Friday starts and this is definitely a new level of ignorance! There are 10 things that your ex-girlfriend should never ever see you do. Are relationships the root cause of getting fat? J. Anthony Brown murders another one in the spirit of Donna Summer. Here is a question for the ladies. What would you do if you suspected your man of cheating? Is there ever a good time for your children to start using profanity? Comedy Roulette is simple today and there are a lot of apologies involved. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about the magic of thinking BIG and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back all suit on, looking back to back down, giving the mother like the looking buck bus things and its cubs doing me true good it. Steve har listening to me to other for ste please by, I don't join joined me to be doing me. Ha. You gotta u turn ing the You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Huh. I shall will o coome morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on now dig me or one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Thank God for it all the time too. Well, here we go today. Since this time of the year, I want to share something with you that I'll help you because it's helped me. You know. I was telling the story once that this magazine called rob Report, that that was a statue I used to see for years. I started buying Rob Reporting magazines years ago. So I just wanted to see what affluent people did, you know, just wanted to see what people with means did, what type of investments they did, what they bought, you know, what they traveled to. Rob Reports just like, Oh, it's like a big boy toy magazine. You can see what causes out here. I didn't have money for none of it. I was dreaming, though, you know, I just wanted to see. And there's a statue inside this magazine of this man who was coming out of this bronze rock. And he was completely bronze, and he was muscular, and you know, he didn't look nothing like me, but he was a man coming up out of a rock. And he had a huge hammer and a chisel in his hand. And as his body from the waist up was coming out of this huge piece of stone, you could see where it was him who had been chiseling and forming himself. So the name of the statue was self made Man. And for years man I said, Man, I'm gonna get a big house one day, and I'm gonna put that statue in the backyard in the corner. That's gonna be my little spot where I go chill, because I'm a self made man. Well, after years of working at because I'm somebody and having reached a degree of success, I would have nothing to do with that statue. There's nothing about that statue that appeals to me. Anymore. Because on my journey and in my quest to become what I thought would be this self made man, why I could put this statue and had a statue in the corner be kind of cold symbolizing it. I had made it. I realized on my journey there's no such thing as a self made man. That we all need help, and that God places people in our paths along the way that benefit us oftentimes. And it's the most unlikely person oftentimes, and the most unlikely way that He presents these people in front of you. It's crazy how he does it. Man. And so this is a statue now that I look at and I go, I see what the creator was saying. And that's cool, but not not for me, because I needed help and I've learned a lot of things like this along the way. And at this part of the year, the part I wanted to share with you all about this is you've got to develop You've got to develop a sense of purpose. Now, notice what I said. I said you have to develop a sense of purpose. I didn't say you had to go out and figure out a purpose. You have to develop a sense of purpose. That's different. See your purpose, it's created for you by God. Because when he created you as an individual from whatever two parents you may have, that's not important here. When he created you, he had something in mind for you. You follow me. Now, When he created you, he had some than in mind for you, and it was a purpose. God has not created a single soul to become a criminal. God has never created a single soul to be a drug dealer, to become an addict, to become an alcoholic, to become an abuser, a molester, a Cheatah, He didn't create none of this. This came about through some decisions we made as sinners and we stayed in that place. But see what he created us, He had He has a wonderful idea for us. But God gives us human beings this thing called choice, and we have the power to decide. So you can decide if you're going to adhere to the purpose that God created you and made you for, or you can go ahead and make some choices on your own. So like, if God wanted to give your life and give it to come to you and give you life more abundantly, and that's his promise. If you come to him, if you use him, then cool. But if you say well, this ain't moving along fast enough. I'm gonna get my own life of abundance. I'm gonna start slinging. Well, guess what now, Tad. You've made a decision. And see God's decisions and choices the one thing I learned about them from Bishop Kenneth Oma, God's decisions, choices, his voice, it has no sin in it. Ain't it amazing how many people it came up to you and say, the Lord wanted me to do this to you, and I'm doing it. That God is punishing you, and I'm doing this to you because God gonna see that you get your day. Who is this person? Who is this person that God all of a sudden gave this authority and power to God? I didn't get at the nobody, man, nobody, this person don't have a right to hold you to your past, the right to make you pay. So who makes them pay when they make mistakes? Because they all make them. So when I say you have to have a sense of you have to develop a strong sense of purpose. That means you have to strongly get in touch with your creator to find out what the purpose you were created for. See, it's two things that I had to learn along the way my career. My career was what I was paid for. My calling is what I was made for. See, it's two different things, folks. It took me a long time to learn it, and some people never really. Some people think that they calling is to be a performer. Well, that's what you paid for, and a big part of your life is your performance is tied directly to your gift. But what you made for, though, what you made for is to bring about some significant change in another human being's lives because we are all linked together in this chain. That's what you are here for. Everybody has a purpose to do something wonderful, meaning for or impactful for another person. Show me the person that's not made for that. I just want to know who isn't made to do that? Who isn't made to do something that will affect the life for the betterment and improvement of another person or people. You think the guy that invented the airplane was merely inventing the airplane so he could fly. No, his purpose. His purpose was to become an inventor, to come up with this invention so he could fly and we all fly. See. Sometimes God will make you successful so you can become successful, so you can turn around and teach other people how to become successful. God save people, so you can turn around it tell other people how wonderful it is to be saved. You see how this thing works. That's what we have to do as people. And it's nothing that we have to go and discover. We have to go and develop it. But if you haven't discovered your purpose, it's simply because here's it. If you haven't discovered your purpose is simply because you have not contacted the creator and maker of your soul to ask and find out why you were created. It's as simple as that. If you buy a Toyota, there's an owner's manual on the inside that will tell you everything you know, how to best operate your Toyota, how to make it work, how what to do? They got a troubleshooting section. Your faith is the same thing as an owner's manual in your car. Open up that bulk man, find out how to jumpstart your life, how to troubleshoot it and get on with your life and find out your purpose and develop a strong sense of purpose this year. All right, okay, cool, you're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, today it's going to be different. I have decided, without conferring with anyone, that today would be a day well, come on, wow, ignorance every day? Thank that this? No should not like every day this? Watch this? What a fool? But nothing? Hi front, ready and waiting. Hey ladies, Hello, Steve, stay out the way, try to control it, do your best. All right, Well let's okay, Well then, if this is going to be a different day of ignorance, let's have it. Don't back up now, don't back down now. Okay, what you need. Let's start with any question you want to ask me. Let's just get this started right now. Any question you want to ask me. This can carry over into six thirty four. These are all ignorant, non responsible answers. Oh okay, tell junior, I don't just but tell junior. You can see how fat you are the most when you are wiping your backside. That's when the most of your fat leans forward and you're able to really see how much fat really is in you. So you still so you still reaching behind yourself. Yes, you're reaching back. So that's how we're still okay, okay, all right, all right, now you're still jamming your hand down the back of the new level of ignorance. Okay, you win. Oh my god, that you the fattest. That's when I didn't think. I didn't think you can talk