George Wallace joins the crew and has some word for Jay - 05.09.17

Published May 9, 2017, 6:26 PM

It looks like Floyd Mayweather Wants an NBA Team and, oh yeah, George Wallace comes by.

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know y'all back all soon looking back to back down, giving them back just like theming buck things. And it's Toby true good to stay listening to me together for Steve Barther quickly moby, why don't you join yea yeah, hobby joining me? Honey said, turn out you yall, you gotta turn to turn the love turn love. You got to turn out to turn turn wan of y'all, comey, come on your things at uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, this one today I want to share with you. Uh. It's for all of us. It's for all of us. Uh, And here it is. There is a solution to all of your problems and situations. If you are feeling this, are you feeling desperate about something and anxious about it? Are you feeling uncertain about anything? Are you at a loss for words? Are you is your direction unclear? How about that? If you can't find your purpose, that's a good one that stops a lot of people. If you don't know what your next move is that to go. I don't. I don't care what it is. If if if the relationship you're in it's all wrong and you don't know how to get out of it, it doesn't matter. There's a solution to all your problems in situations, and that solution without trying to sound like I've been knowing this my whole life, because I haven't. That solution to all your problems. That way to make all your dreams come true, the way around a lot of this and to the weakness that you feel at times, it's prayer, prayer, a connection with your creator. Could that be the thing that's missing in your life. I'm just asking because whenever I get a little bit off track, all I gotta do is think, just a moment, Steve, have you been have you been praying? Man? Have you been connecting with your creative? I know you're busy, man, I know you're busy, and I know at the end of the day you're done. You're done, and sometimes crawling into bed is all you can manage to do. I've said this, it happened to me last night. Again. I did all of this. But when I look and when I see things not moving or I don't feel like things are going in the right direction, or I have a sense of being stagnant. All I got to do is retrace it because I'm working, There's no doubt about that. I'm working. But I'm a staying connected. Am I using that weapon that's available to all of us? And I pray? And the answer is usually no. That's so I know. Okay, okay, man, I'm getting off track hill because see, let me tell you something. Man. The reason the reason I constantly talk to God is because life constantly changes. People who said they was going to do something for you one day have changed their mind the next. Somebody you thought was gonna show up that day called in late, had an accident and couldn't make it. That changes the parameters of everything. The meeting you had set up that had to be canceled because somebody was ill. That changes the parameters the time frame of everything. Because it's all connected. So if I don't stay in constant prayer and stay connected to the Creator when these thing's happen, I'm not put in my bid. I'm not talked to him about how to handle it. Oh, I'm just not aware of it and what to do next. And the next thing you know, it becomes a little stagnant. That has happened to me. I gotta get back because prayer is the solution to all of my problems and situations. I have found that to be the case now. The only reason I'm telling it to you is because I know if you anything like me slash human being, then there are times that you feel anxious. There's moments of desperation. You have moments of uncertainty. There are times when you feel like you've lost your way, or your direction is unclear, or you or your purpose is a little blurred. You're not show anymore, or you don't know what your next movie is, or the relationship you in or the relationships you're dabbling in. They're just all wrong for you. Man, there is a solution to all your problems and situations, and it's prayer. If you're suffering from any of the things I just listed, or any of thing you could think of, just check your prayer. What has your prayer been lately about it? And this is for everybody. I often find when I get that disconnection, man, my my prayd and slipped off. I started feeling a little bit less, so I gotta jump back on it. I'm just offering you a solution to it, man, and and and and and and I'm giving you a solution that works one of the thousand percent for show. See, I ain't guessing at this one. I'm telling you what has happened in my life, how I did it, and it'll do for you. God has filled with mercy and grace. He knows we all messed up. He knows all of us have done some jacked up things that don't nobody know about. He know all about our past. Man, he know all of that. But he is so full of grace and mercy, so full of fifty fifth chances. But you know the thing about your life though, and the thing I had to come to terms with, and the reason I don't let my my out of the reason I don't let my past bury me, the reason I don't let my past ask defined me. It's because my past I found out, or just the ingredients needed for me to make this cake I'm eating now. My past is just my ingredients. See you, you don't get rid of your past. They they go on the where they are the ingredients, but when you put them with something else, they look better. They taste better. It is better. All of our past are just the ingredients that have become the cake we eating now. Now, if you don't like the way your cake taste, then you gotta stop putting some other ingredients in there. Just because you started off and your cake was messed up, don't mean you can't straighten out the flavor of your cake. You gotta put some different ingredients in there. So let's say your cake is trifling tasted, it's better. Your cake is better. Well, you got to die, loot the bitterness. You gotta put some more goodness in there. So you gotta put some goodness ingredients to to take away the taste of the bitterness. So you gotta put some different ingredients in there. You gotta start living your life a little more kindly, a little more thoughtful, a little more sharing, a little more caring. And then after a while, man, those new ingredients combined with that bitter it starts overshadowing the bitter taste, because the bitter taste is further behind you. Now, see, something that happened to you twelve, fifteen, thirty sixteen years ago ain't got to be the flavor that's in your mouth. Now unless you let it be. It's the ingredients. Man. If you're sticking away your cake tasting, change your ingredients. Put something else in your cake mix so you can get a better taste. You're listening twenty one minutes after our twenty one minutes after that on this brand new Tuesday Morning. Man, ain't you glad you were alive today? What a blessing? Man? What an opportunity to wake up and do it all again. Man, if you haven't gotten it right, he woke you up to give you another chance to get it right. If you got something you ain't got, check, he gave you another chance to get up and get it. Whatever you want. You got a chance to ask for. You have not caught your ass. Now, now let's be about it today. Come on to Shirley. Good morning, Steve, thanks again for inviting us to your show yesterday. We're talking about that in a minute, calling for real. Good morning, Junior morning, no food. Yeah, I don't know why we keep bumping too. Good morning Steve. Yeah, man, y'all came on the show yesterday. You're bad to be a little bit, but it was good. Good. I don't think us good. No, it's just it's got a couple of amateurs and come here, you know, looking at the monitor too long. I was reading with you. That's how I see reading here teller prompt you wasn't that bad. It's just safe to say. We ain't gonna be bun went on the show and Jadeen done TV shows, even had sitcoms and stuff. So Jay know how to watch the third wall, time, be good at it, truth for being a theater and all that. But the other three I say it, Steve, just say it. I was looking at the wrong camp the whole time. I called him. I called him sketch. What is that case? Shirley killed callers? I ain't never been on TV. Yeah, you know, look nice, cleaned up. Well, nice to ye. Tom. You bought somebody in for the show, didn't you. Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I brought the first lady in with me. She came to hang out with wifey all right now with real good time. Yeah, and my sister was there. She was so happy. That's good. To the end of my life with her. It's very sweet. Yeah. Yeah. We have to ask the producers because you know, Steve doesn't know, so we'll have to call back. As one of the producers of the show, when the air date, when the show that we were on. We know you don't know, he doesn't know. You know what I we'll all get cut up. Take something, y'all. Y'all got two segments. We need to quit tripping. Really two segments and really, come on, guys. Thank you, great, yeah, great, full, thank you? Smiling a lot, smiling this a key. You know you ain't smiling. You look real regular. Yeah, just being on it a lot for me something, thanks a lot. I actually won't your show. I won't. I had that much fun. I won't want it. You quit wanting this show? You know what you meant to say, was you want us? No way, no house? All right, it's time for something funny. Junior is here with the Truth be Told. Coming up next. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right back, Junior is here with truth be told. Everybody look here, Oh man, we gotta good today. Truth be told, it said with just some situations people be going through. They don't know how to hem them. They right in me and we helped him with the situation. Now can take the advice or you can leave it. Don't really make us no difference. But the truth will be told. Let's take this Vinces, Good morning. I listened to the show every morning on my way to school, and I hate what It's time to get out of the car. I'm an eighteen year old high school senior in Dallas preparing for my senior prom um. Too ashamed to say what school I go to, Well, let's just say just because the problem. I have been preparing for prom for months, hitting every mall in the area, trying to make sure that I'm fresh for the prom. This is supposed to be the most lit event of the school yet I don't know what it is but school year, and I was excited. Now. For months, I had been asking where to buy tickets and trying to find out what venue we will be using, only to get answers like we're trying to find an entertainer to come out and perform for you guys, so just be patient. Well, last week, after months of asking, I finally got an answer. An announcement was made by our principal saying that the class of twenty seven team will be holding our senior prom in the back of an unspecified church. There will be no tickets, however, interest will be paid for at the four year other church. There were also no takers for a performance at our prompt. I don't want to miss my senior prompt. But this is not what I had in mind. I feel like I haven't had anyone be truthful about anything and just want some feedback on what to expect. Well, i'll tell you right now, truth be told. I don't know what you expect. I never had prom at the church. You can have a prom at the church. Okay, cool? What you want us to do? Nobody I know in this building had church at a prom. You don't know what to expect. Okay, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. You're not even going to prom? You going to service. That's a difference. That's a difference. Prom is what I went to. I get to slow drag. You know what I'm saying. Getting little kids here now? You know the little photo where you're going. There is no rom king and Queen ain't but one king in that. You can't sit up in that talk about we ki could quit and what what you're calling to the church. You're not going to problem. So let's just expect that. I don't hear my question, though, he is what church. What desperate far close church for you to take on the prom? You know this church? Come on, y'all know this is about to church right here now. I don't know what more it is, but they are about to be far clow though. If you take a prom on a Friday night when you know you got Choir Hurston in one room, there's awaken another room, the prom going on the back. You know this is a Baptist church, and I don't stand y'all can't find nobody to perform at the prom. Naturally, you can't find nobody to perform at the problem because the people y'all listen to don't go to church. You can't get the amigos at the back of the church. You can't hear bad boy him. Yeah, you ain't no little oozy up in him. You ain't a little mcmack, no little nine millimeter. You can't have all that church. Now here's some people y'all can't get. Shirley sees I ain't doing nothing Shirley Murdock available. Have y'all thought about Dody mcclerk. Don't Kurt Frankston. Don't Kurt franks for the people man, Okay, they ain't got ahead of me, but no one that can perform. Now, I don't see nobody else they can use. I really don't now the awesome events i'd like to tell you about that you need to expect. Once called off the call, y'all will be having all the call. Y'all already dressed for church. Y'all got the nice tuxes, only dresses. That's something you guys offering offering ears coming around at this church, so you can prepare for that. Okay. And then last but not least, since y'all already dressed, church Announcemith might as well get ready for them, y'all. Just everybody sit down church. He's gonna be Hey. I'd like to give him a suggestion. What's that you can't get the eight blind boys out of Cleveland? Eight blind boys? Yeah, yeah, but ain't none of them blind though. They just do that to get to work. They can all see. They just do that for the show. Yeah, that's just the name of They wear dog glasses and they swayed back and forth like you're not really blind out. As soon as the show they all drive home separate. Oh, they put on a good show to the run into everything. Well, that's it, truth be told. I don't know what to tell y'all. What takes bac man. He just expect that for your crime this year, man, and understand that just the only time you got to do it. That's it, just the only time that is different. Hunt at the Churchill Yeah, revival expect Yeah, spell walk right? No fun? Uh some stories, guys, just some quick things. Um. I didn't know this about you men, but this is according to a new survey, It says of men think that women mainly wear makeup to trick people into thinking they're attractive. Yeah, is that happen to me? Think that, Well, surely they're awesome that don't need to take it off. Okay, what what I mean by that call it is there are some people that look completely different underneath that, and that's wrong to trick somebody brank? Yes, where is the lady that was here first? What happened? What you guys are trying to say is that makeup is meant to enhance what you just to cover up is a beautiful woman. But did she take that makeup off? She just like marvelous Marven Hacket? What do you think, Steve? What men cannot complain about this. We do things to trap and they do things to be trapped. That's the game. So I mean, so I don't understand that what even to complaint could be. We do stuff to trap. That's unscrupulous. Every man in here to lie to trap a chick before every man in't here. So now guess what they got some get trap tricks, spanks, All these is get trapped, sweaves, kills, nail polish. That's the game. Brothers, no kids, stuff like that. Eat go over there. It's like we are in the world. Damn children too. Had that happen? All right? Coming up next the nephew in the prank phone call, We'll be back, all right, y'all coming up at the top of the our we got missing. Yeah, but right now, come on, Tommy, let's run that break back. Running back on. I got a repo man for you. That's right, repo man. Everybody has been involved in some kind of capacity. Hello, I'm trying to reach you. Please all. Your My name is uh Robert. I'm with the collection agency. You do on a Sierra two thousand three GMC truck. Am I correct? Okay, we don't show that we've had any payments within the last I guess about three close to four months now, and we want to try and stop having to come in and repossess it. Maybe we give you a chance to uh bring your payment in, but we haven't had a payment from you in about four months, sir, to financially with the other the other things. I don't, I don't, I don't know within the moment. Yeah, I've a saying all times directed product from my canare about that. Well, Uh, I'm with They've they've turned you over to us. I'm with uh collection agency, and we haven't gotten anything from I don't. I don't show any uh any paperwork here on the computer at all that we've had any payments made within the last four months. So that's why they've been they turned it over to y'all without my permission. They can't never tell my truck over to y'all. Y'all, I don't even know. Well, I understand that what happens is if you haven't paid it in a certain amount of time, it actually comes over to the collection agency. And that's what they've done. They've actually sent it over to us. UH. They've given us uh pretty much all the information on you. I guess it's a gold this type of color UH CR two thousand three GMC truck. From my understanding, Am I correct? Okay? Um, Now, what I'm gonna need from you today, Jeremy, is for you to come in uh and make a payment to us this evening for four months so we can see so we don't have to come in and repossess your truck. And I don't want to have to do that. But if I have to send a record out there to you, I have your address on file as well. I don't wanna have to send anybody out to pick it up. You're not coming here my truck, and I'm not paying y'all for for new full months. I'm been saying my truck all time, every month. That's a done deal, sir. I don't want to get in a back and forth with you, but I'm telling you exactly how it's gonna go. Now. I'll come out there and repossess it myself, but I'm telling you what. Look, look, that's not that's not even where we gotta go with that. Don't be you don't need to be screaming and chaotic and come get it yourself and all that truck that's gonna be that. What Hang on, let's back up, because I'm a man just like you. Man, What do you mean it's gonna that's gonna be that? What are you saying? What are you? What do you? What are you saying to me? So I'm telling you. Look, I'm telling you that I'm paying my truck note and and that's a fun Let's get I've already stated to you before I'm with Shan Agency. And let's get one thing straight. You don't tell me I tell you now, Hey, hey, came down here on the phone. It don't make no sense talking you know over the father. Wasn't that? You can come, you can