record, small businesses can apply for small business loans today, just go to SBA dot gov. The huge Jacob Javitt Center in Manhattan says it will now take in non acute coronavirus patients. It's a twenty five hundred bid. The silly well they set it up that way, it was originally slated had taken people who were not infected. Federal Bureau Prison says two more inmates have died of the coronavirus, which now makes a toll of four federal prisoners who have died of COVID nineteen, all of them in the same lockup, the Federal Prison Complex in Oakdale, Louisiana. Authorities say the eleven Oakdale inmates have tested positive for the virus so far, as well as four staff members there. The Bureau of Prisons institutes now a fourteen day lockdown at its facilities to try to slow down the infection rate. Decision has been made. The Democratic National Committee has a signed to postpone this year's nominating convention because of you guessed at the Corona pandemic. It was scheduled for July, but it's now going to be rescheduled for the week of August seventeenth in Milwaukee and during the week and that actually is the week prior to the Republican convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. That change comes after the quote unprecedented health crisis facing the country. Also comes after the man most likely to read the politi's nomination, Joe Biden, publicly called for delay during interviews earlier this week. The Democrats must still monitor the situation because you know, there's no guarantee that the pandemic will be over or even close to being over or into control by August. So we'll see how they go. Sad news. A museum quote curator who you need to know? This man's name, He was a curator. He was a writer who was an outspoken anti racist. His name was Maurice Burger. He has died at age sixty three. Maurice Burger was said to have exhibited symptoms of the coronavirus, but was not officially diagnosed. Burger grew up in the projects on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. He once wrote in a magazine article that quote, as a Jew, I have known anti semitism. As a gay man, I have known homophobia, but neither has been as relentless as the racism I witnessed growing up, the steady drumbeat of slights, hostility, and condescension against black people. The man was Maurice Burger. He spoke out about that a quote in Pakistan has overturned the murder conviction of the man found guilty of kidnapping and brutally murdering. Wall Street Journal reported Daniel Pearl, and apparently the state of Arizona has just listed golf as an essential activity. Really, guys, sounds like a movie, Bengelo, Thank man, it sounds just like a movie and essential stay playing golf. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening String Show special guests. Everybody has promised. She's a friend of our she's family members, she's the California state Senator, and currently she is on the front lines of the COVID nineteen health crisis and all of the healthcare crisis. And we're going to go over a few key points that we should be focused on. So let's get to a lady and Jenner, please welcome to the show our friend, a very popular Senator, Kamala Harris. Yes, welcome. Good. So, how you've been holding up doing all of this? Senator? You know I'm good. Listen that I feel very blessed. There are so many folks who are suffering so deeply right now, and you look at the number of people on a daily basis that are contracting this virus, that are dying from the virus. So I stayed in DC to fight because we got to fight for the folks. We gotta fight for people. We got to fight for families. There's so much on the line, and it's immediate. It's happening right now. Yeah, let me ask you this, because we've we've discussed this on the show. I want to talk about the president's reaction to all of this and the time frame that you feel that it was handled in How do you feel about the leadership through this coronavirus crisis right now? Donald Trump failed to lead. This is not new about him as President of the United States, but we're talking about a pandemic. You know, government has three essential functions. It's public safety, public education, and public health. This is a public health crisis like we have never seen before. People are dying, dying every day. And this is an individual who has never understood that there is a reason that we have of a government, and it is so that the American people can count on a safety net, count on leaders to be there in a moment of crisis. You know, nine to eleven was a national security crisis. The Great Recession when Wall Street crashed, that was an economic crisis. This pandemic is a public health crisis at its core. It has had an impact and created an economic crisis that at its core it is a public health crisis. But Steve, look what happened. From the beginning. This man called it a hoax. From the beginning, he was laughing and shaking hands when people were saying social distance. From the beginning, he had the ability as president of the United States to make sure that we would have the tests that are necessary to figure out where the virus is hitting and do what we can to stem it. The President of the United States has in his or her hands many tools in a moment of crisis, including the Defense Production Act, which says that in a moment of crisis, the president can order can create incentives for the private sector to manufacture the things we need to meet the moment of the crisis. And in this case, ventilator's