Happy Friday. Easter Sunday, The Sacramento Kings, Tyler Perry, Thinking Big, Have a Great Weekend and more!

Published Mar 30, 2018, 2:45 PM

The crew talks about the things you see in Church on Easter. Black Lives Matter and The Sacramento Kings work together. Tyler Perry and the show talk about his new movie Acrimony starring Taraji P. Henson. Also, in today's Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about the Magic of Thinking Big.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon long looking back to back down, giving them more like amazing buck bus things and it's tubbles me true good to tea the horty moting to move to other star clean Honey, don't you join yeah by joint being meat. You gotta turn let Yeah, you gotta turn you to turnhout, turn to you love. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go, comey, come on thing, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Uh huh, one more time, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, Ain't God been good to me? Wow? But then again, ain't He been good to you? Too? Though? I mean really, man, think of all the blessings God has given you. Think of all the things He's done for you, things that you ask for, things that you didn't ask for, things that you were expecting. Being all about all of the unexpected blessings. Man, he just keeps coming with it, don't it. You know what? That's some good news today, though, y'all. You know in the in the in the face of all the world being the way it is, the the the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all that's on the news sometimes. You know, we got we got news of parents not really standing up and parents, we got news stories of children turning on their parents. You got, you got everything, the economy, You've got places you thought you should be beautiful places to go. Now they've got travel allerged. It's it's just it's all little. It's it's all over. But the good news is there's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it will it will protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you for you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this that no matter what happened to you, you know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like our friends and stay fall them all. Any other insurance company, you know they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy. See if you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children, you can't buy a policy. If something happens as a mother and all of a sudden you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you and that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time. There is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly Father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happen. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happen. You know, I'll give you an example in my life. Okay, here we go, because sec is the best way for me to do it. Because see, what I don't like to do is is talk to people without letting them know, Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy or well for whatever the reason, I thought I wasn't happy. If if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from my unhappiness, that that's that's really if if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a part. Two wrongs don't make it right. And I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See then that I already know as an intelligent thing thinking man, as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my sons. When you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life, that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go, so forth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called Prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis. And then I started putting it in my mix, you know, two three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time, and then I really started putting it in when when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance and I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down. And prayer is like a premium, you just pay into it. Then when situation started coming up, now it's that prayer that I had put in that in those premiums I had paid, it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to the suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress. Because I had put some payments on some premiums, I had taken out an insurance policy. With my life, my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable, that's available for you. Why are you living? See in order foreign insurance policy to pay, something bad got to happen. Now that may be some others out there I don't know nothing about, but all the ones I got my cor insurance. They only come into play if I have an accident. I have an accident insurance policy. Where something happens to me. I got accident, I got I got my voices covered in case something happened to that. I got that, but but I got to not be able to talk to cash that one. You understand everything. I got homeowners insurance. Don't nothing show up on my homeowners insurance unless it's a flood or fire of thel. Something bad got to happen for my insurance to even make sense. When you take out the policy with your with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, it ain't you. Ain't gotta have no money for this policy. I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. I give you an example. I use this policy to ask God to watch over my family when I travel. I use this policy to ask God to bless my sons on their journey into manhood. He covers me. I asked God to help make my dreams come true. With this policy. He covers me. I asked God for the desires of my heart. He give them to me. I asked God to leading God and protect me and keep me from making stupid decisions like I used to make. He's all right, partner, Stop doing this, stop doing that now. Guess what. I'm not perfect, Steve Harvey long away from being perfect. I never claimed perfection. Man, Listen to me, y'all, make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer, talk to your heavenly father, get you some insurance in your life. And when you have little things like that, keep on stepping. Man. God loves you. Man, Man, I shall hope you talk to God to day because guess what he show would like to hear from you. That's for show. Here. Lets seen Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. People all around the world. You are listening to the dedicated Steve Harvey. Rain, sleet, snow or hell. Nothing will keep the Pony Express from riding into hire the work. And I've been catching hell tide, exhausted, run down, still coming into work. Why because I have the supportive cast of one of the greatest radio shows in the world. Hey, good morning, Steve Harvey, the calling for real. What's up? Hey, Steve? That junior morning this Jay, Steve, That damn fool right there, Yes, sir, top of the moment. Okay, it's good friend, it is ye sometimes what you were going to say about what was I gonna say? Is this? When they passed out the palms, yes, I said, no, that was last Palm Friday, Palm Sunday, Palm Friday, and good Sunday. I used to little Palm, Palm Sunday, Palm fights, Palm Friday is what they're doing the strip clubs. Okay, wow, right, went for that one and we're going to hill in a hand. Wow. They can't all be winners Friday. Just my bad. I couldn't even conect bad. You just gotta Steve. No, I couldn't get to connection. Uh man, you know, I'm just I can't shake this very rarely just something. My sinus infection is just on top of me. I can't shake it. I didn't sleep well at all last night. That's supposed to be the best place for my sinence. I mean, that's nice air, sunshine, best place for sitting. Sale tell you that much. They've been this healthy since I was sick. A lot of our listeners got the same thing we're doing. We're listening to Sick Die and stopped up all about the geography. I've just been driving in pools. We'll be right back for more diseases. After these messages, I just think what I probably need. Here's a cigar on the roof, right up. Wow, that is true, though, Steve, you rarely get sick. Yeah, you know, And it's like throwing me off a little bit. I'm fighting through it, but wow, I'm like, man, I'm tired of It's been two days now, I'm tired of. Yeah, your patience with every man. I got some I got some dope in me. I took. I took this morning to get me through it. Two cups a day, quill and those shots of a that's too much, all right, listen coming, that's too much coming up. It's something funny, stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath. Jay will explain when we come back at thirty two after Yeah, yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, it's time for something funny and Jay, this is about stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath, Please explain. This has to do what we see our neighbors all the time. We're not that fond of them sometimes so we speak, But under our breath was saying little things, little little insulting things like hey, hi, done you need you kind of done? Keep Jack keeping keeping it one? You got one jack Jack? Oh, how are you doing you? My man need some curtains? How you doing? Franklin's good to see it. I hope they boys stay home this time. It takes vacations. Let's see us. Come on, nephew stuff, Perkins, how are you good? Good? You should do something with that