Happy Birthday Mississippi Monica! 11.06.17

Published Nov 7, 2017, 6:31 PM

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When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. TLC's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens for all children of teen mothers themselves, parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series Unexpected Sunday, November twelve at ten nine Central on t LC. Can't wait Watch the early premiere now on TLC. Go download the free app now clean to moy. I want to join, Yeah, well join you go with me? Say you gotta turn? Yeah, don't go to wall, you gotta turn? You won't got to turn out? Come come on? Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now. One and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show? Uh huh, one more time, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. Ain't God been good to me? Wow? But then again, ain't He been good to you too? Though? I mean, really, man, Think of all the blessings God has given you. Think of all the things He's done for you, things that you ask for, things that you didn't ask for, things that you were expecting being all about all of the unexpected blessings. Man, he just keeps coming with it, don't it. You know what, that's a good news today, though, y'all. You know, in the in the in the face of the economy being the way it is, in the face of all the world being the way it is, the the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all it's on the news sometimes, you know, we got we got news of parents not really starting up being parents. We got news stories of children turning on their parents. You got, you got everything the economy, you got places you thought you should be beautiful places to go. Now they got travel allerged. It's it's just it's all little. It's it's all over. But the good news is that's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it will it will protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you. For you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this, that no matter what happened to you, you know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like our friends and stay Farm or any other insurance company. You know they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you, that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together, and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy. If you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children. You can't buy a policy if something happens as a mother and all of a sudden you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you. And that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time, there is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happen. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happen. You know, I'll give you an example in my life. Okay, here we go, because see it is the best way for me to do it. Because see, what I don't like to do is talk to people without letting them know, Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel what yet, Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago, because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy or well for whatever the reason I thought I wasn't happy, if if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else from my own happiness, that that's that's really if If if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a part. Two wrongs don't make it right, and I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See then that I already know as an intelligent thinking man, as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my son's when you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go. So fourth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis. And then I started putting it in my mix, you know, two three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time. And then I really started putting it in when when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance and I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down, and prayer is like a premium, you just pay into it. Then when situation started coming up, now it's that prayer that I had put in that in those premiums I had paid, it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to the suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress because I had put some payments on some premiums. I had taken out an insurance policy. With my life, my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life. Insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable that's available for you. Why are you living see in order foreign insurance policy to pay Something bad got to happen when you take out the policy with your with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, It ain't you. Ain't gotta have no money for this policy. I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. Steve Harved long away from being perfect. I never claimed perfection it as a matter of fact. You know, it's kind of funny man, how people do. That's that's why I used to be so afraid to even, you know, bring up God in my relationship and what I was trying to do. Because just the other day I gotta email in the email back, I'm just tell you how people were. It didn't stop me, it didn't shake me. I just don't want you to understand that people are. See people sit up and listen to you, and then they used that for a point they got to make. Mr Harvey. Since you say you better now and God is making you better, and you a change person. Why do you treat Eugene the way you do? Eugene is obviously and then she used three letter word for Eugene that we've never used on the show about Eugene. Eugene is. Nobody never said that. We're just doing the show over here. You see that. Don't bother me no more, because all I want to la and notice this is just to show everybody this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's nothing more, It's nothing less. You know, a lot of people know who Eugene is. A lot of people know what Eugene do. Some people do, some people don't. But people will take information. They hear you about your walk and try to it in your way and in a subtle way, in a subtle way. You ain't what you say you are. You ain't walking like you said you're gonna walk. Man, listen to me, y'all, make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer, talk to your heavenly father, get you some issuance in your life. And when you have little things like that, keep on stepping. Man. God loves you. Man, Man, I shall hope you talk to God today, because guess what he show would like to hear from you. That's for show. You're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. Please do yourself a favor. Take both of your hands, spread them about a foot and a half apart, and bring them together repeatedly. That's called applause because you're listening to the baddest morning show. Come on the land. Good morn to sherlet. Good morning, Steve Carling. Hey, I'm here, Good morning, happy Monday. To delay you on. I'm not delaying. Didn't delay you delayed this time? Do it again? Do it again? Speak to them, do it again? Morning Carling Hasty. Okay, y'all, don't hear that. Before he gets the love. You gotta be on it right. I'll show you, she said, Come on, Steve, knowing I'm gonna see it. Good morning, Carling Hasty. I was on Junior, be right there every time, be right there? Good was that was you on our one? On our one? Oh I see it, I see it going over there and get it. Were well. Happy Monday morn goes out to the Houston Texas who lost to Sean Watson, a cl in practice many quarterback for the Houston though Texas. He said he was out, but he's gonna come back stronger than ever. Yeah, he's out for the season. He's a bad boy, Yes, the whole year, that's why. Yeah, to get passed. And then what do you do? When he played the row we played the Browns, he threw, here's my question for the Browns, Steve, since you know football, they are eight and oh? Do they still practice? Yes? Do they show up? Do they have to crack one more questions? Steve said, you know football? What's the pep talk before every game? I need to hear it. Could you give us a recap? Come on, come on game? Yeah, we should do that for something funny. Yeah, so think about it and want to hit it. Pip though, what's going on in I don't know? He said it eight times that Hey, Monica is in here holding up a big sign that it's my birthday. Oh, happy birthday. One on our one. So hey, we'll be back with Steve Harvey. Coach Steve with his pep talk to the Cleveland Browns who are oh and eight coming back at six thirty at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, it's time for something funny, and as promised, UH coach Steve is going to give his