George Floyd Funeral, Ahmaud Arbery Hearing, Laura Ingraham, Breonna Taylor and more.

Published Jun 5, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve got the whole team present and accounted for. The Chief Love Officer breaks down what an early morning occurrence really is. The first of four memorials for George Floyd took place yesterday. The prosecution made some distressing allegations about the suspects involved with Ahmaud Arbery's death. Laura Ingraham gets called out by Lebron James. Confederate monuments in Virginia will be taken down. NBA play will resume on July 31st. Today would have been Breonna Taylor's 27th birthday. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog has a message for the young protesters and Drew Brees, plus more.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stood. Steve to the mother, I don't join join me. You gotta use that turn going. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, You got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now, ah, I sure will. Good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, man boy, God has been good to me. Man, I can't really count at all. You can't either, You know, it's all in perspective. You really can't count all that God has done for you if you look at every little thing. It's unbelievable. The things He's done for us. How many times you know, we got through something without even talking to him about it. He just he just blessed us with it. How many you know? It's just it's so much that the fact that you wake up in the morning, the fact that you still have a place to stay, the fact that you know may be struggling out here, but guess what, you're still going to work. You you know, you live in check the check, but you're making it all. You got all the plates spinning. You know, it's hard. You got a lot of plates spinning, but you keep him up there somewhere. Every now I near one break, but put two more back up there to look a little bit better. And you got to get to spending them so it all works. And then you got a lot of people who just can't seem to mentally put it together as to you know, why their life isn't in a position that they wanted to be. We talked about this oftentimes, but I don't want to try another angle with you to day. You know, maybe it's you. Have you ever thought about that? Maybe it's you. Maybe it's no external force that's at fault, like you keep making the excuse to be You know, so many people I hear, well, if this hadn't have done this, if he hadn't have done that, if she hadn't have done that, I would have been further along. I wasted all my time, my years with this man, and he did this, and I could have been here, and I could have been there, and this woman she did this to me. If she hadn't have done that, I could have been here and I could have been there. Maybe it's you. Maybe it's not really that external force that you keep making it out to be. See, I've done this to myself before. Once again, I'm talking to you about something I know about. I've done this to myself before. I've had the reason I wasn't where I wanted to be. I had it figured out as some external force. I had worked it out in my mind. Clearly it wasn't me, because if so and so, or if this hadn't happened, and if they hadn't have done this, I would have been further along up the road. That's what I was saying. But WOLDO hold on it or learned a valuable lesson? Man, See, if you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. If you don't ever let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. I was listening to Bishop td Jake's one day, and I heard him say, you can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. You go outside and try that. Try to drive your car, but keep your eye in the rearview mirror. All you looking at is where you're being All you looking at in that rearview mirrors where you're passed or should have passed, something you should have moved on from. All you're doing is looking in that rearview mirror at what happened back there. If you don't stop looking in the rearview mirror, you're gonna crash your car over and over and over again. All you got to slow it down so bad in order for you to keep looking in that rearview mirror. If you don't learn to let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go forward because you keep reviewing the past. The past is the past, and I know it's hard. Man. I watched a show and this lady said, well, I just can't ever forgive them for that, or guess what, Guess what God may have already forgiven that person. That person may be extremely remorseful, could have gone to God and God and forgiveness for it years ago. But you you sit here and you keep hanging on to the back. I can't ever forgive that. Then I heard Bishop Jakes come on the show one time and say something that really really struggle. You keep drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. He said that. I just shook my head and went, wow, you drinking the poison. Waiting on your enemy to die. Revenge is poor to you. You know, if hatred is poison to you. Unforgivingness, when you won't forgive a person, that person could be going on with their life made the right with God. Don't know how you're feeling. They're skipping through life now. You make adjustments every time you see them. And it takes energy. Man, it takes so much energy to hate. It takes so much energy not to forgive too. That ain't come in the room. You got to avoid them. Stay over here, Oh here they come. Now you got to make a situation over here. They come into the house. It's family reunion. Oh here they come. And where they're gonna be in the basement. I'm going up on the third floor. I want to go ahead and get some barbecue. She out there at the barbecue, staying, Oh lord, I don't want a barbecue. I just eat to take the sale. People man, take themselves all out of position, trying to make adjustments, when if you it would simplify your life, if you would let just let it go. Maybe you ain't where you need to be because of them, external forces altogether. Maybe you're not where you need to be cause of you, because you won't let it go, you won't move forward. Look at this, ladies. Let's say you've been in a situation with a man for years. It didn't work out for whatever the reason, it just didn't work out. I got, I got what you said he did. I got what he did, I got all of that, YadA, YadA YadA. When you get through, did not God get you through it? Did not he allow you to survive it? I got you, got some cuts on you, I got you been a little bit bruised. But did he not get you through it? So, now that he's freed you from it, now he didn't went on. He got a whole other family over that somewhere. He now he trying to make it right because maybe he learned the mistake he made and now he trying to be a better man. He just trying to get it right right now. But you're sitting there holding onto it. You're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. So now instead of you enjoying the blessing of finally being free from a situation that was not healthy for you. You create an even more unhealthy situation in your mind by hating, by having revengeful thoughts, by hoping he fall on his face. Maybe you're even doing something to the other situation to make sure they struggle. Oh man, you're drinking the poison, waiting on your enemy to die. Maybe you ain't where you ought to be in life, not because of your external forces, but maybe it's you. If you don't let it go, it's gonna be hard for you to go. You can't keep driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Come on, man, Forgiveness is not for the other person. Forgiveness is for You're lady and gentlemen. Welcome to the ride. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve Harvey's got his full team with him. Welcome to the ride. Y'all. Good morning, Shirt Strawberry, Good morning, Happy Friday, Steve Harvey. Call hey, Steve Harvey, what's up? Crew? Kiss Bates morning? Everybody? Morning? Uh? J Anthony Brown? What's up? Steve? Holly Thomas Miles, Thank you, sir, Kid things at all? Please explain Jay's look today for our love. Jay decided to come to work on a swiffer whipp has seen that commercial he has a visor on. It's not a visor. It's my hair behind his hands, twisted long, twist, very age and appropriate, very much, and his hair look old and it's twisted. That's like when I see real old lass people with dregs. You mean, like Snoopy, everybody, why everybody ain't nobody got to say something wrong? He brought it up and I said, like, like Snoopy. I didn't say that because I don't want to be on his social media. I don't know either. But you said old people with dreds and dredge stuff behind the head. That said, like Snoop that you keep saying it too, You keep saying it. I never noticed that, Steve. I love it. Now you're out there about yourself, James, you know myself. So I wish I would another ding. Congratulations to the protesters that are keeping the peaceful. Congratulations to the protesters who have participated in what seems to be a change. I've never seen these many officers get arrested. Congratulations, I've never seen these many perpetrators of crimes against black people get perpetrated. The heel Billy's down in Brunswick, Georgia. And the third one. Now, yeah, he's unders and I've been reading the story that's coming out. I mean, man, I'm just yeah, it does feel different and looking different now, Steve. Yeah, I drive by Perimeter Mall every day because I go for a drive right in Atlanta. I'm gonna stop and take a picture with this guy. This one white guy standing on the medium in the middle of the road, and he's got to sign up to says black lives Do matter, and I blow my horn at him every day. I'm gonna stop. If he's tomorrow, I'm taking a picture with that man and posted it. Would you be driving, Steve when you blow the horn? Okay? Standing with us? Coming up thirty two minutes after the hour. The first of several memorials to George Floyd happened yesterday, and we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening, well. Yesterday was the first of four services to honor George Floyd. Floyd's family remember George as a magnetic presence regardless of who surrounded him, and a loving, kind man. His family said that George always would embrace people, and the family went on to say that George Floyd was a Huggy, was a huge, was a huge huge Lebron James Fan. Several celebrities, plus local and national community leaders attended the service to pay their respects, including Ti and his wife Tamika Tiny, Ludicrous, Kevin Hurt, Will Packard, Tyrese Marseilles, Martin, Tiffany Hattish attorney Benjamin Crump and Reverend Al Sharpton both gave inspiring remarks. Take a listen to Reverend Al Sharpton's eulogy. George Freyd's story has been the story of black folks because ever since four hundred and one years ago, the reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to be in is you kept your knee on our neck. It's time for us to stand up and charges and say get your knee off our next. We don't have a problem denouncing violence, mister governor. We don't have a problem, mister mayor, denouncing Luton. But it seems like Summon the criminal justice system have a problem looking at a tape and knowing there's probable cause, and it takes a long time for you to go and do what you see that you need to do. Ye, come on, and he went back to the old al. Yeah, yeah, we al that's where he went back to the Medallia and he mentioned the mayor. The mayor was there, the governor there, Amy Klobasher was there. Yeah, a lot of a lot of people. People are yeah, reach man. Yes, he knew how to have home. Look, getting getting the four officers took some time. But I want to I think, what was happening here which doesn't happen in our case. Please know that I think what's happening here? I think And even if they bought the charges, when they bought the charges against the other three, they then upped the charges against him because I was interviewing Crump earlier today on a show that I was taping. He said that third degree manslaughter, I mean, yet, third degree murder can get you. Third degree murder can get you up to twenty years in prison or five years probation. That's why they were fighting so hard to get to second degree murder, because no matter what happens in second degree murder, when you get convicted, you gotta go do time. And so that happened, and then the other officers were bought in for abating, abating and aiding and a bedding because they ate it. And so he explained on this show I was doing how the pressure on the man's lungs from the weight of the other officers was crushing his wind pipe. And then he bought all the material with the autops and everything. I think there's a very very strong case here, and I would I would be stunned, and I think it's so. But we've we've seen cut and drive before. But I don't think they can come back with an innocent verdict because the white peer pressure in the white community is a little bit turned up now. Because when you have little white kids coming home from the protest, Look, mommy, they shot me in my stomach with a rubber bullet that's never been had before. They're having these conversations because they pushing white girls down protested. They knocking white dudes over garbage cans. Now they got noted for the first time. They're seeing this and they're gonna wait a minute. I had my hands up, My hands were up. This guy kept turning the place. Why'd you push me? My hands were up because they don't give it. Damn we didn't had our hands up and got our brains splattered across the sidewalk. So that is different now. And I don't think that they'll be able to bring back nothing but a guilty plea, because if they know, if they bring back an innocent plea, all these cities going back up in fire again. Reverend al told the story about this um little girl who tugged on his jacket, cut his suit jacket a little. He turned around. It was a little white girl. He says, she couldn't have been more than about eleven years old. And he turned around and he looked, and she held up her fist and said, black lives matter. Yes, that does, little girl, Yes, eleven years old. See, he says, she couldn't have been more than that. So you know, I mean, and that's where this stuff has to be taught. It has to be taught in the home, you know, Yeah, anti racism, it has to start there. The next memorial service will be tomorrow in North Carolina, where George Floyd was born, and then finally on Monday, there will be a service and a public viewing in Houston, where Floyd grew up, and then a private service on Tuesday, and that will be the end of I have a question, I know, I mean, we're all glad that white people are participating. I mean, I know, I am, But the question still remains, what took them so long to get involved? What took so long? Why did it take this long? Why did it take this one? Hey man, do you know what I think it is? I have a theory. J I think it was COVID nineteen. I think instead of the world going about their business, they're going on spring break, they had summer vacation. They are at work, they do in a happy hour. COVID nineteen had everybody in quarantine. Everybody's looking for something to see and guess what. This became brand new news and for the first time, without the distractions of the world the way it's normally run, they were forced to sit here and look at it and go what. And then they all were sick of quarantine, so they wanted to get out. So what became the thing to get out and go do? Let's go out and protest here here we can't go to the movie, we can't go eat. Let's go protest and right and you know what, the watch saw us stayed open. You can't coming up coming up at the top of the hour, coming up next, Nephew Tommies run that prank back right after this. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne, Today's trending national news and then an entertainment news. Kanye West as donated to the Floyd family. Right now, nephew in the building would run that prank back. What you got for his neph parasite. Say that comes a time where there's some things that end in your body that you need to have removed. And that's where we are today. You have parasites in one of your testicles. Let's go cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Brian. Brian. Yeah, yeah, see hey Brian, this is doctor Jacob. Are you doing today, Yeah, yeah, I'm doing I'm doing good. Okay, listen. You actually came in, uh maybe like two and a half weeks ago here to my office and got a physical for for Life insurance. Yeah yeah, yeah, right right, yeah, everything okay, well yeah, yeah, everything's gonna be pretty good. I'd like to see if I can you to come in and I you know, everything's gonna be fine, but I got a small procedure we'd like to do to actually uh you know, right now, you're not a proof for your life insurance to do until this procedure has done. So if you don't mind coming in, we we'd like to get you Jake and Carol. When can I schedule you to come in, like maybe tomorrow or the following day? Yeah? What what kind of procedure is? Well? Actually, I don't know if you've heard of it. This is an okayosh for me. Now I got something that's gonna do my eyes. What's that? So it's got some dude? You wasn't that I'm doing my eyes? I ain't heard. What's what's that? No? No, ochayost for me has nothing to do with the eyes, No, nothing at all. We found a little bit of parasites in a particular area, and what we want to do is make sure we just remove it completely and you'll be fine. You'll get your life insurance here and your family will be great. So can I get you to come in tomorrow? Maybe Thursday afternoon? And fine? What? What? What the area I found the parasite? Then? Actually one of your testicles has some parasites. So what we're gonna do is what's called a okayoshtromy and okayoshtrimy is actually