George Floyd Case, Principal Jason Smith, T.I., Kells Vaccination and more.

Published Mar 2, 2021, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! This show is dedicated to those who are awaiting the vaccine. Pastor Pretty is preachin' today. The Chief Love Officer has to break down the power of a woman's choice to a man that is not in the know. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will be interviewed by Oprah this coming Sunday. The murder trial of Derek Chauvin will start later in the month and the security plans for the courthouse has everyone talking. Hair cuts are very serious for black males and it has got to be on point. PERIOD!!! Big ups to Principal Jason Smith!!! #salute Kells has now gotten both doses of the COVID-19 vaccine. A question about our parents is answered by the crew. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve gives props to the young people for what they have done for the movement. "Monumental!"

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all looking back to back down, giving them like the milling bu bu things and it's not true. Good Steve to the mother star, don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn. You got a turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your thing. H huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. But come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, I gotta tell you something, everybody, And this is great news for everybody that I'm or share something with your principle of becoming successful at whatever level you choose. It can be successful in the relationship, successful in the family. Successes may be considered to you becoming a homeowner. It could be being dead free. Your ideal success could be sixty thousand a year, fifty thousand a year, one hundred thousand dollars a year, doesn't matter if you're considering it, if you're wanting it, if you have a desire to become successful. I want to share with you the very beginning of that. If no one's ever done it. I'm going to say the beginning of it today. See scripture makes it very clear for us you don't The only thing you need to become successful is already inside of you. It's not an external need. God wouldn't do that to you. He puts the core basis of everything you need inside of you. So if you discover it, if you tend to it, nurture it, fertilize it, and water it, it grows, it branches out. Then it reaches out externally and it starts grabbing things outside of there to make it even bigger, stronger, better, last longer. But in the very beginning, you don't need anything. It's all within you. And if you cultivate your relationship with God, it comes out, it flourishes. Now, let me tell you that thing that I'm talking about is a God given gift that He has given to all of us. We all possess it. It is all within us, and everybody has a gift. Had somebody told me what I know now back then, I would have saved myself tons of mistakes. I just didn't know the principles. I had to learn them all well. One of the principles of becoming successful is your mind set. You got to get your mind right now. This mindset is simply a decision that you can make. I can't get it for you. I can tell you what to do, but you got to make the decision. You that's listening, have to decide. You know what, I'm gonna go on and get at it. I'm gonna stop writing. I'm gonna become a homeowner. You know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna stop living check to check. I'm I'm gonna put a budget together. I'm gonna stop stepping out on my family. I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna get it together. I'm gonna stop using you when you make these decisions. That's correcting your mindset. Now. The closer connection you have with God, the more help you get sustaining the mindset. How many times have you started to do something and you stopped? How many resolutions have you made at the New Year and stop by February? Over with by me at January? Done in March. Because if you don't have a clear connection with your creator to help you carry out the other force out there, that evil force is designed to get you not to reach your goals, get you not to come to resolution with whatever the resolutions are you made, so he can cons You can consider yourself not worthy or failure or unable to do something. But the more things you are able to accomplish, the greater your confidence goals grows. So we got to get your mind set together. Your mindset is a decision that you have to make. When you make the decision, you can begin the process. Your mindset is also a will of yours, a will along with the decision, a will, a willingness to do right, a willingness to change, a willingness to be better. It's going to then cause you to have to make a decision to make a change of direction. Don't go where everybody else going. You got to go your way now. You can't follow the crowd. You got to take a less travel path. You cannot do this without changing your direction. You can't keep hanging with the people you've been hanging with if you want to be different because they're not. Then you have to develop an obligation to yourself. You've got to say, you know what for me and my family, or if you don't have a family for me, I owe it to myself. I have an obligation to myself to be the best meeting I can possibly be, to be the best self that I can possibly be, to be the best father, the best man, the best husband, the best wife, the best mother, the best daughter, the best son, the best student, the best employ ye, the best owner. You have an obligation to yourself to give yourself a shot at the best life you can. That's an obligation. You owe that to yourself. Why would you not live the best life that you possibly could. You have an obligation to yourself. Why would you teat yourself like that? Why would you take yourself and never allow yourself to see the goodness that's already in you, to have the abundance that's been promised to you, to go and explore all the riches out there that's available to you. And but one of the worst ways that you can rob yourself off of the joy of your obligation is to keep comparing yourself to somebody else. Because guess what, Man, that ain't your life. You ain't jay Z and Beyonce, you're not You're not open Instead, man, that's not who you are. Quit looking around at everybody else. That comparison of everybody else to keep you broken, it to keep you unhappy. You won't even be able to be grateful for what you have because you steady talking about what you don't have. That's not the way, man. You have an obligation to yourself to be the best you you can be, not the best them. You're not them. Stop trying to be them. Be the best you. It's cool. You got a nice little house. That's cool. You know how many big houses is empty and feel with hate and resentment. I'd rather have a smaller house feel with joy in it than to go to a big house. Man Prince got a line in a song that says, I realized in its best disguise, or pretty house don't make a home. Man. Don't you know I know how true that is? So I'm just trying to tell you now. Another part of the mindset is taking dead aim at your life's goals and ambitions. What are they? What are your goals and your visions? What do you see for yourself? What do you dream about? If you knew you couldn't fail at whatever it is you were attempting, what would you go attempting? See? That's what we need to be after It's a mindset, y'all. It's a decision. It's a will, it's a change of direction. It's an obligation to yourself. It's taking dead aim at your life's visions and goals. Come on, man, you got to get your mind wrapped around this thing. You owe it to yourself to live the best life you can be. Come on, man, talk to God. God got something for you. You just gotta check in with him. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, monkey trainers, pet walkers, fish keepers, hunters, trapeze artists, strippers, taxi drivers. That's mad at uber drivers, uber drivers that wanted to be taxi drivers, sears, delivery truck people, Walmart employees, and anybody that's trying to get a vaccine. This show is dedicated to you, Steve Harvey, Morny show Yo for the lonely, the disenfranchise, people who are looking for hope, people that know that tomorrow will come and the sucker will shot. Yeah on, that's all. Let the church say Amen, Amen again, Sherley Strawberry. Amen, Doctor good morning, Steve. Wow, Colin Farrell, you got a minister up in here, got moaned Junior. Good speel stake, morning up when we make the donation in Nephew Tom ain't king of prince your side, preach doctor doctor about to give a donation? Know that was that was some kind of speech there you gave, sir. I don't know where it came from. I just started different it more. You don't like do same thing here? Boy? I get bored ye for yeah, ain't regularly you know, good morning. You know, just when you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. You when you think of a love. That bar when he was in that bath tubs, Billy Ray Valentine, he got in mortem and Neil House, the letting me take a bath board start where you food back there? Yeah, the baby Coming to America, America, Coming to America. Yes, I can't wait, I can't and semihop, Look it's coooter. They said it took weeks to do that barbershop. No man, man, they had all those characters. Many Coming to America is hands down my all time favorite comedy movie of all time. Yes, sir, Coming to America for me and I'm not a movie buff, but for me, Coming to America greatest comedy movie for me of all times. It's so real. It's so good because we know that Roscoe is Randy Watson from What's Going Down episode of Sexual Sexual Sex that Blue Tucks, but when he went off stage, brushed against that symbol on that donation. Can't wait till that movie comes out? Coming up in thirty minutes after the hour, asked the CEO this, you're listening to the Steven Show. Time now for ask the CLO. Let's go, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. This one is from Mario in Camden, New Jersey. Mario says, I'm a six two brother and I'm a bit overweight, but I've been trying to eat better and work out. To Mario, I met a female on a dating site and she's five seven and curvy, so I was comfortable enough to tell her how much I weigh. She got turned off immediately and said I was too big. She says she doesn't date fat man and told me to lose her number. Surely she knows that she's overweight too. I tried to be polite, but she's really pretty. But should I call her back and hurt her feelings like she hurt mine? No? No, don't. What's what's that gonna do? You know you liked her, she didn't like you. That's that's that's how it worked, the only way of some matches if y'all like each other. Yeah, you like to weight on her. She ain't liked to weight on you. Now you said you're six two and overweight? How much do you wake up? How much you thank you? Way to me? All right, that didn't make the letter. I couldn't. That didn't there. Okay, you're fat ass. She don't like fat ass, But he says she five seven, a curvy, but she It's different on women. Women look, women carry, they wait different. A lot of women look good with them courage. You know, she got that swag and then he said she is you know, he never said she never said you was handsome, you know. So you see, see, women have a lot of stuff working for them. You know. If a woman keep ourselves up and dress right and wear her stuff good, a woman can have some weight on hu me and be all okay with that. Boy. You can't take your fat ass out here. Shoes ain't right. Head, ain't gonna watch on clothes hanging off to watch. No, dude, man, women look at all that mass right there, and I can't fix off. You too far from fixing? Go here? You all right? Ricky? Ricky, and I heard radio listener says, I'm twenty five. My boyfriend and I have dated since high school. My parents used to like him, but now they think I can do better. I'm a licensed lashing eyebrow tech and I make great money. My boyfriend is a bartender, but business has been slaughter, so I let him move in with me temporarily. My mom, my mom, and dad said that living together is unacceptable, and I'm I'm dating a boy, not a man. I want to support this man until he gets back on his feet. He would be he would do the same for me, And why can't my parents see this? Well, here's why your parents are looking at you. Said, you're a lash and nail lady, and you're doing real well and stuff in your business. He had just here bartender, and obviously since y'all been dating, says high school, maybe he ain't tried to improve himself. That If your parents is looking at no upward mobility, no promising future for their child, of course they're gonna buck the system. Now bartend is slow. Now he'd have moved in with you. I mean, damn that's so so your response to it's going hard is I'm gonna go in and move in on this woman, and your parents see that they're not gonna be okay with that, and you can't expect them too. He would do the same for you, really really, Oh but even if he did it, would you want too? Though? Right? So's where he staying on the money? He may see? Would you want to stay there? Would you just going back to your mama? You see what I'm saying? Spoken like a true parent. Tu Clo td and Cincinnati says, I'm forty six and I've been dating a forty four year old lady for about five months, and we have had more sex in that short time than I've had in my life. Yes, he says, I'm worn out and tired all of the time from the constant intimacy. I've started making up excuses to keep her from coming over because it's hard for me to get excited. Now. Is there such a thing as getting bored with great sex? I'm thinking of seeing a doctor, but I wanted to check in with you guys first. See you saying you're not getting excited anymore? But you say, but then you want to say it's great sex. It could be great sex, but you don't have as high threshold for it as she does. Maybe you're libete, Okay, handle this. Every day she coming over, you hide and stuff y'all under the bed, trying to cheat and treat her like she got his nigget's pagers for sale at the dog five months. He's had more sex in five months, and in his entire life, I've never had that happened to going on. I ain't never had a five month run at the top what I did in my damn like okay, and I thank the Lord for that. No, bro, you just saying no, you ain't up, ain't don't need to go into the doctors. And you're a moment dude. Yeah, dog, it's libido. Ain't got nothing for you. Libido in there. Okay, I'm moving on. Remy and Oxford, Mississippi says I'm thirty one and I married a woman I dated only eight months. A few days before Valentine's Day, we decided to get married on Valentine's to Day at the courthouse. After our wedding, we went to Hawaii for three days. We did not tell anyone or big news until we got home. The news spread quickly, and my ex girlfriend called me crying. We had an on again, off again relationship, and the last time we broke up, I moved on for good. She's so hurt and I feel terrible. Do I owe her an explanation? What should I do? Hey? Brother, man? What in this explanation? What you're gonna say? Yeah, dog, don't don't go ahead of this conversation, because nothing you're gonna say gonna fix it for this girl. Secondly, you already I feel so bad. Now you're gonna want to console her. One thing gonna lead to the next. Yes, and now next thing you know, she back over at your new wife's house. I'm like he was over here last week cousouling me. Boy, you don't owe nobody nothing. It was done is done. Y'all own again, off again And that just stands with me. I tell women all the time, stop worrying about me and talking about we own again, off again me, and don't do off Um. You will say how long you take to get to Hawaii? They came from Mississippi to Hawaii. That's about well, Mississippi. You probably got cash about faux planes the Mississippi, you know, I'm probam with you. Ain't a damn direct flight. I'm trying to come back by the time they I don't know that, but I bet it ain't a direct flight out of Missippa. Thank you. Coming up next, the nephews run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour trending national and entertainment news new victims accused Ti and his wife Tiny of sexual abuse. Plus now Oprah is going to interview Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here to run that prank back. And what do you have for his nephew? I just see something timing before you say this. Here, I'd like to interview uh Prince or Harry and uh Nigan Martin. Well, yeah, and we can baptize them too, redempt. Here we go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Pastor Henry h This Pastor Henry. Oh how are you doing, sir? You know, as to a greater New Hope Baptist right, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, I am answers cooler. My name is Patrick. My name Patrick Davis. Uh ain't doing there? How you doing, sir? I went there to your church a bottom about two and a half years ago. I went there and me, yeah, we got our kids baptized. Thereto. Are you coming back to us or are you? Uh uh what's your current church? Well we we haven't been in a minute, you know. But you you you baptized my my son and my daughter Kareem, and you baptized them. I don't. I don't thank you. I mean, I'm sure you do a lot of people, but yeah, I was about to say I do a lot. I can't really pinpoint a name like that. You said it was about a couple of years ago, two three year by showing up between two and between two and three years ago, you you bout to have my little girl and my