masks, protective equipment for those healthcare workers. And this man, Donald Trump, just sat on that tool that he had. Okay, hey, listen, hang on right there, Senator hass We'll be right back with more with Kamala Harris right after this. You're listening, light everybody, We're back and our special guests this morning, Senator to Kamala Harris, who was giving us some really enlightening information from the inside of the government about the handling of this Corona virus COVID nineteen, I wanted to we were talking earlier about her views of the President's handling in this situation. I want I want to go a little bit further here because is this true or not? It was, to my understanding We've heard this and talked about this on the show that in the previous administration that that was some task force that was formed that would have helped like in health crisis or something like that, and that it was disbanded early when he became president. Is that a true statement with that, have healthed or is that not a true statement? Well, what there was is under the Obama administration there was a group of people who were budgeted to concern themselves with pandemics and that whole division was essentially bottomed out by this president. Now, I mean, Steve, remember this guy, Donald Trump came in office and basically rejected science. He rejected the science of the climate crisis. He you know, a moment of crisis requires a real leader to embrace truth, to speak truth, and act based on truth and fact, and in this case of science. But from the beginning of this administration, there has been a rejection of science, including on this point, which is putting the resources into those group of people who otherwise would have been paying close attention to what was happening in China, would have known that it was going to hit our shores and would have activated what was necessary in terms of a federal government response to address it. But let's deal with another aspect of this again. It's a public health crisis, right This is a virus, it's a disease. If he had understood his role and the importance of his role, would have enacted it so that we would have the ventilators in the hospitals right now that people so sorely need, that we would have the masks that those healthcare workers need. This is an abject display of a lack of leadership. And what we have seen is as a result of that, the responsibility has fallen on the mayors. That has fallen on the governors. I'm very proud of the mayor of San Francisco, the first black woman to be elected the mayor of the city in County of San Francisco. She was the first mayor in the United States to take this seriously to the point of saying, I'm going to require people to stay at home. She took a lot of flak for that. She was the first one to do it. The governor of California, gavinism was the first governor to say I'm going to take this seriously and require people to stay at home. And what we are seeing is as a result that the spread is not igniting as quickly as it will or has in other places where supposed leaders are not taking it seriously. This administration, Donald Trump has his Attorney general having lawyers in court trying to get rid of Obamacare, the Affordable Care Act, which delivered healthcare to thirty million people who otherwise would not have had it. I'm going to repeat, it's a public health crisis. It requires that people have access to healthcare. The Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, brought healthcare to thirty million people, and Donald Trump has got lawyers in court trying to get rid of it. I'll mention another thing. He could activate open enrollment. Last week, three point three million people filed for unemployment insurance because they lost their jobs. Today the report is six point six million people on top of the three point three million people. This is unheard of. All these people are out of work. They're gonna lose most of them whatever health coverage they had. For those who didn't have health coverage, the president has in his power the ability to open open enrollments so people can apply for coverage. Is it be called senator. It would make him look bad if he did this, Why why isn't it being done? I think that he doesn't fully um understand his job. I really do. I believe that this is somebody who does not job right, which is why everybody in the midst of this crisis pay attention to this election coming up, because elections matter. Elections matter. Hang on right there, Hang on right, Senator Harris, this is really good. So I gotta keep you for at least another break because this is the first time that we're getting inside information from somebody that's in the government, and I think this is important for people to know, especially with this this year, this being an election year, so people are really educated on what's going on. We'll be back with more from Senator Kamala Harris right after this. You're listening show, All right, everybody, We're back and our special guests this morning. It's a very enlightening Senator to Kamala Harris, this has been a great conversation, man, it's been most It's all about COVID nineteen and the health crisis that we're facing in this country. And she's been giving us some great information and she's feeling and said, complete your thoughts. So here's the thing in terms of the work that needs to be done, because I want to make sure your listeners also know what they should be demanding of their government. So in the next bill, which