Gun Control Debate, Steve Harvey's Roach Story, KFC and more.

Published Feb 21, 2018, 10:06 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show crew discuss the gun control debate, Steve Harvey's hilarious roach story, why KFC is closing overseas and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them b like theming buck buck things in its tub, y'all do me true good to Steve Harya to move to other for sto quickly to hobby, We don't you join yeah hobby joint being me, honey said, do you to turn yeah? Do you run out? You gotta turn you to turnhout turns to you lovey got to turn out to turn water water go comy, Come on your things? Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, nothing changes about that. Nothing changes about that. Man. I was just so getting ready to come on air this morning, and I was just thinking, man, I was just having a reflective moment of just how really good God has been to me. I just it's it's it's man. Let me just say that again, how really good God has been to me. And here's a cold part. In spite of myself, you understand, in spite of all my shortcomings, in spite of all of my flaws, and and and and and and in spite of all of what anybody has said about me, yea God, through his grace and mercy, just keeps me anyway as always. You know I was. I get taught things by people who know a whole lot more than I do. And Bishop TV Jakes is one of my favorite teachers. He's just one of my favorite people. He happens to be a friend of mine too. I mean, he's always there for me when I don't have anywhere else to turn, you know what I mean? He said, he was talking about the thing that he was calling exceptionalism, and what it was all about was so many of us are exceptional people, but we refuse to just go ahead and be exceptional. We we settle for the ordinary. We followed the pack. We try to fit in. Man, oh man, oh man. You know, I've heard my wife say this to my children all the time when she was scolding and talk it to him. She'd be talking to him about leadership. You know, why are you following everybody when God clearly made you to lead? You know, she talks to him about that all the time. So many of us are born, and so many of you are born to be exceptional people, but we always trying to follow the pack, always trying to be a follower, always trying to fit in, when clearly you were born to be exceptional. And one of the things he was talking about. I'm paraphrasing all this now because I gotta get it into the way that I can tell it to you. Because he's such a gifted speaker man, that's he has, He's at another level. So I'm trying to paraphrases to get you to wordes where you can understand this. Why would you try to fit in? Why would you try to be uh like everybody else be ordinary? Why would you follow the pack when God has created you to be exceptional? You know that the key word in exceptional is except you. Ever you ever done this right here? You know, everybody did that except me. Everybody felt that way except me. Everybody said that except me. Everybody won't wanted that except me. Everybody went over that except me. Everybody jumped in except me except me. See why have you saying that in your life if you were not to be exceptional? See you got to say everybody except me at one point in you two, I don't know who ain't done it. You know everybody wanted everybody voted no except me. See, so you're you're not You're not created to follow the pack. You ain't created to fit in. You ain't created to, uh, you know, to be ordinary. You were created to be exceptional, as exceptional as your fingerprint on your finger is. You were created to be exceptional. Why not make this the year that you go head on and be exceptional? Why won't this be the year that you decide in your mind? But just has to be a decision that we make. Now we're not following the pack no more. We're not trying to fit in no more. We ain't settling for ordinary no more. We're gonna be exceptional. But you know, you got you got to go ahead and follow that. You got to get on the exceptional path because that's what you were created for. Why be ordinary? You know? But all of this, this comes to it has to start with a thought. You got to first think something thought to become things. A man is as he thinketh that's all you will ever be. So what are your thoughts today? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of ordinary thoughts? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of fitting me in thoughts? So why you want to be like everybody else. Why you want to be ordinary when you could possibly be extraordinary with a change of your mind, a change of your venue, And you don't have to be any other kind of way just because my mama was this way, my daddy was this way, or this the school I went to? This? What race I belong to? This is my sexual preference, this is my this, this is my dad one? Why? How many? How many? How many excuses you need? I'm an excuse? What? What? What? What? You? What's it gonna be this year that we let another three hundred and sixty five days slipped by without improving our condition, our place, our spot, our life, the quality of life we have. We cannot afford to keep letting all these years go by without changing. You're an exceptional person. How many times have you set up and said, everybody did that except me? You know I was only everybody jumped in accept me. I told him I knew it. Everybody voted for that, accept me, And now look at it, man, it seemed like everybody went that way except me. Okay, do you get it? Do? Do? Do you understand what's being said to you that don't accept me is because couldn't it be because you're an exceptional person, and it's time for you to take control of that. It's time for you to start thinking different. It's time for you to start acting on what you think. It's time for you to start doing something about it. It's time for you to stop taking each and every day that God gives us for granted and letting them go by the wayside. Like you got plenty more. Well, you may have plenty of more, but guess what what you're wasting the ones you got for I got you young, and you and you feel like you're gonna live forever. Okay, cool, But let me ask you something. See here here, here go the part about suppose you do live? See see everybody willing about dying. But I got news for you. Suppose you keep on living. You want to keep living in the condition you in now. You want to keep living with the money you got now. You want to keep living with the relationship you got now. You want to keep living by yourself like you are now. You want to keep wanting the right relationship, the right man and the right woman, but you keep getting the wrong one. You want to keep doing that for the rest of your life. Problem ain't dying. It's problems if you keep on living. Who wants to keep on living just the way they are right now? And if you could say I'm cool, what I am? Just the way I am right now in cool, this conversation ain't for you. I ain't got no problem with that, you know, you know what I say. Greatness ain't for everybody. Being exceptional ain't for everybody. Becoming extraordinary ain't for everybody. Heck, becoming successful ain't for everybody. I got it. And you can come up with a way to justify your non existence and your ordinary in life all you want, and that's finding dandy. I ain't got no problem with it. Because some people just gonna be regular. Some people just gonna follow the pack, follow the crowd. Some people just wants to fit in. But if you're not that person, if you want to be extraordinary, if you want to be exceptional, if you want to be if you want to dad to be great at something, and you got to change your mind set. You got to get with your creat and find out what he created you fault. You gotta quit thinking of things just in your own thought process, you know, lean not to your own understanding. I don't know where that is, but it's in there somewhere. Seeing. Once you lean, if you lean to your own understanding, you know what it's gonna do. It's gonna limit you, man, it's gonna limit you. Why not see what God God for you. I would rather know what God got for me than to think of all the things I could because I can't out think him out and tried it before. All right, it's just the beginning. We're gonna have a good one. Man. Let's go show uh, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls and people from all over this world. Diel Morty is Steve Almi short. It's crazy. It's crazy. It's just crazy. It's all over you. Just just what it is. It's just crazy. You're crazy and it's crazy. You you what I'm saying. Crazy And that wasn't happening right now. It's just crazy, just crazy, crazy, crazy Crepy. We know what it is? Crazy? What is it? Steve, crazy man? This new cag to be bored right now, Crazy man, Suer hero, black Primer and crazy man. So this morning what I want to start to do? Hello Jilly, Hello, crazy man? Was a baby? Call that man? Crazy? Crazy man? Look well look Jay having it. Ain't crazy man? What crazy? Going after sode watching crazy? He? How did you get this crazy? You know? I was just I was playing basketball one day when I was a baby and somebody threw a brand I wasn't looking at the ball but me damn the face and when I got up, yall crazy there. How many times a day do you hear that he's crazy? Whoa