yourselves. I really didn't. But man, oh man, you gotta put your hand on the wall in front of It's early, guys, it's early in the morning. Yeah, people are havn't they're eating or they're just getting out just where they'verybody going breakfast time. Wow. Really, okay, let's start this again, Steve, because you speak to us again. Yeah, that was that's unacceptable, bar see it. I just wanted to be there. Ain't nothing I beg to differ with you. Girl. You all the stuff on inhale back. Give you credit for that. Okay, Okay, how about this. Let's not lie, let's not do bidily functions, Let's not do alright, alright, that out be quiet, Tommy. Thirty seconds you got thirty seconds, all right, that's we just said. All right, Steve, I'll just ask you anything. What kind of day are you expecting to have today? How about absolutely greatable? Okay, that's a perfect perfect We come back. You're gonna see high incredibility be right, be right, got mess around with this. We're gonna continue to ask the segment right after this. It's gonna be good. Let's go. We'll be back at thirty two after Jesus helped us out. You're listening, all right? Come on, Steve. Ten things you have for us that your ex should never ever see you do. Let's go. These are things, fellows, that you don't need your X to see happen to you. You're ready for the first. Listen. She cannot see you on the bus, better be driving it. She driving back and your ass at the bus. Get Here's another thing. She had not pull up at the restaurant, and your ass is the valet by what boy, here's another one. She cannot be driving down the freeway and look over there and your car is broke down. Another these are things that your ex cannot see happened to you, y'all in line? Huh at the Walmart? Yes, she behnd you and you don't know it right in your card don't go through God. Yeah, you turn around and it's hurt. That's why I left you in the first. There's another thing your mama can't see happened to your girl. I mean your girl, your ex girl can't see this happened to you. You don't move back in to your mama. She leave it, handing off some pack to your mama for Mother's Day. You asked him about the basement with a hot shoes and a wife beater and a white people with a pack of cigarette behind you, you damn Johnny and a coat on because ain't no heat. And here's one that you can't have happened to you. She find out no cold, this happen to your ex. Send you a text that was meant for someone else. While but the text say I'm in the shower, the doors open, followed by I'm sorry that's cold. That's deliberate, man, it's them. It's the crying. I'm in the shower, the doors open, followed by I'm sorry that was not Now there's another thing your ax can't find out about you if you mess around and lost that good ass job. Uh. She walked into you. You now you down at the windy you replenishing the salad ball. She and there with the kids right right, mama, ain't that mister shut that's cold. That's cold. Man. You come to church walking. It just all went bad. But here's my favorite one of them all. Drum roll cat Ladies and gentlemen, this is the top thing that your ex can never see happen to you. What is your new girlfriend look just like your brother dog man, Man, you can that out, No, baby, this is my new lady. Excuse me, you laugh. You can't let him see you do game ever ever, ever, never, ever, oh, never have a move if you got it going on like that. Yeah, you cannot let show X see your new girlfriend talk to you crazy outside. You can't do that. That her good one. Somebody ain't got it together. Let me tell you another thing. If you can not seeing you do washing car, that the car renter return if they pull up in that car and they look out to see you out there washing car? Is that here? What you don't want her to see you do out there? Cleaning porter potts clean port. You don't want hush, we broke up. Man, you know you don't like you cannot be the mascot at the birthday part. Cannot walk away, man, No sponge bobs were fancy. He had her baby. Birthday part cannot be That is he checking what you're doing and check your job and not be at the pretty boat. They have the man. They're not gonna go for that. I'm glad your ex cannot see you rummaging through a trash. You have lost all your shame everybody else. But she can't see that. She cannot see you riding around town on your car and you got that little doughnut on them hurt. He got new money. Your ex can't see you. She had to stop. Yeah, she can't see you pull up next to her. You on was you're on your brother bike. Oh my god, like hey, trying to make it work. I'll tell you what you can't see what. I'll tell you what you can't see. She got some kids and pull up to McDonald's window and you work in the window, your order play. You thought I recognized. Say, here's one that really hurt. They cannot see you with your shirt opened. It's some flip flops in a y'all. They cannot see you over you do? All right? Get it together, guys, Wow, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. The nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got Nat? All right? Sirley, that are right here. This goes out to everyone. This goes out to all prank fans across the nation, outside the nation, and to the millennials, old school and new school. This is the number one prank in most people's book. Raymond rain in the close this one. Yeah, in the closet, cats running this thing? Hello? Hello, Herry, who the can you hear me? Yeah? Bad? Who's there? This? Raymond? Man? Speak up? I can't hear you. Who this is? Raymond? Man? Speak up? I can't hear you. Who is this? Raymond? Raymond? Raymond? Round? This is my sister brother. Yes, what's up? What's up? Man? What's up? Somebody didn't broke in the house? Stay in the house right now. I'm in the hold on. Hello, hold on, man, damn, I better can hear what you're saying, somebody that somebody didn't broken house. I want to hear you whispering because they're in the house right now. I'm wait a minute, Wait a minute. You're saying somebody that broke in the hold and they steal in there. Somebody I'm broke in the house. I'm getting the house now. Hold on, you're saying somebody that broke it to your damn house and they steal in there? Yes, what you're doing? See nothing there? Why you ain't call the police. I'm in the closet. I'm in the closet and I'm trying to get somebody to hold on, hold on, Well, I don't know what to do. Man. You're saying, somebody in the house, in your damn house, white not just okay? Wait where you live at? Where you live at? I'm out thirty six straight because I'm at thirty two and a half. You know what. Hold on, I'm for the call the lords. Wait wait, wait, wait, wait, man, you know what what? Wait a minute, don't call the police. You see your in the hold somebody for no you know, people going to kill you and you're talking about you don't want them arresting. We got some illegal stuff. Now, don't call nobody. Wait a minute. Wait wait, Nah, you're saying hold on, you're saying, don't call the damn lows. You have to go to the house. Don't call them week they got it. That's a nickels. How oh do it? Man? What you gotta? Man? You know what is bad? Do you know what you're seeing? Your something there? That's probably why they're in the house. Now, you have set you up in the house, got you in there there, that's I guarantee you that what you what you got in there? Actually, you know what, man, let me tell you something. I'm gonna tell you the best thing to do. Even though the people in your house right now you need the justers, let me call them. Man, you need to let me call the damn low i'mna tell you right now, you can't get don't do that, don't. I'm gonna but you know what, man, I'm gonna you don't call you say that now. I'm gonna tell you now I get called the low d me calling low hold on, I can get my wife the call right now. Don't call the police. Don't call them because it's too much liga my wife. Don man, but I'm gonna tell you something, honest. I can't do a thank or don't for to go down there. No, I'm gonna tell you something. I could cut this food to tell me. Don't even call the damn lot. You know what, man looking here called to be honest with you, I'm i ain't gonna go down there. I'm gonna tell you right there now, you know what The first thing I'm gonna tell you now. Now, I ain't gonna take my down there first of us. They may be tapping my damn lying, and I ain't got to do with this. You're gonna get dot man. Look, I could call no one one may look, go ahead and call them, because you know what, You're gonna get your kid down there, and they don't know who you are. Bitch man, you know what, And I ain't gonna stall on this one you so they can find out, you know what, don't It's like call the lot. I ain't getting that. I ain't man, you must get dam poole. Ain't gonna get it out one. So I'm gonna tell you what you can do. Got I called the law if they had my wife right now, you know what. You may not like it now, but you appreciate me later, because you know when you're to get your monk heads waiting a minute, wait a minute, just west, but I think, damn sign, I think, man, you know this is some crazy got you to set your up. I'm gonna try to shop up for one. Don't get sting my call, damn low, damn fool. You gotta keep your monk heads in that closet. I'm gonna tell you right now, you're a damn fool. You walk out, because I'm gonna tell you not, they show gonna kill your stupid man. You know what. I ain't gonna lie to you. Man. The only thing I can