Great Labor Day Weekend - 09.01.17

Published Sep 5, 2017, 3:32 PM

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Y'all know what time If y'all don't know, y'all bag all so long, looking back to back down, giving them just like the milking buck bus things and it's tub y'all do me true good to do the hardy listening to me to other for Stuart to handle Moby. Why don't you join, yeah, Hobby, join me in being me? Honey said you got to turn Yeah, you gotta turn the turnhout the time you love. You got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now wanted only Steve Harley got a radio show, got going for you today. I got going for you today. O kid, You're not because this is coming purely from self experience, purely, and it just happened to me. You know, I was going through something that I've been going through for a long long time and just weary of it all. And I I've been talking to God about it, and I mean for for years though, for years, and I've been saying, Okay, enough is enough, you know God, I'm really I'm really tired and so but you but you know what, ah after it was over, you know, I kind of laid in it for a little while. You know how you've been going through something for so long and then even if it's over appears to be over you you still kind of lay in it a little bit, and you know, you have a a while. Man, I can't believe I've been dealing with this this long, even though even though it's over, or you threw with it for that particular day or what or whatever it is you threw with it, it's over with for that day of that period of time, you know, but it's over for whatever. But I I found myself going you know, man, I can't leave its lasted this long. I was just talking to myself and I had to catch myself yesterday. And maybe you've been doing the same thing to yourself, But man, I had to take an inventory yesterday. I really did, and it really tripped me out, and I said, I'm gonna share that with everybody today. You know, have you ever counted how many times you made it? This is really good for me. I don't know how you do it, but this was so good for you for me. Have you ever counted Steve Harvey how many times you made it? And so that's what I started doing yesterday, And that's what I did this morning when I woke up, was getting ready, I was actually taking an inventory account of how many times I made it. How many times, man, I didn't have it rent and somehow I came up with it. How many times I didn't have my house payment and somehow I came up with it. How many times I was out of money, did not have enough, didn't didn't see no way, but somehow I came up with it. How many times I got sick? I thought, well, man, this is right here. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but somehow I got my health back. How many situations I have found myself in. That was I thought at the time, detrimental and diabolical and man so sinister at times. But look at me, somehow I made it. I look at all the accidents I've been in, but he kept me. I made it. I think about even the simplest times of like stepping off a curve and almost got hit, but I made it. I was just tripping the other day. I was I was thinking about the times that I've been hit by a car, and it could have been worse, but it wasn't. And I made it through that too. I was thinking about, man, when they count you out? Do you know how many times I've been counted out? He's done? He ain't gonna be nothing, He ain't nobody see what I told y'all, look at over that they counsel this. He offered that he out of here. He ain't gonna make it. He didn't got fired. Man, You know how many times I've been counting out? You know how many times they didn't wrote me off? How many times have you been written off? Man? But here you still stand? You know you have a tripped on it? Taking inventory y'all of how many times? Count the times you've made it? Sit down, get a pin drough like I did. I just started jotting stuff down. What about the times man, when nobody was there to encourage you? But you still here though you have a tripped on that? Ain't nobody called you and told you good day. No nobody called you and told you recently thank you. No one's called you and told you how much you meant to them, how much you've done for them? A man, that you can make it, Never give up, keep your head up, man, keep grinding, but you still here even when nobody have you counted the times man, that you made it anyway? You counted the times that you felt like quitting. How about that one you felt like giving up? You kept going? How about the time this is a good one right here? How about the times man, when when when when everybody was standing around saying, ain't no way, ain't no way. Steve, Man, I can't tell you any times I've heard this, ain't no way. And then somehow there is a way. You know why, because he makes away you understand. You know how many you know how many times I've heard this one right here? Steve, listen to me, Man, nobody ever before has done that. You can't do that. How many times you've heard no? You wan when you know anybody that done that? You can't do that. No one has ever done that. I made it anyway? You know, they don't normally or we don't normally allow this, But in this case, for you, we're gonna make an exception. How many times have you heard that, Oh, I think I'm on to something. How many times have you heard in your lifetime? We don't normally or they don't normally allow this, but we're gonna make this exception in your case. How many times you'vedn't heard that? Have you ever counted the times that you made it? You know everybody out accept me? How how can that be? You know you're the only one that got through this? Congratulations? Wow? Man, I don't I don't hardly see this too many times. But do you realize that normally this is what happened to people? But man, y'all don't know how your name came up, but here you are. Wow, it never happens like that. You have accounted those times. I was doing it yesterday, I was doing it this morning. I was just taking an inventory of everybody of how many times I've made it. So what I learned yesterday was when God gets you through something, when he pulled you out on the other side, no matter how difficult or how long it took. When He gets you out on the other side, why don't you get up, dust yourself off, and start trotting what you laying there for? Man? Wallowing in it, going over it, recycling it in your mind. So many people can't move forward because we keep recycling stuff in our minds when clearly it's time to move on. It's time to let go. It's time to go and see what God has for you. Stop looking at what you lost. What you lost was probably not yours to have in the first in the first place, Do you know the things I've lost? I'm not talking about losing the love of one or mother or father, nothing like that. I'm talking about innate objects or situation. Do you know the things I've lost? Man, I look back on it I wasn't supposed to have in the first place, or they was doing me no good all it wasn't even what wasn't mine to lose, but I claimed I lost it. Come on, man, take an inventory everybody. Start looking at the things man, that God has brought you through. Start looking at how many times He allowed you to make it. And get glad about waking up in the morning. Man, get glad about your life. Start feeling something positive about your situation. You cannot expect God to continue to bless you if you're not grateful for the things that you have. Come on, man, have you ever counted how many times you made it? I started yesterday ended up this morning. When I go on break, I got some most stuff to throw on the list. I can't count how many times God didn't got me through something. But when He gets you through it, and get up and get on about your business, don't lay that in it. It's over, it's done, you made it, you survived it. Let's go, Let's go. You're ladies and gentlemen, boards and girls have your attention. Please welcome to the baddest morning show the land. There is nothing great. Sorry, you may be over there saying it, but you ain't know that. Champiship Team, Game, Baby and gentlemen. Today's morning show dedicated to all the people that handle meat. Meat hackles me love the meet on a pizza stamp at us d a height cut it serving even that Wait, honey, tell you how much you calling it hunted clean. It is for the meet people out there. You're not talking to the vegans, No, damn him meet you. We're gonna do vegan some other day. Meat meat The reason we have ta two of them, mis shaw meat. What kind of meat though? Damn feak beef, beef, chicken folk to child whatever, ye give you too much meat? You hold up a sign and they bring you meat. Yeah, you want to get yourself locked up for show. Make you don't make you go to child and keep raising you and taking love it. Yeah, and I went there one time. I took my sons and I went with some guys from the radio show one day and boil them down in Atlanta. Man, let me tell you something. My son ate so much meat because of the ship. Joe, he couldn't belee and kept bringing. He called me three days later he said, Dad, I'm in, Trump said, locked up. He said, I can't go to the day. I said, because you you crowded your system, overload me. You don't even know half to meet. Hey Steve, good morning to you. Happy meat day, Hey Steve, Hey crew, Happy Friday, Joe Morna. Did he surprised you? I won't be right behind number one? Top top number two. Make sure you watch your meat thoroughly. Ease clean