It's the day before Friday and we got golf talk. Forbes List shows us where President Trump is. There is an FBI investigative report on Kavanaugh. Sheryl Underwood stops by to talk about a statue of limitations, what not to do with good liquor and more. There are two parts to Miss Carla's Reality Update. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about what it takes to really make it plus much more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby all suit looking back to back down, giving them mong just like theming bu things and it's touble y'all true. Good to shut yeah, listening to me together for stoo bar to hand toy. I don't join yeah, hobby joining me Nat turning, Yeah, you go. You gotta turn to turn at the time you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come, come on your face got it? Uh h? I show well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and all that. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, particularly this morning. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. Um. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life, um in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than others. Um. I wish I had arrived at this point sooner, but I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's that's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past uh uh incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, UM, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong, even. I had to have all those experiences to become uh, to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I head that I was fired from, all the shows that were canceled, all of the times I thought I was gonna get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person, and you know, um, that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life. They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the person that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you are to sit down to an inmate that really gets it, an inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me and and and they've said things like, man coming to prison, save my life. Now, those of you have never got how can he say a thing like that? But but but some men, no, man, I was so far out there that if I have stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that? No, But here's a person who has taken an experience that could be considered a failure or negative and turning it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Everything that happens to you that's negative or you consider a failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival that I mean now, this place of peace and joy. But then guess what, I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them, is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you, He really really does. And eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are. If you just say okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine. Mine ain't worked out. Mine was not a good plan. What's your plan for me? God, what do you want me to do? That's why I say every day Steve already got radio show, y'all, because Man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen half of the amazing things that are happened to me. I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man, asking God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker now because faith with our works is there and it came. And I remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, um, And in that you can become great, you know. Uh. A lot of people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed, he said, don't ever confuse succe sessed with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. See, people determine success about money and fame and all this here, but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. Is how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the Cub Scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood where you just one place of hope to so many people and they come back. And I used example of Lou Dazler who passed away in l A. Who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in l A. And he wasn't a rich man at all. And if you walk by and you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have going on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes, that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in l A. He was great, and all of you have greatness in you at something. It's just you got to submit yourself to God and say, Okay, what was your planing for me? Certainly it wasn't to become an inmate. Certainly it wasn't to become a drug dealer. Certainly it wasn't to become a womanizer. Certainly it wasn't to become a stripper. Certainly God didn't create you for this. He had a plan for you. He just waiting on you to ask him what it is. And when you're praying about it, that's when the change comes in your life that you could open up yourself and submit yourself and say, Hey, God, what is this for me? And you ain't got to be perfect, because please know I ain't. I ain't even close. But guess what what they got to do? With you loving God and God loving you? Trust me? Man. Prayer changes things. I said all the time. But when you see people become successful or great that somebody praying somewhere may not even be them. Maybe it's their mama. You know. I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know, they always talk about his father and all this here somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mom is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time, praying for your boy. You know what, No, you know you can always come here and get yourself some neat and your daddy has said you can come in here. Always need a place to sleep, you can come here. She was always praying for me. And prayer changes things. It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you because God is giving you a gift. Now the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one. And if you start praying about it, it all manifest itself and you can become one of two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision. Today show, I need everybody's attention, please. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Good morning world, hallelujah, It's a great day. What's up Charley, Hey, good morning Steve calling for rel Hey, good morning Steve, Hey crew, good morning up. What's a boy that's uping? Ain't nothing, I got time A big building in the building. Yeah, feeling pretty good today. Feeling good? Yeah? What you shoot at seven y eight? Yesterday? Nice shooting seven day? Shot eighty eight? Got an take that all day. I'll take that though, man. You know for the way I play, got good figure my drive out on the back glad. I can't fit it fall, but I keep it in the short grass. So oh that's good. That helps me. What was your best score? What was your best score? Best score ever? One? Oh, okay, that's not bad. I know it's the lower the better. Actually, one time almost broke eighty. Now I almost shot at seventy nine. Mm hmm. It's really crazy. Man. What's yours? Tommy? Good? That's your best score ever? That's it? And you don't play right now? That's well. Um. Compared it to like Tiger with his scores, because I don't I don't know the numbers. He shoots in the sixties. See, that's what I needed. Like that has and has hit the fifties before your par Is seventy two par means if you step up to a hole and the plaque says four hundred and thirty yards par four. What they're saying is, in four attempts, you should be in the whole from four hundred and thirty yards away. Up. That's a lot difficult. It's a hard game for the first year. If you hit a driver two hundred and thirty yards your second shot in its two hundred. There ain't a lot of people can hit a golf ball two hundred yards straight. So that's the problem. And it doesn't it does. It depend on how much practice you've had and all that, and you could just have a good day. Yeah, that's what it does, Okay, because even this is not a game where you just pick up clubs and you just shoot a good score. That right, right? Yeah? Yeah, because yeah, that's what you have thought about playing golf. Yeah, we took lessons, Carlin, I took lessons together. I took lessons when I lived in Chicago. Yeah, we took a lesson. You don't remember. You took one and I took one together. I've taken him separately. Yeah, why are you apologone? Yeah, yeah, we knew the same thing you knew before you took nothing it was fun though. It was. I mean, I see why you like the sport though, why you guys because it was fun. It's addictive, for sure, it is, I get it, all right. Coming up at thirty two after the hour, President Trump falls eleven spots on the Forbes Richest List. We'll talk about that right after this at thirty two after you're listening to all right. You know, we've all heard the saying that the rich get richer. Well, American billionaires maybe getting richer, but America's billionaire president is not. Forbes released its annual ranking of the four hundred richest p fill in the US now. While the average list members net worth rose by six hundred million over the past year, six hundred million over the past year, one more time, we're not doing something right here, six hundred million over the past year, Donald Trump's remained flat at an estimated three point one billion with a B. Trump is now the two hundred and fifty ninth richest person in the world in America, should say, by our account, down eleven spots on the ranking since last year. That makes sense to me because he's the president now, so he's definitely not going to get paid as much right, and um, yeah, you know what you can do business wise right now? So limited. Yeah, his family can, but he can't write. We don't think he's doing it, and just we're gonna see it in act like he's not doing it. Look at the Texas we're sit in act