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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving the ball just like themsen buck bus things and it's coble, y'all be true, good to tea the horse listening to me together for sto bar quick hobby. Why don't you join? Yeah? By joining me, honey said, you got to use that turn Yeah you go, doll. You gotta turn to turn out turn lovey, got to turn out to turn turn water wan goa comy, Come on your things? Got it? Uh h? I sure? Well a good marding everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on digging now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show to date. Um, I wanted to give you something that I've been learning more and more U lately. Um. You know I'm a I'm a huge fan of the book The Secret. But I did myself a favor because I know I learned better this way. I learned better about hearing, and so I downloaded The Secret onto my iPhone. So I got the audio book and man on, man on man, what a smart move that really was for me? Because I know how I learned. You know, I do very well with visual When I can see what it is that i'm after how to do something, I do it better. And when I'm listening, I just I learned better. Like that. I wish I had known that about myself in college and stuff like that, where I didn't do so well. If I could have learned that that's the way I learned, I would have used more tools to help me. But um, let's let's just say I figured it out. And so I'm grateful for that. And and and and I was listening to the audio portion of this book, and I've been learning so much more. I've rephrased a lot of it to fit how I think and more of how I talk. And I just wanted to share that with you this morning. Man. It might help you out a great deal. And one of the things that my mother had always taught me. And because it's a it's a it's a spiritual thing with my mother's it's a biblical reference to my mother. Uh And and the book The Secret grabbed that principle and uses it very well. And it's gratitude. I want to run this by you every every day. You know what I started doing. I started spending my every waking moment, being thankful, showing gratitude. Now, the book it says to put that out there in the universe. But if you're waking up and you're saying thank you, I mean who you saying thank you too? I mean, let's let's let's be real here that that universe was created by God. That is my belief. That's the majority of people's belief that I know. I'm not knocking you. If you don't believe that, do you let me know how they work out for you, though. But so, my thank you is to my heavenly Father, as is a lot of yours. But here's here's the here's the thing. I started saying thank you from the time I wake up till I go in the bathroom, till I shower, till I dress, till I get in my van, till I get to work while I'm on the elevator, until I sit down and crack the mic. Now, somebody, somebody might said, man, that's a lot of time. Not hold up, man, hold hold up, it's really not. Because what it does for you, it does more for you than for anyone else. This is about you showing gratitude and being grateful it's for you, and let me tell you what it does. When I started doing this, man, it started changing my day. It started changing my attitude towards the day. So when the difficulties of the day began, they were nothing to me because I was so filled with gratitude. I'm talking about continuous thanks for all things. You cannot run out of things to be grateful for, not if you fine tune your gratitude, not if you do it in a way where you're being very specific about what you're grateful for. When you wake up and you're grateful for waking up, When you're grateful for the ability to move today, when you are grateful for the fact that you have solid thoughts right now, that you are in your right mind. When you start thanking him for the flexibility that you feel in the morning and the stiffness and as it wears off as you start moving around, that's another reason to be grateful that you have a shower to take that there are many people who don't have a place to shower, That the fact that you're brushing your teeth, the fact that you have somewhere to go, the fact that your job may not be ideally the job you want, but you have a job to go to, that you have a measure of health, that you have a place to go and get a cool drink of water to start your day, or you can make a cup of coffee, or the fact that you can grab yourself a yogat on the way out the door. And the fact that you have a way to get to work, whether it's on the subway, the bus, the cab, or you have the uh the wherewithal to walk to work or you driving to work, and whatever kind of card is that you have a place to be to provide when you start really fine tuning your gratitude, it is amazing, man. And what it does is it puts you in a in a state of mind that is so uplifting to you that it is the perfect way to start your day. I'll think I'm clowning what you here. I am not. Try it. Try it. You are what you think. So you start the day off as this grateful creature, this grateful person, this grateful soul. You start your day off as grateful man on man on man. How good is that? And it just spirals throughout your day and it puts you in a great mood. My mood has totally changed. I'm not a bad mood person anyway, but you know, when my day started getting heavy. Man, Sometimes it gets on me man, because I mean, I'm from the time I wake up till I go home at night. Can you imagine having somebody move you around all day? What it would feel like to have somebody making you accountable for every single moment of your day, The moment you stopped to take a breath. Somebody finds that as an opportunity to spend a moment with you because to them, it's just a minute, but they don't know all the minutes that's occupied in your day. Imagine that. So it used to get on me real heavy sometimes, man. So I try to steal some minutes here, steal some minutes there, steal some man. But now, man it it don't jump on me that way, you know what I'm saying. I look, I gotta take some time to myself throughout the day. So as soon as I get off the air, I take a twenty minute break before I go to my brief and to start my talk show. Uh you say, twenty minutes ain't nothing. It ain't, but it's all I got and I use it to shut myself down, meditate, have a quiet moment, become even more ain'tful. Then after the show is over, I got another briefing that I do. I even I even have my lunch during the briefing. I don't have a lunch where I sit down and I'm in my room talking cheerful stuff. I'm doing the briefing for the second show that I taped that day. During my life. But I'm grateful for that. I'm grateful for everything because, man, I have a show too that keeps me busy. I have a radio show that keeps me busy. I got another TV. I'm just grateful for all of it. Man. And what happens is, let me let me share this with you. It changes your focus because now your focus is not on what you don't have. Your focus is on what you do have. Do you understand that amazing turnaround in your life if you can make that when folks, if your focus became on the things that you do have and your focus leaves the things that you don't have, do you know the feeling of accomplishment, the feeling of satisfy us satisfication, the feeling of being feel and half empty and half full is two different thoughts. It's amazing when you start thinking your life is almost full, so full, instead of looking at it as being so empty. When you change that focus through gratitude, you then open up the pathways for more stuff to come to you. A lot of us are blocking our blessings today because we ain't grateful for the ones we have. See we're so busy, we're so busy telling God and putting out in the universe what we don't have, what we ain't God, that we no longer are receptive to things that we could have. You have now blocked all your blessings from coming because your focus is not on the come. It's to what you ain't got. So how can more blessings come your way? How can a good things come your way? How can positive things start happening to you? If your focus is on the negative things, if your focus is on the things that you don't have, if your focus is on what you're lacking instead of what the abundance that you have and what you expect more of. If you change your gratitude, you change your attitude and it changes your altitude. Man, Man, use your gratitude to change your attitude. Which then affects your altitude. Do you feel me? Now? Come on, man, ain't that a good thing? I've had to rework it to the way I say it, but man, that's been so helpful for me every day. Start your data way. Just try try it starting now, or you want to get a fresh start during tomorrow morning. But watch what happens to you. Okay, it's going to amazingly revolutionize the way you face your day. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after the hour church music. Please welcome, Shirley Carler, Tommy Junior, Good morning, Darling, morning morning everyone, thank you getting mon it happen Fred. As soon as sins a week gets on, the organ will begin today. Come on, say said, that's around naryst. Thank you, thank you so much. We we today. I want to bring something to your at you all right? Oh the simon for today is New Orleans. It's too much, yeah to talk about. Yeah, matter of fact, let's go deeper New Orleans. It's too much. New Orleans proved too much for the man. He couldn't take it. So he's leaving, leaving on a one on the midnight train to Joe right right, there's someone a calling me right now and they don't know that I'm in the middle of a sermon and I'm gonna have to call you back. Uh. New Orleans proved too much for the man. He couldn't take it, so he leave it tonight on a midnight train. Well, Georgia, you better preach up in here. Why am I saying that is because in New Orleans there's an incredible event going down. It's called Body Grind, Body Grind, and Weak. And on the same weekend, the NBA thought it'd be a good idea to have an All Star game at the same time. How ChIL you're packing one weekend? How many tricks gonna fly in the New Orleans for this? Just gonna be hell on hot wheel? You to do? Ain't no treats for you. Everybody in New Orleans going to hell this weekend. Marty grawl beads, women pulling up their chests, showing their boobies, everything for a little baby. And now they're gonna bring in the NBA players. You know, the boys don't know how to stay out of New Strip Club. But you're gonna mess around in New Orleans going the wrong kind of strip club. We're gonna wind up watching the duncan do some things that you didn't know what was doing. But you're gonna going the mess a rounding New Orleans, gonna find out what folk mention really do? You around New Orleans and Barby Street got treats for you. I don't think some of them NBA players is gonna make it out of live this weekend. They're gonna be in the news. They've been to be on TMZ. Everybody going to New Orleans and see what kind of fool they're gonna make out their self. Come on, Lebron, make it back and stay clean. Watch yourself to ain't way. Come back and be clean. Come on down now, come mell Old, make it back like the strong fella that you is. I'll tell you one thing. They need to seeing Child's uklely down that this weekend and so we could clean out from Cleveland. And what I'm talking about is gonna be some problems some of them young players. It's gonna get caught up in the hype. Some of them young boys gonna get out now and gonna be all over the police this week. Is My only wish is that I was young enough to go my damn self come out was where to God? I want to be down there? If I could just be a fly on the wall or wall on the fly, they don't be no difference. What do you think the panther Raymond Green? The photos are already down now, but they your picture proceeds and your presence, Stefan career, all them stars is gonna be dying there, shocking Barkley, old pros that know how to do it. Take a lesson from them old pros on how to that down now. Try to remember that everybody got a phone camera. Gonna say it again. Try to remember that everybody got a phone camera shooting to be on it. And yeah, you find be sensational. Well hip Hop's gonna be your new owner, timsy Well Star, You're gonna be the front page bossup, gonna take you down. You already't know what media take out a do. Even if they can't do you, they're gonna make up something that we'll get you done. You gotta be careful when you get out on the fuller. We wanted to inform and don't forget the light skinned people path that's Steph carry and running the board and warned the dunk contest. Yeah, New Orleans proved too much for the man. One more thing path could you take it? So he leaves on a midnight train to well, Atlanta is in Georgia. Ain't that much safer, But at least it ain't Marty Growl. Marty Growl. In the NBA All Star Game, the Arrist the Rappers, that's cash money territory. Yeah, that wheezy territory. That used to be what a name of my friend? A little boy tall rapper? Oh got a brother, Master p Terry. That's what the other boy come down? They had two hits or what the rapper? Oh you used to be with baby Neil what's her name? Or Mr Mchal already been in what the other boy labor? Baby nil released? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that Hill. I liked him. I liked him. I like him to he wouldn't lived up to his name right on out to be can't be juvenile and then act like a too. Doors of the church are open, won't you come Come on and come plete come before you go to New Orleans going to hell. When we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, Steve, something funny coming up next, Black History is rolling. We're halfway through it. Get ready for Steve's little knowns Black History mom facts when we come back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back thirty four minutes after that, let's get to it. Or when we come back. I guess the igness is gonna continue that. We are entertainment show. Ladies and gentlemen. Guess what little known Black history moments that you did not know? Once again, don't tweet us Texas being concerned. We're not doing this for seriousness. You can cut on BT and watch Roots all you want. This month, they're gonna have it a man, I get it. I was through with Roots when Chicken George didn't whipped the man. That's when I was anybody he man. Please all right, So we have some facts coming out down for so if you need to know, you need to all right, we're back, Junior, Tommy Jor what you got Yeah, I'll tell you like this now. Surely, Carl, you don't even know this. This happened back in nineteen seventy seven, very recently, at Bobby J. Wilson's birthday party, his fifth birthday party. First when hand held camera cameras came out the first time he recorded at Uncle Reggid Wilson got into a fight. M Okay, now his woman he had named her name was Brenda Side, I Cooper. Okay, now Brenda's side Cooper. We were called side because she had a lazy eye. Okay. The I was always look it looked like she was always looking at another man. According to Richie, Reggie called her looking at Marvin Washington, who had just got home from Jim. Okay, that is all at the baby fifth birthday party. They got it all on camera. Reggie god confront Marten about why is he looking at Brenda and Brenda looking at him. Marga said, I'm not looking at Brenda's side, I Cooper, because Brenda got a lazy eye. That wasn't enough for Richard. Reggie swan on Marten, this is on take nothing. Reggie swaan on Martha. If I tell you that Marvin went ham on, Reggie beat the frame off of them on this on camera. Now he just got home. Okay, here, just got home. Beat the frame off of took five men to get Marvin off of Regie. They recorded it that night. The whole neighborhood had heard about what happened at the birthday party. Everybody came over and they aid to take They watched it by the four hundred times. We just now known as the first black reality show that we had ever seen. Why, yeah, the first time a reality show had ever had. It's still in circulation to day. What's their name again? Wilson? And yeah, oh that bring the side cool side got got re ass beat down. Marvin went to time. He had to go back to jail because it was on tape. First reality show it was not. It was that ass swooping over Wills. Alright, nephew, what you got? Thank you? You will all right here it is Man nineteen thirty six. Okay, that is sick Hortensia Lavander Lewis. Alright, now listen her. But this is in Lexington, Kentucky. Her butt was astronomically huge. When she walked, her pennies would gather in the middle of her buttocks. Okay. People would come from miles awhile around just to watch hor tense a walk. Children would stay when she walked. She got tired of her panis gathering. She went to her mama, Henrietta Lewis, and asked her to help her stop this problem. Her mama took them panics and cut out as much as she could, but still left from connected from the top to the bottom. All right. Hortensia kept saying, Mama, this is wrong, this is wrong, and her mama said, this is the only way you're gonna be able to get by without all these problems. There was the birth of the Throne. The first throne was worn in nineteen thirty six by Hortensia Lavander Lewis Lexington, Kentucky is where the thorne came from. Put him on the map clothes. She just I'm just trying to tell you her pantis would gather up on her backside, and folks to see it. Clo. Okay, you can see all of that. All of that happens her, but would literally eat half her dress everything, Galbert, I'm sorry, all right. These are little known facts that are that are no longer unknown. Alright, Coming up next, it's called run that prankback. What I gotta get the whole type. When I get back on the tell you I'm still working on this phone. I'll be back in a minute. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Showy y'all get ready coming up at the top of the our ice cube, gonna be our special game cube. Tell us about this new movie Fist Fight. Get ready, But before that, we're gonna run that prank back. What is it, nephew, Let's get married. Let's get married. It sounds good, but it's ignorant. You doesn't know it's gonna turn on me and my friend won't get married, that's all. Hold on? Is your friend ready? But you are this way for the plan? How you doing? My name is Virgil. I was reaching out to you, trying to uh, well, I'm trying to get married and I wanted to know what it took to get married at your church. Excuse me, virgin? Quick question? Where'd you get my personal noum? I'm not. I don't know where I got to know. I mean, never mind, we'll deal with it. What's your question? Well, what I'm what I'm trying to get at is I'm trying to get uh, I'm trying to get married. I really like your church. I've been there several times and I'm really interested about you know, what will it take to get married in there? And I really I may be calling you at the last minute, man, I want to get married at the end of February. Well, being in the here, I we'll have to go through counseling first, maybe four to six weeks, and uh we can take it from there. Uh you have to keep a call back on that. But tell me a little bit about just a little well, well, what it is that we would You know, we've been trying to get married for a long time. We've had a lot of difficulties with it and never really really found the right church that we thought would be a good place to get married. You know, I think it's it's you gotta feel it in your heart that this is the best place to get married, you know what I mean. So, uh, you know, like I said, we've been in your church uh quite a few times, maybe about four or five times, and and we have you know, both agreed that this would be the perfect place for us to get married. Uh. You know remember at no, sir, No sir, I'm not like I said, I visited. You know, we've visited four or five times. We really liked it, and we just were sold on trying to get married at the church. Well, go through the count four to six weeks, once a week and uh, we can talk about the rest of it at another time, okay, okay, And after that then you're saying we'll be prepared to get married, then I would think, so, yeah, yeah, no problem. How soon were you talking about Well, like I said, we were trying to do it in the February. Let me ask you this here now after going through counseling. But we really have you be the person to actually perform the ceremony, because that's what I know. That's I know, that's what I want, because for you to actually to perform the proceed Yes, that's okay. Well listen. Uh, Like I said, let me apologize, I don't know I had your personal number. I do apologize for that. I do have my soon to be spouse on the phone, and they would like to ask you a couple of questions too, if that's all right. Yeah, it's okay, it's okay. I can speak with her, okay. Uh, Alfred Alfred, Yes, yes, hi, pastor, how are you doing? Go ahead of Alfred? Hey, hey, how pass? My name is Alfred, and uh I wanted to have a couple questions myself. I just wanted to know how well it's the capacity of your church, because we got quite a few few friends and family members that we're gonna attend. So one thing I ain wanted to know about. Uh, that's that's that's that sounds good. Well, that's what That's what we wanted. We wanted to make sure it was enough enough with our friends, and we're probably gonna invite about three hundred friends, so that should be fine. Pastor, when can we get when can we get counseling started? We? Oh, um, Alfred, if you're you're getting married, you have Alfred. I'm sorry, Alfred's who want married, Pastor Alfred and are trying to get married? Body in the way. So when can we actually excuse me? I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I was talking to Virgil now I'm Virgil. Yeah, Oh, Alfred is on the phone with me. Alfred is is who I'm getting married to? So we want to know when can who who whoa whoa? Excuse us? So, Pastor winn, when when can we start cancl church? We? Who who is? We? Yes? When when can we start? Excuse me? We we can't start, No damn counter at my church. Not a steam about counseling. You need to come to the Bible study was he talking about the pros needs to be the problem. Excuse me? What seems to be the problem? What is the problem that we can't get married at your church? The problem is the institute of marriage is between a man and a woman. God did not put Adam in Eve to be Adam Insteve. You just said we go through counseling for four to six weeks. Everything would be fun. Hell counseling. You're on another level. Now. I don't believe in same sex marriage, bro, but people are the same sex are getting married all over the country. So what seems to be the problem? Pass right and long if that matters to me what people are doing around the country. And now we're sticking by the bill. The Bible says that the institute of marriage is between a man and a woman. I don't find you tube to do that. I really, I'm really not a pussative of the phone call now being insult how no, excuse me? No, No, I can't married. But can you can you make an exception? I can't make an exception. But we love you exactly, thank you, Alfred. Yes we do. I'm glad you do. I'm happy for you. But we don't know we don't really like that. Bro, you wanna be ashamed of yourself. I don't want to slut. No, I'm not a man and a woman. My third love the mother and father and keys until his wife. You don't see the problem here. I really don't have anything else. I really don't have anything else to say. Okay, but oh you go? Can I say something else to you? Hey? You man, if love you already? The soulted me. We got your number from Reverend Chapman. Reverend Chapman, the assistant past The Reverend Chapman is the one thing Woman Chapman, he gave you my no no, no, no no. Man. I I really don't have much more time. I need to talk to chat. Okay, okay, but Reverend Chapman said you wouldn't have a problem marrying up. Reverend Chapman said I wouldn't have a problem. Reverend Chapman said I wouldn't have a problem marrying you. I'm really don't have mu stand for you. Okay, Well, let me go ahead and say this, Pastor, I just don't know of the assistant pastor. I'm nephew Tommy from the Steve Harpin Morning Show. When you've just been pranked. Wait wait, helloa later Wait, Uh, I need to wait a minute, Chaps if Chapman, they've got nothing better to do. We really need to sad give We need sad it the dest Hey, I'm married south of you, all right, I don't know. I got a hard got a little bit. Was radio time on here, and I can guarantee you one saying he won't be listening to the I gotta ask you this, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? I have to morning show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Fist Fight? Is that theaters to date? Everybody had a conversation with him, and uh, we're gonna let you find out what you gotta say about it. We talked to him about the movie. Check it out. We have a special phone called Special Guest family Member on the line. Tommy, you want to do the honors? Can do? Yeah? He yes, specially against this morning y'all. Pioneer of West Coast rap and outstanding actor and movie producer. He got a new movie in theaters tomorrow. The movie is Fist Fighting, and he's joined us this morning to tell us all about the movie Put your Hands Together. Oh my god, the One and Only Ice a little Stock. Good morning. How y'are doing? Good? Man? How you doing? I'm doing real good. You know, got this, got this hilarious movie coming out, the Law. So it looks funny too, Oh it looks funny. Yeah, it's a funny premise. Man. We all you know, we all know about three o'clock bell ring and so to you know, two of the students getting ready to fight. But this is completely different. Man, tell us about it. You know, everybody in every workplace, you know, it's somebody this close to getting nick butt wolf right now. We're in school and the school is so bad that it's the pressure to teach us and to having to fist fight after school three o'clock parking lot, Old school Stock. Yeah, we know that. Teachers beefend, you know, teachers get into it. Yeah. Yeah, and uh so we just we just took it to the next level and have fun with it. Of course, we don't condone. We don't condone no violence in the workplace. But in a movie, how you go, Hey, man, our boy Tracy Morgan back on the scene. Boy, what was it like working with him? Back on the scene. Man, it was just so good to have him around and to see that he was the same old Tracy Morgan. Tracy Morgan is the most inappropriate sincere sincere dudes, you know. So he's both sides of the spectrum, you know what I mean. So it's cool to to just have him around. And I think the accident made him funnier, to be honest, I love that line. I look like he's killing it in this movie. Funny as ever. So man, y'all got a lot of action going on. Cute man, you you're there throwing throwing fists. Man, are you doing most of this? Hey? Man? They had me doing all these fights. Man, you know, it was an eight day shoot for the just the fight along took eight days to shoot because it's an epic fight and it it goes on forever. I was like, damn, man, are we shooting Rocky or we shot I still need him Aside from that movie, man, I'm still sore I'm shooting that movie. But it was all us for real crazy snitches get stitches, Yeah, snitches get stitches for shows, you know. And I've been wont to work with Charlie Dave for a long time. Charlie Funny. He got his own style of comedy. And I knew if me and him did a movie together that that we kill it. And uh, you know, fist Fight is hilarious on all levels. And you know it's some scenes stealing things going on in there. Man, that that people just gonna fall out they see. Period. So did you learn anything man about playing a teacher? Yeah? You know, I like playing a teacher. I had a teacher like that name Mr Tucson, one of them teachers that snap you up by the college you got out of line. Yeah yeah, the AFRO used to coming to the front. Yea, yeah, yeah, you mean you mean boy, But nobody, nobody messed with you, you know what I mean, nobody mess I was like, that's a teacher. I'm gonna play. Let's teach them playing Mr Tucson, listen to what's up? Did you teach your back? When they used to teach wood you know they used to yet I don't work with their hands. You know. They used to teach kids how to work with their hands. And