Hank Aaron, Larry King, Joe Exotic, Super Bowl LV and more.

Published Jan 25, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Shirley tells us how she feels now that she is not dependent on TV. The Chief Love Officer has a couple of fun topics to tackle. They are good riddance and hearing tests. One of the complaints inside The Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem revolves around Sister Vershinda and her glory. Over the weekend we lost two legends. Our prayers and condolences go to the families of Hank Aaron and Larry King. Fool #2 has questions that will let you know if you should receive a Black card. Joe Exotic is livid that 45 ignored his pardon request. The Super Bowl is set! Tampa Bay will play at home as they face Kansas City February 7th. The show stealer from the 2021 Inauguration has books that are topping Amazon's sales charts. Congrats!!! Inside Comedy Roulette, the comedians give us the things people say when you bring up something they did wrong to you. The crew wrap up the show with hope for the future and they all acknowledge the presence of Bernie Sanders. LMBAO!!!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu things and it's not me true good Steve has to other fort, don't joy. You gotta use that turn arm. You gotta turn to turn them out, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, I shall will I come on it. Everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. I love it when I run up into people and they say that to me. They say, hey, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Then they wink at man, I know they're listening. You know, I got a lot off my chest yesterday. I wanted to clear some things up. And I appreciate y'all giving me a minute, because sometimes, you know, you just gotta say some things out loud. Not complaining, but hey, just verbalizing, but realizing that I gotta keep going anyway. And that's for my words this morning to you that I want you to keep pushing no matter what happens. I want to share something with you that's important, that's very, very important. See, you have to give God something too, bless you know, if your prayer is asking for God's blessings, you gotta give him something to work with. Now, you know, you got to show the spirit of appreciation or gratitude. You gotta let him know that you're in it for the long haul. No matter what happens. Don't turn around. You will never ever see what the end could be. If you turn around and go back, You'll never know what the end could have been had you stuck it out. You'll never know how good it could have gotten had you not just weathered the storm. That's the thing that gets most people. They get tough for them, It get hard for them, and then they let doubts set in and then those doubts become facts and the next thing you know, they give up. Had you not given up, or had you given your best, what the results or outcome could have been. I look back on my life on so many occasions where in college I wasn't giving my best. Now I flunked out. Now it's easy to look at my life nine go yeah, but look at you now. But back then, man, it cost me for so many years that failing to finish that not giving my all. It cost me a number of years. I wish I could say that it didn't mean nothing, that it was just a blimp on the radar screen screen, but at the time it was major. And so you have a lot of decisions in your life that are happening now. You may be in your twenties, your late teens, you could be in your early thirties, and it's happening. But guess what you'll eventually get through it provided one thing you never give up. You never turn around and go back. Had I written myself off because of one failure, see, and this is where so many people go but go wrong at two. You write yourself off after you failed at something, the one thing you thought you wanted to accomplish, and you failed at it. Now you write yourself as a failure. Now you go settle on end to life and just see what See what hand you get had when I flunked out of college, had I written myself off as a failure, I wouldn't be here today. When I lost my carpet cleaning company, I would have written myself as a failure. And I wouldn't be here today When I didn't become a diamond distributed in Amway, or a direct distributor in am Way, even I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. When I bought a distribution kit to become a distributor of the Bohemian Diet and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure. When I became an Al William's distributor and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. Oh, I got a list for you. When I got laid off it for a motor company. Had I written myself as a failure, I wouldn't have made it. Do you need some more? Because I have a story filled with mishaps. I have a story filled with failures. A couple of things now, the grace of God and his mercy which is available to us all. See that's the key, y'all, Because of his mercy, because of his willingness to forgive and to even understand why we do the things we do. In all of my shortcomings, failed marriages I'm talking about, man got it all wrong. I can't blame nobody else. It's just me. Steve ain't have it together at that point in life. I've could have ridden myself as a failure the first time I could. I just could have gave up on it after the second one. And please know that this is an admission. This ain't bragging. So before you start in with me, understand what I'm saying. I'm pointing out in my life a series of missteps and failures. But how I still get here today A couple of things. God's grace and mercy is first. But that's the key, that's for everybody see if it's God's willingness to forgive you and god understanding of why we do what we do because he said we wasn't gonna be perfect. So in all of your imperfections, your creator told you you would not be perfect. He's sad it to you. It's out there. I don't care which one of the books you read, it tells you that. So guess what With that in mind, he has a grace that he has. It's like a grace period. It's like when you don't pay your insurance premium on the day that is due. The next day, they don't just cancel your insurance premium. They have a grace period, because they ain't trying to stop this money from coming in. But when it comes to God, there's no money required. He just gives you the grace freely. It don't cost you nothing. So you got tap into that, y'all. You gotta get in touch with that, because that's an important part to making it understanding that His grace is available. So when you make a mistake, So when you fail at it, he has a loophole in the contract with him that allows you to make mistakes, that allows you to get it wrong, that allows you to fail time and time and time again. But if you never give up, if you keep getting up, if you keep trying, if you keep striving, if you keep making the effort to go forward and not go back, God has a blessing for you, and He has it in abundance for you, and God will give it to you at the right time. But you got to be ready. Oh, I want it to be successful. But if He had given it to me back then I wouldn't have handled it correctly because I would have made some more mistakes along the way. So you make the mistakes to learn the lessons. Lord, They ain't God been good to me? I ain't gonna lie to you cool you're listening mon show. Ladies and gentlemen, May I have your undivided attention. This right now is the beginning of the week. This is the beginning of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We are live. We're gonna be entertaining today, We're gonna be enlightening today, and we're going to be empowering today. And Shirley Strawberry is going to tell us how she feels not watching TV. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve hard Morning Show. Shirley Strawberries. I feel liberated, Steve. I feel like a giant wade has been lifted off me. I feel lighter, I feel beautiful because of what morning, because of what was. For the last few years, we've been just gravitating towards the TV to find out what's going on in the world, in the country, and last Wednesday shut all that down. This is a new beginning right now. So you know, I don't have I'm not like desperate to turn on the TV. What did I miss? What did I miss? I mean, of course you have to find out what's going on, because that's her job. But you don't have to You're not like frantic to see it or like desperate or feeling like you know you miss something, you know, but it was like, I mean, it's been like what did this fool say now? Today? And you know, I'll tell you something anyway. Let me introduce everybody. First, ladies and gentlemen. Junior morning, uncle, everybody, Ladies and gentleman Jan Finni Brown, what up? Steve Hobby? What's going on with you? Man? He's here, ladies and gentlemen. Nephew Tommy in the building, Jas here, So you know what, Shirley it is. It has been really interesting because this guy, Donald Trump was so intrusive and he dominated the news, he dominated social media with his Twitter account, and it's been refreshing that we haven't had to hear any ignorant tweets from the White House. Yes, and we don't have to go, wow, what the hell did he do? Now? Yes? Yeah, I mean, it was just it is, it's it's such a relief. It's such a relief, you know, of all that negative energy and pent up anxiety and you know, all of those frustrations that we were feeling. We've been feeling this for going on over a year now, you know, I mean because we really in the last year, that's when we really as the show, pushed to for voting, you know, a registration and all of that, because we really wanted to get him out. But you know, now you can really exhale, you know, yeah, you know. I watched Dicky and Shirley about a man getting dropped off into jungle call surviving. Man. I don't know why I was watching. I'm never going to the jungle. Why do I need these tips? Right right? You need to be aware of Man, let me watch this show Jesse Case. But if they had a mall in that jungle, I'd be there. Let me tell you. Tell you though, you can find something Mills man. Wow, yeah, you can watch other things on TV. All right? Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO. Be in the building. He's coming right after this. You're listening to show? All right, it is time now, guys for asked the CLO. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is in the building. Are you ready, sir? Let's go Let's go at ready if that's your ready to say that? Okay? Davis and Mesquite, Texas says I'm thirty nine and I just broke up with a woman I dated for six years. We talked about marriage a lot, but she wasn't willing to grow up and stop drinking and hanging out so much in the past. It was fun and I did it too, but it got old and I settled down and got a great job. She had three jobs in the past three years. Because if it interferes when partying or a girl's trip, she quits. I love her, I love her and I want to be with her, but she let me go very easily. Does that mean she doesn't really love me at all? Should I go on with my life? Cello, let's go over this. You said, so you let her go. Then you turned around and said she let you go too easily. So okay, So you was gonna saying, if you don't straighten up, I'm leaving. And then she went lee, Now you trip it, y'all not compatible. Better to mind out now then later. And so now she told you how she gonna be. I'm doing I'm parting a girl tripping. The job said, I can't go on the girl trip. I quit quit girl trip. Remember, Yeah, that ain't a good I'm just telling you, man, that just ain't a good that ain't that ain't good business man. I think it's good riddance man. I know you probably love them, but you know he did the right Probably get over that. Yeah, all right, Ron and Newark, New Jersey, as we move on, says My wife and I lived with her parents because we had a small fire in our house. My wife's parents are both hard of hearing and love watching TV. Their bedroom is delected directly below ours, so all night we hear them yelling to talk to each other over the TV that is blaring loudly. I suggested to my father in law that they get hearing tests. He got very mad and put me out, but my wife he stayed. I'm at my brother's house now, and I'm mad that my wife didn't stand up for me. Was she wrong for taking his side? Wow? This his house, Brover, didn't your father tell you you can't tell a man what to do in his house? These old school cats. Man, you're telling him he can't talk loud in his house. You're staying in his house because your little ragged ass house caught on fire. Now you're staying at his house. Now you're mad because you don't want to out stay and told him he got to tone it down in his damn house and go get a head and aide. He's a man, you can get the hell out of my house. Your wife ain't going to stay at your brother's house, and so now you want her to do? What make her father let you stay in his house? That's unthinkable, man, Come on, man, get serious, bro, you can't dump that on your girl. You shouldn't have said nothing to this man in his own house. I don't even know how you thought that was from the fly man. He got a real come from. See how you thought that. Y'all talking too loud down there. We're trying to get some sleep. Hold on, then, is my damn go get some here? He tests, you need to go get some damn fine shoes, right, So damn here you need some fine shoes, all right. Sophia and Orange County and R in South Carolina says, I'm forty year old, single female and I've been dating online for a while, but I finally met a guy that I clicked with and we went on a few dates. I live in a small town, so as luck would have it, I ran into the guy at home goods. I gave him a quick hug and his body language was off. A woman was with him and I didn't see her. He told her I was a new coworker, and I just went with it. I researched his social media and found out he's married. I think she should know about me? Should I slide into her? DM? Huh you think she should know about you? Why? I think you found out all the information. I think you need to know about her. Now, y'all only went on one date? Is that what she's saying? Shelby? Uh huh, Well she's been dating online. But yeah, they went on a few dates. Actually, okay, they went on a few dates. Now I think she should know about you. No, I think you should know about her and go on about your business. Ye see, I don't know why people think that it's your job to report. Don't you know you ain't got to do that. Well, you know they're hurt so that they want to lash out. That's what that is her people hurt people. Yeah, she wants to lash out. What she gonna know about me? No? No, no, she doesn't need to do don't go there. Yeah, but but but sister, when she finds out about you guess what it changes nothing. You have already decided you're not gonna see him no more. You've already decided he's a dog. Right, So I guess what you're telling her that you're not gonna see him anymore and he's still a dog. Right. But the point is, she does want to continue seeing him, and um, she wants to get him back. Yeah, she does want to continue seeing him, and she wants to get him back for not telling her he was married. She wants revenge. Wait a minute, that's why. What do you mean she wants to continue to see she does want to get Yeah, she doesn't want to break up with this guy. I mean, I know he's married, but she doesn't want to break up with him. I don't believe she does. And I believe she also wants to hurt him, you know, and get revenge. OK. Well, let me explain something to you. She's not what you seek the revenge. You can forget that we're gonna see each other. I've never seen I've never ever seen that workout system. I don't know what movie you're watching. That's why she's gonna get there. I've never seen that workout. This is very, very important. Who has more fake hair? Who has more fake hair? White women, black women or NFL football players? Explain all three? Serve you could break that down from me. Wow, first of all, I think I think it's white women because it was a surprise to me when my wife showed me how to detect it. And they call it hot hair, and its they they've been doing it for years. I found out long before weaves got favors. Okay, and so NFL players, go ahead, we're talking about lady. Yeah, all right, Church complaints coming up next right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour. Well, we lost two legends, and I mean legends over the weekend, the home run King Hank Aaron and of course the media icon Larry King. We'll talk about those, uh in a little bit. Plus we'll tell you why Kim Kardashian hasn't spoken about her divorce from Kanye But um, yeah, yeah, yeah, I had money on that man. I need to collect on that bet on that money. They have four kids. We'll talk about it, but right now it's time for Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam with church