like a no big that's still running in somebody else's name and the money go here. We're gonna see here and act like he he not doing that. Y'all talked about golfing. Now they say his golf courses took ahead and his properties and hotels because of him being the president. People don't like his policy. Yeah. Uh, this is my understanding of for talking with so many people about this, it's to my understanding that's explained to me by a lot of people. For example, the best golf destination uh is one of his. And he took durraw He bought Durrale golf course and changed it to Trump International. M you know it's Trump in the national Durrell. They kept Durrelling there. Somebody put all this money into it. But he didn't use his money. He raised the money. He licenses out his name. It's just he doesn't own him. He just licensed his name, and he gets a fee for licensing his name on a lot of properties. Some he might own, but for the most part it's a licensing agreement, which is very lucrative, you know, and then some properties he's actually helped put the funding together to raise to turn him into properties. I don't know how many hotels that would include, or how many of the golf courses is actually his investment or his group that bought it. But Durrell, he turned Arold completely around, not him, but the people who run it. But he can't do that now that he's president. No, he has to stay away from that. But I mean, you know, look, I mean if his fee comes in, I'm pretty sure he can collect a feel well, um, yeah, that's anyway. It's the third consecutive year that down Trump has fallen in the ranks. He remains wealthier than Ted Turner and Oprah, but due to installed fortune. This year, the president was passed on the ranks by twenty seven people. Now Number one is still Jeff Bezos, right, I'm sure from Amazon, right, yeah, yeah, he got so much more. Yeah, I want you to understand, you're just talking about are you just talking about people who can who report taxes. Oh, the people in this list would be gone if you start counting them. Well, this is America's, yeah, just America's. I'm just saying, Oh, it would be a different list. Listen, listen to me. You'd have so many ox and yourhard that list would be packed. They got some other kind of money over there, my lord, they do well, yeah, all that oil money and stuff. Yeah, I ain't complaining, like I Trump spot. They let them spatch down. They could plug me in that mall. I'll be I'll be way happy. And here two d and fifty ninth richest person in America. You're Steve Harvey. Here about that, good man? All right? Point one billion is nothing to sneeze at. Nothing, Yeah, but Jeff Bezos is like, what a hundred and fifty billion or something? What do you use? I know everything? This is just stupid money at that point. If you're still working towards your your first billion, right, I ain't got no beauty, No, I'm just saying, but you're working towards that, yeah, unefitted billion. Do you know the people you're gonna see in my house? Do you know what's around my pool? What are you saying, Tommy I'm saying it right now. What are you saying. I'm saying, my my wife and kids from to see some people they ain't never seen before. Why are you gonna fake your death if you become a billionaire too? Coming down the slide on the pool? What? Why do you continuously get yourself in stupid stuff like this? Why do you say these things out of your mouth? Why? But why can't you just be regular? He gonna be real? You mean to tell me everybody got a house Keith? Tommy, Well, you know what it's. It's something. It goes back to what you said before, Steve. Being rich makes you more of who you really are, that's what you're saying, right, He's gonna be real all the time. Yeah, you're saying Tommy's magnifies when my nephew gets his first twenty five Me you, I'm telling you right now, we're not going to be able to talk to him. What's he gonna do? This? Boy? Right here in the show, here's whole natural behind. Well, I believe that because he's always talking about being neckd. So have you met Pocahunt? He's here right out there about the pool. Who else is gonna be there? What ah, Well, you know, Hollie, you know she's gonna be lots of Hawaiian boy called hell. You don'n't understand. All right, we gotta go. We might have to Tommy with million seeing and debauchery. Yes, all right, speaking of that frank phone called coming up next with the nephew right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at top of the hour. We're gonna talk about the presidential alert yesterday that everyone got if they had a smartphone. We'll talk about that. Uh. If we get a chance to Kanye gave his wife Kim a million dollars since we were talking about money earlier, that'll be an entertainment news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got nef your husband's prescription? Your husband's prescription? Hello? Hello, how you doing this? Is uh pharmacy? My name is Brian on the tech here? Uh is Mr Donovan? Donovan? Is he available? Now? What can I help you? Live? Well, he's he dropped his prescription off about an hour ago. I wanted to we wanted to call let you guys know that the prescription is ready prescription for well, he um. He dropped off a prescription. I'm assuming he must have looked like the doctor just wrote this prescription today, so I'm assuming he um seems like he would probably need this pretty soon. So I wanted to let you guys who know it's ready? Okay? And what exactly did he get a prescription for? Um? It's a Maxa selling, a Maxa selling, a Marxa selling when you've got him at least fifteen tablets if he could take two tablets a day. Right, My name is Brian. Yes, I'm the technician here at the pharmacy. Okay, well let me okay, Donovan, that's my husband. Let me make sure you have the right Donovan, because well let me can we take the birthdays? Are you allowed to do that with me? Definitely? Definitely? It's um? Is that correct? Yes? Okay? So what exactly is a Maxa selling for Manxa selling? Was an antibiotic, ma'am? So any type of small infections of some sort, diseases or whatever, is it pretty much cures it? So are you telling me this? Nasty? Then got something and winning got it on my first off. He wanted to see the doctor and got a prescription on the interest and he wanted got something, you know, I would you know what that, Brian. I'm coming down there. I'll pick up the medicine. I don't get it. And if people want that medicine, he'll check him with me at my counter, because I gotta check. And he don't wrote that, not cast. I'm gonna beat the hell out just he do not know, he does not even you know what we brought in a new year. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're you're Mr. What what? What can I call you by your first name? What's your name? No communist? That's fine, just communist? No communist? Okay. Uh. First of all, I want to apologize. I had no idea that you were not aware of the actual prescription that he's that we've just filed for him, you know, just just all a personal note. I'm just curious. Is there a possibility maybe maybe you could have given it to him? Brian Noble, you didn't you have lost so the mom Now, first off, you don't call my phone. First, I've know you. I'm glad you called my phone to tell me it's my interns, that's why. And then you're gonna acuse me of giving that this are you going him? Don't you? And in your life call somebody's phone and this is a courte Rolt's none of your business. What's going on in my o kays none of your business? You get out of my way. That ain't none of your business and you ain't get it. Nothing to answer your question, I've got something for ya. And if he want to come home with STDs and you want to ask me if I gave him that city, Oh okay, what's the manager? Let me speak to your managers, ma'am. I was just I was you know, I'm not trying to be unprofessional. I was just asking a personal question. I should not have asked you something like that. And I do apologize. Uh should we expect someone to pick up the prescription? And I just told you I'm gonna be taking up I'm gonna coming up. You know what, blind, You'll know who I am because I got I got a couple of words for y'all. And I still want to speak to your manager. You did. You were very unprofessional and I don't appreciate you coming at me. I'm telling to eat you me telling me he didn't got me st D didn't ask me did I give us a him and you all of them? Betlame wrong? No, I'm I'm not trying to get all in between your legs man. Apparently that's not the place to be considering you guys need a mixosim you know. But you're getting me in lost shot, Like do you know what, Ryan, I still got some stocks left from the first and guess what I'm gonna like them. So, y'all, you don't play games for me. You do not even No, you do not know me. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I know and what I got. I got something for yall? What does this prescription as? Because I know it's nothing one by I know it's not what did he take his trife? Where are you asked? Because I'm all my lay now? Um, would you like my managers here? Would you like to speak with him? Man? Yeah, put the manager on. Put your manager own. I want to speach on down. Uh huh, Hello, Hello, you're the manager. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harban War on his show. When you just got prayed by your husband, Donovan, I'm gonna hearing him and you what Poe called me? He needs to be out looking for a job. Say what's in three months? Don't pit with me like that? Got my blood pusson? You are Oh no, I'm coming down. I'm still coming to get you. I'm not a baby. You can't come get me. I'm got to be glad. I love yourself. Oh my god, let me say my wife, don't tolerate no cheat. You know, ain't know I'm crazy. You ain't right, you won't. I got one more thing to ask. You know what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the late Steve Love Morning Show? Your husband prescription? You know I don't want to be involved in this any day though, clean that touch cyclic. Hey, Toledo, Ohio. The Nephew coming to town to the funny Bone. That is I told me leven twelve and thirteen. That's Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The Nephew was coming to Toledo, Ohio. I told but eat leven Thursday night, one show Friday, October twelve, two shows who on Saturday. It is the funny Bone to lead Ohio. The Nephew is coming your way. Tickets on sale right now. Do it from j takets On sale right now to lead Ohio here, come to nephew, Come around? What's a year? Right there? Junior, you've really nailed that. What is that? Though? I don't know why he does, but he does it as he say today, Come around? What's a year? Yeah? Because it's up here in the upright up. Yeah, that's why I I'll be I'll be watching. Huh. How's the tour coming, Steve? You're still working on the tour with ye, he's still working on it, asking Yeah, yeah, we're doing that, boy or man, what we're doing this tool? What are we going? First? I let him know Detroit Here it is staying show featuring Steve Harvey and the rest of these foods coming to town, getting ready, eating the roster, to come around once a year, being getting together. I think that's good though. You know what's good because you guys all work together on the show. I think you could put Savannah get your money together? Can we come? We're doing that? Well? Well you else wanted? Well he started in Detroit, and Junior, you can't play with Detroit. We're coming, Steve. We got a man. We're gonna come to the show. Love here Steve saying anything Steve down. Alright, alright, well we'll we'll let you know when it's when the tour starts. Okay, alright, we'll sign out. All right. Listen, guys, coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about this presidential alert that everybody got, this emergency alert thing, so we'll talk about that if you have a smartphone. And then Kanye gave his wife Kim a million dollars. If we have time, we'll get into that and entertainment news all that's coming up at the top of the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, So yesterday your cell phone, it probably buzzed and beeped it loudly. Uh an to eighteen pm Eastern time. I think everybody experienced that the FED sent out a presidential alert. The screen said, this is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed. So if you heard the buzz you probably grabbed your phone and thought you had to do something. No, it's scared, yeah, yeah, well yeah, but I was wow yeah yeah. Okay, well, this is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert system, Like it said, no action is needed, and The test went over poorly on social media. Comedian Jimmy Kimmel tweeted, did anybody get this witch hunt? Crooked Hillary? No collusion, confirmed caval Kavanaugh hashtag make America Great Again? M A G A. But just because it was Presidential Alert, everybody thought it was something from Donald Trump. Um. The Presidential Alert was the first nationwide test of the system. It was built by the federal government and cell phone carriers to warn us of an emergency like a terror attack, for instance, or a widespread disaster. So if you're worried about your privacy, the f c C says it does not collect the data based on the test. Yeah, so they say, right that if you want to Uh no, no sir, no sir. It came from the government, so I doubt it. And that's why it's hard for people to believe that they don't collect your data. Uh yeah, Why would you want to block it, though? Tom? Yeah, why would want to block something? And then you know a terror tack going on? If this want happened, I don't remember getting it on. I don't think I got it. You didn't get it well if you weren't near a cell phone tower. A lot of people didn't. Yeah, that's true. Well I got it. You've got eight hundred messages. You ain't chicken. You probably got it. I don't see no knowing him. Well we get your nephew. Can't call you and tell you if we get one, because he's gonna block is apparently all much? Did you move around? Why have youbody running where? They got? Alright? And Kanye and his dad really had a great time. They bugged out this weekend. I mean literally. Kanye and his dad, ray West, celebrated Easy Seniors Health with the post on Instagram. After getting the good news that ray West cancer is in remission. The father and son toasted to the recovery by um chowing down on creepy crawlers. Uh really, creepy callers. Creepy Crawley's. Yeah. The photo post it on the gram shows what looks like a plate of saute crickets with the caption overcome fear. I'm not afraid. I'm just not gonna eat him. That's all. My dad and I are going to eat this plate of bugs to celebrate him beating cancer. Mm hmm, okay, no more fear. Cricket. They want to go to Vegas and nothing. Yeah, I don't get this. They want to go to Vegas. He got cricket money, He got no money. But really, we don't have time to get to that one. But if we do, we'll come back to it a little later. I'll tell you about Kanye giving Kim a million dollars. But it is time now to get the latest on the police officer Steve that were shot in South Carolina yesterday. What a sad story. Uh So let's get to the headlines, please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trip, thank you very much, everybody. This is a trip with the news, and here we go. Let's start out, of course, with what's going on in the White House and around the White House, of course, about this U Scotus or Supreme Court nomination. According to the Wall Street Journal, the White House says that the FBI has found no corroboration of sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. That's what the White House says, all one. Senators now get to look at the FBI report behind closed doors, though the press does not get to look at it, and then a procedural confirmation vote is set for tomorrow with a final vote on Kavanaugh's nomination could take place on Saturday. Meanwhile, though, Whoopie Goldberg is joining groups of women traveling to Washington c Ford today. Uh. They if they're calling it a rally, they're calling it the hashtag canceled Kavanaugh rally. I don't know what good they'll do at this point. Critics of the FBI reports point out that its scope was extremely limited, that they never even spoke to Kavanaugh or Dr Christine Ford or the twenty or so people Dr Ford listed for them to talk to. Again, the public has to rely now on what the politicians say is in that FBI report. Meanwhile, some of his own parties still think the way that the President described Dr Christine Blassie Ford's charges went a little too far. How did you get home? I don't remember how did you get there? I don't remember. Where is the place. I don't remember. How many years ago was it? I don't know you have. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska says Trump's comment was inappropriate and unacceptable and that it could sway her vote. Susan Collins May of another Republican tulcin and the Trump's joke was just playing wrong. She didn't give any indications though, about her vote changing or anything. The trial of the white Chicago cop acused murdering a seventeen year old black teenager four years ago, shooting him sixteen times winding down. Jason Van Dyke took the stand this week and at times blubbered his way through his testimony, claiming that he feared for his life and insisting that Lakwan was waving a knife around and that's why he shot him. On cross examination, though, prosecutors asked Van Dyke if he could point out any part of the police dash cam video that corresponded to his claims. He couldn't. The defense wrapped up its case yesterday. Both sides liver closing arguments today before the case goes to the jury. Seventh South Carolina police officers shot yesterday, one fatally in a confrontation with a man who held children hostage as he fired on them. The incidant took place in an upscale neighborhood outside of Florence, South Carolina. They say the suspect was taken into custody after two hours standoff. The children were not hurt. First Lady Milani A. Trump during the African continent. Yesterday she was taken to the slave castle in Ghana, the dungeons that I saw. It's really something that people see and experience and what happened so many years ago. It's a video traction the first place to visit Kenya, Malawi and Egypt. Here's up Steve Harvey Nation to find out if Uncle Steve smart than his nephew. I know you want to know. We'll be back twenty minutes after the hour and a Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Show today. In politics at eight a m. Eastern today, editors will start reading the FBI investigation report. Okay, uh, it's done. It's going to the senators now, and we probably will never know what's in that report because they don't plan to let us know. But uh, you know, this is a report on Supreme Court UH Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh. CNN is reported that the FBI has an interviewed Kavanaugh or Dr Blasi Ford. Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grasley is expected to read the summaries first, followed by top Democrat on the committee. That would be Senator Diane finestand was finestein of California. The FBI interviewed more people on Wednesday as part of its investigation. Uh, this, of course is stemming from the sexual assault and sexual misconduct charges levied against Kavanaugh. We'll we'll be going back through his calendar again. I think it's done after this. They'll probably never revisit this again once it goes to the Senate floor. Was crazy for us as citizens of this country. We have no say so in this, No not in this. We don't have a vote, nothing, nothing protest that you could do what you wanna do unless those senators and congressmen put him in or keep him out. That's who makes a decision, purely and simple. Now, here's the one thing we can do, though, if they delay this any longer to further the investigation that the FBI is doing right now, if they make it last any longer because they find some other things they want to look into, what we can do is vote in these dog on mere terms. And if you vote in the mere terms, then you will have a say so in who the next Supreme Court justice could be. You will have a say so in terms of policy because you will have someone in the office. There's more representative of you and your views. We have got to vote. November is November six, November six. We got to get at it, man. We have to vote. We have to register to vote. We cannot be complacent and we cannot sit here and go what the heir are they doing? We can stop some of this if we vote. That's right, And it doesn't take a long time to vote. If you've never if you've never voted, it doesn't take a long time. You can absentee vote, you can there are a lot of things that you can do. Go ahead and hurry up and register if you haven't registered, if you've moved or something like that. We have to show up at this season. We have to send a message yesterday. Can I tell you something? It actually feels good when you vote. Yeah, sense of accomplishment, like you did your civic duty. You know, you feel proud of that moment. Absolutely. Okay, Well, um, we're gonna move on now and it is time to play our favorite game. It's stressful, but it is our favorite game. Are you smarter the nephew Tommy? That's coming up at thirty four after the hour you're listening to the Steve Show. All right, it is time to play. Are you smarter the nephew Tommy? Yeah, Tommy today you and Junior? Let me here and I'm gonna keep scope. All right, all right, here we go, Stephen Jr. What part of the body would you get a Brazilian blowout? On? In? Which city would you find the grassy noose? Which sorority is represented by the colors blue and gold? Cheryl Underwood and Sarah Gilbert are on What Day Talk Show? You Talk? Dwayne Wayne and Whitley Gilbert were characters on What Sitcom? How many Dwarfs did snow White have with her? Why? S l is a fashion? It's What is the name of nephew Tommy's foundations? Gibbon, Mississippi? Monica has an older brother? What is his name? What? What city is known as the Motor City? Anthony Anderson and Tracy Ellis Ross stars parents on all Right, what's it come that I can't deal with him? On this fool? This fool is kid going? Gordon? All right, here we go. I'm gonna give you guys the questions and answers, okay, and we'll tally and crunch the numbers and see who won. This is a good one, all right? What part of the body would you get a Brazilian blowout? Steve? The answer is hair, alright. In what city would you find the grassy noll? Dallas, Texas? Which sorority is represented by the colors blue and gold? Stigma? Gamma row? That was Steve. Cheryl Underwood and Sarah Gilbert are on what daytime talk show The Talk Junior? Steve got that one. Is a view of a talk Dwyane Wayne and Whitley Gilbert are characters on what sitcom? A Different World? That was Junior? How many Dwarfs did snow White have with her seven? Steve y s l is a fashion designer. What does y a cell stand for? Eve? St Laurent? Who's city? Steve got that one. What is the name of nephew Tommy's foundation? Miles of Giving? That was a tie? Mississippi. Monica has an older brother. What is his name? No one got that one. His name is glennys Uh. What city is known as the Motor City? Junior got this one? Detroit. Anthony Anderson and Tracy Ellis Ross star as parents on what sitcom? That would be Blackish? Junior got that one? Alright, So this was really close. Steve got five, Junior got four. There's a tie when you got three Junior got three? Junior cut. Now, our our official scorekeeper says four Steve five, Junior four and the tie up two or three? Yeah, ste yeah, boy, So Steve one more time. What part of the body would you get a Brazilian blowout on? Just straight, not a Brazilian bikini wax, Steve just all right? Well, good game though, guys, thank you very much. It was a good game, so stressful. Yeah. Well, coming up next, it is the nephew and today's prank phone call. That's all coming up and just a few nephew, you are all right king of pranks, right, okay, we'll talk about it right after this prank phone call up next. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject, I'm losing my fine and flirty wife. Right now, it is a nephew in the building with today's playing phone call. What's your god? Now, surely you know what It's fight night, That's what it is. It's fighting night. See I want to fight, sir, but I don't want to pay for. So what we're you gonna do with? Called one of my neighbors and running the cable from hill House to my house fighting night. That's only illegally if you say something you don't watch fights. I don't seem like that here in fight night. Yo. I'm trying to speak to Troy. Yeah, hey, Troy, are you doing Men? It's Kirby Man, a little couple of streets over from you. What what's happening with your brother? Uh, Kirby kny Kiddy gave me you got kid? You know kiddy on your street? Right? Oh yeah, you have no kiddy? Yeah yeah, Kenn, you give me your number. Man, I wanted to reach out. I'm inviting a lot of people in the neighborhood, man to you know, Mayweather fight. So I'm inviting a lot of people over to the fight party over here in my house. Yeah yeah, I wasna wanting on fight too. Learns that don't sound like a bad I did? Man? Okay, Okay, well listen, man, come on through. Everybody's gonna be getting there like around sevem. Seven thirty and uh man, we got food, we got look of margharita machine, my boy, he's gonna be on the grill with the burgers and the and the hot dogs. Man. And one of my other partner's gonna be smoking some wings. Man. So we we could. Man. So I'm just inviting a bunch of people the neighborhood to come through. Cool. You need me to bring something through, mash wine anything? Uh, look at now that you huh now that you mentioned it, Man, we we were missing a little something. Uh. Let me let me ask you this here, Troy. You um, you got cable at your house? Yeah? Yeah, I got cab Okay, listen what we need, man, I got about four thousand feet kate a card. And what I want to do is come over there and hook up this cable card to your house and run it two streets over to my house so we can watch the fight in the backyard. Wait wait, wait, wait, hold on, man, I know you hold up, Man, I know, hold I know you didn't just say I say that again? You want you got? We got, like I say, we got the food. The look of all of that. Man, you know a lot of people coming over. But see the problem is, I ain't got cable here at the house. How does you gonna have a fight parter and you ain't got no cable. And that's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. You asked me working at you help I wait, So that's what I'm asking you. I used to wait for the cable coming. I know how to hook it up at your house. I know how to buypass pay per view. We're gonna run it two streets so I got a real duable cable card. I got a big TV. I'm gonna put out in the backyard. You come me and invite me to a fight part of y'all ain't got no no no cable. Now you want me to do something illegal and run folked o, don't see the cable wives two streets over to my backyard over the sit I'm might heald wife foun get me put out. I'm already to have I don't know when my margats are all ready. And now you want to do something legal, get me put out? Okay, I understand that that will listen. What I'm saying is no, we're just talking about for a few hours. We ain't open. We ain't like we're putta do it for a couple of days and nothing. I don't know how you can leave it a color color a cat man, and in right about to a fight part. And you ain't got no cable, okay, but I invited you to do you funny get looking food and stuff. Man, you punna have a good time. Do your card let. Let me let me get a little bit of okay before a couple of hours so everybody can watch the fight. So you want to have a fight party in my hot man, I don't know you like that. I'm not saying we have and hose. Man. I'm like, I'm gonna we have it at my how we're just using your cable. Man, I can't have no cable. I don't do nothing that legal. Man. I'm not having no polies in front of my house. Man. I got I got a family now a family. Man. I got to get up every morning, go to work. I work hard. I'm not and I got that. Man. I'm just telling you for a few hours, man, so we everybody see the may Weather fight. Man. And you're saying Clen Kennedy, Man, I don't know. I don't really know y'all people like that. Man. I don't know Kenny Well. I didn't know because of keep a nice yard. Man, I don't know, y'all. I keep be having no laws and all of them my children running a wound. This cable coming from my highlight. I can't have that, man. I'm might here with the whitebaw. These white folks is not having it. Man, I understand all that, man, but I didn't invite it all these people. I can't disappoint these people. I got to have to fight on at the house. I understand your situation, my brother. I want to be at your house watching the fight too, but I cain't know where the run on the hair. No folks out for the cable running from my house. I can't see that one. I'm not in the suburb now with a family, and now I can't do the type of thing I can't. I don't want the police, I don't want the cable. Man. You only one in the suburb. I'm not here too. What I'm trying to tell you if I'm nothing to disappoint the people now, I want to have your approval, but I'm coming to hook the cable up. You're coming well to hook up from cable. I'm coming to your ayes to hook this cable and run it two streets oh oh, So if I say you can't hook it up, you're gonna come and hook up anyway. That was you're telling me. I'm telling you, I can't disappoint these people. I'm coming to hook this table up, man, whether you like it