Good morning and welcome to the ride! We are in orbit and it is off the chain. The Chief Love Officer warns a married woman about her pen pal. Halle Berry faces backlash and apologizes over a movie role. Yeezy is under fire for his desire to run for President. Trump's niece has choice words about 45 in her book. The WNBA will start a social justice campaign to honor women lost to racial violence. Co-owner of Atlanta Dream is in danger of losing her team for her controversial opinion. Steve shares his opinion about what 45's niece said about her uncle. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve has decided to no longer act surprised by the actions of this President and tells us why, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time? I don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million buck things in it to me true good Steve to the mother, Please I don't join Jo. You gotta turning? You are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing, I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on DIGM now wanting only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Why because God, God is in the blessing business. If you go get in line, he has something for you. God is amazing. The plan he actually has for you is so far greater than you can possibly imagine. It's really mind blowing. And as I look back on where He's brought me from and what he's currently doing for me, all I can do is tell you is God. That's all I can tell you, Because I tell you right now, I didn't foresee it. You know. It oftentimes amazes me when I listened to celebrities when they interview how they say, you know, I always always thought that this would happen for me, and I just you know it could be true, but for me, it's not that way at all. I didn't imagine it this way. I had a dream of becoming famous one day, but I had no idea would it would ever get to this. It was a very very simple desire for fame. That is no way I could have seen all this. There is no way I am telling you this is. This has been nothing for me but the grace of God, and all the times I failed, every time I had fallen, he picked me up, He dusted me off, and he kept me moving. It has been an amazing thing to watch God do what he do. As I look back on my history and you sometimes look back on your history, you've got to see, man, wow, what God has done for you and what He's brought you through to enable you to be where you are. It is amazing because really, I mean really real talk. Now, had he allowed all of the decisions I had made to play all the way out, I can assure you I wouldn't be here today. But God, through this grace and mercy, who had a plan for me, who was just waiting on me to come get in line, and then he was gonna start empty. And now he was gonna start shipping out all the boxes in heaven with my name on it. And man, and what a great god he is, what a great god he is. And you have boxes of blessings with your name on it that he is waiting to ship. But he needs you to go down there and get in line. That's what it is. It is not that he has more boxes for other people than he do you. He got boxes with your name on it who have never been shipped. Because you will not get in line to go get him. You will not ask God for him, you will not do the things necessary to attain them. We stop our own blessings. Man, I have been the biggest stopper of my blessings than anybody else. I can't really get mad at nobody. I got nobody to blame for my existence but me. But then at the same time, I can't take credit for this. I really really can't. I kid you not. I cannot take credit for it. And if you ever see me taking credit for it, tap me on the shoulder, say Steve, pull up. Remember you said this ain't about you. If you catch me taking too much credit, you have my permission to stop me. Now here. It is the deal. Though, and this is what I want to get through to today, moving forward while under attack, new level, new devil. You know, every time you go somewhere, every time you try to progress, every time you make a decision to be better, to do better, that's going to be confrontation you're going to have because it is the enemy's job to not see you go forward, do better. Won't more behave yourself? There is a force that is operative out there that has people working on his behalf twenty four seven. You got a computer, Go read a blog. Just go read a blog. They're busy man, not knowing, but just saying evil stuff constantly. That's a job. Well, here's what happens. I you. We have to always keep moving forward while we're under attack, because the attack is going to always come. If you allow the attackers to stop you, you will lose that particular battle. And you cannot afford this. You know. My father used to say, be careful when you're trying to kick somebody off the ladder, because you got to take your foot off too, and you might slip. And so when people are taking their feet off the ladder, most mot the majority there may't even own a ladder. They just at the bottom throwing stuff up at you. They are just shaking your ladder. They ain't even they ain't even on your level. Really tell you the truth, they really not. You have moved on far beyond them, spiritually, physically, everything, but they are still shaking your ladder and attacking you. Keep moving forward while under attack, because the attacks are going to come. If you take the time to stop and address it, you are impeding your own progress. This is very important to understand. Go on about your business and remember Steve Harvey, and remember those of you out there. There is a Bible verse that helps me out every time. And I don't know why. I got it on six different plaques sitting all around my offices. Everywhere I go, I can read it Isaiah fifty four seventeen. No weapon formed against me. Sheall prosper that, because this is that he will put me under his wings or protection. And this is my inheritance as a servant of the Lord period. I'm his boy, he my man, so so did so when you come in for me, I have to just rest on that Lord right there, that he got it that no weapon formed against me. Sheall prosper. I'm just like you sometimes you know, we know better, but sometimes we don't do better. Man, let them say what they're gonna say. When they get through saying it, when they get through writing it, when they get through talking about you, when they get through lyne about you. Guess what they're gonna have to do. They're gonna have to step back and watch your rise. They're gonna have to kick back and watch what God got for you, because nothing God got for you. Can't nobody stop it. I don't care what they do. Keep moving forward while under attack. You're on. Somebody tell you something. Minister Lewis Fairkhan taught me something very important one day. He says, Steve, remember this. He said. It is a common thing for a dog to bark up at the moon. But if the moon balks back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. You feel me, the moon was talking to you. What did you? How did the moon stop and talk to you? Don't give them that. Let the dog bark up at the moon. Don't you be up there? You go where God got you going. Don't bark back at this dog because the dog come famous because they ain't gonna be able to get to you. But the dog is famous. Now they want to interview the dog. Not a dog. Guess what he gonna do? More bark and guess what about you? Man? Gone about your business, y'all. God is in the blessing business all day long. Man, Go get in line, get you some get them packages and boxes ship to you. They got your name on it. Show. Ladies and gentlemen, it's about to go down. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Blast off five four three two one. We are in orbit to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's off the chain, ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey, what's that bad body? I'm sorry? That was Julian. What's going on? Everybody? Stop? Stop? Called a prel Good morning, Steve. That's not like a real blast off. I was king of noise. It's when I was a little boy. Really. Yeah. We didn't had a lot of toys. We had to make all the noys it. I was gonna had the best gun. Yeah. When I fired my gun, you thought your ass was shot. Had big lips too, Yeah, very talented. My dog, my machine gun, my machine gun. That's real. That's not a dog. That's pretty hand was spitting on you. Shirley Strawberries out on vacation this week. That dog Gone Junior killed space ladies and gentlemen. The King of Pranks nephew Thomas ya ya in the build it, let's get it, let's get it up and shining. That's plenty of a light. I gotta get some player, man, I just play. I don't get damn wet if I just go get on plane going circles and land's process. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't give it damn though. I fly to Arizona. No, they don't like us over there. No COVID numbers are high in Arizona. All they high in Arizona. Old people they got date. Yeah, man, they got to get it together. It's hind Florida is how all over the place. And this president is insisting that schools open back up. Hey, man, listen to me, because your child is not gonna have to go to a school, so you don't care about other people's children. The COVID is on the rise, and you're talking about I'm insisting that schools open up in August. What man, This dude only cares about winning the lamb so here. This dude is the absolute most noncaring president we've ever had. And if he mentioned his great forefathers one more time. That's when you're gonna lose it. Got one time, he got one more because I had enough for this man. Bring up Washington, Lincoln. Our great forefathers, Your great forefathers were slave on you. Quit telling me how great they were. They made some mistakes a lot and constitution. It has been changed several times, and it's time for some more changes to it. That work of art. There ain't no Bible. Yeah, that's right. You got to leve by that. Don't worry about a wing. Let you get mad. This earlier, coming up at thirty two, after getting ready for us, asked the clo right after this because you was heading that weight. Let's go. Yeah, you're listening to show everybody where. We all love Uncle Steve's relationship advice. So now it's time for asked to see l oh, let's go call all right, here we go, fellas. This one is for you, Steve. This is from Anonymous in Oklahoma. Anonymous and Oklahoma. She says, I've been married for ten years and my husband is a wonderful man, but I've had a secret penpal for many years. An old friend from high school has been in prison for as long as I've been married, and we've been writing to each other for nine years. Hush, Junior. He went to jail for selling drugs, so he's not doing hard time. The letters come to my office, so my husband has no idea. He's getting released at the end of the year, and I can't wait to kiss all over him and make sweet love to him. He wants me to get out of my marriage so we can be together. I think I should wait to see how things play out when he's released. What do you think? Have you lost your rabid ass? Man? Are you? Are you? Are you seriously? Man? Had a secret penpal being tied? You've been married ten years? You had a secret penpal that you're in prison for nine years? Correct? Then you say he is there for selling drugs, so he ain't doing hard time where is easy time? And in prison ten years? The hell you mean? He ain't doing a hard time where it is easy time in prison? So y'all, y'all been writing each other for nine years, so you've been living in this fantasy world for nine years. You can't wait to kiss all over him and make sweet Look he can't wait either, But now you're fitting the throw your marriage out the window. Yes, on a person. Now, look, when people get out of prison, they deserve second chance. I got that right, I got all that that, So that it's a lot of good people gonna get out of prisn't deserve a chance. So please don't. Let's understand what I'm about to say. But you're fitting to have a dude moving you. Your husband working, Yeah, you're fitting to leave your husband who's working for a man who probably can't get a job right off, gonna be totally dependent. And when y'all get through making sweet love, you're gonna find out some things that he learned in prison that you ain't gonna understand. Yeah, like lining up against the wall, lights up, lights out. You don't risk your marriage, but his fantasy you got. Anybody can write a great letter. He got time. Oh yeah, he's a poet now. Oh hell yeah, he's a poet. But now let me explain something to you. Now, when he gets out, now he gonna be making up for lost time. Oh, he gonna need you for a place to stay in someone, but he gonna be looking around when he get out. Now I want you to leave your husband. Are you nuts? Have you lost your rabbit as a man. Yes, are you? You're kidding me? And it's and it's not saying that you and your husband have problems. You ain't said your husband was a bad husband. You just got a pen pal and y'all seeing stuff to the job. Yeah he's slickers, hell you, this man slicking you. He needs something. I promise you didn't send him some money with your ignority. Gotta put some on them busts. Yeah, you're talking all right. He loved you. He tells you everything you wanted to heal. But I got news for y'all. Bet you ain't his only penpal either. Okay, drop the knowledge. He's got plenty of pins, got a lot of pin He got time for all of this. All right? You ready for the next one? Yeah, all right, Felicia in East Orange, New Jack. Let me just say this for you. Read this one, bye, Felicia. I always wanted to say that I'm engaged to a man that has a thirty year old daughter, and I have two grown children. My children are both married and have great jobs. My fiance's daughter cannot keep a steady job, a steady man, or a place to live. A week ago, she asked to move in with us, and I was hoping my fiance said no, but he agreed to let her stay with us temporarily. I know it will be longer than she said it will be because she doesn't have a job and her car is not working. It's an endless cycle with her, and it has to stop if we get married. How should I tell my fiance this? Wow, First of all, it's not gonna stop just because you get married, because you getting married don't change nothing in her. She's gonna keep being that type of person. You have to Now, it's hard for a man turn a daughter down. It's hard for a man to turn his daughter down. But if they keep doing this for her, they are enabling her. And I understand in your position, but if you're gonna be the wife, you have a say so in that house. Because there's always only one queen of the castle. Now that's right, that's right, stick, you know, and there's only one king. Can't be two kings? Say there can't be two queens. Then so now you're gonna have to say, look, we can continue this, we help her get on her feet. Let's give her a little down payment to move on, and then let's be done with it so we can live our life. We're too old for this. We all our kids should be grown and moved out when the Saint daycare and you could try. That's okay, there you go, Felicia Policia, Like I said by Felicia lay one more. Annette in Lexington, Kentucky. My boyfriend and I have been dating for three years and he recently got a Facebook page and posted pictures of me and him. I noticed a few white chicks responded to one of them. I guess you off the market now. I had no idea that he's into white girls, so I started monitoring his Facebook activity, and most of his Facebook friends are blonde bombshells with big fake butts and breasts and wigs and posing and sexy clothes, and he comments on all their pictures. Should I be concerned about this? I got real nice breast and a real big but you ain't white though, if that's what you want. Yeah, if he like white girls and you ain't white, you better start getting concerned. I'd be very concerned because you could you get big breasts and big ain't none you do to get white? You can't roll play this. Yeah, you can get a blond wig. But that's a that's a color limit to blonde. Hell stop there, next Tommy's running that brank back right after this. You're listening, all right, everybody cold up at the time an hour, miss Anne standing by with Today's national news. And in Today's Entertainment News, Holly Berry apologized after backlash on transgender role plus in Trending Hairstyle News, Tiffany Hattis did the big chop. We'll talk about all of this stories at the top of the hour, but right now, nephew, it's trying to run that prank back. I don't like saying I don't like saying run and you in the same cities. But shut up, junior. We can play this prank back. What hell my wait, wait a minute, to Tommy, I was a delayed reaction on that got it right away immediately he didn't run a little my refrigerator. He it is. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach up mister please. Miss this is Jackson. I'm the driver, man, I'm actually the delivery guy that's bringing you refrigerator over the day. Okay, what's going on? Okay, listen, I know we had a wonder that was from eight to twelve this morning's see, it's eleven thirty now, So we run a little bit behind schedule. Man. We have some problems at the yard getting everything loaded up. Man, come on, man, you killing man, I can't, y'all. So y'all running behind. We're a little bit behind schedule. Man, we're gonna have we we'll beat up somewhere between twelve and four. Oh, come on, man, y'all know to do better than that, now, Man, I understand, sir, I understand. Actually it's it's actually I got a man. I got all my food in here and this and coolers and stuff. Man, I got everywhere. I man, So I mean, what's what's what's going on? Y'all ain't got the refrigerator. I'm trying to figure out. No, No, we loaded up. You know, we just had some problems. I think one of the fourth limps went out, and you know, it kind of pushed us back. So that four hour wind that we had from eight to twelve, man, just got ruined. And now we're pushing things from our twelve to four. So between twelve and four, man, we would definitely be there. Man, y'all have to be brothers and man, it's wrong. I spoke to them yesterday. Actually the warehouse supervisor, he's actually out today. He's not here, so he's not here. Yeah, man, Yeah, I'm supposed work here one cause you said y'all not gonna be hereuntil in between twelve and four. I'm supposed to do it work in we want to Clark. I understand it, man, I greatly apologize. Man, this rarely happens, and it just so happened this morning and fork Lymph was down and we had a lot of stuff to load up. You know, we got I got ten refrigerators on this truck, man, and one of them is definitely yours, sir. So I'm definitely gonna be getting into you as soon as I can, man, y'all. So so, man, y'all, I'm pushing it. I'm supposed to do work. And then I scheduled everything, yes around this, because I'm supposed to. You know, I gotta have a refrigerator to pound on my food and stuff and in the kitchen and whatnot. The refrigerator went out. Did the refrigerator went out? Is that what happened? Yeah, it's very did. I mean I hadn't had it for quite some times, which you know. So it's just amount of time for we'll go out. So I try to even get a newes you know right, that's why. Well, now I scared you. I can scaredu you next week sometime if you want me to. I mean, I can't acting afford day. We're gonna pay for this food that I got to hear all over the floor to me. Let me get the hustler. Man. See if I can move as quick as I can. But twelve and four is the window. Man. Like I said, I apologize, mister. We'll be that man. We're gonna we're gonna, We're gonna be that what you're refrigerated day? Okay? Okay, So so when you when you on your way, how about I want you to call me and let me know that you on your way so I know what's going on. We don't know. We don't know him to call when we're on our way. We just come on in and get things. Shut up. What do you mean you don't call not? You just called me just now, didn't. Yeah? Yeah, like I said, the problem is on us, man. I give you a call when we win a round. Okay, okay, I appreciate that. Now you said twere you said between twelventh four. Now, ye yes, sir, tween twelve and four, we definitely be that we got you on the truck man. Okay, I don't want I don't want to know. Miss man. No, no, we got you, We got you. We'll see you a minute. Man, all right, they can hello, miss this is Jackson again, the delivery guy man with refrigerator. Well, yeah, listen, listen bout ti man. We run into a few more problems here. Man, It's like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out till tomorrow. Sometimes you you said your whole you said what we run into a few more problems, man, It looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out to the marrow. Into a few more problems, a few more problems like what s we got some problems with some uh, some more delivers we got just with all the delivers we got it. Just don't seeing we're gonna make it on your side of town to bear to get this thing taken. You're not gonna make it on my side of town. What is that you and you decide you want to take my money when I pay for when I pay for but you're gonna tell me you don't, you ain't gonna make it on my side of town. Well, well, we can definitely get out there to morrow, man, we definitely can get out there the mar I can't. I can't have them out tot here tomorrow. I got chicken and beef and uh and then briscuited all over here, my bloke, And you gonn tell them you can't make it in here to the mar that. Huh. You you ain't got no answers for me on that? So I understand, No, No, I don't. I don't think you understand. So because I got sitting, I got food and ice and city in here and cooler than all of them on floor of my kitchen. You're gonna tell me that I did. You can't make it in here to the marrow with with with refrigerator here. But because because you you you you you y'alling on the back of ram the women yesterday the word that I know you spoke. I told him yesterday I had to have my work at one o'clock. I told him that I've seen that you gotta refigerated your own time because I gotta haven't work. Well, I said, I don't talk to Unimore. Like I said, certainly not working today. He's not. He's not in the day in charge. Well, actually the lady name one that's actually in charge when Larry leaves. But uh, I don't even know if I saw mom. But but you REGGI you what are y'all doing over there? Now? I did? We're gonna have it there. It was I took out my job for y'all, had to refigerate here. I'm here at home now. You called me back and you all I can tell you is we're gonna be there tomorrow. Okay, I'm not gonna go back and forth. You know, you know what you refrigerator. Sorry, y'all you take the refrigerator, so you stick there, figerator. I don't want to know more. I'm gonna have put this food in my neighbor refrigerator and I'm gonna go give me another from somewhere else because you playing around. I ain't got time for your men, sir. I don't know if I don't know if that's refundable. You know what I'm you mean, you don't have refund when you got time. You're gonna take my money and you're gonna tell me that I can't have my money back you you can't get my frigerated on your own time, sir, Listen, there's one more thing I need to talk. I to say to me because I want okay, but I have one more thing I need to tell you. Okay, are you listening? This will probably help everything. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey More to show you just got pranked by your wife. You know what I'm gonna fix us. So but when they have frigerator, that's what I want to know. I tell you what they showed up the infrigerator. I showed where they can put it. Now you have it. That's the window, baby, that window. Everybody'll be talking about eight to ten, ten to twelve, twelve, most one to be four hours, I'm sorry, eight to noon. Yeah, and you'd be thinking I'm gonna do I'm gonna do a half a day of work, and then I got gone back to work in the afternoon. Then they get you back and we're running a little late. We're running a little late. Say my favorite line, though, Tommy, after what your tomorrow looked like tomorrow, I got time for this game all day. What you're looking like tomorrow. Who at the house. All I know is we got a star phone cooler full of meat around here. That's what we got. Yeah, late too much. Go to Thomas Miles dot com leaving your information, click on the plank button and let's see if we can get something going. Me and you. We can do what I promise you we can. Yeah, go ahead, Junior boy, Yeah man, that's all good, brother. We got these meeting these googlers dope coming at the top of the hour, Entertainment News and National News right after this. You're listening, all right, we back everybody call Today's National News and headline New Entertainment New which cat Yes, miss annerstanding Biba National News, but first in today Entertainment News. Today. Halle Berry has decided to back away from playing a transgender role in an upcoming movie after receiving some backlash online. Now Halle revealed last week it was an Instagram Live interview that she was preparing to take on a role for a new project, but had not been officially cast in the role. She explained, it's a character where the woman is a trans character, So she's a woman that transitioned into a man. She's a character in a project I love and that I might be doing, and she also added that she liked to take Hallie said, I like to take a deep dive into the trans community. While the transgender community immediately criticized Hallie for repeatedly mis gendering the character as a woman, and also for taking on a role that would be more accurately portrayed by a transactor. So Hallie did issue an apology earlier this week, and she said over the weekend, I had an opportunity to discuss my consideration of an upcoming role as a transgender man, and I like to apologize for those remarks as a six gender woman, I now understand that I should not have considered this role and that the transgender community should undeniably have the opportunity to tell their stories. So Hallie Berry has apologize. You know, look, I mean, it does make sense if you're gonna have a role to let somebody play it who would know more about it? No more, you know. But then Hollywood they don't know how to do that. But then at the same time, Halle being an actress, has a right to go out for any role she won't like, like if they have a role in there for a white man and I go out. Don't say nothing to me. He wants to play this white man. I'm going in as white man. Clearly you would need a white person to do this better. But I have enough experience with white people where I could I could be one right away, like like calling, like, give me a situation and watch me acted out as white person. Go ahead, any your account is overdrawn at the bank. Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? You're jeepers? You're saying my account is overdrawn? Are you kidding me? Look again, look again? Okay, situation okay, next to situation, sir, I'm sorry. First class is sold out. First class that's gone. Look at me? Do I look like coach to you? Why would you for crying out loud so all of the first class tickets and I'm just now getting here. I demand you remove someone. Someone has to go. We can't do that. Yeah, I saw two blacks and a Latino with first class tickets. I want no, no, no, not sounds that way. I want to Hey, don't call me that. Don't call me sir. Why do you think we need in this country? None? Where you hit at it? Our President Trump just said it. There's no races, So why should we move a black person or a Latino person from first class though? And why you can't sit in coach? Yeah, oh that's better question, sit and co That's what I say. It pains me to say coach first class. It just rolls off my send. Its great jeez, bad white man's how to get caught up on national news, and that would be mister an twill very very much everybody. This is answered with the news well as promise. President Trump says that his administration is going to do everything I can to get the nation's schools fully opened for the fall, with accent on the world fully. For instance, US Education Secretary Betsey Voss critical of local districts preparing for in classroom construction for only a few days a week. That should be the whole week. The President says schools need to be open, and he suggested anybody who disagrees has an ulterior motive. We don't want people to make political statements or do it for political reasons. I think it's going to be good for them politically, so they keep the schools closed. No way. So we're very much much going to put pressure on governors and everybody else to open the schools, to get them open, and he was blaming it on the Democrats, with the head of the National Education Association says Democrats are not hoping the schools to stay closed. It's because of politics. Of course, Trump's critics claim he's the one playing politics while the nation is still struggling to eradicate the coronavirus. Meanwhile, Joe Biden announced the plan yesterday aimed at rebuilding US supply change with a focus on making sure the country does not have to deal with any future supply shortages, especially in the middle of a pandemic. According to a new government report on just who benefited from a special COVID nineteen relief program, associates of President Trump and companies with ties to some congressional lawmakers are among those apparently who received price emergency loans. According to the Small Business Administration, a company named Irongate, which operates a Trump hotel in Wiki Keep, received two to five million dollars in a loan. Another long recipient said to have had ties to the President's son and lawd Jared Kushner, on the receiving end of two million bucks. The retail in Street Leaders Association asking state officials all over the country to mandate that every shopper wears a mask went inside a store, and they want that rule exactly the same for all the states. A spokesman for the group says having different rules for different parts of the country makes it confusing for shoppers and can lead to conflict with store managers. That Retail Leaders Association represents Target, Home, Depot and some other major chains. The Trump administration now officially notified the United Nations that the US plans to withdraw from the World Health Organization. They got a date down July six, twenty twenty one. Yesterday's primaries, Joe Biden won easily in Delaware and New Jersey, and finally the president, Nieces married Trump. Her book is out. Some people have some early copies and claims that at one point Donald Trump paid a friend to take his SAT exam because he wanted to get into Wharton, and that he made fun of her late father, Fred's desire to be a commercial airline pilot. She says her uncle said that that was just like being a glorified bus driver. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show. All right, Carla, Oh, so what's going on with this whole Kanye thing? They still on this man, Listen, Steve, A lot of students, Junior, Tommy, I'm falling. Yeah, your nerves, your nerves, sit your ass down movement. I'm going to start it. I'm telling you, tom you didn't got on my nerves. Man, Sit your ass down, Tommy. A lot of people agree with you, and they're not pleased with Kanye's announcement that he is running for president. NBA player Steven Jackson, you know, who was close friends with the late George Floyd, posted a picture of Trump and Kanye West that said, no more voting for celebrities who've never held public office. If you wouldn't hire a plumber to work on the electrical wiring in your house, why would you vote this way? In the caption, he noted, among other things, hashtag I've had enough of the clownish blank. Jamie Fox also co signed on the Colonel J blank right, ain't got time for the bull blank too? Going on, Man, it's entirely too much. This country's future, how we are thought of globally, is at stake here. How we continue to live in this country under this flag, under this constitution. All of this is up for grabs. Man, you can't give this dude four more years. Are you listening to the rhetoric that this man is saying right now? He is against NASCAR for banning the Confederate flag. He doesn't have a viewpoint on the Confederate flag one way or another. They're taking our statues down there. You're trying to destroy our great history. O god fearing, loving forefathers. This is this dude. Remember his loogans make America great again on the Confederate flag. Though, how can you be neutral on that? There's no neutral zone ever left the laws because he has found out that he cannot sway the black vote. So now damn the black vote. So now I'm anna draw up the racial rhetoric that he don't give a damn Black Lives movement as terrorist groups. He don't spoke out against all types of stuff. Man, he don't like nobody. He don't like Bubba Wallace. He thinks that's a hoax. All the players, the man didn't play a hoax. This dude is unbelievable. Man, cannot let this go ahead. I'm convinced after listening to Trump and listening to Kanye. I don't think common sense is ever coming back. I think it has left forever. Common sense is just outline. It's left them. I'm gonna always have man, Yes and my family, my listen not can lose this because I'm not gonna let this guy make this the norm, lying hatred, bigotry, racism, blatant racism, open statements. He's not made one statement to make the oppressed people in this country feel calm. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk about the only person in Trump family who probably got some damn sin. We'll be right back to focus after the hour. You're listening, okay, Carlin. So, um, what's this going on with Trump niece? Well, that's what I'm talking about. Yeah, she has a new book, Mary Trump. Let me tell you, Donald Trump's a liar, phony and above all, a cruel and dangerous egomaniac now in charge of America's well being. And this is according to the president's niece, Mary L. Trump, hardest person in the family. Mary. Yeah, I think that she is Donald's brother, Fred Trump Junior. I think is her father. But in her new book, too much and never enough, never enough, How my family created the world's most dangerous man. Mary L. Trump claimed that the president cheated on his SAT and paid someone to take the test for him. Oh college admission scandal. Uh huh, and he developed twisted behavior. Steve from an upbringing in the rich and notorious real estate family led by the president's father, Fred Trump Senior, which led to Donald Trump's cheating ways. The president's sister, Marianne Trump Barry. She referred to her brother Donald Trump as a clown and was baffled by Christians supporting him. She says that he has no principles Nune, she doesn't know what people are talking about with his base. The only said that the niece Mary L. Trump, who wrote this tell all book, has violated a family confidential agreement. You know, confidentiality agreements. Okay, Well, he's violated the Constitution. He's violated all of the laws of leadership. He's violated the office of president. I mean he's done a lot of violating himself. I don't care if the little family member to broke a little violet to a little raggedy ass family, I don't care. But see, I'll tell you what they're trying to do though that the Trump's lawyers is trying to stop this book. Yes, they're trying to stop this book because this was right here, man, this got some real stuff in it. But now listen to me, am. I surprised that he would cheat on the SAT No, no, because you know he got into Warden. But have you heard any Wardony type language out of