Good morning everyone! Show love to your boss today. President Trump has an issue with an umbrella. The Royals have a baby on the way. Nephew Tommy has a new show on OWN. Do we have a new Cornerstone Caroline on the way. Kanye, Kim and the kids go to Africa. Tyreek Hill from the Kansas City Chiefs gets beer thrown on him. The retail giant Sears faces bankruptcy. Today in Closing Remarks, there is a powerful message from Big Dog and you must hear it and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon all looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the Milican buck bus things. And it's to me true good it shut. Listening to love to each other for stock Listen, hobby, why don't you joy yea yeah by joining me? Honey. You gotta use turn be hurting? Yeah, you go do you? You gotta turn to turn out turns to love. You got to turn out to turn turn water wan goa, comey, come on your thing, got it? Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. God is in a blessing business. I'm in the receiving line, man. That's a good feeling. You know. I thank God for waking me up in the mornings. I really really do. I thank God for the spirit that he wakes me up with because I finally, but I finally figured it out. Such a blessing that shouldn't be taken for granted. The fact that you are up today, the fact that you just got off work and you're driving home, the fact that you got a job to come home from the fact that you got a job to wake up too. Whatever it is, the fact that you can see, think, here, smell, walk, talk, rhyme, reason, whatever it is, it's a blessing. Man, it is a lesson. So every time he wakes you up, it's him saying, hey, I ain't through with you yet. Hey, man, still got still got some work for you, still putting you into the plan. And you know, um, I was talking to a partner of mine last night and an analogy came to me last night of what my life has been like. And I was just going over my story with a friend of matter, all the some of the things I had gone through, and he never knew it because he said, man, you never told me that. We were just talking. One of the things I remember, and it's kind of equated to my life, was when I was a little boy, I should go to the store with my mom and she would let me buy a jigsaw puzzle and uh, I love getting the jigsaw puzzle. Custom man. It was it was just was just interesting to me. You know, for those of you to grow it back in the day, you know, it's kind of cool because you know, I was telling my partner, you know what, no video games to play another. So in the wintertime, a jigsaw puzzle was kind of cool to me. It gave me something to do. And what we do is my mother would spread out a piece of newspaper on the section of the floor, or spread out some newspaper on the end of the table, and I would buy a jigsaw puzzle. Now, for those of you, a jigsaw puzzle comes in the box. There are no instructions. It just comes in a box and it's simple. You're gonna dump the pieces out in the pile and you're gonna try to put the pieces together until it looks like the picture that's on the cover of the box. That's as simple as it is. Here is the deal. I would select a jigsaw puzzle based on the picture that I liked and if I thought I could do it. Now, if the jigsaw puzzle, if the picture looked too crazy, if it looked too intricate, too detailed, I didn't want that puzzle, you know. And the thing was, back in the day you got a jigsaw puzzle, you had a hundred piece puzzles. Four hundred piece puzzles. Man, then they say a thousand piece puzzle. You go, oh, man. So those were a little difficult for me when I was a little boy, so I didn't want that. As I got a little bit older, I had more challenging puzzles, you know, for fifty five hundred piece puzzles. But I always picked a picture of something I liked and wanted to see happen. So it's very simple. You get the jigsaw puzzles, you get it home, you open it up, you dump it out on the table. You flip all the pieces over so you can see them, and then I would try to sort them based on the colors on the box. If it was like a a black section, I take all the black pieces and slide them over there. If it was some flowers, I try to find all the pictures with little jigsaw pieces with the little floor and I separated and then I started putting it together. And the way I started was I try to build the border first, because I knew all the straight edges had to be side by side at one point, so I'd go like that. And it was funny, man, because it's related to my life. I would start putting the pieces together of the picture I saw that I liked and that would be my picture. And oftentimes when I got through with the puzzle, the puzzle would be about maybe two ft wide two ft high, something like that. I liked them about that side. Sometimes I get a little bit pin on the size of the piece of stuff and I would make that poss A lot of people didn't like jigsaw puzzles. The majority of people I knew and my friends didn't like jigsaw puzzles because they didn't like the work. And I had a partner that used to come to my house and see mine and get mad, and he'd go home and start oneting he gets too difficult along the way, and then he'd stopped go back to it, and his puzzle was left unfinished a lot of time. As a matter of fact, none of the boys on the street like jigsaw puzzles. But me. What happened was, as I got older, I wanted more difficult than challenging puzzles, but I wouldn't go too far. I wanted some nice stuff to happen. I had a picture of what I wanted for my life, but I didn't want to go too far because it was so challenging and difficult. I had I couldn't see myself at all of that, and I didn't have the time, the knowledge, the expertise to figuring all the intricate details. And I discovered something when I was talking last night. That's what happens in life to a lot of people. You get bogged down with the details of coming up. You said, all that pulls are crazy. Next thing you know, you crumble it up and put it back in the box. So you go halfway and you get stuck, and you get to the part where it ain't a lot of different colors. It's all the same, and that's a little bit more challenging. So that may stop you. But it's somewhere in the jig saw puzzle that it gets very difficult and challenging. The bigger the picture you want, but then what all happened in your life, It's just like what ha happened in the jigsaw. Once you get comfortable and you don't mind the challenge, you could get a bigger picture. But here's the key to it, though, if you put God in your mix. See the picture that I saw for myself as a boy is not the picture that has happened to me as a man. Because along the way from boyhood to manhood. From the time I was tending, you understand what happened along the riding there was I started putting God in the mix. And so now the picture that I have now is not the picture I saw. It's the picture that God saw. So what I'm saying this analogy is the picture you have may be difficult to complete, but if you were to include God in your life, put God in your jigsaw puzzle, God will not only help you complete the puzzle, and he gonna add some pieces, he gonna do some favors, he gonna show some mercy, and you're gonna look up and the picture that you're able to end up with or be totally different and much more complete, much more beautiful or bigger picture than the one and you had. Because there's no way that I could have saw the life that I have today back when I was a boy. And it amazes me when I hear people say I always saw this for myself. I didn't do that. I didn't quite see this for myself. I don't know how you can have the ability to see what God really has for you. But man, he's a masterful jigsaw. Man, he's an incredible puzzle completer. So, if you got a puzzle that's challenging to you, what's the picture that God has for your life? If God were in your life, if you completed the puzzle, what would it look like. It'll be a far more extensive puzzle and it would be a far more beautiful piece of scenery than you could have ever imagined. And guess what, He ain't through with me yet. That's what's amazing and exciting about a relationship with God. God could take your jigs all puzzle and fix it. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I gotta going for you today. Charlet Strawberry, Hey, good morning to you, Steve, Hey, grow, what's up? Jude? Your morning up? Be to man bidding this page my bills? Baby? Thank you? And that few toimey yes sir in yeah, last note again, I like that few toime me. Yeah, that street Cola action man. That would be Tommy, Kevin Rico, Pruding, Jeff gil Hamy corner boys you time. I know what that is. That's warm up deleting you come, Tommy, It's so stupid. You are right, Tommy. I'm fine I'm great. Hold up. Oh no, no, no, no, no, not right now, too soon, that's right after heard that, but the right ahead. Yeah. Well uh another great day, uh man. I'm just you're all right, yeah, and we just got to work. There's just a lot going on. It's been kind of tough week for me, to be honest, but I'm getting through it. Man. My faith is good, so you know, everything in my life though, this too shall pass time. I kid, you're not man, and I've I've had to rely on that many times because nobody, and that's a lesson for everybody, no matter what's going on in your life, that's not to your liking if you keep waking up, if something gonna happen to it, because it just can't stay that way. And I believe that that this two shall pass and I and I and I just wake up and go, okay, well well it wasn't today. It's still here. But one day you're gonna wake up and it passes. Man. But that's true. And Steve, I have to say you have been holding up quite well. I mean, I know you have your moments, but I mean, you know it's tough. You know, my best friend and I lost him. This is the second best friend I've ever lost in grad Calhoun, and it's just tough. Man, it's just tough. Such a good brother, such a good brother, Dear Fred. He was more than a business part. He was my best friend. I mean, man, I haven't been on a golf trip in three years, four years, five without him. So you know that's it, man. But we we're gonna be good. My job is to keep living and I know him. He wouldn't want me sitting around just moping and moping. I'm trying not to be some days, but you know I'm getting there. It's all good. This too, cha pass? Won't he do it? All right? Steve? Before we get out of here, I gotta tell you today is National Bosses Day. We're gonna discuss a few things with our boss Steve Harvey. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey show. Well, Carla, Tommy, Jay and Junior. You know what today is? Well, today is National boss Day, okay, uh huh. It's your chance to let your boss know how you really feel about them. For instance, if I love your boss, done, well, hold on, hold on, let me get through this. Yeah, yeah, get something together while I'm reading this you guys, Okay, not preparely have anything. Okay, I got my gift what you would put us from all of us anyway? Yeah, yeah, biggest sickars okay anyway. Yeah, So today's is everyone's chest. Today's our chance to let us know how we really feel about them. If you love your boss, then shower them with love. See we got you love love, lots of love. Yeah, and gifts to let them know how much you appreciate their hard work. A good boss is said to be fair, honest, understanding, and most of all approachable. Okay, know that door. My door is always open policy. So yeah, scratch that one. All that. Yeah, we gotta we gotta ask the team. Is there anything we want to discuss right now with our boss? Well, I think I'm gonna start. Steve. I love you, you know that. Happy Busses Day, Happy Bosses Day, Steve. Thanks, And let me just go ahead and just I really have to give my affection now because you changed my life so dramatically, and you've been such a great mentor, and I just wanted to know that on Bosses to Day day, I didn't forget I got you A couple of things like they don't go together, but they can be yours. I got your toy all the leftover gift car from Starbucks and a fidget spinner. These two things you can drink and spine from all of us. That's a little thing you just trot in your hand and just keep going. Uh. Relieves stras, relieve stress. Did you want a lot of pressure? All these shows? No check relief? That was very thoughtful. Now was from us, all of us. Stick, go ahead, a spinner, go ahead? Chaday. Okay, it's Boster's day. And words can't say how much I appreciate you. So you're not gonna say anything. Why you silent? Because words can't say, words can't say. All right, nephew, this is your uncle. You love him? Did he hired you when no one else would gave you a job? Got it? Uh? And no one else. I want to say. I want to say, happy boss day. I got you ah, some blue bell ice cream and some a and w rout build a pole on top of that thing. Last, but not least, you probably ain't wore one in a while. But you know, just just just to feel like you want to feel, got you a nice doctor Stroup. You know, what I'm saying, just just to feel half you feel me just where. I don't say that's about that jocket, that damn hard. I have to say. What man buys another man? That's my uncle dog. I don't care a damn who he is. What man come as another man? A jocket? I meant, do you want? Do you want? Let me tell you why? Let me tell you why. See term ever been able to walk into sporting goods store and ask for a double leg just to be able to walk that double X dog? Ain't gonna all right now, Mr Min? What all right now? Mr Min? I see you all right now, Mr math But I won't. I won't really need the jocket strap cause I ain't ran that hard in years. If I run that hard and I feel myself shifting, I immediately stopped this. Ye, that was just from Tommy. I want to say something from Tommy. Everybody, say something to all y'all go thank you all for your support over the years, for holding it down, supporting all of my oh endless countless things that I've embarked on over the years. And I really appreciate y'all being they're allowing me to be thought of in such high regarding I didn't know the date was. You know, y'all ain't brought me a damn Christmas gift, Birthday, gift, wedding, give nothing, so I really wasn't expected nothing for y'all. So the jockey strap means so much more that jacket. I'm aware to work them all. I'm just awaring jockettrap. No draws, that's quite all right. But see the reason we don't get you anything. We think about it because we don't. We never know what. I don't want to. But he don't have a jockey strap though, and don't I knew he was giving buy you a jacket strap. So I bought you some top from Potter because I know once you wear that, you're gonna need that. You don't need lots of well a man could tell you. So. One of the biggest mistakes I made in college, this is a true story. I had wore my jockey strap too many days in a row, and I had to put a little chap on myself, like you know, like a chap like a rash case. So I remember my Mama said you should put corn starch on something like that, So I packed a lot of corn starch on it, and I forgot that I had on. I was over this girl's house and we were about to get busy, and all the white balls and corn starch were Stop. That girl starts screaming down. I didn't know his corn starts and there were just two people in the hollys. All right, we gotta coming up. Run that brain back. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Guys and Entertainment News, some royal baby names. The President sheltered himself from the rain, but he left the first lady out in the rain. Really really don't he really is a Before we get into that, I don't he can't get that hell wet the nephews up there, I would run that brank back. What you got enugh, Me and my Jesus, Me and my Jesus. Let's run it. Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of Baptist Church. You are a member there? Am I right? Yes? I am? Okay, listen um, I'm calling you. They some of the members have gotten together and had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call all on their behalf, so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you diligently as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on, Well, it seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name again? My name is Man. I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalf, so maybe we can get this problem rectify that you that they have Uh, as far as you are concerned, Okay, go ahead, I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead. Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place, and it's me. I've been singled out about my shouting. Welleverdnly is distracting Man, you're distracting everyone for me getting the word and listen to the word and being involved in the service. And that's the purpose of the call is to see if we can get you to tone it down something. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them off every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips, and they're singling me I complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say is the one that's doing them being singled out. Man, All I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now I'm just the message. Okay. Well, they can't tell me how to shout. They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life. What's gonna keep me from praising God? And they, I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, but they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God it's been to me. And you know what I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly, but it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some belts on the pews so so you can stay down high? They gonna tell people they can't shout in church, embrace God? What do we call the church for? Well, you do come to we need to be trying to plase God and get their own shout on and stop looking at me? And what about what I'm doing. We're gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what I'm sorry, you know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Who Jesus sure that that's not happy? You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting. Okay, man, But let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still? Talking? But I don't have to run right now? Okay? What I'm trying to get you to do? You know, like if I want to run up and down this street right now, I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop shouting at church. Can we get you to be a little bit more reserved as what we see man, let me. Let me go ahead and go further on what they do. The spirit moves. Okay, well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now, if we can't get to the point where you can, you know, own it down, then we may have to ask you to leave them. Ask me, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, you let