Good morning and welcome to the ride! Grow up, get it right, let's get it on. Happy Birthday Nephew Tommy! The Chief Love Officer must address an issue between cousins regarding sloppy seconds. Janet Jackson memorabilia is for sale and people are paying. Leslie Jones was accused of stealing a joke and Steve breaks down the situation. JRAP strikes again with another one just for Fool #1. Your favorite play cousin can't help but talk about the NBA Playoffs in Sports Talk. The CDC mandate is causing mask confusion. We ask the fellas about what wild animal they would fight and why. Today Big Dog wraps ups the show with a "Little Tommy Story" and three failed vasectomies.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in it? Not me true good Steve listening to the other for st I don't join join me. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn out turn you haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your thad uh huh. I shall well a good marning everybody. You'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Real grateful for that. You know it's funny, man. I remember when I first started out in radio, A lot of my peers laughed at me. Some of it was being mean spirited, some of it was just you know, marking me. I'm used to stuff like that. But I had as a special guest on my show, Joel Oldstein, and you know something, man, he says something that was I can't remember the scripture. I don't know exactly how I where. Like we were having a long conversation, but the gist of it was, don't be upset with where you are now, and don't be upset with the small things in your life. Be grateful for the small things and the small position that you have right now, because you don't know where that's going. You don't know what that's gonna be one day. You don't know what that's gonna lead to. And that was very warming to hear him say that. But it also reminded me of when I started in radio, how small it was. It reminded me of when I started in stand up making twenty five dollars a show. It reminds me of not having a home at a period in my life and what God has allowed me to live in now. So don't be distraught over your position now, and don't be ungrateful or unappreciative for the things you have now because you don't know what that's going to grow into. And that's really the gist of that I got from what he was saying. I just wanted to share that with you, that where you are now it's so temporary because now, like I've said before, now is a fleeting moment. Right after you finished saying now, that moment that you claimed as now, that's gone. So the where you are now is a very fleeting process. Now you can change where you are now, and you can change how you feel about where you're at now, and you can change about where you're going by simply changing your mind. It is no difference. I'm telling you, folks, the thing that I've learned about successful people is not so much what they do. It's not what they have. The biggest thing I've learned about successful people is how they think. That's the thing that's different. It's how they think. And I'm telling you that you can change the way you think on any subject and start becoming successful towards that. Starting now, you have to understand that. Man, the biggest difference I've noticed between successful people and non successful people is how they think. I was reading what is God said that he was taught all wrong about money. He said that his father was very negative about money. He all throughout his life he heard his father to say, you know, people who got money have walked on somebody to get it, or cheated somebody to get it. People who have money, money is the root of all evil. Money is money is this And people who got money, you know, don't deserve it. They've done something wrong to get it. YadA, y'all. So, he said, he grew up the whole time thinking that having money when something was wrong with that, he discovered that it wasn't. Look. You can choose to be successful in anywhere you want to. I've chosen several ways to be successful. I want to be a very, very successful father. I think that's one of the things that's paramount in my life that I really am working hard right now to become a successful father. Not a successful father in terms of money, but a successful father in terms of offering the amount of love and guidance and leadership and the example that my children need to look at. That's what I'm really really working hard at now. I want to be successful as a father, but also I want to be successful as a husband. You know. I want Marjorie to always notice she can count on me, to not have to wonder about me a look for me. You know. I want her to feel secure in the fact that I really have gotten it right, that I really am focused on being a good husband to her because it means so much to me, you know. So I'm working hard on a lot of levels. I'm working hard. I'm trying very strong to be a successful motivator of people. I want to be a sharer of information to people that will uplift others and give others the same things that I've learned through the trials and tribulations of my life. But at the same time share that information and use the power this microphone to uplift people, you know, not to destroy. My show is not about guess what's so and so said? Guess what's so and so did. I don't like mean spirited things about people, you know. I joke with people who calling this that's another thing. But I don't like destroying people with the power to microphone. So I'm working very hard on being successful in a lot of areas of my life now. Also I do care about being financially successful too, because my father. One of the gifts he gave me was very simple gift. He told me a long time ago. He says, son, the best thing you can do for poor people is not be one of them. And that stuck with me. And this was a hard working man who was a coal miner who worked construction his entire life. My father didn't have an easy life man. My father didn't sit behind a microphone. My father didn't come to work and people cheered for him. My father wasn't famous. My father was just a go get it dude that he instilled that in me and I've taken that and applied it to my craft and I thank God for him for that. But I do try to be financially successful so that I can do some things with it to help some other people. Now, am I opposed to having nice things? No? Do I apologize for having nice things? No? And why should I? I work? I work, you know, I'm done. I'm not on the radio asking to give me money, you know, so I can go buy a car. I'm working. So I don't feel how you want to feel. And other people do feel that way about it. But if success in terms of finance it's what you're lacking, you can go about the business of doing that. I'm writing a book and that whole book is about teaching people how to become successful. And man, I'm breaking it down in a way where everybody can get it, man, because I want the college student to get it, you know. I want the working mom to get it, the single mom to get it. The hard working father that has been trying to hold his family together can get it. The father that ain't ever got it together and feel that because of that reason, he can't be the father he needs to be. I'm writing something, man, to put it into words, to let you know that God is a forgiving God, and that God is a merciful God, and that God can get you out of any situation you find yourself in. You just can't beat yourself up every time you make a mistake. I make mistakes all the time, man, I just got to remind myself to get up. I ask God for forgiveness, I call on his mercy and it's grace and I get up and I go again. But it's coming, man. And if finance success is what you want, you got to change your mind. You got to start thinking about how to produce it. The first thing you do is you gotta ask. You gotta ask to have a life and have a life more abundantly. That's a scripture that He comes to you to give you life and to give you life more abundantly. That's a scripture that ain't a joke, that ain't a theory. That's a fact, and the fact that if you don't have a life of abundance, you can get that by asking. Then it starts by believing, and how to don't even worry about that. He takes care of at himself. He'll send the stuff your way. But you got to be willing to put some effort in this thing now, and you can do it. Okay. I know I was a little around the place today, but that's what it was. So you know, let's go get it. You're listening show. Ladies and gentlemen, may have your attention. Please. Today is another morning. Today is a new day. Take it as an opportunity to progress, to move forward, to have the opportunity to do something great, to be something great. Grow up, get it right, let's get it on. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey Shirley Strong Day. Hey Steve Harvey, good morning, said I love my life. Calin for Rell, good morning. It is Tuesday. I don't want to be nobody else. Junior Morning Up, morning family. Yeah, Tommy's on his way. It's his birthday. Birthday past all right? How many days he need offer his damn birthday? Coming to work? Coming to work, you need to come back. Always something I always got a little shot. Excuse let me point this out. You hired Jay and Tommy. Okay, go back and go back as you work. Yeah, I hired Jay. It was accident. What do you mean? Okay, Tommy, I was forced. I feel sorry for him. You feel you're feel sorry for Jay? Oh you know, boy? You know tom left, you know you all and you know him, you know you know yah, yeah, you know you know long time friend. Yeah, you know, he gave me a break in the beginning, so you know, paid him back. But I'm paid him back now though, So yeah, I can talk about it now because yeah, so it's a new day. What's going on? Everybody good? Oh yeah, yeah, really good. Yeah, you're starting a new week family mute again. I'm exhausted already. No product? Okay, you just got what just one weekend? Look, one weekend, one weekend, one time. I gotta ask you this, though, some of the mental pressure and strain kind of is off of us since the the pandemic kind of has um. You know, the COVID restrictions have relaxed a bit. It ain't relax your family feud. I'm taking three COVID tests a week. So yeah, but it's I don't know, wearing the mask, how you feel you guys Like it's released, but then I'm kind of confused with it, Like wait a minute, Yeah, I'm still I think, yeah, you should still wear masks. I mean, I know the CDC said that you don't have to inside, um, you know, and you ain't in my family, have you damn mask? It's like, yeah, because how do you know if you don't have your mask on? Stand your ass over there? Social, well, I can see all of you if you up and I got to look you up and down. You too close? Stay back where you just you just one shot, that's true. I agree, I've moved out of fact. My social dishon is sixteen feet all right? Coming up next, it is asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building at thirty two minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for asked the CLO CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. This one is from Ken and Dothan, Alabama. Ken says, my sister and I were awarded a good amount of money from a car accident. I'm fully recovered, but she still has to have one more surgery on her leg because of that, and since it was her car that was totaled, she wants to split the money sixty forty. The insurance company gave her the money for a car and paid a settlement for pain and suffering. She claims she's had more pain and has suffered more. She says she will take me to court if I don't agree to it. I still can't believe she's tripping. What should I do? I mean, money make people trip, so you know, I mean, I don't understand how y'all settlement is together that I've never heard of. Well, maybe they were in both in the car. Well, I've been in a car accidents before. Everybody's settlement is suffering. I don't know how they got. They just paid one lump. Song. Now as she wanted to be sixty forty dog, you through you? Yeah, just give us sixty forty dog you already? Don't come on, man, man, she has to go through one more surgery. Come on, dog, Just let her have it. But y'all gonna break up over this twenty percent? That's your sister? Yeah? Yeah, I mean, now she wrong for that because that ain't high goal. You're supposed to split the money. But I don't know since really i've never heard of that before. I'm gonna be honest with you. In all my years, I've never heard of a group settlement. And here's the settlement. Y'all work it out, because it's usually you get this and you get that based on your injuries and all like that. She's still she doing. Just give us sixty forty. What you're tripping from? Man, he says, he's fully recovered. She still has to have one more surgery on her leg. No, just let her have it. It ain't worth that this, it's not. He didn't say it was a sizeable settlement. He just said. Then. He just said, the insurance company gave her money for a car paid to settlement for pain and suffering, and she still wants to split the money sixty forty because she has more pain and has suffered more, which is true. Yeah, well the car was hers, obviously, yea, so they paid for the car. Now the pain is suffering. I don't know how they lumped it together. I've never heard of at again. But okay, let's just say, let's for practical purposes, it's one hundred thousand. Let's say it's a hundred thousand. You give her sixty, you get forty thousand. No going ahead, where everybody mad? Yeah, why would you want to tie this up in cord get attorneys have to pay them. That's crazy. Just take the forty. She's still got to have another surgery. Come on, brother to dude, wasn't that hurt? No day? Right? Right? That's why he ain't going right. The car slammed into her side of the car. Yeah, and she's all right. Jonas and Harlem says, I'm dating my cousin's ex and she recently told him about us. He said he doesn't mind and gave me his blood. But every time my cousin and I are with our boys, he makes jokes about me getting his sloppy sex and seconds. I can take the joking, but he also talks about how he used to make her squeal and call out his name. That's when I get to the point of wanting to fight him. Mind you, he dated her when they were twenty and he's thirty one, and uh, he's thirty one, and it must mean she's thirty one and he's thirty two. Now, how do I get him to stop disrespecting me and my girlfriend? Put him over to the side and say, hey, dog, listen to me. Now. You gave me your blessing. You told me it was cool. But what I don't appreciate is your dog and her in front of everybody, and real men. Don't do that. Dog, Just leave my girl's name out your mouth. I'm gonna ask you, conny, But if you keep doing it, bro, then I'm gonna have a problem with that. And you're disrespecting her and me when you do that. That's a simple conversation. Then if he do it after that, then you got to go and do something too. What Yeah, you got gonna do something to him that. It's just man law. After that, if I ask you not to disrespect my girl no more, and I talk, I come to you man, a man away from the other fellas, and you get right back in front of them and you do it again. What you're saying is I do what I want to do. I don't give a damn about you. Now, I've talked to you, so obviously that wasn't a point. So when I bust you upside your damn forehead, I bet you understand me. Then, were not shooting? We fight? Yeah, your cousin's ax and didn't a lot of that depending on how fine he twelve years ago, Yeah, I mean twelve years ago, A lot of things changed. I don't know how it happened, but you know, you know, they probably wasn't that close that could happen, like they're pretty close, but okay, Shikida and Birmingham says, I'm dating a guy that thinks he's a great comedian but he's not. He's almost forty and he's still doing private events and can't get into any of the bigger events. I know he's not funny, but I can't tell him. I think his appearance is a problem too. He's only five eight and he's stocky, not fat, but stocky's a lot of comedians five ain't fat. That that ain't got nothing to do with it. It's tim damn jokes he telling the audience at his last show talked about him, and their jokes were funnier than his. How can I give him a little feedback without hurting his pride? How he ain't getting the feedback The audience is telling jokes to him that's funny in him? What is he listening? There's no listen to me. Comedians don't need feedback. It's instant. The thing about our professions, it's instant. They're saying, you know, you write a song. You release it, you hope they like it. No, you tell that joke, you know that night immediately, instant, instant, Well, so he wants to tell, but she doesn't want to hurt a Zeko and his pride. What a king of comedy just tells ye. Listen to me. If you standing up that dying, there's no worse pain, you might as well go on tell him. He just but there's a lot of people that hear laughs in their head that ain't there. I know, some just's be telling Joe be Hotly in their mind. They hear a concert. All right, thank you, Fielo. Coming up next, the birthday Boy nephew Tommy's run that prank back right after this you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's national news and then entertainment news Janet jack and miss Jackson. If your nasty Jennet Jackson's auction brings in some major dollars. Okay, we'll talk about that at the top of the hour, but right now the birthday Boy is back and he is here to run that prank back as well. What you got for a snap, Happy birthday, Thank you yall. It is the blind Baba, the blind baba, let's go blind bump. I bet you how to see that coming? Yeah, I'm trying to read you. Uh that