It is the show after the Grammys and we welcome you to the ride. Cardi B. got that white hot performance. Diana Ross still reigns supreme and showed it last night. Church complaints is here and the governor of VA wants to moonwalk for the congregation. Fashion brand Gucci is in quicksand and is still getting backlash for its blackface sweater. Senator Elizabeth Warren from MA announces that she will run for President in 2020. Comedy Roulette is here and the fellas have the things that you say when you don't get a Valentine's Day gift. Junior has V-Day poetry just for you. Cardi B. is still shining and has no signs of slowing down this year. A New Orleans Saints fan dies in controversial fashion. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog tells us why "friendship is essential to the soul" and so much more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the Millian buck things, and its cubbing me through good it. Steve Hart listening to the movie to other for stum, please, I don't join join me in doing me. Honey, you gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you haven't got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on, dig me down, want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, man on Man on Man. I just I have to tell you this. How good is the God I served? How amazing is he? That's that's all, you know? And you know what, really, man, when I try to explain um, how I feel about what he does for me, really, the words that I come up with that they just they inadequate. Man, They don't they don't cut it. They really don't. You know. I could say amazing. At one time I even just got that. I tried something real ignorant. One time I just said, you know, God is just super cadual fragilistic as be alludocious. I just tried that to see how that felt. That's that's all the change he is with me. I just try to because see how that felt. But then I ain't feel right saying that, the fact that he's amazing and awesome and he's an awesome God. You hear people say that as it's bigger than that too, man. So you know, as as hard as I try, no matter what I do every day, I'm gonna come up short with trying to explain to you exactly how he works and how he is for me. So I just thank him every day ever a chance I get here. It is it is your determination and your effort. Listen to me carefully. It is your determination and your effort. I think that the average person, and I'm not knocking you, I just want you to hear me out. I think what stops the average person from becoming successful is that we don't realize the effort that it takes. That's just truth. I found that to be so true in my life and my talking to people and meeting people, and people aren't asking me questions about it, and me trying to figure out the way myself. I don't think that you really can comprehend the effort that it takes to become successful. This is the thing that you have to wrap your mind around very quickly if you want to be successful on any level, in any area. The dream is the beginning. Good Lord, let me tell you something. The determination and effort is massive. You cannot be overly concerned with sleep. If you are a person who is always concerned about sleep, get success out your mind. A fit to happen partner is not fit to happen. You cannot be that concerned about sleep. Now listen to me. You have to get your rest. But this was my philosophy. I'm just sharing you with what how I did it. My philosophy was I stopped being concerned about sleep. I got my rest, but I got just enough to get back to it, and I got back on the grind to hop into hustle. I got just enough rest so I could go and put forth some more effort. But listen to me. You cannot sleep a third of your life away and expect to become successful if you're not already successful. If you are asleep for eight hours, that is a third of your day, you cannot be asleep a third of your life and expect to get successful. Not after you get successful. You know, you learn as you go to work smarter, not harder. So as you get successful, you may have eight hours available to you. But on the way up there, I don't see how you can do it, I promise you. I don't. Now I don't. Maybe somebody can come forward. I did it. I yeah, probably lying, But okay, tell your story, because everybody I know that's successful that I've sat down ahead real talks with it wasn't concerned with sleeping. You cannot be concerned with sleeping if you want to be successful. How how can this happen for you? Listen to me. The effort that it requires is massive. It's an all out of salt on your dream. Now you got to make an assault. It's requires and all out of salt on it. And you can't be sleeping. Fight at the same time. You can't fight when you sleep. Man. I wish I could get y'all understand this right here. Understand that the effort that is required to be successful will take everything you have, and when you think you've given your all, it's gonna require some more. The quality of your chill is amazing. See that's okay listening. What is sitting around having a bill every day? Fault? What? What? But I'm sitting down smoking weed for every day fault? Come on, man, for real, But if you took that beer, drinking weed smoking chill time and apply it to progressing yourself towards your dream when you do carve out a vacation, guess where you be able to go. Guess what part of the world you can go. See guess how you can chill Now Now I'm instead of you just driving every year your family to the family union, sit at the same picnic table. Everybody pull their money in to ten families. Don't never pull they money in. They down there eating like y'all eating you got attitude because the day or they side don't ever chip in, And no they down they eating the extra potatoes that are making place. You're not not arguing about this every year for real? Man, they ain't got the T shirt money. You know they got to say a T shirt, don't. They ain't put in that, really, man, so so so so so you want that to be it every year? Or do you want this year I'm taking my family to New Orleans or I'm taking my family see the Grand Canyon. I'm taking my family down to the beach this year, and me and my family gonna go sight see, We're gonna go ride cover the river on Chicago. Me and my family gonna go skiing this year, and me and my family going out to La Man, we're gonna're gonna go out there for the weekend. You know, you know it can happen like that. But if you ain't working, listen to me. Average effort gets average results. That's that's all it is to it. See, ordinary effort gets ordinary results. But if you put forth an extra effort. See, the only difference between extraordinary and ordinary is one word, that's extra. If you do extra, you can take ordinary right on over to extraordinary. Do you understand you have to have a massive assault on your dreams? Quit sitting up in here, man, trying to chill all the time. I'm sorry, man, I wish I could tell you another way, but it ain't one. I didn't talk to jay Z about this. I didn't talk Samuel all about this. I didn't talked to said about this. I didn't talk I have talked to the President of the United States. I've had a conversation with him about his effort. You look at this. You cannot become successful with our effort. You cannot be concerned about sleep. Here's what I did. Now, you can take it from me, or you can try it your way. But when you get through trying it, just what you're gonna have to do. I wasn't concerned about how much sleep I got. I just had to get my rest. And once I got enough rest to get up and get the task done, I got up. Somebody sent me a tweet the other day, a partner of mine. He's someone to see if I can pull it up while I'm talking to you. But you just sent me a little sign. Just wasn't nothing, just a little something to say, Hey man, I ran across this, I thought about you, and I sent it to you. It said no alarm clock needed, My passion wakes me. It's in block print. He said, no alarm clock needed, My passion wakes me. That's what you got to be about. You gotta take that dream. You gotta get passionate about it, and you gotta get awake, and you got to get up and get at it, and you got to put forth a massive assault on your dream. Your effort has got to be extraordinary. If you put forth extraordinary. If you put forth extra effort, you go from ordinary to extraordinary. That's the deal. You think it's another way, If you got another way, could you please email it to me, Steve Harvey doctor, let me know so I can slow down. So I don't know no other way. All right, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Again. We invite you all join in with us because we is about to be ignorant gracious. This all for the bold rerunning for things like that del man I had to pass to come to that church one time. Not only was his grandma bad, but it was all out of sequence. We were just sitting in church that struggle because he got fired on me. Let me tell you about it now that when we get down and there we is and is we now? Where? Where? What? Who are? Why? You don't know what I know? Him? Nobody gonna ever know. Its just met. I was the only one that knows what I mean. Bro, bro this this sermon ain't help it. Now. We are all of us that came in here going to hell. It's still going based on this right here. Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning, Steve, Welcome back to the States. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. What's up Junior morning? Vay on vacation. What's his name? Passed away? Listen, just like that the way Jonathan and Brown up, Steve, Tommy tom Monday morning. Baby, let's get it. Yeah yeah, Carlos off today. Okay, we do have vacation and off dates. Just want to point out how many we got. I got a lot, No, no, no, you know we have enough to take them as at our discretion. I know how many I get. I'm not I'm not talking. Yeah, no, we know you you weren't. Hell, yeah, you weren't. The people that work while they still gone. That would be music. Harvey went to the Bahamas and still worked? What got up Aaron morning and worked? Yeah, I'm asking you how it was the Bahamas. He's looking at me like I didn't go to the Bahamas. At me, that's like we knew you wasn't in the Bahamas. You'd went to Bahama, we'd have had to hear all about what I'm pushing away over there. How many shots I got to take? Can you go outside? How high it's gonna be ju just gold Man. Can't you take pictures of the sand? Yes? Yes, Julia? Yeah, all right to go, you know. I just hey man, just over there, me and my girl. Did you have fun? Oh yeah? Oh yeah man? Yeah, Man, I'm so sore. I haven't played golf since October. Play your story from your golf? Sure? Here? What everything on me? Hurting? From golf? Kane? Explain it played. You take a stick, you pick it up, you swing and you walk. Mott, Are you drive? Don't you drive? You hit the ball? You gotta go off woods and down in valleys to find it, come back up the hill? Did hit him another? I don't want to hear that yet. We gotta go. Coming up at thirty two after the hour. The sixty first Annual Grammy Awards were held last night in La. We're gonna recap some of the highs and lows of the Grammy Awards right after this. Nothing Like Broke had Us. You're listening to stow Well. First, we want to congratulate our good friends, super producer Will Packer. Congratulations Will, and some of that goes to our good friend as well, actress Raj p Henson. Their movie Men Want received an A plus cinema score came in number two over the weekend. Not bad at the box office, nineteen million dollars. Yeah. Yeah, Taragi was really good in the movie, though, you guys. And Erica Badu stole the show. That's who everybody's talking about too. Erica Baidu um as a psychic Eric funny Erica like it would you say, Steve? Eric was very very funny. People don't know she's very very funny. She is very very funny, very comedic timing. She asked me to go. I just couldn't go. Man, she wanted me to come to the premiere. I just couldn't go. I couldn't go. Yeah, I was working late. I just couldn't get that. Because you knew her before she was even famous. That's you, guys, go she knew me for a hour famous? How about that? Yeah she knew you. Yeah you're already famous. I wasn't famous, Shelly, I was on TV. I wasn't famous, or I could go a lot of places where nobody stayed. None of that, none of that. Oh I missed them. So then, Yeah, I had a Section eight album. Oh yeah, that was That was our first album called Section that was all songs about being poor, with a song about Bologny wrote a song about the rent check. We wrote a song about pot of the eggs. Government cheese was one of the big hits. Yeah, me and Erica, I said on the keyboards and she sang and I did background for on stage and the come to Club. Oh we was just were just ripping people just coming to the club. What section they that peed up, peed up request stave you what that little girl ain't knowing that were that little crazy girl. The good guy tell her come out same saying about the government cheating. He really is challenged. I hope we see more of her in the movie. Yeah, that character alone, I'd like to see him in the movie Everybody. Oh wow. Um and the Lego movie came in at number one. In case you're wondering that made I wouldn't sit and watch No Mess like that. I'm not watching No Damn the first one. But I went with kids and they loved it. Yeah, yeah, I'm not sitting through the movie. But no Blocks. It made almost thirty five million dollars. Stiffany was in that. Yeah, I don't watch movies like that. I don't like stuff like that. But if you take the grande Hey, hey, them grand kids got parents? Well, yes, yeah, take your kids to see this movie. You're not you're not. I ain't got but a little free time. You're not doing it after Lego movie. That's what you're not gonna do. Might want to go with Paul. Tell you what, hey, let me tell Let me tell you what they love. When I put them in a movie theater, they love it. Papa got the big TV. Okay, yeah, come on in here in the office. Yeah no, no, no, no no, I got a little movie theater. See what see what My office is right next to the movie theater. They keep coming into. Papa, come look at this your answer. See, you have to have patience. Yeah, we got have to have patience. No, I had all the patience with the kids on my head. Well, if they sing in the Lego movie, you like to sing? They singing, I can't funny movie? You would like it? You really? No, I wouldn't say I wouldn't. I don't like stuff like that. Ya just like y'all like it nothing to get about. But I got these two dudes telling me what I like, and I'm not like he don't like that? We say he would like it. He don't like that. We're gonna move on to me like a damn Lego movie. When I saw the commercial room was a little block ass. They're fun to get you to expand your mind, to open up your mind. Yeah, so we're gonna move on to the grand Got plenty shtuf to do? I was hosted by Alicia Keys. Of course, she's won a total of fifteen Grammys. I didn't know that. I mean, she had a lot of them, but I didn't know she had fifteen. Yeah. Kendrick Lamar topped the list of Grammy nominees. He had a total eight nominations. Other nominees were Drake he won, Childish Gambino one of course that girl Cardi b P. Did you see that I did? She's always hot, always hot. Hot, ain't the word most most like Whalding Walding hot, like that he Walding hot. You know what I'm saying, talking about that white hot, that hot that that you ain't supposed to look directly at it. That Yeah, Okay, Well she was really good, real good, and we're gonna move on because Tommy, you're married, Okay, I got She makes me want to get some Juan's ain't laying all right, Diana Ross, the Diva performed, They saluted her last night. Can you believe she will be seventy five years old? Good? Now that I saw Diana Ross walked out on that stage and showed everybody in that room what a real for the what a real mega mega star is. Yeah. Yeah, I'm talking about diva star. But for a long long time. There's some famous people in the room. Drake is famous, Lady Gaga is famous, Alicia Keys is famous. There's some famous people's tating. No, that's not what I'm saying. But she's been famous since the sixties. But I'm talking about and but being all that famous, Yes, I mean I'm talking about still sell out. Yeah, yeah, so you could. You had to keep it moving with kydid but you can stop and watch Dana Roun. Yeah, because she had a close But see I saw Cardi be on stage. I didn't know who she was, but I walked past my wife waking. I had a plate in my hand, and you know, I know right there when you see somebody doing all that, and you got what I came do is stop and start eating slowly. I got food falling out everything. Yeah, so I could went on, kept it moving, just kept going. Wonder who that was moving? We're moving on. Congratulations to the fabulous Diana Ross. We love you so much. Coming up, it's Rebend Motown Deacon death Jam. They're here with church complaints. Right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with our national headlines and in entertainment news. You guys, we got to talk about this Gucci boycott that's being called for and other designer labels um overseemingly racist clothing, racist handbags. Uh, you know we can talk about that, but right now it's Monday. Reverend Motown Deacon deaf Jam in the building with church complaints. Let's go five, four, three or one? It said till you you missed the TUPA. I don't say two. West Fron went too. Of course I'm the one, but an I hon to go from five to get the one. You're gonna have to go through too, Obviously that two is you taking it through. You're gonna say, I will just do it the way I was doing a home. No, why didn't two means too much to you? We yield with church complaints and here to deliver what the church is complaining about. It's a number two you man at the trip he welcome or death joy. Thank you so much, Pastor. I we have an emergency prayer list right now, Pastor, and I want you to take this the way you want to. They want us to pray for all of our white members who have worn black face in the past. Hi, Governor raf North Amount of Virginia, George Baya, and mostly everyone in Virginia. The governor is asking to moonwalk for us at nine o'clock service next second. And I told him I would speak to you, but he says he wants to come in and moonwalk for the congregation. That's up to you, passing, and if you do allow it, I would refer refer you moon walk along with him. I don't see him doing this by himself. Well, the only prayer I wanted to say to all of them members been in black faces. God, We're not about to pray because you been out there player, because the only thing is gonna be happening is we're gonna put our hands on you and we're gonna call that layer a Pastor, we have an issue here. We have an emergency prayer list. That has been uh brought to my attention. We want to pray for all of our white members who have worn black face in the past. Governor North of Virginia, George Bayer, and mostly actually everybody in Virginia. The Governor's asking to come here to the Jack Potto Jerusal. He wants the moonwalk for us at nine o'clock. Sarah's next sing, Yeah, he wants the moonwalk instead of singing a song, he wants the moonwalk. Well, we're not gonna pray because you wants to play acting like you black. Come that us with all that, We're not gonna have it. We're not gonna He made a statement where he said reason he knows he couldn't have put that shoe polish on his face at the time was because we all know how hard it is to get shoe polished off your face. The hell we did that? I have no hand, No hell when the last time you have something on you? Jay, j Anthony Brown, call it, let's let's talk. No, well, let's let's talk to the darker people, asked Jay, and call end. I might be out of line I'm talking about we all know, but we all man right now, who ain't had no idea what it's like. Dog scared members, please stands Robinson himself. Don't get bad if the joke JA was a great one. I'm