The Steve Harvey Morning Show discuss the Parkland, Florida middle school shooting, Black Panther in theaters, NBA All Star Weekend and more.
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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all bag had all sung looking back to back down, giving them like the moking buck bus things and its cub y'all do me true good to Steve Hardy, Yeah, listening to me together for stooard to listen, Moby, why don't you join? Yeah, well hobby joining Mead do turn hur go? Yeah you gotta turn, you to turn turn you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go? Come come on your back at it a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now on it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I was talking with my wife and she said something her father always used to tell her. Uh Pop Bridges used to tell all the time, just because you can do something don't mean you should do it. You know, I can't tell you how many times I've had to learn that in my life. You know, just because you can do something does not necessarily mean you should do it. You know, I could tell people off oftentimes, but it don't mean I should do it. You know, I could go here and set the record straight a lot of times, but it don't mean I should do it. Well. I've learned a lot in that lesson folks, and because I have a relationship with my creator. What it's done is it's allowed me are to learn even more how to stay still on a lot of issues that's troubling me. It's taught me over the years. I've learned it the hard way. I do want you to understand that that sometimes it's better to be still. Sometimes it's better to just let God handle a situation. It's hard to say, and I know it's hard to say because we think as people, but if I do this, I would feel better. If I do this, they would know it's coming from me. If I do this, now, there feel how I feel. See. But that's not always the best way though, I found in my life. See, sometimes you gotta like old people used to say, you gotta let go and let God. Sometimes you gotta do that. I'm gonna tell you something, man, I learned a lot from my mother being a Sunday school teacher. But you know, at the same time, when she was when I was young, I thought she was just an old, old person just talking to me. I didn't get it. You know how you talk to you know how your parents used to talk to you and you didn't get it, and they used to always say, well wait till you have your own kids. You would get it then, and showing off you got it. Then, Well I'm the same way. I'm no different you know. I don't have no different life than you. You know, I have no different upbringing in you. I don't have no different different ways that I can live and you can't. You know that I gotta live by the same laws of the land that you gotta live by. I gotta obey the principles of success. If I want to be successful, I got a bam and you know, and if I want to go to heaven, I go. I gotta do what God tell me to do as many times as I can. Now, you ain't gonna get it all right, but he understand that, and I just get on with the best I can. But so many times, man, we get stuck. We get stuck right there, man, worrying about you know, how how it's gonna come across and and what you know, you know, kind of going around here because I'm trying to find a way to tell you this that that that you won't get twisted hit the bottom line you gotta let go and let God. You have to allow him to do it his way. See my way, I thought myself to a certain point. But to go further, I had to let God have it. You know. I found out I wasn't all that good a driver. I found out I wouldn't all that good of all explore with a map. I found out my comper skills was oftentimes a little bit off. I found out that my map reading skills wasn't what I thought it was. So I had to let go. I had to let God. And you gotta understand that God works in mysterious ways, you know. And right how often had I thought it was over for me? But what God was doing was he was teaching me a lesson. He was showing me something that I needed to know. He was allowing me to experience some things. But he didn't let me go under. You know how they say, God and never put more on you than you can bail. He won't let you go under. And but he did not say. You know, it's like the scripture that Bishop Olmer taught me when I was going through that traumatic thing on the internet. Man, it was really really mad trying to destroy what I had worked for and my family and new life to God had presented me. And the devil is busy. The devil don't like to see you happy. So here he comes. He puts you under attack, and here comes internet and everything, and my kids are suffering. But you know, here here comes God. Though, see, God don't put more on you than than you can bad. Bishop Olmers sent me a scripture. He sent me Isaiah forty three one and two. And then that scripture it says to the effect that you can walk through the water the rivers, and the water won't overcome you. But then it said you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned, nor will kindling set upon your clothes. I learned something very valuable that day. See, God sent me through something, but he was showing me something too. Now he didn't do it. See, God didn't bring that calamity into my life, because in Isaiah fifty four seventeen it says clearly that if anyone comes against you, it will not be my doing. But he now, this is what he promise you when people come for you. Though, see, and this is what I learned. That's why I have no fear of the people coming anymore, see, because I learned that. But God had to send me through a traumatic experience in order for me to learn that. See, you can't have a testimony without a test you know, I'm standing. You can't learn nothing without a lesson. See. So what he did was he allowed that internet thing comes cross into my life. But he taught me something. And Isaiah forty three one and two was and you can walk through the fire and not get burned, normal kindling set upon your clothing. So what that said to me was, even though you're trying to do me and it's fire all around me, I won't burn. But when it's over, kindling won't set upon your clothing. What that showed me was and what it taught me was not only would I walk through the fire and not get burned, but there will be no signs that I was ever in the fire. There's no signs of it. But not hold up though. Now he go to part though that I had to learn even though you can walk through the fire, y'all, and even though you're being flames and scorching all around you, if you trust him, he ain't gonna let you burn. But now hear what he did not say though he did not say that it was not going to be uncomfortably hot, wickedly hot in there. He didn't say that. He just said you won't burn. And when it's over, it won't be no killing on your cause it won't be no signs that you was in the fire. See what happened to me was after they tried to destroy me. Let me show you what God did from it. Not only did I not not only did they not accomplish what they set out to do, but when they was through with me though, when they was through throwing the gas and throwing the fine, throwing their hate and writing it in lyne and creating all these names for themselves so it could look like more people was hating. When they got through with all that, look at me, man, Look what he did to me. Look what he did from me. Because he taught me something that day. And I'm sharing it with you because God will do the same thing for you. But you gotta trust him though. You got to get in there and you got to let him do it. You gotta let him handle it. So just like pop Bridge is taught my wife Margie, just because you can do something don't mean you all to do something. Yeah, you could go down there and straighten the mouth, But should you though? Yeah, you can go down there and tell them all. Yeah, you can go down and stand up and make sure they know it's your voice that they're here, and you can get in their face and make a scene. But should you though? Or should you let go and let God see? So before we run all out in the streets and somebody that that that that we forming these groups and somebody go out there and do something crazy, let's hold tight. Now. I'm not saying don't go out there, but you gotta watch who you go out there with, because somebody crazy you could be. You can go down there with peace and your heart. Somebody this side, I'm gonna throw a brick through here and bust a wonder. Hold up, partner, hold up there, and what we're down here doing. So. See, sometimes, man, you gotta let go, and you gotta let God. You gotta let God have a situation sometimes and you get it in and do the things that he tells you to do. See Bishop woman and taught me a lot. He had another book out and he said, you know, knowing God's voice or something like that. I'm not sure the title but I never really knew the definition of how do you know as God's voice talking to you, Well, he clearly made a statement. God's voice has no sin in it. See anything you're talking about. Whenever you're talking about, I'm gonna go I'm gonna show him. I'm gonna get him back. I'm gonna write a letter and I'm gonna tell him down at his job. If it's sin in it, God ain't in it. See thats you now, God's voice has no sin in it. So when you say God told me be careful, because God ain't never told you to go do nothing wrong, that ain't what he told you. And I learned that too. It's a lot. So I'm just sharing the day. I hope it helps somebody today get through a difficult time because the show has helped me. And I'm just talking to myself now because I got another one I'm looking at. I'm dealing with it though. I'm all good. Please now, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, here we are getting today. Um, you know, we're still reeling from the actions of what's happened over the past couple of days. These