Good morning and welcome to the ride! The Steve Harvey Morning Show is here to tear dey mouff out! The Chief Love Officer has a clear warning for a wife that got holy during the pandemic. Quincy Jones talked about racism in Hollywood during a recent interview. A temporary lapse of judgement occurred with Malik Beasley of the Minnesota Timberwolves. Qualified immunity was talked about and it got hot. What is happening in the NFL? Elton John will be honored at the iHeart Radio Awards and Steve shares a story with us about when he first met the legend. The crew talk about the nine things that men want to hear. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about his thoughts on the George Floyd Reform Bill.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them like amazing things, and it's not doing me good. Steve to mother, start joy. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out, then turn the water the water, y'all. Come, come on your baby. Uh huh, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, okay, here's what I want to share with you. Stop complaining. So I had to let you see how I let that one sit for a second. Stop complaining. Do you realize without us even thinking about it, oftentimes we just complain about stuff and it comes up in such subtle forms. Man, I don't know why they're still letting that lady work there. Man, If they don't fire this woman, man, I don't know what I'm gonna do. She driving me, She always got something to say. I bet to day though, the way I'm feeling right now, I bet she'd been not saying nothing to me today. M yeah, yeah, because day it today it I'm sick of her running her mouth. Last time she says something to me, I should have said something to it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just giving you a small example of how it starts to snowball once you start to complain. It's it just carries over into so many things. Man, Stop complaining about your car, Stop complaining about your bus pass, Stop complaining about your kids can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining about your man can't seem to get it together. Stop complaining. Stop Have you noticed? I'm just asking, have you noticed that in all of your complaining, it has provided not one solution? The reason I'm telling you to stop complaining because God is able, Because God is capable. He is capable and able of fixing anything, capable and able of curing anything, capable and able of allowing you to get too adjusting to things, and capable and able to strengthen you to get through and change anything. But the key here is God is capable, and God is able. A lot of times I find myself complaining because I have not used my greatest asset and my relationship with God. You all have one now, you may not have nurtured it. But you have one because God created you as you as his child. He's available to you now. The fact that you ain't went to him. Okay, once again, who fathers that? Stop complaining until you strengthen your relationship with God and formulate this relationship. You don't have enough weapons. You ain't got a big enough shield to fight this thing called life. It just keeps coming. Man, And unless you develop a relationship with God, you need a partner in all of this. Maybe you got another route you're gonna take. But every successful person I know personally has a relationship with God. I have some really really some people that's kind of up there in the success term in terms of business and money and statue. I'm just talking about that portion of success. And then I have a lot of people who are very successful in their spiritual life, who have become great men of God and women of God. But look at all of them, and all of them have substantial amounts of you know, possessions and things like that. Also, most successful people I know have that even if you saw them never with a big lot of house and a lot of money or stuff like that, they had so much respect, so much love, so much power. Was given them from people that their life was rich in that area, you know, like a man Nu the King or something like that, or Gandhi or somebody who lived their life in service or Nelson Mandela who came out and just man, people put stuff at their feet because of their service. So all successful people I know have that, Every last one of these people that I know, they have relationship with God. They used the tool that was available to them to give them the strength, the bullets, the arrows, the slings, the shield to fight this thing called life and have the most valuable partner right there by their side. They heavily father God because he will help you get through this thing called life. Man, stop complaining all the time. It's not fixing anything. Why don't you do yourself a favor and strengthen your relationship with God? Man, why can I never get over? Well you have not because you ask not. Man, how come I always got problems? Well, you keep trying to solve them yourself and taking them to your friends. You keep trying to do them with your own thought process. Who are you? I keep telling you, man, you're going through stuff you ain't got no business going through. And if it's you going through something over and over and over and over, and the same problem keep coming back to bite you again. All that's saying is you still ain't strengthen your relationship with God. It's your relationship. He's not gonna make you have one with him. He is a perfect gentleman. He only comes into your life when you invite him in. But for those who do invite him men, they have a distinct advantage on their road to success, a distinct advantage. You can do it without him. Trust me, you can. How far you get. I can't promise you nothing, how well you handle it when you arrived there, I can't promise you nothing, how long you're gonna stay there. I can't promise you nothing. How difficult it's going to be without him. I can't give you that. It's going to be far more difficult. But you can. Something can happen, and you know, receive a measure of success, and you think, is you and this move you made, And you can describe it as I got lucky. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. I got lucky. Lucky is usually how other people describe other people's success. Poor he was lucky. He was right there. Well, let me tell you what luck is. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. If you've been working hard at something, an opportunity presents itself that comes a match. That's not luck. But now, if you haven't done that on a repetitive enough basis, that opportunity could present itself one time. You got to reconnect. Stop complaining, man, come on, listen to me. Stop complaining. It hasn't fixed a single thing in your life. And if you're a chronic complainer, it's because you really really have not fixed your relationship with God. He'll smove it out for you. That I can tell you for a fact. I know that for a fact he's moved mine out. All right, let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Can I have your attention please? And the reason I'm asking for it is because when I get it, I'm gonna do something with it. Now now that I have your attention, here we go. You're about to be enlightened, a little bit frightened, educated, but then sometimes a little miseducated. You're gonna be entertained, while at the same time start the process of being interchanged. Then we're gonna stimulate but we're not gonna try to annihilate. And in other words, when you summon all this up, in the words of one of my dear, dear friends, the Steve Harvey Morning Show is about to tad a mouth file. And the word is mouth m ou fl mouth. That's how we say it, That's how we spell it. Welcome to the show, surely, straw band. That is what we do. Steve Harvey, Good morning for real, Good morning. What's happening crew? Hey, hey, hey hey Junior morning unc you latchet mouse ever nephew Tommy, have your mouth out, just take it? Yeah, hung and all gums, all that thing in there. You have gental work like a fool that out. Got some more money. Feeling you're gonna need some more work. Yeah? Yeah, you look good today, Steve. You're feeling all right there? Yeah yeah, you don't feel pretty good man. I've changed my attitude and I feel really great. I've taken everything, everything that I used to have to do, I've turned it around and said I get to do it. Has made a world of difference. My days are going much smoother. I've implemented the thought process of gratitude and everything I do and I'm just watching God to see what he got from me next, because He's always taken care of me, and I lived my life in the expectation that there's some greater things on the horizon, and I'm just watchful. Come on, man, watch thank you George. Yeah. Now, what I always try to make sure I do now is I try to give something for God to put his finger on. You know, God can touch it for you. I just try to give him something to touch, you know, I put it. I got a lot of balls in there. You know for sure he can take any one of them balls he wants to and just blow it up. That's right to do that. But now he did. He did this, and