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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all baby all sung looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bu things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to try. Guy listening to me together for Stu Barn to listen. Mommy, don't you join? Yeah, Moby joining me? Honey, say great, you got to use that turn yeah you you gotta turn to turn out turn he got to turn out to turn water wan go come come on your babyda it uh I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice now come on dig one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show one more time partler, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, How amazing is that? How good has God been to me? How good has He been to you? Just check yourself sometimes, just sit up, Just let's run a survey. Just look at your life, where it's at. It might not be where you wanted to be, but that's probably some decisions you made. But really, though, in spite of all the crazy mistakes out have made, I mean, man, I look back at some of the decisions I didn't came up with, and and and man, it's it's it's just amazing he let me live. I mean, it's it's and and and to exist the way I exist, that's nothing but grace, mercy, favor all that is. That's what my mama praying for me when I wasn't praying for myself. It had to be it, because, man, I can truly tell you I have made enough mistakes man, stuff you would never even know about, and recovered from them all you can too, And I don't care what you've done. Marvin Sapp has a song out that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. You know that that's an important song man especially. You know. I want to talk to men today because man, being a man is so so difficult. Please, no, it has been my quest ever since I was a little boy. My father had one ambition, son, I don't care what you do. Both. When I get through raising you, you will be a man. That's all I want you to be. Need ever cared what I did for a living, and it never made a difference to him. You're going to be a man. Manhood is difficult. Now, ladies, just listening to this, I'm not saying womanhood, ain't. I don't know what it takes to be a woman, so you know, I'm I'm but I do know exactly what it takes to be a man. So you know, sometimes when you talk to people on the radio, you have to preface things because people are just go he trying to make it look like womanhood. Ain't. No, That's not what I'm doing. I'm just talking to men today to explain to them that damned by their self and struggling trying to figure this thing out, that you are not alone in your quest for manhood. That is difficult, even though it's interesting. Yesterday, the Dating Game guy, he said the reason I didn't get to say this on the air, but I read his profile. He said one of the reasons he was still single because he was trying to find himself as a man. He was forted too. But I'm I gotta I go. I gotta tell you, man um manhood is that kind of difficult, and it become it is even more compounded if a young boy does not have a male role model. I've said it a thousand times, I'll say it again. A young boy without a male role model is like an explorer without a map Well, I have a suggestion for everybody that's struggling with manhood and all of the men out there that are men. This messages for all of us, and it's for me too. You know. I was listening to Joyce Myers the other day and um, she made a statement. She said, sometimes you gotta do the right thing even when it feels wrong. You know. One of the difficulties of manhood is pure pressure and the misguided principles of manhood. See what God wants us to be as men and what we believe manhood it is is sometimes two different things. Give you an example. I wrote this book for women, right and I was telling them the three ways that a man shows his love, and I call him three p's. We profess, we protect, and we provide. Every man who is a man, that's how he exhibits love. We're not talkie talkie comforting with our great nurturers. But when it comes down to to it, what we all want to do, what is in our day DNA, is to profess our love for something you as a woman, to protect you as a woman, and to provide for you as a woman. That's in our DNA. Now, sometimes that gets messed up. And I'll give you an example. Sometimes when a boy doesn't have the proper, real role model in his life, he takes that principle of love that we all possess in us every man, the professing part, the protecting and a and a in the providing part, and we misplay it. That's why gangs exist. Gangs exist off those three principles. What's the first thing a gang member do. He professed, He claimed a hood. That's the first thing you do. That's my name, neighborhood. I'm duce, tray, I'm triple h, I'm due de dude, I'm purple, I'm I'm red, I'm blue. The first thing they do is claim. That's professing. That's how we show our love. But it's misguided though. Now we're professing something that ain't even good for us. Your hood, your game, your click. Now guess what. Now we got to protect it. So now as a protection part of our love, here we go. You come down here, we're gonna do this to you. You go over there, they're gonna do that to you. You protect your hood. This is your turf, this is all you got. You ain't nobody coming down here with blue owned. Can anybody come over here with red on? You can't come over here with purple on. You can't come over here with black and gold on. And we and we protect that because that's in our DNA. And then what's the third thing we provide? So guess what the game need money? Guess what we do. We're selling drugs, We're selling women, we're selling guns. It go back to the same thing. Man. I don't know how God gave it to me that way when I was writing a book, but he showed it to me along the way. That's how men love well. When you don't have a role model in your life. Guess what not that love is misplaced, its misguided, It's off track. Ain't no man told you that. Really you're supposed to take this love and give it to a woman. You're really supposed to profess, protect and provide for a woman, not your gang set. Now you're professing your hood, repping a color, you're protecting your territory, shooting people driving by coming over you on your street. And then you provide. Now you are here selling drugs and guns for the same thing. When a boy does not have a male role model, he has a misguided way of looking at manhood. The reason I'm saying is today is cause fellas, this is what I'm saying. Core tripping yourself out, man and find out the type of man God wants you to be. Here's the deal. See, God created all of us in his image. That means He's put some of our DNA in him. That's why I's in your DNA to profess, protect and provide, because guess what, that's what God do for us, because we his children. God provides for us, He protects us, and he professes his love for us. He claims us, he died on the cross for us. He done all that for us. I'm just talking to me and right now, you don't want to be in your house when the when the cop knocking on the dope. You want to be laying the PC when my doorbell rang and go answer because ain't no police coming over here, cause I ain't done nothing for them to come. You can't go to your dough like that when you got weed in the back, you got crack in the back, you got cocaine in the back. You can't go answering your dough. You hear that, you gotta start flushing tarlets and stuff. Man, that's crazy. I'm just telling you, man, I had to wake up about five years ago. I wasn't doing what God wanted me to do, and then he shook me. He said, Man, I'm gonna bring about some changes in your life. I'm gonna call some things to happen that's gonna put you in a position. And this time you're gonna listen to me, because if you don't, you're gonna keep living in this pain you've been in. But you put yourself in this pain. I owe no blame to no one else but myself. Please know. I know that. And that's how we really get to manhood. When you figure out what you hadn't done wrong. You can't blame this on none of your ex is because you're a man. You can't go my ex dear this. No, No, you're a man. Partner. You gotta take responsibility for yours and yours alone. If you got kids, you got to get to him some kind of way. Write him a letter, send them the money. If she won't let you see it, for the money, whatever, send the money to a mama. Do what you're supposed to do as a man. Do what God wants you to do man, because he's not letting us off the hook for what we're supposed to be just because you ain't doing it, and if you do it, you turn your life around. Just holding that the fellas today that saw sorry about that. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. Man, have your attention please, This is unequivocaly without a doubt, a terrestrial type show that encompasses Dang Neil everything, Dan and ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah loaded. What we do on this show can't be done No why else? Sherley Strawberry, Good morning, morning Steed, call it for real? Good morning, Good morning. Why are you talking like that because I'm bullushy. Good morning morning, Uncle Steve. Hello, Joy Anthony Championship, Tame Baby Whoa and the nephew Tommy. Good morning, Uncle Steve. We're all here to day together around do some things that haven't been dyne in radio. Well, how to bring the masses into tainment? I das it sounds like someone we're going to do it in a way that no one has ever done it. They we have laughed, love of the Charon. What widow. Hell, I can't say what I really want and don't play it down. I've chosen not to. Houston's in the World Series against the big city Houston because of the hurricane lifts the people's spirits there. That's the thing that's stros dedicated the game to the city of Houston, Hurricane Harvey, what the city went through with the terra of the storm. Yeah, they're still trying. And the second time in history that they've ever been in the World Series. Right, I don't even know the first one. What was the first one? Believe what she said? Stuff, I don't know what she read, what's on the news, watching the news. That is only the second time they wanted, isn't that correct? Let me say something else that'll get you you turned upside down. I'm happy for the Dodgers. No, it's not the Dodgers, the dogs. Dogs. I mean for them, I really am. I was sad though that the Cubs didn't. Now, you gotta say it right, the dog like just just going. These are the women that sounds like that Cleveland. So whatever. The Indians, it was a few years ago, right, last year they were we haven't against the coup. So let's see you got the Indians and the Browns, so you're just gonna pull for the Cavaliers. I just let you be in it. Then, all right, coming up at thirty two after the hour, something funny, and we'll just talk about the weekend weekend review. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are before we get to something funny. This might be funny in and of itself. What we did over the weekend. We talked about the Dodgers I keep telling you, and the Astros going to the World Series One. To want to know what I did over the weekend, I worked as new Yeah yeah, this Sunday, Yeah yeah, man. But let me tell you something. I got some little big shots coming on TV. Good boy. I got a boy that's the record holder for blowing bubbles. Yeah, this boy right here, man, I wanted to be him so bad. Little Felix to sleep, No, no, no, he got some hoops and everything, but he don't need nothing. He knows how to dip his hands in the solution and just blow bubbles with his head. Oh this boy, he was doing shapes. This little dude, this, this little dude, incredible nine what nine cold? You ain't never seen the like cold? Like different shapes and just regular around bubbles, bubbles side of bubbles, and somewhere there's a little boy stop boring bubble and do a damn thing and made a career at it. As a ten year old girl over here singing Michael Jackson's I'll be there, Oh yeah, really did she tell your whole mouth out? This little girl? So Angelica? This little girl was Lord and mercy. She was strong. Well, I'm glad. Doesn't really doesn't make you check what you were doing it, tim when you see these kid The one, the only one I had anything in common with was my favorite kid, boy named Mason out of Strewsbury, West Virginia. Yeah, this little boy was the only gardener we've ever had on little big shots. And he knew it. He was a gardener and he was six. Yeah, this little dude man was funny as he knows. He knows what he's doing. You six, what was he doing? I know, we have to watch it when the outtake was when they was trying to give Steve trouble about what the stands of that little boy said, this is Mr harvest show six. He knew who show below. He was both ofs from West Virginia, and I knew, and I had to translate everything he said to the audience, because this little boy was cutting. We got right back and big catfish. Didn't votes come down there, and they ain't got no right here. They got right right around. They nickt read in and then they got big white, white black wines nick them. People were looking at that little boy, and I had to tell him. They had the river out back, and they got big catfish in it. But the turkey voters can eat the catfish if they come up to the sir, if it's close enough. But they ain't got white heads. They just got a white ring around. Didn't there red head and white deep? But they got big black wood. Wow, this little boy has some information about the country. I was loving his I was loving his boy. His prices, Yeah, his price was too high. He made but a hundred dollars when all the vegetables he grow he made. I said, man, your prices too, So how much is cards? Fifteen dollars of playing? I ain't man at him. I said, how much it a red cabbage? Six dollars? I said, oh, you're trying to open a whole food. That was I said, this food is sick. This for sat Mr Harvey, don't worry about it. You got right for six years old right there, All these little boys out and he was my favorite. Dude. Turn some carta somethings. Yeah, any people need to come to America, get a garden. She he didn't think Hollywood was a part of a mary. Y'all need to leaves here and come out to American get a guarden. But serious though, and maditive. While I was dying there, I've been working. That was cool. Yeah. They say Generation Z, these kids in Generation Z after the millennials, have the mindset of entrepreneurs. That's what they think. What it is is you know what. Half the kids that come on the show say that they learned what they do off YouTube. Yes, oh yeah, that's a little girl named Macy. That's I think she's eleven. You know, some brothers was out the Vaga strip a breakdancer, you know, trying to earn money and where nobody putting no money in there. So the little girl, she was out there to get on the show Dancing Moms or something, Dance Mom. She was on there and get on the show. So she had a little out they do. She want to take it off. So her and the mom was walking down the strip. She saw the dancers and they wasn't making no money. They started feeling a little girl, the little guy out there that helped the brothers raise the money and wore them out. She could really dance something, just a little girl. She gotta move. You ain't ever seen it that The girl scared me? What you did? That she can do all those hip hop tricks and all that, she didn't move, I've never seen. Yeah, it's definitely a weight limit of what she was doing because both of my it's a way eating limit to what she Wow, you do that if you want to that them as your wrist snapping. Yeah, yeah, so you don't work. It was great weekend. I'm grateful, grateful I got work. You know, I ain't looking for work. I'm grateful. So yeah, up today feeling good about it. You sure ain't looking for work. Don't get another man. You probably have another show in the morning. It's on Tuesday, and then we got another job. Okay whatever. I don't know about y'all. He can get another one. That's what you're not mad ready. I'm right away with it, all right. It's Monday. It is Monday, and Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam are here with church complaints. We'll have him right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You know we I I am a river motor and I am Deacon the deaf Jam and the galvel. We can top alate on nestitution called the j p g G. That's the jack pot joined jerusal man change hallelujah. I don't know, we don't don't matter around who you're playing with, all right, all we don't know whether cash registers on there? And I want your leading. Okay, you're still talking about the cash registers. We're not coming to Dare, all right? That button don't work no more. Yeah, I have some complaints for you today. What are we about to hear now from everyone in Rigio Land is the ungratefulness of the constituency kill at the church that don't know how to be grateful. But on Monday, steady complaining cohead deep alright, Pastor, I don't care for that long like that? When your turn, get my thoughts together, Brother Uzzo hib A son is our African member he had to change. He won't say men's retreat in South Africa. He thinks we all should run with the will to beast to prove our manhood and release bad spirit. Now spoken with brother is old private to stop bringing these half baked ideas up in here. First of all, who got the money to fly all these means is to South Africa? Right right, execondly, what I ain't gonna do it run with the willderbeast, not keep up and then them lines and ena. This is true of pan now, but he says that will prove our manhood and release bad spirit. Now, well, if you're gon what bad spirit is, you're gonna need releases. Yeah, well point where I'm made. Tell your brother who's old. They're just gonna keep all the thoughts to him self. All right, we ain't got to go to Africa and run with the wilder beast. We can go down to the wilder beast, which is the new strip clue to improve our manhood down all right, I'm moving along. Sister Gabba Dale Washington got a knee replacement last week. Now she needed both needs done, but could not uh afford both ms. He just got one. That the one that didn't get done, won't be in and she keeps tripping members. Uh as they passed back going to alter call, and she didn't injure about four other members. He cannot get that leg to come in pass them. You're gonna have to I don't