these shootings, man, are just ridiculous. So Good Morning, crucially called Tommy and you know, you know, you know, you know a part that I that I'm listening to. I listened to the Republicans and Democrats. So now the Republicans, Uh, Jeff Sessions was on CNN yesterday and he was talking about how they've got to do something to change it. Well, but they never say what they're going. So the argument is the Republicans say, there are five million of these assault weapons out on the streets, and what you cannot do is go out here and disarm five million people. These guns are already out here, So that's what helps them stop any bipartisan push for gun laws and gun control, which is horrific. Man, it doesn't make any sense. I got that's five million out there. We're just talking about the one that's doing the shooting at that particular time. And there's no guarantee that this five million was already out there, or if it wasn't recently purchased over the past six months, when we could have gun laws in place to stop this. Not to mention the five minute out there, it's easy to get guns at these gun shows. If you go to these guns shows, you can get cannons, you can get bazookers and a gun show. You can just walk in and get this stuff. So they need to be stopped right here. I I was thinking this. When a person sets up shop to have a gun show, you know, somebody's gotta initiate a gun show. We've got to have laws in place where they have to pay for state officials and the sheriff's department took come and register every single purchase. See now, if you're okay, for example, if you're gonna throw a gun show, here's the fee to get the state officials day and the local UH law enforcement department there, this is their fee. And every gun that comes out of that door has to get registered. And you can buy the gun, we hold it, we run the background check. Two weeks later. After background checks, you can get your gun if you qualify. Well, don't they don't They buy ammunition there as well. If they already have guns you can buy. I think the background check is dated too, because this young man that did this in Florida, he was all on social media. So they need to check social media now with background checks and and get updated as to how their kacking out these individuals that are paraching purchasing guns. He was all on social media holding up guns and targets because we're the only one that's so free that allows guns to move in and out. However they won't. You can't carry a gun in most countries, right, blue, right, But we also have the most crowded prison system in the world. Something wrong because our our our solution to the problem is you go ahead and do the crame. We're gonna put you in jail instead of addressing let's stop the crime. Alright, UM, we'll be back to talk more about this um at thirty two after the hour you're listening to the Steven Show. More details are coming in about Nicholas Cruz, a nineteen year old identified as a suspect and Wednesday shooting at Parkland, Florida High school that killed at least seventeen people. Several more are injured. Although crews tried to escape by blend in with the other students evacuating the school, he was detained by authorities and arrested, Thank thank god. He has charged with seventeen counts of premeditated murder. Uh. He reportedly had an A R fifteen that's an assault rifle fifteen. That's the type of semi automatic rifle and countless magazines. That's according to the Broward Sheriff's Office, um Browart County Sheriff's Office. He was also carrying smoke grenades and wearing a gas mask. Okay, now here's the problem. Here's a problem with all of this. He's the guy. I'm watching news yesterday and they're saying that they got to get all the video footage they came to prepare the case against him. This is department. Now I'm stuck because see our countrymen, so that don't due process? That do Now, now we're gonna get his dude some damn due process. Do you know? It's stuff out here you can get accused of and you don't get no due process. You're just gone. Well you can walk in a school kills seventeen kids. We know's you. Why are we having a trial and wasting some more money. Timothy McVeigh was the dude that blew up the damn building in Oklahoma? Is what is him? The un Obama? It was him? We got to do that ran over them people in New York? Was him? What? What is the rest of this? The red head? That's right, it's you. It's no one else, it's you, no more trials. We gotta do something with these people immediately. And I'm and and and here's another thing too, and this is a little off the subject, but it's about the judicial system. Here's what I think, man. I think that people who file charges, who take a the people to court, know when they're wrong, know when they're wrong, just to see what they can get. Then they find out they wrong. Guess what they get to do. They get to go on skip to the house libel suits. You sue a person for something he did to you, then come to find out you in that line he didn't do nothing to you. Well, I try to make this money. What happened to they asked nothing. You can buy a gun, you can buy advice to put on the gun automatic and drive in certain states. You can have an open container in certain states open carry gun laws. And you could be a grown ass man and talk to a little baby girl that's sixteen teachers, did you hear me? They got states where you can be a grown ass man and talk to a little sixteen year old girl. And it's cool. How ignorant is that? Well, um Steve. It was reported that Cruise the shooter set off the fire or alarmed at the school, so kids would come pouring out of the classrooms into the hall during the shooting spree. While investigators are still looking at his motive for the shooting, we do know that he was expelled from the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School where the shooting took place, for disciplinary reasons that included threatening other students. Some students at the school said they knew that Cruise was a bit off and was into guns. I felt he was nineteen, right, Yeah, yeah, so that was his former school. Obviously he was grown student ex students, so he went back to the school where he went where he attended, or he was expelled from premeditated to Yeah, but see, we keep ignoring and I gotta keep saying this, and I'm watching CNN, but I'm watching Fox that I can't. It's amazing to me how they keep trying to make this not a gun issue when it's the guns that's that's that's cars in these depths, people use them. But we gotta stop this man eight case they assault rifles. Mm hmm. Oh, this is the only time we talked about this, Steve is when something tragic like this happens. Unfortunately, you know, then the country talks about it, then it goes away and it happens again. Well, here's the deal. The n r A is one of the largest lobbyists in our country. They make more political contributions than does anyone. So they make contributions to the Republican Party. This is a fact. They don't make contributions to the Democratic Party. They make contributions to the Republican Party. All of these candidates benefit from funding from the Republican Committee. Part of that thing is upholding the Second Amendment. And upholding the Second Amendment it allows them to freely manufactured and sale guns. They happen to not care who they sell them to, so they don't want any curbing of sales of firearms because it affects their bottom line. And if you are a Republican and you speak against the Second Amended Amendment, they pull funding from you. They will tell you they'll pull your funding and put it behind the candidate that's running against you. And do you know that when you have tragedies like this, it helps themselves more guns. Protect yourself, protect yourself. So it's a funny thing they allow for gun sales. That shows anywhere they can sell them, they just increase their bottom line. Then they turn around and go, we gotta protect ourselves. So now here go mo. Gun sales is up in case some food come at you with an a K vote to whatever it is is what you do when you put a seven making an automatic on that particular gun. But what also happens is these tragedies are like commercials to sell more guns. Really no, you're right, j there's certainly they're not definitely talking about it. And who they accept This money from the n r A is huge at all Republican conventions because they uphold the Second Amendment. This amendment needs to be amended just like the other amended. Stay ahead, you know they have some amendments in our constitution. Ain't right now, But all right, we're gonna We're gonna keep this conversation going on all morning, of course, but coming up next Aphew, Tommy's run that prank back right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about Black Panther. The movie is in theaters today, yes, but right now it is time. I know it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got, I got the sleeping security God, the sleeping security God. They're back and snow with me. Here we go, scaredy booth man, help you? Hey? Uh this stuff I can barely hear. Is this Is this a security booth down by the by the gate? Yes, sir, this security booth. Yeah. Listen, man, it's some people next door to me. They keep I'm hearing a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on, but I ain't, you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know I'm hearing this lady scream or something, man, but I just okay, sorry, you can give us the unit number that you're in. We could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, sir um Hello, yeah, okay, yeah, I gotta I gotta sleep in this autom man. So I'm honest. People next door to me, man, they was I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just didn't. I didn't want nobody to, you know, start nothing, because I know they was aging pretty pretty heavily then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting because I heard something. I understand. Sorry, what what unit are? Unions? Hello? Sir? Are you there? Hello? Hello? Hello, yes, I'm here. Are you okay? You're security guy? Right, Yes, sir. You called us about ten minutes ago and we've been trying to find out with unit. Well yeah, man, the people up here, man, they are and I'll be I'm hearing mold people over that now and they're fighting. Man, I know I'm here too. It's gotta be too mean, and they're fighting this lady over I hate you, but tell me unit the unit, sir. Give some kids over that to it, Sir. We need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, hello, sir, Hello, Hello, Hello sir. Huh hey, Hey, look I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. If you please give me your unit number, I'm keeping over that there okay, man, I know, yes, you have said that they don't argument. I heard you when you said that they will arguing, sir. If you just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number. You hear the no it's coming from. We could have somebody to come over there and check that out immediately. So what the unit number? Are you here again, sir? Hello, sir? Do you hear him arguments? See, let me put snort. I need the unit number. Let me listen. I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear, yes, sir, But I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just that in the conversation. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, sure are you there? Yoh yeah? Oh An you checked on them people, No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the union number from you. M sir, Dude, this fall sleep every time he gets ready, telling he fall sleep. Hell, you got to see it, keeps following sleep. Hey man, come here, dude, this guy follows sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of him to keep falling asleep. Hello, sir, Love sir, sir, Hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. Heep falling asleep. Every time I asked you something, he falls asleep. He keeps telling me that over that fight. But I don't ven he won't kill me to I don't sory, I don't know you what the would you wake up? Sleep? Hey? I got a guy on the phone and he says, if they get me here some screaming over his hyest unit, but he's fall asleep. I don't can't get him on getting to tell me with the unit number. Hey, dude, come listen, it is listen. Hello, I'm gonna need you to wake up, sir? Sorry, could you please give me the unity? Yeah? I gotta ask you something. How come y'all all, y'all do just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door and of helping people that need help like you want you shut your housing at me. You need to do your damn job. You rent a cop. I'm a read cop. I'm a red cop. Fall asleep. Would you just give me the you ain't number? Please? I give you the number new or number? You're ready for the union number? Are you? Are you listening to? Yes, sir? Death isn't a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got right by your co worker? Yeah? Crazy, Yah, it's not funny, man, This is not funny. Y'all got me out here walking around this complex looking for people, hollering and screaming and you're sleeping every five second, man, put it out. Okay, let me let me ask you something. Man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? Harvey Morning Show? That is leaping as a kid to guy leaping on the job. That's how you make somebody to go to the doctor. You sleep that dude, you kim talking to you? Get my lateist Prank c D. It's in Walmart right now. It's called Won't You Do It? Won't You Do It? Prank c D on sale right now in Walmart. Get yours today. What's on there? Tell me what can we expect? I'm pranking past us, I'm pranking deacons, I'm pranking ushers, I'm pranking church people. I'm pranking people that dry the van, you know, to pick up, to pick up the elderly, quite direct, you name it. I'm pranking them. It's all church folk. Getting people in the kitchen. Tom ain't got the lady in the kitchen yet, but we will. We will focus on it. Is there anybody in the church, y'all won't prank? How did you get access to all these people? I mean, like the ushers and that. How did you get once people go to Thomas minds dot Com and leave me all the information. I hit them back. They tell me about the church folk that they want to prank, and we get at it. That's wrong. I'm going to leave one. It's one lady that we need to get the ladyhood face. She protect the past. Huh. You can't speak to the past unless she says so. The armor bearer, that's what they call man. That lady get on my nerve that role right there. I've seen a churches where the first lady has an armor bearer and they come to the house to help dress her. They're serious, would they do and drive her to the ch Yeah, that's why Steve, don't tell Tommy that. Coming up in the hour, we're gonna talk about the movie Black Panther in theaters right now. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, it is here, the long anticipated movie Black Panther open today. Anybody say it? Has anyone seen it? People who talked to you've seen it. They say it's the greatest, like one of the best movies. It's gonna change the dynamics and how we look at superhero movies, especially the kids. J and that that's what I looked so forward to the kids finally have a superhero Vagan that looks like them, you know, that looks like Yeah, that looks like Can I just say that we have forgotten one of the black superheroes from way back in the day. Who on the Pole Rangers, the Black Pole Ranger? Really we forgot about him? Yeah? This wasn't George Wallace. I got it starting a new movie right after The Black Panther airs. It's called The Fat Black Panther. No Branches safe, Fat Black Friend, No branches safe. She up in the branches. She'll be back to What was that cracking? Was that that? Stop it? Okay? Alright, So, after the death of his father, to Challah returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful places king. I'm assuming that's the that's the character that Chadwick Boseman is playing to Challa. Okay, so who's in it? Chadwick Boseman. What a talented, talented, talented young man. Lapita Nungo, Hello, Yes, she's beautiful and talented. Yeah. Michael B. Jordan's plays a bad guy. He's from Creed remember from Creed he plays the villain Angela Bassett. We all know and love her, of course. Uh, Martin Freeman, I'm too familiar with him. Forest Whitaker is in it. Joj. Anthony Brown is not the moment of what you didn't want them to know? What? Steve? Will you keep going? Please? I'm not them too right now? An actor? He didn't he just here in black Pants, Tommy and Black Panthers. Yeah, well you ain't gonna hardly recognize he's gonna have suit on. Okay, and Steve? Of course. You had a chance to talk with the star of Black Panther, Chadwick Boseman, and asked him some morning show rapid fire questions. Chadwick, are you a morning or a night person? Night? Describe yourself in three words, let me see or or or I got this? I got this. What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning, pray, meditate? What is something that many people take seriously but shouldn't parkeet tickets? What's your biggest addiction? The show No Codes? Oh man, that's my show man? That show? Yeah, nark was I can't stop watching it like I watched The Ill Go Back and watch Owen's and everything but Netflix Narcas. It's a really good series, man, really really good. All right, let's go. Uh, what's your all time favorite song? For all we know Donny had the Way? Oh this boyfriend to make me tell up? Man? Thank you? Man, somebody knows something about some damn music. What's the last thing you liked on social media? There's a video of this Jamaican dude singing this song ku komba and in it. You need to look this up. It's beautiful. Look it up. Don't worry about it. Cucumber but kukum. Yeah. What's your favorite movie quote? You used to be beautiful? Say, I'm Jackson Jackie Brown. Yea to Robert DeNiro. Your greatest achievement, Oh man, just being alive right now you're listening like just being alive, being alive? Yeah, I like that too. Man. What's your last thought before going to bed? Thank you? Yeah, that's a good thank you? All right? So, Jay, you wanted to just bring this. We have to let people know that are going to the movie first ahead. It's a great everybody's gonna go see it. And I just want to warn some of my How do I say this my white friends, it's gonna be all black people in the theater. Now, if you've never been to a theater, whether it's all black people, it's a whole different movie experience, if you've never experienced. It's not saying what do you we we were in Not only are we in the movie, we in the movie into the movie. We're in the movie. Yeah, we did kind of steve, we're in this movie. On what we're up there? It's like us up there on the screen. We actually is from Kowanda respond to the black panther because when he said something, he's speaking to us. Yeah, yeah, what what wait, we're in there. And let me tell you, white people, that little turnaround look that you like to do, don't do that. Don't do that this weekend, not for this movie. And here the other party. My uncle actually going because he think it's a black panther rattling my sister. They they in there. Don't talk to your brother with the turtle deck and the little jacket all. Don't talk him ill, my sister, sister, that's not the movie. That's not my brother. My brother going. Yeah, those black panthers, thank you open well, uh, we can't wait to see the movie. We cannot wait to see Black Panther. We will come back on Monday and tell you all about it. Black Panther opening at a theater near you today. It is open. Go see it today. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Celebrities joined the loud call for gun control after the Florida school shooting on Valentine's Day. Celebrities are rallying for gun control after a mass school shooting in Florida yesterday or make that on Wednesday. Uh, Steve Harvey, you're one of the ones. Of course, you're always on the forefront calling for gun control, more gun control, Ellen degenerous, Kim Kardashian, um, the list goes on and on. Some of the big Hollywood names who reach reacted to the shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School yesterday afternoon by calling on the government to change gun laws. Chelsea Handler said it is disgusting how many times this has happened and Republicans do nothing. Kim Kardashian called on Congress to do your job and protect Americans from senseless gun violence. Ellen tweeted no word to no actions, No laws are enough, until we end this epidemic of school shootings in our country. My heart is with the students and the parents of Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School. Wow. I mean yeah, it's so sad that we're here again. Here we are again at the same spot. Three months, two months into the ar nineteen shootings are and then it dies down. It goes down, and it goes and then it comes back again. Yeah. Right, because we talked about it in October for Vegas. Yeah, we talked and then there was a church shooting. Yes, and no or worse than the other one. Seven teen kids, man, And that's the thing with bright futures, with hopes and dreams and promise. They got parents, they got siblings, They got grandmother's, grandfather's aunt's, uncle's cousins. How many people this affects, man? Do you know how many people this affects? Then you got teachers lost their lives protecting students. Man, This is this is craziness. But see, here's here's a deal. Not a one of these children has been the child of a senator or congressman. What's sad about this is if it were to happened to one of them, I can assure you they would feel differently. All we're asking is, why can't you feel differently with it happening to other people? Where's your sensitivity level for others, your compassion for others instead of you holding onto your title as a Republican because the n r A and the gun people lobby and give y'all so much money. The n r A is at every Republican convention. It ain't never had the Democratic convention. You do the math? Yeah, alright, coming up next. The last two days have been really really heavy. We're gonna make you laugh though. That's what we do on this show. Laughter is the best medicine. J Anthony Brown of course is here. He's going to uh do what he does best. We'll be back at shut up. That's coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay Anthony Brown is here, Steve to do what he does best with this music. Tell us about this one, Jay, alright, but before I tell you, but what's coming, let me tell you what's coming up at the J Spot this Tuesday. T K. Kirkland will be at the J Spot. He also go to event bright to get your tickets for the honoring of Mr Paul Mooney and Mr Dick Gregory at the Jason. We don't honor Paulmoney. Honor, Yeah, what's wrong? I thought something having to Paul No, no, no, he didn't pass away. It was just no, no, no, no, that's all I thought. You put him. I've got so quiet. I didn't know nothing. We're gonna honor Paul Mooney and honor Dick Gregory in the same name. Pulmoney is still alive. Okay, we didn't say Paul Mooney and the late great I'm gonna say it that way. Honor Paul Mooney along with the late great Dick Gregory because you scared the miss no poster. All right, let's get we can get into this week. That's why head Yeah song parody? How about that? So Mars his song is? Is it loyal? Loyalty? Loyal? My song is one of these? We all love it. I've had a look and tied all these wonder bees are just lies. A they're spoke giveing me getting higher, hanging with the famous to be like they try. It makes no sense to me. And they need to know that they got to go and nothing one of the one of them. One of the one of the one of the one of these cash not I've never knowne. You gotta drink down and saying because you buy me one ain't got no money, ducking trash. Don't know why they come. They want to take it because that they would never let them in. You know they're coming back again, do it every time you try to change them, but they show up on a dime then with your thing, got no shame and don't care how so I do something nap talking right now, it makes no sense to me and nothing. They need to know that that they got to go and that one of the one of me, one of these, one of one of the one of these, one of me, one of the one of these, one of the one of day, one of these. Whoa really change the song, Steve, don't we don't want to be? To be all that song needed? Chake, Yeah, we gotta do some blue song or something. Man, just let me just in background, just okay, just like who are you saying? Just now? Steve again? Want me? You want to be here? That's perfect. Want want to be you want to be me? Want to live your life? You want to be here, want to be? Yeah, Man, don't want to do. Now we just let you add the last part in the background. Yes see, if you got to go in the studio with them, I want to man. Living room productions, that's what we call it. What is it? Living room productions in the living room. It's at his house living room were right here right, We don't see mama picture over. That's why he does such good work. Living room production. That you graduate. You can sit on the couch, watch TV and record at the same time. Yeah, and the classic gets refrigerated the same time. Good job, Yeah, definitely, And good job to you Jay. That was and to you too, Steve. You come on one more time on coming up into the nephew never you tell me with the prank phone call right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But up next it is the nephew with a sprank phone call. What you got nef? Can I claim your child? No? You cannot? Okay, I claim yo? Hi, you got all them kids over there? You can give me one spot your boy, Come on, give me one Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Devin. Devin. Yeah, hey Devin, how you doing. Man? My name is Curtis Man, Curtis. I was trying to reach out to you. You your your your son, Uh he plays basketball with my nephew. Man, your son is the one that's on the on the Blazers little league basketball team. Right yeah? Everything all right? Yeah yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah everything good man. You know they got a game Saturday and everything. I've seen you a couple of times, Man at the game. I don't know if you remember me, Man, light skinned brother, about about six ft. Yeah, I probably met you probably you know, i'd be so intense with the game. But yeah, what's what's going on? Uh? Well, actually, man, wanted to have let you about about your son. Man, um you you um? Are you? Are you? Are you working right now? Are you currently working? And am I working? Like? Yeah, I am working? Actually I mean I mean, I mean, I mean you have a you have a steady job, is what I'm asking. I mean, yeah, what you what you get in that though? Like you know, I thought you were calling about the basketball team, like uniforms. I know, we got a game Saturday. You know, sometimes they want donation for sneakers and all that, like you know, no, no, no, no, no, no. What I was asking so so, I mean you you got a regular nine to five job you go to all the time. Yeah, I gotta nine five. I mean things is kind of crazy. But I was just kind of short. But you know, I still I still worked. I mean, while I was going on, you need a job of something? No, no, no, I'm just checking. Man. See what I wanted to get at you about, man, is seeing are you gonna are you gonna your son on your income tax? Did you hold on? Bro? Now you said, am I going to claim my son on my taxes this year? Right? I mean like you knows as a dependent, So you're asking some real personal questions now, you know, like you're the guy that you just that you know me from the basketball team that my sons play on basis you know, and now you don't jump from the Blazers to do I clean my son on my taxes? And do I have a steady income? I mean, like you know, yeah, I gotta I gotta steady income and I'm claiming my son. What I mean what you're trying to get at Bro? Well, we'll see, man, what I was thinking. You know, I just want to read. You seem like cool dude when I saw you at the gym. Man, what I was gonna ask you? Bro? You know see right now, Man, when I get through with my taxes and stuff, I'm gonna have to owe about eight hundred dollars. But now I see if I claim a child is my dependent, man, they're gonna get me by twenty two hunt. You see what I'm saying and what I wanted to get at you about, man, is you know you let me clean as my son, you know, so I can gonna get this good money. Bro? Bro, Bro, I mean what all due respect, Bro, you're talking about you want to clean my son on taxes? Hold on, but I don't even know you. You're talking about you seeing me at my son's basketball game. You might be the police for all I know. Bro, he sounds like the police. No, no, no, it ain't. It ain't. Ain't nobody gonna come at your sideways like that. Man. I ain't ain't trying to come like what I'm trying to say. Man, they're to hit me off of this eight hunted. Well, see I can get twenty three hunted. Man. I I kick you down too, fifty You understand what I'm saying. Man, they're about the too empty. You're crazy. Now you sound like joke, bro, because now you're insult to me. You're telling me you want to claim mom now for some when you old money. I don't even know you food. So I come they two fifty, Bro, I ain't trying to be on a brother. When I claiming my kids, I'm getting the same exactly like you're getting. I'm getting twenty three hundreds too. So what of like taking two hundred dollars from I don't know you know what I'm saying, Okay, when I'm the one stuck over here paying the eight hundred. Man, I'm just acting. Ask you to look out for a brother. Man, you