The show starts with Trump talk. George Clinton announces his final tour. The State of Virginia is still under the microscope. Uncle Steve gives us a few facts about The Apollo Theater for Black History. James Brown is back in the news because his death is said to be a result of foul play. Miss Carla covers Celebrity Big Brother in Carla's Reality Update. Is Anthony Davis coming to Los Angeles? Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog reminds us of forgiveness and its importance plus more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back all, suit all looking back to back down, giving them like the milling buck things. And it's not doing me through good it Steve hastening to move to other for Steve hard Please, Mommy, I don't join yahya joining me. You gotta use that turning. You got to turn to turn them out, turning, got to turn out to turn turn the water the water. Y'all, come, come on your baby, that it h I share will Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one and old is Steve Harvey got a radio show particular me this morning. Steve Harvey got a radio show feel with nothing but joy and hope about it too. You know, it's a great thing to be able to wake up in the morning with peace in your heart and joy. Peace and joy is is immeasurable. It has a value attached to it, and I have no idea what it is. It's invaluable. It is worth so much more than any amount of money you can make. Peace and joy. Um. I have not always had that. I have not always been a peaceful person or a person who lived his life in a joy spirit. It took an arrival at this moment. Some people arrive sooner than others. I wish I had arrived at this point sooner, but I think it was necessary for me to learn a few things too. That's the amazing thing I've learned about life is that instead of reflecting on your past incidences and calling them failures, instead of focusing on the negative and calling them bad times, I look at them now as experiences. I had to have those experiences that were negative, that were good, positive, wrong, even I had to have all those experiences to become to shape who we are today. We all have to have them. If you look back at all the negative experiences you've had, all the things that you called failures, all the businesses I started that went under, all of the jobs I had that I was fired from, all the shows that were canceled, all of the times I thought I was gonna get something happened in my way and turned out I didn't get it at all. When you look at all of it, all of it, hopefully along the way, what you have done as a person is you've taken those negatives and those failures and you've used them for what they actually are. They are experiences, and they've now created in you an experienced person, and you know that is worth something. That's then it becomes a positive. But what too many people do is they let the negative things that have happened in their life. They allow the failures that have happened in them lives never to manifest themselves as experiences. And you sit up there and you dwell on it, and you dwell on it until you have this woe is me attitude. Stop looking at it like that, y'all. You go through things in order to become the person that you are today. I'll tell you who you sometimes have to sit down and talk to. Sometimes you are to sit down to an inmate that really gets it. An inmate that says, man, I've actually heard inmates say it to me and write to me, and they've said things like, man coming to prison, save my life. Now, those of you have never got how can he say a thing like that? But some men, no, Man, I was so far out there that if I had stayed out there, I wouldn't even be here today. This actually allowed me to stop and spend some time with myself and learn some things about me. Now does that happen for everybody like that now. But here's a person who was taking an experience that could be considered a failure or a negative and turning it into a positive and using it to enrich their lives. You can do it no matter what your set of circumstances is. I recommend to everybody that you try changing your outlook in order to change your outcome. Anything that happens to you that's negative or you consider a failure their experiences. You've got to go through these things in order to have the knowledge that you have today. So I wish that I had come to this arrival that I may now this place of peace and joy. But then guess what, I would not know what I know. I could not share some of the things that I'm able to share if I had not gone through some of them. And sometimes that's the purpose of them, is to teach you a lesson because you know, God has a plan for you, He really really does, and eventually he can use you no matter how old you are, and he can use you no matter how young you are. If you just say, okay, I'm ready to hear your plan. I've tried mine, Mine ain't worked out. Mine was not a good plan. What's your plan for me? God, what do you want me to do? That's why I say every day Steve Harvey got radio show, y'all, because Man, I ain't see it coming. I didn't see that coming. I ain't see this book coming. I ain't seen I ain't seen half of it. In May, things that are happened to me, I didn't plan them. I was sitting there, man, asking God for some direction. And then I got smart enough to stay watchful, be a hard worker. Now because faithful, our works is there and it came. And I remind you of this. God has given all of you a gift. Every last one of you listening has a gift. God has never created a soul that he did not provide a gift to. God gives everyone a gift, and a gift is not just singing, rapping entertainment. The richer gifts are much more than that. Teachers are gifted people who really have the gift of sharing information. That's a gift, you know, and in that you can become great. You know a lot of people people think that successful and greatness is the same thing. Cornell West said it at my daughter's graduation. He was a spokesperson. He said something so pointed. He said, don't ever confuse success with greatness. The two have nothing to do with each other. See, people determine success about money and fame, and all is here but greatness. Greatness ain't got nothing to do with your money. It ain't got nothing to do with your fame. It's how you conduct your life. It's how meaningful and significant you become in your community, at your church, on your job, to the club scout unit that you run, to the little girls lives that you change, that that little center in the hood. Who are you? Just one place of hope to so many people and they come back. And I used the example of Lou Danzler who passed away in LA who had the Boys and Girls Challenges Club out in La. And he wasn't a rich man at all, and if you walk by him, you wouldn't even know who he was. But if you look at all the people who have gone on to become politicians, who have gone on to become CEO's, who have gone on to become athletes, that have passed through this man's small building in the hood in La, he was great and all of you have greatness in you at something. It's just you got to submit yourself to God and say, Okay, what was your planing for me? Certainly it wasn't to become an inmate. Certainly, it wasn't to become a drug dealer. Certainly it wasn't to become a womanizer. Certainly it wasn't to become a stripper. Certainly God didn't create you for this. He had a plan for you. He just waiting on you to ask him what it is. And when you're praying about it, that's when the change comes in your life that you could open up yourself and submit yourself and say, Hey, God, what is this for me? And you ain't got to be perfect, because please know I ain't. I ain't even close. But guess what what they got to do? With you loving God and God loving you? Trust me? Man? Prayer changes things. I said all the time. But when you see people become successful or great, that as somebody praying somewhere may not even be them. Maybe it's their mama. You know, I think of Tiger Woods and all the greatness he's accomplished. You know, they always talk about it. It's farther than all this here. Somebody somewhere praying for Tiger Woods. I got cash money riding on that Tiger Woods. Mama is a praying woman or something. My mother was. She prayed me into this place because she should call me all the time, praying for your boy. You know what, No, you know you can always come here and get yourself some neat and your daddy has said you can come in here. Always need a place to sleep, you can come here. She was always praying for me. And prayer changes things. It really does. Try it today. It can change you. It has changed millions of people. Open up yourself to the greatness that's in you because God is giving you a gift. Now the fact that you ain't using it. Who fought you think that is? I'm just telling you you got one, and if you start praying about it, it'll manifest itself and you can become one or two things, successful or great or both. You can make the decision. Today. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. But I have your undivided attention. Please, as I do every day, I ask for this because we need it. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It starts kind of like this every day, but then sometimes I flip the script because I just feel like him. This is the one format that offers me the freedom where people can get more of an insight of what Steve Harvey really thinks. This is not family few, This is not a little big shot. This is not the daytime talk show that has me in a bubble. You get a closer view of how I really am, Ladies and gentlemen, This here is me, surely Strawberry. Hey, realness, realness, what's happening? One hundred's what's up? One hundred facts? Just facts that Junior on vacation and Jay come in here when he wants to Tom May, I'm in the building, baby, right here, Let's get it. It's thirds yes sir, Yes, all right, man, alright, alright, what do you do today? Talking about the president? What don't he do? Bro? Hey, man, let me tell you something. After the speech the other night, the whole speech about unity, bipartisan, you know it's gonna be so good, uh the world. Uh, you know, we just want to reach across the house and do more. We want to eradicate cancer from kids. We want both parties to negotiate and everything. Next day, he called Adam's Shiff. He called him a duel Yeah, yeah, yeah, yesterday he called him a derogatory name. What did he call this man? Let me see, I didn't see much much news today. I wouldn't and I just walked past the TV and then was President Trump calls Adams Shiff something. Need I need an ft on that name? You dropping that him? Make it stronger from me? You think the man's last name is Adam. I'm just saying Steve missing that Adam ship chef. Yeah, he thinks he's saying something else, he says, he said, he's all, what do you say? Yes, I didn't see that. I didn't see that. I saw the highlights of the speech. They kept talking about that. Why does he keep surprising y'all? I don't get Trump? Oh, the president political? Um, he doesn't surprise me. No, no, no, over him. Well, well, I'm gonna take that back. He do surprise me sometimes, Well, he does surprise me. I mean he is very surprising. You would not think what he says actually is from the president's mouth, our president, the president of his country's mouth. After the first sea he consistent, No, but he keeps taking into another level. You go, I mean time and timey can we're going. Can you believe? He says that. Can you believe he said that? You know, I mean, this is all I've been surprised a few times by this dude. Okay, I really did? I think? He called him a political Yeah? All right, listen, coming up at thirty two. Yeah, coming up at thirty two after the hour, guys, George Clinton p funk. George Clinton is ready to say goodbye to the road. We'll talk about it right after this some some moments right after this you're listening to well Steve your man. George Clinton says he's ready to say goodbye to the road. Okay, He's almost seventy eight years old. He's a legendary performer. Needless to say, he just announced his final tour with Parliament Funkadelic DAB the One Nation Under a Groove tour. I love it, he says. I would love to keep on doing this, but I'll be seventy eight in a few more months. That's what he told Rolling Stone, a magazine. He said, even though I feel like I'm just getting started, the reality is the group needs to go ahead and keep it going. We've got a new vibe in the band. And they've been carrying it for the last three years. I've been up there representing for the people, representing for people, but they've actually been turning the place out. They've actually been turning the place out. And we've been selling out for the last five years every night. So Steve, I mean, I know p Funk is one of your favorite groups of all time. George Clinton made I know, I hear him. Let's go boom boom. Well all right, boom boom boom. Oh we're about to take off now, boom boom boom. Here we go on the one too. Let's go make my funk the p funk. I want to get funked up. Make my funk the p funk. I want my funk. Hunt cut, I want the bomb, I want the pe funk. I want my funk. Step turn, Oh, make my funk the p funk. Want my funk. He boom boom, Well all right, what about the Atomic Dog though, Steve, you can't. I'm just right. I know that you be not find that right now in the middle of this bit, right now, you can't play that man be not find that right now and dropped the thing in hill And we don't want to hear all that bar. You know it's coming too early. You tell me you were a diaper to the concert. I'm done here. Oh we're not gonna play all that with this flash. We got to drop this flash, like please please for the cappa. He doesn't agree with that. Yes, boy, let me tell you. Boy, I'm sophomore year. I got my cane. I'm trying to get to the floor. You don't understand. We're going around the room. Yes, just don't drop your cane. Just don't drop it. Don't drop it. You what seed you're mumbling? They don't know. I don't say. They don't mention. They don't have to mention. The cappa can hear you? Why you? But they've adopted that song. Well about now, sir, they probably have a young guys probably have a different thing. So but in my era, this was the song. There is no other song for the cues. Okay to this day, well, they haven't made another dog. So they make another dog. Ain't no more that will forever go down. And they wrote it for me about the dog, famous dog, a rhythmic dog, atomic dog. I didn't even know that was for me. And then I messed around, Oh this is a story about a dog, famous dog, rhythmic dog, atomic dog. Why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog? George Clinton, he is a legend, obviously seventy eight years old. And so for the younger generation that's listening, how can you break it down as to the type of music, the funk and what he bought to the stage in the concert experience. I've never been to a concert. Oh I have? Have I have? Oh? Yes, you leave out of the exhausted to me? Really, dog, you ain't seen Mothership old. I never saw the Mothership. I saw you know, I saw the album covers. I never went to a concert. Wow. Man. First of all, I'm looking at you a little differently. First of all, George made famous the instrument called moog Prodigy, the move prodigy. It looked like a guitar, but it was a keyboard. But he set it down and he could. He had it had a bind wheel on it. He made it famous in a lot of his songs, Awkward Buggie. He dismoved prodigy with different sounds. They created a funk sound. They were the creators of funk. Now, other groups had various forms, but the richest, most soulful form of funk ever created in music came from George Clinton Parliament Funkadelic. It was almost rock and roll to funk, but they took all the rock and roll and turned it into rock and soul funk. And it was ugly man like that, and they had boys playing with them. That was that was dog On, Nasty Macio, Damn Bussi College. They had people back that man could play instruments and Parliament Funkadelic man created a funk in the seventies that was never been matched. And you can't know what they were until you saw a lot, but if you listen to the albums, it was all over there. It was such a new contorted sense of funk. Lord Jesus, Yeah, that's my favorite. So that's my favorite favorite from them all right. Coming up next it is the Man Who's Never Seen Parliament Funkadelic Live Loser. Yeah. This Little Boy even named a break after after one of their songs, Aqua Puggy Run That breakback coming up with the Nephew right after this Can't Believe You Never you're listening coming up at the top of the album, We're in Entertainment News we're gonna tell you about motown sixty and the oscars are still hostless. All right, nephew, what you got for us with your prank? Sir? Brother needs some help with this child support? Yeah, see what I'm saying. No, No, I don't. Brother needs some help with this child support. I can't ask you were talking to a single parent for a long time. I do not understand you have help. You've had to ask me to help, Henker, listen, brother needs some help with this child Hello. Hello, my tweek to Darius. This me it. Hey. My name is Lewis Man. Lewis I work as check up that with you. We looked at you first your first week at the job. We met Man, my name is Lewis. I work on the third floor. You'll know me when you see it, you say, Lewis, Yeah, Lewis, I don't remember. No, Lewis Man. I've had a lot of people in last you know, that first day, the first week, because I'm just really getting a climatized because it's to the whole situation where I don't I'm trying to remember. It's all good, It's all good. I don't even worry about it. Man, answer this hit though I don't even been with us now, man, Man about a strong muff Man. I really enjoying it, man, just really getting the swing and getting the hang everything. So man, I'm just really enjoyed. It's a great company. Man. Just happy to be a part of something bigger than myself, you know what I mean. So yeah, man, you know what, Man, we got get you out man, because you know, all the brothers, Man, we get together hang out on certain nights. You know, we like wance them up. We might we might get out on the thirty minutes you got you gotta come hang out with it, then we gotta get you out. Yeah, man, Okay, yeah, yeah, I friends you know, push a show man. But I called you though. I called you know there because I'm in a little bit of a jam though, man, And I was trying to get somebody to help me out. Man, and boy, you being uh you know, just came into the company. Man. You know it might be something you can actually help me out with. Man. I just you know, I hate to come in and lean on the friendship before we even get started and hang out. Yeah, but I just I just need a little bit of help. Man. I'm just hoping maybe you'd be opening and maybe helping me out on something. I'm always willing to help without out bro, just to fit on what's talking about? You know what I'm saying. But okay, tickets out, man, I ain't really really want to tell nobody at the job, you know, I don't. I ain't really trying to let nobody know my business or whatever. But but here's the deal, man, dude, I ain't got myself in a serious jam. Man. I got I got a baby on the way, man, and huh and uh I got that's that's great, man, that's a great No no, no, no, no, no, no no no. Listen, man, listen, this hit me out though there I got I got a baby on the way. But this ain't this, ain't this, ain't this. Ain't this ain't from my wife. Man. You said, oh yeah, oh so i'man a dog and the baby dude, like in the Knicks, you know, six weeks, the baby probably gonna be here, but but the tickets out. But out here, here's what I'm trying to get. Chip. You can do for me, man, is it? Because anyway, because I know you just now you probably you probably you probably don't even got your second check yet you know what I'm saying. So wait, but but is there any way man that you might maybe like clean this baby for me on your on your uh you know when they take the child support out of your out of your check. If they take the child support out of your checkout. But no, let's listen to me. They take the child support out of your check. But I'm gonna give it back to you. I'm gonna give it back to you. I just don't want my wife to find out. You see what I'm saying? Man? What