your meat, please, very important clean nothing like dirty meat. Rich your meat off? Do you like it? Um? Rare? Medium rare? Okay, I meant like a steak. Let me just think alright, coming up something funny. Last week we talked about the fight party on a budget. Well, now the guys are here to plan Labor Day weekend barbecue. That's coming up next at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Brby Morning Show. Alright, this weekend is Labor Day weekend, so you know what that means. That means barbecue. Alright, fellas, come on with your must have Yes meat, you need a couple of packs of ween. Is funny how that worked out. Yeah, this is not a great vegan college. No, no, you know nothing wrong with being vegans. My daughters are vegans. My son tries it. He needs to get it. Damn weight up anywhere, he eating strong as he as he is a strong You really got to really focus. This is not a vegan week. But what did you do? You have something for the vegan since they go no, no, no, it ain't about them. They like that. You don't even come vegetables in barbecue. An't come over there because we want to hear that. We don't want to hear. But you don't eat meat? Okay? Or are there some Is there some meat in those greens? Yeah? Meeting every damn thing. Listen to me. It's meat in the beans, meat in the sucker tag, its meat in the green. If you ain't looking, I'll slip a little meat in the potatoes. What you don't understand you have meat, just meat chunks in the bobcat. I got punched meat. And then what's that in the sweet teeth? That's meat And don't drink it too fast You're gonna choke yourself in there. What about potatoes there eating the potato selling. You ain't looking. If you're not careful, I'll slips some meat in the potato selling. This is the meat weekend, you know, ain't don't need a brand in call like coming over. We're not doing twin pop this weekend. They got a wonderful organic popcorn that they do and delicious flavors is my favorite food right now, but we're not having that this weekend. Daddy doing me me, don't listen to me, listen to me. Yeah. Keywords you need to understand slabs Another keyword cuts cuts. It's gonna be different cuts of me. He has another You need to know the different shoulder, shoulder, the whole damn hunckleman ross rose is the back end, shoulders is the front. Lon's the terms you need to learn now. According to the lady on from Chicago on Family Feud, the question was name a word that starts with port. She said low I said, excuse me, launch, Steve. So I'm thinking pork lawn you know l a in. I can't figure out what she's telling Lord. You know Lord like a prokelon l I O end that's lying. And so cuts of meat. What we're talking not what will not be at the park A pig parts, no years feet, No, no, no, no, Steve, don't do that. No, no pickles, pigs feet, no ChIL no head cheese sparking at my house at all? What was that? What was that cheese that you No, no, no, that's not what you say. No, what does it say? Cheese? Real? Is what? Yeah? Well, I don't do pork. But what you have to understand is once you lay a pork real on a grill over an open fire, it loses all its pork properties. It becomes an entirely new meat group called Bobby bobbe You get the high little pressure, none of that. No, no, no, it's not that. It is what it is barbecue, barbecue, Bobby bobecue, Bobby Bobbeque, Bobby q b o b b y, Bobby kill you Bobby kill Bobby. So meat hills happening get used to the phrase yes, there's meat in there. Okay, just don't even ask that because it's in the tea. It's in the Jellow everything German chocolate cake with meat cooking. We got meat in the meat. It in there, pay on the edge crush. Yeah. Wow, Well, I can't wait to come to this party. You don't like me, show up This cheesecake Shirley topped off with chili, real nuts, less salt meat. Wow, there's a meat weekend right here. Yeah, this is it. I'm a baby back man. I like the baby backs. I like them in the bigger reals. What about good baby side people using like baby back reading? Yeah? What did he just say that? Yeah? He did. He did for you like that when you get the three, when you get that, that's one he says. Early in the morning. He babyside, he said, he said, baby I love baby back read. All I said was baby size people, you love baby pat What what did I say wrong? Also, no one else was thinking that about you, So Labor, there's a last weekend for white. So I gotta make a call. I keep telling you all. That's just around the country. L A White and from Chicago. All right, coming up next time? He's running that frank back. Uh, this is gonna be a good one. Nephew, you're listening to the morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Ann will be here with today's national news. Right now, it's nephew Tommy's turn to run that prank back. What is it? Cake lady, the cake lady? Everybody said with me, the cake lady, Lady cake lady. That is watch me work st cake? Did this is Barbara? Yeah? I need to ask you what kind of cakes do y'all make at this place? Well, so we make all occasion cakes, birthday cakes, anniversity cakes, winding cakes, pretty much whatever you need, what you're looking for? Did y'all be making adult cake? Guess so a few adult cakes, you know, bachelortte parties, and uh, you know when what exactly are you looking for? Sir? No, no, no, The problem is this right here. I ordered a cake from you all on Saturday. Huh. They was supposed to be delivered to my daughter's school on Tuesday, and you know she and junior high school thirteen years old. The cake was supposed to have hand him on towna on it, and it was supposed to say happy Birthday. Now the cake get delivered over there today and I can't, for the life of make believe that this is happen. Were in her classroom, all the classmates in there, some teachers in there. The principle that came down. We've been to have cake and ice cream for the kids, but when they owen up the cake, it's a man's private part on the cake. What oh, No, sir, No, sir, no, sir, no something No. We have never made a mistake like that. You made that mistake that I've been calling this place all damn day. Y'all haven't made this damn mistake. And somebody gonna pay for this. I got you know, I got. No. You're gonna have to low it down now, okay, because we can't get nothing settled if you're yelling and I can't hear you. Okay, I need the Lord that you should have Lord that private part off that cake. That's where I should s What is your name? My name is Trevor. And now where was the cakes supposed to be going? Middle school? Middle school? Now when was it delivered to I just don't see the the right there. You can't remember. That's how y'all made the damn mistakes. So please just answer the question so we can get this settled. Sir. No, what is the owner there? Excuse me? I am the owner. My name is Boba. Now if you give me the information, I'll try to make this thing right because it couldn't have been my company. Are you absolutely sure, sir? I'm positive y'all are the ones that delivered the damn Okay, listen, I got all these thirteen year old kids and their chromatized and the teachers and looking at me crazy, sir. But I need to calm down just for a minute. Let me ask you this. Wait. Wait, you want me to calm down. You should have took that private part down. I can understand. But I don't think it was my company, okay, because we've never made a mistake like that. Now, we're very careful with that kind of stuff. Now, certain holds on one net. Come here. Do you know anything about the case delivering Hannah Montana cake going to middle school today? Y'all? Did y'all make any deliveries? Okay, thanks, sir. I just talked to my driver and he's been with me about eight years, sir, and we've never had a problem like this. He's never delivered a cake over there, sir? Are you sure it was my cousins? Damn show this place, lady, it's this like your driver line. You know, you know mistakes can be made, but I can't. I can't make a mistake that you got a man's private part and in front of a bunch of thirteen your kids out. I can't understand. I would be upset to. I have children too, so I can understand what you're trying to say. But so what I'm trying to tell you is this is not my company you're talking about. We wouldn't have done anything like that. I've been in business with thirteen years. What is your name? My name is Barbara. Okay, so you're the one behind all of this on this damn cake is full to behind him Montano and wind up being a man's private part on the cake, SA Come on to stop and think about your school and a duck cake to a school. Now, I understand you upset. Do you understand what has happened at my daughter's school? And I apologize for it, sir, But I don't believe that you ordered the cake from my company. Okay. As a matter of fact, we make cakes on Friday sir, wasn't no cake delivered today? Sir? Is a Tuesday, And what the hell I mean? Ain't nobody a cake on today? Sir? I have told you that that couldn't have happened here at my company. Okay, let me know. Okay, I'll be happy to make a cake for you, sir, and to send it to your daughter. But sir, it wasn't my company. That don't wan't no more damn cake. Let me tell you something. Let me tell you what I'm going to do. Lady. I'm gonna call my lawyers. I'm gonna get with the police, and I'm coming over there to shut that down. You won't sell a cupcake when I get through with y'all. Sir, you know what're you don't go to Let me tell you something. This is my business that I've