pep talk to the O N eight Cleveland Browns right after UH chaplain j with the God God. We're here again by the God, bay the God. We've been here several times, Father God, and Father God. I don't think you're here, and I prayer, Father God. We prayed this prayer several times for the God and Father God. What we would like for you to do, Father God is see down your mercy. Have your mercy come down on. We just need one win, Father God. One win, one would have we'd have a different trip home to our loved ones. Father God, make that happen when we play again. These things in your name, we asked. Amen. Now tend it on to the coach again. Who ready? I'm ready to get him hyped up. Coach. All right, gentlemen, here we go. You've got a bye week, so we're down this week. The beauty of having a bye week. There's no way we could have lost. So I first want to start by saying congratulations on the first week of the season, but you haven't suffered a law. If that being said, I want to discuss with you something. Steve Harvey in the book Act like a Lady, Think like a man. He wrote the three Ways in which a man shows his love to a woman, Protect, provide, and profess. Yeah, well I have the three piece that you guys need to consider. Number One, your professionals. Yes, you're supposed to play this game at a high level. Of all the football players that play peewee football, pal football and aspired to be professional, you somehow made it through. How I'm not really sure at this point. You are professional football players. And I want to remind you that you're being paid half another pet, another piece. Let's just making four professional and you be paid to play. That's right. There's a second piech. Show some pride. Damn it, show some pride. Here's another peep bringing your punk aside. Every day we got another pee we're practicing and now to day we had to start the game with a proud stop using pe Get your brok ass out there and play better than you practice that we don't have to have all these brands. And he last, but not least, other three piece don't gonna people watching it's ridiculous. This is ridiculous. Come on, guys watching, I ain't begging you. As we go to the next week week again, do something, Chris Brundu live. I don't be here much longer. You're gonna lose. I ain't gonna feel because your prodcast keep lose. That's right. All he's kneeling before the game. You waste your time. I got to do it. Stop all this holding hand and get your hands out and catch a ball. It's protesting. That's another piece. There's another pie you protesting. What I'm taking to need is game. I'm cross tested video coach and professional team should they coach? So what's all the peas again? Pride people, professional pride and people watching you? Don't you dropped another path? Another pe the Yeah, if you drop another path, what're we gonna do? A Siston coach, I will put my foot in your hand. The next person to drop a pad we'll be kicked in as the next one. If you fumble another ball, I wanna say it again, and I'm coming to you, assistant. If you fumble another ball one time, what we'll be taken from You can catch the ball without a thumb, yeah, you all miss one. You all miss one if some thumbs around it. If you throw another interception. This to me, Kevin, if you throw another inception, we we will give you. The quarterbacks will be given a professional weggie that he has to walk around within all day. I mean we will pull him up in there. I mean they will beat up in there. Trash trash. If you want to let me add a fourth p to this, we got professional pride. Yeah, people, watch stop that about Disney. I ain't come. We're gonna win on three D. Alright, I think they're gonna win the next game. All right, it's Detroit. But after that pep talk, I never know. It's Monday. It's Monday. Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam are here with church complaints. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, here we go with church complaints. D whoa d this Bruce Month. That's right. We go them a knowing that all is not will that's right, that's right, that's right. This this dead blamed church O God, loaded with more haters, more complainers. Did almost any congregation out there, well, these is called church complete. That's right, that's right. Back off a back off your money. I'm way back out. You know. They know they're talking to meet you. All off, let us begin with church complete, go ahead, pastor the Seagram's Gen Saved Centers Singing Quartet. Wow, what let me say that one more time. The Seagrams Gen Saved the Centers Singing Quartet are feuding with the Hollelujah Hennessey hair Raising Groups. They both want to open this year's b S Building Fund Concert. But the final decision is yours basket and please know BS is for big Stage. The Big Stage Building Fund contept once again passed. Seagram's DN Saved Sinner Senior Quartet feuding with the Hallelujah Hennessey hair Raising groupers. Well, now one of them alcoholics has raised the quarter. Nor do I expect any money to come from them going full? All right, therefore, let the building fund continue. But notice we've had this building fund for exactly eleven years now, right, that's right, Bath. We have not put a strip or carpet in the hill. We didn't. We didn't raise enough to remodel the women bad food because of the Banks girls, Banks girls, they said they used bad food. It requires remodeled. You're not you're not that breath of banks, breadth of Banks used it two weeks ago, didn't you? And then Bueller Banks used it last. It's bull Bertha Bridges and what's the other one name? Bobby now Patha what's her name? I forgot that Beatrice. They noticed they didn't throw that damn bad throw up. Not only is the seat loose in it where it's been rocked off, but when they fumilgate, the aroma tears the wall paper down off the walls. It's a funky bell back. It's alright. Moving along past it. We have sister Rachel Yvette Yahbro wants to put bleach in the baptism pool and baptize the heavy centers in the church and hopes that this were praised the sin out of their souls. We are scheduled to start picking them out next week. The list is long, but you will make the final cut. We start their third Sindy is when we start. Well, I don't know nothing about bleach, but I am asking the deacons to put in heavy amounts of sea salt so that it becomes a lot more buoyant. Because a couple of these helpers you dip down. I've almost lost three um to drown it because I couldn't get the bigger as back up right, and if you see salt or understand it makes the body more buoyant. And you bobe Okay, you don't like an apple? Yeah, yeah, a matter of fact, let's do that from now on. The fat people that want to be baptized, we're gonna, we're gonna have or what they call or symbolic baptisms where you put your name on an apple. And we used that you don't even get anything. Yeah, we baptized the apples and you when your name on it, that you in your name. They got him mad. We we we we can't keep dipping the bigger as people. Alright, Moving along past to the we have a real den in situation. Him the Death Quiet did their song Sunday insane. Uh, the song was tied up. We hear him too. They are upset that nobody shouted doing the song, signing, well, when you put your hand on the back of your ill, what you do you hear me? Son? And we don't hear nothing, and you don't either what you want us to shout for where they wanted. They just upset that nobody felt the moment and and and rejoiced with them, but they were did they see some of the signing that was being done back towards That's what we need to address because I don't know have the parishioners were flipping the bird off the devil quae right moving around paths of what we had. Why you acquire and there ain't no sound coming up where they are quiet pass that they do it insane if they do it together insane. Well, they got a sign from the congregation. We were gonna have to just be a limo delicate with their sense. Was is all I'm saying. We got to, really, you think, be a limo sensitive path that they're up there and they're doing they got their robes on and everything, and they're doing insane and you're just gonna have to be a limo dedicate with it. Now let's just move along. I just want you to think about it, man, Deacon Lemming you well, Bridge Water us. I was thinking where he goes, but where he goes to the church. Now everybody ain't gonna be a new member, So y'all to have with y'all, listen, Deacon Living you hear bread Water was caught stealing two pews from Lily Lily grow missing it about the church. He said, you told him to get some new pews. His bail is set in two thousand dollars. I did chake get some new peeles? He did. He was the fact that he tried to steal