Good morning and welcome to the ride! Uncle Steve is singing some Otis Redding and is feeling right. It's Freedom Friday baby!!! Uncle Steve answers questions about movies, story telling, more time, more money, plus more. Robert (in my Gayle King voice) has Trapped in the Closet and Uncle Steve has Trapped in the Bathroom. We the best BBQ tips from Uncle Steve and his nephew just in time for Memorial Day. Have a great weekend!!!
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all a suit on looking back to back, giving them like theming bus bus things and it's not good at Steve has to star, don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn hur you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back, uh, I show will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, DoD Man, God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been pressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I've lived this for a fact, and you know the majority of things I talk about in the morning before we get started with the regular show, it's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those, the good and the bad, what could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging? What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you? Unless I've had those moments myself. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it, to water down the illusion that there is a possibility that you might still have a chance to get old. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up, What circumstantial situations may arise. Don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or appears that you failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you want it to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it and it goes there opposite and it turns out into a negative result, and in response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over, That doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, you have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another step closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life to get the flowers in your life. You got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. Oh, my relationship ended. I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, You can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones. Don't you? Dare? Dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly, with every inch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for? Oh? I got you miss them, and I got you grieving but I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't. Still hell, it was their time. Now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that's happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks the other day and somebody asked me something and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I've always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in that absence and their demise, I'm hoping, just somehow man that they watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something about myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. Just at my old man to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to get my life together over here, you know, I'm saying, I'm trying to be a better person. My mom was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She'd been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they ain't be proud of me. See you, you, you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it all so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you dare dare dare ever? Give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now, because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't don't get deceived. The victory's coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening, ladies, and gentlemen, May I have y undivided attention. Please. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show left my home home in Georgia. Come on, boy, headed father Frisco Bay. Yeah, are you supposed to finish that? Come on now? You can't just stop? Seem like nothing gonna come my way. Well, sitting on the dock of the bay watching the time roll loue way o. Lord, sitting on the dock of the bay, wasting time. Love it. Okay, that's all I want to share. I knew the whistle was coming. I knew he couldn't avoid that point. I mean he paused a love breath. It's some kids right now. I don't know what that is right there? Do you know that he is junior Andy griff Show. Okay, come boy. If you didn't know that, I was gonna slap you. Stay gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning Steve. You're in a good mood today. And the calor for good morning. I like that, Good morning, Steve, what's up crew? And then that was Junior old Junior your boy for me morning everybody, and the fool nephew time me good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. Yes, yeah, yeah, how you feel sick? One of them kind good love a fan read. It's a kind of love that you read about in fabri taking a jam Man. That was in my playlist. You know what you got me? Freedom Friday. Boy used to let me tell you something Freedom Friday. In case you all don't know, it was on Fridays. I used to just sit in the booth. Sometimes we call Freedom Friday. Loosen the booth, Steve, and that by yourself. I would give the crew off and on Fridays I would just sit in the booth and play whatever I wanted to play and say whatever I wanted to say. And it was called Freedom Fridays, or battles or the crew would battle. We would play a song and then the other would try to top it, and sometimes would be the ladies against the guys. And now she said, really and you Tommy Gus. Yeah, Tommy and Shirley would go toe to toe, and then when it got to y'all, it being but we just started because Shirley knows some good songs. Now guess she does. Oh so Sherley was throwing out from him, But I was a It was hard me to get Shirley a lot of time, but every time it damn song Collywood plus is all right, but Tommy, all right, look, Steve, your favorite segment is here today? Of course it's asked Steve. When we come back, get your questions ready, crew thirty two minutes after the hour, it's asked Steve. And it's right after this you're listening show. All right, Steve, your favorite segment, asked Steve. Guess what time it is? Man? Ready, it is time for asked Steve. What you need? All right, here we go. Here's the first question. Steve, names something that you were really really excited about it. I mean I couldn't wait till it came out. When it came out and didn't live up to the hype. Pink Panther, Man, worst, damn man, Man, I want to see Pink Panther first time? How great that movie is? Gonna mind? What what am I doing in him? You know? You know, man, it was a detective movie. It was horrible. I don't even it was. Oh it's horrible. Peter Seller's right, I hate every minute of that movie. That's the worst movie I've gone to that I thought was coming out. It was a long time ago, but it's amazing how that popped up to because I knew exactly. Man, It's like, since you're talking about which one? Oh no, no, not the old one. Oh god, oh God, tell us how you really? All right, Okay, all right, tom that Tommy, let me think, Let me think, what is a story that you've been waiting to share but no one has asked? The right or man so many that's a tough one, man, because I've shared a lot of stories. Yeah, and I love telling stories too, So it's like it excites me to tell stories because it's just in my blood to tell story. That's how my whole career has been Comedically. I'm not a joke writer. I'm a storyteller. I'm I paint