come get the truck. My truck right here I work. I'm ready. You can come. You can come, try to get my truck. You come with it. I'm already aware of where you work in the whole nine yards. Now I don't. I'm trying to be as uh cardio with you as I can. Now you can you're talking about I get my truckle I'll tell you I'll be paying much. So you know you should have dropped it and being like all right, I'm gonna check with somebody. Hosten, check with somebody else and make sure I'm right and didn't call me back. I'm telling you you haven't paid anything. That's what I'm telling you. I've got it listed on the computer. You've been turned over an agency and you haven't done it. You haven't done it, Thank you, stupid you. You you're waising your fresh groom and hold over the phone like that today? Do me me? Are you no good? But you ain't get no money from me? Then you ain't coming my truck? What a matter of fact, you could come my truck. I'm gonna being at my truck my weight on you. What you gonna be there? It doesn't make any difference, sir. You gotta get repossessed tonight. If I don't get four months payment Brook, definitely, if I don't get four months payment brought into me collection agency, your truck will be taken care of. Hold on, listen, man, hold on you kind of serious? You quick cursing at me? That's what's wrong man for you. Look you know what. I'm at the point I don't give a about this job. I'm ready to come kick your That's what I'm ready to do. Call him back, kay, I don't need a little scared hanging up the phone. You're standing here like a man, and you handle your problems. Hold on, I make it work, b I'm at work too, doing my job the same way you're doing yours. We'll make you want to do. I got one more thing I want to say to you before you go. Are you listening? This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harpy Morning Show. You just got pranked by you. You got all my teacher the man you are all right? Man, I'm not all right. I'm gonna talk this roof. Man, I'm talking about cool. I'm got about she told me. She told me, man, she said that boy loved that truck. Yeah. That's much taken, ain't man? Yeah? Yeah, you got you gotta, I gotta. I gotta ask you. Man, Tell me, brother, what is the badest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane. So that is that is not funny. I'm just saying, prize possession one of the day. Hey, tomorrow is the big night, Dallas, Texas. I am here right now. It's going down at the JBL. That's your Junior Black Academy of Arts and let us it is Mama's boy. Come check me out. It's me. It's Robin Gibbons, Columbus Short, Jackie Harry. The list goes on, the Columbu Short, This goes on and on, and of course myself and the one and only Eugenie Antoine ferguson the Butterfly, The Butterfly putting it down, Tickets on sail right now. Congratulations, all right, you guys ready for this one. Go ahead. Cursing alright, we know who is. Cursing makes you stronger. Apparently, a new study has found that if you cursed while you're working out in particular, you will perform better. That's what the new study says. Researchers out of Kill University in England had a bunch of twenty one year olds pedal on a stationary bike as hard as they could. Once while you know, they were cursing, and once while they weren't cursing, well they were letting the curse words fly. Their performance was up four percent better than when they were just you know, not cursing, just clean. I don't want to be help. Everything gets your point across, does. I've tried to do shows without cousin. I see people do it. How the hell they do that I don't know. I don't do that. It has helped me to stay healthy. I don't have high blood pressure. I don't help cholesterol. I don't suffer with depression. I don't help because I get it out, Cousin. That's benefited me greatly. Man, I don't know where i'd be without it. Miss Sanna is up next with their Headline News. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Hardy More Show. All Right, you guys, hear about this one. This is crazy. The FBI recently revealed the birth dates of many serial killers, which in turn gives us some insight into which zodiac signs are the most dangerous. All Right, check this out. Cancers oh jr. Are the most dangerous since they tend to be passive, aggressive, and very jealous, which could result in them committing more crimes, including murder. What sign are you, junior cancer? Okay? Sagittarius, anyone, anyone in the room. Sagittarius. Nothing to do with the story. I'll be the first, You'll be the first, Tommy. Alright. Sagittarius a sign of several historical crazy people, including Ted Bundy, um taurists, tourists, tourists tend. They tend to be aggressive, and they tend to be angry. I ain't I ain't never thought about killing, but I'm not doing. But they ain't killers though, any aries in the room. Yes, they tend to have short Oh no, not me. I'm very even tempered in this job and have been for the days i've been here. Snack out. Let me read that that. Yeah, as they tend to have short Oh no, that ain't me at all, right, Carla, your Libra, Yes, yes, Libra, very patient, but they can lose their temper if harmed by others. Get to the Capricorn, okay, Leo, that's me. They tend to be proud and loud, but that's pretty much it. Okay, Capricorn, Well guess what I just killed. I'm very proud, very loud. Alright. Capricorn and Steve Harvey are fearless leader. Although most Capricorns aren't dangerous, if provoked, they can be with many killers born under this sign. Steve, he's under the term I'll kill everybody several times. Okay, I've said it at the hoodies, I'll kill everybody in this room up root, just when it comes to my kids and my girl. Yeah, you can say, I do what you want to do to me. I don't care. But once you attack her and kids, and I think every man and woman in the room will agree with you on that one. Yes, absolutely, yeah, Capricorn, see what what what? All you know? It's all about the family and the kids. Now, I'll tell you the only other time I will kill you, all right, I really don't. It's only a few works, like if I had have worked and then you don't give me my check. Oh yeah, I'm gonna have to kill yeah. Yeah, I didn't chase a guy around the comedy club to get my check, so I know what you're talking about. I needed my fortyfied out when I first thought it out, when you started out that man, that was gas money. Man. It's important I can hear without fortified. Now yeah you can? Yeah yeah, Now it's up in the thousands and the millions for you. Well you can't, can't. You can't show me a million? Now? Can you kill him? Here? In another one? In another world? All right, let's wing it on over to miss and Steve miss and by the way, as a Gemini, and they're seemed to be the least dangerous side, and they tend to be good hearted people with no intention of killing. They kill each other people. Thank you, Hey, until you find the bodies, you have no proof. Okay. Anyway, this is answered with the news. Good morning, everybody, Okay. Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates told Congress yesterday. She bluntly warned the Trump White House back in January that the man Trump picked for National Security advisor of Michael Flynn, could essentially be blackmail by the Russians because he lied about his contacts with them. Every time this lie was repeated and the misrepresentations were getting more and more specific as as they were coming out. Every time that happened, it increased the compromise. And to state the obvious, you don't want your national security adviser compromised with the Russians. Trump pass faced a lot of questions as to why it took him weeks to dismiss Flynn after he was first informed about Flynn's dying on. The President, in typical defense mode, was tweeting. He tweets that Flynn was granted top security clearances during the Obama administration. However, former Obama advisers say, yeah, well, not only was Flint fired by the Obama administration, but that when Trump and Mr Obama met just after the election, the outgoing president personally warned Trump about hiring this guy. Flinny did anyway, okay, even though her Republican colleagues passed their new version of a healthcare bill, min already leader Nancy Pelosi says, the American people need to be made aware of what the GOP measure will do. They will find out that their congressperson forced families to pay higher premiums and deductibles. They will find out that Trump Care destroys protections for pre existing conditions, essential health benefit, eternity care, prenatal help, prescription drug and emergency coverage. And they will find out that they're that their congress person votage to make them pay a premium five times higher than others pay for health coverage, no matter how healthy they are. And they will find out that it steals from Medicare. Recently fired suburban Dallas cop who was shot and killed that unarmed fifteen year old black youngster has been charged with murder. Calls for the rest of the white cop, Roy Oliver and testified intensified since the killing of black teenager Jordan ed was a straight a high school student and had no priors of any kind of very very good kid. Apparently. Apparently, Oliver was suspended at one point for sixteen hours in order to anger management classes because he threw a fit about having to testifying court ones about a traffic arrest. Today, International Tuba Day, International Lumpy Rug Day, and International Space Day Final. And this has been answer. We'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly at twenty minutes after the hour, So stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Shows. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado, Ladies and Jentlemy, Eugie, good morning, are you wine? Oh my god? Stephen, Tommy Surley, Carlatt Jr. J Anthony Brown, Good morning to the Corral. Good morning morning. But what's up? Man? All right? Here's it? Then? It is? It is Diva Eve. It's what it is. It's Diva Eve. First of all, to Morrow night. Tomorrow night, I'm going to be gracing the stage with some more Diva's. So you know, we're in Dallas, Texas, and we've been rehearsing um for the last ten days and I am in Mama's Baby Boy and oh my god, so he answered the stage play at the Junior Black Academy of Our Arts and Letters. So it's gonna be me, Robbi Givons, Jackie Harry, and we are the three devas on the show. So alright, oh my god, So it is Diva Eve. This is our last day I rehearsal I hope Dallas, Texas is ready for us, because oh my god, we have a show planning. But I am the diva of all vivas. You know that canna be what want? But I don't mind sharing that stage, you know, with Robbing, you know, because Robbing is a true diva. Jackie Harry, she's like a diva as well. So today is Diva Eve. So me and my girls are going out to lunch. So tonight they're gonna be seeing all of my um my wardrobe because they haven't seen it yet. And Jack, I wanted to ask you this because I know you make clouds and I happened to be wearing stuff that doesn't need pockets. That's good, so good. I just want you to make me something very flowy. What do you like? What do you want? I like um Punch's very easy. And I wear a lot of jaggons. What are jack It's like leggings, but they real tight. They're getting tight. All that can be done, yes, as long as you don't want pockets. No, I don't know, but I need a pocket from my microphone, not type to make them. You ain't thinking enough pockets over there. I'm not gonna get in the man. He'll be sick before. I think he'll put money on that. He'll die before. He'll be more time. I'm only gonna die once. If you're gonna be sick a lot, but the one time you do that, that's it. The seventeen times you are sick, you're gonna look like death. When you do that, I'm coming to the funeral and kick your cast get over to make sure you did when you get sick, I'm sending a casket to your room. You know when you hit it fell out. Don't fight why y'all should be able to get along of you both but you both have you but you shouldn't be able to I mean pre existing. We are pre existing. You should both be able to get at I'm pre existing. He ate his way there. Please make it to my show. It's gonna we open to my orow night at the Junior Black Academy of Aunt Letters in Dallas, Texas. And coming up, Shirley, we have Junior is up next with the new segment Ain't no way you're listening to show, Come on Junior. Ain't no way, ain't no way, ain't no way. It's just a bunch of crazy news stories. Now, if you're looking for important news, tune into miss Anne. These ain't these news stories. And I'm gonna get some stories. You can tell me if they're true or false, but either way it go. It's just ain't no way, ain't no way. Okay. A university said they would buy artistical not lying for fifty thousand or up to as much as eighty thousand. Yeah, protestical ain't no way, so to Testical one sixty Yeah. Yeah. The math called George's mama, she stop what He's gonna be our special guests today. The woman i've seen him, Jorge Wallace will be. Don't take away the fact that his mama got testicle jack. You can't do that, and they could be to use the money. You can't will be our special guesting About Anna, I'm just saying she could use the money. Well, HiT's j J. That's false. Said, ain't no way, ain't no way. Nobody paying that much. It's not many people be lying up would be a homeless person around because I'm gonna get warm, I'm gonna get a war. Yeah I'm never but I'm gonna get You wouldn't find a homeless person nowhere. I was abouty to say, George Waller's mama dragging around a fortune man's rod. Alright, what how about this day? Michigan threatens beavers over damn? Okay, yeah, yeah, the state of Mission Michigan threatened local beavers with the ten thousand dollar per day fan for not removing the damns. That's possible because people have sued animals before what they had sued and the animal has lost. The beavers don't even know courts. They're not even showing up because they're not even gonna come. But ten thousand dollars per day though, So it's true. Yeah, that's true. Was absolutely right, That is true. They are they ten thousand dollars per day, But the beavers didn't remove the damn that they built. Okay, so they're gonna find the beavers ten thounds all the day for the damn that they built. But beavis don't care. What mean? You know? For real? The law is the law. If you don't come to court, the judgment goes in your favor. Now you got the judgment, but now what how you're gonna collect the payment? Ever? Don't the beaver don't even know the gospel? Though they like looking for payment? How much? Hayn't even doing that? But that's true. Yeah, that's true. That's absolutely true. Okay. A US federal court rule that women are free to display their breast in public without penalty. I thought they were considering it, but I don't know if it actually passed or not. Come on, well, I'll tell you what. That's absolutely false. You you sureley called that if it's thought about it before. We'll not give it to me and think about it, but you will go to jail. I just want to see what y'all was gonna do. Y'all take a uh, some stories, guys, just some quick things. Um. I didn't know this about you men. This is according to a new survey. It says six of men think that women mainly wear makeup to trick people into thinking they're attractive. Yeah, is that happen to think that, Well, surely they're awesome that don't need to take it off. Okay, what what what I mean by that call? It is there are some people that look completely different underneath that, and that's wrong to trick somebody. Yes, where is the lady that was here? First? What happened? That's funny prank phone call coming up next? Right after this? What you got? Now? I got something stupid? Feels right? Feel ladies? You're excited about this? Oh my god? I love I love Soul, and I love the moms. Listen to me. October six through the ninth. It is going to be an exciting time. He may you know what. I'm excited about it though. It's an event where we thought of to create where people can go and just have a good time part sand and Soul. I love that they don't go nowhere. Coming up to prank call, y'all. Y'all coming up y'all the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after that, I'll get ready for today's strawberry letter. But I'm next, Come on, food, I got it for y'all. Carry gold curry, goold. That's didn't even the prying curry goold. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your um. Mr. Is this Mr? This is Benjamin Dixon Trevor is my son. He goes to school with your son. Now, uh he went to a birthday party that your son had last weekend? Am I right? Yeah? Well listen, I understand. Listen, I have a problem with you, Mr, because I understand that you all are Jamaican and from Jamaica. But listen, you guys, serve the children. Curry goat. You don't serve kids. Curry got everybody's child doesn't eat curry goat. Pet what happened to? What happened to ice cream and cake and punch? That maybe even a pizza at a birthday party for kids? But curry Goat, that's out of question. All you mean? But I mean, I understand you mean, let's let's feed them anything. But when you're talking about Bridgreen, so what what when you're thawing both you mean, oh you mean you have a problem with me or you have a problem with me. I got a problem. I got a problem with any parents who decides on their own that somebody else's child it's okay to feed them some curry go My child don't eat no goat. We eat chicken, we eat steak, we eat cow, We don't eat curry goat. Yo eat it a birthday a party door, he means that birthday of party. I don't want you. If you just told me, I'll deal with something. Talk. Some rude boy called me when you're when you're on buying a Huano by me and a redgreen because you don't know who we are dealing with it all, Okay, I need you to slow it down for me. Man, I understanding nothing you're saying. Tell me if flo don't you call me, tell me for Floyd's I'm my when you're calling it up. Look, all I'm saying is this. This is disrespectful to the child, to people's parents. You're going out on your own liberty. Decide on what you're gonna feed somebody. You gotta feed them normal stuff. You can't do that killing a birthday parties. Here in the stakes, man, it's pizza, it's ice cream, it's cake, it's punch that it hot dogs maybe, but not no damn curry goat. Man, I'm run Bert. Don't tell me what I'm run this. Oh, y'all come tell me. Disrespect you disrespect me. I'm a ditches talking you boy, calling your phone. I want to know why it is you're doing something like this. And I bet you these other parents don't know you've been serving goat man. Oh you me, I'm sure you all telling oh you oh you wanna hungry? Oh you'd Oh, I don't know you're from my conversion? Come to for to kind of way it? Yo? You know you know you know you want to spring? Are you do? You want to meet me somewhere? Is that what you want to