wait? Wait, bla bla you mean? I mean you're asking me about money out of mind out my check dub. But I'm gonna give it back to you every two weeks when you get your check, I'm gonna get man. Man, you gotta be out of your damn man. Man, I don't even know you. Man, what's the man? I can cut back on the wife and kids of my own. You're like just man, thank god? But dare listen to the man, damn fool man. Human read who you gotta ain't humn reach up and take some money out of my mother check? How was somebody I got my mother? I got a friend and human resource. Damn man, man, some money out of my check. But you you man, I got my own kids to take care of. There's money coming out my own dres check from my old kids. You're talking wrong with you, dude? Hey, you with my damn another anyway? Man? Oh, No, I got your number from one of the one of the guys at the job. Man. We're one of the run guys. Man. No, no, the man one guys. Man, that's you want the phone talking. Man, talk about we got it. Ain't got man, we got it, ain't got no, man, I ain't enough was the fool you can hit me with this book? Talk about that, man, I ain't I thought this. I thought somebody now gonna red mother sick. It's gonna come out of my damn check. Man. Oh, we're gonna have somepody. What's what's your name again? Who is you name? My name? Louis Louis Who Lewis? Who Lewis Lewis, don't know No Lewis Spano Lewis. That's where I worked at. Man who out we met? We met the first couple of days you got there, man Lewis. Man, who is about take with money out of my check? Man? And no, all I'm saying, dog, I'm gonna give you the money back. I don't understand. All I'm saying is dog not touch my money. I'm telling you that right now we're gonna have rob. Hey, Louis, Louis, I how you spelling Lewis? Man? L o U l o U I N dog. I'm anna, hey, Hey, let's take something. I bet not seeing Lewis in the morning. I bet you that. I bet I bet that you don't do itis in the morning. And who cut a human resources playing played with my But you're crazy man, trying to hurt my wife killed me down. But I'm just trying to get you to look after them. You. I don't want my wife to find this stuff out down that's all. I'm trying to look out. Look out for me, then look I look out for me and my kids. They take your money on my check. Dog, Just just just can you at least maybe take twenty four hour just think about it, man. It ain't nothingough. It cooks out man when it comes to my money. Man, damn man. But I'll tell you what, lou You're gonna be that tomorrow morning. Yeah, I'm not I'm not tomorrow. But I mean what for me? You about to have these white folks see me before? You're gonna have them seasons. I guarantee you these white folks, I wuna feel on the damn new I'll playing with my damn money, Ain' You're gonna have me show my And I hadn't been on the job to take long. But I tell you what, I tell you what I'm gonna lose that somebody playing with my money. I guarantee you that. I gartee you. I don't put hey. Let me ask you this man, do you think Duway Ain't would have done this for me? Do you think your your cousin Duwayne? Do you think he would have? You said he would have cut for me? For cousins? But what what what do my cousin has to do with this? Dog? Let me tell you what your cousin. Let me tell you what Dwayne got to do with this. The one one is the one that put me up to call you. This is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin, Dwayne. Man, what do you say? This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning show. Your cousin Duayanne got me to prank phone call you brother, I mean, man, a man damn early you know, I ain't I ain't got my check, ain't try to get money out of the Yeah, I mean boy, you keep playing somebody gonna who yo? Tell you this? Man before we go coming this? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Just we all been there? Need little help? Would you support? You know what I'm saying, haven't put us off? All right? Coming up, we're gonna tell you about Motown sixty and the Oscars still have no house. Coming up right after this, you're listening to morning show. Coming up in thirty four minutes. Um, we're gonna tell you about a new theory that James Brown, the Godfather of Soul, was murdered. Okay, yeah, yeah, they're they're saying that there's a possibility that the Godfather of Soul could have been murdered. Doctor right, Yeah, we're gonna well, we'll get into it a little later. That's coming up in about thirty four minutes. But first in today's entertainment news, the Motown sixty. This is a Grammy celebration TV special which is going to feature a long list of legends. Uh smoke Robinson what a legend himself. He's going to co host the April twenty first CBS event with Steve one of the Kings, Cedric the Entertainer Cedrick. Rounding out the cast or fellow Motown Uh, Cedric the Entertainer is going to co host Motown sixty, a Grammy celebration for TV. Smoky Smokey though, right ahead and care all that week jokes said? Is there for jokes? Smokey? Is there for dollar? Yeah? Rounding out the cast Stevie Wonder, Elmy Houston, Martha Reeves, Valerie Simpson, Boys to Men, and the one and only the Diva of all divas, Miss Diana Ross. Love her, love her, love her, love her. They can do anything close to what they did in the twenty five Remember twenty five? Oh, yes, everybody, that's when Michael Jackson went into the stratosphere. After that with Billy Jeane. Yeah, come on now, Motown twenty five was the greatest music special in the history of Yes, Motown twenty five was greater than any Grammys we've ever seen. Michael Jackson and the Jackson's performance was the Grimms. The greatest. Two greatest Grammy performances I've ever seen Michael Jackson at the Grammys. I think it was the Grammys one year he did a smooth Criminal. His sister Janet stood up and was just crying it. And then when Michael Jackson did Man in the Mirror with the choir behind him at the Grammys. The next greatest Grammy performance I ever saw Kendrick Lamar. Oh, Kendrick Lamar's performance at the Grammys the other year was one after Michael Jackson. I've never seen nothing greater than that. Wow with you when you're right now. And I called him and told him that, man, Oh what did he say? Hey, you didn't even tell us. What did he say? Oh? Man, uncle, Oh yeah, he was a good brother. Man. Man, I'm calling my grandma. Man. Steve Harvey called that has to be has to be something special for the young guys out there now to get love from you. Steve. I'm sure you know, you know, man, the ones that's respectful. You know, everybody's not respectful. And I get that, you know. I mean, here's a deal though, with me, as a man, you don't have to like me. You really don't respect. But you do have to respect me though, and you should respect me. And because I respect everybody's body of work, I respect everybody's existence in this world. I respect you. You may not be my dude. You know, we ain't hanging a nothing like that, but there's a lot of people I don't hang with that I respect. Well, let me say this though, All y'all that's calling him uncle, I'm gonna let that slide. Okay, I'm gonna let that slap. But y'all do have your own damn uncle's and y'all family, y'all do. Why y'all ain't holida at them? I'm just saying, get your own uncle man? Wait said though? Did you not say otis Williams and temptations? Uh? Anybody coming? All right, listen, we gotta go to miss Anne Steve. Let's go, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp. Watch everybody. Good morning, everybody. This is a trip, and I've got the news. President Trump says that Isis has lost nearly all of its territory, all of its territory that they once controlled. It should be formally announced sometime probably next week, that we will have one hundred percent of the caliphate, But I want to wait for the official word. I don't want to say it too early. But of course he just did. The President's pulling US troops out of Syria. You know that, however, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says Isis remains a menace, so that the others in other states, other countries need to try to step in and try to stabilize that region. Defense Secretary gemmattas she may remember, quit over the pullout decision because he reportedly thought the move was a two premature. Virginia's governor, or, the lieutenant governor, and its attorney general, all Democrats, all facing allegations of misconduct right now. The controversy began with revelations of a racist picture on the page of the governor's medical school yearbook. There were calls for him to step down. He hasn't done it so far, and those calls, by the way, came from those in his own party. Then the lieutenant governor, who would have been next, who would succeed him, and who is black, was accused of sexually assaulting a woman now several years ago. And now the attorney general, who would have been third in line, also a Democrat, admitting that he once wore black face to a Halloween party back in the day. Now, the woman accusing the Lieutenant Governor just In Fairfax is a professor of politics in California. Name is Vanessa Tyson. Was saying her name because she's come out with her own name. She's saying her name. She says Fairfax assault her in two thousand and four when they were both attending a Democratic National convention. Miss Tyson says consensual kissing ended in a forcible sex act. Lieutenant Governor Fairfax put his own statementality calls Tyson's allegations surprising and hurtful, but adds that it is nevertheless important to quote listen to women when they come forward with allegations of sexual assault or harassment. Both sides of laid up there. And meanwhile, Alabama's Attorney general get this refusing to prosecute the white cop who shot and killed the young black man who was legally armed and trying to stop a crime, an army veteran who the white officer just assumed was a suspect, and a shooting in a Birmingham shopping mall. The Prosecutor's office found that the police officer was reacting to a perceived threat. He says, the victim, Emantic Bradford Junior, was working security at the mall. He chased two shooters down, had one of them on the ground. He had a licensed gun