him. He's got the smallest vocabulary of any person to hold public office. I've ever heard you do, and that's messed up. You got to save vocabulary. I got you the president. Yeah. Uh. His favorite words are very huge, really big, really big, terrible, amazing, great. I got better words than that. Dope, that's hot, hill, you know I got I got I got stuff. Oh man, I got stuff equal to that and probably better. Yeah that's fire. Yeah, that's strong, like that partner's strong. See. I'll tell you what, though, man, I would really enjoy a debate with Donald Trump. I would love to have him debate one person from the massive I wish you could do that. I wish I could win, and to just be against Donald Trump against a regular voter. Just yeah, I just wish the president had a lottery where you had to pull a number, and that one person got to debate the president, and I wish it could be me. I wish I could just debate, just set him up there and just answer questions and your own vocabulary. Dog. But I'm gonna tell you something, man, I'll be strong with him because I just ask him stuff into debate. You know, like, damn, dog, you just said that whole of dough. Whole of dough. You mad at the Nash called people because they banned the Confederate flames. Why why yeah? I mean just why yeah? I'm them out? You would call him? It is real stuff? Yeah? Why yeah? Why you think it's good people on both sides? How can you be a racist and support racism but you want to call him a good person? How can you be racist and a good person? Just tell me that answer the question? Man calling up next nep you Timmy's praying phone call right after this you're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. Timey this this, this is gonna be for you man. The side Yeah, the subject of Strawberry Letter, It's gonna be for you. Time me watch this. The side pieces with trust issues. Oh really, but right now, time for the neput to run for today's praying phone call. What you got, neph your door? What about him? Your door? Or let's just say yo, do yo dog, let's run it? Come up? Yeah, yo, do you're doors? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Paul please called Virginia Senior, probably senior. Okay, this is man. How are you doing today? I'm good. I'm gonna listen. My name is Mark. I'm actually calling from a company called Doors. Are you Are you at Good Court? Yes? Correct? You guys just built a home, right, Yeah, Okay, I'm like I said. My name is Mark Stevens. I'm actually calling from Doors. We're actually the company that uh supplied the doors that are actually throughout your house? Okay, great? What are you calling from? A follow up? No, this isn't a follow up. Actually, we're got a couple of glitches we want to try and get get straighten out if we could find uh, Well, here's here's the problem, stir. The problem we're having is at the contractor that actually built you all's home, yes, has not paid for the doors. You guys have been there two and a half months and we can't seem to get the contractor to come in and pay for the doors. Tried to call them, We've tried to call them several times, and we have not been able to get number. The yeah on him, because you have a good number, can give you a number, because I really don't have anything to do with that. It's like, howd you get my number? Well, actually we had your number of files as the homeowner, and that's pretty much how we had you. But the problem we're facing here, sir, is we've tried to get this guy for the last couple of months and we can't get him. So, actually, what's what's gonna happen here in the next day or so is we're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors. Always can do what. We're probably gonna have to come and get all the doors in your house, take them off and bring them back here to the plant until we get won't get out of my doors. We're gonna have to get those doors until either we get a contractor or you know, we get paid for the doors. Now, what could happen if you could pay for the doors? No, no, no, already paid for the doors. That's that's that's past tense. I've done that paid. You can't paying that means I got a double back. Well, sir, we haven't been paid, sir for the doors as well. No, no, no, the contractor was paid for the doors. That's who pays you. Okay, And what I'm trying to explain to you, sir, we haven't been paid at all here at doors? Not at all? Oh oh okay, well at doing they should have received a check from my contracts you, sir, is that that hasn't been done since you have not been paid. You're gonna come back and get my doors out, you said. We Now, who's all this? You? And who are they gonna come? Here's the problem here? Like, no, no, there ain't no problems. We're gonna we're gonna resolve this very peacefully. But who who is we? Okay? So what's taking place here? My job is they've taken this money out of my check that hasn't been paid for the doors. Oh yes, I can understand that, But why would they take it out your check? You did the man hours, you did, You've done your work. But I don't understanding, sir. But since the company hasn't been paid, the company is taking it out on me, and it's not gonna come down on me. So either I'm gonna get the doors, well you need to quit your job because they ain't gonna because they need to give you a not just give you a bonus, but give you some only work. Because bottom line is talking about coming to get my doors. Now, that's not gonna happen. Either we resolve this peacefully as if you pay for it, or I come out and get the doors and I'm not fin the city and go back. You may go in and come get these doors. Gas up and come get these doors. Because you're not gonna come and get this. I'm not gonna send you no money, okay, sir. Then then then what we need to do is get a schedule time where I can come out and get all the doors. I'm on your time. I'm sorry, I'm on your time now. So you got this, you must be paying me now since I'm on your time, what are you talking about? Because you're talking about you're gonna set up a time with me. That means I have to leave and do what I do to be meet you here to get something don't belong to you, which is my doors. So you don't have to be there at all because I'm gonna take the front door off and I'm gonna keep keep moving through the house and get all the doors and get them back here to the player. I don't think you hear yourself now first and almost how you when you come to the front door, I'm gonna be without waiting on you as you as you taking off the latch, I'm gonna be on your behind making sure you realize you're gonna have to take this door or take this and I'm taking I'm pretty show from coming to you and get that first door, so I can't keep going back and forth with you. Let me say this to you. I'm coming to get them doors, even if I gotta take a whipping because I gotta get my money back from the company that they that took for me, because you damn contractor did not pay for the damn doors. Hey, you better, Hey, bringing your turns down when you talk to me, you're talking to a girl. Man, I'm gonna I'm gonna put this on you. I'm not gonna allow you to come my hearts and take these damn doors, and you ain't coming to getting no money. I'm coming to get them doors that I'm coming to get them today. I need everyone. What time you're coming. I want to be even paid when you come next with these doors because I make so clean. What kind you coming? Don't don't worry about when I'm coming. You don't know when I'm there. When I take the first door off the heads, every door, we're gonna meet at that door and whoop that and tell you what I'm gonna pay you. I'm playing dollar now take that check and they kiss that inside, whooping the night. I'm gonna take that hopping if that's what it take. But I gotta take these door. You want get my money, I mean do next time, get your damn money. Stott, get a job to page you better for this moment. You're gonna get it in fed Well, I'm not sure. I'm not gonna keep going back and forth with you about you whooping by. I don't know any more that in the end, right, tell me and take that and take it on hold. But I'm dragging them doing every door. That word track you should have been calling a contract shilling, doing some dough from from my damn come now, I'm telling you what you need to be calling them. He got. I'm gonna get it. Every dough you got in that home me that number? Tell you what? You know what I do? I just want do you go to work? I just coming in and get them does like a junior. I went, wait a second, now, I just told you you ain't coming to getting the door. I just got to tell you that, junior. Get it from your mama doing and you know what else I'm coming to do what I'm coming to tell you? Who I am? You do you know who I am? I know who you are working. I'm met sure I induce myself. You want to come get us? I can't get these doors there ain't that ain't really who I am? But who are you? I am? Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by your wife Fate. That's try to shoot braining down number. You know I'm getting it imselves. Oh brother, you got me. You know I'm in the upper Typical. I got on the red doors. You know we do the red doors. You're doing something. Hey man, I gotta ask you, man, Paul, what is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land Oh har show and cousin Tom. I was over here just fryd man fate on braining the number now but all of hers all this moving, so I'm thinking they were looking forward, but they down. You didn't got a lot of stuff repossessed before, but you ain't never just had somebody to say, we got to come get these doughs, you doughs. We're just taking doughs. That's out. Everything paid for as scept them doughs. We gotta come get them dolled Okay, I know it's a mix up somewhere, but we gotta get these doughey tell me, but they tell me. But that's a true story. Man. I had a partner had a girlfriend that had an apartment that she rented out, and they were having trouble with this one tenant that wouldn't pay him to rent. So he went over that while the dude was at work and unlocked this dough and took his dough off and put it on their truck and drove off. You gotta sit at home, thought hard to have a house. Ain't got no doughe though, I'm telling you you just sitting up in there late at night. Yeah, man, who went in the morning and wind blowing through them. He said, that's how they get their rent. They then come on there and take your dough off. You got to come on. Who dog is that in here? Who dog is that? Now? Get nothing ain't want in your apartment? Do you watching TV? Baby walking back? Hey? Hey, what's happening? Man? I saw you do? Yeah? Can I get a couple of sugar? I saw your dog? Where all these birds come from? Oh? Man? Up next Today's Strawberry letters? You're listening string show. Well, it's time now for today's strawberry letter. And if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting, or whatever else you going through, submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey Film dot com and click the Submitch drump every letter button. And since h Charley's not here, Steve gonna reek letter and he don't want no introduction, go ahead him All right? Here we go. Subject the side pieces with trust issues. This Stephen Sheryl. I'm a thirty two year old female currently dating the thirty five year old male. We've known each other for years. When he was married, I was his side piece. When he got divorced, I married and he was my side piece. I got divorced and we decided it was time to stop playing games and become a couple. We got together and made it official four months ago. He is everything I ever wanted in a man, but he has some trust issues. He can ain't stopped going back to how we met and how easily we began messing with each other. He seems to forget that he was married and sleeping with me, which means he's no good just like me. But there's the nasty double standard for women who cheat. Because of his trust issues. He hasn't had sex with me for the past week, and it's saying he has to work out some things in his head. It's not me, it's him. I don't think he's cheating because we spend every night together and we work out together. We both have a high sex drive, so he's making himself miserable by not having sex with me. I wondered if he's playing games to see if I would cheat on him. Those days are long gone, and because of this new coronavirus, I would not be out meeting random men like I met him. I want our relationship to work, and I've told him that we both are cheaters, and we'll have to trust each other. How can I get through to him? Please? Advibes going on? Right, all right, looky, looky, looky, when you were with your man, or you were married, you were his side piece when he was married and he got a divorce, and you were married and you were his side piece and he was your side piece. Then you got a divorce and now you all have been kicking it as a couple for about four months. But you say he has some trust issues and you all haven't been sleeping together, and he said he had to work some things out in his head. And that's usually a line that a cheater says when they're ready to break up with you. It's not you, it's me, you know, and all that kind of stuff. Anyway, you have to admit that you know now that you all are together, and he's thinking that you might cheat on him, Well you can't say that that's not possible based on your past. You know that he's having these feelings. And you also went on to say, and I agree with you, it's a double standard with women. When they cheat, then when men cheat. And if men cheat, then he's a player. If women cheat, then she is a you know what. So I guess for you in this relationship, patience is the key, my friend, because either he's going to get over it or you all will go your separate ways. And you have to actions earn trust, not words, because he doesn't trust you, so actions earn trust. But I'm just gonna keep it one hundred with you. I don't think he can get over it. I don't think he can get over who you are, how you all got together, your past and the cheating and all that. Because he's tripping already and you guys been together four months. So I really don't think it's gonna work. I don't think he can get over it. See all right, the name of this letter is the side Pieces we trust issues. I don't normally like to start at the bottom of the letter, but I got to go to the bottom of the letter because this letter right here, we can sum this up. Here's the bottom of the letter. This is why side pieces have trust issues. Let's go to the bottom of letters. I have told him that we both are cheatahs and we'll have to trust one another. Lady, what did you hear yourself? I told him we are both cheatahs and we have got to trust each other. Why how Yeah it came from your mouth. We are both cheaters, not reformed cheaters. Not we were once cheaters. He was married, you was his side piece. He got a divorce. You got married. He was your side piece. You got a divorce. Y'all can't stay with no damn? Sound like? And now y'all a mess around? It got together again? What once again? Y'all can't stay with no damn what i'dn't told him? We are cheatahs? We have got to trust each other. What I'm a cheater, You're a Cheatah, Baby, we got to trust each other. Did you do you hear this letter? This? This is so damn ridiculous. So, lady, when I come back, I'm gonna this is doomed. It's doomed. Yeah, And I'll just tell you why when we come back. I don't know why we're reading this letter. Side pieces with trust trusts, you're gonna drop the knowledge, You're gonna letter. We're gonna have part two. Steves response at twenty three after the hour, because the lady is dude, these side pieces got trust issues out here law in COVID. You're listening, all right? Uh, let's recap todate strawberry letters subjects the side pieces with trust issues. Come on, Steve, this letter right here screams at me stupidity, side pieces with trust issues. And I started at the bottom of the land. I'm going reiterate. This is what the lady said. I told him we both are cheatahs, and we're gonna have to trust each other. Now what you're tripping forward, we both cheat us. Let's trust each other now. Thirty two year old dating a thirty five year old man. He was married. While he was married, she was his side piece. He got a divorce. She got married while she was married. He was her side piece. Now they didn't got together after realizing they can't stay with no damn body cause of each other. That they said, why don't we get together and have a couple relationship with each other? Four months ago? Nan that here, let me show you this other part. He's everything I've wanted in the man. He's everything I've wanted in the man. I have looked hind and though for a man who would getting married and then find another woman to sleep with, somebody such as myself, and then he get a divorce, allowed me to marry somebody else and then I got him as my side piece. It's everything ever wanted in the man. This is what she's saying out of her mouth. He seems to forget that he was married and sleeping with me, which means he's no good just like me. Tell trick, it means he's no good just like me. Why the hell we can't gone and have this relationship and trust each other? We both cheatings, right, man, he ain't no good just like me. But then that's a double standard. Now, I ain't no double standard. Everybody in the letter funking. There's no one in this letter right. You ain't right here. These ain't double standards. These is no standards. He can't be true to nobody. You can't be true to nobody. Now you want him to be true to you when you just said you ain't no good? He ain't no good. And at the end of the letter, we both cheatahs. We got to trust each other down like two cheatahs. Can't trust each other? My god, I know, yeah, I know what she's trying. You shut up. We both