son. O God, I bless on that. I'm glad I was able to do that service for I was wondering how did you get my number? Usually anything like this usually get handled with the church, you know, one of my deacons or my secretary. But uh uh, you um call the church and they gave you my number. Um, just this guy at the church, let me see, his name is oh Dobs brother, brother Dobs. Brother, brother Dob gave you my phone number, my information, Brother Dobs. I got this from brother Dogs that I you I could reach you. Now you know him right, he's one of your deacons, brother than I. That's a good man right there. I know him many of years. Okay for him, my rooson for wanting to talk to you directly. Okay, like I that you baptized my little girl Tayling and my son Kareem. What baptizing is supposed to be, you cleansing them, and you're watching them because he probably hear my problems. You baptize my kids, but there ain't nothing shamed. They grade still bad. He still didn't obed. I don't see where your back is not look, but if you don't tund him, if you just let me. I don't see where your baptizing has done anything. I don't know that I spent when I was there. I want that money back now now, oh now you coxcuse me. I'm not sure. I think you know we need to stop this madness right now, because you're talking about you money back baptime. I would like with baptize your kids. I've been at this church up for many years, so I won't doubt that I'm probably the pastor you're looking for. But I just don't understand what you're trying to get at here the baptism did I'm I'm saying you're supposed to when when when people get baptized, they're supposed to change them cleansing. Okay, I see, yeah, it's cleans them. But well if my kids, let me let me ask you. I'm just trying to brother, I'm just just trying to get to the bottom of this, you know what I mean, because she's like when we gets I don't understand how you got my numbers. The bottom of it is, yo, yo, baptizing ain't doing nothing. My kids were still grades bad. They still this over you. That why they haven't been come to church. You said you're not going to any congregation. May but you guys need to come on back to church sitting or some sermons. You know. I even work with your one on one, but um, I can't. I can't do nothing about the grades in school. I mean and and and and overall that when you when you have them, I should see a change in them, and I don't see a change. But all the time I was going to your church. I'm paying for these tithes. Well I'm not getting any hey man, at the end of the day, Past Henry, I want my money back. That's what That's what we have. That's brother David. That's not how it worked. Brother. You hit you understand, I'm not. I'm not trying to raise my voice at you. But you you all over you want money back. I don't understand. What can I do for you? I can tell you now, know you what you can do. My kids and I have got a baptized over there with you. All that time I was going the church, I'm playing knee tis, playing knee tis, playing knee time, and I getting my kids baptized. And but the high just gonna have nothing to do with the baptism. The time I had something to do with all the path I spit over there, and I'm not taking anything. And that's what you call in the world. Am I gonna figure out how much cord you came? I know you think about that. I know exactly. No, no, no, no, you're hauling my home with this nonsense. You're not even a number of congregation, and I just don't like it. So who do you think your voice just because you're gonna don't go you're a man of a tan. That's because I'm a mamorized god. Don't mean I can't cut your stout. You understand that. Brothers. If it's something you need to deal with, you need to talk to people at the church. Why do I need to talk to brother dogs when I'm talking about do not need to the problem right now? You're the problem back, I'm a problem. I just put a bunch of Tide money and I won't I know exactly how much I spent over there, and I want my money back. Brother about that? That's what I care about. Your time? So that I said your time? Want me to spell it out? Oh? Well, here kids or spell out. I bet they know how to spell it. Okay, don't be calling me about no damn behave your issues with your kids. You're back Tide. That's the question you need to be asking. Is you living your life? Think to five? Huh? You know what? You know what? Brothers? I didn't got out beside myself, and I'm sorry, Brothers, I should not be using fire language, Skins. I think what's going on. We need to we need to get you and your children your wife, come on down the service on Sunday. I will sick with you as long as I can't. I truly, I truly think counseling and talking is the only way out of it. Should not be fighting on this phone now once again, I hope you accept my apology from my language. Now, can I ask something? Go ahead, son, I can hear you, Okay. Brother Dobbs tells me that you and him are together, y'all together some mornings having coffee. You and brother Dogs are every morning that I'm not either function or doing something for the building maintenance to the church. Yeah, definitely he's a good brother. Like I told you, I know him for many years, right right, And he's saying that when y'all having coffee that y'all y'all listening to the radio. Is that right? Yeah? Well I suppose y'all be listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, it's always on the radio. Hey, fat, was so fun? This is this is nephew timing man from the Steve Harvey Martin's. Your brother Dogs just got me to break phone called You didn't know now the brother dob knew about this. He won game in your novel I'm too scared to cuss another word. Let's take the thing out of my character. I didn't think I didn't did enough for a lifetop to day. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm probably these realist didn't come. And I tell my congression all the time. I even slip up, so I think it would only be ready to be leave me out to something. Man, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the band at this twenty oh man, you already know. Man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. There you go, all right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news right after this you're listening Morning Show. A New York based attorney has sent letters to officials in Georgia and in California seeking to open investigations under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act and Georgia's Rape, Kidnapping and Terroristic Threat Statues. Reports are out that nearly over thirty women, survivors and witnesses have accused Ti and Tiny of sexual abuse. In a statement to The New York Times, a lawyer for Ti and Tiney said they deny in the strongest possible terms, these baseless and unjustified allegations. WHOA okay, yeah, this story, yeah, it keeps having legs. You know that's terrible. Yeah, just see what the investigation don't know what. Yeah, we just will stay on the story and let you know what's going on. Yeah. In other entertainment news, this Sunday, This coming Sunday, Oprah Winfrey will interview Megan Markle and Prince Harry. Harry will talk about his mother, Princess Diana. He told Oprah that he quit the royal family rather than face the crushing exploitation that killed his mother. He says, my biggest concern was history repeating itself. Growing interest in the special convinced CBS to expand the show from ninety minutes to two hours. According to royal watchers, Queen Elizabeth stripped Harry of his honorary military titles because he never asked her permission to be interviewed by Oprah. Now does he have to ask her now that he's no longer Yeah, no longer a royal. You ain't sending no check over him, got no raw security everything. Grandmama, I'm gonna pulled up the catch and we don't get a ride on the wagon no more, he got no damns lost him to do that with the fur hats. You took all that back that you think I ain't gonna say nothing. Send him. He ran my mom off the road. Now, y'all asking him want me to be signed if I ain't beenna being it? Because that's the only question. I won't ask him? What the hell would make you lead a damn palace? Because I'd be in there heaven, women dropping grapes in my mouth till I was ninety. I'm Keith, I ain't got to work. I'm looking for none, got a crib. I'm on the whole. Queen think well, his brother, the future Queen of the future King Prince William, has no idea what Harry told Oprah. The brothers have not spoken for months, and the special will air this coming Sunday at March. His brother said, I'm not going no damn well, I'm about to be king King. Yeah, he's gonna be king, Harry King, so yeah, and he knew that anyway. Yeah, they never have been king. No, I mean he would have, yet it would have to be some younger