know what we need to do. Well, I think what the problem is. And I noticed your last sound sister h h gab mcdeale sits on the outside out called that left need on being she's on the right side and show that the extended leg is tripping people. What you can't do it is trip people that's bringing offering. Uhh. So what we're gonna We're gonna have her sit on the front rope and face back. Now wait a minute, her back to you, and it's in the congregation, But where's her leg on the league? Sliding under a pew for all you know? You're wrong. It's like, la, what about the people that's sitting on that people on the island. The problem. We gotta stop just tripping people with money. Face back, now, you don't like that? Only what cherry? You don't know? Have nothing else? Were speaking in her car. She could just listen to the death. But she's gonna quit tripping. People don't about bringing any money. Alright, we will get we would get since the gaber there turned around on the front pill moving along. The Halloween party for the kids is this coming Saturday. The kids are asking that you make brother Ernest Phillips, who is the ugliest pressing in the city and scares the kids half to death, to stay at home. He has no teeth, a patch over one eye, and a wooden leg. They want you to make so brother Ernest does not come to the Halloween party for the children. Will you tell the children that brother Ernest is one of our top moneymakers for the building. For we've had his ugly and standing in front of this church and we've got it's a hood element. We don't have a haunted house. We just had brother Ernest pull up and you pay to get in the haunted car, and surely you get in the back seat. He turned around. It's scared the hell out and its people been coming back this four years in the row for some people, so they've never been that scared. He's a hide all right, that boy ugly show enough look jen like a monst. Here is the new news past that this year. Let me tell what's gonna add this year, Brother Ernest. This year, It's not only gonna when you get in the back seat, he gonna turn around and they're gonna try to choke you. What you're really gonna scary? These kids had the death pants. That's Halloween is about scariness, but you're taking it a bit fun. Thirty seconds. Do you have a shot one? Yeah? The Hallelujah Helper's Praise Dance Team has been asked to come down. The Hallelujah Helper's Praise Dance Team they've been asked to come dance at Crafflo Dallars Church. He's sending his private jet, but wants our church to pay for the field. Criflot a problem coming up. At the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with our national news. You're listening string show. We gotta say congratulations to the Houston Astros. Congratulations and to the Los Angeles Dodgers. That's right, the Dodgers Game one of the World Series is tomorrow in Los Angeles. All right, And did you guys see all five living former US presidents? Yeah, it was really really nice to see that. They attended a concert Saturday night at Texas, A and M. They were raising money for relief efforts from hurricane devastation in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Island. Former President Obama, former President George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, President Carter, and President Clinton they were all there. That was a lot of power in one place, and they looked good. I mean, what a picture, what a snapshot that was? Yeah? Yeah, and and right now you miss any one of them, absolutely, Steve, this is what President now that right now, that's what it looks like. Former President George W. Bush and former President Obama each appeared at public events and both addressed the divisive nature of politics these days. Here is President Obama talking about division. If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you're not gonna be able to govern them. You won't be able to unite them later. If that's how you start, great, great man, you can't do it. Okay. Uh. Neither of former presidents mentioned President Trump by name. We all knew he was talking about. Given the climate of today's politics, we all knew, okay, clearly that he was talking about the current Best shade is when you don't mention a person's name. We all knew. We all know that, all right. It seems crazy to see former President Bush and Obama on the same day last week speaking about the same thing, devices in the country, the state of politics in Washington. That was rare. Yeah, and that's what happens when you elect a non politician. Yeah, you know, it's um I think you know, but I tell you once again, and I'm just gonna say this, I just keep getting stunned. Now. The whole thing with the Democratic congresswoman. Yeah, Now, she told the honest truth and then she told the honest truth. The way they're trying to cover it is appalling. I wasn't surprised. I mean, you can't expect him to get that right. I mean, you just can't. You can't expect him to get that right. He's not that type of guy. He's just not that type of guy. And that woman was correct. And even Kelly when he came out, I was surprised at him that he took a political shot at her two with what she had said about raising the money for the building down there, and then they played her whole speech and she didn't say in it, she didn't say that. Yeah, really really a sharp lady, many a doctorate, she was the prince, she's shot man. She's really really shocked and sincere and all you had to say because you look, I'm sorry I was taking that way. I really didn't intend for it to sound that way. But like you know, I had a bunch of military men talking about the statement that he made her. He knew what he signed up for. And you know, that's great to say amongst each other as military people. You know what I mean. That's a statement that one of these generals was saying. That's a great statement that we say amongst each other. That's not what you say to console older person. And to call her empty barrel disrespectful, all of that disrespected her. She wasn't an empty barrel. The true on behalf of a family that she has a relationship with. Absolutely. She and boy was in her mentoring program. Yeah, she's known and the family for quite a long time. Steve. Here, she is please introduced thing. Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have our very own talented news anchor person who brings it to us uh in the form of truth, no fake news, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Steve, that is true no fake news here. It's a morning. This is entered with the news US saw me Sergeant La David Johnson's has we're talking about this. He was funeralized in Florida this weekend and the twenty five year old Green Beret was given full military honors. Johnson one of four service members killed in that Isis ambush two weeks ago in the year, White House spokesman Gerald General John Kelly has been defending President Trump as you just heard them discussing against a criticism he's been getting over the way the President spoke to the widow of David La David Johnson saying that quote he knew what he signed up for. Democratic congs and Frederica Wilson, who says she heard the conversation of the speaker phone, has been criticized called an empty battle, which she considers a racist comment, and Kelly's also accused of bragging to have gotten the funding to build the FBI building in Florida. Represented Wilson tells CNA she's taken aback. That's a lie, you know. I feel sorry for General Kelly. He has my sympathy for the loss of his son, but he can't just go on TV and lie on me. I was not even in Congress in two thousand nine when the money for the building was secured, so that's a lie. However, I named the building at the behest of Director came with the help of Speaker Maner working across party lines, so he didn't tell the truth, and she named the building in honor of to former FBI men who were killed. Kelly sticking to his story even though audio tape backs up the congresswoman's story not his, and Congin Wilson's demanding an apology. President Trump says is gonna be releasing thousands of classified documents relate to the assassination of President Kennedy. The latest hurricane relief concert this weekend took place at Texas A and m Riet Arena, raising over thirty one million dollars. This one attended in person by five former presidents and opened via video message from the current commander in chief to President's Jimmy Carter, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama. Milani and I want to express our deep gratitude for your tremendous assistance. That's like America still a greater volunteer nation if we just knew what we ought to do and proved that the heart of America, without regarda raised, our religion or political party, is greater than our Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? All right, Steve, please introduce Jay so Jay can introduce the of and don't sound right if you don't introduce me. It's Monday? Wait? What what did you say? Steve? What? What all do? Y'all? Where's the black? Come up? See that? I'm dropping that just fall I'm dropping that song. I'll be doing the video. Thank you so much. See how we're working together? Seven that's all. Like what