you count the crazy count? Leave at eight times at any time, and you only right out and get through talking right after that. Soon as I get through, I got a question, crazy man? What you got called? Who do you think it's crazy? Who else do you think it's crazy? I think don im crazy? Crazy man? Crazy man? Club shot. Ain't that media makes sense? Right there? Crazy my board right now now that my boy be crazy to be tweeting, damn boy, nothing man crazy trying to come away to say somebody kids, he's gonna tweet about their damn kids. In a minute. You're gonna find it crazy as soon they about the kids. I read my case. What was the craziest thing you saw this past weekend? All Star Game? Anything I saw that we get All Star Game past week Let's see the crazy? Oh I saw a strip of video. What I just saw some striples having proud turn it long before they went out start dressed. That crazy wore that crate? I sound that crazy crazy? That's crazy Heaven your father God. They need new tea, they need a new moody. What do I need a new wig? What do I need? The best step at into her sick kids? Crazy one? I was cussing through the whole prop. Wait a minute, pretty crazy? Oh that crazy crazy thing? Hey, hey, what do you check the crazy? How are you gonna be a striple and cuss? Why are you praying? All right? Crazy man? Hang on. I don't know if you're gonna be this all morning or not, but any don't know how long we did. We don't one crawler, so you know you cut it on. We'll be back with more crazy crazy after you're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, here we go with something funny. Special guests. Crazy man still in the building. This is a story about marriage. Though um signs a marriage is doomed according this is according now Jay to wedding photographers. Okay, there's no doubt wedding photographers have seen it. All right, we all hired wedding photographers was that the police? Yeah, you called the police, sirens and stuff, all right. Anyway, Wedding photographers have seen it all, and since they spend a lot of time getting to know a couple before a big day, many can see the signs of a doomed relationship even before the IDEs, even before they're even said okay. Wedding photographers have shared the red flags that tell them a couple maybe headed for divorce. Red flags include here we go, a partner who's completely uninterested in taking the pictures in the first place, could be already marriage. A couple who doesn't spend any time together at a reception. All right, that's another second. That's another reds with her family, he's with his family. You know how it goes. Yeah, here's another one. And couples who aren't on the same page over money. That's definitely a red flags, man. All right. Here's another issue. If a couple has between a twenty and twenty five percent rejection rate plus in fighting amongst the wedding party. Wow, yeah, and other people said that he's not good for you and she's not good for you. Your friends said you shouldn't beat it with and a couple of couple who makes you know, like little tiny little bit he subtle digs at each other throughout the web. Not that when we had stuff like that. You're an expert at fixed for don't get that. I don't think you're gonna be to get in that dressed to be which thank you, Daddy'll be at les so and seems here of course we want you to chime man, it's your time and when you get through. Yeah, okay, well I'm just about through. But I do have a question to ask you. Did you guys have any doubts? Did you see any red flags? Yeah? Got married the best son ever ever, and I didn't list my daughter said to me. She said to me, Daddy, you ain't got to go through with us. We can just have a party and lead I have the reception, but not to win. Another friend of match, Stephanie said, this was my how many times you've been married? Which one? Stephanie? Yeah? About for step you're coming to my wed Stefanie said, and I repeat, now, dog, I catch the next one like it's a movie a flight. Yeah, I'll catch the next one. No, No, I have a short list of things that I have discovered that can happen during the wedding day or reading up to that. We'll let you know the same thing. The work come on from the winding photographer perspective. If at no point do they want to whold hands for pictures. Here's another sign at the wind. If it ain't but one person on top of the cake, what kind of make a cake like that? Yeah? Just a bride or just the groove. What I'm saying, don't you know you gotta put me up, put me up on it. And here's the biggest way you could tell this. This this weird and ain't gonna last. If at the reception, ain't no gifts on the table, that's what people just said. I'm not fitting my money. This ain't somebody says, so what day is that again? Getting married? I'm gonna try to be there. I guess my favorite one was if you're taking digs like yeah, but God doesn't your side all the time? Thank you, thank you mine, take a breath, mint before you don't even like each other? Through with this a little through the groom, she coming down, then you up there and this is what you turn around your best man to say every time. Yeah, I don't know if y'all know this about music, but this is the absolute truth. Taps and the wedding song. Taps and the wedding songs are in the same key. I rest my kids so horrible Jay, but Jay is the expert wedding song, same key. Okay, you meet a lovely, beautiful woman. You meet a beautiful woman, you like her a whole lot. The relationship is growing. It's about that time you know that the next step is marriage. What do you do? Didn't Steve tell you to stop doing this several times day? It's life and every like every month, you do it again. He said, I didn't try something new, Steve, you got that for sure. For sure, he ain't heard. He's so unmoved by this. Hear it all right, because he felt that way about all they is a good doing the relationship, but it gets bad after the wind. It's a good doing the relationship. Coming up right after this, Sun tapped with a prank phone call. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about uh students, They're gonna hold a lie in. And they held a lie in at the White House, I should say, as a Trunck tweeted about Obama over Russia and Mr and will be here every day having a Twitter tantrum, and you know what, and because he's president, these are official. This is official, This is history these tweets, because this is all we have to go by. I believe that these kids are going to change things. I believe for the first time. And see, they're young enough and smart enough and tech savvy in information. Is that their fingertips. See they can get educated. You know, they gotta wait on their mom and them to give them the information. And he came out and so no, no, see, so what you're going to do is you gotta run into a young person who doesn't have an arterior motive because oh, they to do is live that ain't nobody paying them no money yet now they ain't got hipped to the n I A. And now they're doing it. And I'm telling you, man, it's causing parents to have to listen to their children because when your children out here going look, I just want to live. I want to be protective. Like that one sign that was up with the little kid in the swing and it said and it had a child in the swing under the scope of a rightful A scope was aiming at this child and a cartoon and and and and and the sign said guns don't die, children do. And you know these kids right here are angry and they know that their parents is b s and them because a lot of the parents had the attitude, don't make any fuss, keep it low. See kids don't have that. They're gonna start the movie and people rights movement. We'll have a lot to do with kids being arrested and standing up people. That's right there. It was because of the civil rights movements. Students were huge part. And these gun laws I believe will change because these kids are involved. Because now what the kids have done is they flipped the narrative. So you're not gonna give us the narrative, and they're not gonna know. Our friends are dying and you won't do anything about it, and we feel unsafe. All right, our friends die, your friends get rich. That's gonna work. Yeah, So ms Anna's coming up with our national news too. And right now it's time for you, Tommy to run that brankback. It is your drunk husband running rending your drunk husband. Hello, Okay, I got your phone. I'll give your wife a call. Hello, right right now, you're inriatd sir, okay, right now to be taking you in, but I'm not gonna do that. You let me if I'm able to come and pick you up, I'll let her come get you. Fry all I'm trying. It's gonna Officer Brian's gonna put you in his squad car. I'm gonna call your wife. I've got the phone, dolling now all right, okay, Hello? Hello? Who is hello? Whom? I? Who am I fushing with? Please? Who is this? This is Officer Daniels after Daniel you just called from. This is my husband number? Who is who is out for Dan? I am Officer Daniels. Ma'am he your husband's actually being pulled over and he's been uh actually he's in another officer's car. He's he's a little bit of knebri add here and we're trying to see about getting him picked up. I'm trying my best not to take him in today, so I'm trying to be a good Samaritan. I'm trying to get someone to come and pick him up. Hold