Happy Friday Game 3 in H-Town Baby - 10.27.17

Published Oct 30, 2017, 2:39 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag at all, suit looking back to back down, giving them more just like theming buck bus things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to te Steve Harty listening to me together for study. I don't join ye yeah by join me into period doing me honey say turn yeah, you got to do wrong, run you you gotta turn to turn the turn you love it got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back at uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, come on, y'all dig me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Is God good to me? Unbelievable? Yeah, it is, and and I can only attribute it to one thing. It's it's just been a turnaround in my life. It's it's been me finally making a decision to see what all God has from me, but at the same time trying to be more God wants me to be instead of more of what I want to be. That's the trade off. You know, you gotta do something now, you know you know you want God's blessings. You gotta be willing to do something on his behalf. And now I'm not. I'm not saying I got it right right now, because man, I just don't. I'm just being real with you. I don't. I don't have it all together by any stretch of imagination. I'm trying to get better in several areas. I'm praying about it, I'm working on it. But you know, it's a process, and I've i've I've I've grown to accept the process. But I'm improving in a lot of areas from day to day. But I'll tell you what, Man, my success, all that's going on with me, I can only attribute to this turnaround. And to turnaround was simple. I turned around and started looking at God. That was a simple move. Man. I just turned around and started looking at him, and I was going, Okay, I get it. Now, you created me. You're the creator. You have a purpose for me. I understand that. Now. Now let me just walk in that purpose and let me get to doing that purpose. Now, my purpose and your purpose and their purpose and anybody's perfect purpose could be different, and the way you go about the purpose can be different. And that's the part that I've really grown up to I've opened up my mind to understanding that everybody is different, nobody's quite the same, and that is not my right or position to judge, but to be of a forgiving spirit and understand and forgive those as I ask God to forgive me. See, that's the key. That's the key, y'all. So when you out here and you stuck on this unforgiveness, understand in in the Large Prayer as a segment that says, forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. There's another Vergan says forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. It's two different versions, but either one it means the exact same thing. It means simply this that you are asking God to forgive yours like you forgive others. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust passed against us. When I crossed the line with you, God handle me the way I handle people when they crossed the line with me. You feel what I'm saying to you. You understand that that's the breakdown of it. The best way I can give it to you. Forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us, forgive me God for stepping over the line like I forgive those that step over the line on me. That's the hard part, man, that's the part man, I've really been working on. I've been really trying to get that together. And so I've learned forgiveness a lot better over the past five years than I have before. And it's paid off. I can't tell you how it was paid off, because now God's mercy and grace is all over me, because I've learned to become more graceful. Now I ain't graceful like him, I ain't merciful like him, but I've learned to become more more graceful, more merciful, because man, I can't live my life like that. I just got sick of me. Man, you're mad at me now, I'm mad at you. You hating on me. Now I'm gonna hate on you. I ain't got time for that, man, I've got you. Look here, you got somewhere to go. Hate take up time, it's time consuming. And hating trying to seek revenge it's time consuming. It take up way too much of your time to seek revenge. When vengeance ain't really yours. That's another one. Vengeance is mine. Say if the lord it ain't yours. So now when you go to seek it to take it out, guess what you're doing. You're doing something now, man. Now you off in the area that you've got no business being in and instead of steady climbing your ladder like you're supposed to, you didn't take out time for vengeance to hate. I'm a hater. I'm gonna be a blogger. I'm a blog about so and so. When you're blogging about somebody, and most of these people you don't even know when you're blogging about somebody what you're doing, what you're hating. It takes time to hate. Man. I just decided, Man, I gotta take all my time and instead of have doing time and being active, I got to be pro active. See some people get that confused being active and being pro active. Pro is positive. Pro means to move forward. You know, if you put pro in front of most words, it's a positive influence. You know, does the pros and the cons? The pros is the good side, the cons is what can go wrong the bad side. You know, if you're active, that's one thing, but If you pro active, you're going forward in a positive direction. When you become a pro that means you're the best of the best at whatever it is you chosen to be. I'm a pro so somehow, and I know, uh English teacher, grammatical god. The word pro a lot of times when you put it in front of something means positiveness. So now a lot of people think that if you just active something all to happen. Well, I'm doing something, and that's what happens. Man. We just find ourselves doing a lot of busy work that really ain't bout nothing, and it ain't going nowhere. It ain't got no direction or no purpose because we haven't tried to find out the direction of a purpose. So you wake up and you and you and your wheels are spinning you a hamster on a tread meal. You're running real fast, but you're just going in the same spot. You understand, that's cause you're just out here being active instead of proactive. Why don't you get God in your life? Why don't you turn and face your creative and find out how to become more proactive so you can do things to move yourself forward, How you can get your life off the ground and get off the tread mill and really get it rolling in the direction that it need to be going. Man, I'm telling you, God can make that change for you if he see you making the change for him. See the whole key, man, the whole key is you got to be willing to do something. You got to give God something to bless bless me God, and then you go sit on your couch and you ain't trying, okay, bless me God with what? What? What? What? What are you working with? He can't have the people hire you if you ain't put the app in. Come on, man, how you how you think this works? You know he can't hear your body if you ain't gonna take the medicine and you ain't gonna do none of the things to counteract. You know you you you can't get lung cancer and then keep smoking and then expect the blessing to come. Come on, man, the blessing comes when you make a proactive step, when you try to do something on the positive side. Look, man, I'm gonna quit messing around with all these people. I'm gonna start going home. I'm gonna leave these women loaning out here. You got to say all right, man, I ain't going over that enough. I just ain't gonna get then. God can work with you. God help me stop seeing all these women. But you steady going over calling them, setting up stuff. We can nobody help you, because once you get over there, you already know. See, you gotta get proactive. You gotta do something yourself. You make one step, he'll make two. That's that's the key, man. So come on, y'all. You know, but we can straighten this thing all the way out for ourselves. You don't have to be wondering what's going on all the time. You don't have to be confused anymore. You don't have to have your life in the rut. You don't have to hate waking up in the morning. You don't have to feel like your life is going nowhere. There is an answer for all. It is turn around and look at God. Why what you got to lose? Why would you not try it? Just turn around and face him, Turn around and try to make yourself a more righteous brother. Just look, man, I'm gonna do better. You feel me? All right, let's go to theare y'all. You're listening to ladies and gentlemen for us and girls, people from all around the world. You're listening listen to me, man real Catherine Cool. You are listening to the baddest morning show. It's Championship Championship. Kid, You not this championship. I don't know other way to say it. You're fighting it that it's not, but it is. And you know what, and we want to thank you, thank you so much because y'all made us who we eat Championship tea guys, right, that's the only way to explain what. Let me ask you something, Mohammed Junior and and and kill y'all? Is we not who we is? Because they made us who we? Ain't we? Is ain't we? Is that? Yes? That's right, you know what? And the reason we is we ain't what were we is? What we? We? Is that because that's what we've done become. Come on now, it's not like that. It's not we will be what we will when we won't point out for