turns out it's better. Surely. I can't really tell you how many times what I wanted and what he gave me was two different things. Absolutely, how I wanted and how he gave it to me it was different, and it was way better than what I want. Way, because his thoughts are not our thoughts. Man, such a blessed man to come to the realization of how this actually works. Man, I wish I could teach people how it works without sounding preaching, because I'm not really qualified to do that, but I wish I could share with people how how it works. Man, let's do it for you can do that all the time. Yeah, all right, well you can teach here. Well I'm gonna try it in my closing remarks, all right, and you could do it in the clo that's coming up next to Ask the Cello at thirty two minutes after the hour. Right after this you're listening to show all right, time now for ask the Clo. This one clo is from Jolie in Lexington, Kentucky. Jolie writes, I'm in my early fifties and I'm married to a woman that has gotten super holy since the pandemic started. If she's not a church, she's watching it on TV. This is billed over to our sex life, and she says freaky sex is out because sex is only for pro creation. I want to put her. I want to I want her. I want to put her in all the positions she used to love because she won't but she won't allow herself to get into it. How can I get her Bible off the nightstand and get her into this pretzel position like the dog? I can't, really, I can't. Richie, guide you on this room right here, because you asking me to get the Bible off, nice thing in and get her foot back over there up there by that lamp. And I don't. But this is wife dost well see she tripping, yeah, CC tripping And you know you didn't got real holy because you didn't have them. Something happened to you doing COVID. But sex is for pre creation, but sex is a lot of it's for pleasure. See, I'm not having no more kids to stop. So I don't know what you're asking me to do. But I'm in here clunding to the best of my ability. I'm I'm showing out when I can't you know what I'm saying, you know, So I don't know what to tell you to sell bro. I know she gonna have to do something though, because what you can't do. You know, it's changed on this man and have him sitting up in here now you didn't cut him off. I don't know what you think he gonna do. But if he if he don't go down there and get the same same I don't know, converging, he don't get that, he gonna go somewhere else later, everybody on this shop, then we're COVID. Everybody been clumbed, everybody speaker. I don't know why you try to drag these ladies into just stayed over here with me, guys Montavius. Montavius and say that again in Baton Rouge says, I got my EMT certification and I need to move to a bigger city to get a job. My girlfriend just had a baby, girl, and she doesn't want to leave our hometown because she needs her mom's help with the baby. I'm trying to prepare a good future for my family, but she's tripping about me leaving. If I stay in town, I could continue to manage the restaurant where I work, but that's not my dream. Do I make the sacrifice for my girlfriend and stay, or do I make the bigger sacrifice for my family and go. Well, you could go ahead and get it all set up, and then when she get a little bit better handle on the baby, bring the family to you, and then you on weekends, of course, drive back. I don't know how far the city is that you got to move to, because he's in I don't know what city he is. He's in Baton Rouge. You got some a lot about your luge Baton Rouge, great city. You gotta go to New Orleans or you're gonna have them or Houston. Not how far is Houston from Baton Rouge. Yeah, so you can go on up there and just drive back on the weekends if you ain't gonna call, or you can go to Loui Louisiana. I mean, I mean little New Orleans that they're busy. Whoa is all day? Loan down there? Yeah, I ain't gonna lie to you. They probably need you down now. And then you know, it's kind of tough because this man is trying to provide. Yeah, and that's his dream to do emt He on the tie of managing the restaurant. That's why he went. Now I know she tripping, but y'all got to sit down and talk about what's best for the family. You'll be able to sit back way more money than manage it. Yeah all right, um wow man, you know, but but girlfriend though not wipe so yeah, exactly. Moving on Amazing in Riverdale, Georgia. Amazing says I did a weight loss challenge with my co workers and we took before and after pictures. It was four ladies and four guys. We wore biker shorts and sports bras for the before pictures, and the men were shirtless in biker shorts. My husband was snooping through my phone and saw the pictures of me with my coworkers. He got upset because my male co workers saw me and a BRA. I lost six pounds in a week and I won the challenge. But he's ruining the whole experience. How can I get him to understand? Dog, Dog, it was a bra sports brawl and some spandex dog best equivalent to a bikini less than a bikini, right, yeah? So bro, come on, man, I mean dog, they all did it for the challenge, So I mean, Bra, your wife in the house, she just lost. It was for a challenge, before and after picture sports brawl spannedex short that was it. But Steve, but dog, shudn't she a toll him first? Though? He shouldn't find that by just man, I don't know why she didn't tell him. You keep your phone unlocked, Tommy, So oh no, NBI can't get in this phone right here, Hall, I first read this that l and lbs for pounds. I thought it was sixty one pounds in a week. Yeah, that's she's been up for seven days and she ain't eight. That's she's been running round a yard. Wait a minute, what she loves? How many pounds? All right, all right? Reggie in New Jersey says, I'm a forty four year old married man and I think my wife is cheating on me. She's been staying out late after work and her phone is off. I retired military, and I put a tracking device on her car so it's always at the place she said that she's going. But um, I think she's your car and getting in with someone else. Um. I don't want to sound paranoid, but I am. We were home together for months last year, and now she said she treasures her time with her friends. Why does she need to turn her phone off? Though? I don't know, Bro, I don't want to start nothing because you're a man and we have a tendency to be ignorant. But you know, she turned her phone off, but she got the tracking device and her cars always where you say it is. So I don't know what to tell you, bro, because I don't want to incite the ride or get you all worked up about nothing. So you know, just talk to your wife and see what's going on, you know, but don't jump to conclusions and do nothing crazy because I can't say nothing to get your staughtered in that direction. Don't tell her, don't tell him. Steve coming up next, it is the nephew would run that brank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Hannah standing by with today's national news and an entertainment news celebrity baby news from Fantasia. That is our girl, She's a new mommy, and Quincy Jones says Elvis was a racist. We'll talk about all of these stories that we all ready to do that. Yeah, right now, the nephew is here, would run that prank back. What you got for us, nef yo check bounce, yo, check bounce. Let me tell y'all used to write bad checks at the church back in the day, way back not at the church. Yeah, well, you know, not not intentionally, but you know, as my aunt used to say, per se, you know, it used to amaze me. The church would get that check on Sunday and I don't know how ain't cleared Monday morning. It'd be gone. The love worked it out, just like yeah everything else. Okay, yo, check bounce. Let's go Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Monica system. Monica please, who's calling? This is Brother de Sean. I'm calling Actually I'm a member Greater Commissionary Baptist Church. How can I help you? Calling you actually about the offering? Now? Did you? I know you paid your ties every Sunday? Okay, Now you paid a love offering as well? Right? Yes, I do? Okay, Now this past Sunday. I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right right, I sure did. I wrote a check Sunday. Okay. Now the check, ma'am was two hundred and fifty dollars? Am I correct? Right? Right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the love offering? Right? I wrote one for two fifty for the love offering? Okay? Now what is this call regarding? Why are you calling me? What I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a bar of bad news, but your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bound for two hundred dollars. Your check bound. So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifth as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars uh in bank fees. But wait a minute, now, I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for one hundred dollars. Did that one bounce? I don't see to it that that that one bounced. All I know is the one that the love offering has bounced. What did you put them in at the same time? Because I wrote them at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two or three years. The problem is why would people write that is your name, m brother Deshaun at Sunday I was. I don't think it matters. And when I was there, man, the problem is that I didn't put these checks in. And I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the track knowing that they're gonna bound. Because a lot of people write that good well not check one clear? Why the other one didn't clear? Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear? What what did you just say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the ain't for both of them to clear. I don't understand why people write the planning money in the bank and all my checks clear. I don't write no rubber checks. Well, you wrote one on Sunday, and that's the problem. How are you gonna try to give a look? You wait a minute. I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad checks. You didn't wrote that to be nice to you. I'm trying to be nice to you. Win. Can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So thirty dollars? That's the bank feeds man for the dog gonna check bouncing. My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me about a two hundred and fifty dollar check bounce. I don't write no Why would you write check? What? You want to sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank. What did you say? I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in? Now, let me tell you that's one thing. I don't write no bad checks. And you got a lot ners calling me telling me my check bounce. Y'all check is the one that has bounced and you tell you what you do. It's my check bounce you paid them since you got all the money, and don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang up on me no more? Why don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Somebody from the church to my I wrote a bad check? I write you did write a bad check. I didn't write no bad Yes, dad, Why are you calling me? Why the treasure? Don't call me at church? The treasure is business. I ain't never know the deacon called nobody about no bad check. You're fully thank you you got the money I ain't got. Who in the hell is that in the background? Who is that a mind? Who it is? We're both going to the same church, and you're gonna call me to my I wrote a bad check. You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads, you paid? Okay? Passed to know you talking like this? You pass to No you calling me? Can you ask for that? Look? When are we gonna get this? Two hundred and eighty dollars? Is what we're looking for from you? I wrote a check for two fifty and not get two eighty. You puts with it. You put two fifty in there. It bounced. Thirty dollars cost us on bake fees. That's two eighty. Where can the church expect their money? Never not, No, two eighty. You will never get to eighty. You're gonna make me come by your and my check in But what did you say. I'm gonna do what You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money, bring it own, bring it bring you what is the address on this check? Check? I got it off the check, bring your own. I bet you you'll be limping back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever I want to Okay, No, you you know where I am. And you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bounce. Let me say this to you, we cannot accept you back into the House of the Lord no more until you are not don't you come in the sunday until we get coming up in the sunday, and I'm gonna make sure I find your because you the person I want to see yours, and you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and asked him because I don't believe my check bounce. You fully let me say this before you called pastor. I got no, I'm gonna called pastor. No, you should have talked with pastor before you called me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me with this I talked about I bounced a check. You should have went to pastor before you called me with you. I tall a pastor one I got, but I got one more thing to say before I leave. Did you listening? What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfrid. What did you say? Baby? This isn't say What did you say? I'd say? This is nephew time me baby brother Steve Harvey morn. Until your girlfriend has pranked you, I'm gonna beat that. She just left hid flying her. She didn't let me ask you one more thing though? Baby? What is the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey Morning and then you have it. You check bounce there, you're gonna get it. She was not playing with right about her ties and offering when deacons started calling about some chick that that don't make no sense to me. The treasure all right on land. Don't get ready. I have added a show Thursday night. The Nephew has added a seven thirty show. Tickets are on sale right now. As you know, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday and Saturday is what sold out. So I added Thursday nights. I'm thirty tickets on sale red now. Temple laying in the cut late June. I'm proud to say it. All shows sold out. Yeah, the Nephew back. You don't understand The Nephew back, brand new, brand new jokes, brand new suit, brand new haircut. Congratulation coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment in National News. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, we have to say congratulations to our girl. Steve. Check this out. Our girl Fantasia had a baby's mom. Yes, she and her husband Kendall Taylor, welcome their first child together. It's baby girl, Kauziah London Taylor. All right, this is the third child for Fantasia. She has a nineteen year old daughter named Zion and an eight year old son named Dallas from previous relationships. Taylor also has another child from a previous relationship. So all we can say is congratulations. And did you see the picture of Fantasia with the elephant. Yeah, oh yeah, it's just beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Yeah, you gotta see it on Instagram. You know that's your girl. Tommy was a nursery, you know, from the baby and yeah, really pretty. So congratulations Fantasia. Well, Steve, you'll be interested in this. Quincy Jones has worked with almost every big name in music, but he refused refused to work with Elvis Presley. He shared the story with the Hollywood Reporter, saying, I was writing for bandleader Tommy Dorsey back in the fifties and Elvis came in and Tommy said I don't want to play with him. Quincy said he was a racist. MF. I'm going to shut up now, Okay, So Tommy Dorsey, when else Elvis came in, said I don't want to play with him because Quincy said he was a racist. MF mother f That's what he said. I'm going to shut up now. The Hollywood know what all these initials mean. You see, you don't custom like with me, so you think you gotta explain. We know what you know. You ain't got to say mother elf. We know what that is. If you thought we think shirley, you thought we thought malfunction? What you thought we thought legal term. The Hollywood Reporter series is called Icon and in the article, Quincy opened up about his candid takes on Hollywood racism and he reflects on his career. Quincy Jones is eighty eight years old. He's won twenty eight Grammys. Twenty eight. You know a lot of people twenty eighty eight. He ain't got fixed nothing. He said, let it go. Yeah, he's saying whatever he wants to say. Pust that little song on the movie frost the Frosty of Frozen, let it go. The movie is Frosty. It'srozen, that's A and D. It's not Frosty the Snowman. Right. And I just learned all this the other damn family. Yeah, because the little girl on the show named Anna, what I call it Anna, but it wasn't Anna Anna. Then she said Anna liking of frozen? Well, what the hell is that? I don't even know what that is? She said, you don't know where a frozen is an? I said no, But I said, what is the little girl's name that's on the billboard? She said, on what field board? Because I kept getting it mixed up with Frosty and you know, Wendy's Wendy's hass Frosty boy, that little girl thought I was. She was just looking at me. Her mother was open. She was just shaking her head. Mister Harvey, go, I'm ripping off information now. Let go, Letty go, let go. Let's get to the headline. Steve, here she come. Whoamies? Oh thank you very much that introduction. Good morning everybody, This is Antrip with the news. Well, today marks the one year anniversary of the horrific murder of George Floyd, and members of the Floyd family have been meeting in Minneapolis and they were met there by racial justice activists over the weekend, actually celebrating and remembering the life of the forty six year old father, a white now ex police officer we know his named Derek Chauvin, murdered mister Floyd by pressing his knee into Floyd's neck for over nine minutes. There's a panel discussion yesterday which included the families of other African Americans killed by white cops, and at a rally, the Revenel Shopton reminded the crowd that the fight's not over. Convicting Chauvin is not enough. We need federal legislation, and