you and I have to do is just work together. We could do this if we just get our minds together. Just be a team. Okay. Anyway, today is belly button Monday. And today it's it's belly button Monday. What's round? Everyone has one. If you don't have a belly button and you're not, you wasn't boring. So listen, I want everyone to wear halts today because it's belly button money. And just show your belly mother, whether you have any autie a flatty you know, arinkly or whatever, A big one, A smile mine is what do you mean going around? You can see it? Yeah, you need that's how, that's how you show your belly. But but I'm I'm working on getting it down. Well, yours actually is in No, you have not that half dollar on yours. You know how they take Yeah, when I was looking, I used to take a half a dollar around my belly button, he said, for nothing. Is it pierced. No, I've had it pierced before, but I let it close out. You wear jewelry on it? No, no, it's no, no, no, no. What he means is the ring is closed up in there, it's still piers No, it's not. It's but swallowed it up. The ring is still in there. You still up on X ray? Yeah, it's in't that you just ain't. You can't find it no more. Well, let's go around the room. We gotta do the belly button around the room. Stephen, Charlie, do you have a flat or any are an OUTI haven't any? Any are flat any? We don't say yeah, yeah, yeah, you don't like your mayboll speak up. Let's around keep on. I mean, I'm just trying to figure out why we're discussing that bell. But what I did call it that what I said about the whole damn segment worth crazy. Well, let's check out check out exactly. Let's check out ye bay bad, Let's check on my rich Bay. It sounds straight crazy. But I thought you said something across this right here, rich rich. Yeah, because it sounds like you said something milk, which you're gonna be a the problem for you, all right. Bottom line is happy belly button day to everyone. Okay, Coming up next, j Anthony Brown is gonna murder another hit. Will be back at thirty four after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve introduced Jay yet again, but this time so Jay can introduce his murder the hit. Ladies and gentlemen. To murder the hits, you need a murderer, the murderer. First of all, First of all, I want to take I want to take my my apology back from John Legend. I looked at how many followers he has he has tened me, and so he'll be okay, He'll be fine. This little song is not hurting him. He don't need to get all up in his feelings about this one damn song. One of them. Turn it down, Janny Brown, check me out tomorrow night, jameson by Comedy Tuesday hosted by Yours Truly. Here you go. Turn it down, John Legend, Steve Hobby on the step h pick Yo. What's up there, man? What's happening? Man? Everything's good? Everything's good man. Glad you're opening the club? Well? Yeah, you know I had Lunelle up there, and I'm up there on you know this week, and then on the Halloween night he got flame. I speak, it's gonna be a nice Halloween party. Oh my jam, I'm please do what I wanted. But man, man, what you got against John Legend? I don't have nothing against John Legend. I'm just not into his music. Music. Do me a faver. You know that I don't like the song, not for a second, because even one seconds to long. No, don't make me about this car. Don't give a damn if I get hurt. I can live with the scar. I can nut shot when he starts. I need ear bloods. Please while I'm in the car. You know that I can't stand the Legend song. I need you to turn it down, Ralph, That's all I ask. Keep it away down. Till the song is over. We're not gonna fight about it. I want you to turn it down. You know that I can't stand the legend song. I need you to turn it down, Ralph, that's all I ask to keep it away down to the song's over. We're not gonna fight about it. I want you to turn it down. Who turn it down? I can't take no more. Damn man, turn it down. I love it. I love it. I got on your nerves. Jack, Can you record a range pretty good? I sat there and listen to it. That'd be blending it. Mr Ravhawkins, Junior, Baby, that's how I want you to turn it down. I want you to turn your down. All eyes. Hey man, I'm gonna get me a new feature on the radio. I'm gonna have a cat reverb my voice. Okay, okay, yeah, I'm gonna do a new feature. Well, I don't know. You know, Jake got that megaphone. You don't have a phone, and I yeah, you can. Don't try to take from it. I can't show. I'm having a Halloween party at the spot on that lame now you said that Tarco all that keep on. Don't take my medal phone, please, that's all I got the tom take your microphone when you Jay spot yod to and if you went on tour, he couldn't do them dates. I couldn't. I couldn't elate the phone out, put the phone down, phone down. A lot of shames on this show. It's just too much on each other though, right right, right, right, all right? Coming up next, nep you tell me has a praying phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. You don't want to miss today's Strawberry letter. But up next is Houston's own Houston Zone. Congratulations. Yes, before you say that, I had a great idea about the president. Yeah, quin that our president Donald J. Trump should take off two weeks every month. No, no, I think you should just take off two weeks right now, starting tomorrow, and just go somewhere and just you know, relax, you know, play golf. No, no, no, no, I want him to go for two weeks. And it's not for him, it's for us. That's a weekend. Damn. But we need to break. Ain't you tired of waking up going? What do you do now exactly. I was exhausted. Don't you wake up thinking when an award you checked the seat with a whole back and forth with him and the Congresswoman Wilson and all of that, and how they tried to just blast her and demonize her. I would I've never seen the White House nitpick most stuff. They pick fights, many fights that they think they can prove a point with. And then to call this woman an empty barrel, which she wasn't. Well, you know that's to play on the hats and stuff, the wacky. You know, they try to do that. It's a real slick thing that people do. You know, the cowboy hats right now, they're gonna go whacky to just try to defuse it, and uh, we just credit. That's all we're gonna do. And that hair is way more white. Get in that hat you need you need you need to. How about that would make you? I gotta prank for you. That's right here is called your doors, Your doors, Your doors, Your doors. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mr. Paul, Please call Virginia Senior, probably senior. Okay, this is how are you doing that? I'm good, I'm good. Listen my name is Mark. I'm actually calling from a company called Doors. Are you are you a good court? Yes? Correct? You guys just built that home, right, Yeah, I'm like I said, my name is Mark Stevens. I'm actually calling from Doors. We're actually the company that uh supplied the doors that are actually throughout your house. Okay, great, what are you calling from? A follow up? No, this isn't a follow up. Actual, we got a couple of glitches we want to try and get get straighten out if we could find Uh, well, here's here's the problem, sir. The problem we're having is at the contractor that actually built you all's home has not paid for the doors. You guys have been there two and a half months and uh we we can't seem to get the contractor to come in and pay for the doors. Try to call it. We tried to call him several times and we have not been able to get the yav on him. Because you have a good number, to give you a number, because uh, I really don't have anything to do with that. It's like to get my number. Well, actually we had your number of files as the homeowner and that's pretty much how we had you. But the problem we're facing here, sir, is we tried to get this guy for the last couple of months and we can't get him. So, actually, what's what's gonna happen here in the next day or so is we're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors. Always what We're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors in your house, take them off and bring them back here to the plant until we get get out my doors. We're gonna have to get those doors until either we get a contractor or you know, we get paid for the doors. Now, what could happen is you could pay for the doors. No, no, no, already paid for the doors. That's that's that's past tense. I've done that paid you saint. Paying that means I got a double back. Well, sir, we haven't been paid, sir for the doors as well. No, no, no, the contractor was paid for the doors. That's who pays you. Okay, And what I'm trying to explain to you, sir, we haven't been paid at all here at doors, not at all. Oh okay, well at doing they should have received a check from my contract and you, sir, is that that hasn't been done, since you have not been paid, you're gonna come back and get my doors out? You said, we Now, who's all this you do? And who are Like? Here's the problem here? Like, no, no, there ain't no problems. We're gonna we're gonna resolve this very peacefully. But who is we? Okay, So what's taking place here? My job is they've taken this money out my check that hasn't been paid