With big winners like Adele, Chance the Rapper and Beyonce. Coupled with giant performances from Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, and The Times, the crew has a lot to talk about
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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all baby all suit all looking back to back down, giving them more, just like themaking buck things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to stay listening to me together for Stuart, I don't join yeah by join me. Say you gotta turn, Yeah, you go, you gotta turn, you to turn turn you love it got to turn out to turn turn water want to go? Come come on? Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I was. I had my head down and I was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of uh, it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, you know, man for for a long time. You know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was what was was a huge helping under standing me faith, but understanding about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people, and um, you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if just if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I mean, I'm I was like everybody else. I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? And how how long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? Like you know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, and you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with you know, sometimes, you know, we just lay claim to stuff and it's not always what's in our best interests, or it's not always a fact. It's just what we decided we wanted. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's the deal about the relationship with God. It's it's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now you can deviate off your end of the bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if but if you but if he asked you to do something, If if God asked you to to be a certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people, and uh, you know, I got myself in a lot of situations and I got out one just just that, just the end of last year, a dire situation that I've been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on, and then he made it away. It made me aware of the problem. In two thousand and eight and then, man, Lord have mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, Get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around. Man, the field get real clear. When you're in trouble the field, clear is out when you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do, when you need help, it gets real clear on the play and field. Then done it. But when things is going right, it's time for a party. Were throwing a celebration. We we we were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all of mine and God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all righting on what he say. I got it all righting on what she says. No, no, uh no, I hear you saying it, but I'm gonna keep my one on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most. Because his word is absolute. What he says he's gonna do, he gonna do what he says. He's not gonna tolerate. He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, you can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm i'm, i'm, I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me, or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you whetting people at see every person that I had put my faith in when I got in trouble, when I got down, I couldn't find them people nowhere, nowhere, nowhere. I didn't see a lifeline. I didn't say, hey man, we're coming to get you. I didn't see none of that. No, sir, no sir. The only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation. Was God. This is the only one, was the only one who was just right there, right there, all the way through. I mean comforting us, consoling us, putting us, putting his arms around us, tucking us under his wings, all of that all it was just him. It was just him. And I'm asking any of you to just do the same. If you look around at the people that you put your faith in, and you got in a situation because you have some faith in some people, when you got in that situation, where were those people? Where were they? Nowhere to be found? I have not. I've yet to find those people when I get in trouble. And so I'm asking you why would you put your faith there when instead you can put your faith in God where it counts the most, and He's always there. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the stripth to overcome the situation. When it turns into a situation. Then when he when he cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining. What he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know. I used to get all right, fall down crying, Oh Lord, help me, help me, help me. Then when he bailed me out and I get back up on my feet, I'm walking around like I'm hauling that him married two weeks now, you know, every week and a half, talk to your Sunday. You know I was there. Oh man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned after two thousand and eight a very serious lesson, and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation. Then I said, okay, Me and Margie looked around. We said, okay, it's just me, you and God. Okay, I got it now, I got it. Now, Now I see what you're talking about. And we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful. We keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, We thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies who come and try to, you know, you know, just undermine what we got going and and and he does that, and he doesn't that that doesn't mean it doesn't stop people from trying stuff. But all he does is he protects and covers us, and he gives us the strift to go through it and give us the knowledge and the wisdom to handle it. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, it really really does. You're listening to Steven of Good Morning Show eighteen eighteen minutes after the hour. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to the ride with all our visitors, please staying, please, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning. So you was welcome once, he was welcome twice you was welcome, Welcome, Welcome in the House of foolery. Yes, oh, I know, I wasn't thinking too. I wouldn't think of fast enough. Top of the morning. Tell you it is the nephew. My uncle will be here shortly. A few little technical different contests, but that's all right. Happen sometimes, you know. He got a christ and wrench and supplies and he trying to fix his stuff. Ever present duct tape. Don't forget that, got to have it, Yeah, and some gum if you ain't got Yeah, what's up? Hello, Good morning to your nephew. Happy Monday, Carla and Junior, Good morning, And the world's greatest cheerleading mom is in the building. Carl, Hey, good morning, nephew. What's up my girl? Shirley Strawberry Junior? What's happening? Crew? And my partner and crying? Oh my god? Fair Via, North Carolina and Tupelo, Mississippi. Did we do? What did y'all clown? Did we do? It's still stupid Southern Fried comedy. Damn Southern Fried comedy. Jam went and then acted a star Native food as my daddy was what sizzling? Junior boy? What a baby? Morning? Everybody? Let's shut your calif my partner in crime up you tim that so what happened? Oh my god, this boy right here made me proud. Boy, that boy right there when when I put on Steward, then he put on the That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, man, right there, Yes it was Stewing, I know. But we're getting on up there, girl, Hell you crazy man read the Comedy Central. Here you come here we come at. Next stop is Port Smith, Virginia, Friday Night. We've been to do the dog on things. You can folks expect because I've actually seen this comedy tour, the Southern Friday Comedy Jam. And let me just tell you. These two right here, they put on the show. I'm hollering the entire time. Surely I know, girl, I know, girl. They are so funny. You know what's cool is that our boys. You don't know our boys, you know us, but our boys they're funny is all get out, man. And for us to have this platform and this opportunity, that's what we're excited about it and people are loving it. Ali is funny, Billy Surrell is funny. That dog on markers while from Adam show that board right there, sir, and you and Junior nephew, what's happening? That's automatic what he got to look humble there. I tried to be nice, but I was. Yes, you weren't served. Okay, let me ask you this. Would your uncle be proud? Yes? Yes, if he was in the audience, he'd be stand up in the back, go by with a cigar. He would sig on slit in the building. You know, he would have to come on stage with you guys. Oh no, he wouldn't bet it. He wouldn't. He couldn't fight it. He had to get on you know. He would clear the edition. We did the end. Put it that way. We did that. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm just a chill stick to cheer leading. So you put it on my Instagram page, go to lips about Carl and call it what you what? You didn't get to see because we we hadn't done it yet. There's an intro. Now there's a video intro off the change. Really. Oh yeah, so you guys are still on tour. So where you going next? Ports Smith, Virginia is going down Friday night? What's Friday? Uh? What is Friday? We're in something somebody need to know on this show. You never know? Fabri seventeen call um sorry, Friday night. We're in the Build in Portsmith, Virginia at the christ Hall. Tickets on't say all right now Southern Friday Comedy. Get so proud of very you know, you know y'all, y'all gonna come up, and I know I was just thinking, man, here, where are you going next? I'll get there before the tour is over for sure. Hey, I'm gonna say this, it was a good night last night when it was actually a great, great show lasson And I haven't said that a long time about the Grammys. How good the actual show was. The entertainment was good that it was incredible. The same James Gordon, he was really good. He was really like, yeah karaoke, yeah, yeah, he doesn't too. He was funny. I loved him his intro. Yeah, steps one shoe off. On the first month of we rehearsed this, Come on guys, no rule for mistakes. It was really funny. Yeah. The tribute to Prince did you love it? Oh my god, between staying the time and then Bruno Mars, Oh my god, they set it off, let's get let's go crazy and they did. It was really really it was good. It was They still look good many still and they wrote the audience. They did, They really did. Yeah, just let you know, dang, it's almost been a year. It's almost a year since. Yeah, it's still unbelievable that he's gone. And over the weekend we celebrate the five year anniversary of Whitney's passing. You know, so it was a musical weekend. But yeah, back to the Grammys Album of the Year. We'll talk about it more throughout the morning. But Adele she won big last night, five yea, And I mean, what about when she did her tribute to George Michael and it just wasn't right for her. She was like, I'm so sorry. She cursed, and then she said, I'm so sorry for swearing, but I kinnot do this to him. I kind of thought this from the chap respect and I think the audience and viewers appreciated that she wanted to do it the right way because you remember La Cheer at the Grammys. She had audio issues, and it seemed like Metallica had some audio issues more than seemed like they did. Yeah, his whole first two. But Lady Gaga though, oh my gosh, she set it up. She did, she really did. It was great. We got to talk about Beyonce's performance Tribute to Motherhood and is anybody gonna say anything about Kurt frankin what We'll be back here and talk more about the Grammars at thirty four after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm here, we go. Let's go. Yeah, I go. I got with it. It's fixed, technical difficulty, got it straighten out, champions Hill, Champish Hill, Rumble, young Man, rum Morning champ. What's happening? Yeah, it's all good, you know, just working doing what I do in l A. It's three, it's three something in the morning, three o'clock in the mountain. It's it's actually offensive. Yeah, so get up and do work at three. I know you didn't do Grammy parties right here the last No, I didn't do and missed it. You probably saw them coming in as you was going out. Oh yeah, speaking of Grammys. Uh. The Image Awards were also held over the weekend in l A. And guess who won one? The champ here? The champ is here, Monica's Yeah. You want for Outstanding Talk Show House? Yeah, I was working. I didn't I didn't know. I think for Outstanding Talk Series to be more specific Awards is one of my favorite awards. Yeah, they really really registered. They'd matter to me, man, the Double A CP Image Awards, they're my favorites. Really. Yeah, that's fantastic. Congratulations stand thank God for that. I want colations. That was greatness, man, Yeah, I love your greatness. Good work. Just working, just planting, just planting. That's all I'm doing. I want to remind everybody just keep playing. There you go, keep you are a farmer, continue to plant. The heart will surely come. Harvey Hard We'll talk to all right. We talked about it earlier. The Grammys were last night. If you didn't get a chance to check it out, I'm sure ms An'll have more. I mean just so many, just so many great performances. What a good show last night. It really was. And like I said, I haven't been able to say that a long time about the Grammys. Um yeah, oh yeah, it was good. Only one moment, did you what did you say? The tribute to Michael law George George Michael George, Yeah, that was great and that was bad. And the Prince tribute, Oh god, Steve with Morris today in the time, and then Bruno Mars let's go Oh, you would have loved. Yeah, you would have loved because you're such a fan of music. Steve and musicians and Bruno Mars and his band. They were so good. They were really, really good. Also a chance the rapper last night came up. He became a household name. He has arrived. He's a twenty three year old independent artists from Chicago, taking home three trophies, including Best Rap Performance, Best Rap Album, and Best New Artist. Here is part of his acceptance speech. I know a lot of times I talk about my independence and people think, uh, it has something to do with I'm gonna talk. You can play the music if you want. Uh. I want to thank God from my team. I know people think the independence means you do it by yourself, But independence means freedom. I do it with these folks right here. Cloyd be the God. I claim the victory in the name of the Lord. Let's go that music. I'm gone talk well while y'all playing it only so congratulations. I know he probably sold a whole bunch more kit Cat bars uh last night as well, because yeah, have you seen this kick Cat commercial? Steve, that's who that a commercial? Are seeing? No shows? You haven't even seen your own show, right yeah, you know. So we'll have more Grammy moments throughout the morning. But congratulations once again to the twenty three year old and defended artists from Chicago, the rapper. I just met him. To man, I just met him at the White House on January six, and great guy, right you know who introduced me to him? Um? I think Usher, Okay, Sisty, you met your brother. This is a good dude right here, shop little cat man. He was real respectful. I'll dug him. I told my kids I met him. They went, Dad, you didn't know him. You're listening to show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, miss, and we'll be here with our national news and coming up right after this, we'll do more Grammy talk. Beyonce made an incredible each Adele made an incredible acceptance speech, uh, citing Beyonce, giving much love to Beyonce. We'll talk about that. I think we have a little known black history facts as well. Coming up. We thank you. Yeah, well Steve's here, so done deal. Yeah, uh what is that? Exactly? Whatever? You whatever? You people around the world where green at the Grammy dude right here, described Steve, describing Celo had on all go from hand and told, you know he wear them all go. I don't know what to call you know, I call him house coats. Yeah, no, no, no, not a road that's a step m housecoat. He had on one of the roads. It was gold. But he had gold. Was it face paint? Yeah? And he had the emblem on his head. The boy looked just like a grammar. He did oscar. He was cold. Who was your girl that wanted to make America great again? Dressed? I didn't know her. She wanted she wanted to be fake. Yeah, because when you turn around, I had Trump on the back as well. I didn't know. Yeah, yeah, that's like me taking my ass up there to her Trump. She fit to catch that you circle. That's that's the hell. She fitn the catch man. Do you know a lady stopped me on the elevator the other day. I was on the elevator at the hotel, uh, going to ah take care of some business and um they had been to the bottomless Mimosa on the roof of the hotel. So she and she drank and so uh nice look at couples. I met her brother before he's actually spoken my camp and uh the girl that was William just said, so, what was up with you with that Trump thing? I get your girl, girl. I looked right at the dude, man, I said, man, I'm just gonna look at you. I'm just gonna look at you. Bro. Just man. He said, that's good Man, don't worry about that. Steve Wee big fans. My mama was a big fan of your She passed. But why did you go up there at the Trump? I looked at the lady, and you know, we're on the elevator and it's crowding, and so I just looked at I said, man, I said, if you don't understand, just say that. Just say that, but don't question. Just just say you don't understand, that's all. And we could be like, what helped me understand? We ain't got time for that. Just catching floors, man, you know, I mean, you know, look, man, I'm taking my time so they don't take time to say all that. You say that photo dope, and on the next floor, I'm just giving you a description of it. So finally we got all the way down in the lobby. The brother was real nice. Man. I met her brother before I was talking to him. I said, I'm trying to just look at you, bro, but telling you. And so I just turned to and I just said, I said, what would you do? I said, ma'am, ma'am, before you keep talking to me, I said, we lost the battle. When somebody losed the battle, somebody got to get on the horse and ride across the field and talk to the new general. I said, that's my job. I don't have I have no other job. Just all I can be is what God sent me. I said, But if they had not asked me to come on both sides, somebody from the White House and somebody from the Trump administrant, there's no way I could have went. I ain't got about the number up there. Well, I still love you. Then that's what we get on your showed in sound like it on that damn people. Uh the lady who had addressed on huh yeah, yeah. Who is the lady? Her name is Joey Via. She's a singer songwriter, year olds