it from another congregation. Ain't got nothing to do with me. He still needs bail money. We're gonna leave him in the past that he was trying to help the church. Now, did you tell him to steal him? Because he that's what no s He's a slave. Now. He went to Lily Grove at two o'clock in the morning and broke in that. Ain't aboudy told him to do that. Now, Deacon, You're not gonna drag me in this. He's gonna do their time alone, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, our National News with miss Anne and Trump's Twitter account temporarily goes down. Wait till you hear a while you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, take this job and shove it all. Heard that before? I thought that before. I wanted to do that before. Hello here. Well, according to Twitter, that's precisely the reason that President Trump's account was deactivated for a short time last week, I think for about eleven minutes. Right. According to the company, a customer customers support employee on his last day at work make the move and the end, the President's account was down for like I said, about eleven minutes before being reactivated. This followed Twitter's Twitter's earlier response blaming the human error for the incident. The company now says they're conducting a full internal review and are taking steps to prevent it from happening again. Well, guys, have you ever you know left and attitude actions left a job with you? Okay, let's hear about it. You're taking hell. I'm sitting here here and I got my ask over here right here, meaning that I'm here. I'm not throwing shade. I'm building a tent. I know you have one story. Do you take this job and shove it? Story? Well, I worked at a place called Lincoln Electric and I hated it. I hate it with everything in me. I worked a graveyard ship twilve to eight in the morning, and man, I despised the job because at four o'clock, I don't care who you are, you sleep. There is no getting used to four am. You're supposed to be sleep and Lunch was twenty minutes. It was like working. It was. It was the hardest job I've ever had. Lunch was twenty minutes and you and we had to work on a piece system where we had to develop all these wire coils by pieces. And I hated that job. And I had this little dude named Tony was my supervisor. Cooler dude, but I just I didn't like the company. And so I went to work one day and I just told him, I said, hey, man, I'm not gonna be able to continue anymore. I got a huge loan came in from small Business Association to start my own company. And all the men was like, oh wow, really Steve, what you do? Yeah, I'm starting my own carpet cleaning business. Man. I got the money, the loan came through for me the body equipment, So I'm gonna go full time. Man. Good luck to you, Good luck to you. So I end up getting his job as a carbon clean cooper. Well, one of the guys used my company, which partly was true. I didn't really get the money from a small business loan. I just wanted to quit, okay, And so one dude called me and asked me to clean his house because he knew my house number, and I went by his house. But I had went to pick and pay with the grocery store, and I rented machines every day and just put it in the back seat of my car. And I pulled up at his house and unloaded the carpet cleaning machine from back seating my car. He's, man, I thought you was a professional car for cleaner. You didn't renting the machine from that. Man, I'm gonna tell everybody down at the job, Okay. So I said, okay, cool, ain't no problem right here. So I just went on and ruined his carpet ruin. Didn't extract the water, just put it in there. Since you're gonna go tell go tell him that too. You feel good about this? Didn't very comfortable. And from that story we go to uh, the one and only. It wasn't a funny story. It wasn't really just just so, yeah, you know, I don't like the company or no, I really didn't like you introduce miss an. Uh. You know what, man, he's just some troubling times And just to be honest with you, sometimes, man, I just I just find it difficult to discuss all the time. Because I have so much that I feel responsible for. I just think that, man, I'm gonna let miss Anne just go into it today. These are the news facts with miss Anne about thirty miles southeast of San Antonio. Police in Sutherland say the guvernment is among the dead Texas coming to Greg Abbott calls it an evil acts, so does the president. Mental health is your problem here. This is a mental health problem at the highest level. It's a very very sad event, but that's the way I view it. How Speaker Paul Ryan says that Special Counsel Robin Mullis probe and to Russia's meddling in last year's presidential election should be allowed to proceed. In fact, Ryan tells Fox News Sunday that right now lawmakers have no plans to stop or hinder Mulisa investigation. He says the professionals that the Justice Department must be able to do their jobs punished for the sins of the father. A lot of folks up said about this one. A hospital in Atlanta has told the mother of a two year old boy that it will not complete the child's organ transplant until his father stops getting into trouble with the cops. Twenty six yearly Anthony Dickerson supposed to donate a kidney to his son, who was born without one. However, according to a local media report, officials at Emory University Hospital sent a letter to little boy's mom saying that it intends to delay the surgery on the baby until Dickerson, who's been in and out of jail for a lot of his life, complies with his parole officer for at least three months, so they won't operate on the two year old till end. Top to to the weekend box office, so the movie thor ragnar Rock took an in estimated one twenty one billion dollars. I did better than expected, even though it supposed to be really wonderful Anyway, A Bad Mom's Christmas opened in a distant second place with about seventeen million dollars, and Sean Puffy Collins is changing his name again. Now he says he will only answer to brother Love. Can you dig it? Can you dig it? Can you dig it? You digg Brother Love? You need the butterfly back. Twenty minutes after the hours, they tune to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it is time introduced Jay. Then j You in turn introduced the butterfly j Anthony Brown Fly and itcause I do I do. Good morning everyone. I'm Stephen Shirley College and your time. Meet Jathony Brown. Thank you. Somebody. There is pandemonium going on right now. Hello Shirley, let us speak to you. I'm sorry. There's an issue on the on the table and I'm gonna need everyone. I'm gonna need everyone's help. Last night we lived. We did a shower in Columbus, Georgia. Thank you everyone for coming out. Someone stole my entire wardrobe, all of it. My entire wardrop is gone and I'm due to hit the stage and on North Carolina on Thursday. No, no, I go fund me wardrobe account so people can send money to help me get re get my thing. My wigs are gone. Everything is gone. Everything is gone. My jury, all of my legends gets everything. It's God and I need help with a um Eugene go fund me wardrobe site. So I am getting that set up and I'm asking all of my coworkers. We're gonna start here to get to everything. How much is the God. How much we need to raise you. I'm gonna need at least six thousand dollars. So wait, six thousand dollars you get? Do you hold on this? Ain't no damn chatting y'all? Listen how much it's six thousand dollars and stop doing it? Stop doing it? Listen, I need to Okay, it's exactly six people on this show. If everyone of you out and then I'll pitch you in a thousand. But if every one of you at pitching a thousand, then I will have the money I need. How much you need all together? That's what we're trying to figure out. Six thousand dollars. I keep telling you what, Stop doing it, Stop stop playing that damn music. This is serious, This is very very okay. I don't have a lot of time. Today is Today is Monday. I'm gonna need this on Wednesday so I can buy the things Thursday morning before I hit the stage Thursday night, and faith six thousand dollars is needed, damn it. I'm not gonna tell you how I quit doing that. I quit doing it. Now. We're gonna start with Mr Harvey. Mr Harvey, I want you, how much would you pledge to give towards this sixth grand that I need. How much is it? I need six thousand dollars. I'm gonna woop the board, I swamp, stop doing runs, coming back to murder other hits. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it is that time, and youroduced Jay so he can murder yet another hit, baby ladies and gentlemen murdering. All right, thanks this time for murder to hit. But what I'm really trying to do is raise some money over there, saying keep the doors open. I need about six thousand dollars. In trouble. You don't get in trouble anyway. It's all going down to the Jay Spot. This Tuesday Night hosted by Yours Truly, Anthony Brown told Tuesday again, came to top it and those tacos are great tacles. You gotta he tacles. And it's gonna be Pierre's gonna be a girl, precious, funny, She's funny. And Jamal Jamal Demon I think I'm saying his name. I hosted by Yours Truly this Tuesday. Next Tuesday is Junior. Yeah at this club to thee. I ain't getting paid. He paid me in medication. You're trying to raise all right, But anyway, his time for the murder, the hit. You heard of the Pea challenge, you heard of the see each other for what I have it's to see each other right here, I'm Steve Harper show. Check it out. Well. You heard about the Pea Challenge and the D challenge. This is the C challenge. You see him down for the comedy, Brown for the comedy. Since death, Jim, I've been around for the comedy. Take for the comedy, right for the comedy. Think about it, morning, noon, and night for the comedy, Hit for the comedy, Fit for the comedy, had a good job. I had to quit for the You see him smoke for the comedy, joke for the comedy, Been to divorce, called three times for the time. I got love for the comedy, Club for the comedy, every nine and then I need a hug for the cur see I hope for the comedy, Notes for the comedy. Did a cruise ten years on a boat for the cop top trash for the comedy, got cash for the comedy, even got some real good ass for the can do Black for the comedy, White for the comedy or sending your hall. He let me write for the student, and I go back for the comedy. Makes stacks for the comedy. Got much love, and that's a fact for the take, appeal for the comedy, feel for the comedy. Don't get mad when they still for the com I'm about for the comedy. They shout for the comedy. Gonna drop the mic head because I'm out for the comedy. Yeah, am I too old to say? Yeah? Yeah? Almost it almost right there? Yeah, I checked like I created one for sixty years. Yea, yeah, just get it out short to the point. That's what I do whenever I want to, when I'm doing something that's my new one. I've been doing that all right. Well, it's going down Tuesday Night, j Spot Comedy Club hosted by Yours Trulie Jane Brown. Taco Tuesday Baby, get him go get him. So let me ask you. Let me ask you something, ladies, about this money that Eugene is trying to run. I've already said what I was gonna give. I ain't given nothing but six dollars. So now, Shirley Caller kill uh, I need to know donament that you're gonna give. I'm not j How much Chlotte Junior? How much you're gonna get after? I have an extra three dollars in my pocket. I ain't doing nothing with he had it. That's three. It's all my pocket. Yes, Steve, Um, I think I could do sixty sixty dollars. Why I really love him. Yeah, that's what I was gonna do. Carlos sixty. I was gonna do sixties well, because he lost his all his clothes and stuff. Let me just say this, I didn't do well and far. No, he's got a hundred twenties. But yeah, you can get a lot of tights with a coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, you don't want to miss today's Strawberry letter. But up next it's Houston's own nephew Tommy with today's prank phone call. No, you're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, nephew, what you got time for the prank phone call? Shirley, It's time to baptize some people. It's called mobile baptismal Pool mobile baptisma. We come to you and you come to your house and baptize. That's what we do here. It is Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach the Mr Wilson's How you do? How you doing? My name is brother spring Water Man. Listen, we uh we we we got paid to actually come by and do some services to for for you by some friends of yours, and we wanted to actually call and see about scheduling and see what you had available, uh some services. What y'all playing on cutting some grad What you do? What kind of services your had? Actually, sir, You've got some friends that have actually spent a great amount of money on you. And what we do is um we have a Baptismal on wheels servant and what we do is we go and we yuh we baptized people at their home and Baptismal Wheels has been it's a new UM company, but we've we've baptized over a thousand people. Now we have a truck with it which actually has a baptismal pool on the back of it, and we actually come to your home and we will baptize you in your driveway and and make you hold again. So we've people hostess Brother Water. Brother again, I'm sorry, I spring Water Springwater. What you want to come to my house and give me a baptism in my front yard. We want to baptize you right there in your drive where your friends are paid for the services. And my friend, my friend will pay for me to get baptized. I've been baptized already well from my understanding, sir that but then that you you had some some bumps and bruises and and and they seem to uh to believe that you need to be Washington coming. I mean, that's all good, that's all that's it's all good, But I mean things are I mean think that it made man. I mean, I've been baptized, I go to church. You know, uh, me and the Lord don't have no problems. I mean, we all have setbacks. But for you to pull up with your pool in front of my house to say you can a baptize me, that that doesn't make any sense to me. Doc I mean succeeds sometimes when some people are not able to go to the house of the Lord and get baptized. You know, we're making a lot more convenient for you. But we can actually need no convenience. I don't need no convenience. What I need convenience for you asking me to come to my house on a Tuesday, so baptized me in my driveway? Does that make any sense to you? Brother Water? I mean, come on, if you really sit back and think about it, does that make any sense to you? First of all, so that that's that's that's brother spring Water. But what I'm trying to what I'm trying to say it is holy water, spring Water. It doesn't make no difference to me. You can't come to my neighborhood and baptize me in front of my home. Is this is what your friends are talking about? That don't give me dam was My prayers are telling you man that anybody which which one of my friends gonna work the men you to come to my damn out. So I'm im And if I don't let that don't even make any sense to me, you understand. So I'm not I'm not at any liberty to tell you who actually is uh between the liberty because of my damn house. Can't baptized me, but you can't tell me who the hell gonna see you? But you're not there? What make come on? You don't even come on that that makes sense for you? Come on, that doesn't make any no way in the world. I'm gonna allow you to come and bring your prn in front of my house and baptize me. Then I'm asking you ask and you you're supposed to be a pastor, you supposed to be a boat tied and I'm asking you. Okay, what's a friend of mine is sending you to you know, letting you know I need to be done. You'll tell you out that liberty to all I want to know. Basically, I've already been paid. I'm I'm coming to schedule. I'm botizing me that time. I'm going to baptize you on Tuesday your driveway. Man, I tell you was did you come to my house in front of my drive You better bring the all congregation, you understand. You better bring the Reagans, the brothers, the sisters, and they have my head as you think I'm gonna you got tired of is the problem? This is what your friends are talking about. This is why you need to be baptized and cleansed again and washed in the blood of the laud This is what's wrong. You need to be cleansed. That's what's wrong with you. Mr Wilton. What's wrong with me? Now? What's wrong with two is caring and let him my hope. They're telling me I need to be that high in front of my house if I need to be back half, don't get the only water I go down to the church. I don't need you come in front of my house making all circus. We are you afraid of some white sheets talking my winter backs? Alete that from understanding, from my understanding, for my understanding. Mr Wilson, you missed two sunday is already this month. Sing this so man, I can't go anyone and get the one. I don't need you coming here because you're telling me I missed too damn Sundays. I'm gonna miss that Sunday too because the phone ain't coming off. Sir. All I know is I've been paid to do a job. I will be there Tuesday morning at seven o'clock and we will baptize you before you go to work on two. Before you would I tell you what you curing my seven o'clock at morning, I swear on your lord, I'm gonna bust you. You understand me. You were not cutting my house telling me you would have got tip dow. Don't give a damn who paid you. You understand I will trying your an award matter. Stop now bringing you your teachers over body. Don't have a full party of that. You understand. I'm all of this, ain'nger and all of this. Did these problems you have within you? We are going to burge your body and get it out your system. I don't want your cleaching. I mean, I tell you, I tell you what the swring water that's a bring water on it. You're gonna get baptized on Tuesday morning. I don't give a dam who pays you, who called you bring you know, I'm gonna who I can't it kill you. I'm gonna trying, y'all safe. I got one more thing I want to say to you. What you're listening and got a matter I'm missing? You ain't got to say to me. I gotta go. You understand you ain't gonnat man. I want to say to you, as you listening to me, whatnot. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy Mason. Hello, man, let me tell your something, man. Let me tell you something. Boy, y'all y'all was a boy bred so man that a head man. I was about to act a fool on y'all because y'all would have showed him by crib. You're staying me what time y'all ain't got de better to do. I didn't sit around here and just with people during their days. Man, I ain't never thought y'all could give me with this? Then who the hell goes around that? Tides of people always like fiddles A will best tied people would have pulled on the back fifty. I got to ask you something, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? You know, it's the Steve Harvey Morning the Show. See, that's how you baptize forget going to church now exactly when they don't make it to the church. You know, we bring the baptismal to you. That's actually a good idea, man. Yeah, we're baptize you photo you go to work in the morning. Yeah, and get you get your save on. We get to save on right there. We cleanse you right there in the driveway. We won't to do it, and will he won't one day? So how's the going? Play is going? Strong? Baby? This week? Thursday night, Fayville, North Carolina. And then this is this is one to call us favorite Friday Night Doude Ball. That's him a flaw the baby to turn me a hand. Clap y'all for that. This is the greatest tool he's ever been by far. Absolutely Saturday and Sunday. I'm in Miami. Baby. If I ain't and if you don't see me at the play, you're gonna see me on the golf course on a fishing boat. One of the two I'm doing. You're going to Miami and you're going in the golf and fish the country. I don't know who's okay, Okay, I am gonna slide by you act like it ain't there. I'm gonna slide by the spot I'm gonna do. I'm going to all right, coming up, Christtte Michelle apologizes. Plus today Strawberry Letter is on deck. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. T LC's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens who are all children of teen mothers themselves. Parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series Unexpected Sunday, November twelve, at ten nine Central on t LC. Can't wait. Watch the early premiere now on t LC. Go download the free app now. The Strawberry Letter is up next. But first, you guys, hear about this Chrissette Michelle. We love her singing. What a great singer she is. She has apologized for performing at Trump's inauguration. She got a lot of you ain't got your car trying to get now, Chris said, regrets performing for Donald Trump's inauguration. She took the controversial job in hopes of building a bridge for a divided nation. All right, her intentions were good. However, she realizes the era of her ways and has issued an apology. Chrissette said, I knew that Trump wasn't a good choice for the presidency, but there's always got to be some sense of hope. That message on the stage was at the wrong time and the wrong place. And I apologize deeply for the hurt that I caused people. No, no, apologize, No, you should apologize for what and for for coming out. And Michelle, she looked if she went up there with the intent to try to create a bridge, people ain't gonna understand that UK talk caters I steal every now and then on my Instagram fee the other Maybe a week or so ago, I had a picture just me and my family up talking about how blessed I was to have my family m Somebody said, and then, which is the only time I've ever responded, somebody said, we really appreciate you, beautiful a family, love you God everyone, But why in God's name are you a Trump supporter? Why would you support a demon like that? Did you have any idea boom? Next thing? You know, Steve Harvey is on Instagram responding, which I've never done. And I just told I said, first of all, you don't know me, do you You've never met. If you listen to my radio show, you would truly see who I support. A meeting does not mean support, That's all it is. And I have to you know, And I'm like Chrisip Michelle, she gotta keep apologizing and finished, you don't the people that are gonna hate me gonna hate me regardless. Well, you still shouldn't have went up there. Whatever I went, I went to his office before his president went up there to do something I thought was good. Now, everybody that's saying they're not surprised how he is. You've got to be just a little bit shocked, that's how he's actually turned out. You've got to you a little bit shocked. Aren't you surprised? Surely? Oh? Absolutely? And you know, Steve Tomorrow, it's been a year ago to the day that he was elected, by the way, like like nine Yeah, it seems like a long long time exactly. Okay, see not Chris sip micheldon apologize, right and then she just when is Steve gonna apologize to Black America? Uh, we're going down and there meeting with Trunk. When are you gonna do that? I'm just what you saw him get off that elevator with that man. When is he going apologize? Man? Well, I mean, Steve's right here, he can speak for himself. He's not saying that right there, right right there? What do you mean? This would be a perfect time to put this issue to rest, maybe once and for all. Okay, Well, come on, black American listening, Go ahead, listen to me, and we don't have to talk to black speaking for not all black Americans felt that way. It's I mean want it sounds like it to me America minute to me, it's the spokesperson for Black America, your nephew. I choose, I choose not to allow him to be my spokesperson. But obviously there's a group of them who have voted him like a point. So now, as the new appointee for Black America, I'm gonna take the time out to say, if you want an apology for me for going to see Donald Trump, then you have one. I'm sorry. I wish I had never gone up there, if I could retract my steps in spite of why I went up there, I wish I never had a gone up there. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, waiting, manute right now, are you really wait? Black America's texting me. They're texting me. They're saying, that's all we wanted to him, that's all we want to be with. You just want black as person you're talking to. He can come eat chicken with us again, that's all they're saying. Say. Okay, here's see. I know what's part of Black America's texting. So let me just go on part the short people, all the short Black Americans who have been talking to time and as your general, he the same size as the general on the general commercial with Shack. Look, here's the deal. If it's an apology you want, it's apology you can have. I'm sorry for going up there and visiting. Hold On, hold On, I got a text. Gotta text. Tell me short black Americal, so our Black America is saying they appreciate the apology by Trump. Don't get your bugle up. Hold subject sick and tired of the drama. Dear morning crew, buckle your seatbelt because you're in for a journey. I'm a year old mother to the problem starts and ends with my mother. When I was in my early teens, my mom met this man. This man turned out to be a pervert, but my mom never listened. She in turn threw me out for saying he was trying to molest me and for me fighting him back. Years went on and we were never close again. Recently, it was uncovered that the same man not only molested my daughter, but my niece too. My mom didn't believe them either. We press charges on him, excuse me, and are currently awaiting trial. She doesn't even attempt to go to court to show her support or anything. My mom has never apologize nor showed any remorse. I have tried to be a good daughter. But how much am I to endure just because she's my mother? I mean I had been called every name and the book kicked out turned on at the point where I feel I don't want a mama anymore, And Uh, I don't want this to affect my mothering skills. What should I do? Because I don't want to keep my kids away from their grandma, But I can't keep letting her hurt me. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. Wow, it's like the precious syndrome. I think I totally totally recommend counseling for you right now because you're dealing with some heavy, heavy situations. In this case, I don't blame you at all for how you feel about your mother under the circumstances. I'm sorry that you had to go through this, that your baby had to go through this. Your mother is wrong in this instance. Uh. She should have never taken your word over his. She should have never kicked you out of the house without investigating this situation. Uh, you need counseling, That is my answer for you. You gotta get yourself some counseling and get your child some counseling to continue with the court case. All of that. Uh, Steve will have his aunts when we come back twelve minutes after you're listening. Okay, Steve, let's get to it. Okay, this is a serious letter because this is a young girl who's twenty five years old, and her mother has not believed her when she told her that the man in her life has been trying to molest her and her niece. And uh and then uh, you know it's her daughter, and and and she doesn't believe her. He's calling her names and everything. She didn went out and put out she can went and press charges on this man are currently awaiting trial. She doesn't even attempt to go to court to show her support. Her mother's never apologized, showed any remorse. You know, the girls have tried to be a good daughter, But how much can I do it? Just because she's my mother. She's been called names and stuff. You know, she don't want she doesn't want to mamma anymore, and she doesn't want this to affect her mothering skills. What should I do? Because I don't want to keep my kids away from their grandmother. Okay, let the kids see the grandmother that's cool. Here, here's the deal. Though you obviously know and feel that your mom is in the wrong, you have every right to press charges on this man who has tried to molest you because some other people in the court system is not gonna view it the same way your mother's viewing. Please understand, they're gonna look at the facts, take a lot of stuff into consideration. Now what they're going to do, I don't know. But what should you do? Stay on your course, Try to understand the desperation doesn't make it right that your mother is in a lot of women do desperate things just to have a name. She don't want to believe this about her man calling your names because he all off in her ear. Maybe I would never do such a thing like that. She's never liked me since I've been in this house. She didn't always been tripping there, and since I came up in here. Now you trying to split us up? Well, your mama stupid. So your mom is sitting up in here listening to him. Why you would make this up? Now there are people who have made stuff up, But why you would make this up and be this heard about it? It's what you don't understand your mother's support coming through faith. Get yourself some help, get yourself some counsel. Start going to some faith based church. I don't care which one you go to, what kind you go to, get your relationship together with God. But stay away from this man. Continue to press your charges. Clear the house of your niece and anything else. And her own daughter. This man molested not only her, but her daughter, the daughter of the daughter. You see what I'm saying. He not only the same man molested my daughter, but my niece. Same man not only molested my daughter, but my niece. Wait a minute, I thought you said her daughter. Yeah, okay, the daughter of the mother that wrote the letter. And then the granddaughter. He also molested the daughter's daughter, the victim starter. Yes, yes, the one who wrote the letter. He molested her daughter too. That's why they went to court. That's why they went to court. Just right now, all my comments have to be off. Yeah, this is horrible, you know, this is this is horrible. This isn't want to keep her kids away from their grandmother, but hey, hey, keep him out of harm's what if she has a man around and all of that new No, absolutely not, I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm so ticked at this point because you're gonna do this to my daughter and my granddaughter. Alright, see, we gotta go email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girl surely and switching gears. Yesterday we all had to turn the blocks back by an hour for daylight savings time. Oh I hate that is so much. Hated to go to church and see him early waiting, just sitting there. That is the best day to Joe. Not communion now, that's a good time to first Sunday, but to go and I'm being here since fo clo. Oh my god. Yes, and you know I catch the bush to get that you thought I missed it, so wrong, so wrong. I get joy when people don't see joy. I hate daylight saving son anyway, Yeah, because it makes the night so much longer, gets dark too early, which means it's going to get dark a little earlier now. And a new poll finds its seventy of Americans want daylight saving time to end, Thank you, ease us. People want later sunset time so there's more sunlight during the day. Would you guys like to see the end of daylight saving time and I want to end until you love day last seven the ladies who are going to dental school, why strippers earlier money? Man, this is my understanding as a farmer. Uh. It was done in the summer months so that you know, people on farms could get more work done for. That's what was my understanding years ago, at least that's how my grand that's how it came about about. Well that's what my grandfather told me. If that's factual what the government did it for, I don't understand. But those days along gone. We are not relying on that anymore. So much of our food is oh manufactured modified. I don't think it's that anymore. It's a certain think. You know what. You know what, it really does help those kids who catch the bus to school. Uh, normally they were out there in the dark and now it's brighter. But then when they're out there waiting on that bus, and that's that's a safety reason. So that that really helpsul. I like that, But that's not why they did it. No, that's definitely not why I did. But that does affect them, you're right, absolutely, but I think I don't I wish they wouldn't do it because moving it back it gets dark too early four o'clock. I mean, get ready to get into bed by six. Yeah, you're tired, it's just six o'clock. Yeah. It was a certain point that don't change in the country certain states. Indiana, Yeah, sure, Indiana changes it all India, Wayne, Indiana does it change? Wow? I did not know that. In Arizona to right parts of Arizona. I don't think they do it either. If you and if you, I don't. I don't know who doesn't do it. But I'm telling you right now, one city in Indiana and just move their cloth. It's ridiculous you out there playing you sho'll take your ass home looking at that? Whoa? Look all right? Coming up at forty one after the hour. Steve is sick of certain things, but we all know this, and he's going to call them out next. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. So Steve, what is up? What do you think about? You're sick of seeing some stuff and I'm just tired of see and I'm gonna just start calling people out. You know, I don't stuff I don't like. Here's number one right here? Huh man, standing at bus stops trying to holler at women. Yeah, are you serious that you're trying to holler it? She didn't pull up at the light. You've been over hey, Hey, no, no she can't because she got a can. You don't right every day. Here's another one. Small doshiki small small doschkis on big people. Dog. You do know that's supposed to be loose and low. You can't be with the movement when you're showing gen You can't move your neighbor showing under yours. I feel right there, man. I don't like people that still wearing nugget real like what you ain't talking about? You the whole set. That's funny calling us. I don't like men men who carry their packs of cools. I'm in the sleeve or they t shirt. Yeah yeah, and since we're doing that, I don't like women that can money light a cigarette in they braw. You keep going in there calling about let's say something else. I don't know why they still heavy that fanny path. Nobody never looked good in the funny path coming back. They don't look good. They don't look in l a. The big tourists we all the time. Yeah, but he stick up sick much too much, cause cause that's still got spinners over the spinning, they spinning, the stopping. I got one for you. Come on, fat men, yeah, fat me wear body? What is this about? Have you ever seen this? Right here? What babies? We gold teeth? Yeah? Downstap a lot, Yeah they do about Oh yeah, last war. But come on, I'm sick of