George W. Bush, Church Complaints, Family Feud, Air Jordan and more.

Published May 4, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to those that are staying safe. Wear your masks everybody, let's get it. George W. Bush urges us to rise together. Sister Shirley Strawberry's hair came up in Church Complaints. Steve has new Family Feud content for our enjoyment on YouTube. J. Anthony Brown has the things that we must adjust to when living with someone you normally don't stay with. The CLO addresses hood problems and performance issues. Joe Biden will not be investigated. Air Jordan sneakers got people lined up in Atlanta. The crew talk about Michael Jordan's documentary and his ability to hold onto a grudge. Today in Closing Remarks, Uncle Steve hands the mic to his nephew and we are in for a treat, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all a suit looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bus bus things and it's not good. Steve Hasten to mother for star. Don't join jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your bag. H huh. I'll show with them. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time, and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path, they go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, they don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a sure fire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, if you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong, you know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. The more you know, the older you look, That is no growth without change. If you're heading in a direction, it ain't nothing going right in your life. Could it be the wrong direction. If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you didn't made the wrong stuff. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to? They ain't ever wrong about nothing. Man, They just it's their way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them powered trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them powered trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this person. This person, I decided to stop doing business the way I was doing business. I decided to stop to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, you know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break, don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Ford dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why, because they're not the maker of it. So now, why are you letting you letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself, and to allow the maker of this brand see without God, I'm none of this, I'm none of this. I want you to clearly understand I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for or fact that there is no way that I could have manufactured the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was gonna take and the outcome because of it. I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, Tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me. This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift, and then guess what. Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that, then you have some supernatural things going on in your life and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working, the how I manage it all, all that ain't none but God. That ain't nothing but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. Then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real, it's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of it than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong if you don't tie this to your gift. You will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, let me have it your undivided attention. Welcome to the ride. This is you hear me? Is Steve Harvey Morning Show? Is that mean out of doubt? Little hill between what between? Get out between them? Calls, ladies and gentlemen. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today. We're dedicating the show to everybody out there to stay in safe and to all the ignorant people that ain't got on masks. Get a damn mask. This is the way I heard dummies explained. They got a thing that they sent out the mask explained for dummies. How do we know the mask is effective? This is how they said it. If everybody is walking around naked and someone peas on you, you will get wet right away. But if you have on pants only some of the people will get on you. But if the person that's pe has on pants too, all the peer stay in his pants and won't get over there on your pants. Are we clear? Where your damn mask? That's all that's fault. It's a P analogy, a P analogy, Yes, okay, Yes, that's where I wanted to start to show. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve, Happy Monday. Colin Farrell, good morning. What's up? Crew? Haste? Yeah that that damn junior. Want everybody got on the team. J Anthony Brown, what up? Steve Harby? What's going on? Man? The food King of Pranks? Nephew, Tommy, let me pee on it. Let me just pee on it. That's what it is. I mean, that's what he's saying. No, say that really when Jay will be on it after me, okay, just just know okay, And later this week we'll be doing the the Sipper News. We're gonna do the Simper News. Oh I love it. I love it. It's simper News. It's Mississippi Monica with the news. She does all things that just we call it just a simper news where it ain't it ain't really news, it ain't really factual. It's just something that that went around the simp just kind of came out on the air. A right, Yes, it ain't real factual. Yeah, well, so how was how was? I was a weekend? Fair body weekend every weekend two days late, every yesterday. I was talking Tay talking. I was the most exhausted I ever been yesterday I was I couldn't. I don't know, man, my workhouse is a little bit too hard for him. I think I'm head Oh wow, was you out of breath? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, some trending political news. We'll talk about Former President George Bush calls for unity. We'll discuss all of that right after this. You're listening to show trending political news. Over the weekend, President George W. Bush Okay released a nearly three minute long video. He addressed the challenging and solemn time people across the country and the world are face seen during this pandemic. As a video came to a close, former President Bush asked people to remember how small our differences are in the face of this shared threat. Take a listen to this. In the final analysis, we are not partisan combatants. We're human beings, equally vulnerable and equally wonderful in the sight of God. We rise or fall together, and we are determined to rise. I miss him another what the end of the day. He needs to see everyone. I miss everyone before Trump, right, but I missed him though he still sounded very presidential. It just sounded like s who was nice. Yes, Hey, hey, hey, listen, this whole thing is gonna just like disappears like a note, like it never happened. Right, Well, he's just gonna be gone. Yesterday, President Trump had a problem with former President Bush's call for unity. President Trump criticized Bush for sharing his message. He tweeted, I appreciate the sharing of former President Bush, but where was he during the impeachment calling for putting partisanship aside? Uh? He was nowhere to be found and speaking up against the greatest hoax in American history. About how the hell does he take a mess and a message of inspiration to the people into Where the hell was he at? Right? Man? Man, this dude, man, I don't see you know, I just don't see how you can be a thinking person and vote for this guy. I just don't see how. It's a lot of them out there, of the hopefully not a whole lot of them. Scary, I know, I know, well as