them ask me. Why don't they want me to leave the church. I've been at that church for fifteen years. I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and down. I'm not gonna run on the church. I don't even turn me some flips where am I feel like not not not not not listen? That's all I'm okay, go ahead, I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday. Man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down these house and shotting like this. You're got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get him a word and ain't gonna be your God. Put that hands up on me here, not listen. I'm trying to you that now you get that I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, dance, shout, jump, whatever I want to do, I'm gonna there ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this. This past Sunday was your last Sunday doing it, and you're nothing to do with this sunny Like I said, just why, And I'm telling you can tell the unshues, the deacon boy, the deaconess, the minister's wives or who all asked you want to tell, let him put their hands on me and see if I don't swing on them, I'm gonna can run about the spirit and swing on. I'm telling you that now because he said you haven't really pushed me that I have tried. I tried. Let me ask you this here, where is trying to show that? I'm saying never, but you make it you If you're making me revert back to my own ways and you you really met, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, Well, let me ask you this, what is the God at right now? And you where is the one that say the God was killing me when I was trying to be called. You had fired to tell you know me calling me with this foolishness, But none of you have made the other side of me roll he's up. Well, you wouldn't raised it up, and now you wouldn't raised it up in me too. Guess what come Sunday, You're gonna set you in the pew and you ain't gonna you know when you call yourself on the last Okay, I right, I were gonna see how well I'm not sitting at people not to say first day Sunday morning, I'm going the past Oh yeah, we Deacon, whatever your name is, I'm gonna telling my about it how you need to lose. I would be talking to Pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk. You don't know we can call pass we just passing. Don't feel like you don't talk to Pastor. I talked to Pastor. Past I don't man that this church simpty. Yes, like I said, I'm telling, oh, Jesus, you feel old Jesus, not not not not not see just like this here you see how you're calling on him and you stand yeah, because I'm calling on him to kid me from just really going to cuss you out right there because you've been really hitting my nerves. I got one more thing I need to say to you, lady. You know you gotta say real quick cause you're gonna talk to this operator that's his nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pray by your girl. You know, I'm I'm gonna on the Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby, Let me ask you something. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the landing? Jesus. You gotta be you gotta be a look here when you're talking about people with the Jesus who you take some chances. I'm supposed to. I'm supposed to, and I'm gonna take some more chances and guess what They're gonna come out and I'm gonna act a food and tunea Mississippi November Night, November tent. Yes I am. And what did I tell you your stay? Then? I know all my information your day state? Not really, but go ahead if you say yeah, yeah, well you did come up with your name of horse your name of the casino I keep taking is fits casino? Why I'm trying to help you, man, it's casino. The nephew is there? No night novem Friday night, Saturday night tickets on sale rat Now we'll talk about other days later, all right, coming on time, coming up in entertainment news, guys, look at the turn some royal baby names will talk about. And the President sheltered himself from the rain and leaves the First Lady out. We'll talk about it right after this. I don't know. I don't know, lord, you're listening to the string show. Well, okay. In today's Entertainment news. Yesterday, as the President and the First Lady, we're preparing to visit storm ravage Florida. As the two prepared to board the Marine one helicopter bound for Florida, Trump, holding an umbrella, moved away from his wife to talk to reporters, leaving Melania just standing there in the rain. Uh. He then rejoined her on the walk to the helicopter, but he kept the umbrella over his own head. But she quick though, she quit while he got the umbrella they gave v she baby quit calling you. Hear what I said? The rain, Tommy, Yes, let mank you did. What was the president supposed to do with his hair? He supposed to let it give quit? You do that? You know the good thing about this? People can stop texting me. I don't know why didn't get you to show you so country? Wait? Do you see what's coming on? Genera of it? So? Where were you gonna say, Stephen about the president? I just the president? You know his hair. Listen, Trump can't let that hair. It'll fall like a house of call. He got enough spray half spray in his hand because it caused Ford to sit up and sit still like that. That's one thing Black people don't have the opportunity to. You can't come over if you're losing it. You gotta let it go, or you just got to just act like it ain't. That what I mean, You know it's a lot of people act like it ain't. If you're brushing your hand, you don't start till you feel your ear. You probably don't let it come. You're brushing your hand, you don't start brushing to your eel. You probably come on, walk towards the light, let it go out of comb in your ear. Now, there are later photos of the two walking together, the President and the first lady walking closer to the helicopter, showing Melania receiving a little more shelter from the umbrella than before, so you know, and he's like remant. If he gets wet, another Trump pop out his back, So you don't want him to be We don't need another one. People don't need another one at all, alright. Other entertainment news, Megan Markle and Prince Harry have a royal baby on the way. Baby watch has begun, yes, yes, yes, and she's doing the baby is doing April, I should say. And they got married this year in May, right or something? Yeah, and uh, name predictions are well underway. If it's a girl, the odds one odds to one favorite is Victoria. Alice and Elizabeth are also top choices for boy names. You got Albert, you got our and Alexander Keisha Mama mom Inside of the family ain't go off in a while. Why do they mix both names like a royal name and then uh, regular black name. Well, you can't say hood hood, no, no, you know, I think it's like, come on, Medallia, prince princes, Well, listen, you can hit us up on Steve Harvey FM and tell us what names you like for the royal baby. Okay, congratulations, how about that? All right, Steve, It's time for a headline. Ladies and gentlemen, MS and trip, Good morning everybody, and here I am. This is and and the State of Secretary State. Let's start out right now. Secretary State Mike Pompey was in Saudi Arabia this morning. He's trying to find out what happened to a journalist, Hamal kas Shogi, or at least what the Saudi Arabian excuses Pompeio may so we'll meet with Turkish officials who say Ka Shogi was murdered straight up in the Saudi consulate plane. And true, no word on whether the Saudi's are going to produce a body to prove that he is dead and not being held and being tortured. Currently, according to see Ann, the Saudi's are preparing a report that will acknowledge that the Washington Post reporter is dead, but that the Saudi journalists died during interrogation that went wrong, one they say was supposed to lead to his abduction from Turkey. And the report will supposedly claimed that the operation was carried out without clearance or transparency, and that those involved will be punished. The President First Lady surveyed the damage done by Hurricane Michael and Florida and Georgia yesterday. Michael slammed the shore and the Florida panhandled last week, leaving a massive amount of damage. Hard to believe. I've seen pictures, but it's hard to believe when you're above it in a plane and to see the total devastation left. Not even the pads are left. It's incredible. And thousands of homes and businesses in Florida, Georgia and parts of Virginia are still without power. In Michigan, white man who shot a black teenager who was merely asking for directions has been convicted of assault with intend to do great bodily harm. Back in April, fourteen year old Brendan Walker missed his school bus. He was trying to walk the four miles to his high school, which was about right outside Detroit, when he got lost and started knocking on doors for directions. He stopped at the fifty three year old Geoffrey Craig Ziegler's home, and Brendan says that a woman opened the door and screamed and accused him of trying to break into her house. When Ziegler comes to the door with a shotgun, he shoots at the fleeing youngster. He later claims that he didn't mean to shoot the gun, but that it only went off when he fell backwards. However, surveillance tapes make Zigler into a liar. It shows him aiming at the innocent child and firing. Luckily, Luckily, luckily, he missed. Attorney General Jeff Sessions is formed a national task force to combat the Central American