know the rules. Who wouldn't a hell? Who can't see how this can work? Let me go with this again. Yeah, you ain't no good? And I ain't no good. We both cheat us. Yeah. True. So if we're in a relationship and you ain't no good and I ain't no good and we both cheat us, what is you tripping for? You just gotta trust. We have to trust each other. We listen to me. We belong together to no good. Ask people who couldn't be true to nobody day was married to have now found a way to get together after each one of them to divorce, after being each other side piece. Now we're together and we can't make it. I'm a palled ken. What is Timmy talking about? Tommy, Timmy, don't this, Timmy, don't Timmy don't know how this work. There are some number twos with number one. Potentially you understand what I'm saying. There's a possibility he doesn't do these number twos. It is cheatahs and no good people according to both of them, right, and I get it on what it is the number twos? And they have not transformed to knowing that their number one. It's just a transformation, Tommy, Tommy, they never wanted to be number one. Yeah, they fine with being side pieces. Um tell tell nephew Tommy, how much pressure in that relationship with the phone rang? Boy, how many people jump across the room. They've been living together, right, they get it? They get a landline put in the house. Don't do that. They're sitting up in there, they eating dinner. Landline seeved that phone rang, and both of them jerk and look at each other. You're gonna get that. You're gonna get that. That for you, that for me? Do you think who you think that? Who you think it is? You're gonna get it. You you get the phone I got, I got new TV put in. I saw a number pop up on that screen more time I was eating my Jenner Almost students play did this man? Boy? It'll make you snatch a flash screen off the wall of telling oh Man. Pieces of trust issues. Post your comments on today's Strawberry. Let us Steve on Instagram and Facebook. Let them podcast on the Mad Are you doing? How you doing? Coming up in forty six after the hour, we'll tell you about the w and based social justice campaign. Right after this, Savvy's we Trusted Law. You're listening to? Okay, we're bet Carla, the w NBAUM is starting a social justice campaign. What's this all about? Well, the w NBA players will wear the names of Sandra Bland, Vanessa Gulian, and Brianna Taylor on their uniforms to honor women lost to racial violence. Yeah. The league announced that they would kick off their season in late July with a tournament in Florida. The players are going to honor women where jerseys and on the front of the jersey. Jerseys will have Black Lives Matter on the front and say her name on the back. But check this out. This is according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution newspaper. US Senator Kelly Luffler, who is a part owner of the Atlanta Dream w NBA team. She has objected to the w NBA's plan to honor Black Lives Matter movement, saying that it is subscribing to a particular political agenda and undermines the potential of the sport and sends a message of exclusion. Now, the players and the union said enough and they want the NBA to remove Kelly Luffler as part owner of the Atlanta Dream. Yeah, you are about to lose your job. What what what you are about to lose? You have to buy tickets to get in here. How can you be against this? In the league where the majority of the players are African America. And here's here's the real story up under that they said because they've politicized it. See the statement that she made. She read her statement again, Carlin, Okay, you as Senator Kelly Luffler. She says that she objected to the WNBA's plan to honor Black Lives Matter, saying that it is subscribing to a political agenda right there, political agenda right See, it goes against when she says a political agenda, that's saying it's going against what Donald Trump is saying. Yeah. See, Black Lives Matter is not a political agenda. It's an agenda about human rights. That's not political. That's morally the way people want to be treated as human beings, and we shouldn't have to pass laws for that. It's supposed to see, according to the Constitution, which says, if you're an American citizen, you have the inalienable right to the pursuit of happiness. That's supposed to be your god given right for being born in this country. But it's not given to everybody. We can't pursue happiness. We can't play our music, we can't we can't sleep in our car we can't. We can't use our cell phone, we can't sell a cigarette. We can't, we can't, we can't. There you go up? Hey, can we keep this going? Man? We want to come back at the top of the I want to talk some more about this. Is that car cool? Yeah, let's do that. You're listening. Okay? What was you saying? Man? Go ahead, Broye. That was see listen man. This woman who's a part owner of the NBA of the w NBA t Atlanta Dream, her name is Senator Kelly Luffler, who has decided that since these sisters black and white, want to wear these women's names on their jersey, who would lost their lives to police brutality or whatever the reason, and are showing support for that and want you to say their names. She's saying this represents a political agenda. No, it doesn't. It's nothing to do with politics. It has to do with the moral issue, a constitutional issue for our right to the pursuit of happiness, for our right as Americans to live in this country the way we choose to. That's what this is about. It's moral, it's not political. But what this woman is is she wants to say You're not doing that because I own the team. You are a part owner of a team. You are not the owner of a plantation. The w NBA team is called the Atlanta Dream. The Atlanta Dream is not a plantation. It's a team. You don't own these women. You can't tell these women what to say, what to think, what to feel. These women do not play basketball for free. They get a check because they are American citizens. Whole by right has the right to protest in your constitution, which says the freedom of speech as long as what they ain't speaking something you want to hear. See, that's not what freedom of speech is. You are a team owner. You ain't a people owner. This ain't a plantation. This is a team. And see that's what they keep screaming about. What is this racism that's systematic? What is this thing that keeps continuing down this road that has racism in it that everybody wants to ignore? So now I just think it's a political agenda or why? Because it counteracts what the conservative Republican leader Donald Trump says. I don't think that's what all conservatives feel, but I you know for a fact that it is what the conservative leader Donald Trump feels because he feels like NASCAR should be ashamed of themselves for for for rebuking the Confederate flag and Black Lives Matter is a hate group and there are good people on both sides sides. How can you white supremacy preachers hate and you're a good person. I'm sorry, no, no, they're not good people. And you can say that all you want, and I'm not gonna let you get away with it. It just keep saying it because that's what you want to say, like that's the norm. That's not really the norm. So I'm proud of the Atlanta Dream, I'm proud of the w NBA, all those women for taking stairs and not guess what they said. They file in position to make you no longer an owner of a team. See, you can't open your mouth no more and make ignorant races, statements and get away with unless you the president. You tweeting out a tweet with a man on the golf car saying white power. It lasts three hours because you was at Marlago playing golf and they couldn't get you on the phone. And then when they finally did, you took it down and your excuse was I didn't hear him save white power. That's not true. You put it up because he said white power out of his mouth. Yeah, everybody heard kids heard it, everybody heard it. Yeah, you heard it. That's why you posted it. Yeah, what made you retweet it? What did he say exactly exactly? To retweet it? You had, first of all retweet me hello. Yeah, well man, you're you're not going to be the president. And after November partner Kelly Luffler, she's a senator, she's running for election in November. Come on, Georgia, do what you got to do. Yeah, you lost your team and your job. Get the stand about the stories to set at twenty minutes after the hour you're listening. Welcome back everybody, Uncle Steve. You know what? Was she wanting to say something about Trump's niece Mary L. Trump. Mary L. Trump, the one with the most sense in the family, Trump Trumps flying off. She said, Donald Trump pays somebody to take the SAT. I perked up. I perked up right away. If I had flashback, Yeah, that was a dude back in the day that would take your SAT pot hundred and fifty dollar really yeah, yeah, I couldn't had one fifty I showed need to him taken. Okay, anyway, college admission