tell you, Damn I'm called a law. You're gonna go down, and I'm gonna tell you not. I ain't going down with I don't know why you really even call me unless you want to help, because I'm gonna tell you right now, I ain't to jumping eyes myself nor my damn family over your I want to think I could do. I can help you out in one way. I can call the law now. My wife's got a cell phone. What you want me to do when you can get me? Mon? Be a damn boot. I'm not he ain't going down. I ain't going you know what. Man? Look look, I can't get in there and my wife and out of the count. The police come kill you right now? They could have come, can't you? Can you can you hear me? You can hear your damn mother? Shut up? Shut up? Can you shut your damn mouth right now? Can you hear me? Shut out? I don't know when the height. That's why they shoot the shot and don't peek out that damn dope. Can I say something, man, you need to shut your damn mouse. This is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Showing. You know what, you just got pranked by man. Y'all Just you go, bro, y'all sock dirty? I do damn well, man, dog, you just got franked by your boy. Man, I'm sweating like hey, sent up in this damn house with drawns old man, sit up here, I want to play with man. Look at here, boy, I'm sweating like here. Why are you sweating? It was for the dock because I damn sure no wants you to come down to the house. That's for show. I know you weren't coming to the I heard it in your voice. I say, okay, you know what. He ain't coming to get me. Man. I'm sit up here right now, man, I might need to take on the work board here. Hey, let me ask you something, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. Kn't be nobody but the Steve Harvey's Morning Show with that other that Nephew Tommy with. It's crazy. Come on now, this one you're supposed to. Let me say, get a drama song, get get a prank or song? Now, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, this shot you in this Superstar Superstar. I'm right here, Catapolis Lear you uh huh. The brother got your damn damn. I'm not coming down. The classic classic called the police. You what you want to do, But I'm not gonna come down now. I'm not doing that. But what you want to do? All right? Baby? Saturday it is. It's going down April to thirteen, Glenside, Pennsylvania, Me and the legendary some more. We will be taking the stage Keswick Theater. We got two shows at the Kenswick Theater seven pm and ten pm. Tickets are on sale right now. Me the more we find it, I'm funny. She funny. What stupentitive is in the building. You understanding this show? Oh yeah, I sit right next to it. Thank you, nephew. Tell me and Bruce Bruce is going down Friday, April nineteen, eight p m. Knoxville, Tennessee, at Knoxville Civic Auditorium. Figures on sale right now. Me and Bruce Bruce fall. I'm sorry, roads are in the building, I said, Tommy bros In the building, Knoxville, Tennessee. You take its own sale, right man, All right, thank you, nephew. You're listening to show. A new study out of the University of Queensland Guys, Queensland, Australia, determined that being in a relationship makes people fatter. Okay. The study found that those were the long term partner weighed on average twelve point seven pounds more than single people what what, and showed an average weight gain of three point nine pounds per year. And it could be that eating with someone leads people to eat larger portions and more calories. Or it could be that since they don't have, you know, they don't have to impress anyone, couples just kind of let themselves go, ain't it. Yeah, Well that ain't what's it? It's when you out there running them. It's actually reduces calories trying to catch um. Yeah, when you out there, listen to what when you out there running them? You running them, that's exercise, that's work. You gotta get over here, get back in here, answer that phone right quick, dive over there, knock it off the table. You gotta run down here, dry your car, hide it in the bushes around the corner, walk back over to the house. Your weight gonna stay down. Excuse me diving over the table. Yeah, run the I've dove over a table to answer that phone. Ohs to get this phone. So you can't be picker. You can't be. You're constantly looking at the windows and who might show up. You don't know, you may plan you you're nervous and you hard. You can't have company over. Your gonna come over? Yeah, he stress and you lie. You can't eat on the tail because you gotta kill your mouth for that. And I got lines to tell I can't be sitting up in here eating and you gotta remember them. You can't. You can't eat. You gotta go over that and eat for that person. Run over that man. You can't lie and eat at the same time. It's too much. That's why single people are tremble. It's it's possible, though you can't lie and eat out of you can do it. It's doable. All this stuff that y'are running from, I run through it. This. Don't don't don't accept this that you can't do. Take the challenge, man, know what you're doing and take your take your phone at night, put it in your draws and you ask you this, Do you go back to the house and get your phone? Hey? Oh yeah, run over eight cars trying to get there. Wait what are you saying? So you're on your way to work? Yeah? Yeah, you half way to work, you discover you left your phone. You gotta get that phone. I'm gonna be late. You gotta get that phone. I might get fine, and whoever you work for will understand. White. Hold on, let's ask the boss. Let's ask the boss. Is this true? Boss? Oh we don't. We don't understand. We don't understand what. Oh we know what's going on. But you have left your phone. Oh say it again, what Dave? You have left your phone? Tell everything? Oh you should have heard act like you go back home to Oh hell, bro, we don't worry. Steve was just calm. Everybody worried about Timid. Oh my god, we haven't heard from Timid. Y'all stop all this day. Something could have happened to him. I'm gonna call his girlfriend. Don't do that. They happened recently with Jay. Yeah, never called anybody's girl. That's where got here. Monica was crying Jay. Y'all calling Jay? What I tell y'all, you weren't worried at all. No, no, all right, Steve, Let's go to news. Aisies and gentlemen, missay and trip, Thanks guys, and good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news. The governor Missouri is the latest Midwest head of state to declare a state of emergency because of severe flooding. At least three deaths are blamed on the heavy rains and melting snow and floodwaters have already breached about twenty levies in Nebraska, Iowa, and Missouri, leaving thousands of homes badly damage and farmers dealing with the loss of crops and livestock. President Trumps signed executive order in which he says will protect free speech at colleges and universities receiving government research money. However, while the new order does call for schools to promise to uphold free inquiry in order to qualify for billions of dollars in federal money, public college is already required to uphold the First Amendment. President Trump, though, raised the possibility of withholding government funds. You may remember from UC Berkeley two years ago when that school canceled an appearance by a right wing speaker. They cited security concerns. A Florida man named Caesar Sayak has pled guilty to sending a wave of pipe bombs to CNN and prominent critics of the president. Sayok faces the possibility of a life sentence on sixty five criminal counts, including weapons of mass instruction and the illegal mailing of explosives with intent to kill. He's to be sentenced next month. He had been sentenced to go on trial this summer in charge that he mailed rudimentary explosive devices to sixteen targets, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, several members of the Congress, foreign President Obama, and even actor Robert de Niro. Sayak's been held without bail since last October. He was in court the other day and he was really blubbering. A Justice Department says that the white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black man Untilso, Oklahoma, three years ago, will not face civil rights chargers. According to The New York Times, if Feds say they were unable to find enough evidence to prove that Betty Joe Shelby willfully used unreasonable force when she killed forty year old Terrence Crutcher, who was a church pianist. Shelby claimed that she only killed mister Crutcher because he reached into his car and she said it looked like he might have been getting a gun. However, video of the incident shows mister Crutcher with both hands raised above his head when Betty Joe Shelby shot him to death. Nevertheless, the jury acquitted this cop of a first degree murdered man sol to charge. She sent quit the force and she's teaching in the academy. California's large utility, Pacific Gas and Electric now says it's probable that their electric line sparked the deadly campfire in Paradise, California last faul and finally, today is national goof off Day, especially with this weather. Goof it off to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay is in the building. Steve. Time to murder another hit? Please introduce him, give him a good one. I'm scared, ladies, and jo don't I can't heard that murder? Don't the song right here dedicated to all the ladies we're going through it. I don't know hit it pull his head just got damn and just got the ceiling thing