Gang MS thirteen, another violent street gang. I believe that these organizations are going to find that they're facing far more intense pressure, maybe than they've done in the past, and his thirteen, he says, would be just one of five targets of this new task force aimed at stopping transnational organized crime. The new task force is to report back, he says, in about ninety days, on the most effective way to prosecute such gangs. According to a survey by account Depts, this may not be a surprise to anybody. About sevent of American workers routinely show up for their jobs tired, sleepy. I hear that. Finally, today is National Food Day and also National cut up your credit card Day. Stopping girlfriend you get back. Here's up Steve Harby Nation find out if Uncle Steve smart than his nephew back. Twenty minutes after the hour of Steve Harby monin show, you're listening to the Steve ha Wow, this is some exciting news. We have to say congratulations to our very own nephew, Tommy. Yes, nephew, Tommy is the host of a brand new dating series. It's called Ready to Love. It's from producer and our friend family member Will Packer. Thank you, you're all right, Tommy. I'm just so glad my mama haven't seen me do some decent Yeah. Yeah, a man, Tommy, something that they can actually see. Yes, Yeah, it's hard when they be telling people he's a comedian, he's a wow. He'd been traveled around the country to wow. So Tommy, Ready to Love. Your brand new show on own explores the real life dating interactions of sexy, successful and grown black men and women in their thirties and forties who are each looking for a lasting relationship and a love and authentic relationship. Hold on, that's all he got to say, Okay, well you can tell us a little bit more about it. What exactly you're going to be doing. Tell us I hosting this show. I am. I'm the mediator between these these beautiful women and these these gentlemen. It's twelve women, it's eight men, and you know it's the process of elimination that dwindles down to three couples. But I'm the guy. I'm the point person. I'm the one that they talked to. I'm the one that they can find. And I talked to the ladies. I talked to the guys, and I take nothing off these guys. You're gonna treat these ladies with the utmost respect, and you're gonna go out, You're gonna date them, and you're gonna see if you can find true love. Were all asking me questions. You're mentoring. You're mentoring is paid off. I didn't think it was working on it was working. Tell me you're a little emotion all about yea. They don't tell him that, Jay, don't the junior stop. I was not crying, I mean nose blowing and everything. Your team Tommy Jay, remember just shot. He had his back tools and his shoulders was shaking Hall. All right, listen, I gotta tell you guys, it's ready to love a step for a two night premiere on Own Tusday, October PM Eastern, nine pm Central on Own. Okay, alright, let it out, man, let it all out, all right? Coming up next to thirty four after the hour, Cornerstone Caroline is the latest white woman to call the cops on black people for for no reason. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Barbecue Becky called the cops on a family that was grilling food in a public park designed grilling zone. Remember that one permit Patty called the cops on an eight year old for illegally selling water without a permit. Well, let's add Teresa Klein, a fifty three year old white New York woman. She's thinking fifty three years old. She's being called out as a asist after a now viral video shows her calling n one on a black child whom she claims groped her but inside a Brooklyn bodega. Teresa Klein was captured on video calling police on the young boy, who can be heard crying while others confront her and yell at her for calling the police on a child. Klein, who social media has nicknamed Cornerstone Caroline, is her telling police I was sexually assaulted by a child. Two days after the video went viral, Klein was invited back to the story to review the surveillance footage, which verily, very clearly shows her leaning over the counter while the boy's backpack accidentally brushes her butt. Okay, Afterwards, Klein walked back her claim and said, I was wrong, young man. I don't know your name, but I'm sorry. So what did you see? Yeah, I saw the video. It's ridiculous. Man. He didn't touch her, He didn't, you know, I mean, but okay, but hold up though the boy nine you fifty three mm hmm. I don't know why. I don't know. I don't know the law. You're sexually assaulted about nine year old child who's crying in front of you. That's what she claimed. And she was like, why don't you let this go? When yeah, it's like it's a little boy, don't let it go. But then they bring her back in the store days later, and they showed the little boy walking past her and his backpack rubbed against her. Rear end right, and then she apologizes to the little boy. Yeah, the equivalent of my bad, you know what. But the initial reaction, the calling the police to crying kids, the mother said, we ain't gonna nowhere. We stay here right here because this but she don't good with her son. Ain't sexually assaulted nobody now, see square, it's being taken too far. Everything that that is plenty of sexual assault to report, and women should report sexual assault. It's the time is up for me and just doing what they want to do and get away with it. Right, The time is up for nine year olds being accused of sexual assault when that was the furthest thing from the truth. But see, here's what I don't like when people falsely accused people of stuff and then it comes out that it's not true. They get to just go and go home. It's been done. And this child like that, Yeah, it was upset. There's a list, a long list of white people who have called the cops on black people, um other incidents. A woman who called the cops on a black Yale grad for taking a nap in her residence hall remember that one? And how can we forget the white woman manager at Starbucks and Philly who called the police on the on the black men. Remember that one on the two black men. And believe me, when this kid goes to school, kids are gonna teach him. Yeah, they're gonna teach him. Yeah, Mary, better than that. How about when the white police officer knock on the wrong go opening and then killed the dude didn't? Oh, yes, yes, yes, okay? Really now, man, It's it's a lot going on right now. It's too sad. It's got to stop. But I'm glad. I'm glad that video was there a little boy walking by that? Yeah? Yeah, all right up next to nephew on deck with his prank phone call right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after my strawberry letter for today subject I've been a whole fool for eighteen years. Right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got? I got your beat? I'm a fool all day here it is, uh, the Facebook banding, the Facebook bandy, Facebook bandits, Shirley, what is that about? Book bandit? They're aggressive with me? Facebook branded Yeah, I'm trying to reach Maurice. Yeah, that's Marie. How you doing, man, my name is Dorsey. I'm trying to reach out to you. You you're on Facebook quite a bit, am I am? I right? I mean I'm on the computer a lot, man, That's what I do. Okay, UM, my wife for some reason, man, it seems that you've been having a lot of back and forth on Facebook with my wife Denise, and I'm trying to figure out you know, um, you know, at first it was kind of cute to whatever. But you know, I'm seeing your name on the wall all the time and you keep the eye end and my wife back, and I'm like, you mean, I am an instant message, That's what I mean. You know what I'm talking about. So my thing is what what is all this here with? Um? You know, he's a little what you said? Your name was my name Dorsey? Okay, Dorsey checked this out. Man. I got over fourteen hundred plus friends on Facebook. I don't know who your wife's is. I don't I don't recall. I am in no Denise right now, and hey, I don't know who she is. Man. I think you got let me let me, let me let me bring it to you. What so we can refresh your memory because you're constantly asking her about how things used to be. Remember when we did this, Remember when we did that. You know, it's a whole lot of remember this and not and and you asking her, you know, about hooking up whenever she got time. Okay, See, I don't even do that, man, I don't even do that. I don't do that. Man, I got too much to lose. I don't do nothing like that. Man. You know I could, I can. I can have over thirty out of fourteen hundred friends. Man, I can't have over thirty Denises on that. Man. Okay, well I'll tell you what. Man. Are you telling all the Denisians that you want to hook up with them? Are you telling all the Denisors remember this? Remember that. I ain't telling nobody nothing. Man. Look, I try to live my life as peaceful as possible. Man, I'm not on that. Okay. So I you know, Darius, whatever your name is, man, name is Dorset. And let's explain something to you. Man. I didn't seen pictures brother of high school, pictures of you and a group on ther on the site, so I know exactly what you look like, okay, you say me and who I haven't seen a group of you all and went to high school together. And evidently you know you wanted these guys. So I'm gonna figure out exactly which one bore So what I was tagged on the photo or something like that, what however you want to call? I don't know much about the