not I'm not mad. Go ahead of all the people that wants to right fast. I'm moving along, mister inappropriate. We have another issue here. Donald Trump is asking for prayer, and I helped it if possible. He wants to join the Jack Pott, join up the rules and give us and he wants to give us fifteen percent of his earnings, but only if we build a wall around the church. He doesn't want anybody praising in that that he hasn't approved, So he wants to build a whall. But I think you should think about it because the man didn't say fifteen percent. Man, well, gonna be hard for us to determine what fifteen percent is when we ain't see no tax return, so he could be if he ain'tbody no tax we are you gonna give a fifteen percent up? See right there? And the ain't no wall going around this hit church. Point percent of our congregation is Mexican. That's right now. You come over here with the wall if you want to, you m rug get your ass will, that's okay, you're not service share like this is this is this is A Mexican said, okay, well, if you build a wall around here, you're gonna get your class. Whill. Here's another issue, pass to the the cordage be praised. Dancers would like to do the same routine she did last night at the Grammage, and they would like to do that next Sunday during the Love mcclock service. That's your call. Pass. I didn't see it, but they're more than Lord pastor there. They are more than welcome as long as you call it praise dancing. We can't stop. Let the Lord use you and letn't move you. Uh good God, I'm not it. Card. I'm so I got care away when I think about it, not past it. We have an issue. It is February the leaven and the church still has Christmas lights up. Somebody hit the round switch yesterday in Santa Claus and then raindeers ran across the roof. We're gonna have to do something about it. We actually gonna leave them lights up, because oh we are. They stole two camels last year from the Nativity scene and half the straw, and so we was gonna leave up the Christmas lights just confused people as they was going by. So little chrystals, little East you know, born and died. Gonna just blend them together, put it out together and make it work. For it all, you know, because if you believe he died, you want to believe he rolls again. And if he rolled again and he had to have already had died, come on, we're gonna come tie the two. He still crystals, gonna be together for this you so little crystal lights and stayed, or you can't believe in the rest of wreck. Let you believe he died. Come on, come on, you can't. You can't say you got up if you ain't ever been dyed. Come on now, you can't save. You can squeal. Let you been pushed, then come on here. You can't say that. You can sing if you ain't saying nowhere but at your mama's house. You can't know what you don't know. You can't be. He's something you ain't never try to be. Before left, people start calling out your name, your black bath. You can be something. You can have a daddy. If somebody can call your black bath, what mann? Take man, hey man, man past were gonna have to get to you the topta go ahead, Tyr brother Logan. Just wait on Saint Patty's Day, He's gonna be the left call. All right, guys, coming up at the top of the hour entertainment news, and we'll have an update on national news with miss Anne Trip. That's all coming up right after this you're listening show. All right. This has been trending guys on social media all weekend and part of last week as well. We talked about it on Friday. Remember, Gucci, the Gucci brand is in hot water right now, and after it received the backlash over a sweater that seemed to resemble black face. You know, it was kind of a turtleneck sweater that went over the mouth and part of the face. It was outlined in the red lips. Yeah, and as we kept this sort of thing is becoming an all too popular occurrence. Now, Gucci has sensed, apologized and remove the sweater from its stores and the website. It issued a statement, Gucci deeply apologizes for the offense caused by the woold jumper. We consider diversity to be a fundamental value to be fully upheld, respected, and at the forefront of every decision we make. Really Okay, They're certainly not the first clothing brand to create and sell products that could be interpreted as racist. If you remember back a year ago January of last year, to be exact, H and M stores featured a black kid, little black boy on its website wearing a sweatshirt with the words coolest monkey in the Jungle. Haven't been in that store since I remember that? Yeah, well, yeah, remember that? Okay. Then just in December, Prada luxury line, Prada pulled out a line of accessories that resembled a black Sambo character. Yeah, they issued an apology. Yeah, that was blatant to me. That sambo. Yeah, there used to be restaurants in that lake called Sambo Sambos. Oh dog Dog all across the South had a little black face on it too. Yeah yeah, all right, So I mean, I don't know what's happening here. Well, you know, I saw a Gucci sweater. I've seen it before, and when I saw it, I didn't pay it no attention. You know, when I saw it, I didn't pay it any attention. But I guess when you see it now, and if they say that it looks like that, you know, I mean, I saw on Nick Cannon's Instagram he said happy black Face History Month on the calendar. I mean just in reference to all the stuff that's going on now with black face. You know what is going on here, and this is Black History Month, but it's still it's still going on at the colleges and stuff like that. And they've been doing this for long yeah, yeah, stuff. Yeah, And that's not good enough for Tim. He took to social media as well. He's demanding that African Americans boycott Gucci, and he posted an apology. Is cool, but it's just not enough. The disrespect will not be tolerated. That's what um Ti put out on his Instagram. And now, according to a Nielsen publication from September of last year, we know what our buying power is as African Americans. We know that we spend a lot of money on labels. We love labels, We spend a lot of money on everything. Our buying power is at one point three trillion, with a tr trillion currently and is based on gains in population, income, and education. It's estimated to rise to one point five four trillion by the year twenty twenty two. So that's a problem here. Well, here's what I'm going to say. If if we are going to have a boycott, it has to be a formulated boycott by a consistus of quite a few people, because what ends up happening is, you know, we have these things that everybody's supposed to line up with, and everybody is not aware of it. So if it's going to be a boycott, it has to be a concerted effort by a massive number of people for a boycott to be successful, because what happens is one or two people cry for a boycott, then they see you, then here they come slamming you, and everybody don't know. So it has to be a general consensus. I feel for it to be a boycott, we'll get the word he wants to hit him in the pocket because we spend so much money it too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, all right, so there you have it, all right, Steve, it's time to go to news. Now, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp and good morning everybody. Here we are this is a trip with the news. Well, Governor Ralph Northam, Attorney General Marca. This is of course the Governor of New Jersey. Governor Ralph Northam, Attorney General Mark Harrying, both accused of dressing up in blackface, as you know. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax continues to deny accusations by now two women of sexual assault. Virginia Delicate. Patrick Hope says he intends to follow resolution today listing the reasons he feels that the Lieutenant Governor's alleged conduct Larrant's impeachment. The resolution would be the first step the impeachment process begins in the state House, and if it passes with a majority voted, then moves to the Virginia Senate, where a trial would be held to determine if Fairfax will be removed. Now, the Lieutenant Governor thinks this is all a setup. He thinks it's really convenient now that he might actually become the governor of Virginia, so he wants the FBI to actually investigate and see what's going on here. Meanwhile, all three leaders of the state of Virginia staying pat right now, refusing to resign their positions despite being embroiled in blackface and in sex scandals which I just told you about. One more Democrat is announced the presidential run, this time Minnesota Senator Amy Clobcher. We are tired of the shutdowns, in the showdowns, of the gridlock, and the grand standing. Today we say enough is enough. Santa Clobchure becomes the fifth Democratic Senator to throw her hat into the ring. The fifty eight year old moderate Democrat was elected as her state's first female senator in two thousand and six, the very first one, and she's been easily reelected ever since. The New week starting out not so good news. Negotiations to stave off another government shutdown said to have stalled, at least for now. And yes, the issue was born to security and how the US should handle people who want to enter this country. If no deal is reached by midnight Friday this Friday, the government could shut down again, only three weeks after the longest US governments shut down in history, and apparently the White House says it is not ruling that out. Get this. An investigation to southern Baptist churches, especially in Texas and elsewhere across the country, has apparently turned up widespread sexual abuse. Reporters from Houston Chronicle and the San Antonio Express News say they found over the last twenty years, some three hundred and seventy people who either worked or volunteered at Southern Baptist churches have faced credible allegations of sexual misconduct. Those accused included Sunday school teachers, youth passengers at pastors rather and ministers, and the adjoint prove also found there had been about seven hundred alleged victims and that Texas had more cases than any other state. At the weekend box office, the big one was the Lego movie number two, and of course Tarativ Henson's came in second. This has been an trip. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the String Show. Our Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts formally announced she then, guys, she formally announced her twenty twenty presidential bid on Saturday. She's calling for fundamental change on behalf of working people and arguing that President Trump is just the latest and most extreme symptom of what's gone wrong in America. Well, it didn't take Trump long. It didn't take him long. You know how he is with Twitter, right with his tweets. It didn't take him long to strike back at Elizabeth Warren. Following her announcement. President Trump tweeted today, Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to by me as pocahannas, joined the race for president. Will she run as our first Native American presidential candidate? Or has she decided that after thirty two years, this is not playing so well anymore? See you on the campaign trail, Liz, Wow, I told you you said that as soon as I just want the Democrats to pick the two candidates that they think had the greatest chance of winning, and let's go. Because all these people getting in, I'm just telling you flat out, it's some mistake. It's going to create a lot of confusion the hour primaries and all these primaries will start weeding people out because won't get money and votes. But it's it's already too crowded and sad to say Elizabeth Warren is a casualty already. Well, I mean, yeah, it's they're gonna ride her out to Jim Nay. I'm just gonna be ready, They're gonna ride her out to out there. Yeah, they're gonna show the video of her drinking the bill, how crazy it had a little well, let's see, let's see, let's just see, sir, h Yes, I'm not but one vote, and my job is to get everybody to the polls to vote. But when you take your one vote, we won't out vote to count. Well, it's not even time to vote. It's not looking like yourself. I'm I'm already and educated. And stop saying your Native American and you ain't you about that, always trying to get something that you ain't. You know, you ain't want to. You ain't lived today as a Native American at all. That's like that lady that was at Black panth and all that wan't to be black. You ain't been a day black. Rachel. Yeah, I don't know how hard this is, man, You playing with this this crazy? Yeah? Well, I mean you're right though. The race is crowded. It's very crowded. Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, so many people, Um, Julian Castro. Yeah, it's crowded right now. It might get even more crowded. So there are some people that are still considering a bid for the presidency, and they're all within their rights. But it'll start weeding out as we, you know, move towards the primaries and stuff. Steve for sure, what we need to do it now Russians America. Everybody. I'm gonna tell you who ain't gonna win in there? Who? That other lady ain't gonna win either. I don't even know how, No, Kirsten, all right, look we gotta um, we gotta go. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Ja Anthony Brown is here. We're gonna play a little comedy roulette. So get ready, Steve. We'll do it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Jay, please, it's time for comedy Roulette. Set it up for us quickly, please, very simple, very simple, very simple. Since we have four comedians on the show for very great, outstanding comedians who can go out by themselves, make money, do stand up in front of a live audience and kill it, kill the game, because that's what they do, kill it. Kill comedians to okay, subject comedian folk great comedian, I say we got folk commedian too, great, Well, I plan on being great. That's your ass up, Jay, fight no one joke. They couldn't wait this night. Now you're working on off great year, Joe. Yeah, all right, guys, let's go come on, come on, all right, Uh you're ready. Here's a list of what's happened to me, he say, I know, Tommy, don't say anything almost the rockhead you and you holler, he's just gonna be ain't worth a day. Let's take you and sit out. Here we go. Number one, that's what Tommy did. Number one Things people say when they are overdoing it at a funeral. Okay. Number two Things Christian people say when they slip up and curse. All right, Number three, Number three, Yeah, things you say when you don't get a Valentine's gift, Oh, Valentine's coming up. And number four things you say when your card is declined in a store. Oh, I've had that happened before. All right, let's spin a cat. Let's gun it. Come on, give me a credit card, give me first? Are you liking first? Four stopped the number three guys, Things you say when you don't get a Valentine's gift. Boom, let's go, Jake, Okay, here we go. He must be working and got and forgot. That's what it is. He Oh oh, so this is the woman making excuses for him. Man oh I see, Oh that's it. That's it, the beginning of something. All right, all right, come on, tell me things you say when you don't get a Valentine's gift. You know what, my religion, we don't celebrate Valentine. That's the only reason why he didn't get me. That's the only reason. It's just Tier forty five. It's still Valentine. Okay, Then you say, when you don't get a Valentine, get what it is. He did a real good Christmas for me, so I ain't got He can't win it on Christmas, so I'm good. Well, uh huh. I spoke to my doctor. Yeah, my eyes report came back. I'm allergic to chocolate. I can't believe. Yeah, what you got? What you got? Now, let's just say he won't be seeing me naked for the next six months. Let's just go on and say that. Things you say when you don't get a Valentine's Day gift, Steve, I'm an aka were all like red d right now? Yeah, I think you saying you don't get it? Do you know them big teddy bears scare me? So I don't want one. I'll tell you why I don't have valatized day yere right now, his kids come first, Okay, this kid's got to get then me. You know what it is? You know what it is what we had. What it is is the flywers we had at the funeral. He know I don't want to see no more flowers right now. He knows that's the reason why he ain't. Yeh, close it out, Steve. Things you say when you don't get a Valentine's kid, Well, you know all the wars he got. He got his days mixed up. All right, we're gonna switch gears here and go to the nephew's prank phone call that's coming up right after this. You're listening to show coming up in the town. But the hour, guys, well about four minutes after anyway, it's today's Strawberry Letters. Subject listen, if you lost your underwear, please call me. That is the sub. If you lost your underwear, please call me. But I've been that night. I ain't gonna I've been. But did you want to say that? Though? Right now? Backwards? Um, see what happened? But have you ever came home? Though? But just one league in your draw was piled up in your zipple. You didn't know how he explain you just got one leg and why you got pennies in your pocket? See, you ain't believe you have night right all right, right now, the nephew is here with the prank phone call for today. Let's go nap. What you got brand spanking news Shirley, tell you mama to pump up breaks. What hey, your mama, the pump up breaks Mama? Yeah, yeah, here your mama. I'm a pump up breaks. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Natalie. Please yeah us Natalie, Natalie. How you doing? My name is Darren. I'm with the Homeowners Association. Oh okay, hey, dare how you doing? Listen? Um, we got a we got a bit of a problem, if you don't mind me asking, who's who who actually brings your kids home from school? Uh? Each day? Oh, my mom gets my kids for me and she drops them off. Okay, okay, okay, Well we have a we have a bit of a problem. The kids are fine. There's there's no issue with the kids at all. But you know, we've had a meeting here at the HLA. We've been getting some complaints. Uh it seems like your mother is is uh really speeding down the street real fast, and you know everyone's complaining around it that you know, it's a lot of kids walking home from school. And it seems like your mom is driving real fast when she's coming down the street to drop your kids off. If you know anything about this, uh no, not at all. That doesn't even sound like her. Okay, what type of card? Uh let me ask you this, Natalie, We're we're we From what I understand, it is a what kind of car does your mom had? Is a board escape or something like that? From a little suv? Does that what your mom has? Yeah? She has a little red stuv. Okay, all right, So the problem is that that that's the same car. That's the one we're talking about. And it seems like, you know, your mother is is flying down the street and she drops the kids off, and when she leaves, she's flying back out of the neighborhood. And a couple of times some of the neighbors have told her to slow down, and you know, I don't know if she's played them all for set something out the window, you know, but you know, this is stuff that we just cannot tolerate. Huh. Well, it really doesn't sound like my mom. But you know, okay, you know what, Natalie, what we're not gonna do is what you're not gonna do is act like, it's not your mamma. It's your mother that's doing this. So what we need you to do is tell your mama to slow up down so we don't ask problem, all right, because I tried to be nice with you at first. But if you're gonna be a denial figured it's not your mamma, then we got issue. First of all, daring from h O A. I need you to watch your charls and who you're talking to, all right. I need you to climb that all the way down. All right, you need to slow your damn mama down. That's what you need to do. Slow your mama down. The way she's driving. To do is standing in the middle of the street. Is she flying down and so hopefully she can knock you out the way. Okay, don't talk to me like that. You're being