removing that testicle completely and then everything gonna be fine. It's all confined and we'll be able to remove it. You'll be on your way, you'll get your life insurance and everything will be fine. Okay, Like I said, can I get can I? Can I get you to come in tomorrow? What you got my testicle? Well? Only one? Only one, and it's not going to take long. It's a thirty minute procedure. But we want to get you to come in tomorrow or the next day and we get you to what they are you available. I didn't want it for a routine. I got to remove a test sir. You know what, oftentimes when people come in for life insurance, these type of things happen. So we want to get you in and get it out as quickly as possible. And nah, man, I'm wanting for a routine physical man. I wasn't supposed to be checking off this extra stuff. Man, I get a parasite, man, and my testical. You I don't remove a testicle. Man, I'm twenty five. Man, my wife wing, I know kids, and they were trying to be like I how to remove a testicle. Let me say this to you, Brian, You're gonna be completely fine. You'll be able to create children. You'll be in a little normal life. You know, you'll just see, um, you won't have all of them, but you'll have enough to create children. You understand that. Nah Man, I can't Nah, I ain't gonna. I can't come in for that, Na, sir. Is there any way I can get you in the morrow or tomorrow afternoon or the Thursday afternoon so we can kind of get this thing taken care of and we can get to moving on your way and people can get the life insurance papers together and so forth. Nah, man, Man, we ain't rescheduling now. I need a second or third opinion on that. And he's talking about taking away one of my man. We ain't rescheduling nothing. Man. I'm gonna need to see another doctor. Man, it's sir, Sir. You can go around the entire city and see several doctors. I'm here to tell you you're just gonna be wasting time. I'm gonna try to knock this thing out for you, knocking up. I ain't agree. I ain't agreeing nothing. Listen, man, I have to join it to get money. Manten nothing, man, I need to take it a third opinion this bloom Brian, I'll tell you if you come in and let me get this thing taken care of. You know, I have you back. You know, big ball and shot calling before it's all over. You know what a big balling should I call it? Man? I told you, man, I ain't ain't going in for none of that. Man, I'm suposing to tell my wife. Man, this this ain't cool. Man, I ain't going in for that. Man. I'm rescheduling it. Man, you're scheduling. What do you mean you're rescheduling? Sir? What I'm getting another opinion? I ain't going in for this, okay, But I'm trying to make you a big baller shot caller. You know, man, what is your name? A? You supposed to be a doctor. You're making a little jokes, man, You're doing a little play on words. Man. It ain't even funny. Man, I'm calling insurance funny telling they gave me doctor. But you think it's funny. Hey, it ain't funny, man. You know you're making a little joke. Man, ain't funny, man, I mean thinking opin Man, I'm forgetting all of the work that we got, the blood work, the year and word, the complete physical that's when we didn't realize that you had parasites in a particular area. So what we're trying, I'm not. I don't even turning to make the light of make humor in it, just to make you feel a little bit more comfortable. I apologize, all right. That ain't funny, man, you're losing. Man. Ain't funny. Man. If I had a situation and nursing would have told me, then you ain't tell me nothing. Man, had me say, I'm a going. Now you're telling me I gotta come in to remove a tests on We have to run tests on you, sir. We got test back when you do have the parasites, and what we want to do is make sure we're get them completely cleared out. The only way I can clear that out is to remove that testicles. Man, it's the man. I gotta hairsites. Man, May y'all here running out these tests on me. Man, I'm going to another doctor, man, because this man, I ain't got no parasites. Man, All these tests y'all, some of y'all remind me I gotta remove them. That's something you over here. I know you doctor. Man. I ain't gonna parasite. Man, I'm following my head shut. I'm telling him I ain't dealing with your man, could you, man, I ain't got no parasites man, brun Let me make your understand something clearly here. It's my job as a physician that if the patient doesn't come to me, it's my job to come to you and extract the problem. You're leaning towards me having to come to your home and extract the problem. Man, when you want to come him home? How man? You why what you want to step with the how natch up chest this man? You are you talking? I'm going from another doctor. I'm getting another chance. I ain't gonna let bird you got the parasite, and you only have twenty four hours for me to get third. I have to move on this quickly. Brian. Okay, dude, I'm not gonna tell you I ain't gonna shangar. I ain't I gottait not something that's transmitted. It doesn't come from another another human being. It just develops in one out of every three or four million people. You actually have it, Brian, I gotta extracted from you. You try to tell me I'm gonna man, you know what I'm coming like parasites. Mane, there's something else that you have that I haven't told you about. There's something else I need to tell you. I got it here. Somebody got passed. I Brian, you just got plank. You just got planked by nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey War to show Joe life. Alka got me the point phone call you, I man. Let everybody say all right, all right, saying that all right. You don't need why y'all ain't with me? You y'all sometimes you sometimes with parasites. You know, you know you're twenty five. I know you you're young. But yeah, we're gonna we're gonna have to We're gonna to remove one of them. We're gonna have to remove one of you gotta check both of them when you hit it. You got have one. Well, he said he needed a second opinion. Thank god. That's the way it goes. Go to Thomas Miles dot com and click on the frank button. Leave me all of the information of what you want to do. I call you, we talk, and then I called the person that you want me to prank. It's that's simple. That's how it works now. Thomas Smiles dot com. I will prank anybody in your life anyway. Next coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to Stry Morning Show and trending news from Georgia. The prosecution in the Ahmad Arbury case made some distressing allegations during the hearing yesterday and Georgia. A Georgia Bureau of the Investigations agent testified that William Brian, the man who filmed the shooting, told him that Travis McMichael had called mister Arbury the N word after after killing him. Brian, Travis McMichael, and his father, Gregory McMichael are all charged with murder. The prosecution also presented evidence that before the shooting, the McMichaels chased mister Arbury in their truck, trying to corner him and ultimately hitting him hard enough to leave a dent. Lawyers for all three defendants maintained their innocence, saying media accounts provide an incompetent narrative. While a judge is ruled that there's enough evidence to try all suspects with murder, you know what I hate about defense attorneys sometimes when you know your client is guilty and you still try to get them off, that's like amazing to me. I know that's your job, but that's a hell of a job to know a person is guilty and do everything in your power to get them off. I mean, look, man, at one point in time, I would just be like, damn, my man, what I mean, who surprised that they shot him and called him the end word? That's why they shot him? Yeah, exactly exactly. They was thinking it, That's why they shot him. So that so when the d they released that information, I wasn't surprise at all. Yeah, yeah, no, I wouldn't either. It made sure he was dead first phone. He said it though. Yeah they killed him. Wow, yeah again they kill him and cold bloods senseless. But but but the defense's job, truly is not to believe or whatever. If you're guilty or innocence, they just have to do their job to defend you. That's why I brought up Johnny Cochrane. And it's up to the prosecution to the burden of proof they have to prove. Yeah, they have the hardest work to prove. And I guess that's what's going on with the but but thus, thus is the flaw in our system. I think I'm not an attorney, so I don't know. I'm just saying. No, what you're saying is absolutely correct. But that's the flaw in our system because the burden of proof is different for people of color. Oh yeah, see, it's a lot less people of color. It's a lot. Ain't no burden to proof, just what you say, Okay, lock him up, you lie, he did what, I'll be damned. And guess why we know he did it. It's because they do the background. It's it's crazy, man. It's like you know, sometimes I watched forty eight Hours and when they get a suspect, every police officer they pulls up his record. They go, he has a previous arrest record and they go, okay, cool, then he's capable of doing this next crime, right yeah, se So once you become black, they just assume, without the police record, you're capable of this crime simply because of the color of your Jesus man. Yeah, that's hard. Yeah. Well, here's a little good news, guys. Kanye West has reportedly set up a college fund for George Floyd's daughter, Gianna and donated two million dollars to the families and legal teams of a mont Aubrey, Brianna Taylor, and George Floyd. That's cool. Yeah, that's real cool. Me Kanye I bet Kim had a lot to do with that too, because she's so big on prison reform and all of that. Um and Steve. Now it's time for headlines. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Trimp, thank you very much, everybody. This is a trip and here is the news. A memorial service was held in Minneapolis yesterday for forty six year old George Floyd. Hundreds of mortars attended that included family, friends, politicians, and celebrities. The service was held in a chapel at a local university, and the Reverend Al Sharpton gave the eulogy. Get your rest, George. You changed the way out, George. We're gonna keep marching George. We're gonna keep fighting George. We don't tend to cop George. We're gonna following George. Time out, time out, time out. Right after the eulogy, the crowd observed eight minutes of silence. That's about the amount of time that Derek Chauvin grinded his knee into Floyd's neck. Meanwhile, a lot of people waited outside because of social distancing, people from all over the country. They couldn't get in, so you know, they could only let about half of the regular number that the chapel would hold in, and there were many, many more than that. Tomorrow there's to be another memorial service in North Carolina, that's where mister Floyd was born. And next week the funeral and burial is scheduled to take place in Houston, which is where George Floyd was raised and where most of his family lives. By the way, the Reverend Sharpton is organizing a march in Washington on August twenty eighth to quote, restore and recommit to the dream. It's going to be the fifty seventh anniversary of the historic March on Washington. Again, Al organizing a march August twenty eighth on Washington. US Attorney Jeneral William Barr spoke about the Floyd case yesterday, providing an update on what the federal government's response is going to be. According to Bar, the country's facing two problems right now. One is its police misconduct and race. The vast majority of police officers do their job bravely and righteously. It is undeniable that many African Americans lacked confidence in our American criminal justice system. This must change, Oh yeah, he says. The other problem is violent protest. The US Justice Department opened its own investigation to George Floyd's case to see if his civil rights were violated. Problem is the Justice Department under this administration has walked away from the tools it has to reform scandal ridden police departments. There are now protest marches and memorials in other cities for other black men and women murdered by police in Georgia or Judge and Brunswick decided that there is enough evidence of prosecuts to pursue murder charges against the three white men and the murder of an innocent black jargon named arm at Aarbury. Turns out that the shooter, Travis McMichael, allegedly kept shouting the N word at Aarbury after shooting him three times. Despite some civil unrest and concerns over a number of coronavirus cases, the city Chicago sticking to its original plan beginning to reopen various businesses there, and actor Nick Cannon says that his children, three of them, all three of them, are afraid of the police. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Mourning Show. All right, Steve, We're gonna try to make people laugh during this segment with another quick fast round of ask the clo. Uh, please submit your questions? Okay, So do you want me to go for laughter answers or help people give it to me? Now? Well, they were asking them. I thought you were asking me. I was asking you what. Yeah, here we go this one. This one is Lisa in Oklahoma. I'm a twenty three year old woman. I recently got married a week after my virtual college graduation. My husband and I were virgins when we got married, but we love making love Now. I just have one problem. My husband loves to have sex early in the morning. That was great during quarantine, but now I'm back at work and the sex makes me late for work. I heard about doing quickies, but my husband can't do those. I'm new to all of this, so how do I tell him know when he wants sex in the morning. He don't really want sex in the morning. What he want to do? It's just a natural occurrence in the morning. That ain't sex, that's just early morning. It happened. We just up, we all test shot. We are, we are, you are, I'm we are what we're gonna do? And he don't really want sex. He don't know yet because if you say he was a virgin, which happened twenty three, yeah, well he wasn't. But anyway, up lying up, what boy, listen to me? That ain't that ain't no problem. Y'all having sex and can't go to work on turn That ain't no damn problems. She twenty three. That ain't no problem. Problem, Say no, it's your body. What is We're tripping phone but he can't say no to his body though. It's what I'm signed to. Morning occurrence that happens with men up to a certain age and he can't help it. Just get your ass up, Poe, heat up and go to work. You're gonna lose your job before up All right in Atlanta, says I'm a twenty nine year old female. My boyfriend is thirty two. We've been together three years. He's changed over the years, and it's a lot less sociable now. He says he's in love with me. But I don't feel it. I post pictures of us on my social media pages, but he won't post any pictures of me on or us on his page. He told me he keeps his private life private, but if he hangs out with his female friends, he posts group pictures of them. Am I being too patty? Or do you think he has something to hide? Yeah? He don't care for you no more. It's three years him. He's changed his attitude and change. He don't care for you, and he got female friends he posted, but there ain't no pictures of you due the math one and one is two. You ain't in nothing but choke picture. That's one. He and all his girlfriends picture. And why do he hear girlfriends? All right? Come on here and you helped her? All right? Coming up in four minutes after the hour, Lebron James calls out Fox News as Laura Ingram as to why she didn't tell Drew Brees to shut up and dribble. We'll talk about it right after this, Ron Ron, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, remember back in twenty eighteen when Fox News host Laura Ingram told Lebron James and Kevin durand to shut up and dribble, both Lebron and Kevin. You know, she was mad at him for criticizing mister Donald Trump back in the day. Take a listen to this. That's always unwise to see political advice from someone who gets paid one hundred million dollars a year to bounce a ball. Oh and Lebron and Kevin, you're great players, but no one voted for you. Millions elected Trump to be their coach. So keep the political commentary to yourself. Or, as someone once said, shut up and dribble. Oh oh oh here, Well, Lebron is wondering where is Laura right now and why she didn't tell Drew Breese to shut up and dribble. But Drew Brees can have an opinion. Interesting, huh, shut up and throw the ball, ain't none of that? Yeah yeah, yeah, said it anyway, so we got that gun. He really wish he hadn't said a damn that. Oh yeah, he wished he would have just shut up and dribble it through the ball. Yeah, yeah, that's evident. In his apology, Breeze has apologized for his remarks and mischaracterizing kneeling during the national anthem. He added that his words lacked awareness and any type of compassion or empathy. He says, I stand with the black community and the fight against systemic racism and racial injustice and police brutality and support the creation of real policy change that will make a difference. Drew is asking for forgiveness. He did another apology after that one, A video is this sincere well don't matter? How would you you know me? You less stuff? Well? You see, no, no, no. What I'm saying is what's the relevance? Who is he? He's a football player. He made a statement at a time. Y'all ain't heard worse than this. Listen to what the president and said. What Drew Brees is catching morehal for what he say than the president catch for what he say because they won't attack him because he in the locker room with black people, a president and is supposed to be unifying this country. He don't say nothing but divisive stuff. I don't give a damn what Drew Brees say. He he didn't play for the