Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Birthday to our Fearless Leader!!! Fool #2 is here with The Year You Were Born. Megastar Tyler Perry talks to us about his new film on Netflix A Fall From Grace. Pimpin' is here wearing his red velvet cake coat for Steve's birthday to give his Playoff picks. Happy Birthday shout outs to Miss Carla's daughter Tosha and our forever FLOTUS Michelle Obama. Junior has a special birthday poem just for Steve. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve speaks about God's mercy and favor, plus more. Have a great weekend!!!
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like the milling bus things in its tubbs. Y'all do me good it. Steve har listening to the movie together for study. I don't join by join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn you, you gotta turn the turnow, got the turnout, then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning, everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know, grace is this thing that that God provides for us, and grace's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know. Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God will give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think how he can think? How? How can you possibly do what he can do? How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind. We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now, his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, Every last one of us would be doomed because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. Now I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get to job. How you end up where you are all this education you thought you went and got and had, how you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this. Man, If I could have planned my life the way it is, don't you know how to have have done it when I was living in that car, if I knew how to do it. No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness Man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about it? You know you hear songs like my soul looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace, That's all I can call it. Now. Like I said, you can go at church or somewhere ever you want to, and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace? Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? Would it not? Now? Check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought. Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try Why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip. Minda I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now you now you do that every year, you know the evers at the new year, we eat better at the new year. I'm gonna I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, You're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now right now today. What you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know. Do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you start now? Now? You're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming. But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today you could, you could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy, But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace, what He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming. That you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it, and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that won't sull Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening, Ladies and gentlemen, may have undivided attention. Please, Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. I have a special announcement today today, It's January seventeenth. Today is a great day in the mind of not many, at least two people. I'm glad and Marjorie's glad. That's sixty three years ago a child was born, not in a manger, but in the living room that looked like a barn. The boy was born to two old people from the country or coal miner and a Sunday school teacher. They raised him well, They woke the best for him. They had no idea that him was me. Ladies and gentlemen, my mama I lost Vera Harvey, and my daddy, Jesse slick Man Harvey made me. I am here today celebrated sixty three years of living man birthday. Why do you see this coming? I swap. I thought I was gone at forty one sixty. I thought it was only twenty four thirty three with the please having him up on the ground and that prop stopped with my cor open up and they said they're gonna blow my brains. I thought I was gone there, but I'm here having birthday. Steve Harvey Sherley happy birthday, Steve Harvey. We're so glad you're here. We're so glad you're here. What's up, Crewe? How y'all doing? I ain't going up. Happy birthday up, man, Steve. Lord, damn me, honor me and welcome back. I love me man, Yeah about me? Birthday Dough, I'm so glad God birthday you too? To office. Do you get a man that don't need a damn thing? I mean, give him some more, some love. The fly three I've ever seen more words. My word, that word, the sexiest, the richest, the funniest. Stop start over, Shirley, start over, the sexiest, stop wait, stop sniest, it's his day. Tommy, shut up, you shut yeah, you can't hang on this birthday ahead, black birthday party. People started to fight, you know, call it. Go ahead, give me more. I said the funniest Thank you, Junior, your best teacher I've ever known. Thank you, Jay Anthony Brown, the generals, most generousness, generous, thank you. I'm not Tommy, I know it's gonna hurt you. Good try. The greatest greatest uncle you could ever dream back to you, the richest college, the greatest storyteller ever, the best person to go to Vegas, win the cutest with those cute little dimples in your cheeks. I'm all right listen. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, it is Steve's birthday. J Anthony Brown is here. J Anthony Brown is back with the year we were born. We'll find out all about that right after this. You're listening to Morning show. Happy birthday to our fearless leader, our captain, the one and only Steve Harvey. We love you, Steve. You know how much you really really love you? Yeah, seriously. Coming up at the top of the hour, I gotta say this another person we love. It's not his birthday, though, mister Tyler Perry will be our special guest right now, y'all, someone else we love. No, y'all gonna stop this right now. Ain'tybody overshadowing me today? No, no, no, we're bringing it back. Listen, listen, birthday boy, Listen to me. I have no idea what y'all would have damn Tyler Perry on this show. When y'all money, who will you more funny money? The only thing I got more than Tyler Perry is kids and marriages. That's funny, man. Oh my God, you just kept one. Steve J. Anthony Brown has been out. He's back today. He's here to break down the year you were born. Come on, Steve, and I meant, what when do we meet? Steve? Nineteen eighty five, nineteen eighty five. For a year you were born, the number one show on TV was Gun Smoke and I Love Lucy, which meant wall any time a black person was on television, somebody had to yell out black people on TV. Gas was thirty one cents a gallon. Dog. I bought gas for thirty eight center gallany thirty