because we championship team, Championship team, CHAMPISHIP about that have been Is that clear that that be cleared up for y'all? Is that hard for y'all to accept that we CHAMPIONIP team? Because that really be about what it is that that really like what it is to me? Clear clearly color and sure don't understand that they get hurt, you know, and I'm talking about color understand it. She No, it's not good radio. Shirley is against it on all level. I understand it. Oh my god. So the level of ignorance. So what if you're looking if you're looking at Golden State, match us up? Who are you on Golden State? That championship team put us in our position? Who's who in Golden State? Okay, Tommy, you is of what's the color? Light? Skier plays you, tom he go to he gonna make the shot, he gonna get it in. Yeah, hanging and he got some fight and he got some fight in it. Yeah, yeah, he got you wish Draymond Green just taking pictures. Yeah, there with love having you on the team. You you're the most energetic, the most appreciative, and your work hard and ugly. That Jay is Kevin Durria about hearing me in from somewhere else and that just put us over the top and it piss yeah over here telling fish. Yeah, and I am officially the Golden Child. I am Steph carry don't miss at all behind her I'm here every day. I meant Carla and Shirley share coaching duties between Steve Kerr. When he outwitted bag back. Can we need to raise? I ain't no raise. All the money go to the players. Let him go as soon as I step out the lock star shooting. Let him go thirty something funny. We want to talk about. It's so many sexual harassment charges coming up, and we're gonna talk about that on the break. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Former President George H. W. Bush. Steve, in response to what you were talking about earlier, has acknowledged touching multiple women inappropriately and what his spokesperson called padding women's rear and what he intended to be a good natured manner. Two women have reportedly accused the former president of groping them while posing for photographs with Bush in recent years. So in recent years. Now he's in a wheelchair, now you know um. Actress Heather Lynn wrote a post on Instagram which has since been deleted, about an incident from early two thousand fourteen. She says, when she got the chance to meet George H. W. Bush four years ago to promote a historical television show she was working on. He sexually assaulted her while she was posing for a similar photo. Now this is what she wrote on a post on Tuesday. Uh, this is according to CNN. He didn't shake my hand. He touched me from behind from his wheelchair with his wife, Barbara Bush by his side. He told me a dirty joke, and then, all the while being photographed, Uh, touched me again. Then another woman came out and said it and she said. We all circled around him and Barbara for a photo. I was right next to him. He reached his right hand around to my behind, and as we smiled for the photo, he asked the group, do you want to know who my favorite magician is? She said, as I felt his hand dig into my flesh, he said, David cop a Field. I'm not supposed to laughing. No quick gathering around my wheel chair in get quick rather around What did you ride here for? I can't pat you on the back. I'm sitting down. Okay. So so so former president has a spokesperson. His name is Jim McGrath. He responded to these allegations with the statement yeah McGrath, McGrath p h at the end. Uh, he said at age ninety three. President Bush has been confined to a wheelchair for roughly five years, so his arm falls on the lower waist of people with whom he takes pictures. No, okay, I'm just just his response to try to put people at ease, the president to try to put it to try to put people at ease. The President routinely tells the same joke that David copp Field joke, and on occasion he has padded women's rears and what he intended to be a good natured manner. Some have seen it as innocent, others clearly view it as inappropriate to anyone he has offended. President Bush apologize it most sincerely. So that's his man. Apologize. Here's a deal now at that story is out? Quick? Want don't want your picture too with you stay waiting to do you know what? The man has apologized. He even got a joke about it. He confined to a wheelchair. That doesn't make it right. That doesn't make it right. Let me just tell you this right now, when I turned ninety three, don't come over here, really, no for real, I'm not gonna be in a wheel chair ninety three, But don't come over here, though, I'm with you to take my arms down because I'm granted because everybody have it in three age doesn't give you the right, No I don't. I'm telling you right now. It don't give you the right. It's wrong, yes, but as a comedian, I'm touching everybody. I can't because it could be any day now and if my arms aren't working, I'm rubbing your butt with my foot. Really, j Okay, have you seen your story? I see it coming. I mean, like a ninety three crazy hope at ninety three, then I'm able. Yeah, you know, he routine, he tells the joke, but then he's sincerely apologized. Okay, but not all women took it offensively. I mean, I guess they did give him pass because he was ninety three and in a wheelchair. Some people did, though, I mean, you know, absolutely, as they should if they were offended. Absolutely they have every right time, Like you're gonna rub the wrong hands one day though, President gonna be on the Mrs Bush said nothing. Well, she may have not even known, though she knows now, but she may not have known him back. Well, he's not grabbing her. You're not grabbing hood. Have you seen mrs Yes, we have not to be grass doing that. Stop it. I'm sorry, but it's funny. Reaction is gonna get your put off, don't be y'all yeah, y'all, why it's it's minded crowded up under this bus, right, yeah, radio it ain't right though, you know, if you don't like hold on, hold on, hold on, not just ladies, because it's just for the ladies, lay Shirley and Colin. Yeah, in all honesty, did you find it to be funny at all? Oh? Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure, Steve. Yeah, that's not to say it's not funny. Of course it's funny, because the comedian that does not. Just because it's funny doesn't mean that it's right. Right. Well, here here's the deal. Comedians had a problem at well, well, y'all need to draw the line. Let me just say Aline is a little bit further out right, and and that's true, that's true, and we get it. But you know, the thing about it is is the climate right now. That's that's the thing, you know, with Harvey Weinstein and the other guy toeback the director or what the other guy, that's the thing, you know. So that's why we're just trying to be careful. It's a funny story, don't get me wrong, and it was funny. Just be careful, that's all. Somebody not old ass out. It's coming. That's what I'm gonna be for Halloween. George grabbing women's butt in my wheel chick, just grabbing. See right there, always go always, it's always f him, all right, listen. Coming up next is the nephews run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, MS and we'll be here with today's national news headlines. But right now it's time for the nephew to run that brainback. Boy, play it with me, everybody, play that our quote book. And here it is. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Quincy is. Hey, how are you? My name is Maurice. Maurice calling you from the power company. How are you doing today? I'm all right, what's up? Well, listen, we're doing some testing in your neighborhood. We're trying to make sure we don't have to actually shut the power down out there, and uh, we're calling around quite a few people in your neighborhood. Running some tests on individual homes and making sure the electricity is running correctly. Um, can I get you to do a few things form and see and the quicker we get through with this, sir, and it's possibility we want to have to turn your power off at all. I know you don't want us to have to come out and turn power off. And you've got stuff in the refrigerator that can spoil and things like that. So we want to try to get this done and hopefully the power of the the test that we run, it'll it'll it'll run correctly and we won't have to do anything. Okay, I don't know about electricity though, you know what I'm saying, So no, no, no, I understand that. Don't worry about that. All right, here's what I need you to do. Now. How big is your house? Do you how many bedrooms? You got? Four bedrooms? Now? You have upstairs downstairs? It's too short? Okay, all right, So here's what we need to do. Um, if you can't't gonna take loan though, I gotta because I'm in the hurry. Man, ain't gonna have a lot of time. No, no, no, this this this, this, this won't take long. At all. So can I get you to take your breaker and shut down everything upstairs and we're gonna run a test on the stuff downstairs right now. It'll be real quick, all right, just shut just shut everything off. I want you to keep the downstairs open and keep that to the weekend so we can run our test on this thing. All right, everything shut, everything's down. Okay, you you turned off everything. I just turned off all the switches. Okay, here's what I need you to do. I need you to turn on your television and then turn it off downstairs downstairs. How many TVs you