ruined, disrespectful. I don't ask her if this her because I don't think it's her. But you're not gonna talk to me like that, Okay, So your mama can just drive down the streets and after damn what you want to do. My IAmA could do whatever she wanted to do. She'll grow on as drum. She can't do it. In the neighborhood that I'm a member of the h O and she can't do it there. Okay, I don't mind ever your mama arrested with your kids in the car. If I got to, I wish you would. I wish you would have my mama arrested with my kids in the car. You're gonna have more problems than you ever had. Okay, you bet not have my mama arrested. You're gonna get arrested and you're gonna be sent to the hospital. How about that. Okay, let me tell yourself. Tell your mama so slow her down in the streets. This the last one, and I'm giving y'all this the last one. Well, you know what I'm say. You ain't got to get no one. It's okay. We can have a real conversation about it. We can meet and talk about it, because she ain't gonna talk to me like that, and you and I ain't telling my mama nothing. I ain't tell that a small own thing about that. What you're gonna do? What's your mom do there? Not that? Let's meet about it. I'm not bringing my husband too. Says you got so much to say, you don't say that I don't want you to kiss that same energy. Okay, with my husband, I want you to talk to him like you talking to me. I literally tell you something. I don't worry about your husband and none of that. All right, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here. Tommy is the one that told us that your mama was speaking down the street. Commedy one said it, Tommy put it on every Timmy. Tommy said your mamma was the one running up and down the street fast, going far to pick the mile and out. Commedy one said that, I don't know who Tommy shoes, but Tommy can kiss my. You can kiss my, and any other neighbors who got something to say about my mama can kiss my. Not about that. You gonna shoot it? Let me and shoot it, do you? Little Matthew Tommy from a Steve Harvey Morning show. Do you know who stop ash met me? Why are you going, mam mis god like pe talking questions to me? About to get you which up? Brother? Let you tell me you'll to the Darius got me to play fall Call you baby, you'll see always going down. It is going Dad, Okay, back is a real mother. You know what I'm I'm getting back. Oh man, I like my mama. Talk to me like that. You stot me, you got me. Everybody, tell me this one more thing before you go. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know it's to Steve Harvey Mortin Shaw. I think I just got cused out. I think you did here got nice in the beginning though seemed like we started out knife started out nine. I got my good customer. That's that's the prank of the day, right Bill, Baby, I'll tell you mama to pump a breaks here. It is February fourteen, fifteenth and sixteenth. The Nephew will be in Colleen, Texas. Colleen, Texas twice as Funny comedy club who shows Thursday to Friday to Saturday. The Nephews come to town. Somebody spread the room and saying we heard the nephew wasn't coming. No, no, no, The Nephew will be in Colleen, Texas. One thing the Nephew don't do. I do not counsel a date ever in my life. I go in rock and roll baby. February fourteen, fifteen sixteen. The nephew is in town twice as funny comed Club to Thursday to Friday, too said, watch me be damn ful. Yeah, I don't. I don't come prob about people. Mama, dog, I don't you know? You know you're wrong for that one. Nephew. Well, you got to heet them with something they care about. Everybody care about their mom. Yeah, you doing it? Ain't that ain't right? But what who told you pranking was right? That's the point. That's the point of it all. My mamma, dog dog, Mama, mama, she said, you straight by the mama though, didn't Did you get a little nervous? Though you do get nervous sometimes, I know you could. He Why don't I show up with my husband we can talk about all this? Wait a minute now, you all right thinking? Nephew? Coming up next? It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject if you lost your underwear, please call me. We'll get into it right after this. Not into the underwear the letter you're listening show. Well, it's time now, guys for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice sun relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter on the air live, just like we're about to do this one. And this one is crazy. Let's go now, let's get to crazy. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is straw very letter. All right. Subject, if you lost your underwear, please call me. Excuse me, you're I can't hear you. Excuse me. I would come into the house just on one leg, but below my leaf and all the draws was in one past league. All right, there's Steven Shirley. Here we go. I am a married man that drives part time as a lift Flash Uber driver for extra income for my No you ain't, no, no, you ain't both now wait, yeah, that's what you can do. Well, he's both okay. Anyway, he's he part time drives for Lifting Uber for extra income for his family. So last week he got on late. I'll get Uber and I don't like my drive and I call lifting. Hear his ass come back around the corner. Would you get let me kiss through this letter? Honey? All right? Last week I got home late one evening after working my part time job, and I decided to take my wife and two year old out to dinner. As my wife was securing our child in the car seat, she yelled out, what the heck is this? I immediately what the hell is this? That's what it says. I immediately turned around in my seat and I see my wife pinching a huge pair of Ladies panties by the corners. Not only were there some random panties on my back seat, there were several sizes larger than what my wife wears. My wife was yelling and screaming, accusing me of messing around with a big girl in the back seat of our car. First off, let me say that I don't have anything against full figured women, but that's not my thing. And secondly, by the size of those panties, there is no way I could have been getting it on in the back seat of my compact car with a girl that size. My wife refuses to believe that a random overlift passenger would mistakenly leave her panties behind in my car. And now, whenever I'm out working as a driver, my wife keeps close tabs on me, and it's wearing me down. If there is a big girl missing some panties, please come forth so my wife can get off my back. What should I do? How can I get my wife to chill? Please help? Well, first of all, if someone left their panties in your back seat, they're not gonna call you. They're not gonna do any of that, especially you know, to get you out of trouble. If anything, they left them to get you in some trouble, all right, but not to get you out of trouble. And how do you get your wife to chill? Well, that's a big one. Please help, you say, I just got to ask you, are you for real? With this letter? I can't even believe that this really happened. And as a wife myself, do you honestly know how hard this is for a wife to believe she finds some panties on your back seat. Yes, she's going to react just like your wife did, Just like your wife did, yelling, screaming, going in all of that hollering everything. Forget taking them out to dinner, because she's probably not gonna want to go now she's so mad. Panties in the back seat. It's just too hard to believe, you know, It's just wrong on so many levels. So from now on. You have to check your seat every time a passenger gets out. That's for the future, but you're in it now. You're gonna have to bank on every good and wonderful thing you've ever ever done for your wife as a husband. I mean, you know the fact that you're a good dad. You've got to win her over again. You've got to make her believe that you're telling the truth. How are you gonna do that, I don't know, but she has to know that there's some good in you, or else she wouldn't still be married to you, and and you wouldn't be you know, you got to tell her, for instance, that remind her that she's that you're a good man, that she's married to a good man. You're holding down two jobs, all right, so you can take care of your wife and child. You're making time for them even after your second job. You're taking them out to dinner, not just your wife but your child. You're a family man. You got to remind her of all that stuff and hopefully, maybe I don't know, that'll explain away or win some of the trust back for those big panties that were left in your back seat. But good luck, though, good luck because I don't know. It's gonna take a lot. It's gonna take a lot. This is hard, and this is not even your fault. You're a victim of circumstance. Here I feel for you, my brother Steve. I don't know how to approach this letter. Poe guy lift uber drivel, trying to hustle up extra money for his family, got in late one evening from your job and you're gonna take your wife in your two year old out to dinner. And your wife is back there putting the baby in the car seat. She shared, what the hell is this and what happened? I immediately turned around in my seat and see my wife pinchion a huge pair of Ladies panties by the corners, not only wearing some random panties in my back seat, they were several sizes larger than what my wife wear. All right, now we got a problem. So now she's accusing you of messing around with somebody in the back seat. Now he wants to clearify that he don't have nothing against four figured women, but that's not my thing. And secondly, by the size of them draws, there's no way I could have been getting it on in the back seat of a compact car with a girl outside. Let's talk about the draws for a minute, because this could be out. See the thing that got you in, it's the same thing that can get you out. Oh see, you let her bring a false accusation against you that you had something to do with them draws. Now they were draws when she was picking them up, But when you turned around, your identification of them could have been anything but draws. And had you went with what it looked like as opposed to what they was, you could have got your ass out this situation earlier. They ain't pattis. That's a car cover. Yes, you know what I'm saying, Baby, they may they ain't patties. I took the kids camping. That's a pen. See what I'm saying. You got to throw them off because if they that big, you got to go with that. That's not baby. You don't see you don't recognize them. That's how comfort to. You Gotta come up with real big stuff because you need them. Minute. King Kong jumped in the car and tried to hijack you while you was driving, and King Kong had on drawls, and when he jumped out the car dammage. His draws got caught on the seat though, then k got to say something. That's all that? And why is you talking to me? Right? And depends on what color they are, they could be a country excuse me, They depend on what color day is they hit black. If they was green with a little yellow on him and some black Jamaica, that could have been a Jamaica flowering been a flash. You got to get this off you. It's nothing new, all right. Look, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, and hopefully that that's all we got. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to all right, Steve, let's recap the letters subject if you lost your underwear, please call me. Yeah, here's second party, just let which is really nothing we could do about this matter? You do? You got bucket down. This big girl been in the back seat and it wasn't your not believe it. I do too. I really believe you, but she don't. And your problem ain't us though. See we believe you. Every man believe you. Hell yeah, but you in here, you know you got to come up with something else, man, Yeah, because this ain't working. I believe him. I don't know if if if I were his wife, Let's just go with something. You know, hey, look you an uber driver. You you went on the call. It was her cousin. You know how big your cousin is. And she set in the back seat just talking that I heard a town when she got out, and next thing I know, you're putting on her draws out and asked your cousin, remember fabric for a suit I'm getting made out of all that is? Baby, what you want? You gotta be something big. That's a comfort that I'm getting made. I'm pleased. Man. Actually my draw to be. Yeah, is this a reenactment with everyone ever? Everybody? Because every man knows how to cover that everything that is. This is my mama's draw girl. Then curtains for the house. I'm gonna get them made into the stop oh that table clothes girls about im speak crazy the ridiculousness of it all. Put that down. That's my that's my car cover with I park where I'm having the house humigated. They're gonna cover the whole house. Why do you sit? They ain't draw Put that down? You don't see that. That's a rug that that down. That's a runner. I was gonna put that in the hardway with a bathroom mano, man's baby, don't float man, How great you you didn't spoil it. Now, we was going on the picnic. We was gonna sit on the Now you didn't. You didn't found that so much for surprising you what you're digging all down in them cracks for now. You didn't pull the Oh now, you didn't pull the carpet up out the trunk, dug down in that damn fault. None of these are working. Just like you. They sound good, know every man, every man right, every man within the sound of our voices. Right now, baby baby, there ain't no draws. That's my niece's jumper. Put that back, girl, that's a hammock for the backyard role play. Baby roll. I'm putting them on for you. Will you take them and covering the baby since you're strapping to me, there ain't draws. That's a role Put that down. Yeah, we're gonna put that across the back yard so we can't see the neighbor when he is not acting like that. It's the stick back there because he go with the kite hand the kites. Girl, I'm making limp in the basement. Not stop acting like that, just quit it silly, say so, can't let him sit back there. I can't buy you nothing without you spilling it all. Yeah, cut them up and make napkins. Not stop it, napkins, baby, cut these off. Make that we was that was the winning select damage the choir robes, that's all it is. That's the fabric for the choir. That's the one we hit it, old baby, panty road Baby, why is you tripping? That is the backdrop for my canvas. I'm painting on them. Okay, Oh you don't want to go wind sailing? Okay, try to introduce you to new things now you don't want them? Okay, so you don't want to try nothing? Weak? Oh so all in parachute lessons? What's for nothing? That back window is broke. That's why them drawls was there. They was covering up that. Yeah, baby, why did you never hear people say put some drawls on that window where I came from, put some draw that window? Come out? Didn't you tell me you want to go sky Davin? So now we ain't GOINGRD. I love it like I'm making a hot air balloon that look like underwear and stop now stop it still can't do nothing for you. Our son wanted to be a superhero. He panting man. I'm trying to work on the board cape. Baby, put the board cape. I want to be panting man. Here are calm to save the Really, guys, really, we're gonna watch a movie in the backyard. And but now it's done. I'm not doing it. I'm not doing it now, not gonna see if you're awfully quiet, I know it's I'm done. An I ain't got no more sisters winding fabric. Now you wouldn't have it, okay, sur prisure to stave was a Christening outfit? Anything? All right? Listen, we gotta get out of here, you crazy guys. You can, okay, come on, hurry up the main Pani's baby. That's wrapping paper. I knew it. I knew that more, all right, listen, hit us up on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM with your thoughts on today. Strawberry letter coming up in about ten minutes. You know, Valentine's Day is this Thursday, so Junior has prepared a special Valentine's Day poem for our entertainment. We'll hear that in about ten minutes, right, poet she does. People you're listening to string show, all right, as we warned you, I mean told you earlier. It's it's about Valentine's Day this Thursday, and Junior as always has some Valentine's poetry for us. You know, I'm up there with Beethoven, the composer music. I'm just saying the same genius. It's the same level of genius. Wow. The float that I happened because I come up the poems at the right time. Wow, and it's Valentine. You know, I don't have the right none. I just they're there. They're there. I just didn't look at you as being that deep. Sure you should, I guess, but you didn't. But you should. You know what I mean. I find I find the cool. You know, everybody think Kanye crazy. We're there, We're there. Yeah. So this poem is for Valentine's Day. This is for lady. I'll thank you, Okay. You know, ladies, there's some things that's gonna happen to you on things on Valentine's Days that's not you know, you know, you're not probably not gonna like it. But this is something you use towards your man if your valentine does not go your way. Okay, here it is quietly, thank you should return lights down quiet. Yeah. Roses are read ah, yes they are. Violets are blue too. Okay, hold on, Junior, can you start over one second? Yes, because already just ain't fitting to be worth it. I just wanted to say that. I just want to want to get that out of the way. Go ahead, and I ain't gonna say nothing more. I just wanted to stop now. I ain't knowing the I stopped him. I didn't interrupt. I stopped him. We already off to a nothing ass beginning. But they said the same thing by the same boat, and he champion the same boat, had same start. They says, go back, go back, start the same thing. Okay, let's start them stealing the wind, steal in the wind. Come on, let's go. Roses are red, Yes they are. Roses are red. Violets are blue too. Blue. Just want you to know that I'm breaking up with you. The roses are red. Ha ha, Yes it is, and candy is hard. But all your stuff will be sitting out in my front yard. Yeah it is. Roses are red. Sometimes they're pink. Just want you to know fish, your asses here, your breath sting, don't even about what I'm doing. Because it's February fourteenth and it's Valentine's Day. Hope when I get home, your ass will be gone away by hey, hey, shirt off in the studio. I'm second, These women gonna be saying this and he read it again? Please what again? Rose? This is all read? Yes they are, Yes they are, but that's all blue. That is so true. Just want you ton't know. I see she standing here. I'm breaking up with you. But roses is red. Hey, candy is hard. Just want you didn't know that all your stuff will be in my front yard. Roses, I weard and sometimes they are pink. Just want you to know that your ass, your breaths, thank don't wear anybody. Today is Valentine's Day, February fourteen. When I get home, hopefully you'll be going away. I am a genius. I cannot keep doing this. Wow, I'm stopping that because I can't go on. I used to hate Cory and I used to see my poems come from real life circumstances. But I still I was I was really talking to myself. Yeah, I was in front. Are you gonna publish any of these? No? No, I don't want to do that because I want my work to people have come talk to me here my work word. I don't want you to have You can't get your hands on this fire. It's too great man. Okay, Yeah, thank y'all. How you like that? Yeah? Yeah? Ain't you know your you'll support? Your support really be limited, don't it? Well? You know what I mean? What it is? What you want me to support something that I know ain't going No, do you want me to do that for see? If you should support your people on this sho Yeah? Well he ain't gon to be no poets, you know. I mean, why are we talking about you have a counter poet? No? I mean it's just what we don't have is like you know, Tommy ain't fit to be no singer, So you know, yeah, why would I support Tommy singing? You know? But I'm just saying, you know, Tommy do what he do. He do pranks and all the boys and all