brother. The first Harry William is the oldest William is the first son of Prince Princess Diana and Prince Now he already no will You've been kicking his ass since they were a little boy. He's nothing the lifted food be king and he still live in the palace. He got every out now the name was dog and this girl, so I understand, you know, yeah, mainly that's what it was. I think, you know, the treatment of Megan Marko. Yeah, and that's his wife, and he wanted to protect her and they got a baby now and she's pregnant again, you know. So yeah, Duke a boding him up, nothing like as he just threw it out there. I am hell hubbing and my wagon on you to ask me to come in and get my and I was like, man, I ain't tom. Hello, Hello, Duke, how are you deal? Hello? Hello, your highness? Wonder what I how you're talking about the royal family that well, yeah, Queen Elizabeth's and then of course her grandson Prince Harry and his wife Megan Marco. Yeah alredy oh rally have you ever met Oprah? Dope? Rock I love Opra. She's one of the most fabrialist women I've ever said about. Oprah would be the only raison, I'd leave the palace and do what what do you mean by that? To marry Opra? Okay, that's just much money as a palace got. That looks like I'm traded off to me. But you'd lose your title. You think, my damn about you? See the rancher son of Barber, she's got enough money about Neverland? What are you looking? Woman? Most forward to in the special this Sunday. I don't know for on the hell what they have to say. I wouldn't have never left if I was him, but I'm awfully glad he then I'm now I'm the only black. Now what you been doing? You? Your competition? He bought hell along, and all of a sudden I was sharing with another black when I was thinking down of the black that knocks me farther away from the crown that I'll never get. But I'm wonderful just being a duke. Yeah, you still have a title, You still have your title, loved the duke, Duke, Duke, Duke, Duke of wonderful songs, Duke of he all of arting hounds. But what you've been doing though, Duke, oh, just preparing myself of vaccination time you know, I don't have to get one because I don't never ever, I've never left the Ballace blue Blood. I've never I've never been outside the wall. I don't go to high rinser anywhow that bring it all to me. I'm still they rich and I don't love it. I'm eating cave lunch today, drinking what are you drinking? Over there? Teen and Aaron on Ends They don't know it, but I haven't shipped in what Jack Daniels like a shout of jackets some ell gray tap, Oh my god, thank you, Duke. We certainly appreciate it. Coming up more on show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. In trending news, a courthouse where Derek Chavin will be tried for murdering George Floyd looks like the same fortress that's around the US capital right now. Heavy reinforced to black out the general public. Construction crews have been hard at work over the past week four to five downtown Minneapolis with the facto force fields, including areas where protests and unrest are expected as Chauvin's murder trial gets underway in the coming weeks. Jury selection is set to begin March eighth, and opening arguments are expected toward the end of the month. Wow, yeah, well here after. It's not televised, right, you won't be to watch it, William, I don't know. I don't know if it is. I'm a watch. Yeah. I can't imagine them televising it, but I would watch. I'm really interested in the defense. Yeah, because you know what it It just goes to say what we've all said all along. It's amazing how we all see the same video and see something totally different. Now. I don't know what happens to them twelve people when they go in that room, but I don't know what video they see. Yeah, dating back to Rodney King, we all she's sitting here going, what are you kidding me? This was murder. He murdered this man for eight minutes and forty six seconds. He spent the entire time murdering a man with his hand in his pocket like he didn't give a damn on camera, on camera, Ram, please come on, you know, and and and and America keeps saying this is not who we are as a country. Well okay, okay, then okay, what's the other side, because we keep seeing this side, and we see this side too often for you to convince us that this is not the America we live in. It's not the america you've ever seen or you want to deal with. But it's the America that we've seen and lived with for a long time. And now the gig is up. Yeah, we're no longer patient. We don't want to wait on you to treat us equally. We're past that. We're exhausted from getting the constitution applied to us. We're fed up with the people being able to kill us and get away with it. Yeah, that's why I think it's good that I hope that they do televise it, because I'm sure a lot more will come out that we didn't even know about that dreadful day. That the day I do see a couple of media publications that are saying that the judge will allow cameras in the trial needs to be Yeah, so we'll see if that still holds up. Gonna be a major major problem across this country. If that's not a conviction. I'm not promoting it, I'm predicting it. Yeah, all right, we'll be back with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty four minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening this Dave Harvey Morning Show. A principal in Indianapolis, Guys, listen to this story. Principle in Indianapolis, Indiana has gone viral for giving a student confidence a confidence boost, I should say, with a simple haircut. All right. It all started with Anthony Moore was sent to Jason Smith's office at Stony Brunk Intermediate and Middle School for wearing a hat, which goes against the school's dress code. I sat across from him and asked, what's wrong? Why are you being defiant? Why are you refusing to take your hat off? And he explained Anthony did that his parents took him to get a haircut and he didn't like the results. Instead of disciplining the young man, the principal has experience in cutting hair and he gave a student a haircut. So take a listen to the principle is Jason Smith's told CNN how important haircuts are to black males. I've been cutting hair, you know, most of my life. Play college basketball, and I cut teammates here four games and I've been cut my son's hairs and you know for seventeen years. So I had professional clippers and edgers at home. So I said, if I go home and and get my clippers and line you up when you go back to class, and he said, he said, yeah, you know, I will. That age is a time for you know, pere acceptance is huge, you know, and so young men, you know, especially you know, African young men. The barbershops a big deal, you know, in the community and looking good and representing and presenting yourself, you know, is huge for kids. That's great, man, But that's an African American man that knows the culture. That's a Caucasian principle. That young man is suspended for show. That's what would happen. Yeah, man, what do you think, Steve, I don't I don't know what would have happened at the wrong possibility that the rule would have just been into play. You gotta take your head off, you know, and if you don't, you're breaking the rules. It probably has to be some consequences. But like Tommy said, him being an African American man and understanding the culture and what it is, I mean, you got you got a different result. And you know, like rules are like donuts, you know what I mean. M Yeah, and the holes are circumstance and conditions. You can't can't blanketly apply a rule to a situation. A rule is different. It's not a law, it's a rule. A rule. It's like a donut. It has conditions applied to it, you know, like that. Look, there's no fighting at this school. Okay, no fighting. Yeah, that's the rule. But now hold on, if you dig into the situation to find out that this boy got some problems at have him. You know, he'd lost the loved one at home, you know, and you know he got put out of the you know, they lost their job, everything going bad at the house. And you find that out, then you can explain that, explain to boys behavior in school, So you can't just throw him out of school, you know what I mean. Yeah, when principles like this take their time to understand why is this boy being so adamant about this hat when clearly a simple rule you can't wear hats in here. I got I had an accident one time. Accident was fight when I was in the seventh grade and I busted my eye and man, my eye was swollen, black, blue, shut. So I wore glasses. The next day, I'm sitting in the music class and the guy says, hey, cool daddy, you want to take them glasses off? They were dark glasses. Yeah, And I said no, sir, and he sent me straight to the principal's office. Now I got down there him, missus Clayton, I gotta