say, yeah, look out. You know my check and cut from forty hours a week to thirteen hours a week, and I still got these little backs to me for Jordan's Michael Jordan. They never put us back. That's why I'm trying to hook you up with two fifty. Man. Damn, you don't even see a good thing when it's coming at you. Bro, Bro, I don't know if you're talking about bro. No two fifty Bro. When I claim me two little I'm getting twenty three hundred dollars a piece? Bro, what you think I'm gonna take two fifty from you? Four? I don't even know you like that, So I man, you ain't got it. You ain't got a trip. Man, Then if you was my bro, you're my people, you know, maybe we could do a little something. I can understand that. But Bro, you ain't gonna get me no two fifty when I'm getting the same thing they offering you twoint three hundreds this company money. So what is I'm supposed to do? What am I opposed to do? Devin? Tell me that? I mean, Bro, what you supposed to do is go how you see? Clean that little every year and you will get what I get. Please, look that I'm seeing in clothing every day. That's what you're gonna have to do. My hours done got cut from forty to fifteen hours a week. I had to go pick me up the little side of n'derstand. But rocking is in office, Bro, you gotta change your ways. You out there trying to get me locked up for government scams. What I'm trying to do, man, is get this eight hundred off my bad dog. That's all I'm trying ain't nobody trying to get no trouble. Man, But you're still talking about getting you eight hunting and getting me locked up. Now you got me. I'm out and working hard to support my kids. Man. But I need for the city and go through that's what you know more, Man, I ain't for the city and go through this with your normal. If you're gonna help me with this money or not, Brian, help you with I see you on Saturday. Bro, I'm gonna up broom. I need your son so to security number right now. That's what I need. Bro. Let me tell you something. BRO said, what do you look like? Bro? You said you're gonna stop six ft Bro when I see you, when I step in that gymnasium, Bro, I'm on your You ain't on that. You ain't on Blazing Lakers. Bro, you got to bring that damn social security number. I think it's a game. I'm gonna come find him, okay, Cool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. You're lifting to me on my phone, Bro, I don't even talking to this fool. I got one more thing I need to say to you. Man, if you're listening to make say your last statement, you want on your tombstone. Bro, this is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martin shout. You just got prank baby, ha ha ha. Who is this nephew? Tim me? Man? What's up? Devin? What fo you got me out here? Man? You got hey? Do you got a boy that you work with? Name? Yeah? Crazy? Put me up to this man, get working all man, keep doing what you're doing. We need good daddies in the world. Brother. And one more thing, man, I gotta ask you. You gotta tell me man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Wanting? Yeah, crazy Man, I'm a beat y'all. Ain't never claim nobody else child before trying to legal. I'm trying to should be able to claim. You're trying now, Junior? What yeah? Sure, I'm trying now. I want to claim God claim one to Steve. You know if it's a child, come about your house? Do you think you got some money back? Though? Some money money back from back from give you change when you're going to money back in a while. Since you got money, how about you get back. You can send me something back. I'm not gonna take it because I'm gonna think it's a trick, right. I ain't telling you about time I got some money back. You got some money back. This was years ago. The only time I got some money you wrote off that miles of rotting the whole thing back, didn't. Now we see how I got it. Coming up at the top of the hour today, Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before we got to the Strawberry Letter, Steve, I know you have something to say about uncontrol. I know you feel strongly about this. Here's a question. Why is it that the n r A is so powerful and it appears that our politicians are are so weak on this issue. Well, it's because here's a deal. They are the largest lobbyists in Washington, d C. They spend more money on campaigns than does anybody. They're the largest financial contributing and they contribute to the Republican Party. See, you can't think that all these Republicans really don't want to do something about gun laws. You don't think that all these Republicans really are so heartless that they don't care what's happening to these kids. You can't possibly think that. But they do care about it. But let me tell you what they care about more. They care more about their position and holding party lines and being elected into office. So the n r A controls them by saying, if you don't uphold the Second Ament, that's all the n r A is about the Second Amendment rights, nothing by nothing. You don't hear about them until you start talking about them gun laws. That's the only time you hear about n r A. So now, if you don't uphold the Second Amendment and make that, then we're gonna withdraw the funding, which means, okay, let's say a Republican does speak out against it, then guess what they're gonna do. Okay, cool, No more money for you, and we're gonna fund somebody who will push this and we're gonna dump all the money behind him next time you run, and chances are you will be out. So you can't beat the n r A at all. You can't think you could beat them if you stop taking their money. So until the top level Republicans start saying, you know what and I what we're gonna have to do, we got changing gun loss. Now, if you don't want to pay some money, that's cool, but we got changes gun loss because too many innocent people are dying, and so somebody has a courage to say that they're not gonna change nothing, and I don't want to and the rest of them, I don't want to just talk about it when it happens. Let's talk about it all during the year, all the time, all the time until something changes. Thought, some prayers, thought, some prayers. Surely we have the power to change. And half the people saying we're sitting it out our thoughts and prayers ain't pray for no. No. I mean, it's so crazy to me, man, do you know that you we cannot imagine what their parents is feeling to lose a child. Yeah. I talked with a group of mothers in Chicago, man that had lost sons and daughters to gun violence. I was just sitting there listening because there's nothing can say. But that's that's the thing that here here we are, you know, as old as we are, and when we went to school just when, never had anything like this ever, never, It was never in our thoughts. And these kids have this thought every day at any school that's something like this could happen. Yeah, they had any They have drills and practices, practice runs, something like this. Yeah, that's all we had. All right, Jay and Steve and everybody. We're gonna continue this conversation of course, all morning, but right now we need to get into the letter. Come on that buggle up, hold it for you here it is just strawberry subject, major dilemma. Good morning, Steve Harvey and crew. I am writing because I have I am having a major dilemma. My husband and I have been together for about eleven years and have two children. We're currently separated and have been going through some things for the last few years. We have been on and off again. We can't seem to get along and there is a lack of communication. We have been through everything except pregnancies outside the marriage on both parts. At the present time, we live in two separate households and have been set rated since January. We recently talked and know that we love each other and want to be together. We also know that we need help getting past some of our issues. We decided that we want to be back together, but now the problem is the living arrangement. He currently lives in the house his grandparents owned. I live in the apartment. We started a one year lease on in September he wants to move into the house. I, however, do not. The reason I refused to is because of the location of the house. It is not in the greatest part of the city, and the outbreak of violence in this area of town is outstanding. I am not too crazy about the house, and the schools in the area suck, to say the least. Our children are currently in a great school district and the environment is not overcome with violence. He and I have both lived within the city where the house is and we hated it. That is why we moved. So now he wants to live in the house and I refuse to. I would much rather keep our children in the environment they are in and get a home of our own. He dent, Now he didn't. Now I don't get that he dent. Now you know, I don't know. Uh. This has kept us from getting back together. So what should we do? We have no money to move and put our boys in better schools where the house is located, and the house needs repairs which at this time we cannot afford. So what advice do you have for us? How can we get past this reaching a compromise that suits us both. Mind you, we currently have an apartment where there is a lease until August, and it makes no sense, no sense to pay rent into places. Please help us with this, sincerely, Major dilemma. Dear, Major dilemma. This is a major dilemma because, um, in order for this marriage to work, you guys do need to be together. You know. It seems to me your husband would want to move in the better part of the city where you and the kids would be safe, happy, and the kids well educated. He doesn't even own the home where he lives is the apartment, while you guys don't own. You know, you don't own that either. Um, you at least wouldn't be living under your grandpa your grandparents rule, and you won't lose your deposit, okay, which money is kind of tight