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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millian buck things in its coups, not me through good it. Steve hastening to move together for Steve. Please, I don't join yahya joint me doing me. You gotta use turning you go, you gotta turn to turn turn you love, got the turnout then water the water go. Come come on your faddy, I shall will good minding everybody you're listening to the voice. Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got the radio show. Just trying to give God some back, just some back of what even gave me, just a portion, you know. Just I'm just trying, man to to show some type of gratitude for all his blessings. I'm just trying to man, just just get it right sometimes, you know what I mean. I mean, man, you just can't do what you want to do and just live wrong all the time. Man, you got it at one point in time, Steve, come home. Man, come on, man, you could do better. I know you can, you know saying, and you know what I had to do. I had to stop saying I'm gonna try to do better, and I just had to say, hey, man, I'm going to do better. You know, trying it's just to put forth and that and then if it don't work, well okay. But if you make up in your mind that I'm going to do something, then trying isn't enough. It's getting it done is the only thing that matters. Since the difference between doing and trying. We're gonna try to win the game, or we're gonna go out here to win the game. Now, trying to win the game means that you could lose. But when you got in your mind made up, most athletes will tell you that they go out there with the full intent and purpose of winning and winning. Only see they don't put the second place finish on the cover Sports Illustrated. Second place don't get you there. You got to win. And now take it out of the scope of athletics, but keep it in that type of type of analogy in life. Man, you just want to you want to win in life, don't you. I mean, at the end of the day, don't you want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated the life? Don't you want to be recognized for your hard work. Don't you want, you know, to be recognized within the bonus structure down at your job. Don't you want to have your plaque up on the wall down at your job. I mean most people do. Some people could care less. Some people don't care about looking good or being their best. And that's cool. But I ain't talking to them though. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to those of you who want to be the best you can be. You know, people kill me when they're getting mad at people here and he Brown knows and he hall up on an employee of them all. Man, the dude doing his job to the best of his ability, and he getting recognized for it? What they got to do? It all that you're talking about because you ain't up there. There's an amazing man, how people describe other people's success. He's so lucky, lucky? Hey man, don't they kind of get you a little bit when people call you lucky when let me tell you what luck really is, y'all. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity, When hard work runs smack dab up in the opportunity. Some people call that luck. But hold on, let's think about this. If you wasn't working hard, an opportunity presented itself. What would you call that? What you call that a missed opportunity? What you call that wrong place at the wrong time, or you missed out on that? But see when you've been working hard and the opportunity presents itself and it bumps up into each other. Now people want to call that luck. But hold up here, go to part though to day, ain't paying no attention to Yeah, that opportunity came by, But if you had not been working hard and the hard work had not ran up in the opportunity, what would you have. No, sir, it's not luck, it's work. It is work because as a scripture that says faith without works is dead. Look, I know I use the same ones all the time, but them the ones I know. I mean what you want me to? You want me lie to, You want me to come on here and tell you man, I've been studying the Bible. I haven't. I haven't. I haven't, I haven't. But my mama was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me enough. Though now I know different between right and wrong, just like you do. You ain't gotta you know itcused me when people write a strawberry letter? Am I wrong for this? You know? Getting well, look at let's read your letter. Are you wrong for this? You know you're wrong? What you don't need that's to be telling, you know, But I'm gonna do this anyway. Well else, he go ahead, though, do what you want to do. But you know what, y'all, here's the best advice I can give you. This is what I really came to talk about this morning, but I got sidetrack because I listen, you know what, get get out of your own way. So many of us are blocking our own blessings. We just in our own way. We are in our own way. And one of the most dangerous ways you can get in your way is to do it your way, to get it figured your way, and to lock in on your way. And this the way it's got to go. Do you know how many people are blocking a blessing? Do you know how long I block mine? With that mindset right there? This is how I wanted to happen, This is how I wanted to go down. This the way I'm gonna go about it, And this what's gonna happen, lock loaded fire. So I was dead set on doing it my way. Have you ever talked to people man, Well, it's just the way I do it. Look, because it's the way you do it, you think that make it the right way? You think jazz, because you'd have thought on it long and hard, and that's what you really want. Do you really think that your way is the right way or could that be a better way? See? Until I started listening to God and started paying attention to his way, man, I was spending my wheels. Man, I was out here so determined this how I was going to do it. But you know, I had to learn how to get out of my own way because just because I could do it my way didn't mean it was the right way. I had to get out of my own way. Just get out your way, man, Now, what what does that mean? That means, see, set your goals, That means have your dreams. That I'm saying, set your goals, Man, I ain't saying don't set goals. Listen to me. Set your goals. What is it you want to happen? What is it you like to have, What is it you like to be? What do you aspire to? Set your goals and set your dreams? Now, take your goals and your dreams to God and ask God to show you how. Man, you can save yourself a lot of pain. Listen to somebody who did it his way for so long. And when I finally got out of my way, out of my own way. When you've heard old people say let go and let God. You've heard them say that I didn't. I didn't get it, but I got it. Now let go and let God. And it's amazing little saying. Though now you know you may not get it now. It took me a bunch of years to get it too. But when I took my goals and my dreams and my vision to God and I said, God, this is what I hope for, this is what I aspired to, This is what I want to be, This is why I would love to get to. Then I said, help me show me how. Point me in the right direction, Let me follow your footsteps, guide me and give me a spirit of discernment. Show me who wrong? Because I meet people every day. Ain't up to no good with me? Every single day? Oh man, man, I can't believe I run up into you. Man, the Lord told me something's gonna happen to me today. Well, see I talk to him every day. He did not mention you to me. He ain't said nothing to me. He didn't tell me what was gonna happen in mind. Now, I don't mean it can't happen, because I'm open to it. But it amazes me when people come up to me. Man, the Lord wanted me to tell you this. Hold on, Man, I talk to him every day every day, some days more than others. I ain't perfect. I missed sometimes, but I'm on a daily basis talking to him. So really, man, I'm and and please no, I'm listening as well as I've ever listened before. But but get yourself together, though, see no, your goals and your dreams, and then that God show you how to do it. He'll do it. You know. It's so important everybody, that you get focused, that you aim for something, that you dream of, something, that you aspire to something. But it's the most the best thing you can do. After you do all that, Man, get God involved in it. Man, talk to him. I mean, why would you not what you got to lose. You ain't got to go down there and make no big scene and run laps around the church and run up there and throw yourself on the altar and scream and flip over and throw money in the air. You ain't got to do that. This you and God, man, This you and God. You know you got to serve and praise him the way you do it. You gotta let nobody else tell you how I's done. It's a personal relationship. People kill me if you don't do it this way. If you don't come here to this church and you don't run around in this circle and you don't get flipped in and you don't, hey man, you better go have a relationship with God. See what that's about. You understand? Nobody throw you off with all that? All right, all right, y'all talk to him. He loves to hear from you. Today. You're listening. We're back. Everybody listen. It's Shelly's birthday, and on this show, when it's your birthday, I don't really know that. We have a lot of great