on, hold on, hold on, back up, back up, you got my husband. Uh, what I got here on the driver's licenses, Kenny, Kenny, and he's with you now is actually an office Brian's squad car right now. So he was actually uh bobbing and weaving out on the road and we pulled him over. He's not creating any problems. The young lady wasn't creating any problems. So what we're trying, what we're trying to do is get somebody to come and pick him up. You don't help my hu because my husband has had worked so he can't be in. No officer ran in your car and did you say tim again? Did you say somebody's with Kenneth? That was a young lady in the car. Man, we're actually letting her go because she's not inebriated. Uh from the look though at somebody, she's calling somebody to pick her up now. Man, No, I can't believe it. Kenny, And I know that during this song gotten a back in my car. That's my car, And you said that he had till me this officer tell me this look at that and telling what she'd looked like. If that'd not be there, that'd not be the one I think you have no idea. Excuse me, ma'am. I creas you're learned about it cause he's supposed to be working. I'm sorry, Jasmine, okay, you're Josue. Okay, no, just there. We'll talk to your moment. Yeah, her name is Jasper. I'm not sure, but keep on, keep keeping yeah, holding that time I get there. I'm on my way. I'm on my way right now. Hey, Bridget, I want you to watch these children from the time I get back. I'm going to see if I can give me a rat up to the truck stop and I'll be back in a minute. Hello. Yeah, Hello, I'm here. Yeah, I'm here. I'm here. Okay, man, listen, I can't. I can't stay here too much longer. I can, I can say, and maybe another fifteen twenty minutes. Somebody come to get the car, but I gotta keep moving here. I'm just trying to do it for an I'm on my way. I'm all my way, I'm all my way. I got my purse in my hand. I'm all my way to that stop. Please don't take that, don't where because I got something for his And when I get there, I hope like hell and they they's been calling to with me all to the nice leave for the attack. Get there because I got some things that I need to take care of. This thing. Don't move the squad car to I get there. I'm a wait right now, right now, I have to be there in a minute. Well, that took my time picked up there. To date, we don't had arguments over this. It better not do that. It's better not. I bet you. If bet not be here, it's better not be here. I'm all my way. I'll be there in a minute. I be there. Keep that I get them. Okay, here's a god that was Wick Kenny. Let me close not and she can hear me better? Man. Uh, there was another gentleman that was in the back seat of the car that was riding with Kenny and the young lady. I don't give it no other riding with Kenny. You just make sure he's there when I get there. Okay, okay, Now do you know who this other gentleman? Do you know? Uh? Nephew toime me. I don't care, but I know if you Netphew Tommy. Nephew Tommy said to you, this is Nephew telling me from the Steve wave and morning's your baby. Your husban. Kenny got me to pray folk call you man, who got you? Got you? Ain't kidding because just gonna happen to kennyfew time to go down to bank head in two eight and when he gets home, he's still on, Oh my god you are Oh my god. Now I'm gonna check what you at times. Oh man, he told me, he said, Man, my wife don't play. He said, come man to pray my wife. You aren't. I'm dood Tom, I'm doing. I'm doing what Korea though he did. Were didn't work? Here? Your call at work? Better at work? Hey, baby? Tell me what's the baddest radio show in the land, Steve how Show? I don't know. All right, we'll have more of today's national news at the top of the hour, Miss, and will be here with our news right after this. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right. You got everybody I think is probably asking themselves this question, or a lot of people. I'll just say, what is wrong with President Trump? Do you mean? I don't think he's crazy at all. He's just hard being. He's never had to be um sensitive to anybody about anything. I think, if anything, I think if counsel would have got cued doing Obama. Peter brought that back. Peter brought that And have you guys heard this? Um, A lot of people say, you guys, sho'll respect the office of the president. That's not the issue. We respect the office here, he doesn't rest. He's a deal. He has to respect. Yeah, he has to live up to the office of President of the United States and start acting presidential. He will never change. He can't. He's a seventy one year old rich guy. He's not going to change. This is who he is. But the people who defend him are the ones that's really really dangerous too, because his base fuels him, and he plays to the base. And as soon as he gets tired of y'all talking about him, he does like no other president has ever done. He go holds a rally somewhere to the base, at the base and they cheer for him. Is that right? Right? Am? I? Right am? I right am? I right? I mean look at the president stated Union address. Yeah. Have you ever seen a president applaud for themselves ever? Whole speech? Clapping? I got? I mean it was loud, am I right am? I right? Look at me? Is that right. I mean, you know, these guys won't even stands. It's treat called treason. The other sign, the true sign. And when you don't know what you're saying, and when you bring somebody else up to the mike, when you know, when you run out of stuff to say, come on, come on, come on, come on, it's just that's what's wrong. You don't have a man. He didn't think he would win. The Republican Party didn't think he'd win. But I'm so concerned that the Democrats right now are on track to repeat the mistake that they mean because the Democrats, all they're doing is knocking down everything he does. They're spending so much time hating everything about him, something that they're not. They're not preparing a candidate. Right. We should know right now who's going and they should be at have five top candidates now. If it's gonna be Joe Biden, we need to start looking at this now. If it's gonna be somebody else, we need to start looking at it, and we need to start putting them at the forefront of some of these issues to counter this guy, because that's how suld they possibly be getting ready. Stephen, we just don't know what though. They need to be ready to vote and learn. Now do you keep a secret nowadays with people with the media and leaking it. I just want to hope they prep it. That's all they're doing. They're not doing anything. And we're registering people to vote to vote for because we do something, he will win again. We will win again. That would be the greatest travisty, travesty of this country. Yeah. You know what's gonna help us, these kids, the kids that get out and vote. Oh yeah, that's what's gonna help the kids and women. The bulk majority of those kids are not eighteen. Yeah, that's true. And well they might be by the Steve Yeah, true statement. But now listen to this. They made a profound statement. Guess what you have to be twenty one to buy a drink, but you could be nineteen and buy rifle. Yeah. Yeah, something's wrong with all right, miss here ms ms Andrew ch everybody, This is and trip with the news. Okay. President Trump holds a listening session at the White House this afternoon for people affected by gun violence. Is going to be meeting with teachers, parents, and students, including people from South Florida. Of course, but also they say people impacted by Columbine and Sandy Hook mass murders, they're all going to be in Washington this afternoon. The present meets with police officers tomorrow on the issue. Meanwhile, Trump says he's asking the Justice Department to come up with an official ban on bump stocks, which makes semi automatic weapons operate like fully automatic rifle. I signed a memorandum directing the Attorney General to propose regulations to ban all devices that turn the legal weapons into machine guns. School safety is a top priority for my administration. That is why when governors from across the nation visit the White House next week, we will be discussing at great length what the federal and state governments can do to keep our students safe. Meanwhile, as students from Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in southern California arrived in the state capital of press legislators to institute stronger gun laws, Florida lawmakers voted down an attempt to reinstate a bill that would have banned the soul rifles. They did that last night, so hey, the beat goes on. Meanwhile, a margin watching over the issues being planned from March twenty is being called the March for Our Lives. George Clooney, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey among those pledging a half a million dollars each to help with the march. The White House finally acknowledging Russian inference, but remains kind of defensive, with President Trump trying to blame everything on foreign President Obama, who he claimed should have done more about Russians and stuff like that. Meanwhile, White House spokesperson Sarah Sanders says administration is working to keep hackers from wreaking havoc again in the upcoming midterm elections. We have spent a lot of time working on cybersecurity, focusing on protecting the fairness on our elections, and the Department of Homeland Security UM met with state and local officials just over the last several weeks along with election vendors to make sure that our election system is secure. Last meete, they met with state and private officials on how best to secure the system election system from foreign interference. Okay, by the way, uh the on the Chinese loan account. I didn't get to this this year. As a dog people born in a nineteen fifty eight of nineteen seventy, eighty two and ninety four, two thousand and six, one and years the Dog Wolf twenty minutes after the hour, Steve Harvey want to show coming up with trending topics and more entertainment. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right, We know our listeners are new Listeners in Kansas City and surrounding areas are outraged by this story. Talk about tone deaf. Children in the Missouri Town Missouri Town are selling raffle tickets offering an a R fifteen assault rifle as a prize to raise money for their baseball team. What what nonbelievable? Yeah, the rifle is the same type of weapon that was you the last week in the Florida school shooting that, of course, killed seventeen uh innocent children. The raffle was launched before the shooting, but Levi Patterson, the coach of the team, told the Kansas City Star that he planned to continue with the fundraising. Yeah. Patterson said he decided to turn it into a positive thing after getting the hate in the form of angry Facebook posts after the raffle was first reported. The weapon was donated as a prize by a team father and co founder of the neo show gun manufacturer Black Rain Ordinance, Inc. Which is currently pitching a Spec fifteen a R pistol on its Facebook page. Here's the deal. Nothing and listen to me, y'all. Nothing supersedes these people's quest for money and for power. If money is at stake and power is at state, there is no limit. That's what this whole thing is about. The n r A plays on the Republican powers need for money and power, and they will do anything for it. This coach will do it because he wants money for this team. But one of the fathers of the baseball players, he's pushing his agenda. So if he puts this rifle up, most people will go to his website and see this other pistol that's on sale, and he's selling making mo moneys and power. It's all this is about. And until you find a way like these kids are talking about doing, if you accept that money, we will remove you from power. See, not one one without the other is empty and politic. Money without the power and politics, it is empty. It's just a campaign donation dead unless you win. It is for nothing. That's the only way we can do this. You are in two thousand eighteen and coming up in two thousand and twenty is we have to vote and anybody that does not support a gun law, anybody, and that has to be the issue. See, you cannot let them change the narrative of the thing. You cannot let them make it economics and jobs again, because if they make the narrative the platform economics and jobs again, we're not talking about these right, and then we're just waiting for another mass shooting. Yeah, it's a dog on shame, man. I mean, the the whole thing in Sandy Hook happened with the elementary kids, colum behind happened, This happened. That just fool up in this window out in Mandalaide Bay. You gotta be kidding me, man, And don't nobody think we need to do something. All right, we're gonna move on. Steve coming up. We know Fergie has apologized for her version of the national anthem, and uh, we'll be back to talk about it at thirty four after the hour you're listening to Steve Show. All right, people are still talking about this, um, But if you missed it, Fergie has apologized for her terrible rendition of the national anthem at the NBA All Star Game. She says she's a risk taker artistically she wanted to do something different, but she does admit that her version didn't strike the intended tone. She says she's always been honored and proud to perform the national anthem and does she wanted to try something special for the NBA that she hasn't always sung it like that? She said, She's abody never say it like that? What now? Okay now kiss, saying that she was in the black eye right. I just didn't know the duchess all of that. I didn't know where to put my hand during the sing. What does that mean? I didn't know this was over my heart breath. I put it over my zip hand on my book, what cup? My other bricks? I didn't know what to do, She was saying that I was using both hands. That was sexty to you. You thought he had a moment not of breath, Not of breath? Man? You quick singing body rockets and stap. This could be so wow? Yeah? Can I hear the beginning of it? Oh? Can you see by the joserly Li what's you? Broadway girl? At the twine lights less scream that's that's right, right store prove the r last five or the room works were a WI we're so good, Let plea story and the room kids rang the bs fir first game through the night. Man of Flat saying that's dance start spingled Marie it Way, who for the l Yeah, that's what I didn't like. Space basketball. Let's place a basketball whatell you think we are here for? That's what I didn't like. Plays basketball. You need to go back work on that damn rendition that this Monroe I ain't gonna like. President President jfk uh Fergie again said she's a risk taker artistically. Clearly this rendition didn't strike the intended tone. I love this country and honestly tried my best. But see I don't I don't think she. I really think she needs to apologize for nothing something new and because she got so much criticism. That's why Ye Louis on the people apologize should still be as not for real. I think I think that people were really hard on her about it. She tried something new and you know she cooled on alright. Yeah, the nephews here with his prank phone call right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss it. But up next, let me see what is the subject of the letter. My man is bugging me. Okay, keyword bugging. Keep that in mind. My man is bugging me. That's the subject. Up next, Nephew, Tommy, you're here. You know what we're going to the won't he do with prank? C D. Weed in the church vein queed in the church man? Did you know what I said? Stay with me? Weed in the church by weed weed. There's no ancient weed queed in the church van. It's weed in the church man. You need some healing. Healing the weed in the church van. Here it is running. Hello, I'm trying to reach dad, brother brother Dan Dad, Hello, Hello, because I see that I'm trying to read brother Dad, brother Dad. Okay, Yeah, there's brother Scott from the Church and Belt the Baptist. Hello, brother, Yeah, I call you. I'm I'm trying to get a little information about the church band. What's what's your schedule? Uh? Will you drive the church man? And what's what's your schedule? I love it. When is thatay? Fridays and Sundays? Okay, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, last Sunday. What what is that schedule? O? Sunday. I usually start about eight o'clock in the morning, probably a little earlier, depending on some of the elderly people that I had to go pick up and bring to the church, make sure they get there okay, and get situated and make sure they're on time for the service and whatnot, okay, and then you take them back home after services over. Yes, I try to get all of them back home, unless they got family members or something that come up there and meet them up there and want to take them to them on Sunday afterwards. But I usually get about it back home, okay. Okay. Now this class Sunday, which is part of the reason why I'm calling. Uh, they're saying that some of the church uh members that was on the ban in this Sunday. Uh, they are complaining saying that that the church van was SMI there like weed when they got on there. Excuse me, they say, the church van, we're spending like weed when they got on there. And you are the person that was driving. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, not not not the van that that I'm driving. So I don't know. I don't I ain't smoke weed, and no van do you smoke weeds? I don't smoke weed. I mean not Carly. I mean I have before, but I don't smoke weed now and I wouldn't smoke weed before. Picking some people love to go to No now where you from? Who told you this? Well? All I know is what what? What's coming down the pipeline is? They're saying that that A couple of the members came complaining this just happened last week about this pipeline. I don't want to know who the pipeline is because just last week they came and me talking about that. I I was using the van to go places that I wanted to go to all my personal time. Now I don't do that. I don't do stuff like that. Now. I hadn't had a past, I haven't had a history, but I don't do stuff like that. And I wouldn't smoke in no church van. So are you seriously talking? What? What? What? What? What? We're trying to We're trying to get to the bottom of it and see what's going on with you. The elderly person said, do you know which one? I don't know? They love me every Sunday. Then people tell me they love me. Uh, they say, I'm one of the most respectful young gentlemen they've ever met in their life. And so I really find it hard to believe that you you you getting these types of complaints about me what I'm saying to me, like who we I don't know what that means or nothing like that. Look, brothers, I don't know you too well, and I know you don't know me. But I've been driving this van as as as a point to try to change my life and where I come from. So this was with something that I wanted to volunteer even though I'm getting paid to give my time to do this for the church. And now this is like the second instance where y'all and came at me on some stuff about like I'm trying to do something with this van. Now, why would I disrespect the church van by smoking weed in it and then letting the weed stay in there so other people can smell it? Okay, so let me tell you what we're gonna do. We're gonna go out here to the church. They had to say We're gonna go out here today and open it up. Now, if we see any seeds or anything around the driver's seat, then that then then we're gonna We're gonna definitely uh a point, open the van up. Man. I was raising that church. Man, My mama go to that church, my grandma. See you go to that church. See the reason we even all left that church. And you think I'm gonna mess up They ain't by driving around in the band fool of elderly people smoking weed. But Dad, I don't know how to the bad smell like weed. Man, I don't. I don't got the answers to these questions. I'm just trying to tell you that it wasn't me. Did you have some weed in your pocket and lit it with your swelling? I ain't had no weed on me. Stop trying to say like I had weed on and you ain't gonna get me nothing. That I ain't had no and we ain't had no weed on me. Okay, Now, you ain't gonna mess up my name or my family's name. And this hurt and disrespect us like this. Now, We've been helping this church for years and I'm trying to tell you that I ain't riding around and no fans smoking no weed with no elderly people. Did you ask any of the elderly people if they had any weed on them? Uh? Uh no, we didn't know. No, I didn't think about no elderly people having no weed. So you just assume it's me what one of them guy got coma or something? What? What? What you know? What? You know? Who? I think? What? Did you know? Who I think the weed belonged to? Oh? I think I think the weed belong And a few times from the Steve harvean this show. What the damn you just got preak? Oh my god, you just got preak. What is just his name is brother? Uh brother Lawrence, Lawrence ro Lawrence? Uh Larry called Larry, Tell Larry try in trouble with me. Hit him with the van man, And I got one more thing that I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the saddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man Steve har It morning Man, go no rist Man going on the chill out the rest of the day. I tried, Man, I know I ain't gonna smoke no weed. I got them fired up. That's how you get them fired up, their hands on you. That's how you get But he needs I think churcht boy, But I read the fight. I think I read the fight. I can't wait for that hospital. Visit Timmy, what happened? Somebody took it the wrong way? Get your latest prank c D and Walman today. Won't he do it? It's sitting there on the shelf. Don't pass, but I grab your copy, give it to somebody else, a gilt, put a last, put a smile on their face. Get your two copies. Won't he do it? Prank c D? That right there is on the c D weed in the church many. I won't Bishop almost No, you're not getting it. You're not getting his I got it. Won't nor Jones and Bishop oh, I won't think No no, no Jones gonna be a little bit different. Really want to get No, don't do that, Tommy, Now some you have to draw the line somewhere, Okay, right half a Bishop no Joe's I'm gonna draw the line. How about that? Bishop Jone is gonna big word man? Okay, okay, what would what could t could Bishop t D Jake's hand? Could he handle? None of these people? None? Of these bishops can handle it. Maybe laugh or two. Don't do it? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, you guys don't want to miss today's Strawberry letter. This subject my man is bugging me. Keep that word in mind, bugging. Alright, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice with your situation, just submit your strawberry letter at Steve Harvey dot com. Steve and I could read your letter on the air. All right, here we go, let's go, Nexhea, look at you book, live out loud tight? Here are you strowberry little it's oatmeal? Thank you oatmeal? Alright? Subject my man is bugging me. Uh, Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a problem. I met a guy and I consider him a good friend and I want to get to know him better. He has taken me on a few dates and all went well at first. The problem arose after one of our recent dates, after a really good date, we decided we'd pick up some food and go back to his house to chill and eat our food. Well, when we got to his house with our food and he turned the lights on, boom, bam boom. Roaches went flying from east to west. They were so but down. They were so bad they were even crawling on his dog. Told him. I told him politely that I was not eating my food there. He sat there, eating his food and looking at me like I was crazy. He didn't see that there was a problem. When he dropped me off at home, I immediately took my clothes off and as soon as I walked in. I'm not saying that I'm better than anyone else. I have dealt with bugs in my home too, but clearly this was an infest station. This was not normal. This was the last time I spent time at his house. Now, he asked me why I won't come over. I don't even want him over at my place because he may bring bugs with him and spread them to my house. When we go out together in public, it makes me think he's not clean and his car is not clean because of how he keeps his house. I don't want to lose a good man, but I just can't deal with the bugs. What should I do? Please help me? Oh my god, I couldn't do this. I'm just gonna tell you right now. I could not, and I don't know how you can. I mean the fact that he's not embarrassed about it, and that he brought you over his house and there my skin is it's in right now just thinking about it. He brought you over there, and um, he didn't see anything wrong with it. He was looking at you like you were crazy. I don't get it, and eating food there, No, ma'am, no, ma'am no, ma'am. Um not. It's not a situation where where you're better than he is. Your wake, cleaner than he is, for sure, and clean that you know. That's one of the primary principles of dating someone. They have to be clean for having's sakes. Uh. And yeah, I wouldn't let him over my house because he might bring bugs over there. I'm sorry. I don't know. I just couldn't. I couldn't do it personally, I couldn't do it. I don't know how good of a guy he is. I just don't know for him not to notice this. I have a problem with this, and I think you should too. Steve, Well, this ladder right here is a very easy word for me. I've had this experience before. I dated a woman who lived in a roach infested house with her mama was you. I'm from the hood. I've seen roachers before. We've had him at our house from that was young. It was just not in infestation. Don't tell everybody. You know everybody everybody had a roach at the house. Come on, now, you cut all this out. Just what your ainta do is let it become an infestation. You were scared of the roacher's time because they was the same size as year. You want to tell all of that, You over that riding roaches and but but that's I wanted the road for Christmas and all this because you thought they was awesome. That's another story. Man. He wanted a pony, so we got him a roach. And now you didn't want all that out? Didn't you just stay out the damn letter? She didn't met this friend of hus that everything going good and it went out on several days. Didn't one of you did? He invited over, They stopped and picked up some food. They come into the house and they turned the lights on. Boom bam boom. See that must be your first time seeing roaching, because that ain't the sound, it's the seem power because when you turned that night on, their ass is rolling. Now that threw you off. Roaches was flying from east to west. They were so bad they was crawling on the dog. The dog is tired of so much tail swishing pulse. He didn't killed as many as he couldn't and just resigned to the fact. Hell, they win, y'all. Just just don't bite me, y'all, just crawl on me, but don't but don't bite me. He's so sick with his tail tongue, Paul, he just stamping on. He got four feet, he can't stomp him out. So the dog didn't just mad helm, so he just there. Man. I told him politely that I was not eating my food there, and he the key. He said, they eat this food, looking at me like I'm crazy, because he don't see the problem. Huh, it's jack roaches. It's just roaches. Clear your area out and enjoy your meal. I been at the girl's house playing cards, and I could not understand the number of roaches that was in the hill lights on day. I ain't none of them running. They actually stay here. They walk across the table and I'm just knocking stuff off with my cards. I'm trying to shuffle hard so the wind can knock them off. As I'm dealing cards, I'm trying to deal them where I can knock one off as the card come to you. I'm doing everything. I've been here fighting for me back then top knock. Now she was fine. I was dealing with it. So now you said there, he looked at you like you're crazy. He didn't see that was a problem. Then he dropped me off at home. I immediately took my clothes off as soon as I walked. Then got some mistake too late. You gotta get them clothes off our side. Listen to me. My friend used to pick me up for these girls before I got in the car. He's a man. Come on, now, come on, you know what you got. Shake down down. I can't hand it, Carol. I know she find one love, but you can't hand he rotes up in his car. So I was standing there with a Maxi coat on, just shaking. I got bail bottoms on, just shaking, platform shoes on the apple. I'm just shaking. You have got to start shaking these clothes as soon as you dropped you off. Don't go inside because they in there. They're coming. Roaches is coming. Quit sitting in his car. They in there, They in the that's they look for other places. They know it's infested. They are roaches. Don't like living in infested places, like living in the hood somewhere else. They're gonna We're gonna have part two Steve's response coming up in three after the hour. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of like You're response to today's Strawberry letter, subject to my man is bugging me see key word bugging. We ain't got to get over there. She dating the dude has got a roach infestation at his house. She don't know what to do. These roaches is everywhere. The roaches are so bad they're crawling on the dog. The dogs and gave, Oh, he ain't got no pads on the bottom of his pause. He's been stoking the bottom of his paus is. He's just been up in the house. He'd embarked them. They don't even they're not moved by him anybody. The reason when he cut the lights on, they start running everywhere is because that he don't stay there enough. What do you mean you're gonna have to do? Like this girl family did? They was in there so much that the roach is no longer rain. You're gonna have to You've heard the old saying. If you can't beat them, join them. You can't beat the infestation because y'all fighting me with the wrong stuff. Black flag does nothing interest station. It will killing only on direct contact. And you gotta wait till the roach flip over there sprame on on the side. If you don't do that, black flag don't do nothing for the roach. You have to put something in that house that really does roaches wrong? What is that with sign in it gets rid of roaches that hurt the dog. The dog wrot out anyway. I can promise you your dog is looking for the quickest out he can take. He don't mind. He can go to dog heaven and live a much better life. He has a reward in it for him. Hell, he ain't no cat. He noticed it. Take me, lord, Take me now. You don't think he laying there with the roaches on him going Come on, lord, take me now. Listen to me. Exterminator, that's what you're saying. You can get exterminated. But you if if his house is connected to another home, this is where you get rid of roachers. You gotta bring exterminator in there weakly for four months. The drive away on both size of the house must be destroyed. What because that's the connection to the other house. Listen to me after destroyed the drive crete. Yeah, because they're coming from next door. They didn't tunnel. If you don't destroy that driveway, the people stay next door, they got them too. You must kill the route. No, I don't know, like the driveway though. You have got to destroy the driveway. My father knew this, He said, he knew gonna hear Whaley Williams has had They was coming over because we kept a clean house. So my MoMA couldn't understand why we was having these roaches. My daddy say, they're probably coming up under the driveway. She said, slick, you got to do something. My daddy went out there and destroy the drying I'm talking about cause he got tired of coming home. My mama ruck, I'm damn broach, I'm gonna float this damn driv He had me and my brother's out there with Jackhamilson everything. Jack, I'm nine years old with a Jackhm. I don't even know what I'm doing. Just lean on it. Got got got got, got, got got got got, got got dot got got. This is true. This is a true star. My daddy destroyed a damn drive away from the Williams Man. Look that boy said he was just in the jacket man when he put the dirt back, and that he meets afuric acid in the dirt, so they get shipped next time. They crazy. Then we asked father to the driveway? Were just two weeks? Yeah, my dad had parking station whirt so I only Cardo come up missing after who it's creative a marriage department. Yeah, ask you if you were going back to stand start with this story, if you went to structured rot. I've never heard anything like this before. It was a stage away on the side of the street. Danny got leep on the port and now my daddy's would on the porch when he's good. So I don't know about to steal the down station got a tooth in it. You don't understand all the roaches and my daddy's on He can't because this precious car is that my dad cousin Williams Wheels Road. No, seriously, I've never heard this in my life. Crazy. My mother can played about the more my daddy got tired he I'm about here to take out the damn up my daddy. There was people from it up the street. Mr Harvey, what is you doing? Get away from him? I was unsafe, you know, acid and the ascid. And that's so when they started turning to the getting sick, because you knew that's where they were coming for. He didn't like Mr Williams. That's what it was. And the dog wanted to die. Oh my bloody roach story. Boy, Roaches have changed from people's lives, apparently yours. I have roach story. We have never ever you have a You have a mouse story too, that's crazy. He got another roach story. That's crazy. To let me tell you something, man, that's that girl that I was crazy about. My boy, Biggie Weed came over that picked me up. Oh yeah, And I had a call big and tell him more time to come. We have more shows. All right? You want to hear the roach story to change my life? That wasn't it? And now I have all this? No, this was when I was gross in college. Many roaches in your line? All right? Listen? Uh, oh god, okay, coming up in about ten minutes, we're gonna talk roaches. Yeah, you're listening, to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Steve, So we started with the Strawberry letter about this woman and this man and these roaches, and then you went on to tell us this roach story that I've never heard before in my life about roaches. So you have another one for us about this girl I was dating that had all these roaches and it was infestation. She lost. She was fine, and uh, you know when no cell phones back then. So my boy Biggie Wig. I told Biggie Wig to come and pick me up at a certain amount of time. I said, as a matter of fact, Weig, I'll call you at your house if something changed thirty minutes before one o'clock and let you know if I need a little bit more time or no. So I were in there, we're playing cards. Roaches is everyone. It lights on and anyway, there ain't nobody in on them rushing, but this way they stayed. You're playing cards, and I know it's too many of them, many here. And I didn't got up off the couch to play cards because I just they was on the couch, it was on the coffee table, They walked cross TV screen. They was just everywhere. So I figured least let me set up in a wooden shell with four legs on it, the least amount of exposure. Already got cuffs in these bail bottom I got. I got the damn to make cool locks out of these before I took them, because I got them two inch cuffs in these baill bottoms. Know they're in here, Yeah, I don't get here, well, in here in the Yeah, they're looking for a route. Tell me they're just playing cars, roaches every way. I'm just flicking them, just flicking them off with the cards and hands. Comes and the girl's sisters was real nice. They was hood, but there was some nice girl. But law, them girls talk trash when they played cars. So we're not. We're just customed each other. Yeah, you know I've been. I've never been mobies. According to women, look at you, little skinny, be what you're gonna do. So I'm been there. We just talking tras. So I look up at the clock and I said, let me go on in here and call b and tell him I'll be ready about one thirty something. Happy man, I forgot to call these roaches. It's one am now day in full blast. I don't know what it is about. One am, but roaches. I don't know if it's clubs. They was all out for that night stroll and there was with the family. You know, we were playing music. So there was out at the club, the club that was going to dinner. I was in the park. I don't know what being happening with roaches was everywhere I'm talking about. Listen to me when I tell y'all, there was nowhere you could look and you didn't see a roach. So cool. All of a sudden the doebell rang and her sister jump up and said, I got it. We're playing spades. 