damn boat restriction? I don't know. Kennedy, Hey, how you done well? Cross the street? That smell down down kill? How you guys doing the day with too? Stupid ass kids? Kid? Yeah? Stuff we say to our neighbors. Unders got to be saying, come on, Smith's good to see it all right now. I wouldn't be pushing my MoMA deadlaw. She got to do something. Three, how are you good? Good? You can stop your fat's wife from swimming naked on him? Probably the hell out my dog and I doing? Yeah? How you got folk claws on block? And don't know nothing more. Four cards. Yard is a mess. Stuff we say to our neighbors under our breath. Come on with us. I see you have a good with the game. So glady over there, because breath, he killed my flowers. You spoke to me and cut my grass. Wow, that's bad. That's a dragon. Right. Hey Johnson, it's good to see y'all. Alright now man, now now we're good. Were good? Right now? I know a baby when to eat paper. That baby eat paper. You gotta tell me no more. I know that baby eats piper. Baby, he's smart at all. Now you gotta bring Now we're good this birthday, we say to our neighbors under our bread. Tommy G. Leonard, Hey, nice day to day? Good good? Wasn't good last night? Damn you said you called him? Stuff? We say to our neighbors under our breath. Herman, how y'all doing? Tell me y'all put your mom in a hole? Say that? Yeah, like people don't do that? Hey, Mr Mitchell, what's going on? Yeah? I'm good. You don't see that dog doing your yard. You just don't see stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. Curtains, Hey, case's going on? All right now, and the end in that that damn laugh hilling that too much. I don't even know how they touched both they stumped. All right now, I'm good man. Come on, nephew stuff. We say to our neighbors under our blast, kindly, kindly, y'all looking good, looking real good, and come out with this lane though you come over that damn I'm telling you that. You know what, damn you, you know what, you know? You know your damn sid that properly means invisible, but it means something, you know what. The man, that's my line. All right, I think we have time for two more Jay and then Steve close it out stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath, Let's go, hey, hey, what's going. Yeah, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good, I'm who she will go ahead? That night I got into a fun yeah, okay, yeah, come on, Steve, close it out stuff. We stay right. Hey, you invited me over to the little stank and everything I know, I know you ran out a room O home. All right, guys, thank you, that was good, Thank you. Coming up next is the nephew and run that prank back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, We're gonna talk about Vince Carter and the Sacramento Kings. They are working with Black Lives Matter Now less ms Anne will be here with our national news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that brank back. What you got? Your wife is having a black baby lord this one again? Yeah, this one is crazy. Right when you when you call wife, you gotta call him with something that right there, your wife is having a black running catch. Hello. Hello, I'm looking for a William. How you doing. Listen? My name is Simmons. I was I don't know how to uh oh man. My wife and I evidently go to the same um fertility specialist that you and your wife go to. Dr Doctor. You are you familiar with doctor. I'm familiar with doctor. But that's supposed to be confidential. Yeah, I'm aware of that as well, sir. My wife is out on business right now. She's she's gone for I won't be back until Tuesday. But I got a call today, very disturbing phone call, and wanted to you know, I looked your number up. They did tell me what was going on and kind of somebody told you my number, you got you got my number from somebody. No, I looked up your number. Here here, here, it is the nutshell my wife and I evidently you and you and your wife have been going through the same type of problems of trying to get pregnant and so forth and so on, and uh, for my understanding, your wife is what four or five months pregnant. I'm not sure. Wait a minute, my wife is exactly five months pregnant. But I'm still confused on how you're getting in touch with me and what this has to do with me. Well, I mean, all this stuff that we've gone through is totally confidential, and I'm kind of offended that you're calling me. I understand that. Well, what's what's happening is, um, I got a phone call from the doctor's office to day. It seems like there's been a huge mistake by the doctor's office. Evidently your wife has been artificially inseminated with my seed. And I was what I mean, I'm just as disturbed as you are. You know what I mean, because I mean me and my wife. You know, my wife is two months pregnant, and finally, how can they do something like that. I mean that that doesn't make any sense. So I have no idea. All I know is is that you know. I hate to use the expression, but I'm I'm I'm your wife's baby's daddy, and and no, okay, wait a minute, no, no, no, make up that that didn't happen. That doesn't happen, no way. So I'm trying to make sure I bring the news to you and see if there's anything that we can do to I mean, I mean, after being five months pregnant, kind of hard to rectify the problem. So I don't want this to sound rude, and I don't want to sound wrong. You said, baby daddy, are you black? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah black? And my wife is gonna have a black baby. Well yeah, your wife, he is gonna have a black baby. But what I want you to know is I'm not paying. No that I'll support, that's what support. And my wife is having some of the black dude's kid. Are you crazy? No, I'm not out of your No, I'm not out of my mind. I'm just saying I didn't lay down and conceive a child with your with your wife. So I'm making sure I'm not going to be paying enough child support. But I'm not even worried about the child support. I'll pay the doll support. I'm worried about some doctor making a huge mistake. And and and oh my god, your wife is happy gonna have a black baby. I can't believe that. This is unbelievable, unbelievable, and I can't believe you to call wi the doctor should give me this? What don't you want it? It doesn't matter who gives you the news, as long as you get the news. Now what I want you to do with this? Please don't be giving the baby no white names and stuff white. Just I can't believe that you're so this is incredible, incredible. Oh my gosh, call me. I'm trying to give me that. I'm ready to go crazy. This is crazy, Okay, this, this is this is no reason to be violent, sir. You see what I'm saying. This already mad to be violent. You're worried about me about paying child support and talking about your seed and your baby's daddy, and oh man, this is this is bringing the best out of me, I can promise you. Unbelievable. Man. Let me let me ask you something, sir, do you think you may need anger management. I mean, you're not gonna are you gonna? You're not gonna. You're not gonna beat my child, are you? Oh? Man, you know how to push man's buttons. I can promise you. Man, that's crazy. No, I ain't gonna beat nobody's baby. I don't want you being violent to me and your wife's baby. Spend this thing around. Huh man, what do you live? Man? This is this? Because? Oh man, this is well, here's what I'm gonna ask you. Do you think you might want to be god father to the child to my own kid? No? I guess it wouldn't be my kid because it's me and your wife's child. Don't you say that, you crazy? Don't you say that even thinking about something like that. It's me talk about something like that, but it's me and your wife's child. Thank so, don't you even talk like that, You're crazy. Tear a hole in your head. Don't you talk like that? Okay, okay, you're gonna tell a hold and who hey it in your head? You crazy? See that? This is this is the kind of thing I don't want my child around this time, this type of talk, this type of violence to your wife folks gett mad and want to kill everybody in the room. What' you kill? Who you mad at? Why do y'all do that? This? Man? Can I can? I can I say one more thing to you? Can I do that? I don't know if I can take any more news to me? Man jumped to the phone. I got one more thing to say to you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Oh, I'm gonna I'm gonna kill that man. Oh, it took a so long and try to gonna play game like this. That's wrong. Got me? Man, You's freaking got me? Man. Yeah, we listen to Steve Harvey radio show all the time. Man, that's awesome. Guys are great. Oh Man, I'm gonna go find her and give her a big kiss. I'm gonna do that for god. Man, I got one. I got one more question for you, baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Radio Show in the morning. How y'all feel about me today? You got his attention? All right? That's what you don't say that no more? You said you said baby's mom? Are you black? It's going down April five, six and seventh, and the nephew was coming to Lexington, Kentucky, Comedy Off Broadway. Comedy Off Broadway, five six, seventh of April. Pig It's on sale, and now can I asked one question? Of course, is this a mintoring question? Now this ain't. This is just something that bothered me. If you're in the checkout lining there's only fifteen items and somebody in front of you got twenty, then I had the right to slap the hell out of them