damn All I'm letting you know is that I got a problem with you, mar Rees hitting my wife trying to see about can't she get out what you? Can't she do this? Can't she do? Look? Darius, Darius, you need to know Dorothy. Man, it's don't give up what your name is? Man. First of all, I'm gonna toilet and you're calling me early in the morning. What I already got? Look, I'm peaceful, man. I don't even cust No mo Man, you haven't got me out of my out of my zone. Man. Look, I don't know who your wife is. I don't be on Facebook like that. It stay up in the corner while I'm on the computer doing other so it looks like I'm born here. You understanding my wife is? Didn't you're talking to Dorothy? You understanding? Now, let me tell you something. If I see y'all on the wall. If I see you, I en and my wife, it's gonna be some my reeps. You don't even know where I live, dude, so I don't know who I will find that if I found your number. Don't think I won't find you about your fight? You right? You right? You do got my number? How the hell did you get my number? Don't worry about that. You're gonna be saying that when I get on your front doorstep. Hey, you find my eye dress? Yeah, you come to my door and see what's gonna happen? Man? And when I leave you happen? Why the health did you whop? That's what you're gonna be at you? I got you come on, hello, I'm gonna say this one more time, and I'm gonna say it clear my rates. If I see your name on my computer dealing with my wife Denise again, I'm coming to your house and I'm whooping your okay, look, look garious, I'm gonna listen. Man, it's botsy man, Dorsey, I'm I apologize, Dorsey. Look, man, I feel for you, you know, I you know it seems like your wife is on the computer a lot haycy she I am in people whatever. But I'm the wrong cat to talk to. Man. You need to talk to your wife. Man. You know y'all need to settle that. Man. Maybe y'all need to go to church, man, talk to the past or something. But I'm the wrong cat. Man. All right, I'm gonna tell you something. Man, you can tell about you feel for me? You understand? Let me? Are you something I feel for you? If I see your on my white computer one more time? If I see a baby picture, a high school picture, high school sweet art pictures, I don't give a if you play football, a ran track. If I see any picture anything dealing with your name Mark Reith on my white computer, I'm kicking ya. Wow, wow, Wow. You know, women, I don't give up who you is, Darius whoever? I can't even remember what your name is. Man, do not call my house no more. I don't know who the white is and you know what my addresses. Trill. Man, you come on down here to Kada, Georgia. You come so what I'm saying to you and get you get to talk. I told you where I live that No, you bring your to my door and you see what happens I get one more fact, and I want to say to you. No, you any guys say up to me? Man, Yes, I do more reefs before I get in my car and head over. Now, I got one more thing I want to say you listen, I'm hanging up. Are you listening to make what you got to say? This is he you comment from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just I pranked by your boy Chris. Hello, Well you say who who this is? For? Your timing man from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your boy Chris got me to prank phone call you dog wait talk called Chris Man. Oh believe it? Man, real man? Man, You're gonna make me close my Facebook account? Man? Wow? Let me ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the lands? Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? You know what makes you? You make you think about Facebook a little different? Now, you know what I'm saying. Just you know how you handle yourself? Who you're talking to when you're not talking to you're talking to somebody's spouse, somebody's girl. Are you doing that? You know? What's your status profile? You know? Let me just say this. Listen, I'm being Tonica uh, the Fits Casino November ninth and tent don't and the only status there would be nephew, Timmy, that's the status that would be performing for you. Okay, November ninth, Intent Tunica, Mississippi fits Casino. That's it right there, Get your tickets. They don't say all right now all ticket Master outlets. You can get your tickets right now, laying in the cut. After that, Richmond, Virginia, the Funny Bone, novem A fifteen, sixteenth, and seventeen. I'll be in Richmond, Virginia at the Funny Bone. That's enough for right now. That's enough. But it's it's just that one status, not all. You're trying to fix your Facebook? Is there a Facebook fixing conclu? Fix your own like Olivia and Ray Donovan Mann? Yes, I'm scared, man, I'm scared. What's he? Don't be scared, Tommy, what are you talking about? Yeah, don't get me. Always think before you speak, but that yeah, and I'm not trained in that's all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letters subject I've been a whole fool for eighteen years. That's coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve Harvey. Girl, you better submitty loved. Don't read George. Now. That was from the heart, right there. I love that one. Hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is. It's a Strawberry letter subject. I've been a whole fool for eighteen years. Here's Stephen Shirley. There is so much going on in my home. I've been with my husband for eighteen years and we've been married for four years. I have three children from a previous marriage, and we have a daughter together. My husband does not like my children and he talks about them constantly. My kids don't like him either, and after we got married, they moved out of the house. Uh. The daughter that I have with him was thirteen years old when we got married, and she told me that I should not marry her daddy. I questioned her, but she would not tell me why. When my husband is at home, he stays in our bedroom with the door closed, and and uh, the TV is always on blast. When he's not in the bedroom or at work, he spends time at his mama's house. Recently, our daughter came to me and finally told me why I should not have married her dad. She said that he has a long time girlfriend in Florida. She's met the woman at my husband's mother's house years ago. The girlfriend spends time at my mother in law's house when she's in town. My husband talks to our daughter about his mistress, and he never expected her to say anything to me. My other children know too, so I look like a fool. He has made all of our lives miserable for his own selfish gains. My daughter has no respect for her dad, and I had to tell her that all men are not dogs. My husband says that he's asked God for forgiveness for all his wrong doings, but he is not going to stop seeing this woman. So now, okay, my husband said. Husband said that he's asked God for forgiveness for all his wrongdoings, but he's not going to stop seeing this woman. So now I'm on a mission to leave him and make him pay emotionally and financially for everything he has put me through? How do I heal from this? Well, that's a good start. Making him pay, especially financially, emotionally. Financially, however, you can make him pay. Make him pay. But how do you heal from this? You ask I have one word from you for you, and that's forgiveness. Um, he's asking God for forgiveness. Yeah, forgiveness. He's got to forgive him. He's asking God for forgiveness, but he hasn't asked you for forgiveness. Okay, what a horrible situation this is. Um, you know, just so much going on. His mother is disrespectful by letting the woman come to her house and hang out with her. And it's just wrong for him to put your daughter, your young daughter, in the middle of all of this. I mean, how is she supposed to process all this grown folks, mess your marriage, your dad, seeing this other woman, him telling her about this other woman, all of this. I mean, she's too young to process all of this. Not not good for your daughter. I mean it's it is going to tain her view of men. And I you know it's good that you told her all men aren't dogs. Okay, Uh, you're right. About the fact that he's selfish, uh, that he only cares about himself, not to mention that he's inconsiderate and he's just playing stupid. I mean, so if he if he says he's not going to stop seeing this woman, um, then then you have to go on with your life. Okay, I have to tell you that you have to go on. But to get it started and heal from all of this, you gotta do something for yourself. You gotta forgive him. That's the starting point to get you to start living your own life. You gotta do it. I'm sorry. I mean, you know, I know you're hurt and all of that, but go ahead, forgive him. Don't give him anymore of yours, just time. Eighteen years is more than enough. Then and only then after you forgive him, can you really really truly move on with your life, Steve, forgive him. That's what I say. Okay, Well, the subject is called I've been a whole food for eighteen years. Let me just say, after reading this letter, I think you have done an excellent job of being a whole fool, and throughout the letter you have really shown me that you are a whole fool. See If you're gonna do something, don't half do it. What is a half of fool? You might as well do it like you did all the way through this letter, be a whole fool. So let's just start right there. You've been with your husband eighteen years. We've been married for folks. You got three