right now, so you seem to be really concerned about that. You don't give us any information as to why he's so adamant about living there though, because the rent isn't even free. So, UM, I don't really think he wants to get back together right now because he's not doing what it takes and that means, you know, making you happy, moving into a safe, secure home or apartment of your own. Uh, you know the saying happy wife, happy life. UM. In order for you guys to um compromise or to come to uh a compromise, you have to meet each other halfway. You guys aren't doing that. You're you're at an impass. You refuse to move, he's refusing to move. So until you, guys, you know, give on that. And I think it should be the husband at this point, just giving your letter. You know, it's safer and and the kids have to go to a good school. I think he should move into your apartment. Steve, how much time I got? Oh, you don't have a lot of time right now. You can as want to come back. I see something totally different. I see something totally different. I agree with what you said, though, Sherley, I really do. But I see some more stuff in this letter that's going on. I'm gonna point out some couple of things that I saw when you was reading it. And Uh, okay, hey, listen the letter. If you want to comment on the letter, it's posted, go to Steve Harvey dot com, click on the Strawberry Letter. You can also email us your Strawberry Letter issues on the website. We'll be back with Steve's answer right after this twelve after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, get ready in about twenty minutes. Now, twenty minutes, the chapman are back. The Chapman's are back. They've been a like for a minute, but they are back with what bad acting theater? Yes, contract right there, negotiated, none of that always there, but right now, come on, Steve, let's get part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letter. Major Dilemma. Good morning, Steve Harving crew. I'm right because I have a major dilemma. My husband I've been together for eleven years and have two children. We are currently separated and been going through some things for the last three years. We've been on again, off again. We can't seem to get along and there's a lack of communication. We've been through everything except pregnancies outside the marriage on both parts. At the present time, we live in two separate households and have been separated since January. We recently talked to know that we love each other and want to be together. We also know we need help getting past some of our issues. We decided that we want to be back together, but now the problem is a living range and he currently lives in the house his grandparents owned. I live in the apartment. We started a one year lease on in September. He wants to move into the house. I, however, do not. The reason I refused to is because of the location of the house is not in the greatest part of the city, and now break of violence in this area of town is outstanding. I am not too crazy about the house, and the school is in the area, and the schools in the area sucked to say the least. Our children are currently in a grade school district, and the environment is not overcome with violence. He and I both live within the city where the house is, and we hated it and that's why we moved. So now he wants to live in the house and I refused to. I would much rather keep our children in the environment there in and get a home of our own. I don't know what it means when he says he's dent. Now this has kept us from getting back together, So what should we do? We have no money to move and to put our boys in better schools where the house is located. House needs repairs which at this time we cannot afford. So what advice do you have for us? How can we get past this reaching a compromise that suits us both. Mind you, we currently have an apartment where the least is until August, and it makes no sense to pay rent in to places. Please help us with this, sincerely, may ajor dilemma. First of all, you have the major dilemma placed in the wrong area. Your major dilemma, you claim, is you don't want to pay rent in two places. He refuses to move into the apartment, you refuse to move into the house. That's not your major dilemma. Your major dilemma is the very reason that y'all ain't together in the first place. Y'all two don't get along, and you two have a lack of communication, and you're demonstrating the same thing that you say broke you up. You can't seem to get along and there's a lack of communication. This again, is another example of you all's lack of communication. It is a lack of understanding and is the unwillingness on either one of your part to compromise. Now, Shirley's right, it seems like the smart move would be for the guy to move into the apartment so the kids could keep going to the to the best school system, but he willing to do that, and then you ain't willing to move. You all have a a major dilemma, and you all still have a communication problem. Now you're saying the letter that we've gone through everything except pregnancies outside the marriage parentheses on both parts. This means that both of y'all have cheated. That's what that means. On both parts. That means both of y'all been cheated. That's the code that I see in that, because I've never heard that before. We've been through everything except pregnancies outside the marriage parentheses on both parts. All that says to me is both of y'all cheated, both of y'all being guilty is pretty much the same thing. Now, what you all need to work on really is your basic selves and your marriage skills, because right now y'all don't seem to have none. You want what you want and he won't what he won't, and I ain't neither one of y'all willing to give in. Now you wrote this letter in and you're lotter really ain't for a compromise. Your letter is really how do you convince this man to move back into this department, because nothing you said about moving into the grandmama's house is gonna work for you. But you are convinced that staying in the one year least department will work for you and the kids. That seems in the letter like Larry surely said that this would be the best thing to do. But guess what, he ain't trying to hear that, and you ain't trying to move. Thus you have a lack of communication. And now what is y'all's marriage gonna be built on when you get back together? What y'all gonna do? See, y'all need to work on that part of it right now. Y'all can't even agree when you separate it, and you can't agree when you marry. So now when you're gonna get back together and do what? Disagree some more? See, your major dilemma ain't where you're gonna live. Your major dilemma is really how you all can live together. That's your major dilemma. How you all, how your man don't see these kids needs, How you don't see your man's needs. How both of y'all don't see anybody's needs. And this is a ridiculous statement that you're making to me, both of yours, you know, and you know, So what advice do you have for us? Get yourselves together? Why do y'all even want to be together? That's nothing. There's nothing in this letter that says YouTube people should be together. Nothing you wrote nothing in here. All you said was this one line in that is that we love each other and we want to be together. Okay, you can't. I can't. I swear to you. I can't tell. And so when I I read a letter like this, man, I just go, Wow, you've only been your eleven years. Y'all went through so much stuff. Now you can't afford to move. You ain't got the money for repairs, You ain't got the money for two rents. Yeah, and she refuses too, and so does he to move. So what you want meet and Sureley to say, we don't know how to get you all together? Because this is crazy? All right, Steve, we gotta go. You can email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girls, Shirley. Thanks to everyone who joined me yesterday for the Strawberry Letter live after show on Facebook. I will see you here again next week on Thursday at one thirty pm Eastern Time. Uh, switching gears now, Steve. I don't know if you got it all out about your feelings on gun control. They're strong and we need them right now. We need to continue this conversation. And you know we keep saying thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers. We need to start doing something, all right. Uh'll be kidding me, man, Coming up, Like I said, the Chapman, what what what? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Stephen Forest Whittaker will talk about the movie Black Panther in Theater's Black Panther, but right now it is time for black for black black acting theater, bad too, for bad acting theater with the Chapman Dilly Dilly Dilly, back with the silly because the Chapman's are back again. Say it with me, everyone, Dilli same Chapmans are back. Yeah, Steve, I didn't I didn't hear you. I'm not saying that, Steve. Come on, surely I'm not saying that. Oh come on, Steve, do it for the vine. Steve back. See that didn't hurt that it again? But staying against st I'm not saying it. No, damn moshell, now go ahead with this damn show. Wow, sounds like somebody's bleep stinks. I'm gonna have you know something, Shell, My bleep don't stink. Oh your bleep stinks. Anyway. Welcome back to season three, Episode one of The Chat. Season three. So I don't remember finishing season two. Really, I don't know. Well as you remember at the end of season two, season two, remember, isn't too ended? Isn't ended? When ye? Alright, you want to play way too much? Okay, anyway, there was a big party in Earl's dreams. What really happened is he fell asleep, had a dream and when he woke up, someone had stolen his pork rhynd recipe and his white coat and hat. Remember, okay, damn man, not the white head and cope Chester. As you remember at the end of season two, I don't remember the end of season two, everybody, I don't remember. I don't know. Okay, anyway, anyway, chester Chester had gone vegan. You ought to remember that he was hanging out with ramone and decided to open up his own CVS. Hello, that's right, I got I got five hundred thousand from Netflix that Monique didn't won't, so you know, they gave it to me my own TVs right across the street from my dad to Pop Ranbysiness. Yes, Earl is really happy that Chester is branching out on his own. I am having at Chester branching out on his own and is going to open the CVS right across the street from his dad. And it's going to open up CVS right cross street right from his day. He'll be able to walk right across the street and get his medicine. I'll be able to walk right across the street and get my medicine. And I'll repeat everything that Shirley says, and I repeat anything. Wait a minute, don't really just stupid right here. I ain't got time with al right, Okay, al right, it sounds like somebody needs the snickers, huh, because he's not quite himself all right? Anyway, moving on back to our story. As you all remember at the end of season two, don't nobody, I don't know why you don't. If we didn't end season two, we wouldn't be in season three. People come on now, dub Anyway, Junior was locked up and serving hard time for the kidnapping of Chester, the murder of Beauregard, the attempted murder of Earl Chapman, the murder of Officer Touched, stealing the Chapman pork Ryan recipe, and the theft of Earl Chapman's white coat and hat. Don't remember Now he's in prison and is delivering a serious beat down to someone who's trying to steal his corn bread. Man, don't you ever put your hands oh my corn bread again? Okay? And anybody else think about taking my corn read? Get the taste out your mouth? Okay? Could everybody who touches my corn bread? It's gonna take the same beating? Am I making myself? Clip? Am I clip? Clip? Prison corn bread really be good? Am I clip it from clip? Like that corn bread? Yeah? You could find I didn't know who could find? I like everything, but clip? Hello? Yeah, I'm on hold for Dr Lance crighton, Hey Doc, how are you doing this? Is KK? Did my blood tests come back? Oh? They did you find anything? Serious? Pregnant? Join us next week for another edition episode of The Chaps Baby Pregnant? Is it a prison car? Who would Desley with Kak and the dog stars? Excuse me? Excuse me? Not the only thing that's good. Wow. Alright, coming up on the top of the hour, Forest Whitnaker and Steve we're gonna talk about the movie Black Panther. Plus we'll also talk about the NBA All Star Game this weekend in l A. Yeah you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show today. We are so excited about the movie Black Panther. Opening Uh. Steve talked to one of the stars, Forest Whittaker, on his daytime talk show about his role in the movie Black Panther. Take a listen, please welcome. I'd of had my man tess quite a hard man. Let's get into this. It's Marvel's fastest selling movie in a twenty four hour period, Black Panther. Everyone, So for you, for us, what what's it like going from Star Wars to Marvel Comics. Both of them are really big universities and everything. I got to experience it in the way I never seen before. This movie, for us, is coming at a time when people are finally waking up to the fact that diversity sales. But just seeing what I've seen of it with so many African American actors and the lead superhero being black, I mean, man, oh, my kids have tickets already, Yeah, all of them. I mean I've never seen anything like it. Man. The excitement and what's making it really cool is it is so appealing to all cultures. Everybody. This is everybody is looking for this movie. I don't care what color you are. I think you're like your kids. It's they get just they're gonna look at something that is empowering. Images of people and stuff that make them feel proud of where they come from, what they heartages who they are. It's something that you you haven't seen. And ultimately as saying, we're one tribe. And I think the message is we have to be responsible for each other. If you're doing well and you can help someone else lift them up. And that's a good part of the movie. Yeah, in this movie. Man, they got some badass fight scenes in this movie. Man, I mean they in him man paying up some stuff. He is, uh, the best fighter in the nation, you know, besides the Black Panther. So she is like over the military. She protects the royal family. She's powerful. Her and her team, the Dormalange are protecting the king and protecting the nation. It's really it's beautiful. Hey, man, did you go to Comic Con this year, the first time I went to comic conferention wear disguise because a lot of celebrities go to comic Con, they wear disguises. I did it, you know, the Peter she put on the costume totally sealed and she went out amongst everybody, was like dancing with people and going crazy. Nobody knew she was. She was just out there like saying, hey, come on, let's do this. And now she's she's amazing, you know it was Force was on the show man. I really enjoyed seeing Force. I hadn't seen him in a long time. Just such a good brother man, just a really really good dude man and incredibly talented. You know what I really told him, Know, I told him how much I was impressed with it. And I ain't cause I ain't setting seen Black Panther. I'm pretty sure he was the usual self. But you ever seen King of Scotland by man? God, that boy was acting. He can act. We for this Whitaker, He's a legend, can mean scary. Yeah. Yeah, Hey, Tommy, who's your favorite actor of all time? Mm hmmm. It's a toss up, toss up between themselves and themselves, because this was a serious question. You're not gonna even believe. You will not believe it. Okay, Well who Donald Southerly? Donald Key for Sutherland's father, he believe it? I just I just I think he don't get his his just do He's just the truth. I don't even like him because I don't know who. To hear you talking about what movies you like? I'll tell you Italian Time to Kill, a Time to Kill bank Job? That was Samuel Man whatnot? That was Samuel Leo Jackson. No, he was in there. He was Time to Kill. He was also an Italian bank job bad boy. I like, was he in um six Degrees of Separation? And who else? Yes? Oh yeah, yeah yeah, said Junior just showed me pitch. I like him. I didn't know that. And who else? Who's your other favorite? Well? Of course Denzel. I mean it's just because your first right, but you might know what he do you question? Of course? I mean everybody going, But that's his right though to like who Jay? Who's your favorite actor? On me? And drum Land? You love drawing cinema? Yeah? I forgot to think like a man not two? And wasn't in there? We got cut out. I think like a man. One think like a man. To Carlin, who's your favorite actor? You know? Den'tzeil didn't Washington Junior? Who's your favorite actor? Tommy and Papa Tommy and what? I never wanted to pay. That's my right. That's my right. That had this many as with the threats. I have never worked this many. I mean, I have never wond but is that not my right? Every twenty minutes? But it's not my right. That's who you like, that's who I like you sip, that's my favorite actor. I love him. Why he did? Nobody will ever say that performs again. But it was the greatest point I had ever seen that nobody's all. That's my right. Toss up. This is a toss up between three people. Three people. It's a toss up. It's Denzel, Sam Jackson yes, and Mayo Gibson. Yes. I love man. That's my dude. And did tied also in there al Pacino, Yeah, I love them boys right there. It's all some acts. But I love Sam because of his diversity. Yeah, Sam, do anything, man, do it right, and have a different hairstyle in every movie, every movie. But don't none of them compare to Tommy and Operate ain't even close. Tommy in Poperated money Man. I cried at the stop trying the best piece of acting I saw when Tommy acted like he was fast, when he he had me believe it that his act was fast. Y'all had been. Y'all walked away. He had a bowler or something. It was so crazy. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, NBA All Star this weekend in Los Angeles at the Staples Center. So what's happening with you guys this weekend? A lot of friends coming in town. I know about it. Yeah, people just pop up. People hate popping up. I ain't gonna see nobody but the palms. That's it. That's all. Yeah, everybody else gone, just keep going being in town and let me trying to swing by and all that kind of hate. Steve, you got tickets to the Dunk Contest? No? No, I don't know. And if I had them, you can be at the Dunk No I would I got all that? Why because we live here. They think we got tickets to everything here on the radio. Yeah, because on the radio. Yeah, I got tickets. I'm just not going it's not probably got tickets. You got tickets, but I'm not going. I don't like crowds. Man. The crowd for me is, hey, I can't take it. I don't know how you take it self is and everything. Dude with his cheek up against my cheek. I'm gonna take it. Damnselfs and get off me. Tommy, are you going too much? It's a little over one. I like watching it on TV, though, you know, I like I like. Are you guys excited about the slam dunk contest? I like slam dunk contests? Well, now that they've changed it, yeah, you know you got one dunk. Man. It used to be there for three folk chances. No, I hate it that be could you lose you know, you lose enthusiasms for the dunker if they missed two times. Because now when you make it, yeah, you had five chances. Okay, so now let me do something five times. I probably get it. You can get it. Throw it off the front of the rim like you've been doing. I get the same score. But the big crowds down that when they have them. George Wallace, the Mama pick up whoever can pick up. That's where the crowd's being man, there's a lot of people show for that, Jake. Anybody did it yet