complaints. Excuse me, we own this Monday moaning gal. Yeah, oh oh osperdaciously to refigurate and ooculate situations at this church. Yea, what is going down in the apothesis in the imagination of the congregation. We are here with church complaints and deacon death jail. Let us begin, all right, I passed and we have it says that we need to have a zoom consultation on how to operate your zoom during service. And now here's the problem. Brother Quincy David didn't have his computer on muty. He did not have it on mute and shouted out he would have Sister Vicenda hollering for glory if he ever get the sand. And yeah, the entire congregation hearing that. And now he is embarrassed by what he hasn't said, wants you to have a discussion with him. But he did say he would have her holland for glory. You know, it was zoomed and it wasn't doing m He's still going on. Can we all agreed that there will be a time limit on each one of these complaints because I can't keep up with a response. Just carry on of information. Yeah, an't forgot their names everything? Okay, Well, I want to I want to say something for your deacon, but I have no idea what the complainted today. Listen to Brother Quincy Dames did not have his computer on mute, and he shouted out, uh, he would have, sister, but shender holler and said something about we need to listen on how to conduct zooms. Now you're trying to leave that out. I thought, well, here it is again. We need to have a zoom consultation on how to operate your zoom during service. You are right about that is the next complaint we need. But you never you never answer this complaint path because I never understood it. Deacon. It's what I'm trying to get to. Just move on. Can we please move on to the next complain please all right, let me get you know, let me just contlinue. The Chill Church has their own zoom service as well. Okay, but here we go with another zoom complaints. But that's the kind of church service we're having right now. Have the Lord. You do know you haven't seen anybody for a while. You do know that everything has been the own zoom. Go ahead? Why why is it hard you don't? Okay? The Children's Church has their own zoom service as well. Now your complaints has a variety to it. They all about zooms. Right, I don't want to fight with you, but I but I will if I leave. It's no problems, go ahead, obviously, I guess our next complaint is gonna be about zoom and also but not kids are zooming and what's wrong? What's wrong with the kids. It's hard for them to worship when some of their parents are in the background drinking the crown and mimosas because the adult service it's finished, especially such the jazz man who took her house coat off and was walking around in a bride and smoking cool filter. King. Now that's the problem. See it is high. We didn't cure the last complete with the room about the mute, How do you expect us to mute this this hill? And we ain't fixed the problem in the first complaint that mute and then people back that drinking and stuff got something to do with the mute, and we didn't fix it in the first complaint. Ain't menastpastor come on, come on our church spokeman. Now though it wasn't a good answer, it wasn't a good ass complaint. He let me continue answer all my answers sounded to say, because complaints church go ahead and complaints now are not the same complaint. You know, I'm not gonna do it. It was one of the church members has come up went away to turn the communion wafers into breath mints. Would you be interested in investing that? That's the next thing? Very much? So? How much do they need for that? Because question it's not a zoom question. But anyway, it's gonna conscience about two tiles of knowledge if you want to make it. But we subthing to make about eight to ten thousands, so that's on you. Well, what is they gonna turn the wafers into dc? Oh? Man, I said we was gonna turn them into mitts. If you were listening to stand how how what? How are we gonna turn them into mitts? It's the question we're just gonna buy mitch and stop passing out wave or the waif is gonna be made a different way, that's a question. Man, Oh, we don't have this hi for me? Ain't I don't know, I don't mean, I don't mean, I don't mean no hard when I'm in the same But pastor, you didn't got on my Damn there you got on my damn. Ain't that about it? Oh man? Man, if you want money for an investment, you're gonna come up with a visits playing. I'm like, how you're gonna me when we're doing these are now we're not changing the wafers in the midst How about that there? What is this shark tank? Okay, coming up at the top of the hour entertainment in National News right after they had a problem with zoom and that you're listening to Day Morning show? All right, guys. On Friday, Henry Lewis Hank Aaron passed away. He passed away peacefully in his sleep. He was eighty six years old. The Major League Baseball Hall of Famer was known as Hammer and Hank because of his seven hundred and fifty five career home runs. Former President Barack Obama set about Hank Aaron he never missed an opportunity to lead, and described him as an unassuming man who set a towering example. Right up to his final days, Hank Aaron was making a difference. Just two weeks before his death, he joined civil rights leaders in Atlanta to receive the COVID nineteen vaccine just spread the word to the black community that the vaccinations are safe. Rest in peace, Say something about mister Hankaron live in Atlanta. The baseball stadium that they built in Atlanta, that's called the Ted Turner Stadium. It should be, and it should have been from day one, called the Hank Aaron Baseball Stadium. Hank Aaron put Atlanta on the map with what he did for baseball, and it should be a stadium in Atlanta named after Hank Aaron. I don't remember Ted Turner hitting a damn ball at all, not at all, not one. But if your money, it's your money. But that stadium should be named after Hank Aaron. They don't worry about Ted. Tell Stacy Abrams what you need. You had tow you ain't got to worry about this hire. All you got do is tell Stacy Abra, look, I need this in the next week. You're gonna have this stadium in one week. Our problem. That's what she'd do. If he'd do that, Ted, Ted Turner's family, the family name would have to get involved with that. Change. Yeah, why we got to agree with Why why we got to get with them? Why? Why why why we can't just do it on our own. We got to go get day permission, that's what you're saying, because it was day money, all right? And uh but again rest in peace, Hank. Yeah. And then we lost Larry King, I mean, the host of Larry King Live on CNN for over twenty five years, passed away on Saturday at Senior Cedar Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. He was eighty seven. The cause of his death hasn't been released, but back on January fourth, a spokesperson for King released that King was hospitalized with COVID nineteen and had see supplemental oxygen. King's iconic interviews with president, celebrities, athletes, movie stars, and everyday people spanned over twenty five years until his retirement in two thousand and ten. My hero lovely, Yeah yeah, married eight times? Eight times times? You huh, Sometimes it don't work out. That's how you roll, Jay, Now, that's how that's how you get married. That's eight times, yeah, eight halfway there, jaye, how many more you got to cook? But but two more closer than y'all think. Two thirds he weighed closer than y'all. Hey, can we can we throw? Can we throw? Can we throw? Jay? A bachelor party even he didn't even though he didn't had like, man, I'm already money case you haven't heard Kim kardaf problem with throwing him a bachelor party is he's a bachelor of the whole time he married a right Steve. Time for headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne True, Okay, thank you very much, and good morning. Well, the first president ever impeached twice is about to be tried twice. But there's given him a little bit of leeway now. The newly minted Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer says the official article of impeachment is going to be presented to the Senate later today. However, Schumer has agreed to delay the trial so that both sides can prepare and so that senators can concentrate on his cabinet denominations and his COVID relief packet. Make no mistake, a trial will be held in the United States Senate and there will be a vote whether to convict the