's my play. So I said, I got to get to this dope because I got to tell this fool, Biggie weig big when you come in here and listen, they got a roach problem. I liked the girl. Don't embarrass her, just act like you don't see him. I had a whole speech. I was a matter of fact. When I called in thirty minutes before, I was gonna tell him because here, good brother. But when you don't want him though there were no texting, ain't no cell phone, I just didn't go. So next thing I know, she at the dove. So by the time I make my play. All I hear is at the door. Damn here he's there. What and then and there's all you here he out there in the four Just stop it. I'm still and I'm standing there just looking at him, and and the sisters is mortified. I was here and here I'm talk God, I'm only want to and y'all don't see. Man's planking blinks everywhere. Yeah, ain't wonder louve that? He calling me. I'm six ft away, but his dog he don't see me. Ain't wonder loud, just like you, don't stop. So he's shaking his coat, clipping his collar. He knocking him off the wall. He'd pull his head off. Now he got against brim right in a maxiat. So he pulls his hat off and he just watch what ran all on the wall. Man, he's mother blaxes everywhere. Man don't see this, He steady asking them down. Y'all don't see this. I'm standing there with my arms folded, just umiliated. Then a roach fell off the ceiling and landed on his eel. God, he reached out with o bread man the mother blake And see I'm just standing there looking at him, and he'll back here. I just went on totally girl, I said, I said, hey, excuse me, hey, let me get him a coat. What you do? It was the end that was not kissed the girl on the cheek. I tell Bigger said, come on, man, let's go. Yeah, yeah, man, I don't know how you're sitting up in him. You see these mama over their head down. Everybody's head just hanging down because he'd have made a site. So we get out to the car. So we stand that. You said, love you good, I said, big you have to make all that man, Damn that man. Let's shake off man and flip your cops in your bare water good here. Well, so we are sad, damn undressed. I just got the vote. Vote dog, I can't get that's right? Yes, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, man, Jamie Fox and ESPN, you guys got to hear about this story right here. Don't talk about a girl, That's all I gotta say. Ask him any questions, any questions. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, Jamie Fox, friend to the show. We love Jamie Fox. I don't know if you guys saw this. I saw it. He walked off of a live interview on ESPN. Okay, the interview asked Jamie about his Valentine's Day basketball practice with Katie Holmes. You know, guys, Yeah, Uh, Jamie had a smile on his face. He politely took the headphones off, They took the microphone off of him, and he walked away, never looking back. He walked. He still had the smile though. I love that part, that he still had the smile. Uh. You know, he just doesn't talk about you know, he used to do that, real smooth. Prince used to do that, real smooth. I mean he came out, he came out with her to the Golden Globe Awards right last month. But he just don't ask him about it. Jamie Fox continues to remain hush hush about his relationship. He does not talk about it about Katie Holmes. You might see him, you might see him out together. You know who else did that for a long time fiance She never talked about her personal life. Now she does, but back in the day, she she didn't do it. So that's that. Yeah, he just took it off nice and politely. I loved it. Yeah, And also our girl Tony Braxton somebody she's finally admitted because it's been a minute that she's engaged to birdmen, finally admitted. Tony announced the news while flashing her huge diamond ring and a promo trailer for the upcoming season of Braxton Family Value to Wait what now? The psychic on my show told her that she was about to get a big ring. She said, no, I'm not. You gotta be kidding, he said it. He told her, Wow, well, congratulations you get married, getting married, married, getting married again, having a great guys. Carla came up with this question. She wanted to ask you. Go ahead, Carla, all right, so have you guys ever dated it or like somebody or even had a crush on him or her? And you you didn't want anybody. You didn't want to let anybody do you Just say you guys. Shirley can get in on it too. I let the guys handle this one. You know what, I did A real ugly girl. I ain't let nobody was so damn fine though, I just had to. It was body was her body was incredible. But you didn't want anybody to know. Never we never went puppy and she allowed that allowed it. I just came up with excuses and why we couldn't go. Now, who ain't feeling good tonight? Just get us a movie or something. Lets Steve go last. Let Steve go last, come on, or somebody. I didn't want to to find out. Yeah, I dated somebody, but I didn't want to go. I was dating to to find out and they don't find out about each other. And I did, like Jamie, I just walked off, so it was okay, all right, come on, Jay, Yeah, I was dating somebody and I didn't want anybody to know about it. And we were in the in the in the house talking, just sitting there talking right, just talking, and the other person threw a brick in the window. And when a brick comes through the window, they knew about it. Changes your conversation quick from what I've never been ashamed. If anybody updated, not at all. We've gone, you've done public, you've done it all. That's good, that's good, all right, come on, oh well you know, yeah, right, I've never been ashamed. No nobody, I never dated somebody. I didn't you know, and you're embarrassed about it? And hell no, hell no, we're not gonna date. Uh, huh No, Now you're not gonna be embarrassing because what's the point. Yeah, well Tommy can do that. But Tommy is a different type of dude though he he and it for other reasons. If you find and you ugly, then I gotta look beyond your faults. See that right there? What that can't happen? Ok, but they overlook your faults time. That's fine. But when you overlook him in and we're gonna overlook him behind closed doors, John be embarrassed to like, I can't believe he got the baby hands. I don't really would man with the baby hands. He cut my button? Now take yeah? He rubbing my face? Yeah, baby hand. You two can go to hell. I'm on the team time and I'm laughing behind. If you don't like you know what I'm saying. You gotta overlook that police come a question her time what you did with didn't mind? You know? Yeah, you can't get on the rides at the park. She on all the rides by yourself. You ain't been up, you ain't met them stick requirements yet. You two having fun? Yeah, I don't know where you weren't getting on that roller coach And see the point when you swung on the hand. But the little dude said, if you're not taller this and you we quit talking about. When I grew up, team was team every man. This little boy has been missing. Now he is grown. He is really grown. Yeah, you remember that time you didn't come home school and they put you on the milk cart. Then when they found out the whole you was, he had to take you home missing one night and they put him on the bo I was not missing. I was not missing you that time you finished that weekend. We put you on a bottle of Hennessey and we found you. I was not missing. Yeah, we find him on a bobble of Hennessy. Stupid, more of this foolishness, shenanigans when we come back right after this. He was thirty seven. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys. According to a study, bronze medalists may actually be happier than those who come in second place. Silver medalists are likely to be less happy because they're thinking about what could have been. You know, they almost made it all. Yeah, focusing on I almost. They're too busy, uh, comparing themselves to the gold winners. Bron bronze medalists tend to think that they could have got nothing, but at least I got a bronze, so they tend to be happier because as they are thinking, you know, at least I got a bronze. So another Winter Olympic news, the Nigerian women's bob sled team made their debut yesterday. These ladies, yes, yes, yes, became the first athletes from an African nation to compete in bob sled. They competed. They're not from Wakonda, where the Black Panthers from. They competed again really early this year, really early this morning. So congratulations ladies. And speaking of the bob sled. On another note, we have to give a shout out to Red Stripe Beer, the Jamaican bob sled team coach. Yeah it was it reassigned and she threatened to take the bob sled, which costs around fifty thou dollars. As a Red Stripe spokesperson explains, as a beer born and brewed on the same island as these athletes, we want to ensure they have proudly compete. So me on Jay and in junior, I'm not we could, I would, We could, could we fought? Huh? I would pay good money to see in the front you can't push your bob slid. You're gonna pull the muster body whatever to kick me off the team already that would need me. I would pay good money to see it. Though it's not gonna happen. I mean, you don't want to see us Jay gonna be complaining the whole time in the front doing this. It's Jay sits because I can't running the log. So I got first and we were had to wind that car because I don't like that little croc but that but ain't nobody here gonna be down in that box, don't see that? Would pay good money looking up if they were the bob Slid people, you guys, I would pay good money, absolutely open to create a picture in front of the sty would be cussing the entire tire, the entire taking the blanket, y'all doing we losing j