things for you, tradition or anything. We just tell you about yourself. Shirley has been uh she's our residence bugie person, the uppitya on the show. And so what we thought we'd do today to wish her a happy birthday is to let you all know because you may have a bugie person in your work area and you don't know how to detect them. Well, we do, and we have some things about budgie people that you should know. We've been dealing with this. I've been dealing with this for seven teen years. It ain't changing sitting by seventeen years, has she gotten any less? Boogie? Let me tell you something, rip boy, after this marriage here he creaked it. She got back up now I'm support. Oh, I'm sure he'll be on you guys. What's the boogie birthday? Like? What y'all? We got something? Jake? How can you tell boogie person? Mean you asked me? Yes? What? One of the things about a boogie person is this, like when they greet each other, they don't hug. They don't hug it out, they don't the side cheek kissing. That a lot of cheek to cheek each that lifts. Never judge, No, don't even see each other. That's bougie And it's not them kissing the cheek. They make you kiss. Yeah, you have to come down. Yeah, like I bring it into them because this bulle. I'll tell you something else. They don't blow out. They can know not they have someone else. Blow out the count I want you realize I'm sitting. That's no truth. My ain't all me blow. I look at blow those that's no truth. Bull people bu people they like if they have a surprise birthday party, like a surprise where you they don't yell surprise because they don't want that. They don't want yelling. They hate yelling toodles instead of surprise toodles. Gang room full of people, thirty people now thirties, way too many for people about the ten a nice tea yeah, okay on three here she comes one two three, one two three for me you you yeah, I hate all of you. When they get together, When the women busie women get together, it's to see who got the biggest bay is right, what do you what do you have? Oh my god, that's not that's not pray tail all right now? Whatever the games bugie people play. You know you have a birthday party. Pin the tail on the donkey. They don't do that. They don't do that. Not buge people. Pin the tail on the poor person. Oh my god, come here, boy, come here boy. And another one like the way they talk to their huge like if his name is David. Yes, it's just a recommend. It's down. They take a bread down. Its damn David, bad boy. You're from that boy named David. You know that's his name. Stop like that people, man, that's what they do. Let me think of something. Bullshit. People have to have a car. They have to. It's some musk. It's insisted that they have a car that gets low gas moleed. Wow, like one mile to a gallant and they left us. Yeah, they gotta have it like it's like it's like it's happening. Here's another one. When bulger people and I've seen Shirley do that. When they go out, they sweater is tied around their shoulder. Yes, when they go out. That's when they go out. They go out. When they go out, the sweater is wrapped around their shoulder. Huh. If they're working out, is wrapped around they wait, what is that for? Yeah, that's the truth. Yeah. Yeah. Nonother thing, my people is if you you can have on a tennis outfit, the complete outfit, put the racket and everything, but don't have to play tennis. No, No, just w in a gain. You in target with that one. It's tires. I mean you're right. And they love words that start with a seat, even if it really don't. It's hello, hello, hello, hello bye. You know, even when they're talking to baby cheek hell, is that happen to look google che che che cheek. That's what they do, man, bulle. People are like that going away what And they always and all of you have been victim of this from Shelley, they always correct whoa oh my god, just won't let it. That's how we say it. Yeah, yeah, we'll be back, thank you, you're listening. Show all right, we're back, my we return. This is an over I know, I know we're present. Hello, Hello, hellom so happy that you guys are enjoying yourself. We love you and I love you right back, isn't it? You know? So you know whats so Amazingly? When you meet your family, you're like, did they come out of that family? Right? Is that the family that is my life? My d swash he never was on fool. So can you be bougie and pole at the same Oh yeah yeah yeah. But eventually the poet thinking will overcome because see it's hard man, when you because if you change your attitude, you change your out and that's what the Positive The Power of Positive Thinking is about one of the best books I ever bought. A matter of fact, the first motivational book I ever bought. I was young. I was working at Ford and I bought a book call The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peter. And that book changed my life because it taught me to start thinking positive. How old were you when you read it? About twenty one? About twenty one, and it started to change my life. I got an Amway and I am weight was you know about positive thinking books? And I am WA's the best thing happened to me. Man. I wasn't good at Amway, but just getting in there, yeah, the meetings and all that taught me how to think. Amway is very much one of the reasons for my success because it changed the way. I think it elevated my thinking because you if you change your attitude, you automatically change your altitude. The washing powder, yeah yeah, yeah, you know how many people rich because yeah, that's not the train, No, that's not that's not just washing I didn't even know that. Okay, it's washing powder, it's vitamins. Is to watch clothes on? Yeah, one didn't go somewhere when you go somewhere with both of them. But one okay, is that pope thanking over there? Yeah? Pope, thank you will lock you up like for example, watching TV then and head on the TV. This new thing for cars that's an elevator, right okay? And I know a guy who has an elevator in his garage and that he pulls a car in and it lowers his car down, and then another sheet comes over and he can park a car on top of it so he can back his car out. And he don't even have to back it out because he pulls in on the disc and when he gets out the car, when he's ready to go, he presses a button and the disc the cars on the round disc, it turns his car around, so he ain't got the back out. Right. Oh okay, they got this, Yeah they got that. So I want one, okay, okay, because I mean, why would you not want one if they get somebody that made it. But when Monica saw it, she made the Mississippi face, like what you spend your money on that phone? But now she was saying it from the st Her standpoint was, if you want to just throw some money way on something, just give it to her. But that's not what he wants. He wants me that elevator. I just explained how she was thinking. Now here's what we always giving everything to Monica. Any time it's a cool car, give car, we got to give it to Monica. Don't give it to her. She will rummage for she will never shut up, she will never stop. Now you tell me, Stevens Pole thinking, I can'tnot afford that elevator for my car. I can't afford it. If I wanted one, I can't afford it. So what I'm gonna do so that I could have my car elevated and dig a trench on side of my cart? No, no, no, So I'm I go down in the trench and then climb up my car. Is that is that? Is that the genius? Jack? I don't. I can't afford that, eleve it's nice. So what I'm doing, I'm gonna put I'm gonna dig a moat all the way around him. So when I get ready to go to my car in the morning, I climbed down in the hall. Yes I want to live? He living? Okay? Jack? Yes, yes, yes, let me ask you this. So I got a partner that did this. Remember when TVs used to wait almost five hundred pounds. He cut a hole in his walls. Yeah, put that TV in and then framed it in with some with some molding. But when the damn TV broke, he had to pull it back out. The TV was sticking outside, Yes, but it was it was. Yes, it was on blocks outside. Now that's that's to make to make a flash screen TV in this mountain. That's post native the construction and the danger element and to repair. Yeah, you could have bought a flash screen. Yeah you could. Yeah, you really care because they got flash screens so cheap and I had I had to buy a flash skim tell you why. Because the television I had was giving off so much heat. The heat that I was like, why is it's so hot in here? And it was my television that was because that too, that too, But that's who During the winter, I didn't have to heat up the house. All I had to do was turn on my television and it would heat up the whole house. Wow, here's here's some mopos things. I lived in the attic when I was a little boy because when my brother's knar moved out, I moved up in the attic so I could have my room. Okay, we ain't got no no air conditioning in the app there's nothing happening, so all under my neck would be wet, all under every night summer. But my room. But I got my own place. Now, I gotta window, and I gotta window screen in you know how the little screens. Let's win up now. When it was no draft, I would complain to my mom, Mama, it's too hot up him here is post thanking, be still, be still. If I lay in this heat and be still, I'm gonna slip off into a coma. I'm not gonna be living no more shut