he was holding for the police. Witness to say, the local cop comes and shoots Bradford without asking him to put his gun down or anything. Attorney Benjamin says, Humantic braf was only crime was being black. Actor Liam Neeson's latest flick of Pursuit comes out today, but the schedule starts Studied Red Carpet for its opening has been canceled because his recent statements. Today is National Lane ductor it is now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Mourning Show. Does Virginia have any high ranking officials who deserve to be in office? State attorney State Attorney General Mike Harring has admitted that he too once wore black face? What the word? State Attorney General Mark Harring. He's admitted that he too once wore black face. The damn city who was setting on his shoe polish though, that's what I mean? Who is setting only they gonna mess where I had to close Virginia Legislate. But nobody up there, sde What did the governor say about that shoe polished? Though? One more time? You know when I did, Michael Jackson, I want to put a little bit under each eye, because everybody knows how hard it is get black shoe polish off your faith. Everybody doesn't know. I'm sorry, I've never had no at all. I've found hell getting it off my finger tips right after polishing my shoes where it belongs. All right, listen, let's get back to the State Attorney General of Virginia, Mark Herring. He's admitted that he too has worn black face. He says that he wore an afro wig and makeup as part of a costume as a rapper at a party at the University of Virginia back in nineteen eighty. Most recently, he probably said, well, they're gonna find out anyway, so they digging up pictures. But let me go on, come on, and I'm so sorry. Most recently, of course, we just talked about Governor Ralph Nordom. He came under fire with his page in a medical school yearbook surface showing someone in black face and another person wearing a KKK hood and robe, and then Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax has been hit with a sexual assault allegation, though he denies that was that in black face. I mean, come on, it's ridiculous. Well he's black. Yes, it was in school, in school. If you're a theater, amazing, you gotta take senor mean, you gotta take costume, you gotta take makeup. They got makeup, all right, that's that matches our tones. Yes, I ain't never seen nobody with no damn shoe polish. That's that's the trip part. Yeah, the black face is to put the extra spin on it. And what some people don't understand is black face. That's what white people did to mock us in theater because they didn't want no blacks in the theater. So the act of black they put extra big lips on it, real black mak When we come back, just let me tell you something real quick about the Apollo Theater, all right, and coming up at thirty four after the hour, we're also going to tell you about this brand new theory that the godfather of soul, James Brown, was murdered. That's coming up right after this you're listening to. We're gonna get into the James Brown story in just a moment. I know you guys are waiting for that, But Steve, you wanted to finish the thought you had earlier. You know what, See, the black face was so it's so so insulting to African Americans because it was used to mock us back in the day. Not only did that was such a hatred for black people you're seeing it today even and when you bring it up, you bring that period up, but it was also kept us out of theater because we weren't allowed to be in theater. So when when they wanted to show a black they always put them up in a demeaning way by putting black shoe polish on their face, big pink lips, and the black faced person was always this bumbling, slow, simple minded person, was their perception of black people at that time. Quick story, Polo Theater. The reason you have the stump in the Apollo Theater is because one twenty fifth Street was widened now and they had to chop down the Tree of Hope. The Tree of Hope stood on one hundred and twenty fifth Street, where all entertainers stood, tappers, hoofers, singers, dancers, and all Broadway hopefuls stood there. And they stood up under the tree of Hope because every day on Broadway when a white performer, when a white performers came ill or twisted ankle or something, the producers of the show drove up to Harlem and picked from the tree of hope. All the actors and actresses and singers and dancers and hoofers and tappers stood under the tree, and they called it the Tree of Hope because they hoped they got picked where they could pick blacks, because they knew black people could come and learn these steps and all these dance moves in a matter of thirty forty minutes because to black people, what they were doing down there in Broadway wasn't a boy nothing. So they could get these blacks to come down here, and they put all the blacks in white face, because blacks weren't allowed to perform on Broadway. So now they took the black person and made them white. So then when you take a white person and make them over the top shoe polish black, when you degraded us and kept us from opportunity and marked us as being slow and marked us as being simple minded and incapable of full thoughts. That's what black face do to black people. And from the follow you when you knew we were the gift it was, and you picked us up from the tree or hope, and you took us down the Broadway because we could learn your little Shirley Temple steps. Oh so quick, Look dance moves y'all been working on all month. We could knock them down in fifteen twenty minutes. You put white makeup on all these black skinned people so you wouldn't even so no one would know they was black. But you needed them. And so when they cut the tree down, the performance said, no, this tree is our hope. It's got to go to the showtime with the Apollo. And that's why it sits on that stage. And that's when you bring your ass around that corner. You better rubbed that long. I'm on, come on, that's the tree. You're welcome. That is a Black history moment, Steve Harvey Morning Show. I've been a hallom man. I learned from these people. Ha hallam made me. I'm Cleveland made, I'm watch West Virginia produced, but I'm made in Cleveland, but Hallom made me the entertainer I am today. That's why I can host any show. You know why, because I hold showtime to Apolo. If you want to figure out if you're good at something, take your drawls, put them on and go up to the Apolo Theater. Take your drawls, put them on and go up to the Apolo Theater. You finn't find out how good you are. Right. Bruno Mars did his special from the Apollo Theater because his father told him, you thank you all that boy, until you go to the Apollo Theater. Wow. Bruno daddy told him that. That's why Bruno Mars one of the greatest bands today. He went to the Apolo Theater. Did it is special? That's because he had he had to prove it. Yeah, that's what they say. Michael Jackson used to hide in the stairwells and stuff and watch James Brown, j Wilson and all the great. Yeah. If you ain't been at the Apollo, man, whatever, I've been in the Aparty. I did my six minutes up there. Do you remember this hum when you told me, when you told me, what's your best joke? I said, Yeah, I'm gonna kill him winning at the end. Now you're gonna do that first? No, first, it might not be the win. Hey. Wait, coming up, it's the nephew with the frank phone call for today. Right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, about four minutes after after the hour, it's my strawberry letter for today. Subject my ex wife ran off my fiance. My ex wife ran my fiance off. Okay, wow, yeah, wait till you hear this letter. Guys, what is every letter is? Outside? Boy? Why is every letter always about? Yea, I've had a hell of a light Right now at Jean Nephews turn Uncle Steve. He's here with today's frank phone call. What you got nef brand spanking news, Shirley here. It is problem at the valet. Problem at the valet. We gotta get this. That is a problem at the valet. Here yougo, hello, he hey, I mean, how's it going? Hey? Man? What's going on? Are you doing all right? I'm doing good, doing good? What's up? Hey? Listen, I need you to do something for me. You need you your your car? He helts, No, no, no, no, no, no no, not just we listens. I got someone want you to do for me. I'm doing a prank phone call, and I want you to call this guy and tell him you're the valet downstairs, ask him for his ticket number, and tell him, hey, we got a little bit of an issue. But my my manager is gonna call you back. Uh. Are you sure you want me to do it? You're the ballet guy, That's all you gotta do? All right? What does the Mexican guy gotta be at the valet guy and you get to be the manager. What's up with that? Nick? I'll put a click over Nick the car. All I want you to do is just tell him you near the ballet guy. Will you do that for me? All right? Man? I got you? All right? All right? All right, hay on, just hang on Hello? Hello? Is this mister Franklin? Yes? Can I asks calling? Oh? Yes, Um, I'm I'm Orlanda with valet. Did you part collectus with us about thirty minutes ago? Yeah? I did. What's what's going on? What's just about? I'm just gonna need your ticket number real quick. There's a small issue. And once you get the ticket number, I could have my manager just call you back five three, four six. But why do you. Why do you need my ticket number? If there something wrong with my car, if something happened, Um, my manager will call you back and he'll give you all the details. Oh okay, so, so something did happen to my car? Um? Once I give him my manager your ticket number, he'll call you back shortly and he'll tell you everything. Okay, Well, can you have him give me a call as soon as possible because I would like to know what happened to my car if something happened. This is I don't I don't really understand what's going on here. I'm sorry. I have to go, but you can't tell me anything else before you leave. I mean, there's no details that you can give me about anything with my car. Like I said, my manager will handle it. I have to get going parfect Orlando. That's perfect. I got it from you, bro. I appreciate. Let's call