do? Me me to me, me to write, No, you don't know why you're gonna make me hurt you. Man. If if if I come over that you're gonna make me hurt you you hit me? Then I mean this man Now, I call you because I'm a concerned parent about my child. Uh and then you got a nerve to tell you're the one that's in the row. Yo, man me don't tell me bertrand wrong tinda fun me tell me if the pie up, come tell me for me. No wrong you will go for yo. Just kill him ending on the comm'll feed you something, Cory, your family the kind of sleep me you ain't benna feed my family now you don't bring my family in this man. You don't bring member. You don't bring my wife and my kids into nothing. You hit me if you wanted, I got I got one. You know what, man, I'm gonna tell you. I got something I want to tell you. You're listening. This is Nephew time me from the Steve Harvey and Martin Show. You just got pranked by your sister Patsy. Leave man like that. You Hey, you just got cranked by your sister Patsy back. She put me up to this dub boy. I tell you, man, I'm so sweat boy, you need to get a blood pressure chack. I got a little I got a little tolerant, very low, Oh, I tell you that. But anyway, I'm gonna still feed you and your family from corryle. I bet it's good to you, right with it or nothing. You know, when you get angry, American people really can't understand what you're saying. You went on You went on a Jamaican run, like that boy said. We gotta give a shout out to all of the Jamaicans out there. Baby, What is the baddest radio show in the land? Before Morning Show New York, think about that jamaking voice. For sure. Jamaicans are quick to ain't guy immediate? He went from zero to sixty. It's going down to night, Eugene told y'all, well, tomorrow night, it is going down. We're in the last day of rehearsal. It is Mama's Boy and the nephew is back where I wound my craft right there on the stage. Oh my god, Oh I'm such a thusby, and come out and check me out. Wednesday is opening night Tomorrow night at the TWNY Black Academy of Arts and let us yes right here in Dallas, Texas eight o'clock show. Tickets on sale right now. JBL was the first theater I ever sold out in my entire career. Wow, guys, that where the first special was. No, That's Deep was shot first backgrounds. I think Music Hall sold out. The JBL was the first time I performed in the red suit. Came about the flow. Look at your boar? You still got that suit? Thousand dollars? No, that soupers ninety nine dollars. I bought it in y'all, you would fly down. I had a red suit on the cold Miller, Tize Knack and white spectators and the white shirt and the cold Miller type black with your red beer cans on it, and bottles and shapes and all that. You couldn't tell me nothing. I mean, I was trying so hard. I made thirteen thousand that night. How much time you did seven days? I had plenty of times. The beast a long time. I've been a beast alone. I've seen him do it. The first comedy special was That's Deep. I shot that in Dallas after I think the music hall. I think had a brown plaid suit on. Barbara Bates. Maybe, Oh that's my girl making straight out of Chicago. Yeah, yeah, I had a sitting bad on the show. She came with sit bad. She still makes some fabulous stuff, Barbara Et of Chicago, Chicago. How much did the beautiful and very talented the one the Barbara Bates mate? Probably about eight hundred? I think you had a right on TV. Then then I moved up to my show. My next special was One Man Jay. You was there for that down in AUGUSTA. Yeah, I remember yellow suit. That was to open who my hair. White folks had wonterful weekends, White folks joke, I wrote, white folks had wonderful and willa turning that evaluation. That's when I fell in love with you. You know, how how were you million? How old? Bring some comedies? This is why you don't work moments? How many thirty? Man? Man? I'm sorry before older man get frustrated. Horrible man. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Strawberry Letters coming up. You don't want to miss it. But first I gotta tell you about this story. A woman swallowed seven thousand dollars. Now, this is money she saved. She was trying to hide it from her husband. They were fighting. She didn't want her husband to know about the money, so she swallowed the money. She got it all down. Surgeons had to be called in. They had to remove fifty seven one hundred dollar bills from the inside of the woman's stomach and her intestines. Yeah, she was going to use the money for a vacation with her husband, but they got into a fight, so she didn't want her hubby to know about the cash. So naturally, I mean naturally, of course she swallowed the money. I mean, you make perfect sense washed down with swallow? Oh boy? So yeah, so again, you know, they removed fifty seven hundred dollar bills from from her stomach and her intestines, and he said the rest will pass through her colon. Don't flush there, don't but it will come out in quarters. The change you may change. Question it is that money still good? Can you still use that money? Gonna have? It's gonna be punging, girl. These ones are strong money. So down a dollar bills. It's funking. We're gonna have to watch. You have to watch, have to, but still gonna be some stink on it. You're gonna have to get them a little sandwich glue. You gotta get some sandwich touching nothing. Oh god, what her husband said. It's that time. Buckle up and hold on tight, strawberry, all right, subject into deep. Hello Stephen Shirley. I have a situation. In December of two thousand seven, I decided to write an X that had been sent to prison. About a week later, I received a response, but only it wasn't from the intended recipient, although they share the same first and last name. I had sent the letter to the wrong man in parentheses. This man informed me that I had the wrong guy. I decided to respond, thanking him for letting me know of my era, but The thing is, we're still communicating and I now have strong feelings for him. Our relationship has grown to where he has asked me to marry him once he is released. This is a very intelligent man who was incarcerated do mostly to self inflictions, but who has also realized the mistakes he has made and the time he has and is currently wasting of his life. To sum it all up, I think I've gotten myself into deep. Tell me what should I do? Okay? I know? I mean, yeah, first of all, what is it with you in prison? Guys? That's number one? And then yeah, you're right, you are in too deep, way too deep. This is a man you have never seen. Uh, you don't even know this man. This man writes nice letters. You know, we can all agree on that. I think, Uh, you know, you don't know, um if he can back any of this stuff up that he's saying. You don't know anything about this man. You know nothing, you know? Please don't consider marrying this man. I mean, you know, I can't stress it enough. You just don't know him, and he's incarcerated do mostly to self inflictions. What does that mean? Really? What does that mean? I mean you need to reread your letter and you know, listen to what you've written, say it aloud to yourself so you can see how it sounds in your ear. Don't marry this guy, don't consider its deep um Um. I'm really throned off at this one. Yeah. First of all, I'm conflicted to myself because I have a special affectionate feelings for people. That saying carcerating because it's a it's a terrible position to be in, and any contact with the outside world is so very much appreciated. I wanna, I wanna give you a little thing here. This is what I know about men. Wherever man goes in emotionally in terms of relationship, when he goes in, when he comes out, he prison does not develop emotional bonds between men and women. You know what I'm saying by that? Uh? If if you know, if I give you an example, a guy goes in at nineteen to prison, he gets out at forty eight, What has happened in those thirty one years that has made him better with women? Because time stands still for you socially. When you go into prison, you don't know what the latest where is the latest languages you've had no practice talking with women, so you're really in a frozen state. So sometimes a lot of guys come out mentally nineteen years old. Relationship wise, they oftentimes learned lessons, some of me and never learn but most of them come out learn a lesson voul, never to go back, blah blah blah blah blah. Problem is you don't know this man. You you won't saying that where you say in two thousand seven. So you've been writing these letters for two years. Okay, you're falling in love, but you were writing an X that had been sent to prison. Then you got a letter from a guy in prison with the same name. Now you don't fail for him. You want to know what to do. First of all, you need to quit writing prisons because you don't even have information. You need to get inmates number or something so you can stop this craziness you're into. And while all your men, your ex and your current, why are they all inmates? You was writing a dude that was your ex, and now you're getting involved with a dude that's already in I got he may be a better person when he come out. All that could be true, but is he better for you? Though? See. Oh, he's admitted that he realized the mistakes he's made and the time he has, and it's currently wasting his life. Man can come to that in in lock up and I got there. But is he better for you? What you need to be asking yourself is, since he realizes that