to due for you let all that out her thinking. So the thought processes. If you don't move, you gonna be cooler. That's it. Oh man, problem solved. Now you don't need an air condition cause you Steve. Did you try it? Hell? Yes, stood there about thirty minute and they heat damn this swallowed me. Yes. Yes. When I was when I was young, I wanted some Converse All Stars tennis shoes. They cost nine dollars and Lee Brown was not gonna buy them. But they sold these knockoff shoes called ball Stars ball ball Stars and if you took alcohol to take the bell off, you had all stars down. The only difference was the tone was big as hell like a clown. You're listening, Steven Show. All right, guys casting for Dancing with the Stars. He's gotten underway. The first name leake is Sean Spicer. Yeah, fresh off the White House Press secretary gig Dancing with the Stars. However, a rep for ABC stated, quote, we don't comment on casting. The former White House Press Secretary's plenty of free time these days. Yes he does. He just resigned rather than work under the new guy hired by President Donald Trump and the West Wing, Anthony Scaramucci, now calling the shots. His communications director. He recently wished Spicer well, quote, he's done an amazing job. I hope he goes on to make a tremendous amount of money up with that. Hey wait, mat wait, maut hey, hey, hey, hold on cool, hey hey, will you let me ask you the question? All right, go ahead, the movie you can tell you can tell you what's kind of a little tough key. Yeah, he's a good end to Donald Trump, is best friend. He said the day. Everybody say that when they get high. Yeah, yeah, we're good friends. They said that when you went down there were good friends. You had to bring that up. I don't know, Steve a good friend. Uncle was like, I don't know what. I don't know what really crazy. But when I got off the elevator, Yeah, we ain't talked about none of this upstairs. We upstairs man actually had a cool conversation. Talked about golf, a couple of places we played. He's a really congenial guy. And then we talked about what I came for. I talked about hood. I want to see if I could help, and you know, I mean, we got some things where I can't speak on the right now, but we but we got some things in the work that's gonna help some people. Right, Okay, cool, we come downstairs off the elevator. He wasn't even ppposed to come. He's I'm gonna go down with you. What I'm supposed to say? All right, it is your elevator. We get off the elevator. Now the press had already wanted to talk to me before I go up. I said, I have nothing to say. Just let me go up first, Fellas, I don't even know what's gonna happen. Came off the elevator, we walk off. First thing he said when he walked up up to as soon as we got up there, he said, we're gonna replace and repeal Obama. Care white man got you? We said, like that when you talking about what I made him gone cases, you know, the white man replacing the field, if that's so cool about it, even if you got your sound down, just to see the look on your face, that was so incredible off for real, because I wouldn't like but you know, I couldn't trip. No, you didn't. You can't clown. You couldn't clown. So when they asked me, I went up there. I told him and everything. But then social media didn't give a damn about that. Oh here comes the haters. You know what the lady hey man. After I got through and I went on my birthday trip and I came back and I was on the radio talking to listeners about it, right, because they wasn't taking him off the end all this time, I fight for y'all, and there you're gonna take me off for I'm your fighter, I'm your dog. One lady said, well, Steve, I love you, but I wouldn't have went up there. And I said, why she said, because I don't break bread with the enemy. What. Well, that's how a lot of people looked at Donald Trump. Yeah, but see that's not what he went up there for. But now listen to me. I didn't go up there to eat, so I invite me to look, we want that and so man, it's just it's alarming to me though, man, how people view everything, and like, I look, man, if they asked me to come back up there, which I've gone to the hood off since that meeting, met with Hood, great meetings trying to get this thing on the way to really help some people with Hood and everything, they asked me to come back, I would go back because the only way to solve some of these issues is Look, man, something good might come out of this. But we ain't gonna do nothing. Man, We're just sitting here over the corner. In the play and the play Hamilton is a song called in the room where it happens. And if you ain't in the room where it happens, it's hard for you to make changes outside. Bro, you have to president. And let me tell you something, I would have never gone anyway if the Obama transition team and the Trump dan since she hadn't got on the phone that got me on the phone. Why the heir would I go up there? Yeah? Like them? Don't you called the White House say I'm coming hello, White House? The Steve. Yeah, all right, introduced in Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, the lovely talented, our very own miss, and thank you, thank you everybody. Good morning. Okay, Well, first Senate Republicans couldn't pass their repeal and replace bill to get rid of Obamacare. Then they couldn't pass a simple repeal measure, and now they failed to pass their so called skinny bill, which was focused on only repealing those parts of the Affordable Care Act that are the most unpopular. So now that that's failed to pass, Senate Joe Leader Miss McConnell and Democratic Leady Chuck Shuma are reacting. Imagine many of our colleagues on the other side are celebrating, probably pretty happy about all this, but the American people are hurting and they need to relate. I would say to my dear friend, the Majority Leader, we are not celebrating. We are relieved that millions and millions of people who would have been so drastically hurt by the three proposals put forward will at least retain their healthcare. Now official with Boy Scouts is apologizing for the partisan political speech at President Trump delivered earlier this week at the National Boy Scouts Jamboree. However, some have said that President Trump ought to be apologizing. White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckaby Sanders says, however, she don't see that way. I was at that event, and I saw nothing but roughly forty to forty five thousand Boy Scouts cheering the President on throughout his remarks, and I think they were pretty excited that he was there and happy to hear him speak to them. However, the Boy Scouts are saying sorry, and a letter posted online apologizing to all those quote offended by the political rhetoric that was inserted into the jamboree. That was never our intent unquote. Today National Hamburger Day, National Auntie's Day, and National Buffalo Soldier's Day. And who else would I in the heart of America? Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour, stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show all right, Oh, I got it? Why you was gone? Jane. I've been introducing. Oh yeah, it's been different. As you go out, you want me to do it one time? Let out everybody? Did you mind right? Get out of the radio. Hello, I oh my god, I good morning every one. Pretty good Ja Jay. I will continue only if you liked it. But if you didn't like it, I like, are you sure I'm happy with it? Because I will let you give rights to check. I'm happy with it. You good morning, Happy one, Stephen, Timey, Shirley College, Junia and the one and I was. But I have to speak to everyone. That's something they brother speaking up. Eugene, you're not here at the beginning of the show, I speak to every single person, every single well you know, none of them ever even mentioned you're not here. You know why? You know what today? What I'm talking about today is really for you. This is national talk in an elevator day today. That's what it is. You can look it out. It's national talk in an elevator day and have conversation. That's what your Trump should have been doing when you came down to the elevated because you didn't know what the hell was going on. It's national talk in an elevator today. You need to know what's going on and know the people that you want to elevate it because you don't know who the hell you're not elevating. But anyway, that's what you have to do. Salione you if you're listening, it's national talk in elevator day. This is what This is how you talk. This is how you get your ass with an elevator. You talk to people. Anyway, it's national talk in an elevator today. So all of you people that are getting on the elevators, have conversation. Don't be looking around and looking up and looking down. Talk to the person next to you and learn who they are. Just have small talk that it's a good day for that. It's Friday, it's like twenty eight. Give me an example, like conversation, like what you know? You get on the elevator, you don't know, nobody tell me to come say okay, let's say me and you it's on there. I'm not somebody you don't know. No I wanted to be me, but you need to be You need to help people. How you say, if you don't know people, strike up a conversation. How do you strike up with a conversation with press you don't know. Okay, great, So can you be the