on thirty eight degrees. She wakes up sweating and the cool all. She's having a hot flash wind and read it, I want a hot flash hot night and in the hot flash wind and read it. He didn't she have a hot let love nin I mean the hot flash hot sash random hearts hot hot hot time flash hot hot hot hot hot hot hot flash hot hot hot. She having a hot slash wind and read it, I want a hot flash fo night, been in the hot flash wind and read it. H your genius boy your No, he's not. No, he's Carlos Carlo? Are you are you? Ladies? Did y'all enjoy that? You? No? I didn't say. And you know what the problem is, Steve, me and Jay you know we talk on the phone and did you have a hot flame when you was on the phone and get inspiration? Yes? I did, Tommy, but the whole world knows. Now, No, you're not And turned the air. You're listening morning show, all right, y'allhoo reporting guys, a new poll that finds fifty nine percent of couples say that they suspected their partner of cheating if they suspected them, they would discuss the matter with them rather than jumping to conclusions. I'm going to say that again for the lateies. Okay, fifty nine percent of couples say that if they suspected their partner of cheating, they would discuss the matter with them rather than jumping to conclusions. Okay, cool, Let me ask you a questions, Shirley and Colum, Now, let me ask you a question. Just listen to this question. If you suspected your husband of cheating, and it was not on the internet, nobody knew, none of your co workers, it was not it wasn't made public. If you suspected your husband of cheating, would you bring it up calmly? Would you bring it up with anger? How would you do it? Probably? All of the above for me without the calm though you're already nowhere, coming bigger, all of it, all of you above, for me, without the calm anger. If I suspected that not yet? No, well, I mean, if you had suspicious you ain't have no proof. You ain't you ain't heard nothing, you ain't got no pictures, ain't no ain't on internet, and none of that. But Steve, you know we have intuition. You know we have intuition. You disappointing to you, mister Harvey. I don't know. I'm just trying to see what y'all would do. I don't really And and the word discussion I have a problem with. There will be no discussion. Well are you gonna just find out on your own first? Like little CUSI let me ask you a question. Suppose you discovered that you were wrong about him and that he was it cheating? What happens at that point? Oh, then I'm apologizing and begging to his forgiveness, begging for his forgiveness and threatening him he better not do it. You see what happens? Yeah, God, in the heart, you gotta do that. Yeah, you apologize for your wrongdoing, but you know, make it up to him. You know that. Wow, that's amazing. Any more questions, We're here for it. No, y'all's answers. Yeah and truthful and there's no there's no one in between, ain't no. You know that's I don't like talking, y'all. Were you expecting something else? I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it. You've obviously been through this before. I'll tell you what I found out. Though I'm fined out, I ain't fired up to have a discussion once they find out I'll cheating. Is you're ugly ass sitting up here? Got the need sheet? No, you diet, But Junior, don't you know that money changes things? Yeah? How you get the nerve that was before? Look at you now see Tommy saying, dang Junior like you can't believe Junior called himself ugly. Tommy, you're ugly. No, I am not. Am not gonna let you stop doing that. You're gonna listen twenty eighteen. You're not gonna do this. I'm not. I'm gonna tell the truth in two thousand and eighteen. Are you fine? Tommy? Are you no? I'm not no fine, and I'm not off, but I ain't just beenna be ugly little No, I'm not doing that. Dog. You're not fine and I'm not ugly. But listen to me. If you're not fine, then by a lone ship what you think that is? Why don't do that to him, Steve? Don't. I don't know why Tommy keep thinking he cute, but you're not cute. I didn't say I was killed. I'm just saying I'm not listen to me. Listen to me. You look strang I'm decent. I don't look strang. Man, you do not looks great trying to find Just get a mirror and look at yourself from the side. You're strange. Look, I'm not strange. Don't tell me you are. You look strange all everybody, all the men in our family, we're strange. Looking from the side. Look, I have fun with the time. And when you accept it, Tommy, he's never going to accept that. You guys know that I'm not I'm not doing it. Speaking of you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss that. But first, it's too much Chicken. Yeah, it's a prank nephew gone too fair? Yeah, okay, say again, all right, it's prank phone, get it again, all right? Coming up next, it's the nephew's prank phone call. It is Hello today, it's too much Chicken and dot with you. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason. Please, it's Jason. Hi Jason, my name is Remy. I'm calling with bp E t MC. How'd you be going, I'm going firing? But what the bt whoever? That is bp E t MC. While it's an organization we've been around for the last five years and we're trying to help different things in the black community and wanted to reach out and give you a call and see if you would be on board or help signing a petition that we're gonna have going around with bp E t MC if you don't mind. Okay, what is it about? Well, BP E t MC, Jason is uh, black people eat too much chicken, and what we're trying to do is cut back to beat too much chickens. What the hell is this? My name, my name is Remy, Sir. Okay, what you mean about black pep beat too much chicken? We've we've done a we've we've done a test study and we realized, sir, the black people are the ones that are eating too much chicken. And what we want to do is try to cut back because right now there's chime ease and ask them they eat all time the chicken, chicken food young all this, yeah, chicken and white too eat chicken. Caligate all the chicken, chicken, stir fire rice, with chicken and always say you want to come to me talking about a black person eat too much? Damn chickens? Did you ask some white people? I bet you didn't know with no white folks, I bet you don't go to them, y'all out of them. Well, so we're gonna we're gonna get to that. We're starting in the black community. You black people are the ones that seemed to buy the most chicken. You know, chicken. Guess what, how don't we eat chicken? And if I did, he's some chicken because he may we go. Are you thinking of something? You? Hey, y'all got my number in it? Well you get sir. Actually, we're getting numbers from the supermarket. Uh, and we're getting a listing of people about the most super come in supermarket. Sir. The main thing we're trying to get you to do is cut back on eating chicken. Now what we want. I don't eat no chicken. And you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and eat chicken and don't call him about eating too much. I don't even a calmer phone, so you got that? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach callaway. Is this Callaway? Yeah? How you doing. My name is Remy. I'm with bp E t MC and uh whom My name is Remy, Sir, I'm with bp E t MC. What we're doing is we have a petition we're trying to get signed throughout the black community, uh of some things that we're trying to actually help out in the black community. Huh. So BP E t MC is actually an organization and we're trying to actually uh save some things in the black community. Where's the what's b what is it? What's that stand for? What's the hell is in BP? What is that for? U? BP TMC is is? Uh? Black people eat too much chicken? And what we're trying to do is, man, you gotta be kidding me. Man, man, this is this is Remy sir. We're trying to get you all to actually sign a petition. What's going on is black people are buying too much chicken. You gotta be kidding me with this man. This is a white man? Who is this man? I am Caucasian, sir, Yes, Now why are you calling me with this? Well, what we're trying to do is we're trying to get how do you get my number? First of all, actually were getting we're getting numbers from supermarkets that are letting us know the people. Let's look with my phone. This man's chicken. Man, you even man me get smack one of y'all. Okay, sir. What we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on buying chicken. You're talking about, well, the black community is the black community. You better go on with it. We can't get tableted. Then I'll be calling my phone with the man. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Valerie a valve. This a shame. I can I help you? All right? My name is Remy. I'm with VPE TMC. How you doing. I'm doing fine and you I'm very well. Man. Listen, what we're trying to do is, uh, if I take a little bit of your time, we're trying to actually get a survey signed by people in the black community. We're actually trying to help out in the black community. The organization is BPE TMC. And what this is is black What is that? Uh, that's that's black people eat too much chicken. So what we're doing is we're trying to get what black say that woman time for me? Black people eat too much chicken? You see there's been a shortage in chicken. So what we're trying to do is get black people to chicken. And you want to do a survey, Well we want what we want you guys to do with sign a petition that you're not going to eat anymore chicken this year. Why didn't they even make sense? We just don't eat chicken. You know, we eat beef, we eat steak, eat fish. I don't So you're trying to part out off the market. Now, why would you want to telling us not to to eat chicken and we eat other stuff too? Why are you getting her DND in front because this doesn't make any sense. The test study, man, was over chicken, and it just seems like that this study. Who did this test study? Well we did, man, we're BPE TMC and what we're after doing the test study, we did realize that the black people are the ones that chest. I don't just do it after two black people, I mean just use white people. But white people eat chicken too and shes diets and stuff. Okay man, Well Asian? What about the Hispanic? Did you use them? Okay? Man? Listen, what the bottom line is our first study is black people and What we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on eating yesterday should be everybody. This is something when you get my number from man we got we got numbers from the supermarkets that of people, that number from no supermarkets. I ain't give my number to no supermarket. This is don't making me damn sense. You're calling me, interrupting me about something like this. This is this bottom line, ma'am. You don't you don't tell me, not telling me what the hair I can't you know mind, you're not nice them push this un yes, you do put this calling somebody telling them that black people eat too much chicken? You and your partition. Would you like to hear what the survey is actually saying. No, I don't want to hear what the survey is actually saying, because what you're saying about a whole bunch of but the survey is saying that. This is Nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What Valerie, this is nephew tom Oh my god, oh oh, I'm all right. Dare you have it? Nephew? Tell me Frank phone called too much? It's never you can never have too much nicken I never heard of black people say that you can win too much. Barbecue chicken, baby chicken en. Oh, hopefuls is too hot, It's way too damn ht. Why do you say that? Because I bought some soup from Whole Food. I paid twelve dollars and forty nine cents for a low container of soup. Was the camel? It was okay, but it was twelve dollars. I couldn't really enjoy it. First of all, Come on, Steve, like you don't have money, Whole Food costs more to shop at than a regular grocery store. Right now, you can either pay the little extra money that it costs to eat the groceries are you can pay the medical bills for eating the wrong stuff dollars soup this Listen at that your first stup. Listen to what I'm saying. That is seven sixty. The soup was fifty six. I'm telling you was really too damn Oh you're vegan now I forgot. Don't call me that and that a racial s All right? Listen, coming up next, it's today's strubbery. How much seventy two dollars. We'll be back right after this. You're listening Dave Hard Morning Show. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, if you need advice on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click Strawberry Letter, Write Steve, you better know it, girl, get to clicking. We have to be really write Steve. We have to be really specific because sometimes if we just say submit your letter, they're asking you for money and all kinds of things. So we just want to concentrate on relationships. You've seen in all the money requests, you want to wasting your time. That's what you're doing, not sending you no money. I don't know you didn't look. I got enough people asking me for money that I know. I don't even like them no more. If you send me moting too requests for money and I don't respond, notice I've developed a dislike. I'm not calling you back, all right, never you Let's go Buckloo, hold on tight. We got it. Here It is the straw Barry letter. Subject. She is making me want to fight her. Here Stephen Shirley, I am a wife and a mother of two children. I've been married for eleven years to my wonderful husband, but I recently found out he had been cheating on me for a year. I found out when the woman started calling me. She told me that she was taking good care of him when he is away from home with her. I confronted him about it, and of course he denied it. I prayed to the Lord to show me the truth. As time went on, I never told him that I was still receiving calls from the woman. She even sent me pictures of my husband naked, so there was my proof. He finally came clean and apologized. I was so hurt and angry. I loved and trusted him. He told me that he had been trying to stop seeing her, but she was threatening him the whole time. Well after she sent the pictures to me, he finally left her alone. Gave him and we're working on our marriage. But we still have our moments. The problem is now this heffa won't leave him alone. We have been We've both changed our numbers and blocked her on all of our social media pages. My husband has made it clear that he does not want this woman. He said he was just in a bad place at that time. What should I do. Now, I've already beat his behind? Should I beat hers? Too? I'm tired of her? How can I get her to leave us alone? Please help? Well, that's one way, maybe if you do beat her behind, Since you beat his behind, I'm not opposed to it at all, But and I have to tell you this, it's really not your responsibility entirely. Okay. I'm not mad at you, and I do understand if you want to fight her. She's taunting you, she's stalking you. She's throwing her affair with your man up in your face. You have forgiven your husband and taken him back. So what is he doing to stop all of this? Is he just reaping the benefits that you know, he slid by this affair and he was able to, you know, slide back in with you. What is he doing to stop it all? I mean, you know there's things called restraining orders. Is he helping you at all? Or is he just turning his back to the whole thing. I blame him for a lot of it, especially the fact that you know now that you've taken him in, he's back in your good graces and he's doing nothing. So to me, he needs to stop you guys need to need to do it together united front. Let her know that this is definitely not the way you want to continue in this situation, Steve Shirley, I think you missed a piece of information here, Darling, she said, Darling, that album will go back over the letter. But she said that what he doesn't know is that she's still contacting him. Oh so he don't even know about all this. Well, he knew he slept with her, he knew he had anywhere. I'm gonna get into that I didn't miss that, which you may. You hold him responsible for all this, So nothing he can do it's gonna fix it for you because you have us, you have up. Damn Sully. This man ain't cheated on you, but you're taking it on as though he's cheated on you. Let's be forgiving, no, Shelly, you just sent me a scripture this morning. This morning. Your scripture was to forgive people the way that Christ in Heaven forgives us. But there's no forgiveness in your heart for this letter whatever. So let me take another approach to this. Yet, my wonderful husband, this woman says, found out he had been cheating on her. Now a wonderful husband. That's just at the top of the letter. After that, he did bat out of hell. He might as well just gone somewhere. I found out when the woman started calling me. She told me she was taking good care of him when he was away from home. See this, it's a dandy hell for him. She ain't got to do that, but she trying to pry him loose from you. This is a skank move. See she number two trying to be number one. Rule number one for number twos. Number twos very rarely ever get to be number one. It can happen, but rarely is what nephew, this is for you. See she told me she was taking good camera when he was away from home. I confront him about it, and of course he denied it. Yes, yes, you he had to. You first gotta deny because you gotta balance yourself. The first line that we always tell ladies is to gather ourselves. We got to gather, they say, because of all you surprised because you've been caught. Yeah, yeah, Claudia been calling me. What Claudia? She says, she takes good care of you. When you Claudia, clock, who the Alice, Claudie? You know who the hell Claudie is. I don't know. No, damn Claudie. She said, what now, she'd be taking good care of you when you over there? What you tell calendar? I don't know her name is Claudie? She right there. I don't know this health. So now I prayed to the Lord to show me the truth. And as time went on, I never told him. He denied that. I prayed to the Lord show me the truth. So as time went on, never told me she was shoot. She even sent me pictures of my husband. Niked. This is where now we got to come to the realization that we know Claude, because why is you over that neked? But see he fell asleep at the spot. Come on, come on, work at the spot. I fell asleep. She took a picture of me while I was naked because I drank some of that green tea and I didn't know. I went to the doctor. I'm allegic to green tea. Yeah, it puts me out. I'm the only person living that green tea makes unconscious. So I fell out naked. Too many lives, so that was my proof. He finally came clean and apologize, and we'll continue the letter right at all right. We'll have part two of Steve's response to this crazy letter at twenty three after you're listening show all right, Steve, come on, let's go with part two of your response. His wife and