pictures. I got there from Richard Pride. He was such a vivid picture painter that now, yeah, I mean, you know, whether you knew what he was talking about precisely or if you had it in your memory bank, it didn't matter, or it wasn't experiencing yours. It didn't matter. His ability to paint the picture of the wineost in the streets, that book the numbers didn't need peeing on paper, stood in the middle of the street, directing traffic. That that that story he was telling. Man, it's like phenomena. All right, Steve. At this point, I'm going to remind you please to keep your answers as brief as possible. So that was his brief as there was a story question. Excuse me, you know, Carlo, your turn, you're up? All right, here you go. If you could add ten years to your life or ten million dollars to your bank account, come on, no, give me the ten years, hands down, give me the ten years. Yeah, I'll make that, man, give me them ten years. Maybe I should ask Tommy, which would you choose? Because I asked you that for Tommy? Right now, if you gave Tommy ten million dollars, here take and fake kiss death in front of you. Yeah yeah, start over, Junior, what you got? But Carlo, yo, you already as I did that, I did all right? Uh all right? So, um, you've been around a minute, man, What is something that was way better about fifteen years ago? Something that you just knew way better? So I need a little bit more time than that, because I would say music. Music. Answer still a little bit more than fifteen and I'll tell you it was music. Yeah, that was two thousand and four. Oh, no music was to me in two thousand and four. I don't know what the hill was going. Didn't seem like a wowow I was moving it really really Yeah, you know, I want to remind you surely that these questions should come along on a lot quicker pace. All right, here we go, Steve, How do you? How do you? How do you live dangerously? You know? Is there something you do that's a little edgy dangerous? How do you live that way? I mean, what do you do? Yeah? He's pretty safe, You're pretty safe. Damn show ain't his Texas. It's not swimming none of that. He ain't no sky. You know, you don't learning how to fly, no plane. Probably the most interest thing I do is I stand on the edge of a boat when he is moving about as out there as I give its boat moving. Steve is slow, but it's moving. Yeah. You're pretty safe, though, Steven, Yeah you are? Yeah, yeah, all right, come on, tell me you're up. Oh okay, okay, okay. What Bogus award did you win in high skeol? Did you ever win a Bogus Award in hip? Yeah? I want most difficult. It ain't vogus. That's that's on point, ain't that's the only one I want? Ain't nothing? Now? How are you difficult? In high school? What were you doing? I mean, I just ain't get it, man, I ain't let nobody at my school? So what you know? Why are we in here? What what is your studying for? I ain't learning nothing? And when are we graduating? So I can turn the page and get on with my life, which I really went and started destroying it right away, right after high school. I started destroying my life personally. Oh man, no, man, throw it up, and I'm telling my win on a towel. But look at you now, yeah, thank you Jesus. I am slowly becoming the PERSI person I should have been a long time ago. It's a damn shame. Really. All right, do we have a time for one more quick one? Carl up? Come on, all right, here we go. What is the one thing that you always fight about with your significant other? One thing? Quickly? What's it in my backyard? Cold? What is that? Yeah? Baby baby? Why do we have that out here? To the grandkids? I don't won't know my grandkids? All right, coming up? More fun? Run that prank back with the nephew in the building. Right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show. Nephew in the building with run that frank back. What you got, Nev? Your house is my house? Well, then your house, it's my house. It's twenty twenty. Got one for you right here, let's go cat down. Hello. Hello, I'm on is Reach Russell. Yeah, this is Russell Russell. I'm Izaiah. I'm a a realator real estate and I'm trying to do some schematics. I'm thinking, I'm I'm calling the right house. I'm not quite sure. Are you West Dixie Road? Uh? Yeah? How many square feetres your house? If you don't mind me asking? Uh, it's about thirty five square feet. I don't know this is the right house or not. Is this you have a deck out in the back of all weather type of deck out in the back? Yeah? I do what do you? What do you? What do you? What's this about? Okay, if you don't mind me, Russell, how long have you lived there? Yeah? Man, I've already asked you twice, and you're asking me for like person information on my credit. But it's just a reference to Okay, Well, like I said, I'm a realator, and I'm trying to get ahead of some things that's going on, and you're, well, it's been brought to my attention that your house is going to be it's going into foreclosure. It's gonna be you on the on the market in the next two to three weeks. So I wanted to make sure I was getting the right house, and I wanted to make sure and you got the wrong house. My my, my house is not going in foreclosure. I'm up to date. I'm good. So you got you definitely got the wrong house. Okay, hang on so West Dixie Road, and like you said, square feet this is a two car garage, right, I don't know. I don't know what information you're getting. But when it comes to my name in my crib and what's going on with my bills and all that, I'm up to date and I'm fine. So you got the wrong information, you got the wrong the wrong person or the wrong information on the right house, whatever it is. But this is not My house is definitely not going in the foreclosure. But my bills, like it's my woman, you get me. So I So my whole thing is is I don't even know why you're calling my house is definitely not for sale. It's now or not on for going a foreclosure. I'm not behind all my bills, sir. I'm telling you what my books say, and this is I'm looking at legitimate legal paperwork. Yo. What I'm trying to tell you is this, I don't care about your bucks. Read what I'm read. Read what I'm writing to you. I'm up to date on my mortgage. You're just the realtor soul. My whole thing is, you're not nobody's selling my house. My house is now. Okay, No, let's let's back up. Let's go back to just the real. You're not gonna talk to me like that now. I'm a realtor and I'm a person. That's that's that's on top of my game. Your house is going into foreclosure. Now. You can be a denial if you want to be. But I'm just trying to get on top of everything and get you know, try to sell the house as soon as it hits the market. So I know what I'm doing. You don't know, my man. Look, it's not think when the foreclosure dude. So so so if I'm looking at paperwork here, why am I looking at paperwork? That has your address on it. Sir, that's not like a personal problem. Obviously you now top your well, you know, the personal problem is gonna be yours when they when they come put you out your house. This is foreclosure. That's your address. Man, y'all. Look, I try to tell you, man, don't knock on my door, don't call my don't call none of that. Nobody's coming to my house knocking on the door, trying to put me out of my house. And on top of that, a foreclosure takes a long time. Well, that's what I mean. This is, this is, this is this has been in there a long time. It's coming up in the next couple of weeks. That's what I'm telling you. What paperwork do you have? I am looking at paperwork? What bank? What do you even even know? What bank? Did it? Telling the house or trying to