is why I stayed in DC to work on this, we need to make sure in the next bill there is money so that treatment is free. Right now, in the last bill we got in the last couple of bills, testing is free, but we need the treatment is going to be free because again public health issue. People lost their jobs, they're losing their health insurance. We need to make sure treatment is free. I'm also saying freeze credit score because folks are going to be strapped and they're not going to pay all their bills on time. But let's not make them have to have their credit score be permanently injured in a way that they'll never be able to get back upon their feet. I'm also saying we need more money for small businesses. The fastest growing population of small business owners are black women, and so we've got to make sure that the money gets to our small businesses so they can stay open. They are often the lifeblood of our community. The business leaders of the community are the civic leaders and the role models, and also we need to increase snap benefits, which is about feeding hungry children. And what we've been fighting for and didn't get in the last bill is we need to increase benefits so that more people qualify. And then here's what I want to say specifically about what we need to deal with in terms of black folks. This is a disease that praise on people who have pre existing health conditions. Okay, people who have sickle cell anemia are particularly susceptible to a respiratory virus, which is what the coronavirus is. So what we also need to do is make sure that our folks know that we really have to take these precautions seriously and we have to seek help immediately when there is any sign of it. We got to make sure that folks that are vulnerable members of our population are taken care of and protected and then we seek out help. And the other piece of it is we have to realize that in terms of all this working from home, well over fifty percent of people with a college educations or hire say they can work at home. People would let them a high school diploma. Only four percent of them can work at home. So there are serious disparities that already existed before this pandemic, that are being exasperated by this pandemic, and in particulars disparities based on race as a relation to economic status, health status, educational status. Well, this sounds like a person with a plan, a person he's really given some thought to some real h to do processes, and so we thank you for this information. Today it's gonna go a long wait, ladies and gentlemen. Sister Kamala Harris, thank you very much, Senator, to thank presidential to thank you very much. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live like that Jay live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, Buel, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Excuse me. Subject, he had a wife and a fake wife. It was a cloth, it was a cough. I'm sorry. Subject, he had a real wife and a fake wife, Dear Stephen Shirley. Is somebody laughing, Carla? Sorry? Okay, be quiet, please, thank you? Get it all out? Are we ready? Subject? He had a real wife and a fake wife, Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been with a liar for seven years, and I thought we had been married for three years when we first met. He told me that he is an only child. Three months into our relationship, I went by his mom's house to drop something off for him, and there was a woman sitting on the porch with two little girls. I got home and asked my man who the woman and the girls were. He said it was his sister and her daughters, and they're staying with his mom for a little while. That was strange because he had never told me he was an only child. I never questioned it, and I never saw his sister again. Wait wait wait wait wait? Huh that because he had told me that he was an only child. He said it was his sister. Oh, okay, all right, he said it was his sister and her daughter's Huh. Yeah, I'm just telling you. You just misread it, that's all. Okay. That was strange because he had told me he was an only child. I never questioned it, and I never saw his sister again. In twenty seventeen, he proposed and we had a big wedding. His mom and his sister didn't come to our wedding. I started asking a lot of questions, but my husband just blew me off. His mother had been acting funny since we got engaged, so I called her one day to ask her what was up. She told me that she didn't come to our wedding because she didn't want any parts of that illegal mess. She said, my husband was already married and his wife and his daughters live with her because he doesn't help them out financially. I felt foolish and realized my marriage is a sham. I put him out of the house and I didn't want anything to do with him. He divorced his wife, but she is still living with his mom. Lately, he has been begging me to let him come home so we can start over. I still love him, but I'll never trust him again. He is willing to do whatever it takes, and he wants to give me a real life fairytale wedding this time. What should I do? You should run and keep running and don't stop. Please, do not go back to this mess. I mean, you're out, Stay out. This man's a liar. He lied to you about everything. He had, a whole wife, whole two daughters, kids, everything. He said he was an only child and that was his sister. I don't blame you. How could you ever trust him? What is the point in getting married and you can't trust your husband? Do not do this. All these