worked for thirteen years to build. You ain't gonna come up here doing I'm gonna shut that down. You come over the sand more icing up your your many won't even know who you are. You need to get off my phone with this. That's something ignorant in the first place, sir. I'm dare you call me with that? And what the is your name already told you my name is Trouble whatever. Bring you. It's up here, and I got something for you. Bring you and the police. Do you think I'm gonna let something like you come jeppardize my business. I'm in a business too long. I know what I'm doing now. I don't know who you're called, but it won't show not my company. Do you understand me? I don't understand everything you're saying, and I understand when I get over there, I'm gonna shut it down. Me and the police won't come mine here and get you step down, and you're gonna have a daughter. I'm crying over your now, I'm choking. What my company? Now? Get off my phone? Do you hear me? I got one more thing I need to lady's thing to tell me talking about shifting down my company? I got one more thing. If you're listening to me, I ain't listen what you got to say to me. This is left you Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. Oh my god, Oh oh yeah, I gotta get up this moan. Oh my god, I'm gonna kill us. I'm gonna kill her by hello. Oh my god, Oh my God, please kill me. I'm not on the radio. You are the radio now, but you're gonna be on there in the morning. Oh lord, no, no my preaching. Everybody else gonna be on it. Oh my god, I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna kill it. I'm gonna get me a cake and got her job up. Nor Oh lord, I'm gonna get somebody stop playing like that. You know, she's gonna have to look out every day. She ain't gonna never where it's coming from. I'm gonna be like the thief in the night on her. I gotta ask you one more thing. What is What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Hart and morning show. Y'all, what can you make it? Can you make a socket to the cake? Yeah? I can make a socket to your cake, But but hope it ain't got a gun in it round. That's what somebody like that they business there? That is cake later, baby, stupid that it's best right there in rap fall. Will you earn your keeping? Come to keep it? Stupid? The cake lady? Where you're going this weekend? I am in Tampa, Florida. I will be there later on this evening, Tampa, Florida is at the USF Sundome. It's me, it's Tank, It's Kelly Price, and the one and only Frankie Beverly will be in the building. I am hosting this. I'm gonna be the food all through the show. What is Frankie Beaverley win? What colors you win? White? I don't know what some of white? Thank you when white? Right? Man? Okay, I got a problem with white. We all love white. I just don't know what the hell you talk I'm wearing white, man, White's white? Now, all right, nephew, thank you so much. Uh. People are doing what they can to help with Hurricane Harvey. If you want to help, text the word Harvey to nine zero nine nine nine and you can make a ten dollar donation. Coming up. The country of Mexico is helping Texas. We'll talk about that with miss Anne when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, gracious, We want to say gracious and thank you very much to the people of Mexico. Mexico's Red Cross sent an envoy of volunteers to storm devastated Houston on Wednesday, hours after Texas governor. Yeah, hours, that really is right. Uh. This was hours after Texas Governor Greg Abbott said the state accepted an offer of aid from the Mexican government, including vehicles, including boats, supplies, and food. The convoy of thirty three English speaking volunteers left from Mexico City for Texas, where they plan to work in Houston shelters for twenty days before being replaced by a fresh crop of volunteers. Yeah, that's great, isn't it that way? Absolutely? Absolutely, you know, it's it's just amazing, man, how people can see through, you know, the foolishness that we sometimes provide one another when it's Jeff comes down to basic. Hey man, there's some human beings that needs some help. So here they're coming from across the border and unwelcome most of the time, but they still coming. Man. That that's that's the dog on shame man. But now we want to close the borders so you can't come over here. Well, I'm just gonna tell you, man, if this this whole talk about removing illegals and not allowing people to come in, what watch? Watch what happens? You have no idea? Are you? Are? You just ignoring the contribution to these people actually make to the fire of this country. You're actually ignoring it because majority people over here not committing crime. Yes, all right, Well, last night's NFL preseason games schedule between the how Boys and the Texans was canceled. The Texans Football Organization released a statement UH saying at this time, the priority of our organization is getting our players, coaches, and staff back home to be reninded, reunited with their families, many of whom have been evacuated from their homes and are currently sheltered. So we want to shout out through Houston, Texas star JJ Wyatt to we talked about j. J. Watt excuse me, j J. Watt. Um, he raised over six million dollars UH donations. Yeah, that's awesome. That's awesome, awesome, awesome, So thank you for getting involved in Congratulations to you, and thanks to everyone who's contributed, no matter how big or how small, you know the message that you care, you know, and that you have compassion for your fellow man and you're doing what you can. Thank you guys so much. Yeah, I mean really, Um. Harvey has been downgraded to a tropical depressure. Yeah. Not Steve me you because I get offended because when I hear when I hear it, I'm like, what do you do? Not? I know? And that's why what do you do? Now? What did the guy save to you at the fight scene last weekend? Yeah? You know, hey man, hey Steve, won't you let up off? Texas were like what you your ain't you you don't need? Yeah, and they still have to get to the ess is right but in alphabe serious though, Yeah, God was serious because I turned you know, you know, you know, waiting on how I'll just playing with your man turned and in that you're probably spun on him. All right. Introduces an ladies and gentlemen, She's here the lovely miss Anne trip. Thank you everybody. This is a trip of the news. Okay, starting out with this bit of news. The entire city of Beaumont, Texas is without water today after flooding from Harvey knocked out its water supply was knocked out yesterday. The entire city of Beaumont, Texas no water. Hospital patients are being airlifted out to other cities. Author he's trying to get bottled water in the problem is Beaumont at this point is like an island with flooded roads all around it and leading to it, so it's difficult to get in there with any water. But again I do have to repeat Beaumont, Texas out of water. Meanwhile, what's left the tropical storm Harvey, yes, has been downgraded to tropical depression, swirling over northern Louisiana, where it's been raining heavily. Houston, however, has seen the sun now for a day and a half. It's drying out, but even so remains in danger of a different kind now because there have been two explosions at a local chemical plant. The Archema plant, located just northeast of the city, lost power during the storm. Now it couldn't had to refrigerate the organic pesticides that it manufactures, otherwise they become combustible, and they haven't done that, so there were two explosions already there. Meanwhile, Vice President Pence is doing Texas later today. Yes, believe it or not. Our neighbor to the south, Mexico, it has sent help in for rescue and clean up in the wake of Harvey's visit. President Trump says he's giving a million dollars of his own money for relief efforts has to be said. Officials in Harris County, Texas, which contains all of Houston, reportedly planning to consolidate all of the Red Cross shelters and create one big mass shelter at the n RG Center of Silly that can house up to ten thousand people. Now, I'll already say that things at this new mass shelter should remain manageable, because they say the building contains a grocery store, childcare, medical station, and some other services, so they think could be manageable and and pretty hospitable for people who have to stay there. Flooding, by the way, now predicted in Kentucky and Tennessee again courtesy of tropical depression Harvey. By the way, a lot of Americans are set by this week's cover page of frances controversial political magazine Charlie Epto. It reads, God exists. He drowned all the Neo Nazis in Texas. Now. Critics point out, of course, that while he may look like that from across the pond, that there are hundreds of blacks, whites and Latinos who are stranded, hungry, and shelters, and that the death toll now stands at forty seven expected to rise in that none of those people are members of the Nazis. Los Angeles City Council is voted to replace the Columbus Day holiday with quote Indigenous People's Day every second Monday in October. However, Columbus Day will remain a federal holiday. They say supporters felt that Columbus shouldn't be celebrated because of the brutal way they say he treated a Native people's And finally, today is National American Chess Day and Better Breakfast Day. Have a better breakfast, A couple eggs on me. Eugene the Butterfly coming back twenty minutes after the hour's day. Tune