Happy Cinco De Mayo, Don Lemon, Social Distancing Discussion, Teacher Appreciation Week and more.

Published May 5, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are to provide you with motivation, inspiration and information. Time to tear dey mouth out! The CLO has his hands full today with custody issues, complacency side-effects and more. Kim Jong Un is back and there are new things in store for The Tiger King. Shout out to all teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. Don Lemon gives Trump pure eloquence. Happy Cinco De Mayo! Big Dog points out the anxieties caused by the pandemic. Miss Carla talks about the music battles of IG and gives us an important date for the Queens. Today in place of Closing Remarks, Big Dog plays back for us the commentary of Don Lemon's about the state of the nation, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all a suit looking back to back down, giving them like the MOSI bus bus things and it's not good. Steve, don't join. You gotta turn very You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your back, I shall, well, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Man. I love it when I run up into people and they say that to me. They say, hey, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Then they wink at man, I know they're listening. You know, I got a lot off my chest yesterday. I wanted to clear some things up. And I appreciate y'all giving me a minute, because sometimes, you know, you just gotta say some things out loud. Not complaining, but hey, just verbalizing, but realizing that I gotta keep going anyway. And that's my words this morning to you, that I want you to keep pushing no matter what happens. I want to share something with you that's important, that's very very important. See, you have to give God something too bless You know, if your prayer is asking for God's blessings, you got to give him something to work with. Now, you know, you got to show the spirit of appreciation or gratitude. You gotta let him know that you're in it for the long haul. No matter what happens. Don't turn around. You will never ever see what the end could be. If you turn around and go back, You'll never know what the end could have been had you stuck it out. You'll never know how good it could have gotten had you not just weathered the storm. That's the thing that gets most people. They get tough for them, It get hard for them, and then they let doubts set in, and then those doubts become facts and the next thing you know, they give up. Had you not given up, or had you given your best, what the results or outcome could have been. I look back on my life on so many occasions where in college I wasn't giving my best. Now I flunked out. Now it's easy to look at my life nine go yeah, but look at you now. But back then, man, it cost me for so many years that failing to finish that not giving my all, it cost me a number of years. I wish I could say that it didn't mean nothing, that it was just a blimp on the radar screen screen, But at the time it was major. And so you have a lot of decisions in your life that are happening now. You may be in your twenties, your late teens, you could be in your early thirties, and it's happening. But guess what you'll eventually get through it provided one thing, you never give up. You never turn around and go back. Had I written myself off because of one failure, see, and this is where so many people go but go wrong at two. You write yourself off after you failed at something, the one thing you thought you wanted to accomplish, and you failed at it. Now you write yourself as a failure. Now you go settle on end to life and just see what See what hand you get had when I flunked out of college, had I written myself off as a failure, I wouldn't be here today. When I lost my carpet cleaning company, I would have written myself as a failure. And I wouldn't be here today when I didn't become a diamond distributed in Amway or a direct distributor in am Way even I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. When I bought a distribution kit to become a distributor of the Bohemian Diet and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure. When I became an Al William's distributor and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. Oh, I gotta listen for you. When I got laid off it for a motor company, had I written myself as a failure, I wouldn't have made it. Do you need some more? Because I have a story filled with mishaps. I have a story filled with failures. A couple of things now, the grace of God and his mercy which is available to us all. See that's the key, y'all, Because of his mercy, because of his willingness to forgive and to even understand why we do the things we do. In all of my shortcomings, failed marriages I'm talking about, man got it all wrong. I can't blame nobody else, It's just me. Steve ain't have it together at that point, in life, I've could have ridden myself as a failure the first time I could. I just could have gave up on it after the second one. And please know that this is an admission. This ain't bragging. So before you start in with me, understand what I'm saying. I'm pointing out in my life a series of missteps and failures. But how I still get here today a couple of things. God's grace and mercy is first. But that's the key that's for everybody see if it's God's willingness to forgive you and God's understanding of why we do what we do because He's said we wasn't gonna be perfect. So in all of your imperfections, your creator told you you would not be perfect. He's sad it to you. It's out there. I don't care which one of the books you read it tells you that. So guess what With that in mind, he has a grace that he has. It's like a grace period. It's like when you don't pay your insurance premium on the day that is due. The next day, they don't just cancel your insurance premium. They have a grace period because they ain't trying to stop this money from coming in. But when it comes to God, there's no money required. He just gives you the grace freely. It don't cost you nothing. So you got to tap into that, y'all. You gotta get in touch with that, because that's an important part to making it. Understanding that His grace is available. So when you make a mistake, So when you fail at it, he has a loophole in the contract with him that allows you to make mistakes, that allows you to get it wrong, that allows you to fail time and time and time again. But if you never give up, if you keep getting up, if you keep trying, if you keep striving, if you keep making the effort to go forward and not go back, God has a blessing for you, and He has it in abundance for you, and God will give it to you at the right time. But you got to be ready. Oh, I want it to be successful. But if He had given it to me back then I wouldn't have handled it correctly because I would have made some more mistakes along the way. So you make the mistakes to learn the lessons. Lord, they ain't God been good to me. I ain't gonna lie to you cool. You're listening show ladies and gentlemen, let me have it. I'm talking about your attention, please, Steve Harvey Martin Show. It's morning time, man, it is mony time. We are healed. We are about to bring you some uplift, some motivation, some inspiration, and some information we find to let you have it. In the words of my boy Biggie Wig. Back in Cleveland, we find the tad a mouth out, Steve Harvey, That's what I said. Tell Dave mouth out. Love that phrase, man, when they love tar a mouth out. He came to see me in Cleveland one night and before the show. We was backstage when I first started doing arenas and stuff, you know, theater, and big came to see me. My father was there. I got the picture of me and my father and biggest bitch. Kill you seeing this in my dressing room all the time, me and my father, Biggie Wig. I was about to go on age. He had on a full left raccoon coat, not the raccoon, raccoon hat, snake jacket, snake pants, and gator boots. Animals, a lot of animals came from I'm backstage, I'm dapping up my boy one. I dapped up boom and then Big said, give me some of that one a little. I dapped him up. He said, going out there and take a mouth out. I went right out there and told a mouth out. Steve Harvin Mortis Joe, I was a bad man. Y'all must have forgot morning Sherley, good morning. That's where you got that from? Yeah, Bigger Colin Farrell, Good morning, Steve. What's up? Crew? Hey? Junior? Morning, everybody morning and a few time yea and Mississippy mine it come? What up? Wow? That was cippious. That was cipious. Who can you get this vib so? Man? What's going on? Junior? Still looked like one of them sailors from Captain Phillips the movie I'm the Captain Nan just like them. Hey, you know that Captain Phillips? Talk about that movie with Tom movie Tom? Yeah? You know, man, when I'm Samaria's got on that boat, I should with you? Kidding op a boat full of white folkus no risk, no reward, Steve, What did you thinks your chances? White folks don't give a damn if you in the ocean. You can't kidnap a boat full of white folks. But dog, he toldly, I got ten grand. You can take this and be on your boy. No, we want more off the boat, don't You could have got your ass off the ball. And then he thought he was gonna lower one of them life saving boats. And how far you think that canna take you? This yellow ass boat? Right now? Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do some ass to clo with the chief Love Officer in the building, Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show. All right, Steve, you're ready, time for asking the chief love Officer. Here we go. This one is from Tammy in Oklahoma. Tammy says, my boyfriend and I have been together for nine years and we have four children together. I really want to be with him forever, but he is not the most romantic man in the world, and our relationship is getting stale. I am tired of giving him hints around Valentine's Day or my birthday to do something special for me. He tells me he loves me every day, but I no longer feel the love. How can I get him to stop taking me for granted? Well, the first thing you have to do is stop taking yourself for granted, you've been his boyfriend for nine years and you have four children. If you won't more, you have to command more. Why would he give you more when he knows you're willing to settle for being his girlfriend and he your boyfriend for nine years? How can I get him to be more romantic? I think a bigger question is how can you get him to commit to you and marry you? How can you give the children his last name? Nine? In your business? That don't make no difference whether you do it or not. But you wrote in to me, so I'm you're saying to you, I'm just trying in a nice little Christian way, just offer you a suggestion, just so how you could just maybe it, just you know, you know, just aim a little bit higher. Stop shooting a gun at his knee caps. I want something for my birthday. I want something for Valentine's Day? How about a damn wed? How about that? If you don't, if you quit aiming so low, you might mess around and go sowhere. She didn't mention a wedding or marriage at all. No, but I've been here my boyfriend for nine years, we got four kids. What what all right, We'll move on to Kerman and Philly. Kerman says, I'm a divorced single mother. My X and I didn't have a custody battle, nor did I put him on child support. I'm regretting it now. Legally I have to let our three year old daughter visit him, even though he doesn't provide any financial support for her. I have to pack any and everything she might need because my ex doesn't have any clothes, toys, not even a toothbrush for a little girl at his house. I want to drag him back to court, but I don't want to be angry the angry ex wife. How should I purchase this? Well, you don't have to be the angry ex wife. Yeah, you just have to have this man be responsible for his child. It's called the law. It's it's not You're not the angry x. It's a man can't get off the hook for his responsibility to his children. I'm sorry, I'm paid, I'm paid child support. I ain't got no feelings for nobody. You're here talking about some damn child support. It's your duty, and you don't get a badge for paying child support. They're not gonna have a parade for you. We don't do child support day. That don't go over that next to fourth of July Columbus Day. You don't get Yeah, you don't get on a holiday for paying child support. You are responsible for the children. Just allow him to be the responsible man you thought he would be when you married him. But you can't get in the way of his responsibility. Yeah, she's making it easy for him. Yeah, why are you making yourself like you the villain? He ain't paying no child support? She three. He doesn't even have a tooth frush for his baby. What is he doing. Yeah, she's making it too easy for him, making him do something. He has to pay child support. Look, that's the law. I ain't dogging men. This is what it is. We're responsible. If a woman has your baby and she's taking care of the baby, you have to help. That's your baby. I feel badly for her because she's feeling like she doesn't want to be the angry ex wife and you're not angry. It's the law. Yeah, it's the law. He can't get off like that. You can't make babies and don't be a man about it. Pardon what this is? Right? Yeah? Tell him Steve you can't. I'm sorry, man. That ain't Steve acting old fashioned. That's the law. That's true, man. I feel like cousin. Go ahead, come here, Tommy. I told y'all closer remarks just today. Say what's on your man today? Promise all right, Steve. This one's from Paris in the DC, Maryland, Virginia area of the DMV area. She says, I'm a thirty eight year old single woman and I've been best friends with a man for thirty years. Over the years, we have dated others, but our relationship never seems to work out. Their relationships never seemed to work out. She says. I told him that we can't find love because we're in love with each other. He didn't respond. I want to have a serious conversation with him about us, but I don't want our friendship to be awkward. If he tells me there is no us if he wants me, would he have said so by now? I would have. Yeah. Now, let me tell you what the deal is. If he's not saying anything, he could have feelings for you and be scared to death you'll quit talking to him. And this usually happens when a man is very, very unattracted. Yea. Now, if he ugly, he can't run the risk of you're not talking to him because he ain't got ain't got a whole lot of outs. So maybe I've just been thinking it out. Maybe he's very unattracted and he's scared she gonna quit talking to him because anybody else talking to him. He can't keep nobody. But she said, I mean, she broached the subject. She's brought it up first, I know, but he's scared to say something, and I I would open a conversation like this, baby, Can I talk to you for a minute. I know you probably think you ugly as hell. I know you probably thank you ugly as hell, but I don't see you that way. Yeah, that's the icebreaker. I find you. I find a lot of nice things about you, Yes, look saying one of them. Yeah. Yeah. Keep the wound and flesh open on him. Don't let her thank you cute. He gonna gain confidence. Oh yeah, all right, thank you, c Hello. Coming up next, nephew in the building would run that frank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here. She'll have today's national news our coronavirus update, Plus California's Governor Gavin Newsom will reopen California this Friday. Plus did you hear North Korea's dictator Kim Jong own is back? Also? Uh, a lot of disappointed people with dead new Yeah, he's appy day. I know your hand right now? Yeah, just yea. Also on entertainment news, Tiger King fans get ready, there is more coming. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that frank back. What's your back for a snap? In shurance insurance insurance? Yeah, yeah, make sure you got your in sharis right? You need in sharis insurance here at eas let's call them sharances. Joseph, How can I help you? Uh? Yeah, Joseph? How you're doing? Man? I got you, um your number? Uh, well, so I give me your card. Told me you have an insurance company you might be to help me. Absolutely, we'll help you. We'll love to help. Okay, listen, I'm um, I'm seeking some insurance. And what all insurance that you guys had? What what all of you all cover? Oh? We have Automo building in Charance to a home insurance. We have life insurance, fire flood. We're pretty much, uh, we have everything exactly what happing insurance you we're looking for. Okay, we'll see I need Uh. I have my own business, my own company. I like that. Okay, what I what I'm want to want? What I'm trying to do, man, is I'm trying to make sure I have insurance for the people underneath me. Oh, okay, your employees, Yeah, exactly exactly. I want to I want my employees to be insured. Okay, you know, like if something that happens to them, they can get they can get workers come. You know what I mean. I want to be able to accommodate them that way. Is that? And are you were able to help me while I with something like that? Yeah? I am able to help you. I just need to ask you a few questions. How many How many employees do you ask right now? I have? I got six? Well, I got four that's working full time. I got two that that worked predominantly on the weekends. Okay, so I got let me think real quick, let me go. I got settlement, I got ice jasmine, I got thunder. I'm sorry sir. Um, sir, Timmy Nannigans? What was smitty? Okay okay, um um? What type of fantasy aff sir? Uh? Well, I'm I'm I'm more of a UM, I'm a I'm a PC and um I'm sorry DC. Uh personal consultant. No, no, no, no, I'm I'm pretty close up, pretty close. That's that's that's pretty close. I'm I'm I'm a pleasure consultant. And and what it is me I got um, you know, I got jack Sir, I'm sorry, did you say pleasure consulting? Right? Right? What what that is, man, is is you know I pleasurize people that want to be pleasurized, Like I have girls that may dance for you or some may come out and uh do other things for you. A party, private parties, that kind of thing. Are you trying to Are you trying to ensure strippers or call girl? Well, I mean, I mean I'm trying to ensure. What I'm trying to ensure, I mean, I give all my girl ten ninety nine at the end of the year. I don't I don't know what. This is an insurance company, this is a reperable company. We don't ensure call girls stupers. So I'm trying to ensure my product. I mean the way it kind of meals right now, everybody got to look out for themselves. But I got to ensure what I need to ensure so in case things go bad, man, I can bounce back on that. I understand that, sir, and I do. I mean, I'm a businessman just like you are, sir. But we don't ensure call girup strippers. So so hold on, I got your car. Man, you're trying to tell me that now you can't give me no insurance. We can't ensure call girls are stripped. Okay, okay, okay, tell me what type of duties do they perform? Well, I mean, what do you mean? What kind of do I mean they think I have On the application? I have to put down what type of duties We're gonna put down down exotic dance, you know, uh, and see since they are there for people that like, uh, need to have some personal attention. Man, you know, we just put something else down, like you know, counseling. You know these prostitutes. You want to ensure prostitutes. I'm not saying that, man, I'm not stop saying that. Don't say that normal. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that's what that's what they are. Well, why don't you put down PC, man? Why don't you Why don't you put down pleasure consultant for man consultants? So we don't do that here. Um, I don't know how to help you. Sure, we don't do that here. You can't ensure a prostitute, then, I tell you, don't say that normal. I told you this right here is a PC. It's a pleasure consultant. That's somebody that gave me this business call, told me that you'll be able to take care of me. And now here you is coming back seeing you can't see this one is starting to be some for smitty name. Uh, sir, you don't have to refrain from using that language. No, no, no, no, they're telling me that you are able to ensure me. Man, you don't want coming back with some bogus right here. We don't ensure any type of ghetto mess prostitute call girls. Um, that's some street junk that we don't do here. Hey, man, listen, I was told you can ensure me, and guess what you go ensure me? I'm gonna go back and forth with you. Job. I'm gonna come down that to your office, and I want to. I want these papers filled out so I can sign them, so I office. Look, man, we don't ensure no prostitutes are no are no strippers. Okay, so we don't do that. And you're not gonna come down to my office with this ghetto mess. We don't do that. Who do you think you're holling that? Man? You you don't know who with? Now, don't left this corporate over the phone, corporate pot fool you because I can get gay. Hey man, I don't know who you? Thank you? I look now, who don't do that? Here? Hey man, look let me tell you so I'm on my way down there. Okay, do not come to this office. You come to this office. I'm coming to the office. You're gonna show my girls for me. Somebody that gave me your card and told me you can take care of me on the low, and that's what you're gonna do. Now. I need my damn in showing for my girls. Dog, That's all I'm trying to get. Don't you bring you to me? Stems. We don't do it, and I will not and if you bring you something, you're gonna get you. What? Man? I got one? Who are you getting talking to I'm talking to you now, trying to be nice and I trying to be professional. Question, don't you bring up to my office or keep you? You ain't singing and fillerland? Hey man, I got one more things I need to say to you. You listening? Yes, what you got to say to me? Jo? But I do not? And short perssitutes? Okay, what do you have to tell me? I got to tell you this best is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Mart has showed you just got pranked by your boy. Oh I'm a boy. I came. I believe he y'all got me. I Oh, let me ask you this hire man. Let me ask you this hire. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Hardy Morning Show bona five firtified, stupid much please and I wear it well. I wear it well and shoe is all right? Nephew coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news right after this you're listening show, He's back. Who am I talking about right now? Why North Korea's dictator Kim Jung He has returned to the public eye. What we thought even their death or death, it's some people in North Korea going, god, dog, I thought we's off in the head down to South Korea for the week. Kid. Yeah. Uh. He has returned to the public eye, reportedly to cut a ribbon at the opening of fertilizer plant of a fertilizer plant there. And now there's common that's a that's a little low irony there, not fertilizer april pole. Yeah, go on and cut the ribbon at the fertilizer plant just in time for some go down here. What they're serving this sugar honey iced tea. You're gonna cut this ribbon on this sugar honey iced tea factory, all right. And now there's commentary Steve from from officials that they don't think Kim Jung own had that rumor. They don't think he had the rumored heart surgery at all. They don't even think he had a surgery. I think I think it's a double. Oh yeah, they do, yeah, some some of the dictators do. I think it's a double oh yeah, oh, they got doubles. The first person gets shot in a dictatorship, ain't gonna be the dude. W Yeah, I'm thinking it's a double down that cutting that ribbon. They got no little fat, little Korean dude with that haircut, with that ball haircut, you can't get there. A lot of people know how to do that haircut. I accidentally cut my hair like that one time. But that prominent yeah, prominent North Korean defect leader has apologized for leaking the story, saying that Kim Jong un was seriously ill. So I guess it was all just a rumor. Wow, well, let me explain some to if that was a rumor, you will notice there will be at least ten dead people because here here kill all the people. Yeah, and his sister too. Yeah, she's a beast. She loves murder. All right, So so we here and other entertainment news. We all know Tiger King was a big hit for Netflix. We all watched the show. Uh, well, Tiger King fans, get ready because actor Nicholas Cage is going to play Joe Exotic in an upcoming We knew this was just a matter of time. Yeah, it's a Tiger