we all know. President Trump came under fire for his handling of the pandemic, including nationwide testing and all of that, changing his tone on the seriousness of the virus and beefing up his various state governors. You know, he was beefing with them, the governors, And I mean it's just been a mess. Really, it's just been a big mess. Just just a mess. Yeah, and he's I don't know, is he trying to clean it up? No, does it look like he's trying to clean it up. I don't know. Yeah, he's the worst. He doesn't He doesn't know how we have a person in office who's in charge of governing the masses. And in order to govern, you have to lead by caring. He's never cared for anyone. That He's done nothing in his life to care for anybody other than himself. True, and so it's obvious, man, he don't. He compliments no one. If you disagree with him, get ready for the attack. So that can never be bipartisanship or or reaching across the aisle, because he can't reach across to al if you don't agree with him. Right, This dude, just dude just completes the frado of all the presidents. I'm a godfraid from the god analogy nowhere where I wanted it. I'm smart and say this didn't nobody like fraido but they loved him. Yeah, they didn't trust him with the family, did all. But Jay, he doesn't think he's fraido. That's scary part. Yeah, yeah, he's Yeah, he does. That's what he thinks. Michael, Oh my god. If not, Michael, don't work. It might not work. It might work. I don't know. I'm saying that you don't read later. But if he tells people to put an alcohol in the behind one more damn time, he's done, man, he is gonna be finished. Man. But then he was saying, Hey, I was joking. Yeah, I'm never saying. How many times can you allow a man to say he was joking, he didn't mean that, that's not what I said, or just lie flat out lying say I never said that. How many times do you need to see this happen before you go Wait a minute, man, something wrong with you? Constantly? This is constantly, man, I've never seen anything like it anywhere I grew up with liars. We'll be outside, lad just lying for no reason. You're pretty good, Yeah, uncles. Yeah, man, y'all feel that earthquake last night? Now we ecleve. Oh, y'all ain't feeling stody in the city failed it nobody it was. I'm telling y'all, man was an earthquake. I mean, dog just bold face lies, man, it was real. Late Now y'all missed attention seeking Steve, what is that? He just he just wanted he if he if he believed it, it was right, and if you didn't believe it, you was wrong. And here come to debate. How you know it wasn't earthquake? Okay, because it just happened at your house. Why do you think the president lies? I think he wants to win the election so bad lets that he will do whatever it takes to get reelected. That's not that. Yeah, he's childish, immature, he wants to be light. He's an idiot. He's an idiot. Nobody wants to say it. He's an idiot. He says anything and it doesn't even matter if it makes sense to him. Some of it don't make sense to him. That's an idiot. He just says anything because he calls people names. Oh yeah, yeah, that's to me, that's just childish. Yeah, all right, coming up next, it is Monday, so you know what that means. Get ready for church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon def Jam that's coming up right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna standing by with today's COVID nineteen national news plus an entertainment news. Steve's gonna tell us about family Feud Africa, Steve all right, and the mentor Monday with the Harvey Foundation. We'll also discuss we'll discuss all of these stories at the top of the hour, but first it is Monday, so it's time to laugh. Let's do that a little bit, shall we. Here's rabind Motown tacking depth jam with church complaints. Let's go so go we bo this day, gabol momtoriously for the empire intimacy of these church complaints. We carniferously go about this in a meticulous way, knowing that the repetidiness, a quadrious effacenticity is that ahead. I'm preaching, Let the complaints begin. Go ahead. I've got to get more into my old pass the boys. Yeah, it's it's all right. But before we start, I on these big words you use. It's them really words. I never heard half word. I know you just because you don't have half the sis I got jam. But no, I'm just asking, oh, don't mind, Sister Shirley. If you ain't had that y'all casion that I have had, there's no way what again? Say again, y'all casion right there? Understand that I have had? Did you not gonna know these words? All right? Moving right around? I'm not listening past it. You you brought up sister Sharley. The first complaint is about her. He comes from her husband's sister Sharley Strawberry hasn't gotten her half done in the last month and a half. Her husband or Nesto, is asking can we send a drive by styles to do her hair. He says that she is unidentifiable. He don't know how when he sees a pass that's your carl. I we're gonna send somebody else. We're not part of this hill. Your sister Sherley is hell Oh. I have known sister Sherley for years and years. Haven't never seen that as a problem before now due to quantity. But he's different nowpas, Lots of people needs some help. So I don't know how. Six your look, that's his problem. Yeah, let you leave at it. We got our own problem that our own at our own quarantine. And last thing I'm gonna do it bring up her? Hell? Hell, look at how to hell her? Hell? Look, I ain't got nothing to do with that. Now, don't start that. That's that's a fire we don't need. I'm still acute anyway. Look he got to because you can't go nowhere. He got these lines rolling at an alarming rate right now, right now, passing. I asked you one more damn to all right, brother, we passed. We are brother and sister Boykins are in a big, in big trouble right now. They are. They have been in the house since early March due to COVID nineteen now it's now May. They have been eating so much they not cannot get at the front dough. They are. They want the church now to pay to get the door converted into a garage dough so they can get out. That's your compass. They are stuck in the house, Pathing, They stuck in that. We're not gonna do that. Have a suggestion for the Boykins family, all right, but no, as the husband I suggested, he moved the refrigerator into the hallway and start at the living room and run as fast he kid, build up speed and just bust his ass out that kitchen. Just bust his ass. You know, he's probably gonna cut itself pretty bad, but that's my recommendation. And then his wife, Ernstein Bunking, he can get on the other side of the door and pull half at ass out and then they'll both be out. We don't, we don't need the garage, do so I tell him we're not gonna pay for the garage dough to help them get out, because that's we're seeing two cans of Chris go over to the house so he can grease down the doorways. You think they can slide out to do with the Chris ground, Well, I had a part of mine got out of prison like that, So if it worked for him, that's city the city jail. It wouldn't is able to eat inches high. Let me keep moving past it. Listen here a lot of side chicks have completely lost it past it. They are now calling these men's houses and telling the wives uh to put them on the phone. Some have gone as far as asked asked him if he would like to be with me. The men would like for you to call these women and calm them down past get side chicks. But I'm not gonna be able to do that. I'm not calling anyone or I know nothing of us side peace or place on the side. I understand it, but fast, we're not gonna get into that. There are no side chicks here at the jack park joined the rule minute. Yes it is past. You didn't know that. I tell you, Digg legitimate. Now we don't head that. Now now we have some side checked here at the