to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, Steve, here we go. Please introduce Jay so Jay can introduce the Butterfly. Ladies and gentlemen, Jay, Dad, Good morning, everyone, good money, good morning, Good morning, Stephen, Tommy, Charley, your j Brown, beautiful, beautiful Friday. And I hate I missed out on the conversation earlier because y'all I was talking about me. You cannot leave me out with It's about some meat mercy. So I want to say this that it is just we gotta be grill. Ain't me and my friends are gonna be having a cook out, and I'm you know, we go we are and we're doing We're doing wieners, We're doing sausage, We're doing Pepperoni's halami's um and then you ain't never trying to you it's it's gonna be so good, but we gotta roast some winers to shape. We gotta roast that with open fire. Um. So we're just jay cut Jay Anthony. You are now cordially invited to cal Okay take your advice. You need to watch out there now you canna do it. I could put you our on links, I could put you which which one do you want me to put you out? I'm good, but it is going to be an extraordinary thing. But anyway, every um um Labor day, we all wear white, no matter what. We gotta have all our white on, even if even barbecue, even though you might get some some juice, sound that white some sizes juice? What sorry, yeah, I'm saying with sausage juice. He's on the floor, butterfly, you Sam, I just this is this is just sausage juice. But it's just you know, you squeeze that will get say that I almost went like your fingerprints on you that you know what I'm saying. And then and then when you bite into it there is a gush, great flight, but especially when you're doing a ra camera size and that was at a real what that was out of camera sizes? Anyway, I just want to let you out now that you guys want to come by and be a part of what I'm doing. We're having the Labor Day, um cook off. Thanks, Ain't nobody coming listen? Uh Jafnny Brown is on deck up next to Murder another hit. We'll be back at thirty four after you're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Alright, let's go introduce Jay, Ladies and gentlemen. He is here again. I don't know what this is, but slowly we are losing friends of the Morning Show. What is it that's murder? We go Coddy By. This is a really big song. Is that the name of the song? And yellow is a big song. She even recorded it in Spanish. It's huge and it's dis in people. The song that I wrote. It's this in people. Also, it's dedicated to people who go to school with a lot of stuff, and they got everything, and you don't have a damn I remember being that, Remember, I remember that that was me. I had nothing. That's what the song is about. Everything who had everything? Charles Tripling sly knits if all Flowers had every damn thing for a different outfit every day. He drove a brand new car to school as a senior. Yeah, a new car though, I got that in there. All that's in the song. You didn't have a damn thing. You had to hold your new clothes till a week after this, just for you right here. Follow me on Jaspont Comedy. Check it out. This is the song on the stee Hall of Money. Stop j J got some. I ain't rich, but you can't listen with me because all my stuff is new. These ain't knockoffs because my dad got him. This is my school shoot from the stoop, and I've got some mop Jesus brand new. I know you six, so you can shut your mouth. That's what I'm talking about. Look, I eat hot lunch and I got money too. I'll lend you a pair if you want me to wear a new pair every week. You look at that I speak to you. I've got money, might stop, daddy rich and I drive the schools Now it's time for some fake Spanish. I really hope that I don't offend better suit on my cat. Get only five Meani Meani money Mum or don't Betty get it bum bubble gum buddle gum, bubblegum bum bubble bubblegum, bubble bubblegumble, bubble gum, bubble gum, bubble gum track my Stepdaddy, you look at that. I speed and I drive to school. Committed though, when you're doing Jay, you're so committed. I love that. Yeah, I ain't seen a cup this many age ran right only Jay, he knows all the jam. Am I too old to do this? Know? This song is the song? He had played the song at the fight. He was at the fight. She sung the song. Yeah, yeah, she's sung the fight. Yeah yeah, she performed the fight. Yeah. Yeah, this sounds big man. Yeah, it's huge. The fact that I know it's just a popular song. I was not there the fight. I was in the back discussing other things when they were playing this song. Yeah, yeah, this is a big song. I don't know how to be Yeah, and your Spanish person is even bigger than we talked about it. I guess that was not Spanish that did him. We know, bubble gum, bubb we know that ain't Spanish. That I understood it too well. I just threw that in there. I hope I didn't offend anybody you were saying. I have no idea. I was waiting in a dish. But I love it. You're commitment, though, I do, I really be committed to what you do right here? Yeah, alright, the Nephews prank phone call is coming up, Bubble gum, nephew, it's gonna be what you promised that it will be. Well, it's my promise you to be alright, the Nephews prank phone call, it's coming up right after this, and he promises is gonna be what nephew stupid. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour, Get ready for today's strawberry letter, of course, put up next Tommy, what you got he left his draws this? You're right, this is going to be stupid. Ain't the only one ever left? Mind? I've know some people on this show that left they draw Excuse you, I ain't never left mine. I had him on back getting out one leg. But yeah, I had one leg and one time. Oh that's uncomfortable. Your jeans on him too? In my pocket? That was hard to explain. Why are your draws in your pocket? I got one for you. Why your draws around your ankle? Oh? We gotta talk about this when we come down. Hello, yes, Mr, Yes, Hey, this is the doorman mark uh your building? Okay, I have a mistress in here who is trying to get buzzed up to your unit? Are you Are you at home right now? Sir? No? No, no, sir, I'm not a who Yeah, Mr Um, let's just say I'm sorry. We'll just say Mr. He was be buzzed up. Supposedly he left some articles in the room. Are in your unit a couple of days ago? That was out of count A couple of days ago? What day are we talking about? Uh? So, actually starting Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, he was there all three days. You guys let him into my apartment for three days. He was in my place. Mr. Tip. We don't let anybody in and let someone in the unit, allows them to be buzzed up. That's the rules here of the building. So we definitely didn't do anything. So who let him in? Who buzzed them? Monday? Sir? I hate to say it, but I'm assuming your wife musts to bust them up. You mean my wife was not there three days ago. She was on a business trip. She was not at the apartment three days ago. No, Sir, your wife was here. I've actually seen your wife come in and out. Okay, to dude is there right now? He's downstairs. He's here right now with me, Sir. What did he leave him? Okay, one second, Mr, hang on, what actually part fair pants and and what else? He says he left a pair of pants and underwear and the two Prush shirts. Sir, was still kill Hill. He's there right now. Let me talk to him. Put him on the phone, let me talk some Uh you know what, Mr. Right now that we're listening to you and I'll rape the way you're saying, I don't want to put this car on the phone. Mark, if you want to keep your job at the building, you're gonna put him on the phone now, sir. Sorry, Mr. He's actually leaving out of the building now. He's he's walk should put him on the phone. What's your problem? You got video surveilance, right, you got video footage of everybody that comes in and out of the building, right, Um, yes, sir, But you know, if if nothing occurs, we I think we should have footage that goes back at least two weeks, so we should be able to pull some things out for you. Sir. Yeah, I'm gonna need you to get that. And I need to hit over to me right now. I'm at my work email. I need it today because this is some let my apartment and this is it's like, what kind of income people are you? What kind of in before are you? Sir? Mr mrs On a second, all right, let's please hear me out, sir, hear me out. I have it. We haven't just let someone in. Someone in your unit, buzz someone up. We didn't just let anyone up. Now, I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm assuming your wife buzz this guy just turns up. We didn't do that. You should put up and get me with pasked for and then with done. Okay, Well, well you know you're saying I have a problem. Maybe you have a problem pleasing your wife, and that's why she's buzzing other people up here talking to me like that. You're being you're respectful to me as well, sir. No, no, no, no. The disrespectful is you coming and letting people come up to my buility that you know is now. I haven't let anybody up here. I can't stop your wife from doing what she's doing. Do you like some guy in what you're thinking it might be taking out on me what you should be saying to your wife. Somebody has gotta dress up all the time and always buzzing somebody up to the room on your guard. That's what you need to door man, Mrs you you you know what. I'm the only round here busting my kids now. Man, I want here working right now to pay for that. So they check job where you might be having you