president. Ex President Trump's trial schedule to begin the week of February eighth. By the way, the number of Americans with confirmed coronavirus infections is now over twenty five million. The number was twenty four million on a week ago. And get this, y'all, I bet you heard about this. But with the coronavirus vaccine running out in certain places, health officials say that a brand new type of tourism has emerged at calling it vaccine tourism. Officials in Florida friend who say people from other countries or other states are flying in to the sun the Sunshine State to get inoculated because they have the vaccine. So now new guidelines have been issued which mandate that COVID vaccinations only be given to full or part time Florida residents and they got to prove it by producing a driver's license or a rental lease or something utility build something like that. The Senate's confirmed the President's picked for Secretary of Defense. Thea's are ninety three, the nays aer two, and the nomination is confirmed. ORTAI General Lloyd Austin extremely well liked and highly regarded. It becomes the first black American in US history to head up the Pentagon. In Texas, a federal judge is allowing the family of twenty six year old Botham Jean to file a civil rights lawsuit against the city of Dallas and against Amber Geiger, that now cop who shot him to death as he sat in his own apartment watching TV and eating ice cream. The judge dismissed an earlier ruling which prohibited the twenty six year old accountant's family from suing, but again the federal judges allowing his family to file a civil rights lawsuit. And yes, it was a very sad weekend in the world of entertainment. First of all, we lost character actor Gregory Sierra. He was eighty three years old. He starred in Barney Miller a lot of TV shows. He'd also if you watched Miami Vice like I did. He was the first chief of detectives before Edward James, almost legendary TV talk show Slarry King was eighty seven. He had been hospitalized recently for COVID nineteen, but he had a whole host of health problems, including a lot of heart problems. And yes, Henry Hank Aaron who, despite racist death threats, made history on April eighth, nineteen seventy four, when he broke Babe Bruce home record. He's died. Also a black man is getting a standing ovation in the Deep South or breaking a record of an old time baseball idol. It was April eighth, nineteen seven. For Hank Karen was eighty six. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show? All right, Steven's that time again. Please introduce your good good friend Jay Anthony Brown. Let's look in through his mind. Ladies and gentlemen, the dark, demented and troubled man, a bitter, broken up, love starved man, starve. Here we go. There's a new game out. I don't even know the name of it, but it has to do it being black or went in the black card? Have you heard about this Shirtley? Get your black cards in? Anyway? I have some questions that will let you know if you should receive black card. We got points that goes with here we go. First question, have you ever eaten rice or Braby Rice and sugar butter and Rice? Give yourself five points? Yeah? I did. Have you ever played the game That's My Car? Have you ever played a game That's My Car and you didn't have a car? Give yourself three points? Yes, yes? Or if you got to give yourself call points. Is there anyone white that you'd like to have sex with? Take away two points? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, hold on, let me take my two points away. Here we go, all right. Have you ever fixed have you ever fixed anything with a knife, fork, or a spoon? Give yourself six points? Put that down there. Oh, I'm back up, I'm back up, All right, All right, here we go. Have you ever put something in front of the oven to dry? Four points? Give yourself four points for that? Have you ever washed your face with a dishcloth? Give yourself two points for that one? Right down? All right? I got sorry, all the bad tiles was really dished out, But go ahead, Yeah, you're right. Have you ever made fun of somebody shouting in church? Give yourself three points? Okay, went to church for that? Oh, not for the word. My comedy career started as a ten year old act. Have have you ever had a sandwich inside the rapper that it came in? Have you ever had that? Meaning ye? Have you ever made a sandwich with just the end pieces of bread? Give yourself four points that okay? Last question? Last question? Have you ever eaten a piece of candy that an old person pulled out of there? Bra and you ate it? Anyway? If you have not done anything? I was younger, but I did. I didn't know I got another one jad that only contained condiments. All right, all, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thirty four minutes after writing, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, incarcerated Tiger King star Joe Exotic is not giving up on being released from prison, and he's pleading for President Joe Biden now to help him after Donald Trump failed to pardon him recently. Yeah, yeah, this is According to TMZ, Joe Exotic was highly upset when Trump overlooked him for a pardon. So Joe Exotics team reportedly has sent out emails to the Biden administration and hopes that President Biden will grant him a pardon for early prison release. Joe Exotic also expressed his feelings about Trump. He says he always looked up to Trump for being a straight shooter and never backing down, but his opinion of him changed after January six riots on the US Capitol. He said his feeling soured for Trump because he hit out in the White House and never acknowledge what was going on during the riots. They can I ask you a question, what is Joe Exotic exactly in prison for? Exactly? Because you know, they said he tried to put a hit out on Carol Basket. Yeah you don't, did anybody telling him, you don't get pardoned for the stuff like that, you know, attempt didn't murder, They don't, they don't really. But you know, man, you're the white collar crime sold some dope had a non valid gone gun charge, you know, stuff like that, or you are incarcerated unjustly sentenced for a crime, you know, like like like the sister that Kim Kardashian helped get out of jail, you know, just serving it crazy prison time for charge like that. That's how you get part. You can't try to kill nobody and get out his work. Man. Yeah, was cool that he didn't get pardoned. She was good with you. Yeah. Yeah. And Biden has a lot of other stuff to doudex He's busy right now. He got a pile did you see that pile of stuff on his desk? But you know, Joe Exotic is like a lot of reality stars, they really think they bigger than they really are. He really think he's important. Ye see that hit show what he felt? What he does not realize he is more. People did not see Tiger King than did st. Yeah, that's the reality of it. Man. And now all of a sudden he's not a Trump supporter anymore. Interesting imagine that. Yeah, and you can't be mad and want to pardon you gotta let that go. You got to be very happy. You can't be upset and then say partner and him being in the position here, he got to get his mind back into prison and how to cope and all like that. Yeah, you know you got all that outline on and stuff sitting up in that prison. You got to pay attention to what's really You got to focus on the facts, man. Yeah, you need to figure out You got to focus on the fact you got ponytail and eyeliner you got, you got out concentrating partner, and really we need to come up with more ways to cook the top running in your jail cell. That's what you need to focus on. Grab your breakfast and take the corner seat by the wall, looking everybody. You are not going up out, No, that's not happening. Yeah, and you need to write that boyfriend you had, the one that had no teeth in his Yeah, he got his right film. Yeah, where is he? Yeah? He got his teeth fix? Yeah, he did. He got right. Yeah, you need to pick up scales like braden hair and make friends. That's what you need to do. Make your friend and then like a good braider. Now in the pinion, ain't like a good braider? Come back by a boy three thirty James making pointments in it. Listen, if you bought your Mega Millions lottery ticket in the state of Michigan, you might want to check your ticket. One ticket that matched the six numbers for the one billion dollar prize was sold in Michigan. The payout for the Friday night drawing was the second largest in Mega Millions history and the third largest in US history. A lump sum cash option for the jackpot was an estimated seven hundred and thirty nine point six million. And so the winner will really be a billionaire if they cash out. But enough, close enough, close enough, you ain't showed, all right, Frank, phone call coming up with the nephew. Right after this. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. About four minutes after the hour, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject. He loves he loves sweet smelling lotions. Wait till you hear this one. We'll get into it in just a little bit, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Next? Uber hurts? Oh yeah, it sounds crazy. Yeah, let's let's uber hurts hurts, Uber hurts, Let's go hurt hurts. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read Shawan please Yeah, it's mean suck. Hey Sean, how you doing this? My name is Brian. Um, I got you on schedule. Um, you you ordered a uber for tomorrow morning. I'm I think you're okay? You are you? Are you scheduled to go to the airport? Correct? Absolutely? Yeah? Okay, all right, and I want to make sure you you wanted the suv? Yeah, I wanted the suv? Okay, and that's ninety two West. What is that? Holman Roman Drive? That's correct? Okay, all right, all right, So I'll be outside tomorrow morning. You were talking about seven p seven am pickup? Correct, that's it, you got it, Everything's on point, okay, all right, So listen, I wanted to let you know this man. You you ordered the suv. I'll be there tomorrow. Um, I'll be there probably a little bit before seven am. You know, when you guys order uber way in advance, you know, we try to get there almost like a car service and make sure we get you where you gotta go. And I know the traffic is gonna be a little crazy, so um, you know, I'll be there on time. I'll be downstairs waiting on you. All right, I'd appreciate it. Now listen, I'm I'm I'm an suv. But it's a kind of a little different. So that's why I kind of the reason for the call. I wanted to kind of give your heads up that I am an SUV. So I just want you to look for the black hurs that'll be outside. Hurts. Yeah, I'll be in a black hurt tomorrow morning at seven ms uh Okay, okay, it's a suv or hurts. No, No, it's a hurts. It's a hurt. Actually, what's happening is is I have another drop off at the airport as well. You know, there's a I mean it's it's it won't affect you at all. There'll there'll be a body in the back, but that that's it. We're trying to get that to the airport too. But you know, like I said, And a matter of fact, it is like body waiting the whole Man. No, I ain't sting my body. Well there's a I mean there'll be a body, but actually it's just causing you less. You know what I'm saying, So you don't have to man, Well I'm about the late down next to the mother. So what what you're talking about? Man, dude, you ain't ride with the body? Hang on, man, listen, you wanted to NUV. I'm not ride with the body. Dude, you're tripping. Cancel this trip. I'll get another over. I'm not riding with a body. Dude. Okay, if you cancel, that's gonna cause you fifty dollars. Fifty dollars man, Yeah, like you like just downloaded the more. Here's a deal. I know for a fact. When you cancel over just five dollars, I'm canceling. That's gonna be five hours. I'm gonna be no fifty dollars. It's gonna be fifty dollars, sir, it's different one you have love, my man, you can pay me a thousand dollars. I'm not riding with the body. You feel me the understand you understand you now but do you want to get to the airport or not? Look, why don't you lay down next to the body and you drive yourself there with the body like in the path to just see I'm not doing it. Tell me what the problem is. I mean, obviously you're used to driving around with bodies and that's not my thing. You know what I'm saying. What what's the problem? I mean, you're gonna be in the front of the hearse You're not gonna be in the back. We'll put in the back with your luggage in the back. I mean, I'll be fine. Right, you're a man. You're tripping. Man, this is crazy. You're calling wrong with this crazy book. Dude, I'm not doing none of that. What part of that? Don't you want to stand? I'm going to get you there on time, sir, but it's going to be in a hurse. That's all the difference is. Man, You'll be riding when I'm supposed to be laid out. And you understand right now you got me fucked up? What kind of phone call is this? Well, I mean, what's what's the problem. Obviously you're used to rolling with with dead bodies and hearses and all that. Since when it over start rolling with hearses to pick up regular lotment because to get them from place to place. This is some crazy I want you to think when when did you think that it would just be cool or as a regular picking up a body and just driving around in the street. I don't know, man, I mean, you know, I got two jobs, you know what I'm saying. I do, you know? And also you know, work for a mortuary to you know what I'm saying. So you know, but my vehicle is is certified and approved it so I'm able to use it as an suv as so you you calling is and you gave him ride a lot more and they don't have no reaction, no reaction to riding around with them embodying the back well you know, uh, sometimes there's a few people acting a little, you know, a little. It's a little different for him. I get it, you know, but like I said, the only reason why I'm calling you obviously you don't get that because you're trying to hit me with a fifty dollars and charge that I'm not I'm not going for and you're trying to get me to ride with him and that body. Dude, I'm not doing that. So I'll tell you what, brou I'm gonna tell you this right here. I'm gonna get all the phone tomorrow and seven in the morning, Me and Tommy gonna be there, So be looking forwards here. Who's Tommy the body? No, No, Me and Tommy gonna be there tomorrow morning at seven mayem you know what I'm saying. Just be ready for that. Then you're Timmy gonna have a problem. Okay, okay, all right, tell it to Tommy thought because see Tommy, don't Tommy don't take this too kindly, So tell it to him in the morning. Who's Timmy? But now, okay, you don't know who Tommy is? No, don't what it's Tommy? Okay? Do you know Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Do you know nephew Tommy? Oh come on, man, hey, oh man, oh man, that's hey, hey man, come in and no man, your boy. You got a boy named Chase that you work with. Chase gave me your number, told me to get your call. Oh man, Yeah, I'm gonna put that one in a herse. Man. Oh hey man, you gotta give me one more thing. Man, what is the baddest. I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, man, I pick you up at set, Mike be there. You could have dropped a something. Come on, baby, funny. That was funny? Did I do? All right? That's all I want to. Let me lay down next to the bus regular live blanket. Put your luggy on top uddy casket. I mean that it's classic. Baby, that's the nephew. Hey listen. If you want me to prank somebody, go to Thomas Smiles dot com. Thomas Smiles dot com. That's me, okay, Craig okay, and then, um, you know, let on it. Give me all the information. Let's do this. I will do it for you. I am the King, and I didn't give myself that title, but supposedly I am the King. I prank calls. Make it happen. Yeah, let's make it happen. Are what you think? What you think? Uncle Steve? You know that one was I was surprised he didn't go deeper with it, like you know, we're charging you fifty dollars and you're gonna make this ride. That's where he normally goes. I was, I was presently surprised with the I did it softly. I was soft with it, Frank right here, I think, yeah, you know, you know it was it was a level change I wasn't used to. He normally snapped cracker pop. You're gonna we're charging the fifty dollars and you're riding in the hearse. Say man, you're riding no damn hurst with nobody but term it, you know, just nice level, nice leve. Thank you, sir, Thank you, sir. I think snap, cracked and pop and pop. Yea. And for those of y'all that need to know, for those y'all they need the hearse, the hers is kind of changed now. It's not the normal. It's a little different. I don't know if you've seen it lately, but the herts is different. It's not that's the issue. Which well, you know it looks different that the limo look different. Everything look different. A look, Jim, everything is different. Look I am about to go down and check out the hearse. But again, a dead body, that's the issue. You will like to hurt. You ain't know about the hearse, all right? Thank you? Ne you uh coming up my strawberry letter subjects he loves sweet smelling lotions. He loves sweet smelling lotions. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationship, sex, dating, work, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter, love, I'm on the air. It's like we're gonna right here, right now. That's for you, Jay, and you know when we are fortunate enough to have you come to work and wood buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a strong may ye all right subject. He loves sweet smelling lotions. Dear Stephen Shirley, I met a forty two year old divorced man online a month ago, and he was absolutely everything I asked God for. We do Bible study every night. He is a very nice, smile, and he's self employed. He too said that I was everything he'd asked for in a woman, and he was moving fast with our relationship. By our third week of being together, he wanted me to come over and spend a night with him. We live forty minutes apart, and he had been coming to visit me each time, so I decided to visit his home and spend an evening with him. When I walked in, his home smelled like warm vanilla, and it was a nice first impression. But I soon noticed that it looked like his wife still lived there. He hadn't changed the thing in fifteen years. There was his and her sign over the master bed, and in the master bedroom he had scented bath bombs, scented soaps, lotions, and candles everywhere. He had told me that he's been single for fifteen years. So I asked him who the lavender, peach, pink peoni, and juniper brees scented lotions and soaps belonged to. He said they're his because he loves to smell good after a hot bath. He said his wife got him hooked on those scents years ago. That night, we got ready for bed, and after he showered, he put on tons of juniper breeze body lotion and we watched a movie. I slept in the guest room that night, but his scent lingered all in the back of the house. I've never dated a man that smells better than me. So I've been distant from him for the past week or so until I figured things out. I need your advice on this. Is this a red flag? Or do you think this is something he might be willing to change for me? There you go, There you go, trying to change a man that you've only you've only known him a month. I mean, you know, slow down with that a bit. Everything to me, it's only been a month is a red flag everything until you get to know this guy. But let's look at your main concerns. What are they That he hasn't moved on from his wife? You're thinking that could be that maybe the smells are from women that he's seeing now in the present that could be too or he smells too girly for you and better than you. You have a problem with that. That's one thing you know, you know about him for sure, and you've only known him for a month. But you know, I think these should be the least of your concerns and worries. Again, you've only known this guy for a month. I think you know you said he's moving fast. You're moving fast too, Slow down, slow this thing down. I'm sure you're going to find a lot more about this man when you get to know him better, because a month is certainly not enough time. What you need to do is pay attention and observe. You said you're trying to figure things out, so give it time. Give it time, Steve, Well, he loves sweet smelling lotions. That ain't really your problem in this letter. You meant just forty two year old divorced man online, and he's everything you ask God for. That's the key in this letter. He's everything you ask God for. And then she proceeds to describe this man. We do Bible study every night? Who do that? Who does Bible study? If preachers don't do Bible study every day? What y'all really think y'all gonna be able to keep this up? Who does Bible study every day? Bible study that my church was once a week Tuesday. I mean, when when y'all gonna, you know, y'all got y'all got no other activities? I don't, I don't know, lady, this this kind of this difference. He has a very nice smile. And when is he smiling Bible studying nothing to grinning at? When did you get to smile? You ever? Been in sitting in Bible study and just been grinted Bible study. Hard man, you start reading stuff you don't know nothing about. You trying to del his fourth furthermore, dying on him all that. It's hard to smile doing that, So I don't know what's going on. He self employed. Then he said you everything. He asked God for the woman, and he was moving fast with the relationship. Third week, wanted you to come on spending night y'all live for the Missis party. He'd been coming to your house. You decided to go on over there spending evening. You walk in his house smell like warm vanilla. Now you scare me right there because I didn't know what you got, really saying, smell like warm garbage. I was waiting on warm dude. I didn't know if you warm warm puppets. I didn't know what she was getting. And it was smelled like warm. Another's a nice for to soon noticed that it looked like his wife still live. He hadn't changed a thing in fifteen years. Okay, nine, we're starting to get the WS wrong. Here isn't her signs over the master bed and in the master bedroom he sent it bath bomb sending low shoots candles everywhere. He told me he'd been single for fifteen years. So I ask him who was the lavender peach pink. I don't even know what that is. It's a flower, pretty flower. Because I was gonna say, because the pink pony is a strip club, I'll tell you right now. Okay, but the pink pony is a strip club if he had a pole in helf. Hang on, I'll tell you what I think. Part two of Steve's response is coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject he loves sweet smelling lotions. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject he loves sweet smelling lotions. Yeah he do. Pretty boy, you met a nice guy. Forty two Everything God asked you asked God for my troubled starts to do. Y'all do Bible steady every night? Nobody does Bible steady everything. WHOA that's hard every night? I mean body, end of the year, you would know what relations Ruth was to esther. You would know so much if you do it every night, y'all would get on my nerves with that. No, no, Sherley, that's too much. Now unless you going to the school of theology and you're studying to be a rabbile minister. We ain't gotta do this every night now, y'all need to get to know each other. Anyway, you walked into his house and it smelled like warm vanella and you thought, well, this is nice, but it looked like his wife still lived at and he ain't changed the thing in fifteen years. Got his and her signs over the master bed and in the master bathoble, send it bath bomb, sent it, soaps, lotions, candles everywhere. He told you he'd been singing for fifteen years. So you ask him who the laughing the peacher and the pink pony. The pink ponies a strip club, our team, and Jennifer Breede sent it lotion okay, PIONI I don't know what that is, and so belonged to him, he said, because he loves to smell good after a hot bath. Well, see right there, we got a whole another problem. See these hot baths with these smelling sauces. That's all like you know, most men I know we shower people the long drawn out baths. Now you're gonna next thing, You're gonna tell me he got bubbles in it, and he dranking wine, reading books. I don't have to tell you now. He de lit some candles, He got some bubbles, and he dranking wine and reading a book. Run Lady. But he said his wife got him hooked on them since years ago. That night we got ready for bad He Hour. He put on tons of juniper breeze lotion. We watched the movie. I slept in the guest room that night. But it's sent linga all in the back of the house. I ain't never dated a man smell better than me, so I've been distant from him to pass week until I figured things out. I need your advice on this. Is this red flag or do you think it's something he might be willing to change me? Now I'm gonna tell you he could change this for you. But the red flag is not the smell. The red flag is Bible study. Every night, these his in her signs over the master bed and in the master bathroom his in her. Obviously, this stuff reminds him of his ex wife, and as a further reminder, he puts on all these sins like she told it. Now, you, on the