Good morning and welcome to the ride! Big Dog does a running show start and is happy to report that he is grateful for where he at. The CLO gets a letter from a woman that is dating a man in the sex industry. We have a special edition of Reality Update and Carla is coming in hot early! Gasoline demand is spiking in several states following a ransomware attack that shutdown the colonial pipeline. Our family A.D. Dolphin is here with some advice on how to keep our mind, body and soul aligned and in a good place. Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsha is trending because she is engaged to her friend's soon to be ex-husband. Is social media more productive or destructive to society? Today the show wraps up with Uncle Steve answering a question about Family Feud and COVID-19 testing.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and it's to me through good it set together for Please, I don't join jo turning you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh. I show will a good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I need everybody today, everybody that's listening, I need you to catch fire today. I want you to catch fire today. You want to phrase it another way, I want you to catch on fire today. But I need you to catch fire today. I need today to be today that you stop complaining and you do something. Do you know why a lot of people can't move forward in their life because they complaining about their past? They always complaining, man about something? Is that explains the reason why they are. Let me help you with this right here. If you are steady complaining about the reason you are, you know, if I hadn't have met this man, if I hadn't have been involved with this woman. If I hadn't had this baby, if I had to never went down there, if I hadn't got arrested, if I hadn't it this, if I hadn't it if I had to just finished school, if I hadn't a hey, hey, hey, hey, stop stop all that stuff that you're complaining about, everything that you keep allowing to resonate with you as a reason to justify and explain you not being successful. Can I share something with you about all of that? Guess what it is? You didn't got past all of it. You didn't had the baby, you got arrested, they didn't kill you, you didn't finish school, but you still standing. You met that man, he gone, He involved with two other women. Right now, I got three other kids. Guess what. You still here and the baby's here. You got over all the injustices that were done to you. You got something happened to you when you as a kid. You're an adult now. Somebody did something to you when you was a little boy. Guess what you are man? Now? Some thing's happened to you that you haven't found closure on. The person that you're looking for closure from has moved on. Can I tell you that everything that has happened to you, do you know you've gotten past it? So why are you steady complaining about what has happened to you that has caused you to be in this position? But do you understand that it's prohibiting you from moving forward? Stop complaining today, catch fire. Let your pass be your past. I've told us to you a hundred times on this radio, but I'm gonna say it again. Bishop Jake's told me something man that helped me so greatly. You can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rearview mirror. That's why the windshield is huge. The windshield is huge. The rearview mirror is this tiny thing that sits up there. Now all is far. It's so you can see stuff that's coming up on you. You. All the review mirror for is so you can assure yourself or listen to this. The review mirror is impt there to assure you that you've cleared something. See. That's what the review mirrors for. So when you pass it, corn, you want to switch lanes, you can glance updre and it says, okay, you're clear. Now you passed it. You can switch lanes. That's how all the review mirrors for. It ain't for you to stare at and dictate your life with what you're tripping for. Man, catch fire today today, Man quick complaining about everything that had happened to you? Life is ten percent. What happens to you is ninety percent. What you do about what happens to you? What are you going to do about it? So what I got all this? Look, man, your story ain't no deeper than nobody else's. I can tell you I was homeless for three years. It's people been homeless for thirty years. How long I'm gonna ride that out? Man? You know I can't do nothing right now. I fell on hard times and I lost my place to stay. Why are you staying now? See the majority of people are staying somewhere right now. I was out there. I didn't have nowhere to go. I'm in a shelter. Now. You was under the bridge a week ago. You're in the shelter. Now. Why are you still crying about the bridge? You're in the shelter now. Man. You know how you find your purpose, You get in touch with who created you. Because when God made you, he had a purpose in mind. Now we've ignored it and we haven't tapped into it. But we all had a purpose. You don't, and it's sometimes it take people longer to discover the purpose. Colonel Sanders was frying chicken with a recipe that he was telling people was the best chicken in the world. Ain't nobody believe him till he turned seventy? Why you think the dude us only Kentucky fried chicken signs is old. That dude ain't twenty up there he oh, he oh, But you know what, he had been frying that chicken for forty some years. They just found out about it when he was seventy. But he didn't give up his purpose in life. This dude was just frying chicken. See, people keep looking for their gifts in all kinds of places when it's right there in you. You ain't got to go to school to find your gift. You're born with the gift to God God for you. You'll go to school to tack it on to something else. But your gift was already given to you. You were born with that. You don't have to go to college to know your guilt. Your college allows you to enhance it and to find something to attach it to, and hopefully you get a degree that attaches your gift to a vehicle where it can work. The problem with college is we go to college and we attach it to what we like or what we might be passionate about, and we ignore the gift we have. You know how many people and graduating from college ain't doing nothing they went to college for. Come on, man, you know why because you're discovering life, your guilt. You discover what you was born to do. I wasn't bought you know what I mean? You know what my major was in college? It was advertising. I can't be in no death, drawing, no picture for nobody. But now guess what I can wake up every day and guess what I can tell you? I advertise. I've been advertising my career. Come see me live. Come see me live at Madison Square Garden, Come see me live at Philips Arena. Come see me live at Joker's Comedy Club. Come see me live at Percy's. Come see me live at Ellis's Tavern. Come see me live. Come. I've been advertising the whole time, but I had a different purpose in mine because I went and I talked to God, and this is how you do it? You go talk to God and say, hey, God, look, okay, this is the deal. I've been struggling here. I'm over forty. I still haven't found my purpose in life. Okay, but so I can quit wasting any more time? Would you help direct me and guide