one cents a gallon, And that meant the same guy who put that nasty fluid on your window and asking for a dollar was still there. You was still around. You were still around. A dozen eggs would cost you fifty seven cents for a dozen end what black people? Cholesterol was still high and it's going higher, okay. When you were the Cleveland Browns had a record of nine and one. Lord, we can get some of them guys to play to day. A post stam was three cents, which means if you mailed a letter when Steve was born, you might be getting that letter today. That's what that means if you might be it just got it here, It just got here. The average rent was seventy five dollars a month. Also, that meant the average person was two and a half months behind. And the rent Wow a movie was sixty seven cents. And the year that you was born was the first time black people started talking in the movies. That's when you were born and started right A man, soup was twenty eight dollars. Now you can only get a soup color in black, brown, and gray, except in Cleveland in de truck you can get any color. You boy like that? Just like that, Jake, all day. Albert's been open since slavery. Yes, it had year that she was born. Steve. This is a great fact right here. George Wallace had graduated from high school, had received his master His mama was his chauffeur, and his opening act she would do fifteen minutes about who his real daddy was the year you was born. Happy birthday, Now that's how you birthday somebody right, Okay, welcome back Jay, Happy birthday, Steve Man. Yeah, what's been the most memorable birthday? Dog? Which one? You know, the Bible has something and that's really been true. In my life said if you love me and you honor me, your ladder days will be greater. My sixtieth birthday was one of my I probably will never forget. I had every last one of my children, all of my grandchildren, my in laws. We were all on the island of Aguila. My wife had gotten a yacht. We had some people on the boat with us, and we had everybody put up at the Four Seasons Hotel in Aguila, and she got a villa on the island and so we could go from the boat to the villa. They could go from the villa to the boat. And that was probably my sixtieth birthday. That gift she gave me was like really off the chain, man. It had topped everything I'd ever had prior to that. My sixty was pretty good and just today I won't have all that. But I don't. I don't want all that. I didn't. I didn't think I wanted that then. But Margie, don't listen to it. She do. She wanted to do right. He's sixty, it's the big one. Shit. So we have milestone. But today you know I'm in Africa, and you know I'm working my birthday cake and stuff in Africa. Oh no, no, here's the deal today. You know, I've been doing intermittent fasting and I've been watching my everything today. All bex is off you girls, I get off this show right here. First thing, I'm eating this waffles and some chicken. Yeah, you go, and waffles in on my lunch break, I'm gonna have pizza, and then for dinner, I'm having some type of cake, ice cream and some type of real fattening food. First, how I do it? Ice cream got to be in it, Pardner cream, yesal saute the thing? Yeah, yeah, not real real. Can I tell y'all something, Jay, You was telling me all of the stuff about how old I was. Can I tell y'all how old I really am? M? Yeah, when I was born? Yeah? Jay, Anthony Brown was on his third wife when you were born. Child's enough. You would run that break back right after this. You're listening all right? Coming up at the top of the Hour and Entertainment News, Tyler Perry will be our very special special guest. But right now, Nephew in the building with run that prank back. What you got for us today? Nev your wife gave me a disease? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach out. I'm trying to reach Dante. Yeah, this is hell. Who this? Hey? How you doing? Man? Um? I'm just to be certain you Dante is married to Tammy, right Yeah? Okay, cool? Cool? So listen, man, Uh, you've heard about me, you know, maybe heard my name before because I used to day Sammy way before you guys got married. Uh you know my name is, My name is Marcella. So I just want to call and say how are you doing? But I need to Okay, Yeah, I know she mentioned you mentioned y'all used to be together before we Yeah, okay, I've heard about you. What's um? What's the phone call for? I needed to talk to you, man. And I've been holding this back at least four years. You know, I haven't said anything. And you know I can't hold it no more. Man, I'm going through so many issues right now. I just gotta I gotta get this thing. I gotta get some grips on this thing that I'm going through. But you know, I wanted to come to you, man, to man, talk to you about this situation. You know, I hate to bring it to you like this, but when me and Cammy were together, I don't even say when we were together, Tammy gave me a disease. Man. So you know I've been holding this, you know, and I gotta say I I wanted to hit you up. I thought about it two years ago. I wanted like, what do you mean like she gave you a disease? She gave me a disease about four plus years ago, this way before y'all got married. I'm from understanding y'all been married about three years, right, yeah, oh my god. Okay, okay, and you're calling me. You're calling me to get me the heads up. No, man, I'm calling because stude, these damns medical bills and all this that's just completely out of control. I can't even you know, I can't take care of myself no more with this, you know. And I don't feel like I have to because she the one that gave me the day to see. Okay, So you're calling because you want you want me to pay for you want you want us to pay for your medical bills. Dude, I mean, damn, dude, I mean put yourself in my position. Man, I mean what some brothers post with you. You know, I'm sitting over here with a disease somebody gave me and you know they're going on what they like. Ooh yeah, but this is so you're calling me telling me my wife gave you a disease. First of all, she would have told me that. Secondly, now you're telling me like I might have some. You gotta be kidding me, Well, what did she give you? What disease are you talking about? Man? At this point, you know, I don't even want to discuss it. I just want to get on board. Let's can we get some kind of understanding with the medical fields that I can't inside of control. Man, I'm not paying Okay, I'm not gonna pay for your medical bills. Let's actually when I don't even know what those do you mean? What you mean she gave you a disease? Now I'm over. You're freaking the fuck out, dude, Dude, I understand, you know, Bro, I hope you're good. I really you know. But I'm just saying, man, dude, I don't know what to do. No, mom, Man, I really don't you know? Like I said, Hey, yo, yo, you need tell me all right? You you talking in circles. You're telling me something you have you caught four or five years ago. Well, what is it? Some it's soundcheerable. What the disease are you talking about? Man? Dude, I'm all I'm trying, dude, regardless of what it is, I'm trying to handle the medical fields on it. Man, That's what I'm trying to do, dude, boy, kind of medical bills could you have