that active stuff. He do what he do Junior out of his league right now with the damn poet. Wow, you didn't have one, ja, I'm trying to help side pieces for Valentine. I'm trying. Yeah, I thought you did. Roses are red. I know it's what you like. What I'll be with my new girlfriend and guess what, she's white? How about that? That that works? Why do we always have to start off with what color the rolling? Sometimes people don't know, timmy, because that's the most elementary, uh way to start a poem off? Perhaps? All right? Listen, Jay and Jute you since you elementary, don't limit my work down the elementary college graduate. Okay, since you two aren't really into Valentine's Day. Well, I don't know about you, but we know Jay, isn't it okay? I'm all in Oh, Jude, you really you? You love it? Jay, and you're all in ste I know you're all instead, you know, I go at it. Yeah, that's good. That's good. All right. Well, here's something you might enjoy. There's a This is for Junior and Jay since they're not really into it that much. Haunted Valentine's Day. That's something new. There's actually a Valentine's Haunted house in North Carolina, at the Haunted Farm in Hendersonville. You can walk through the woods of Bleeding hearts in a haunted maze before entering the love You to Death Haunted attraction. Jeez, this is the ninth year of this. Incredibly, this is an incredibly popular attraction and it sounds like it might be perfect for you guys. Well, yeah, ed, and just save your money. You ain't got to travel all over being in this relationship is already scared and quits spending all this money on the hotel rooms for Valentine nine five, six hundred dollars and you're doing the same three positions you do it. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about black excellence in Hollywood over the weekend. Right after this, you're listening to show. So there are a lot of events and really like a lot of a lot of stuff going on in the city, you know, with leading up to the Grammys and everything, like every year when the Grammys are held here. But the main one that's trending in the annual Rock Nation Brunch. That is the Annual Rock Nation Brunch, I should say. It's hosted by the Carters, Jay Z and Beyonce. It was Saturday at a private residence in a La Diddy, Kevin Hart, mcmill two Chains, Usher, DJ Khaled and many more artists, athletes, entertainers were there and on social media it was themed black excellence. The pictures are worth checking out just to see the fashion, you know, with all the pastel outfits and everything. It was definitely black excellence going on there. And huh you saw it. Landa Adams and fantasious occasion with that thout man. Yeah, both her thighs out. Yeah, I love the draft. Oh in the in the Grammys for the attribute to a rerefa Frankie you may. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was great. It really was really that day. You Landa Adams teach us every time she opened him up. But Fantasium was cold off she was singing. Yeah. A lot of people are saying that Fantasia should play Aretha her life story. It was good to have those three singings. Yeah, Andrew Day, Fantasia and Yolanda Adams. Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was good. It was good. Um. Yeah. And following the success of Cardi B, she you know, she performed at the Grammys as well. We talked about that earlier, Yeah, and what a performance it was, and she won a Grammy singing I don't remember the song she was singing, Yeah, I had it on mute. Actually, he gave a great acceptance speech when she won her award. Yeah, it was from the heart, as as is everything she does. You know. Yeah, I'm so nervous. I should started smoking weed. That's it. That's it every weedy and yeah yeah, but all you all called it late though, what yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh well yeah. So, I mean she's just hot right now. Everybody wants her. Everybody wants here in their commercials and uh, you know, following the success of her super Bowl commercial for Pepsi, she also scored another big Pepsi commercial. Did you guys see this commercial? It debut, Yeah, it debuted last night at the Yeah, during the Grammy Awards. It's part of this funny It's got two pigeons at the window. Look does it. But it's all part of Pepsi's new campaign. So, I mean, it's great having a commercial debut during the Grammy's just about his majors having one at the super Bowl. Uh. So, Cardie B has done a commercial. It's called more than Okay. That's a campaign. It's more than okay, more than Yeah, they're all knew more than Okay commercial Pepsi is more than Okay, yep, Cardi B has done both. She's done a super Bowl commercial, now a Grammy commercial, and it's just February, guys to boy for her great year, for her great yeah, I mean phenomenal year. Yeah, she hasn't stopped. And and just think of this. She started on Love and hip Hop, the New York one. She started there. That's where we all came to know and love Cardi B. Yeah yeah. Then she put out Bodak Yellow and it was history in black history months. I didn't know that she was on Love and hip Hop. Oh yeah, yep, that's where she came from. And uh yeah, she put out that song, Bodak Yellow, and the album after that, had the Baby, got married or got married, had the baby? All of that, I mean, just a phenomenal year for her. Congratulates Cardi B. I don't know anything. I think I'm doing it right. And then they had Little John Too saying yeah, yeah, okay, yeah you almost money, Little John saying that I've been saying, yeah, my whole life ain't produced. Yeah, it's the way he says it. Yeah, and we first heard him say it, and what us your song? Right? Yeah, Yeah, I like that big hat. Um what's your name? Halo? That? Yeah, that had you at the church and nobody behind you get saying. I think I can't say nothing because they were Yeah, that's like a first lady hat. It really is. Yeah, it was beautiful. She looked great. All right, Anything else you guys want to talk about? Yea Cardi B that's all you're gonna say. You're trying to get a commercial to im working. Call call Pepsi. PEPSI call him? Is yeah, cheaper than his y know, it is a lot cheaper. What are you doing, Steve? You're so quiet right now. I'm just listening to these foods. Yeah, you sounds more like that was for you. Yeah, it sounds more like I don't do Little John. I do love you know, just Junior, can you do me real quick? Lord? And maybe maybe PEPSI will call you, Steve. I want you to do Junior Tommy than me. I think he should let Junior do Tommy. No Tommy, he doesn't get Timmy to Yeah, let me let me see mommy body perfect, nailed, nailed, top top top of the morning, y'all. Okay, that was good. Is not gonna know where clothes. Mine is not gonna be nowhere close. Everybody that you do, their voices and higher than yours. Have you noticed that? Yeah? What they are you know uses hide in yours. Yeah though, huh what he No, No, y'all didn't fight for one sec the nephew. This is what I do right here? This is right? He all like, no, pranking is me? I'm is pranking. I don't know what that is is. Hey, man, can I ask y'all the question about the Grammy's last night? Huh? Who was the dude with the tattoos on his first malone? That's that's post malone, Steve. He's a rapper. He's a really good rapper. He's a singer. He's he's a talented artist. That's post He's a singer and he plays a folk good time. Huh, that's post malone. He is tattoos all over his face. He's his face is all tatted up, like we always say when he gets at some point, did tattoo? Man goes, Okay, I can't. I can't not if they're paying. But yeah, he's big in the music business. Right now, we got coming up more Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, here's a crazy, weird, crazy story for you. This is true though. We all know that many New Orleans Saints fans are still upset. They're still angry about the controversial call at the conference championship game against the Rams. So they did everything they could to avoid watching the Super Bowl. Remember they were it was a blackout, they were, they were boycotting everything in New Orleans. Well, one sixty five year old Saints fan went so far as to die so that he wouldn't have to watch the game. Uh yeah, yeah, his name is Henry A. Uh he passed. He passed away about five hours before kickoff. Yes, he died on Super Bowl Sunday. So when his family released his obituary in the New Orleans Advocate, it read, um Henry A Senior, age sixty five, passed away on Sunday, February third, two thy nineteen at one o'clock PM. Determined not to watch Super Bowl fifty three. Fan, I'm not killing myself. Just turn it off. I don't care Donald Trump and the White House administration playing against the clan in the dam Super Bowl. I bet I don't keep myself. I'll give wall. He wasn't very much. Yeah, that was a bit much that he just died. But his family took that to mean that he didn't want to watch the super Bowl. That's how much of a Saints fan he was. Yeah, yeah, Okay, you're gonna hold your breath that alone. Okay, Okay, See what if it were the Browns and they made it to the super Bowl. I know you won't kill yourself. They made it to the super Bowl, but something happened, a bad call, a wrong call, and they lost, and you were mad. What would you do. We're just gonna be a lot of stuff. I'd be mad. I'll because I'll cuss on the radio and do it. I I've sent three hundred thousand to the FCC and the paid it fine. But I'm coming on the radio to cup. Yeah, I'm gonna do that. I'm coming on the radio. I'm gonna sending the fine in before I get up that morning. I'm gonna mail it in three hundred thousand. I'm gonna I'm gonna do some heavy customs. I just want that to be known, and then after that I wear about it from now, You're gonna kill yourself? What the Browns or I was killing myself over the Browns, I'd have been dead years ago. Boy, before making Mayfields. Mayfield, I've been back there with Bryan Site and did a bunch of times dead, Brian wil Mike Pruit dead, Ernest Byner dead, le Kelly dead, nws Man, damn Brown. I'm not killing myself open, no game. I don't give a damn if I played on the team and you know what stuff I had lost, I'm not I'm not doing it, man, I'm not doing it. I've lost a bunch of times, and the majority of times I lost people didn't even know it. The majority of my losses in life, nobody even knew. Then I got the public losses. Oh yeah, Oh you know, man, when people come for you in a tacky run, dag got a few more coming. We're gonna be just fun winning. You're still winning. You're still winning. Keep you keep moving. Well, that's just how life is, though. I mean, life is full of ups and downs. If peaks and valleys. Man, if you don't understand that, you in a world of trouble, ain't gonna be just peaks. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, you're listening to show. All right, this has been trending guys on social media all weekend and part of last week as well. We talked about it on Friday. Remember, Gucci, the Gucci brand is in hot water right now, and after it received the backlash over a sweater that seemed to resemble black face. You know, it was kind of a turtleneck sweater that went over the mouth and part of the face, and it was outlined in the red lips. Yeah. Uh, and it's become this sort of thing is becoming an all too popular occurrence. Now, Gucci has sensed, apologized, and removed the sweater from its storys and the website. It issued a statement, Gucci deeply apologizes for the offense caused by the world jumper. We consider diversity to be a fundamental value to be fully upheld, respected, and at the forefront of every decision we make. Really okay, They're certainly not the first clothing brand to create and sell products that could be interpreted as racist. If you remember back a year ago January of last year, to be exact, H and M stores featured a black kid, Little black Boy on its website wearing a sweatshirt with the words coolest Monkey in the Jungle. Haven't been in that store since I remember that? Yeah, well, yeah, yeah remember that. Okay. Then, just in December, Prada luxury line Prada pulled out a line of accessories that resembled a black Sambo character. Yeah, they issued an apology. Yeah, that was blatant to me, Sam really Yeah, there used to be a restaurant in that lake called Sambo Samboles. Yeah. Oh, dog across the South had a little black face on it too. Yeah, all right, So, I mean, I don't know what's happening here. Well, you know, I saw a Gucci sweater. I've seen it before, and when I saw it, I didn't pay it no attention. You know, when I saw it, I didn't pay it any attention. But I guess when you see it now, and if they say that it looks like that, you know. I mean, I saw on Nick Cannon's Instagram he said Happy black Face History Month on the calendar. I mean, just in reference to all the stuff that's going on now with black face. You know, what is going on here and this is Black History Month, but it's still it's still going on at the colleges and stuff like that. They've been doing this for long. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and that's not good enough for Tim. He took the social media as well. He's demanding that African Americans boycott Gucci, and he posted an apology. Is cool, but it's just not enough. The disrespect will not be tolerated. That's what Ti put out on his Instagram. And now, according to a Nielsen publication from September of last year, we know what our buying power is as African Americans. We know that we spend a lot of money on labels. We love labels, We spend a lot of money on everything. Our buying power is at one point three trillion, with a tr trillion currently, and it's based on gains in population, income and education. It's estimated to rise to one point five four trillion by the year twenty twenty two. So that's a problem. He's well, here's what I'm going to say. If we are going to have a boycott, it has to be a formulated boycott by consistus of quite a few people, because what ends up happening is, you know, we have these things that everybody's supposed to line up with, and everybody is not aware of it. So if it's going to be a boy how it has to be a concerted effort by a massive number of people for the boycott to be successful. Because what happens is one or two people cry for a boycott, then they see you, then' here they come slamming you, and everybody don't know. So it has to be a general consensus. I feel for it to be a boycott. All right, Steve, coming up closing remark right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, it's time for your closing remarks. Okay, today I thought a good subject to talk about was about I think mentors being mentored, how to attract the right mentor. I don't care what you're thinking of doing in your life. I don't care what decisions you've made. Somebody's already done it, attempted, it gone down that role made the attempt. Maybe not your ideas specifically, but the route to get there has already been traveled for the most part. If you want to be successful, there are successful people. If you want to be a star athlete, there's a star. You know what I'm saying. I'm saying to you that whatever it is, you're trying to accomplish. Somebody has already taken the path. Now, finding these people is really really not that difficult. Now, getting in front of them is where you're gonna find the difficulty. So let me give you a couple of suggestions. What is the best way to approach a mentor? What is the best way to approach a mentor of means and a mentor with means, because that's that's two different people. You know, Martin Luther King was a mentor of means. He wasn't a wealthy man, but Lord have mercy man the knowledge that he could have given you about struggling and overcoming and sticktuitiveness, those lessons he could have taught you would have been invaluable. So you have two different types of mentors. You have mentors of means and mentors with means. Now, if you can find the two combined, that's even more special. But you're getting into more of a rare territory. Now. It's harder to find mentors of means and with means combined, because how do you get to that person? How do you get to the Oprah Winter flees When you find someone in your life or you meet someone, or you hear someone, you put them on your vision board. I want to meet this person one day. I would love to have a conversation with this person. You have to understand something. Most people with means of any kind, like Bishop Jake's, he has a lot of means man. He does well financial, but he is also just a man of wealth of knowledge. How do you get to these people? Well, it's several ways to do it. But if you can somehow find that way, because there's no specific way. Right when you get in front of this person, I want you to understand something. When you're facing them, they don't mind teaching and sharing, because most people of means are great sharers and great teachers. A Bishop Jake's, a Joe Oldstein, that brother that has the app out, the hip hop preacher Eric Thomas. Brothers like that too, and I listened to him man a lot of times. But getting in front of them, taking their course or whatever you might do. When you get in front of them, they don't mind teaching and sharing. They will mind giving you money. See, most people want to meet them mentor so they can present an idea to them and get some financial help. That's the quickest way to run them off because everybody is used to that. Do you have any idea how many times in a week I'm asked for money? It's sickening. But if you come to me and say, man, could you just give me a piece of advice? I usually don't have no problem with that. I got time for most Anybody that wants them advice wants me to share a wealth a piece of knowledge. That's okay. So when you get to these people, have a plan to be taught something. Ask them to teach you to fish, not to give you a fish sandwich. Ask them to teach you to fish. They don't have a problem with that. Now, that several ways to get in front of them. But when you do get that, when you finally do meet them, and meeting them ain as difficult as you think. Now, if you live in you know, New York, and your mentor lives in LA, You're gonna have to find a way to get to La, or you gotta find out when you come to newall you got to do some research. But you have mentors closer than that. You have somebody who's a really well mentally balanced person that you need information from. You have a person who seems to be doing really well with a wife and their children. You need information from because it's all a balancing act. You can't be successful in your business and why your family sitting over the struggling and in ruins is not going to work. Once you learn the traits of success, it filters over into every other aspect of life. So you got to have a balance. You can find these people right here. Don't ask them for money. People want to share and teach and give you information. Everybody needs a mentor. You cannot make it without mentorship. You know, there's an incredible saying, and we ain't got to get into why so incredible. But friendship is essential to the soul. You know why friend ship is so essential to the soul. I've lost my mother, my father, I've lost my brother, I've lost my best friend. Before you can live your life without your mother, you may have to eventually one day. You can live your life without your father. You may eventually have to do that. One day. You can live your life without your uncles and your relatives. But you know what, it's very very difficult to live your life without a friend. It is very very difficult to live in this world with no friendship nowhere. You can't pick up it's man you got. Friendship is essential to the soul. Do not avoid mentoring. Don't try to do it all by yourself, because nobody gets to the top by yourself. There's no such thing as a self made man. You've got to have a mentor. For all Steve I re contests, no purchase necessary. Avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.