me to my purpose? I know you created me to do something. I just haven't found what it is. And the reason I haven't found what it is because I've been doing things my way. I ain't been checking what you confirmed with you on anything. I ain't locked in or tried to settle it up with you. I've been just doing my thing. Well, my thing has gotten me as far as it can get me. How about you takeover and do your thing now? Can you direct me in my path? I'm an open book. Treat me like a piece of clay. I'm telling you, man, if you go to God, he'll give it to you. But see you have not because you asked not. How many times have you asked God for it? This ain't no magic trick, y'all. This is the deal. You got to catch fire today. Catch fire today, I am. I'm excited about today. I've got a lot to do. You're listening ladies and gentlemen. I don't know what you're doing, but we're about to start this show. Run us, take to your mark, get set. Oh yeah, that's that party. I just ran that the party probably. Yeah, that was about six seven seconds. About what I do it in now? Oh, there ain't gonna be no quick time. Charley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve Harvey, calin for real day Wednesday. What's happening, crew Junior? Morning of feet just chopping, nephew me. We ain't gonna mention running my bad, my bad. Oh, don't bother me back. Oh I didn't. I didn't. I didn't say it to bother you. I just said we want and you're running. That's all I'm gonna tell you right now, both of y'all looking. I wasn't running. I'm gonna tell you that right now. Oh because you were trying to start. Back when you were hater Chip, I think he said, girl, Yeah, I can't out run them now, but yeah, yeah, back then, it wouldn't even been close. Knock I'll knock dog. Not back in the day. You already know that time. That's gonna stop this here, stop this. I can't beat them doing nothing running right now, not from here to there, here to nowhere? Doctor, Yeah, No, I ain't. I can't get out the blocks. I ain't gonna get to the halfway part first. I ain't gonna cross the tape. Ain't gonna be none of that. I'm gonna blow both my ham strings out if I try to run a forty right now. So I'm good, but I've grown to understand that accepted. I'm just happy that I'm healthy and you know, moving around and agile and you know, fly's fresh, you know, heart. I ain't praise God. I ain't on no prescription. Mad's praise God. I don't know how long I've been able to do that, but I'm doing it now. So I thank God for that. And so you know that's good. You gotta be grateful for where you're at. Hey, I was watching this, you know, when Will Smith took his shirt off and he got all these people. Chris Spencer's got involved with it too, and he posted something the other day saying, you know, after one week, I'm starting to see results. Did you see the picture on this place? Man? So I saw that. He said, after one week, I'm already getting results. Whatever, And if he had me for a minute, and then I looked out. I say, this food right that boy and that picture is man. Did you see um Anthony Anderson's picture? Steve, I saw the woman before he worked out. I didn't understand that is he mad at himself? I like the confidence and all of them just throw it out there out yeah, I ain't that damn confidence. So all right, we're moving on. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO the Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, time now for ask the CLO. This one is from Kim and Detroit. Kim writes, I need your honest opinion about my man. I'm not an insecure woman at all, So I don't mind that my boyfriend works in the second industry. In fact, I met him at the swingers club that he works in. I just happened to go to the club Saturday night without telling him I was coming, and I walked up on him kissing a female at the bar. He turned bright red when he saw me. He said, it's part of his job as bartender to entice women to get more drinks. Is it wrong to get mad? If he's swinging at work without me knowing it. Why yellow you in the relationship with a dude that you met at the swingers Club? Let me ask you something. When you met him at the Swingers Club, wasn't he in there swinging? Hollywood? So I don't give a damn if he do work there. If you work there, you are swinger an't Nobody hadn't know swingers club watching all this activity going and you ain't trying to participate. They don't pay this dude. Let the bar to kid women to get him to buy more drinks. You ain't got to do that at the swingers club who? And they ain't drinking who at the swingers club ain't kissing? Everybody in there kissing and drinking. That's what you got, hoping that lead to more. I don't even understand what you're talking about. Am I wrong for getting mad at yo man swinging without telling me he was in that swinging for you met him. I don't give a damn what his job is. If you take tickets at that dough why would you get the job at the Swingers Club taking tickets at the door if you wasn't interested in swinging? You work at the Strip club because you like stripples. Okay, ain't nobody going down the Magic City talking? My man? Hey, you got any openings of for anybody wanted to fry broccoli? Ain't what you're doing there for dough? So come on, man, come on lady, come on your man as a swing Hey? Are you a swinging? Yes? Thank you? Swing? He swinging? Oh? I don't know what to tell you. Man. The words of my grandmama. I'm with you when you're right all right. Moving on to Jasmine, who's a podcast listener, she says, I've been dating a man for seven months and he's really sweet normally, but I don't know what's happened to him last weekend. He treated me to a Mother's Day dinner on Sunday and he bought the sandals I asked for. The Only problem is he got a size nine and I wear a seven. And later that night he did stuff he'd never done to me sexually, and I didn't like it. I think he's got a bigfoot side piece that's freakier than I am. Nine come one, because he was thinking about something. What size you want? Give me a nine? If she don't want it. I got somewhere to take it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she did something to you and then you ain't like it. Yeah, there's somebody you wear a seven and he bought a nine. Yeah he can look at that shoe and no, that's a big difference between seven and nine. That'd be like me sitting up at the shoe store talking about sir wic side you. Oh excuse me, bro, bro, you want to eight and nothing? No? I got now nothing on my foot? Say ate my foot so big? It looked like I got eight big toads? Like what? Yeah? All right? So she should she ask him as the question what should she do? Ask him? You think he gonna tell you? Bright? What what research do your why anybody fining volunteer? No information for y'all? What makes me think? What should I ask him? As he's seeing somebody else? Yeah yeah yeah yeah, no, no, no, no, no, yeah, go ask it Hea. He's going, I promise you he gonna say no, right, honey, I told him, man four seven, I ain't checked a side nine. Yeah you know what about well what about the other night when you was when you did all that new stuff to me? Yeah? I frankly, I mean we ain't got to do it no more? You know what I'm saying. I just don't ask something where I get it from. You know what, I always kind of been