run the buck? Yeah? You now you run the barber shop down there, don't you? Okay? Now, I'm trying to see if if y'all't got any uh boot prontals down there, well, I can come in there and cut them how I've been cutting how a long time. I want to see if y'all got some room down there. They tell me you might, you might have had some come available. I got two booths open right now you need a boot. Yeah, I'm trying to get in there and get the cutting. Now. You now how much you charge for booth round on a weekly basis two hundred dollars a week, two hundred dollars, eight hundred dollars a month that they're good? Could your two hundreds? Now? When can I get down there so you can meet me? You know where we can show me around the shop, so I know what I'm oping from eight to seven. That's that's two to two saddest, all right, because I want to see if I can maybe meet you there so I can get down there and you feel my way around. Well, come on, they're what I want to ask you? Do you mind doing for me? Do you think you could possibly put up some ramps where you got steps at and uh and your phone? Could you take your mind if you take the phone and put it in breil for me? Oh wait, wait, wait man? What the hell I need to put my taking ramps side and putting phones in and brill for what was going on with you? Well? I'm blind. You know I'm not gonna let that stop me. You know I'm still gonna Oh no, no, no, no, hell no, man, you wait a minute. You what I'm blind? But see but I've been cutting my hair for over ten years, and folks say my hair could always look good. So I just figuring I'm gonna start cutting half not oh well yeah what you mightn't cut the hand. It might be some good that you do, but just ain't cutting nor hand in my shop? Not being glad that? Yeah, I ain't that my shot man? No what ain't got no problem with that, man, But you you just can't do it that. Well wait, wain't nothing to see. This is what they call it scrimination. You can't do that. You can't scriminated from people you're called they got some type of handicap blowns to him. You listen, Oh, let me tell you something, man, I'm not trying to be trying to put you out of being a dog doing what you need to do. But you just can't do that my shot. Man, I can't be called it discrimination, scrimination, scrimination or what not not not in my sha. You kids can't do it. But listen, not I know how to cut her. I know how to give folks are lining and stuff like now. I ain't try to use no razor or nothing like that. But I don't know, man, come home, dude, listen. Can't you flyingself else to get into? Was I trying to cut out? Well? This is what I liked though, This is what I feel like. This my calling. You just can't do it in my shot. I'm sorry, I know because to see now, that's what I don't I don't care to hear something like this here. Now I've been I got the qualifications and I'm able to do it, and I want to be able to come down now. And I told you when I felt what I tell you, I said I wanted to feel my way around. Didn't I say that I don't need to feel your way back. I needed to be able to see what you're doing. I mean, I don't care about you be ain't able to cut no at being blind. You got to be able to see to do that. This could probably do to do wonders for your shot. People to come from miles around to see somebody like myself cutting the hair that kind of in shot. Did what I said, I heard what you said. What I don't want you to do it make me mad about that? Now you're gonna get mad about something that belonged to me. I'm offering and you can't read it. This your blind doctor, I can't help you when you run. Man came on with that. Now listen, I'm gonna tell you this here, and I'm gonna tell it to you straight. I'm coming down now to that barbershop. I'm gonna feel it boots out and I'm gonna start cutting now. One thing I don't want to do and have to get into no tussle with you now, I don't want that. It was about getting no trussing with me. But did you bring your up in my shot? How much you're gonna cut it out? It's gonna be some plunge, you move around him. And but I'm coming down there, and I'm coming down that this evening. Now, one thing you know you might keeping with my shot. You're gonna you're gonna get you what by blind man? And what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna see it coming either, you hit men, bring you not as long as I got the money to pay my boot rental. You don't give a damn. I don't want your money. You're glad, can't cut no man mine. You understand what I say to you. I'm understanding what you're saying. And if I got to call the law about you being discriminate law, you can call anything body you want to call. That's money. You're not gonna do that. You understand what I'm telling you. Now. You bring you no time? My goodn't Hanney won't. I'll be waiting on you. I'm I'm coming down that this eating then I'm coming and I'm coming to up y'all because you got the nerve the discriminade gives me. I don't know, I ain't got my coming the fire. Well, who came you? Mom? No, you're nothing, darling. I didn't fix you, fam Calley they give me. They give me this number and say you is the one that do the hiring round the barber shop. You don't call my personal number. You called my shop. Don't call you money. No, what difference do that make it? If I'm some man looking for a job, he did that, don't give it. You don't call my personal phone. You're gonna watch your tone with me. What you're gonna do. I ain't gonna watching my shot. I tell you one thing you're gonna watch. You're gonna watch me get on your just why are you gonna get on You can't say me? I hang up on you. I got one more thing I need to say to you. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin. Man, you ain't no good. Hey, mister, I got to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvard Moaning Show. On my fifty fourth birthday, five, I was in the building board. Yeah, man, happy birthday. And you still play too much on your birthday? Yeah, yeah, you gotta do that. I'm gonna be playing even more ignorant. When I get to Orlando, Florida. Oh yeah, it's just about sold out. So if you're trying to come see the Nephew Memorial Day weekend, you better hear everybody, because the Nephew is coming five shows only two on Friday, three on Saturday. That is Memorial Day weekend tickets. A few tickets left, So come let your board laying in the cut is Tampa, Florida. You already know that is what that's June. What day is that? Let me see? Oh seriously, Steve, don't say six and twenty seven. I will be in Tampa, Florida at the improper right now. It's time. Next week, I will be headed to Orlando, Florida, Memorial Day weekend. Ticket night sail right now. Thank you. Birthday Boy coming up at the top of the hour will have some entertainment and some national news for you. That's coming up right after this you're listening to show. Well, guys, if you've ever wanted a piece of Janet Jackson, and I say, who hasn't, just know that it's not cheap okay. People found out that over the weekend when over a thousand items from her personal collection went up for auctions. That's when they found out how expensive Janet Jackson really is. As we told you, that's how she celebrated her fifty fifth birthday. She's one year older than you, Tommy. The outfit Miss Jackson if your nasty were in the Scream video with her brother Michael, pulled in one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars. Okay, the jacket from the nineteen ninety Rhythm Nation tour and the eighteen fourteen cap in black satin gloves. She got eighty one twenty five thousand, eighty one thousand. Whoa, that's a lot. Eighty over eighty one thousand dollars. Okay, that's a lot for that cap in a jacket ahead, Yes, it was. Yeah. And then one more thing, who one more thing? Listen to this? One more thing. Kim Kardashian was able to score an outfit from the collection too. Okay. She showed out twenty five thousand dollars for the get up from the IF video. That was a black prompt top and the matching pants. Remember that, I remember that. Yeah, So Kim Kardashian. To answer your question, Tommy was one of the lucky buyers all right, wasn't no whips and change for sale? Because you remember she performed that else's and drug somebody, I'll tell you with the whips and chain scared the hell out my mama. I remember that was at the Concertma to go baby, this mama's exit. Baby. I don't know why they dragging people crowded the stage right there. I'm surprised she lasted that long though she did. Mama gonna go to the casino, Okay, I know, I know my place all right. In other news, we gotta say once again happy birthday to our very own nephew. To Happy birthday nephew. Thank you. You had a big, big birthday weekend. You gotta tell us about it. I had an icebreaker up my house on Friday where all the sponsors that who was sponsoring on my weekend, they came over mixing in