mother too been married eleven years. Wonderful husband found out he was cheating on a woman was calling her, telling this woman, I take good care of your husband when he away from home. She's trying to pry him loose. She number two, trying to become number one. She confronted him. He denied it, as he should, because there is no proof. You cannot come clean right away. You must gather yourself. He didn't call, are you calling huffle? What you calling huffle? You knew what this was. You knew what I was mad? What you're calling huff on? He didn't have it out with him. He denied it. I prayed, never told him that I was still receiving calls from what. She even said pictures of my husband naked. Now is where the walls is caving in? Your asses naked? But of course you're not at her house, so you're at the spa. Yeah, just come out the steam room and that Steve Treen, that steam room and green teeth. It had knocked your ass. Towels and rogues at the spot I drink that tea. I couldn't get you that time, So stee when your ladyship pushed the phone in your face and say is this you? What do you do? That is not me? I don't care if my ass is jacked up in the air with my so security number stamped on my ain't me. You're just denying it. That's just that's that man's photoshop. They got that. Naw, they got that. Naw, that ain't even my thing. Look at umber stamped yea on my ass. That's not me. So now here, let me go on with the letter. Uh so that was the proof. He finally came clean and apologize. I was hurting, angry. I loved and trusted him. He told me to hit the part where he got good at He told me that he had been trying to stop seeing her, but she was threatening him the whole time. That's the truth, and that's a good one. Yeah, y'all trying to stop, but this he every time she was gonna tell, so I kept on going by there so she wouldn't tell. And you know she was telling the truth because didn't she call you? I tried to avoid that. So anyway, that was the man in me trying to stop. So finally after she sent the pictures to me, he finally left her alone because now we know this health of crazy together now see the number two crazy now but crazy sexist is good, that's what's wrong with it. It's good. So I forgave him and we're working on our marriage. But we still have our moments. The problem now is this health won't leave him alone. We've changed our phone numbers, blocked on all our social media page and my husband made it clean. Does not want this woman, He really don't. He really don't. He just made a mistake. He getting it together. He said he just had a bad place in time, been a bad place at the time. I've been I've been that for a year for a year, yeah, yeah, a bad place for about tens It can happen. I've had a bad place for about whole year. I was in a bad place for damn the ten years. Yeah, oh, it can happen. I was waiting to whole team. Yeah, now what, I just had a bad place. I've already beat his behind. Yeah whatever whatever, how they't go for you you ain't doing. Should I beat her too? I'm tired of that? How can I get her leave us alone? Now? Should I beat her too? I think you should? Yeah, yeah, see, I think you should. But here's some smarter ways to do it, because they no need you getting in jail. The group you just saying, now, listen to me. Here's a d Facebook hub posted on her Facebook page that she is a cheetah and a husband stiller. Oh man, that's good. Posted on her job we brought in social media that she Yeah, this is how you get rid of somebody, that she is a husband stiller and a home record record and it's ruining the lives of two babies. There's a term for that. Go ahead, star, would it be no? No? When you when you shame someone publicly like that, can you get in trouble for that? No? Hell no? I think you could do that. This email her employer, oh man, see notify her church. That's that's posted in the lit him read it in the church announcers. Yeah what yeah? Who? Because it's easy. It's easy. It's easy to have a church. Yeah they got they ain't got good firewalls. You could just drop this information in that sister Bernie Ferguson is a cheetoh a home record. It's ruining the lives of two babies trying to take their father from me. Yeah, and just you could get on social media. You do her on social media? Ship stopped. She can't stop all in post see go on her face, find all her friends. Now you're sending everything to her friends. God, has this happened to you? What just somebody just sending stuff to about stuff? Oh no, I'm on tabloids, I'm on the grocery show. You ain't got it. You ain't gonna get you, ma'am. Yeah, you go to damn grocery shore and you gonna just want a candy bar assing your face. You ain't got open up your damn Facebook can He's just off the hook. An'tybody did that to me on social media? You ain't got I'm just up in here of slow dogs down. You want some gum man. I get sick of my sisters calling me with the old lass. But my sister Mowna, she good. I'm praying for you baby. Ain't none of that true. We don't believe about that, baby, bro. We know how you is. I'm gonna stump that hell for when I see it, though, my sister mona man, he's off the hook. Huh huh, he's off the hook. She took him back forgave him. Well happens to him. Well, something has already happened to him. He's paid, Shirley. See y'all, y'all want to keep making a man pay. But the man pay. The man is paying her year out of my life with cheating on her. He didn't take a year out of your life. You were still living now, Your life was going on. You just ain't know what was going on. He didn't take a year. Surely the man did not take a year out of your life by cheating on you. You had that whole year, but now I was still shopping. You don't get it back, Shirley, see you evil read Joe scripted, Let's go to break. Surely you're listening show and yeah, look that I don't think you're I don't think you're getting He's getting his just due. This woman had to go through all this. Yeah, maybe she didn't know about it. She knew something we haven't intuition. Of course, she's been married to her, she's been married to him for eleven years he cheated on her, and now this woman keeps taunting her, stalking her. And yeah, the number two as you called her, and nothing happens to him. She took him back, she forgave him. He's good, but she hasn't still deal with it. Surely a lot happens to a man. First of all, not enough. He got busted. He got busted. He didn't lose any lambs. She didn't. Not the man, she said, she the man gotta hit it this saying, and what he catching at the house behind this because in the letter that ladies said, but we still have our moments. Oh yes, Oh, and who you think is providing when they come from see? So that's her. He ain't off scott free. But you are unforgiving, Shirley and unrelenting, and you are the last two scriptures Shirley sent me on Sunday. Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly. That's John. Yeah, I'm just going what's the problem. But I'm just going to look at your scriptures you've been sending me. She's not going by none of them. She ain't went by man one of them. Man just a hypocrite, just sending thank you, Carla. I am not a hypocrite. And he gives off scott Free. She scott Free gave him. But the woman still bothering her. But that's the right as a result of what he did to her. Oh, let me back up and throw something in the mix that ain't out here yet. What what fought in this? Could the woman the wife? This is not her? He had to go on. I didn't say it was junior, junior, But let me ask you a question. Quiet, let me ask you a question. And I don't think that women should take on the blame of husbands and men who cheat up. That's not I'm asking you this question, though. But there are times because let me explain something to you, as I did in the book that sold so many copies that helped you with and once again being hypocritic, hic. So let me say this to you. That is a section in there that I write that the three things a man has to have loyalty and love. Yeah, you have to be loyal to me. You have to love me. Number two is support, and number three is to cook him. Now, let's just say at your house you're not getting one of those three. Pick which one you'd like to discuss your loyal so you're not being loyal anymore. So you're dogging him behind his back? Are you cheating on him? You could have cheated on him in the past, or you talk about him behind his back. You don't support the man, So that means you should go out and cheat with another woman who sends me naked pictures of you. That's what's going to happen. No, listen to me. It's not a solution. But if you are trying, if you're not getting something at home, I'm just telling you the truth. Thing. I can't believe you're trying to make this out. I'm not making it out. If you're not getting something at home, you gonna go get it somewhere. Okay, period, that's how I'm well. Okay, he did that, she she took him back, she forgave him. But now this woman is still bothering her, all right, So that says that's because of what he did to her. Absolutely Okay, So then he needs to pay. He needs to pay. She needs to beat his behind, she needs she beat his behind behind, she beat her, she needs to beat her behind. I'm not mad if she does that. Group and neither are you and neither are you, Steve Harvey, Shelley, I have another group. I can't believe you're making this out to be the woman's fault. No, listen to me. I'm not making it out a cheater. He just a dog cheater. I just