have been done? And so the game. So we got the East Lebron and the crew in the East the West. Yeah, the All Star Game should not have a skull of one fifty one ft three? You know, you think, ain't nobody plays, ain't no defense, hurt the self trying to stop you come down wrong and all like that. They ain't playing their hardest, you know. But I mean it's money, make money for the city. Okay, I'd like to see Broun Brown in the dunk context. That would be did you just call the jam Lebron James Brown? Did you just need to name him? State Farm commercial? They call the fact you call any man the same name twice? J J J J all time favorite basketball player? Man? Who who is? I don't know that? Young boys? Where boy from Philly? Could he a cold boy? Ben Simmons? They got that boy in Boston Green? Oh you got he used to play with the Clippers. What about him? Um Leandre Jordan? He can't win that no, no, no, not no more. Hent got a little once you thirty? Yeah, that's over at him, young boys. I like that, Yo, dude. That greatest dunk I ever seen was that dude that had that mascot holding that ball and jumped through the air, sitting down and got that ball and dunk it. I said, Okay, cool, that boy was up in the air. Hi, that won't You're right, all right, we'll be back at thirty three after the hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, it is here the long anticipated movie Black Panther Open Day. Anybody seen it? Has anyone seen it? People who talked, We've seen it. They say it's great, It's excellent, one of the best movies. It's gonna change the dynamics and how we look at superhero movies, especially the kids. J and that That's what I looked so forward to. The kids finally have a superhero they that looks like them, you know, that looks like Yeah, that looks like Can I just say this, we have forgotten one of the black superheroes from way back in the day, the Black pot Range. Really we forgot about him. What this wasn't George Wallace, Steve I got him starting a new movie right after the Black Panther airs. It's called The Fat black panther. No branches safe, fat Black, no branches safe. She up in the branches. That that branch. That's that black panther. Stop it alright. So, after the death of his father to Challa returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful places king. I'm assuming that's the that's the character that Chadwick Boseman is playing to Challa. Okay, so who's in it? Chadwick Osman? What a talented, talented, talented young man. Lepitte and the youngo Her. Yes, she's beautiful and talented. Yeah. Michael B. Jordan's plays a bad guy. He's from Creed. Remember from Creed. He plays the Angela Bassett. We all know and love her of course. Uh, Martin Freeman, Forest Whittaker is in its. Joj Anthony Brown, Tom not Tommy the moment of what Steve, will you keep going? Please? I'm not them too right now? Tom's an actor. He didn't he just didn't Black parents, Tommy and black Panther. Yeah, well you ain't gonna He's gonna have suo. Okay, we have to let people know that are going to the movie first ahead that it's a great black everybody's gonna go see. And I just want to warnch some of my how do I say this, my wife friends, it's gonna be all black people in the theater. Now, if you've never been to a theater, whether it's all black people, it's a whole different movie experience, if you've never experienced, it's not the same the same. What do we we were? Not only are we in the movie, we in the movie into the movie. We're in the movie. We kind of Steve, we're in this movie or what we're up there? It's like us up there on the screen. We actually is from Kolana respond to the black panther because when he says something, he's speaking to us. YEA, yeah, what what wait? We're in there. And let me tell you some white people that little turnaround look that you like to do this weekend, not for this movie. And here the other part my uncle actually going to he think it's a black panther rally, My sister, they they in there. Don't talk to your brother with the turtle deck and the little jacket. We'll be back with Steve's closing remarks coming up at forty nine after the hour you're listening to. All right, here we are, Steve. We've come to the end of our show. So here we go with just one more thing, and you're closing remarks. All right, Uh, you know, look my clothes remarks to day in light of all that's going on in the world of day, the tragedy that struck the school down in Florida. Um, you know, we keep talking about hearts and prayers go out to the family, and we send our condolences, and then we still do nothing about what allows and causes these problems. I mean, at one point in time, man, what's gonna have to happen in this country is we're gonna have to place human life over money. We're gonna have to place the value of human life over our statue and position in life, especially when it comes to politics. It's period. I just refused to believe that because you're a member of the Republican Party that you don't care because they have some very very caring Republican people. It's just is all Republican people don't want to not do something about gun laws. I just don't believe that. I think that's absurd to even say that about one whole group of people, not a group of people that I can say it about. It's the Republican lawmakers who are in office. And the reason they can't say anything is because the n r A contributes so much money to the Republican Committee, the Republican Party. They're the largest lobbyists in Washington, d C. They don't have more money. The Republican Party stands on the Second Amendment. I got that. I don't have a problem with you standing on this Second Amendment. But let's talk about this constitution that we have these soldiers and people fighting and dying for, and what we give about freedoms and put our lives on allowing to to to defend and protect. Is this not the same constitution who used to say that women didn't have the right to vote. Isn't this the same constitution that said the Negro was three fifths of a human being? Ain't just the same constitution? Have we not had to amend this constitution over the years. Haven't we had to say till our forefathers the forefather Let me rephrase that, have we not had to say to the forefathers of this country? Hey, what you were thinking back in the early hundreds. That don't work today no more, because it's a new time. Women do have the right to vote, and black people ain't three fields of human being. Okay, so we made the changes this second Amendment. It's time to change because this ain't the early hundreds no more. This two thousand eighteen. And kids can't go to school anymore. See, this is what has happened. No One used to walk into a school and kill the kids in there, Well, it happens now. Nobody went to the movie theater and had to die in large numbers, But that happens now. People used to could go to church and people didn't walk in and kill everybody in the church. People used to could go out at night and enjoy themselves and go home. Well, now you go out to a club, all of you can be killed. People used to be able to go to picnics and parties and festivals outside and return home safe and sound. Woodstock was one of the biggest events of all time. Nobody that got shot out there. We'll see these times have changed, because now you go to a music festival, you got an idiot in the window with a high powered rifle killing people. Now you go to church. You got this little nothing human being walking and kill people. Columbine. You had a little red head walking over into Colorado and kill and be watching movie. How many times we gotta see Sandy Hook in the school in Florida, Columbine before we put a stop to all of this at one point in time. Man. And here's what's crazy, people, here's the crazy part about it. We are powerless, almost seemingly to stop this, but we could stop it if we understood something that if you don't fight for gun laws to be changed in this country, you will not be in office again. And I don't care how much the Rightful Association put behind you, because we're not voting for you. That would change it right there. The vote could change it. But guess what. They don't run on that. See, they run on something like this. We got to protect our constitutional rights of the Second Amendment, that we as an Americans have the right to protect our homes and use guns to protect our families. All that sounds good and right. I'm cool with all that, but that ain't what we need the gun laws for. What we need the gun laws for all these gun shows that sells guns to anybody that you can go to Indiana across the bridge from Chicago with just a driver's licensed by any kind of gun you want to. This is America. Then they drive these guns right back over the bridge to Chicago and these kids up there killing each other with them. What's wrong with this? Why are we so free of a country that were so consumed with freedom that we freely allow people to hurt one another in this country? Who's sitting there doing stuff that ain't causing harm to nobody. See, we can't be so free that we freely allow you to hurt who you want to and then we put you in our judicial system. This is craziness. Man. We have got to get together somehow. I don't exactly know how. I don't really have the answer, but somebody got away where we can organize and stop electing these people Republican or Democrats, who are not going to get in there to help make this country safe so our children can go to school, church, movies, parks, and music events. Until that happens, man, we're sitting here putting the same people in office who take the same money from these people and are told if you vote against the Second Amendment, we won't put no money behind you have a great weekend. Care about you. Keep God in your life because He can get you through all. It is God for all. Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.