thinking that, you know what I'm saying. Oh, you know they say change your behavior definitely means cheating. Oh you know that that ain't got nothing? Who is it? Who said that? Who are you going there with it? Who is there? They probably buy their damn s always right, always. Oh, so you're gonna listen to them instead of me? I'm your man. Here we go, Here we go. All right, We're moving on d Z in Alabama says I'm a twenty five year old woman and I'm pregnant with my first child. My baby is by a married man, and his wife found out about the baby. We live in a small city and she's got a good job, so to avoid embarrassment, she wants to act like I'm having the baby for her as a surrogate. She wants to raise my child, and she said, it's the only way my child will ever see his father. Wow. If I take them to court for child support, everyone will know our business. I'm stuck and feel like I have no other options. What should I do? Now? Wow, you don't have any other options for what can't nobody make you do that? And raise nobody? Only nobody? Buffalo you like it. You're the mother of the baby, right, Oh, that supersedes all other rights and claims, and so what if everybody know your business? You're gonna let this woman take your baby from you because she got a good job. Hold up health, Why don't I post what you said on Facebook? How about that? You know why I report to your job that you're trying to bully me out my baby? Why don't we do that? Nah? Who got the upper hand? That's right, that's right. You can't do that to this girl. And he got to pay child support. It's paternity tests. It ain't nothing. Ye give a damn part of her good ass job. I'm gonna be paying child support, thank you very much. All right, thank you, cello. Coming up back to this is the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening, coming up at the top of the hour, missing and will be here. She's standing by with today's National News plus in trending entertainment news. I'm sure you've heard by now, Porsche william Is engaged. Porsche Williams from Atlanta Housewives. Of course, Carl and I will discuss this engagement during a special Reality Update segment at the top of the hour, But right now, Yes, the nephew is in the building with run that prank back. What you got for us? Is this a prank? Let's run it back? Baby, naked lifeguard? Naked lifeguard, there's no better way to swim. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a carry. Yes, this is carried. Hi Carrie, my name is Oliver. Oliver. You put in an application with the employment agency about looking fortunate work as far as being a lifeguard. Oh, yeah, I did. Okay. Have you had much experience being a lifeguard? Yeah, I've been doing this for a wound out back since I was like eighteen. I got my CPR certification. I've had as many as like two hundred people at one time watching them. So I'm good. I'm good at what I do. I love it. Very good, very good. Well, I'll tell you what. I've looked over your application and I've checked everything out thoroughly, and I'm very excited about maybe getting you too. I don't know if you're familiar with it, but Public Pool it's actually in a subdivision there's two pools there, are you familiar with Yeah, I'm familiar with it. They're they're near where I live. Yeah, okay, Well there's actually in the back of there's a gated community and that is actually the particular property that I'm talking about. You coming out and working for us there at the pool site. If we can get you on Monday to Friday, we're gonna actually hire some some more college students for Saturday and Sunday. What do you say, Oh, I say, okay, that sounds great money weekends off. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Now we start off. Job actually pays twenty five dollars an hour. Wow. You would be our head lifeguard, and we would we would want you to be there from you know. I mean if you start at twelve, we'd actually like you to get there around eleven thirty, you know, just to be prepared and be the overseer and make sure the other lifeguards get there on time, and you know, we'll go from there. I carry there's only one catch that that actually comes along with this job. We want you to work an additional four hours from six to ten at night. But it's gonna pay you fifty dollars per hour. So you'll make an extra two hundred dollars. How do you feel about that? Man? I feel good. I mean, with the recession and everything, I can use that money right now, especially during the summertime. Okay, now here's the deal. This is in a gated community, like I told you before, but also it's gonna be adults at night, and and they are actually gonna be swimming nude. Yeah, they're gonna be swimming nude. And what they ask is if they're gonna be swimming nude, they want to make sure that the lifeguard that's protecting them is gonna be nude as well. Okay, I'm anna certified lifeguard, I'm CPR certified. I'm a student. I've had other jobs, but nudity wasn't on my resume, and and I understand that wholeheartedly. But we're talking about you possibly making seventeen hundred and fifty dollars a week. How do you feel about seventeen hundred and fifty a week for your nursing school. I'm sure that'll that'll definitely pay for it throughout the entire summer. That should be a big help, shouldn't it. Yeah? It would, But I mean I mean, are are you? How do you feel about trying it for a few weeks and then you know, how do you feel about that? I don't know, But I mean, you're gonna watch over some adults who are actually just gonna be nude in the pool, and you're nude as well, up on the big chair that overwatches everybody. Seventeen fifty I don't seventeen fifty carry, you know, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do that seventeen fifty carry. We're talking about four hours of you being nude along with some other people that are already knew. So, I mean, what's the big deal? You know? What we need you to do is come down. We're gonna do some drills, some lifeguard drills, and make sure that you're definitely qualified. But we're gonna make sure that when you do those, you gotta be naked as well. Okay, what what Why would I have to do some drills naked? I'm on a radio lifeguard. What do I need to drill? And I understand that, but in order we for our particular property, we gotta make sure that you're actually prepared and ready. You know, understand, Well, that's the way it is, Carrot. We need you to come down and do some drills. Well, it's not gonna take a long probably about a half hour. You come down, you get undrafted, you get in the pool, and we make sure that you're qualified by UM to swim, nude, to handle to saving somebody's life, nude, the whole nine yards. But what I mean, what if my family come to that? You know what? Carry I You know, I can't go back and forth with you. I can't now. I know you you you know. I looked at your resume, I looked at what you were doing and what you're pursuing in life, and I thought this would be a great opportunity for you. But I can't be here. I mean, I can't do that to my family. You can know. No, wait a minute, hang on a second. Now, you can't tell me you can't do it now? Oh yes, yes I can't. You get your down here in the morning so I can get these drills done, and I want you naked when you get here and get