got downstairs? I got two TVs downstairs. Let's turn them both on, you know, just turn them on. Just turn them on. You got them on? I got one on. Let's try to turn out the other one on. All right, they both on? Okay. Now, you got a microwave in your kitchen? Yeah, microwave. Okay, turn out on. It's already on. Man. I can see the light zone. It's got the clock on it, that's got that double h on thing that's going through there, and it's a whole different type of current. I just want to mound on them about what you're talking about. But I gotta get to work. Man. So the microwaves on this running, No, no, and I want you to actually turn it on. I want you to actually push like a minute or two on that thing with anything. Man, Come on now, let me what do thata do? No, this is a test. So what I don't want to have to do is come out there and turn your power off. And I don't want to do that. You got a lot of food in your fridge. I'm sure, right, all right, all right, he's look, it's on microwaves zone TV zones. Okay, now open your man. The electricity works downstairs. Okay, but listen now, I know, but what we gotta do is we gotta make sure that this stuff isn't overpower. Now, can you open your refrigerator? Yeah? Yeah, man, do you see the button that actually has you can turn on? You can push it in the lighter go out. You know what I'm talking about. Come on, man, you ain't got nobody to just be able to check something outside. Man, I mean I'm in the fridge, I understand. But push that button five times for him and see what it does. What the light button? Yeah, push that light button five times? Come on, man, that did it? Go off and on everything it's going on. Man. The actually they wrong with the refrigerator. Refricuate plug in man. Okay, now here's what I want you to do. Right there, and you're in the kitchen. Turn your sink on for me. Turn the sink on. Take through electricity and say that's a nitril current. That's a nitrol current. You wouldn't understand that, but I need you to turn that on for me too. Just turn it on full black, got it on, I got it on. Okay. Now go in your master bedroom. No let that water run. Go on your master bedroom and go on the bath for me. I appreciate you helping me out on this. Man. Come on, man, Quincy, I appreciate I mean everything. It's everything. I'm I'm in the bath. What's up? Plush that toilet for me? Quincy, see where Plush that toilet for me? Plush the toilet. Yeah, flush that toilet. It's even electrical. What it is? It's a it's a it's an awkward book and heard. You need to get somebody up. Okay, I'm gonna plush the toilet. It ain't no electrical plugs in that in this area, man, right, I understand that you know what what it is. This is an awkward booky current that flows through that water. Pluss that thing for me one time. Yeah, yeah, that's it. Okay, all right, toilet works. Man. You ain't got nobody in the area that could come out here and just check it out. Man, Quincy, I'm trying my best not to come out and and and and and and turn your power off. And I know you got someone to go turn my power off. Man, you're supposed to be making sure the power stay on, right, I understand that. Now do you have of course, do you have a blender? Yeah, I gotta blender, man, I gotta blender. I got a TV, I got a refrigerator and they all work. The Twitter works, everything work, all right. What I want you to do is get this blender and we'll just throw you a few cues the eyes of something there and turn that thing on for him. Come on, man, we're almost done. I got to get to work, man, just work. Women was appreciated. Man, this is just to dood this. Come on, man with some body. I said, I have to mention the curtain walking. Man, you need to check the niche house. You don't have no problems with no smoothies or nothing in that thing? Do you see? Man? What the hell they got to do anything? Man? I got get to work. Listen a minute, a minute, don't too far come out here or do this because I need to get to my job. And I understanding that I can just call and have people go through the damn house playing scavenger hun. I gotta get to work. Okay, Now listen, Quincy, one last thing. Are you able to shut that breaker? Put that breaker back on and then shut off downstairs and then go upstairs and check some stuff on me? Shut up? What shut off the breaker downstairs? Go ahead and turn I'm not shutting off no breaker downstairs. I shut off the one upstairs. We didn't turn on every damn thing down here. You didn't have I got to blend it. I didn't turn on the microwave to fridgerate cool man push and told us I gotta get to work. Question. I need you to lose this attitude you got. I need you to get somebody down here to do this electricity in my house work? It worked for you, cam long, thing ain't work. It's not ain't at work because I'm here doing this book play off and all get somebody in here this work. I don't piss me off and make me turn it all the way off. Well, shoot a work and when I get back from word what still should be on? I got one more thing I need to say to you, Queen. It's better be the last thing. That's his nephew, Timmy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got prigged by your sister GwL skill better being a witness protection program. Manh let me turn it? What hey? Man? Let me ask you something. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's got to be Steve Harvy Morning Show and Tommy. Uh you called me again. They're gonna be the show used to have Tommy on. That's how you do it. You seen somebody all over the house that stid. I know, but he did it. That's the crazy part. He didn't do it require stupid. It's amazing that they don't just hang up the phone up. That's a lot of people. Hang up, Jake, we just ain't played there. Click. Then you have to call someone else. You gotta keep calling. You gotta win. That's how he's done. Next week Mama's Boy is back on the road. We've been to Hit Ruin Op Virginia, Hampton, Virginia, Reach Virginia, Winston's Elam, North Carolina, and Columbus, Georgia. All next week. An Virginia Richard Virginia Winston s. Robin is doing good. Do you see that she don't speak? She don't talking to it. What's the latest celebrity that has come by? Well, let's see. We've heard from Janet Jack, Neil car Why is Nell Carlin? Annie has that new movie out? Emmanuel Emmanuel Lewis Daddy. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, can do Isaac spouse will support? Increase has been denied? Can do? Isaac's was really really reaching when he asked for more spouse to support from his strange wife Mary J. Blige. Luckily, the judge handling their divorce shut down that request. In case missed it out of hand at job pretty much? Jay? What about what I said? Out of hand a job and all his money out? All in case? You wouldn't hate a body, don't can don't get out, can't do can do no, can do? Can do? Reportedly fine? I know both of him I'm trying to refrain. But you want in, you want in, Steve, just get write it down and get it to Jake, both of them. Okay, let me don't even get a job. Let me tell you. Let me tell you what he was getting paid though a month, Steve, thirty thousand dollars a month and of money, thirty grand out put you a man, though, I don't know, you know, didn't want to. But they don't have children together, they don't have any children together. She's paying, she's sending him that kind of money. Well, that's what she has to do. Yeah, spousal support. But he wanted he wanted sixty five grand. He wanted sixty five grand. Need to stop, Yeah, but he's he's she's already giving him thirty he wanted anyway, Apparently, I've asked all my jobs, yeah, every last one, radio included, to just send the money to my you know, everybody told me you got to bring your hands in here to get it, and that's what happens. Yeah, you gotta go to work. So he's getting thirty. That's enough. That's good. I'll get out of here and don't get out of Well, that's three dollars a year that he's getting right now. Yeah a month, that's three sixty a year, getting right now. But yeah he wants he wants to double that and then five thousand dollars on top of that a month. But this is why he wants the money, because he thinks he's entitled to it, because Mary has had a surge in her success because she's been airing their dirty, dirty laundry and her success and phone you're not thanks, Kate, I love that judge duty right then Ben can can do? Is claiming that he can't find work. I know we're saying, go find the job. He's saying he can't find work because Mary has publicly bashed his name. He can't find work, heating and as is always hir, you can't find work. Opening trip. You know I has always loaded because somebody quitting right now. And you know what you gotta do. All you gotta do is get a van and be willing to travel. Come out of here, cover the heat, cover that conditions here to Chicago. Somebody she's here, please introduced, my ladies and gentlemen. She is here, the love of our life. When it comes to distributing the facts, this is no fake news. Here, folks, these are the facts. Ms Trip Steve, thank everybody out there. This is answered with the news. Well, let's get to the news. President Trump made an official yesterday declaring the problem of opiate addiction in the United States a national health emergency. Administration is officially declaring the opioid crisis a national public health emergency under federal