on each am. But I do it all the time. When I used to go in there, I have a cart full of though, I go right over to the fifteen and I tell a lady, okay, just rang them off. She counted fifteen, and I said, okay, now, rang of fifteam off. You separate at a time you put the divided dout. I love those. Yeah, we're just gonna I promise you. I go. I go to the express line every time I go to Whole Food. Wow, right over there to it. I don't give a damn what I gut. Oh my god. Alright, coming up, coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne is going to be here with our national news and the Sacramento Kings will not shut up and dribble. We'll tell you what they're doing right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yesterday was a memorial service slash funeral of the two year old Stefan Clark out of Sacramento, the unarmed black man who was fatally shot by the Sacramento police on March eighteen. His death has sparked out age from residents in the Sacramento community, while the Sacramento Kings have announced their partnering with the Build Black Coalition and Black Lives Matter Sacramento. The partnership yes the partnership is to help fundamentally transform black communities through deep investment in black youth in Sacramento. This is according to the King's press release. One part of this partnership involves the King's creating an education fund for Stefan Clark's children, which is fantastic because he left behind two young sons. Uh This fund cannot fix the issue that led to the death of their father, but it will secure opportunities for their futures while the family and the city grapples with healing, said the King's Also later on today, uh, there will be a forum sponsored by Vince Carter, Garrett Temple, and Doug Christie and city leaders to create conversation about Sacramento's black community, police violence, and people dealing with grief over Stefan Clark's killing. Wow, yeah, yeah, we have involved police trained to apprehend suspects that are non white. Apprehending a suspect who is non white should be a specific type of training because it doesn't occur regular enough. If you assume he has a gun, you immediately go to killing and shooting. It's just what happened to shoot him in the legs, slow him down, what happened to let me see your hands, what happened to get on your knees, put your hands behind your head. I'm sure the guy would have complied. But if you just walk in shooting, because you've been shooting at these black targets on this white piece of paper and all you got is killed shots, you don't know how to shoot to wound. It's two of y'all. I mean, come on, man, it was four for this one. Was like, it doesn't matter how many they're gonna shoot, the kill all the time. It does not Man, that appears to be the case. Jack. Every time they we always end up dead. Yeah, yep. Unbelievable yep. And they always say, like you said yesterday, Steve, they always say, we feared for our lives. The cops scared. Yeah, who was the approach a black person? Immediately they scared. But you know what when they stop you, man, everybody's scared. But you don't know what. Carla, you brought up a good point a couple of days ago. I think about you know, we forget about Colin Kaepernick. This is why you see why Colin Kaepernick, this is why this constantly happens over and over and over. And they tried to spend it what Colin was doing. But this is why here we are again, same sar. Never nothing, nothing ever happened. He did not take a knee, uh, to protest, you know, to to against the flag or against our military. That's not what it was about. This is what it was about police brutality and killing. Yeah, these senseless shootings and killing and shout out to the Sacramento Yeah, Garrett Temple. Yeah, we'll not shut up. Endurable. I love it. Yeah, all right, Steve, let's move on to h to our news. Please, ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, Miss and shipp, thank you very much. This is and for the news. Let's talk about Sacramento and Sacramento, California. Yesterday a funeral service was held for the young man they were just talking about seconds ago. The young man shot to death in his own backyard last week, holding merely a cell phone. His name was Stefan Clark, and the Reverend Al Sharpton told a pact. Church and people all over the country want justice. Sacramento fight. This is a national fight. Stefan has woke up the nation. Muslim, Christian, Baptist, Methodist, Church, an christ we all stand with Stefan Club. We're gonna make Donald Trump and the whole world deal with the issue of police misconduct. We must stand for justice. Prosecutors want the two cops protesters rather. One of the two cops involved in Stefan's killing officially charged with murder, and Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Hans says he's asked the California Department of Justice to conduct an independent probe of the incident. Now. Han is the first African American to hold a position of chief. He says it was the best way to go at this point, due to the nature of this investigation, the extremely high emotions, anger and hurt in our city, I felt it was the best interest of our entire community, including the members of our police department. Meanwhile, the Sacramento Kings have announced that the team's stat wishing a fund for Stefan Clark's two children, and we're cospiring spunk Cokes sponsoring a form and Sacramento later today to kind of talk it out with a lot of folks. Looks like a case of political tit for tat. Last week, the tr administration expels sixty Russian diplomats, and now the Kremlin says is pushing sixty American diplomats out and closing up the U. S consulate in St. Petersburg. Diplomats reportedly have to leave by the by the end the by the end of the week, and the consult has to be vacated by Saturday tomorrow. The Russians say they're doing the same thing to every other country they recently expelled their diplomats. So was suspicions that Moscow was behind a nerve gas attack on a retired spy and his daughter in England earlier this month, The State Department spokes spokesperson Heather now Or says Moscow's acting like the victim when is not. There is no justification for the Russian response. Our actions were motivated purely by the attack on the United Kingdom, the attack on a British citizen and his daughter both remain hospitalized. By the way, now says that the US quote reserves the right to take further action now against Russia. A form FBI asian in Minneapolis charge you're leaking classified information to a news website. Uh. The person who you're talking about, Terry Albury, is charged with one kind of knowingly transmitting documents and information. Aubrey is the only black FBI feel agent in Minnesota. His lawyer says his actions were driven by a quote conscientious commitment to long term national security in addressing the well documented systematic biases and the FBI. Today, By the way, is I'm in control day? Tell about a Janet more entertainment cooking up today's trending topics as well. Twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, so, Steve is here of course with things you'll see on Easter Sunday. I've been going to church a lot of years on Easter, and it's the most fascinating time for me because you see stuff at the church that you really shouldn't see. People in lime green should not be in lime green. I mean it's shocking. A lot of a little bit of lime goes a long way. Yeah, just a little bit. You got that little baby, beautiful black baby walking around with that day glow lemon yellow dress on. You're gonna see colors that you did not know exist. I mean, you just what is that air polish? What is that air polish? Yeah, that's when you be going what is that? That's a ranger tank? A ranger tank. You just don't know what's going on. You're gonna see little boys with nickers on because their mama thought it was cute. Little boy can't go around and the rest of them boys them pains what you appeal group. Here's something else. You're gonna see way way too many Barretts in this baby's It's just way too many damn Barretts in this baby. Head baby walk around just clacking her head heavy. She cries, here's something you're gonna see if somebody's house. That's just too much damn pineapple on that head, This damn war the hell man, you can't see the hell trying to disguise this dry ass haird You're gone. You're gonna see on Easter bunny in street shoot. You're gonna because you know in the hood, you don't have the money for the feet. You don't have the bunny feet for the entire He's just up in here with some black Tom McCain street shot. He got some flows, no flower, no street shot. You're gonna see a fat man with a too small jacket on and a little man with a two big yeah. Always see that, all right? Coming up in thirty four after the hour, Jathony Brown is here to murder another hit. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, he's here, Please introduce j Anthony Brown out. Come on, Jay, all right, you can check me out. St. Peter's Bird, Florida Ladium, April the seventh, Chased by Comedy Club on Tuesday, two shows, Friday, two show Saturday and keeping with the vein of Easter, Steve the dam why not do an Easter song. That's gonna set it off. That's gonna say it all because it's the day we go crazy with what we have to win. Hit it a bit standing back in the draws, and it's wait till they see me in this shoot that at the bottom heading the tome of your soup. Got your shirt up front of the soup. If you're ready, you're gonna kill him. It's eats a Sunday. I can't believe those awful suits. I see the colors, y'all, y'all ride and can green. This guy old and gray, one jacket way too long. I don't didn't you know? You're wrong? Where you get that plant from? You got on arm and suck for your suit is blood? Why the leader has the way get leaesis, you must be bloody atch man. I didn't know see Low had a soul, which you did get love listen, signals pictures told me real soon. Why the leader has that way in that the leesus soon? You must be bloody atch man. I didn't know see Lo had a soul when you get love listen, damn, that's today in that ugly easy to sue. Must be blind and you lay that out the night before to kill him. That's gonna hurt him. On. I remember one year, man, I got me a white suit. My mama told me, boy that I don't want you to get no white suit. I had paper out I get me. I'm getting the white soup white suit. I only had one pair of shoe they were black, so I wanted a black shirt. I couldn't find a black shirt. Bought a white shirt at a box of Rick Die and died it. I died the shirt in church, got hot to die, bleed, not the shirt into the suit. Your mother told you. I should have been here, man, with this cheap shirt. I got sweating. It's leaking. The die is leaking on to the man. I was so hurt. Now my suit got the great blotches on it. Man, And you know this is way folk camouflaged. I could not play at all. It's all going down Eastern. You're absolutely right. I don't know what you want. I went Janes on Easter. Everybody else, well, yeah, to earlier service. They got y'all know. Look, look, Sureley, don't a surprise, you know hr. He tried to ask your central human resources half rich, Oh what I got to do? What you want to. I mean, why are you not that I wear jeans on church? You know? A yeah, A lot of people were back in Cleveland, Kate. Yeah, but just by the way I was raised. It's hard to do that. Still, you didn't change, you know, let's change I can. Yeah, it's hard. I mean, it's better than people can come to church that day. But it ain't increased. It ain't increased traffic at you you think it's more people going to church now than then? Trump in the wine house. Ye, all right. The nephew has a prank phone call coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry letter. But up next is the nephew. He's here with today's prank phone call. What you got enough? My dog? That's it? My I'm not sure going to say something happen to that? Yeah, my dog? Hello? Hello? Uh? Is this apartment A teen C? Yeah? This this a t C. Hey man, my name Virgil? Uh? Who who is this right here? Who is who is it you speaking to markets? What's going on? Okay? Marcuts, let me ask you something man, y'all, y'all, y'all have messed up. Y'all, y'all didn't got a Polo arrested last night on some trump up charges? Man, Hello, I'm lost here. What what what is it you're talking about? You got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. Who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa? You sure you died it right now? No, man, y'all, you you and you and you and a T C H Yeah, okay this a TC No tell now what is this about? Apolo? Who is Apollo? I don't I don't know what we're talking about. You got, y'all, got a polo arrested last night on some trumped up charges. You know? Not he down town? And and and and if there is somebody pressing charges. So now I got to figure out how we're gonna I'm gonna get Apolo out of jail. Hold on, you come in and I need call to go down. Ain't going so Apolo can come home? Fun the brakes. Boss, Listen to what you're saying now, You calling me about somebody that I don't even know. I ain't even I don't know no Apolo, you know your I apologize for your home boy, and and and and everything that's going down. But I don't know nobody name Apollo. I really don't know. I don't know what you're talking about. So you know, y'all, y'all, y'all ain't called the police last night. Ain't nobody calling no police? What you ain't called? You're gonna sit here a lie to me and tell me you ain't called no police last night. Let's take this back. Now. Now what's your name? Man? My name is Virgil. And now now how you come about getting my number? Don't wonder about how I got you? Know? My guy? Are you're the one I know you're the one got Apollo a wrist on these trump don't work? Not? How do you know? What do you? How do you know where I live? Because I live a boy of you, I live in nineteen s nineteen So or you're the one that got the loud broking dog I was low. My dog is Apolo, my god, Apollo. Man, you got me thinking that you're talking about some human being. You're sitting here calling me about something animal something all listed my dog man? First of all, charged no, ever, denly you're press in charge. Hey, listen to my dog out of jail, man. Every daily. You need to listen to what you're talking about. Man. You're calling me about some animal. Listen, we called the front desks people about disturbance. Every time we look around, we hear your dog. So you might need to take it over with whoever that's in charge with the apartment complex, because that's who we informed about your loud dog. And now you know you calling me. How you got my name, I don't know, but you need to check this out and and and talk with the people that's in charge of the apartment complex. I'm taking it up with the person that cub that failed to complaint and got my dog arrested last night. Not my dog down there on some Trump really charge. Really we didn't even read didn't read Apolo his right for nothing like that. Really, you're really talking this. Listen what you're saying dogs man, and it's all let's call to you. Man, I think you need to you need some counselor in somethingbox because you're talking about a dog. How can the dog get arrested? You need to Uh, this is crazy. Listen. I don't think we got anything else to talk about, man, because we got we got to talk about a polo. Man, how how you gonna go down there and get him out of jail? And you need to have him be here back to this body this evening. I ain't even to go through this without my dog being here. This man sounds crazy. Maybe this man calling me about a dog being arrested. This is the dog that be balking. There's a point Alo, man, Apolo is as as a family member and you haven't got him arrested. Man foot for what? And man, how would you do something like that? Man? How about this? You and that dog. Don't be calling me nor more talking to me about some dog that I ain't got no control over. You need to take this over with the police or whoever call. Ain't nobody calling the police? Did you just say, Polo man? Listen? Did you just say that you heard what I said? Okay? Okay, hey man, I'm not trying to argue. Okay, look, look, let's let's just let's just do this. Heire. Is it any way you could just come down there with me this evening and after charge, come down, well, come to the police station. Man, well, Polo dog dog he doesn't listen? Listen? Okay, I'm not trying to hollow he down there on some trump up charge. You came pick him out in the line up if you want Polo clean. They got no friend? Man, Uh, listen, man, do you really hear what you're saying? Now? I know they say man best friend is a dog. But you're taking this a little bit too far now. You need to really listen to what you're talking about. You didn't have all this. What you got a problem with the front desk and the police? If that you got your dog, just really don't make any sence right now to me. Now, I apologize once again about your dog, but I think we have our business finished, right man, because I tell you something. Let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you this right here, okay, monkers, right yeah, okay, let me tell you this. Here. You're trying to testify against trying to testify against against the polo, and see what happened. But in the willis you? Listen, man, I'm gonna tell you like this, you apollo anything else that you got to say about this situation right here. You found my number, you found you know where I live. You just come see me. You you really want that. I'm about to be through with this phone call. Man, I tell you what. I'll tell you what. Let me say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here to you try to try to try to get on the stand and testify against a polo, And I promise you, dog, you're gonna have some problems on your hands. You here. Listen, you really talk to some nonsense right now? Do you really hear what you're saying to me? Apolo is a dog? I know he a dog. He my dog. You know what I tell you? What? Hey, man, how did how that pretty little wife for you is doing when to be at home while you're gonna work all day? Did you just say to me? Is that pretty little wife for you to be gone? That be at home when you're gonna what's your what's your name? Told you this nine team see where you are right? Please please believe that's what we're about to meet right now, because not a nail cann't come up here talking to me about my wife. So if it's any other dogs you got up in the place, please believe that doll is gonna get up right along with your I got one more you ain't to say to me because you ain't took a little too far round with me and a dog. Now you're trying to talk about what's going on in my household and my wife. Please believe nineteen teens? Were you about