that legislation is called the George Floyd Justice and Policing Act, which would ban chokeholes, among other things, and make it easier to prosecute homicidal cops. Derek Chauvin was convicted of both murder and manslaughter. He's going to be sentenced next month. George Floyd's brother, Terrence Floyd, says that his brother's murder did force people to see and to believe. The world woke up finally open to what we already knew, that's right and always said, oh, by the way. Members of the Floyd family also scheduled to meet with President Biden later aren't today at the White House. Several states now either prohibit or limit the use of chokeholes and neck restraints by police, and more and more individual cities are taking steps to reign in bad cops and make them accountable for their actions. Meanwhile, the mostly right leaning US Supreme Court refusing to consider a case examining liability for police shootings in suburban Cleveland. In one case in twenty seventeen, a white officer named Michael Rhodes shot and killed an African American man named Luke Stewart, and by shooting him in the chest and neck at close range. Stewart's family father federal civil rights lawsuit. The Israeli Hamasses fire is still holding across your fingers, folks. So Secretary of State Anthony B. Lincoln is traveling to the Middle East. He's probably there and now it's probably just arrived where he's expected with Egypt's assistance to gain the cooperation of other countries in the region, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, and the Palestinding Authority that's Hamas's main rival in the Godza Strip. He's going to be apparently speaking to them. He says he's not going to have anything to say to Hamas. Finally, a suburban Atlanta restaurant that I told you about yesterday issuing an apology to NBA Hall of famer Dominique Wilkins, who was turned away Sunday by the staff. They are claiming there were no tables, and then when he said what there are, he said, oh, well, you're not dressed properly. Yeah, I'm trying to tell you a story. Yeah, somebody's telling the story not dressed properly. Right now, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening. Well, the grass isn't always greener. On the other side, twenty four year old Minnesota NBA player Malik Beasley publicly apologized to his wife after leaving his family for forty six year old Larsa Pippen, Scottie Pippen's ex wife. Malik posted on his ig yesterday, I want to say sorry for putting you in the situation you were put in the last few months. My head wasn't where it was supposed to be, Beasley wrote, alongside a throwback photo of himself and his wife cradling their son McKay, who's now two, in the hospital after he was born. I was looking for more when it was right here the whole time. I'm telling the world and you that there's nobody like you for me. His wife, Montana filed for divorce back in December, and she publicly called the apology a step forward in healing for her family. Wow. Now he's twenty four, Larsa Pippen was forty six. He left his family for her. Yeah, Warso was out there bad with this thirst is I don't understand that at all. You broke your thoughts, Steve. You're you're awfully quiet right now, you're processing. Yeah, come on, bring it, baby, bring it and publicly apologize he humiliated her. Yes, I mean what he's doing is the perfect thing to do to try to make a right now. Okay, I know all these people I don't know know them, I know they are. Yeah, and you've met them as well. Well, I've never you can't talk about and you know too much that I can't. Come on, give me something, give me a little something. I understand. I understand. I understand the temporary lapse of judgment. Okay, okay, we've all had that. Yeah. Yeah, but he that temporary loss of judgment. He came on back like he's posted to. But I do understand the temporary lapse of judgment. Well, she broke his wife's heart. Yeah, she said, it's a step forward. And see that's that's what's crazy, old man. You can't that you broke your girl's heart over what and and how is uh twenty four he's twenty four and Larsa is forty six. Yeah, he lost his mind. Well that out like looking at pictures, like like everybody else found out. But you know, yeah, that's that's the cold part right there. Yeah. But but Steve, you say this often, just as he said, I was looking for more when it was right here the whole time. He went outside of his home to try to fix something, you know, don't trust and believe. Yeah, all right, well, we wish them the best. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to this day show. Well, Congress is set to miss President Joe Biden's deadline today to pass George Floyd's Justice in Policing Act. It's a police reform bill as negotiator to decide how far the federal government should go to root out law enforcement misconduct and violence against black Americans. It was one year ago today that George Floyd was murdered by former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin after he pressed his knee into Floyd's neck for more than nine minutes. Congress as yet to exert its power to change American policing, and according to CNBC, by partisan negotiators have worked for weeks to tweak the House pass George Floyd Justice and Policing Act to win enough Republican support to get it through the Senate. A provision to curve qualified immunity, which shields police officers from most civil lawsuits, poses the biggest remaining obstacle toward reaching a deal. And today is the day that President Biden will have a private meeting in person with George Floyd's family. Look, if you don't get rid of that unity is qualified immunity. This is all for nothing. That's the loophole. The qualified immunity says that if a police officer cannot be held accountable if he's performing in the act of duty, well, if he got his badge out and and he talking, he in the act of duty, so that so that puts him back into safety's own Listen to me, why is it that black people have to constantly beg and march and plead and ask for the same rights that you have. Y'all need to quit acting like justice is pie. Like if we get a big slice, that's less for yours. Justice ain't pie. Justice is a flavor, y'all won't even do a simple act of give it to us. And why you won't give it to us because your ass is straight up racist, because you think the way you're treating black people is sufficient for them. But if you were getting treated the same way, you wouldn't accept it for yourself. You would never allow for your children to be murdered the way we got to watch our sons and fathers and daughters and husbands and nephews and uncles get murdered. But you sit up here in there and you constantly want to say America ain't racist, but you keep doing racist stuff like this. You won't even pass a simple act to give us a chance at justice, not for the bigger slice of justice, but the same flavor that y'all getting. We want the same damn spoon. Your ass is eating your justice all for justice ain't pie, y'all. Where if you give us a bigger slice, you get less. That ain't what this is. Justice is a flavor, and we ain't been tasting the same thing since our ass got here. And that's what we're sick of, and we're sick and tired of it. And you're gonna keep messing around. Okay, now, let me tell you this here, you're gonna keep messing around. Man. Black folks tired it is. Black folks is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Were sick and tired of you just sitting up in here, man, expecting us to be patient. How much longer we got to wait? Why are we waiting on justice? Ye give us the constitution, the same constitution you got. Why are we different? We built this country? Or you don't want to tell that truth? That would be in the history, but you'd have to rewrite too much for too many adventions we've done, waiting too much from this country. You're not gonna tell that truth. Okay, sot talking about the truth. Okay, See, so let's just not talk about that for a minute. Ain't nobody asking you for no damn reparations. Let's stop that for a minute. Can we just get basic human dignity and rights? Every story you hear is about a black being treated unjust by the police. Ain't no stories of white people getting killed at the hands of the police unjustifiably, and stop using that little b s that y'all talk about. It's just as many whites getting shot by police, not unjustifiably. It ain't now, So if it's more whites being shot by police, that must mean there's more white's committing crimes. But when it comes to unjustifiable deaths, we are one hundred percent in front of that. And we're sick and tire of y'all with this monkey mess. But I'll tell you what, We're gonna keep voting. You watching C. You watching C. We didn't have enough for this here. You will never go back to what we were. We're gonna vote all y'all out in a minute. Come all, y'all gonna be gone here, last one of y'all as long as I got a Mike, y'all gone, sir. We'll be back with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today and the subject is in between lovers. Okay, we'll get to that in just a little bit. But right, yeah, I'm not gonna knock it between lovers, okay, in between cars. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. You're here. I'm what you got for us now? A stolen car. A stolen car. Let's go cat do Hello Hello, I'm trying to reach it a Trevor police Sir. You purchased a two thousand and one Navy blue from a used car lot dealership called a car Lot, I don't know, maybe six or seven months ago, am I right? Okay? Now you've been paying notes on this car, I know, for the last six months, and you know, I hate to be a burden of bad news. Actually my name is uh, Detective Justin, and I'm giving you a call to let you know that the actual vehicle, this two thousand and one Navy Blue that you purchased, is actually a stolen vehicle. And we've actually been looking for this car for the last I've been pretty much close to a year now, maybe a little over a year, we've been looking for this I work in the auto theft division, and say you argue, Detective Justin, sir, and I'm in the auto theft division. Here at the police department. Let's don't h I think you got the wrong. I think you got the wrong, god man, because um no, sir, it's it's it's it's and I've done the trace on on and I know this is probably a shock to you, but you we're right on point with this thing. You's got a two thousand and one Navy blue. You did buy it. You did buy it at the car lot dealership, and that uh, and it's the exact one in the license plate, sir, they do match up. And uh. I know this is a bit of a shock to you, but your car is actually a stolen car. So the dealership, sir, actually sold you a stolen car. And I know you did not know that. I know that it was not any information that you already knew. And I know you thought that you were just purchasing a legitimate car. But you have a stolen car, mister Trevor. And no, man, no, I think you got the wrong because this this car is not stolen for real, and this is not stolen, sir. I can go all day with you and try to make you understand what's going on here, and I know it's probably some some blurry information that's not clear to you. But at the end of the day, your car is stolen. I am gonna have to either get someone to come out and impound it or you No, no, I think y'all might need to go back over y'all records, man, because I think y'all on the real, I think y'all got the wrong person, sir, for real, I'm gonna tell you once and I'm gonna tell you again. You have a car that's stolen that I have to have in my possession by the end of the day. Now, by the end of the day, for real, man, you got sir, you have a stolen car, and you're gonna need to bring that car into the police station so we can get this thing rectified. I'm man, for real. Man, hold on, let me talk about this. Man. I don't know about all this she's telling me. For real, Sir, I understand what you're saying, But do you realize you're talking to a police officer here. I am detective. I am detective Justin. I am who you are, man, I'm sill. Hold it's no longer, sir. We've had to actually shut them down for the time being until we get a quite a few cars rectified that I've got more than just your vehicle, Sir, that's been that that has auto theft tied to it. Hold on, that's two things. Either you're gonna bring it to me or I'm gonna come get it now. Which one do you want to do to You ain't coming to get for real, sir. I don't want to have this to have to get go to a level of where it doesn't need to be. But I need to get that card in my possession. Okay, look, look, look listen while I'm telling you. Okay, you're listening. I'm listening, sir. Okay, look, un listen, somebody's gonna take me my three hundred thirty third at fifty two cents I've been paying for the last six months unless you're gonna tall me that give me back my trade ins that get this. Man, I ain't out here you're talking about for real? No, this is you're coming at me with. Man, I went too hard to be keeping up see notes like here, Man, I got that and my rist to take care of, and you come to talk about you saying take my car because something that happened before I bought it, and what I don't even know if this is true. Like I said, I thank you missing. I think you've got me mixed with somebody else. What y'all just not coming at me talking this. I ain't heard nothing about this before. Sure, it's taking us a while to actually track down the car and actually find out exactly where it was. I've I've tracked this car so for the last eight nine months, and I finally found it. You are the one that's actually has it in your possession. It happens all the time. It's an unlikely situation, but I gotta get you to bring it in, and I'm not. I ain't bring you, hear me, I ain't brilliant. Y'all got coming to get from me unless somebody give me my three hunting at seventy seven dollars fifty two cents I've been paying for the last six months plus in my back. Sure, I'm sure you're probably long gone by now. It's problems. I'm stopping. Okay, then then y'all can need at least just come with the money. Come with the money. I just don't get another roster somewhere, em sir, I'm not. I can't sit here and negotiate with you. I'm just a detective that's on this actual case. And I know it's a trying situation, but I am going to have to send some officers out there that that do this type of thing. They pick up these cars and bring them into the I wish you would send somebody out here to get my car. And if you can't neg go here with me. You need to find somebody can. And no, you know, you bring somebody out here if you want to, don't bring somebody. I got some book here. I've been working too. Oh man, I'm working a grand ship. I'm putting all the time. They got to stay late so that man, I'm I'm working to order and try to get this car. Man, it's gonna bring God here if you want to for real, sir, sir, sir, calm, I gotta get you calm down. I mean, you get a little out to me here and told me my car stolen, and y'all talking about time to get it from me. Sure, I know this is a surprise, and I understand that, and you gotta great. You got an honest living, an honest job, and I understand that. But some people have done some dishonest things and that's what's happened here. Somebody that is my problem right there? That ain't the problem was dead when I first got it, so right from the problem. Now I'm not understanding that. All I'm staying is is your cub with my car. I'm on, y'all. Look, that's all I'm saying. You know what, I don't want to go any further. Can I say one more thing to you? Can I do that? What this is? Nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked my young cousin, Eric. Who did you to say? This was? This is nephew tim me from the Steve Harvey Morning Shown. You got pranked by your cousin. Man, Truvor, You all right, old on, I got even name the cigarette running? All right? Man, let me ask you something. You gotta tell me, baby, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Friend? Man? It's that Steve Harvey Morning Show. Because what I do, it's what I do. All I'm saying, Trevor, Man, Man, somebody to come over here. I need my three hundred and something something dollars I've been paying for the last six months and what I traded it in yeah blank break. By the end of the day, I got something for you to come over here. Two cents. Shout out to him. He was a hard working man. Keep working hard, y'all, y'all got hey, what is all this sympathy for? What is that? What is all that? Ladies? What's all this sympathy for? You mean? Ain't he ain't? Nobody took his car. He that went on about his day. He just got prank. Everything is fat. Okay, all I'm saying Orlando, I had and added a show on Thursday night at seven thirty and tickets our own sale. That's all I'm saying. Temple is sold out. That's all I'm saying. All five shoulder is gone. What we wait till tomorrow. I'm gonna prank somebody else. I wish y'all will be up here just about to cry for somebody? What is wrong with you? All right? Thank you enough? You coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject in between. Let us we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this when you hear it right here, right now, it could be yours. You never know. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank enough you subject in between Lovers. In between Lovers is our subject. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty four year old woman and I'm married. I found the man of my dreams and he's treated me like a queen since the beginning of our courtship. We've been married almost a year. Until recently, my life and marriage were great. He's in his late forties and he's having issues with high blood pressure, so his doctor put him on a high dose of medication. Because of all the medicine, our sex life sucks. He has to get really worked up to get it started, and then it's over for him at the blink of an eye. I lost all hope when his doctor said he need to be on the medication indefinitely. He has the medication for erectile dysfunction, but he refuses to take it because he's gotten excited at the wrong time. I had to suffer without sex for a while, but then the unthinkable happened. My husband's twenty eight year old son is a personal trainer and he's got muscles that pop out all over his creamy chocolate body. He also has twists in his hair, and since I was a hairstylist for years, I help him by retwisting his hair when needed. He'd usually come over in the morning after his dad went to work. He's always been a little firtatious, and I'm sure he could sense that I was attracted to him. He finally admitted that he fantasizes about his sexy stepmother seducing him, and he suggested we role play. I was so turned on and in need of sex that I played along with him. We have the most amazing sex and have been sneaking around for two months. I've got the best of both worlds, with a husband that spoils me and my stepson that pleases me. I'm just doing this until my husband gets his mojo back. Do you think I should have a talk with my stepson or do you think he's just in it for the sex to please advise? Well? Talk to him about. What what are you talking to him about? And yes, of course he's just in it for the sex. You're you're his dad's wife, and what does it matter what the reason is anyway, I mean, you're sleeping with your stepson. Okay, hello, you're sleeping with your stepson. You can't rationalize this, you can't excuse this. You can't act like this is a normal affair. You're not even having a normal affair. You're sleeping with your husband's son. Come on, both of you. Both of you are really low for doing this to your husband and his father. Your man has a medical issue. Okay, that's what that is, and this is how you help him. This is your version of being the supportive wife to sleep with his son and gloat about it to us. My husband spoils me. Oh no, she said, I have the best of both worlds. My husband spoils me and my step son pleases me. That sounds crazy and how selfish of you. I mean, this is not a movie, this is real life. Well, what you're doing is really not cool. You know, if you guys slipped up and your husband found out about this, this would tear him apart. He's already going through enough. I think he would be as mad. I don't think he would be as mad. I should say, if you did go out and had like a normal affair, of course he'd be mad. But with his son, that's unthinkable. I'm not telling you to do that, of course, to go out and have any kind of affair. But what I'm saying is that you should encourage your husband maybe to get a second opinion, get a third opinion, you know, seek some natural methods or something, some alternative solutions to get your husband's blood pressure down. In the meantime, you're gonna have to break it off with Junior, because that's a go nowhere situation that's going to hurt everyone. Steve, Wow, this letter is feel with nothing but triflingness. I mean, there's no there's no redeeming quality in this letter at all. I've never been so disappointed at well. I can't say that I'm just the whole letter. It's just trifling. First of all, she's thirty four, her husband is in his late forties. Let's say forty eight is late forty nine. Forty eight forty nine, that's late forty You the man of your dreams, treat you like a tween a queen. Since the beginning of our court, we've been married almost a year a year one year, and until recently my life in marriage were great. It's just been a year. You go digging low down, no good winch a year. Man, it's just is winch, but winch is when you're from the country, just no good woman. You know, without using no other words, just to no good chick. You get treated like a queen and up and you've been the beginning that care. We've been married almost a year and until recently, my life in marriage were great. He's as late fearn as. He's having issues with high blood pressure, so it's doctor to put him on a high dose of medication. Because of all his medication, our sex life sucks. He got to get really rucked up to get his started and then it's over him at the blink of an eye. I lost all hope when the doctor said he'd been needed a medication and definite. So you lost all hope in a year. Why was you in it in the first place? Yo, yo, vials ain't death do us part meant? Nothing? Seeking his health meant Now it ain't even been a year and your trifling behind. I ain't even told the people what you did. Yes, he got a reptile dysfunction. Oh boy, old. We'll get back to the wine all right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after be our today's Strawberry letters. Subjects in between lovers. That's all she cares about. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today strawberry letter. The subject is in between lovers. This girl, thirty four year old, trifling woman married. Now, she hadn't wrote this letter. She didn't found the man of her dream. Treat her like a queen, and it's been the queen since the beginning by a core show. Now they've been married almost a year, and then your life and marriage were great. He's in his late forties and he's having issues with high blood so the doctor put him on a high dose medication. Because of all the medicine, our sex life sucks. It's been a year, it's been one year, and this trifling woman right here, he got to really get worked up to get his start, and then it's over for him at the blink of an eye. I lost all hope when the doctor said he needed to be on the medication indefinitely. That's not true. High blood you can. You can help change your high blood with food. You can change high blood with food. I know for a witness, I am a living witness to this that I was given a diagnosis of going into high blood and I was put on a low dose of high blood. I no longer take it, and I did it with food and exercise. You can. You don't have to be on that. I'm not saying. You know, high blood is not incurable, but you have to make some drastic steps. You gotta get real holistic. His medication and so the doc said he be on medication and deva. He has a medication for erectile dysfunction, but refuses to take it because he's gotten excited at the wrong time. What wait a minute, You got some medicine for erectile dysfunction and you don't want to take it because you get in direction at the wrong time. Where the wrong time is now the right time for us to get on any hill? Yeah? See now, yeah, time to check the time is now. All that stuff come with instructions, yes, but they got some stuff out there. Now, man, you can take in this instant. You ain't got to wear about no timing. This, this don't make no sense, this twenty twenty one. But now he don't want to take it because it gets sex after get excited at the wrong times. I've had to suffer without sex for a while. But then the unthinkable happened. Now I see first right here. It wasn't unthinkable. This what I'm about to share with y'all was not unthinkable. You thought of this before. My husband's twenty eight year old son is a personal trainer, and he got muscles that pop out all over his creamy chocolate body. He also has twist in his hand, and since I was a half stylist for years, I used to help him by retwisting his halt when needed. He usually come over in the morning after his dad that went to work. He's always been a little flirtations and I'm sure he consents that I was attracted to him. Well, then, when you said earlier that the unthinkable happened, who was you trying to fool in a letter? Because it wasn't unthinkable because Jeff, from twisting his hair, he could tell that you was attracted to him, see because you're thirty four and twenty eight year old dude and his late forties. He finally admitted that he fantasizes about his sexy stepmother seducing him, and he suggested we rolled. You ain't have no problem. I was so turned on and didn't need a sex that I played along with him. We had the most amazing sex and have been sneaking around for two months. I got the best of both worlds, with a husband that spoils me and my stepson that pleases me. I'm just doing this until my husband gets his mojo back. What wait a minute, see, let me let me say it to you. Trifling. Yeah, you just said it was gonna be in definitely and you've lost all hope. So you're not doing this until your husband get his mojo back. I don't know who you thought you wrote this letter. Team. You're doing it because you're trifling. You're doing it because it's already been just a year and your life is ruined. See, you can't be a trifling person and put a time limit and a set of circumstances on when the trifles is gonna surface. Trifling people do trifling things all the time, all the time. You can't put it time when your husband getting back. That's not gonna stop you from being trifling. I got news for you. You was trifling before your husband had the rectile problem. You've been trifling. See this just bought it out. You married him because you was trifling, because you was getting small and getting treated right. I'm doing this until my husband getting him. Do you think I should have a talk with my stepson? Like Sherley said, what you've been talking about? What is you're talking about? Y'all ain't been talking y'all schooling? So what you want to talk to him about? Do you think we should have talking about stepson? Or do you