King script scripted eight episode series. Okay, the series will that we already saw the real Yeah, who want? No, you can't be better than this, dude, Nicholas. Okay, anyway, the series is gonna focus on Joe's life and how he became Joe Exotic. All right, So na him, no dog, y'all. You know you gotta go see this. Yeah, yeah, take your ass to Netflix if you haven't seen Tiger King. It is the best reality show ever filmed on Planet Earth of all time. Yes, it's very very interesting, Yes it is. He had two husband husband, He had two husbands, both of them on mouth. One of them's mouth teeth had just took all his damn teeth. And he was a young man, and he was young. Ain't have on one, ain't had one solid tooth in his head? All right. See, we gotta move on. Time to catch up on today's headlines. Once I chip my tooth, I'm not doing that drug. No more, Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann Trill, thank you, thank you, everybody. Good morning. Here's the news. The Trump administrations of rejecting the conclusions made in an internal government report obtained by the New York Times. The report that's predicting that if states open up too fast, Okay that the daily nationwide coronavirus death toll could double by early June. The Times is signing a sentence for disease Control Update acquired by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, that predicts that the number of COVID nineteen deaths in this country could reach about three thousand a day by June first, if stay at home and social distancing stuff is canceled. However, the White House spokesperson Judd Deer says in a statement that this is not a document, nor has it been presented to the White Houses Corona Virus task Force. Capitol Hill was only half opened yesterday. Republican Leader Mitch McConnell reopened the US Senate, requiring all clerks and other support personnel to show up. But in light of the threat posed by the pandemic, Illinois Democrat Dick Durbin says he wasn't too pleased being called back to work the senators here today because the majority leader has brought us back to Washington against medical advice. We know what the standard is in the district of Columbia for the people who live here, stay home, don't meet in groups, work away from your normal working place to protect yourself. But we're back in town. However, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't do that. She didn't call back the nation's congressmen and women back to Capolo Hill again for safety reasons. For the first time in its history, the US Supreme Court heard cases by telephone yesterday. All the justices are over sixty five, so with the coronavirus in mind, the High Court heard the first of ten cases in a telephone conference while allowing some members of the public to listen. In actually just one more way in which the COVID nineteen pandemic has forced American society to adjust to a new reality. In a fundraising effort designed to fund research to find a vaccine to fight the coronavirus and hosted by the European Union, yesterday, more than fifty countries, organizations and institutions made contributions. The trub administration did not participate. The EU group hopes to support the development, they say, of both a treatment and a vaccine that is accessible and affordable worldwide. So that's why they're trying to get that money up. By the way, California Governor Gavin Newsom is being challenged in court over his continue to stay at home order because of COVID nineteen, in which he says will remain an effect until further notice. The governor says, can you to maintain the closure of beaches and stuff in ocean in Orange County, Florida started reopening yesterday. The governor calls it phase one, with stores and restaurants operating at limited capacity. And finally today is Sinco Dumaya. So enjoy and if you don't you know about Mexican food, go online and get a recipe and celebrate that way. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steven Show. Well, this week in the National Teacher Appreciation Week, guys and love love, love our teachers and our educators. That's that's my wife. Yeah, now, yeah, it's all the homeschooling at homeschool and going on. You're right, tell me, we really appreciate what you guys do every single day. So, Steve, you played a teacher, of course on your TV show, The Steve Harvey TV Show, you played mister high Tower. Can you tell us who is your favorite teacher? Yeah, we're like, yeah, we know about miss Blandon. Oh no, I don't want I like Miss Cleveland and Miss Adams and Ray Davis. Well, can I tell you something that's happening. This is the first time we've seen the grandkids since quarantine. Okay, Okay, Dre and I waited for two minutes after we caught that flight home, so we make we clear to two weeks. So yesterday was the first time we saw the grandkids, and you know, day in school. And so Rose came in and told me, yesterday, Papa, I'm at home school. I walked right in my office, said, you're not feeling to learn a damn thing over here. Grance is over here to visit. Don't don't please don't ask Papa for no help at the home school. Tomorrow. Your arts from school, your smart children, you can miss teachers. Okay, thank you for making that case and points, yes, thank god for teachers. Man, Carla, how you doing with the home school. It's toughty, I'm telling you, that's sixth grade math. It's always the math. It's the math. It's a sixth grade math, and she's doing a sixth grade science and projects. But let me say this, I really now, and if I think most parents feel this way, you appreciate teachers now way more than ever. Yeah. See your baby, Tasha is y'all you go to white school. Your sixth grade math different from what I nine and nine tea downs eighteen. Yes, I take you so long. I ran out of the fingers. Yeah yeah, man, almost over. Yeah no, no, no, school. School is out for the year. But what they're doing though, these kids are doing homeschool lessons. See, they're getting grades. Yeah, this is into the school year. Last I told my grandkids, We're not gonna do grade. Okay, I'm gonna yeah, yeah, yeah, I told my grandkids, I'm gonna get your trust fund. You'd be like, get out, don't ask me nothing. Well, again, we appreciate our teachers and our educators are National Teacher Appreciation Week. Thank you guys so much for the hard, hard, hard work that you do. Yes, right, coming up in thirty four minutes after our CNN's Don Lemon's trending viral video, wait till you see this, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Show. In trending viral video News CNN's host Don Lemon made a powerful, powerful soliloquy. First, he praised former President Bush for calling for unity during this pandemic, but then done really went in and accused President Trump of being obsessed with former President Barack Obama. If you missed it, take a listen. What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin? Is it because he's smarter than you, better educated, made it on his own, didn't need daddy's help. His wife is more accomplished, better looking. I don't know what is it? What is it about him? And he's a black man that's accomplished, game president and he punked you on the whole a certificate thing? What is it about him? Just wondering asking him Donald, asking him talking to you? You know this President? And I kid you not. Man is the most childish, immature, true, not sisistic, uncaring, evasive, lying, paranoid, egotistical, shameless, and the most I've never seen anybody points more fingers at more people, And it's to blame for nothing. And I think all of us who have lived in this world long enough, we know somebody. We all have an associate that used to we thought they were friends, and we had to put them in associate column. Who acts like they know every damn thing They are the most uncomfortable people to be around because you know, no matter what you say, they fin the topic. I don't care what your story is. They got a bigger one. I don't care what go wrong. Their opinion is always right. And like Sherlt just said, one upsmanship. That's cool if you if you a truck driver or a comedian, or you are radio show holes, all that's good. You know. Don't none of that fly as