to find me? Let me tell you who else up here? Nineteen? See, there's waiting on me all I'm about to get who else is all up in nineteen? Let me tell you who else here? You want to know who else in here? Man, So I'm gonna tell you this here. Nephew timming from the Steve Harvard Morning Show is up in here nineteenth safe. What the hell, nephew, This nephew's timing? God, Man, you got me CUsing and my mom gonna be listening to this station. Your neighbor Gerald got you about the neighbor down? Man, Hey, man, you gotta tell me this baby. What's the baddest radio station in the lane? The Steve Harvard Morning Show and nephew time is crazy? I can't believe it. You're just called popoles on my dog. You see what I'm saying? You got a point? Okay, who you think you any day? Now? Nephew, who's going down on my dog? You understanding about their dolls? Now? Please call me when it happens. You're gonna be nervous. And then time I know y'all been not be with me and watch me get you. I'm not gonna say I'm gonna I'm not gonna get a hand y'all. Just ain't big the first person that's slappy, I'm gonna be on the floor. That's the first thing coming on my irking that time. Do you ever feel bad about pranking anybody? Not at all. That's the problem because you think you make amends at the end when you finally putting a smile on their face. Yes, go right to sleep like a baby. Huh. Yes. And I think y'all need to be prank supporters. Hello, we love your pranks, but what you say your team Tommy j I bring but April fifth, six seven, Lexington, Kentucky and Nephew coming to Town Comedy off Broadway. Tickets on sale right now. That's April five, six seven, right after Easter, my effect, Come on in there with me. What's your Easter suit on? You can wear it again and when you get you know, get a little bit more usage out of Yeah, ain't bring no alright, listen in about an hour, Tyler Perry. I said, Tyler Perry will be our special guest. All right, he's gonna talk about his new movie, Acrimony. But on deck it is today's Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, before we get to today's Strawberry Letter, coming up at forty one to the hour, the one and only Tyler Perry will be our special guests. He's going to tell us about his brand new movie, Acrimony. Of course, it starts to J p Henson. It's in theaters right now. I can't wait to see this movie. It looks good. I didn't know what they were. I don't feel that. Yeah, yeah, I don't know what I meant, but I don't have to. I live bitter and angry. Cacrimony. You call it matrimony. You could just call it agony. Give me all the owners. So you got acrimony, alamony, testimony testimony, WHOA don't say matrimony, Go ahead, testimony palimony in the state of California. And you can't get him out. You're just shocked together. And then if they want to if your partner wants to move out because they've lived with you for so long they can get like to take a go to court to get him out your where they live, and that can't they get something. It's it's like alimony, but it's called palimony because you guys weren't married in a relationship common law. Yeah, that's a that's what Tommy. That's seximony. That breaks what y'all would doing. It's seximon Yeah, but you were acting as though you were married, as if you were get your mail at your house. You guys introduce yourself as a couple. That's why I checked it. That's why I checked the mailp If I see a name on what up? Anything come for me? Why? I believe in motel moony, that's what you don't have them at your house? Jack. It's alimony for everyone that has a it's a time limit on it. Yeah let me yeah say we are you talking about the alimony? It depends, Oh you can't get it forever. Depends on what kind of If you in California, if you in Texas, you have to be married ten years to get it. If you marry nine years, you only had to pay three years. So you get married, you be getting out at eight hunt, Well, thank god, I didn't make teens. Let's just say amazing, it's amazing the stuff I know that I don't really want to know. I don't really want to know that from going through it. You know it now, don't save yourself some time and pain. What y'all talking about? PALEMONI Palemony's when you hope one of your path I won't it. Just take it off, man, please take her man please? Wow, I just try to man. What else you'll want to know about? It's alimony in California ademony? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's where you'd be out of Mona that it's I'm seriously, California is the worst state. It is the worst state for marriage and divorce for men. For women, it's pretty good, right because you're the recipients of like like like if you if you're the successful woman in California and your husband's not, he's jackpot. Yeah, you'll have to pay. Yeah. Probably that's just sad. Yeah, I probably got Okay, all right, let's go bucking up and hold on tight. We got it for you. If it is the Strawberry letter subject sick of my husband, you do no longer married Stephen Shirley, I met my husband on a blind date and eventually we got married. Now, by no means am I perfect, and I don't make myself out to be perfect. We've been married for six years and we have two children together, a son who's five, a daughter who's one, and I have a son, my oldest, who is thirteen, from a previous relationship. Now, I have been over backwards for this man and he has just been a jerk the whole time we've been married. He talks to me like I'm a child. He tells me what I can and can't wear. He says that my breasts are hanging out always, and he is tired of talking to me about my clothes. He says that I don't know how to talk to him. He says I should not be raising my voice at him and that I need to respect him. He yells at me all the time. My wedding ring was taken by a maintenance worker that came into our apartment to do some work, and that was over four years ago and he has not replaced it. Said that he didn't not lose it, so why should he replace it. But he gets piste off when I don't wear anything on my finger. He says that I only do that when I get angry at him. We have been separated, I am sure five or six times into the course of our marriage. The second time before the last, he took me to court so he could get custody of our son. Stood there and told the judge that he did not think that his son was safe with me, and that I was not taking any medication, my medication which I was not on, and did not feel that my oldest was safe either. The sheriff came to my house took my son from me, and the last time it lasted for about six months. And those six months I was not getting any help from him financially, and I had to give my only means of transportation back to the finance company because I could not afford the note on my own. I was really trying to make this work, but I am not sure that I want to be in this marriage anymore. But I stay for the kids. My husband always would say that I would never meet anyone or be with anyone because I have kids. What do you think I should do? I wanted to make my marriage work, but I am not sure if this is just one of those marriages that will never work. Sign what should I do? Dear? What should I do? I know? This letter to me begs a question where is the love? This is a mess love? I mean, really, you guys don't even like each other. You know. You say you've been over backwards for him, and he's been a jerk the whole time of your marriage. My question to you is why have you allowed him to treat you this way for six years? You raise your voice at him, he yells at you and says you need to respect him. How come you know? You guys don't respect each other and yourselves enough not to treat each other this way. You met him on a blind date and eventually you guys got married. I don't know what that means. You know, I gotta ask you did you know him at all when you got married? And then why did you get married to him? Why did he marry you? I mean for this? This really isn't what marriage is about. He's lying to the courts. You know, they're taking the kids away. This is a real mess. What what are you guys doing? You've been separated five or six times. You could be right, You could be right. This marriage may never work. You stand for the kids? Um, you know if you guys are gonna go at it like this. Nobody is gonna win in this situation, especially the kids. I suggest you guys see counseling, you know or something. Do you have a job. I don't know what's going on here, but you're gonna have to get yourself together and move on. If you don't think this is right, If you guys can't get along and respect and love each other, because and it doesn't sound like you can. Hey, we can agree to disagree. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, get ready for the all star television event of Easter Sunday, Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert. It stars Grammy and Oscar winner John Legend as Jesus sing a songwriter, Sarah Burrellus as Mary Magdalene, Alice Cooper as King Harrod, and Brandon Victor Dixon as Judas. You don't want to miss this powerful story of the last days of Jesus and the passion of the greatest story ever told. Don't miss this one of a kind event, Jesus Christ Superstar Live. This Sunday on NBC. Coming up in about twenty minutes, Tyler Perry will be our special guest. He's going to tell us about this brand new movie Acrimony in theaters right now. Please go check it out, but right now to come on, Steve with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter, Sick of my husband Stephen Sherley. I met my husband on a blind dad and eventually we got married. Now, by no means that my perfect and I don't make myself out to be perfect. We've been married for six years. We have two children together, a son who is five and a daughter who was one. And I have a son, my oldest, who is thirteen, from a previous relationship. Now, I've been over backwards for this man and he has just been a jerk the whole time that we have been married. He talks to me like I'm a child. He tells me what I can and can't wear. He says that my breasts are always out and he's tired of talking to me about my clothes. He said that I don't know how to talk to him. He says that I should not be raising my voice in him, and when I need to respect him. He yells at me all the time. My wedding ring was taken by maintenance worker that came into our apartment to do some work, and that was over four years ago, and he has not replaced it. Said that he ain't lose it, so why should he replace it. But he gets piste off when I don't wear anything on my finger. He says that I only do that when I get angry with him. We've been separated, I'm sure five or six times in the course of our marriage. The second time before the last, he took me to court so he could get custod of our son. Stood there and told the George and he didn't think that his son was safe with me, and I was not taking my medication, which I was not on. And then I feel that my oldest son was safe either. Sheriff came to my house took my son from me. And the last time it lasts about six months, you know, six months. I've not been getting any help from him. Financially. I've had to given only means of transfer tation back to the finance company because I cannot afford note on my own. I was really trying, I was really trying to work that I want to be in this marriage anymore, but I stayed for my kids. My husband always says that I would never meet anyone or be with anyone because I have kids. What do you think I should do? I want to make my marriage work, but I'm not sure if this is just one of those marriages that will never work. Sign what should I do? This is a crazy person writing a letter about a crazy person, which can only lead to a crazy response from a crazy person. Subjects sick of my husband sound to me like he's sick of your ass tree. So now we just got a letter full of sick as people. You're sick of him, He's sick of you. You're talking to him loud, he talking back live. You disrespected him when you talk. He disrespecting you when you talk. He said, you got your breasts hanging out, and I canna assure you your breast is hanging out. He tired of talking to you about your clothes you're wearing with the hell you want to with? You got kids. He got you to the maintenance man, stole your ring. You want him to replace? He said, what hell I got replaced? I ain't lose, idn't lose that y'all been separated five or six times. You don't even show what number it is. You only been married five years, been separated six times. That's every six months. Y'all asked go somewhere. Your husband went to court. I told him you wasn't taking your medication, you said, which I was not on. You should have said at the time, do you go down? You go because I can assure you you takeing some medicine. And he know you taking some medicine. You know I know you're taking medicine because at the top of the letter you said, by no means that my perfect, gonna make myself out to be perfect. Anybody they put up, anybody put a disclaimer at the top of the letter. There's something wrong at the bottom of the left. Now, lady, Then after all this craziness, they didn't took your sons. All this, you didn't have to take your car back. That's another crazy person moved the repo man got to find my car. I ain't can't it back down to the finance cup I got. I ain't paid you, but I you can't find my seventies six tempo all over the city I parked in in so many places. I wake up and forgot where to everybody bus all around the city trying to remember where the hell I parked that car. Keep it from the Repo man. You crazy taking your car back down there? Here's another crazy? After all, you're not sure you won't it is marriage anymore? Oh you ain't? Huh? Well, let me ask you a question, crazy lady? What else can go wrong in the relationship? Come on, lady, you don't know if you want this manage to work anymore. The marriage ain't working. Your husband told you that you will never be able to meet anybody because you got kids, But you staying in the relationship causing the keys. Hello are you listening to any of the letter you type? I'm not sure if this is just one of those marriages that will never work? Sign? What should I do? What you? Thank you are? It looked pretty clear to me. Get out, steal his car, hide it from him. Go to court. Tell the judge he took your medicine, Steve, and now the kids ain't safe with he. He is not taking your medicine scrip, Get two kids and roll out in his car. You are crazy, Okay, you are crazy for real. Go to Alaska's set up with Sto selling Beava pills selling trade. If he never hunts, y'all down finds you in the kids. Alright, Steve, we gotta get out of her. Email US or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girls, Shirley uh and thanks to everyone who joined me yesterday for the Strawberry Letter Live after show. Always enjoy having you. Uh. Switching gears Now. The Men's n C Double A Final four is this weekend, and stand and Tonio Loyola Chicago versus Michigan. That's it. Shut it, guys, Loyola Chicago's who I'm pulling for. Can I do a shout out real quick to the lady game console who tried but they didn't really they're out of it, out of it. Back at the house, we still out side, you know, you know, well, we're on all that all you lose, you know when't got time for that. We just want to talk about what's going out? Shout out? But what about shout now? All right? Coming up in ten minutes, Tyler Perry will be our special guests. He's gonna tell us all about his brand new movie, Acrimony in Theaters. Now you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Everybody, as promised, our special guest is more. He's family member. He sits in on the show. That's all it is. He He needs no introduction. He is a mogul, movie producing, realist, state jagernaut, studio owner. You can't say that about a lot of studio owner everything, daddy, director, writer, producing, single on that singer dancing Scot Diver. Actually you've seen, Yeah, gentlemen, what you think the put your together for Tyler? Man, I'm sitting in the window cell and that's on the sixtieth floor of the hotel right now. Don't say that. Don't say that. Wow, hey, Tyler, welcome back. We love you, Thank you. I love y'all too, man, And I do feel like family every time, every time I call it, every time i'm there, every time i'm with y'all. Man, it's really awesome. So thank you man. Well, let's get to it. Man, you got a new movie, sus thrill up star Roger p heres In. The movie is called Acrimony. It's in theaters now, y'all, and the theme of the movie is let Me Pull Myself. The theme of the movie is hell on half, No, fey, come on like a woman's school'll give it up the time. I appreciate it. But I appreciate it. I can tell you. I can tell you right now, y'all. Y'all. If people think, oh, I know what this is about, I promise you. I promised to God. You don't know what this is about. You go on there thinking it's one thing, and then all of a sudden they turned into a whole another thing. I wrote it. I wrote it because in the top of it, the therapists talking to her, and so the audience is really the therapist. Uh so they get a chance to make up their mind on what's really going on between the two of them because she has her story, he has her his story, and then the audience gets to see what the truth is. Yeah, not the therapy. Yeah, but it is about an angry black woman getting revenge, though it's not really. If that's what you're that's what that's what you're thinking about, but it's not. It's about this woman. I can't give if I say too much and not give it away. But it's about this woman who they were married, they had a relationship, it didn't work out, and and and in the end, everything's changed and he moved on, but she couldn't. She was holding onto it, and it didn't know how to let go. And the more successful, the more successful he got, the more angry. And it won't. Yeah, I'm talking about saying too much. We've seen it movie. I'm sitting next to it. I'm gonna go to the movie just to verify. I'm not gonna have to go there. I already know the end. I think you should have a residual check coming out of here. You don't want this ending. You don't want this ending. I can't wait to see it. Tyler, Oh my god, we're gonna make the girls night. Yeah, I'm telling you. I'm telling you. Just go see it. Go out to the movies and see what I'm telling you. It's really, really good. It's so different from me. People don't know what to expect. I keep getting every interview I do, they're like, Tyler, why were you thinking when you're this is so different for you. I've been here, I've been hearing that a lot. But after Gone Girl, I wanted to I wanted to really do something in this in this genre, in this pain. So it's to Roger, right, now one of the baddest chicks out there. Oh yeah, she's got it mad, hands down, she's got it. And I love