Mingland. Saturday, big service project went to the to this facility where nothing but veterans live and we painted there on social media. Yeah yeah, we painted their entire lobby on the bottom floor. So we did, you know, did some service where it went around and met a lot of veterans people that lived there, you know, and they man, I just loved their spirit. They're all trying to you know, some of them are just transitioning from from a housing for facility and you know their next step would be they get out and get their own apartment and start living on their own. So it's just it's just good to see them in the in the transition. And then that the Sunday was the birthday bash place Caught five Central in Houston, Texas. Everybody came out and um, you know, donated and donated. I was getting I mean I still got pulling checks out of my party. You know. Well the last thing you wrote a check, I haven't wrote a checking in that long time. Tell everybody you could want to donate and support your foundation miles of giving dot org. That's miles of giving dot org and there's a button you can click on to donate and help us give back. I appreciate it. I'm just so happy that you do that because a lot of times there are forgotten heroes. But um, anyway, wow, Steve, you look very proud of your nephew. That's good. You should be proud. Oh yeah, yeah, I'm proud of yeah. Oh, I can't be no more proud. He make me any more proud. I'm damn never be shamed, Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, missay and trip you, thank you, thank you, Happy birthday and few Tommy, and also to my father in heaven, this is his birthday also and this is a trip with the news. While the conflict continues to rage between Hamas and the Israelis. On this day nine, the death toll about two hundred and twelve, most of them Palestinians, including sixty one children, a fourteen hundred others wounded. Ten Israelis have been killed as well. President Biden says he supports the ceasefire and he's trying to accomplish it. Meanwhile, the President says the US is going to share its excess COVID vaccines supplied with the rest of the world. The President says, over the next six weeks he's going to be sending out some twenty million doses of fire zero Maderna and Johnson and Johnson vaccines on top of astra Zenicas serium as soon as that gets the FDA approval. UNICEF, from the World Health Organization, you know, have been urging the wealthier nations to share their excess stores of the vaccine with poorer ones. But mister Biden says he's happy to do it, but he's not being totally unselfish. Rampant disease and death in other countries can destabilize them those countries and pose a risk to us as well. New variants could arise overseas that could put us at a greater risk. And we need to help fight the disease around the world to keep us safe here at home, and to do the right thing of helping other people. It's the right thing to do. Okay, get this. South Carolina has now become the fourth US state to allow executions by firing squad. South Carolina's governor Handing Masses signed a bill into law that allows death row inmates to choose between the electric chair and a firing squad. The new law estates that lethal injection remains the primary method of execution if the state has the drugs. However, apparently South Carolina's supply of lethal drugs ran out in twenty thirteen. The other three states that allow firing squads are Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Utah, which has already put three people to death that way. According to the American Civil Liberties Union in South Carolina has a racist history, especially when it comes to capital punishment, and the nineteen of the thirty seven inmates currently on death row in that state are black. Happens in Canada. An eighty one year old black man, retired judge, taking his morning walk in Vancouver, British Columbia. The other day, five white cops surround him, cuff and claiming he fit the description of a man in his forties Selwyn Romilly, the first black judge appointing to the top court in that province. He says he was just walking and the cops grabbed. They let him go once they found who he was, and finally police in Kentucky, you say, a man thought he could outrun authorities on the State Highway, clocking one und to forty three miles per hour. But he made two mistakes. Mostly he ran out of gas and he was driving a bright yellow twenty fifteen Fard and Ward Mustang. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Harvey Morning Show. Well, I've been waiting for this moment. I haven't heard from him a Mother's day. I resident poet Junior is here with a brand new poem for the birthday. Boy, let's get before you go. I just want to introduce him. His new name on poetry day is Jay Rapp jay rat. That stands for Junior's ragged Ass point. Na Na yeah, yeah, all right, okay Jay rap j A r p j rap Junior ragged point. He didn't come, you know, Tommy, Man, is your birthday? Man? You know I want to save your birthday, Tommy and Uh. I have put some words together man, just to test this, express myself to you man for your birthday, because how much I love you, brother, so I did just for you. I name this poem too. It's called Tommy's Birthday Poem. Here we go, Wow, Here we go. Here. It is just a tiny little something to show you how we feel a little something something. It's really no big deal. Short phrases on my paper. That's what it's all about. Small phrases put together for your big birthday. Shout out any bitty words one right after another. Small minded sometimes, but you still my big brother. So light the candles and cut the cakes, give every one a piece, and we will serve you at the kids table. Because that's something you can reach the end. Oh my god, any bity words. I had to give it tea so you can understand the tea. Happy birthday, man, that's it. We're gonna get you away. I seen that coming that you can reach. I had how you feel that, man, Feel good, feel good. I'm blessed to be healthy. Man, that's what I am. Fifty four, fifty four years old. Ten year difference, like you're only said yesterday at ten A monster. Two dogs ain't gonna lie to you. Man. A lot of stuff go away in ten. No. I ain't depressing, but you know, if you know, you can stay fit like your boy. I try to stay agile and everything. I was in the gym this morning. But you know, it's just some stuff gold man. But I try to be a young sixty four because man, I got some friends. Man, y'all come home, bros. We gotta do better than this. But we got a large group, man, and we all kind of, you know, do things together. Now. You know, we support each other health wise and stuff. You know, Yeah, because they're important to me. Man. These dudes, man go back to college days, and two of them go all the way back to those first people I met in Cleveland when I was four. All right. We were celebrating Tommy all morning and coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Comedian and joke stealing. Pretty touchy subject. We'll get into this. Get into it. You're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show. So on social media, comedian Precious Hall Comedy said that at Leslie Dog stole her joke while hosting the MTV Video and TV Awards on Sunday Night. Now, Precious Hall Comedy claims that Leslie stole her joke that she's been doing for years. She went on she went in on her ig page saying it's not okay. Precious posted that the particular joke she's been doing for years. She has also made t shirts from it and has had a trademarked now Leslie, we know Leslie Jones from Saturday Saturday Night Live. Well. Leslie Jones responded to Precious Hall, saying that she didn't steal Precious's joke. She hasn't been in a comedy club in years, and she doesn't steal comics jokes, but that comedians write similar stuff all of the time. Leslie went on to say she has worked very hard to get where she is and this could have been handled differently. Leslie said, I apologize once again if you think I stole your joke, and nice to meet you too, Precious. So what do you guys, what do you guys as comedians, as professional comedians on this show, what do you guys have to say about this? I think, um, I think a lot of people are right from the same premise, But I don't know the joke, so I have to hear it. I'd have to hear both of them. But but everybody has touched on the same premise at one point or another. So unless you're saying something verbatim, I don't know. I'd have to hear hear it too to actually judge it. Yeah, there are no new premises on planets. None. The subject. When you guys say premise, you premise subjects, subject matter, contexts such a subject matter and contact is open to interpretation. Okay, here's the other thing. Once a joke is so old, look, man, anybody can come along with any idea similar and you can be mad about it. But if a joke is old, and you know, it's like