jack pot. What you're gonna stop saying, is we amen again? Little we we We don't have a damn thing. Okay, past, not you, but there awesome side chicks here at the jack pot after redom, and they might out remind Judy that you are also doing your Rigio show from your house. Yeah, yeah, I looked around. What do you expected her to drop? You know? You know what you know, Pat, We're not gonna we I shouldn't have wrote this. We're gonna move on past. Tell you you're right. I made a mistake. The next one, sister Paulette Riley's been working out around the house. She ran out of things to pick up. Okay, so now see his bench pressing brother Doug Riley. He he has called asking can we come get him? Because he didn't drop him? Full times, Ben pressing. He didn't bench pressed him full times. Pawther nt keep dropping him. So, uh, he's asking can the church come pick him up? But I don't know where we're gonna take him because we were quarantine. Yes, we are unable to come swing by pick up any members in dire stressful situations due to the covide or situation. Yeah. Now, if brother Junior, Deacon Junior wants to go by there, we will let him go by where what I don't think Brother Junior want to bring go by there bringing another man to back to his place. I don't think that's what Junior want. All right, thank you faster. I've looked into that several times. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news right after this you're listening to show. So Steve, this is exciting news. You are now worldwide. Come on say it with me, Tommy why with the debut of Family Feud Africa. Congratulations Steve, We've all been waiting for this. It's awesome, tell us about it. So listen, man, I want everybody while you're down and you go. You're gonna love this. Just go to YouTube and type in Family Feud Africa. That's all you gotta do. Hilarious. Your boy is on the continent of Africa learning the culture while playing again the answers I'm getting. I have no idea what these people getting these answers from. And they be on the board because what we did was we uniquely designed some of the questions for the culture of South Africa, for the culture of Ghana. So some of these questions are uniquely We didn't take all the questions from over here, just take them over there and ask them no, like we have food questions and animal questions and like some of the most unexpected stuff these people are saying, because who do I know, Like, you know, name your favorite food? Pop? Pop? And now, when I was growing up, pop was soda. Yeah. Yeah. So I was in Africa one time at a restaurant and they said what would would you like anything else? And I was just messing around. I said, yeah, y'all got pop? He said, She said yeah, And I wasn't thinking. I just say okay, um died coke and she had walked off. She came back with this bowl or hot, just hot and steamy. I said, man, what is that? She said, that is pop. I didn't know damn pop. I asked, what, damn pop? Why would I why I try to drink? This is how they ask man. That So all we're doing on the show is learning about It's a lot of misunderstandish man, very very funny clips on YouTube. But what was learning about the African culture and pop is like it's almost like a grid, almost almost like grips. It's so much man like how to make certain of the top dog. Oh bro, it's it's so much that's different, man. But these people are so smart, they're so gifted. Man, they just they just us. Did they know the game over there? Oh? Man? Oh they know the game? They know the game? So let me ask we were going to be? Yeah? Now for real? You did? I just said, I think what happen is go ahead. I'm sorry. I was saying they are who we were going to be. We would have been uh huh? Or would have been you who we should have been? H Yeah? I mean, man, I think the show is going to bridge a lot of gaps over there because I think it's gonna show us in a different light. South Africa is such a diverse country. Ghana is Ghana, man, And it's funny and it's just it's great show man. It's it's really good. My wardrobe is a little bit different in that I can dress a little more flyer. Really yeah, I'm putting my combinations as a little more flyer. And we I went, I'm in Ghana. I'm wearing calf tans by a designer name calf Tans. I mean a designer. You're wearing calf tans by a designer named calf Tans. Really, I'm just it takes Shirley to jacket up. Look on your face. He said his name chocolate. Oh I like chocolate. Yea. Look, okay, thank you very much everybody, and good morning to oh you beautiful chocolate people out there. Okay, here we go. The Congress is skelleded to reconvene today, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell reportedly turned down a White House offer for coronavirus test and a rare joint statement. Believe or not, Pelosi and McConnell agree, they said that they'd rather the COVID nineteen tests be given to frontline facilities instead. White House Press Secretary Kaylee McKinney says that the Trump administration just wanted to make sure that they made the provisions for it if they wanted it. That's their decision to make um. You know, the moment we heard about even the inquiry of having tests for Congress, we acted and ensured that we would provide those tests if needed and wanted. And you know, it's the decision of Leader McConnell and Speaker Pelosi to decline that offer declined they did. The Congress has been out for a month because of the pandemic. The Food and Drug Administration has issued an emergency use authorization for the anti viral drug ram desifere I told you about that last week to treat the very very sick as COVID nineteen patients. The drug is actually being distributed in the United States this week's out of FLAWDA, actually being distributed all over. In international test trials, ram desipere was shown to shorten necessary treatment time and even leave the stricken less likely to die. However, it's important to remember that ram desifere is a treatment drug. It's not a vaccine. A vaccine keeps a person from getting the virus in the first place. Scientists are still working on that one a former Senate staffer who alleges that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her twenty seven years ago, says she filed only a limited report with the Congressional Budget Office at the time, it did not explicitly accuse the former Vice president of either sexual assault or harassment. According to the Associated Press, tower Read described her issues with Biden, but said, quote the main word I used, and I know I didn't use sexual harassment. I used uncomfortable. Joe Biden's flatly denied sexually harassing anyone. He's asked he Senate and the National Archives to see if any sexual complaint was filed by Tara Read against him. President Trump says a matter should be investigated, but could be false accusations. I know all about false accusations. I've been falsely charged numerous times. And there is such a thing. If you look at Brett kavan Or, there's an outstanding man, he was falsely charged. Three of the four women have now admitted that, and of the fourth, give me a break, I mean, take a look. Oh well, However, if you are someone you know has experienced sexual assault, that person can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline one eight hundred and six five six hope or four six seven three Recommandant General David Berger banning all Confederate symbols from all bases around the world. And finally, today's a big day for Star Wars fans. So may the Fourth be with you. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, So Jay Anthony Brown, it's here, Hi, Jay, Jay, This is now things to adjust to. If you staying with someone and you can't wait to get back to your own place. What is that of people? The quarantine has made it so you gotta stay with either Big Mama of the Earl, your ex A lot of people are standing with people that had no intention to ever stand with. But then you got to adjustice and damn things when you stand with somebody you normally don't stay with, Like say, you standing with somebody, you notice all of a sudden, don't nobody in this house wash their hands for nothing? They nobody and you can get back to my place. You also notice that when you live with somebody that you not normally stand with, they leave dirty dishes out all the damn they'll rinch one out to use one, but they don't give it, don't. I don't thing. You gotta adjust to when you stay when somebody is you. If you're older, president, you go to bed at a certain time. But you find out when you're living with people Disney roses up all time and night is this is it? Two thirty? Yeah? Bad? They just up? What are y'all doing down now? Trying to get you? Ain't got to go to way. I just get some herm and go down there and see what they're doing. Then you have to adjust to when you living with somebody else, Steve, there's a big one right here. They ain't got Now it's a big TV. But they ain't got but one TV. That's nice. They don't want watching the gospel channel again, Yes, because I like gospel. Yeah, that's what we're watching in him gospel all day love. These are things you have to adjust do if you're living with somebody. They don't believe in cutting off lights. All the lights is on all Why aren't I to sleep? And this one's very important, this one very important. Don't nobody know what happened to your twenty dollars or your phone charger? Don't know? I know why? Why ain't starting them cars? Like that I'm just hitting the driveway, just running an runs that if you put anything in the refrigerator, it's gone. School, ain't all the muffle coming up? At thirty four minutes after the hour, as the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this, you're listening to show time now for asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is here this one. Steve is from Jorge in the Bay Area. He says, I am a twenty eight year old male and I grew up in a rough neighborhood. But luckily I got a track scholarship to a local college and I never looked back. I've been with my girlfriend for six years and she still lives in the hood, and she still considers herself a gangster and most of her family is in a gang I am past that lifestyle, and I wish she was too. But I want to marry her. I love her, but I don't want her gang bang and uncle's to be a part of our lives. As this relationship run its course, should I move on? Yes? It has. Everybody come with You can't go with your son. Some played it out life just for a season. Her with her gang banging ways, and her uncle's gonna mess up everything you've worked for. You want to marry her for what? So you can get gang banged? You're gonna be running for real, But for real, man, go on with yourself, you young man. Right, you went to college and left for all that life behind. Now why would you invite it to your house? True? Let it go, man, start over and get you somebody else that want to do right, because eventually, man, she ain't gonna do right. She consenters herself a gangster. Who are you want to marry gangster? Because he loves her? Who wants? And then a gun in your face? Where you was last night? Food? I know why you got out of the car last night. You ain't need to beat down all right? There we go my wife and I. This is from CC in Laurel, Mississippi. My wife and I have been married for ten years and we are both thirty six years old. We have an ideal marriage and we had a great sex life until recently. Lately, I can't participate insects like I used to, and when I get excited, it doesn't stay strong for too long. I try to hide the problem from my wife but I'm running out of excuses. I just had a physical in February, so there is nothing physically wrong with me. How can I break the news to my wife? What? What? What? What? What are you gonna tell it? See, don't you have a problem. You're thirty six, you got erectile disfunction. I don't see it. Yeah it can, It can happen in the twenties. But you're sitting up in there talking about how can you explain it to your wife? What you find to tell her that she don't know? Thank you? You find to tell her something she don't know. So, dog, you had a great sex life. You don't now you can't stay strong too long. You went to a physical. A physical ain't good enough. Man, You got to go to a urologist. Dog, you got to go to a urologist and sit in there and tell it. Man, what's happening with you? And they got something for you? They got something. I know it's hard for me to accept. You know, use a soft approach if you want to tell her that. God, that's the word you're gonna come with. Soft, all right? Come on, really for Steve guys. Jared in North Carolina says He's just I'm a forty one year old married man, and I'm sick of the TV and social media. They have taken over my wife's daily life. She beings on TV shows and then she calls her girlfriends so they can tell about the shows. She is also on social media sites all day, and she is constantly showing me videos of Dan's challenges or telling me the current celebrity gossip. Yesterday I caught her trying to do a makeup video and I just had to laugh. She's forty three, but I's thirteen. Now, do you have any advice on how to handle this? No, not a damn piece. My wife fitted five be posting all kinds of stuff on m I don't know how to help you, man, I don't know. I just you know what I did. Hey, dog, this is what you gotta do. Ignore it. It ain't your world. Quit trippet. Don't just quit trippe. It's a hobby to her. Yeah, man, don't turn this into no mission of yours. Right, you're gonna you're gonna mess your damn life up. Let me find something, mister Day that ain't no big ass issue for me, right, Let's just go man, all right coming up next nephew in the building with the prank phone call that's coming up right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject she's been a cheater since high school. Wow, ain't nothing wrong with that? She's been a cheater since high school. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? In shurance? Huh? In sharance, what's not about? I don't know the way, first of all, is in sharance. Now. A lot of people ensure they call their homes, you know, their their their bodies, health wise, people life ensuring you do all of that. But you know, sometimes you got to ensure your stre ripples if you own a strip club. You know what I'm saying that right there makes a difference in like you feel, right? What I yeah for you? I mean, no, I didn't. Sometimes just letting stars okay, let it ship, you know, and not it's not necessarily uh, in other words, calling another words color it's serious? How did he think? Sh crazy? It serious? All right, cat dog, let's go, let's call them charances to Joseph. How can I help you? Uh? Yeah, Joseph, how you doing? Man? I got you? Umlom cut your number. Uh well, so I give me your card. Told me you have an insurance comping you might be there. Help me. Absolutely, it will not help you. We'll love you. Help. Okay, listen, I'm um, I'm seeking some insurance. I'm what all insurance do you guys have? What all of you all cover? Oh? We have all of my build insurance to a home insurance, we have life insurance, fire flood. We're pretty much. Uh we have everything exactly what happened insurance you we're looking for? Okay, we'll see. I need. I have my own business, my own company. I like that. Okay. What I what I'm want? What I'm trying to do, man, is I'm trying to make sure I have insurance for the people underneath me. Oh okay, your employees. Yeah, exactly exactly. I want to I want my employees to be insured. Okay, you know, like it's something that happens to them, they can get they can get workingmans