kids from a previous match. Y'all got one daughter together. Your husband don't like your kids. He talks about them, and your kids don't like him. Meat, damn man. Don't nobody like nobody in this house. The kids moved down. Y'all don't like each other. My kids don't like him me. Then after we got married, they moved out of the house where they go where it see, you've been mad eighteen. You've been married for years, but you've been with him for eighteen. I don't know how your kids was, Damn I don't. They're grown, they're gonna anyway. They're out the house. The daughter that you got with him is thirteen. Then when y'all got man, she told you you shouldn't marry her daddy. Damn. Okay, now let me get this right. All your kids didn't like him. All your kids moved out. Then the one baby all had together thirteen years old. By the time y'all got married, she told me you shouldn't married her daddy. Now you're a nice lady, because everybody like you and won't what's the best for you. Everybody hates his food, You questioned her, but she wouldn't tell you why when your husband at home here in the bed room with the dog clothes and the TV on blast here and that talking yeah here, that talker with that when he's not in the bedroom or at work, he spent time at his mama's house. Well, we found out why he be at his mama's house in the damn show. Ain't calls it Mama. Then your daughter came to you and finally told you that you shouldn't have married her daddy because he got a long time girlfriend in Florida and she had met a woman at your at your mom in law's house. The girlfriends spend time at the mother in law his house when she in town. She come to town a lot. But you say, your dad, your husband always over there. I think she from Florida originally, but I think she's moved up here and she come over to mama's house all the time. Because you say he always had his mama's I'm gonna tell you the rest of it when we come back, and you ain't gonna like it. You're not gonna like I'm not gonna like. Well, Steve, we'll get to part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour when we come back a subject I've been a whole fool for eighteen years. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. I've been a whole fool for eighteen years. They have been married, been with this man eighteen years married, foldy got she had three kids from previous marriage, though none of the kids like to do. They had one child together when they got married. All the kids moved out. The thirteen year old that you all got together. Mhmm. Your daughter finally told you you shouldn't marry my daddy. But this ain't this day, kid. But then she says to her mother, you shouldn't marry my daddy. She questioned about it. She never told him. Then she finally told him he got a girlfriend and be in my mama's house. Damn, what's your say? Steve? And grandma. Yeah, well her mama's house. But she got a girlfrid that be at her grandmama's house, which is her mother in law's house. Grandma. Now he has been discussing the mistress with his daughter. Who do that? Who do that? Man? Dog, I ain't never heard of that one right there unless he was playing on leaving you was trying to get the girl to side up with him. Now he said, after all this, he has asked God to forgive him, but he man, but this one right here for men, this did you tell this to your wife? I have asked God to forgive me, but I'm not gonna stop seeing her. Okay, So let me ask something. What what did you ask God to forgive you? Because this doesn't make no damn sense. Don't ask God to forgive But then you tell your wife but I'm not gonna stop seeing her? What did you ask God to forgive you? Fault? And then, no way in this letter does he asked you to forgive him, because he can't ask you to forgive him, because he have told you, whether you forgive me or not, I'm gonna not I'm gonna not stop seeing her. Now, Sharlettan told you that is best for you to forgive him. You know, I understand where you're coming from, Shelly, but this is fresh. It's just happened. You're gonna eventually have to forgive him and move on for your own benefit, like Sherley said, But not right now. Yeah, we got we got some stuff we got to do. See. I don't know why Sherley tried to throw this Christianity out there first, like she ain't gonna kick and bus out all his car winners and put him on facetim and put him on She tried to act like she didn't to do this right here allegedly my ass. Now that's what I'm talking about. You're gonna make him pay. He's asked God to forgive it. This the line, I can't ain't get paid. I'm gonna ask God to forgive me. But I'm not gonna stop seeing. I'm gonna keep on doing this. Hire this woman right here, You're in a position of a man who don't care nothing about you. Oh no, you've never been in the marriage this This man got busted cheating and instead of asking you for forgiveness, let's work it out. I'm sorry, he tells you. I don't ask God to forgive me, but I'm not fit to stop seeing You're not fine, man, man, let me tell you something. I mean, dog that that's illogical. I don't care who you are. It ain't a man in here really can hear himself saying that. Now, So, lady, then you said you first before you leave him. So now I'm on a mission to leave him and make him pay emotionally and financially. Well, you can definitely get him financially, not emotional part. I need the latest to tell me what they what is? What are they gonna do to him to make him pay emotion Shirley and Carler. I just want Shirley and Caller talking about. I don't want to hear from nobody else. What are they gonna do to this man to make him emotionally pay. Let's get into the mind of women. Hell, have no feary like a woman scoring. So some man hadn't done this to you? Sleep with one eye open, That's all I gotta say. Oh, don't close both of your eyes at night. Well I'm you want to, Yeah, come on here, I'm pulling the Florida. Is that what a woman is? I'm going down to Florida and me and her, we're gonna have a conversation. Then we're gonna talk to him. Yeah it's mamah. Yeah, she's right there. Now let's you see. You gotta get me emotionally, because he said he's not gonna stop seeing her. So now you've got to really go in. I mean, if you're gonna do something to a down there, you're concerned about that, I mean, I'm just trying to figure out when they do get back together, she gonna look different. I might start cooking. Yeah, wow, yeah, she said, she said, she said that, you tell her that, you go, I'm gonna stop seeing me. But she had shut both my eyes. Now I can't see you. This is this is ugly man. This is ugly. This man cares nothing about now her. Now your daughter has no respect for her dad. He's the most selfish person I've ever seen. And then you're trying to tell your daughter that all me and ain't dogs. My husband says that he's asked God for forgiveness for all his wrong doing. What he ain't gonna stop seeing it? You get it at your man, he's probably the first time gotcha in p And the last word is please all right, look, we gotta go. Guys, Please email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. At Steve Harvey FM. Coming up in about ten minutes, the guys will play comedy Roulette. Yes, yes, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay. Kanye, Kim and there are three little ones went to Africa, of course, I'm talking about Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West. They reportedly booked an entire luxury hotel in Uganda where Kanye plans to work on Yandi that's the album which is due next month from him, and maybe shoot some videos there. Big Seawan is staying with them to make collaboration easier. What could could you have the head on? No, he didn't wear the hat over there, j He did not wear that hat now when not when he went to meet the president. He plans to feel the energy in Africa, talked about plans to record into the mic in the middle of nature. Meanwhile, Kanye returned to social media. Uh he declared himself the greatest living recording artists and said the spirits of Phila Couti, uh Bob Marley and Tupac flow through him. He dog, that's hip hop. Yeah, I was just saying right there, that's that's absolutely not that's ain't a win in the world. That's just what he said. Any possibility Kanye might just stay over there in Africa, any possible. We don't want him over yet, but it's not that. Look, you can record in Africa in nature on the microphone. But see all of this stuff you're saying. My father always told me, man, if a person always got to tell you what they do and who they are, it probably ain't true. So when you hear a person constantly trying to tell you who they are and what they do. See because if you are who you are and you really do what you do, you ain't got to say nothing. Man, People people spot you. If you were the greatest living artist, somebody would say that to you, Dug, you ain't got to worry. But when you say it and other people here it, and they go what now. Bob Marley was one of the so great social artists of our time. Tupac another great social artist. And who else did and who I don't know, fella couty fella, whoever it is, he ain't in that let's get that. This is probably the second time God said in pel On, hold On. That'd be like I came out and said, I'm the equivalent to Martin Luke King, Nelson Mandela, and Frederick Douglas. You will sell don't. All I'm doing is telling you, man, if you don't set your okay. Pheela was a Nigerian