first thing that I've done that. I mean, let's just say you we don't know one another. Can we just you know, it's row play. Can you do that? Thank you? If we could just do it anything? Okay, we do elevate. I didn't quit, I didn't plush my flower. You didn't plan. Hi, how are you doing to that you? I'm doing very well. What do you have planning for the weekend? I don't know you. I know you. I'm sorry. My name is Eugene and and I just wanted to say hello, it's a great day to have conversation. What are you doing this weekend? I don't know. I understand you don't now mean you're not gonna know me before I get to my flow. But we can at least say what we're doing this week here but the play. We didn't wish me happy birthday. I'm oh my god, she's try very happy birthday. D you you are beautiful person. Thank you. We gotta go. You're listening, all right, We're back. Everybody listen before we murder the hits. I just want to say something too. I'm gonna just prove to you how rude this guy is you all don't understand why I do not care for you? Jet her back in here, Eugene, Hello, oh oh you tight? No, I'm not talking well you ain't damn please, I mean for real, that's revealing or congratulations. I'm being loop just the rudeness of you. I'm not rude, Stephen. You no, no, no, no no, no, you're mean. No, I'm just to you. But I haven't done anything to you because you only care about yourself. Now. It is Shirley Strawberry's birthday and you came on here, did a whole segment. First thing we did this morning was what should happen? Again? What did you say? I see but on your but on your segment, on your segment, your sorry behind you didn't have the intelligence to wish this woman who's been on this radio, dedicated to this show, never misses a happy birthday. But no, you're so busy talking to people your ass don't know on the elevator. You ain't got a damn sister, speak to who you know on this show, Shirley. I want to say, how apolo Charlie's a beautiful birthday. Charlie, I apologized, Happy birthday to year. I'm sorry. I did not say yet initially when I first started, but as you know, when I start, I'm fighting with somebody, just even when I started buying really nice as j Anthony Brown, you had time. If you let Jay do, you wouldn't say damn you shut you. But you didn't, and you keep on because you won't be back on this show. You know, Steven, you know what it is. I watch this, I'm when I watch you. You watch it. Wait a minute, let me watch you a backed up. See how that work? He cut him back on. Hello, I'm gonna just shut watch this right here? That right there? See how that worked? This is to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Cut him back up? Helloud, Yes you're here? How you doing? Oh? You get out? Cut him off? He right there. Every time you start to itching and moaning, I'm gonna cut you off until you have a better attitude. You're gonna keep getting up. Now, let's cut him back up. Hello, you cut him back up? See this ain't that you have. It's what I'm trying to teach you. This is a teachable moment. Turning back up. Hello, the humble just murder the head. No, no, no, no, no, I introduce murder. You don't introduce murdered. Hit you should have been gone. Don't cry to c yeah do it just let no, no, I'm gonna make him cry. Cut him. No no, no, no no no no no no no no now turning back up. See you are deliberately doing that. You're deliberate. Who you holding that? Who you holding that? None of my birthday? You gots No, no, don't worry about that. Who your stupid? I'm not hollowing. It sounded like he was holly down. I can we get an apology to turn them off? Turn them off? See all you gotta do just I'm gonna bring you back up. Yes, an apology to the Morning Show for bringing your negative, nasty attitude on it. And then we and then we and then we'll let you play in the sand box on Monday. Turn him off. You there you gene. Happy birthday, Shirley, Thank you. And you're apo am apologizing to who, who whom whom you've hurt. If I've heard anyone, I'm hurt, I'm hurt, hurt. Let's hear I'm sorry. I apologize. If I haven't anything here in anything for my fashion that it's a nice apology. It was sunder sincere. Well, you tell the people. I'm gonna be in husband here being feld tonight at stand us. Hey, my damn jo hang up on him again. You're listening Stry Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. Get ready for today's crazy Strawberry letter. Yes we have another one, but of course up next it's the nephew with a frank phone call. Shirley. You know what, it's your birthday. I'm gonna let you pick today. How about that? What's your favorite or even your mom's favorite. I remember she had her favorite. It's up to you, baby girl. Uh, surprise me. You know I love Asian cleaners. You know I love as Asian cleaners. It is hello, It's just it's just the clean Yeah, it's just the cleaners, the cleaner. Okay, Hey, listen, I'll be bringing my clothes to y'all out of time. Somebody that mess up a pair of my plants all your pen you know, to see the pins. Say what? Yeah, depend and you don't fit you were fitting for you? No, no, no, no, y'all haven't already messed up enough? What I'm trying to say right here is is that whoever did the plans took the belt loops off the plans? But who whoo whoo, the who, the who, the what? The pans? Who do what? Who? Who? The Washington? You pin y'all the people? I told y'all, I want to start in my jeans, you know, I told y'all, I want to make sure my jens stand up by they sell. Okay, y'all put the start any But the problem is, y'all took the belt loops off the plans? Do you you pay already? Do you pay? Say? What do you pay? Y'all? Prays y'all the damn money y'all game means the prayers. I didn't know the belt loops wasn't known there until I got on What what? What your name? What's your name? Washington? What? Washington? What question? What's your first name? Your first name? I don't never leave my first name. I'm always hushing Again. I had to find the receipt to see what you are? What's wrong with your pants? Did you let your lightning? What? What fastened to? Ohio? Why you can't understand what I'm trying to say to you? Who? Who? Who? Who? To help you? With your clothes? Who who the person to help you with the clothes? The lady that I always be in the front is the one that helped me that the older lady, she the one I always helped me. Let me here. Okay you did? You're the way and I'm like, okay, I feel the lighting that you need my girl? What is you saying to her? No, she's not here? What do I need you to speak English? This is an English situation? Okay, okay, she she not speaking? She not speaking? Okay, So I I can't splay for her? Okay, she she not here? You want to call count tomorrow? Did we help you with the clothes? Okay? But oh you ain't understand me. My belt loose is of my parents. We know that we know to take it. It's not if we don't have to hear. We just watched the cloud. We don't take to this. Did do that y'all? Did take the belt loops out? Do you wait? Okay? Okay, I work wait okay, yeah, wait go take theater an Iland? Then the Stuart. Can you need the man who do a Nick McKey a'most government? I told you I tell you English? Then what what do you we try to help the problem. Okay, I understand you try to help the problem, but this is an English problem. And then going on right English? So what I speak of the English to you? You? I don't understand what you say. I'd say I need you to speak English. You're not speaking. I just speak the English to you. Why you're not You're not see you? Look you don't worry old Look all I'm saying is just right here. Somebody got my damn bill losing it took him out playing. If somebody for the putty back out? Okay, you don't, well tell you that we fixed the pan. Okay, and you you bring it in and you know then I can do for you on the phone. Okay. You want to le to fix the pan, you have to bring in another day. Okay, No, okay, Ian Banian. Look, why do you want me to do on the phone. Okay? If I don't have the pen, how I'm going to fix it? You have to bring it in tomorrow. Okay, But the father I would be here tomorrow you breed in Okay. I I it's very busy today. I don't have time to do this on the phone. Okay, No, okay, y'all gonna fix money. No, you don't. You you playing money? Okay? Did you? I always say I just fix it? Okay. You see on the phone and you squeaking and you yell, and then nothing I can do for you? No, you else for stupid when you're gonna fix my damn prayer? Y'all, I don't have to see say anything. Okay, we need to help you. But if you don't want to work with us, you know we cannot help you. Okay, let me tell you something, y'all gonna make me come up with there? Wolf up? You come here, okay, you come here and you talk to us okay, and at the police here, at the police here, and then you take it with him. Okay, where's somebody gonna put my damn better loose back on my prayers? See that's all I'm saying, right Okay. You you you don't yet me? Okay, well you don't yet me. Okay. You want to you want to him, He take care of you, okayrom you talking, you're gonna take care of me. The find that he got here, You talk to him, and you met, you met with him, and you think here I don't do with you? Okay, No better you better had him down. Blo that what he better have? No, he don't have to do nothing, okay, because we're not we're not we're