put me in foreclosure? You're not are you with do you? Are you with first five deality? That's to concern? Okay, will you just ask me, sir? You just asked me. That's what's on this paperwork and the foreclosure. You got the wrong paperwork. When you have the wrong hand dress and tap to somebody else's shoot, Okay, this is your address. It is the right square footage, it is the right hand, sir, entertaining right now, my man, I'm telling you, I'm not my isn't going in foreclosure. Okay, you know what. You're getting angry with me, But really, if you have page your bills, you wouldn't be in this situation. You know what I mean. I'm paying my bills, but if literally you're not paying yours because you're on your way in the foreclosure. And now you're getting upset with me when I'm just a realtor calling trying to trying to catch funny. To me, this is funny. I'm on came my business barbecule right now, Dude, I'm not this zero. Let's just his geral fear of me going in the foreclosure. The attitude is not necessary. Matter of fact, this is probably this bullet. This is probably your last barbecue on the deck, So enjoy that. Look you come over here and call me again. You'll be on the brol You got me. All I'm telling you is this right here. Bro, they come in to close your house out in two weeks. All I wanted was the schematics on your house. That's all I wanted. Well, obviously you have all information you need. You already know more about what's going on with my personal fans than I do. But I'm gonna tell you it's gonna be a problem to come out knos to my fucking door. Okay, Well, I need to come up and take a look at my house. I'm getting foreclosed on that. That's not how it works, all right. I need to come over and take some pictures of the house. So is that gonna be the internet? Get off the internet? But you got the wrong I need to come in. I need to come inside, sir and see the condition of the house. Yeah, you me right. I'm not going in the foreclosure. I'm up to date with all my You're not coming to my house. You're not getting inside the house. Okay, you don't know what you're talking about. Well I'll tell you what you're you're your co worker, Michaela. She thinks, she seems to think different, Chayla, don't you work with Michaela? Uh? Yeah, what's MICHAELA got to do with this? MICHAELA got me to call you baby? This nephew. Time me from the Steve Harvey more of the show. Russell you've been prag baby you been baby? Oh my god, oh my, oh my god. Oh that's crazy. Man. I'm like, man, I got up to date. Manut, I'm up to date. Man, you up to date? Baby, even through the pandemic, you're still up to date. I'm up to mother date. Man, it's twenty twenty. Man, tell me this. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Marby Morning Show. Baby you up to date? Baby? You up to date? Wow? Way you come over here if you want to. You're gonna be on the grill. Yeah, man, I tell you what, come here too. If you come my knock on my door in two weeks gonna be a problem. Yeah, dog full blown. Just need you know? All right? Come on, man, I'm gonna talk my bill. I'm gonna talk my bills like I am my woman. Come over. I ain't never heard that. Yeah, that was my line. Now was scary booster button? Baby? He said, hey, man, hey, hey, hey, man, hold on, I didn't ask you twice? Who are you now? The animal? Personal business? What what? What? What you want? Yeah? But then tell me try to get offended. Just the relative you're not gonna talk down to me. But he hadn't told you. But you got all the wrong information. Man, All that's the wrong information, right, But I'm gonna gave him all the right information. Now. They're all good, though, King of Prank, I was trying to be stupid for y'all. I just work harder trying to be stupid for y'all. Some of them, he'd be going too far, Shirley, don't tell him that some of this is just too much. His life is in danger a couple of them. Yeah, okay, all right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening show. Inviting a date Steve back to your home is certainly a big step, you know, in the relationship, when you've moved it on to that level. And as you can imagine, there are definitely things that you can do to make sure that visit leaves a lasting impression. And I'm talking about in a good way. Okay. For example, for men to go to a woman's home, definite turn ons include a nice smelling home. Everyone likes, you know, when you walk in the house, smells good, books on display, things like that. So Steve, I have to ask you what things turn you on and turn you off When you visit your date's home for the first time. Think back, guys, you know I like a woman's house that's clean, thank you. That is number one. In your house be clean? Yes, yes. If your house nasty and I'm over here for the first time and we're looking at first impression, my impression immediately is you nasty. Now that's when she come over your house, she has the right to expect the same thing. Here's a suggestion I have for men. If you don't have a woman over your house. Hid your medicine, don't You can't explain medicine you own. If you got any medicine, had it, I don't care if it celebrates Most people don't know what that is. It sounds real close to you know, like VD anything start with seller. Yeah, yeah, you gotta sell it collapse because you can't explain this to people that's out of your own house. Because most medicine you can't pronounce it. So what is this anatavia in your Yeah, that sounds real. I don't know. No, damn ana station, I said anatavia. Oh that's yoga activita. It's in your man. Do you don't even know what it is, because what is you're taking testosterone? She saw it? What is you're taking tests? Is hanging up? She come out there. You'd bought some Chinese remedies. She come out, what is black cat? Say though that this girl you were dating was so gorgeous and you went over her house and she had roaches or something. Didn't you tell the story about that story? But I did another one. One time met this girl and in Collie Lord, she was fine, creole girl. My brother told me how to get him, and he gave me some money to take out. So I told her pick a restaurant. She picked a creole restaurant. I'm seventeen. I ain't had no creole food, so I'm in. I go in there. She didn't ordered all this spices. So if you fade all this but spicy, Yeah, yeah, I'm eating stuff. Man, ain't never been in my system this far. So I'm taking her home and my stomach is turning. So we get at the front of the house. I'm gonna walk up to the dough. She said, come on here for a little while. My mama and I'm gone. O. My mama had told me when your stomach is told up, try to go home. Yes, yeah, but that didn't nobody else house. Yes, but she was so fine. I just said, well, man, let me go in here for a little while, because I was kind of man, would I be fine? Chick? Invite you in and mama dadd ain't there let me leave? Go on in here? Something but your stomack, I mean, Shirley, it's a girl, and man would have went in there. I'm sitting down on the couch and watching TV. My stomach is turning. I can hear so, I said, can I go to the bathroom? She said, second door on the left. I go in there, and Lord have mercy the walls of gibraltars idn't grabbed the tie wreck in front of me to just try to hang on. I'm twisting the guest tile in my head like I'm bringing it out. I didn't knock the toilet tissue holder off the wall screws out everything. I hadn't kicked over the trash. Can you can hear this? Right? I don't get he wasn't feeling what I was feeling. But I'm using the bathroom so much that is alarming to me. Yeah, I've actually put more in there than I've ever put