law, and why I am directing all executive agencies to use every appropriate emergency authority to fight the opioid crisis. This marks a critical step in confronting the extraordinary challenge that we face. However, on its own, the President's Public Health Emergency declaration instead of a national declaration, doesn't provide for any additional funding to deal with the problem, so legislators say they're hoping that the President proposes some However, Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who heads up the commission that the President created to study the problem, says that's not how the system works. It's now going to be incoming upon Congress to work with the administration to put money in the public Health emergency funds to help the states deal with this problem. For members of Congress to say, where's the money, I read the Constitution, the money starts with them. Lawmakers feel the money issue will probably come up during negotiations over government spending in December. In according with the law, President Trump yesterday ordered the release of some two thousand, eight hundred fo concerning the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Government officials say, however, certain documents will remain secret for now at the request of the FBI and CIA. The White House is reporting establishing a six month review process for those remaining files. The NYPD is investigating the death threats that someone's making on Twitter. To CNN's Don Lemon, the African American reporter host of CNN Tonight, says someone's been sending in racist treats ever since he read an open letter to Donald Trump concerning his phone call to the widow of Army Sergeant ly David Johnson. If Maitia Johnson is mad at you, take it just as President Bush and others did. Hey, Kit, it's part of what you signed up for when you decided to descend that escalator and through your hat in the ring for president, you are the commander in chief, the President of the United States of America, act like it. That was just part of what his open letter was. So far there have been no arrest, but the investigation continues. And finally, today is National Cranky co Workers Day, Stop looking at me, claim excuse me? And today is also National Frankenstein Friday. Right now, twenty miss after the hour, we're gonna be seeing Eugene the Butterfly. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, please introduced Jay and then Jay, please, would you introduce the butterfly? Bring me home? Dude? Didn't you didn't? Okay? Come on out a man whoa kill your now turns it into him? No? He my la o, yes, I shall do. Butterfly jump in there, oak about jeez whens us he's is my friend? Ye me good? You rise with me? Come on all away movie, It's yeah, colon now letting you my letting you my friend? Let him you in you better sing, Deacon Harvey. He he's the Joe, that Joe. Okay, good one, he's the Joe yet my life feeling good? Thank you so much? Okay with you? Second verse? Good a person. I don't want to give him nothing? Should nothing nothing? What about in loud, ladies and gentlemen, Eugene, I only have ten seconds. Good morning everyone. Today was gonna be National Boxer Underwear Day, but it doesn't. That doesn't code. Yeah, thank you, butterfly. Your time's up. I'm so sorry. Uh coming up next. J Anthony Brown is gonna murder another before after the hour you're listening to Steve Harvey morning, Come on, Steve. J Anthony Brown is here to murder another hit. Ladies and gentlemen, yes you are here. Don't be alarmed. I was doing something and we're doing something. It's called your show. Guess what it? Hi, everybody. Tuesday is Halloween where I was just out of breath following following Steve first that they can't do that. Took a lot of breathing all of that. Tuesday's Halloween Halloween party at the Jay Spots by Flame, hey man, before you do that, because I know you got to do the song and everything. Kevin Hart has a fund that he's doing trying to raise money for college kids. Where do they need to go to, Carla? Go to Kevin Hart's Instagram page. Everybody knows Kevin's Instagram. He has a all the followers and then you're gonna click on the bio right the bio right there and Kevin Hart four real, that's the link in the bio, Carlos. That's he's young brother, seeing as many kids to college as he. He's almost at its goal. So I'm just gonna announce I'm gonna give Kevin ten thousand go ahead to go towards the plan. Yeah, no, ye, you can click on the link in his bio Kevin Harden. So y'all go ahead and help Kevin out man, Kevin Steel trying to do the right thing. You know what I'm saying. I'd like to see Kevin some money, but I'm a little short. O. No, no, no, that's Tommy line. That's not everybody's Halloween celebrating the Jay's Body Tuesday Night, hosted by Flame, Here's a Halloween did he for you? On the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Check it out? Who who damn? Is? Hi loween? Now I've got the Bosom candy kids holding out their hands. I think that big one was twinning and three row folks holding babies. They come from. My lover interrupted me while I'm watching TVV her many down't trouble will I've seen made too many babies, too many baby him. I hate Halloween. Too many bab toune minute baby, too many bebes, Oh a gallarrade. Ain't been dressing, screaming, noring lin nice ride, Why God drinker? Treating as a child thing such a scary face. Hey, you can bet I'll be saying them that had money, the brown the spot, y'all. But I don't want to brag to many maid too minute babies, too many baby damn. I had Halloween too many baby June minute bab, too many babies, Tony maid damn, I had Halloween tony toune minute babe ba r Right there, I'm a player at my wife's Halloween carnival in the backyard, throwing all the grand kids baby damn Halloween. I'm gonna play that in your backyard speakers, my wife, you would all live experience line. I'm telling it will be in my neighborhood. It probably will be ten thousand kids that come over in mind. Ten thousand thousand, ten easy, ten thousand kids, A lot of kids. Well, we're celebrating at the Jay's by Tuesday Night hosted by Flame in Los Angeles. We'll be there, we'll be there jad this she I'm ana dressing up coming up next. Now you're timmy springing phone call. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show, alright, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after get for today's Strawberry letter. But right now it is the Nephews turn yet again with the prank phone called come on tell me all right here it is, y'all. Your baby got my baby name? Baby got what your baby got my baby name? So's wrong with last? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach a uh Patricia, Patricia? Who is it? How you doing? Listen? Um? My name is Floyd, Floyd. I want to give you a call. Your your daughter, she all teens middle school? Right? What's your name again? Floyd? Okay? What can I just like, well, like I said, your your daughter she goes she do go to middle school, right, yeah, okay, Now her name, her name is Dereka. Why you need to know that? Okay? Well, it's something wrong something no, no, no, not nothing wrong. I mean, don't I don't mean the alarm, You're nothing like that. But let me see what you're calling me. Here's the situation. My daughter actually goes to middle school. Along along with with your daughter. And and it's it's a bit of a problem that that that has arisen, that me and my wife just found out about some issue Derek and your baby in in some kind of like trouble or something. No, no, no, no, nothing like that. But I think you don't with nobody at that school. She don't mess with nobody. She owned the honor roll and everything. I don't have no problems out of Dereka, right, okay, I don't let me know. Let me tell you, mis Ms Patricia, what the problem is. See, my daughter name is Dereka so and it just blew me and my wife away that it was another Dereka that went to school. Okay, I don't know too many Derecas. That's a unique name. That's cute, okay, right right, Well, here's the problem me and my wife actually, you know, when it was time to name my child, we thought we was really picking a name that nobody would have a check out for their daughter. And to have another Dereka in the school that blew us away. And I guess the real reason why I'm trying to call you, miss Patricians. See if if, if there's something maybe we can work out. You know, maybe, uh, like your Derika does middle name or nicknames she can be called by in opposed to both of them being Dereka. You really wanted I try to be the only one with this name. Okay, wait wait wait, wait, Now you're calling me and you're asking me to change my baby's name. Well, I mean you you ain't really gotta legally change I mean, but just start calling us something else, you know? No, no, wait a minute, So what you naming police or something? Do you know how many ads and Louis's and Patricia's out there? What if I asked everything in the United States to change their name from Patricia? You know how crazy that is? And I understand that you must be drugs. Not. What I'm trying to say is you know this, this is something that we really have. Our baby girl was this name and we didn't want nobody else to have this. So does your Dereka have a middle name? She can? You know we're gonna call her Dereka like we've been calling your name, your baby d D. Let's call your