for some you caught four years ago? Like four years ago, you should have been able to six sessions? What is it? Dude? She gave me the disease and now I need somebody to play these damn fields. That's all I'm saying to you. All right, that's all I'm saying. It's Dante, yo. I'm telling you what I'm telling you. Marcello's quit playing in. Tell me what the disease this is? It's Mart Sellers, man, it's Mart Sellers. Okay, I'm calling your name. This I'm getting man, y'all. Ye gave me diabetes? What the diabetes? The wife gave me diabetes? Man, Man, you must be come to the hell. You can't. Can't somebody give you diabetes? What you mean she gave you diabetes? Man? Your wife cooking, it was cooking all them cakes and pies, and you know all that sugar, you know, and you came out. Bro had me thinking, my wife gave you her piece or some man. You just don't know how to work out, you know how to eat. That's on you, man. I'm paying no bills for that diabetes. It's wrong with you. Man. Oh so nah na na not as funny, yea you laugh you're laughing at me, doun, Yeah, I'm laughing at you. Call my phone talking about my wife gave you diabetes? Bro, for real, it was Bro. Can I say something else? No, Dante, what what you want to say? I want to say this, Dante. You just got Frank baby. This nephew time me from the sea Harvey morning. So your wife came me, got me to Frank Folk. Oh damn yo, oh step I got you baby, that was twenty twenty. I got you. Wow. Okay, see she told me about she told me about Marcello, but I never heard his voice. Bro. I was on fire. Oh my god, uh fool you're good man. Oh my god, Oh you have me some scary dude talking about the disease, especially a disease the four years lingering. It's like whoa, whoa, Oh my god, man, I was when she got home. I was about to be so man. Bro, Hey, man, you gotta tell me this. Man. Come on, John Jake, what is what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio showing the lane? Y'all funny dude. This is Steve Harvey Morning twenty twenty, Happy New Year. Happy you are you eating right? You ain't got no diabetes due now I'm worried. Bro. I know you should catch him like that. Bro, come on now, Nephew went here. I just just tell me how you feel about me. That's how man. Tell me how you feel about make proud, proud though she gave me diabetes Jay diabetes Charlotte, North Carolina. The Nephew is in town. Last night was off the chain, but I have added a show for Charlotte. It is Sunday at four o'clock PM at the Comedy Zone. Tommy has added another show that it is is on sale right now, Nephew, Comedy Zone, Charlotte, Norflacke that hill. Tommy can't tell you something truthfully. Man, Since this my birthday and I'm being your rise and your success has been one of the proudest moments of me as an uncle. Out of all my nephews, I think your ass has took advantage of who you are and your talent better than all of them. Man. I just want to say thank you for repping the family. Appreciate that. Oh my god, this take all right. Listen coming up at the top of the hour, special Joy this on the commercial break. Yeah, Special, Yes, will be the incredible, the wonderful mister Tyler Perry right after this. You're listening, all right, y'all. As promise, special guest this morning. He family, period, he family sits in on the show. He's a megastar period producer, got over forty films. He's ink deals with some of the biggest deals in television owned network Viacom BT not to mention having the first black owned major film production studio that sits on three hund thirty acres in at Last. I have shot two shows there, y'all. And let me tell you something. I have shot on every lot in Hollywood. There ain't not a one Glendale included. I've been on every lot there is. If you go to this man Studios in Atlanta, Georgia, prepare yourself because you are writing on top of the line, top notch, first class production fility facilities, bar none. I don't get who they are. It's Coley's Universal all at Fox Century, All up. They ain't got nothing on the dude and ain't no nobody sitting on three hundred and thirty acres owned by the Confederacy, balked by black Man. You've got shut up sitting on three hundred and thirty acres in Atlanta, Georgia. He continually gives one hundred percent and everything he does and holds true to his newest movie that's out now exclusively on Netflix. It's called A Fall from Grace. Ladies and gentlemen other than our friend, one and only Kyler Perry, Morning, good morning, good morning, birthday in order. Yeah, well, yeah, you know, Tyler, I didn't have a lot of them. They starting to mean more every year. Hey, listen, you gotta appreciate everyone. Up, man, I'm with you. I'm with you. Wanting to tell you something. Yeah, because missing one ain't good? So no, exactly exactly right, listening ain't good? Hey man, let's talk about this. For the first time ever, you've done a film on Netflix. It's called A Fall from Grace. It's a thriller, and it's around a woman that's charged with the murder of her husband. But what is this movie about this, Tyler Perry, this is new for you, man. This is a thriller, so what can we expect? It's on Netflix. My problem with trying to get trying to get through all of the all these interviews without giving away there's so much of it because I'm telling you, there's so many twists and plot turns at the end. Everybody who's singing has been on the edge of their seat, screaming, yelling, can't believe it. And people call me predictable. You ain't figuring this now, you ain't gonna figure this. I read something. They were like, oh, Tyler, so they saw the trailer, like, oh, I know the whole movie. I've seen the Trailer's old. That's all that kyl of Perris Son say something, watch this movie. I promise you you won't even you won't the twisting turns. You're not to be figured out if you see it. Dre Yes, I did. Let me say something, Tyler, this should be a theater where you have mandatory black people talking in the movie. I'm talking definitely be allowed to talk in the theater. Okay, because that's that's the great thing about Netflix. You can sit at home and talk all you gonna. Cary Tyler, you must have got tired because look, I know you man, I know what you've done for this business. But you know when people talk about eyes predictable, you don't got sick of the ass a little bit, just a little bit. You know. The thing about it is, I keep winning, So it's all right, let him, let them keep talking. Every time I look up, every time I turn around, I'm being bored more and more than less. Thing. You know why, it is because God has given me an audience that it's with me. I mean, I got the rider died. They ain't going to see it no way, that's right. She will all be there. Yeah, focus on the love. And really, what has a hatter stopped anyway? Nothing? This movie got Crystal Fox for silver Shaw, Cecily Tyson, you starting in the movie too. This had to be a great cast for you, man, you pull these people together. Man, no Heaven, listen to me, having because I wrote this movie before Acrimony, so it's been on the shelf for a while. But for the right I was waiting for the right cast and listen to Crystal Fox. He plays hand them to having having not send forty years in the business. It's the