questions that you were asking the mom and everything after the fact in him, you should have been asking those before you got married. I can't believe you didn't know any of this stuff. No, but definitely not go back. How should you handle this? A fairytale wedding? No, you had that already, You really did have that. You said you had a big wedding and you were in the middle of all these lies and stuff, so that was your fairytale. No, he's not the one for you. Keep it moving, that's what you should do. Steve. I'm so confused with this letter because this letter has got so much information missing. Yeah, I've never seen a person in this type of predicament with this shorter letter. I don't know where this woman. This is just You've been with a lie for seven years. You thought you had been married for three When we first met, he told me he was the only child. Then you go over. You went by his mama's how to drop something off of him, and that was a woman sitting on the porch with two little girls. You ain't speak, You ain't hey, how you doing? You just walked up on these people's porch. Ain't say nothing. I got home and asked my man who the woman was and the girl was. He said it was his sister and her daughters. They were staying with his mom for a little while. But that's strange because he had told me he was the only child. I mean, right the whole up. You ain't saying nothing. Whoa you told me you were only child? What you mean? That's your sister and then her two daughter? See that right there? You but you ain't say nothing. I never questioned it, as most women would. Wait a minute, I thought you were an only child. So you have a sister? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, but we aren't cool or something like that. Give him a chance to tell another lie. Yeah yeah, oh my city, we just don't speak anyway. That was strange because he had told me he was on child. I never questioned it. And I never saw his sister again. Then in twenty seventeen, he proposed we had a big wedd his mama and his sister didn't come to the wedding. Now you started asking a lot of questions, but my husband just blew me off. His mother had been acting funny since we got engaged, so I called one day to ask her what was up. She told me she didn't come to the wed because she didn't want any part of this illegal mess. She said, my husband was already married, had a wife and huge and his married and his wife and daughters lived with her because he don't help him out financially. What jeans was the people you saw on the porch when you went to drop something off before you got married, that you didn't speak to, and you did, you had all this information before. All right, we'll be back. I got more for you ye. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. He had a real wife and a fake wife. Will get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. He had a real wife and a fake wife. Okay, this this foolishness. She dating his lyne dude. She's been talking with him saying he was the only child. Before they got married, he dropped something off at his mama's house. It was a woman sitting on the portrud two little girls. She didn't speak to the woman and two girls. He came went on in saying something to his mama, dropped it off, came back and mentioned to him, Hey, it was a woman sitting on your mama's porch with these two little girls. Oh, that's my sister and her two kids. They staying with us. She gotta get on her feet. Hold up, didn't you tell me you was an only child? Now? She didn't do none of that. She let that go. So then they're getting married and his wife and his sister don't come to the wed Then she started asking questions, your husband blew it off. His mama had been acting funny since it got engaged. So then one day she called and asking what was up. She told me she ain't come to the wedding because she didn't want any part of this illegal mess. She said, my husband was already married and his wife and his daughters lived with her because he doesn't help them out financially. What what? This was the same three people you saw on the porch. You didn't think it was strange that some grown ass woman and these two kids was on his mama's porch. Then when he told you was his sister, after he said he was only child, see you all this information was in your faith. Then I felt foolish and realized, my marriage is a sham. Ain't that's against the law. You can't marry somebody and you've already been married. That's a criminal offense. You can go to jail for that. This ain't. No. I felt my marriage was a sham. That's a that's a law. You can't do that. Yeah, you can't do whatever that is. You can't do it. Who wants two wives? I felt foolish. You realize my marriage is a sham. I put him out of the house and I didn't want anything to do with him. He divorced his wife. Wait a minute, so he divorced his wife. After that, he divorced his wife, But y'all had a wedding. This is illegal. But she's still living with his mom. What what? So? His mama still don't like you? And lately he's been begging me to let him come home so we can start over. I still love him, but I'll never trust him again. You still love what he is willing to do whatever it takes, and he wants to give me a real fairy tale wed in this time, Like Shirley said, you've had a big wedding. Who wait a minute, who you think coming to the next one? See fairytale winds have fairy tales in it. Yeah, this's been a nightmare. So now what fairytale wedding you finn't have? Off this nightmare? Ass you are? You were