hard, man, it's like hard when you hear somebody say I've been doing a joke for years well, how is that because in comedy, man is not like music, and I know what I'm talking about. I'm talking pure fact here. This is not an opinion. So I know everything, I get everything I say. Get to social media. Here goes Steve's head. This I'm telling you fact. You can have a joke that you wrote and it be yours. Now. You can have a joke that you're doing out on a comedy club circuit currently and that's your set, and you do it, but when you go back to that city, you can't do that joke, man, because jokes don't transfer like songs. People come to the concept to hear their hits. People don't come to the concert to hear their jokes because they're not gonna laugh the same way. So if you now, there are guys who've been doing jokes for years, but their career is not progressing. Because if you got the same set you've had for five years, ain't nobody your Your career is not progress So now, Junior, you heard how Precious did the joke, because it's something we can't play a morning radio. So you heard how Precious did the joke, and you saw how Less did the joke. What do you get. I mean, you know it could be taken ass I can see why Precious could feel that way, because you know, if you like, if you stoke, people are gonna steal the joke. They're not gonna tell the joke the exact same way you told it. So but the cadence is still the same, the delivery. And yeah, so I can see how she could feel like, hey, you stole that. You know, you stole that from me. That's why she's having that feeling like that. I can understand from both sides of it. And Leslie doesn't do comedy clubs anymore. Ain't been in the club, did you know? And then a lot of times, man like you're doing an MTV set in anybody, They got writers on these shows. Okay, here's the question. Do you think um that Precious because she is upset about the jokes, should she should she have contacted Leslie personally or should she put it out right? But seem to go public with it. Yeah, that's the thing. It's handled kind of crazy because now you put the girl on the defensive. But I like what Leslie said in that I apologize, but we could have handled it differently. That's a true statement. Yeah, coming up now, but Leslie's a bad girls, bad chick man. Oh yeah, so all right, coming up next the nephew birthday boy with a prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter forward today. The subject she acts like a bitter old bitty girl. You and your subjects of your old Let me be clear, I know, I know. Wait till you hear that, he ty all of that, all of that Right now, the birthday boy is in the building with today's prank phone call. What you got for us today? Right now? Birthday, Well, on the fifty fourth day of me being born, I'd like a first day thank you so kindly too, everyone who came out in Houston, Texas and celebrated my birthday as we raise money for veterans, which is miles of giving. So I don't want to thank everyone who came out that my golf tournament it was on Monday, Oh dear sold out of course, And of course are you today on your birthday? One of those people in his head, one of them people anyway, raise some good money this weekend from my foundation Miles and Given. So it was a big, big, big, big blow up and I'm just glad of the success that came this weekend. So big ups to the Miles of Giving Foundation. Thank y'all for the support. Yeah, people flew in from all over and pretty good. And it is on the road, the Miles of Giving in the Birthday Bashes on the road next year, next year, this this time. Next year, it will be in the n O, New Orleans. Okay, So the party is gonna be a party in New Orleans. It's gonna be a comedy show in New Orleans. It's gonna be a golf tournament New Orleans. The Nephew is taking the Birthday Bash slash Miles of Giving to New Orleans year by Yeah Ferrow, you know, like I know, but here's a prank. Yeah, y'all come make next year. You guys will be invited. Next year it'll be like, yeah, invitations, I'm gonna do a tip. I'm gonna do a taliperistie. When you get your invitation in a box and did it be it'd be so swanky when you open, Like I want to save my box anyway, Frank of today is Deborah. Kay Delbrook, Kay, here we go, Hello man, I speak to them. Let me tell you something of you. My name is Wayne. You did my aunties have us today? And now I don't know what you did. I don't know what kind of glue you'd use with weaves or whatever. But my auntie had and fell out in church today. But I don't I don't even use glue because I don't even know why you're coming at me on the side hip anyway about your auntie my at My auntie is Deborah, and I have fella you Jel nineteen ninety two. You come with some clue? Who you thank you tripping with? Look? Let me tell you look, let me say this to you all. I'm saying you gotta say, you gotta say because I'm serious about my wee. You're coming at me with some glue. It's for some clue that be that mounting on the side of you. Ain't well, that's what happened, and I fell off in service, and all the church member and sitting there laughing at well, she shouldn't have been. Maybe she's trying to keep the devil out over because she's been this shouting hold anyway. But I don't switch no clue. You ain't in the city and talk about my ain't it? And her Jesus, don't you talk about how she's shouted. I don't even know it. They call her miss Debra. I don't know miss She just got her hat done from you yesterday. How you gonna sit here and act like you ain't cutting y'all said, God, you just said blue comment telling a real woman and call me tell me mistake? How a mate? I'm because I don't have and I ain't usue. I'm gonna tell everybody in Atlanta, Georgia not to come to your house minute you like one minute? That's my livelihood? You No, I don't need you. What is this you? My name is Wayne. I don't know white. Look you're white. I know you're an't no Wayne, but you you. I got her brother name Big Jay, and bring Wayne, bring bring Twaine. Look, look, let me tell you something. I don't want no problem, but I will throw these hands if I got to what ain't my look here? Look here, I ain't got time to tell your any whatever. Who ain't the mistake? It? What me? Then? Look? You don't get me out here? The good Sunday. I just came from church. It's hot as hell, and you're telling me, Michael Blue, you ain't got no joint today. I ain't got nothing to do. I got to find out why my ain't it half farther night in church? And ain't me so called somebody else in Atlanto? Because I'm I am the finish too, But well you ain't you? You must not be in right now. If you got people have far to night in church and glue following all off on the pew, don't y'all ain't it proble glue her own? And that's not the white fellow. No gonna tell you right now. I'm the hottest pilot in a nap so devil. Ain't no body if I if hey, I ain't do a hat, I don't up half. You can call in and everybody in that lamp dad tell you the same sight. Look all I'm saying else you're the messed up my ain'ting hair. I want to get it rectified. I need you first of all to call and apologize to her. Apologize. Have you got a rotial human drinking on some Jesus use with y'all ain't and that's why you want Michael Jackson and you ain't a devil sits to or wherever her name you look. Let me tell first of all, you go you go respect my ain't it okay? Whatever you say her name, I put up. I want you to redo my ain't and half for free and give all her money back from the first time she paid you. I don't know who hold on, I don't know who this who. I don't know who you are. I'm white? Are you coming Wain? Look your Wayne. I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna hang up in your face. Nah, hold up, I'm Jebra, nephew Waine. Nah, I ain't fift two years old. Now you ain't gonna respect your elders? How you expect to be blessed? You say you just went to church? Then, See that's the problem. You're calling me on Sunday, got me cussing like this. See, I got one more thing I need to say to you before I get off the phone, because you waste in my minute. This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got brank from your girlfriend. I got me what's up? Your girl told me? She said, trust me going off the first twelve Secker. Hey, baby, man, you don't do no, you don't do no glue. No, I don't know glue. I don't. I don't tell you. It's too all right baby, ain't nobody. Ain't nobody half fell out of church that you still They say you the bomb down there. So I just wanted to call and make sure I prank my girl. She the one. All right, baby, answer one thing from me. What is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the world, The String Morning Show. I don't use no glue Classic How don't you know? No? I love, I don't know no dank. Where did you get that name from? Debrik oh Man, that's I don't know. I know k Ronda, Ronda, k o oh call it. Guess who came by the birthday Bay Fitty Fitty sit fitty. Yeah, he's all over Houston. He's big things. Ain't Houston birthday. That's that's cool, that's what's up. And let me show love to my boy. Call Paine who hosted my my birthday. Bass Fundraiser came down and hosted that thing, did a great job and special guests. Cupid came through and did the land dance of all you got to do the shuffle. Now, you got to do the shoffer. And you had a lot of cast members from Ready to Love, didn't you, Yes, Ready Love cast members, tame. Thank you, thank you, thank you, all right, thank you, nephew birthday boy coming up next. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject. She acts like a bitter old bitty we'll get into it all right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. It could be yours. You never know. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject. She acts like a bigger subject hicks like a bitter old bitty trouble great day in radio show, you see it would no, it wouldn't have, Junior. You know, my people'll be talking, we'll be trending. All right. Here we go Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a fifty year old married man and my wife and I have been married for eleven years. When we got married, I was working on my doctorate degree and I worked full time and was struggled to take care of her and our newborn child. She decided to start school herself after having our second child. She got her master's degree in nine, twenty nineteen, and I expected her to apply for a job, but instead she decided to get her doctorate degree. This led to more financial stress in our family. The little I made barely covered rent and the financial strain was great. I had to take side hustles just to make ends meet, and I think this led to a change and attitude for both of us, and we began snapping at each other over the tiniest things. I began to think of what to do to improve our situation, and finally, by the grace of God, I got a great job. I figured it would improve our marriage, but things got worse. She is still snappy, complains all the time, nags me about everything, and she's always tired from school. She hardly takes care of herself, and when I complain, all she says is who am I trying to impress? Sex between us has dwindled to once or twice a month, and even then it's a chore. She only allows me to do a quickie and she starts complaining if I take too long to finish. We hardly talk as husband and wife, and I started sleeping in another room anytime she's not home and I'm with our kids, We're all in a good mood. Soon as she walks in, the atmosphere is tense. She acts like an old, bitter, elderly woman, but she is only forty one. Is this how lady act after a while in marriage or is this a special case? How can I get her back to how she was? Well? I mean, you know, first of all, you guys can talk more as husband and wife, you know, And you've got to consider this huge load that she's taken on. She's studying for her doctorate degree, she just had a baby. You know, there's a lot of things going on here. And I'm going to tell you, I honestly think she needs to see a doctor immediately. I mean, she might be suffering from postpartum depression. It's been a while, but if maybe if it's untreated, you know, there's still some residual effects here from having this baby. It happens a lot in women, many women after having a baby. And again, she's got a lot on her plate with school, the financial stress. You know, that doesn't just affect you, it affects her in the whole family. Even though you say you have a great job now, it doesn't seem that easy for her to snap back. I'm asking you to be a little more patient with her, and if you guys can afford it, maybe you can get someone to help her with the kids and around the house for a couple of days a week. You know, maybe send her to the spot to see if she can invite her girlfriends over or ask them to take her out for a girl's night out. It sounds like she needs to get out of the house, do something different than what she's been doing. And it seems like, you know, working on her on her degree is really really hard on her. Please be more supportive as a husband, but by all means, make sure she sees a doctor. Steve supporting. Yeah, I don't. I don't know how he can be any more supportive. I really don't great answer, though, Cheryl. I liked your answer to protect this woman. But in this case right here, I don't see how she needs protecting. I think this woman has to step up and get herself together and make some changes. Now, if it's me enticle, then like Shirley said, it could be this postmonem. But the baby eleven years ago. Now, no, she had another one, but she fifty ye old man. Man, My wife and I been married eleven years. We got married, I was working on my doctor degree. I worked full time, struggling to take care of her and our newborn child. Okay, she decided to start school herself after having our second child. She got a master's degree in twenty nineteen, that's two years ago. I expected her to apply for a job, but instead she decided to get a doctorate degree. Now, obviously this is too much the children and the doctor to be. This led to more financial stress in the family. The little I made barely covered rent. The financial strain was great, which is always a big cause in marriage is struggling. I took side line hustles to make ends meet, and I think this led to a change in attitude for both of us. We both again snapping over the tiniest things. I began to think of what to do to improve our situation. And finally, grace to God, I got a great job. I figured it would improve our marriage, but things got worse. She's still snapping, complaints all the time, nags me about everything as she's tired from school. She wanted to go to school. She's snapping. She forty one to do, doing all he can do. Now, let me tell you something, sir, you can't make another person happy. Bishop Jakes told me this one time. He says, Steve, you can't make another person happy, nor is it your job. And if you take on that job to make another person happy, you have taken on a daunting, daunting responsibility because you can't do it. She's not a happy person right now? Yeah, hang stif all right, we'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject. She acts like a bitter old bitty. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject. Watch calor curringe when I say this, she acts like a bitter old bitty fifty year old man married and got a wife. Eleven years he was working on your doctor degree, and you work full time, and y'all were struggling taking care of her and newborn. She decided to start school herself. After having that second child. She got a master's degree in two thousand nine to expect her apply for a job, but instead she decided to get a doctor degree. So, y'all like degrees. If y'all like making money as much as y'all like having degrees, y'all might be on to something. But we'll just leave that loan. That ain't my business. You know, some people like degrees, so go ahead and get you another one. Somebody once told me, though, a very very rich man was talking to a group of college students at a big event, like was some type of confidence going on, and this guy was standing up to He was talking about his degrees and how much he made a year, and that he was going to go back to get another degree because he wanted to make a little bit more year and thought necessary he'd get a third. He says, soundly, may ask you something. If you have a degree that ain't working for you, why would you go get another one of them? And I kind of I just thought about that, So I'm just I'm just saying that because this might be that problem with this letter. So now you all barely got you So finally, by the grace of God, you got a good job and you thought it was smooth everything out when it didn't. She's still snapping, complains all the time, nags me about everything, and she's tied from school. She says she wanted to go to school. Sometimes, Man, you make decisions. And now I hate to get spiritual on you, but I gotta tell you this because I've done this myself several hundred times. You make a decision without asking God anything about it. You just you could go through your plan. And now you're miserable because that might not have been the best way to do it. Just because you make a decision, don't and you want to do it, don't make it the right decision for you. So now you're miserable, and now you're making the man miserable, nags you about everything. She's already tired for school. Now hit the part she hardly takes care of herself. Here we go. Now we're in a dangerous party. Left, she don't take care of herself, and then When I complain about that, all she says is, who am I trying to impress? Hell? How about me? But see this woman is tripping a little bit because it's just about her. Now, I went