first time after the leading role. And this woman is brilliant. She is killing it and is killing it, and she plays the character that's gonna blow everybody's mind, especially Tyson Umco maccod is man leading man killing it in this thing. And Brechia Webb her first time in a in a in a dramatic role. Man, they killed it. I just can't wait for people to see it. I'm so excited because everybody around the whole world gets to see is at the same time. That's the first time that's ever happened with one of my films. Oh wow, so national and international global. Yeah, you can be over there in Africa watching it at the same time we're watching The Year. I try to tell you, and I'm off Sunday. Yeah, there it is. Man, I'm fit to punch up because it's on right now on Netflix. Yeah, starting to run the midnight tonight starts to midnight tonight. Wait a minute, this what what day is? What time is it? Ah? You right, I've been promote to much. I don't even know what data. Yes, it's on Netflix right now. Go watch it right now. I'm gonna talk to well you you watching now? Hell day, we don't get ready rated like that no more. They got d damn meda boxes now. But you digress back to Tyler. I'm sorry, I've just had a moment. Hi, y'all, Hey, listen, it is in full play, So y'all ain't gonna We'll be back with more. Ignor asked Tyler right after this, We're gonna put it off on you. Tyler, you're listening, Hi, and everybody. We're back and we've been sitting here talking with one of our favorite people. He's a family member, Tyler Perry. Now you know what Tyler man like. It's so cool man, because you know, man, to watch a cat like you who's like a Christian but a real dude at the same time. You know what I mean. Man, You ever talking with a Christian and you can't really talk cause heat and cram so many scriptures at you that you head scrambling, you know, brother, First Corinthians four nineteen says and then Mark three and eight. Dog, I don't know none of I need a custom Christian, you need a custom Yeah, it's just a man how how have you kept the balance in your life just to maintain true to who you are in the same time be this huge mega started you become. You can't come for. You can't grow up in my mama's house, in Maxkine's house and be anybody else. She wasn't a person that faked that. She wasn't a person that you know. We lived as we were, And I don't know how to be anybody else other than myself. Man, I'm grateful for everything I have. He could all be going tomorrow. I want to celebrate. I want to wake up appreciating it. I don't complain about it. That just getting that do what I gotta do. So when you realize that you can be on the plane and everything's gone in the next second, you know it could be over the next I can How can you be arrogant and talking about that. So I'm just grateful to God that he's hold it all together for me. YEA, go ahead, mister Perry, you're gonna kiss his ass. That's what he's saying. That damn and he's still Harry Perry. Okay, but when do you sleep? That's what I want to over. I listen, I building breaks. STEPA tell you this, I building breaks for my life. I don't. I don't work hard like this all the time. Like I like to go three months go hard and that NonStop, and then I'll take a month off and just go do nothing. So so that's that's I'm able to maintain it because I couldn't keep this taste up year round. And I write so fast and I shoot so fast, and it gives me a lot of downtime in between, mister Perry gets some rest. You you've done it in a way that has really changed the way it could be done. You broke the system. You know, they said in order for a show to go syndicate it you had to be five years, twenty two episodes, Tyler, when you shot Meet the Browns and stuff like that, what was your shooting schedule? Like, we were shooting probably three episodes a week. We went to we went to UH, we went to UH, syndicates to one hundred episodes and in less than a year and a half. Man so we But but you know, I hire a lot of theater actors who and here's the thing, though I didn't learn in Hollywood. I didn't come up in that system. So Nothing in that system made sense to me, so I would always find another way to do it. I could say, no, it don't take seven days to shoot a sitcom. We can shoot that a lot faster. I just broke all those modes because I wasn't trained that way, that's all. I didn't learn that way, so I didn't have to unlearn it. Tyler Perry, hold on one second, man, Hey, listen, y'all. We'll be back with more of the legend Tyler Perry right after this. You're listening, all right, y'all, We're back, as promise. We're gonna do a little bit more. Right here. We got our buddy on the phone, I mean, real family member. Man, he's set in on the show. He's meant a lot to us over the years. We're talking with the one and only Tyler Perry. So, Tyler, So here's the deal, man, This is what I was thinking. I'm gonna just throw this out there on the air because I've been hustling this deal for a long time. We think, yeah, man, this one we're pitching right now. We're pitching. No, I'm pitching. This is pitched pitch. This is bout and paid for our own. This proposition. I have shopped it. I have gotten several offers. I just don't like the people. I am telling you that you and I should do the family Feud movie period. I don't care what the deal play out to be. I think me and you should do it. Man, let's we talked about that. Man, let's figure it. I'll be waiting on you. Well. Can I say something? What do you want to say to mister Perry? Now say to you, sir. It will help you get this deal done if you use the phrase mister Perry. Yeah, there you gonna see. And can I add mister Perry that I am best person to play steal hard with mister Perry? I am. That's like you have to have from Chemo. D Hey, ladies, ladies, ladies, let me call you, Let me call you out down. You all are a little black man humor. You don't have a lot of bounds on it. Talk about Ja as Chemo? Where he getting it? Ain't he only reason? The only reason I bought that up is because Jay always prinked it up. He always that's right time up. Man. You know I gotta go to Chemo. But look at you blessed him like that. That's why you're so blessed. That's that's why you're so successful, Tyler. That's why because you always give back and and that's just it. And we looked forward to seeing the movie A Fall from Grace and tell us about the whole Netflix deal. But we'd be seeing any more projects from you from Netflix. Well, I have my own streaming service, which b ET plus. No no no none, no stop stop stop. You ain't gonna just blow by this. No no, no, no, no no no hell no no. So I like people know I have my own now he bought. Yeah, he's so big. It was already there. He bought y'all streaming wrong, streaming time problem. Sitting in the middle in the meeting of bt Is said I like your stream as well. We don't have that in the budget. I'll tell you what, let me buy y'all's ass. That's how that went. I'd have been in a couple of meetings with him. I hadn't seen it. And Win, you better be a gangster boy, you were saying, Tyler, and go ahead, So he was saying he fought b E. T. Street. He old that go ahead and knock Tyler. So I own precented B plus and damn Neil, all of it. That's the percentage