here. Yeah, alright, make America great again. She gonne, She's gonna babe, get on no more damn elevator. Alright, one of the big Winter or the biggest winter last night, five times five Grammys, Adele, her smash Hello, just broke all kinds of records when she came back and everything, and she won. Just want to hear I want you to hear some of her acceptance speech. What a great speech. But I can't possibly accept this award. And I'm very humbled, and I'm very great, fool and gracious. My artist of my life is beyonceing this album to me. The Lemonade album was just so monumental, Beyonce. It was so monumental and well thought out and so beautiful and soul bearing. And we all got to see another side to you that you don't always let us see and we appreciate that. Wow, how gracious, how gracious, And that they have a camera on Beyonce and the audience, and Beyonce was just giving her love back. I love you, she was saying, with her pretty pregnant self, I love you, Adele, thank you. She just kept saying thank you. That was really sweet. Though I was expecting Kanye at any minute though I'm to come on stage. Kanye was on the elevator with me. A great Awards show though, yeah, it really really was. We have a Beyonce's speech coming up to I will get to that sometime later. Beyonce one quite a few. I means herself and I mean her performance. Wow, I mean this whole tribute Steve to motherhood she gave. She was introduced by her mom and she did this whole thing. She was sitting in this chair and nervous chair. Yeah, and the chair just like you know you it's not a rocking chair. But she leaned back in the chair. Everybody was like, because she's pregnant, and you couldn't see anything holding the chair or pulling the chair. It was oh man, her performance, Yeah, you really were It was great. I know whoever was over the chair was cream right now. They should have showed jay Z's face at that time. Kanye should have come out at that moment. Hold up, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, Oh no, wow, just just we're just saying a word though. No, let me let me, let me, let me let me baby Hey yeah, oh no wait a minute, look at Hill. I think we need to say that when you go on vacation, just when we start missing you, just play that just random help it? Wow? Well whoa shi shid shid? Not just laid back? Let him. Have it just be black black, have yourself a moment. Gather yourself because you know, we don't know what Trump did last night. Missing has to get to that he does he does his stuff at night at night. Well you know he ain't wear war. So introduced missing when you GETZ and gentlemen, missing Missing, Thank you, Thanks everybody, Good morning. This is hi hi hi. Okay. Well, only days after President Trump took office, so he issued that executive order saying that anybody charged with quote any criminal offense could be deported. Senior White House adviser Steve Miller fleshed that statement out yesterday on NBC's Meet the Press. We can't hear the sound I'm saying. Anyway, he was saying that, you know that anybody who has committed a crime will be arrested. The problem is the President tweeted yesterday that gang members, drug dealers, and others are being removed. However, some local officials say, yeah, that was that was true under the Obama administration. But some illegals who have not committed violent crimes and now being picked up by immigration rates, like if they're in the car with someone who happens to be the target they're being picked up as well, and they say that never happened under the Obama administration. He only deported criminals and he did not deport people who happened to be in the car or in the home with them or something like that. Meanwhile, our neighbor to the north says there's been a huge influx in refugees crossing the border into Canada over the last two months, and the bassi up in Manitoba, British Columbia and Quebec. They say people apparently willing to illegally cross the border by trudging through hours of snow and minus twenty degree temperatures. One Somali refugee reportedly lost several fingers and toes to frost, by another man both his hands, but apparently they all both thought it was worth it to get out of the US. Canadian border police say about a thousand people have crossed so far, fearing that they faced a dangerous and uncertain future under the new White House administration. Okay Sad News said yes, legendary jazz singer Algero has died or singer died in Los Angeles yesterday morning at age seventy six. He's his passing came after a recent hospitalization for exhaustion and only two days after he announced his retirement officially from Tory. Algero won seven Grammy's over his fifty year career. This was his business biggest single and he won an R and B by the Way and Pop and Soul. He won in Everything alger I, just loved It So Perfect and double A. CP held forty annual Image Awards over the weekend. The winners included Anthony Anderson, Tracy Ellis, Rosster, Rodger p Henson, and Denzel The Outstanding Motion Picture was Hidden Figures. And at the Grammys last night, Adele pulled a trifecta, winning Song, Record and Album of the Year like she did in twelve. So now it's a record, of course. You just heard Adele's homage to Beyonce, sounding like she felt she didn't deserve at least the last award. But Beyonce did win two Grammys U one for Urban Contemporary Album for Lemonade and Best Music Video for Formation. There were tributes to the Bgs, George Michael and The Time and Bruno Mars did the thing for Prince Let's Go, Let's Go, Let's Go Crazy. The audience was jumping, and so was I and everybody else that had any kind of shake to do. We were shaking with Obama gave us. Okay, now back to the Steve Harvey, thank you, San. Grammy's were great last night, as always, Um, not as always. You said you normally don't like the Grammys, but this was a good one. Yeah. I haven't said that in a long time that the Grammys were great, but they were great last night. Enjoyed the performances a lot, and the host and the host James Cordon, the guy who does one of the late talk shows and he does carpool Karaoke. He comes on after Corbett, Steve Corbet. He's funny. I like him. Carpool Karaoke's funny. But okay, you know what time it is, though, right, you know what time it is? What time is it? It's time for little Now and Black History facts. Get ready, get ready, let's go, JR. Yes you're up. Oh. Have y'all heard this about James Michael Sanders, That he was a civil rights freedom fighter who marched for Dr King and a lot of other freedom fighters. But James Michael Sanders had a bunyan on his right toe, and as he marched, he he could not. He was the only one you to hear out that time about dang my feet hurt. Why they was marching? What Jane Michael Sanders got footing hurt so bad that he told the top right part off the shoot just to get that bunyan some room to breathe. It felt so good, he told the other all. James Michael Sander actually was the first freedom fighter to march in Sandals. It got so good that they changed his name to James Michael Sandals. Now he's the Sandals at the march while you was marching. And then the motto was left free to ring and your toes too. James Michael Sands need to be told, dude complaining at the mark, I ain't going all the way, So I'd like the heartory that we don't know nothing about it like that. Now here's one. This here is nineteen thirty one. In case y'all don't know. Baby Doris Green got sick and Mama Lucille was actually looking after her, and Mama Lucia was watching her for three fold days to make sure all right, make sure she was all right. Mama Lucille put her in the room and she said, I want you to be in this room so I can see you. And she said okay, and they kept her in there, and that is the first I see you wald y'all didn't know that. That's how, that's how the first I see you are started to y'all thinking all these other folks coming up with this stuff. Mama Lucia came up with the I want what we won't credit. That is Mama Lucille who created the I cure. Every time she looked man baby dolls, he said, I see you, I see you. The first medical I see you. Yes, it is hidden figure hiding no more. All right, the Butterfly next movie. Back you you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. One eight hundred flowers dot com has amazing deals on last minute Valentine's bouquets. But you have to hurry. The clock is ticking right now. One eight hundred flowers is offering at last chance discount site wide. That's off everything. Go to one eight hundred flowers dot com and enter coat Strawberry offer ends today. Just guess what tomorrow is the day Valentine's Day? Come oh man, Yeah, y'all Rare Jr. Is it possible we can move it? Man? I told you, and I've been telling y'all, we gotta get ready, got to get ready. Your man in l A. I'm gonna pick flowers instead of going to bath at least feverywhere in February? Can I tell you the flowers you're gonna be picking what you ain't gonna get nothing, ain't nothing, ain't nothing up yet, Tommy, where you stay? All right? All your flowers gonna be grass flowers? Sure? I need some flower. I need a hook up flowers dot com. Yeah, that need better call off right now. She's been telling last one eight hundred flowers dot com one flowers. Do they need to say your name or something? Go to the website one dot com. Do they need to say your name? Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, definitely enter my coat, strawberry. That's all you have. That's what I was trying to You don't know that. Just get your little bit. Appreciate, appreciate. Y'all gonna be tycoon's whether you want to or you're gonna forward it on. It's a butterfly. Good morning everyone, our guy, good morning, good morning, Hello, hello, helloud to my public Stephen, Timmy Shirley, Carl Junr. Good morning to all of you. Are flutter flutter butterfly. There was some extremely great performances this weekend and I must just have to give accolades to it. Just that was five that would just really staying out yet say five incredible performances this weekend. Beyonce was the change, very very good. I want to show her man love and Beyonce, if you're listening, I want to throw your baby shower. I'm then I know how to throw you ain't got the money. Now it's gonna be her, Manny, I'm just gonna help her with it. Telling jay Z's manning and jay Z quit sitting on the front row chewing that gum. He was chewing that gun. I'm night lass like um. Chance the wrapper, Oh my god, incredible, incredible, Kirk Franklin. I don't know what you had out, but you was giving it to the people, good Man and Chance Okay, Bruno Mars gave it to the people. He always does. He's He's not even a triple threat. He's just five six, seven eights talented as all get out. Last for not lites. Eugene Antwine Ferguson was giving it to the people and on North Carolina and okay, your performance? What did you do? How was how was I Jr? Please be honest, I don't know. I was in my dressing room. You meant nobody come out for you? I can't come out. You were not in the wings watching me. You coming out? Wasn't no jim Man. I bet there was some chicken and some rice, wild rice and sila. I bet they're eating that. I finished. So you don't watch me my my portion after show? Obviously, No, I didn't even know you were in there. Why do you come to say hi? Anyway? I've never seen you perform. You've never come to see me. That's the problem, Stephen. But guess why if you come to see Southern Friday Comedy in Portsmouth, Virginia this Friday night, you will see me. A matter of fact, I expect you to be there. Steve Harvey, what is you laughing? And pass up? Oh my money to go watch you? Yeah? Just carried out by a bunch of baby all the boys? Are you nuts? Men? Correction? See that's ther battom. You ain't never been carried out about. That's what you want? You wanted you just want you want to be? Is that what you want to be? So bad? If you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, that looks good. Yeah, that looks real good. Rod Demers, the Brother um and on that series. All right, we'll coming up the Grammys of course for last night. Great show, great performances. We forgot about Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban. What a great performance they get. I mean, yea, yeah, there's so many great performances. We could go on and on. Bruno Mars, I mean, just lady God, everybody was incredible last night. Um, we'll talk about it. We'll get into some acceptance speeches when we come back. Okay, we're gonna get into him paying Kirk head on. Okay, all about the Grammy's last night. Uh, Chance the Rapper became a househole name last night. Everybody knows who Chance the Rapper is? Okay, one of the problems out of me? Okay, alright. Twenty three year old artists from Chicago took home three three trophies, including Best New Artists, Best Rap Performance, and Best Rap Album. He also performed All We Got with Kirk Franklin Tommy Yeah, I saw it, you know, Kirk. It's a different dresser. He's yeah. We love curtain man, what hubbad singing behind? That's all I can say, yes, yes she can, of course, who can forget Beyonce? I mean her performance was incredible. Yeah. Even though Queen Bee didn't win big, her presence was felt with an elaborate spoken word musical performance featuring over a dozen dancers. She did a special tribute to motherhood, seeing as how she announced last week she's pregnant with twins, so she did a big tribute to motherhood. Her mother, Tina introduced her before her performance. But but it was great, very creative, very artistic, just lovely. Did you huh? Did you miss one though? Did you see the girl that what's the what's the host name? Again? I don't want James Gordon? Okay? At opening number? Did you see the girl that was dancing next to him? You do you see how fine she was? I'm sorry, I mean, you know, just a lot of accolades for Beyonce last night, even Adele was a big winner. Adele gave a special shout out as she accepted her Record of the Year awards. You have a special shout out to Beyonce. But I can't possibly accept this award, and I'm very humble and I'm very grateful and gracious. But my artist of my life is Beyonce saying this album to me, the Lemonade album was just so monumental, Beyonce. It was so monumental and so well thought out and so beautiful and soul bearing, and we all got to see another side to you that you don't always let us see, and we appreciate that. I just love that. I just love how gracious her speech was. Let's I mean, we have a couple of seconds here, let's let's hear Beyonce's acceptance of speech last night. It's important to me to show him just to my children that reflect their beauty, so they can grow up in a world or they look in the mirror first to their own families as well as the news, the super Bowl, the Olympics, the White House, and the Grammys and see themselves and have no doubt that they're beautiful, intelligent and capable. This is something I want for every child of every race. Can you rewind to where the fine lady was standing there? You can hear a fan if you rewind to the park. Yeah, we'll be back. You don't want to hear a fan. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour of the Strawberry Letter. Check out this subject. I am not enough for my man. I am not enough for my man. That's the subject of today's Strawberry Letter. But up next, Nephew Tommy and the prank phone call. Nephew, you heard me? What? Freedom papers? Huh? Y'all got your freedom paper and Black History Month. This is what we're doing. Yeah, and you better get him told. You see who it offered? You better are your freedom You know what? Time what? I'm sorry, He's sorry. If people thought I was as stupid as you, I wouldn't even be in the net. We did start being as stupid as me. To get yourself out of all that minute, I'm trying to retain. Uh. Hi, my name is Scott. I'm calling from f PI. Wanted to give you a call about actually uh using our services. If I think you'll actually like it, the FBI would definitely like to get you on board. What is it. FBI is Freedom Papers Incorporated. Freedom Papers Incorporated. What we do is we actually make sure you get freedom papers and you can purchase them from US. And what I can do is I can get you freedom papers for you and every individual at your home for roughly eight hundred bucks or under. What what of freedom? Freedom papers? Well? Actually, what this is? You know? I mean are you are you familiar with like, um say, if you are an alien from another country and you need a you need a green card to be here, are you familiar with that? Okay? So what what goes on with Freedom Papers Incorporated? Is when you sign and get freedom papers from US. What it does, it's, uh, people who are African Americans our papers let them know that you're actually a free person in this country. Oh I've been free. I'm sorry, ain't no flavor going on? What you talking about? Well I'm free? Well you you you may be, but you have to actually show paperwork for that. When they when did they start? Sir? This is all over the news. You have to have freedom papers within the next six months. Every African American person is gonna have to have freedom papers and have them on on the you know. Uh, it's it's like keep on driver's license or a checkbook or something. You gonna have to have your freedom papers on you. That's some that's some, that's something. I'm free. I'm not about to pay no money when I'm already free. Okay, but you're gonna, for sure you're gonna need paperwork to show your freedom and you don't. Do you have any freedom papers at this point right now? No, because I don't need freedom I'm free, sir. I don't think you quite understand. Do you understand that you could possibly if you're caught without your freedom papers, you could be taken into captive and actually have to work for so many years in order and then later on you might get your freedom. But right now, right here, if you buy freedom papers from me, I can I can fix it where you don't go through that you can actually get separated from your family. Sir. I'm not going by where they're gonna send me to where they gonna deport me to after I've never been there. No, No, you're not going to Africa. You could be actually here in the United States working on on a particular farm of of with a lot of people who don't have their papers. If you haven't gotten this news, I do apologize, But within the next six months you're going to need freedom papers to you anyway. Sir. Like I said before, I'm Scott with FBI, no sp I, f thirds fpis freedom papers in corporate. I don't give what it is. I'm not about to pay no no money to be free, Sir, you have to have paperwork on you to show that you are a free citizen of the United States. Hold hold of how you get my number anyway, sir. We have a list of numbers of people that we don't think have their freedom papers, and your name actually popped up here in our database, So men pop up on Okay, sir, I'm trying to give my number, Sir. We have a database here of people who we don't think their freedom papers. Your name is actually here. After talking to you, it seems like you don't have your freedom papers and we want to make sure