working with her because she's so cool, she's so professional. You know, we chopped this movie in eight days. We didn't have a lot of time. She was shooting Empire and I only had her for five days. So she she came in there and killed it, man, and I just I love working with it. She's so real. She'll kill the scene and start screaming for crab legs and wine. You know, how do you shoot a major feature film days? Well, that's one of the advantages of having the studio. And that's another advantage of not having a bunch of producers in your year of studio giving you notes. When you when it's your project, you can do whatever you want to do. And so I don't have a lot of people slowing me down, and and and I could I could just roll with it. And nobody's calling me up saying we'll change this, so we didn't like this, or redo that. I get there all out of here with all that. So so it's just it's just it makes it work, to makes it work really easy. That's what that's what I think you've done to this industry to kind of flip it up and down. First of all, to make a long story short, the whole concept of medal was just under the radar. It was and if you if, if I didn't have the right word for it, it was what would have been called years and years ago, a chittening circuit item. That's right. There was no there was no press, there was no social media, that's right. It was just man. The ado was packed. And when he went in there and trying to tell him this is what I got, they went, that's not we don't know her, We've never seen her, right, what is this? Yeah, That's why I'm so excited about what's going on right now, man, because I've been in those rooms having those conversations, yelling about our stories for a long time. So and you know, for about ten year period, I was the only person out there. There was no black people on television, there was nobody making films. All that that whole thing that happened in the nineties had dried up. So to see what's happening now at your He's to raise and Daniel that Glover, Donald Glover and uh, you know Ryan Coogler, Abra DuVernay, all of these people getting Jordan Peele, all of them getting a chance to seek to tell their stories. Man, it's it's exciting. Yeah. Do you go to the theater to watch the reaction of the audience when when one of your movies comes out. I do try to stink in something. So I'm definitely gonna try to stink in with this one because I'm telling you right now, you ain't ready for this one. Any guy out there with a dream and she gave you hell take to see the dream snatch, I'm telling you. I'm telling you, Hey, y'all stick around, hold on, we'll be right back with more with Tyler Perry right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Back more with this food Tyler. Oh man, y'all think y'all gotta figure out you'll be talking about Monday morning. Think you've got to figure it out, Like, oh, yeah, I know what this is. They did that, Tyler, I know what this is. I know he ain't gonna do nothing I'm doing. You're gonna be happy you win. Take her right out. Any guy out there with a dream and she gave you hell take to see I'm telling you. I'm telling you, I'm telling you, so, Tyler, we know Taraji is the star of the movie. We know that, so tell us about the rest of the cast. It looks like we're seeing some new new faces in this movie. Yeah, Lyric, totallyding man. This guy reminds me so much Sitney Party. I was so happy to find him to do this thing. And they worked really really close together, uh in this and and and the rest of the cast kind of just round them out and support them. Um that we go from her being very very young to to her being the older um older as Taraji, but with young Asiana is playing her younger and and the thing about her to think about it also about this movie is that the family is in her ear. She tells the family everything, so they're in her ear, and they tell they're in her years the chilling, So they helped her to paint this narrative of what's not really the truth. So, so you didn't need to go on the sound familiar. I want to pay you something right now. Quiet on the phone. The Lord has spoken, shut your mouth. Yes, you really really wanted to make this real. You should have just cashed me in, gave you some stuff. Don't nobody, No, you don't need no action. I could have shot that movie for you in about seventeen. How don't don't even write a script, just no just action. Steve, come in here here she is got it, give me gram legs and wine. I love it, I love it. I love it. Hey man, this weekend, everybody acrimonies and there Tyler man, what I ought to do because I can't go no movie nowhere you can go step you can sneak in with. You have to go early or if you want to go later with is you go? You go? What they do for me is uh, once the movie starts, I just coming through the back and go up to the top and to the top and just really I have a good time back there. Yeah, go to the movie. Yeah we have We've seen you in movies. Now. I saw Tyler think like a man. He was sitting behind me hardest. Heir kept going, who is this? Laugh? Man? It's good, that's right, that's right, that's right. Well hey, listen to everybody. Let's get out and support this movie. This is gonna be a thriller, a suspense that you can't possibly know what's gonna happen, and here's a catch, fellas, if you have a dream, take a woman with you crazy, don't thank he in that? Just male bash that. This ain't this, ain't mcdel and Uncle Joe. This is this is Tyler to step But I know I know him though. This is a creative dude right here, Get to this movie if you want to know more about me, get a deeper understanding what I've been through? What the hell have been happening here? Lord, let's get to acrimony, man, Well, thank you Tyler for another what we know is going to be a hit. Acrimony. Acrimony in theaters right now. I didn't know that movie. No, no, Tyler, thank you, no, thank you. Find somebody that we love Tyler, don't we? All right? Yes, you can't wait to see the movie as well. Well, we have a big weekend to do it. Today is Good Friday and then it's yeah, resurrection weekend. Yeah. How long is church gonna be? So it's gonna be real long. Well I'm telling you why it be long though, because this is the service that the path to get the show out, because it's Pat. Yeah, it's Pat trying to win the members. But the march round for offering this long everybody walking. You got a major production to for east of you, that flying angels and tambourine thing. Man, can I just can I say this? What's that? I don't like praise dances. I'm with you. I can't get the movie. I know they bring in you know they do good work for the church, but it ain't it. You can praise the Lord and dance it is, yes, but the word the movements don't match the song, and they need to start having people in there all the same side because when everybody do the movements, they don't look the same. Well, I'm just tellings that church. I don't really think we should have praise and I'm not up with the white face. That's just me. I'm just don't that's scary? Are good? I don't like scary scary because you're sitting there, they come out that back, don't you sing? Very scary. They've always been scary, Like the Lord never said I was talking to man. Yeah, I come in here to hear the word. The word. I didn't want to come in here and have description of the word. Yeah. I'm already struggling trying to stay on track listening to the word now I've been here trying to analyze what you're saying with your fingers. Yeah, put your hands down and the poplocking. Why as you pop? I know it's part of the church, but hey, I'm just I can't believe they judged. Can I just say one more thing? You cannot know? Let me say this. Can I say this? Give me one tambourine one? That's all I need? Whatever shot up with the tamarine first, others got to be put away. Yeah, when we come back, you're listening stry Morning show. Well, it's time for something funny and Jay. This is about stuff you say to your neighbors under your breath. Please explain. This has to do what we see our neighbors all the time. We're not that fond of them sometimes so we speak. But under our breath was saying little things, little little insulting things like, hey, hi, do you can't have done keeping keeping keeping it one? You got one? Jack? Jay? Oh, how are you doing? My man? You need some curtains? How are you doing? Franklin's good to see it. I hope they boy stay home this time. It takes vacations. Let's see us, Perkins, how are you good? Good? I should do something with that damn boat. I don't know's Kennedy. Hey, I don't cross your street that smelling den down kill? How you guys doing the jake with too stupid ass kick? Yeah stuff we say to our neighbors unders gotta be sing. Come on, it's good to see it right now. I wouldn't be pushing my mama dead long. She got to do something three wheels. Hey, how are you good? Good? You can stop your fat's wife from swimming naked on probably the hell out my dog money and night going. Yeah, how you got phone claws on block and don't know? Nothing is a meth stuff We say to our neighbors under our breath, Come on us, boy, I see you have a good with the game show glady over there. That breath he cut my grass, heeled my flower, spoke to me and cut my grass. Wow, that's bad stuff. We say to our neighbors under our breath. Elot herman, how y'all doing? Tell y'all put your mom in a hole that? Yeah, like people don't do that. Hey, Mr