people put duct tape on window. Don't you defeat the purpose of it being a window. If I got this crack dog, I saw a dude in a car had cut out a sheet, applied with and put it on his rear on his mirror. He had a photo drive aside that dough plywood. Wo think a lot of stuff. The last thing I hate. We got more. This goes back to the Strawberry letter and a couple of other things. Short people with tall orders. What I got to be the but he didn't say, don't know. He was talking about if you throw a rock, you know, pack a dog, the one that hollow is the one you hit. It could have been the one you almost hit. Don't well, tom me. All I said was I hate short people with tall orders. Wait, we got to beat I hate tall tom what other than Shirley, because Shirley is an average woman's type. You're the shortest per know this ship. Wow wow, No, and stop saying that people coming up after each show. You're not that short. You're not that anybody told you that. Yes, I'm serious, dream right now, shut up looking down, Tommy. They said, I hate to point this out, but they said you're not that. But they did the short wolves and exactly, exactly exactly, I think that Black America said, black America talks to me, American black a man. That's our new bit. Black Americans. Amic just spoke to me. That's it. That's all your sick up. Give us one more on the black America stands for something. Black is, yes, an acronym. It's actually B period A period a PC back. We just get right back in the mood. Come on, black is an acronym, Tommy. It stands for being lacking and come right up to the knee. That's black America. No, it's not brown. Up next with Man on the Street. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Jage your turn with Man on the street. What you got for Man on the street, y'all, it's actually man at the Steve Harvey Show, people in line in the line, Man, Man in the Line. That's what I'm gonna name this new segment is Man in the Line. But when the man will be Tuesday night, it will be at the Jay Spot, my spot that I'm talking about, the Jaspont Comedy Club. We do Taco Tuesday every Tuesday at the Japon, Los Angeles, California. This week hosted by yours truly with one of your favorite comedians, prescious young Ladys Steve Carla. You guys remember her from being at sand and so she killed it. She recommended by me. He's very funny. Last night. Yeah, Also Pierre was gonna close the show off and Jamal will be there. Jamal Damon will be there. Jal will hosted by your Echo and the headline of Taco Tues. Yet. You can go to the event right and get next week. Junior will be boy j You know what your club didn't get favorite till I showed up on that next week. It's fun though, it's a great it's a great point out. It's a lot of fun, a lot of laughs. You will be crying like right now, Man on the Street. Steve Harvey Morning show. Check it out the Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What was the argument you had with a friend and what was it about? She doesn't like the way I dress, but you know why I'm gonna do me because I'm fabulous like that? Who who's cereal? You know? I the cereal? Whether or not they should relocate and moved to be final argument with my daughter. I left my paper plates at her house and she used them for her party. I had an argument but with my fiance to say, uh, And there was about I'm just sitting there, be here quiet, just shut up? It won't shut up? Where sharing a bad? And she got math that took mosch of the cover? Okay, was because she'd be wild in her sleeper. She's taking the covers and I'd be freezing cold. The shippering that, yeah, I really. My friend snaps really um dude told me to take some shelves off the wall. Then he was mad because they were holes in the wall. Left and y'all had a big argument. It wasn't that big because I shut it down. Really. What's the argument you had with a friend? Soup soup? What was it about? Because we had to cook super Senior cities in today. And I want to cook the way I wanted and he wants to cook the way he wanted. So we argue, he's trying to tell you how to cook. Sup. Who's a better soup cooking? Oh good? My argument was go with a better friend to them than they was to make. We argued yesterday about where um Catalina Island was from Newport Beach. It wasn't. He said it was north and I said it was west. I don't know. The argument I've had with a friend is over money. Of course, ow your money. They do owe me money. She owed me a lot of money, how much like three grands and she hasn't paid you in a year and a half. You need to be her. What's the argument you had with a friend? Um not being supported? The friends said you're not supporting. No, they're not being and not supportive of you. Big argument it wasn't I agree with family about politics. We got in a sexual grow today. When you're gonna give me my money back? A friend owes your money all the time. Much. Look you at the club, okay, Oh drinks on you. I'll pay you back. Oh you're getting an uber, Okay, we'll split it later. Are we at dinner? Oh, I left my money in the car. Are you still friends with that person? Yeah? Because sometimes as a person needs so argument with a friend moving on my house, it's a live Oh people are people still believe that Tupac is alive, that you can't ask him that they believe Tupac's a line. They believe Michael Jackson is a line. They really believe it. And if you see Elvis not the only ones they see is Elvis. Nobody's seeing Tupac or Michael. But they let me make an announcement. Go ahead, see black America. You're Black Amerrily. They pronounced you dead and you're black. Your best to leave you trust me, we would. We would be like, if you do come back, you better not let it want to us. See, the only person we're giving the past is Jesus. Yeah, Jesus. Jesus can come back. That's who were looking. So if you come back, you better come back with him. He heard nothing about Earl coming there. If you're talking about you better make an announcement. I'm coming out, but I'm all right. The Steve Barbie Morning Show was on the way right after this. It came me, you and me me. We'll try some my other day. I'll give you read later in the day. So don't fall upont because you're my side. Peace. So don't be moody because you're good for me. The water I went will go we some baby, don't you him down and please don't make a fast Just don't some bad to make a mind to do my swimmer. Don't have a temper like you didn't November and met man cut up and I can't be easy to day hid away all you here from me? Damyc you day to dam e readest amazed day hid away calling you here from me? You aidav you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Entertainment news of the actor Kevin Spacey is facing more accusations of sexual misconduct by staff members who worked on the show House of Cards, a show We Love Everybody Love, Yeah Yeah. Production assistant claims space He sexually assaulted him during one of the early seasons of the show, and other staff members said Spacey's behavior on the set was predatory. The production assistant claims Spacey put his hands down his pants and made inappropriate contact with him inside the actress trailer. The assistant claims the encounter happened several months after he had spoken to a supervisor about Spacey's behavior and was told, yes, oh, it doesn't say it doesn't say. It doesn't say which one I would have? Would? They showed in remaining episodes like, can we find what happened so far? Yeah? I mean, I mean because they're showing the bill cos shows back on. Nothing get in the way of the Month of Cash. Yeah. Yeah, if the shot, you'll see it, huh okay, Yeah, and if you even if he had some more until you know, you get he got where they're gonna show with Stephen. Netflix dropped him somewhere else, somebody else gonna pick it up. A lot of people want House of Cards to go on, just with Claire. Yeah. I think she'd be a great president, would Black and Roller. Yeah, and you know what put that into the storyline. Yeah, Frank Underwood suddenly got shot. I don't know, we just sexual harassment. He had stepped down. Yeah, move on on the show, Steve. You know Claire is Jenny from far As Gump Robbing, right, the actress? Oh no, Claire is the tall, shorthead blonde Chip. Come on, look, baby, Frank's Underwood pushed the lady in front of a train. I know they can write his ass. Yeah yeah, I know it ain't on the subway on the subway platform, nobody and stepped back behind the column out of you. That's your right now. Wait wait wait wait wait wait what does he what does he eat that when you want to eat real good? He going to the black dude's box, right, Come on, Tom and asked me some Okay, the black guy on there, the other black guy who he messing right with? You need to