other hand, could get him to change. Since we can go from let me go over the list again. You can go from juniper, breeze, pioni from lavender, and you can go from peach. Now you can get into musk fruit. You can get some more you know, dog of gray flannel. You know, you know, we can get him some manly stuff. But all these little happy fruit fruit things he pulling, these are red flags. Now, so get your own sense. You got to get rid of all in plaques and stuff got Barbara wrote all over the bed and everything your name Jelisa. You know you gotta get rid of all this hill. Oh. Next thing you need to need to do is find out why they divorced, because most men try to get rid of the signs of their ex and for him to be hanging on to it like that, you really need to find out why they got a divorce. Obviously it was and something he wanted because he didn't kept too much of her around. So you need to find out if he didn't got past that or not. I don't think so kept everything the same. Now you need to find out also for the last fifteen years he's been divorced. Who has he been seeing and why has nothing stuck in fifteen years? If he do all this dog on Bible study, got this pretty a smile. You mean to tell me all the women to go to church? And ain't nobody called his attention yet? Something is wrong, And I think it's got some due with them damn baths, damn baths man. Yeah, with all them names of him, since he had not one manly fragrance, you know, yeah, I think everything you know, hab Broder, old spice. Yeah, you know, you know you want some some of them named the polo, you know. Let you know he a man man. Yeah, I got a part. Let me tell yourself. I got a part of the steal wear polo, swear back, swear back. This hot night, he told me he he found a six pack of polo at Costco. I went for a six pack of polo. He lost his mind. Oh that's what I think you should do. That's my suggestion. I don't think you should throw him awight, but you need to five stuff like that. But he could be a good guy. Y'all got to stop this vible steady every night, Steve all right, listen. Hit us up on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM with your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. Please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on de Man. Coming up next, Sports with Junior. You know what it is right after this you're listening morning show? All right here we are. It is that time for Junior and sports talk. What you got Junior, all Shirlett is super Bowl is set? It is, It is set. We got the Tampa bay Buccaniz and the Kansas City Chiefs. And this is the first time ever, Tommy, in the NFL history that the home team or the Tampa bucan we've been playing their own stadium that they've been playing in Tampa Dome. Tampa. Man, this is big deal. Yeah, is always in different places, but it's never happened where the one of the teams that's playing it's actually in their city. So you know, Tampa is hosting the super Bowl, Tampa is in the super Bowl. This this, this don't happen all the time. This don't happen. I'm clear. Football question, Yeah, I have a football no idea. What you're talking about, Junior stem who's the genius that let Brady go who is who came up with another question? Somebody should not be working. Somebody should be out of work. Come to morrow. I'll tell you one thing, Jay, I'm telling you man. For this dude to be in the super Bowl after leaving the Patriots, who weren't. Now the Patriots weren't in the super Bowl last year? No, they weren't. Who was in the super Bowl last year? Can't see the chief Chiefs? Good to get rid of Brady because you didn't make it to the super Bowl and then your team don't make the playoffs and the team you trade into is going to the super Bowl. Want me tell you something. It's a very nervous general manager right now up somewhere, it really is. And this is Tom Brady's ten super Bowl. Wow? Can I say this so, junior, if Brady wins this, you're supposed to walk away. Now, yeah, you're supposed to leave on top, leave on top. It's snow down. In my mind, he's the greatest quarterback in the game. When you leave and go to another team and come back to the super Bowl, oh my god, you're the greatest. And then one other note over, I just ain't got any to do football, but has anybody waking Connor McGregor yet has any on this Monday morning? Dude, y'all see that. Dude, y'all tried to call you. I was like, okay, I'm about it. I'm about to fight, Junior. I was trying to buy the fight and they said you can't buy to fight to fight over. I was like, just the second round over, ye, man. So you know it was a good weekend sports. I kind of hurt me too, man, because I like Conor mcgreg that dude, not that Phoenix chest Phoenish left in the flying around. Man. All right, Junior, thank you. Coming up next Comedy Roulette with Jay Anthony Brown. Right after this you're listening to, all right, it is time for comedy Roulette. Jay, help us out a little bit here here. It is very simple. We take three subjects. We put those subjects on the wheel. We spun the wheel. Which stop. We make it funny, do it, set it up, let's do it. Things people say when their clothes don't fit anymore. Okay, things people say when their clothes don't fit anymore. Things people say when you bring up something they did wrong to you. And then things people say when they've been to a bad house party. Okay, you got it. Okay, out spend the wheel the house part, you're the house the house party by my sell. But I thought it was gonna be bald, all right. Things people say when you bring up something they did wrong to you. Okay, got it, guys, here we go. People say, okay, we still talking about that man that happened in the third damn grade. Can't you let that go? You are sixty eight years old now, damn here y'all the people say when you bring up somebody didn't wrong to you. Okay, first off, it wasn't a lot of money. Okay, first off, it was only a hundred dollars. Okay, god dog man tell everybody. Things people say when they bring up something that they did wrong. You ate a dog. Okay, I didn't know that was your mama. I thought I thought that was your sus do. Okay, that's a big dear friend. I didn't know was your mama. I thought it was just okay, I'm just I'm just all right. Things people say when you bring up something they did wrong to you. Things people say when you bring up something that they did wrong to you. Okay, man, but I don't ask you for nothing else exactly what they say. Yeah, yeah, barn from you. Yeah, I'm telling you on my borrow. Listen, how about that? All right? Things people say when you bring up something that they did to you. I just forgot my damn answer. I swear to God in real time, in real say, when you bring up something they did wrong. You look, man, I know I wrecked your car, but down I couldn't see. Hell, I got it, I got it, I got it. Come on. Things people say when you bring up something that they did to you. Yeah, it ain't like you ain't got no money. I mean, damn thing. When you bring up something that they did wrong. Who you? Hey, man, look dog, you know I mean we can't work none of this side. I'm just saying, doctor, any time I talked you, always a boy, this ill. You know what I'm saying. It's about this ill dog. It's always by this ill. Don't come on, I'm on play. Things people say when you bring up something that they did wrong. You damn man, you're gonna keep talking about that when you got another eye? Put your eye out. Any time I see you, you gotta bring I put your hat out. No, damn here you come. We get at me. We get at me, trying to make me feel bad. You're bash all right, we have time for one more, one more, that's it. Let me hear, let me hear a dog. Okay, yeah, okay, she pregnant from me, but she married to you. I mean, but you got to go on on work this eye, don't you got you? You? Come on, come on, you need to do the right thing. You need to do the right thing. Man, do the right thing, though, man, come on. All right, that's comedy roulette up. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in twenty minutes after the hour A good one guy, you're listening to show, and today's tell Me Something Good segment. Poet Amanda Gorman hesitate to say that name because Junior gets a little tight because she's a poet laureate. Yeah, and he's our personal poet laureate. So anyway, Amanda Gorman's books are on top of the Amazon sales charts, of course, after her powerful performance at last week's inauguration. Yeah, I don un poem on poem. That's that's why I didn't want to bring it up. Seeing just writing. That's why being in the spotlight led to both of her books, The Hill We Climb Poems and Change Sings, a children's anthem, to surge to the top of the best selling list. Right Amanda tweet it I Am on the Floor, my book to number one and two on Amazon. Thank you so much to everyone for supporting me and my words. I'll Junior so no, no, no, no, no, it wasn't one damn point. It was one great poem. I'm saying Junior's never written a great poem. Is that what you're saying, You've never had a great poem. I'm saying I was up there, Junior asked all time, all of me ain't wrote. Oh no, I gotta call I can I can spit poet if I was up there out yeah, man, all y'all shut up. Wow body, let y'all talking. No damn inauguration. You must be out your say it though. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after that they end, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steven's that time again. Please introduce your good good friend Jay Anthony Brown. Let's look into his mind, Ladies and gentlemen, the dark, demented and troubled man of a bitter, broken up, love starved man. Here we go. I have some questions that will let you know if you should receive black card. We got points to those, but here we go. First question, have you ever eaten rice or braby rice and sugar butter and rice? Give yourself five points? Yeah. Have you ever played the game That's My Car? Have you ever played the game That's My Car and you didn't have a car? Give yourself three points, yes, yes, or if you got yourself points. Is there anyone white that you'd like to have sex with? Takeaway two points? Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold on, let me take my two points away. Here we go, all right. Have you ever fixed anything with a knife, fork or a spoon? Give yourself six points? Put that down there. Oh, I'm back up, I'm back up, All right, all right, here we go. Have you ever put something in front of the oven to dry? Four points? Give yourself four points for that? Have you ever washed your face with a dish cloth? Give yourself two points for that one right down? All right? I got that. Sorry, all the bad tiles was really dished tyut, But go ahead. Yeah, you're right. Have you ever made fun of somebody shouting in church? Give yourself three points? Okay, went to church for that? Oh, not for the word. Yeah. My comedy career started as a ten year old at Have Have you ever had a sandwich inside the rapper that it came in? Have you ever had that? Meaning? Yes? Yes? Have you ever made a sandwich with just the end pieces of bread? Give yourself four points? That's okay. Last question, last question? Have you ever eaten a piece of candy that an old person pulled out of there bra and you ate it? Anyway? If you have not done anything, I was young, I did Break of the Day and yeah the day, and I have a quote to take with you. Here we go. If you are a man and you weigh three hundred and fifty pounds, you have no reason walking a dog that weighs one pound? Okay, making us coming up in forty nine minutes after the horable Steve Harvey will be right here. Don't weigh out it, don't at all giving us some closing remarks right after you're listening to all right, Steve, here we are last break of the day on this Monday, brand new week, brand new full week of work for the brand new president. You know what, I want to talk about this with y'all too, because you said something Man at the top of the show that really, I don't know if people you know what, Man. Since Trump has been out of office, I think for us it has given us a break from having to run home and cut the TV on and see what he did and said. We ain't had to deal with no ignorant tweets. It has been a relief and it's like it's a relief to know that somebody is trying to formulate a plan to get this COVID thing under control and really going forward and talk about and it really exposed how the Trump administration had done nothing. Yeah, nothing, but but but you know what, you know what understate. I'm with you on that, But at the same time, in the back of my mind, I'd be one thing like what is he doing? Is he doing something? In my mind started wondering like what is he doing? Is he kind of conjure up something? You know what. I've been I'm over here, Jay, I'm over here, like I'm worried because I ain't heard from him. A person that evil. Don't stop ye are saying what are you doing? You're doing something. But I refuse to let my mind go there because it's been on him so much twenty for seven, for the last what four years now? So I'm done. Well, you know what he has. He has a platform, He has a platform. He has Hannity on Fox, and he has Russia Limbaugh on the radio. So he has a way to get when he comes up with a plan. And he talked with his boys like he gave He gave Russia Limba the Congressional Medal of Honor? What what? What? What has he done? Medal of Freedom? President whatever it is either presidential Medal of Freedom? What? Why are he getting any chain put around his neck? Does anything? I mean for what? Dog? What has he done to help mankind people? What has he done to save what? Man? I know what? Still I'll say the funniest thing. Go ahead, go ahead, No, no, go ahead. No. I was just gonna say. I can't get these out of my mind. These Bernie Sanders memes. Everyone they use them on My show Man. There everywhere, there's so a Baptist pool. I was, but they said, Bernie Econi McGregor. The one way he's choking Bernie said they're really funny. You know, he has a great sense of humor. But they're gonna get t shirts and sweatshirts, print it out, and then they're gonna give that money to meals on wheels to help older citizens. Yeah who can't get up. Yeah, I think they have some already. Um, but yeah, it's just been funny. Those mittens. Did you see the one with OJ and Court, Remember he had the gloves, he had the mittens. They put the mittens on OJ's hands. The one with Janet Jackson. Haven't seen that one? Yes? Yes, yes, on the cover of her album when she had yeah, the guy's hands covering her breath. Did y'all see one they had to mins remember the scene and ghost when they had to clay pottery. Yes, more put Bernie's mittens in there. Yeah, they've been having so much fun with Bernie and that. Yeah, I'm glad he does. But you know, like you were saying, Steve, at least now we have some hope, you know, about the future and everything got a plan. But as forward I thought, I was feeling like, Okay, I'm at a point now I don't have to wake up every morning and watch the news. But there's something in me to still feel like I still need to watch the news like it ain't over, like it's something gonna happen. I'm still at that mode right now, like we can still feel like I got to get up and watch the news because something it ain't I feel like it's not. You know, look, man, I watched the news. You know, I've watched the news, but I don't care, you know, dude, Look, man, Donald Trump, he had such a weight over the news and fake news and you know, man, unless he said it ain't real and you know it Foxes this and he tweeting it. I'm just glad that, you know. I'm just glad that it's some decency in the White House, you know, just somebody, man who's not an embarrassment to us. Look, man, look this, this guy, Joe Biden can't fix America. I got now. I'm not naive. Man, especially you can't fix America. He's not gonna stop quite supremacis from being quite supremacist. He's not gonna stop Trumpism from being what it is. He's gonna make some headway, but at least the rhetoric coming from the top won't be as divisive it's gonna take a lot to get this country unified, because it's just from hateful as people that ain't gonna do it no matter what. And I'm not naive enough to think that they are, because they're not. Hate will be with us always, Racism will always never eradicate racism. This ain't Heaven, you know, come on, man, this is this is earth. Far. Yeah, we're still we're still in the world, right, But I just stay aware of the power that we have for the vote and not get complacent points elections come up. Let's get I don't. But we should never not vote again. We should never never be in a position where we don't think we should not be voting. Right, That's right, Steve, Well, y'all have a good one. We see y'all. Lamar, stay well now talk to God. He loved to hear from you. For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to