that man, do this. I own the percentage. Damn Neil, all of it. Go ahead and Tyler so so so as far as that flick goes, Yeah, I love to do more with him. This is my first time working with him. I walked in that room and I never thought that kind of diversity in Hollywood anywhere. I was blown away, blown away my meeting. So so yeah, I want to I want to do more with him, and hopefully that's some kind of partnership where we can do what I could buy on the Netflix. Everybody, shut up, Holy y'all, shut up, you know, mister Perry. Hey if this in word by Netflix name for inward Flix. Oh all right, y'all, let's say, well, hang on, Tyler, hang on man, we'll be right back. We'll be back with more from Tyler Perry right after there. Shall you're listening morning show? All right, y'all be back. That's promised. Let me pull myself together here. Shut up. As people trying to get a job, y'all, sickle some work for health. Ask people back to this interview. The movie is called Far from GSM. It's on Netflix. Right now. It's a thriller. It has so many twisting turns. You ain't gonna believe it again. You all have gotten to get and get it on. Man. I'm you know what, man, I I've known this, but it's it's a really weird story man. Because a guy named al Wash bought Tyler Perry to my house in nineteen ninety seven, ninety six and was trying to get me to invest in these plays from this guy who had just been recently come out of homelessness. Well, a guy sitting in my house name was Tyler Perry. What al Wash didn't know? He is, I didn't have two damn quarters to scrape again to me, like I got investment money. If you had twenty five thousand dollars, I said, If I was thinking to myself when I watched it, twenty five thousand dollars, I said, if I had twenty five thousand dollars, wouldn't be talking to y'all too. I don't know. I don't know if I believe that though, Because I was in that house. That house was sick. I pulled up in that house. I was like, Lord, is this what I could do? One day? Tommy? No, no, Tyler, that's all I had. I bought that house with a three hundred thousand dollars check that I had got from an advance from ABC. I put the whole three hundred thousand dollars down on that million dollar house. When I put that money down, I had seventeen hundred dollars left, and I had to go out to make that house note every month. I didn't have no money when I had that house though. That But hold up, though, but Tyler, I've been too a few of your houses we all had about I didn't walked into some places and win this black bastard. Look what God can do, won't he do it? Hey? Tyler? It has been a pleasure, man, to have relationship with you, to watch what you have done, to be the type of man you are, to go through what you've gone through, and to come out on this side of it and still striving, still climbing, still believing, still encouraging, still providing jobs for so many African Americans that we're having. You are in our lifetime. Spike Lee started us into the directing capacity. I think Spike Lee was a big part of us. But in our generation, that has never been a black filmmaker, producer, provider jobs and opportunities. Then Tyler Perry and Tyler Perry Studio standing in Atlanta, Georgia, testament to this man's real greatness in this Hollywood, his love for God and God's favor in his life. If y'all ain't been the Tyler Perry Studio, get your ass on the bus and get over there. One more time, Steve, one more time, get your ass on the bus. You're gonna thank you. Some white folks on it, but at one it's percent. It's so impressive. It really I gotta say this. Let me say this a Tyler, I am so glad and grateful for what you were doing for Jay. I am so excited for Jay. But if Jay gets sick, do you have my number? Because you're gonna do Jay like that, Timmy. That's the movie is called A Fall from Grace. It is on Netflix right now. He directed it, he is the executive producer and he also stars in it. A Fall from One Thing, Jack, I'm happening to you. I know who did it. Oh, I know what's happening. Oh oh, I see what's happening now. So timing guy cancer too. So it's it's mister Perry. Hirn sick people. I got an OSCAR nominated movie in script in my house right now. It's called Crisis a Story. And I'm holly a man. I know this is your most ignorant of you that you did, and I want to apologize with all these people big and then please pay attention to my request. It would be too much for me and Shirley to start big and huh right now, only if y'all sick too, we can get sick. Hang, I'm so healthy right now too, man, we can get the flu. Can alight? Y'all? Hey, right now, y'all. It's on Netflix. From a Fall from Grace. It's on Netflix. Everybody go check it out. Tyler Perry number love for you, boy, appreciate you, Thank you man. All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. Well, Happy birthday, Steve Harvey, Happy birthday to you. We love yeah, to work with you all these years. We just appreciate it and we're just grateful and we love you. It is huh more than grateful, Yeah, yeah, graciously grateful, grateful but grateful. Time now for today's Strawberry letter, and if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on sex, on parenting, on work, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter on the air live, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. That's for you, Jay Anthony Brown, bug it up, Hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is a Strawberry letter. All right, everyone, here's the subject. One of my side pieces is stressing me out. Stephen Shirley. I am a successful executive and my job involves a lot of travel. I've been married for twenty years, but for the last five years, my wife has had some medical issues and she's gained a lot of weight. At first, she tried to keep her weight down, but then she just let herself go and she's not happy with herself, so she stopped having sex with me. I did a very selfish thing and started seeing other women when I am on work trips. At one time, I had four different side pieces in four different states. They are all great women, but they don't hold a candle to my wife, so I knew I was wrong. Three of them used me for money and dinners when I was in town, and that was fine with me. But one of my side pieces fell in love with me and wanted me to leave my wife for her. I told her that would never happen, and she lost it and screamed and cried and stormed out of my hotel. The next day, she showed up at my corporate office and told the receptionist she needed to see me. It was an emergency. She burst into the conference room and acted a complete fool. Slow down, can you read this letter? Okay? All right, okay, I'll slow it down. Your birthday. It's just a letter, this letter. What the hell is going on in this boardroom? Yeah, okay, okay, I'll slow down. Okay, all right, uh I did it. I'll start here. I did a very selfish thing and started seeing other women while I am on work trip. Let's get down. I told her you would never have Okay, I like this line. Three of them use me for money and dinner when I was in town, and that was fine with me, but one of my side but one of my side pieces fell in love with me and wanted me to leave my wife for her. It's okay, all right, I told her