multi instrumentalist. He was a musician, composer, pioneer of the afrobeat music genre, and human rights activists. Has has okay, Now I'm not even don't. I don't know enough about hipp has Has Kanye pioneered any aspect of hip hop? That's a call of course. Well, earlier in his career, Yes, what I would say he had a following. I mean, has he pioneered anything done something never been done before? They did something ain't not being done for. He went down in Acadam food. Yeah, you've done something ain't been done for. He might have. Musically, I think it's Kanye. I was a Kanye fan when he first came out because he was doing things that was different. He was putting out and then he's a producer too, so he has a vision. He knows what he's doing. It's just this other stuff that he has going on lately. It's just his beliefs. I've got in the way of his art, and it's like, it's hard to accept the art when you hear his beliefs. It's like, because then you start separating myself from the art, Like what are you doing as a fan? I can't relate to you on your own levels when you're doing something. But you're exactly right then, because see, what you cannot do as a brand, a human brand, is you can't separate your So see, let's explain something to you. Nike is a swoosh right when you see the swoosh, whether you see any words or not. When you see the swoosh, you say Nike. But Nike has a sales department, a marketing department, a distribution department, a manufacturing department. That it's it's extensive. They're running shoes, their shirts, their shorts, their socks. They're Lebron James, they're Michael Jordan's, they're Roger Federer, They're all these different components. When you are a company with a product, Ford is a lot of different cars. But when you are human being product, you just want everything. You do is really about you, man, you can't separate the two. You can't call yourself an artist then go over here and start making random political statement and think that it has nothing to do with your artistry. You say the mistake. Yeah, I think that's why he does it, because he is an artist, because he looks at himself as an artist and not just not just one dimensional. You're foolish. Yeah, finished, he's everything, every man everything. He's you know, clothing designer, he's an artist, he's an activist, all those things. We feel sorry but Jim Brown, because Jim didn't know when he sat in there, he had no idea. He had that look like though going to Okay, okay, guys, let me say this about it. Even though you can design clothes, you can't design you can make political statement. But the tree trunks who you are. The branches are extension of who you are. But you just you're the same tree dog, just like I'm a comedian. At the core of it, I an entertainer. I can mentor boys. But what got me to be able to mentor these boys? What's because I got famous through one thing, entertainment? His tree trunk man is the same you can't ignore the tree trunk. Now, when your branches start spoiling, you can't go back and say, hey, but look at my tree. Anybody buying your album because you don't put this damn heat on? All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Foxborough Police Department is investigating the embarrassing moment at Gillette Stadium. This happened on Sunday when a Patriots fan doused a Kansas City Chiefs player with beer after a touchdown. Cameras were rolling as Tyreek Hill scored a seventy five yard touchdown with just about three minutes left in the fourth quarter and then came face to face with a pack of Patriots fans who were flipping the bird at him and shouting insults. One of the people in the group, who appear used to be wearing a Pat's jersey through his bud light at Hill's face. Right there, I'm looking at it right there. That's swooping. Yeah, man, band you from life, from going to any sport event. You should not be able to go, not even not even cable TV. You shouldn't get in here, damn. And and it was Tarik Hill, right, who is one of the small players, always the small Oh he's like like that. Yeah, man, shut up, hey, time out, team Timmy here, time out. I don't like that. Let's see if behind he'd have been in trouble man, hey, man, and if he'd swung on that. Dude understands. But now where is it? Man? Where where's the level that where this player has some rights because you can't. That's assault. They're shooting the finger at him. Man, there's three four people shooting the finger. You can shoot the finger, that's okay. But will you throw something hitting? Yeah, okay, we're gonna whip the book. We're gonna whoop the beard, dude asked, and break them fingers. I don't care what y'all say. Okay, cool. What did you have a video of it? Yeah? Yeah? Shall it be claimed? I'm looking to video right now. Well, Steve said that I didn't. What could I have to get especially made suit, helmet? Yeah? Yeah, they stuff they make it in them side, like you know, like if Tommy played, they got they got peewee padses. I'm not no peewee pads if I put it, okay, Pa, Pa, Steve, I will tell you this to re kill to the high road. He didn't fight back. Um, The Patriots say the twenty one year old fan has been identified and now Jake has been banned for life for attending Patriots games at Gillette Stadium. Yeah, he will now be charged with disorderly conduct and throwing an object at a sporting event. That is ridiculous. Yeah yeah. Ter Kills agent released a statement saying that type of behavior is unacceptable. Players have to be protected. We want that fan to be prosecuted. Okay, so we got that, but don't nobody, Well, you know, Reggie Bush, he tweeted out a statement out of statement and he said the same thing. Reggie Bush was saying, Now, see if if this guy would have reacted to this fan, then the fan would have been trying to sue him exactly, he would have, you know. And they said it's wrong. It was. It's totally wrong for that. So here's the the other thing. When does the president come out and talk about crazy fans and lay off these football players can speak on that? I say that say nothing, no, But when something happens, I mean, as a man, when something isn't your natural reaction to fight back, you know, it takes a lot of restraints to not want to go up in the stands, you know, and and beat the crap out of this. They got to be a football game, right, run our tests matter, world peace, Yeah, yeah, to take it. Man, it wasn't no peace that night. He cleared the whole first five rows. I don't think. I think the greatest T shirt that's that is that. Have you seen the teacher said, don't let your president get you behind? Yes? Yeah, but that got a plays for the Chiefs type we killed. He took the high row. Yeah, what a classic guy, that great guy. Yeah, did you see the guys somebody's incidents, these players jumping standing down. The one dude played for the tackle for the Titans. They threw some popcorn and being gatorad on him. He went up there. They had state troopers at all, hard law enforcement to get him back down on the field, but he went up there. And see, that's the thing about all these people doing all these hateful things. A lot of these ass hopings ain't going report and getting reported. It's some ass that that we don't know nothing about. Yeah, because man, that like you said, Shirley, the inclination naturally of a man is to defend himself. Yeah, that's the natural inclination, especially when you're dealing with these cats. That's you know, athletes, they just it's mono, mano macho. They that's that cut that way. It's like, yeah, you know, you're throwing stuff over. They was messing with this one dude in the penalty box at the hockey game, and the dude reached over and poor to bill on him. He took the glass off behind him. He took the glass out, stepped over there in his skates and started walking towards them. What they had to come here get. I don't know that glass came out. If you're mad enough, it come out. But you do have to be smart though as an athlete, because, like you say, you know a lot of times those people, the fans, provoke you so they can get a paycheck. Pay you know, I'm like seeing you. Yeah, it's like it's people with new shows that they never had shows before and gonna be saying stuff. Just just fine off you stop, you know, just living their best life like they've been living, like they ain't got no show right now. Yeah, but we here to really here. Earlier, are very on nephew Tommy as a brand new TV show coming out on own. It's called Ready to Love. He will be the host of it and yeah, it's yeah, and we're just telling him your life, he cried crack, and Jay, who was a president and CEO of teen, I don't believe it. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. Sears, the original everything store, has filed for bankruptcy. The retailer plans to close a hundred and forty two unprofitable stores by the end of this year. Despite efforts to cut costs by closing hundreds of stores, Sears has lost more than eleven billion that's billion with a bat since two thousand eleven. Almost sit here? How much eleven billion dollars since two thousand eleven. I'm gonna sit here and lose eleven billion? Mm hmmm. They didn't have a toil. But it's it's sad though, because we all grew up with that was my first credit card. That was my first credit see as was my first credit I bought a love and uh, I think a television colored TV and and a love. See my mama, man was two hundred to three dollars. My mother bought my brother's um Husky jeans from there because they had hustle Husk had Husky on the back. Right that I joined the Boy Scouts. My mama took me that name about a shirt, just the boy Scout shirt. I never got the rest that. No, uh, you had to go to make company, to bascout equipment and cleave. Yeah, you got the makeup. You couldn't go that. But it's it's kind of sad about see us man, see us. What's famous for the appliances that you bought at your house? Crafts to craftsmen too in the book if the catalog that came. Let me tell you something more about that that meant something. Let me explain something to you. Underwear section. Big fool once loved it because you know there was no you know, I had Playboy back then, but I wouldn't loud. I couldn't find no magazine like that. But boy, i'd be in that bathroom that that that SEUs Catalin my mom and then will be you're not looking at their panties. I'm gonna know it cause your little nasty finger prints is all over the pages. As you know, the pages was real thin. Man. This woman was standing in there. Boy had a brown pani set on. Man. Yeah, you had to get the item number, all that stuff from the slips. Something I ordered from the catalog. I ordered from the catalog some director's chairs for my room when I was about nineteen, and you used to order them and you had to go down to see Ears and go round to the pickup catalog, pick up and pick up the thing that you ordered. They would tell you how long. It would be very different from today. Didn't have Amazon bringing right to your house next day. Amazon, you took your eys down there. You w go back and get it. You know what I wanted from what man? You wanted? What do you say he wanted a minute by you know you make little We know I wanted a minute where you did. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey's Morning Show right after a mini bike. You got it. You just throw it out this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Wow, this is some exciting news. We have to say congratulations to our very own nephew Tommy, Yes, nephew Tommy is the host of a brand new dating series. It's called Ready to Love. It's from producer and our friend family member Will Packer. Thank you all right, Tommy. I'm just so glad my mama haven't seen me do some decent Yeah. Yeah, amen, tom something that they can actually see. Yes, Yeah, it's hard when they be telling people he's a comedian, he's a wow. He'd be traveled around the country to wow. So Tommy, Ready to Love. Your brand new show on own explores the real life dating interactions of sexy, successful, and grown black men and women in their thirties and forties who are each looking for a lasting relationship and a love and authentic relationship. Hold on, thank you, that's all he got to say. Okay, go ahead. A well, you can tell us a little bit more about it. What exactly you're going to be doing. Tell us I am hosting this show. I am I'm the mediator between these these beautiful women and these these gentlemen. It's twelve women, it's eight men, and you know it's the process of elimination that dwindles down to three couples. But I'm the guy. I'm the point person. I'm the one that they talked to. I'm the one that they can find. And I talked to the ladies. I talked to the guys, and I take nothing off these guys. You're gonna treat these ladies with the utmost respect and you're gonna go out, You're gonna date them, and you're gonna see if you can find true love. You're mentoring. You're mentoring is paid off. I didn't think it was working. It was working. Tell me you're a little emotion all about it, So you don't tell him that Jay, they don't do Junior stop. I was not crying. I mean nose blowing and everything. Your team, Tommy J remember just shocked. He had his back tools and his shoulders to shake it. Hall. Alright, listen, I gotta tell you guys this Ready to Love a step for a two night premiere on on tuesdayt PM Eastern, nine pm Central on On Okay, alright, let it out, man, let it all out. Alright. Coming up next, we're going to close out the show. We have one last break of the day. We'll hear some closing remarks from Steve. That's all coming up, right, after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, we're here at our last break of the day. It's been a good Tuesday. Congratulations once again to nephew Tommy his own show, Ready to Love on the own network. Thank you. Wow. Wow, another show, What another show. I won't get on your team Tommy, though, yeah, I am team Tommy. I just won't get it. So you want to be one of the bachelor's on the next season and get on it. He's not Ready to Love, Tommy, don't go that far. Tell us a little bit about the show while Steve is getting ready for his clothing. It is a it's a dating show. We start out with twelve beautiful women. We have eight men who I'm sure Mississippi, Monica and Colin surely gonna be like, oh my god, ripped up, ripped up, ripped up, they are all of that, and uh they go out on a good things. Well, I probably won't be saying that thing. He ain't ripped, but he close to. We did not have Morgan Freeman on the show, okay, but we got some incredible guys, some incredible ladies that go out on dates. I'm your host. I am the mediator, I am the point man. I didn't This is when I found out I'm an o G. I didn't know I was an o G until And to the guys, that's how they refer to me. Hey, O G, can I highlight it for me? I say, really, Man, Am I really O G? Yeah? You bluetooth? Yeah you have a bluetooth in your ear with a truck suit. I mean you do wear readers on of your notes to call you with a bluetooth in yea man, we want to track suit and readers change. Cool. And I only have one announcement to make. I need everybody to go to Steve Harvey dot com. It's brand new Steve Harvey dot com. It's totally new. It's been totally reading, design, relaunched, great articles, stuff about me, stretching tips, exercise tips, cooking tips, workout tips, motivation, everything you can think of, wardrobe, everything is on that. Go to Steve Harvey dot com and enjoy yourself. I got some closing remarks. I got two things I want to share with you today. I don't know how much time I have left, but let me just get to it. Uh. It's a couple of things that some people said to me, and I want to share them with you. One of them was this, Listen to me, careful, Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you. Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you. Now, don't y'all know how true that is? For many people out the other day? That are just some people out there who simply hate you, hate you because they got tired of so many people loving you. Don't let that shape your day. Keep on moving. I just want to share that way with Now. Here's the one that I really want to get to. A buddy of mine sent me this the other day. And guess what he said, y'all. He's y'all supposed to say, Steve, come on, he said, all of a sudden they stopped talking to you. Don't trip. See God will sometimes cut off an infection to keep it from spread. Ain't that good news? Man? Sometimes y'all be so tripped. Man, they just quit talk to me. I ain't heard from them. Listen to me. If all of a sudden they stopped talking to you, don't trimp because see, God will sometimes cut off an infection to keep it from spread. If you got somebody in your life that suddenly didn't quit talking to you, don't even trip about it. It's probably good reasons. Because let me tell you something. If somebody you thought you was cool with, all of a sudden stops talking to you and you don't know why, that's the sign right there, because guess what. Most of us are smart people. We know when somebody ain't talking to us. Most of us know who we've done something to somebody. Most of us do. Man, I ain't heard from so and so. Man, they're probably tripping because I said that about their baby. Oh Man, so and so tripping, They probably said. They probably heard me talking about their car. Man, let me call him and tell him. I really feel I'm sorry that I ain't me. Don't forgive me. I was just tripping. I ain't even think you could hear me. I was just calling myself being funny. Blah blah blah blah blah. I've had to make apologies for that before. But if all of a sudden they stopped talking to you and you don't know why, don't trip, Because see what God do sometimes for you here cut out there, infect it to keep it from spread. Sometimes it's just good to get them unexplainable people out your life. If you've got somebody in your life that you can't explain, they probably don't need to be there. How many of y'all got some person in your life that's unexplainable? Huh? How many of you have somebody in your life that's unexplainable? God? Oh God, man, ain't that the truth? I was sitting up realizing the other day that I got two people in my life that I can't explain. So you know what I did Friday? I got rid of him m hm. And you know what, I don't miss them. But see what God will do is sometimes he'll bring it about for you. If they all of a sudden stop talking to you, don't trip, because what God will do for you sometimes he'll cut out the infection to keep it from spread. Thank you Lord. Those are my clothing remarks. Have a great weekend. Drop it. Oh, I'm glad. I ain't wanted him to you cut out now. I'm gonna keep you not because you gotta show ready to ready to man. Yeah, Tommy, thank you for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.