not met up your pat We try to help you. You had the problem, You talk to him and he he you gonna kick Okay, you're gonna do work. He's gonna kick you. You're gonna kick my. You know what you're just saying? Oh? How howler? Did you just say? Yo, Dad? It was gonna kick my? Yeah? Did he comp care you? Andy? We're gonna go to police. Okay, you go to jail. Okay, Okay, look I got something else I need to say to y'all. Is you listening to see you what I say? Did you listen? Where you what? What's the problem? Hey? Do you have for a man that worked for you? And your cleaner's name John? You want to talk to John? No, my name is Nephew Tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by John that works in your cleaners? What John? John just tell you to call me? What did you want? Did John call me? Is this Sue? What? What? What is your name? Sue? Yeah? That's my name? You always get mad at John for listening to the radio in the morning. Round call you on the radio. John got me to prank phone call you. I work at the radio show that that's done not funny. Can't radio garden. I'm tail me luny all right, Sue, I gotta ask you what what is the best radio show in the land? Oh that Steed Steed the Hardy Show. Yeah you tired, you see watching watching I let him know. There you go, chirltte Well, thank you, that is my face. I love that, Thank you, Thank you, nephew. I appreciate that. A clean us. Uh huh her husband. I am already here, so get your tickets if you ain't got him. The nephew is here to stand up live. It's me as Eugene the whole nine yards and uh I think I'm damn this so love. But it's a few tickets left. So come see you boy tonight and tomorrow night two shows to night two shows tomorrow hunts Bille, Alabama, stand up Live. I am in the city. All right, this is news. Kim Kardashian's third child is on the way. Yeah via this time, yeah yeah yeah. She has such problems with her first two pregnancies that now she's going to have it done with the surrogate. Across the line, I went across it. I went from you know, I know, I Yeah, Kanye hired a surrogate to carry the baby for them. Okay, now let me okay, this is the question. I mean, what is he doing? Go ahead, Steve, you have a question. So means that something Kim's egg. Yeah, they put their eggs into another to impregnate another woman with Kanye sperm like that, that's how they're doing it. A and B go in to c Yeah, and she carries the baby for hind She's just carrying. She's just the baby. The baby has their DNA. Kim and Kanye Saraga just carries it. If a woman has problem carrying, she's just the house to, you know, to keep the baby in until it's boring. But it's Kim and Kanye's the egg. All yeah, No, you couldn't do them a solid and do that for him. But she's had such difficulties she didn't want to problems. I want to be that type of pity when I congratulations, congratulations to them. They paid the Sarah their forty five thousand dollars they say, yeah, they could have get it to the Strawberry letter is coming out Tommy and Jack and we will be back this resume the baby don't need to be seeing this, Okay, you're listening to show. The other day, a jury awarded Quincy Jones nine million dollars from the estate of the late Michael Jackson. The music producer sued for under payment of royalties. He accused the estate of cheating him out of lucrative deals, including two Cirque de Sola shows choreographed to Jackson's music. Quincy's lawsuit demanded thirty million. The jury listens to listen to testimony for three weeks and gave him a third. In a statement, Quincy said, quote, I am very grateful that the jury decided in our favor. I view it not only as a victory for myself personally, but for artists, writes. Overall, Quincy produced three Michael Jackson albums in the eighties, Off the Wall, if you remember, Thriller and Bad, and royalty payments still arrived to Quincy's bank account, So put another nine is that money too buy more long ass darts? He needs that. They don't cuss that much that he's gonna be on the letter. You gonna do quits now, don't worry about that. Well, they cut up Tommy, but they go with the jackets though they shouldn't be that long. They go here, bank, it's time. Let's go all right, Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Hear it here it is Strawberry letter. Sorry subject all these darned kids. What's going on? Morning crew. I have been in a relationship with my woman for about five years now, and she is the mother of my son. When I met her, she already had one son that was still a baby. I've been taking care of him since he don't have a clue who his real father is. I'm a good man, so I took on the responsibility. Eventually we later had a kid together. This is all good, but now she wants to have another one. As tough as times is now, we don't need another child. I'm in school because I can't find a job, and she works part time at a daycare center. We can't afford to have another baby, but she always wants to have sex. I'm with that. Her Medicaid done ran out, so she's not on the shot anymore. I like the pleasure of feeling the real thing when I do the do. I don't want a condom. This is my woman. I know we cool help me out, Steve. What would you do in this situation? My advice to you, based on everything you've said in this letter is you can get of a sect to me. You certainly can. A lot of men do that. A lot of men do it. If you don't want any more children and you don't want use protection because you are so right in your present financial state with you just working part time, with her just sparking part time, and with her just working part time and you in school with no job, it will be a financial burden on you right now. You're not cutting me. We got it, Steve. But have you actually sat down and talked to her about this? Have you actually sat down and talked to her? I think you should discuss your options together. You guys have been together five years. You aren't married, but you know you got to come up with some kind of plan because if you don't want to use condoms, chances are she will get pregnant if you, guys, are going at the rate you're going, and this is not what you want. You guys, both have to be on the same page. You're in a relationship together, Steve, Well, Dog, I don't really feel sorry for you, brow I don't really know what to tell you. Man. You you got a problem that you ain't really trying to solve yourself. Though. The question at the end of your letter is, Steve, what would you do in this situation? No, don't don't ask me that. Let's really though, Dog, since you ain't put your name on him, don't ask Steve what he would do. Let's talk about what you ain't done, because really that's what's going on. I don't even here about what I do. Let's just talk about what you ain't gonna do. First of all, this is your woman for five years now, and she's the mother of your son. This your woman for five years, So let's talk about the first thing you ain't gonna do. First of all, you ain't gonna get married. I don't see that in the let her know. Damn well, that ain't even on the horizon, because I know you're using the money as an excuse not to get married because I did it. So I'm with your player. I understand where you're at. You ain't Let's talk about what you ain't You ain't gonna get married. Second thing you ain't gonna start won't another baby, no time soon. I'm just going over the things you ain't gonna do. So we got what first. Now, you ain't getting married. You ain't gonna start wanting another baby somewhere. Number three. You ain't working, you don went back school, You ain't working. I'm just gonna a dog, and you aint gonna gett marid at Uncle Steve, Uncle Steve, just reading your letter back to you. See at the end of the letter, Steve, what would you do in this sitway? No, No, let's talk about what you ain't doing. You ain't working, you ain't getting married, and you ain't wanting to have another baby. Here's the next thing you ain't gonna do. You ain't gonna wear a condom. You just said that. You just missed that ain't right now. Let's let's let's go back again. You ain't getting married, you ain't gonna start wanting another baby, you ain't working, you ain't gonna wear a condom. And here's the big one. You ain't gonna stop doing to do without the condom or the job or the willingness to have another baby or the marriage. So really, dog, this is about you. You don't really care what your woman wants because this letter, just brother, is really about you. Your woman want another baby and she always want to have sex. But then guess what you said, I'm with that? Well yeah, well doggy, now just let's just me and you do some math. She always wanta have sex. You with that. Once two people agree to that, it usually jump off. So let's say, y'all at the house. That makes me why you can't find no job because you at the house through every chance you get. You ain't working, but you ain't been to stop doing the dude, and you ain't gonna wear a condo. Let's just talk about this, dog. A lot sex with no condoms are a lot of sex with no comances are, in the words of Shirley, chances all y'all fitn't have baby number three. Shirley said, get av sect of me. Please don't discuss that with uncle Steve. I can't take a cut. I don't want an accident. You slip cut too much crazy. I'm out forever. We'll be back with part two. You're