presents of the United States. Damn dog. Don't if you drive a truck for pepsick, because you can be all this I just name, but this these qualities, man, unbecoming of the largest, supposedly richest nation in the world. Get what and I have news for you and I've done some discoveries traveling. This ain't the richest nation in the world. Sorry, it's not. This is the richest nation in the world that reports to forb magazine. It's some people ain't on Forbes. They have money that there are individuals that have more money than nations. Nations. Really seriously, nations have more money than nation than nations, Tommy, than nations. Wow, don't it's some people with some with some paper, man, and I just we we are being guided and led. And this is why I want people to be careful. Man, listen to me. Let him run the White House. Don't let him run your house. Let him run the White House. Do not let him run your house. Yeah, that's a book, right. It's a huge difference because the White House has never been a great benefit to us anyway over the years when they try to do something for us by partisanship or some other party knocks it down, even for the people that's trying to do something good. But do not let this white House narrative get into your house, because, man, this dude is about him. He just has to be reelected so he can stop these indictments that's coming his way. Because the moment this man ain't pregnant, ain't President New York got something for his ass, all right, Steve Well said, coming up next, we'll play that whole Don Lemon excerpt at the end of the show. And coming up next, Nephew has today's prank phone calls Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today today's subject, I may be falling for a liar. But right now, nephew in the building, right here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? Repo? Repo man, it's time to repo. You had your car represents? Yeah, hell yeah, but it took him three years to get it though. Time out here in my call, three years, dog, I stopped paying my payment. I ain got eight months behind. They were looking for me hard. I kept my call without a single payment for three years, without single payment. Will you put it? It ain't impossible out on the road, was this d you don't stand up? Hell? I lived in it. Oh, so you couldn't get it, repo. I would turn this in, dog, turn in my house. Right. So was this before or after or during the times you were turning on people's gas? Oh no, this was this was after yeah, gas business because a police caught me. Okay, this and this is why yeah, this is why the lord made him rich though, because he could not have a life of crime. Now I see them police, they kind of they click. They was in a plane card they got me turning somebody's gas back on front the street. Oh so before we run this prank, let me answer this. So were you ever at home. You ever in Cleveland with the car? And how did you hide it in Cleveland? Oh? I would take the car like to a grocery store, park in the back like I worked night, Shiel. Get out, catch the bus down to Saint Clair, get off and walk down to Eddie Road. Yeah, I just parked in a different department store here at night. Please, let's get to the print. They have low jack, none of that back then, what's your they gonna do? Oh? Boy, I park it in my partner's house all that, man, I never put that car in my driveway. Repo man, let's go get hello. I'm trying to reach age. Please all right, y'all. My name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra GMC truck. Am I correct? Y? Okay. We don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, sir. Financial with the other another thing, I don't, I don't. I don't know what's in the moment. Yeah, I've been paying all time. It's directed party from our call. We're about that. Well, Uh, I'm with they've they've turned you over to us. I'm with h Collection Agency and we haven't gotten anything from don't. I don't show any uh, any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they've I've been panning it all already turned it over to y'all without my permission. They can't never tell my time. Is my truck over to y'all to pack y'all? I don't even know it. Well, I understand that. Sure. What happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us. Uh. They've given us, uh pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color uh c eart the GMC truck from my understanding, Am I correct? Yeah? That's truck. Okay. Um, Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening. For four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and represents truck. And I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't want to have to send anybody out to pick it up. Y'all not coming get my truck. And I'm not paying y'all for for now full months. I'm gonna paying my truck no all time, every month. That's a deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I come out there and repossess it myself. But I'm telling you what Look slow, look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and fussing and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that they truck much truck, that's gonna be that? What? Hang on, let's back up, because I'm a man just like you. Man. What do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What are you? What are you saying to me. So I'm telling you. Look, i'm telling you that I pay my truck not and that's a fun I don't know, I don't know. Let's get I've already stated to you before. I'm with an agency, and let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now, Hey, hey, dude, call down on the phone. It don't make no sense talking, you know, over the phone and whatnot. You can come, you can come get the truck. My truck right here I work. I'm ray you can come. You can come, try to get my truck. You come over here. S I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now, I don't. I'm trying to be as uh carded with you as I can. Now you can clothe you're talking about. I'm gonna get my trouble and I'll tell you I'll be playing my So you know you should have dropped down and be like, all right, I'm gonna check with somebody else, check with somebody else to make sure I'm right. It didn't call me back. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done a thing. What are you? Stupid? You? You you're raising your fresh scream in the house over the phone like that because they ain't gonna do me me? Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming from my truck. With a matter of fact, you could come from my truck. I'm gonna being on my truck. I'm gonna wait on you. What are you gonna be there? It doesn't make any difference, sir, you how to get repossessed tonight? If I don't get four months payment Brook, definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taking care of. Hold on, listen, man, hold on you kind of kind of serious truck part. You quick cursing at me. That's what's wrong. Man. You look right outside. You come over here and get it obviously that way for you. Look, you know what, I'm at the point I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Calling bad kay, I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hey, hold on, I'm man. I make a bro. Stop calling. I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. He will make your money. Do you get truck? I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you listening? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by you got you got on my teacher? Man? You are you all right? Man? I'm gonna talk this roof. Man, I'm talking about cool ones I'm about I'm trying to get She told me. She told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah. That's my true love, my honest reputation. Man ain't man. Yeah, yeah, you gotta, but you gotta good. I gotta ask. I gotta ask you. Man, Tell me, brother, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? No Steve the Morning and now you have it? Hey, Tom, what's the prank on my uncle? And he can? I tell you one more thing that I did was the slickest move I made. What's that? Man? I bought a bike rack put that on the back of my car. And now whoever I parked my car, I rolled my bike home. Boy, you know the options I had then, I could park anyway. I wanted to underhood in the rain, ride my bike home in the rain, in the snow. We get there. I had the same attitude the US Pony Express head rain sleet, haila, snow. You got mail. Here we go. I'm gonna do my life story one day. You have good I gotta because you're talking about Tiger King. Yeah, Robby, I'm gonna call my special the real thing. Yeah, thank you guys. Coming up next Strawberry Letter subject I may be falling for a liar. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it days scroll baby letter. Thank you nephew subject, I may be falling for a liar. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty year old divorced feml and I'm working on my master's degree in nursing, so I wasn't focused on dating after my divorce. But six months ago I met an amazing twenty five year old man that was heaven sent. He's tall, dark and handsome, with a nice house, car, and two jobs. He is my everything and he takes good care of me. He pays bills, cooks, cleans everything. There is just one big problem that I have with him, and I need your advice to see if it's a deal breaker. This man is a liar. I have caught him in a few big lies, and some things he has told me don't add up. When we met, he told me he was a virgin and we needed to get married before we had sex. Well, two months ago, we got a little tipsy and I was all over him. He gave in and we had sex, and this man knew my body better than I did. It was the best I ever had and I was happy and mad at the same time because there was no way this guy was a virgin. Instead of admitting he lied. He claimed that he learned everything about pleasing a woman by watching porn. Uncle Steve, is that even possible? I caught him lying about being at work when he was really playing basketball and napping all day. I caught him in so many lies because he forgets what he's lied about. This makes me doubt most things he says, but his good does outweigh his bad. Over the weekend, I heard him on the phone with his cousin saying that he's planning to propose in December after I graduate. I'm not sure if I should overlook the lies to stay with him. This is a fairly new relationship, so I have to trust whatever he tells me for now. Should I investigate him before I end up falling in love with a big liar? Please help me out. Well, you know, based on the fact that you wrote into us, it sounds like you're having some issues, some doubt, some some problems, and I just got to ask you, why would you do this to yourself? I mean, really, trust is like a really important thing in a relationship. I mean one of the most important things in a relationship. You have to be able to trust your partner, and you can't trust this guy. You can't. You said it yourself. You haven't even known him that long, and he's lying already. I hate just lying for no reason, or, like we say on this show, lying when the truth will do. Don't let his great you know, skills in the bedroom, the good sex and all that. Don't let that blind you. All these are red flags. I mean, you said he knew your body better than you do and all that. That means he's not a virgin. Well, okay, so you know he's not a virgin. I mean, but I just gotta I mean, I guess he could learn some of those tricks by watching porn, but I would think he would have to practice on someone to get it as right as you say it is. So you know that's a lie. But that's not it's a lie is a lie. It's not just a huge lie. And don't get me wrong. Everybody lies, don't they. But I just say, if he's a lying before, if he's lying before the marriage, I heard you, Tommy, he's going to lie in the marriage, in the relationship, he's just gonna lie. He worked two jobs and all of this, but you caught him playing basketball and not at work. And sleeping all day. Maybe that was just one day, but I think you really need to be in this relationship longer, long enough to see if this is really really really a pattern. You have a few lies here and a few lies there to base this relationship on. I just think it's a lot of lying to be so early in the game, and he's not going to change too many lies. So I don't think this is worth it, right, I just don't. I think you know you're already worried, so maybe you need to move on. Steve, see these men in these letters. I feel for women because we are such gamers, but I know the game. This letter is entitled I may be falling for a liar. The title I want to give the letter it's Blessings in Lies. Today's sermon, it's blessings in lies. Let's begin with the blessings. After your divorce six months you met an amazing man twenty five year was heaven sent. That is a blessing. He's tall, dark and handsome. Another blessing, nice house call, two jabs, blessings. He is my everything. Blessings. He takes care of me. Listen to this. He paid bills. Lord Jesus blessing. He cooks and cleans blessings, blessings everything, this is a blessing. There's one problem that I had with him, and I need your advice. If it's a deal breaker. Come on him now. This man is a liar. We've now gotten away from this letter field with so many blessings to now only find out he's a damn lick. Caught him in some big lies. Told me stuff ain't add up. When we met, he told me he was a virgin and we needed to get married before we had said where he had? Why didn't you meet? This man got two cars, nice job, a house, and cre handsome tall dog, and he'll virgin where he at. Hold on, see we'll find out. Oh I got it for you. Yeah, when we get to part two of your response, coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, Today's Strawberry Letter. I may be falling for a liar. We'll find out. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. I may be falling for a liar. All right. I'm gonna kill the minister thing and I just go to the bank. Thirty year old divorced female getting the masters to greed and met the man of her dreams, mazing twenty five year old. She said, he haven't said he tall dog and he has. That's everything right there, tall dog and hands. He got a nice house, call, he got two jobs. Here, everything takes good care of me, all these blessings, like I said, he paid bills, blessings, cook blesses, bless his heart, Jesus cleans everything. But there's a problem I had with him to see if it's a deal breaker. This man is a liar. He telled damn lies all the time. OUTA caught him in some big lives and some things he's told me just didn't add up. She said, now here we go. When we met and he told me he was a virgin and we needed to get married before we had sex. Women, didn't you just say he was your everything? Didn't you say he paid bills, cooks, cleans. Didn't you say that he got a nice house, a car, and two jobs. She said, what makes you think you're the first woman that been in this nice ass house and this nice ass call with this man with these two jobs. Why do you think he working two jobs. He working two jobs to better himself. He working two jobs to getting more women. Now much listen to me, well two months ago said she said he was a virgin. We got a little tips and I was all over him. He gave in and we had sex. And this man knew my body better than I did. It was the best I've ever had blessings and I was happy blessing, but I was mad at the same time because there was no way this guy was a virgin. Instead of admitting it, he lied. He claimed that he learned everything about pleasing the woman by watching pawn Uncle Stevens that even possible. Hell no, let me strange something to you. Do you know how many times out and watched the damn Olympics? Oh love them. Since I've been born, I've never missed a summer Olympics. Do you know many times I watched Michael Phelps win a gold medal in that swimming pool and guess what, I can't swim work for Damn stand at the TV ki just in and wat I'm splashing. I didn't even jump in there and try to Damn near killed myself. I can't watch no point and learn how to do sex. Good. You can learn a couple of tricks moves, but it don't make you good at it. Sex is something you got to if you gifted at It's caused you is, yeah, yes, it sees now. Man didn't here know your body with bet in yours. That's because he's been round before, up and down. Yeah, I love it when we're cruising together. That's what he'd been