in there in my life. Briar too. I think we got I didn't know when you don't stop my story shoting. This is for Junior and time I know I about so I'm feeling the bowl up. So finally I'm done. To my relief, I'm but I'm sweating though I'm talking about I'm in there my shirt wide. I hadn't my whole ship's wide over. I had hung my pass up on the back of the dog because I used a bathroom like my daddy always hate my pants and draws up on the back of the Yeah, you know't ever use the bathroom. But I got my shirt on, but I didn't open it up because it's hot. I got just just water coming down out the front. So I stand up and I flushed the toilet. Now I'm putting my clothes on. But you know how you're waiting to hear that sound that all I hear is to swirl it. And I turned around and and there's rising rising. I'm asking God not to do this to me today. I'm asking God not today, Lord, not in here. We have to have a part three. This ain't the time for this old thing, Lord, stop this swirl from rising name father God never no old God, Steve, we have to go, but Jesus really in stop this swirl. But insteady coming good Part two right after this. You're listening here we are, Steve back, just catch up. I'm over this fine girl house. Just come up to up and eight gree old foods. I'm team should have went home to use the bathroom set in the house because she's fine. Now I'm in here using the bathroom and all held and broke. I'm in here, neked, sitting on the tarlet just my shirt on because I like this ship wide leg. I like to be open and free, and I need it because I had to brace myself a couple of times. But she never came in there, not chat she coming, that's coming in the store. So I get off. I finally get through, but I've noticed that I'm putting more in the bowls and ever, so I'm a little bit concerned with them ship bar. So I flushed the toilet as I'm putting my plans back up on me and I'm waiting to hear that, but I don't hear, and I look back and it's Rid's going in a slow circle. So I go in. I go to my heavenly father. Here father the boy, Now Lord, stop this rising time. Wow, somehow, don't let this swirl get up by the top. But he didn't hear me that day. Yeah, I guess it wasn't. Let The next thing I know, it's at the very top of the tarlet. Oh my god, and it's about to flow over. So now I don't know what to do. So I look down and it's a trash can. So I dipped the trash can down any and I got a trash can full of it. Yeah, so I pulled a shower curting back, throw it in the bath too. When here comes some more. So I had to take another trash can full of it and throw another trash can in the bath cab. And here comes some damn mot So now I realized they call it is broke. They call it and bragged up, and it started going back down working. I say, I gotta get some water and put it into him. So I started running water in the trash care to pour it down there and make the water go clean. So I finally did that, and I said, thank you Lord, And I looked over and the damn bathtub right shower curtain. I look up, it's on the wall. Wait, wait, hold, it's on the water four part four, Hold, but this is Steve Hollis in the bare food strapped parts folks coming up right in the brown food part Folk. It's on the walls, the shower curtain and the bathtub. You're listening Steve, Steve trapped in the bath and part folk. Yeah, I then't bailed out three buckets trash hands of pure mess then throw it in the shower. So when I get all of the water back in the tarlet where I got it upside in the water clean, I said, okay, cool. I look over, the damn bathtub is striped. So now I cut skis. People shower on and I'm washing down the walls, the shower curtain with the shower. The girl comes up to the girl because I've been in here now about for the five minutes time. So she said, you do care down everything fast. She said, it sounds like something wrong in that. To get away from the dun said, well, okay, my house, so I'm in there's this too late. But I noticed they got a candle in the bath food high light it I like the candle, start striking matches and running tap water. That for my mom always told me, strike some matches and run some tap water and it'll help you get rid of old. So I'm in there, but now I'm washing down shower, curtains, wall, the bathtub, getting up stuff off the floe. Now now you probably say, Steve, what is you washing it down with? Yeah? What paper ties in there? But that tie rack that I had grabbed when I first sat down and was twisting it. Yeah, they guess how the pretty ones with the lace in the forward. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I washing it down. Now, my good towe that is tile is brown. I can't grist at all out because when the color wasn't When it started, that was pain this awful. Now it tis it's running. I don't washed all the walls down, everything I'm in that sweating, been on the construction site. I've been in that total about damn near hour. So I put the fastened my clothes, I look at the bath room. I got everything up, but I got this big nasty ass tie and I don't know what to do with it, so I take it put it in the waste paper can that I've been bailing with and struck all that under the sink. Yeah, I figured this ain't gonna be good. No how Yeah, but at least when they come in here they go, they's gonna take a moment because I know when you go in there, you're gonna have to say what they hid happened? Because I couldn't remember how the shower curtain was of none of that. And now I got I look, I'm telling I got everything off right. So I walked down the hallway. She's sitting on the couch with her attitude folding. Did She look at me and she said, why are you been in that so long? I had a little accident. Then she said, oh my god, look at you. What was I didn't realize when I was barely all that mess into the shower it was splashing o my pants below my knee. I ain't had time to look at this because I'm on busy cleaning up the damn house. I looked down. It's just spicks, splash marks from my knee down my pants was trait. I looked at huh. She looked at me and she said, oh my god, look at you. What have you been doing? I looked at her and said you ain't got talk to me like that, and walked up the four door, never came, got in my car, had to ride home with all my wonderstand I spake, I smelled sitting in that car home. That girl saw me on the campus next day and all her girlfriend was looking at me like I had never met her. That was wow, trapp trapped. All right, All right, all right, nephew, tell me coming up next with the prank phone call. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. You're not gonna believe my strawberry letter for today. The subject is you can't have your cake and eat it too. But wait till you hear it right now though the nephews in the building with today's prank phone, what you got for us now? I want to date your mama, see right there, I want to date your MoMA, Steve, how would you do it again? Please? Uh? Today's prank is I want to date your brother. Ain't nothing in that puts some prank on? That puts some over here? I mean, you know what I mean. I can't tell you how to prank because I was with you the king of it. But I was just talking about the introductions. Could use a lot of one yet, put some more flavor on that, and I'll see the flavors in the prank and we'll put some seasoning on that intro though. Yeah. See that's that's where you are not different. And so once again, just to do what you want to do, all right, all right? How do you do? I'm so I can't. I want to date your mama? Do you run it? Clue? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach I'm trying to reach miss Burns. This is James. This is a how you doing? Man? My name is Gordon Gordon. Just recently joined the church man within the last month, and I was trying to get in touch with with Miss Byrne. One of the members gave me a number, but I guess they they must have gave me the wrong number. I guess it's is this a home number or what is this a hold of hell? Who? Who? Who is this again? My name is Gordon Gordon. I'm a new member at the church. Yeah, this is just your number. Yeah, man, this is my phone number. I'm James. I'm my son. Oh that's your mom. Okay, that's your mother? Right? All right? Well, yeah, my bad man. I was trying to get in touch with miss Burns. Now is did you have a sale or a home number somewhere I can get in touch with Miss Burns. Wait to time, I till me tell you. Your name is what Gordon? Gordon? Gordon not just joined the church, man, so I might not have met you yet. Jane, Okay, what God bless you man, Thank you man, I appreciate it. Is it anyway I can get your mom's home number from you? I mean, you're just joining the church. I mean I don't I don't see why you wouldn't be able to talk to it. I mean, is there anything there a message I could pass on to it? Thom Uh, Well, yeah, I mean I'm trying to see if it's all right for for me to take her out. I've been seeing them for the last Hold up, hold up, hold up, hold hold you. You were just saying to you a new member to the church, and somebody gave you or they were attempting to give you my mother's number, and you're asking me if you could take her out. Man. Well, I wasn't asking you. I thought I had her phone number. I guess they give me your number. Bout mistake. You know, that's my reason for car. I thought I was gonna get her. I want to take her out, you know, maybe to dinner or something. Well, I'll be quite honest, man, I just came back home from overseas, from fighting and everything. Man, And uh, I mean you know my post just passed away not too long ago. And I ain't you know, I ain't too keen or my mama going out with somebody in beside you. You don't even sound like you. Hey, she in the sixties? Man, older you man, I'm thirty six. The hell out of you? You how old man? I'm thirty six, I'm thirty four? What is you doing? You do realize my mom is pushing sixty? Right? You know what? Man? I look at it like James, right, James, I look at it like it's you know heyes, ain't number but the number. Man. This wasn't your heart, man, And how you carry yourself? You know? Yeah? But my hey, but my mama ain't no cougar like that. And I know she ain't coming after you right now. I remember telling me that she trying some new things at this church, but going out with some thirty thirty. How do you you do a baby, man, I'm thirty. I'm thirty six. Dude. Man, you like my brother. Something man ain't nowhere in the world. My mama gonna be day okay than James. Let me say this man. First of all, I ain't even know I was calling you. Second of all, I'm calling and speak with her. I'm not calling trying to get permission from you. Miss Burns is a grown woman. And whoa, whoa, whoa talking about I don't think you're every man. I just came back from fighting overseas. My pops passed away not too long ago. I am the man of the house. Let's get that straight right now, all right. I don't care if I'm still living at home or not. I'm the man of this house, all right. You calling the ass my mama on a date, you might as well just stick the church dog, because you know, as I said, be blessed, but it ain't gonna be no blessing from me to you. I tell you that right now. I'm not looking for a blessing from you at all. Bro. You might no blessing, but I respect the fact that you've been overseas and you've been fighting for this country okay, but if I decide I want to speak to Miss Burns about going out, I think Miss Burns has every right to decide if she would like to go out with Gordon's or not, and Gordon wants to take her out, I took up. Hold up, look, bro, I don't care how old you say you are. All right, number one, you're too young, as I already mentioned. All right, this ain't going down with you and my mom. I'm straight up, hey man, that's for your mama to decide. No, No, you you bringing up my mama. You're letting the word your mama come out your mouth again. That's gonna get you up, all right. I don't know where you're from. I don't get how old you are. I'm pretty sick. I know what church my mamma go to and and it ain't gonna be her and you you ain't gonna be asking her out, all right. I don't give what it take. I would show up on Sunday, catch up in the pulpit or wherever you're gonna be sitting in the back of the choir. It don't matter. Something is going down. You will not gonna get with my mama like that. You got that. That's up for your mama to decide if your mamma want to go out with me down dinner. I ain't going long with this, man. I'm I'm deciding it right now. It ain't gonna happen. I told you before, be blessed or get your whook. You got two choices, all right. I didn't fight by seeds three years to come back and also deal with my daddy did and then come back. I'm suffering from PSD. Dog, I don't know what I'm gonna do unless you want to get it like that, suffering from one a PSD post traumatic stress syndrome, and I will release all that on you. You got that. I don't play hey, man, listen, I don't want no trouble. It don't matter to me. You can talk you, okay. Look man, listen, I ain't trying to have no trouble about you. Man. All I'm gonna say is this right here. I'm I'm gonna I talk to you mama on Sunday. Okay, you ain't gonna talk to me? Are you not hearing me? Man? I'm okay, I'm crazy right now? Okay? Can I say this? Can I say one more things to you. Man, So you explode, you ain't got nothing else to say. I got one more thing before you explode. Man, is you listening? Yeah? Man, James? What hey? Man? I want to tell you this. Man, This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning to show your mama. I got me the frank phone call you get out of here. This is who Hey man, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Your mama told me. She's saying, my son been overseas, even in fighting. I'm glad to have him home, she said. We got back. Get in the spirit of laughing. Man, my mama, are you Are you kidding me? Man? We got you good. We listen to this show overseas. Man. First of all, I gotta say thank you for fighting for this country. I want to ask you one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man, nothing but the Steve Harvey more than show Get it overseason in the States though, Thanks man, you always you know you did. Yes, you play too much? You already ya. Mama's me a little too, though, don't I wish you would talk about dating man. I might call you next week. I might call you next See. That's just see, that's you too far, but you go too far a lot. That's you right there at that edge. But he usually goes to the edge. He steps over it some time. You you think I'm mobile now perfectly? My God, is this reverse psychologist? No, I don't matter, don't psychology, don't work with you. We're gonna ready to get to the Strawberry letter. Okay, up next the subject you can't have your cake and eat it too. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit strawberry and letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. So before I actually read the letter, I have to do a disclaimer here and ask you please listen to the entire letter. It is not what you'd think. Okay, it's gonna get a little crazy in the middle, but stick with me. All right, please, thank you, Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here is the Strawberry letter subject you can't have your cake and eat it too. All right, one more time. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been dating a guy for six months and he's one of the sweetest men that I've ever met. This weekend, he disclosed some information to me, and I need your opinion. He and I met when I moved out of my condo. He was a supervisor of the moving company that I used, and he was very professional and handsome, and when he asked me out, I accepted. We started out as friends and now we're in a relationship. On our first date, he said his favorite thing about me was my skin tone and how soft and supple it looks. I have not had that much attention in a while, so I was overjoyed. Whenever we go out, he caresses my skin with his great big hands and kisses my shoulders and neck. We finally got intimate over the weekend and it was everything I hoped for I had hoped for, but then it got tricky. After sex, we were lying in bed and as usual he was robbing on me and kept saying how he loves my skin. He then whispered to me, I just want to eat you. I giggled and turned to look at him, thinking he wanted to go for round two. But then he said to me, no, I literally want to eat you. I looked at this man and asked him to repeat himself. He said he fantasizes about eating a part of a woman's body, and it's a big fetish that he has not been able to live that out. He elaborated that overseas it's a big thing where a man will take part of a woman's buttocks and eat it. What he said, he's been fascinated by cannibalism since he was young, but this is just a fetish and nothing serious. But you heard me, okay, that's why I said. That's he said he's been fascinated. Let me get through the letter, please deve. He said, he's been fascinated by cannibalism, yes, since he was young, but that but this is just a fetish and nothing serious. So I need to know if this is really just a fetish or should I run before it's too late? Have you ever heard of such I'm falling for this guy, but I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. Please help me, Okay, I mean all I could say initially is what uh wt h? I mean, really, did I read this correctly? Like you know you said in the letter? Did you hear this correctly? People don't eat people? Uh, that's not what we do. What is he talking about? I mean, this is a fantasy he hasn't been able to live out yet. Uh listen, Sure he could be just kidding and this could just be a fantasy and he doesn't really mean this. Sure a booty burgle, I mean, he could just be kidding. But but why take this chance? I mean, seriously, he knows too much about it, He's researched it. Uh. No, to answer your question, we've never heard of such cannibalism and things like this. I mean we know what it is, of course, but we haven't literally heard of anyone doing this. And yes, I would run. He sounds too freaky. I mean, yeah, he sounds too freaky and crazy to me. That's not freaky to you. That's beyond. That's beyond, Yeah, it's beyond. Uh. He he wants to literally eat you. The term is called verare philia. If you guys want to know verare philia. All right, how you know that? All right, Steve, I'm done. I think she should right, this is too crazy. Well, let's go over the letter and just go along on the journey that this letter was taking us. On day six, moms dating, this man wanted the sweetest men she ever mad. You know. He was a supervisor of a moving company that moved her. Professional, handsome, and so he asked her out. She said, all right, Well they started out as friends, but day the relationship now because on the first date he told her the first thing he laughed about it was how skin tone, how soft and subtle it looked. Girl. The attention about to dry this girl crazy. She was over joy. When we go out, he'd be caressing your skin with his great big hand. Because then then furniture moving hands. You know, he got the big hass hand he picking up frigerator. Yeah, you're this big man ass head kissing all over your shoulder. You got enter it over the weekend and large, jeezus, who it was everything. Then it got tricking after sex, y'all was laying in bed, you know, just like oh he was just rubbing on you, kept saying love your skin. Then he whisper, I just want to eat now we've all heard this before. Careful, it's grown ass man. He done, Steve. Hang on, we'll have two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Subject of today's letter. You can't have your cake and eat it too. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Let's get back into the letter. You can't have your cake and eat it too. Let's recap. Ain't no damn recap. She didn't got the moving company boy, she'd have fell in love with her, and he out on the date with her, telling about the favorite thing about her was her skin tone and how I saw it supple. Oh, she hadn't had this kind of tension in the while. She was overjawed, go out caressing the skin, had the great big hands kissing all on her shoulder. He had the moving man hand, Yeah, picking flipping, taking whole rugs down by self, down the steps, picking up on waws and moving entertainment centers, hardest boy power. So you finally got intimate over the weekend and the Lord Mercy, it was everything. She hoped for and right after she said everything, I hope folk period. But then it got tricky. Oh, they laying up in that in the after glow. They laying in bed just like usually, just loving on me, and they kept telling me how much he loved my skin. Then he whispered to me, I just now she giggle. Turned course, she won't to say yes to this. That's what the giggle was about, and turned and looked at him, thinking he wanted to go for a round two. Na, Na, Now he was hoping that he was talking about what you thought he was talking about that he that the giggle was falk. But then he said to me, now, I literally won't. I looked at this man and I asked him to repeat himself, because you know what, if that's what you really want to do, just gold say it to me. But I don't know what you mean by literally, so I asked him to repeat himself. He said that he fantasizes about eating a part of a woman's body, and it's a big fetish that he's not being able to live out yet. Now at this point, you need to be sitting up in the bed. You need to sit up. You need to start eyeing his ass because this this is going somewhere else. Yeah, and then he elaborated that overseas it's a big thing where a man would take part of a woman's buttox and eat it. Now, I don't know wearing this letter. You kept typing, but this would have been a hard letter to type. You're wanting you what. I don't know who this sister is, but this conversation with you want to eat, You're gonna take you, You're gonna cut who assd on, hold on it words, you're crazy, he said. It's fascinated by cannibalist cannibalism since he was young. But this is just a fetish, and nothing says so I need to know if this is really just a fetish or should I run before it's too late? What the hell did you just ask us? You're trying to figure out this a fetish. A man just told you that he wanted to a slice of your ass, just you know, you know, like it's cheese, like like you just a ham a honey break sitting up on the table. It was just wanting a slice of your ass. Cocked. Now he'd to talking about this overseas, He's been rubbing on your skin. Now, love the texture? Now, he said he been fascinated by counter cannibalism since he was young. But it's just to fetish and nothing said now here go the cold part right here. So I need to know if this is really a fetish or shit? I run for us too late? Have you ever heard of such? I'm falling for this guy, but