we had wood shop and he was a wood shop teacher. And uh, man, if you're the saying paper, I would right, I'm trying to picture all this hand I rushing to the front though I'm trying to that, I'm seeing that. I know exactly what. Yeah, yeah, it's going down tomorrow. Tomorrow's it jumps off. Fist fight in theaters across the country, sawing the very on the outstanding ice Cube hip hop legend. Boy, Yes he is. We love your boy. You gotta give me a ye you get out of here. Oh you know you gotta get it. Hey, everybody goes see fist fights to borrow and you know you hand it from your homeboy ice Cube like ye did he hang up? And that's how you're dropping Alright, boy, we love ice cut them all right. Listen to this now. This is according to a new Go Bank rates poll of people say they won't be getting a tax refund this year, and of those getting refunds, forty one percent will put in savings, while another thirty eight percent will use it to pay off debt. Here's our question of the day, what are you going to do with your tax return? And here's part two. You know we love these two parties. NBA All Star Game we've talked about it is this weekend in New Orleans. Who is the greatest basketball player of all time. Give us a call. Eight seven seven long. That's a long question. Yeah, well let's let's see. Let's go to line too and talk to Harold out of Michigan. Your names Harold how one syllable how it's jeff one syllabon can be. There's a question, are you getting a refund this year? Yes? I am okay. What you're gonna do with your refund here? Well, listen, man, I'm going to I got a couple and then the rest I'm saving man. Any man. That's smart, very smart. That's very smart because it gives you a cushion for throughout the year. You got a lot of man, Like I said, I've got a nice live some put up now man. So but you know what, you gotta keep saving man, you know, because yes, I drive for a living man, and I know you know you like them drivers, man, I drive for a living man, this lucrative business man. People don't always need a wrap, you know, because because that's what we do. We do. Sare transit program for you know, like uh, people who can't make it to the redular bust stop. So you know, you gotta have some type of disability whether it be physical or mental, and we'll come get you and take you wherever you gotta go. You know that's good Man, the City of the Trade, Man, and we do an excellent job at it too. Man. Okay, so hate that money. Boy. Hey, let me ask you a question, man, All Star Game this weekend, Who, in your opinion is the greatest basketball playoff all time? Oh? Man, Now you know I'm gonna say Jordan. You know a lot of people gonna say Jordan's and and the reason I say Jordan is because he got the six rings. Man, And then he's just been asking stuff. Man, Ain't nobody accomplished. Man, you got guys coming up now. Man, you can't take none of way from Kobe. You cain't take nothing away from uh uh that's that cat Life scanned boy. They're take none away from them. I don't like their teams. I don't even know Curb Life scan boy. You know you can't take nothing from man. Man. You know when you sat back on the grid, like prior to Kobe, he has a lot of greaks, but Koby Steele got the colonel Man. I'm gonna have to shake Kobe. Man. Man, that's cat Dog on the board, Kobe greatest basketball player. Man, I'm a add but listener, man, I've been listening for you. I'm not sure Steve Harvey, you know he's say Steve Harvey was even Steve Harvey. You know, come on, boy, chat man. You know you can give my man, Come on, boy, ride or die. Yeah. See he ain't turned on. You're listen Steve Harvey. Morning. Eighteen minutes after that hour, when we come back, you know who's here, Him with him, Him, he's here. He got all types of he just do. He has problems and you just can't get to. Good morning everyone, Stephen, Tommy, Shirley College Junior, the crew, the crew. It's Friday. You know I'm getting ready for tonight. I have the greatest of people with my President ports to me Virginia at Willet Hall tonight. So hey, Cole, I heye, Shirley Junior more a butterfly. Alright, Um, my roommate in the dressing room is him Junior. We on tour share dressing room. It's not that's not true, Stephen, it's not true. Ra Safe. Yeah, go ahead and asked me about the m You know that what is it? Your tax return? And then the Badsketball. I'm gonna be a part of Okay, cool, I'll participate. You're getting a tax return issue? Yes? Good? More enthusiasm, Stephen your part. Are you get your return as you that's not good when you do your top show. Sounds like you do when you're asking the audience stuff. You have to do it like that. Are you getting a tax return this year? Yes? I am that hurts Steve. Okay, good? What's your favorite basketball player of all time? Thank you? So? What else is going on? You're not any answer? You know, I like me some um first of our Dennis Rodman was so good in the game. And why do you like Dennis Rodman so much? Because he was a rebounder. He was a very good rebounder, and he was just you know, he had more energy to anybody. What is the greatest basketball player of all time? You can't say no, damn Dennis right stupid. You don't even understand the game. If you think he's the greatest basketball player of all time, you don't even understand the game. I can beat you. Is that a challenge? We gonna do what I however, he wanted to deal with. But I'm just saying I could beat him. Do you think he could beat Steve? I can beat him in one of my outfits, trust me, really, and one of your outfits. First, I ain't I tell you back on the reel. On the reel if I just went back out there for four days and just got my rhythm back, it's gonna pull something. You you are Tommy is this is me a year, this is me and you? Right now? What I'm trying to use them where they First of all, you, first of all, let me explain something. You ain't a dog right now? Then you can't beat me though. It's no way because you had to have a lot of dog in you. It ain't guess the dog get in the back. Well, if you're in the fight where the doll get, it's just the opposite. That's Dan. What happened? Do you want to do? You want to play an I'll play Tommy. I don't want to play you because I'm not. You don't want to blame me because you don't deserve to be on the same floor. Because you scared my Crows album that we gotta go. We have scared nobody but the people that know it. We have to go crossover and scared nobody but Gloria, goodbye. Coming up next, we're gonna go to the phones. If you're getting a tax return, what are you planning on doing with that money? Part two of this question? Uh, the NBA All Star Game is this weekend in New Orleans. What do you think and who do you think is the greatest basketball player to ever play the game? You're listening morning show? Coming up next, we're going to the phones. If you're getting a tax return, what are you gonna do with your money? And who do you think is the greatest NBA player of all time? You know? The NBA All Star Game is this weekend in New Orleans. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be back. All right. Let's go to line two and talk to line three, that is, and talked to Done out of Illinois. Hey, don are you getting a tax return? Yes? All right? So what you gonna do with your money? Done? Well? I have kids, they have two kids, one boy, one girl, and I like to spending all that I can. I isn't I can to try to see if they'm have them what they don't have? So I see you, I just spending on my keys. Nice Hey, man, that ain't bad. All lot of kids dont sixth one boy, one girl? Okay, slow down on spending with the boy. Oh you know that? Yeah? Uh. But that little girl just gonna keep on spoiling the dog that has set the pattern for the boys to come into her life because they don't they don't know how they dad have treated them, and then they expect that from a boy then and they get treated better that way. Alright, alright, now, let me ask you this here question, don the greatest basketball playoff all time? In your opinion? What city you calling from down Chicago that would definitely have something to do with this? What all basketball player do you think is the greatest basketball play off all time? So well, actually, Mr Harvey, if I had to go back in time, I would save the fools in there in the later days when they had Bob Love and Earl of Pearl. But then I had to bring it back to this time. Were as before Jordan left the game. I had to say, even before Mike, it was always Dr Jay. Wow, Okay, this is a basketball connoisseur, he said, Earl the Pearl. I watched this thing on thirty last night about the Knicks. Man Lord Jesus, Dave Bushell, Dollar, Bill Bradley Field Jackson. Then they had Cassie Russell, Willis Reid, Dick Barnett, Clyde Frasier, walk damn man, that boy Walt Frasier. Y'all don't even y'all, y'all you know what Junior? See you young mhm see y'all think these teams today is so great? But if they have played them boys back then and now they got their laundry handed to him? Who what you mean? Who owe you another? Yea? When you're stupid too? Did you just say you gotta be stupid because you're young? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, that's usually when you're most stupid. I think back when you was younger than this, when't you dumber than this? Yes? She was? Ye a matter of fact, that comment was stupid. I just put that. You don't yeah, yeah, yeah, that's hard work man, all right? You think you think that Steph curry Neil and the Cavaliers could have beat the Lakers back then? I'm not saying that the showtime the Lakers worthy? Hold on, Do you think that you think that uh, Steph Curry Neil could beat the Boston Celtics when when Larry Berg, Kevin mcale, Robert Harris was down there. Don't you really think that, man, who is you talking to? I'm talking to anybody listening? You think just because if you show about what you're saying, then be show. Do you think any wanted, any team could have beat Isaiah Thomas, ricked My Horns, Dennis Rodman and then boys dog On Joe dumars Man forever that they could have beat the damn bad Boys the Detroit Pistol. Do you really think there's a team today that could have done that? Raise your hand? Come on, I'm listening, and y'all will we come back after the break. Tommy gonna have a brank phone call for us m find out what it is right afterday you're listening to Steve, be back for the day after that. Hey, y'all coming up the top of the how we got strawberry letter? But come on food, what you got in b iff you huh? No blacks for you? N b F you, No blacks for you? You too? Man? When he said it to me, I got the brank coming. How y'all said back into that ready set go people, it's black his money, n b F you no black people here we go right after this. Hello, I'm trying to reach uh Nicole. Please, how you doing? Listen, I'm giving you a call. You you happen to be UM in a relationship with a with a black man? Am I? I'm all right, I'm sorry. Who is this? I'm sorry? My name is Brian Well, I don't want to give my full name, but it's Jediah Jediah Malcolm okay, and and I'm sorry, why are you calling? Okay? You now you you you are a Caucasian woman? Correct, Okay, why I'm I'm still trying to get to why are you calling? Well, what's going on is UM, I'm with an organization and we're calling people who are in interracial relationships, and for my understanding, you are in a interracial relationship. Correct, yes, okay, I'm would n b FU and that's uh NBFU is no blacks for you. And what we're doing is we're trying to get uh racist to go back to dating each other, you know, which means Caucasians going back. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. At first, I don't know who do you think you are calling my house? But that's just not gonna happen. And I don't know where this organization is based out of. I mean, you must be country bumpkin or something, and you have just really called the wrong house. Okay, well when uh NBFU man, it's been around since uh the early nineteen forties. Yeah, I can imagine. I can imagine that. I'm sure at some points you guys have to shut down because this is just ridiculous. Do you know what I mean? Obama's mother was white. Are you gonna go knock on his door to what the hell are you? I'm not gonna have time to knock on Obama's door. He's busy to whatever play I'm trying to do was get the rest of the country black. And that's what I'm playing. What I'm trying to try to tell us we can't be together because you're black and I'm white. He's calling you know what's up? Who is? Uh? Okay? Who? Who? Who? Who is this? This is a I'm a man who this? Okay? This is Jeodayah Malcolm. And what I'm doing, man, is well, you know, I'm with an organization called n b f U and NBFU man, there's no blacks for you, which what we're trying to do is we're trying to get all races to go back to each other. What you're telling get tripping? Man? You are what what? What kind of organization has that y'all are tripping? Okay, brother, let me ask you something. You don't feel You don't feel empty without the sister on your side. You don't feel empty without loving black woman on your side. That's what I'm asking you, brother. I got I got plenty of black women on my side, but that don't mean that I had to be in a relationship with a black woman. I'm in relationship with a woman I loved, So that's what it's about. Now, I don't feel empty. That's the first problem with your organization right there. That the premise is wrong. Okay, okay, okay, but brother, what we're trying to do, man, we don't want to lose our rate. We don't want the blacks to lose the strength that we have. And if blacks continued to date and mate with blacks, then we would be as powerful and stronger than any other race in the world. What do you get this number from? Man? Excuse me? How do you get this nothing? In the first Like, dude, I mean I ain't got time all this man. This is a not is bro? How you why are you calling that? Hey? Man? Because on y'all or interracial or a couple? Yeah, but what business does that? Man? That ain't not in your business? Hey, but it is my businesses I'm with if I'm with N B L. You know who? You're a black person that integrated within another race. And what we're trying to do, man, is get you to understand to come back to your race and be comfortable and happy in your race. You know, really, now come back to my race. I never left my lazy dog. You're a trip him, yo, and be you you y'all get off our phone. Man, don't call here no more? With that? Do you think that you are happier with a Caucasian woman than you would be with a black woman? Man, I don't even I don't want to entertain it. Don't call here no more. Don't call here no more? What do you let me ask? You? Be a man and answer the question? Dog? You know what you're about to get your dog? You know you really, you really gonna get you up? Will be a man as great? You know what? If you bring it over here, you'll find out how much of a grown man? I am, Hey, man, don't get your man while I'm in the middle of asking you these questions, because I ain't got no problem coming over there. I got your phone number, I got your address to bring your gown over and see what you frying. I'm asking you about these relationships? Man, Are you more comfortable in a relationship with a Caucasian woman than you are with a black woman? Dog? I told you Land it ain't even about that, and we ain't even going into that. So look this, please, brother, can you stop calling him? Don't call my girl. We're calling all interracial people around the country. That's what n b F you does. We call all of y'all and we try to talk some sense in to you and see if you can change the world and go back to the racist from which is you came. You're tripping. You're really tripping, man. You know what. Obviously you you just a mental institution you're calling from because there's something wrong with you. So look, don't call him no more, and we ain't got no more problems. I say this, I say this to you. I'm going to your your girl's job, and I'm talking to her face to face. Tomorrow about this whole situation. You know what, and you're gonna get you. No, I ain't getting my I'm going tomorrow, and I'm talking a matter of fact, I ain't even call to talk to you. You put her back on the fall. Damn what you showed at a job, Deman, he would happen. I'm showing up at her job. Put her back on the phone. Show up at her job tomorrow, see what happens. You didn't change, man, You change. Don't know me from the beginning. How are you gonna come down and change? You don't know me? Look at me. I know how your brothers get. Man. I'm as black as I ever was, and you can't measure my blackness because of who I'm dating. You show up at a job tomorrow, You're gonna get your You ain't gonna sit and threaten me. Man, I am with you. You don't work him up, and now I'm work that here. You're done. You're done, so you can stop calling the housing to your job. Do you want to I'm coming again. A matter fact, you can have your man at your job at lunch time. Not only am I gonna talk to you at lunch time, I'm a whooping. There's not gonna be any talking. You show up, there's not gonna be any talking. Yeah, it's gonna be man, you have a discussion to uphold and help you won't. Okay? You know what? There's a saying, are you on what the fool? Makes you a fool? So this conversation is over? Could I say one more thing to you? Watch? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Hobby And Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. My goodness. Wow. Okay, he's about to take his bloody nephew Tommy. I ain't another like it. Gotta ask y'all before I leave, and I need to hear this from both of y'all. What is the baddest ray video show in the land? Did I take the White Lady though? Yeah? Took on the trip man. That's get on the lane. That's how we do it. Tell him what we are at tonight? Man? Oh man, tonight, don't we definitely win it? Hall in Portsmith, Virginia o'clock show, were about to do this off we again here that come on? Way to win it? Hallet it. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, it's a time. Let's buckle up and hold on time. Here it is strawberry, all right, here we go. Subject robbed at gunpoint. It's been a nightmare. Stephen Shirley, please help me. I was robbed at gunpoint and my spouses teenager set it up and watched. My children were there. It was very scary. My spouse never disciplined to his child for this. We don't have a good relationship. Blended families are not easy, but if both adults are not on the same page, it won't work. I've had to deal with disrespect, theft, et cetera. But the icing on the cake was the robbery. Forgiveness is the hope that the past could have been different. I've told my spouse I will forgive in my time. I've been asking God to help me with this. My spouse and I have decided to go our separate ways. He wanted us to work it out, but I refused to live like a prisoner. We have children together, and their happiness is important to me. I've never been rich, but I feel like I struggle more financially when he was in the home. I'm still struggling, and I pray every day that things will get better. Please help me. Thank you. This is really awful. Uh, and I don't understand how this happened with no percussions. A true statement you made in the letter, blended families are not easy. Very true statement, but but really, who expects to be robbed by one of the blended family members? Who expects that? Another true statement you made if if both adults are not on the same page, it won't work. That's really true, and that's why your stepchild wasn't reprimanded for setting up and watching this robbery his dad. Your husband didn't step in and handle it. You're his wife. His kid had you set up to be robbed and then he watched it. Your husband should have handled that. He should be taking care of you, you know what. I'm just really I'm glad that you guys are going your separate ways. I really am. This is not going to work. You're right, Um, it's good to end it here because your husband and his criminal kids have just brought nothing but pain and misery to your life. You should have left a long time ago. You and your kids are better off without them. That's what I say, Steve. I'm still struggling, and I pray every day that things will get better. Hope is the beginning of the turnaround process. Then once you learn how to hope strong enough, then hopefully that turns into faith. Hope. Hope is the beginning of the process. You know, it's it's it's it's hope. Hope means a brighter outlook. That's what hope is. I have hope for them, arow, I hope it gets better. You know, it's usually you're done in a positive way, so I think you're on the right path. I think you need to turn this into faith though, and know that things are gonna get better because you've been delivered from obviously a horrible situation. My spouse is teenager. I was robbed at gunpoint and my spouses teenager set it up and watched right after that. If I was writing this letter, it would just have dot dot dot, and then you'd see a whole bunch of stuff you couldn't read, and be blood on the paper, and it'd be a lot of tails and stuffy be blood on the paper, and then what is it that's where the boy was prying when I was hanging him over. I can tell you a lot that's gonna happen, but uh, your children were there. It was very scary. And then your spouse, who is your husband, never disciplined his child for this. Wait a minute, wait, wait a minute. You got robbed at gunpoint by your stepson. I'm assuming in this blended family that you say are not easy, which is true, yours really ain't easy because they robbing you at gunpoint. I've had a couple of problems in the blended family too, but I bet you one thing. Bet not now one of them pull a gun out and pointed at me and don't kill me. Okay, let me watch this letter, y'all. I really can't even get my You should have you shouldn't. You should have did that this boy. You should have called the police, but didn't understand. No mom wants to call the police and what's supposed to be her child. I do understand that. But this dad who allowed this to happen without disciplining this boy, discipline is on the word. I don't know what. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I can't even formulate my thoughts about this one. I really apologize because normally I'm better than this. But this letter right here, If you're angry, you're upset. Who does this? I mean, how could something like this happen and he not step up? I'm levels, I mean, I don't know where to start with my anger. First of all, this dude set you up. But this is your child, stepson. But did daddy know about it? It ain't did nothing, and he wants to work it out. He wants to work the marriage out. We got you got somebody rob your wife, man, and you watch and you don't do nothing? Body you ain't no man. I don't see why you want to stay with a dude that ain't a man? No damn? What get out now? All right? Uh well, let formulate your thoughts Steve party can get it together coming up twelve after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning show. Hey, I got part to this letter coming up, so don't go away. All right, Let's get back to this ignorant that robbed the gunpoint this lady and spouses teenagers set it up and watched her children with their was very scary. My spouse never disciplined his child for this. We don't have a good relationship. Blended family is are not easy and what blended families ain't? This though? Um, but if both adults are not on the same page, it won't work. That's another true statement. I've had to deal with disrespect, theft, et cetera. Icing on the cake was the robbery. Forgiveness is the hope that the past could have been different. I told my spouse I will forgive in my time. I've been asking God to help me with this. My spouse and I have decided to go out separate ways. He wanted us to work it out, but I refused to live like a prisoner. We have children together, and their happiness is important to be I've never been rich, but I feel like I struggle more financially when he was in the home. I'm still struggling, and I pray every day that things will get better. Please help me. I can't comment on this letter because I'm I'm really for the first time. I'm so mad on so many levels because the father, for starters, allows this to happen. A man will not allow his wife to be robbed and he witnessed it and know who did it, and don't do nothing. That ain't no man. There ain't no man gonna let nothing happen to his girl like that, and he won't do nothing next level. My son puts my wife at gunpoint. Boy, But that's okay, that's the other level. This might mean me and you going to take this daddy something to a whole another level. That's disturbing the fact that the son sets it up and watches his stepmother, who, no matter how you feel about her, does she deserve that. And suppose that damn gun go off. You know, it's so many levels. And then the daddy don't do nothing about it, and then they're breaking up. He want to work it out. She's struggling with the forgiveness part of it. Man, looking forgive and leave. You can forgive, please get out. Yeah, but see what you will even to do is be a prisoner in the house. Like she said, he's still his stuff. Got a gun point. I'll tell you what though, good point this boy. I cannot kill him and his cool boy had to beat a press charge. Boy had to be and it's cool. I just what a hot whatever whatever age that he is. I got time. Yeah, And she says she's still struggling. We understand that it's over. That you take a baseball back down there and get rid of some of his tension. What to do with the body all right. Today's letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can also tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my Girls Shirley Now coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour NBA All Star Game this weekend. Who is the greatest basket ball player to ever play the game? Tommy, who you think it is? It's Jordan Jordan's hands down. I love Lebron, but it's Jordan. Well, Lebron is still playing. Yeah, but he didn't done that already. You know what. I'm wait when he finish his career. We'll see. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, I questioned the day are you getting a tax refund? What are you playing on doing with the money? And Part two, The greatest basketball player of all time? Hey, uh, time to give me your top five best players? Think about it and I'm gonna come back to you, Junior. Give me your top five. I'll think about it. I'm gonna come back to you. All right. We could go to phone, but let me do this right. Save you some time here. Top five basketball players of all time Julie Jordan's, Kobe Bryant, Magic, Johnson Burg and a chem Lash one nice? Wow? How many did you name? Though? I ain't five? Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Madgic Johnson, Larry Bird, and Kim Lodge one wow, Tommy, all right, y'all got a bad women on this now. Jordan's yeah, Lebron, Muggsy Bowl, Spud Webb and Chris Paul. You pick off short. I tried to school with Nate Robinson in there. But I have you said five? Why are you laughing so hard? Just over five? What's Jordan was the greatest player of all time? Bird and magic are one because they made each other. You can't say magic without saying bird. You can't say bird without saying magic. So magic bird is one. You just can't. You can't separate them to man from college when it was Indiana against Michigan State, I mean not Indiana, but the school yet, a little school in Indiana French Lique from that all the way through the part. You can't the one without the other. It's not so. I considered him one. Magic and Bird same, So that's two. Lebron James has done enough to go down in history. Is one of the greatest basketball players of all time. The next most I'm a little torn with this window. I want to give Kobe his due because Kobe asked, man bald he dad, boy bawled man, and he bawled with an intensity, you know. And did did he win a ring without shock? Yes? He did? See See, So I had to get a boy his I had to get that boy head. And then the person that changed the game to revolutionized basketball was Kareem I d Jibal. I just thought that that boy right there, that sky hook and then he eliminated. They stopped dunking in college because of him. You could not dunk because of Kaream. They ruled out dunking. Because of Kaream up du Jibal, they stopped dunking in college basketball. It was the craziest thing you've ever seen. Still, like Elijah one for Jr. I mean, it's cool this. Everybody got their opinion. But Kareem du jaibab no, sir, no sir. When you threw it to him, he was money. He was money man. So Dr J didn't make your five not the greatest five hand. Yeah, he's a great ball, and he's right. I'm talking about what I saw revolutionize the game. Now, if I told you all the real truth. You wouldn't even understand it because you don't even you don't you don't even know nothing about Oscar Robinson. You don't need to understand what he was. So I just ain't even don't need to me throwing that in there, because y'all you don't even know that. You don't even know l Jim Bail. You're sounding mad though, Yeah, you will chamber it boy hunting points in the damn I'm talking about doing ignorant mess. I've seen all that. You don't need to me throwing that in there. Because women, right, that's the one they had. Other women he puts some numbers up, well, had more women than Rodman had points women in his career. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, we will have Steve Harvey World premiere of a brand new Mary J. Blive song. Okay, alright, this one's called You plus Me love lesson. Mary J wanted to Steve Harvey Nation to get to hear it first, and we will play it at the top of the hour. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, alright, floats, marching band, street parties and Uh, they're about to converge with slam dunks, three point clays, and buzzer beaters in New Orleans. It's gonna be a lot going on in New Orleans. Yes, Marty Grass, revelers and basketball fans alike, We'll let the good times roll when New Orleans Marty Gras meets NBA All Star Weekend. I love it. Let's go. This is gonna be a lot going on in New Orleans. Yes, Marty Gras, revelers and basketball fans alike, will let the good times roll when New Orleans Marty Gras meets NBA All Star Weekend. I love it. Let's go. Marty Gras is one reason why the NBA's annual showcase is in New Orleans for a third time. When the NBA pulled the two thousand seventeen All Star Game from Charlotte because of a North Carolina law that limits the protections of LGBT people, New Orleans hurriedly put together a bid to host that the full weekend of events involving celebrities and the NBA elite would coincide with the first major Marti Gras Parade was pitched as more of a selling point than a complication. I love it. We were in a good position in that we were already prepared for Marty Gras and already had our special events operations going, uh to kind of plug the NBA into that. Ryan Bernie, a spokesman for our friend Mayor Mitcheland, said in an interview with The Associated Press, I love it. They were already ready for Marty Gras. So yeah, let's come on, let's bring it on down the All Star Game. Okay. NBA owners, officials, players and other dignitaries yet have been invited to parties at prime viewing areas along with historic St. Charles Avenue on Friday night, and they'll have an opportunity to experience Marty Grass like a local. This is according to Jay Cicero, he's president of the Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation. What a great way to expose Marty Grass to people who may never have seen it. Said right now, I can I say my husband is on his way. Go ahead and don't lose your mind. He get real brand new though. My husband when he goes home to New Orleans a real different he that's funny, right yeah, with his fellas the guys, Because you know, I went to the super Bowl. So he's like, that's cool, that's all Star. Go on, have fun. Did he tell you to have fun? Yeah, don't go kicking, don't call he already told you, Carl, don't come back by then, Ye go to clubs all of that. Yeah. When I came back, he was like, from the super Bowl. Yeah, man, the fellas. Yeah, we haded to an NBA All Star road trip. Got my sick gards, he said, and his mighty grotto. I'm going home. He got his beads, he got everything. You don't throw no beans. You get your hand broke, throw your beads up to me something, Mr. That's what you say, the beads, you say, throw me something, Mr. And you got some beans. But call all right now, alright, what you do? And you got him? Call him before you gotta get him first. We can see I'm married to a man from New Orleans. All right, let's go. Let's go to the were going to Yeah, if you're right, if you're gonna get a tax return, what are you gonna do with that money? And here's part two of that same question. Who do you think is the greatest basketball player of all time? Allen out of Texas. Steve Alan, Hey, what's uping? Man? What up with you? Boy? I don't see harn dog. I'm just uping here. You're doing what I do. Man, I'm just making it happen, Make it happen, and allan, Allan, I I fear no man, but God, Hey, I feel you, man, I feel you. God bless you. Man. I feel the man to God myself. Man, but I swear I don't a man. You're getting a refund check man, that's what they tell me to see it first. What they chell me, I don't know, you know what to the loans man? If you stinking up for you? Man, I don't never playing for nothing, but yeah, do give me something. Man, I'm gonna pray. How do you Bettles though? All right? Yeah, man, I ain't mad at you. Man. I tried to see Nethew Timmy that this ticket is too high? You know what I'm saying? How much? How much his tickets? Man? Man, this ticket his ticket was up. That man, the scalpell trying to get you man. That wasn't mean that was the scalpel. No, I ain't done that. I ain't I wouldn't do that. Why why time of tickets so high man. I guess that's he got to pay all the people you game, and I mean like they're the same people. I don't know when that's funny if everybody got to get the cut, you know how? Yeah, yeah, tell me how much this ticket down? For real? Man it dude told me seven. Well you live at Alan, I'm in Austin, Texas. Okay, so come on back, come on back, Steve hotside the last time, but the Chicken Wing. Okay, you've got a lot of information. Alan, Hello, I know, thank you? All right, motown Sack and depth Cham they're coming up next. All right, hang on, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, that's Mary Jay Blige, mew and y'all I'll call let us know you plus me love Mary ye who boy, I went to her show. Oh my god. Yeah, we had a good time. She's such a cool person. Yeah, yes, really really cool person. All right, Speaking of Mary J. This past Saturday, Mary J performed and warned the audience at the Clive Davis Gala uh that she was not in a good place. Okay, so you know what that means when she's not side. She says I look happy somewhat, but I'm going through some horrible stuff right now. She was about to perform and tribute to Saturday Nights on a re b Et Networks president Deborah Lee. She says, it's called a divorce. H it's called a divorce that it ain't got hig behind the scene day anyway, Mary J. We are rooting for you. We are some spouse was support how much he wanted kind of foolishness Hunter sometimes on a month or something like, Yeah, you've got to get your answer job, man, you gotta get your answer job. Dog about going to take care of you? A chef? You better get you some passing plays. You better ask for something to cook with. About to take care of you. I don't know, man. The divorces ugly. Man. I feel bad because she's got to keep trying to live and do her thing in her career. It's always sad when the other person can just sit and make allegations and attack. Why you out there still trying to make your life working happen. And boy, let me tell you something, when they attack you, they got time. They got time. You know the part that I don't like. Here's here's the thing that has to change in this country. When you sue a person or make a claim against a person and it's of the false nature, and then you go to court and then the one person that you accused gets he's vindicated. It didn't happen. If you find out that you was lying and you bought four false something should happen to you, Something should happen to your You can't just skip your ass on back to the house. Well, I didn't get the millions. I thought I was gonna get nice try and then some damn lawyers sitting up there he didn't invested two three hundred thousand of his money because he's thinking he's about to hit the potted goal at the end of the rainbow. So they all then they dragged you through the mud. Then you get vindicated, then you get to just skip off like ain't nothing happened. That's unfair, man, it is. That's unfair man. I really don't like in divorce, and I've been divorced as well, when the man tries to get money from the woman. You know, I can't like alimony and stuff. I cannot with that. Sorry. I don't care how the woman was or how much money she has you know. Now, let me tell you something. I understand a woman's position. She has children. She sacrificed herself to help you get where you are. You know, she gave of herself. I noticed and men saying, well, we did the same thing, but not actually. Um, you know, you jumped on a banana boat dog and it was full of fruit. Um. I think that women who are you know, domestic engineers and give them themselves. And you marry this man, and y'all build this life together, you know, and then y'all build a life together, and their divorce it's gonna be some ALIMONYA I got that, I really do, but I'm sorry. But a man though, that marries a woman who's already