or not. Now, if you put me in front of my hour folk downs for the cable, it's gonna I got right. Hey man, I can't disappoint these people. And I'm just trying to get you to show some lawful you know, just how a show for them. If you can come over my house, you bring them people you got, I'm up with you so they can see the fight. Hey man, what what do you What did you saying? You're trying to tell me you ain't onna let me hook the cable up. When I get over that standing look on it, I'll be wearing out. There was no shortness shot you gonna fit team around over me. Hey man, I'm nothing to city and Kenny me you was. I don who to extend, But you're not gonna give me to break no law in front of my shutter out here. Man, I'm saying that year so I'll play them games man. When I was you know, you made with a cut, of course, and with a let money. But hey, I'm not going for I'm not going for that rout the sound. Brother, I'm not having all that activity going on in my house. I'm coming over that and I'm looking up this cable when you come over here, you man, I got something fun of you tested you come over. I'm sitting in front of my house right and I can't that comes within it too, Mr Carry, I got some vine, y'all all. I'm telling you if I'm coming over that my cable though, so these people can watch fight. Were lining up there, you wanna come take some care from my house? Lineing up? My wife's taking my hands up right now. So it's like, I got one more thing I need to say to you, though, is you're listening. I don't care what do you say. You're coming from my eye. You better racially what you because you're gonna leave here. You come front of my house from cable car. I don't know who you is. And I'm gonna want Kenny when them I see him, I'm whooping him on side. I don't get him like cheering in the car in his cheering to come and I'm gonna whoop you if you come out here and then this time about your horse from cable and I'm put from you right here him, you come in my mind right out. I said, I got one more thing to say that you want. What you're going to say is you listen to me. I'm listening. This is nephew caught me from the Steve Harbit Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy? Who is who you said? This is? This is nephew on me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And I know you caught my phone. Man, My blood pressure hid there. You got me ready to squab. I mean, I got cliss from and cliss wrong little thing man. You got me read somebody out there, all right, But I gotta ask you this right here, choy, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man, Steve Harvey Morning Show Man, y'all Clay, I had the whole premium package. Yeah yeah, everything, showtime hboh at first came out, when that cinemax came out. WHOA what the strangest place you gotta TV? It? Probably my bathroom, my toilet, Yeah, I have one of my back what I have one of my bathroom closet. You know, not in the water closet now, I'm talking about in the No, no, not in the water closet. Now. You got full cable in there. Yeah, so you've just sat it. Have you ever just sat in there and just didn't get up? Just yeah? I went on the set that and leg went to sleep, got up and damn that fell through the dough. Good and we legs go. Dude, I mean, I ain't no feeling in my my knees hit the dove first, thee in my forehead. I said, Man, I'm in trouble. Wow, I can't wait to go then use the bathroom. I'm gonna go at the right time so I can watch me something good. I just like a game or something. Tommy, I'm gonna say this when we go to break When when are we going to You got what? We'll be right back with. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now. It is time for the Strawberry Letter. H And if you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. Tell him Steve, click and submit Strawberry Letters, Shirley. Yes, and then we can read you a letter, just like we're gonna read this one today live. Wow, this is something right here. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is. It's the Strawberry letter subject. I'm losing my fine and flirty wife. Dear Stephen, Shirley, I've been married for close to eight years, and over the weekend, my wife told me that she is not in love with me anymore. I'm a big guy and my wife used to be a big girl. But she reads. And Lee had cosmetic surgery to fix a few issues she was having. Now she thinks she's God's gift to the world. She's been posting all kinds of sexy pictures on Facebook, and when random men comment on her pictures, she writes back to them. It's like she craves the attention. I went through her private direct messages on Facebook and found out that she has been having several intimate conversations with different guys. She even met up with one of the guys, but it looks like nothing happened between them. Like I said, I'm a big guy and I was a big guy when my wife when we got married. When I met my wife, and when we got married, everything in our marriage seemed to change once she had the weight loss surgery. She's really feeling herself and forgetting about the marriage, vows. Um, I still love this woman, and I praise her and tell her how great she looks, but it's not enough. I love her, but I'm afraid of losing her to a man that's in better physical shape than I am. Please give me some advice so I won't lose my wife. Well, it kind of looks like you've lost her to a degree already. Um. You know, I'm really sorry that you're going through this. I really am. Your wife is wrong, she's out of line. Uh, and not to mention being very disrespectful to you right now. Um for her to say she's not in love with you anymore? Uh? Why because you're still a big guy and she's lost weight or has this been you know, happening for a while. Now she's she's stripping because she lost the weight she had the surgery and now, yeah, you're right, she is feeling herself, uh and thinking she's God's give to the world. Um, you know, what can you do? Please? Give me some advice so that I won't lose my wife. You guys were both big when when you got together. I mean, how's your health, how's everything? She went and got surgery and everything. Why don't you consider that? You don't have to, I'm not saying it, but why don't you consider that on your own getting surgery and losing the weight and going to the gym and you know, changing your eating habits and things like that. Maybe it's a good thing. You know, she's not going about it the right way, but but it could be a good thing for you and your health and everything, and you'll feel better about yourself, you know, because because a lot of times when you start feeling good about yourself, especially if you haven't in a long long time, you know, you can react this way. I think your your your wife is just you know, so crazy with this. She's not in love with you anymore. So what is she going to file for? You know, she is she going to file for divorce now because she's not in love with you anymore? Uh? You know, come on, this is just disrespectful. If it were you who lost the weight and everything, she would be feeling some kind of way as well. So you know, all I can do is say, if she's gonna try and and disrespect you and walk out on you and divorce you, you're gonna have to, you know, get yourself together, get yourself together. If that doesn't keep her, then she wasn't meant for you anyway, you know. Um, we talked about this a lot on the on the show, money makes you more of who you are, maybe, you know, losing weight and getting to yourself. This is who she was anyway. Maybe she settled for you, you know, in her mind, and now she feels she can do a lot better. But I think you can do a lot better getting someone to respect you and love you for who you are, and then you know, maybe together you can lose and if if that's what you want to do. Steve, oh m, well yeah, I know you're going in a moment you show no the helline am? I don't even know who are we? We really hint here we why anybody say the key words? And it's not anybody. I don't Okay, Charley, I appreciate your answering everything, but let me try to help big fella out. Big fella steal in love with this girl. She then wouldn't got herself together. Now she thinks she all that in a bag of chips. I don't know what to tell you, man. The best thing I can tell you is I think you ought to get in shape and leave hr M. That's my best advice to you. I can see that. You know, she obviously does not know any scriptures do unto others as you would have them do unto you. She must not know that pride cometh before a fall. She must not know that this one probably ain't in that gluttony is a sin, that's not And he just sitting up there, okay, careful. That's why I'm there is no really answer for this letter. I feel sorry for the guy. It's a dog on shame that the woman to win in there and told him she don't love him though, because she thinks she's gonna go out and have this spectacle of life. But she finn to go out here and find out what's really out here. It's a lot of tricking going on out here, and she's gonna run into it. So even though I feel sorry for your brother, and you don't want to lose your wife and now she fine, the best thing I could do for him. If you can't beat them, join them. I suggest you go get fined and you don't have to use surgery. You can exercise and start eating the right foods and you could get your in in six months. Let her go and you get somebody else too. Yeah, I'd probably take a little bit long in the six months. You got the rest of your life. And there's a lot of women out here looking for good men like you. So if you you just keep being a good man and get yourself together, get so how much you wit? How much you thank you? Oh? He about three fathers. He didn't put that in the letter. So well, we talk. We don't know. We think we've got to be started. Yeah, got to be to be writing you over three Yeah, yeah, he writing at two six? And can I ask