baby d D. Is you change y'all? Y'all change your baby name at the school? I'm not calling I'm not calling my name. I don't give you what you call it, but I'm not changing my baby name. Hey listen, okay, look, I'm trying to call you and handle us like adults, you know, but you're seen to see you're gonna push my fund and take me to another level. Hoesly, you ain't calling me trying to handle us. It doesn't ask me to change my baby name. Called my baby something else at the school because y'all want your baby name to be Derek and the only Derek in the school. Have you have many other kids at the damn school got the same name. I understand that, but for my baby girl, it ain't schools to be like that. I'm sorry, I'm so up to that baby girl and your wife, but you know I'm not changing my baby damn name. Y'all calling your baby d You know what I'm trying to do is get it rectrified that we can call you get my phone number. I know that school ain't give you my number. I got your numb don't worry about how I got it. The problem is that what we're talking about right now. If can we what can we start calling your child? I don't give it. I know that school. Ain't called number. Listen, ma'am. All I'm trying to do is thig out. What can we start calling your daughter? Don't cutting that she's been being called you and your wife. Guy. I need to go down to the I have statistics office and get all there the name I kind you have to stop An't the kind of name beha, but more day to keep the same day name. Let's explain something of you. I've been trying to be calm with you, even no show. But if you are firing something else to call on and I'm gonna go, I'm gonna get all over to number. How do you get No, don't worry about how I got the number. Listen to what I'm trying to tell you. If you don't find another name, I'm gonna start getting the kids to call your daughter something else. You'll get them to call my Dabby Studdings. I try to start with an Everybody who called my Dabby stop. Next, you're trying to change your baby names. I want my baby the name to beat the Derek down. Yeah, get him, it's time. My princess is supposed to be the only one named Derek. Had a chain calling your baby stopping else at the school. I'm going out of these kids starting tomorrow at school calling your daughter else. I'm not staying. I'm just sign with you like this number. Gave him off my phone and don't come now. Let me tell you something. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You listen to me? What are you listening to me? I'm listening to what this is? Nephew, Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. Go get huh wait, oh, ain't got ain't PreK me on this. I'm so sorry. You are very sorry. Yes, I'm gonna give her your That is I have so sorry. You got my nerves bad this morning. I have mercy. Lord, I gotta kiss my breath. I got one more thing I gotta ask you, darling. One is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve the Morning Show. I listened to y'all every morning, crazy, crazy and not have mercy. Y'all got my blood pressure this morn. I love y'all. I listened to y'all show every morning. It's ignorant. That's just straight to leave you. I can't be stupid. Ja, I got the stupid. I see you stupid, and our raise your stupid stupid you guys, get ready, let me put this out there. Mama's Boy back on the road next week, growing up Virginia, Hampton, Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, Winston Salem, North Carolina, in Columbus, Georgia, all next week and laying congratulations and he's killing it out there, man, Thank you, sir. Laying in the cut as Fayetteville and Jacksonville. You already no calling, dude. You said something, Tommy, You've said something for the first time in your career. Well, how did you set this tour up? You said what? Now? How did you set this up? And you scare him when you do that? What you said, Mama's boy back next week, back next week, next time you've ever said that most help play. You knew he was gonna stay. You walking into these shots like what we're coming back. We've got hell. He's never said that. I never heard him saying hello. You've been knowing him all that life, and this is the first he ever said he's coming back. Laying in the cutter North Carolina and Jackson mar Duvall Mama's boy available at all taking master outlets. He finally got a winter time man. Congratulations, it was a shame they were doing the people ouside of Papa. They snatching tickets show that back night we was in that play. Hold on thinking about the play. That's why he isn't here laughing. Nobody's all it was great. Are they still gonna have the same roles when you bring it? Roll and sure, and they're gonna have the same salary that I'm cool and nobody coming back for nothing? Jake and I say that megaphone gives me like, all right, in about an hour, guys, we'll have another episode. Yes it is back a bad acting. The Jackman's is coming up. But first the Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show before we get to today's Strawberry Letter, and this letter is yeah, what can I make an announcement at the top of the hour the next Can I do that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah, can make an announce only but wait a minute, Steve, only if it's the announcement that he's bringing Papa who's still Papa raising? Okay, okay, all right, it sounds like it's going to be important. We'll give it to you very important. All right, all right, before we get to the Strawberry letter for today. And this letter is crazy, Like I was saying, Uh, this is one exciting, very exciting world series. Time it is. The doctors are flaming this bump. I'm going. So the series is kind of night was outstanding. It's back and forth. It was some base they were playing some ball. Hey, here's a question. The baseball players aren't getting involved in the knee kneeling. They got their money their money, good, right, they're not. You ain't seen one take? Yeah, No, I don't think so. I know they had some issues. I know a lot of Major League Baseball players are rallying together to help Puerto Rico because you know a lot of them, Yeah, their families and from Puerto Rico and all in the Caribbean. So I did hear that they are doing giving back. But it's good because this is this is really a good series, man, I really will This is a great Yeah, Strokes, you know, you know call every time one of the Astros get a hit, it goes to her character Harvey any other one of the astra Wait, what taco from Taco bells. If one of the astros steals a base, if anybody still, if anybody a taco bell gets a free taco in that come, well then it's gonna be a lot of taco Well that is that is that what you're getting all your tacos. It's only been one stone last year was only one Uh yeah, it's been a lot of home runs, a lot of home Yeah. Yeah, that game. Yeah, that little bitty mighty man. Yes, yes, little people to do that, ain't you? Tom? You're gonna respect little people? You know? Well, I do respect little people. What you ain't gonna do and live off another little person their legacy. We all in this together. You don't see me talking about the tall persons. This little guy standing talk for everybody exactly who. That made me think of that time you they came to the studio for you, Steve, the little people. Yeah, did he say something wrong? Yeah? Word? Then I was you know, I didn't know. I was telling the story about when I used to go to the circus as a little word and I used the N word because that sho's used to get out the votes. Wag And that's what you called him back back in the day. Yeah, and I didn't know that it had changed. Nobody told me nothing. I'm on the radio, just telling the man. And when the N words got out, the votes wag and I ran down to the front, screaming at the top of my loan. It's the N words, it's the N words, it's the m M m M. I was just down that Holly Well. I come to work the next day and I'm walking past these bushes to come up and I see these signs over the bushes. I didn't think see nobody else, just saw these some upstairs and I'm working and I knock on the door. Sureley was in there, and I go over there and I look out the window. But our window, it's one of them square windows in the middle of the dough upheus. When I looked at the window, I ain't seen nobody. So I went back on to the money. We do another break. I hear some molding, damn knocking. I go back. I look out the window again. I go playing it this damn doing hitting and running and I go back over there and I opened the and open the window and I looked through the wind. I don't see them. So I try to open the door to catch him right quickly, and the two dudes was down there and saying, Mr Harve, we were here to boycott your show. And let's say for what, because you'll use said the N word, and he said, no, that's not acceptable anymore. I said, what you're talking about? And we had a really nice exchange in the hallway and uh, you know, and don't come on in and everything we talked and because I didn't understand, but they were talking about and he said, no, we're now called little people. And I said, okay, I didn't know. Man, my apologies, I'm bad. You know, I'm cool, dude. So he just won. Dude wasn't quite getting it. So he said, no, it's like the equivalent if I called you the N word. I said, I'll see not not now, that's not with them. He said, well, if I call you the N word, how would