in this pool. You understand me. Who the hell do you think you're talking to? Are you some kind of pool pimp? Life guard? Human resources are and tip? You're not tipping me. I don't have to come down there. If I want to come down there, you gotta bring you pick it out here tomorrow and get in this pool and doing this drill. Do you think you're talking to I'm talking to you. You get you tomorrow and you do. What you need to do is go get you a Pamela Anderson baywatching, because I ain't the watch. It's what i'd be doing a new brassto for you all freaking I don't know them. I don't know them people. I don't give it. Who you know? Now, you get your down here and you take the job. I'm not coming down that to y'all. Fun told tomorrow and swim new and life. Go ahead, noodle for a bunch of raunchy. I don't know you take your time to I'm trying to be nice to you when you come around with that. She never stop. But because I'm not think kind of a girl, you got me. Okay, you need to gonna get you a Pamela Edison baywatch. You know deep sea diving. I don't know what you need, but I'm not what you need. You get your block down here tomorrow. What you do, I'm talking to you. Who you think you're talking to? Who I'm talking to you? Do you think you're talking to? I got something I want to say to you. You're listening, you know where you You've got a go ahead and stay because I'm buying. Ain't up this finding your face right now? This is left you Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriend. I just frank you, baby, your girlfriend frank to you. When I see it, She's gonna have one lest float. I cannot believe she gar me like this. All right, I gotta ask you something, baby, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's what I do. It's what I do. It's what I do. That's what I do. That's what I do. Who on't here? Ain't swam naked? Raise your hand? Face silence? I think it was silh and it's still quiet. Hustle to Ruth, look at define swing and define naked. All right? Uh? Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and National news right after this. Thank you, nephew. You're listening to the show, so Carla, what in the world is going on? Portion Williams is still trending, you know, due to a recent engagement announcement to Simon go by go baa. Is that how you say? Go by go by their Simon go baja? Uh? Okay, So we got to talk about this. How about a special Carla, Let's do this a special reality update report. Ye, come on, Tommy, ladies and gentlemen. It is a brand new it. So Wendesley going on. But we got a special special alert because guess what, it's reality update. But the one and only call a hot. Yeah, got Shirley coming in hot every side. I live for that, you know it? Yes? Okay, So check this out. Porsche Williams trending all over social media yesterday money they are dragging your girls. So basically, if you missed it, in case you missed it, here's what happened. I don't know how you missed it, but this is what went down. You know. Porsche there on the show during the show Real Housewives of Atlanta. You know, the season is over, but on the show, she basically introduced the squirrel. Her name is Falling and she was a friend of the show. Porsche went over hot house. What a husband there? Kicked in pool party swimming? Did all of this the jumped in the pool? Yes, yes, past season. Yes, Allen came on the show. Carli, you're right as Portia's friend, right as her friend on the show. Yes, yes, yes, So anyway, so fast forward the season's over. You know all the stuff that went down on the crazy season. Porstia post a picture of her and Simon, Allen's husband and says that they are engaged a love, crazy and love that they've been dating for a month. A month. Hey, life word, baby life is okay. Don't let grass grow under your feet, keep it cracking. Yes, yes, you can let people in your house. You hear me, you hear me. So this woman has announced that she is engaged as this man, that they are crazy in love. Uh. She posted a picture of her current fiance if her ex Beyonce. She just ended that engagement and that is her baby daddy Dennis. They hanging out together. She telling about grown man stuff. What see see. That's what makes it to me seem like it's for TV. You know they're gonna make a show out of it or well she is. Bravo announced Shirley to jump in for we run out of time. That she is getting a spin off about her life, a show about her life. So now everybody is like, you're doing this for the coins where the money reside? Why are you doing this? But it's just it's dead wrong. She broke girl colde the girl cold never ever, I ain't trying to start nothing, but this is how you get your ass with. I'm sorry and wait an boo balance. She posted something on social media just basically telling everybody think you put a support she good, she's finalizing hundred boys hund the boys ain't even yeah and they were married for two years. All right, you get everything in the pool. All right, come on, Steve, it's that time for headline. Lets go, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you everybody. Good morning. This is Anne Tripp and here's the news with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin n Yahoo charged with corruption and not able to put together a new coalition government right now. Rocket attacks continue between the Israelis and Palestinians. Hamastan launching rockets at Israel across the Gaza Strip. Israelis retaliating with air strikes at least forty three people have been killed in Gaza, including thirteen children in a Jewish Stately's five desk report, including three women and a child. The company that owns a major fuel pipeline in the southeastern part of the US, Colonial Popline says it hopes to restore all operations by the end of the week. In the meantime, analyst's say the gas prices and the region could go up by like three to seven cents for gallon next week because of the in the brief shutdown. Patrick Johan from the website gas Buddy says he hopes skittish car owners don't aggravate things. Motorists in some cases are making the situation worse by panicky and hoarding Gasolee and thar I say please don't do that. You don't have to. Colonial says they'll be up and running again normally again in just a matter of days. The states affected right now with panic buying Georgia, Tennessee, Southern Virginia, and the Carolinas. Colonial says the pipeline will be back soon. The family of Andrew Brown Junior, the unarmed black man shot and kill him by cops in North Carolina last month, we're allowed to see twenty minutes of the police body camp yesterday. According to court documents, approximately two hours of footage actually exists in total from five body cameras. However, the Superior Court claims the rest of it does not pertain to mister Brown's case. Andrew Brown's family says what they saw right after his death showed him with his hands on his wheel on the wheel outside his home, with one officer shooting him execution style in the back of the head, the other shooting him. Community activists want to see all the videotap. While in Georgia, three white men brought before a judge on federal hate crime charges. They accused of cornering, cutting off, and shooting and killing a black jogger named Ahmad Arbury, twenty five year old men merely jogging through their neighborhood in the town of Brunswick. They accused him of stealing something from a house along the way that's under construction. Video shows didn't steal anything, he just cupped his hands to get a drink of water. Greg McMichael, his adult son Travis, as well as a third guy named William Bryant, all set to go on trial and state court and murder charges. In October, Republicans the House of Representatives set to formally vote to remove Wyoming's This Chaney from her post's House GOP Conference chairwoman today for no other reason, apparently than the fact that Cheney won't tell the line and continue claiming that the last presidential election was fraudulent and that Donald Trump really won. She says she's not gonna lie about that, and Republicans need to stop lying to everybody else. Finally, a new poll says that the majority of Americans blame social media sites like Facebook and Twitter for dividing the country and for generally making people much less sociable. Now back to ste Farve Warning show. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. In trending energy and transportation news, gasoline demand is spiking in several states following a ransomware attack that shut down the Colonial Pipeline and just five states. The Colonial Pipeline serves Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia. Demand was up by a collective forty point one percent on Monday. A growing list of impacted states have declared a state of emergency to ensure adequate fuel supplies. The national price at the pump hit two dollars and ninety eight cents on Tuesday. That's the highest level in nearly six years, according to Triple A. The Colonial Pipeline, which supplies nearly half the diesel and gasoline to the East Coast, says it hopes to be substantially operational by the end of the week. The criminal group Dark Side out of Russia is believed to be responsible for the pipeline cyber attack. Wow, you can't even give games, I know, I know, I know. We're already now we got a pandemic with no gas. Yeah, yeah, I mean I heard a lot of the guys at family feud uh yesterday, was talking about they couldn't get games. They couldn't. Yeah, they had to go to two three stations before they found gas, you know. Yeah. Yeah, that's how I found out about it. Yeah, this is crazy. It's been all over the news, it has. I heard about the cyber attack. But you didn't think that it would affect us the way it did. Yeah, and so fast. So it's yeah, they said it would be higher gas prices maybe, but they didn't say anything about the long lines and you actually couldn't get gas. They did say it might you know, dru make the prices go up, walk walk more? What now so they get it worked out? Yeah, well they said, hopefully by the end of the week. You know, run your errands all at one time. Yeah, in one area too. Can you take me to is out of question? Now you actually pumped gas? Woo you. When's the last time you actually pumped gas back in the day in the eighties. I pump gas probably in like about two thousand and three, two thousand. You don't know how. We're using gloves and napkins to punch the buttons, right, we're trying not to touch the nozzle pe you're putting people putting gloves and everything. Oh, we don't go down there. We you gotta get all right, We're moving on rich people problems where the money resides, all of that, all right? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, it's Wellness Wednesday, people. It is sponsify our good friends de herbs. Right after this you're listening to show well guys. So much is going on now with social distancing and virtual everything, so it's very important that we keep our minds our bodies and our souls in a positive place. Okay, we can do that from the inside out. And today we're going to tell you how to clear your mind and your body with the only full body cleans you'll ever hear me talking about. And that's the God's honest truth. It is the De Herbs full body cleans And joining us right now is the CEO, the president all of that of De Herbs. Please welcome to the show, our friend, our family member, A D. Dolphins. Yeah. I learned from Steve. He's the best. You know that, absolutely, Ay D welcome back. You know we love having you. Um, let's start up by this. Have you noticed that people have changed the way they're cleansing right now? Have you noticed that? Absolutely, Shirley. What's going on is people are doing two and three cleanses back to back to to because of the fact that, to be honest, pandemic they're calling it the pandemic fifteen where you gain fifteen pounds, But to be honest, people are gaining twenty five and thirty and they're looking for relief and they're cleansing back to back to back to try to get that weight off. Oh. So that's what's changed. They're not just doing it one time. And and we're all living proof because we've all done the cleans. It does get the weight off, it really does. Yeah, it's a lot in there. That's why you gotta keep doing it. It's a lot in there right now. I'm on it. I'm on it right now too. And Steve had to do it. When I came out of Africa, I called a D. I went to La for a day, picked my wife up and ask a D and he dropped one off at the hotel for me. I should appreciate it, brother, I'm lying down so far. There you go. And you know what gets you to that twenty? That chalcole see that charcoal gets you to that twenty. I know it looked triful. It looked like you you don't want to try get it in right. So, so, I mean, you've heard two testimonies from Steve and Tommy right now. So we know that the Dearb's Full body cleanses the way to go. So we got to ask you, business must be just crazy right now? Surely it is. People are actually realizing their health is their wealth and doing the Dear full body cleans, they're seeing results like weight loss between ten to thirty pounds, a huge boosey energy, stronger immune system. We already know how important that is. Right now, just trying to get your body where it needs to be because that's your last line of defense. And then also clearer skin. You'll be able to focus and concentrate a whole lot better just doing the cleans. To be honest, it's gonna make you safer. What I mean by that is that people have to understand that their last line of defense is their immune system. They're already talking. You know, you gotta have this distance. When you eat, you don't need a man, but when you go over here in the restaurant, you need a man. They don't really exactly know what's going on. If you notice, the rules are constantly changing. So I just want to make sure that people are understanding that your last line of defense is you putting forth the effort take getting your body to a help your plate. Wow, that's the goal. And you can eat on this cleanse That is the best part. You know, I'm on it, and that is the thing that's different from a lot of cleans. You can eat, But the cleanrance part really does work all right. This offer is only for our audience by using the promo code radio that is a letter d Herbs dot com promo code radio, or you can simply call eight sixty six four d Herbs. That's eight sixty six the number four D Herbs, the de Herbs full body cleans. You heard it. It'll flush out those toxins that are dragging you down and we'll have you looking and feeling better than you have in a really long time. Trust me, I've done it. We've all done it. So go to Derbs dot com right now and get a nice discount and check out a D We love you. We thank man for dtail boxing us and getting us right. Yeah, man, I really appreciate it. Man, Thank you dogging after anything for you guys. I love you guys. Have a wonderful day. Thank you you too. Coming up next, the nephew is here with the frank phone call. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject she's getting more than money from him. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us in f you're not graduating. I hate to be the bear of bad news. You are not graduating. Always goad. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a trava please this hamble of this. This is my name is Joseph work over Student Affairs. How are you doing today? I'm good? How are you? I'm good? Listen, you're supposed to be um. This is your fifth year here at the university. You're graduating and in the next seven eight days? Am I right? Yes? There at this joint Okay, listen, I'm giving you a call. We got a bit of a problem here that we want to try and discuss with you, and maybe we can get you over at student Affairs and come in and have a meeting with us. But we wanted to bring it to your attention now. You took a one of your last subjects was English, uh, and you had an English exam with a You guys are writing an essay? Am I am? I am? I correct about that? Yeah? Yeah, that's true. Okay, see that we got some problems here that the professor there is actually a senior meeting that you may have cheated on this on this essay that you've actually written cheated. No, I mean from from what he's telling us here at Student Affairs is that you may have plagiarized some things that uh that we're in your essay. Dude, No, I didn't. I didn't plagiarize nothing that was in the essay. Everything is documented like it should be, So I don't know what you're talking about, especially cheating on no exam or no paper nothing like that. You must got me mixed up with somebody else. No, no, no, not at all. You're actually mister Travan. Correct. I mean that's me. But I didn't cheat on no exam. But that matter. Okay, Well, let me let me try to bring you up to speed here at Travan. What we're gonna need is we're gonna need you to actually come in and talk to us over here at Student Affairs so we can try to get this thing rectified. But I will let you know, it's gonna take a few more days longer than graduation. So as of right now, you're actually not gonna be walking uh and graduating with the rest of the students. Man, dude, man, you got me messed up. What's what do you mean I'm not gonna be walking well, until we get this situation rectified here, you're not gonna be graduating with the rest of the students now, Dot. I don't know what you gotta do, but y'all need to figure it out or find out what the problem. Man. I ain't cheat on no exam there you're talking about. Dude. My family is coming down here, and you're talking about cheating on an English exam. They look like cheating on an example. And I'm getting ready to graduate. Man, Now, y'all need to fix it, like right now, like today while we're on the phone. We can't do that. It's a little it's a sensitive subject and like I said, it seems like it's plagiarism. You know, if we can get you to actually come over the student affairs next wednesday, man, Man, you got me, So what do you mean next wednesday? Dude, I'm graduating in a few days. Think you saw about next wednesday? Man, why don't my professor didn't give me a call? Why are you calling me, sir? This is not something that professors actually take care of. This is a student affair situation now, and it's a very sensitive situation. And what we want to do is try to get this thing taken care of. And if you if what you're saying is actually true, then you're probably graduating. Man, got me. I'm telling you writing that this is a you got me? August. I'm graduating. This to met to me here too long to go through some my last few weeks school and you talk about August. I ain't even right here, man. You didn't even time to hear what you got to say. Man, my family is coming down here from everywhere to see me graduate. Now I'm the first to graduate from my family. You talk about some tut about my cheat on the paper, a paper due a paper? Man, you come here, Man, I'm gonna work two and three to see me through the school and now I'm coming getting rid of to graduate, and you're talking about how to wait until August a graduate. Man. Hell no, I'm on my way to the office right now. And you can tell whoever the professor is, that I'm on my way and he needs to be there too, Sir. I can really tell you that we can try and get this thing rectified and earlier the next Wednesday. Man, what's your name again? And where's where's your office? I'm in Josh. Okay, okay, okay, okay. So I'm about to get in my car right now, and I'm about to come over there, and we're gonna handle it today. And how are you singing to me cheating on the exam paper? Man? Is that sing is the professor? Maslagiarism? Here? Are you kidding me? Do I've been in five Yes, I'm the first lay to graduate from Commers. Man, my grandma is eighty two? He is old? Is she coming in and see me graduate? And you're telling me about teen on the papers? And I got away to all get a graduates. Man, Man, you tell the professor to come to your office right now, because I'm already in my car on my way to come to your office. And we're gonna handing this today, said man, you got me. I don't have any more room or my schedule to actually pull anybody in today or you're gonna call me with a like this, So you ain't got room in your schedule. Man, Hell now, miss missile whatever your name is, I'm on my way to your office room, and I tell you, I gonna tell you, and I'm telling you up front it's gonna be a problem. I ain't graduating in a few days. You got to deal with me. You got to deal with my family and my mama. Where donna play this thing? You got a start, sir, I understand. Is there a possibility that maybe you plagiarize and didn't know that you did that? You mean the paper was off? Ahead? And now, sir? Can I can? I? Can? I tell you one more thing and then and then all that? I can't tell you, man, you're not ready to call me with somebody. I can't graduate with my class as I didn't been this for five years, the second path and sun in my top and you're telling me I can't graduate until August. You ain't got to tell me. I do have one more thing I need to tell you, and then I'll let you be on your way. Okay, man, go ahead? Are can I tell you what I want to tell you? Do? Go ahead? I'm telling you this. It was nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank phone called by your best Frian Brian? What hello? Man? Do somebody gonna I'm playing jokes like that? Dude? Man? Do you know how hard I get out this? Five years? Five years? Man? I'm you are the first black male and your family to graduate from college. You're doing a big boy man. I know, man, it's been a journey. Bro. I got one more thing. Ask your baby, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, it's that Steve Harvey Morning Show? Terrible? Yeah that was you? Did you know? Halfway through it? I felt bad, you know what I'm saying. I felt how big of you? But I