I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. Okay, so what is you're typing? Fall? Now? You might be falling for this guy, but you ain't gonna be able to fall on your ass because he gonna be to NATed. What you're gonna wake up one night numb? You ain't gonna know what's going on, and he gonna be sitting over there with a plate with some hot sauce. Ain't gonna have a napkin rounding that baby? What you eat? Now, he'd numbed you while you sleep, You ain't come your little booty just tingling. You don't know half of it. It's over there on that damn plate, sitting over there and got some host sauce, and he just chewing your ass and you don't even know it. Show stupid behind Tom have you ever heard of such a thing. Hell no, we're black people. Yeah, hell no, we black people. Now first and letter was kind of sexy. He he Hell he's talking about taking a slice of your ass and you don't know the into us and you're sitting up in here. I don't want to end up with my butt in a frying pan. But you think you're gonna do, I'm gonna have your little biceps and that everything else like a little five meat. Now all right, look, we gotta get rid of this food. We gotta let the people know that they can email or instagram us their email us. Nothing this again. I'm the Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, or check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, Uncle NFF are here. You know, it's Memorial Day weekend. So you guys, you UNC and NEFF have some grilling tips for grill, some rules and all of that. Yeah, let's get started. What you got do you clean your grill? Oh not that much. I really just I really just brush off the residue from the last time fall into the flame. Yeah, but I don't clean the grill completely. You don't clean then once that heat hit it. Once that heat hit I'll put that. I put that grill over that five five kill all and you just grub it off. But it leaves. I'll take my steel brushing clean it. But I won't seasoning there. You do. Now, walk me through this. Walk me through marinading a slab of reels. Now, marinading a slab of reel for me is very simple because you can do it overnight, but it's not necessary. I do like a thirty five forty five hour long process. The first thing I do, I go down to Walmart and they got this thing that can peel the skin off the back of the rems. First day, the little the little thin layer of skin that that's real chewy. I takes that off. See I peel that off. Keep going. I'm listening because this is how you really get your meat to taste right. To take that skin off that's on the bones side of the reel. Like so serious time get this? You feel like yeah, and you should be. No notes, come on, it's all in so non cooking. I only use a dry rub that's all I use, okay, And I have a special dry rub that I use. All right, so you put that on. How long you just let that? Now? First, I got my fire outside going right, but I prefer the big green egg. That's what I got. That's the best way. Then once I get that coals down there, I pull them to three quarters side of the grille because I got the big one, and I leave a four for the grill with no cold under it. I pull all the cold forward so I'm only on three fourth to the grill. That's in case my meat gets to go on a little hot. I got a little cools, but I canna push the meat to keep it from direct heat cooking it. Then when I shut the lead down, I monitor the dampers and the drafts on it to keep it around two seventy five. Two fifth. That's good cooking, tempt right there, two fifty two seven. What you want? Got that green egg in there? Now, I scrub my meat with this dry rug. I take it out there and I set it on the grill re up side down, up side down at two seventy five, and I shut it all right, Steve Um, we should take a pause here because we only have a few seconds. We'll come right back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to show. Now, I scrub my meat with this dry rug. I take it out there and I set it on the grill re up side down, up side down at two seventy five, and I shut it. Okay, fifty five minutes later, come on, I opened the lid and you can start eating baby back that fact. Yes, sir. Do you ever wrap yours in fall? No? I do not. Okay, you've seen that process though, right, I've seen it's nothing wrong with it. You put them on. You can put them on for about forty five, what about thirty minutes, and then take them on, wrap them, put them back on and let him click the rest of the winning the fall. Ye see, I don't wrap my well, is there a problem with wrapping your bead? I mean, I mean, he sounds I'm just saying it ain't just so again, but it's not the same. Come on, I felt like I was going the wrong way. I be, but fifty five to fifty seven minutes on one side, I never flipped in me right, really, I never flip it because what happens is when you cook it just bones side down. You know, ain't no meat on the bones side of the real seat. But what it does is it seals it real nice and it keeps the meat real juicy because you put a seer on the bones side and then the smoke and my wood chips cook the meat on the top. So why do people flip their meat? I mean I see that. I mean my brother flipp is me, my daddy Flipps. I just don't. I just don't because it's not necessary and you get you get a real tender piece of baby back. I do this now. I'm trying to man ask anybody that didn't have my ReBs. Now here's what a lot of people don't perfect. Because now you did tell me on the something that was good, that lump cold. I never knew nothing about that. That's the only thing I messed with. That's that's uh, what's that? That's that's like wood that's already been burned with fall. Yeah, and it's what they have. It's four as five, Yeah, all them charred trees, that's what it is. That's perfect for Bobby Love. Yeah, Central Market got hurt. That's the best stuff I bet a lot of fellas a central market. It's made by market. Well they bag it up, it's what I mean. Well, yeah, it's it's all the same. But green egg has a good version. That's usually the most burn. You know, because you could see some of the wood and some of them you ain't never seen the green eggs. Shar the smoker, not actually green eggs and ham. Girl, this this this is too much. Not only kid, she not cooked. She don't even know the brands of the flying it's the smoke green eggs at the barbecue, growling up. Oh my god, upset though, that's what you're thinking, Rims and green egg All right, go on, Steve, Sorry, all right, So we learned a lot grilling with Steve. Yeah, yeah, Steven, Tommy Tommy is a good grilling. Yes, give prayer. Will be grilling this weekend. I won't be eating bad boy out there on that grid. I won't be eating red meat, but I'm gonna I'm gonna have salmon all on the Oh yeah, did you know that? See he doesn't eat red meat anymore anymore. I'm just taking a break. Now, do you make your own sauce, You're own barbecue sauce, or do you buy it? Or what I got? Two barbecue rescipes, give me one. There's a barbecue sauce called Old George T. I don't know about that. Just fine, Old George T. Barbecue sauce got an old black dude. They got honey bourbon maple. I used two bottles of that. Have you tried Sweet Baby race, Sweet baby ray? Oh? I had plenty of that. But it's it's it's all right. If you want the best job barbecue sauce that you ain't got to do nothing to William's brothers, William's Brothers, barbecue sauce is the one where you ain't got to do nothing to it. Okay, let me see, and it's better than sweet Baby raised. I'm telling you time. Okay, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after you're listening to show. Here we are. We're back with