think he's just in it for the sex too? In it for the sex too? What you think it was? He told you, fantasized me. What you see? What you think is, I'm just doing this my husband. Do you think I should have a talk with my stepson or do you think he just sent it for the sex? Please avide, lady, listen to me. See what else could he be in it for? Or do you think this could be more? I'm telling you this, chip, thanks, it could be more. That's why she want to have a talk with him to make see if he's just in it for the sex too, or is he starting to hand some feelers well, because she gonna go with him, so she would leave her husband. Exactly exactly became all hope is gone. His son ain't sugar honey iced tea, and his wife ain't sugar honey iced tea. Bye for Alicia. All right, thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. Under Man coming up with forty six minutes after the hour Junior and Sports Talk right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got Junior? All right, shutty, thank you, but I just got a reminder of about it. June fifth, Dallas, Joe fifth, the Market, Hunt hill Ridge, Meet your favorite player cousin down there for the five K run and fun walk. Uh man, We're gonna have a great time. And plus we're gonna have vaccination, so if you want to get vaccinated, we won't even have that there for you. So man, yeah, man, My part maybe you just want to know. We ain't just run. It's gonna be a lot of great time, food, fun games and everything, man, and a nice run. All right. With that being said, Aaron Rodgers did not show up for many camp. He is very serious. He does not want to play for the Green Bay Packers. He's not coming in the camp. So leak that no way the OTAs. Yeah, that's all. He ain't coming to that nowhere. Well, he he can't go. But they were just upset they say that he really he didn't participate in none of the off season program. Long he can do Phase one or Phase two, he just ain't. He just was gonna want to be there in the moment and he is the rain of MVP. But also I don't know what else is going on in the NFL. But everybody won't out the team they own right now? Did Yeah? Julio Jones said, Atlanta, you won't notice now here gor run the day. You want to go to the Cowboys, Julio, Or you want to stay in Atlanta? Oh ideally, where would you like to go? No? Want to win? Okay, Yeah, that's how you tell your whole team. They didn't even know Caller that he was going, you want to out of there? He told him on underfuting. Everybody found out Atlanta the same time out. I saw you, the head coach. You just heard that my best player won't out. He sayin't want to win, So you know that now. I bet I know where he ain't going. Wait? Wait, what did you talk about? Houston ten? We need he has more news, Let him talk. Go ahead, and man, we need we need who do you know who's gonna throwing the ball? Ain't got no He said he want to win. Y'all ain't one. Y'all ain't fitting to win. Go ahead, Julie, I'm just saying, we need a receiver. Two. We can maybe Deshun to stay. If he comes. What I'm saying, maybe he'll stay it. Deshan can't go nowhere. Deshan don't want to play for Texas, but we want him to stay. Off what I'm saying, let me ask you something. Junior is going. He's already told us the same thing, and Rogers told his team he don't want to play. Junior. He can't go nowhere, can't. Ain't nobody trying to get de Sean right now? I bet you, I bet you never take stealing, y'all say Julio Jones coming, He'll stay. Deshaan Washington not playing this year. If we get Julio Jones, he could offer, is all I'm saying. Yeah, wish for a dream. You don't let us be happy for nothing, dream killing Steve? All right, thank you, Junior, coming up in the town. You'll be great. Well, we'll be back with more than the Steve Happy Morning sell right after this. You're listening morning show. All right. So according to blackdoctor dot org, I want you guys to really pay attention to this. Okay, this is according to blackdoctor dot org society. What have you believe that men don't have any feelings or show any emotions? But in fact, men are as much emotional beings as women are. The power of the spoken word is healing or detrimental, depending on how you use it. The men have spoken, and here are nine things they want you to hear. All right, So guys please pay attention to jump in and comment. All right, these are some things that the guys want you to hear. So they're talking to us women. They want Number one, I'm proud of you. Yes, yes, yes, you want to hear that why is that? Yeah, say yeah, because you bust your butt the whole time. You want to lease a little pat on the back. I mean it's validation. You got to remember that me and are all boys at heart, and what we always want is validation. We want our mothers to be proud of us and our fathers to be proud of us. Just goes from boyhood. Okay, all right, thank you? Yeah, yeah, thank you? Your dog going right. Yeah, I'm out here like Tommy say, we're busted our tail and y'all just taken. Ain't no thank you. Now this is not to say women don't want these things. We just talk about me and my men right now, just me and yeah, thank you would be nice, okay, because all men don't get that, and they deserve it at to a lot of times. So yeah, because yeah, yeah, you don't give it to us. All right, here's another one. I see you, I see you, I see you. This is for you, know, like if you've been to the gym and you're working out and stuff and you're taking care of yourself, you want your wife to say, or your girl or your partner or whatever, I see you, give me some I ain't been getting that either Yeah, you know, I know I ain't going but here fat ass over there? About that? Wait? What what you know? I know I ain't what I used to be, but look at his fat ass over there. You know you have that, you know, give me something, you know? Really? Yeah? Okay, okay, I trust you. How about that one? I ain't hear none. Yeah, you know, if you got something, if you're doing some makeup work, you can't live fire. Trust. I don't know. Yeah, we don't even talk about. How about this one? I don't care about your past. I don't have to hear that. I think women like that one. Yeah, but I don't care about your bed what? No, that ain't because I don't believe that. I mean, I don't care about your bed. Well, I mean we're married now, so your past bed nights, your pass don't need to come up. That's you're saying that as a as a man, your past doesn't need to come up. So for the woman to say I don't care about your past everything, no, I'm saying. I'm saying my one, my wife passed, and one don't need to come up. Yeah, woman's pass That's what I'm trying to Yeah, okay, yeah, women like to hear that. I think more than men. Okay, here are two. I support you, gotta have that. I support you. Yeah, that's a that's a month. And look, I support you. I know what you're doing. Maybe a little, you know, to the left or thinking out the box, but hey, look you know you're trying. I support the effort. Okay, that gives me fuel. That gives me fuel when you get to get up and do it again. Yeah, I appreciate you, man, that's that's so and that's beyond thank you, you know, because she's already said thank you. That's that's appreciation. It's like almost number one. Okay. How about this when you make me happy? Yeah, I mean that's helpful, you know, even though that's not our jail Jakes told me that one time. It's not your job to make another person happy. To know it, Shoot, you make at yours. But if we all and you're happy, that's a very nice thing to say, and you want her to be happy and if you have absolutely role in that of course. Yeah. Okay, how about this one? You look handsome, you just lie on to me that. Yeah, I need that more than anybody need that really. All right, thanks you guys, Sean, You've got to at least being cute. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show come back. You're like, who are you tall? Better? In that time you are to hear more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming out at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. The twenty twenty one I Heart Radio Awards is this Thursday. You don't want to miss it. May twenty seventh, apm on Fox. It's gonna be live from Los Angeles at the Dolbe Theater, Okay and hosted by our good friend Usher Orsha Baby, that's right. Other performers included The Weekend Wow Uh, Arianna Arianna Grande will be a special guest, Bruno, Marth and Anderson's Packed Silk, Sonic Doja, Cat, Megan the Stallion, and more. The night will also feature a special tribute Steve I Know You're gonna love this to Elton John. Elton John will be honored with the twenty twenty one Icon Awards. Okay, Icon Award, and we know how much you love Benny and the Jets. That's the first time I met Elton John was at iHeart backstage in Las Vegas night. That was the very first time I met him. I METI McGinn in the Southmo, France. I got pictures with you. No, really, So would you tell him about Benny and the Jets. I told him you were the first white artist ever to be played on w J and mood w A b Q in Cleveland. We had never played a white artist because white stations didn't play our music, so we had our own stations. He was the first white artist in nineteen seventy three, seventy four to get played on the radio, Bennie and the Jets. He said, really, I never understood how I quite captured that market. I've said, it's called Benny and the Jets. We know who he was walked off. All right, We'll have more of the C. Harvey Morning Show coming up in thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show all right time now for asked the clo. This one clo is from Jolie in Lexington, Kentucky. Jolie writes, I'm in my early fifties and I'm married to a woman that has gotten super holy since the pandemic started. If she's not a church, she's watching it on TV. This has spilled over to our sex life, and she says, freaky sex is out because sex is only for procreation. I want to put her. I want to. I want to. I want to put her in all the positions she used to love because she won't but she won't allow herself to get into it. How can I get her Bible off the nightstand and get her into this pretzel position like dog? I can't really, I can't reach you guide you on this one right here, because you asking me to get the Bible off nice standing and get her footback over there up there by that lamp, and I don't. But that's his wife coast well see she tripping, yes, cec tripping. And you know you didn't got real holy because you didn't have this. Something happened to you doing COVID. But sex is for pre creation, but sexs a lot of it's for pleasure for a lot of it. See, I'm not having no more kids, so I don't know what you asking me to do. But I'm in here clunding to the best of my ability. I'm I'm showing out, but I can't you know what I'm saying? You know, so, I don't know what to tell you your self. Bro. I know she gonna have to do something though, because what you can't do? You know, it's changed on this man and have him sitting up in here now you didn't cut him off. I don't know what you think he gonna do. But if he if he don't go down there and get the same same I don't converging you. He don't get that. He gonna go somewhere else later. Everybody on this show, ain't you Yeah, the COVID everybody been clumb I don't know why you try to drag these ladies into She just stayed over here with me. MOUs Montavious say that again in Baton Rouge Uh says, I got my EMT certification and I need to move to a bigger city to get a job. My girlfriend just had a baby girl, and she doesn't want to leave our hometown because she needs her mom's help with the baby. I'm trying to prepare a good future for my family, but she's tripping about me leaving. If I stay in town, I could continue to manage the restaurant where I work, but that's not my dream. Do I make the sacrifice for my girlfriend and stay, or do I make the bigger sacrifice for my family and go. Well, you could go ahead and get it all set up and then when she get a little bit better handle on the baby, bring the family to you, and then you on weekends of course, drive back. I don't know how far the city is that you got to move to, because he's in I don't know what city he is coming up. It is our last break of the day and at forty nine minutes after the hour, of course, hardly all right, guys, here we are at the end of the show, the last break of the dare listening. Come on tomorrow weekend? Come onbecum, won't come on? Come on? Yeah? Yeah, and then I'll tell y'all Monday. No, you shouldn't tell me. Go ahead, Did I tell y'all that I have been granted two more seasons? Or Ready to love? That will be shot in Washington, DC. That is a blessing congratulation. That is beautiful man. Yeah, that's big man for shore good. It's such a great show, it really is. Yeah, I love hey, Tommy, what do you think is a success of the show? You know, what I think is the fact that it's it's it's not your normal dating show. It's not people that's twenty years old and their life just getting started. I think it's people that's thirties, forties, fifties. You know, they didn't they've been divorced, people that's been career driven and they haven't taken time for up. And it's it's interesting to watch those kind of people. So and you get to see black love at its best, and you get to see it for real, and you get to see it hosted by you know what's truly who's been taught by the best. Now what I say it wrong? Since I've been talking Hello was one I say, I know you're self conscious about it, but get it pretty good. At that time, I was surprised, stunned. Actually, yeah, tell me a great job as host on the show and guiding them and leading them, you know, into the different maneuvers and because every week they're presented with the task they have to vote someone off, and you know, he guides them into telling them what he needs. Listener on the show got all of them. Yeah, Tommy is a good listener on that show. That show. Lord, When did that happen. It's so shocking to see it. I'd be damn boy, that boy right here. I'd hit it as hail. Yeah, but we got you. We got you with support. Watching very good and a lot of them, you see why they're single, and a lot of them you're like wow, because when they first get on, they're so beautiful or they're so handsome, and they're very successful, and you're like wow, why you know, Yeah, and you're talking for a minute. As a show goes on, you get okay, yeah, well, lord Jesus hanging there. It's sad when they get voted off. Some people do need to get voted off. But yeah, there's a lot going on. No, watching a great show, Ready to love, but there's a lot of serious things going on in the world too. Yeah. The President will meet with the Floyd family today at the White House. Well, hey, you listen, y'all my clothing remarks. I'm just gonna replay something I said earlier that I feel about them taking their time passing as George Floyd Bill here it is right here. Why is it that black people have to constantly beg and march and plead and ask for the same rights that you have. Y'all need to quit acting like justice is pie. Like if we get a big slice, that's less for yours. Justice amet pie. Justice is a flavor, y'all won't even do a simple act of give it to us. And why you won't give it to us because your ass is straight up racist, because you think the way you're treating black people is sufficient for them. But if you were getting treated the same way, you wouldn't accept it for yourself. You would never allow for your children to be murdered the way we got to watch our sons and fathers and daughters and husbands and nephews and uncle was getting murdered. But you sit up here and there and you constantly want to say America ain't racist, but you keep doing racist stuff like this. You won't even pass a simple act to give us a chance at justice, not for the bigger slice of justice, but the same flavor that y'all getting. We want the same damn spoon. Your ass is eating your justice all for justice ain't pie, y'all. Where if you give us a bigger slice, you get less. That ain't what this is. Justice is a flavor, and we ain't been tasting the same thing since our ass got here. And that's what we're sick of, and we're sick and tired of it. And you're gonna keep messing round. Okay, now, let me tell you this here, you're gonna keep messing around. Man. Black folks tired it is. Black folks is sick and tired of being sick and tired. Were sick and tired of you just sitting up in here, man, expecting us to be patient? How much longer we got to wait? Why are we're waiting on justice? Yeah? Much? The constitution, the same constitution you got. Why are we different? We built this country? Or you don't want to tell that truth that will be in the history. But you that to rewrite too much, with too many adventions. We've done way too much for this country. You're not gonna tell that truth. Okay, So don't start talking about the truth. Okay. See, so let's just not talk about that for a minute. Ain't about asking you for no damn reparations. Let's stop that for a minute. Can we just get basic human dignity and rights. Every story you hear is about a black being treated unjust by the police. Ain't no stories of white people getting killed at the hands of the police unjustifiably, and stop using that little b s that y'all talk about. It's just as many whites get shot by police, not unjustifiably. It ain't so if it's more whites being shot by police, that must mean it's more white's committing crimes. But when it comes to unjustifiable desk, we are one hund in front of that and we're sinking tie of y'all with this monkey mess. But I'll tell you what, We're gonna keep voting. You watching C, You watching C. We didn't have enough for this here. You will never go back to what we were. We're gonna vote all y'all out in a minute. All y'all gonna be gonne here, last one of y'all. As long as I got a mike, y'all gone. You're gonna get a body, sir. Hey, that's it, y'all. I hope you have a good one. Take care of yourself. Don't forget talked to God. He'd love to hear from you. Bye for all. Steve. Every contests no purchase necessary, void We're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old. Unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show H