Browns. Let's start that's trying to follow you coming back for real? A let's start there. What if it was your quarterback? What if it was your quarterback. He can't live in Cleveland right now. But but the ino is real and they got a problem with it, and that's why he's making these apologies. He's out of place, and he used the wrong time to draw comparison to the kneeling because you just got bamboozles like everybody else, spot the president and allowed him to flip the script, and you went along with it exactly exactly. You went along with it, man. But I tell you what, when he was talking to Yahoo Financial, I promise you he had no idea, dear, what was about to happen. So you damn right here apologizing? What what about? You should hear Shanon? You should hear Shannon Sharp's response to to to this guy, it's really really good? Really? What is can I play it for? You? Can? I? I don't know none about technology, comp what they know about Just after the show, and what were you saying? You know how you asked somebody, what do you say? I don't want to miss quote, That's all I'm saying. Quarterback for the Buffalo Bulls bills Junior. Huh. He said something about buying guns and make them very expensive only for the elite white people. Who is this junior who is he? Jake Jake from Jake from you shall be the quarterback George Bulldogs that failed in the draft his ass a rookie quarterback and made this statement he can't even go to training camp that I'm gonna lace his ass. Yeah, all right, Coming up next, we're gonna switch gears. Nephew Tommy in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. I found out that I married a drunk is the subject. But first, Nephew Tommy is here with today's prank phone call. Four three relationships vote three. You know, fold days with you, dog, three days with me? You see what I'm saying? Like that dog, folk three relations fold days with you, three with me? You ain't got to be with your wife the days a week like that, fold with you, three with me. That's that folk three relationship. That's something I'm trying to get going right here, watch this prank cat dog. Let's go Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach my reach. Yeah, this him, Hey, my reason, my name, my name is Devin, Man, how you doing this evening? Brother? Oh? Man, I'm kind of sleeping. Man, I'm working nice bro, what's going on? Who is this game? This is Devin Man. I talked to your wife, Kesha the other day. That's that's your wife, right, Yeah, that's my wife. Yeah, I talked to you. Why she in right now? No? She ain't at work? Bro, Okay, okay, I apologize. I ain't me to wake you up. You work at night or something? Yeah, I'm a crane opera at night, bro, North. People don't call me. That's three o'clock. What's this? What is a big collect or something? No? No, no, no, no, no, no no no. I talked to your wife, man, she's interested in um this thing we got man called a four three relationship. She told me she wanted me to call back and talked to her husband about it, and she gave me the number to hit you up at the house, man and let you know all about the four three relationship because she's really interested in it. Four three relationship. You say you talked to my wife about it? Yeah, I talked to Keisha a couple of days ago. She gave me the numbers, she said, called him back he'll be at home at this time. You can hit him up and see if he likes she said. But she definitely likes it, man, and she wanted to see if you would be interested in the four three relationship too. You know, I want to get your approval on it before we went in it further. But your wife was very excited about it, man. She was wanted to get started as soon as possible. And I wanted to see about contacting you and making sure that you agreed and approved on everything. But she definitely wanted to get your blessing, get your approval on it. Yeah. I try to do anything to make her happy, though, but I got to get some some information about this. What is said again? Three? No, No, it's a four to three. A four to three relationship is what it is. Okay, Well, if it makes her happy, you know, I'm willing to listen. Okay, Well listen, man. We're probably gonna get started right away, probably Monday. We'll get started on Monday. You'll go through Monday through Thursday and then uh, and then I'll pick up you know, Friday through Sunday, man, and we'll go ahead and get this thing start. I think after a month you're pretty much catch on everything. You know, there's something's gonna be shipped to the house. Uh, you't pick up. She shouldn't have mentioned any of this to you. No, nothing's to me. Okay, all right, Well what this is, man? A four three relationship, Maurice? Is this? You know, you spend four days with Keisha and she comes over to my place and she spend the other three days with me. That's what a four three relationship. So see this kind of frees you up man on anything you might want to do on those other three days. Man, when she might be tying you down. You know, so four them days, you know you would her, but the other three days you kind of have some free time to yourself. But she'll be over my place on the other three days. That's what That's what basically a four to three relationship is. So I say, what now, I say part of me? You say, she will spend four days with me, three days with you. That's that's it, sir, That's the four three relationship right there. Maurice. You know you're you're really gonna like this, man, Like I say, she was excited about it. Hold, are you serious? Uh? Yeah, I'm dead serious. Man like, I said, Keisha, it was excited. Man, hold hold the name. I know life. Ain't discuss you about lacetionship spinish four days with me, three days with a man. So you're talking about my life? No, yeah, I know. She Hold up what name again? My name is Devin, Devin, say bro, I don't play dans man. I don't know how got my mama. What's supposed? I mean, Maurice, what's wrong? I mean a lot of couples are doing what's wrong? That's my life. What you're talking to? You ain't talking to no po thot. You're talking to dude. Okay, Well listen, man, A lot of couples are doing the four three man? What other couples is doing? Wh But my wife and me ain't interested in no over three relationship. I can't be I can't believe you wof my for this. Man. Oh you're saving you're calling me talking about all three relationships. And no, I told you I work in night wid and I didn't know you worked that night man like, I said, see when I came over last week, Man, hold on on, you came over well last week, I know you ain't seen a SIF without thank you for the thing you bet not said, you bet not said. Go ahead, go ahead and say it. Go ahead, go ahead, player, you've been talking. Gonna stop now, go ahead, Maurice Holder. Dog, just kids, I'm you know, I'm a player. I'm up now. Don't see it? Go ahead, I damn all, I'm saying. I came by there last week many by, Wow, I came by your house. You come by my house? Okay? Are you at eighteen four? Brill get I been here for the last two years. I say you may hear about your house. Okay, dog, because because she said, okay, she said, I calls right because this first man first of all, you the walk. So he's gonna tell me you've been in my house? Okay, play okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead. Okay. If you're not interested in the four to three man, then I won't. I won't be wasting them one more. You really are you? Wait time calling me with my little wife. Don't tell you about she want to go three? She never told me nothing about cliff you got the wrong home ball, and nothing wrong my relationship. Okay, okay, So why would she tell me she interested in the four three man? Give up? What she told you. I know I take care of my dead room, all right, So three I wish she Willie is three days. I wish she would anyway. I know you how you know us? I don't know you for many I don't mind taking off one tonight to sell what going on my house when my cleaning night, working off night. Now I'm gonna ask you again, how do you know us? Man? I know y'all through Tommy Man. Who is Tommy? Tommy Who Tommy Man, Maurice, nephew Tommy. This is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey more than show dog? Your wife Keisha got me to break phone call you. Man. You're talking about the Steam Harvey show. Yeo, Man, if you told the little ball head Steve Man, I know y'all ain't with me, Man, I know with me today, Man said next you tell me now why you watch Steve need to be over here, slip that's your ball head. But you ain't got nothing but trouper Man. You know I got to go to sea. You got to go to where you work at night. Man. All right, all right, Marie, I'm gonna let you go back and sleep. Man, But one more thing, Dog tell me this man, what is the what's the badness that I mean? The bad? Hey? This is real cute you. I wish I was there. I wish you. Hey, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Many show? I