that would never happen, and she lost it and screamed and cried and stormed out of my hotel. The next day, she showed up at my corporate office and told the receptionist she needed to see me. It was an emergency. Why she bursted into the conference room and acted a complete fool and room into the conference room and acted a complete fool Steve in front of the heads of my company. Damn, let that marinate for a minute, because all the fellows that Carlo, they don't. They don't have a security that can keep a crazy woman out. It just don't. They haven't been Steve. Breathe, guys, breathe. Okay, my boss is in here. Yeah. Yeah. She burst into the conference room and acted a complete fool in front of the heads of my company. They knew she was not my wife, so they ushered her out and told me to get my personal affairs in order. Yeah. Huh uh huh. I tried to call her, and when I did, I found out she blocked my number and blocked me from her social media accounts. She left a note at my hotel saying that she might have to pop up in my hometown to meet my wife and I have a talk with her. That's where I was gonna stop on my own. Uh, hell, is you outside for Steve? Want to disappear? All right, I'll continue. I have prayed and prayed about it, and I think the best thing to do. No, you're not gonna like this line, Steve. All right, Okay, I've prayed and prayed about it, and I think the best thing to do is to tell my wife everything. Hell, you are this letter already ignorant? All right, let me finish. I've cut back on my side pieces and I just have one. Now, any comments, any comments from the fellas? All right? I tell your wife they had a crazy, perfect escape the cyclar. I have talked to my pastor to get back on track. What do you think I should do? Should I tell my wife? Or do you think my side piece was just trying to scare me? Uh? Listen, I think this crazy blank woman would burst into your office like this and clown like you said she did. I think she's capable of doing anything. All right, I'm gonna I'm gonna shorten my answer and say, I think you should tell your wife everything. I know Steve's not going to agree with that. I know the world now strung letter at twenty three after the hour. One of my side pieces is stressing me out. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. This is a crazy letter. We need to recap this one subject. One of my side pieces is stressing me out. Breathe, breathe, breathe need to be said. Wife ain't a lot of weight. Try to keep her weight down. She just let herself go. She ain't happy with herself, but she decided to stop having sex with me. Then the man did a very noble thing, he said in the letter, I did a very selfish thing. See this man know he wrongs. So he said, I did a very selfish thing. Don't try to make him. No, surely he he know he wrong. This ain't no hero move. He had four different tide pieces and four different st Will you be quiet. We know what he got, and he got him because he did a selfish move, he said, with selfish but she stopped having sex with him. She stopped him and I started to seeing other women on work trip one at one time. I had four different side pieces in four different states. That's fo in folk. Yeah, we know that's a box where you turned at every side. That's the life of completion. There you go, and they are all great women, but they don't hold a coundle to my wife. He's going back to make himself appear human and agonizing over his decision. They are all great women, but they don't hold a coundle to my wife. So I knew I was wrong. Three of them used me for money and dinners when I was in town, and that was fine with me. We know what the deal is. Just Bill Withers wrote a song you just keep on using me and you come on, Bill, my friend. They feel it all pointing duty. But anyway, one of my side pieces fell in love with me and wanted me to leave my wife for her. I told her that would never happen. You should have said, let's think about this, but now what dad had never happened. Now you can't tell a crazy person facts. You have to say she was crazy. Oh yes, he did, and she lost it, screamed and cried, stormed out the hotel room. Next day, here she goes, she didn't bought her ass down to my damn job. Stone came into the corporate office, told the reception she needed to see me it was an emergency. I don't know who this help. I don't know who this reception is. We didn't hide, she didn't let her answer, talk about she and now now she'd have bought her crazy ass in this conference room after the complete food in front of the heads of our company. They knew she was not my wife, so they had her rush it out and told me to get my personal affairs in order. Ye look at cause this food that came down to your job. I beat damn because he's trying to call it and do like your bosses, saying get your personal fans in order try to call her found out she'd have blocked your number, blocked you from all her social media accounts. She left a note at your hotel saying she might have to pop in on my hometown to meet my wife and have a talk with her. Let me explain something to you that he who see you're gonna you're gonna have to talk with who you see see. Let me you didn't been in there and talk to these damn bosses that didn't go good from you. Findt go ahead and talking to my wife. Nah, this is where centner man drag the lord in it. I have prayed and prayed about it. You wasn't praying when you were screwing him. But now that didn't turn left you need the Lord? Now, well the Lord know you didn't need him then. Oh so now since you made these decisions, we have to live with these decisions. I have prayed and prayed about it, and I think the best see his is the keyword. I think the best thing to do is tell my wife everything. Yes, when did you start thank you? You ain't been thinking in this whole left You wasn't thanking me. You wasn't thinking when you let her in that damn conference room. You wasn't thank You wouldn't thank you when you're stupid ass told her that would never happen. You shouldn't have said that. You can't. You gotta let him down easier than that. If you're gonna be a not all a sudden, your dumb ass, do start thinking and guess what your stupid ass and thought of. I think I should go back in and tell my wife everything. Yeah, you're so stupid. That's why shed on your job, because you stupid, and you're gonna try to fix it. I cut back on my side pieces and I just got one knot. Yeah, ain't supposed to have no right then you did? This guy even dumb. I've talked to my pastor to get back on track. All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Steve'll tell you what you can do. Okay on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM or Instagram and Facebook. And don't forgot to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Part three of This Strawberry Letter, Steve has more to say. Subject one of my side pieces is stressing me out. I love that subject, I love the title. We'll be back right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, We're back. This Strawberry Letter is too good. Subject one of my side pieces is stressing me out? What you got this man? And gotten this fan with this woman sheet and trip came down to his job screaming at the top of her