him to do something though, m send me a picture of your wife. Don let me see how right here? Man? Huh? I mean? Stupid termis tips two thousand three of Yahoo dot car. Just send it so we can see what what she did, what we're working with. Al Right, Steve, we'll be back with part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letters subject I'm losing my fine and flirting wife we'll be back at after the hour. Right after this you're listening to. If you heard from thousands of people that something would help you lose weight, have more energy, and look and feel amazing, you'd probably believe it. Right We'll just go to de herbs dot com and you'll see thousands of real testimonials from people just like you that have had life changing experiences with de herbs Full Body Cleanse. We've all done the cleanse and we know it works. But you need to go to de herbs dot com right now and get started. And for a limited time you're going to get a major discount at checkout with promo code Steve de herbs dot com promo code Steve or call eight six six four d Herbs. All right here, we are back with part two of the Strawberry Letter. For today's subject, I'm losing my fine and flirty wife. You want to recap Steve, just do man his wife. They will big, large, full figured people. They got married. When she married him, he was full figured. She didn't mess around and got the little surgery, and now she didn't lost a bunch of weight. Now she find she flirts with people all the time, people talking to him, and uh, you know, now she online having sexy conversations with me and it's commenting on a picture and everything, and she talking back to him. And dude been finding this And she even went out with one guy somewhere he discovered and you know, they didn't have sex or nothing. He don't think then she didn't came in the house and told him she don't love him no more. And one of the big things I didn't say in the first half, she ain't used to this new attention she got so now here she is. She brand new with it. But she feeled to find out a lot about attention though. All in all, attention don't come with good intentions. See all attention don't come with good intentions. So what you gotta do when a person is paying your attention, what you really need to do is locate and find out the intention. Because attention is flattery. Intention usually has a dark side to it. That's what I found in my life. So whenever somebody starts pouring on attention, ladies, let me give you a piece of advice. Why are you sitting there smiling and being flattered with the attention? What you need to get to doing this focus on what his intention is, because the intention could get you in a lot of trouble. That's right. And didn't you just do a close and remark the other day about the grass looking greener. Always from the other side, it looks like it's man looks. Yeah, but when you get over that man dog. You know how many find people out of men as something really wrong with them? Yeah? Have you have you ever had a conversation with somebody who, outward appearances you thought was cool and then they started talking and you your eyes started doing that rapid eye movement, hey like silence that you damn this scan in the room trying to figure out hold up, man, is anybody watching me over here in this corner with this food? Yeah? It's sad man. So I always do that. I always think about the attention that I'm getting and right behind the attention, what is the intention? Yeah, she's disrespectful. Do you think this happens a lot women to get these surgeries? I'm just saying the women these surgeries think it happens a lot? And then the husband is insecure after that? Yeah, I think so. I think it happens a lot, especially they were both you know, heavy to begin with that's all, you know. And so now she's changed right and lost all this weight. Now she doesn't want her husband anymore, so she's you know, seeking out other men. Yeah, that's terrible. You don't love it. You're gonna feel pretty insecure once she tell you she don't love you know more, and she online talking to other people, You're gonna feel that's hurtful. That's hurtful. Man. If she's money, yeah, she's terribly wrong. Yeah. Probably for the surgery. Yeah, oh yeah, I believe that hard working man because it would make her happy, because he wanted to make her happy. He can, you know, to do something to make himself feel better and get better, get healthy, you know, lose some weight if he he doesn't seem like he didn't mention that in the letter, but I mean that could help him have more confidence in himself. I mean, this could be the motivating factor that a person needs. Yeah. Absolutely, absolutely, he's hurt right now. Yeah, but you know what I mean, what you don't want to do is compound the problem with another problem. So what you don't want to do is now you depressed. Now you're sitting at the house eating because she out and now you're eating and you come pounding your problem. Now she come home. You got ice cream around your mouth, got milk commercial, and then you know where you're being baby, you know. So he could get in shape. Oh he could just stop barbecue and every weekend get her back fat. Yeah, that's sound. You can get yourself in shire here. You can go plant base, gonna get yourself down, get self control. You can do that. You can go and get yourself in shape. You could do that. Oh you could just go on and start making pies and stuff and just get your girl back fat, really work the fat fat. Yeah. But I feel for him. No one wants to be in a marriage for eight years and then all of a sudden somebody says I don't love you anymore. That's that's so crushing. That's crushing to a person. Yeah, well I've been crushed twice. Yeah right, and you survive. Come on, let's go and get through this. What you're gonna do. Chalking up to the game, I had two people tell me no more. Yeah, I mean it happens for sure. Yeah, get out. I've heard it with that too. You never he leaves. Ain't heard that. I didn't heard. I don't love you. I don't heard this right here? How about this right here? I can't stand you. Oh yeah, that hurts, all of it hurts. Yeah, it's hurtful, especially with someone you still love and he clearly still loves his wife. You know, Oh that wasn't the case. Well, this letter is not about you. I just want you to know once you come in and you make the announce smith that you don't love me as soon as you get through it, so before you take your next breath, I can't stand your Yeah, well, I ain't gonna we don't want to stand here feeling. Thank you for sharing. Steve got welcome. Please email us your Instagram Today's Strawberry letter. It's Steve Harvey f M R at my girls surely now coming up in ten minutes from the Talk, it's our girls, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. You don't want to miss Carla's reality update. But right now, yeah, from the Talk and gentlemen, Sheryl Underwood, Steve Harvey, listen to me. It's so much good stuff going on, but then at bad stuff. I don't know what. Yeah, yeah, I Coael be Jordan gonna be selling coach purchase. Yes, he got the coming. Least all he needs to do is show up at my house naked with the coach purse is over. It's done with. You know, I love person, my trademar. Yeah, this is a dream come true. Kill Mongo. Hey, Auntie, it's over. You gotta say listen, he his match right there, coach purses and wait a minute, did y'all hear David Waite's gonna leave, leave the weapon? Yes? She said he has diabetes in those hours too long? Long? Yeah, it's too much for him. Yeah yeah, yeah, man, but he said, you're gonna go back on the road, look calmedy. Yeah, that's good. That's that's a good that's what David Way? Did I miss something something wrong with Damon? Well, yeah, he said he has diabetes. He's leaving a show because he's has diabetes in the hours are too long? That's for sure. You leave the weapon on Fox. I like this show. Oh he plays Murdoch right, yeah, yeah, you know, you know you get old school. I gotta do right, right, we know what you mean. That's right. Hey, I'll be at the Airy Crown this weekend. Friday night and say, like me, Lavell Crawford earthquake, uh country, Wayne DC Young Flagestiniche. It's gonna be a whole bunch of comments. We're gonna be at the Airy Crown. We're out there Friday and said, and you know what I'm gonna be talking about. What I'm gonna be talking about, how Milannia Trump hate the president so bad that she went to the one place he was not gonna follow her, Africa. She went to the Motherland because he know he wasn't coming over there. He got no cool points coming from the Motherland. Not happening. We thought we had him with the text thing. But they said he's not gonna get federal charges just because of daddy left him a lot of money. It wasn't a million dollars. It was a lot more mother than that that they said they tached crooks. That's what they said. No federal charges. But I bet Cuomo gonna get him on some state charges. In at Cuomo who Cuomo ain't no joke. But if the Trump families don't have to pay no penalties because I think it's the statue of limitation. Yeah, the statue, the statue of limitation, same thing, the statue of limitation. That's right, and say there's no statue a limitation for assessing civil and at tax penalty. But they can get him on, but they can give him some money though they need to clip him us. Listen, if they don't get the whole Trump family, the sister, that the judge, all the brothers, all the family men, Westless Night need all his money back me, all of it. And because I looked so similar to him, I need mine back to I'm not stop what you're messing with people at tax money. The estates of either hate everybody that went down for Marvin gay Estate. He made a whole album about this. What did he say? Matter of fact is I can't pay my taxes. The youngest don't understand this tech thing ain't new. This ain't new. That's the oldest