back school to get me a doctorate degree. I'm tired. I ain't finning do nothing else. Who am I trying to impress me? Your husband? She did? She didn't. She didn't. Forgot the same thing it took to get your babyhook, It's gonna take the same thing. Keep sex between us has dwindled down to once or twice a month. See we're in trouble now. Now you ain't taking care of yourself, and now we're having sex once or twice a month. He fitted without problem. Probably at anybody if any do this one twice a Okay, I'm just saying it. I'm just I'm because it hurt. Everything hurt everybody. Know that this is time to change your tone, because things just fitning change. Anybody feeling sit up here and do this what you want it? Twice a month that he didn't got two good job. Somebody down there walking past him looking just like he liked. She taking care of herself and everything. Now I'm all for the institution of marriage. I try to make it work, but now even when you make love it's a chore. She only allows me to do it quickie, and she starts complaining if I take long to finish. We hardy talk his husband and wife and I started sleeping in another room anytime she got home, and I'm with our kids. We all in a good mood. Soon as she walk in atmospheres ten that reminds me of a person we used to know. It's called black cloud. See black. You ain't got some people walking in the room or just a black cloud. It's just people walking room. Just darg black cloud. Just hear their ass come damn thunderstorm walking in the room. Weather change. She acts like an old, bitty elderly woman, but she's only forty one. Is this how ladies act after a wild in marriage? No, by any means, nowhere near all of them. But you got the one that do though. Is this a special case? Yeah, it's kind of special. Now, changes happen in all marriages, and you gotta make adjustments. But she ain't making them. So now how can I get her back to how she was? I don't know. I don't know that, surely said get us some medical help. But I think it's a mental thing. If you tied all the time, that ain't medical. You'redn't been off more than you choose. You try to get a degree in something. Now you're on a doctorate. You know, y'all gonna just keep going to school. I mean you can do that. Education is greater. I think smart is a guilt beside. Sometimes you're doing more more than you can handle. And she didn't been off a lot. We having sex once twice a month. You're nagging and complaining about everything. You didn't let yourself go, and you ain't taking care of yourself. Me and the kids at home having a good time. You walk in and a change because you're evil. I'm not staying with you. I'm not I'm not doing that. I'm not staying No, if you evil, I'm not staying with you. There's a scripture that says it is better to live on the corner of a rooftop than inside with a quarrels a woman. That's in proverbs. I'm not fit to do that, and you can't ask a man to do that. Ladies, all right, I feel like I'm dead once. I feel like I'm dead I gets optimation poster comments on today's Strawberry that's what that part mean to a death? Do us part and I feel dead? Time for us to part at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? All right, Shirley, Well, before I do that, let me just remind everybody June fifth to kire his whole third annual Sickle Sell five K Run and Fun Walk is going down in Dallas. Old Joe fifth, go to kiers Hope dot org as k I R s Hope dot org to register. Now, with that being said, Shirley, this, I don't know why they changed this up. The plans for the NBA playoffs. The play in is for the playoffs starts tonight or the play game. The play ins for the playoffs. So that means if you're in the one through six, you're automatically in the playoffs, but to get the seventh and eighth seed, you have to have the play in. So that means if you're anywhere from seven to ten, they have to play. So seven plays eight and nine plays ten for the last two seats. And this is how this works. If you seventh and eight, okay, and you win, you automatically get the seventh seed. Okay, if you lose, you have to play the winner out the ninth and tenth and if you lose that game, then you out. Yeah. Now after that, the winner from the first game and the winner from the nast game, I mean the lose it from the first game and the winner from the last game played each other for the final eight seed. Now I know that sounds crazy, but let me just tell you it's so crazy timing. But this why would y'all change it? If you just ain't had, if you ain't in the top eight, you just don't go. That's got somebody got somebody got everybody. This is so this is what we got in the Eastern Conference tonight. That's who's this playing the Hornets and the Pacers. They are ninth and ten. They play, okay, name whoever loses that game is out. Then you got the Wizards versus the Celtics. Okay, Now, whoever wins that game is in, and whoever loses that game has one more game to play. The guin in for the eighth seed. That's yeah. Yeah. Then tomorrow night, Wednesday night, you have the Spurs versus the Grizzlies. That's ninth and tenth. Whoever loses that game is out. Now you have the one everybody waiting on, the Warriors versus the Lakers, Steph Curry and Lebron James. Now the world champion used to be number one in the in the West, have failed so far down when Lebron and A d was out, they are now in the play in for the playoffs. Play I also sick all these peas though. That's what I am. The play in for the playoffs. Man, Look, come on, make some of the money that they lost back. Yeah, they so you know, I'm sorry you say what I said. Are they trying to make some of the money that they lost during the seems like you don't, ye, because you don't require all these extra games. If it was tenth in the West, I don't want to watch. I don't. Yeah, if you was tenth in the east of the West, you weren't gonna make the playoffs, No way, all right, well there you see what happens. Thank you, Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. Well, animals, including tigers, have been in the news lately, and the question is here's a question. Listen, guys, if you had to fight a wild animal, which animal would you choose? And why? A new online survey by you gov of twelve hundred and twenty four US adults aged eighteen and over UM ask participants to answer the question which animal do you think you would win in a fight? Humans included the mighty elephant and fierce rhinoceros one out against more than thirty other predators and pray seventy four percent of the time. So I gotta ask you, guys, which animal? Which wild animal would you fight? Junior? Right now, I'm gonna whoop a wild rabbit's ass. I got I promise I'm gonna win that one. I'm not gonna lose to this rabbits. I'm not a rhinoceros. That's a weird question, but yeah, yeah, yeah, oh I kick a squirrel. Come on, little squirrel, ain't any squirreling country with mine running out in traffic, faking back and forth. What was that you thought you saw in your car? That was oh no, that was Tommy yeah something to no, no, no, a squirrel. I had left my windows opened in the garage and a squirrel climbed up in the back seat and was in the window. And when I get in the car started the car and I looked in the rear view mirror. I thought a bow, which in mind, because you know that little sign say objects are closer than the liver take you something. I thought it was a bow in that damn call if you have seen me climb out that damn car without opening the door, and it was a squirrel. That squirrel just jumped out the car, just hopped on down this driver because I left the rage or him something. But that damn taught me with that possum story the greatest. All right, So we are at LA and me and I still at YouTube SIRL. We got to be on the air at three o'clock in the morning because we were syndicated to the Dallas which is five o'clock in the morning in Dallas, so you got to be there. So I'm leaving thirty thirty minutes ahead of time. I'm leaving so I can't get there on times, so he ain't mad at me. But when I get to the when I get on top of the yard park instruction, my car's backed up against the fence. And then it's got one of them listen, two forty nice sun two forty eight, and it's got that little pop up sun roof. You know, it don't go back and forth, it just pop up behind the car. Is a possum on the fence. Oh god, I didn't stomped. I stomped. I shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, I did all that nine by nine by two fifty. I'm gonna be late for work for show. So I said, okay, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna get in on the passage side. And something bad innything. I just climb over. So I get in on the passenger side, and and and I closed the door. Now, if you knew any thing, if you know anything about the Nissan too, for that, when you close the door, there's a seatbelt track that comes right down