you get them. We're letting you know it's two hundred dollars per person to get these actual paperies. So you're telling me you got database and you just calling black people all around the points. Well, no, sir, what we're doing is we're calling African Americans and let them letting them know that they can actually uh buy freedom papers from us so they don't have to be if they're if they're if they ever get captured, then what can happen is is that they can show their papers and not have to deal with the problems that we already free. You're gonna have a whole bunch runaway because we ain't paying. I'm not paying. They might but I'm not paying. Sure, you're gonna have to have your freedom papers on you at all times. That's gonna be the law within the next six months. So what I'm trying to end, Can you sell you freedom papers so you'll understand that you you have everything that you need. You have your driver's license, you have your freedom papers, and and whatever else did you carry on you you have let's be out. Your mom called me on my phone this Sunday, wrong with you freedom papers? I ain't getting Who are you? I'm Scott, sir. I'm gonnassociate here at FPI. I heard about that sp I. You just want to check from me thinking about seeing you some damn money. Y'all kiss my sir, sir. I understand you. But what you gotta understand is within the next six months you're gonna need these papers. Well, they're gonna have to catch my same tans. Okay, sir, don't you don't you want to be free? I am free, everybody's free. We got a black president. He's gonna have to get freedom papers I buy from you. Kiss, Sir, You're gonna have to pay for these papers one way or the other. Okay. I'm trying this because I gave you a call. I trying to be nice to you. I'm letting you know now you're gonna have to pay for your freedom, sir. Everyone will be captured if they do not have freedom papers. You tell you right now, don't, sir, Sir, You're going to get captured when you least expected. Sir, You're going to get captured when you least expected. I'm gonna be you tom to can't take y'all donna have to catch me because I ain't paying. I didn't look up. Only continue right now. I can't find scam trying to get my money. Are you on the computer? Okay? Can I tell you one more thing? Can I can I get you to google something else? Put in put in N E P H E W all right, t O M M Y one song once you tell me. This is Nephew timmy man for the Steve Harvey Mornings your your wife Mariffa got me to frank phone call you man, y'all happy? How about saying is free already? Be you about to get as long as you all right? Man? I got I gotta ask you one more thing though, What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? The Steve Parks Morning The Show is nothing to count That food Stupid is on the run. You can catch me tomorrow night at the West Palm Beach m from Florida and West Palm Beat. You can catch me tomorrow night Valentine's Night, and then Friday I lock up with my partner Crime Junior William Portsmith, Virginia. That is Southern Fride comedy Stupid continue for one night, for one night, Valentine's Night. Yes, sir, I'm doing I'm trying to hustle like you. That's all. That's all, just hustle. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's a time buckle up and hold on tight. We got it. Fall you here it is Strawberry Letta. All right, before we get to the letter, let me just say, parents, if you have any small children in the car at home with you. I don't think you want them to hear this letter and govern yourselves accordingly for this one. Uh, it's a bit much subject. I am not enough for my man. Just Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty three year old female and I'm totally in love with my forty three year old boyfriend. Was a player before we started dating, but he stopped all of that for me and I felt special and loved. Shortly after we started dating, I noticed that he replaced being a player with watching a lot of porn. It didn't bother me at first, but now he does it as soon as we are done having sex and I leave the room. One day, I came home from a quick trip to the store and he had locked me out of our bedroom because he was in there watching porn and we had just had sex before I left the house. Every time he sleeps on the couch, he watches porn. We work at the same place, and he watches it at work. He goes in the bathroom at work for thirty minutes at a time to watch it. The first thing he does when he wakes up in the morning, even if we've just had sex, is watch porn. He does it so much now that he always has scabs on him from all of the rubbing and the friction. Lately, we have had several fights about this. What should I do? Whoa? Uh? Yeah, yeah, he needs help in a major way. I mean, I just gotta tell you. But but first I have to say this to you. Please stop blaming yourself, um for his problems. I mean, he's the one that can't control himself. Uh. This has nothing to do with you. It's not your fault in any way. Uh. And hear me clearly on this one. You are enough. Okay, you are enough. However you are, You're enough. He, on the other hand, is not normal. This is not normal behavior by any stretch of the imagination. Uh. Who does this like you've just had sex and he's still come on, come on, it just does. I don't see this working for you any longer. I just don't. I mean, you say you're totally in love with this guy, but he's totally in love with porn. He's totally in love with porn. And if they find out about what he's doing at work for thirty minutes at a time, he's gonna lose his job. He is you know, this is not what you go to work for. Now, that's terrible. Thirty minutes at a time, you have time to leave work and go watch Born ridiculous. He's gonna lose his job. I'm glad you're not talking about marrying marrying to this guy, you know, being married to this guy, because if you if you were considering that, you'd have even more of a problem on your hand. I think now is the time to bow out gracefully, unless you know, if you're that totally in love with him, you you know, discuss going to see someone, a doctor or a psychologist or something about this problem. But this is a major problem and I don't see it going away anytime soon. And again, you are enough. Steve Born is an addiction. Alcoholism, drug abuse. Anything you do in excess is a problem. You can actually drink too much water, You can actually do that. Anything you do in excess is a problem. Anything you do the interferes with the well being of your success, in your happiness, and you don't stop doing it is a problem. Porn is a problem. You just had sex. What you're doing now, what you're doing now, where you're going on this damn done? What are you? Where are you going. You're gonna he foughted three in three years forty six, he gonna be out of AMMO. You only get so many bullets in your lifetime. Then you have to use these bullets sparingly. So now let me tell you he's a player. Before we started, he stopped all that for me, you felt, specially shortly after we started dating. I know the replace being a player. We're watching a lot of point and didn't bother me at first. It should have, but now he is it. As soon as we're done having sex and I leave the room. This ain't got nothing to do with you, lady. First of all, your man got a damn problem. As soon as you're walking out the dough, he just start hammering. He starts, what what what's it called hammering? You just had your hammering? Come on, now, the kids. One day I came home from a quick trip to the store and he had locked me out of the bedroom because he was in that watching point and we had just had sex before I left the house. Every time you sleep on the couch, he watched point. So now the only thing I see right now, you got to get all the locks off these doors, and you can't have no more couches than that. You gotta get him up every time. And now we work at the same place. He watched work. He watched Point at work. He go to the bathroom for thirty minutes out of time to watch it. The first thing he did when he wake up in the morning. Even if we just had sex as he watched Point. This man got a problem. This man got a real damn problem, and he farted through. It's something wrong with him. It's called crazy. He does it so much he has scabs on him. Now listen to me. I'm gonna hold over, come back. I'm gonna tell you what's really wrong now. Can't give us something though before we leave the scale, I already know what that is. Ladies, you don't know this, but Uncle Steve men to give you some important information that we'll be back with Steve Hard two coming up at eighteen after the hour. Listen to me this strong letter. This man got a problem. Do you hear me? He has a real problem. No one, No one thinks this is normal. It's accepting him. He had worked at work though, Steve Class, we gotta finish this project. Class is in that was that him? No nods? The dude in the hallway to think I'm talking to him. Oh, he doesn't know. He's in the letter right now. No, he has no idea that I'm in here doing the radio showing ain't even talking. And so this man has a problem. You go to the stove right after you have sex, you come back. He can lock the bedroom though. Here up watching some point. He sleep on the couch. He watched point. He had work, He going to bathroom for thirty minutes watching point. First thing he does when you work up in the morning, even if we just had sex, is watch point. He does it so much. Now did he need prayer? He need He needs to go to church, He need the occupany you need to get in a hobby, He need a video game. He does