illegally married to this man and made a sham and a mockery of yourself and the institution of marriage by him standing there he said, violes in front of a preacher in a church and made a vow to the Lord. Now he didn't told you he gonna do whatever if he will lie in a church standing up that but already be married, but have enough golf golf gall in him to have a wife living at his mama's house with two children that he don't take care of. Why would you even want a man like this? He denies his children, And now you want this man? Are you kidding me? What's wrong with you? This is your chance. You have a clean out. God got you out of this clean you found out it was a sham. You can get yours annulled. It's perfectly fine. You can have knowled this because it's illegal anyway. He could go to jail for this. Your mother in law know it's illegal. Who is this woman sitting over here taking this? She's had to take this to the point where she got to live with his mama and her two kids, and you still ain't In his letter said he's doing nothing financially for him because they still lived that. So at what point does he man up and take care of his children? There's no point in it. But I'll never trust him again. This is not a good person. I really don't understand where we're at with it. If he's willing to do whatever he takes to give me a real fit. Note, you need to take care of your children, dog, and you need to do right by this woman that you may marry you, but because you don't support them financially, they got to live with your mother. So now you don't put this burden on your mother like you ain't got enough your dog holder, Lady Stude don't care about this mama. This dude don't care about this lady. This dude don't care about these two kids. This dude don't give damn about you. He cared about hisself. What should I do? Shirley told you what to do? Run rollerblade the skateboard, cut your ass a bite, will both left, hitch hike, hitch hike, passport, run escape, do whatever you want to do. Bungee jump, but have a rope that don't take you back up to the bridge. Show ass out of here. Let's go, all right? Thank you, Steve, post you post your comment Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey at sam on Instagram and Facebook. Don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast too, on demand and coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Actor Samuel L. Jackson has a message for everyone. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to well. Our friend and family member Samuel L. Jackson, actor Extraordinary, read a bedtime story with a pandemic message, and it had advice for everyone. Take a listen, stay at the roller is spreading. There's no joke, it's no time to the way you can fight It is simple, my friends, to stay there at home. Now technic I'm not a doctor, but listen when I read the poem, so here I am Sam and Jackson imploring you keep your ass at home if you want things to get back to normal. Don't panic, Just use your dome, wash your hands, stop touching your face, and stay at home. It's no time to gamble. Look around. You're not at a casino. Just stay home. As if your name was strengthen Quarantino. I love it, I love it. J Junior didn't do better. Yeah it was all right, all right, yeah Tarantino, I need it. I had the same thing I was saying, but he just did it first. But I mean, it's all right. You put no no, Let Sam have his little spotlight. I inspire people. Oh but where can we get one from you? Monday? Monday it is I mean, had a lot of bleeping with rame words should have done so. It was cursing, which made with Sam. Now cussing made for a great point. Excellent work. You just gonna switch teams, Oh my god, greatness. Though I've never liked none of your point. They don't rhyme. You're gonna say that like just no no, no, said we quarantine. What you're gonna do? I can't do nothing because I can't come over that. We can talk about it, but godly talking about it. You know you don't like the poem, but you ain't got no poem where we're at. Yeah, now I'm gonna have one though, I'm gonna have one. Sam sam Alman, come up. We're coming for him. You're coming, I'm coming for him. Now he gonna take my spotlight. Played all of the show like I ain't here. Okay, coming up at the top of the hour. America's top doctor needs around the clock security. Now we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to doctor Anthony Fauci, the country's top medical expert on the coronavirus pandemic, and he's a member we all know this of President Donald Trump's coronavirus task for us. Well, who knew this. I mean, he's facing threats now to his personal safety and now doctor Faulci requires personal security from law enforcement at all times, including at his home. That's a shame. Yeah, I mean, he's really popular. Now, he's a country's top doctor, so the concern for his personal welfare is an issue now doctor. The truth is always silenced, you know. Yeah, and yeah, they're blaming him for this epidemic. God, he ain't make well. I know, some people are crazy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. His guidance to Trump for the country to remain as lockdown as possible to help control the virus spread has not earned him fans um among you know some of these fervent ring voices. Okay, yeah, yeah, it's a shame. That's He's one of the great solid voices that we have that has kind of reigned in the seriousness and put some real models together for us to really look at it and understand the seriousness of this