take it glasses off. I showed Miss clay He said, I gonna put the glass on going back to class. I understand because I gotta explain this eye to everybody right all day right, all day right, and in the public school. This ain't this ain't nobody as exactly exactly Empathy that that's what we need more of. Not just like you said, Steve, just that's it, that's the rule. But this is this is why you want police officers in the black neighborhood who understand the black community. This is the reason why absolutely who said this? I turned into Thomas mild hold on, hold on who to him? You don't know your personality? He said, said that, wait, we have to go to commercial break. Yeah, I got right. Hear what tims just say? Break phone called coming up right after BOYD, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today and the subject is my ex wife made my son hate me. Wait till you hear this. We'll get into it in a little bit. But right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for his nav? Law and Order? Great show love its bu law and or to take a listen, Come on care doll, Good morning, Law and Associates Office. Hey, how you doing. I'm trying to speak to the lawyer mister here. He's not in Star, but I can help you. Um. I can get all the information um, and also get your actual complain at hand, and then I can get your scheduled. Okay, what's your name? My name is Joel. What's your name, Joel? My name is Dwight. Dwight Turner. I'm trying to file a file a lawsuit on somebody. I ain't never done this before, but I'm trying to file lawsuit on somebody, and I don't know what you know. Everybody tell me Vins a good attorney or whatever. So I wanted to talk can talk to him and see how I was supposed to go about this. Right here. Okay, Well, can I get all your information and then I can get your schedule. He's not in the office right now, okay, but is he coming back to day though? Am I gonna be in the talk to him today? I'm not sure. He's in court all day and I'm pretty much his verry thing. So when am I gonna get to talk to him? Then He's pretty good on getting back to you. He would get back to you probably tomorrow. But it's actually better to schedule as the only way you can meet with him, and you will actually meet with him face to face. The conversation is free. You can sit down with him and have that one on one and explain everything that's going on. So what you what you need? What you need from me? Because I want to come to see you in tomorrow if I can get on his schedule tomorrow. I need your full name, the day to birth and your name okay, my birth day to birth? Okay, hold on, let me say, let's get can you do takedown? What's going on with the whole situation? As can we get? Well, I'll give you out that all that other stuff later. I want you to write down what's going on first because That's what's bothered me. I didn't get this all my chicks, And what is the actual point, what is what's going on? I want to file a lawsuit on my girlfriend's HUDs. Excuse me, I want to file a lawsuit on my girlfriend's husband. Are they still together? They're still married? Yeah, I'm trying to understand. They know they're still married, they together and everything. You know, that's gonna bother me right there, But I want to file a lawsuit on him though. So you're her boyfriend, she's still married, they lived together, they're still they're not legally separated, not like the little together, they got kids all that. You know. I ain't tripping on that part right there. But I'm sure you're her boyfriend. Yeah, okay, And you want to sue her husband for what we're messing up our relationship, for getting in the middle of what me and hug got going on. That's not a crime, that's not ground for a lawsuit. Hello, he messed up everything we got going on. You know. Now he's taking the phone from he gets taking my name out of it, you know, he ahskay. And when I'm sending a text messire, he asking the text menshon I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sorry that you I'm sorry that it's all going on. But that's not suple for our type of law. We don't handle any cases like that, infidelity, which it sounds like what's going on, that's not crowned for a lawsuit. We don't address that type of thing. Okay, So what you're talking about it infidelity. Look, I know you're speaking with the married you're sleeping with the married woman, and you have a relationship with her, and you want to sue her current legal yes, messing up your relationship. Actually, you're the actual outsider. You're the actual person that's in the wrong. If you want to make a what's your name, I told you it's Joel, Sir, Joel, I ain't nobody to ask you for your phone opinion. I called this this me for cursing. Hello, I love, there's no need for cursing. I cannot help you, That's what I'm trying to tell you. I don't even know how to recurd you, sir. I don't even know how to give you to the lawyer. There's no lawyer. It's not gonna do this. Please don't call me with this. I want I want. You're trying to tear me out of my pocket. Man, you cursed by somebody. You call me by somebody. Husband. You know my job is to have some common sense. My job. You are the old last man the marry a married woman. You need to have common sense. I know, Joel, that's who you're talking to. No cursing me, do not hursing me. How can I take this call? Sir? Sir? I don't want to hang up on you, and I don't want to misrepresent the small office. Let okay tell you what? No, let me tell you something. Have some morals and no one lost to or don't call me with this dumb sir. Let me like you. You know what office. You're lucky. Anybody in the office got me cursed off the languages that I don't even know you. Okay, let me I'm about to hang I'm about to hang up. You're gonna make me come to that law office and whoop something to a point seven brothers. They will cut up off just seven one through seven? Whoop that? Okay? Let me let me let me go. Okay, what yo, sir? Go taking your kids? Go find somebody. I wonder who who'd yo unique counseling. Sir, I'm my relationship. That's what I'm trying to do. You got me cursing mentioned the pastor on the one. Please do not car here, every ain't I ain't gonna stop to laptop to Benjamin. Mister Benjamin was a here because he will let you know, he do not take cases like that. Oh sir, you cannot sue for infidelity. You cannot sue. You can't. You can't dream how long you've been working out at me? How long you've been cheating with the woman? Know your man for your old age? That ain't fret now, I've been working here for ten years. Keep a job marking it. You're black, okay, okay, I know, just off okay you you're wasting your time. You are completely You're wasting your time and you're wasting my time. You know what this would? I already know about you, Joya already know about you. How you know me? You don't know about me? I know you don't know a dam about me. I know about rag me and people and women who got your husband? I know you go to boo man, he should whoop your I'm gonna where excuse me? You go to boot camp every morning. Don't you excuse me? Don't you go to workout? You're working out with a boot camp group every morning. What is this? Understand? Who is this me going up the boot camp? You know? Veta excuse me. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morny Show. Your girlfriend's got me to break called you fire fire this? Oh man? Man, you yo, hell no, I'm not good you like. I love you, y'all. Hi that you Tommy y'all is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Tommy nephew, nephew Tommy, Steve Harvey in the Morning Show. I love y'all for the last forty years of my life. I love y'all. I can't be leading. Come on, come on to me. Tell me. My favorite part is you're gonna do what I got seven brothers. They gonna blank you up, all of them one through seven. You don't know who you playing with? Brothers. I love it. You can't sue for infidelity. I want to sue my girlfriends us for breaking us up. Man about twenty five thousand times. I love that. Oh man, Hey, stupid coming to Burmingham. Stupid is coming to Bourmingham April sixteenth through the eighteenth at the start though man pickets are on sale right now. I got two shows Friday to Saturday, one Sunday, the same weekend as the Magic City. Classy. Why are you in town watching the game and watching the band and all that makes sure you get Take us to see that ignorant nephew at the Star Dome that week that weekend, that's April sixteenth through to eighteen. Take us do see it right now? All right, thanks enough, My ex wife made sure my son hates me. Strawberry Letter. Up next, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry Letter. Subject my wife made sure my son hates me. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm going to jump right on in. I cheated on my wife two years ago with a woman that constantly threatened to call my when she didn't get what she wanted. This went on two years until I ran out of money and decided to end the affair. This woman called my wife a few days later. I was out cutting the yard when my wife when she called my house and my wife answered. I walked in and my wife was on the speaker phone listening to my side chick with my son sitting there listening to everything. He was twelve years old at the time, and I made him leave the room, but he had already heard enough. My relationship with him was ruined. After that day. My home life was terrible too, so I moved out after my wife served me with divorce papers. We are in the process of discussing who will get custody of our son, and I haven't seen him in months. His mother's brainwatched him to think I'm a no good cheeter and liar. She has him in the middle of grown folks business, and when we talked, she's always on speakerphone so my son can hear all of the conversation. She sends me text messages with our son on the text thread, and she's usually calling me names and cursing me out. She's brought up all kinds of things that have happened in our marriage, and my son doesn't need to know all of that. I'm dying to see him, so I sent him a text asking him to have dinner with me one day soon. He sent me the most disrespectful reply a child could send a father. I wanted to go snatch him up real quick, but I can't. This is not the boy I raised. He needs his father back in his life. How can I reverse all of this brainwashing? Please advise? Well, I don't know if you're going to be able to do that. And I have to say this. Everything in this letter is just terrible. Everything in this letter, I mean, you cheat it for the lamest excuse ever, I mean, in the history of cheating. Just say you cheated or wanted to cheat, cheating because this woman was gonna call your wife if you didn't cheat with her. It's about the stupidest thing ever, I mean. And then you you cheated with her for two years. She scared you for two years. Okay, that's just dumb. You know you should have told your wife about the threats when they started, and then call the woman's bluff and not cheat it since she ended up calling your wife anyway, you know. I also, this is what I don't hear in this letter. I don't hear any remorse from you. I hear no remorse from you about what you did. I mean, did you try to fix it, did you try to apologize? Did you try anything anything? I mean? And of course your wife wanted to hurt you, and she knows your son is the way to get at you. I mean, what she did is beyond wrong. What she did is beyond wrong. There's no way your son should have been in the middle. As you say, grown folks business. If she needed an ally, she could have talked to another adult, you know. She she she tainted the boy. Now made herself look like a victim, and yeah, made you hate him, made your son hate you and disrespect you. I'm not blaming your wife. I'm not blaming her for anything. This is your fault. This is you, and of course you. Your son doesn't want to see his mom hurt and going through because of you. People get divorced every day and parents do get joint custody of a kid. So hopefully during the divorce, that'll work itself out. But yeah, you sir, created all of this because of your cheating. Now the family's broken. But you gotta get to your son some kind of way. You gotta apologize to him. You gotta do something. You got to talk to your son and not say anything bad about his mom like you tried to, you know, allude to in the letter. None of that. I don't agree with anything she's done either. And your son has already damaged by what she did, you know, letting him hear everything. So you gotta get to a counselor. You got to talk to him, a therapist of pastor Jesus someone to heal this relationship. Hopefully, like I said, the divorce, when you get that, when you get custody, you know, he can begin to understand that you do love him. Steve. See, I don't think this is a letter at all about reconciliation. I don't think it is at all. And I think the man came right on when he said, I'm gonna just jump right on it. I cheated on my wife two years ago. He already noticed his fault. I'm just saying he knows it is his fault. But with a woman who constantly threatened to call my wife when she didn't get what she wanted. See, now that's not a threat. If you don't stay with me, I'm gonna call your wife. It could be anything she wanted, because he said it like he was buying her stulf, getting her stulf, probably helping her, you know, with the bills and all this hidden. She don't give something, she won't her way or him to come over at a certain time, then I'm gonna threatened to call your wife. This went on for two years, and this is the killer part, he says, until I ran out of money and decided to end the affair. See, this affair was based around the money he was given the mistress. So when the mistress couldn't get what, she won't and I'll need this, you need to buy me that. This shit threatened to call the wife. He kept it going for two years. He liked a little sideline stuff, but it was costing him too much, so then he decided to end the affair. What what should he didn't have to do any of this. He was cheating with the woman. He was buying the stuff she wanted more when he didn't have the money to give or won't She threatened to call him. He tried to keep it until he ran out of money. That we'll come back with per two of your response. Girl at twenty three minutes after backing, straightened her letter and her out come on back, you're straighten him out. My ex wife made sure my son hates me is the subject. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject my ex wife made my son hate me? All right? Man writes a letter to said he gonna jump right on it. Cheated on his wife two years ago. He admitted that he know he wronged with the woman that constantly threatened to call my wife when she didn't get what she wanted. That could be I want you to come over now. That could be I want a new dress. That could be I want you to fix my car. That could be I need help with these bills. It could be anything she wanted, but she would threaten to call her wife. Now. He tried to keep it up, and he said, this went on for two years until I ran out of money, and I said, man, now I got to end this affair because that affair he was in. It might have been sexual, but it was tied to money. Sugar. Daddy ran out of sugar. He just daddy, now, So that's what happened. I was out cutting the yard when she called my house and my wife answered. Walked in. Wife on the speaker phone listening to my side. Chick, he know he wrong. My son was sitting there listening to everything. He was twelve years old at the time, and I made him leave the room, but he had already heard enough. My relationship when him was ruined. After that day, my home life was terrible too, so I moved out after my wife served me with divorce papers. So this isn't about a reconciliation. It's over. He caused it. His fault, bad hit the problem. We're in the process of discussion. Who would get custody of our son dog. You're not getting custody. You could get joint custody. You know you might get knocked down the visitation, but you're not getting custody. You can stop this right now. I haven't seen him in months. His mother has brainwashed him to think I'm a no good cheetah and liar. She has him in the middle of grown folks business, and when we talk, she's always on speaking phones, so my son can hear all of the conversation. Sirley and I both agree she's wrong for this. I'm gonna tell you at the end. Sends me text messages with our son on the text thread. Oh she wrong, man, But I'm gonna tell you why she's doing this too, calling your names and cussing me out. She's brought off all kinds of things that happened in I managing my son. Don't need to know all that. I'm dying to see him. So when I sent him a text asking to have dinner with me one day soon, he sent me the most disrespectful reply a child could send a father. I want to go snatch him up real quick, but I can't. This is not the boy I raise. He needs his father back in his life. How can I reverse all the brainwashing? Please advise? Well, she here's a deal. She has accomplished what she wanted to do. But here's a problem. She won, but he lost, not you have lost. Her son has lost because he not only does he not have a husband, but now she got her son thinking he ain't got a father, and it don't have to be because his my opinion in this whole thing, when your husband doesn't prove to be a great husband, it doesn't mean that he's not a good father. Those are two different roles completely, And when I say that, I'm meaning that the two roles can be separated and each