listening, She's Steve. Hey, listen, everybody, do you want more data without a huge wireless bill on a blazing fast for g LTE network. Well, with Simple Mobile you'll get more speed and more data for fifty dollars a month. What better wireless? The answer is simple, It's Simple Mobile. Well, come on, big dog. You know dog Shirley gave some advice to the man at all his love making and all is not wearing the condom. Shirley opened up her letter with you could get of a sectomy. I immediately started shaking, My palms got wet, and I got cold on the inside. I'm so very serious. Sectiment? WHOA what sound? Paid? WHOA? How much? Well, let me tell you why I can't do it, because I have several names for it, and I can't afford for it to get injured. You can't snip and something happened. You can't cut off the gravy train. It's like shutting down the power to the housing unit. It's like losing power to the locomotive. It's like shutting down the lion tamer Ya how you gonna. I can't take a cut that I hurd it through the grape vine. If you cut it, I can't hear through the grape vine. No crazy, just like telling the pie piper to shut up, don't blow your flute, don't play. It's like not having a hot line. Yeah, how are we gonna get the information out? Ain't taking it? Gonna mess up and cut off the love tunnel. This can't even happen to me, surely and Carlin can't relate to this. In course, that's like cutting off the market rope. What the monket rope? The market gotta had the rope. You can't cut off the market rope. What is it? It's like being a little boy and all the sadding you got, you ain't got no bite chain where you going? Your master LinkedIn came home. Can't held me throughing that? What you get to do with this like a microphone and pull the cord out? What you through it was just it's like that's like turning over the vegetable truck. We ain't hate nothing yet. I'm in the rodeo without the rope, can't win. I'm shutting down the love line. Hello, but you didn't write the letter. Hello? He cut the wrong line. Is anybody there shutting down the joy maker? The joy maker? Joe, I've had you mess mynd cut that line wrong. What his name? Russell Russell the what say you? The you shut up? Russell the wonder Muscle Steve. Don't you have the story from your vacation you wanted to tell us about? No, but I can tell you some most I you didn't. I was in I was in a stove. Story and what is a stove? Where he was at? That's where you It's a store. What is the store? Store where you stuff? Yeah, he was putting the story. He was in the stove. But I was in the store and they was they sold sunglass, and this lady came in with a doll. I ain't see it. A little bitty little dog. I didn't see it. I didn't see it though, And I had on sand and I'm standing at the counter looking at the sunglasses. Yeah, and the dog ye licked my foot. No, I didn't know. I promise you I didn't know because I'm not an animal hater. I'm not cruel to animals in any way. Yeah, but it scared me, so I kicked. H oh, and that's what it was. Yeah, dog, but way up the dog appeared above the counter. That's that's that's Negro kicked dog. I kicked so hard the dog came up over the counter like he was just in the our, and he looked surprised, you know, the dog he looked started and so I got scared because what the dog come from? And he flying, so I didn't know, but he had it from. Now, I don't know what this wet thing is on my foot. You know, I'm out of the country. I don't know. If you know, guana, I don't know what it is. Store. The owner was right there. Oh, she went, oh, oh my, I though you have thought I kicked her, right, I mean, I mean blood curt Okay, it's a dog on a leash. I don't Yeah, I think it was, I really, but so he went it fail down, so she dove in the flow. So I went, oh my god. So I'm apologizing, Chris, you are, yes, why did you kick my dog? I said, I didn't know it was a dog, man, I'm truly apologetic. I didn't know it was a dog. It's just a dog. I didn't know it was a dog. You kick my dog? You damn dog licked my foot was so much. I'm black now, so he's holing in me. Oh she wasn't black. No, I don't know dog speaking speaking though, and it ain't gonna good after that. You're gonna keep holding me, said, I'm sorry, really apologize. Did you give it a big one? No, I'll just answering. You know, if you don't, you know what is he licking feet? So dog licking feet? You know why you ain't telling nobody hitting her? Hey careful, got on saying them, you know, fluffy lick feet, Give me something. Oh that's all it was. And just then I saw a later on in the plaza, she pointing at me with some other people, like, Okay, what all you want? But I bet, I bet, I bet he don't look no more black tones, black tones gonna sitting dog me been walking on to the white toes different. I'm not managing because that is a natural reaction. But the natural, I promise you. I didn't try to. I had no idea. But when I snatched, I kicked. When black people feel like something on them, yeah, man, boy, I know, you know you got to go to other way. But he was on top of my foot, so he came up over the counter, so he Yeah, he was like on top of my foot. So when I kicked and it went out, I just threw a little ass up in the ass. So he come up over the counter. He looks surprised. Hell, I look surprised. He hauled the white lady Holland. I'm a Holland because I still was airborne. That you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. It is kind I know if I'm won and shaky. It's shakes. Time to murder the hits with the murderer himself, Jay Anthony Brown, what is it now? Tomorrow night? Bell out of joy, am Augusta, George, George Wallace, thank you, Don DC Curry, Whope blood and myself? Who Who's Who's Ms? Rudy Rush rud Rush really yeah, really Rush. I like Rudy. So who's gonna close? I close because George George wants to go first. You know, I need to go get the mothers, do my thing on that out here? Follow that cousin? Is anybody know I'm old? I okay whatever, ibody know, I'm my own. I didn't do your mom. Ain't gonna follow all that cousin, cousin. The whole one is sick, man. What do you want? Happy? I like him? Jay, Jay gonna be pacing back and forth okay, well I want a hand show. We have a good time, all right. The song right here, right here, this is I hope this person is not a friend of the show. That's all I gotta say. Number one, here's the thing. If people are in the news, Yeah, we sing about the what I do I do? And the song is about somebody in the news who is. Let's go. No, you gotta hear it because if I set it up then that kills it. It explains everything what a song about. When you hear it, you go, oh, I got okay, come on go. Tell Records, Scratchy Entertainment and Itchy Productions have got together to give you Ushers brand new remix starting with the hit concession sessions I might have got, no I guess I got, and don't forget this wonder. Yeah that's hot, but you'll be calling everybody about this one. I know it like, okay, shot, Oh my god, that was sick. And don't forget this hot wonder that reminds me it's about that I Get's the CD that keeps on giving and getting and getting. So make sure you get that Usher Remix CD to someone you love and a special bonus track and this one needs no introduction. You got it and especially and something I'm not gonna cause you a lot of get it so otter. Now the special remixes up. Oh yeah, we're gonna lose the dog show. He's on the lists her friend, what's that show you on? As Steve? Steve three months gonna kill us? Wait a bit and Steve? What you got to say? Ye? Never? Literally, he's on the list. Is Jad too far? That's too far? Oh? Now you drawing the line? My boy? I love jadis that dog? God? You still knew here? What do you have to say for yourself? Jay? You knew what I was when you had No we didn't didn't know this. Yeah we thought you Yeah you can. Oh god, it'll be ok. Oh yeah yeah we got it. I'm kind of his next So I worry about our kidding. But let me. Didn't they do a song together? Yeah? They did? Did called same girl, Same girl, Same girl? That's right, r Kelly the same girl? Yeah right? Oh my same girl. Hang. They talked to each other on the phone. Man. God, look, I'm just gonna go down to this list people that don't don't do it, Shirley, you go down that will never no don't do it. Okay, wasn't this Celo hands or something? Yeah, he's on the list. He came in with Celo. But Jay, do you understand the principal term never kick a man when he's down. That's the best time to when he's done. He's at foot level. Are you kidding me? This man's thought process is amazing it. We'll see. What do you have to say for yourself because you hired him. I got a TV show to do and I need all these people on your show. I ahead, I'll show my TV shot ahead feel on my show. Yeah. So now this is affecting your guests on your talk. This is this is becoming a problem. I'm gonna do from now and I do a song. I'm gonna send it to you and you let me know. Oh I ain't. We're gonna have him on damn something I do look at hand when I look at him, do look at it? This is a man one thing. Yeah, now you know what? Now I feel bad? You shit, I just feel bad? All right? Well, in case you missed it anyway, Usher appeared on The Late Late Show with James Cordon on the carpool karaoke segments. You know that they do take out. He did it earlier this week. Really good. Yeah, yeah, it