the side of your face automatically. And I thought his ass was in that car. I was throwing them hands like it was the end of the world. My knuckles were swollen, I was bleeding on. My face was scratched. The greatest thought that SEAT thought that was that possum dog. I thought that was that. I thought that possum had come through the top of that roof down on me. The greatest ass whooping I have ever taken. I gave it to myself. Right man, man, I got the words. Steve looked at me, Man, what halm? What ham? Whoo? Who jumped on you? Yeah? Man, you ain't gonna believe this right here. That's how we had to go through. All right, all right, we'll have more. Let see Barby Morning Show coming up for twenty minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to show. How are you guys feeling about this whole mask confusion mandate situation? Going on? Break it down to me, lay it all the way up is well, you know see the Yeah, the CDC came out with the rule that if you've been fully vaccinated, you don't have to wear your mask. Okay, indoors, yeah, indoors. But then some stories say you you do have they want you to still wear your mask inside, you know, so it's kind of confusing. And the other thing is, how do you know who's been vaccinated or not? You know, it's we're on the honor system where we have to believe people. I'm wearing my mask. Yeah yeah, yeah, because I don't trust people, and there's too many people that's just dumb about this whole thing. So I still I still wear my mask. Yeah yeah. Now I'm fascinated. And I told you I ate chittens for thirty eight years, so I'm like completely protected and you believe them. Thirty eight years of chittnings has prevented anything from taking hold in my system at all. Get running up out of it fluid flu going down there and run up into that chitten ju or get out of here. You were crazy, speak as out of your vaccine and him. Get all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. Don't say anymore right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, time now for asked the CLOO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one is from Ken in Dolthan, Alabama. Ken says, my sister and I were awarded a good amount of money from a car accident. I'm fully recovered, but she still has to have one more surgery on her leg because of that, and since it was her car that was totaled, she wants to split the money. Sixty forty the insurance company gave her the money for a car and paid a settlement for pain and suffering. She claims she's had more pain and has suffered more. She says she will take me to court if I don't agree to it. I still can't believe she's tripping. What should I do? I mean, money make people trimp, so, you know, I mean, I don't understand how y'all settlement is together that I've never heard of? Were in the car? Well, I've been in a car accidents before. Everybody settlement is separate. I don't know how they got They just paying one lump song now and she wanted to be sixty forty. Dog, you through you our Yeah, just give us sixty forty dog you already known. Come on, she has to go through one more surgery, Come on, dog, just let her have it. But y'all gonna break up over this twenty percent? Yeah? I mean, now she wrong for that, because that ain't high goal. You're supposed to split the money, but I don't know since really, i've never heard of that before. I'm gonna be honest with you. In all my years, i've never heard of a group settlement. And here's the settlement. Y'all work it out, because it's usually you get this and you get that based on your injuries and all like that. She's still she doing. Just give us sixty forty what you're tripping from? Man, he says, he's fully recovered. She still has to have one more surgery on her leg. No, just let her have it. It ain't worth that, it's not. He didn't say it was a sizeable settlement. He just said. He just said the insurance company gave her money for a car, paid a settlement for pain and suffering, and she still wants to split the money sixty forty because she has more pain and has suffered more, which is true. Yeah, well the car was hers obviously. Yeah, so they paid for the car. Now the pain is suffering. I don't know how they lumped it together. I've never heard of at again. But okay, let's just say, let's for practical purposes, it's one hundred thousand let's say it's a hundred thousand, you give her sixty, you get forty thousand. No, why would you want to tie this up in cord get a turn? Hees have to pay them, that's crazy. Just take the forty. She's still gotta have another surgery. Come on, brother to don't that hurt? No day, right, that's why he ain't going right. The car slammed into her side of the car. Yeah, and she's coming up. It is our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only, our fearless leader, Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Timmy's birthday. Yeah again, nephew got a night from junior and everything. Yeah by Paul baby ten years younger than your uncle's. Hey, dog, but you don't look at though. That's the key. And you showed a run like it in shape. Yeah, you ain't tripping dog. One thing about our family. Man, we hold up. That's good. Yeah. I think what we do to helps keep us young as well. Because we laughed so much. Laughter is the key. Yeah, laughter is medicine. When you laugh, it releases endorphins in your body and it just makes you feel better. I laugh all the time. Man, I was taking family feud yesterday. I was laughing so hard. Man. I had a contestant on the phone, Big dude man from South Dakota, Big Dale. I asked him what he did for a living. He told me, he said, Steven, I'm really famous for this. He said, I'm a professional baby maker. Now this get about six he bought six five about three sixty. So I'm a professional babymaker. He said. Let me tell you why they called me a professional baby maker. Out had three Eva sector me three ever, section ain't now one on the work. All these kids, you see, each one of them is after v sect me. My little fellas got pushed through power. I was holly wow. I was holly laughing. Then I had this family from Detroit, man, man, oh Man, I had a good time, just family from Detroit. They won, They won twenty thousand. But I was just laughing all day. Man, I was just laughing. One But you know, since it's Tommy's birthday, I think I don't know if Dave knows that we have music. We have them. Are you familiar with to Dave the Christmas song came front. Well, I'll tell you what, no, no, no, I like a little music. Give me some background music, Dave, for a little, a little something mellow, so I can tell of a little Tommy story. I ain't told one what a little Yes, I'm just gonna start playing something, Dave. It's been years since this happy birthday. Oh, let's just let you Yes, well, here we go. It's time for a little Tommy story. High boys and girls. Yes, yes, yes, it has you know, it's been so long since I've been here. I thought y'all had forgot all about these little Tommy stories. Oh well, but seeing as how this is his fifty fourth birthday, and that's ironic because that's his height to five foot fourth. This is a I know, boys and girls, but I should do know how to connect the dots. So today is made the eighteen yea, And so we got to connect all these dots. Now he turns fifty four, born on five eighteen. Let's look at these numbers. No matter what has happened, whether it's the eighteenth day or the fourth year, he'll never get out of the five foot range. Hit it. It is five eighteen and five, folks, just nothing he could do to escape to the depth of being five feet tall. Well, let's go back. Why not add these numbers up and tell a story that fits it all? Five and four is nine. Yeah, here's a story of when love Tommy was nine years old. It was his ninth birthday and we had decided that it was time to move him up. Because his hands were so small, we were never able to buy him a real cake because he would have fell in it and we never would have been able to find him. Oh, don't wear the kids, but we may do. Yeah, his first birthday cake was a donut hole. I know he did too. His second, Yes, his second birthday. Then we moved up when we was finally able to buy him something bigger than that, and we finally let him get a cupcake. And then finally we moved up and we stuck. We started sticking candles in honey bunds, and then finally, on five eighteen, his birthday, his eighteenth birthday, we got him his first cake, a real a real one, a strawberry shout cap. He was overjoyed. Or if you'd have seen the telephone books that we was putting in chairs so he could get up there to see that cake. And that was the happiest day of his life. Every six d and he's been getting regular size cakes. Are six ladies and gentlemen. That's my lure. Thomas Thorn, Happy birthday, nephew. Remember big thing come in fives by y'all. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.