whatever, then you're not. You're not having your basers at home. That's why she keeps buzzing people up, sir. You know what what the business on the handle? When I get home to day and show my man your your wife has been a s You're gotta quit calling me the doorman. Okay, you want woman, what's your mother position? You do for a living on the door man, door and thank you missus door man. By fact, I'm gonna stop calling you missed the doorman because that's giving you too much respect. Okay, but if you know, if you if you stop telling me from going up to your room, you'll be fine. Who the Tommy Lepthew Tommy from the Steve Harvey and Morning Show. Your wife got me to prank phone call you? You're crazy? Ye about to get man's cool? Man, You don't know that was going through my head and she was about to get it y'allways, everybody was about, hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man gotta be the Steve Harvey Morning. So then you know, you leave your drafts. You know what I'm saying. Sometimes you're leading. You know, time you get caught up, you don't think about you pull out. Damn, I left my draft. But you can't go back. You though, you paying rush in front of nobody because you ain't got no drums. Don't come home with new drugs. Fit. When you start wearing new drugs, change your behavior. That's we know, Steve saying, who know about to run your ankles. I was just in the rush to get him on, trying to get back to the house. Next thing you know, I just had him in one leg, standing in the kitchen, trying to look innocent and look down, and it was sticking out under my pants. You should have seen me putting that league. Okay, so I get the visual. Your draws are down, but your pants is up. Yeah, like you got it together and shoes on, yeah, tied off, but all just sticking out from around you feel that big lump of cloth going down your leg? What color? What color? Were they real obvious? Yeah? You know I had these gray and yellow ones. Yeah, they were very noticeable, real obvious. Yeah, you know my socks? Hear the funny thing the leg that the draws were sticking out of. I didn't have a sock on that foote How do you rein it? How did you get out of it? That's what I wanted. Now. I stuck my leg behind the stove. I'm telling you, I just stuck it on the side of stove, just stood there because I couldn't walk because they would have seen it. Yeah, because usually there's no room behind I just do it in the kitchen, talking like I was concerned. Uh, just when fruit lum stopped making sucks leopard le right, it looked like dis you know, like what divers put off? Yeah, definitely what the writing saying. What say I like lap dance? All right, we gotta go U coming up in about an hour. Get ready for another exciting episode of bad acting theater the Chapman's and we'll be back. Yeah, we'll be back right after the Strawberry Letter coming up next. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, before we get to today's crazy Strawberry letter, and yes this letter is something else, trust and believe. But first shout out to Texas own Jamie Fox, a friend to the show. A telethon is scheduled for said Timber twelve with Jamie Fox, re Reese Witherspoon, Blake Shelton, and Houston z own Michael Strahan promises. Host. Jamie made the announcement on Instagram, saying just wanted to let everyone in Texas No, we got you from a fellow Texan. My heart goes out, my prayers go out. September twelve, we have a telethon that we're doing. We'll give you more details so we can raise as much money as we can for everyone down there. Houston z own rapper bun By and the team behind Ariana Grande's One Love Manchester concert are reportedly organizing the Star Studied event, which will take place in l A, New York, and Nashville. You don't have to be a celebrity to help people, though, I mean we've been saying that all week. You know, you could just be like us, just regular whatever. You know. Everyone can help. Text a word Harvey to nine zero and you can make a ten dollar donation. You can go to red Cross dot org. You can call one eight red Cross and help in any way you can, especial see if we can't. If you can't, that's okay. To do what you can do, do you. Yeah, no pressure, and thanks to everyone who stepped up. Oh my god, the military's involved, you know. Mexican, Mexico, the country of Mexicans. I mean, yes, yes, big, you're absolutely right. President, Thank you? How that is? You know? I mean that speaks volume as a people, you know. Yeah, to put a wall up. Yeah, and didn't till my win't gonna pass to budget if he don't get the budgeting for the wall. Wall. I even saw some I ain't got a dollar for no damn wall, but I even saw some Musks opening their churches, you know, for people to come through. You know, that's big as well, you know, considers considering you know what the things that the President said about, you know, the Muslims, the Mexicans, all the wall, all of that. You know, thanks everyone. The mayor in Houston, to Vesta Turner, has done an incredible job. Yes, yes he had. That's a job from the beginning. I mean even before the storm hit. He was preparing you forward and getting you ready and letting you know, if you're thinking about doing some foolishness with Looten and all of that, I'm gonna be ready for it. He's been on he's been on point before the storm. King. You just see all the police officers that are coming in from all over to give the Houston police a break because they've been working non stop. That's the silver lining, everybody coming together. Absolutely absolutely alright, nephew, let's do it. Let's do it. Let's do it up and hold on time. We got it. Starwberry letter, Okay, subject he wanted it before, but he doesn't want it now. I surely and Steve, I am not one to have let a man walk over me. However, a few months back I met someone who made me let go of the guard I had held up in protection of my heart. In November, I met a guy eleven years my senior, and he seemed ideal. Despite my self professed problem with being hyper sexual. He saw me as the intellectual female that I am, and he treated me spectacularly. My safety mattered to him, and he didn't mind letting me know. Fast forward six months and I lay here crying because he claims he doesn't want a relationship. He knows that I'm in love with him, and he uses this because he knows that is my weakness. He'll call upon me for sexual encounters and then makes me tell him I love him during sex. I fell in love with the man who was my protector many months back, who told me things that I had never heard before. Where did that person go? I keep trying to break away and the cycle continues because I am weak for this man. What am I to do? Wow? Okay, first of all, go back to the beginning of your letter where you say I am not the one to have let a man walk over me? Well, where is she? Where is that woman? What happened her? You know, I'm just gonna need you to bring her back first of all, and I need you to wake up. Stop professing that you are hyper sexual. I mean, what does that mean anyway? Stuff that you know he'll use against you, he'll use to manipulate you to do what he wants you to do. And he has you right now just where he wants you. I mean, you know, did he hypnotize you or something? You know, he can call you on the phone, come to me, and you'll just calm because he says it because you're weak for him. I mean, he can't do anything to you that you don't allow him to do. As we have said a hundred and one million times on this show. You know, I just need you to wake up and and be that other woman, the one who doesn't let people walk over them, because clearly this man is just doing what having his way with you. But he can't do that again unless you say it's okay, and you've apparently given him the okay. You know, this is just crazy. He's just eleven years older than you, he has more were game than you, and you know in this instance he's winning. So you gotta wake up and just stop letting him do this to you. Steve, say no, sometimes you don't have to go every time he calls. Steve. First of all, Sherle, I agree with everything you said. Great response. Great as Here's the way I see it. Shirley's right. What happened to the woman who opened up the door gate when I'm not want to let him man walk all over me? You met a guy eleven years, you've seen it, and he seemed ideal. Now here's the problem with your letter, though, despite myself professed problem with being hyper sexual, see that this is yourself professed problem. Why you shared that with him? I do not know. Maybe it was to let him know you're gonna really want it all the time, or whatever whatever that means. I guess that's it. And e eleven years you're seeing you Maybe you fail. It was I got to tell him this how I really am not it's a problem of mine, Okay, But then he saw you as the intellectual female that I am, and he treated me spectacling. My safety matter to him, and he didn't mind letting me know. Fast forward, your crying because he doesn't want a relationship. I did not hear anywhere in your letter where he said he wanted a relationship. I didn't hear any of that. All of this is you. You got this figured out. You let you met someone who made me let go of my god, who let my guard down. You let your guard down without putting your problem down. Now in this letter, I have to ask you this question. Is your problem him or is your problem your hyper sexual problem? Because you know if it's him, then we can fix that. If hyper sexual is your problem, then this is gonna occur again and again and again because you're hyper sexual. But it didn't say you were promiscuous. So if you love having sex with these guys you meet, and that becomes the pre eminent thing in the relationship. He saw your intellectual side. You told him just the real meat on. This is my professed problem up front. So you told a guy that's what you had to have, not guess what now to hang on to it. All he got to do is play on that. And that's what you're creating. When I come back, I have a solution for you. I'm actually gonna show you a way out of this. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning. Coming up in about twenty minutes another episode of bad Acting Theater starring the Chapman's. But come on, Steve code Cracker right now with part two of Today's Strawberry Letter. Uh. He wanted it before, but he doesn't want it now, how Sherle and Steve. I'm not wanting to let him man walk over me. How A few months back I met someone who made me let go of the god I had held up in protection of my heart. And November one, I met a guy eleven years my senior, and he seemed ideal despite my self professed problem with being hyper sexual. He saw me as an intellectual female that I am, and he treated me spectacling. My safety matter to him, and he didn't mind letting me know that. Fast forward six months later, I lay here crying because he claims he doesn't want a relationship. He knows I'm in love with him, and because of this, he uh, he knows that I'm in love with him and uses this because he knows that is my weakness. He'll call upon me for sexual encounters and then makes me tell him I love him doing sex. I fell in love with the man who was my protector many months back. He told me things I've never heard before. Where did that person go? I keep trying to break away and the cycle continues because I am weak for this man. What am I to do? It's not that you're really weak for this man, It's just that you have a problem. And see, once you let your guard down without putting your problem down. As I stated earlier, they allize your real problem. The problem is you your hyper sexual. Now I looked up hyper sexual because this woman obviously has diagnosed herself with the real problem of being hyper sexual. Okay, here's the definition of hyper sexual. It is the inability to control thoughts, feelings, or sexual behavior. Your thoughts of sex, your feelings about sex, and your behavior about saying your inability to control that. That's the definition according to the dictionary for hyper sexual. Okay, once you told the man this, guess what he had a new toy. Oh, I'm gonna play with the hyper sexual girl. Now you didn't fell in love with a problem him and you hyper sexual? Now you're the told is to the guy without establishing up front what you wanted. See, once again, ladies, I didn't hear and hear what a man said. He wanted a relationship. He was just providing protection for you. He said something as you had never heard before. So damn what, I got a bunch of first timelines for you, if that's the only they take. He eleven years older than you. He didn't done some things you ain't done eleven years. Come on, man, it's got being around the block. Here's here's your here's your deal. See you're saying here. He knows that I'm in love with He knows that I'm in love with him, and he uses this because he knows this is my weakness. Love is not your weakness. Love is a strength. Let me help you understand something your weakness. Love is not a weakness. Love is a strength. Ain't nothing wrong with love. Love overcomes, love winds. Love causes you to do right when you want to do wrong. Love make you go home and night. Love make you show up when you feel like laying down. Love is a strength. Your weakness is your problem. You need to go get some help with being sexually a hyper. You need to solve that problem because this is just gonna happen again and again and again. But let me tell you something about me and in case you're got money for a therapist. See you say he uses this against me because he knows I love them. Let me tell you somethbody, man, here's a simple therapeutic moment you can add with any man. If you take away the known to a man and create the unknown for a man, you're either gonna do one or two things. You're gonna reignite his interests. He's gonna have to work harder to keep it, or you're gonna give him the out that he's looking for. Quit creating the known for him, create the unknown. Quit answering your phone, quit being with he wanted to, he wanna hear I love you. Didn't do something to show you love me just cause he's sex and you you got to tell him you love it. Come on, lady, I'm just giving you a cheap way out. And now you've got money for therapy. You really need to go get yourself looked into and get yourselves some help. But a man responds to what he don't know. Please know that, all right, Steve, You know we have to go email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls? Surely and I want to say thank you once again to all the people who joined me yesterday for the Strawberry Letter after show live on Facebook. Thank you guys so much. You guys getting all you know right now as soon as we get on it. Why, I don't know, but you can't damn restrict all right, guys, thank you so much. I that a word. Damn you see that big s want the money break all right. Now's a good time to switch gears, Steve. Check this out, guys. Smoking weed slashes your risk of strokes. I'm I'm okay, okay, I knew. Studies found the smoking weed slashes your risk of having to deal with blood clots, which can lead to a longer life, because you will also reduce your chance of suffering a stroke. It seems that the chemical THHC, which is what actually gets you high, also relaxes the walls of your artery um once a week day, resulting in lower blood pressure and increased blood flow to all the tissues of your body. Don't do a damn thing for diabetes. Don't do making you eat right? Well, yeah you do, get so there you go. You don't say how often though it's there supposed to be once a day. No, I didn't say how often. Uh. It's just found that when you smoke weed, it slashes your risk of having to deal with blood clots. I think it's got to be all day because when I see my sister like she's been doing, you don't get upset about nothing else. We smokers calls you to have a stroke. They stress free. Yeah, the stresses down, stress and the walls of the arter. Yeah, it's just all over her face. No mention of the flooding. She didn't worry about. It's flood nothing. Find out smoke and I need to get some. Yeah, that's some new stuff. She rolled me one of them all coming up at forty one after the hour something. You've all been waiting for another episode, the brand new episode of Bad Acting Theater and The Chapman's Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, and now it is time for another episode of Bad Acting Theater. It's the Steve Harvey Soap proper, the one he's always wanted. It's called The Chapman's. Ready, guys, yes, you bad acting You stop in the middle of the narrating just started, and okay, ready, everybody ready, Okay, here we go. Hello everyone, Welcome to another episode of Steve Harvey Bad Acting Theater with your host and narrator me Surely Strawberry. We called this episode I got your message right here. Let's look in and see what's happening. In last week's episode, Earl Son Chester just got back from being kidnapped and was excited to be home. He went into the kitchen to make himself a peanut butter and jelly and pork grynd sandwich. Yuck, Daddy, daddy, you did it, iddny't think you kid, I didn't think you're like I didn't think. I didn't even ever see you. Aki. I'm gonna go in the kitchen and make me the biggest peanut butter and jelly sandwich I can find it, and you know what, you know what, I'm gonna throw in some poor rid. Earl was mad that Frenchie, who was supposed to be played by George Wallace but was played by Tommy ripped him off for forty million dollars that he paid him to keep Chester because he let him go. I paid that fat no good, bad acting, small hat wearing old ass. Mama. You jun't tell him purple color, need grow Frichard for the million dog keep that boy, and I was to never see him again. He took that money and didn't let him go. And Junior and me too, we're surprised to find out that KK was his mama. His mama? What what? What? What? What? What? What? You? My? What? What? What? I thought? That's right, your mama. Let's look in on this week and see what's happening with the Chapman's. This is your mama. Fl stupid. She don't even know how to leave a message. Leave a message. Look, look, your blue black rascal. You made a deal. I gave your forty million dollars to never see him again, but you took my money and you let this worthless no good. So go now here in the kitchen right now making a peanut butter jelly in poke ran selwich. I don't want the money, but you got to keep up your end or the boggaing. If not you you got to come get him. Please. If you don't come get him, help mckilly, please please have have some decency. Friend, She picks up the phone, because he was just screening his call. I don't take care of your little problems. All right, you gotta deal, but promise me that you're gonna come and get him first. Oh we we, we gotta deal. I won't right on right on with the right on. Oh okay, he really hates that boy. Let's listen in as Bogard is calling Reverend Adnoi to find out where KK is. He's