he's wasting his life, you need to ask yourself that same question. Are you wasting your life? Now? I ain't knocking a woman that staying by the man when they get locked up, right on, that's a good thing. This ain't your man, though, you're gonna make him your man when he gets out. He want to marry you already. Hell, I don't know a dude that's locked up that don't want to get married to somebody instead of sitting in that damn saying hey, if they stay in that long enough, they all marry each other. WHOA. I'm just telling you, hold on if I said something that's ridiculous, excuse me, you know. Okay, So lady, you gotta ask yourself what do you really have now? You think you've gotten yourself into deep? Tell me what should I do? Okay, when we come back, I'll do that. But as if you don't all mad anywhere and sold us to seven million people. This this is ok alright, Well we'll come back and go over the obvious. After you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Get Ready, guys, comedy legend, our good friend to the show. He's our family. He's going to be our special guest. I'm talking about the one and only. Yeah, gotta have it. He's at the Atlanta Theater this weekend for Mother's Day. He's gonna be here. But come on, Steve with your response to part two of this Strawberry letter. You know, here's a line that threw me in this letter. She said, Okay, this is the letter about a lady that in two thousand and seven wrote an X that had been sent to prison. Then a week later she got a letter, but it wasn't from the intended inmate. It was from another inmate with the same first and last name. She sent a letter to the wrong man. The guy informed me that I had the wrong guy. But then she thanked him for letting me know that and everything. But then they kept communicating and now she got strong feelings for him. You know, ladies, I keep telling you. You know, he didn't propose to him. He want to marry and when he get out. I mean, look, it's it's good to hang on the hope. And like I said, I got a special effection for guys is locked up, So I ain't dogging nobody. But lady, come on, you was writing to your ex who was in prison. You met a guy that's in prison, vacial man through letter. Through a letter, a person can write anything they think you want to hear. You need action in your life. You need a person in your life that's gonna do something. Let me just what make you walk back towards the light for a minute. One of the things that I talk about that a man has to do is profess, provide, and protect from where he sits. He can only profess his love for you. He can't provide you nothing, and he definitely can't protect you. So now you are dating a man who can't even demonstrate his love for you in the three ways that we only know how to demonstrate love, profess, protect, and provide. He can only do one of them. And then when he gets out, can I tell you something else? Your man ain't working now. Most women who are free and have goods is don't really like to pick me in that ain't working after you thirty five, that's not a good. Now you meet a guy twenty that ain't working. He's in college, Okay, got it. But after that, the man needs to have a job now, whatever the reason why he don't have one, Please don't make that your problem. Your man has to have a job or source of income or guess what, ladies, You're gonna be taking care of him. And that's only gonna work for you for about three weeks. True, you're gonna be looking up his side. You can be looking upside his head like he's straight crazy. All right. See, we gotta go, We gotta get out of here. Email on Instagram, on Today's Strawberry Letter, you do it at my girls surely? Okay, at my girls, Shirley. That's Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, All that at my girl, Shirley. Now, Steve, let's show our girl. Grammy winning legend Patty LaBelle some love Okay, Miss Patty, We love miss Day. She released her first jazz album, her very first Yeah, it's called Belomage. Belomage. The thirteen track album, which Patty recorded over a span of a year and a half, feature standards such as jazz and You moan and peel me a great Moody's mood for love with Kim. You know that's gonna be good. Uh, and here's to life. Patty, who has been recording and performing for more than fifty years, grew up listening to and loving many of the songs featured on Belomage. However, she never seriously considered tackling the jazz genre until recently. I think that's surprising. Yea, yeah, yeah, yeah. I had her on my show. You know I didn't know you wasn'tupposed to say to h on homage. Oh man, that's pronounced it wrong. Yeah, because I always thought you paid homage to somebody. Yeah, and so our So we had to we had to do five retakes five so well, but she kept leaving the h. There it off teleprom She just took the H out, Oh okay, and then you got it. M Yeah, Patty says her husband. Her ex husband Armstead, has been telling her for years that she should do a jazz album, but she was nervous about trying something different. Uh. This is a very busy time for Patty. She turned seventy three this month birthday, We Love You. She's also released her sixth book and her fourth cookbook, Desserts LaBelle and that's my favorite name. I love that name for a dessert book. She's killing, She's killing in Walmart and these other people, man, they need to they need to lay off Patty. You know. You know what I you know what I dislike about social media and say some of these young people don't have respect. And there there is a thing called respect. It's a respect level that I owe to Richard Pride. There's a respect level that I owe to build cost you regardless of what you think, there's a respect level I owe him. You know, there's a respect level that I owe you know, even even a George Wallace, you know who put me on a j Anthony Brown who taught it to me when I got out there. These there's a respect level. You know. We can kid around, but at the end of the day, you have to have a respect for these people. Man, it's just not there. Sometimes people dog Patty Labone and stuff. They don't understand Chap. That is a respect level that should come with this woman and especially for us. But we are so busy in to each other down business. We we we we just man. We we were saying case right now. But our parents taught us those things were taught. You have to be taught with yeah, and respect for our elders. You had to respect people and and like you say, people who came before you steve things like that you have. That's how we were taught, you know. And we as parents, we have to teach our kids that we really do ye. I mean, look, people who've been around a long time, they get a pass on some stuff because if you don't know the story about the people, then they should get a pass because of their history. Just they workload, they prior, they prior work. Man, nobody gets nothing. Look, man, we're not wrap artists where you just judged by your nick by your current hit. You know, if you don't have a current hit out now, they just write you off. Hey man, Frankie Beverly had to hit out. And I don't know when we're still going to see. We still want to see, We still gonna see Dona roll. The respect for the gap, for what the love and the songs they gave us. When you you go out there and you ain't hot, now, man, you can't sell a ticket out. They don't respect the process, all right, Coming up, our friend, comedy legend, George Wallace is in the building, our special guest legend stand up, one of my faux fathers off stand up family member to the Morning Show. Still s in the country with his sold out comedy shows, and he got a big date coming up in Atlanta this weekend. He's over the new TV show and he's in a movie. He got a lot to tell us about legends. General Fleed waking one and only George Wallace. You don't know not Brown his real name. You know that he didn't like it, called about who's that over that? That's black? What's the name? What's the name? He tanged to Brown that black loved him? Mercy you hun? Jay? Answer is black? This is this is just a what do you say that ye're not joined? Get ready for it? He ain't never worked fifteen days and a boar. This is he gonna tell you about. He got little illnesses like if you don't get ready for that? Okay, His grandmama had sugar mama be brown. He had type one. Now he got type two. Look out all of the stories he's gonna be calling in Steven Jay answering, is black? Ain't right? And I know over the weekend. I know, over the weekend he had to say something about my mama and that horse raised up in Kentucky. I know, you know. I'm tell me, damn, how many people worked there? How many listen, y'all don't know this. But over the weekend, the Kentucky Derby home for the past twenty years, my mom and his mama they went to here, went to Louis, y'all. But somehow they wind up down on the track. I don't don't ask me no questions. Okay, they wound up in the race. My mama real name is wind Blow Wallace, but they called her eight and she ran in the race about eight years ago. Day mama ran on the name Big Brown. Y'all remember that mama finished and she fought it, and my mama died like sick Brown fought if my mama died back, don't you two, Mama and got in two thousand eight. This weekend, I'm going out to the cemetery and put some I was on my mama's grave, Coach God, because she put me through seven years of college. He worked hard, seven years of college. See, I gotta make sure my mama has more block. Wasn't her grave than anybody else. I do that every Mother's day. When I do, I go down to the cemetery about four or five o'clock after everybody ever gone. John, you know I do. I put him my mama, no know, turning open her grave. But turning open you can get her ass up. George, you don't have to heat does his own mama? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, Well welcome George. Well malcome, I just wanted to welcome Dance and the Black to the show. It's just and I'm glad he got to Steve. Y'all need to notice. But he was working for that other show that life steamed. Man. They were beating him. Tom was beating this that he was. They made work over time, they made him from him want to to ended up stup for Tom was seeing his head because he was dark. And I think they got into the teachcaues. He would quit every six months. But you know, all you coming, Tom will shoop his ass. But I'm glad you got a job over there. Now y'all look up on now, okay. But he will call in sick. Just this morning he asked for day. It's so bad, that's it's hard. And you'll talk about your MoMA too, So you got that's it's hard. He's been talking to mama for years and his MoMA didn't happen good, you know, just they shot in the assert the something that the zu she lost r and nephew coming. Now you know that is closing. So nai Us that she's losing that job. I think they're gonna now the the universal George, he's been talking about your mom, your mama. One thing said MoMA. But this weekend I'm in Atlanta and Maria they weekend, I'm at the sound Point down in the Las Vegas. So y'all coming out, bring your utlast Mama at the Atlanta coming to this week getting mother. You ain't said nothing day. I just no, I don't have to So Jordan that you're at the Atlanta Comedy Theater this weekend for Mother's Day. You're gonna be that Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Yeah, I got to come down to Atlanta and fix up thing goes. Everything breaking down in Atlanta. The damn bridge broke down and rolled up, bucking up, and the Falcons they broke down, and everything breaking down in Atlanta. Everything breaking down, and and Junior, your mama showing her asked at the Atlanta Airport over the weekend. I know, y'all starw that video, Junior. I want to. I wanted to bring that up, but they gotta doing your mom at the airport. At the lady walking through the airport. We j've been telling us about your mama. Man, Oh god, lord, it's him. What did say, nephew, Tommy real nephew. They just put you in the family cause you didn't have no real mama. I'm not adopted man, y'all to y'all scared of joy, just saying my thing is this, let him talk, let him get all that out. I'll be here for a while. I ain't gonna win, and him get their little ragged ass jokes out of and we just let him do it. Will he be back on in time soon? I don't think so. One shot, you know, get all that in and then we did it because at the end of the day we didn't hear be here tomorrow we'll be right here to he won't talking about your stupid mama. George. Yea, we heard your mama went to the dinners to get her bluetooth fixede. He's just stupid, you see. We know all about your mom. You know your mama. Now tell me everybody knows your mama working home depot with her cricket teeth making teeth Now you need to stop teeth making. Oh on man, we'll be right back to take that. Yeah, you gotta sit here, We'll be right back. George Waller, all right, we got we got George Waterside special guests. He's at the Atlantic Comedy Theater this weekend Friday, said this Sunday and then, and he's also the host of a new TV show, Uh coming to the stage. Which network is it on? And when does it premier? George, that's gonna be on TV F and I don't go gonna be on Hulu. And you can best believe you ain't Gonnat, You ain't junior, and you ain't gonna say one thing. It ain't gonna be on Long. Can't do but three episodes, So I can tell you that three when George, she'll gonna be so good you would not see any George, thank you for giving to your job. It was pitiful out there. You're gonna be around long. Give him a good switch to day. If you're calling in, I don't feel good to day. I gotta. I'm at the airport. I got to get on this plane, going to see your mama. Wait a minute, we're going to talk about Villa Capri, the movie you're in with Tommy Lee. You know what. And that's another part he took from me. Oh, I hate it. I was both with me. Him and his MoMA were up for that part. He beat his old bit his mama. Well, his mama has one eye, so she can't read script BLD. And he got the part your my mama got one eye. Hell, they called your mamady walk. Let me tell you I'm coming to Atlanta. I'm coming down to see my good friend Walker Flocker. You know I can cut now right, I cut you, Tony. He's cutting a frame all you walk a focker. Let me tell you that's the new curse. Walk. Let me tell you even stop while you are here. You got pretty close right, pretty goes right up? Yeah, I cut to church. I'm trying to Walker, gonna be up the just be your last visit, you and your mouth and George. I heard the I heard the government approved the date. Man, what date they say that Halloween has been moved to your mama's birthday? I got your coming. Told me your mama Halloween Chris Jack Alanta, but she didn't have enough. Come on, George, keep keep my mama name out chill mouth and I'll keep this at your mama. And that's a round to father. It's really it in your mama. Your mama had the drug. Feel calls to help. Oh God, man, George Wallace, you can do all. I love you, y'all. George's gonna be at the Atlanta Atlanta Comedy Theater this weekend for Mother's Day. Friday said this Sunday, I got the new TV show coming up. He's hosting its Car Coming to the Stage, and he's in the movie of Vilical Free with More. I never liked Morgan Freeman, never all the part. I could have done those damn parts I could have. I could have mistake hell, I'm from Atlanta. I know more about eleven the Dogs. The Dogs. Please tell him, I said, hello when you get on the set. Okay, absolutely the best. He's the best fan I ever. Freeman didn't even told the George in this movie. I'm betting that they were never even. George can't come on in Freeman when I have to make water, I could do that in Shulton because I stayed long. I don't know who gets the last. I'm the one taking a check on. That's smart, right there. So again, Steve, you were saying, he's at the Atlanta Theater this weekend, Atlanta Comedy Theater this weekend Mother's Day, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And uh, that's it. Hey man, we love you, man, hold on you. You wouldn't your mom stupid as your mama. You're yall nephews, right, you know your mama's an uncle chick. I'm not gonna take this job. I'm not gonna take it, y'all, even y'all normal. I got to go. Pete, you ain't got your dive bone. It full. I'm changing it to your mom. Still be changing, y'all. I'm trying to talking to y'all. All right, George Lazy, I can't believe you're doing easyr Mama Joe ain't coming out. Oh my god, that's got your local. But Steve, don't get in that. She don't have nothing. You know, he has never played playing that. He playing that. No. I I stay out of them your mama jokes. I don't. I don't get in that. You ain't back in when you were growing up, back in the day. But all mynisodes in fights, I just never forgot it. You're just gonna just push button. Yeah, already know. I already know where it's going because I'm gonna get mad because you can't say nothing about him. You just can't nothing. So I don't. I don't mess with nothing. I don't mess with yours. I can't say about mine, and then and then we'll be good. So what's too heavy? Like you know, like your mama was so stupid, none of that. You don't want none of it. She got locked in the furniture stow and slept on the floor. You know that dog Steve, Dog Steve your mama right there, right there, right right there, your mama. Okay, I'll stay out of that. We'll be back, y'all. Don't go away. We got more. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Pennsylvania man guys probably wishes he could be playing possum right about now. Since he burned down his house with a fire. He started to scare off some possums. Okay, uh what I guess they were all over his house and he just wanted, you know, the light of fire scared the apostums off. But the house can't run about possum. You can't shoot away upon they don't not afraid of and they don't run, they don't. They just don't. Why aren't there, Fred? What's scared? Well? He thought fire was. The man whose name was not released, was frustrated because he couldn't dislodge the critters from his yard, so he sprayed a large pile of leaves with butane, struck a match, and started to blaze what steve quickly spread. He had a wooden one of those wooden row houses. It burned to the ground. According to the official fire department report, his intention was to use the smoke from the burning leaves to hopefully scare away the possum, but no word as to whether or not that part of the plan actually works. So the house has gone, but the possums are still there. Take it from you can't that? How long before that fire is going? When you go all? At what point do you do? Oh lord? Your out burned ground? The posts are moving. Oh lord, it's crazy. Those are some of the scariest raccoons. They just don't They just raccoons are not afraid. The little yeah, they're like people. Yeah, all that's out there. You know, there's some things you could put down. They got snake repellent. You