loans and basked him. They boss to pull him to the side and said, hey, get your personal fans in office in order. You know, ben here, well, that ain't your wife all up here in the conference rooms. In a minute, we are gonna slanting she got a leopard She came down there with a leopard dress on. Ain't nothing offense about her, Smith, because she's been crying in the car on the way down. Make up all over her face, got the big shifted, got them side burns in the front of her head. Looked like she got a Michael Jackson little quique in the front of his hand. Now she came up in your job. Now you think for a minute that she ain't gonna have a problem going to your wife house. You ain't gonna talk to your pass Who do you think that is? One? Oh, but aren't you have any idea what's going on in the hallway? No? No, oh, no, you know you know. Boss. Let me tell you something, mister mclowner. There's a lot of devens in the world. Half No, Heavenly Father, Dear Lord, Jesus, Father God, help me in your name. Lord, I come to you with all grace and mercy and favor, realizing that I've been run. But I'm asking night Jesus removed. Strike her down, Lord removed, take her, take her pulse from her. Lord, put her a heavenly Father, just her left side. Shut her. Let Lord tell if you don't do something now she comeing in here. God, if you could just cripple just one time. They don't have to be permanent, but just drop her to her knees from she opened her confidence though, I oh, Father, God help me. She's gonna come in here. She's gonna come in here, she gonna come in I mean there's Charmagne outside all right. Uh, I don't know, man, I think that's all on the Strawberry Letter on the weekend too. You know me. All right, we'll be back with that Pimppen Pimpin is up next with his NFL playoff picks coming up at the top of the hour, right after that Charmay. You're listening to show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, you hear the music. That means only one thing. Pimppen is in the building on Steve's birthday, no less with his playoff picks. What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's what's going on? What you man? Was that Junior was happening? The pimpan I ain't nothing, ain't nothing going on with this rich You know what I'm saying? What as up? Showing? Hey, pimp and get to see it, you know it? See his birthday? Oh yeah, I'm on we get to that. Just a big one right here. I wore this fun this Yeah, what's up, pimp? And how you doing? Maybe you know what I'm saning? You see it? I see it? You stay ready, baby, I see Do you see me? What I see you? Jay? You did it again? What you listen to? This? Love it? You know what this coat is? Right? You know? I just made out of Yeah, this is cake. Hey, hey coat this cake on the shoulder. The whole coat is hey, y'all, listen is I I love? Hold on? Hold on, just gonna let you ain't even gonna lead this in. Look at this. Think of that red velvet. Don't nobody spoil you know. I just wanted to say happy birthday to Steve Man, you know, one of the true cold players of all time. I'm gonna just give you a little history of Steve. You know, Steve started out as just a little country boy. You know what I'm saying, get condition and everything. You know, his brothers and everything, because brother, his brothers, and there's another story, but you know, and then he came up in Cleveland and his mama was a Sunday school teacher. Man, I love and it's harmy, man. She taught her all I was about the Lord and stuff. I ain't listen, but she was in that teaching. And he grew up in the church and he sang in the quinty, went to college and everything, and he funked out because you know, he ain't that smart and but you know, but he had something, you know what I mean, just hang up in there. And he just kept living his life, you know. And then he became in college and this dude that don't nobody really know, he became this dude named Wonder Love. And so wonder was born in nineteen seventy four. This is history. And so Wonder Love produced nothing nothing. He wasn't nothing but vision pimp. But he had a dream and so he started DJ and he became Stevie star champ and then being on on stage and everything. And then the dude fell on some hard times. He manages a girl that he went to college with had kids right away and it was too much for him. He couldn't halege, you know. So you know, folks say he ran off, but he really was chasing his dreams and everything and everything like that, and then you know it just one night October age eighty five, when the comedy club boom he was born, man. And then he met Jay. You remember when you met him. I remember when I met him. It was down it. What was the name of the place, Nicks Comedy Club. It was Knicks Comedy Club, Man Nicks. Yeah, they met that night. Man, they've been tighter assist. And next thing you know, Steve's talk working in fell on some hard times and you know, fell off and he got homeless, and they thought he was gone. You know, everybody did in Cleveland laughed at him. Chuckle, chuckle, chuckle, chuck on my hand, who chuckling? Now? You was you? He got radio show, TVs YO games. You don't have a good box wallet only winning due ballet. He ain't well you know what I'm saying. He wanted to go coldest pimps in the game. Man. I just wanted to say having birthday to Steve. Man. Know, I was supposed to be doing playoff pits, but everybody I wanted to win loss, so I don't even really give damn England man. Yeah, thank y'all. Hey, oh that girl would be telling me ten seconds Crystal, what's up? Well you doing? You need to get to know all right, pimpin coming up more music and more birthday shout outs for Steve, some trending topics and headlines, and twenty minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to all right, guys. So, not only is it's Steve Harvey's birthday, it is also star studded birthday. Steve, you are in some great company on your birthday. First of all, our baby, Carla's daughter, Tasha Farrell is twelve years old. Have you birthday, Tasha? Yeah? Yeah. Also our for ever, You're welcome, our forever first Lady, Michelle Obama Ever. That's right, Betty White. Steve Yeah, is ninety eight today. Duane Wade is a thirty eight. Ray Jay White Ray Jay's birthday, Maury Covid had a birthday today, has a birthday today. Uh huh, Little John Huh, Tommy James Earl Jones's birthday is today. The Jim Yeah, my son works. Jim Carrey his birthday is today. And the greatest, the greatest, Muhammad Ali was born on this daysty I know, I know, m I made him my cry man. Yeah, all right, So Happy birthday to everyone, and it's especially to our very own Steve Harvey. Wow, all right, we'll have more of us. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. And a birthday poem for Steve from Junior at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. Get ready, you're listening to show, all right, Steve, in honor of your birthday, Junior is here to bless you with a poem. What you got, Junior? Yeah? Um, since none of you my other co workers thought to even get you a gift, Junior, that's true. Go ahead? Yea, yeah, yeah, I did. I came to four and then you were anything. So I just thought I put some words to paper and this is what I came up with for your birthday. And I named it Julia. Are you talking? Yes, sir. This is how you sound it when I call that hospital that time. I know, but I'm trying to put it together. It's being did of my heart, all right, man, because now I'm not. But my other co workers didn't even think to do nothing for you. Nothing nothing. Go ahead. It's called happy birthday, Steve Palm. He it is today's my boss is his birthday and I just want to say thank you for putting me where I am, But most of all, thank you for the pay. Because of you, I get to fly. I've been in limos and had some fun. If it wasn't for you give me all of this great stuff, I just wouldn't have none. Now when I'm walking down the street, people know my name, even women start to hit on me, and my life is not the same. So either piece of cake for me, blow out the candles, and enjoy the day. Happy birthday, mister Steve Harvey. But most of all, I still got to thank you for this pay the end, you know what I gave. I think to this point, I really don't. I don't know you think that's it? Thank you, Steve? You're are you speechless right now? I'm so moved. Okay, that's nice, that's nice. That was nice calling. Yeah, that wasn't whack, but it was. I can't believe you. Did you feel any lengthston using that feel? I don't do lengthy, I do Junior. I don't do lifestyle calls, okay with I don't see your gift in your hands? He ji, yeah, y'all, y'all. It was his birthday yesterday y'all gonna coming to work with nothing, Junior. Yes, and I'm not gonna get anything, you know why Wait a minute. They get together and they say he has everything. Yeah, like you did you do? Like you don't take them out of the country like they an't go saying it. So what we're not gonna do is sit in here and act like that poem was good. That's what we're not. Kill me. I couldn't have been a slave you too much for me. The time you would have been in the house anyway with your light standing ass and you show you the problem holding the light out for a still. Thank you, Junior. Welcome coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks. Also, we're gonna have an announcement of about Disney Dreamers coming up, and some closing remarks from Steve. That's at forty nine minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show. Well, before Steve we got to our closing remarks, we do want to announce to our listeners that the Disney Dreamers Academy continues its dedication mission to providing youth with an opportunity to learn how they can harness the power of their dreams and now we're so excited to announce. Ready for this one, the twenty twenty class of Disney Dreamers Academy has been selected. To see the class list, visit Disney Dreamers Academy dot com. Yes, yes, yes, we love Disney right away. Yeah we do. Going down there and do it again my birthday boy. Yeah, Steve, you're always giving back. It's part of your legacy for sure. Yeah. I hope that when it's all said and done, that I would be most famous for that. I do appreciate the comedy career that I've had. It has open doors for me, doors that I never ever thought I would have opened. It's no way I saw this. You know. It's sort of funny, man. As you have birthdays, you're really talking to somebody that was born in nineteen fifty seven. I was born in nineteen fifty seven. At no point in my life did I think about twenty twenty. M At no point, man, I mean seriously, at thirty, there was no concept of getting to twenty twenty. At forty twenty three years ago, to say twenty twenty, you were saying something that was like what you're talking over two decades. How can I project that far? How can I want that far? How can I see that far? How can I anticipate that far? And I just looked, man, on what God has done for me in spite of all of the mistakes I've made. As I look back on my journey, he has never ever, never, ever forsaken me. He's never left me to hang out to drive. Now. I had some real droughts in my life, you know. I had some thin times man, where I thought I'm going through this just a little bit too long. God, Okay, I got it. Enough is enough? You know, the homeless thing. For three years, I really thought I had gotten a message after three months, I really did, but I got locked into it for three years. But as I look back on it now, I understand what he was doing because I've learned that there ain't no lesson like a Balk lesson. And I paid for that lesson, oh good, so that not only could it never happen again, but I could share information with people to avoid it from happening to them. I didn't understand why I flunked out of school, but I later understood as I lived my life longer, that I didn't handle business down there in the first place, that everything he had for me was outside of that. But because I didn't confide or confer with him, I made the decision on my own. He gives us the power of choice, and so I had to live with my decision. I look back on my life, man, I think of all the mistakes I've made, and then I have to realize of all the goodness, all the mercy, all the grace and favor, all the times where in spite of my mistakes, God showed me favor. He gave me some grace, he led me off the hook, and biggest of all, he just flat out forgave. He just said, man, you tripping, But okay, I'm gonna forgive you because what I've created you for so much bigger. But I do need your attention those two. I need for you to start paying attention to me, because you don't have a conscious for no reason. See, my conscious didn't come from nowhere. It comes from God. He has been my conscious the whole time. There's been a piece of my soul that has always cried out for him, even when I was way way out there. I ain't exactly completely on the white line right now, myself I'm not. But I tell you one thing, though I ain't where I was because where I was was so far out there, so far away, man, that I just didn't see no way back at times. But God is so merciful and been so good to me over the years. He's allowed me back, He's let me find my way back. Now, you have to make a decision to come back. But whenever you decide to come back, whenever you decide to turn to him, he has open arms. And that's the message that everybody needs to get today. That you can get it wrong and get it right, that you can blow it and turn it around, that you can mess up and get all the corrections you need, that you can commit all the wrongs in the world and be forgiven. I'm so grateful on this birthday that God has forgiven me more times than it should have been allowed. Happy birthday, boy, appreciate your player. Yeah remarks, Happy birthday up. Thank you, Steve, Thank you. Go out here and go to work, man, Ye, go on out head, go to Africa. I'm in Africa, going out here and make some of males happen. Hey man, Yeah, we love you man, real talk really everything for life, man, No, I appreciate y'all support for holding me down. Whatever crazy idea I come up with. I know my team got my back, So I appreciate y'all. Man. I'm going out here now today that I'll know dietary restriction. Everything I'm eating is gonna be fried and with sugar everything. I don't give a damn if it's fried chicken, I'm sprinthening sugar on it. Happy Birthdays for every contests. No purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com You're Listening show