know it's some men on this show right now doing COVID nineteen that would love a folk three right now? Now, you might not be to say that three y'all take a one time. I'll take a seven. Just a seven, this a seven. I'm just telling your folk three. I'll do it though, nice folk? Three foldays Jay folda's over here? Three days? Over the folds over here? Hey whatever, But I got to get out of that four three relationship? How many? How many if I started a campaign? How many would be on board with me on this show? Or just nobody? Berlin calling y'all, man, what if you did four days? You know? Don't respectable wives and women let me talk to you going over nobody else? How would you do? Free? I can't, you can't. My wife would kill me. Yeah, yeah, said yeah, Jay. I echo that sentiment exactly four three j C time. You don't even put that in your mouth that I'm married, Okay, So we can't play that game. Let's not play that. Hopefully, don't play. We got team too division. I can't play like that, man, don't. You can't play like you was married. All right, No, junior, look at this as if you weren't. It's too late, all right, we got to go. Thank you, nephew. Coming up next, Strawberry Letter. I found out that I married a drunk is the subject. Will get into it right after this. You're listening Steve harymore show time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this right here, right now today. Yeah, bugle lupohole on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank enough you. Subject. I found out that I married or drunk. Dear Stephen Shirley. My husband and I got married in January, and I relocated to be with him after the wedding. We dated for two years in a long distance relationship before we got married. When I moved in with him. I found out he is a split personality. To my surprise, he used cocaine recreationally and he's a binge drinker. I never saw this side of him when we were dating. The truth came out on our wedding day. He started drinking midday and looked like he was high. At the wedding, his speech was so slurred that no one could understand his vows. He admitted to doing a little cocaine before the wedding. He said it would never happen again, but he said he would not give up alcohol. I do not have a problem with alcohol. If he drinks in moderation. When we're home, he will have a few beers that leads to bourbon or scotch. Later on he was moving. He was mowing our lawn over the weekend, and he had a beer in his hand when he walks my dog. He walks around the neighborhood with the red solo cup full of bourbon. The flip side is that he is an executive at a company and his drinking does not interfere with his job. He's in three civic groups and he's able to have a single glass of scotch at these social events. He chooses to be a sloppy drunk whenever he's with me, though. I finally confronted him and asked him about there. He said it's because he got married and it was a big life change. He said, he loves me, but when I moved in, his life turned upside down and he needs time to adjust. How am I supposed to handle this? Should I get this marriage annulled now? Or is this just a phase that we can work through? I think, Steve, this is a second time time in like two weeks we've had a letter about a functioning alcoholic or something. Right, yea, yeah, anyway, this is a shame. You know that you've been with him for two years and you just recently found out that your brand new husband is an alcoholic. I think if you guys didn't live in a so far apart or it weren't in a long distance relationship, you probably would have found out. I found out much sooner because he wouldn't have been able to keep it this long. I mean, I understand, though, you're giving him a pass on your wedding day because you could chalk that up to nervousness. You could chalk that up to nervousness. But he does cocaine too. This is a mess right here, it really is. I mean, what sober wife wants to deal with something like this, This is craziness. He needs to commit I mean, you know, he committed to you in marriage, but what he needs to commit to doing is getting some help, and getting some help immediately. This is not a phase he's going through. I don't care how well he you know, can perform on his job or or in these civic groups. He only has one glass of scotch. This is a deal breaker. Okay, this is not a phase. This is a deal breaker. Drugs and alcohol have no place in a marriage. They have no place in a marriage. And that's all I'm gonna say about it. You need to make the decision whether you're going to stay with him or not. If it were me, I would have been gone. I'm just gonna tell you that, Steve, I found out I was married to a drunk. You relocated after the wedding, after you all dated for two years in a long distance relationship, and then when you moved in you found out he had a split personality. Simple split personality, simple explanation for this. You didn't know the man, like Shirley said, the long distance relationship. You just didn't know the man you thought you did. And to my surprise, he used cocaine recreationally and he's a being drinking so here alcoholic aner junk all that. Oh you got everything alcoholic here, drunk aner junkie. I never saw this side of him when we were dating because you was long distance. But the truth came out on the wedding day. He started drinking mid day wed late until the evening four thirty, five thirty. But it knew he was tossing, and we're about to find out why. He admitted he said, you said that he looked a little high at the wind excuse me at the wedding. His speech was so slurred nobody could understand this about there. You're the husband, Now, husband, do you swear promise YEA do my duty to do my best boy boy scout, bounce this duty. He doing all other counter there the leader to the flame, United States, A miracle boss shut up to your and uh, but he said it would never happen again. Now check this out. But he said he would never give up alcohol. So what he meant to say was I'll never give up drinking. Yeah, that's what that statement is. Yeah, I don't have a problem with alcohol if he drinks in moderation. In moderation, he can't. Didn't you say he have a solo cup full of liquor walking the dog. That's a big gass cup. Oh yeah, everybody, I see where the red cup is drinking and they had to hang on. Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter. I found out that I married a drunk. Will get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters, jack Uh, I found out that I married a drunk. Wow. In a long distance relationship with this man for two years. They finally getting married, She relocates, find out that he's a bear's drinker and he uses recreational cocaine. She didn't know none of this because it was a long distant relationship, but it came truth came out at the wedd because around me and dad the wed and he started drinking. His speech was so slurred, ain't nobody know what he said? And he couldn't say the vials. He did several vials and none of them was wedding VI. Shame. This is this is him at the wed and trying to think of his why. Once upon a midnight, dreary as I ponded a weaker, weary puzsitive by single query, which your monster greeks to you? What you do? That's a fraternity point. Stop that stop that wow out of the night, that covers me black as peered from Polo. Shut up. Whatever the gods drinks gonna say that your files say, your files pledgure legiance to the flag United States. That's the plesure legiance. I promised to do my duty, to do my best to God and my so now the wedding was offer. He promised. He never he admitted he did some cocaine before to win anyway, He said it never happened again, but he would not give up drinking. Now, she says she ain't got a problem if he drinks in moderation, But we got a problem with his idea of moderation, because when y'all go home, he'll have a few beers. That leads to a Scotch or bourbon. Later on, when Scotch and bourbon. Is yo chase him? Yr ass is in trouble that night dog you have some bills and then later on he akill it with a scott You're in trouble. Problem. He was mowing outline over the weekend. He had to be in his hand and when he walks my dog. He walked around the neighborhood with a red solo carp full of bourbon. The flip side says, he's an executive out of company in this drinking doesn't interfere with his job. He's in three civic groups and he's able to have a single glass doesn't interfere with his job. He's in three civic groups and he's able to have a single glass of scotch at those social events. But when he with me, he choosing to be sloppy drunk. So then she confronted the man. She asked him about the drinking, and hear what he said. He said because when he got married it was a big life change, and he said he loves me, but when I moved in, his life turned upside down and he need time to adjust. Let me translate this for you. When he married you and his life was no longer his He has to get