these barbecue grilling tips from UNC and Neff. All kinds of barbecue tips you guys are giving us, just dropping all kinds of barbecues, no notes, soak it in, no knowledge though, why because okay, now let me tell you what y'all to get what old mule? Old mule, y'all don't know. Y'all don't know no about to cut. That's some slavery sou Shirley season made this one old mute. Yeah, you can't got a brown label on it and a picture of a mule head. Listen to me. I'm trying to help y'all weekend out. Y'all don't know this type of stuff talk. I've been experimented with this stuff out, have bought every barbecue sauce day is from craft on up. I'm telling who got the best damn barbecue sauld mule and doctored a little bit. Okay, and that old mule, it's got a little kick to it. That want to call it mute? And now you want to cut the kick with a little brown sugar, all right, cut that kick. It's a little bit of brown sugar to taste, and then put a little mustard in it. Okay, Okay, that was a little mustard and a little brown sugar to taste. But have it simmered in a pot on a little so when you stared it blend the flavors. In fact, we'll be back with before right after this. You're listening all right, uh, all right, barbecue rules and regulations were three barbecue sauce. We're talking about the whole time you adding and taste, add a little bit at a time and go to your taste boom when you get in there. But now, let me tell you something. That old George t that's where that's what you want to start with. Is anything new? You got old mute, old tea, the old ass sauca. If you say they ain't work, I'm gonna try a couple of new weekend but I need something we got new mute, modern mus good food. Y'all? What what what y'all want? Wants name? Probably I want something before citi Ins. You know something after city? All right? Your uncles tigue barbecue sau Rufus. It's rufus. You know this, older dirt you got my uncle. Hold on, let me google rufe man, because I'm a barbecue dude. If you get the rufus t rufus tigue barbecue sauce, that's some of the best snowball that you could buy. And if you learn how to mix them. H I gotta recipe boy with this rufus t and I use two different rufus tigues. I send it to my daughter. My daughter asked me for it. Let me see if I look at the thing on the on the bottle that said rufus Tigue made some sauce. That's what it says. That's the slogan. Look at rufus tigue made some slow sauce. You damn right. Yeah now that that that's house of feel what that's that's you? You know what? Time it just says you. All though my uncle didn't make a burn up sack sauce. Man really called no, no, no, it's barbecue. The Lord no more what you say. The Lord is not golow. Do you have a brand like a smokey brand, like, hey, we got to come back, Freedom, Freedom, come back. I just want you to free before get it all right, we'll be back with our last break of the day. In Steve's closing remarks about barbecue at forty nine. After you're listening, all right, Steve, we are. We're at our last break of the day before we um head on into the holiday weekend. Do some inspirational stuff. But get your pens and papers out. I'm about to give you a recipe that you can make the bomb diggity Bobby Q sauce, and everybody will be talking about girl, and then what you're gonna come on? That's what. First of all, this is what you need. A half a cup of apple, side of vinegar. Okay, you need six teaspoons of garlic powder, level, not too much, just six level, easy teaspoons of garlic powder. Got it. You need seven teaspoons of brown cane raw sugar. Alright, alright, not that, not that brown sugar that's matted together in the bag. You want cane sugar crystallized. So you want seven teaspoons a brown cane raw sugar. You need one bottle a rufus tigue sweet heat. You need one bottle a rufous tigue honey sweet barbecue sauce, honey sweet fresh market sales disc bobec glow sales that just get to going round. I got it. Croak up obos seeing some Albertsons with it. Now you blend all this together. Then I want you to take that empty bottle of rufus tegue. Yeah, fill it up with water one and a half time. Okay, So fill up a bottle of rufus tigue empty barbecue sauce poured in the stirred. Put a half a bottle in there and stirred one and a half simmer on low heat, and watch it. Watch what the hell happened? Held on? Let me let me recap. Half a cup of apple, side of vinegar, yes, Six teaspoons of garlic powder yes. Seven teaspoons of brown cane raw sugar. Yeah, that's important. You can use a little bit more sugar. Let's go to taste, got you all right? One bottle of rufus Tigue sweet heat, yes, one bottle of Rufus Tigue honey sweet, yes, sir, all right, put all that, simar, all that, but before that, take a bottle and a half of water and pour that in there in Samara in the Rufus Tigue bottles. Yeah. So basically, let me try this one more time. We got a half a cup of apples center side of venegar. And then we got six teaspoons of garlic powder six to be exactly, hud moving along, seven teaspoons a brown cane raw shot. Seven completion, you gotta keep it a wrong. And then we got a bottle or the one and only ruf Rufus t Good guy Toby follow me now because I'm going somewhere. And then we got a bottle on a rufus t hut. Come on, take all of that, put it in a pot and get it warm. And then you take that same bottle, that empty bottle of rufus te fitting up with water. Put get you another half a bottle of water. Put it in that roof of you. Now pour it in that pot all up in. Now there that pot around, let us sell, let us sit, put it on a low put the lead on it. And good God, amighty, you have what we call the bomb barbecue sauce. Yes, that is hey, man, that all the barbecue open. I'm not creative and do not want to follow that house, want to open up a job. Try to find yourself some Williams, some brothers Williams, some brothers, barbecue sauce. If you don't want to do nothing after that, find yourself some bones sucking sauce. Oh man, that't somebody's going in the bedroom. Yeah what barbecue? Yeah, if you're real lazy, what is that you call? Is it? Baby raised? Oh sweet baby rays? Yeah, if you're just lazy and you don't want to make no sod, if you follow that recipe right there though. You're gonna love it. Open it through this though, watch me, you're gonna love it. And I'm a video and put it up Monday. Can I do that Tuesday? Yeah? The site? Yeah, okay, women's just we were down at the camp. Is that the same sauce she'd be having at the camp now? It makes a different one for the camp. Okay, into it? But you like it though, don't I love it? See when I'm just doing all meat, no vegetables, changed my sauce. Oh couse, ain't no sides at the camp. Well wait a minute now, then Tommy can't come because he's off meat right now. If Tommy came to the camp, he'd be in here. Come. Tom just ain't gonna eating back in the back of my cottage. Yeah, he's off meat right now. You're okay, well not that week. Tell me I'm gonna be back on the side fund something, tim, But we'll be right back on it. This barbecue. And if Tommy came to the camp, he'd be out there with the kids. I hadn't been to the camp. Yeah, barbecue good at the camp. Steve makes it all oh Man fun up to sundown here on that grim Wall were waiting. All right, Steve. Ladies and gentlemen, uh normally do clothes with Madge, but we were talking about a subject that's did I'm a hard barb if you wasn't feeling that when I do understand, for God bless you have a great weekend and whatever you do do them reals that they wants to get done. YEA. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening list to the Stane Harday Morning Showing