you feel? I said, first of all, I'm gonna be pounding your little lass. That's what I'm He said. It's kind of hard to fight them though, though, and I understand where it was coming from. So I said, if it's like that, and I'll never do it again, thank you very much. All right, come on up, hold on type we got it you here. It is strawberry letter, subject needs help. Good Tam. It's to Harvey and Cruz. I am a thirty seven year old woman with two daughters aged fourteen and twelve. I got married when I was twenty two years old in two thousand five. My husband told me that he was going on vacation with his friends. I suspected that he was lying and went to the airport on his way back, and surely he was with another woman. I kicked him out of the bedroom. Okay, yeah, how about that. I kicked him out of the bedroom and a few days later my parents advised me that to speak to him about therapy, which I did. He said to me that he wanted a divorce and he will be moving out of the house and March. He is still in the house and claimed that he cannot afford an apartment and child support. At the same time, we don't have any relationship as husband and wife. He stays in a spare room in the house. He stays in a spare room in the house. I have met a gentleman this past summer. I explained the situation to him and that he is in a house because we own a house together and for the children. My question to you is is this gentleman going to take me seriously or not? I have not given away the sex because I really don't know how he sees me. I must tell you I am self sufficient and don't need my husband's financial support to survive. Please help, dear, please help. First of all, you need to get out of this situation with your husband. It's been two years. He's still staying in the house. Don't make it easy for him. Put him out. He's cheating. He doesn't need to be in the house. Okay, that's number one. Number two, you know you're asking is this man going to take you seriously or not? I mean, you need to get rid of this current situation that you're in before you move on, and this man could take you seriously. You know you're definitely gonna have to make some changes though. You know, no man that's really interested in having something real with you is going to accept you staying in the house and being married to your husband. That's just the bottom line. Twelve minutes. We'll be back you're listening. Coming up in about twenty minutes. Season two of Bad Acting Theater has started off with a bang, with the Chapman's. But come on, Steve right now with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter needs Help. Good day, Mr Harvey, and cruise cruise. I'm a thirty seven year old woman with two daughters, ages fourteen and twelve. I got married when I was twenty two years old. My husband told me he was going on vacation with his friends. I suspected that he was lying and went to the airport on his way back, and surely he was with another woman. I kicked him out of the bedroom, and a few days later my parents advised me to speak to him about therapy, which I did. He said to me that he wanted a divorce and he'd be willing to move out of the house. He's still in the house and claimed that he could not afford an apartment and child support at the same time. We don't have any relationsships as my as husband and wife. He stays in the spare room in the house. I met a gentleman this past summer, explained the situation to him and that he is in the house because we own a house together and for the children. My question you, is this gentleman. Is this gentleman gonna take me seriously or not. I'm not giving away the sex because I really don't know how he sees me. I must tell you that I'm self sufficient and don't need my husband for financial support to suvive. Please help, all right, let let's start your letter at the back. I must tell you that I'm self sufficient and don't need my husband's financial support to survive. Okay, but he needs yo financial support to survive. Do you understand that you told him to get out of the house when you went to the airport that this food, then told you when he coming back. You wouldn't have had flight information on me airline. I'd have flew into a separate city and drove back. If you're gonna be slick, be slick, see slick and stupid, get your busted every time. Now, this fool that you say, you gotta tell me that I'm self sufficient and don't need my husband financial support to survive. Well, but he needs you financial support to survive. But he didn't told you he can't leave out, get an apartment and pay child support. So you failed for that. He had money to go on vacation with the other girl. What that cost? See you you to fail for some Okay, don't kill baby, and it's time for you to free yourself. He got the money to screw around. He got the money for vacations because you can't data woman and not buy her nothing. He got money for all that, but he didn't told you he can't afford apartment of child support. So you have him around so he can keep helping support the kids. You just said you self sufficient and don't need your husband for financial support, but you can't keep Aiden and a bedding in a crime demand cheated on you. Y'all ain't have sex together. He's staying in the spare bedroom that you paying for. Oh, he chipping in, but you're really paying for the cheatah to live at your house that you gain nothing for. He gets some visitation rights. What he can get. He can still be a wonderful father every other weekend. Matter of fact, we can work it out every weekend if you want to be, cause I keep Monday through Friday. You got him sadness Sunday. But see that to tell his playhouse down. You are supporting a man who is actually giving you no support, and stop saying this for the kids. You can still be a great father. From over across the street, Crosstown, down the block Mama's house, moving the projects they're working out for you to give you a nice, affordable piece of and ain't nobody in any projects the same. It's according to your income. He can get a nice little place where him and that little skin't can go to. You understand what I'm saying to you. Okay, Now let me help you with something else. You have met this gentleman this past summer. I explained the situation to him and and and that he is in the house because we own a house together and for the kids. My question to you is is this gentleman going to take me seriously or not. I'm not giving away the sex because I really don't know how he sees me. Okay, let me clear that up for you. He sees you as a stupid person that the letter guy cheat on you. Now you're trying to fool him to thinking that he stayed in the spare bedroom to help with the kids. And the reason he ain't out is because he can't afford child support and he and uh an apartment at the same time. How did you're on your height? He sees you as stupid, that's how he sees you as completely stupid. See you obviously educated, you got a good job. To listen to me. I've had to learn this. In order to get something, the thing that you want the most of, you have to be willing to let go of. You can't have a new relationship if you still hanging on to the old relationship. Bishop T. D. Jake said, the majority of people in this world cannot embrace the future because they keep holding onto the past. And you ain't got but two hands now. You can't hang on to this financial support. This man in your house. You met a gentleman last summer. Y'all ain't had sex. Well, let me hip you to something. Gentlemen you met having plenty sex somewhere somewhere. All right, Steve, thank you. We do have to go now, though, email us or Instagram. I's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girl? Surely okay? Switching gears. I don't know if you guys heard about this story, but brace yourselves? Sure you don't want to brace yourself? Well, I'm talking mainly to you and Jay and Junior and Tommy, uh, because you're not about to go Kellogg's is apologizing for the design on its corn Pops box, Steve, and I know how much you love corn pops. Um. Okay. This is after a writer on social media called it racist. Okay. The corn pop animation design shows a bunch of animated corn pops shopping, skateboarding and splashing around in a fountain, and then it shows a darker animated corn pop with a floor buffer who is clearly, I mean clearly no mistake a janitor the darker corn Yes, yes, yes, that's exactly what the writer tweeted. He said, Hey, Kellogg, you know why is literally the only brown corn pop on the whole Cereal box? The janitor? He says, this is teaching kids racism. What you need to do? Damn raising brands? Alright, how about doing that this? We can ra the work on that, all right? Coming up after damn it coming up at forty one, after the hour of season two, and is here season two a bad acting theater? That Chapman's coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Jay Anthony Brown with his man on the street. Where right now you've been waiting for it, You've been asking for it the season too, Episode two, The Steve Harvey Morning Show, so bar opera bad Acting Theater with the Chapman's baby. Well, it looks like everything has been worked out. Let's see if we can make it through this show. Welcome to another episode of Steve Harvey's Bad Acting Theater, starring the cast of The Steve Harvey Morning Show and narrated by me Shirley Strawberry. Starring