can be performed extremely well. You can be a great husband and never have any children. You can be a great father, but you don't necessarily make you a great husband. So the man is not a great husband, got that, But that don't mean he ain't a great father. But as a scorn woman or man, tying the two together only hurts the child. The child is crust. Oh, you're whipping the father's behind. But do you know that? You know in the long run that man is still a man no matter what you say about him. But you are hindering your son's development into manhood because the one person that can teach him how to be a man, you've discredited him because he wasn't a good husband. See, y'all just wasn't it for each other? For whatever the reason was. He wrong for cheating one hundred percent. But because he's not a good husband, don't make him not a good father. So now you brainwashed the child into hating his own father, and you win. But guess what your child loses. And y'all got to stop that. This is knowledge of man. If you are out there, you have to stop that. If you're in the process of using your child as upon and your divorce or your relationship, you have to stop that. I am speaking from experience. You have to stop that. It's not for you to do this to this boy, because I have news for you. One day, this boy's gonna grow up and he gonna know the truth. And as this boy grows up, this boy's gonna make mistakes of his own and he's gonna start to understand that mistakes happen in life. But because he wasn't a great husband to you don't mean that he wasn't a great father to this boy. And you're doing nothing but damaging the board. And they tell you all the time. Listen, I don't let my children hear me say nothing about their mother's disparaging nothing. Oh I could, but I don't now them. On the other hand, Oh, they ain't done. Men done me like like like a damn book. But guess what at the end, the truth comes out hanging it. Though I support the man in this letter, I supports the child. All right, well wow, okay, Well we'll continue this conversation when we come back. My ex wife made sure my son hates me. Steve and I agree on that that that is definitely wrong and we have some personal experiences to talk about when we come back. All right, after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, this this Strawberry letter was was interesting. My ex wife made sure my son hates me. Um, you know, I mean, we can relate to it. We can relate to it. We've both been divorced on the show. Um, you know, full disclosure. Um, my first marriage didn't go well, didn't end well, but we had a beautiful child out of that relationship. And you know, I'm not ashamed to admit um that I was very bitter. I was very very bitter when we broke up. Um. Uh, you know, you get to a dark place sometimes you're angry, you're bitter, and um, you know I was on the radio. I was on the radio in LA. A lot of people who listened during that time, probably well hopefully they don't remember. It was so long ago. But yeah, I used to bad man. I used to really bad mother my ex husband on the air constantly, because you know, something would happen that it would remind me or you know, trigger me or something like that, and I just go in, you know, I say one thing, Yeah, call him a dead beat dad or whatever whatever, and uh, just just not a good look. You know when you look back and you look back from now, what you think, Oh, it was horrible. I mean I had to stop myself. You know, you grow, you change, people change, they do. I had to forgive him that. It started with that forgiveness, because forgiveness is not for the other person. We talk about that a lot on the show. Forgiveness is for you. Once I forgave him, then I could start to heal. And I stopped and I apologized on the air. I apologized to him for saying that because we had a child, I never wanted her to grow up. And you know have people saying, well, your mom used to do this, talk about your I never wanted that, so you know mine ain't feel that way. But you wouldn't do that. You're too much of a gentleman to do that. Well, I would never talk about my sons and daughters mothers in a disparaging way publicly. I would never do that, you know. I have my comments away in my own personal life because I'm human, but never on the air, because I taught my sons. I raised my sons to honor their mothers like I was raised to honor mine and to defend her at all costs. I can't they can't see me talking about it. And then I asked them not to honor them. But you know, my yeah, yeah, but my ex went on a complete and total smear campaign out of out of her anger and score for years, I understand, for years. I mean just attack, attack, attack, attack, you know. Yeah, and you know, I thank god I had Marjorie, you know, a strong woman who knew me. Yeah, I could say no. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, we're going to talk about the moment we realized that we've turned into our parents. Oh boy, we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So, guys, no matter how much as kids we swear that we will never grow up to be like our parents, there does come a time when most of us wind up doing just that. We all I love that commercial. And you know where the guy is helping people not to turn into their parents. We love that commercial. We see all blue hair. Growing up, did you swear you weren't going to be like your parents? And? Uh so that's the question. Growing up, did you ever swear that you weren't going to be like your parents? And what things did you insist you never do and now you do them? What what are you doing? I'm doing it like you know. My little girl is sixteen, so I got me a little girl. We bought my little girl a car. I swear every time she pull out that driveway, I want to know where you're going. I want to know when you get there. I want you to call me when you get there. I want you call them when you're on your way back. I'm just paranoid. My daddy was just like that boy. Where you going, I'm going around here, call him when you get over there. I don't want to go in the house and call you. Then you ain't going, Then you ain't going. You have a traice. But my little girl is to see one point. She texts as soon as she get what she going the way back. She does everything she's supposed to do so now that the oldest boy. Man, who where are you going? You all want to know where I'm going? Daddy? Okay, okay, you're right, you go ahead on. I am my daddy all over. Yeah, what about you, junior? I know you don't have kids, but man, lecturing, I said. I never lectured like my parents did because my dad didn't give good lecture because he could never finish the sentence. I do the same thing with my nephew. Time to school called, he messed up. I heat on the phone. Hello, I said, hey, what who? Okay? Now, see see here right, you're pushing it. You're pushing it. Okay, listen to me. I ain't saying nothing, but I said, listen to me. You all right now, okay, let me come down there. Let me come down that. I turned it into the exact ain't Peter Man, No, you know I'm the direct opposite there. No, no, no, I couldn't wait. Could be my damn dad. You wait, I find somebody I can tell you get the hell out of my faith. Ain't go hey, come in here, get that remote, go over there and turn that TV channel to all that. Yeah, I'm gonna take the car. You ain't taking nobody's damn car, you better get your ass on that bike. I'm saying, do you say no, I'll be going Yeah, I feel good. Yeah, he lives. I could never. Mom couldn't get our names right. You know, she'd be calling me this name or that name or that you know is Marjorie w Yeah, and I do that now, dude, you really? Yes? What with my mom? She made a big thing about, you know, cleaning, getting up and on the weekends, listening to music and maze and all. I'm telling you. The other day, I got Tasha up like my mom used to give me up, get down here, let's get busy. And I was turning on Frankie Beverly and Maze. I'm snapping my fingers behind my mom, just liting myself. I was like, oh my god, and to this right? Are you let go? So has anybody said the thing that we all? I know we all hated this growing up because I said SO said that, yeah, and I hate when it comes out of my mouth, but there it is. I hated that. Working all right, favorite work. That means all right. We'll have more of Today's trending stories and more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the String show. Well, while millions of people around the country try to set up appointments to go get vaccinated, r Kelly is apparently way ahead of the curve. TMZ is reporting that r Kelly has now received both doses of a COVID nineteen vaccine, both doses. Okay. He's one of sixty three inmates at Chicago's Metropolitan Correction Center to be fully vaccinated so far, as