toe up to deal with it. He got to get full when he walking y'all funking dog. He got to be high when he cutting y'all's damn grass. He got to be drinking when he and that watching TV would chill his ass. Gotta get drink some bore, Steve, what you cut the yard? Hijack? Hi? Am? I supposed to him being in a marriage? Should I get this marriage and know now? Is it just a phase we could work through? Lady? This is not a phase. Alcoholism is not a faith. It's not And that's what You've married a man that you don't know. But guess what he said, he's not gonna give up drinking, and drinking is a big part of your problem. Now, if you don't really love this man and you want to get away from it because you might have been off more than you could choose, then I suggest you get out now because you obviously being a caretaker's not what you signed up for. And obviously your violes Richard Papoor's sickness and health all that you don't even to mean that clorosis of the liver, Yeah, you didn't. You didn't say none of that you you didn't want to do you know, you know not none of the stuff that come with drinking. So I would suggest you get out because it's not a phase. And he's not gonna stop drinking, He's already said it, and you're unhappy with that much drinking. And if he don't give up the drinking, he probably ain't gonna give up the cocaine. Yeah, and eventually he gonna lose his job and in three civic groups, whatever the hell that mean? That could be only lady, just leave. I'd love to tell you they hadn't and fight for your marriage, but you ain't really in love with this man. You ain't never mentioned that in here, because your answer to us was should I get this thing annulled? Right? Girl, go ahead and do that. That's what your first mind telling you. Trip it you moved your job up there. He just dranking his ass off. Let me hypothetically, would you marry a woman that was a drunk and dick? Thank you. I'm having a hard enough time anyway. Last time talking to me drunk, I don't even want like talking all the time sober. I really can't handle a woman talking to me drunk. Y'all already talk too damn much. Naw, you're talking and it don't make no damn sense. Uh let me ask God. No, I'm not marrying a woman that drinks, Thank you Heavenly and no other kind of ways. Right, all right? Listen, post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM dot com. That's on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. We'll tell you about certain Confederate monuments coming down right after this. That's good news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Another sign of positive change, guys. A couple of Confederate monuments are about to come down. A huge statue of General Robert E. Lee and Richmond, Virginia that is going to be removed as soon as possible. That's according to Governor Ralph Northum. Richmond was the capital of the Confederacy during the Civil War. The statue, wood sits on top of a massive pedestal, will be placed in storage until authorities figure out what to do with it. So that's really good news. Give it to the protest Let's see what they'll do with it, oh Bernie, and change some of these flags that they have to, like the one. It's very simple. Change change. You have to get rid of all symbols of hatred. Just start with that. It's real simple. Who is gonna care? Accept them? Heal billies that that statue of what's his name gives a damn? Hey man, have y'all ever been to Stone Mountain? That yes, and seen that lasers show that they do it. Hey man, let me tell you something, man, Yeah, I got my family up out of there so fast. I say, hey, y'all, pack on this stuff up. What she says, Steve was because my kids. You know that, my kids, you know what's happening. They was going, wait a minute, was what are they trying to say? Here? What was it? And dog and man, they show a laser show at the end of the night. They do fireworks and they do this laser show and they show it on Stone Mountain and it's in lasers and it's very elaborate. Man, And they go over history of like America and the South and this Robert E. Lee and come riding through it too, with the stone Wall, with the Confederate flag and then hill Billy stand up. They started again. I'm packing my stuff up there. We was in that sprinter so fast, because I said, because I know, I know, I know when hill Billy started houling like that, we got to get out black ass towards something. Because because I got I got my family with me, all of them. I said, Man, I might have to whip somebody ass out of here because I'm not gonna let you do My family and you know, my sons and stuff. They grow. No, damn, we ain't got to go nowhere. I'm going north. It ain't enough for us. Let's go. I appreciate at the bravery. Well, we're gonna get out here and we're gonna leave. We ain't coming down here no more. But you're just the most racist exhibit I've ever seen that right outside of Atlanta. You're right and clapping. What is it black people clapping? Fun? Did you see? And then why you at it? How about you go down all right? Those Plantation names take that away too, Plantation. All right, we gotta go, guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll talk about the NBA's return to play right after this. You're happy, Junior, Yes, you're listening to show. All right, So Junior, what is going on? So the NBA is finally coming back. What's happened? Yes, yes, Shirley, Yes, fellos, we got some basketball, yes, live sports that we understand. Come tired of this corn hole throwing things again. I've watched that, watching that, I got Tommy, Junior, I've been watching that and ax though, I got it. I got the corn hole little set up. I got that. Boys can throw them damn axes. Have you seen have you seen the Dikes Day? Serious with that too. So NBA coming back Back's U twenty two teams coming back on July thirty first October, yea, July thirty first. They're gonna have the uh the playoffs before the final is gonna before October twelve. So we got so they're finishing this season. Yes, they're gonna finish this season, big dog. They're in the East. Is gonna be Milwaukee, Toronto, Boston, Miami, Indiana. Who wa wait a minute, they just coming back and do playoffs? Yeah, twenty two teams. Yeah, wait a minute, twenty two teams is in the playoffs. No, No, they're gonna have like a little seeds system. That's what they're gonna do. They're gonna play the they gonna take their record. They're gonna play eight games, they gonna add it to their record. That's gonna side who's gonna be seen for the playoffs. So it's only twenty two, it's only twenty two. Teens, come back the whole league. I come like. They didn't. They didn't even call Memphis. They ain't say nothing about Memphis. Come on back. They didn't. They didn't even waste time calling the Knicks. They didn't even let them. They didn't even ask them. Did they call Cleveland getting the call at all? Huh? Yeah, some cities they didn't even calling Jake, they didn't even call. They didn't. Did y'all call us? They call it back? No, Cleveland twenty two. Let me see Cleveland, Cleveland, Cleveland, see Cleand no, they didn't get a call Cleveland. They're not in the twenty two round. I know you made them call. Did y'all call us? Because the Catholica they didn't get a call? Just chicken listen, we didn't click over earlier was that they didn't about the Grizzlies. The Grizzlies, Grizzlies Grizzlies. No, no Grizzlies, no call, no call for the Grizzlies. Hello, Yes, this is Roger Goodelle. Nail, Yeah, this is Roger Goodelle. This is Houston. We want to talk about the sudden rash of trades that you all have made raft picks up coming year for you are planning on winning any games this year? N Hello, hughs when we have a problem, man, would y'all leave? Would y'all please call clearless? They can play? So uncle, he was alone. Got who you got? Oh? Here we see we got we got we said, we got the Nets, we got our Lando, we got Washington, and then they got the Lakers, the Clippers, Denver, Utah, Washington ain't gonna making Houston playing Dallas, playing at Portland, Dallas, Sacramento, San Antonio, MIRCA, Phoenix. Come on, man, y'all for real? Yeah they got a call they got for real twenty two. You hating that Zig came in. I'm just glad he got basketball back home. Man. Yeah, I wouldn't be real. No, nobody, Wait a minute. The Grizzlies didn't get the call to play. They did. Yeah, I was feeling the same because they had a little bit better record than New Orleans. They did. You didn't say Golden State. Huh No, they didn't get the call there. No, ain't got ain't they ain't ain't nobody, nobody playing to State. They were playing Golden State. Plow plan, Mark Freeley, he owned a team. That's it. That's all we got. Yeah, but we got basketball back. Well, thank you coming out. More music, more trending topics, and some headlines to twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show Say her Name, Say her Name. Today would have been the