it so much. Now you always have scabs on him from all the rubbing in friction. Layah, We've had several fights about this. What should I do? First of all, the scabs are not from rubbing and friction. The scabs is a cleanliness issue. See, if you at work and you got all these different you know, lotions and oils and all this hell, and then you don't clean, then that's a very sensitive area. And it starts and it and it does a bump which turns into a scamp. Yo, man is actually what's the word I can use? Because we got a radio show, Steve, we're trying to keep it hien, nasty, disgusting. It's another word for beating. Oh what's another word for beating? Uh? He said hammering earlier. Okay, let's go with hammering. He hammered himself to death to the point where it's it's not so much the rubbing and free action that's causing them unless he's using some device that you don't know about that has bumps on it. Other than that, this man right here has a hygiene problem. Yeah, fellas, this is not a subject you want to talk about. But it's a hygiene problem. Why is everybody quiet because unfortable? Well, I'm just trying to help though it's still a damn comedy show. But if you have, say washing, you're gonna have a problem. Now. It ain't that he needed to wash. He needs to stop because where he at he's not taking care of itself. He needs help. That's what I said. He you can't wash it work, that's the damn But what you cannot do is come out that tarlet and walk up to that sink, oh god, and just get that soap and act like ain't nobody in there? You can so this is happening at work. He shouldn't be doing any of it. He getting through and he coming right back to his desk and all that stuff in there. You're just sitting in there as CEO, Steve. Did you ever have that problem with any of your employees or anything? Hell no, Hell if I did, I wouldn't know. Anybody told me the boss got what I just got to do. What happened in it? WHOA take this magazine? Don't if you feel the same way I feel. No, I've never had that good or surely you and I don't know. It's just look y'all work Shiller's it's not you. It's not you, it's him. Stop Hamaton, I mean he heat doing all Hammerson. Stop Hamatone. Dude, can't touch it. I can can't touch this now. We can't be cause you to put a scam on to legit quick yea, all hamasons to legit, to legit quickly. We got it, guys. This mother all Hamlson, God, don't hurt him. Hammer sorry, getting out of this mas. Oh my God. Oh, he in there working in them like the girl with the pump in the box all hamle song. Hey, hey, this is a terrible, terrible letter, but at work up. What did you see that your in the office lights them? Yeah? He laid back in his cubic. He didn't reclined his office. Chick. I hate the fact that she blames herself for this. That. That's my issue with this entire letter. It's not your fault. It's him. It's not. But he didn't took his suit coat off. He laid back in his chair and he just got it draped over him. What that work though? Come on, huh get some help? Yeah, that's what the one more hammers? Go ahead, Time to go ahead and shoot it out there, pray we need to. And I made you say that, y'all. I got to go to work. I gotta do a satellite media tour today, so I'll be on TV stations all across the country or promoting some stuff today, so y'all can look for me on your local channels and then we'll see y'all tomorrow my wheel. Okay, alright, you're on that with Trump? Anything? Is that anything I need? No, you're gonna do what you're going to do. Let me just tell you this. If I were you, Tommy, I'd going up there and see Trump. Then you wouldn't have to be nephew Coon, you could just be the full time you're listening, Steve. All right, coming up, we'll do trending topics all about the Grammys. Uh wow, gel and her five awards. I mean, just an incredible show last night. But we'll tell you more about it and the fine later that was dancing on the intro. It's not a fire ladies last night. Uh, not for here, but she wone. Congratulations Crazy and the Sky that's what really get it right now, Junior, for real? She won for Best R and B Performance yea Winter not nominated one. Yeah, she wants drinking away. I got it, I got it right here for you. Congratulations going out once again to Solange. She won a performance for Cranes in the Sky or as Junior likes to call it, Crazy as the Sky and turned out. Steve thought it was crazy toozy. The congratulations up Solange won that Beyonce one, of course, I mean congratulations to Beyonce. What can you say her? Her just her whole energy last night with her tribute to motherhood and that performance. Um, somebody said the Solange dressed Beyonce, though they did say that because Beyonce had on the halo thing on her head and everything. Yes, just yes, she looked beautiful and amazing and congratulations once again for her pregnancy. Let's see Bruno Mars Morris to day. They paid tribute to Print with a performance by the Time and a cover of Let's Go Crazy. Incredible performance last night. Yeah, the the late rock Star um David Bowie won five Grammys last night, including Best Rock Performance and Best Rock Song for a Black Star. I mean, oh boy, um what oh um? Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood's performance. Yes, that was a great song. Lady Gaga Metallica. Even though they had some technical difficulties with Metallica's uh mike, it was still great. Yeah, it was still a really great performance. Okay. Everybody was asking about Rihanna's tattoo. Yeah, yeah, I remember when she got that too. It's a real it's a real tattoo. Yeah, I remember when she got no it made news, that made news, that helped me. Yeah, some work, but anyway, I wanted to get to this A tribe call quest um, they got really political in the Grammy nomination with bust of Rhymes. They called President Trump president Agent Orange. Take a listen to this. I want to take President Agent Orange. That's a bustle bear. Who don't you don't believe me? Because people, the people come home. I loved it. Yeah, President Agent. But again, congratulations to Chance the rapper household name last. She won three Grammy Awards Independent Artists. Get it on his own. Alright, it's glory. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm still cracking up with seelows us. Grammy's outfit look like Gramo, like an oscar too, from head to all Right, coming up at the top of the hour, it's Weekend Confessions with the Nephew eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. Okay, but up next sounds crazy Valentine's Day. Tomorrow, we'll talk about Valentine's Day breakups. What Yeah, yeah, I've been through a lot of supposed to be the day of love. But I'm on Maxwell. Just okay. Tomorrow's Valentine today. We know that, but I guess what today is prey that and pre Valentine's breakup day, So happy pre Valentine's breakup day. This is your day, Tommy. In other words, yeah, but you break away before today, you don't get down to the last well, now, according to experts, these are relationship experts, Tommy, Oh my expert, you don't do that the day before, just saying today February is one of the most popular days of the year for breakups. All right, you do it a little early, You do it a little early. Apparently from any people, Valentine's Day is the wake up call that things aren't rainbows and unicorns in their relationship, so they end up bad romance the day before Valentine's Day, which of course we all know is the day of love. So that is not how it's done. And if you look in the Player book, page twelve, uh, second paragraph, it lets you know clearly states that when breaking up for Valentine's you do this right after the new year has started. Also, you're saying January, you start this thing January, third, fourth, fifth, right in there. Now, if you have said those days, I would have clearly been with you, But the play handbook says nothing about not know the David. No Valentine's I don't know who you're talking to. Relationship experts say today is one of the most popular days of the year for breakups. All right, I'm going withhip experts ain't never been broken up with, so they don't know how they know. Yeah, I've dumped someone before Valentine's Day? So you've done this? How many times? I've done this? At least at least two times? What a random note? You cheat? Yeah, thank you, Junior, I got you. I know how to talk to him. But I'm buying surely. I'm actually on the site right now though. I am buying some flowers right now from one Flowers. Yeah, cod, so I gotta put your cold in if you give me this strawberry, that's my coach. Now. This is according to some stats as well, these fiercent of women send themselves flowers for Valentine today, and that's love yourself, Love yourself, love yourself, that's all right, especially January three behind. We're going to get your some flowers if the men one eight hundred flowers for yourself. Yes, fowers dot Com. Everything on the site today only all right, tomorrow is the day of love, Valentine's Day. Get it together people, Yes, Carla, Well, I wanted to ask Tommy Shirley Jr. When you jump, yeah, when you're dump these, uh your your relationships? Why did you break up with him because you didn't want to buy a gift? Want? Carla? Carla? Yes, that's all it is. He's cheap. That's or is it that the relationship was getting too serious and you didn't want to be committed on Valentine's Day because you were a players at I say, I don't love you like that? That ain't it, Carla? It's because he's cheap. And then you know we have a you know, relationships with me back in the day. Of course, you know it's a