problem. Right, It's very simple, man. We have got to stay home. It's no way around us to help flatten the curve. Period. That's what has to happen. You can't catch it if you ain't around nobody that's got it. Damn makes sense now it no, it don't. It makes you and it makes sense right, And those of you who have it that don't know you have it can't spread it because you don't show symptoms. So we got to stay home until we get more people tested and we get these stations set up like career in China had, which we should have been done because we're the United States of America and we have some of the smartest people in the world in terms of doctors and science and stuff like that. But for us not to do it is because of two reasons. Because we all capitalistic society, money comes before the people, and our leadership did not do the right thing in the early going. So we are thirty days behind at least two weeks behind where we could have been had we not acted like it was a hoax and it wasn't that serious and it wasn't coming over and it's China saying that monks, and of course Mitch McConnell said he was going through the impeachment, so you know, that took away time that he could have been devoting to taking care of the coronavirus. And you know what happen, Well, if we had a TASH team that pandemic, you know, if we had that, you know that we had that. Yeah, he disbanded it. Yeah, the president did. Yeah, Obama put one in place. Yeah, he could have been working with them when he took office day one, three three, four years ago. But everything Obama did anything Obama's name on it. Yep, so here we are. Here we are and thinking he should have put Trump's name on every damn thing before he left and everything which stayed in. Yeah, but hopefully doctor yeah, doctor Fauci will stay safe and you know his security will make sure of that. I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, they say they even Marshals working. Yeah, Marshal's right at his home and everything. Yeah, that's I mean, the top doctor in the country. He's the one that's giving us the truth and we need the right and the president has to defer to him because he's the one that knows. Mm hmmm. Yeah. Now he's getting death. When your doctor grabs his head when you're talking, you know you lying right, right? Yeah, I forgot about that. Me and Jay like, oh, just say that saying all right? Coming up more music and some trending topics and headlines at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show while. One of the more intriguing storylines of Netflix's docu series Tiger King involves the disappearance of Carrol's Carol Baskin's ex husband Don Lewis. The series implies that Carol Baskin killed We talked about every day, but you get it. You don't get it. It must be that good. No, I haven't seen that, Steve. Hell yeah. And when he set understand, Hey, we do the pranks every day. Oh, I know what you want to talk about, Tommy, But I just figured it out. You you and Jay have a series for community. Oh man, Jay is Yeah, that's what it is. Steve, I figured it out. That's what he wanted to talk about. Really good. Though he ain't seen it yet. Now I sent it to him, but he said he ain't seen it yet. But Jay and I have a show on social media that you have to watch. It's a T and J coronavirus stay at home comedy show. You do when I want to miss this. It's the only show you can watch in your draws or bass naked. This is an incredible shows. First show up, eleven thousand hits. Baby, we did get boom, all right? All right? And Junior you're coming up, Yeah yeah, Ignacy, that's funny. All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show. Steve we're all at home now. We're obeying the said home orders, of course, but Jay and the guys, you all have a list of things to list you get. Just stopped doing this is very important. Stop ordering stuff off the Amazon. You don't need another damn thing. Tommy eating it. That's me too, Tommy, I got boxes. I ain't even open it. In fact, I told Amazon, man, if you pass his damn house one more time and not give me something, all of that damn Trump, you gonna have problems, partner, sot and but let me tell you something. Let me tell you what I learned. You need to stop doing with Amazon. Stop thinking the ass is coming to day. You can stop that. That's the only reason I wanted to get on it because I heard it was the same day delivery. Buddy. Now ask because stop getting mad because they ain't coming to day. It is not crime. It's sometimes Amazon. Sometimes that what most of these shop. Stop in this Amazon. Stop thinking every truck that passed the house it's for you, all right, nothing, okay? Something man, oh man, stop this, this this one was for my kids. Stop opening that refrigerator thinking you just ate ten minutes ago, so quick coming in there like you stopping. Okay, stop that. Stop. Come, I'll tell you what. It's really irritating to me. Stop calling me and asking me what I'm doing. Everybody doing the same now, I'm mean Hire playing the lake. I mean him praying the Lakers were down ten. Yeah, we're doing that. Look ahead, this is your house. You pay the rent. Stop making them babies clean up all that damn so that's not what they're there for. They're not there to wash. Wouldn't do and clean up the sidewalk and stop working as child lady with you ass and do something your damn self, leading babies alone, all right, to do that? Girl up? That was all right here, war right here. Stop wishing your backyard was bigger. That's just the ward you got. You got what