finally able to call after the butt whipping he got last week because of swelling went down. This is if you're caller about to meet it with the women who looked like mc ham. Please, I want to know how the phone ring first, then after I'd already left the message to ringing the phone. It's bad. Yeah, rab this bo God. If you see KKH, tell her I moved to Egypt. Okay, I'm not around now. Let's listen in as Junior. It's still taking it now. Let's listen in as Junior is still taking it all in that KK is is mama, Wait wait what what? What? Who? What? What? She's my my? What? What? What? Oh? What? Take K? I thought? Hold on a minute, hold on, she's my what what? You my what? We'll get back to that. But guess what KK has found Beauregard. Oh yeah, this is uh this is a rev. This is bouregard. Like I said, if you see KK, tell her I moved to Egypt, you know. And if you ever see him, man, I'm ready to face face to face. She got in a lucky punch, you know what. Uh. I'm ready to to have it out with her, one on one anytime she's ready. Kayk okay. I thought she was gonna say. I looked down and she that's what I was waking that all right? Okay, get off the phone, punk, I'm right here. Where's my money? I told you it would not end well. I don't find him. Yeah, I'm dying. Shad me, shad me, Ellen. I don't want to die calling him. Wait a minute, hold on, hold on sound effect. Man, I'm not finished die god, guy, hold it. Somebody told my baba I don't want to die. I don't wait a minute. I'm still not finished die. I want I don't wanted to die, but I'm dead. Join us next week for the Chapmans. This has been Steve Harvey's bad acting theater. That god the best death ever. We gotta go to break. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steven Show. Okay, we have two segments in one of this break. First of all, we're gonna have more Labor Day barbecue tips more. And then Tommy I hate saying this, Carl, I know you will hate hearing this as well, But Tommy is gonna have more etiquette on side piece of Labor Day weekend. I can't yeah with that, Yeah, you don't understand something wrong. But first come on with grilling tips, guys. And we know it's a meat a big meat day that you don't want to waste it. Now, you don't want to waste it. So do you put your meat on and then put your your sauce on? Or you put your grill your meat and then put your sauce cook. I think you let that question. You don't. I think it was a little backwards. That's gonna happen, y'all. The other thing that's gonna happen somebody, it's gonna set theirselves on fire. You know what I'm talking about? Blade a blade, a blade. All the front is gonna be boint up shirt. And why is that? Because they don't know how much fluid you're supposed to use. That there's a way to deal without all that fluid. That fluid it. It takes too long to cook that fluid. If you're using half a can of fluid, you got a problem. Oh yeah, well they're out there. You mean personally, I think if you're using fluid at all, you're you're running your meat. Yeah, you know they have five starters out there. You know, a little squares exactly just wooden paper, just wood that you see start and then it helped start your fire. When you use time is right. When you use that all like that fluid, it takes too long to burn off. It be in your meat. But you know that people that's not listening, I said, they're putting gas on the flames man, because the man started. Yeah, have the electric starters. That's just like a it's shaped like a circle with two yeah coming off. You just plug it up and sticking under your cold and then it started to pull it off. You gotta put it somewhere working. Nobody touch it for an hour. You pull that thing out, man, and you ain't paying attention. You touch it again, you gotta be a big problem. Yeah, you're gonna have to go in the house and get some butter, right, Yeah, but when your whole handed, but you take some bo and wrap it and it works. You're going to go to the hospital and you touch your things right there by ain't gonna help because just going right to the white man, Yeah, a lot of you gotta be careful. Yeah, I think that's the message. Just with the amount of fluid that year. I don't even eat a people house if if the cook is skinny at meat, you got to have somebody in that. Y'all got to be fat a vegan bar alright, Um, so we slide into part two of this segment, uh side piece of labor Day weekend things they need to know right all right, let's do this because you know last month the whole or careless story broke y'all remember that, right all right? Because you know to me, Kle's win about the first thing that the ladies just way too young, all right now they need to be around fairly. And thirty five that's that's that side piece age right in there. Thing five. I'm opening up my own nephew timming side piece edikin school. Yes, yes, you know so so side pieces No, like like you're gonna rude number one, how to recognize you got to know if you a side piece first? All right, Look if you ain't been here high, you ain't met his kids, you ain't met his mama. You definitely a side piece. You do understand that. Listen up, listening, listen up now number two. Here you go, y'all. Holidays are spent with him, the day after Christ, the day after East, the day after New Year, and just notice, birthdays are options. It might happen and it might not. Okay, what about Labor Day this weekend? No date Friday? You might want to get him mark today? Today is to day to right matterday? Yeah, don't be looking to have Monday to you to you know that's not you know, don't fix him a plate because he ain't coming over there. Hey, you're making a plate for I told you I'm not coming I make your plate for what? And you know the problem with the side always a side piece. I always want to do something public, right, you know what I'm saying? Why we can't go to the movies? And what what is this? What is not a room with you? We got cable movie fun. Nobody wants to set up in the house on a day day, idiots. The only way we're going to the movie I show up. You already out. You got refreshments and everything ain't already. That's what I'm talking about. It's dark now here going nothing when you need to understand as soon as right before the movie over with, right at the climax, I'm walking down the step getting out of there. I will see I'm gonna see it at the end and I'm out with me and you when the lights come out. Can't be sitting side by side. Not happened, Steve, I need you to step in here. What's your credit rolls? So do I? Yeah, yeah, I'm it's gonna be a great school timing. It's gonna be a great once a week. Got out side. We gotta go, anyone here this crap. We gotta go. Oh that was me, We gotta I'm sorry outside sad pieces. He didn't mean me clapp about. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Deal of the Summer is complete, Ladies and gentlemen. Kyrie Irvy Irving is a Boston Celtic now and Steve I know right, and Steve I talked to about it at the fight. Uh huh And what did he say? What did he say? Personalist Cleveland? Okay, Well, this is something you'll be interested in talking about Cleveland business. Isaiah Thomas is now a Cleveland Cavalier. Alright, alright, so but you know there was some concern. There was some concern after why did he leave? I don't he was upstause you don't want to play under the out of Lebron. He want to go somewhere and be the man. Yeah, oh yeah, he gonna be the man. But his damn problem now is he's on a team where they're gonna double him. See, they couldn't double him on the calves because they had to worry about Lebron. But now he goes to Boston, they're gonna lock him down, you know, get his fishing equipment together. On the top score, they're gonna shift over there. When they wanted Isaia to stop being the top top score, they double him up in the playoffs Isaiah. Well, now they can't do that Isaiah over here because they got to worry about Lebron and they've traded a guy who played even after his sister passed. Yes, Boston, then they're gonna turn around and change trading. You got angry person coming back to Boston board Yeah, yeah, yeah, k I think he just really messed up on this. I don't know why he lead because he didn't want to play second. Because it's hard to be a championship team when your point guard the leader. I don't like what you said, championship team. It would be a championship TEAMD is the lead score and the best player. Yeah, that's it's hard to win that way. All right, Well, we'll be watching this for sure. For sure, first game of the season, Cleveland against Boston. Game to go to the game, Steve, you don't like saying sporting event. He'd be in it. Boy, did you see him at the looking up at the You know, somebody sit down Steve. Anyway, I don't think he didn't have a rebuttal, Steve, where are you yelling when you stood up at the fight? He can't say on the radio when you get paraphrase, he'll say it when he's on your show. When he came over that of my side, one of the things I said, knock his ass out right here, Florida Rock and see your people in front of me was harming. They said this dude right here just said I came out right here. Gram see yeah, I love that was the CEO and chairman of CBS, and that's who took me to my very first Super Bowl, hanging with the big dogs. So what was you saying that I took a picture of you on my TV on the screen posted it. Somebody coming And why Steve looking like he looking at Floyd like, if you don't beat his behind, I'm gonna beat your