come, you know what I mean. I want to be able to accommodate them that way. Is that and Are you able to help me while I with something like that? Yeah, I am able to help you. I just need to ask you a few questions. How many how many employees do you have right now? I have? I got six? Well, I got four this working full time. I got two that that worked predominantly on the weekends. Okay, so I got Let me think real quick, let me I got settlement, I got ice Jasmine, I got thunder. I'm sorry, sir, Um, sir, Timmy and againster, what was h smitty? Okay? Okay? Um um? What type of fantasy at? Sir? Uh? Well, I'm I'm I'm more of a UM, I'm a I'm a PC. And um I'm sorry DC. Uh personal consultant. No, no, no, no, I'm I'm pretty close up, pretty close. That's that's that's pretty close. I'm I'm I'm a pleasure consultant. And and what it is me? I got um, you know, I got jack, sir, I'm sorry? Did you say pleasure consulting? Right right? What what that is? Man? Is? You know? I pleasurized people that want to be pleasurized, Like I have girls that may dance for you. Uh, some may come out and uh do other things for you, a party, private parties, that kind of thing. Are you trying to Are you trying to ensure strippers or call girl? Well, I mean, I mean I'm trying to ensure what I'm trying to shoot. I mean, I give all my girl ten ninety nine at the end of the year. I don't know what this is an insurance company, this is a repperable company. We don't ensure call girls strippers, Sir. I'm trying to ensure my product. I mean the way it kind of me is right now, everybody got to look out for themselves, but I got to ensure what I need to enshore so in case things go bad, Man, I can bounce back on that. I understand that, sir. And how I do anything. I mean, I'm a businessman just like you are, sir. But we don't ensure callup strippers. So so hold on, I got your car. Man, you're trying to tell me that now you can't give me no insuance. We can't ensure call girls are strippers. Okay, okay, okay, tell me what type of duties do they perform? Well, I mean, what do you mean, what kind of do I mean they think on the application, I have to put down what type of duties we're gonna put down already down exotic dance you know, uh, and see since they are there for people that like uh, need to have some personal attention. Man, you know we just put something else down, like you know, a counseling. You know, he's prostitutes. You want to ensure prostitutes. I'm not saying that, man, I'm not stop saying that. Don't say that normal. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that's that's what they are. Well, why don't you put down PC? Man? Why why don't you put down pleasure consultant for man consultants? So we don't do that here. Um, I don't know how to help you start. We don't do that here. You can't ensure a prostitute. Then I tell you, don't say that no more. I told you this right here is a PC. It's a pleasure consultant. That's somebody that gave me this business card and told me that you'll be able to take care of me. And now here you he is coming back seeing you can't see this one is starting to be permitted name. Uh, sir, you don't have to refrain from using that language. No, no, no, no, they're telling me that you are able to ensure me. Man, you don't want coming back with some bogus. We don't ensure any type of ghetto mess prostitutes called girls. Um, that's some street junk that we don't do here. Hey man, listen, I was told you can enshoot me, and guess what you go ensure me. I'm gonna go back and forth. What you dog? I'm gonna come down that to your office. I want to. I want these papers filled out so I can sign them. So I got my office. Look, man, we don't ensure no prostitutes or no are no strippers. Okay, so we don't do that. And and you're not gonna come down to my office with this ghetto mess. We don't do that. Who do you think you're holling that? Man? You you don't know who you're with now. I don't left this corporate over the phone corporate voice fool you because I can get gangster. Hey man, I don't know who you thank you. I look now, who don't do that here? Hey man? Look let me tell you so I'm on my way down there. Okay, do not come to this office. You come to this office. I'm coming to the office. You're gonna shoot my girls for me. I'm but somebody that gave me your card and told me you can take care of me on the low, and that's what you're gonna do. Now. I need my damn it, trying for my girl's dog. That's all I'm trying to get it. Don't you bring you to me? Step what I'm doing and I will not. And if you bring you something, You're gonna get you what? Man? I got one who getting talking to I'm talking to you now trying to be nice and I trying to be professional. Rition don't you bring up to my office or keep you you ain't Senning and fell Land. Man, I got one more things I need to say to you. You listening? Yes? What you got to say to me? Jo? I do not in short passitive? Okay, what do you have to tell me? I got to tell you this bes is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning shown. You just got pranked by your boy. Oh my god, I'm a chill that boy, Jo I was. I cannot believe hell y'all got me. I Oh, let me ask you this here, man, let me ask you this hire, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning. I mean, I mean you too much, but but but but but you feel me though, right? Yes? I mean you you? Thank you, Jay, Thank you, Jay, Thank you. A lot of people need ensurious, people need insurious. You are you need to make sure that you are ensuring everything that you are doing, and people work from me saying that ain't needing serious. All the money and all this stuff and I can't hand no in sharings. Thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letter. Subject She's been a cheater since high school. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live here. That's for you, Jay, just like we're gonna do this one right here right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is, Thank you, nephew. Subject she's been a cheater since high school. Wait till you hear this one, Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm in love with a woman that has carried herself like a garden tool all of her life. In other words, she's been loose since high school when we started dating. I dated her into my early twenties, and after we broke up, I found out that she cheated multiple times. Here we are fifteen years later, and she's married now, and she's cheating on her husband with me. I have a connection with this woman, and I can finally admit, after years of fighting it, I am in love with her. I don't know how to shake her if she stays away from me for too long. I want our. I watch her sex videos just so I can see her. It's not like her to turn her phone off. She always has it on, and she has even texted her husband back or took his call while we were making love. So now that she is stuck at home with her husband, I really miss her, and I realize that I want to be with her. We've always talked about being together one day, and she wants a divorce, but I haven't pushed it because of her garden tool tendencies, and I'm afraid she may not be a good wife. All of our old friends know our history, and they say I'm a fool for still dealing with her. I'm the only man in her life besides her husband now, so I try to defend her when the Fellas tease me. She says we would be inseparable, but we need a fresh start in a new city. She says, I'm her one true love, and I feel the same way, Stephen Shirley. Should I trust her? As men, some of us act like dogs and our garden toolish and it's never held against us by the women that love us. Deep down, I know she's a really good woman. I just want to know if I'd be making a big mistake. Should I just let this go? Yes, you would be making a big mistake. Yes, she's