for the doors. Oh yes, I can understand that, but why would they take it out of your check? You did the man outs you you've done your work, But I don't understanding, sir. But since the company hasn't been paid, the company is taking it out on me and it's not gonna come down on me. So either I'm gonna get the doors, well you need to quit your job because they're gonna because they need to give you a not just give you a bonus, but give you some only work. Because bottom line is you're talking about company to get my doors. Now that's not gonna happen. Either we resolve this peacefully as if you paid for it, or I come out and get the doors and I'm not finish city and go back. You need to go in and come get these doors. Gas up and come get these door because you're not gonna come and get this. I'm not gonna send you no money, okay, sir. Then then then what we need to do is get a schedule time where I can come out and get all the doors on your time. I'm sorry, I'm on your time now, so you got you must be paying me. Not since I'm on your time, what are you talking about? Because you're talking about you're gonna set up a time with me. That means I have to leave and do what I do to be met you here to get that don't belong to you, which is my door, so you don't have to be there at all, because I'm gonna you're gonna come in and take the front door off, and I'm gonna keep keep moving through the house and get all the doors and get them back here to the player. I don't think you hear yourself. Now, First and foremost, how you when you come to the front door, I'm gonna be without waiting on you as you as you taking off la, I'm gonna be on your behind making sure you realize you're gonna have to take this dough or take this and I'm taking I'm for the show from coming to you need get that first door so I can't keep going back and forth with you. Let me say this to you. I'm coming to get them doors, even if I got to take a because I got to get my money back from the company that they took from me, because you damn contractor did not pay for the damn doors. Hey e matter, Hey, bring you your turns down when you talk to me, you're talking to girl. Man, I'm gonna I'm gonna pet this on you. I'm not gonna allowing you to come to my hearts and take these damn doors and you ain't coming to getting no money. I'm coming to get them doors that I'm coming to get them today. I need every long what time you're coming to want to be repaid when you come back with these doors, I make so clean. What tid you coming? Don't don't worry about when I'm coming. You don't know what I'm there. When I take the first dough off the heads every door, We're gonna meet at that door and that and tell you what I'm gonna pay you. I'm playing dollar wipp Now take that check and they kiss that inside whooping a night. I'm gonna take that hopping if that's what they take. But I gotta take this door. You want to get my money, I mean, next time, get your damn money stop, get a jaw to pay you better for this. Women, you're gonna get it in fed well, I'm not sure. I'm not gonna keep going back and forth with you about you whooping by any more that in the end, right here, take this and take it on hand. Take but I'm bringing them doing to every door that you should have been calling a contract healing doing some though from from my damn come, don't tell you what you need to be calling him. He got some I'm going to get it every dough you got in that? How may that? I tell you what? You know what I do? I just want do you go to work just coming to get them those joor I would wait a second now, I just told you you ain't coming to getting the doors. I just got to telling you that, Junior, get it from your mama. I'm doing and you know what else I'm coming to do what I'm coming to tell you who I am? You do you know who I am? You know I know who you are. I'm make sure, I just lose myself. You aren't come get it. I can't get these doors there? That man, ain't that ain't really who I am? Who are you I am? Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by your wife, Faye. That's that's why she was raining down. You don't getting what I'm your down sails? Oh brother, you got me. You know I'm on the upper typical negro. I got one the red door. You know who you e do the red doors? You're doing something? Hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, Paul, what is what? As bad as it? I'm talking about the bad as radio show in the land show brain number now his movement, so I'm thinking they're looking forward. But good, all right, thank you, nephew. Get ready for today's Strawberry Letter. It's a good one that's coming up in about four minutes after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Strawberry Letter is up next. But first, it is not surprising that Kevin Hart would invite fans to laugh at his pain and use his recent sex tape scandal as material, but apparently it did not sit well with attorney Lisa Bloom and her client Monteya's sabag Uh in case you missed it, keV makes fun of himself for getting caught up in irresponsible situations, as he calls it like having an alleged sex tape with Montella and a promo clip for his upcoming irresponsible comedy tour. Lisa and her client and Phil Kevin is being very disrespectful using the scandal as jokes. Now, according to Lisa, Mantilla has been dealing with social media hacks, death threats, and slut shaming since the news broke. She also said this is taking a toll on her client mentally and physically, and now with this tour, it's like this whole thing was a joke. Okay, no shade, But isn't that a risk when you're involved with the comedian you may end up as his joke. And don't you for that to be a claim? What wa wa woo woo woo woo. Did not you know he was married? Where all of a sudden is disrespect and respect and distaste for what for that coming to play for you a right now because a minute ago there was no respect considered on your side. So I don't really see that. But what this man has donned, though, is he's taking it and he just said, okay, cool. So that's what we're talking about. All right, let's talk about it. But but you're gonna talk about it. From my standpoint, I look at it like this. I mean, Kevin right has the right to do whatever jokes he wants to do. But if she says I'll feel hurt, we can't sit here and say, well, that shouldn't bother you. So if if it bothers her, then it bothers her, that's all. That's that's the job. But but she has the right but feel that way. Okay, she didn't think that Kevin's wife would feel some kind of way. That can't come. This is why we gotta have side class. We gotta have to. We need to take it a step further. We need a university. It's called spume. We can't tell you the professors, then you're gonna block them. No, I don't have anything to do with this, but I thank you all to call it a spud and get yourself a side peace university. Did three? Thank you, And when you show your paperwork, we work what you did a side piece. That's the school, exactly what you are gonna be. I I'm going that far man the side and shot up and hurting up next maybe week, next week. Day. We let you know what's on the together. Please can we go to the letter right now? I cannot, She cannot talk about she feels disrespected, very damn hurtful. I'm sorry, take yourself out the miserable part, because you bought all of it on yourself. That's what we do when we get into trouble, we bring it on ourselves all stop. We gotta go to the letter God. Here it is subject sexless in the city. Dear Mr Harvey and the wake Up Crew. Every morning I wake up and listen to your morning wake up show. I'm a college student attending Spellman and on the drive all of you make me laugh. However, the question I'm posing to you is more of a serious nature. I'm a twenty year old virgin trying to live a Christian walk. Being a virgin doesn't make me perfect. I know that virtue and virginity are separate entities, but lately, I and many girls in my position, both non virgins and virgins alike, are losing hope. And waiting on God. The pool of qualified bachelors who are abstaining for God before they meet you is in short supply, especially in the a u C, the Atlanta University Center UM, and daily it becomes harder and harder to tell fine, educated, articulate and sweet men no, simply because they are not of Kingdom standard. It's not difficult for me to tell pseudo gangsters at Morehouse or Clark No, No, gangsters don't go to college, stop playing. But it's harder. But it's harder to tell men in the church active in ministry, sometimes in leadership positions, educated, fine, and kind. No, men in the church are just as actually active as men outside the church if upstaining men are just as hard to find in the church as in the world. Where does a woman go? I have my father in my life and was raised with a save sex mentality and not a safe sex mentality. My father is a good man, loves me and adores me. I love the way he loves me, and that uh created a standard in my life of how other men should love me. I'm worth the weight, but now I'm twenty. I'm a twenty year old never been kissed version virgin, and I've grown weary in well doing? Am I stupid to believe that if I'm patient that God will send me a kind of staining