him back. Hello. Hello is this Uh? Is this mister Franklin? Yeah? This is he can ask his calling. This is clough Man. I'm the manager here down at the valet. Oh great, thank you. I've been waiting to hear from you. Oh my god, thirty minutes ago you you pulled in with a they're telling me a silver light, great lexus, Yeah, that's that's yeah, that's my car. What what's going on with my car here? Okay? And what's your number? Is it? Five? Three four six? Yeah? That's that's my number. I mean I already went through this with the other guy. Can you just tell me what the hell is going on with my car? Okay? Are you able to come downstairs right now? No? I can't. I valiate over there. I'm at a I'm at a lunch with a client somewhere else. I'm not there right now. Why do I need to come down right now? Because he just what is happening? Okay? So here's a deal, sir. We have a we have a one of the valet workers here has gotten mad and he left. He quit the job, and he's he's gone. He's left the premise. The problem we're having right now is we don't see your car, you know, and then you don't see what do you what? I'm sorry? What what I'm okay? Okay? Okay? Oh wow? All right? So my car is gone? Car is gone? Is that what you tell me? Right now? Somebody your company and took my car? Well, well, Ham, we're looking on every flour and we're trying to figure out if it's got part somewhere else. But he's gone and we're we're that's why we call to get your number on cards somewhere else. Man, What the do you mean? Do I have a car or not? Did my car just stolen? How many fours do you have? How long to say? I just bought that car that is a brand new car? And now it's just are you kidding me? Right now? Well? Hold on, hold on, I understand, I understand. Let me ask you something. Is there a way? Um? Is there a way? Maybe you can come by tomorrow and we can try to work. Come now and just see it. You know, No, there is no way I'm coming by tomorrow for a car. That's listening today. First of all, we need to get the police involved in this. I don't even know right now. Listen, Franker, we don't want to get the police involved in this. We Who is we? Because I damn sure where to get the police involved? So who is it? I'm just saying, I'm listen. I don't want to lose my job because we lost the car. If you just give me some time to find the car, that's all I want you to do is give me some time. Let me go by this guy's house where he lives and see if the car is there. You should already be in a car driving yo. Ask to this man's house talking to me right now. Hey, the fact that you're not there, it's malpractice. I'm calling the police. I'm suing the building on I'm suing the manager, I'm suing the made the valet box. I'm sure everybody affiliated with your business. You don't send me right now, I'm kiddy, listen. Parking, Why are you? Why are you? Why are you upset with me? I didn't do that now, I didn't take the car. Why are you responsible for this? Parking? But are you a manager? What's your occuproblem? Sir? Why are you going to manage? I'm the manager here. An Orlando called you earlier, okay, and we're trying to found out where the car is. We all really feel like if you don't even want the police involved, man, you're not trying to fund trying to come. Yeah, right now, I'm mad at Orlando, I'm mad at you, I'm mad at your company. I'm at the man who put the damn assphot down in the parking. I'm mad at everybody right now. Okay, Cliff, Okay, okay, okay, we'll come down. Okay, but let me ask you this here. Are you are you? Are you mad at um? Are you mad at your wife? What? What if none of my wife and white didn't steal my damn car Ain't your wife name Carrie? How the hell you know my wife's name? You know how I know your wife's name because your wife got me to call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harby more. Damn, Frankly, you just gotta plank maybe. Damn. Oh boy, we're going to marriage counselorce. This this is y'all. Have you have your boy? She said, he just bought this car. He loves this car. I started sitting in it when he ain't going nowhere. I can't believe it's always it's always the closest people. It's all tell you what I tell you. Who is not getting right in this car for a long time? Hey man, I mean, is what is the baddest that I'm talking about? The baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, that right down, That's when you're pranking, baby, that's when you're pranking. My blue pressure is up on that one. Yes, I'm like, did you play? Oh man, somebody got to do it. Hey. Next week, getting ready to Kaleen Texas, the nephew is coming to town. I will be there Valentine to Night that it's February fourteenth, and I will also be there at the fifteenth and the sixteenth ticket it's her own sale. Right now, you heard me, I said at Kaleen Texas Nephew's coming to town twice as Funny Comedy Club. I'm commy. Right after that, West Palm Beach flawed. Here we go baby once again Friday, Saturday and Sunday. That's the twenty second, twenty third, and twenty four nephew, Tommy, the food is on New Way. You haven't custom anybody out this year yet. I'm working. I'm still working with me. Okay, okay, I'm working. He ain't do with me yet. He's working with what he's doing. What he's working with me. He's just you need to work with them ws Okay, all right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next to the Strawberry letter subject my ex wife ran my fiance off. Wait till you guys hear this unbelievable letter. My ex wife ran my fiance off. Now, Steve said this has happened to him because he's had actual life. You're listening Morning show all right time now, guys for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need some advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your letter to Steve Harvey FM. Okay and click submit Strawberry Letter. We will make sure we try to read your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one today. And this one is a doozy. Okay, it's a doozy. Here we go. Buckle up and hold on type. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject my ex wife ran my fiance off. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am in a desperate need of advice. I was engaged here for you. I was engaged to be married, but my fiance and I recently split up after my ex wife caused a whole lot of problems in our relationship. When my ex heard I was engaged, she called me. I told her that I was extremely happy and excited to get remarried. My said that she was happy for me and wished me met wished me well, which was a big lie. Oh, this ain't about me. Feet never said nothing. A few days after we talked, well, listen and listen. Keep listening, keep listening. No, this is not me. Okay, cool head, keep listening. I'm trying to ignorant, right, said she was happy for me and wished me well. Well. It was a big he said, it was a big lie. A few days after we talked, this this must be will Smith go ahead, because they had that great relationship, all the people sitting together talking and stuff. All right, here we go. A few days after we talked, my ex created a new Facebook page named it the Thompsons and posted a bunch of old pictures from our wedding and family vacations. My fiance's mother saw the Facebook page and showed it to my fiance, and that's when everything hit the fan. I told my fiance that, yes, I talked to my ex because she called me. I didn't call her. I told my fiance that I had no idea that the Facebook page existed because I don't deal with my ex wife at all. My fiance didn't believe me, so she called my ex, and my ex gave her an earful of lies. She told my fiance that I still try to see her and that we are still in love with each other and talk often. Of course, my fiance was all confused and didn't know who to believe, so she called off the wedding and we broke up. My X found out about her breakup and claimed she felt awful about it, so she sent my fiance an email admitting that she lied about everything and she was sorry that she interfered. My fiance still doesn't want to marry me and we barely talk at all now. Even though my ex admitted she was lying, I'm still suffering from what she did. Can you please for some advice on how I can get my lady back. I cannot stand my ex wife for this, but I'm going to let God deal with her. I just want my fiance back. Please help. Yeah, yeah, this is this is this is funky, funky funky right here. I don't I don't like your ex wife. I'm just gonna put that out there. Don't like her at all. She's a stuff starter. She's a very negative person. She doesn't care who she hurts. Yeah, you know what, I mean, she doesn't care how many lives she destroys, how many lives she tells, she doesn't care, she's cage, she's tricky, all of that. It's just so wrong on so many levels what she did. And you're right, you're right. I'm gonna go with you when you say you're gonna let God deal with her, because it's not. It's it's not really about her. It's not really about her. It's just never about It's not about your ex. This is about your most recent X, your X fiance, because there was a problem in your relationship. There had to be some kind of problem on her part that you didn't know about in your relationship, a trust issue. How can she let this X just come out of nowhere? Do all this stuff make her doubt you? Okay, and do all these things and believe this woman over you and you guys are making wedding plans here. Okay. Yeah, she can be confused, but to just throw it all away over what she said, especially the woman gave her an email and said she was lying, but she doesn't know what to believe. I don't know if you're gonna ever get this woman back. I really don't, because the trust is broken on her part. She doesn't trust you because your x X did so much damage, and you know, I mean, I'm sure you've done everything a man could do to prove to her that this is not true. You told her you didn't talk to her, call her, You told her that you told her the ex called you. You told her all that she wasn't buying any of it. I guess there was too much evidence that she saw with the Facebook page and the pictures and all of that. The problem I think is with your most recent ex fiance excuse me, and