little different than I'm married. But back in the day they always had an expiration, tom You know what I'm saying. So when you start with me, you we're really really gonna be by six months that's about it? And you're afraid of commitment. Yeah, back in the day, six months was enough for me. I pretty much got tadded. Oh you got bored, yeah, and I get bored with onto the next after six months on to the next you landed around February, then you might got let go early because so let me go. I don't want you. I don't want you to feeling this love thing because that's not where there was a holiday within the six months, which they're most likely would have been and will be. Then you broke up with them. Well, now you know, East, I go to church. What did you get your little buddy basket? You know you boy, don't open this can up. I can't tell you my mind got you got asket? Get your money basket? Come on, now I have. I'm just so now that you're married, I'm over here. He's no longer a player. That's why I wanted to go that little player handbook away. No no, no, no, you keep your book now. No, you're married, you don't need it. But it's a memorability of Shirley. You know, mem I'll be like, oh, Jay, you take my playbook. I still look back. Well you know where O J ended never had no playbook. So, Tommy, if someone today, so according to Shirley Survey, if someone needed to break up with someone today and dump them, what would you You gotta know how to start an argument in a relationship, And I think that's a lot of people's problems. Is you can start an argument that can last three You can start you can start an argument that could go a month. It's it's the morning, they're having breakfast. What's the argument. What's the argument about there? Okay, honey, I cooked breakfast. Can I get some ice in my juice? Yeah? Exactly. I was just going to say, you need to lower your tone everything. I guess I'm just asking for some ice. Can I get some ice? And you and you can get that yourself. I cooked everything. What do you need ice for? The juice is already cold. I like ice and my juice. Can I you know what? You know what? That's what I'm talking about. What I'm talking nouic is already cold. I've cooked everything. Now I gotta get ready for work. Can the man get some ice? You can do something. I don't want to do it all now you can? You know what? That's that's what I'm talking You know what. See that's what I'm talking about. You know what we need? You know what? I need some tan? That's what I need. I need some tan because I can't do You can have all the time you want, but you just be back here tonight. No, no, I won't be back tonight. I will be I'm breaking up with me. I need time to think and then go we go argument the jumped out guess what threefold days? Yeah, and make that juice, make that juice something so serious? Jo you hear me like ride that juice. You know what I saw today? You know what I saw today? I saw a man with ice. It is juice, and I thought about you. You don't love me, because you don't love me enough for me to have ice in my juice. Fear Today one of the most popular days of the year for breakups, while the day before Valentine's Day. That's amazing. Weekend Confessions coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time, nephew. It's time for your segment. It's called weekend Confessions. Because what I'm out here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. So my booth is open. The nephew was here. Give him your call. Tell me what you did this past weekend. It is time to confess. Don't call in here. What's your real name? You know? Give me, give me, give me anything. What's your real name. Let's keep it nice and smooth and let me hear baby. Alright, alright eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, get on the phone and confess the day before Valentine's Day. Okay, I don't think this is their real name, but it's the name you love. Let's go to line three cat and talk to Remy out of Mississippi. Good morning, good morning, how you doing vs? Okire remy mom? All the way. This weekend I went to the Telling Me comedy show. Okay, did your girl girl? I enjoyed it totally. So I was there with my Oh okay, okay, he was what your side were talking about. He lea house at the leven and he'd be back before the club closing. It saw him good wikid and everything, and well I was a little hot. I wasn't hiding because your wife's sister was there. His wife's sister was there. Yeah, Now did she see did she see y'all at the show? Did she see y'all at the show? She can come here. I'm sorry, I said, did she see you all at the show? His wife's sister she saw me and she saw him, so you know, I don't know if she expected we were together, and not did she expected, but we were spared. What was y'all standing side by side when she saw y'all? Now it was a little distant. I had my cousin a walk with me a few times. I told, no, I need you to play my decoy. You wait a minute, Wait a minute, Tommy, he's her side piece and he's married. I thought she would be married if she had a side piece I got. I got a number one hit the number two, so he was peace for me, and so it was too number two's kicking it. U Let me ask y'all something, because when you playing this game, I'm curious. Did y'all sit in the front. Did y'all sit in the back? Yea? What was your seat? Said? At the show? We do have um up all these lights of it? What are you up front? We went up point now because see I was set up point at a comedy show because I don't need any jokes on me. Did you have a red blounds on? No? I did not. Just your hand, no, I did not. I had on green? Well, why would you tell me that? Stupid? That's right, I need to say that took the faith. I'm stupid. But see I just made sure you didn't put me with the red. But go ahead, I'm coming around me. Women. You're smarter than Oh god. The only thing I'm not to say is next time I need you to represent the eighties, you're represented everybody else with the eighties. Baby, alright, a baby, I got you nowhere. They do me a favor. Tell Port Smith, Virginia what they're gonna get Friday Night with Southern Friday Comedy. Oh my god, you guys are in store for a good time. Laughter. Every you are in store for the time of your life. I just want everybody to know that I have. I was olvery enjoyed. Every time I spent was well worth it. Go ahead, thank you and listen. Get you some shades and a wig next time you step out like this hill and a big old hat and play I'm all the way. Thank you, remy All right. Line one, let's go to ed out of Pennsylvania. What's up, Good morning, good morning? How you doing man? Hey man, I'm hey, I'm gravy this morning. Man. But that's two number two's hey man, that's how to change. What's your confession this morning? And what's you're doing? Man, I'm doing I'm doing it all, man, I ain't gonna that. This weekend was the heck of a weekend. I had three of my extras call I'll clear blue, and they all think they slick man. They all called for by the time today an up and everything. I ain't shout with the flood with him, and had each one of them come over, one after the other one. Each one of them cook me dinner, took me some food. You know, I did what I did with each one of them and said the morning they wave. They was all trying to stay tonight. Ain't nobody staying to night? Take your tooth? Brust what you wouldn't you leave? So? So hold on? So you what what you started on Friday? How do you do this? I started if I had one Friday, one Saturday, one Sunday keeping it moving. Hey, look I read I read the handboll and he was right. So break up what I told these experts to try and had a wonderful weekendhausted. Wait wait, wait what you say? Ad what you're saying? I said, yes, I am cheap. I ain't got no problem that and just give up. So do you have a main girl? Are you thinking about? Okay? I'm not surprised. Yes, I ain't mad at it. They didn't running it right. Friday said they had three great dinners, beautiful meals. Everybody in. I'll keep it moving, keep it moving up and ready for work this morning. See that's what I'm talking about. Well, it must be trying to get back in if they're cooking and everything from Valentine cooking means a lot. Well. I I like the fact that they got Higgine, they bringing the too fresh with him and keeping their teeth clean. I like that Ball should be exhausted, yeah, but that's a good exhaustion. But he's not. He's all energetic and everything. Wow, all right, thank you. Let's go to um side. Note to guys, sound just like Keith Switten. Okay, Keith, do is that you from the Sweat Hotel. Let's go to quickly to line six and talk to Tyrone out of Tennessee. Called Tyrone? What's up? Tyrone? Okay? I think he dropped. Let's go to line four and talk to Ms. Thomas out of Illinois. Ms Thomas, Ms Thomas, how you're doing a good morning? She forgot on that he's got your fake name name. Real quick, baby, what's your confession? Well, I kept out this weekend for Valentine's Day because I don't never have no Valentine's with the man I'm with. You don't bamming nothing, you don't give me none, you know, cook me nothing. I said, I'm gonna get out and go be with somebody who do all that. And hey, ms, all right, miss Thomas, how did you work out for you? How did the weekend go? Well, we're kind of bad. Once I got back to the house. For now, he's gonna know where all these flowers and balloons and can he come from? And I told him my son bothered from me, And he said, we'll call him up and let me ask why you take the balloons and flowers back to the house. What do you think trying to make him chilling? All right, you got the smelling rolls of Ms. Thomas and throw them down roses out the win do you keep? You can't take that home. You better eat as much candy and throw that out the wind. You're helping. You're helping, asked him. Can I leave him here the next year? He told me, Now we'll do it all over again. I get that's who you need to be with me next time you call with the fake names of Ms. Thomas. Remember remember when we come to you, dear, We'll be back with more we confessions. Call us eight seven seven twenty nights. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, thanks, you just started during the day and work two tonight. I'm playing this all night right here. All right, we can confessions. We have callers on the board eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, call us if you want to confess. I just want to spending now. You know what I'm thinking about. We had a week We're in the middle of weekend confessions. The last the girl they called us say she was with Yeah, so basically it was two number twos together. Yeah, she's piece and her and yeah. So let me get y'all this male problem. If two number two's is together at a show and run into their respective number ones and the number ones is together, yeah, uh, what kind of equation do you get out of that negative one? Somebody's gonna get killed? Two number two running to number one swinging, swing y'all together? All right, we get confessions. Let's go back to the phone. Who got Okay, let's go to line three and talk to Roscoe out of North Carolina. Not that Roscoe. I know what you're thinking. That happens. What's up, Roscoe? What's going on? What's going on? After Tommy all good man? What you gotta talk to him? Baby? We're in the confession booth. You know, I have two female friends I deal with. You know, we got Voluntie's day coming up, and one of them birthday was on on yesterday. Wow, reversed the conversation on She had me what I'm gonna do for a birthday? And I made the arguments. You was her argument and pushed it back on and I broke up with on her birthday. But ROSCOA, so I understand you. Though I'm with you, brother, I had to go with the lesser to the lesser to situations. You know, it's cheaper than to keep one. And it's a boy. Volatister my birthday and Valtine. You can just bawl out with two by Roscoe. Yeah, I ain't man, So you left you let the one go that was gonna cost a little bit more. Basically, you need to put that players head book right there, nephew. Okay, so tell me, because it wouldn't even putting my player book. That's what I want from my book. What when do you go back and get this one? When do you come back around? I wait, I give it about about three or four days and go back to you know what I'm saying? Just when her on her birthday? Roscoe? Well, I mean we're making up for a birthday one day, but not this day. I ain't mad, Roscoe? Are be mad at him? By Roscoe? Player, the player? Keep your head up, Playoffs. You're no longer a player, you're married, but I'm still friends with Playoffs. It's the company Rosco for that on her birthday, Roscoe. That's called pretty. That's cold blood is you don't know what you change? What dog? Everybody ain't trifling like you? Yes, different, as he started wining tuck sedos on stage. You're gonna do this what we do? Tom forward up there? Okay, Hey, trying to get a la a commercial break. You're Steve Hardy Morning Show. That was good man, Yeah, I saw the Proteas really good. Check that out. Alright, some jams coming up, Miss Strawberry. M hmm, get out that's my jam though, marbe Okay, so can I send a shout out to my daughter? We were in Dallas this weekend National Dance Alliance Dance Championship. My daughter's team Imperial Hip Hop dance category that got second place. Baby, I am a true cheer and dance mom. Yeah, oh yeah, oh yeah. We got a competition this weekend. I'm on the road, baby Tasha. She's not a baby, she's nine now. But I'm so happy for her, sweet, sweet, deserving little baby. Thank you, thank you. Yes, neph you we are serious. You would the one walking down the side of yelling at screaming while they're doing You know, you look at me when I'm talking to yesterday. She'll be cousin. She put Carla put fear in the other opposing teams. All right, we lost the music legend over the weekend, and we'll talk about that when we come back. Al Jarrow dead at seventies six. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just heard. All right, you go on the side. I have to yes, like this last day was the day, you know, like no one flower means more better than six, and it doesen. I'm gonna tell you what. Don't show up but no flowers on two to be by yourself one wins and just look at like that. Let's just complaining. Let's just look at it like that, right, like you've been getting. Don't get some flowers. Okay, if you don't get no flower, be by yourself on wins. It's all waking up by yourself telling m M okay, logic, God, I like it. Yeah, yes, you guess. No, it's a done deal. You can get it. I got roses into yard. I don't know why we cannot with him. I'm called. I called him one eight. Hunt't got headache talking to him all the time, all the time. Hound, I'll be with him all weekend. Exhausted me. He tell you. I'm gonna let him tell y'all all tell us about the weekend again. I loved I loved my phone. I'm so tired about two hours phone. Where was it? Good question? You know where? You know where? It was? His shoe he's walking on it. I don't mean even pair of shoes on the wall. In the shoe that he got up. We're calling his phone. He don't finish foot vibrating and nothing. He got everybody up this phone. I need to phone. My life is in his phone. What what's what's in your phone? Tell me that you don't want anyone to see. Oh my god, I don't know. I got the whole world in my phone everything, but you found it. It was in your ship, Shirley, in my shoe. I got these new just how you see it. You know I have only one them a couple of times, so they still feel weird to me. When I'm weird, they're not. It's a different kind of wrong with you right now because you should have had your pair of the datas and you have failed to phone your simpest look for two hours. Where are you guys going? Next time? To her Ports Smith, Virginia? Baby, So Port Smith is near Virginia Beach. Norfolk, all in that area up and now I feel seven Northfolk got to ask somebody. Me and Junior. We go down to day are we be down the third? We go out, we hang out, we get up, we do radio in the morning, and it's time to put a show on it. We got all our boys with us, and let me take you Southern Fry. It's gonna catch five. I've been there the change. Get your ticket guys somewhere. But let me say this, though, sugar, if the promoter listening pick us up in two more church bands and see what happened here? Pick us up in two more church bands. Do it again, a greater sat Matthews on the side of the van again, do it again, and see what happened transfer One of them vans had a cardinal attached to it. Right now, it looks like somebody's still paying on this. You see three o'clock servers programs are on the floor into band. Come on, man, really, this is what you're gonna do. The doing a run here on the air so we can get a clear understanding up. One more church now, let's congratulate you one more time. Your baby did what? Now? Come on now? That cheerleader extraordinary? I love it. Yes. This weekend she it was her dance team and it was an n d A in Dallas, Texas. It's a big, big, big competition at the Gay Lord Texan Hotel. So if anybody's familiar with it, I mean, you know there's a Gaylord in what Baltimore, you know, all over it's a big, huge event all weekend. I was in Dallas hair and makeup surely getting my baby gloved. Yeah, and a lot of people can I say this, You can go to my Instagram page lips bar Carla. But a lot of people they want to see some of the routine and I cannot post the routine because they're in competition. So the other competing teams will see there still their moves, that's right. So the coaches they give us a strict warning about posting routines, uh on the parents social media pages. So that's why you don't see that, because people are always fussing at me about that. So anyway, congratulations, yes, Tasha, Yes, so that's wonderful. So okay, so what I did over the weekend I went to the concert uh here in Atlanta. It was Jeffrey Osborne, Robin Thicke and Kim and it was a great show, really really really great show. Yeah. And you know Kim, I mean, we love him. He's a friend of the show and everything. You can't look at him and listen to him though without thinking about the late now late great Algero, I mean, you know, yeah, oh god. But anyway, over the weekend, yesterday, as a matter of fact, we we lost algebrow Um. They said he was hospitalized for exhaustion. He was seventy six years old. Uh, just just you know, just sad. Everybody in music UM loved Algero. They did a tribute to him last night on the Grammys. Um. He was a second vocalist in history to win six Grammys and three separate categories. We're talking Jazz, pop and R and b um. Yeah. In a statement to Ebony Magazine, Algero's manager as that contributions in his memory be made to the Wisconsin Foundation for School Music. I love that. And there will be no public funeral, only a private service for the immediate family. Yeah. But um yeah, he will be missed in the music world definitely. And as we leave outa here, I got it for you. Yeah yeah, I hit it cat Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, legend rest in peace. Yep I. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. H