hustles in the world. So they need gonna get him, gonna get him. Cavanaugh, I think he perjured himself. I think he perjured himself person I know. Listen, lets me tell you how first of all the letters is coming out all the way back to night. What kind of I was about to cusse, I'm sorry recalling what kind of dude, could you be that you kept what is essentially a diary of journal of you hanging out with your male friends, and you're talking about how hard y'all drink, that y'all vomited up alcohol. But then you say in the testimony you ain't never been that drunk. You perjured yourself. You got get him, but that don't let him breathe us. First of all, he cried. You can tell he emotional. He emotionally he crying, and you don't have to cry nobody, real man, just man up and say what it is. Let me tell you something. I don't drink a lot in my life, juniors, and I ain't never threw up well two times two times? Yeah, yeah, oh this is to me. I'm from Arkansas. We don not throw up good liquor that that is that does not have brown or white. I fix brown lical with white liquor. And well, you know, I was trying to diet, Carla, and that's when it came in. But I never did a Cavanough. I never did a Cavanaugh. You know what I'm saying. You're throwing ice and people face you and your boys. Man listen his whole crew, you man, listen, we just need to register to vote for the mid term. We got that in thirty days. Get him up out of there. We need to put the sister in Georgia. Abrahams needs gonna be the governor. The dude out in Tallahassee really need to be the governor of Yeah, Ben Jealous, go ahead with Maryland. Ben Jealous, former president of the d a CP. You know he needs gonna do his time. We got a lot of people running for things that we need to help him out. So now that we hold the microphone, we just need to get him out. Mabo. They used to say, throw the bums out. We need just start a voting and throwing people out. You don't and last, but not leavest, because ain't nobody told me what time it is? Kanye Weststen, I love Kanye's and I know this brother is going through something. But if they stopped putting him on TV, you know what I'm saying. I know what he meant by saying amen the thirteenth Amendment. I knew what he meant. He meant the fact that you can be enslaved because you committed a crime. That's what he meant. But that ain't what you said, and in this climate, you can't just be throwing stuff out there because they cling to the part that will set us back. They don't cling to the part that move us forward. And I ain't going back to slavery. I don't think I would have made a good slave. I barely work where I went. Let me stop talking right now. He just knocked itself in the bathroom. We're gonna be right back. I'm coming, am, I coming back. I love you. Okay, I'll sit here, Okay, I'm forget the reality up day, coming up statue. You're listening. Right before we get to Carla's reality update, Steve Uh, we have to say goodbye to Cheryl Sryl. Thank you for your insight. Kanye a cool brother. And I think it's hard is in the right place. I think he really is trying to say something to bring people together and unifying them even more. Just hard to use Donald Trump as that example. It's very hard, you right, It's very hard. That's right. That's right. So blinded by rage, she just like Milani even know that. That's why she in Africa, right now, that's what happened. You know, you ain't going to Africa to talk to the girls. He over there having a good time. She even fresh fruit of vegetables and everything, a good meets and everything children. Alright, African day. She's getting a hand Brady with to be you. I'm crazy too late, ste I'm a great day. We love you. Yes, it is all right, she is here. Carlin's reality update. All right, thank you, nephew, here we go. Uh, it's not really a reality show. It was a reality special. Ray J and Princess. Uh, they had a little reality special labor of love as they prepare for their first child. And you know, Princess ray J's wife is pregnant and on the show she's already had the baby. But on the show she was pregnant and they had a special about it, and and and Princess I guess she was really ready for ray J to get serious about fatherhood and she wanted him to understand that it's a huge responsibility for being a parent. So she felt like she was a serious one and he wasn't quite ready. So she wanted to prepare him for some things as his first child, only child. Yes, yes, she gotta get him ready, yeah right now? Ready? Are not right? So on the show, Steve as Uh, ray J and Princess prepared for their baby's arrival. Uh, they experienced everything they had, They went to water birthing classes, They had extended family drama. You know, there was still some beef going on between Princess and Miss Sonia, you know, ray Jay's mom and princess sister in law Brandy. They still were kind of beefing. And Uh, they went to the doctor's office and and one of the things that came up for discussion at the doctor's office is Princess she wants to have You know, when you're pregnant, you kind of in the mood a lot, and so Princess wanted to have sex all the time. And so ray J was concerned about that, talked to the doctor about that, and then he was concerned would she be back to normal after childbirth if you know what I mean. Then the doctor says, well, not quite back to normal when you're pushing seven pounds out of you. So ray J was kind of concerned about that. But Princess said she was part of Asians, and so Asians snapped back, I said, well, okay, did ray J not to worry about that. But the funny part was that ray J. She got this pregnancy suit for him to wear so he can understand what it was like to be pregnant. And she had a bluetooth connection that could send contractions to ray J so he would know how it would feel to be pregnant. Yet and yes, baby ray J was walking down the street breathing all hard. He could have walked down the stairs. They went to a restaurant and she kept using her phone because you can use your phone to push the I guess it was like an electronic SI yes on her bluetooth and she kept doing it over and over and over. Ray J was been the down. People was stopping him on the street. What's wrong with him? And she was yes, yeah, so it was really really cool, uh she you know, Princess. They had a baby shower and and ray J was disappointed because his mother didn't come to the baby shower. Brandy didn't come to the baby shower, and his father was there and ray J was saying, this is not right for his family to you know, be to beef like that. They had a special surprise announcement. They named the baby. You know, they told everyone friends and family at the baby shower with the baby anybody know what is about. Yeah, it was. It was a lot of stuff back and forth social media. They were airing out their dirty laundry and Princess said this or Brandy said that. Then Sonya got involved and told ray J that his wife shouldn't be on social media putting their business out there and beefing with the family. But the good news was Princess went into labor, Steve, she had the baby. She had a very difficult labor. Then she ended up having a c section, and Sonya came to the hospital. They squashed the beef. The families together, they prayed, and they welcomed. They lit a baby Melody loved Norwood to the family, and it was all good. So beautiful. She is beautiful, the baby, beautiful, beautiful virtual reality. I know right, I'm at the hospital. No, no fights at the hospital, not while she was in labor. It was it was really, really good. So there was some good news on this reality special about them. Welcome and baby Melody to the world. Steve, I wanted to ask you, I mean you, Timmy, you guys are fathers on the show. Um we talk about you know when the first time you became a father, how did you feel, you know, especially when the twins were born, Steve, and at the hospital where you there, and it threw me in the south. Really how something you know? You know, that was before you could determine the birth of a child and the sex. You know, you couldn't know that. And you know, I never knew what I was gonna have until they came. And then all of a sudden, man, I was a parent now. I stopped at the gift shop and bought two onesies out the gift shop to take up to my twins. Each one of the onesies was thirty two dollars at the hospital. Yeah, you know the gift shop. Yeah, boy, my mom said, boy boy, you feel to be broken. Ain't gonna be hard. I'm already. I want to hear more about this. Can we talk more about it being the father when we come back. You're listening to Steve Show alright, Part two of Carla's reality Update. Steve got into something deep before we went to break hunt, Carla talking about we were talking about ray j and Princess Love of Labor, the reality show that talked about the birth of their baby, Melody, their daughter, and I was talking to Steve about the first time he became a you know, a father with the delivery of his daughters. And you were saying, Steve, you got one zies at the gift shop and my mama said, boy, are you crazy. You're gonna be broke. You don't buy no wants from that zails got these WANs for three seventy five zas thrown back. Did you take him back? No? I don't know. I didn't know. Man, it's so much. I didn't know you learned so much when you first become a parent. But the part that she's talking about, ray J is not taking it serious. He's not understanding the responsibility. Oh kids, teach it to you really really quickly. Yeah, because you're actually giving birth to some a person that's totally dependent on you for everything. If you've never been responsible for a person's everything, there, everything ever you, then you've never been a parent. Yeah, that was the hardest part. What is when the first time the money you walking with him and can't nobody to tell which one is the parents? Shut up, boys, nothing to do this with you