not trusting you, and not knowing what to believe, and not wanting to go further in this relationship. Steve Shelly, I agree with you one. I think you've hit it spot on. Yeah, he in trouble could yeah, yes, Yeah, he washed up. He he on the banks. He a fish that they got washed up on shore and it's low tig. He just he needed water back in desperately because he died. Yeah, he loved this girl. Shelly is really spot on. This is the straw that broke the camel's back. You all have had trust issues before. This was the one thing she couldn't tape what your ex did was devastating because your ex formed a Facebook page called the Thompsons. Here's your problem. The girl mama found out about it. The girl mama found out all people on Facebook. She would have done it on vine is the gram stamp chat never would have come to life. But you put it on Facebook. That's where old asked people ask. So her mama found it. This is the basis of all your troubles because her mama didn't just show it to you. Her mama has showed it to everybody, and it caused you so much embarrassment and humiliation. Caused your ex that she can't face the crowd. So now your question is what do I do when we come back? I got it for you. But yeah, the words of Marvin Gaye's song to his ex wife Janet, you were my wife, my flower, my hopes, my dreams, And for you to understand what this means, I shall explain. I will stood all your jealousies, yes, and your two but I forget it all once in bed with you. But oh do Holly Hocky, we end the life alright, Marvin here, okay, all right, Steve sings us out of this uh this letter right here, We'll be back with his second response at twenty three after the hours, subject my ex ran off my fiance. We'll be right back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Please let's recap today's Strawberry letter and get to your response. Subject my ex wife ran my fiance off. This dude's ex wife, he found out that he was engaged, called him and told me that she was happy and excited for me. And my ex said that she was happy for me and wished me well, he said, which was a big life. A few days later, we talked my ex. A few days after we talked, his ex wife created a brand new Facebook page and called it to Thompson's and posted a bunch of old picts that they win and family vacation. Then this dude's fiances mama saw the Facebook page, showed it to my fiance. His damn mama. See her damn mama in it. This is why you can't get your girl back, man, because she under the scrutiny. Her mama. Look at this on Facebook, Sister Claire, re see this arline hasn't seen it. I can't go know where everybody has seen this? Here this man and asking you like that, and now your friends and found out about it because you took it to your friends, and your friends have been commenting on it. Girl, this is new so now and then you, I don't know why you told her that child talked. I talked to my ex because she caught when everything hit the fan. I told my fiance that, yes, I talked to my ex because she called me. I didn't call her. I told my fiance I had no idea that the Facebook page existed because I don't deal with my ex at all. Your fiance didn't believe you, man, so she called my axe. She called your ex, and your ex gave her an ear full of lies. Oh man, see hit this? Why you dog that? Man? Hell hath no fury like a woman scorn? Now? I thought, hell hath no fury like a woman scoring? I really thought for years until it surely told me last year that that's not a script. And then I wanted to have a meeting with all the theologians and all of them to see if we could get it put in. I put nothing. I just think it's something ought to be in there. Why that ain't there there? And so they told me I couldn't do that, so I got off of that. So you're so she told your ex wife said that y'all still in love, that you try to see her, see his a key, still try to see her. If the girl had something on you seeing her, she wouldn't have said you still try to see her. She just said, I got texas, I got pictures because you gotta text, somebody gotta picture. You gotta have phone wreckers. They don't have that on your dog. She lied and said, I still try to see her, and then we're still in love with each other and we talk often where the phone records. Of course, my fiance was all confused and didn't know who to please, so she called off the wed and we broke up. She broke up because of that phone call and her damn mama, wait what her damn mama, mama man man a man now you over there, trying to explain that she's standing behind her daughter with her own folk, with her lips perched. Of course, my fiance, my ex, found out about our break up and claimed she felt awful about it, so she sent my fiance an email admitting that she lied about everything and she was sorry that she interfered my fiance still don't want to marry me and we barely talk it on. See, that's crazy, man. Even though my ex admitted she was lying, I'm still suffering from what she did. Can you please offer some advice I get my lady back. I cannot stand my ex wife for this, but I'm going to let God deal with her. I just want my fiance back. All right, dall, here you go. First of all, I want you to take this notion to her. If she said try to see her, what's prevented her from seeing her? If she say, y'all still in love with each other, your ex would see you, but she didn't. Also, man, phone records exist. Pull up your phone records, man, and show you ain't had no conversations with this woman an extensive so excuse me. See you're saying he needs proof to show if he has a physical evidence. Okay, we're trying to get your girl back. She gonna love the fact that you worked as hard to research. See a thirty second phone call. You can't arrange nothing in thirty seconds. That's hey, what you're doing? Hey, Look, I ain't got time. I want to talk to you. Click See a lot of times call you play it off, you understand. So you gotta get your phone records and then where the text messages. And you can't arrange nothing no more on the LOWLO without texting. You can't do it, though, So get your get your records and get to texting. Now, once you do that, you gotta present your case. Hey man, you gotta you got, you gotta get on your stomach. Even though you didn't do nothing wrong. You want your girl back. Now here's what young dudes don't like to do. I don't know how old you are, but you got some kind of sense because you said, I'm gonna let God deal with that. So you got some kind of sense. You gotta get to your girl, and you gotta refresh her memory. You gotta Michael Jackson. Huh. You gotta remember the time we fell in love, Remember the time when we first met him. You got to get to Michael Jackson. This girl which to remember on the phone and the beach, you and me? What about? What about that tongue you got to get down? Boy? Well, I'm just gonna throw a little something minute, okay, what provided she hasn't moved on already? Oh no, hey men, do it. You said that earlier. No, on another Strawberry Letter somewhere else. No fiance, she did not check. Okay, not yet plug. Plus women get hurt like that, they'd be a little bit. I've heard you, guys say the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. I've heard that on this show. You don't repeat what we say. You don't do that from the guys. We're repeating, I do as I say, not as I do. Well, he's coming evidence, she's out. All right, guys, we got to get out of here. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter. At Steve Harvey FM. Coming up in about ten minutes, we're going to tell you about this new mystery surrounding the death of James Brown, the Godfather of soul. Was he murdered? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show. All right, boy, this story right here hit everybody, I think in the gut. Now, you remember when James Brown died back in two thousand and six, in December, I think it was right before Christmas or on Christmas Day. His official cause of death was said to be congestive heart failure resulting in complications from pneumonia. But it seems a lot of people just don't believe that. They're not buying that. In fact, a brand new CNN investigation reveals that at least thirteen people suspect foul play in connection with the Godfather of Soul's death. Nearly one hundred and forty people were interviewed for the and an investigation, with over a dozen people calling for either a criminal investigation into his death or for an autopsy to be done on his exhumed body. And these aren't just fans questioning his cause of death. Doctor Marvin Crawford, who signed mister Brown's death certificate, now says he has doubts that James Brown died from natural causes and actually thinks he may have overdosed. Actually he can't say whether whether it was Well, what do you signed a destitute people, Well, he signed a death certificate because there was he died. Yeah, But don't you have to sign a death certificate with cause on it? You have to say why what you think the cause of death was? Yes, and so at the time he thought it was natural causes. He now says he doubts that James Brown died from natural causes, and he actually thinks he may have overdosed, although he can't say whether it was accidental or not. That's what doctor Crawford saying. His job was simply to sign a death certificate. He didn't do autopsies of them that obviously. No, they haven't done an autopsy yet. Doctor Crawford treated James Brown at an Atlanta hospital and says he believes that mister Brown's condition changed too fast. He died that night, and I did raise that question what went wrong in that room, other people questioning, other people questioning mister Brown's cause of death. Point to his personal manager, Charles Bobbitt, who says he was the only one with him. He heard James Brown complaining that his chest was on fire before he laid down and died. The police never opened a criminal investigation when mister Brown died back in two thousand and six, nor did they perform an autopsy at the request of his family. Now, if you want more details on a story, you can go to CNN dot com. This is thirteen years later. Yeah, yeah, this is sad. So I'm sitting here and I'm thinking after thirteen years. Why is this just