well as one hundred and twenty eight staff members. So there you go. I am good. What I ain't even got I'm just saying. I'm saying out here was six or sell can't get one? How he get both? As hell? I can go out men a date, y'all call me. I'll be down and I promise Junior, you got calls and everything. Yeah, hen they brought it to him. Ain't he got all of his shots? God? Yeah, well, Junior, so you are going to get back. Absolutely, I'm gonna get vaccinated. Can't wait? Yeah, Wow, I can't wait. But but that's the point. You gotta wait. Yeah, yeah, that's the problem. Sure, I got a vaccination outfit, gonna be don't throw one of these nice suits song, go on that road, that sleeve up. Be ready. You know you might as well wear the tank top you got, you got lifted all the way up. I'll be ready. They're gonna get it. It's gonna be nice. Yeah, all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Trending news. A courthouse where Derek Chauvin will be tried for murdering George Floyd looks like the same fortress that's around the US capital right now. Heavy reinforced to black out the general public. Construction crews have been hard at work over the past week four defying downtown Minneapolis with de facto force fields, including areas where protests and unrest are expected as Chauvin's murder trial gets underway in the coming weeks. Jury selection is set to begin March eighth, and opening arguments are expected toward the end of the month. Wow, M yeah, well here after not televised, right, you won't be able to watch it with you. I don't know, I don't know. I'm gonna watch yeah, I can't imagine them televising it, but I would watch. I'm really interested in the defense, Yeah, because you know what, it just it just goes to say what we've all said all along. It's amazing how we all see the same video and see something totally different. Now. I don't know what happens to them twelve people when they go in that room, but I don't know what video they see. Dating back to Rodney King, Oh my god, she's sitting here going, what are you kidding me? This is murder? Yeah, he murdered this man. Yeah, for eight minutes and forty six seconds. He spent the entire time murdering a man with his hand in his pocket like he didn't give a damn on camera, on camera, Ram, please come on, you know, and and and and America keeps saying this is not who we are as a country. Well okay, okay, then okay, what's the other side? Because we keep seeing this side, and we see this side too often for you to convince us that this is not the America we live in. It's not the America you've ever seen or you want to deal with, But it's the America that we've seen and lived with for a long time, and now the gig is up. Yeah, we're no longer patient. We don't want to wait on you to treat us equally. We're past that. We're exhausted from getting the constitution applied to us. We're fed up with the people being able to kill us and get away with it. Yeah. Yeah, that's why I think it's good that I hope that they do televise it, because I'm sure a lot more will come out that we didn't even know about that dreadful day that the day. You know, I see a couple of media publications that are saying that the judge will allow cameras in the trial. I think it needs to be. Yeah, so we'll see if that still holds up. Gonna be a major major problem across this country. If that's not a conviction. I'm not promoting it, right, I'm predicting it. Coming up, it is our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening to show all right, here we are, guys, last break of the day. It's been a good day. And I have to say before we get to Steve's closing remarks, Happy birthday to my brother Fish. It is his Birthdayishday, Fish Birthday, Fish. I love you, love you, love you. Happy birthday. Enjoy your make us a cake for your Birthdake. I don't have artificial pound cake. They're good. Yeah, hey, y'all. You know what I was thinking. Um, I think about all that we've accomplished over the years as people, and I'm talking to us as a people. We have a lot that we could be really really proud of. You know, I look back on this past election this year, and it's probably the most proud I've ever been as an African American voting. I never felt more proud for voting and us as a voting block that I did this past year. I also was very, very impressed with young people in twenty twenty during COVID the way the Black Lives Matter movement showed up. And it's a resurgence because you, black Lives Matter started a little while ago, but it didn't have the correct momentum behind it. Because COVID made sure that the right momentum got behind it this time. Because everybody was at home watching and so what Black Lives Matter did was it took young people and put them in the forefront of this. And the Black Lives Matter movement is because of young people, make no mistake about it. Young people did this just like Civil Rights was our shot at it in the sixties and seventies, and what we accomplished then made headway. This movement here where for the first time I saw a movement about black lives come together in a way where so many people who were non black participated in it to the point where it became disruptive to the Republican Party. And why I was I do not understand. Of course, I do understand, because the leader of that party changed the narrative of the movement, changed the narrative of Colin Kaepernick, changed the narrative of Black Lives matter, and they just went along with it. But young people made me beyond proud of them. They were monumental in the change that's occurring in this country right now. And don't you think that things are not changing. Oh they're not changing fast, but there is a change occurring right now because now there is a voting block that they have to they have to contend with now they're gonna continue with voter suppression, and they're going to continue with the little slick tricks, and if any and all else fails, they'll bring Donald Trump back. They're going to do every thing in their power to put a stop to this. But Stacy Abrahams, they were already talking about stop Stacy. They're already talking about it. This woman right here has galvanized the state of Georgia. There are so many people in Philly who galvanized in Georgia, in Detroit, in Milwaukee, all across this nation that have galvanized. Texas could turn blue because of young people. These athletes today are more heavily involved in larger numbers than ever before. Now, you know, I remember the first athlete I saw they got active out there with Jim Brown, with James Browning and all them cats when they started. And I remember Al Green came to the forefront and and all them old old cats was out there on the front lines doing battle. But then I watched, you know, Kareem abdue Jabar take his stay and help out none bigger and braver than Mohammad our Lee. And then I remember all these brothers who came to the forefront but today though on no sun. Make no mistake about it, because I was around for both periods of time. I've never seen it at this magnitude. I've never seen blacks in sports in baseball, basketball, and football get together and band together the way they have. We have something to be proud of. This is a slow turnaround because it's long overdue and they're still fighting to make it right. Part, and there's a part of this country that will always fight to make it right. Part. They're not going to give it up easily because for some reason they think that if they give you a slice of pie, that cuts into they slice of pie. What they don't understand about justice is justice is just justice. It ain't if you get too big a piece, we don't get none. It's gnaw, man. Everybody wants the same slice of pie. But you got some people, man, who've got to make you feel less so they can feel more. That's the problem that we have in this country. This is the country that we live in. We live in a country that if we keep classes alive, then we can hold you down. If we can keep you in a certain zone, we can keep you down. Why are we fighting minimum wage? Somebody please tell me Democrat or Republican the problem with fifteen dollars minimum wage. Well, I'll tell you what it is. They can't give you the taste of success because if you taste success, you're gonna want more of it. And if you want more of it, they think you're gonna take it from them. It's simple as that. The rich gonna have to take the cut in pat you. That's why they fight me. Black people who got a lot to be proud of. I'm proud of y'all, man. Uncle Steve just wanted to say that to y'all. Thank y'all for digging in the way you did this year. Man. You've done us all a real service unadjusted. Appreciate it, y'all. Have a great day. Talk to you tomorrow. All right now. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.