threw out what if to you? It don't justify what he did. But I'm telling But when you say that, it sounds like you're defying. It sounds like it's really a strawberry letter. That's no justifying for cheating. There's no justification it is. It is a justification for cheating. There is a justification for cheating, Shirley. It's a justification for cheating when women do it. Yeah, yes, of course it is. Excuse me, did you just say there's a justification for when women cheating. Yes, because but they can't be a justification for when me and ch right there? Are you kidding me? It's a double standard, Steve, It's double Do you agree that they are double standards? Double standards? Okay? Then I rest my cake? What what is going wrong? That's some illogical You're trying to go in an argument with me? Woman crazy. I'm so sleep tomorrow about this. I'm so sorry, thank you. He's wrong, He's wrong. He long they've been married for eleven years is wrong too. Yeah, contacting this wife and trying to make her miserable and remind her of the affair that her husband had, she needs her behind and and she wouldn't have done it runs for him cheating with her. This is all his faults. Yeah, I got that creating scriptures that I that I sent to you, and there ain't you're not being understanding of this situation. Not and and I and I'm not understanding unapologetic. Surely I just told a woman how to fix it Facebook. This woman on home, tell all her friends what she did posted on her job. Well, maybe she'll write us back, Steve, and email on her employer and notify her church. I'm not an evangelist. Oh no, she's not, because she don't do nothing. She care that that is not true. Sure to take a week off, sineme script and get yourself to God. You need to go up in the mouth, whatever, man, whatever, Just make sure you read those scripts, merchant. When I read it back to hear it, we'll be right back after this. You're listening to show. Carla wanted to ask you some parenting advice. You said, you've been a parent for thirty six years. What you got, Carla? Okay, so listen to this, Steve. My friends, a lot of us are parents. You know, we hang out, we do things together with our children. So the latest discussion, you know, we have young kids. So the latest discussion is you're an expert at this. At what age should you teach your child hotter, cuss, curse, or say bad words. Well, well, you shouldn't teach them. There's no age when you should teach them bad because bad words are not necessary. It all depends on circumstance and environment. Custom is an environmental circumstantial thing that you had to be able to participate in. And every circumstance and all environments do not require cusom you need to be able. So it's not a good time for the situations will bring out the child when it's necessary. So it's not for you to decide I'm gonna teach my child cousin. I never taught any of my kids to cousin. My father never taught me to cousin. I just picked it up. Okay, So you overheard it, and the decision to use custom a little bit more regularly. Was somewhere around nine, Yes, nine is when I started implementing YEA. By twelve, I was you know, I wasn't. It wasn't really fun. I'm good. It wasn't. I was just throwing it out there. But I had a lot more situations, and all I got the more useful and more timely, and more situations presented themselves. So that's how I did it. So I don't say that there's an age that you give a child, Okay, And here's why I'm asking this because I know a lot of people look uncomfortable with this question. But it's a different time for these kids and going into middle school. It's just been tough with a group of people that we hang with with their kids. So they were saying they want to teach their children how to say blank, you be get out of my face in a situation of bullying and bullying. Yeah, So yeah, I don't. I don't think it's necessary. See you are here's the problem, caller, your little crew that y'all go to school with. Y'all suburban parents, y'all, y'all from the hood. Yeah, but y'all have become suburbanized and you all are suburban parents. So now you've you've trying to remain bushy and you're trying to live up to your status status in life now. But you're calling and you're trying to know where to implement hoodism into your kids. And your kids don't really need that, and so you've got to teach them other ways. I don't recommend teach seriously, do not recommend teaching cousin to kids, because I mean, it's gonna backfire here. Yeah, you know, I mean you don't teach them negative behave? Now? Did I teach my children take care of themselves? Yeah? But I found out I was doing it for no reason. Somebody hit you. Everybody go down there. My kids ain't down the street fighting and then come home and you go get all your brothers and go back down there. What kid? On a matter of fact, the house too, damn fall Wait, they're not at six Flags like China, right See. I wanted to tell my sons that, but they went to school where they ain't fighting. They ain't fighting you. They talk about your own own instagrams. My daddy took me to get my head for my could ever said that was your training? That was it? My daddy took me over there because we were They weren't fighting in my neighborhood, but over there, my cousins every they ever said by twelth, yeah, get my butt tore up. How you grew up, It's like you said, how we grew up and how we're parenting and how our children are growing up. It's just it's two different worlds, and it's and it's some parenting that just doesn't apply today, and then a lot of it does, but you all have removed it because of your new way. But your kids are suburban kids. So when the bulleting goes down at school, how do you teach them how to cut? You ain't gotta teach them out the cuss. You gotta get the bullet out your face. You don't get the bullet out your face by cussing. There's a physical activity that can get the bullet out. If you don't want to teach the physical activity, then you got to go with something else. But bullets don't respond to get your blankety blank out my blankety blank. They don't because they bullets hell. They don't. They want told you I've been to put my blanketing blank in your blanket now you STI what's your comeback? See, it's hard to outcuss a bullet, So you got to teach your children the other things. But I don't recommend teaching your children how to talk bad to people because that doesn't work because it's just talk and eventually it wants you talk bad. You had to bag some of it up. Did your parents have put motivation behind you behind the bullet, like if you don't wolve his, I'm gonna be old us. Yeah, that was the motivation I had. Let me run again. Yeah, yeah, what you're crying for? Yeah? Yeah, come home crying one. I'm gonna give you something to cry about. Then I'm gonna take you down there. My Brotherston took me back down the street to fight Manny, Me and Manny. Me and Manny got in four fights in one day. Me and Manny was through with it. Mann Manny, my boy Manning getting hitting the picture right up there to dude with the hat on with the gold jacket, and that where they named in my street, my boy Manny. We fought full time. When me and Manny was through. After the first fight, our brothers and sisters got involved. Ah. Then they were beef is Rose Calhoun bought Manny back up to my house to beat me up. Big rolls. Huh. Bought Manning up there to be I whop man had the Manny whopped me the first time. I'm through you. When Manny we free us. But since she brought him up to my house and my daddy was on the porch watching, I got to ten minutes. All right, listen, all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it is time for comedy Roulette, and Jay explained it to us the people. We have to explain it every week because we get new listeners, brand new people who listen. Man, I love Jay Radio. Man. Yes, you know. Steve has a notion. We have time to roulette this where we take five subjects. We put the subjects on the wheel. We spun the wheel around and around and around. Where the wheel stops, we'll do the damn thing. Here we go. Number one, I apologize baby, this is the first time this has ever happened. Never. Number two, Well, when is the baby going to sleep? Man? That is me? Number three? How long is he going to stay in the sixth grade once again. Number four, Well you're big and bad. Come on down here. Okay, number five, I didn't get fired. They just tripping at the job. Been a day. That's when you want Jay, You did not want Number one? What is it? I apologize, baby. This is the first time this has ever happened. That one. You know, the problem is you. You is the problem. I take concentrate because of you. You're doing something to me make me lose my concentration and whatever it is, stop it. You need to focus. That was personal that I wanted to stop. Man. Okay, well look at, look at I want to apologize. This had never happen to both with me and the microwave went off at the same time. I want to say, I'm sorry. I did not know I was through any Listen, listen, listen. I apologize. This is the first time this ever happened. I dreamed I was peeing, all right, That's why we both laying here with I'm just saying, this is the fair time I was peeing in my dream. Yeah, when you're twelve, you can't have people come. Damn baby, I'm sorry a little. This first time that's ever happened, but I ain't never been in a committee relationship. I didn't know the rule. So she's putting her clothes on