not coming out as it's somebody running wild with a conspiracy theory and now because it makes news and you can get eyeballs, here comes is this CNN dot com or something? Yeah, that's what I just said. You can get more details on CNN dot com And there's an investigation though, Steve. It's a lot of information. They interviewed a lot of people, so it's not bloggish. It's more of like a documentary on a website. They didn't show it on TV, so it's information and you're trying to find out why did it get started? Who's started it? With a woman involved to here's my question. A documentary on a website? Say that? So now let me ask you something. Is that an official police investigation or this is just some people investigate it? That's my only question. Well, they're saying the police never opened a criminal investigation back when he died in two thousand and six. So this is what I want to be weary of. I just want to be conscious of this. I want us to just think, why is this just not coming out? You know, people can write anything and post it and make it sound like, oh so factually news worthy, but I think until you get a police investor reopen the case. Well, let's just say this now, we all know CNN is a credible news source. We do know that they are. Well. It says nearly one hundred and forty people were interviewed for this investigation by CNN, with over a dozen more calling for either they're calling for a criminal investigation or for an autopsy to be done. So that it took us three years to put after he died, to put him in there. Yeah, he was offinded, go back. His body was out a very long time. Yes, it was. Yeah, so a lot. He has a lot of witnesses and information. It's a lot of information that they're talking about with this particular case. And why wasn't an autopsy ordered from the family, because, yeah, they have to request in autopsy. They don't just automatically do it. Are you saying the family autopsy? They did not. They did not request one. That's why they didn't do it. They did get one. Huh, he was out long enough to get he was in the front yard. He was in the in the front room. Are you guys serious right now? Surely James in the front yard for months. I know that, but come on, we don't say it, don't say what it was. I was tried, Shirley. What really, guys, really, especially you you. Yeah, how Augusta feels about you? And I love Augusta. Augusta. Everybody know this was wrong. Yeah, I mean we reported on it. I mean we talked about it during that time. We were on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We talked about Jewish faith. The body has to be in the ground at a certain time the next day. I don't know which one. I don't know the route, but I know they specifically the body has to be down centime. Black people. All a sudden, you just up in the front yard on the tent with some lights. Man. Come on. Yeah, So, anyway to answer your question, the police, as I said, the police never opened a criminal investigation when he died. Because you guys are taking it some place. We're trying to be serious here, We're taking it. He was out for old at the request of his family. They did not perform an autopsy. If you want more details, go to CNN dot com. We'll be back with reality Update and Carla right after this. You guys, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm ready, I'm ready, and she is ready. But y'all better buckle up a hole on tight. She is here. Carlo Fell with Reality Date. Well, thank you, nephew, what's up? Okay, we're Reality Date kind of like nif Cannon hosting the Wendy Williams Show this week. That yes, what shout out to my call? Yes? Is that what he's saying? How you doing? Is he saying that? You know? I love the kids? Energy for the guy? That's good? Yeah, that's good. All right, Let's talk about Celebrity Big Brother. You ready? Co host Steve Harvey. Watch, No, this is great. I'm excited. All right, So celebrity big Brother. Okay, guess who got kicked out the house? Who don't say Lo? Lo? No? What's the name? Cato? Cato Katokay, okay, okay. They don't go get kicked out of every house he in. He always as somebody house that house. Guess right, don'tuse ever got nowhere on his own. That is the funniest thing, just be getting his ass put up. He couldn't stay it old job, he couldn't stay in the cars. He got a big brother. They put us Real Talk Vibe no where. He ain't never been on no show. What why do you get kicked out? Carla? Well, here's the thing, you know, straight down, what is his profession calling? I guess media personality. He's a ter. He ought to be the spokesperson for A. Oh my god, that's a great idea. I'm listening. Where does he live? That's hilarious, that's funny. That is okay. So here's the deal, Kato Kaylin. You know they, you know, in the celebrity big Brother in the house, they all try to make these alliances so they could kind of like all stick together. So it was Cato, you know, comedian Tom Greene, and Lolo and they get the strongest out right. Yeah, that's that's what you should do if you're smart about it. But guess who got some strategy? And he's just really kind playing all of them, real slick with it. I have no idea. Former NFL star Ricky Willis Ricky is slick. Yes, yes, he's very slick. I like Ricky Ricky just he'll go to one group and talk to him, then he go to another group. What they said, rick Rickety campaigning A Yeah, so they looking like Dane Ricky he don't care. He's playing a game. He's smart with it. So anyway, long story short, Kato Kaylin. He's at the house. And then they had to do this house head of household challenge and it was a haunted house, so the house guests had to make their way through this haunted house to find a set of keys in the fastest time. Well guess who didn't do the challenge at all? That damn Kato because he don't know where the kids turning. He didn't have to do he didn't, he was he was exempted. But guess who didn't do it. Hey, hey, Mare, there you go. No, she didn't do it. She said, I don't do hunted houses. I don't do no Halloween. I don't do clowns. I don't do snakes, which I had rag on and the girl girls, what you say? Whatever? The glasses or whatever it was over hidden these futuristic glasses when she got into Yeah, yeah she didn't wear those, but pretty much she threw in the towel. She didn't do the challenge. So but they had this little twist to the game. Well, the viewers got to kind of like be a publicist if you will, for the celebrity and get to choose which celebrity they would like to say from getting voted out. And guess who the publicist which is us, the American people, the viewers, guess who we voted to say Tamar Tamara Because like you said last week, Steve, yes, you are absolutely correct. So there you have it. So I think the season finale is coming up, uh maybe tonight or next week, but I know they got a special show coming on Big Brother Celebrity Big Brother tonight, so I'm gonna be watching. In an update, but where's Kato gonna stay tonight? At Steve? That is so funny. That is so funny, and we have Steve your girl. Real Housewives of Atlanta starts. Cynthia Bailey, I lost my train of thought. Listen to this. She ran into who she thought was New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady in Atlanta in the lobby of the Saint Regis Hotels. So funny. She took a selfie with this unknown man and she talked about the experience of meeting Tom Brady on the red carpet. Then she posted the picture and then she text her boyfriend, you know he's a sportscaster Mike Hill and you know that's Steve. You kind of hooked them up. Yeah. Yeah. So she's telling her man that she meant tom Brady and she was like who is that? And she was like that tom Brady. He's like that ain't no tom Brady. Did you post that? Yeah? Yeah, she had all that post what just like Marjorie Margine on't but no, damn supposed Patriot had on. Just Holly, I saw that at the game. I took my mother daughter to the super Bowl. Morgan at the Super Bowl with the Rams Jersey on. Yeah. When when Golf through that interception in the fourth quarter and uh and and the Patriots intercepted, Morgan jumped up, just Holly, Yes, I said, sit your ass er, the Patriots just innocent. That wasn't a good play for your team. Shout out to Morgan. I talked to that other day. Had the time, So there you go. There you go. Reality updates, some of the reality stars. They were all kicking it in at Lanta this past weekend for the Super Bowl. And we'll be back. But at twenty after the hour, hit me up at lip Spark, Carla, so we can keep talking about this socially. All Show. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy, did you have something you wanted to ask your uncle? I do? I got it because I don't know has heard about this? So um brace yourself? Are you ready? The Lakers? Okay? The Lakers have reportedly offered eight players include check this out nine Lonzo Ball, Kyle Kuzma, brandon Ingram, who first round picks, expiring contracts and offered to take Solomon Heel's toxic contract off their hands. All of this for Anthony Davis. Hey, Pelicans, Yeah, y'all, but the Pelicans here, thanks for no thing. What they're not letting them go? See See, the Pelicans is trying to be pimps, But the Pelicans is gonna mess around and get played. They're gonna get played because one more time ticket at a Lonzo Ball Kyle Kuzma, brandon Ingram, who first round picks all right, expiring contracts, offered to take Solomon Hills toxic contract off their hands. Take that away from you. All we want is Anthony Davis now with the two picks and all that talent they could have a squad, they could have a squad, but for really, can I say this, y'all, that's gonna throw you for Curry Lee m probably the best basketball player on the planet with the most upside and tenued left to play. Really, Anthony Davis. Anthony Davis right now the greatest basketball player on the planet with the most upside and tenued to play. In a very very close second in with the most upside and tenued to play, is that boy in the Milwaukee Bucks, that damn Greek freak. Well, they're saying Steve Anthony Davis wants to play for the Bucks. The Lakers are the Clippers. Clippers, so so wait a minute. I'm I'm just saying, though, with all those