Steve. I hate this dang show. I don't want to do this dang show. Let's just do the dang show Harvey who plays Earl Chapman, pork Ryan, King of Arrogant Texas, Steve Harvey, star of Family Feud, Little Bit Shots, Steve Harvey's Thunderdome, and his newest show, Steve. How is that? Steve? No? Seriously, I mean, you're just pushing it right now. Why don't you just stop? You just really really pushing it right now. Somebody just woke up and he needs a nep already. If you missed last week's episode, I'm proud of you. I was stuck here reading this mess. Okay anyway, One by one, each of the cast members decided if Steve wasn't going to do the show. Neither would thing. If you're not doing it, I'm not gonna do it. I mean, if you're not gonna do it, I won't either. I guess he ain't gonna do it, but keep writing it. I do everybody part, of course, everyone but Nephew. I saw Janet Jackson, Tyler Perry, and baby Jesus at my plate. Tommy, who plays Frenchie who was supposed to be played by George Wallace. He also plays Chester and Officer toucht heck, heck if I know the big cliffhanger was from last week's episode. The big cliffhanger from last week's episode is what was Chester about to say to Earl? Webster described describes a cliffhanger as an ending to an episode of a serial drama that leaves the audience and suspense. Well, we definitely don't have that. I want to thank my friend Ramon for giving me the courage to say what I have to say. You know what, you know what? Hold on, let me stop. I can't do it. I can't do this normal. This is horrible, man, this whole thing sucks. Okay, let's jump right into this week's episode. Before Steve quits again. Okay, so you're just gonna keep on. You're just gonna keep on. You just on my last nerve with this now. Okay, okay, okay, let me hurry up. Let's look into get in on KK, who is being bamboozled by Beauregards ghost who recorded her confessing that she tried to kill Earl. He is turning the recording into the police. Sound man music. Please. I can't believe I'm gonna have to kill Beauregards. But again, I'm gonna call Ghostbusters to take his butt out. I'll have tumor us on my hand. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And Junior is being interrogated by Officer Touchett. What do you know about Earl getting shot in the butt with a bow and arrow and a blow dart? I don't know nothing about Earl getting shot in the butt with the blow dart and bow and arrow. Where were you when he got shot in the butt with a blow dart and a bow and arrow? I was at my new mama's Cakek's house when he got shot in the butt with a blow dart and bow and arrow. We're looking for her to We want to talk to her about Earl being shot in the butt with a blow dart and a bow and arrow, and about the killing up bow regard my new mama. Kak don't know nothing about it either, and that's the end of it. Either know anybody by the name of Pooky and man Man? What in the hell are you talking about? What kind of question is that? I'm sorry you have to bring up those two names? Uh? You know we you interrogate the black man. You can, you can, you can go now, but when when we dust arrows? But for fingerprints, if your prints come up, if they come up, that's your behind, no pun intended. Well, I think the writer has dragged this out long enough time to check in on Chester and Earl as Chester reveals what exactly his new lifestyle is to his dad. No, no, no, now, listen you you you you you mull say whatever you gotta say. Boy, laying up in the hospital, bid is stopping me from running my poke Ryan business. I want to hear about this new lifestyle of yours. You're trying to tell me about this. This is so hard to say. I mean, it's it's really hard, but but I didn't gone Vegan? V hell you mean Vegan ain't no damn son of mine gonna be no dead blamed Vegan. I can tell you that right now. I'm the Pope, Ryan King got texting, and if you don't put meat in your mouth in my house, you can get the hell out. How to hell that go? Look the damn Pope Ryan King got texting? Got a Vegan son? That what you come out to? Tell me? You've been bet off coming out telling me something else? Never why I call people whish behind me back? You knew it, boy, Vegan and Vegan, you know that is I'm tell you next time you come out, just come out the other door. You need a man up, eat meat, get yourself from damn meat. And until you do, listen to me. Don't you speak to me, don't you tech me, don't you right me. Don't show your face into this facity again. You mean that I said it? Didn't come on remote? Let's go who is ramote an episode? All right? Coming up next to James Man on the Street. You're listening to Steve alright, time for j Anthony Brown's Man on the Street. JA. This is actually should be called Man on the Lot. Because I'm not really on the street. The people who are waiting to see the Steve Harvey Show over, then talk to them so we can change. You're not in the street. I'm really not in the street. But the question is real. The question is what was your favorite Halloween costume when you were a kid? Check it out Jay Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? Mines was Storm from the X Men Power Ranger, Homemade U Ghost sup. My mama had me in a pink cab bras sus Mario Brothers, Banana Man, Hobo Boy, I remembering a hobo, super Woman, Mary Poppins. I think Poppins. Okay, what was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? The hot Dog? Which my beetle costume? The Fields? Yes, okay, you know better than Jelly Madonna, Fred and Wilma a princess. What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid? Okay, we didn't have to buy them, we made him. What were you the pillow case side of a sheet? That's right with the yellow? The good about Pete? Hi? Look, I remember that a witch, Red riding Hood, Julia the Nurse, I remember Julia first Black te a Witch, wonder Woman. Oh my gosh, Raggedy Ann I remember ragged and Hay, Yeah, that was it. What was your first Halloween costume? That was the same thing every day? What what was that? I wore a brown T shirt and walked up there with a box and I was a ups ring every damn, you're very happy about it. I just little brown T shirt at a box and some boots. I WoT some rain bootssn. How was the ups man making it? Delivering god brown? That was it. All I had was a cast for mask. Let me cast for the funny go mask, not the full suit. I mean, my mama never bought the complete you just the mask because you was You just had a little white, little white mask. But not no, no, just a mask and a mask. And it was always crack. You know. I remember the mask getting story for the next year, so be all being up. But your head is bigger than next year. So the mask aggressively getting smaller to wear that you know, you're just out there looking like the long Ranger when you did and you're embarrassed. Mask is just covering your nose, you know, your whole mouth out the treat and who you little boy? Damn it? You know what every year? Same you really seriously lady and man, we had miss Pain on that block. If you didn't have a costume on, she didn't get you know candy. Really hate those people, man, because of some people. Just we had pop people. They couldn't be nothing, so they just came with their bags. Pain. You ain't got no costume on, Get off the poach. Wow, no number one piece of hard candy nobody even wanted. She had that hard candy with the feeling inside. It wasn't even real Halloween candy. Right, one piece in your bag and you're standing there just looking at your bag. She dropping in there. You can't even locate it. I hated that little bit a little piece man. Yeah, and speaking at a bag though, what did you trick or treating? Yeah? Treat back back, I know, treat that that was an adult. The man had actually trick or treat the bucket. Yeah, we use a pillowcase, yeah, pillowcake, a sack in a box. I used to hate us. I just had a brown box. Oh yeah, there's always one house I hate because they brought you back. They dropped some grains, some Grandberry. This like can in my bag. I took it out and threw it in the gray because you're to wear my bag. You can't with that bad And I ain't lied to use a can open or nothing. I didn't even this will help y'all's mother's out. I'm trying to help my mom. I'm trying to get my candy, right. Hell do you give a three year old cranberry? So? I don't know, sweet, I got my bags snatch trying. Oh yeah, was heartbroke. You have to start all over again, all this work. You know what we do now though too? So when we take the kids trick or treating, say, you know what the rule is? You inspect? Yeah, yeah, you inspect their candy when they get home. But we don't let our kids eat other people candy. We let them eaven we buy okay for Halloween, Jake, Steve, it's so, what do you do when they had that paper bag? You just hit the side of the bag like you drop something in there. Go ahead on that. No, you're putting nothing in it, just tapping the side of But what have you the first house just put your hand way down in the bag and dropped like two big rocks in it. No, no, no, not put your hand way down in the bag, picked up some cannon, raise it up and dropped that in there. I have I had would take out your bag. He would do what you didn't take out? He take can at your bag right in front of the train. There you go. We come out with a recent closed the dot. I hate it when I walked up to a house and they said, I'm sorry, we all