today. It was the hard part is the hard part of you do that time? Go ahead, man, it's a hard part for you when y'all go to the amusement park and they can ride, but you can't. Are you sure? I don't have any more you got? You keep them loaded? And since you're done, your little protegey're gonna be right on side. I'm not gonna gonna fire mine off. But it was good though. The difficult part for me is being left with the child by myself for the first time. I was para. I was calling that boy, Mama back, how long you get back here? How long you get back man? No, that's real. I was too you were I was? I really really was. I mean it was okay. I handled it, of course, but if I was nervous, I really was. When my mom left me, I was, wow, could you get that? Could you? Could you get that burrito right? Rap up right? I couldn't get that right for nothing? Oh you mean when you swallow them or the you swallow him and tuck them? Talking about a burrito right? What they called it? Yeah, when you swadodle. Some babies don't like that. No, they don't because they want to be free. Yeah, Jared and didn't like it as they Yeah, they want to be free. Yeah, somebody I don't like that? Yeah, I got it. I got it, not Steve what you probably haven't. You may have done it though, because you've got grand babies. The hardest thing in the world now is to put that car CD in. Boyd, don't it your over to the house one time and I was helping her out to the car. Yeah, man, I was sweating, so damn. I'm telling you that cost me the beasts man something how that he posted to be facing all right, we got we got right here. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, So yesterday your cell phone, it probably buzzed and beeped it loudly around two eighteen pm Eastern time. I think everybody experienced that. The FED sent out a presidential alert. The screen said, this is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed. So if you heard the buzz, you probably grabbed your phone and thought you had to do something, no scar, yeah, yeah, well yeah, but I was a loud yeah yeah, Okay, Well, this is a test of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. Like it said, no action is needed, And the test went over poorly on social media. Comedian Jimmy Kimmel tweeted, did anybody get this? Which hunt crooked Hill Laurie no collusion confirmed caval Kavanaugh hashtag make America Great Again? M A G A. But just because it was Presidential Alert, everybody thought it was something from Donald Trump. Um. The Presidential Alert was the first nationwide test of the system. It was built by the federal government and cell phone carriers to warn us of an emergency like a terror attack, for instance, or a widespread disaster. So if you're worried about your privacy, the FCC says it does not collect the data based on the test. Yea, So they say right, Uh no, no sir, no sir. It came from the government, so I doubt it. And that's why it's hard for people to believe that they don't collect your data. Uh yeah, there. What would you want to block it? Though? Tom? Yeah, why would you want to block something? And then you know a terror tech going on? I just want happening, we gonna. I don't remember getting it on. I don't think I got it. You didn't get it, well, if you weren't near a cell phone tower. A lot of people didn't. Yeah, I got it. You got eight hundred messages. You ain't chick. You probably got it. I don't see no him. Well as we get your nephew, can't call you and tell you if we get one, because he's gonna block is apparently at all. As much as you move around. Why everybody running where they going? I like it. I'm on way before the phone, trust me, all right? And Kanye and his dad really had a great time. They bugged out this weekend, I mean literally kin in his dad. Ray West celebrated Easy Seniors Health with the post on Instagram. After getting the good news that ray West cancer is in remission. The father and son toasted to the recovery by um chowing down on creepy crawlers, really creepy callers, creepy Crawley's. Yeah. The photo posted on the gram shows what looks like a plate of saute crickets with the caption overcome fear. I'm not afraid. I'm just not gonna eat him. That's all. My dad and I are going to eat this plate of bugs to celebrate him beating cancer. M hmm, okay, no more fear, but cricket. Then you want to go to Vegas and nothing. Yeah, I don't get this. You want to go to Vegas. He got cricket money, he got no money. But really, all right, coming up our last break of the day, we're gonna close out the show. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, last break of the day, take us home with something good. Closing remarks, well, let's go. I think I should keep it on upswing for everybody again. I want to just talk to you about what it really takes to make it, what it really takes to make it. Now. Look, I can, oh, you know, sit here and tell you a bunch of stuff that you know, sound like I'm really into public speaking, and I know all of what I'm talking about all is here in YadA, YadA YadA. But at the end of the day, what people really want is real simple things that they can do to make it. People want to be successful, man, they really do. They don't They don't want to not know what it's like to be happy, to be free, to be successful. Um. They they they want a simpler how should I put this? They want somebody to explain it to him and simplify it. That's what I'm trying to say. Well, guess what, I don't know if I'm the person that's qualified to make it the simplest. But let me tell you what I do. Though. If you want to be happy in this life, if you want to be successful, you're gonna have to develop a couple of things. Now here's the thing that I want you to understand. Most people have what it takes to be successful, but if it does not start with the belief that you can be successful folk, you can never bring out the qualities in you of success. Listen to me again. Everyone has it in them to be successful, but if you don't bring them out, and that starts with the belief. If you don't have the belief that you can be somebody, that you're worthy, that you're qualified, that you're capable. If you don't start with that basic belief, it can never happen. So first things first, in order to be successful and happy in this world at whatever level you're talking about, happiness, success is for you, it has to start with the belief that it is for you. I believe that I should be successful. I believe that God wants me to be prosperous. I believe that He comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly. But you got to develop some things, man, And the way to develop them is start with the belief and hang onto the belief so strong that these attributes develop themselves. Resilience. If you believe hard enough that you can be successful, that you can be happy, it will automatically start to cultivate this thing that's in all of us. It's called resilience. All y'all got it. Everybody got it. You are resilient people. All of us are resilient. Hell, if you can survive the projects, you reveal you. If you can survive public schools, you resil you. If you can survive walking through gang neighborhoods because you still want education, you reveal you. If you manage to get yourself a high school diploma or a g e D. You are resilient. And the more belief you have, the more of these attributes you can develop. You got to be tough. You know how you get tough. You got to believe that you tough. You got to believe that you can hang in there when all is against you. That's how you get tough. You get tough because you keep facing the tests and you keep passing them but all of that, you came past the tests unless you believe you can. Y'all, don't hear me. All of you have an inner strength. Listen to me, man, Don't you know even a homeless person has an inner strength? What is it that that gets a person to live under bridge or live in the refrigerator box or live in some of these homeless encountenents? Do you know what really makes them live there? Because they have an inner strength. It's still some fiber of them that's telling them to hold on. Because if it wasn't, everybody would just get rid of theirselves. Everybody would end it. But you know why people don't end it because you really do have an inner strength. It takes something to be homeless. Everybody can make a mistake, man, and wind yourself up in a situation. For homeless people have an inner strength. They have a toughness. It's tough being homeless, man. They have a resilience because for some reason they just won't give up. And even though we judge them when we're driving by, look at them sitting on that corner just asking for money. They even gave up. No, no, it's another form of giving up. But I'm telling you even in your darkest moments and your lowest points in your life, you have resilience, toughness in the strength. I got news for you. It can help develop your faith because if you believe hard enough. The Bible says that faith is a substance of things hoped for. That simply means that when how you develop faith is really the essence of its is hope. You remember when you was looking you hope you got a bike for Christmas? And you went out there one year the Christmas and and the bike was under the tree. You re mean when you used to hope you graduate from high school, you mess around and got a diploma. Do you remember hoping one day you get a job and now you're working. Faith is a substance of things hopeful. But if you keep hoping hard enough and believe that something can happen eventually, that hope times in the faith you got to have dreams and visions so big that it dwss all your fears. This is how you make I hope you've got lipsett all right, dropping baby drop it. Thank you for all Steve. Every contest no purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless other wise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show H