people they're offering for him, how much money that's like a billion dollars or something, isn't I mean, that's a lot of money. I mean, I know it's not a billion, I know that, But they don't They they gonna wait and see what Boston want to do. They're gonna wait and seek. But the Bucks, the Bucks can't get Anthony Davis because they have nothing to give for Anthony Davis. The Bucks, not Bucks, ain't got enough surrounding players to give up. They're not gonna give up the Greek freaky. Ain't no way they give him that. They can't give him up. He's too great. He's greatness man up there in Milwalk. If y'all saw more games of him, yeah we would understand that boy right there. Expect I saw that a sixty minutes piece on him. This happened. Yeah, man, Magic, they gonna make it happen. They're gonna throw in everything and throw money at him. And they got paper. Yeah they must. Now, the trade deadline is today, it's today, NBA trade is today's today. But see what the Pelicans gonna do is they're gonna let your trade deadline go by. Yeah, they gonna keep Anthony Davis, I predict, and just try to hold him to the end of the season and see what they got. But they're gonna mess around and mess up what you cannot have as a guy on your team that don't want to be And Magic usually gets what he wants. I mean, his track record has proven that they should have threw me in eight movies and fox Weed Dispensers. It gave all that tour. You know what I'm saying didn't put put a little bit more woman, Lad Martha, that's your nephew, Steve. We'll let marm Steve. Every morning show coming up right after this. You're listening to show in today's Entertainment news, the Motown sixty. This is a Grammy celebration TV special which is going to feature a long list of legends. Uh, Smokey Robinson what a legend himself. He's going to co host the April twenty first CBS event with Steve one of the King, Cedric the Entertainer. Rounding out the cast or fellow Motown Uh, Cedric the Entertainer was going to co host Motown sixty, a Grammy celebration for TV. Smoke Smokey though right, well, go ahead, Okay, all that week jokes said is there for jokes? Smokey is there fore yeah. Rounding out the cast Stevie Wonder, Elmy Houston, Martha Reeves, Valerie Simpson, Boys to Men, and the one and only the Diva of all divas, Miss Diana Ross. Love her, love her, love her, love her. They can do anything close to what they did in the twenty five Remember twenty five? Oh yes, everybody, that's when Michael Jackson went into the stratosphere after that with Billy Jean. Yeah, come on now, Marvin. Motown twenty five was the greatest music special in the history of Yes, Motown twenty five was greater than any Grammys we've ever seen. Michael Jackson and the Jackson's performance was the Grammys. The greatest. Two greatest Grammy performances I've ever seen Michael Jackson at the Grammys. I think it was the Grammys one year he did Smooth Criminal. His sister Janet stood up and was just crying. And then when Michael Jackson did Man in the Mirror with the choir behind him at the Grammys. The next greatest Grammy performance I ever saw Kendrick Lamar. Oh, Kidrick Lamar's performance at the Grammys the other year was one after Michael Jackson. I've never seen nothing greater than that with you when you're right now. And I called him and told him that, man, Oh what did he say? Hey, you didn't even tell us? What do you say? Oh, man, uncle? Oh yeah, he was a good brother. Man. Man, I'm calling my grandmama. Man, Steve Harvey call. That has to be that has to be something special for the young guys out there now to get love from you, Steve. I'm sure you know you know, man, the ones that's respectful. You know, everybody's not respectful, and I get that, you know. I mean, here's a deal though with me as a man. You don't have to like me. You really don't respect though, but you do have to respect me though, and you should respect me. And because I respect everybody's body of work, I respect everybody's existence in this world. I respect you. You may not be my dude. You know, we ain't hanging or nothing like that, but there's a lot of people I don't hang with that I respect. Well, let me say this though, all y'all that's calling him uncle, I'm gonna let that slide. Okay, I'm gonna let that slide. But y'all do have your own damn uncles. Ain't y'all family? Y'all do? Why y'all ain't holiday at them? I'm just saying your own uncle. Man? Wait, set though, did you not say otis Williams and temptations? Uh? Anybody coming to see you? All? Right? Coming up the last break of the day, Steve will have some closing remarks for us. Don't go anywhere. We'll be back at forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening to all right, Steve, it's been a good day. We've had fun today, talked about a lot, a lot, a lot of stuff. But you have more stuff to take us home with today with your closing remarks. What you got for Steve? Well my remarks today? Uh is it light of all the news that's been on television and for us as regular people, how do we how do we manage it all? How do we inter how do we decipher it to fit into our lives? And one of the things that I watch all these politicians and politics is it's not a really clean profession. To me, it's so it's so doggish, man, it's so cutthroat. It seems so hypocritical at times, and everybody, if you're in a certain party, you all feel the same way. And I just don't believe that to be true. I just don't really believe that. I think that people in politics state take stances with their group so that they can have power as a unit. Nobody agrees with everything anybody does. I don't have yet to meet that person, and so I don't want us to take a page from politics. I'm talking about forgiveness. You know, this whole thing about their going in people's past and they and they holding them accountable for it. I want us to remember something. Remember when you were little and you would taught the Lord's Prayer, and there's a line in that says, forgive us our trust passes, as we forgive those who trust passed against us. The other version is forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. I was taught to believe that what that meant was when you say, God, forgive us our trust passes, as we forgive those who trust passed against us. I was taught by my mother, who was a Sunday school teacher, that that meant that we are going to trustpass. She says, son, you are going to cross a line of where you're not supposed to go, be due or see, and you are going to cross that line. You are going to have to ask God for forgiveness for those those trestpasses for all the times, little Stevie, that you will cross that line into territories and things that you're just not supposed to do. So when you go to God and you ask God for forgiveness of those trustpasses. The next line says, as we forgive those who trestpass against us, so God holds us accountable. This is what my mother taught me. You may have a whole nother interpretation. That's you. I'm just telling you. So. She said, when people do real wrong and cross your line, the way you forgive them is the way God is going to forgive you. She said, that's what that line me. She says, So if you want to ask God for forgiveness, you're going to have to be more forgiving. She said. You can't hold grudges, and you can't hold people today mistakes and ask God to forgive you for your mistakes. She said, that's what that line in that prayer me. And you say that every night because you're gonna do a lot of wrong. And Lord her mercy, was she right about that? So in light of what my mother taught me as a little boy, and I've tried to carry that on and I haven't always been good at it, I want you to know I held something malice in my heart for a guy for seven years. For seven years, I held malice in my heart for this guy. Probably not that long but I think it's about seven as I remember, give or take a few. But I had to one day forgive him. And I learned on the day that I let it go, the relief that I felt. And as I've grown older, I've learned that forgiveness is not for the other person. See you're sitting up here here that I ain't gonna ever forgive him. I'm not gonna ever let them off the hook. What they did to me, I'm gonna make them pay. So now what it caused me to do, was it caused me I have to put thought and energy into that. Every time I heard his name, every time I heard he was over here, over there, every time something happened. Man, I had to conjure up his name and what I was gonna do when I saw it. Bishop Jake's told me, not forgiving a person, It's like you drinking the poison, waiting on them to die. So what I'm saying all of this is to say this, we need to be forgiving us people. We need to understand that the past tresgressions of people. Who are we to hold people accountable to that? That's the amazing thing? Who are we? You ever heard the phrase people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, you know. So I'm sitting up here going all of us are gonna be in need, are currently in need, or we'll need or have needed God's forgiveness. But we can't seem to muster up none for nobody else. So I keep hearing my mama all the time, forgive us our trust passes, and we've gived those to trust pass against us. I want us to not take a page from politics, because politics has political reasons for bringing up a person's path. They want a seat in the house, they want to try to get control of this state, and they keep bringing up stuff from people's past to bury them. Currently. That's a dangerous slope we've got on. So for those of us that's not in that business, stay out of that business. Be forgiving because you two are going to need forgiveness one day and God is going to forgive you the same way you forgive others. So we all need to be a little bit careful. Just think about that in your day to day. Okay, I just want to say that to you today. Oh that's what I want to say today, by drop it. Yeah, that was as everyone should forgive you're absolutely right. I'm telling you manager, it serves no purpose. Yeah, I don't ever want to go back in y'all's pass and bring something up and say y'all for all. Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.