you got. Yes, the pocket just knocked that fist down back then, that's stay over. That's stay y'all. Please stop looking at me like you want to have six I don't want to do nothing, Okay, coming up. It's the last break of the day and break of the day and the last break of the week. I don't have nothing going up. Steve Harvey, closing remarked, forty nine minutes after that's coming up, to right after that, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Here we are on this Friday, the last break of the day, the last last break of the day, the last break of the week. You know what I'm like, But you really try to run that past me, like, I'm not gonna say it right. You started off so well and then you know, fell off a little bit. Jay, You didn't miss it for a while. I just miss it on that what y'all talking about listening to get up and everything? Yea, So, Junior, is it true that we might get a poem from you next week? Oh after Samuel Jackson. Oh show y'all fence get a poem? Oh? Absolutely? Oh wow? Oh, this weekend's all I'm working on the day. It was okay, Samuel is good. It is good greatness. Cuss right on time. Trying to get with him. That's all you trying to do. We have to play Samuels, then play your Samuel. Don't want to go after Junior, so let him go first first, close it out, might as well. Ah, hey, here we go. Well we look forward Monday, Junior. You got all weekend and work on it, so here we go. Yeah, seventy two hours of prep here we go. All right, y'all listen, um to leave you on a positive note before we ended this weekend, Uh, I want to remind all of you that God has given all of us the power of choice. All of us. We were born with it. We are the only creatures that He created on Earth of all the different species that has complete power of choice. We get to decide. You get to decide if you're going to be a positive person or a negative person. You get to decide if you are going to allow joy to occupy the space in your mind or if you're gonna let depression because joy and depression cannot reside in the same space. There's a choice oftentimes that we have. Now I'm not talking about people who are diagnosed with clinical depression, so please don't don't don't don't text me about that. The average person has the power of choice. You can have the right to choose to have a hopeful outlook or you can sit there and choose to predict a miserable outcome. You actually get to decide because He gave us that power of choice. And see, I want you to understand something here that during this time that we're all facing the law of attraction is in place and is in full effect for all of us right now. It's in full effect. How you view this can determine how you come out of this, How you see this, how you predict this, how you talk about this, how you accept it, how you rationalize it away, how you All of this determines a great deal. A lot of our decisions that we make today will affect tomorrow in some shape, form or fashion. So now what I'm saying to you is that the law of attraction is in effect. So if you choose to have a positive view of this entire situation, you stand a very good chance of coming out of this thing positively if you take the constant, the constant negative approach to this, like you're the only one on lockdown because you're not. You're the only one not going to work because you're not. You're not the only one who can't get out the house. You're not. You're not the only one who can't see your lover or your friends. You're not. You're not the only one that's struggling with moments of claustrophobia in this You're not. So it depends on how you look at this. I choose because I understand the law of attraction to take a positive approach to this. I choose to make the best of this. I choose to use this as a time of not confinement. It is a confinement. Were all in quarantine. We got that. But I choose to view this as a moment of ease and refreshment. If you're if you if you're out of work right now, you're out of work. We can't We can't change that right now until this band is lifted. But let's look at the other side of this. You can't go anywhere, you can't do anything, Okay, then guess what. Take it easy? Work for all of us can be tiring and exhausting at times. Then how about we refresh ourselves. So instead of looking at it in a negative way, I've decided to take this in a positive way, to use this as a moment of ease and refreshment in my life, to get back in tune with my spouse, to get more in tune with my spouse. I've taken some time to get physically fit. I've taken some time to pay attention to nutrition and diet. You don't have to you can eat whatever you want. I'm just saying what I chose to do. Whatever it is you choose to do that's positive. You should take this time and do it because the time is here. It's how we use this time that is going to affect us when we come through this time. I'm telling you, man, whatever decisions you are making in the midst of this time, we'll have an effect on you and how you're living when we get through this time. Because we have a choice. So if I were you, everybody, because the law of attraction is real, please choose to take the positive approach as opposed to the negative approach, because when we come out of this there is a positive on the other side. Believe it or not, it really really is. Those are my closing remarks. Hey, y'all, have a great weekend. Take care of yourself. I love you. Seeing your money God will it YEA For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show