twenty seventh birthday of Brianna Taylor, the black woman killed by Louisville police in a botched no Knock warrant back in March. In honor of Brianna Taylor's birthday today, please sign the official petition calling for justice and send a birthday card to the Kentucky Attorney General demanding that he bring about charges against the officers who killed her. The most underserved demographic in America is black women. We will not at them forget Brianna Taylor. Say her name? Yeah, yeah, wow, this is a big movement today. Yeah. Everyone, So you can address you can address your cards to the Office of the Attorney General, seven hundred Capitol Avenue, Suite one eighteen. That's in Frankfurt f R A n K f O RT, Kentucky four zero six zero one four zero six zero one three four four nine, Or you can go to Steve Harvey FIM to get that information with That's right, okay, in good old boy country nine partner. Yeah, but we still got more work to do. Yeah, we do, We really really do. Yeah, that was such a tragedy. So again, Office of the Attorney General, seven hundred Capitol Avenue, sweeked one eighteen, that's in Frankfort, Kentucky for zero six zero one Maura of a Steve Harvey Morning show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to show. Okay, Remember back in twenty eighteen when Fox News host Laura Ingram told Lebron James and Kevin Duran to shut up and dribble. Both Lebron and Kevin, you know, she was mad at him for criticizing mister Donald Trump back in the day. Take a listen to this. It's always unwise to seek political advice from someone who gets paid one hundred million dollars a year to bounce a ball? Owen, Lebron and Kevin, you're great players, but no one voted for you. Millions elected Trump to be their coach. So keep the political commentary to yourself. Or, as someone once said, shut up and dribble. Oh oh here, Well, Lebron is wondering where is Laura right now and why she didn't tell Drew Brees to shut up and dribble. But Drew Brees can have an opinion. Interesting, Huh, We're gonna shut up and throw the ball? Ain't none of that? Yeah? Yeah. Breese has apologized for his remarks and mischaracterizing kneeling during the national anthem. He added that his words lacked awareness and any type of compassion or empathy. He says, I stand with the black community in the fight against systemic racism and racial injustice and police brutality and support the creation of real policy change that will make a difference. Drew is asking for forgiveness. He did another apology after that one, a video. Is this sincere? What's the relevance? Who is he? He's a football player. He made a statement at a time y'all ain't heard worse than this. Listen to what the president and said. What Drew Brees is catching more hail for what he say. Then the president catch for what he says because they won't attack him because he in the locker room with black people. Our president is supposed to be unifying this country. He don't say nothing but divisive stuff. I don't give a damn what Drew Brees say. He don't he didn't play for the Browns. Let's start. That's a trying to follow you. He come for real, A let's start there. What if it was your quarterback? What if it was your quarterback? Baker, he can't live in Cleveland, but struggling right now. But but but the ino is real and they got a problem with it. And that's why he's making these apologies. He's out of place, and he used the wrong time time to draw comparison to the kneeling because you just got bambooze like everybody else by the President and allowed him to flip the script, and you went along with it exactly coming up. It's our last break of the day, no justice, no peace. It is the last break of the day of hard I'm doing serious nothing. I was pretty good. Yeah, it was. And we'll have, of course, some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening Steven show. All right here we are last break of the day on this Friday. And Jay, before we got out of here, get out of here, and before Steve gets to the closing remarks, you wanted to make an announcement. You want to do to make an announcement. Today is my son's birthday. Happy birthday, Drell, Happy birthday. You are way past the age. Will you get a gift? Okay, don't expect a damn thing, but a happy birthday. Sinking shout out is to my grandson. Morgan voted the number one player at age thirteen in basketball in Columbia, South Carolina. The number of damn Yes, I love you, happy man. The boy got skills. It's been a week, sir U, two weeks. Yeah, and we're still going a year. Protesters still out there. Yeah, the good news is that the protesters, yeah, they're not and they want to change. They wanted to change. Yeah, h yep, yep. Brestin Peach Piece George Floyd um, wow, just a lot going on, a lot going on in America. It's a lot of So we're done with Corona? Have we done? It's half time, julior I told y'all, is that what you said? Yeah, you could give refreshments and all that, right, Yeah, it's half time. Yeah, I mean it's still out there. I mean you still have to wash your hands and be careful and wear masks and everything. Up. We heard none we had what a month ago? He was a screen every five seconds. We got account on who lost, who we lost? And now want those numbers? You don't want that. Pomo was giving us an update in New York every day from his so was the president. Yeahmo was giving us an update every day, little clock. I get it. I know we ain't seen it two weeks. Yeah, he still does updates. And Anthony fouled. You doctor foul You talking about schools could possibly reopen in the fall. Wow, which is all great. I mean that's what we want to to for things to get back to normal. You know, as soon as possible. A lot of peers is Magic City gonna open? That's important. That's really when you get to talk about things that's important. Right before the closing remarks, Guys, it's gonna be packed to j when they open back the first day for the chicken wings, right, for the chicken wings. Yes, I mean that's why we go in here. All right, good luck following this foolishness. Well, you know, let me do this for closing. It's been a week for all of us. Everybody's sort of the first time I've seen around the world we're all dealing with the same thing. First it was COVID nineteen, we were all dealing with it, and now, thank god for video, we are now all dealing with and facing the realities of the justice system here in America. I want the young protesters. I'm gonna just say a few things here. I want you all to be smart out there now. I want you to protest, and I agree with your protests. On the reason you are out there is just the reason you are out there. It's the same reason Colin Kaepernick got on his knees. It's it's the real reason now. Because they are experts at drawing and diverting attention from the original cause of the protest, especially when it's people species, especially when it's peaceful, They've learned how to infiltrate your protests, incite the riot, start the looting and the burning, and then the angry catch on with it and it becomes something else. We can't let them do that to us. We can't hustle backwards, y'all. We got to stay out in front of this thing. Don't lose sight of the mission. The mission is so the Aubreys and the Floyd's lives are not in vain that they garner the right amount of attention. I'm just using those two. There are so so so many more sad to say, but so many more. Be appreciative of the non African Americans who have decided to join in with the fight. I know the conversation is what took them so long and blah blah blah blah blah. It don't matter. The timing is now. Don't get hooked up on what didn't happen or how long it took to happen. Let's take advantage of the fact that something is happening now. The problem that I have with people sometimes see some people think that if they're not affected by racism, then it don't exist. It does exist. Some people treat justice like his pie. I heard Lord Coates say this on CNN. She said, some people treat justice like his pie, meaning where if I get some, you get less. No, justice's supposed to be for everybody in equal doses and amounts. If you think because black people ain't slaves no more and we're free and we ought to be satisfied, that's a mistake at last, but not leads to Drew Brees. We would love to put our hands over our hearts and feel the exact same way you feel about that flag. But that flag has done us a little bit different. So we don't tear up when we see the flag. We do wish that flag meant the same thing to us that it means to you, and it represented it and upheld the Constitution for us the same way it does for you. That's what we wish for the plant. We don't desecrate the flag, we don't burn it, but just know that the whole time y'all singing the song, we're just hoping the song would include us. Those are my closing remarks. Have a great weekend, everybody for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to