Mitchell, what's going on? Yeah? I'm good. You don't see that when your y'all, you just don't see it's just coming up. The Sacramento Kings will not shut up and dribble. We'll tell you about that when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Yesterday was a memorial service slash funeral of the twenty two year old Stefan Clark out of Sacramento, the unarmed black man who was fatally shot by the Sacramento police on March eighteen. His death has sparked outrage from residents in the Sacramento community. While the Sacramento Kings have announced their partnering with the Build Black Coalition and Black Lives Matter Sacramento. The partnership yes the partnership is to help fundamentally transform black communities through deep investment in black youth in Sacramento. This is according to the King's press release. One part of this partnership involves the King's creating an education fund for Stefan Clark's children, which is fantastic because he left behind two young sons. Uh This fund cannot fix the issue that led to the death of their father, but it will secure opportunities for their futures while the family and the city grapples with healing. Said the Kings. Also later on today, uh, there will be a forum sponsored by Vince Carter, Garrett Temple, and Doug Christie and city leaders to create conversation about Sacramento's black community, police violence, and people dealing with grief over Stefan Clark's killing. Wow. Yeah, yeah, we have getting involved police train to apprehend suspects that are non white. Apprehending a suspect who is non white should be a specific type of training because it doesn't occur regular enough. If you assume he has a gun, you immediately go to killing issue. It's just what happened to shoot him in the legs, slow him down, what happened to let me see your hands, what happened to get on your knees, put your hands behind your head. I'm sure the guy would have complied. But if you just walk in shooting, because you've been shooting at these black targets on this white piece of paper and all you've got is killed shots, you don't know how to shoot to wound. It's two of y'all. I mean, come on, man, there was four for this one. It was like, it doesn't matter how many they're gonna shoot to kill all the time. It does not. That appears to be the case, Jane. Every time they we always end up dead. Yeah, yep. Unbelievable yep. And they always say, like you said yesterday, Steve, they always say, we feared for our lives. The cops they scared. Yeah, who was the approach a black person? They immediately they scared. But you know what, you're scared too when they stop you. Man, everybody's scared. But you know what, Carla, you brought up a good point a couple of days ago. I think about you know, we forget about Colin Kaepernick. This is why you see why Colin Kaepernick. This is why this constantly happens over and over and over. And they tried to spin it what Colin was doing. But this is why here we are again. Same. He took the knee. Nothing, nothing ever happened. He did not take a knee, uh, to protest, you know, to against the flag or against our military. That's not what it was about. This is what it was about police brutality and killing, these senseless shootings and killings. And shout out to the Sacramento l Yeah, Garrett Temple, Yeah, we'll not shut up and dribble. I love it. Yeah, Steve will be up next with his closing remarks. You're listening to the Steve Show. Here we are last break of the day on this Friday, this Good Friday, the Friday before Sunday, Easter, Sunday Resurrection Day. Steve, what do you have for us closing remarks wise today? Yeah, here's something that I think is very helpful to people, and it would to help you open yourself up to really what God truly can have for you. And the reason I'm saying that is because oftentimes we limit what God can do in our lives simply by the way we we think and simply by expectations. God has no He's limitless. You can't put him in a box. You can't put what God can do for you in the parameters of your thinking. What you've got to do is you've got to open up your mind so you can be open to all of His goodness and what He can do for you. And I'm saying that to say this because a lot of times people ask God and only think about stuff that they can see themselves attaining. Basically, with your check, there's a scripture that says you have not cause you asked not Well, then most people go, Lord, help me make my rent, and then I have to ask you, Well, don't he always? Why would you not ask God for a mortgage? Well, don't become a homeowner. Then here comes the thinking of man when you start putting in stuff like well, I don't make enough money, my credit score, I haven't been on my job long enough. I can't afford that. Therefore, why would I sit up and ask for that? See, you're you're you're knocking yourself out of so many blessings that God can have for you by your limited thinking. Because God has no limits, so you have to open up your mind, so you have to start thinking of things that is in your imagination. Why would you not ask God for a big house? You don't think that God got enough sense based on this scripture you have not called? You ask not Most people don't ask because they don't see no way. They can't get it. You don't think that if you ask God for a big house, you don't think he got enough sense to make a way for you to get the house. You don't think that he knows that you need more money and then he knows how to make a way for you to make more money. You don't think he got that part figured out. You think he needs your help figuring that out. You don't think that he know that if you got X amount of dollars, your credits going really don't matter. You don't think he know that He know all of that, but you've limited to see what he can do and how you can move in your life because you won't think big enough. That is a book that changed my life. The name of the book is called The Magic of Thinking Big, and it's by David Schwartz. It's the Magic of Thinking Big, and I didn't understand this until I was selling am Way. Am Way was one of the greatest periods of my life because it introduced me to all positive books. It introduced me to self motivation and self help books. And those are really the only books I read outside of the Bible. I don't read anything. I don't read novels, love stories. I ain't got no time for that. But The Power of Positive Thinking about Norman Vincent Peale, Thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. I have time to read that because the Magic of Thinking Big taught me something. It taught me that It does not require any more brain power to think big than it does to think small. It doesn't require anymore. You ain't got the grunt look. You can say votes Wagon, or you can say Rose Royce. It doesn't Your brain don't have to shift and burn most sales, and you gotta throw yourself into something to say Rose Royce versus Voteswagon. It doesn't hurt more to say rent or mortgage. It doesn't hurt no more to say new car than use car. It doesn't hurt more to say hand me down. Then it cast us. Then it called you to say brand new. If you buy this book, The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, it's an amazing way. It changed my thinking in my twenties, and so I started thinking big. Once I started thinking big, I started opening up to the possibilities of God. Because God is big? Am I not right? God is big? So why would you get in the way of his bigness with your small mindedness. See you're getting in the way of your blessings by the way you think. You keep thinking in terms of your paycheck. Get God ain't in your paycheck. Get out of your paycheck, man, Get out of your current situations where you are. It's just temporary. God has another place for you. God got a great life for you, but you got to invite him in and let him show it to you. Quit wasting his time with this little bit. Get out of your own way. You are in your way with your limited thinking. People ask me all the time, man, why are you always at the meetings? Why are you Why don't you just sit out and take your day off? Because I can't get where I'm going sitting down taking my days off. I'm about the business of becoming successful and happy. Now. Am I successful? Yeah? Am I happy? Yeah? Happier than I ever been. But and I have everything I need. Can I tell you all that I don't need nothing else? But I'm in the wrong side of life. I just won't. I'm not greedy. I'm not asking you to give me nothing. I'm willing to work for other things. I want. I want to see how the other class of people live. I want to see what that's like. I want to see what it's like when my grandchildren's children will remember my name because I left them something, because I created a legacy that I put money away from my grandchildren and my children's children that's what I'm working on. You can do that. God is capable. Get out your way. This is the book again, y'all, The Magic of Thinking being about David Schord. Go By, go by, just go by, the changed the way you think. Just check it out. It's a really really great book. Those my clothing marks. You'll have a great n I'm gonna get a because out of that's Nor North. Can you see y'all? Have a great week, ladies. Yeah, Happy Resurrection Day, Happy all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules. Hysit Steve Harvey dot com. 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