really is. Yeah. Usher jumped right in, singing along with James some of his biggest hits like you know these Jay, Yeah, you got it bad and of course burn Oh God, which in light of the recent ass ain't help. I'm just because she's so God. He ain't gonna dumb. He's not saying anything though, you're saying enough. This is my part. Okay, non hit. What were the list of songs? Don't do it? No, this is terrible, it really is. I was just trying to change the subject, make it a little lighter. He was in the carpool karaoke segment with James Gordon, so yeah, it was good and he looked like he was having a time. He looked like he was having a good time. That was my point. Uh huh. I changed the subject instead. If I was on that, what would I say? That's how you change Yeah, well you need to get on there right now if you can and change it. You're listening to show already. Regard Hey, folks, our special guest is a captain in the US Army, and the Army was at my camp last month with the boys, uh in my boys Mintoring camp that I did at Chick fil A Double R Ranch this year outside of Atlanta. The Army will also be at the Girls who Ruled the World camp for young ladies. We could we couldn't not do this mintoring camp without the help of the Army's great leaders and soldiers. We really couldn't. So let's find out why they do it. Please, welcome to the show. Command Sergeant Major retired Michelle Jones. Hello, Command Sergeant Major. Yeah, how are you. That's a lot. That's a strong title. Command Pargeant Major, Yes, well, congratulations for that. And you're retired now, Miss Jones, Yes, I am. Well, let's get into this because you guys have been such a big help to us at both camps. The soldiers that volunteer for the Harvey Foundation mintoring camps, they also served everybody as mentors. A lot of these soldiers become mentors to these young boys and young girls and role models for both of them that are selected for the camps. Why why are these mintoring programs so important to the US Army. Well, first of all, I want to say thank you for that. It's important. Number one, what we what we know in the army is that you have to you have to mentor um. It's part of our culture, is part of what we do on a day to day we mentor for a year, we mentor for years we mentor in a moment um. The investment in our youth, in our partners, in our soldiers, it's critical and all that we do. And I would have to say that the Harvey Foundation looking at both the girl's side and the boys side, and the girls who rule the world, the common denominator is the mentoring, is the investment. And there's there's a lot of organizations or foundations out there, but the common denominator we have the same mission. This is what we do. So it is what we've done for over two hundred years, what we continue to do. The girls piece, I have to say, particularly right now, the women in the army, we do rule the world. We're all over the world. And so to have young ladies, to see women who truly are leading. When you think army, you do think leaders. And to see all these women were in the uniform, side by side with them all day throughout the day and they can reach out touch develop their own relationship with them. It's critical these times, hopefully will stay with them for a lifetime, and it will come from a woman who is a leader, who's wearing the army YouTube. Wow, that's how I'm standing now. Also, let me ask you this because the soldiers everybody should know this. There with the mentoring camp attendees from the time they get to the camp until they leave. What what are some of the activities that the army has for the kids. One of the biggest ones is leadership. There's besides that someone just coming in and talking about it. No, these young ladies are given then yettes. They are charred and passed and stressed to think with their own minds. How do you make decisions? How do you evaluate all these things? It could be bullying, being a leadership and stepping outside. It could be with robotics, different types of things discussioned, real talk as they like to say, keeping it one hundred literally from five o'clock in the morning to fun activities. The fifth them to mind developing activities such as I said, leadership, robotics, ben yettes, building teams. They're on a team each when the girls come in, they are formed in teams. Already there is a mama mentor if you will with them, they have their colors, which is in the hind with the foundation they come up with the names. It is a joy and a beautiful thing to see from the first day to the last. Yeah, hey, now do this to tell us because quickly about the education and training opportunities that the offer that the army offers for folks, because a lot of people are not aware of so many of the educational and training opportunities that you guys offer. Okay, Number one for scholarships, two one hundred and eighty million dollars is giving given on a yearly basis. That's one that's one of the main to eight zero million with a M like Michelle like money exactly, tuition assistance for those that are in UM pay a portion or all of you have the post nine eleven GI bill, which oh, by the way, that I use too, even though I have my degree, I use that also. So it's so it's those are the three top ways that the military that give you time when it is appropriate to finish your degree. I finish mine being twenty four seven. So it is look and that's one of the misconceptions people think that you go in because it's your last opportunity, and they don't realize the educational opportunities, the personal development opportunities. You go to school and it may not be just a formalized education. All the training, the training that you do to develop you as a human being. Wow, you know something. I gotta tell you what I've witnessed over these years with this camp, with my experience with the Army. First of all, we cannot do these camps without the Army. It's not a boot camp. And that's what the boys quickly learned that the boys camp. Mister Harv, I don't want to be here for no boot camp. This is not what this is. It's not a boot camp. This is a leadership camp. We teach leadership to young people. We have young men come to this camp boys and walk away with an understanding what real men do. How to become not just a follower, but how to develop your leadership quality so you don't fall prey to peer pressure out here all the time because you're just getting in line, going along with the status quo. No, these military people are taught to lead. I gotta tell you, man, it's a great program that we have here, but it could not happen without the US Army, and I want to thank you, Command Sergeant Major Jones for your continued support, the Armies, continued support, and thank you all so much. Without you, this could not happen. Thank you very much, Thank you so very much. Appreciate it. We really do. Thank you very much. US as strong always. All right, Miss Jones, I appreciate you now you are you too? Thank you? Doll? You're listening, all right, We're back y'all, Hey listen, uh. Being from Cleveland, I just want to share this new We have a few basketball fans on the show Cat Dog Kill caller and Tommy, put your hand down, Jack and look over here. Kyrie Irvin has requested a trade. Nothing's wrong. He just don't want to be there anymore. He wants to go to a team where he can be the star. Something's wrong. Well, I mean, I don't know what's wrong. You've been to the finals three years in a row. We haven't heard anything up until now. He just wants to go play somewhere else. And I just find that hard because where you're gonna go? Because wherever you he wants to go to the Timberwolves, either Miami, Minnesota, Timberwolves or San Antonio. Yeah, san Antonio, You're not gonna be the start down there because Kawhi Len down. Now. Yeah, you can go to Minnesota and be the starve there, but you will not get back to the final wherever he goes. And you can go to Miami, franchise player, and you can go down there, and you can't. You can't win in Miami because you ain't gonna get past Boston or Cleve. You want to be the star franchise. You want to be the franchise. He want to be a franchise player, and he can't do that in Cleveland with Lebron James walking in that dressing room every morning. It was in the ego situation. It just seems to me that way, because what why would you one of the three finals in a row? Yeah with this guy. Now, suppose Scottie Pippen had a said that, right, Scottie Pippen was the best stated I've ever seen, But Scottie Pippen, Jordan needed pipp needed and Pippen needed Jordan. That's what I'd be telling you people about the radio show. You don't need me the same, see how he but timing don't hit a difference between Kyrie and you, Steve, Steve, don't hurt my feelings. Man, Please sorry, tell me you didn't shot over here. You bock this up your damn I did not mention, not like. Don't punch me right, you know I got it. You can go to the Rickett Smiling Show and make it a better show. You could go to the Time join the show and make it a better show. You go down Rust Park and make a better show. No, no, no, no no, you go wherever you want to go. But once you leave here, your ass ain't on the championship team. Though. Can I just say something as a president who left to be on championship team? Yeah, I'm the only one in that left to be