famous, already working, and then you marry into that. And now you want to check, bro, Come on, you want to shift looking for you the rest of your life to get you a barbecue pit man and get out there and make some sense and some money, make some sand. Hey. Sure, it's tough, man, it's tough to get a divorce and still go to work and get all that. It's like somebody died in your life. That's what it feels like. A death. Yeah, And that's what and a lot of people say that it feels like death, like you lose someone. What did yours feel like? See both of them? Oh, okay, let's move on. Be honest. The first woman, it was it was really me. Be honest with you. It's really me, just totally. That's all I could say. It was just all me that first and you were really young. Man. I ain't had nothing, man, I didn't have nothing. I didn't had nothing, guild offer. I thought I had a plan. A couple of things went wrong. Man, I just it wasn't It wasn't hurt, man, it just wasn't. No. I mean, you know, I said it at my daughter's wedding, you know, when I gave my speech, and I think, you know, Marjorie and everything for pulling the family together, and I think Brandon calling for staying together, and I think, but then I turned around and I said, I have to think marsh for raising my daughters the way she did, you know, for taking them to church and putting them in dance class and teaching them. You know, this woman did did all that without me, that in front of all those people. You know, I knew all the people was from Cleveland. I knew. Have her family hated me? I know? Yeah? Coming up next Pastor Motown, Deacon Death Jam in the building, Help you have food in the corners, mouthful lot of time Coming up next Pastor Motown, Deacon Death Jam in the Building, her Morning show. All right? Coming up next Pastor Motown and Deacon Death Jam are here singing my thank you. You're in the mood we we today. I want to bring something to your attention. All right. Uh. The simon for today is New Orleans is too much, yeah to talk about. Yeah, matter of fact, let's go deeper. New Orleans. It's too much. New Orleans proved too much for the man. He couldn't take it, so he's leaving, leaving on a one on the midnight train to Joe. Right. That's right. There's someone are calling me right now and they don't know that I'm in the middle of a sermon and I'm gonna have to call you back. Uh. New Orleans proved too much for the maid. He couldn't take it, so he leave it tonight on a midnight train. Well, Georgia, you better preach up in here. Why am I saying that? Is because in New Orleans there's an incredible event going down. It's called Body Grind, Body Grind and Weak And on the same weekend, the NBA thought it'd be a good idea to have an All Star game at the same time. How much hell can you packing one weekend? How many tricks gonna fly in the New Orleans for this? It's gonna be hell on Hot Wheel and New all to do. Ain't no truth for you. Everybody in New Orleans going to hell this weekend. Marty gral Beach, women pulling up their chests, showing their boobies, everything for a little Ruby. And now they're gonna bring in the NBA players. You know the bus don't know how to stay out of New strip club. But you're gonna mess around in New Orleans going the wrong kind of strip club. We're gonna wind up watching the Duncan do some things that you didn't know was doing. You're gonna going there mess around in New Orleans, gonna find out what folk men really do. You're like around New Orleans and Barby Street got tricked for you. I don't think some of them in BA players is gonna make it out of live this weekend. They're gonna be in the news they've been to be on TMZ. Everybody going to New Orleans and see what kind of fool they're gonna make out their self. Come on, Lebron, make it back and stay clean. Watch yourself to ain't way, come back and be clean. Come on down now, comell o, make it back like the strong fella that you is. I'll tell you one thing. They need to seeing Charles Oakley down that this weekend and so we can clean out from Cleveland. And what I'm talking about is gonna be some problems some of them young players. It's gonna get caught up in the hype. Some of them young boys gonna get out now and gonna be all over the place this weekend. My only wish is that I was young enough to go my damn self col OUs where to God. I want to be down there, if I could just be a fly on the wall or wall on the fly. They don't make no difference. What do you think about Draymond Green down their panther, Raymond Raymond Green, The photos are already down now, Steve Hardy Morning Show. I try we back. Let's get to these back to back jails. Cat, let's go right to treat me right, I try. When we come back. We got time for just one more thing. Uh, President Trump will not be filling out the bracket. We'll tell you about it after the break. I don't know what you talked to him. Back down. You're gonna get enough of this him. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next. We got time for just one more thing. President Trump will not be filling out the bracket this year. All right, here we go, just one more thing. It looks like President Donald Trump isn't just a complete opposite of former President Obama at the polls. He's a complete opposite at the polls to march madness pools. That is. Okay, let's distinguish which pools we're talking about. Unlike President Obama has the past eight years, President Trump will not be picking brackets for the two thousand seventeen men's and women's tournaments. Remember how President Obama used to do that every year and it would be fun and everybody would get into it. Well, not this president. The White House notified ESPN yesterday that the President will pass on making picks this year, saying in a statement, we expressed our interest to the White House and continuing the presidential bracket, they have respectfully declined. Of course, being the shrewd businessman that he is, Trump kept the lines of communication open, having White House spokesman Hope Hicks also mentioned we look forward to working with ESPN on another opportunity in the near future. Still, it has practically become a tradition since former President Obama, who was an avid basketball fan, agreed to fill them out for the men's and women's tournaments and discuss his picks on Sports Center. What's wrong, Steve, Don't nobody kill that he doesn't want to do it? You mean, well, it made the news. I mean it was one of the top stories yesterdayball and he was fit and he could play. And don't Trump play golf? Now? You pudin get to pick in basketball? President Obama play when y'all be together? Do he be telling my putin stack? Reached back. I'm sorry. It's funny, though, Steve. If you're a comedian, these are jokes, you're supposed to laugh. What is wrong with you? Next time y'all golf? And asked him who gonna work there? While he tell me up, surely we have stuff last set up? I can do it? He do me all the same because everybody you know what's coming back done. But the real question is when is we going to Russia? I know we gotta be going. No, we prided in the Russian I know that for everybody, call show. Filling up a lot of this break. You know what I'm thinking? On a big Russian hat. Nice, I've seen him on TV. I won't meet one. You can get a big Russian head. You're gonna need a bottle of vodka to you're filling up this Yeah, I'll tell you one thing. You're filling up this last break way better. You're filling up will at Hall? He is personal. Stop you quit you stop that. Oh no, But what you don't know is when the hall is getting full, getting full? Yes and stuff? You said yesterday we sold out christ La Halle, so you can quit coming. Yeah, that's when we did last year? What years did I say that? Time? I did that? We try to act like you know we couldn't do christ Yes you did? I hold on, why didn't we talking about two times fifteen? How many seats was in christ La Hall? However many it was? How many seats was in Christla Hall? Whatever the else? Just give me Monica, look at though for me, right quick, just just just google it right so I can give you all the credit you need. Come on, now, let's go. Okay, this is gonna be nice. What is the evilness? It ain't no even this, I'm fit to give you all the credit you want. What are you talking about? This man? He's gonna five? How we talked to hid right? Then we know that we know he didn't sold. We ain't got time to be doing this. Man in Christ let me find you. You just got to know. Okay, here we go, all right, christ lay almost twenty five hunt christ Ling Hall is right? The pauls yes, so in two thousand seventeen Wollen Hall ain't but two thousand and that ain't so out Yet we go, Lord Jesus, what is happening to your damn career? Is it going the other ways? Little five hundred thieves? Bothered you? I didn't even bring it up, tom I knew how many seas would. I knew he was gonna do your stupid Steve. Why next year is in rush? Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, I did the scope in North Fork eleven thousand seed, the place that's too big for you to know It's time to go, man, go put your clothes. I see y'all. Hey, y'all, do what y'all can. Y'all. Willet hall, Willet Hall, Big willet Hall. Come see Junior Tommy. Please sell it out at two thousand days, y'all are we hold? Y'all have? Yeah? I love you too. Get out seeing Jesus because you come in there Monday. Thein't so like. I love to go for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.