kingdom? Man? As a father, what would you tell your daughter? She's talking to you right there, Steve a sexless spellmanite, and she signed her name. You know what to this? I says a lot in this, dear sexless Spellmanite. I know you know, I can't help but think, and it's it's painful, but you gotta tell the truth. I can't help but think to you, sexless Pelma knighte that you are aware a lot of young ladies are at your tender age. Uh. You know you're probably thinking you're legal now you're grown. You want to, you know, taste, so to speak, all that life has to offer. You've done all the right things so far. You've gone to the right schools, you've had a great upbringing, etcetera. And you're wondering what's up? You know, what do you have to do to get a good man? Um? What's taking so long? UM? I gotta tell you that the walk of a Christian is a hard one because temptation is everywhere. Uh, you know, and in this world. It encourages just the opposite of what God wants us to do. Okay, like fornication, which is what this letter is about. Um, because you know almost everyone is doing it. So you and your Christian beliefs seem wrong or ridiculous or or too old fashioned to the world, and yes, even to the people in the church. Um. But I just really want to encourage you to stay the course and hang in there to do it God's way. You've heard the saying, Um, you know, don't get a head of God. Um. He may not come when you want him, but he's always on time. So just keep that in mind, and he will bless you over and above anything you could have ever dreamed of. Till after. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve. All right, come on, Steve, let's get into part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. H. This letter is a common letter. It was a situation I was faced with in college, and that this young girl is asking me this as a twenty year old girl who goes to spellman, who is a virgin, who is a Christian, and he's asking me what she's raised great parents, but he's asking me what would I say to my daughters. Well, this is a tough position to be in, and it's a tough position to be in, young lady, because of the whirlwind. It's tough for everybody to do right. It's tough for the twenty year old in college, the thirteen year old in junior high. It's tough for the five year old that then graduated from college. It's tough for the thirty to forty to fifty to sixty year old to do right. What you are trying to do is to do right. You are trying to live the perfect Christian life. Now, let me tell you this. The answer Shirley gave you was one correct and everything she says. And I see you trying to live this perfect Christian life. You're uh, you're thinking that you're losing hope and waiting on God because the pool of qualified bachelors who are abstaining for God before they meet you is in short supply. That's a true statement. Most dudes ain't abstaining from sex before marriage, even at the church. As you have so found out that the leadership men at the church and the young ministries are having sex too. Um. What I was say to my daughters is this, You try to live the absolute best life you can and you make decisions based on you and your future first, not a guy's future, and not what he wants first, but what you want. And you try to live a Christian life. But here's the reality of it. No one is perfect. What I want, what I would say to my daughter is get this in your head. Is that if you make a mistake, if you fall off the wagon, get back up and get on it. You know, try not to make your mistakes. Have it for me, But you are going to make mistakes. Um. I would love to tell you to abstain until you're married at all costs. That's what I'd love to tell you. Now, can you do that? That's entirely up to you. Or will you find a mate who can do that. That'll be entirely up to the two of you. But there are young men out there who will at least make an attempt at this with you if they have the right ending in mind. Now, will you are, from time to time make a mistake? Uh? You might, you just made very well, But you just gotta remember that no matter what happens. No matter what happens, keep your relationship with God intact. You know, don't let the fact that you've made a mistake make you think that you're no longer a Christian, because guess what, Christians make mistakes, all of them, all of them, all of us make mistakes. If you make a mistake, don't stop being a Christian cause you've made a mistake. Try to better yourself. Try to put yourself in a different position. Try to stay out of the positions that will get you hot and heavy. You just try to stay out as many positions as you can. Now, you're gonna get at them. Know, I'm gonna be sitting there watching the movie on the couch. Don't get the kissing real hard. I'm talking about your hellin fraction in your tooth, blood vessels, in your gonna bus, gonna have a little cavallet veins and your jaws. You're gonna have your tongue all back down, flipping that little dan Don thing in the back of some boy mouth. He gonna be back down. Your euvl. You gonna be on here, y'are gonna be euvl in each other to down, gonna talk about baby well and no, that's coming. No, now you know he's come on, Tommy uncle, we're trying to keep your girl on the straight and arrow. Let's keep off, get it out there. So why y'all uval in each other? And you you you're vult me too much? You wish youth vuling me? Why are you uvl in each other? Then he lean on you and you lean on him. The next thing, you know, Kelly on in the background. Man, I don't see nothing wrong with a little bumping grind when you got to start pulling up and got to try to get yourself back on track. If you don't, it's gonna go further than that, and you'll be all tracked for the moment. But if you fall off track for the moment, just get back alright, Steve, we gotta go. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl surely don't forget this Thursday at one pm The Strawberry Letter Live After Show on Facebook. Please join me, all right? And switching gears and entertainment news, Lupete and Nungo has become the latest actress to accuse movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment. Yeah, change man, Yeah, She says. She met Weinstein by in two thousand eleven, when she was still a student at Yale School of Drama. At an award ceremony. Several months later, he invited her to his home to a private screening of a film. According to Nyungo, Weinstein interrupted the film and asked her to join him in his bedroom. He offered to give her a massage. Lepitta, panicked, refused and instead offered to give him one. Uh. The Oscar winning actress turned down another advance from him after he threatened to ruin her career. When was he working? Needless to say yes. She went on to starring twelve years later, and when the Academy award, Yeah, yeah, this is horrible. It is this guy. Yeah, this guy. It's going to be like a big trial. I think, some big, heavy investigating many. Yeah, Tommy, what's up as Harvey's number? Pass Bill Cosby number? Yet? Oh? Harvey Weinstein? Can I say a bit bills counting? You know here off the bed? It was terrible. You got what you gotta look at it called you gotta compare it. They've both done it, did the same thing. You gotta find anyway you did fresh off? Can I can I just say though, that I do applaud the women who have stepped up and the men too. They have been some men who have stepped up because I know that had to be hard. They have to be brave to tell this, you know, especially, Yeah, just very much so, because this is this is difficult coming up at forty one after the hour. Insults you can use when you get into an argument. You got plenty of. I'm sure you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Game one of the World Series is tomorrow. The Houston Astros versus are beloved l A Dodgers in l A. But guys strolls come on, guys. Insults you can use an argument. The main thing about having an argument is to just switch it into any direction you wanted to go, no matter what the argument is about. Just say something that don't have nothing to do with the damn argument, now you know what I mean? You know, like you arguing somebody, you just throw it out there. Well, if you had some black friends, just wouldn't happen to you. You see what I'm saying that ain't got nothing to do what you got me and you want to and you gotta say when you know you lose the dog when you my kid's been to jail. Yeah, just just go deep. Ye, I don't matter, Deeven got kids out there. You got one time. That's why your dad to white and you don't know it nothing to do now you're about a white daddy. Yeah that one I thought one out ain't got nothing to do with it. Damn if you know so much? How come you got nine told they got to defend that. I got talked about the NATO. You're having to say somewhere with you my last feet, that's how you thought out there, like weren't even arguing about that. You go all right, face it. Your oldest child is stupid, accepted accepted fact. But you'll be losing the art. You're losing the argument. And I even know the argum saying you know what, you know what I wasn't gonna say this, go ahead and said, apparently you real fall. This is the time you to know right