on the championship team. Come on, come on, you know nobody leaving to be on a championship Yeah yeah, and nothing wrong with leaving to be on a damp championship team. I ain't just stop, but I'm on a championship team. Hello. Yeah, we're going all the way to the champion We're going all the damn on timing. Yeah, leave here, champiship team. Hell, you're not on the championship team. Championship that's ain't said. You're Championship team. I'm on championship teams in the radio. You know that over you and you trying to be the Kyrie Irving, which is gonna get your answer some trouble? No, you know, yeah, you want to steal over here because over here you're on Championship team. Championship team. See, here's a problem. Here's what I try to teach people all the time. Be careful of wanting to get from under the shadow of another person, because if you look at it the right way, shadow is actually shade. Right now, you get out under the shade, your ass out there in that light on you, you might run out, you might find out you ain't as bad as you. Thank you, But did you hear what Lebron said? Though you pretty much saying let them go, We're still going back to the final? Damn what Lebron said? What about what I say? Championship team right away? We'll be back with or without Timmy right after you're listening to stew All Right, we're back everybody for those of you to miss the show. Strawberry's birthday to day? Yeah, what did you so? What do you do? Shirley on birthdays. We'll do budge people. No, you don't like what, it's the same, like you know, um not. Still, probably take me to dinner or stuff like that, like he always does, friends and friends, friends, friends. He might inviting of girlfriends. Yes to the dinner. Here went last year when we were in Atlanta, Tracy will be there. Yeah, I didn't. I want to show this Tracy Tracy Bush anyway, and the other girl you had in your wed and she was dead matter for your whole wind, part of the whole wind, part of finger, all out and everything. They all wore their own dress. They all wore black. Everybody they could wear whatever they want, and they all wore black. Who were black? Who wear a funeral color? Those were our colors black and white. Those were our colors, black and white. I like the fact you had Jasper Williams up in there. What Yeah. I like the fact my daughter was flower. I like that. What I I'm probably going to dinner. I don't want me major just going to dinner and getting lots of gifts. I would just going to dinner and getting lots of Now I want. I want to Shirley's birthday part last year, and I would not be attending this year. She gonna be knock. You know, I play the girl. I was sitting next to me. I'm trying to talk to it. She bo girl. You know she boot you too, you know, she said. I said, hey, how you doing. I'm junior. I'm on Steve Hart Warning Show. She said, interesting. I had to find something to eat, right, I need a shrimp? Said yeah, I said interesting, He'll just no one show in the country, name dropping number one, sitting up the possibly almost broke out sitting here playing. Don't you know I'm on a championship. Ja, I just ate some garnish. I just ate my nap. I felt out of place out Just start chewing on the roads. Then get a little bit of that time. Please that black cloth nap and j Well, I wish you would come this year. We have fun that right out there. Would you down to doing games? Yeah? What happened with that against Steve? You know, yes, Steve Man, he fell off Man. He down the doing game loser. I'm down to doing game show. What you knew what they paid down here, I've been on prices right, a right, come through that overweight contestant on the prices right, Excuse me? Excuse me, excuse me, wiping lipstick off with my shade. Excuse me, scuse me. All right, we'll be back to wrap up the show with just one more thing. Listen every weekday from six to ten to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time for just one more thing. What are you guys doing this weekend working? I's been out of bauma, stand Up Live Baby two shows a night to show tomorrow and Eugene will be there. I'm in Augusta Bell out of Tonian Baby, Augusta j George Wallace, Don dec Kurt Rudy Rush, whole flooding myself. It's the theme. Oh, I'm down in Kansas City this weekend at the improv Folk shows two Friday to say, go ahead, money club, I'm going to play golf off this What are you playing? A? Come on? I got I don't say that you Fellas is going to play golf. My best friend Grid calhouns how other boy big blue golf? Now? Do you miss stand up? What I miss is that moment like I saw on Instagram the other day. I saw George Lopez d L and said after the show you know I missed. I missed those moments in the dressing room with the fellas. I do not miss the four hours before waiting. I miss hanging with Man after the show. I missed before the show talking with the cats, and then after the show Man. You know, Man, we all sitting around going on Man, that was fun. Man, And when you did this, I was in Holland. Now let me ask you on your new talk show. When that starts, Steve, are you going to do like a monologue type of situation. Yeah, you're gonna do its writing on the show, jas my head right, congratulation sometimes between three five, three to five minutes, and then you do a death bit. But you know it's gonna be stuff that It's gonna be a different type of mono lague. Man, what do you mean? Yeah, I don't want to say yet. You gotta tune this. This is a big move for me. It is this show, Steve is really gonna be more. Steve is not name it that's name because that's my name. I know that's your name, but you wanted to name it, don Hell, but you didn't name it like the Steve Harvey Show or anything. To Steve Harvey so you want't change everything. Steven got new logo? Why do you put your name on all your shows like that? Because if they cancel it, they gotta tell all them signs and stuff. You got tired to set up everything now? Ain't no just replacing me? You know, like I'm like, I'm gonna like I'm working eat extra. Then they fire me and they get to keep it. Eat you fire Steve Dog. Let me explain something. You got to all this stuff? Now? What made you? How'd you figure that out? How'd you come to that conclusion? Me and the boys got canceled. My name wasn't known that so everything after that, Steve Harvey's Big Time, The Steve Harvey Show, Steve Harvey Talk Show, Steve Harvey's Funded Dunt, Little Big Shot starring Steve Harvey, Little Big Shots, Forever Young starring Steve Harky replacing me, and not take all the stuff down out you gonna take all this? Do you have to rework this same? And then I try to work in a way where if you get somebody that ain't gonna be the same, like family feud, if you go get somebody else, it's not gonna be the same. It's little big shots will not be the same because I put my own brand on it. Yeah, you're the most known host since Richard Dawson, I'm the most I'm just down to that now. Yeah, yeah, I'm just down to the game. And are you doing Miss Universe again that year? Right? Yes, that is so amazing. Surely we doing Miss Universe to Junior follows the money? Try Junior got sis. Junior then understood it. Yeah, Junior is and Jay is writers on the Apollo. They are writers on these Steve shows. They work on the radio, they own tour. They an't here. That's what I'm got to go to Miss Universe, That's what I want. Why do you have to have you seen these weather? I ain't really over the joke. I would love to go. I need to see someone. I love to go because a lot of my white I would love over there with all the year Jay just had all the year just hemmed up. They nice, man, They really are nice wherever wherever really only had Really I've never really you know, I talked with them in rehearsals of the stuff. Yeah, you know, I try to be encouraged to him, tell them to hang in there. Did they tell you what we're gonna be last year. They was just playing with me last year. Every time I walked past him, say my name, just time, say my name, say me, say me. I'll do it. I don't care if I missed you the first For just too minutes. The only one I really talked to was miss miss Curisile, because after the show was over, we was leaving and she was just crying. Man, And I said, wait, man, why are you crying? Because I disappointed my country? What you know, such a small and they really thought that she had a shot at winning it. And I took her back in the dressing room and set the set it down and said, hey, listen to me. You can't wear the whole country on your back. You did good. You made it to miss Universe. That's good for a country the size of Curirosize. And that long talk with her and got her to stop crying and got her head him hold the bus, for she was young, she was like nineteen, man, like a daughter. So so so she gets on the bus, little dude, I know. She goes back and she tells her country what I did for So they reached out to me and gave me villas and everything. Down in Curiside, down there, thank me and put me on that put it all over the internet down there and the curoside. You know they ain't invite you, Junior to the Ella. Why came me down? I was at the universe that took my family. Hey man, looka y'all have a good you're lucky as going to miss Universe. I see y'all money, have a great for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Morning Show.