at a kid. Yeah, looking that light. Yeah, you just drop the bag. They just walked off a hire. All right, Happy Halloween. Listen. Uh, the nephew has a major announcement right after this. Well, we'll be here for show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, you have a read, you have something you want to do here, and then we'll get to your big announcement. Tommy, Oh absolutely, Hey the Steve Harvey Morning Show. That's us and Simple Mobile want to send one winner and a guest on a fortnight recharge weekend right here in Los Angeles this December. That you're gonna have dinner with me. Then you're gonna be able to attend a live taping Uncle Steve Show. Oh my god. Yeah, you're gonna be I'm gonna take around off and let you beat uck Stephen. Anything can bring it back here. Okay, you're not gonna. I'm not gonna. You'll see him though, to get the rules and Steve Harvey dot com and click on the Simple Mobile recharge with Junior banner. You can keep it complicated or you can mobile simple with Simple Mobile. Yeah. Read meet the people who. I'm gonna let you give him a two up here at NBC. Yeah, I'm gonna let you give him a two of my dressing there. Cool, that's gonna be the radio show to workout close lounge. Are you gonna be in it? Yeah? They want to see this, Yeah, be in it. Y'all not in the context. And they come and see the radio chair you all are not. I don't see the writer's box. That's Steve's chair. Yeah, people, it's Steve here. No, no, he's not. You can see my entry where you can take him up stairs, So show my lounge. Yeah, yeah, that's cool whatever, because you know where none of my no one has come to see us, guys, No Jay, nobody, nobody on the road. I'm not everybody care are talking to Wait? Damn if you come, we gotta go to Tommy's play. And we got absolutely no, no, no, no, what've doing? Make it like his work? But Steve, you know I've been there. I was right the street, Tommy out on the road somewhere. You got buy a ticket or time I got to buy y'all. T I was speaking to Tommy. We we need to move along because he is a major announcement. This is big, this is big. Let's go drumroll cat, I gotta have it, y'all. This is this has been a long time coming. I don't know what it is, all right, the day, the day, all right, this is thirty five. This is my thirty fifth year sex adversary. This is my thirty fifth year sex adversary. Let me say this, thirty five years of sex. This has been one off. Let me tell out. It's an amazing time. I look forward to so much more. But but to those people that would involved in this joyous occasion, We've had a wonderful thirty five years, haven't we. This is my thirty few years sex averse. It is, y'all. I am celebrating and I asked you all to come and celebrate with me, and so many people. I want to I want to thank love Oil. I have to thank all of you all to do the love oil. Uh. Sheep makers, silk and smooth y'all are just amazing. You know what I'm saying. This is thirty five years of sex and I just want to man red candlemakers. Oh my god, what what candlemakers? Smoke machine people, my god, you've done it for me. You have for thirty five years. I want to take people. Yes, yes, I'm the only one with a sexy versary. Yeah, I guess so, yeah, yeah, you don't want to. Got to recognize you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, can you Isaac's spouse will support increase has been denied? Can do? Isaac's was really really reaching when he asked for more spouse to support from his strange wife Mary J. Blige. Luckily, the judge handling their divorce shut down that request. In case you missed it out of hand, pretty much Jay, what I said, out of handle the job and his money at all, in case you would hate it body and can don't can't do, can do no, can do? Can do reportedly fine, I know both of him. I'm trying to refrain, but you want it. You want in Steve right down and get it to ja. Okay, let me get a job. Let me let me tell you what he was getting paid though a month, Steve thirty thousand dollars a month. He wanted sixty five grand. Apparently, I've asked all my jobs radio included to just send the money to my You know, everybody told me you got to bring your hands in here to get it. Yeah, you gotta go to work. So he's getting thirty that's good. I get out of here. I don't have and don't get out of That's three dollars a year that he's getting right now. Yet a month that's sixty years getting right now. He wants to double that and then five thousand dollars on top of that a month. But this is why he wants the money, because he thinks he's entitled to it, because Mary has had a surge in her success, because she's been airing their dirty laundry and her success and her damn phone. You're not I love that, judge duty Then then can can do? Is claiming that he can't find work. I know we're saying, go find the job, and he's saying he can't find work because Mary has publicly bashed his name. He can't find work heating and as is always her find working, you know as because somebody Quinton right now, you do. All you gotta do is get to travel. Come out of here, heat here to Chicago. Somebody. You're listening to the Steyning Show and we've come to the last break of the day with just one more thing. Listen, if you're traveling this weekend, have you guys heard about this? Uh? The Double A c P has issued a traveled warning against American Airlines. We travel a lot on this show. Yeah. The American Airlines has responded to the Double A CPS travel warning against flying with them to review. The CP decided to issue an advisory after monitoring a pattern of disturbing incidents reported by African American passenger. As they say, over the past few months, passengers are being warned that American Airlines could subject them to disrespectful, discriminatory, or unsafe conditions. The company CEO, Doug Parker responded in a memo to its employees that the airline does not and will not tolerate discrimination of any kind. He also said he's eager to meet with the Double A CP to discuss their travel advisory for black passengers. That should be an interesting meeting. Huh speaking to the black people. Make sure, in fact we need these people. Do you have your seats for first class fighting from a people? Okay, okay, that's let him use your let's go co captain like, welcome y'all a board American Airlines. Uh, my captain has spoke rather finally about changes we're up expect. We'd all also like to apologize to Chinese snatched you off on U ninety. We just wanted to let you know that we're not gonna do that over here America. To the African American population, I just want you to know that I myself have two African American buddies handball with him on weekends. Fine, people, I wouldn't be a part of We just out like noticed were just up front flying. We don't know what the hell is going on back there. We're gonna put a stop to it because what we ain't gonna have is in the relationship picking and all that's here on this here. Oh yeah, we're gonna take good care of you today. We've extra taking some extra for cautions up, switched a couple of snacks, start cookies. We're gonna be doing corn bread. I thought you might enjoy that, so we took all the bill off the flight we go. We're gonna place that with Hennessy. A nice flight today. I hope you don't take the fist thing we've done right here, and Shaquido will be moved up to be ahead for you. Come on out to bat front and uh, we just need to foul head white men to step off the plane, and that we're gonna count blacks to fly pro Kurdish American right now, sit back and Jack. That'll make the meeting go. Well, yeah, that'll make the meeting go real. Well said we switched out a few snacks. That's meeting. We don't get any eminem and uh and he like King nash Ford real. No, we got it into bed chicken. Yes, we know the Irquita. Come out the back run this flight. Girl. We just love to be a flying We don't know, you know what they're gonna change it up there. It's gonna be a whole different attitude when you're flying out. Boy, it needs to be needs to be you know what they really need the seats. Need you need a little more room, Like I'm not that big, really, I'm really not that big, but them seats up, man, they jammed jelly many many. Yeah, I know, I have a flight. I gotta fly out, and you're going to this weekend and they had a flight on America. I didn't even back because of this, because of these disrespect anywhere. Okay, so we're okay whatever, you know, all right, A part of it, I'm you're not even at determinal. But if I'm at determinal when I see American, I'm I'm taking the knee, right photo, we need that of the megaphone, we need that of the megaphones. I'm taking a knee and support. Heaven, I've got my own damn plamee. Yeah know what, I'm flying past American. I'm kneeling. Okay, I'm kneeling in support of what matter fact, the pin that flying's taking the knee and they fly. Yeah, I'm on my own plan, but I'm neeling. Take it out co captain back out on again. Just once you noted Kelly. Kelly Coppernick is one of my favorite freakles. I tell you what, You's just something else you're just right fine. So I don't know. Collie Coppers, one of my favorite players, say that you know that good week Tell you what if you if you don't fly with up real good weekend, stay where we're gonna take you to, we shall mess up in America right now. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.