doing. He'd been cruising on several people. I know my way around your body is because I haven't been around somebody, yes, other body many times. Okay, all right, I hear you. See go on his Facebook page and look at his nickname what freeway, fast and furious. He got it. He got names, looked like he had been all over the highway. Transformer show me your teeth, White Mark BC's booty clincher. I called him lying about being at work when he was really playing basketball and napping all day. I've caught him in so many lies because he forgets what he lied about. This makes me doubt everything. He's safe, but he's good. Does I way too bad? I know what you're talking about. You're looking at that house. He paying the bills, he got them, calls for you, he cooked, he cleaned everything, and not to mention, he didn't watch all the Pornto tapes. And it's now the best you've ever had. So that's the good that you say and outweighs the bad. Over the weekend, heard him talking home on phone to his cousin say he was gonna propose when you graduate. Now you want to know if I should overlook the lies and stay with it. This is a fairly new relationship. Do I trust whatever he tells me for now? Why would you? What kind of question is that? Do I trust everything he tells? You can caught him in how many lies? Trust? Why would you trust what he tells you? Yeah? Should I investigate him? Yes? Google told you to go on Facebook? Gone tender? He not tasted? He got nicknames tasted that might be my favorite, you know one of them. I heard a girl call him Atlas one time because he knows way round New Hamble. All right, listen, thank you, Steve. Post your comments screw drivel on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now come on, girlook saying, oh you must be the black stormy oh, coming up with forty six minutes actually the power stall. Yeah, happy sink Sinko de Mayo, and we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, it's happy sinco de Mayo. That's that's what today is may fifth, single demayo. It's often pused. Yeah, it often gets confused with Mexican Independence Day, but today is Sinko Demyo. It commemorates the Mexican Army's victory at the Battle of Puebla during the Franco Mexican War in eighteen sixty two. Mexico actually declared its independence fifty years earlier. So shout out to all of our Hispanic yeah Tino brothers and sisters. Thinking it might celebrates Mexican culture and heritage. So um, I mean, we've been to Mexico so many times. We love Mexico. Yeah, and Steve, remember when you used to take lessons, Spanish lessons on the air. Anything you want to say, Yeah, in Spanish, our style of wigal you know, goodbye boys. You know Rivera Dircy and you know I do a mixture, yeah, you know I was doing them on the air. But I tell you one thing, though, I learned how to cuss a little bit. I like that. But I learned Colleen Tate, Collen Tate, June. You know what that meant? Yeah, And I learned kolo. And any time you say that to Latinos, they just bust out laughing in your face. They don't give a damn who you are. If I say, hey, man, Colinn, take coolo, they just bust out laughing in my damn flame. So I thought that was the two words that was essential to me living in Texas, and now used just you know, hair crews over there at the house and stuff. They know, those builders and stuff, contractors, a lot, a lot of Latinos. And you know, I knew it was hot outside, so I said, man, who Colligne? Yeah Micolo, Mi cool Colne. They'd be bored. They'd be a holly laughing. He said, he's so stupid. Man here watch you only know too was watching this. Watch this, ed, mister Harvey, what's up Collie? The baby coolo? Now? And you know I would just change their inflection and they laugh harder. They said, this is really think he speaks, He saying the damn thing, you know. And mister Steve klep hill Boy. They say this man, this hell negro ye. You're listening, all right, Steve. Italy and the US are just a few of the countries that are easing back coronavirus restrictions to try and revive our economies. Here at home in America, people in Chicago are still disobeying staying at home orders by having block parties. And Mayor Lori Lightfoot is really upset. She does not play when it comes to this coronavirus. Yeah. Um. People in Atlanta are going to the mall for Jordan sneakers, or they were standing in line yesterday for the opening of Lenox Mall as well, and a lot of people aren't wearing masks. Yeah, for Jordan's sneakers and stuff. Florida and Texas, the beaches are packed. Protesters in Michigan carrying rifles, waving correct Confederate flags demanding the governor reopened the states so they can get a haircut. What what you're waving the Confederate flags so you can get a hit? Yeah, yeah, just cut your own damn hattie. Okay, all right, yeah yeah. And all them people protesting, can we get them to say keep cutting mullet stay sill. And you know, these virus outbreaks at the nation's meat factories and the Midwest are going on as well. Various science models have dramatically increased the COVID nineteen death toll. And so what do you think, Steve, Are we reopening too soon? I mean we've talked about a lot of Listen, Like Carla was saying earlier, I get that people. I look, man, people that's out of work. They got to make these ends meet. I do get it, man, I do get it. And sometimes they out the risk reward fact that they're willing to take the risk till for their family to survive, to feel like they can keep a roof over their head, or keep their car or keep the balls in the air. So I get it, man. Yeah, but here's the problem. Without a vaccine, without a cure, without them finding a way to even just slow it the effects of the disease, when you get it, they don't really have that that that that's drug they got out. Now there's remind remedant or whatever they call it. Yeah, yeah, there you go, Junior, know all that, and so and so you know when when they when they when they if they could come out with something. But I get it, man, people want to go back, and they're putting pressure on these governors so they can keep their lives together. But it's a horrible choice to have to make your health or your wealth. And that's there, and especially when we're not really talking real wealth. We're just talking about the ability to keep the doors and the roof and electricity on. And yeah, and that's why I lot of people are facing and I understand and wanting to go. So is it too soon, Yes, it is. But I do understand people wanting to go to work now going to wanting to go to the mall and to the movie and bowling and getting your hair cut. That's not what I call opening. If people want to go back to work, if a company can get some social distancing and hand washing and wear masks at work, I understand people wanting to go to work. I ain't knocking. What about it if you are a barber and you are a hairstylists, and you do own a movie theater and you do own a store in the mall, Yeah, yeah, it's it's horrible. It's a catch everywhere you looking at. I want a hair cut. I'm tired of looking like it. It came from the file. I'll be but I'm gonna look like it. Can't try to get back into group. I'm gonna wait, though, Shirlette, I looked just like the James Brown last book shot, that wavy hair, his cap off. I'm gonna wait. The girls like the girls, you know that. I wait? All right, coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to show. All right, Carla, you're up with your music news. What you got for us? Girl? Okay, So we talked about this earlier before we got on the air. So Swiss Beats and Timberland, you know they kind of started those Instagram live battle the battles, uh huh. So you know we know Teddy Riley baby Face. That was big. Yeah, yeah, yeah. They got a lot of followers, and it's actually helping the artists. It's helping them sell music, and it's followers go you go up on social media. That's right, shortly stay relevant. So now get ready. Timberland is saying it's time for the queens to battle. Y'all head to Head Saturday night, May nine, seven pm Eastern Air, cut by du Versus Jill God, my heart right here, this is close to my heart. Those my favorites right there. Wow, that's that is you're talking about Tyrone other side of the game. Hit after hit, Ye like it's golden getting in the way, long walk the way. I don't know. I just don't know. You gott I gotta go with yeah, Yeah, you got history with Erica. I love them both the same. I'm shirt, I'm gonna probably be Saturday night just pulling my hair just I know. All right, that's gonna be good Marva. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up, and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you're ready. Time for asking who the chief love Officer. Here we go. This one is from Tammy in Oklahoma. Tammy says, my boyfriend and I have been together for nine years and we have four children together. I really want to be with him forever, but he is not the most romantic man in the world, and our relationship is getting stale. I am tired of giving him hints around Valentine's Day or my birthday to do something special for me. He tells me he loves me every day, but I no longer feel the love. How can I get him to stop taking me for granted? Well, so the first thing you have to do is stop taking yourself for granted. You've been his boyfriend for nine years and you have four children. If you won't more, you have to command more. Why would he give you more when he knows you're willing to settle for being his girlfriend, and he your boyfriend for nine years? How can I get him to be more romantic? I think the bigger question is how can you get him to commit to you and marry you? How can you give the children his last name? Nine? In your business, they don't make no difference whether you do it or not. But you wrote in to me, so I'm just saying to you, I'm just trying, in a nice little Christian way, just offer you a suggestion. Aim a little bit higher. I want something for my birthday. I want something for Valentine's Day? How about a damn wedd How about that? If you don't, if you quit aiming so low, you might mess Ronnie go somewhere. She didn't mention a wedding or marriage at all. No, I've been here here my boyfriend for nine years. We got four kids. What what? All right, We'll move on to Carmen and Philly. Carman says, I'm a divorced single mother. My X and I didn't have a custody battle, nor did I put him on child support. I'm regretting it now. Legally I have to let our three year old daughter visit him, even though he doesn't provide any financial support for her. I have to pack any and everything she might need because my X doesn't have any clothes, toys, not even a toothbrush for a little girl at his house. I want to drag him back to court, but I don't want to be angry the angry ex wife. How should I approach this? Well, you don't have to be the angry ex wife. Yeah, you just have to have this man be responsible for his child. It's called the law. Yeah, it's not. You're not the angry X. It's a man can't get off the hook for his response ability to his children. All right, coming up our last break of the day, This last break out of day Spanish happy Sinko de Mayo and coming up, you're gonna lead us into this, Steve, but we're gonna replay the entire done Lemon viral as my remarks, Yeah, viral audio as your closing remarks. He asked President Trump, what is it about you? What do you have against Barack Obama, our former president? We'll do that coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. It's been a good day. It's been a fun yeah. Yeah. And later, well, yeah, and see if you have something special for us. Instead of your closing remarks, yeah, instead of my closing remarks. What I wanted to do was Don Lemon really kind of nailed it on the head, you know, and he did it in a really really eloquent way, eloquent way, you know. I just his comment his commentary was really really spot on. I know everybody don't agree with him about everything he says, but for the most part, I find myself sitting there shaking my head, going yeah, yeah, Now, I know people on Fox don't like CNN and Vice versus CNN don't like people on Fox. And that's the problem we have in this country. We can't get anybody to give us the information as facts. You got a closer chance of getting it on CNN what's really going on. But then you know, Fox tries to give out the news of what's going on with the coronavirus too. I've seen them do some really really good reports, and then I've seen some mediotics. Steff commanded there too. But Don Lemmi's commentary on the state of our nation with this president was quite compelling, and here it is in his entire so I said it before. Everybody wants the economy to come back. Come on, people are hurting, millions of jobs lost, millions of people not sure where to get the money to pay the rent and put food on the table. But the president wants to be able to showcase an economic recovery. It's his ace in the hole with election day just six months away, and it just can't seem to muster the kind of compassion that we need from our president. With more and more Americans getting sick and more and more Americans dying, he is longing to get back to crowded campaign rallies, right seriousness. Hopefully our country will soon. Men, we are all missing our wonderful rallies and many other things. No we're not. He's bragging about his golf courses. And then there is this one of the most transparent and ludicrous attempts at distraction that we have seen from a president who has got a million of them, retweeting an utterly absurd claim by a conspiracy theorist that the former president Barack Obama was behind what he calls the Russia hoax. This one is really a new low from a president who goes low all the time. It is obviously completely untrue. It's a disturbed fantasy, and just as obviously he doesn't really expect you to believe it. He just wants to turn the page to get you to think about something anything other than one of the worst crises in this nation's history. Look in the mirror, mister president, it's you, and this is nothing but a shameless attempt to distract from your own administration's mishandling of a crisis that's cost over sixty seven thousand American lines. And by the way, you were warned about a pandemic like this by the Obama administration. That's leadership that's compassion. It's too bad that President Trump can't show either. By the way, what is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin? Is it because he's smarter than you, better educated, made it on his own, didn't need daddy's help, wife, is more accomplished, better looking. I don't know what is it? What is it about him? And he's a black man that's accomplished, game president and he punked you on the whole certificate thing. What is it about him? I'm just wondering. Wow, you know what, I've never seen anybody. This is David Copperfield in the White House. This is Chris Angel Now you see me? No you, now you don't. His philosophy of it can't be me, it has to be you. It's and if it's certainly not me, then it has to be you, because certainly it's not me. I didn't say that, that's fake news. No, you said it. You said it thousands of thousand times. You know what. It's so because I said it, and I have a lot of people who will let me say anything I want and go along with it. That's the real sadness of this country that we're in the tens of millions of people who will allow him to say all of this stuff. Then I know these people know this is wrong, and they go along with it. They go along with it because he's a Republican. What that's an element? Can I tell you something? Ain't nobody leading me down the dog path. I don't give a damn what party they're in. I have enough common sense to think for myself. And like I told y'all earlier on the show, don't let them people that's running the White House run your house. Don't get they don't know what's happening in your house. Don't let these people in your house. Man, It's really sad what's going on. I really want to appreciate, applaud Don Lemon's courage and just spott on performance of what we're facing in this day in the White House. And I agree with him one hundred percent on that. So hey, look y'all be good man. We'll see y'all tomorrow. God willing, and I would say, have a nice weekend, but just how you do so, I don't even know what dead is. No more so for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show