now, Oh, when you're losing, you just gotta come out of you. You and your mustand mama what you and your must talking about? My mom? Yeah? Look, lets I cannot deal with the way you look what we are about. We weren't even talking about that. Yeah, and then when you when you argue, you gotta throw in. And that's why it's always, it's always, and that's why, and that's why you got a three hundred credit score. Boom boom. Yeah, I would say that. That's why your sister sleeping with your hub always come. That ain't no boom, that's armageddon. What you're dead? Yeah, that's the boom in your face. That's why your girl are like fit. Guys. You only had third credit Jackson? Why is your nating curt You did pit? That's why I thought, because your son went a helm at the school. Yeah, that's sure he's fast because he always running from police. That's why. How about that? Boom boom? Yeah, I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm trying of talking. That's how you got no ask. You flapped the back they got that. Why am I listening to Steve? Yeah? Clothing out man? All right, y'all keep go ahead. Who are you talking to? Say what you want to say? I don't care. That's why you got v D the belt right, even calling D anymore? Well, they know what you're talking about now you got v D. We have time, We have time about another minute. That's why you got all your sexually counters come up all this because your mom is sleeping with the pastor what does that have to do with them? About right? How do you know that ain't got nothing? These insults are just talking. You have to know that. You have to go that. Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, well you know what you're windmilling right now? You know what? That's why your lights is always on? Why am I sing in y'all? Y'all in the dog? Okay? Yeah, you can't pay your life? How you know? Molding me? You have to go that. Yeah, I hope that thing on your neck is cancer. That that's what I hope. Are you guys? You got to say it right here? Yeah? Okay, let me ask you so well you think your husband is right now hurt? That's what he told you, all right, But that's when you hit the plates, hit the table table Coming up next, one and only, L L. Cool J. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. These two thousand eighteen, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer nominee L. L. Cool J stopped by Steve's talk show. Yes he did and they had a great time. Plus, Steve asked him the Morning Show rapid fire questions. Take a listen. These are just quick questions you can answer any where you want to your morning or night person. Person, describe yourself in three words, ready, willing, enable, don't you answer that right there? Letting, willing, neighbor? And wants again? Why are y'all stop? All right? What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Dream? Dream? I like that. What's something that many people take seriously but shipping themselves? What's your biggest addiction? Love? Now, I'm you know, yeah, but I'm just it's there because then there's only romantic love. That's how they wanted to be That y'all ass is embarrassing me. What's your all time favorite song? All time favorite song? Oh? Man, come on, that ain't possible, but um damn man, nah on one song? You can only hear one song the rest of your life. You can only play one song. If that was the case, then they probably have to be hero because that was at my daughter's wedding. Really yeah, did I ever tell you you did that at your daughter? She? Um she They played in the dance with her, so that song that would that would have to be. Yeah, fill, what's the last thing you liked on social media? Yeah? Yeah, I'm not really, I'm not shot with my life game. I'm like Pike. I'm just I'm a little ridiculous with that because I really because I'm not a politician, bro, Like, I'm not running for office, is what it is. But I gotta like it. Men do like but um, I don't even want to tell you what I remember actually what the last thing is. And it's so because it's depressing, but happy you want me to really tell you. Yeah, they found a puppy. The kids who mess with him had poured glue all over him, soaked them in glue. He left him in a box to die. Some people found the puppy, shaved all the hair off, work with his body, washed his eyes out, and kind of rehabilitating him. And now he's great. He's like his head grew back, he's five prints, he's loving and I just loved that, just know what I mean? That was like you know, but you know, you know how you just watch I like those rescue stories about the animals, you know what I mean? Like I like that, you know, I just like, I like the kindness. I didn't I wish I knew the rest of the story, like the dog grew up and saw him and beat their That's like, you know, I like stuff like that, you know. Yeah, yeah, that was really cool. Yeah, wonderful. The audience of the women were going crazy on the show. You check your life when you see him, like, I ain't doing nothing, walking right nothing. I know. You're one of his mentors, though, Steve, He's got a lot of jobs, just like you. Yeah. He was so cool. Yeah, he was so cool. Sounds so great. It was good. Yeah, the women, Yeah, great to see Steve talked to him about somebody breaking in this house to Tommy, he did, he did talk to him about that, hey, man, because I talked with him about it when it happened. You know, well, well this summer, you know, and at the time, you know, we're still and you know, well kind of in court, so you couldn't he couldn't say, yeah, yeah, you couldn't just say what you want to just say mm hmm, well you did. You just said it, you want ago, But I let him have it, yea. Let me tell you something, man. He stayed against it. He he don't say, but what ticked me? All? Would he give my house? Though? Yeah, that's how you break the habit of people breaking in people's house. I'm talking about how to talk to you, going, how are you feeling, Steve? I mean, you're star studied on the show. Yeah, you know, you know, we're constantly trying to find the right mix because there's some things I still want to do, what you know, I mean, you know, I still got to do some human interest stories still, do you know I can't just forsake that. And then I'm trying to find tweet the dating element, you know, helping women find love. So I'm still trying to tweet that look at you, you know, to find the right way to do it, you know, because I'm not really convinced that I found it with the tender one dating. I like it because it's quick. Why don't you know, why don't you do um, Hollywood like Hollywood actresses and and stuff. You say you want to help women? I mean, because there are a lot of single, beautiful Hollywood actresses and you're in Hollywood now, you Hollywood boy. Well, I mean, you know that's that's a harder thing to do because you got to schedule it with them. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, Well you guys, J and Junior, how's it going. I love it, just a great job. I just don't like the part of him trying to put people together. I'm really not for that. You're totally again because I can't find nobody. Do you have to write for the happy? No? He just he got that that he actually go to lunch. He has an attitude time for the dating segment about that boy has a little more than that. Look at his You won't be happy for nobody, No, no, what I did, what I do, I won't be happy because you can't stay happy. Ja likes to begin another relationship, the chase and the newest. How you doing? You for it? The moment turns into work? He's out. All right, we'll come back and we'll talk more about Jay's dating habits. You're listening to morning show? All right? Halloween is next Tuesday, guys, we know that, and we all man, my wife is all pumped up about this Halloween. Halloween. She got all the all the grandkids gonna be hill. She'd have decorated the yard, you know, because they got back yesterday, So I think she came back with three of the grandkids. I got here late. I don't go open love Halloween somebody she'd have decorated the yard and man, we got so now everybody gonna be menus how I writ so, I'm looking at it in the in the little room where all the constumes, and I see two big constume and I'm looking at I'm going with the kids. Are you gonna put something? You got to go to participant? Don't you gotta do it? Thing? Pictures? And what is the thing? One? And thing? Oh? That's stop the suits? Yeah? Thing one? Thing was from the cat in the hat that's us. Oh that's the red and white stripe hand. Yes, yeah, that's what you fee please take. Are you gonna have pictures? I can't do you gotta do it. Let me tell you something to ship. You're gonna be exhausted. I'm exhausted after kids. The kids are always at our house, said it, where's your out? But we love Halloween when we were killing. I'm not gonna be then tell you that right now, y'all listen to me. I'm not gonna be exhausted. I'm telling you watch Wednesday. You're gonna be Halloween. Next Tues next Tuesday. I see, I work from tomorrow to show. That's okay, you're still gonna come home. Now, you don't understand. Grandkids are coming from Atlanta. See so they live time zone. Thing is messed up. Seven. They get real woozy. Okay, okay, And if I can keep him off this candy I get rid of by eight. Kids are never too tired. Now I walk in about eight. I gotta buy a gallon of glue. My daughter and her friends want to make slime. They want to have a slime making contest of glue. Yeah, you can make slime out of glue, shaving cream and contact eye solution, food color water do they love? They love flying man and that's what they do. They make slime, the slime on each other. Man. Yeah, but they don't never want to go in the Haunted House though. No, no, they don't never want to go in there and do that part. I love to dress up scary, but they are the scariest people. Yeah, Halloween is great, man, you got to get in. It's like get ready to put your costume. Only come home and it's gonna be a little young on you. To let me tell you something. The cat and they had gonna be in front of the TV. What's your favorite Halloween candy? Every I think and candy? Oh you like corn candy, but the candy corn to hate that? Man, I love corn can. I like clarmont I used to bite the white tips off. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's separately. I turned mine in the meal. I put him on the plate. I had a little nice and s now. You know what, Steve, you have to give it out. It has to be individually wrapped. You can't give candy out like that. We don't want We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We gotta say congratulations to the Houston Astros. Congratulations, and to the Los Angeles Dodgers. That's right, the Dodgers Game one of the World Series is tomorrow in Los Angeles. Alright, and did you guys see all five living former US presidents? Yeah, it was really really nice to see that. They attended a concert Saturday night at Texas A and M. They were raising money for relief efforts from hurricane devastation in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Island. Former President Obama for President George W. Bush, George H. W. Bush, President Carter, and President Clinton. They were all there. That was a lot of power in one place, and they looked good. I mean, what a picture, what a snapshot that was. Yeah, and right now you miss any one of them, absolutely, Steve, this is what president now that right now, that's what it looks like. Former President George W. Bush and former President Obama each appeared at public events and both addressed the divisive nature of politics these days. Here is President Obama talking about division. If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you're not gonna be able to govern them. You won't be able to unite them later. If that's how you start, you can't do it. Neither a former presidents mentioned President Trump by name. We all knew he was talking about given the climate of today's politics, we all knew, okay clearly, that he was talking about the current best shade is when you don't mention the person's name. We all knew. We all know that, man alright, was crazy to see former President Bush and Obama on the same day last week speaking about the same thing, divisiveness in the country. I just keep getting stunned. Now the whole thing with the Democratic congresswoman. Yeah, now she told the honest truth, and she told the honest truth the way they're trying to cover his appalled. I wasn't surprised. I mean, you can't expect him to get that right. I mean, you just can't. You can't expect him to get that right. He's not that type of guy. He's just not that type of guy. And that woman was correct, and even Kelly when he came out, I was surprised at him that he took a political shot at a two with what she had said about raising the money for the building down there, and then they played her whole speech and she didn't say an it, she didn't say that she's shot man. She's really really shocked and sincere and all you had to say, because you look, I'm sorry it was taking that way. I really didn't intend for it to sound that way. But like you know, I had a bunch of military men talking about the statement that he made or he knew what he signed up for, and you know, that's great to say amongst each other as military people, you know what I mean, that's a statement that one of these generals was saying, that's a great statement that we say amongst each other. That's not what you say to console a person. And to call her empty barrel disrespectful, I'm all of that disrespected her. She wasn't an empty barrel on behalf of a family that she has a relationship with. Absolutely, she Boar was in her mentoring program. Yeah, she's known and the family for quite a long time. You're listening to the Steve Show. Here we go, last break of the day. Just one more thing. Backyard chickens are causing a spike in infections. Uh these days, it isn't uncommon for some folks to raise chickens in their backyard. And while the idea of fresh eggs in the morning, that babe, that sounds real good, right, Well it happens, um, it appears that there's a huge downside to it all. Apparently the increase and popularity of raising backyard chickens as also increased the amount of people suffering from poultry related diseases, some of which can be fatal. Wow. Yeah, from eating chicken. Yeah the thing you missed so much, just missed chicken so much. You're vegan now, right, You're a vegan all the way now, Joe, He just don't eat me so much way. He just had a hash brown. I don't eat chicken, but I mentioned, do you have that far away look in your eyes? Yeah? I like the depression des it's called. Yeah, it really is. He really misses it. So you're never gonna eat chicken again? Jack? When you gonna, I tell you, I might eat live. You see a chicken with hot sous on his back. I tried to get him. I tried to get him. Wow. Okay. According to the CDC, the Center for Disease Control, more than people have gotten salmonella salmonella poisoning from chicken and ducks this year, with two and fifty people hospitalized. What du Yeah, yeah, yeah. This is not going to change how we feel about Chicken's very low number. Not enough. This is not gonna change how black people feel about chicken. This is very low number. It's not enough to change our mind. A matter fact, Shirley, I was walking to the restaurant. It was a group of us. He's walking over here to go to the restaurant, and they had some chickens in the back. You should have heard them chicken screaming. They saw all these black people walk to your damn right, we're coming. You know, there's ain't fried right, I'd be nervous. Chicken, I saw a group of black people coming, I try at least barking, throw it up off a little bit. You know, there's um have you got? I know you heard about it or maybe seen this movie called What the hell? Yes, you know what. Everybody's telling me to watch that. They said, Steve, if you watch that, you'll never eat me to gain. Yeah, that's that's what. No, I haven't seen it. I have not seen it. I saw the other one, the one that was before that one about the chickens and what they do to the chickens and all of that. You still eat chicken for a little while, Yeah, you did for a little while. Yeah. Why did your chicken cross the roope to get away from blackly? Yeah? But a lot of people feel that way. Would you say, Tom terrible scream so loud it was seven chicken there just losing their mind. You know the day y'all bring that chicken in, you know, when you bring from your your clients. I'm so sad that hurts me. From churches. You can't know. I see it. I wanted so bad, so I know to eat it in front of you know here, double fisted on you. Alright, Jake. If you hear about me running away with somebody, I ran away with a chicken. It just sounds like it's your girlfriend or something. You need a chicken, huh. That would be nice time in a chicken patch. I like that. Man. You put it on your every hour. You could have burst your chicken flavor in your system. I'm working on that. I'm working on that fried bake. Oh, my dad love it, just loved. Mother, the chicken, onions and gravy. Yes, the chicken necks, chicken feet, chicken back, chicken beat. We're not doing no feet can beat. Yeah, chicken had plate bullet chicken. Yeah, I never had chicken feet. Yeah, you eat them, yes, chicken. I guess tastes like Yeah, chicken feet ain't no meat on it. It's just like fried skin and bone. Yeah, chicken feet, it ain't nothing to it. You can a chicken now, that would make me become a vegan. Chicken. Aye, and feet rice, chicken, rice, mother, chicken, mother chicken. It's so cool to see your plate. Wink at you. Man. We are adults talking crazy about chicken right now. In a good crazy Monday to day. But I mean, I know people eat gizzards, they eat chicken, but used to, I used to was I was starting. I got ready through gives its listens and gives and my thanks my Thanksgiving, the Christmas banquets along with get along with my fried or that's miss that so much, man, you can eat it again. So you're gonna go the whole holiday season and not eating and pay good money. God we're talking about kicking here. It's like, yeah, I wish it were lap. I never miss the set up. I really don't. I just don't. Folks, have yourself a great weekend, do your self a favor. Be safe out there. It is Monday, and you tell me big Monday is. I'm so wet. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.