right now. Okay, baby, part is just the first time this has ever happened to me. And since we had worked out a payment and it was so quick on my part, I should get some of that money back. I didn't have to pay the full price. Okay, I say that. I'll tell you what, Listen, I really really asked. Sorry, I know I asked for some doing the commercial breaks in the commercial. I'm so sorry. It's for you eight even back, all right. They've never had him before, never baby baby. I'm sorry. I didn't know it was your mama, Gail. All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this, you're listening to. A new study out of the University of Queensland, Australia determined that being in a relationship makes people fatter. The study found that those were the long term partner weighed on average twelve point seven pounds more than single people. What what, and showed an average weight gain of three point nine pounds per year. And it could be that eating with someone leads people to eat larger portions and more calories. Or it could be that since they don't have you know, they don't have to impress anyone, you, Uh, couples just kind of let themselves go. Yeah, what's it. It's when you out there running them. It's actually reduces calories. Yeah, when you out there, listen to what when you out there running them? You running them, that's exercise, that's work. You gotta get over here, get back in here. Answer that phone right quick, dave over and knocking off the table. You gotta run down here, dry your car, hide it in the bushes around the corner, walk back over to the house. Your weight gonna stay down. Excuse me over the table. Yeah, I've dove over a table to answer that phone. Oh phone. So you can't be picker. You can't be. You're constantly looking at the windows and who might show up. You don't know, you may pland you you're nervous and you hard to have. You can't have company over. You don't know if we're gonna come over. Yeah, he stress, and you lie. You can't eat on the tail because you gotta camp your mouth for that. And I got lines to tail. I can't be sitting up in here eating and you gotta remember them. You can't. You can't eat. You gotta go over there and eat with that person and run over that man. You can't lie and eat at the same time. It's too much. That's why single people are trembling. It's it's possible that you can't lie any I don't done it. How to time? You can do it. It's doable. All this stuff that y'are running from, I run to it. This don't don't don't accept this that you can't do the challenge. Man, know what you're doing. Take your take your phone at night, put it in your draws. You what do you go back to the house and get your phone? Hey? Oh yeah, right, calls trying to get there. So wait, what are you saying? So you're on your way to work? Yeah? Yeah, you half way to work. Yeah, you discover you left your phone. You gotta get that phone. I'm gonna be late. You gotta get that phone. I might get fine, And whoever you work for will understand. White. Hold on, let's let's ask. Let's ask the boss. Is this true? Boss? Oh, we don't make we don't understand. I don't understand what Oh we know what's going on? But you have left your phone. Oh I'm saying again, what Dave? You have left your phone? Tell everything? Oh you sit here and act like you go back home to remember that all hell broke. Don't calm everybody worried about Timmy? Oh my god? We ever heard from timy? Y'all stop all this staves. Something could have happened to him. I'm gonna call his girlfriend. Don't do that, all right? Job when we come back, last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss him. We'll be back at forty nine after you're listening. Steve, what do you have for us? Closing remarks? Wise today, Yeah, here's something that I think is very helpful to people, and it would have helped you open yourself up to really what God truly can have for you. And the reason I'm saying that is because oftentimes we limit what God can do in our lives simply by the way we think and simply by eye expectations. God has no He's limitless. You can't put him in a box. You can't put what God can do for you in the parameters of your thinking. What you've got to do is You've got to open up your mind so you can be open to all of His goodness and what He can do for you. And I'm saying that to say this because a lot of times people ask God and only think about stuff that they can see themselves attaining. Basically with your check. There's a scripture that says you have not cause you ask not. Well, then most people go, Lord, help me make my rent. And then I have to ask you, well, don't he always? Why would you not ask God for a mortgage? Well, become a homeowner. Then here comes the thinking of man when you start putting in stuff like well, I don't make enough money, my credit score, I haven't been on my job long enough. I can't afford that. Therefore, why would I sit up and ask for that? See, you're knocking yourself out of so many blessings that God can have for you by your limited thinking. Because God has no limits. So you have to open up your mind, so you have to start thinking of things that is in your imagination. Why would you not ask God for a big house? You don't think that God got enough sense? Based on this scripture, you have not called your ass not. Most people don't ask because they don't see no way they can get it. You don't think that if you ask God for a big house, you don't think he got enough sense to make a way for you to get the house. You don't think that he knows that you need more money and that he know how to make a way for you to make more money. You don't think he got that part figured out. You think he needs your help figuring that out. You don't think that he know that if you got an X amount of dollars, your credit score really don't matter. You don't think he know that He know all of that. But you've limited to see what he can do and how you can move in your life because you won't think big enough. That is a book that changed my life. The name of the book is called The Magic of Thinking Big, and it's by David Schwartz. It's the Magic of Thinking Big and I didn't understand this until I was selling Amway. Amway was one of the greatest periods of my life because it introduced me to all positive books. It introduced me to self motivation and self help books, and those are really the only books I read outside of the Bible. I don't read anything. I don't read novels, love stories. It ain't got no time for that, but the power of positive thinking about Norman Vincent Peale Thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz. I have time to read that because the Magic of Thinking Big taught me something. It taught me that it does not require any more brain power to think big than it does to think small. It doesn't require anymore. You ain't got the grunt look. You can say Voteswagon, or you can say Rose Royce. It doesn't. Your brain don't have to shift and burn most sales, and you gotta throw yourself into something to say Rose Royce versus Votswagon. It doesn't hurt more to say rent or mortgage. It doesn't hurt no more to say new card than used card. It doesn't hurt more to say hand me down than it costs such than it cost you to say brand new. If you buy this book The Magic of Thinking Big by David Schwartz, it's an amazing way. It changed. Ain't my thinking in my twenties, and so I started thinking big. Once I started thinking big, I started opening up to the possibilities of God. Because God is big. Am I not right? God is big? So why would you get in the way of his bigness with your small mindedness. See, you're getting in the way of your blessings by the way you think. You keep thinking in terms of your paycheck. Get God ain't in your paycheck. Get out of your paycheck, man, Get out of your current situations. Where you are it is just temporary. God has another place for you. God got a great life for you, but you got to invite him in and let him show it to you. Quit wasting his time with this little bit of man. Get out of your own way. You are in your way with your limited thinking. People ask me all the time, man, why are you always at the meetings? Why are you? Why don't you just sit out and take your day off? Because I can't get where I'm going sitting down taking my days off. I'm about the business of becoming successful and happy. Now. Am I successful? Yeah? Am I happy? Yeah? Happier than I ever been? But and I have everything I need? Can I tell y'all that I don't need nothing else? But I'm in the wrong side of life. I just won't. I'm not greedy. I'm not asking you to give me nothing. I'm willing to work for other things. I want. I want to see how the other class of people live. I want to see what that's like. I want to see what it's like when my grandchildren's children will remember my name because I left them something, because I created a legacy that I put money away from my grandchildren and my children's children. That's what I'm working home. You can do that. God is capable. Get out your way. This is the book again, y'all, The magic of thinking, Big boy David Schward, go by, go by, just go by it. They change the way you think. Just check it out. It's really really great book. Those are my clothes remarks. I have a great weekend. I'm gonna get audio because I don't read that, so I have somebody to read. And that's nor can you see it, y'all have a great week here, y'all belated For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show