behind, Floyd, Daddy. But I love how every time when I was at a party, every time everybody stood up at the party, Steve was up there ending up in the same time have a small TV s every time you stood up, he was out of frame. Do not when I'm a little nine. Alright, congratulations to Isaiah Thomas. I'm sure he'll bring some love to the Cavaliers. And we'll be right back right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Uh, we're back. We want to say again to thank you to all the volunteers, all the people who are working in Texas, uh, in the recovery efforts, you know, for Hurricane Harvey. How strong, how how courageous, how benevolent and giving of their time. You know, these people have been working NonStop for hours, some without sleep, some you know, just everything. So we want to say thank you to them. You guys have been down there all week, Tommy and Carla because that that's your home. And thank god you guys weren't affected, but man, you know people that were, and you've seen the devastations that when Carla, I've been trying to help people. We donate it to the Red Cross because COPA churches were affiliated with. We're trying to get them things that they need. So you know, everybody pitching in just helps. It does just That's one thing I can say about Houston is Houston just dove in saying we were not going out like this, that's right, and everybody just pitching in. Man, everybody's helping everybody. And and that's why storm didn't break our spirit, you know what I mean, we all came together as one, you know, like you said, Shirtly, I was down volunteering and went to the shelters uh at George R. Brown, Uh Tommy and down there volunteering and we have to give a shout out to you could just see how exhausted they are, just the first responders and the medical staff. To see doctors and nurses coming in the convention center relieving the each other, making sure that people are okay, and the police from all over it seems like the governor and surrounding states have helped and chipped in and asked for help to relieve the police officers. They have been working NonStop by rescuing people and trying to protect the citizens, to keep the business and the elderly. And and that's why, you know, I do the um We just started doing the after show Strawberry Letter Live, and and I do um my fresh Strawberry Pick of the Week. And this week it was Houston. It was the State of Texas because I think, you know what we've talked about a week, they've shown this country what it means to come together and help your fellow man. You know, the country, the eye was on them, and they did not let us down in terms of compassion for their neighbors. It didn't matter, white, Black, Latino, Asian, it did not matter. You know. That's the message. After you know all the horrific things that have happened, you know, in the few weeks and stuff, it lets you see love. That's what I saw. I mean, you saw the devastation, but you know, the flip side of that was the love and the caring for your fellow man, and that's what life is all about. The city officials made sure that stores, hotels didn't start checking up their prices on everything, price gouging and just making stuff just crazy expensive, especially at a time like this. So it was good they were on top of it as as much as they could be. Man, And you didn't see any incidences of looting and things like that that you see sometimes, you know, when devastation like this occurs. You didn't see any of that. So my hat comes off to Houston, I should say, for showing just love and I'm just so you know, I was so moved and touched by that. And the Texans football team they stepped up. Big Watt has raised over six million dollars now has a new goal of ten million dollars. He'll get it. Shout out to athletes that are making the difference. They care about their hometown, their families live. Yeah, yeah in this city. So one more time, Shirley, please give about the Red Cross donation information. It's red Cross dot org. If you want to donate, if you want to help, it's one red Cross, and it's texting the word Harvey to nine zero nine nine nine we'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Just one more thing, last break of the day. Good day, uh Steve. Yesterday we played comedian Michael Blackson's Instagram message to Z List celebrities who want to donate. Yeah, not a list like Kevin Hart asked for. We loved his message and we just wanted to play it again. Uh. Here it is. Take a listen. Shout out to Kevin Hard and the rock Autumn A list celebrities for sending dollars to Houston. But just because you don't have dollars doesn't mean you have to send nothing at all. Today, I'm challenging these zealous celebrities that look rich but I'm broke, people like myself. J to Z A challenge all of you right now. This is your fly fifty dollars. Send it right now. Joe Buttons, I challenge you to send forty five dollars. Young Jock, come on, I know you got thirty five dollars. All the housewife's a basketball wife that used to have money with the have Monty and I have no money. Now, all of you sent dollars. All the love and hip hop. No disrespect. We do respect. I have no respect. All of you sent sixteen dollars each all the cost of whiling out besides Nick Cannon or you're broken, Rich sent ten dollars. Please, I know you're in your private jet. Stop overs seven five dollars. Bobby. We don't want your money, but don't want your money. You don't have to you broke. The media just need na sense Alec for the No. It's really funny. And he's coming back on that UM hip hop squares with He's coming back there. They're they're showing the previews of it now. Yeah, I look forward to listen. Who knew there was? I know you have a random that was the one they didn't want the money is just somebody I don't Yeah, gotta bat he gotta take care anyway, God, God, don't I got your shoes, I got your keys, your voice on this? Oh man, come on, dog man. They did that to me one time I was in I think it was Orto or Houston. That was a club across the street where a lot of guys went, and you know, you know, man, they crossed dressed, they dressed in dragged they they really dressed up and there was an eye hop across the street, and so I was in the eye hop with Boomerang and one and we was eating one night after a show that I just did, either Earthquakes Club or something down there a long time ago. And the club let out and they was coming across the street and someone was like like dazzling, like really had the hair, the gowns all stuff. I don't know what was going on, and so I spoke to a cop. Hey, Steve Harvey, and I spoke, you know, I'm cool, And so I get up. We finished eating and this big dude comes up, but he got on this girl clothes and everything, but he was a dude, you know. And he said, Steve, look, I just need an autograph man for my mom and she's a big fan of yours. I said, all right, man, no problem, So I'm giving them the autograph. He said not, you know, you know many this was before phone cameras. He said, no, I want you to turn around and look in the window, and all his friends was in the window wavering. He said, I told him I was coming to get your phone number. Man, He said, just signed autograph. I'm just messing with you. But I told him. I man, I said, man, he said, stud, we just big fans of yours, that's all. Were just tripped and having a good time. Man, I appreciate it, y'all. Go ahead, that's just give me the autograph. Hey, we were talking about Floyd Mayweather just a couple of minutes ago. This thirty one year old man. I don't know if you guys heard about this. He was an m M A fan. He was so sure that Connor McGregor would win the fight on Saturday against Floyd that he made a bet with his business partner, uh, with the loser agreeing to get a tattoo of the winning fighter's face. So he had to follow through, and now he has a big tattoo of Mayweather's face on his leg. He said he doesn't regret making the bet, and he has no plans to hide the ink. Instead, he'll gladly tell the story of the tattoo to anyone who asked for the rest of his life, because it's gonna be on there for the rest of his life. What a bet, that's what the bet? She said. I know what I say it, but I'm not doing Yeah, I know what I said. He think of something else? I'll pay you, but think of something else. But I'm not doing that. That's not happening. Yeah, I heard that, you know what I said, But I'm not doing what. Man ain't hurt bet what I know what I said. I'm away what I said what I ain't doing it. But again, our prayers and and everything go out to the people in the Texas area that we're affected from Hurricane Harvey. I know you don't like to to hear that name, Steve, but that is the name. What do you do now? It's you again. If you want to donate, call one red Cross, or you can go online to red Cross dot org. Or you can text the word Harvey to nine zero nine nine nine and make a donation. And please help if you can. And thanks to all the people who are down there volunteering and helping. Yeah, bringing the country together. Thank you guys, so very very much. All right, Steve, take us home. I won't call well. Ladies and gentlemen, the moment that we've all waited for is finally here. Don't do nothing you don't normally do. If you ain't ever bob qubo, if you can't cook, don't have a cook out. Hello, that's a couple of things you need to know. That's for Moncle Steve. Y'all have a great weekend because I show am for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.