could buy this repellet form that's white pellet. It's a snake repelling. You should always have that around your yard to protect the deers from eating your flowers. There's blossoming in your yard. There's a very pungent spray. But here they don't. They don't eat the flower. With me. You can't stay in the dance man, you can't stand not. I don't either want it. Y'all want the damn flowers. Raccoons, because the only way to get rid of a raccoon. I don't know if anything that's natural that you can get rid of raccoons. They have something. It's just you have to try to poison them. But then that's crazy because you're out there where they need Actually, yeah, exactly, because California's hilly, mountainous, you know. You know the best thing you could do is just make your trash unaccessible by those very resistant garbage cans and nothing can get in there, possum raccoon. But let me tell you what over there for is a sauce of food. Tell me if you if I can get rid of them dogs on frogs, frogs, and I'm talking about later at night. They just don't stop. It's not they're mating calls. I don't know what they don't. Somebody says they were mating. That's that's their mating call because they are allowed. I have those. What about lizards? Don't bother me that my feet. Nothing crawling should be in the house. Nothing on lizards station, nothing for lizards. Those my patio pellets. The pellets. I've heard that if you've got squirrels like at it, you put mothballs down they don't like the smell of it, and then tell when him come down with them all. What is this about ants? Is very natural? You could get rid of ants naturally. You know. I bought ant because I ain't got no time. But if you put down cinnamon, as is gone. Yeah, man, they cannot deal with Let's just just try it at you. How next time you see a powder of ants on something, put some centamon on it. They're gone. We're gonna talk Floyd Mayweather. He's done something special when we come back. Okay, Lloyd Mayweather has announced to get this guy's he wants to be a part of the n b A all right, Floyd Money. Mayweather has posted a photo of him himself shaking hands with Magic Johnson with the caption just had a great meeting with at Magic Johnson. It's about time for me to buy an NBA team. If you're ready to sell your NBA team, please get in touch with me. I love it. Yes. Hashtag TMT, hashtag Michigan hashtag living legends. Businessmen. Yeah, but but some are reporting most league owners are billionaires, and while Mayweather has made a few hundred million during his career, it seems like he'll have to stack up some more money, some more cheese, uh and find or either he could just find more partners, Steve, if he's serious about purchasing a team, what you wouldn't be interested in going in partners? You have to have partners. No, you could be a partner. You don't want to go in with them? No, I don't have a kind of I ain't got for me. The Lakers, they gotta be real cheap. Any how much you seven dollars thinking about buying a team. No, it's not. I mean Floyd is a smart businessman. Him and his boy Hayman they're absolutely brilliant and uh, you know, but people don't pick up the phone to go here. You won't buy a team and then make a lot of scrutiny too. It's a lot of scrutiny. And if his background check will pass to scrutiny that they go to buy a team. It's a lot of good old boys, yea, And they're not you know what I mean. I love may Well, don't give me more. I think he didn't time though, so it would it be hard, It'll be hard. They don't. They don't let that go, man, not with buying an NBA. It's making too much money. Man, they will not let that go. You're having a record at all like that. I don't know if they'll let it go. Even if he's turned his life around. And oh he's a great guy. I love he's a brilliant young businessman. I just don't know if the league is going to allow that. You know, they stopped Rushing Limbaugh from purchasing into a football team because of his views. So they they're they they're all they gotta do is find a couple of owners to say no and then you out. That's all they need. That's like being in the billionaires club for real. Yeah, and Donald Sterling kind of messed it up lately with his statements. So now an NBA has to really protect their image because they can't had a bad boy image around. And the Magic is the president of the Lakers right now, I think me Ja and Junior and Uncle Steve could really go in and buy us when the lingerie football game, now we get one of the man are his pants? I love that show. Good, so good. I just don't know if I's stronger than me because I can't even you know, tell him what to do. You ain't in the game. Just buy the Panis That's all you gotta do. You know what I'm saying. It was so stupid. I'm not doing you. You can't do Panis not You're so big you can't do the best Sid and dumb he's calling you guys, listen to me. Does the league make money? I don't care. I just want to get tackled by one of them. We should just run out there after every place. We're trying to make money all the time. Just about Penis change man. We'll be back to close out the show after this. I tried, we back. We got time for just one more thing, and listen, don't forget everybody. The fabulous event is going really really well. I don't want you all admissive. It's saying It Sould Festival October six through the ninth. All you gotta do is go to Saying It sould Festival dot com and look it up. Man, it's gonna be a great event. We're not over there teaching you nothing, man, just going on now. We ain't seminars and going to parties, eating, drinking and chilling. We're gonna have one contest, a chill contest to see who can chill the hall. Oh? I like that? Is he up in a coconut tree? Yeah? Get up there. Gambling, plenty of shopping over there, great food over there man. And the Atlantis Resort, it is absolutely it's five. If you got your money for the cove, y'all do it. You can get the regular Atlantis, the Coral, the Reef. Go to saying in Soul Festival dot com. You still got time to put money down on it and you can lay it away. Still got time, man, great, great people are getting excited about it, Steve. The momentum is starting to build. Yeah, people get ready, Yeah, start setting, saying you need a lot of money, you know, no siminars nominar faith to keep the deal coming. You don't need no to you just I want to hear y'all saying one together, murder hit together. When will you have time, Steve, Yeah, I won't. We're to do it right here on the show. I just what I do. I just laid my track down. Yeah, and ain't go you know, like I'm a real recording on I'm just put me here and laid my track down. You and I what am I to do with this? Yeah? Like jay Z you know that. Hey, but I go in and just lay it down. Ain't got nothing do with nothing? Yeah, you have to take around and put that in there somewhere. You have to sing around and make it funny. He did that. Man, this is gonna be singing in in the Bahamas though, saying are you gonna sing? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I'll buy myself. I'm having and sick. Yeah. Give the website one more time, sand And said Soul festival dot Com, saying, and soul dot com, I've been trying to get in shape, man, I just ain't got no time. But I know there's gonna be somebody fatter than me? The Depression Show. You can bet money on that. Take you for coming. I love it. I love it. And you know what, the fattest person is saying the same thing. Somebody's go be fatter than me? What workout? That's crazy. Sand and Soul Festival October six through the ninth in the Beautiful Bahamas. Please meet us there or beat us there. We're coming stars and vow yes. The list goes on, tank yeah, ladies, h And then he could take a shirt off for real, he could just perform. He did that. I'm taking my shirt up. It's really it's gonna be. It's gonna be oiled up. It's not gonna be pretty. Flip flops, the whole flips. How about a lingerie? Volleyball? I like that, Yeah, you beats volletball. I don't like that what you're saying. I don't like to say. Jay's oiling up the thong. Forget speed. That's way too much going up in there again. And I know where I won't be. I won't be in the water. I don't know that. I have a crisis own, and I know that you better be walking behind fun looking for a good time to time me. You know what, man, I even heard you say nothing like you you always you know, putting the challenge out there. You know, like you know you do twenty pull ups. You could jump over me, you could be running. Heard no challenge man, Juan Junior ever Seidl who was the fast, No need to send it. After he shot his my hand off the tread meal when we was working that that I pretty much left that ball alone and I said, that's that's not gonna because that was not what happened. Now I will challenge Jake to a throng dance cont I'm not scared of timing. You don't. Don't let me oil up and put your own. This will make your vomit you want, so I'll tell you what I raised Junior cool and then you know you gotta do something legit with on just like you. Who can who can do twenty chin ups before the other one right there in a row, and that's hard. I can't do push your pull ups. Let's go down. I just stand and then you ain't going out dan Jay in the contest and we'll get all this covered. It's only cracking and see y'all tomorrow. Y'all be good God, bless you. Talk to God. He'd love to hear from you. We out for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.