making love to you but taking calls from her husband, and she would be doing the same thing with you. I mean, you know what they say, you cannot turn a garden tool into a housewife. They say it all the time, So so please you. You got to stop being just a fool in love at this point. And that's not to say that people can't change, because people can change. Just not her, Just not her. She's not the one that can change. I don't think so. I don't believe she really wants to change. I believe she's just telling you that because that's what she's got to tell you. She's in the house with her husband. What else is she gonna say to you. I mean, she said she wants a divorce. She's got to say something to keep to string you along. But even just say you know that you guys did get together, how would you trust her? Why would you trust her? You've you've seen what she's capable of. I just don't get it. I mean, she's cheated on you before, she's cheating on her husband with you. She's just a cheater. I mean, and you guys know it, the friends know it. Everybody knows that she's a cheater. And I think he'd be making a big mistake if you decide, you know, to try and make a life with this woman. I don't think she's a woman for you. Steve Man, the subject alone, she's been a cheatah since high school. Kill you had to stay away, Doug behind, Oh, she's a kid. Just looked like he was going She's been a Cheatah, since high school. That right there. Now, I'm in love with a woman that carried herself like a garden to her whole life. What how? How? What? I don't even understand that line right there, right then, she's been loose since high school, since high school, that you can't really get loose fold that right, that's a great point. I mean the moment she went somewhere, she performed as a loose person and has continued it. Uh. We started dating, and I dated her intimor early twenties. After we broke up, you found out she had cheated multiple times. Here we are fifteen years later. She's married now, and she's cheating on her husband with me. Cy okay, dog, okay, so right right here the letter shit stopped. But you got more. I have a connection with this woman, and I can finally admitted, after years of fighting it, I'm in love with her. I don't know how to shake her. Dog. This is simple. You whipped. You is what we call whipped. She got your nose open like the Holland Tunnel for freight train activity brains right when I can't reach it, bothers me if she stays away from me too long. I watch our sex videos just so I could see her. It's not like her to turn her phone off. She even has it on, and she's even text her husband back or took his cause while we was making love. This is why I got a problem with the whole damn love right right now, when Steve Harvey is in here making love. You can't answer phones. I don't care, damn show, can't text. You might can grab that phone, but somebody to think you need help. But what you with but your shoulder? Hell ain't gonna be doing a texting. But well, how would they answer, though, Steve, this has been if they answer the phone, I'm it? Yeah right, holy right there, Wait, wait minute, Wait a minute. Part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three Today's Strawberry Letter. She's been a cheater since high school. Part two of Steve's response coming up right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Come on, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letter. She's been a cheater since high school. This dude and fell in love with this crazyage girl Chill Garden two. They dated in high school up until the twenties, broke up. Find out that she had cheated on him several times. Fifteen years later, she now married, and she cheating on her husband with me. I got a connection with the woman after you. I can't fight it. I'm in love with I don't know how to shake her well. I found that that's causey whoop, I can't reach it balls me if she stays away from me too long. I watch our sex videos so I could see her. It's not like her to turn her phone off. She always got it on. She even texts her husband back or took his calls while we was making love. I shut that now, but that's not what we're doing up in him. You're not texting on the phone. Not you picked phone up, but your damn train. Go and get your finger on the right number. I can tell you that right now. I'm somethings gonna be happening and talking ain't really that good. Hello, that's what I want to hear happening that phone. So you're not asking the phone while we're making love. So now that she's stuck at home with her husband, I really miss her, and I realized that I want to be with her. We've always talked about being together one day, and she wants a divorce. Now is it really she wanted divorce? Or do he want a divorce? They just can't gonna win and get one right now? But I ain't push it because of her holish tendencies. And I'm afraid she may not be a good wife. What when when you start thinking that though she may not be a good wife, she ain't one. Now hear she wasn't a good high school student. She wasn't good first of all, she wasn't a good high school school because you said she'd been loose's high school, which is when you can first begin your loose activities. So she been loose in high school. She wasn't a good high school student. She wasn't a good high school girlfriend. Didn't you ask data her tiu was twenty found out she wasn't a good college student because she couldn't stay in college long because she was somewhere acting howish. And then you found out that she had several relationships after y'all broke up. And now fifteen years later she married now and guessed what she right back to her old damn tricks, which ain't old tricks, they're just her tricks. She cheating on her husband with you, you stupid. You can't shake her because you will. You're watching sex videos and all this hill now not because of her howish tendencies. I'm afraid she may not be a good wife. She ain't a good wife. She ain't been good at nothing, self acting howish she's great at that. You ain't wrote in this letter where she worked. She ain't got no job. She ain't developed one damn skill set outside of holishness. And now holishness it is now. Holishness is not good for women, just the old Dale said the holishness is not good for women's is it is not so now? All our friends know our history, and they say I'm a fool for still dealing with her. I'm the only man in her life besides her husband. Now that's probably not true. I don't know how you came to that conclusion. Thought maybe you wrote that in a letter to feel good. But you just said something that I find hard to believe. You're right, I'm the only man in her life besides her husband. Now, I bet you a so I try to defend her when it felt has tease me dog half two fellas just teasing you have been with her. That's why I watched this line right here. She said we would be She said, we would be in superable, but we need a fresh start in a new city. That's called she just slept with the city, y'all. In city somebody owned no hulk. That's why she said we need a fresh start in a new city, because she just slept with the city. She said with the city. The city, they got a move. Bus drivers chatting people that dropped off Bill down at the ball when she said at the end at hill now he bringed bier by the house. She's sleeping with grocery dope clerk and the manager the grocery stove. She'd have met the mayor down that social service department. She sleep with him to her check. Ain't never late. She's sleeping with the people at the clean anybody to cleanand yeah, she adin't even got to do that. No more poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Joe Biden's sexual assault allegations Will voters care? We'll find out right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, Tom