work for the government. That's a lobbyist, baby, Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, who you think he messed with? Who want to mess with him? Miss Claid or Claid want some of that? I got new for you. Man watched some of that. How did he know he watches? Tell you what? They can write him out and keep going. Yet, good show just because he stands aware the bit I'm not. I'm not standing out. I got him. I got it on. We're testing up right now. His side kick, the one to take care of all the dirty work. Side uh frank, Yeah, his little sidekick, the one to take care all the dirty work. What's wrong with you? Well? You know he got that history that he don't want to come out his past. He don't. He don't want that to come out on him right now. So what he trying to do is he trying to deal with that. But see since he go out there and he do all the use, See he the one got the little girl pushed off the platform because see she wouldn't do right he went to see. But the real thing, what y'all really don't know is when Frank had the kissing scene with his security dude, that right down was the giveaway Tall it is here because he was just comfortable with him. And can I just say the hell and I don't listen. I'm trying to get another writing job about that. You're listening hard Morning show, Take this job and shove it all. Heard that before, I thought that before. I wanted to do that before. Hello. Well, according to Twitter, that's precisely the reason that President Trump's account was deactivated for a short time last week. I think for about eleven minutes. Right according to the company, a customer customer support employee on his last day at work make the move, and the end, the President's account was down for like I said, about eleven minutes before being reactivated. This followed Twitter Twitter's earlier response blaming the human error for the incident. The company now says they're conducting a full internal review and are taking steps to prevent it from happening again. Well, guys, have you ever you know, left an attitude retections? Left a job with you? Okay, let's hear about it. But you're taking I'm stre he and I got my ass over here right here, I'm here. Yeah, I'm not throwing shade. I'm building a tent. I know you have one. You take this job and shove it. Story. Well, I worked at a place called Lincoln Electric and I hated it. I hated with everything in me. I worked a graveyard ship twelve to eight in the morning because at four o'clock, I don't care who you are. You sleepy, Yeah, there is no getting used to four am. You're supposed to be sleep It was the hardest job I've ever had. Lunch was twenty minutes and you and we had to work on a piece system where we had to develop all these wire coils by pieces. And I hated that job. And so I went to work one day and I just told him, I said, uh, hey, man, I'm not gonna be able to continue anymore. I got a huge loan came in from small business association to start my own company, and all the men was like, oh wow, really, Steve, what you do? Yeah, I'm starting my own carpet cleaning business. Man, I got the money, the loan came through for me the body equipment, so I'm gonna go full time. Oh man, good luck to you, Good luck to you. So I end up getting his job as a carpon cleaning coup Well, one of the guys used my company, which partly was true. I didn't really get the money from a small business loan. I just wanted to quit. And so one dude called me and asked me to clean his house because he knew my house number. And I went by his house, but I had went to pick and pay with the grocery store, and I rented machines every day and just put it in the back seat of my car. And I pulled up at his house and old carpet cleaning machine from back seat my car. Man, I thought you was a professional car for cleaner. You didn't renting the machine from that man. I'm gonna tell everybody down at the job, Okay, so I said, okay, cool, ain't no problem right here. So so I just went on and ruin his copy ruined now ruined carpet, didn't extract the water, just put it in there. Since you're gonna go tell or go tell him that too. You felt good about it, didn't very comfortable. And from that story we go to uh, it wasn't a funny story. It wasn't really a just so just so you know, I don't like the company, or no, I really didn't like you. You're listening to stry Morning Show, last break up the day. Here we go with just one more thing. Let's kick it off by saying, happy birthday, a cup, it's your birthday. Yeah, I'm about her bucket of catfish today. I'm gonna give her some hot in the mofo hot sauce to go with the cat with the catfish. That's so Populna get another gift, Jay, I'm gonna get some worms. So when she go fishing, she got the best worms. Very stereotypically very It wasn't I'm going with her to eat the catfish. Somebody got to go. I got her. I got her a gift card. Oh, I gave her a gift when she came to the club. I picked up the entire tap for everybody for her birthday. Roll that over. He put all your names on it. Steve, you're awfully quiet. What did you get her? See? I'll see you know what. I gave Monica her birthday gift before I left l A to go on my golf trip over the weekend. But I enjoyed with my with my best friends, and I gave her her gift. And if she don't want to tell y'all what I gave her for her birthday gift, then that's absolutely fine. I have no problem with it not saying it unless she tells you what what she was? Uncle, Steve, get you what is the hush over Jerusalem? All right, let's see. I saw it? Okay, what is it? He didn't? She said it sold with somebody or she can go along. I gave her. I didn't see it. What is It's a resort? Jump up? Jump up here? Just looks like, don't do that. Don't do that, you say, Now he's mad at me. I'm just I'm just trying to help. I just got the joke. But it's quick, man. You can't see around. You ain't nobody. Now do you see it? That's that's but congratulations. The question is did you put our name on it? Did you just go and ask her? Do you want your cats cook or rockets? You know some people want you might want to skin him herself. You know what I'm saying. But I'm bucket of cat rock catfish. How does that sad stereotype? I can't some people won't't caught and fried, or some people want to just just caught your fresh. I'm gonna speak for Monica. She preferred them fried, okay, but you don't know she likes her fried hard. I like good fried cadfish. Yeah, I don't like mine hard. Though I knew he was gonna catchish things he haven't done in a while. Things don't go together. Seriously, Steve, how's your dog coming along? I wanted to ask you. Well, I have a big home, so you know, I played golf this weekend, so I just got in last night, so uh, and then I'm at work, so I won't meet him officially until today when I get off. So you know the name, yes, it's bad. Man's name is bad dog dog? What made your name embarrassed? I didn't name the dog sir, why he had a house was not my decision. You got a problem with Marjorie has a dog. Okay, you're gonna be all right with that. It's a Doberman, right, yes, Now you're gonna be a big gass dog in a minute, really really stake attitude. I've told him, I've already I've talked with him over the phone. Over the phone. Yeah, what you say, I said, put put put me up to his ear, and you said, don't growl at me, don't snap at me, right that that right there, and get your ass put out, stay in the house. That's what I was going as that outside. Well, it's a combination of both. He's a white people. You're reminded me of my mom when you said that, because she believes that dogs should live outside. We never have a dog, and I believe it not only outside, but chained up to a tree and touregar no, not feeding him his torture. Yeah, that's chaining the dog to the tree. You let him loose or nothing. But basically, dog, my dog is in the house. It's a long chain. Color short. It can get you out there, y'all. That is terrible. Did your okay, let me ask you this. Does your dog Carla sleep in the bed with you? Know she has her own bed? Fancy? Fancy see the fact that you win bad shopping? Your dog got a last name? My my friend Tracy, her dog has a nightgown. She sleeps in the bed with them, and she has her own nightgown. Her dog. No, my dog, We don't put clothes on it. She has bows though her name is fancy, and she has a bed with a crown on top. But a night if bad getting into bed to be his last dead there trying to give my wife home. Did your lions at Green Bay tonight? To take on the packers? Take us without further Duke have himself a great weekie because I just Happy birthday, Monica. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Protest events must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. H