scandal, Yeah, I'd have been all up in that. Goodness, Well did you marry el Trump? Her new book about her uncle in the family. It's called Too Much and Never Enough, How My family created the World's most Dangerous man. She is revealing some stuff about the Trump family and left the book lead. It's all true, Seth. When Hannity and Tucker Carson Man, Tucker Carson Man, have you seen the sponsors that's pulling off of his show? Wow? Oh they're pulling off Tucker Carson, We come back. We should talk about that. Okay, Tucker Carson Show. Yeah, they pull it into a Fox You can't you can't say nothing no more. Now you are about to lose your shot. Get this, dance to this. They losing them everywhere left and right. Job loss over here, job loss over there. We'll be back to thirty three minutes after the iur more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show heard everybody? Were we all love Uncle Steve's relationship advice? So now it's time for ask to see l oh call, let's go call. All right, here we go, fellas This one is for you, Steve. This is from Anonymous in Oklahoma. Anonymous in Oklahoma. She says, I've been married for ten years and my husband is a wonderful man, but I've had a secret penpal for many years. An old friend from high school has been in prison for as long as I've been married, and we've been writing to each other for nine years. Hush, Junior. He went to jail for selling drugs, so he's not doing hard time. The letters come to my office. So my husband has no idea. He's getting released at the end of the year, and I can't wait to kiss all over him and make sweet love to him. He wants me to get out of my marriage so we can be together. I think I should wait to see how things play out when he's released. What do you think? You are? You are? You? Are? You? Seriously? Man? It's this it's this slatter for real. You've had a secret penpal being tied, you've been married ten years, You had a secret penpal that you've been in prison for nine years? Correct? Then you say he isn't there for selling drugs, so he ain't doing hard time. Where is easy time in prison? Years? The hell you mean? He ain't doing hard time where it is easy time in prison. So y'all, y'all been writing each other's for nine years, so you've been living in this fantasy world for nine years. You can't wait to kiss all over him and make sweet Look he can't wait either. But now you're fitting the throw your marriage out the window. Yes on a person. Now, look, when people get out of prison, they deserve second chance. I got that right, I got all that that, so that it's a lot of good people gonna get out of prison deserve a chance. So please don't let's understand what I'm about to say. But you're fitting to have a dude moving you, your husband working, Yeah, you're fitting to leave your husband who's working for a man who probably can't get a job right off. R gonna be totally dependent. And when y'all get through making sweet love, you're gonna find out some things that he learned in prison that you ain't gonna understand. Yeah, like what line up against the wall? Lights up? Lights out? You don't risk your marriage. But it's fantasy. You got anybody can write a great letter. He got time. Oh oh he's a poet now, oh hell yeah, he's a poet. But now let me explain something to you. Now, when he gets out, now, he gonna be making up for lost time. Oh, he gonna need you for a place to stay in someone. But he gonna be looking around when he get out. Now, yeah, all right, it's the last break of the day. Coming up next, it's the last break up the day. We're gonna have Steve close remarks at forty nine minutes after the hour you're listening. That's the last break of the day. Everybody was a great show. Yeah, interesting Wednesday, White Man and Everything, the play The White Man, White Lady might lose her job in Yeah, y'all, yeah, yeah, you know something, man, let me let me. I gotta get this book from Mary ill Trump. Yeah yeah, you already believe everything. Me too. But you know what, y'all listen to this book a notebook. Go ahead. The President's gonna try to block the publishing on the book anyway. So here's my remarks. I have decided to no longer try not to act surprised by the actions of this president. And I'm gonna tell you why I decided to no longer try to act surprised because I refuse to accept this as the norm. I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna let him make all these lies and this racial rhetoric and this bigotry and supporting white supremacs and have all these militia groups and hate groups think that they got a man in the White House and I'm gonna sit here and act like it's the norm and it's okay, because I'm not going to do that. I'm going to continue to speak up about it. I'm going to continue to be shocked and appalled at what he's doing insane, and I'm gonna continue to be amazed at the sheer number of people who are going along with this. This is a very, very trying time we're going through. Twenty twenty. Open up with some devastating news, man, I mean, KOVID. A loss of Kobe Bryant shook and rock the world, especially for so many people. Stewart was iconic, and after that it just started trickling and trickling, trickling. You doubled that down with this COVID and now all of a sudden, Man, the COVID is here, Kobe's gone, and now we're sitting at home watching them murder two black men. On tape on tape, and so everybody had a chance to see it. Not one time during this entire time that the President of this United States say one word to calm the unrest. Not one time did he speak up on behalf of those black men, not with any significant meaning. You know, the condolesist go out to the George Floyd family. So he called his brother, George Floyd's brother, and it was all because they told him it was the thing to do, and even his brother felt like it was a really sincere phone call. But right after that, his actions didn't reflect a sincere phone call at all, because now all of a sudden, man he backs every police officer, seeing every police officer doesn't deserve back, Every police officer doesn't deserve slamming, every police officer doesn't deserve to be bashed, but certainly all of them don't deserve to be praised because it has continued even after that, there's still brutality against black people. He has said nothing to make the oppressed and the down trott and feel better. Then he turns around and he keeps on digging a knife in. He gets mad at nas call for banning the Confederate flag. Then When forced to ask about it, he says he doesn't have a position on it. Now he's got this brand new press press secretary, this new lady who won't be there long because she's gonna leave like all the rest of them. Because it's just when you have to lie every single day, and now people are up in your social media feed calling you a lie and everything, you have to deal with that, and so far a bunch of people have had to let that go. I'm not going to let this man just lie to me every day and act like it's the norm. It's not, y'all. And let me tell you something, how big black lives really do matter. We're gonna show how much our lives matter. We're gonna show it at the polls. Black people, if you go and vote, you will send a message that they've never seen before. I'm telling you, man. Somebody sent out a thing about how many African Americans didn't vote into in Michigan, in Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania, and in Georgia and another state. It was over a million people in some of these states where two hundred and some thousand blacks didn't vote. He won the election by thirty thousand, sixty thousand, three hundred thousand, didn't vote one of bout sixty thousand, so forth and so on. Had we voted, we wouldn't be in this position today. So in November, I want to send a message to Washington, d C. I want to send a message to every Senator, to every congress person, to every judge, to every city official that black lives matter so much because they vote matters as much if we vote. Why do you think people that everybody touts and and covets the black vote. Biden whole campaign was in trouble, and to Claiborne rescued him in the Carolinas, rescued him. If them blacks having to showed up in the Carolinas, Man Joe Biden was in trouble, and he knew it, and he knows it, and they all just get just enough to get by them. Days is done. We're going to the polls in November. We're going to remove Donald Trump. We're going to the polls in November, and we're gonna remove these senators like this lady down in Atlanta who thinks that that that that that they shouldn't have the right to wear these black women's names on their shirt because it's a political statement. Now, the political statement gonna get made in November. You're gonna be out of work with Donald Trump. I'm gonna get everybody I know to them polls. That's how black lives mattered in How bad for all? Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.