Perez, is dismissing the launch on investigation into a former Senate staffer. Her name is Tera Read. She's made allegations that Joe Biden assaulted her twenty seven years ago. Perez said, Joe Biden has been vetted and had already undergone a comprehensive investigation years ago when former President Barack Obama picked him for his running mate. Remember that back in two thousand and eight. Hello. Other political experts point out that one President trumpet sexual allegations against him, he still won the election. People, he still won. Voters are worried about the pandemic and economic crisis right now, as far as Joe Biden's running mate is concerned. A new CBS News poll revealed that voters top choices are in this order. Elizabeth Warren, who do you think is number two? Steve Hey, No Abrams, not the other girl, Kamala's number two? Who's number three? Thinks to Amy? No? No Stacy right, Jay Stacy. Stacy Abrams is third, and then Amy Klobuchar. So he'll reain't in there at all. I didn't see her name in the top. Yeah, she just endorsed him last week. I don't I don't know. I don't know about them. I don't know. I mean, I don't know which orders should be in. Elizabeth Warren kind of scares me a little bit. Yeah, kind of scares me a little bit. Why because of her left of center that old tax scheme she got it absolutely ludicrous. Man, you can't do that. But I'll tell you what, though she had a lot of followers, I don't now this, this Joe Biden sex scandal. Men and men can't get away with this. I understand that. So that's not the statement that I'm making. What I'm talking about in this political climate. Yeah, with what Trump got elected with. You can make mention of what Joe Biden done, and you can make dude settlements whatever you want to do, but that should not stop him from being president of the United States because this dude Trump has a long list of women who can came out and y'all squashed that and let it go. He'd have made statements about women body parts, y'all let that go. He didn't have the playboy Bunny touring his house that his wife lived in, that y'all let that go. And he hadn't paid a pawn stop off and a lawyer is in prison, right, that's right directly to him. Beheads because of Donald Trump, excuse me, many political climbing his change and Democrats need to quit playing stupid true all right. Coming up at the top of the hours, shoppers stand in line at the Atlanta Mall, the Greenbrier Mall. We'll talk about it right after this. They want the new Jordans. Why is they at the mall? You're listening, all right, guys and trending lifestyle news. Shoppers were bought it real close together in lines that were wrapped around the building at Atlanta's Greenbrier Mall, hoping to buy the new Jordan five fire red sneakers. They wanted to buy them in person because the sneakers were sold out on line. Okay. Atlanta shoppers were able to go out to the mall because the recent stay at home orders, of course, were lifted by Georgia's Governor Brian Kemp. And we should note that Atlanta's mayor, we love her, Mayor, Keisha Lance Bottoms, was very much opposed to reopening the states so soon. The shoppers violated the six feet distancing from each other while standing in line wanting to buy the Jordans the retro style Jordan five sneakers or two hundred dollars two hundred dollars for adults, they're one hundred and forty dollars for kids originally respect two hundred dollars for a case of COVID Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah exactly, you're exactly right, and d one hundred and forty dollars for the kids. Originally released. These shoes were released back in nineteen ninety. They're fire red sneakers. They were worn by Michael Jordan, and Nike decided to release the sneakers online back in mid April. They wanted to coincide with ESPN's um documentary Uncle Steve, let me ask this, Yes, if you are Michael Jordan, do you have any control to say, Hey, I don't want my sneakers being released at a time like this is too much going on, it's too detrimental to the people. Let's wait and do this later. Do you have any control over that? Or does Nike? Well, I mean, Jordan is big with the Jordan brand. He's huge, He's a billionaire because of this brand, So of course he has say so. But let me tell you something. First of all, releasing it to coincide with this thing, it's a brilliant marketing strategy. No one knew when they talked about doing the documentary at this time. They did it at this time since more eyeballs would be on the TV. So they released it and they were doing it online and they were just gonna sell out online. Well, they sold out online. They didn't know Georgia, what's gonna open. So this Saint Jordan's fault, you know what I mean. Georgiana don't know that this state gonna open. And they were selling them online and then they ran out the first time when they released it back in mid April. Then they bought them back recently and sold out again online. So now these people lining up to go to the mall to get these Jordan's in person, that's their decisions. And black say this, this is a mall that mostly black people frequent. It is you know that? Yeah, that's not Lennox, it's not Fipps in Atlanta, it's not any of those balls. It's a Greenbrier. But the shoes, where the hell you going? I don't know where you're going with Jake. They're gonna put them shoes on, go get their nailed done, all right. The shoe is not effective if you're still coughing. Yeah, it's not affect. Shoes don't look good at these like them shoes. Dog, you dog, you gotta put your jeans in that plastic bag to get at the hospital. We gotta get ned. You gotta put all your stuff in that plastic bag. Yeah, yeah, it's kind of it's kind of sad, man the way this working well To answer question though, Tommy, No, I don't think Jordan had anything to do with this, and that's not a thing. Okay, I'm enjoying to my mama, go ahead on why is he so crazy that? You know? Man? I mean, like, hey, I'm enjoying this last dance. It's good because I've known a lot of the players over the years, and then some of the stuff I didn't know. But I'm very aware. You know, Isaiah's getting a really bad rap in this thing is. But I say, Thomas, man, it's a great dude. Man. All right, coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Every Morning Show, and we'll get back into the Jordan talk, the last Dance talk right after this twenty minutes after you're listening show. All right, Uh, before we went to break, tell me you had one more question you wanted to ask your uncle. Yeah, you know, I'm talking about Jordan and Isaiah and that whole beef. But what I'm reading, because I've been reading up on it and I've been watching it. It's a great documentary. But what they're saying, it seems like that this has been Taylor made for Jordan, where there's no it doesn't wrong, he did no wrong. And the biggest thing is is that that uh he keeps a grudge forever. Not that holds up the biggest grudge keeper. I can't be mad about that one now, because when you do something to me, I don't forget it, but throw it. What if you throw a rocket me, I ain't gonna be get you. Yes, yes, King Jay, and I ain't gonna lie and say I ain't. They are saying that mister Jordan has not forgotten and he will never forget, and he thinks Isaiah is a butthole from his own out. I think it's been some are and and we'll continue this right after this. But I think has been some moments in sports where it should have been let go up and it hasn't. And she should have been on a dream team for sure for the Olympics. Yeah, but Isaiah and David Thorne and everybody says Jordan had nothing to do with him not being on that, But I think that one sportsman like gesture hurt him when they selected. All right, we'll keep the conversation going when we come back. At thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening, all right, here we are, We're back. We were discussing the last dance. Uh. And Tommy, who never lets anything go and who holds a grudge forever, was wondering if Michael Jordan is holding a grudge or was holding a grudge? Yea. I think Thomas back in the day, I think he is. And let me say this, man, Isaiah Thomas one of the great guards in the history of this league. And I think that that that whole series, that bad boy thing kind of hurt him because they thought they were playing a brand of basketball wasn't good for the game. But that was a game back then. It was very very physical game back then. That's why I'm telling people stopped talking to me about who the greatest basketball player was because it was Michael Jordan, because he played in an era where for him to survive he had to be But if you look at his game, man, how many times Mike went into the lane and pulled up at ten feet, twelve feet, fifteen feet You don't even see that no more, just just a jump shot. But not not only that, on going to the lane and getting filed the way he used to get filed. It was a different game. So now it has he held a grudge a little bit long? Yeah, I think so, I think, I think, and even I think this conversation. Jordan is the apex of the game. You might as well let his knee up off his neck, you know. But now Isaille admits now, of course that it was a mistake. But at the time Boston did it to them. Yeah, yes, Boston did it to them the year before when they won, they walked off the court. Boston did it to the Piston, to the so they did it to Mike will which was bad. You know who started it, Lamb Beer started it. He was the one who said we ain't shaking the hands, We're not shaking, and he spreaded the word and then and they just ran with it. But you know, but but you know, they took the bad boy image award where they're a great team. Absolutely, would they pound the majority of teams playing today in the ground in the ground had but if they had to have the same rules. But you could even hand check. Nowadays you can't even hand check. But there are some things, you know, I think that should have gotten let go. I think, oh Webber, when he called the time out, they won't let him live that down. No, man, he won't let himself live it down. He won't go and speak with the Fab five. None of that. He's been off the time and time again to come and talk about He will not discuss it. He distanced himself from the Fab five. He could have been making tons of money, you know, Olive Frasier. They buried the hatchet after a while. Yeah, Hell holy Field talked to Tyson. Ye yes, yes, coming up our last break of the day. It is the last break up the day. You don't need that remark from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up with forty nine minutes after right after you're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show care. We are our last break comes of the day. It's been a good day. It is the last break of the day. Why do you need why do you need to have that space? And then but I can't think it anywhere, No, I can't. But Jay, the timing of it is off because you you say something, you or you blow your harmonica and then you then you say it it's late. Let let it go. No, No, we're gonna rehearse this and get no. No, no, we're gonna rehearse this and get it right. Say that, say what it is and let's see if he can get it. Come on, all right one more time, Jake, Okay, here we are last break of the day. It is the last break of the day. All right, done, It's time you got closing remarks for us. Yeah, today I decided to do something completely different. We're gonna be using my clothes and remark music though, because he has to get his own nephew, Tommy today is going to partake his version of closing remarks on us today. Every now and then I step aside and allow people to express themselves. And Tommy has a special message for us in closing remarks. Ladies and gentlemen, I may regret this, but think my damn nephew, Tommy h My closing remarks today is don't put off today. You know you don't want to put nothing off today that you think you can do tomorrow. Tomorrow is not promised. So if you need to cuss somebody out, you need to do it today. Tomorrow is not promised. Get to cussing right now, because guess what you can message what if something happening to him and you don't get to custom out. That's what I'm talking about. You want to cuss somebody out right at the right moment, cussom my thin. Let's let's let's let's let's let's talk about Michael Jordan. Let's talk about it. He was completely he felt completely disrespected. Didn't he by by by by, by the whole entire Detroit team. He felt disrespected. They did not shake his hand, they did not congratulate him, they did not do any of that. Guess what that's when you cuss somebody out, really, yes, you call him a bunch of things. Some great combinations, some of the greatest, some of the greatest cussings in the world have changed a lot of things in life. It has And you know what, Michael Jordan didn't do that. He didn't do it at the time, but he's been holding that grudge for a long time. And now Isaiah no that he should have been cussed out so many years ago. It's a lot of cussing that should have happened that didn't happen. Jesus, get your cussing out. People. When you see something, when you when you're going through some cuss get it off of you right now. Get it off of you. That is sometime things in your life that cussing is a necessity. Definitely. Hear me when I talk when I when I when I when I when I when when when When I think about the goodness of custom and what it has done for me, I love when I think about nothing about what off cussing has done for me and what did come for me. Cussing has been an extraordinary relief for so many different people. I'm a right, a wrong. They are some great cussles out there. Steve Harvey is one of the greatest cussles of all the one of the greatest Okay, Burning Mack one of the greatest cussles of all time. These are kings of cussing. Three. You see what I'm saying. You see, I don't say they are some great cussers out there, But you're not going to know you are great cussa if you don't start cussing. Tom So listen to Tommy. All of you out there that's going through something right now, start cussing different time. You might be in the top, don't know. Go go go ahead, Jake, go ahead. I'm some kid when I think about what cussing has brought me through, when I think about when I was at my lowest, when I was at my lowest, but because because I could see the greatness of cussing, yes, pull me through. And you know what, some of y'all didn't know you was great custom cussing until you were until you were eight nine years old in your room, when your mama said you, when your mama said something to you, and when she left out the room, that was the birth of being a great custole. You had no idea that you was a great At four hours on my way, I knew just the beginning of something great right here. No, I ain't gonna help go ahead to close out. I want to say this side right now to all my fellow customers customers, but to all my fellow shut and and carl it is is in the top two custoles only. I don't know why she talking, but anyway, to all of my custoles out there, because my potential and custoles out are going to on their way to being cuss us, let it out, Let it out. It is the best relief mechanism I have ever found in Hell yeah, you hear what he's said. Hell yeah, everybody together, hell hell yeah, hell yeah, come on, Shirley, hell he'll call it hell yea, not on, hell come on, Junior, Hell yeah, come on, Steve, Hell yeah, damn straight. Why you're gonna tell him? Now, have a great weekend, everybody, have a good weekend for all Steve every contests. No purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.