Hey, everybody'll be waiting at everybody in the stand. I have six crisis right out there. First. He can't stand to be around that much cold. You got to get a heat to put in crying the whole way you got I wouldn't. I didn't bring your medicine with you. Yeah, it's gonna be a problems. That would be a whole bunch of brown Tommy bead and flew out of there soon we had set flew out. I seaves constin would have to be made especially for hand. Yeah, he'd be fly huh you know that he'd be looking good. And yeah, that would just be the Bob Smith. All right, we'll be back with more. We're coming back at thirty three after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, KFC, whenever you hear that, everybody looks up right. KFC is temporarily closed hundreds of locations in the UK. And yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's why I said, So what is the black UK people doing? What they're over here in the hood trust and belief? Well, okay, here we go. On Monday night, they had to close after shops ran out of chicken following delivery problems. Okay. Fast Food Chain switched this delivery contract to German shipping giant d h L, which had promised to set a new delivery standard after winning the contract with KFC. So on Monday five seventy KFC restaurants were closed. Stories had initially run out of chicken over the weekend, and it says due to administrative issues, a number of deliveries have been incomplete or delayed. We are doing our utmost to rectify the situation as soon as possible and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. So there you go. They called the police. L you gotta get some floy warning, ain't no damn chicken. Grarning, Ain't no damn chicken, No chicken. Stay back, there is no chicken. These people in red out of damn chicken. Boy, warning, everybody back, They're red out of damn chicken. This is an emergency. This is not a test. This is real. Get back in your call, call your mama them Kentucky Fried is out of chicken. Time. This is the public service announcement. It's not to alarm you, but here it is Kentucky Fried Chicken run out of damn chicken. This is serious, folks, This is not a joke. Get back in your homes, hunker down. There is no chicken. This is really terrible. This is not gonna work. You have to do something. That's why you got to store. You some chicken. You start all kinds of problems. That means no biscuits, no sides. I have people at my heart right now waiting, no check. What I'm gonna do with a black and a cold slow, Don't flying biscuits when the hell is going out? What I'm doing just potato, don't flop biscuits. That's why we've warned you there is no chicken. Now, please stop crying. You won't be burning anything down. We don't have chicken. Al right, when we come back, there still won't be. We do have closing remarks when we come back to close out of the show. Is just one more thing, just one more piece of chicken. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show alright, last break of the day. Just one more wing? Um, who get the wing? Steve Harvey, you've brought your fabulous uh and very insightful, very informal, very motivating closing remarks. Back is something that you started years ago when you first started the Steve Harvey Morning Show. People have grown to love them and and you know to live by them and be inspired by them. So what do you have for yesterday? Uh? A real good piece of motivation and makes your quest to become successful a little bit simpler. Oftentimes people are stuck in a rut because they can't think they way clear to see the end result. What I mean by is some people make such lofty goals and then they sit there without a plan of attack to achieve that lofty goal, until they've created a goal that seems so daunting that they don't even start the process of a trying to accomplish it. For example, And this doesn't have to be the case. I'm just using this as an example. Let's say you want to be a millionaire and you say, wow, I want to make a million dollars, and then you start thinking of how to make the million dollars, and because you can't, it becomes so daunting. Making a million dollars is difficult. If it were easy, wouldn't you do it by fryday? Wouldn't you? Of course you would. But it's a little more difficult than that. So here's what I had to learn in my life. Everybody listening to this was born with a gift. It's inside of you. Because God is very fair. He didn't put it on a mountaintop, he didn't hide it under a rock. It's in you, and your gift is the thing that you do to absolute best with the least amount of effort. In that lies your greatest chance for success. There's a scripture that says your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of great men. Let's just look at the first part of that, your gift will make room for you. My interpretation of that has meant what my gift has done for me. It has allowed me to spread out. It has taken me places I never dreamed got gold. Your gift will do the same thing for you. So now let's just talk about your ability to get to the million. I think it's with your gift, because if that's what that he gave you and instill that you at birth, was to make room for you, here's your chance. Now how do I do that? Steve? I call it to maximize your effort by ten theory. It's just something I came up with driving when I was home listening coming up with how to make it, and I discovered something. All of you have something that some would pay you ten dollars to do. Some of you paint, some of you teach some of your Babysit tutors. Some of you work with your hands, some of you can sing, some of you can choreograph. Some of you there's so many things. Cut grass, I mean, play the piano. Some of you do something. Some of your work on cars, some of y'all drive. But all of you have something that you will do that someone will give you ten dollars to do. All of you have something that someone will pay you ten dollars to because you do something that's one else can't do. So now all you gotta do instead of trying to figure out how to make a million dollars's go make the ten dollars that you're able to make. Once you make that ten dollars, I want you to do it ten more times. When you do it ten more times, you not have a hundred dollars. Once you have a hundred dollars, it's very simple. Do the same thing you did to make the hundred dollars ten more times. You now have one thousand dollars. See, you don't have to keep thinking of something else to do. Just keep doing the same thing that you've been doing. Just do it. Multiply the effort. It's the effort that maximizes and and brings about the fruition of what your life can be. So, if you make a thousand dollars and you do that ten more times, I have news for you. Not have ten thousand dollars now, naw, in order to make a hundred thousand, you might need a little bit of help. You might need to hire somebody to help you do the thing that you do. But if you make ten thousand dollars and you do what you did to make ten thousand dollars, which is the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, you now have a hundred thousand dollars. Now listen to me, my friend. Once you have a hundred thousand dollars, I could assure you you're going to need help because in order to maximize a hundred thousand dollars, you have to have some like minded people around you. Nobody gets to the top alone. Nobody becomes successful and wealthy by themselves. They form partnerships, relationships, they get employees. But once you make a hundred thousand dollars doing the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, I have news for you. My friends, congratulations, you have just made one million dollars with a ten dollar idea. Stop trying to figure out how to make the million. What all you gotta do is take your ten dollar gifts that God has put in you. It's a million dollar gift that you have. You just haven't broken it down inch by inch, anything that sinch, and maximize the efforts. That's how you become successful. These jokes that pay me what I make now, it's the same jokes that pay me twenty five dollars a night. They're the same jokes. It's all English. This is not in another language. I don't know no more words now that I knew. Then, I've taken these twenty five dollar jokes and I maximize them over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It's the same jokes I was telling babysitters who charged fifty dollars to watch kids. Babysitters end up opening up daycare centers. Day care centers turned into franchises, crime dollar crime monetary schools. These are national franchises. Somebody was just babysitting. My partner used to cut grass. First three dollars in the front, three dollars in the back. He got a landscape and come to Cleveland. He made four million dollars a year. You know what he do? He cut grass, same six dollar grass cutn't he's been doing? You jack out some trucks. Now, what is it that you do that somebody will pay you ten dollars that you can maximize your effort for and turn it into your million trying to figure out how to make the millions. Take your ten dollar skills set and start hammering it and beating it and working it and grinding and hustling and multiplying and magnifying it, and you will make a million dollars. Y'all have a great weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.