kept on. But I kept going because you can't, said, let nothing standing in the weight of the prank. I'm sorry, you just can't. You can't let your feelings and emotions get out up down. You know. I even started crying a little bit. I had to put it on pause and cry a little bit, but I got on rap back in there. Hey you're not graduate. I'm sorry. I really felt him in my heart. Yeah him. Man, he's the first black graduation of his family man from college. Man, I've been here two damn low with grandmother eight. Come on, you know she's been waiting this time to see this grand baby graduate. Oh so sweet. See you know what he now, you know what he he feels it a little bit more now you understand what I'm saying it just it's in now, it's it's been a real cold hearted Yeah, you can't. Well, let me fix this. Congratulations on the graduation to the entire family. Okay, Tommy was just play. Okay, Grandmama, I'm just playing baby. Okay, he gone, he Gonne walk, he Gonne walk. Whole family gonna jump on you man, Grandmama. Now bring him over here. Hey, let me put this out there. It's a Thomas Miles Weekend in my hometown, Houston, Texas. This is where my Miles up giving We're giving back the wounded veterans. Where also I got my birth day bash on Sunday night, Thomas Miles Birthday Bash fundraising. You don't want to miss it out a golf tournament that is completely sold out on Monday. So yeah, it's the Thomas Miles Weekend in Ahetown. Yea, yea. Appreciate that, right, congratul nephew. All right, more information go to Miles a Given dot org if you want more information Miles A Given dot or thank you, nephew, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour. It is that strawberry letter. She's getting more than money from him. We'll get into it. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Let it Thank you, nephew. Subject she's getting more than money from him. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty one year old man and I have a wife, but I haven't lived with her in four years. It's a long story, but I'll try to make it brief. Four years ago, my cousin had a bad divorce and he needed somewhere to stay, so my wife and I let him rent one of our side of a duplex we own. I made him promise to be respectful to my older tenant that shared the duplex with him, because she's a Christian woman that loves peace and quiet. He moved in and in less than two weeks, the old lady called me to complain about sex noises coming from his side of the duplex. I talked to my cousin and asked him to knock it off. I worked full time, so my wife manages our three properties and collects the rent. But I'm the only one the old lady will talk to. She's never liked my wife, and one evening, i'd stopped by the duplex to put some reflective numbers on the old lady's side of the duplex because she said her girlfriends couldn't find her house at night. I pulled up and my wife's car was parked in the side yard out of plane view. I knocked on my cousin's door several times and there was no answer. The old lady came out of her door, and she told me that they can't hear me knocking because they're in there having sex and making a bunch of noise. I told her that I think it's my wife in there, and she reminded me that she has never liked my wife, and then said this must be why. She told me that the car is always over there, so my wife is coming by for more than the rent money. I broke the window and I got in there and tried to body slam my cousin. My wife moved out of our house and into the raggedy duplex with my cousin. It's been four years and they're still together. I still can't get over it. How could they do this to me? Well, because some people who just low down and evil. You know, you may still be married on paper, but you don't have a wife. You may as well let that go because she let it go a long time ago. She left you then way back, and we can't pick our relatives, so he's gonna be your trifling cousin forever. My advice to you is to first get a divorce, because clearly this marriage is over. It's been four years. The next thing I would do is put them out of the duplex. Put him out. It's been four years. Your cousin should be able to get his own place by now. He shouldn't be living off you anyway. I mean, you said you can't get over it, but you're gonna have to. You're gonna have to move on with your life. I mean, life does go on. Try to get back out there. You know, if you have friends, you can hang out with them to ease back into the dating scene. I know you're fifty one. I know that. Um, but but that's okay. You can ask a friend out for lunch, you know, or for drinks. You gotta start going to like get togethers and stuff like that, barbecues, church events, comedy shows. Tommy aren't you? Aren't you touring? Now? Right? You can go see Tommy he's touring again. Yeah, you know, you gotta do things to get yourself out there. And the more you get out there, the easy it's going to be to get over your faithful, tricky, tricky tricky wife. Steve, all boys matter right here is major league disappointing to me. She's getting more than money from him. Now here's a fifty year old guy, he says, And I have a wife, but I ain't live with her in four years. Well, you can quit calling her your wife. Foeyes, pree any pretty, we passed a point of fixing four years. We did this overdog. Your cousin had a bad divorce and he needed somewhere to stay, which means she took him to the cleaners. So he ain't got nothing. So your wife let him rent or duplex, and then you promised to be respectful of the older tenant that you share a deep duplex with Christian moment, she liked peace and quiet. After two weeks, the lady called to complain about sex noises coming from his side of the deep duplex. So you went in there and you talked to the dude, told him to cut it out. You weren't full time, so your wife manages the three properties and collects the rent. But I'm the only person that the old lady would talk to. She's never liked my wife. This is very important information as we go forward in this letter. The old lady knew something soon as she met her. All women can pick up on trifling this in a young woman. See one thing about women, y'all. Women know each other. Women can fool us men, but they can't fool each other. Girl, girl, girl, I know that I've seen this movie before. I know this whole scene. What you're doing. Women know. Margie will spot some stuff that I would never even dream of looking at it. She tripping. So the old lady knew something. One evening, stopped by the dplex. Put some reflective numbers on the old ladies house coasting. They can't find her house at night because they're old. You pull up in the wife's car parked on the other side or out of plane view. So you knocked on your cousin doing and what no answer? The old lady came out of doing, told me they can't hear you knocking because they are not having sex and making a bunch of noise. Well, I told her, I think that's my wife in there. She reminded me I have never liked her. Now she and that bringing your cousin. You need to get the bust and windows or something. All right, Steve, hold on, hold that thought. Okay, we'll have part two of your response at twenty three minutes after be our strawberry letter for today, she's getting more than money from him. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject she's getting more than money from him. Well, I'm gonna recap this letter and then we're gonna do a liver reenactment. Okay, Shirley is gonna be the woman. Oh, Tommy gonna be the guy. Tommy, Tommy, you know, try for he got that. Tommy's gonna be the trifling cum Shirley. You're gonna be the woman that's in the house that's been collecting the rent. I'm gonna be then old lady next dough, sister, Old Dale, stay next dough. So here we go. A fifty one year old man then rented out his place to his cousin, told him be respectful as an old lady live next dough, but the old lady only talks to him because the old lady don't like his wife, who controls the three properties and collects all the rent. Well, two weeks into the cousin moving in there at the lady calling complaining about loud sex noises coming by. The guy goes over that one night to change the reflective lightness on her address so her people can see her address at night. He get over there and the lady come out complaining again. Tom Mont of some people in here having loud sex noises were He noticed his wife's cars in the dryway out of playing view, so he said, wait a minute, that ain't that's my wife in there. The lady said, I told you that I did not like hug. Now she ain't here banging your cousin and you standing out here. So now she told me that the car was always over there. So now my wife coming over from mold and rent money. So I broke the window and got in there and tried to body slam my cousin. So I don't understand this part of the letter. See if you broke the window and you tried to body slam your cousin. See, once I break the window, it's unfinished business. That's just the beginning. Breaking the window is a prelude me breaking your ass. Seein, Yeah, we ain't got to that check. But if I broke this wind that stepped in here and cutting my back of my thigh on this glass because you got to climb through that window, you're gonna cut your leg. Yeah, And he howled one. Yeah, he can't get to no one. Yeah. So my wife moved out of our house, and then too the raggedy dude plector my cousin. It's been four years and they still together. I still can't go over it, and how I still can't get over how they do this to me, How they did it, How they did it easy? They both tried, especially your wife. But why you hanging around? She don't want you, and she don't deserve you. Now I'm understanding. What is it? You can't get over It's over. Everything's over except you though. It's four years. So now here we go. Here's the re enactment. Shirley, you in the house with the man. I'm the old ladies sister, old Dale estate next door. Tommy, you the dude that's looking for your wife when they got cheated up. Okay, that's one that got cheated on. So is your overhill? Hello? Hello, oh hey, hey, how you doing my hold on? Shelly? I'm talking Tommy then came over to the house, so let me talk to Commy. We ain't bought you in you you in the house. You ain't got nothing to say right now? You busy, You ain't never making noise. Hey, miss Fraser, what do you want me to put the reflectives are? So I can put him on his foot? I want you to put it in there cracking this dough to stop some of this racket in him. It's some people in there having sakes. Who and who got hauling in there with him with him? I don't who car the driveway that's my wife. That's my wife's car right there, that's that's Joe that's joe Anne car right there, joe Anne, that's my wife car. Well, well, well I told you I never liked a little hustle health anywhere. Why that's joe Hellen that damn now, I don't you tell me who once it is? She sounded all hard and ball that I've been hitting five hours, Joanne? What is you asking Joe Anne for? You know it's hugs? Your wife? Joe Anne? Shut up your two damn loud in the skin, Marcus, I'm smuck mors. You calling Marcus phone? That's money? Keep calling it people. Watch you bust the one down with your stupid ass standing out here talking about Marcus and joe Anne. You think I'm gonna cut myself if I breaking one of you think'na cut myself doing? Don't you think they aren't there cutting? Sound like somebody getting sliced up? Pretty good to me, all right, all right, one the two three? Joey? What what's calling on you? Huh? You heard him? Marcus mark Im I swam, I'm gonna try, Tom, I'm gonna try to body slam your ass market I swam in. What is all this trying? When his ash Wooden gonna star? What is we in here trying fall? You hit this half in here breathing all what is your way? Now? I'm fishing, try I swam, I'm gonna try to body slam your ass and just am just I'm uping to try body slam your We gotta go. You ain't in here trying to do post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey. When we come back, we're gonna continue to reenact me. Look at me, Joey too, look at you. Look at her, she naked. We'll be back right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back with part three of the Strawberry Letter. You know, sometimes it's so good we have to do more than two parts. Let me set up to re enact. Men. What happened was a fifty one year old man let his cousin stay in his house. The wife handles the properties for her and her husband and this Christian woman that shares the deep duplex. The husband told his cousin, don't make no noise because she's a Christian woman. She liked nice and quiet. Two weeks into it, a lot of sex noise coming from the house. The old lady calls over and reports it. He goes over to the house to change the address. One night he sees his wife's cap in the driveway and he knocking on the door to see where she in there. The old lady come out and said, they can't hear you knocking because they in the making sex noises. He said, well, I think that's my wife in Now, well, the old lady going, I told you I didn't like that, healther, And so now the reenactment began. Shirley is the woman, Joe Anne that's in the house. Marcus is the trifling cousin Tommy he the husband husband in here. And since the old dal stay next door, so now here we go, and we on the porch and let's go. Or Eugene is knocking on the door. Joe, it's her, Marcus, it's him. Where me? She got the people's right, Marcus DeAndre Daniels, I know you ain't in there with my wife. Marcus and Joe and the hussy. I'm gonna bust this one. I'm telling you for the bust this wind. The fitness fit in the shit the water was ya'll weighting on you to do something? Two through who would have had Joe and damn it, Buster, what is your weight now on your see you would here naked? Joey Uh, she just ain't got no clothes off? Why Joe Aunt? Why is you naked? Joe Aunt? I'm not naked. I got clothes on. Babycting the rent. I'm gonna try to body slam you. Marcould you hit me? Track? Track track doesn't sound like they was in that trying. Sound like somebody was getting something accomplished. It's been a half marked, it's been to halp right here right when it go down right here? No wonder she over here by you, Gene. I'm with Marcus now, baby, bye, see you for years. All right, we'll leve more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we talked to you guys about this earlier. Real Housewives of Atlanta star Porsche Williams is trending majorly these days because she announced yesterday that she is engaged to her friends soon to be ex husband, Simon. Porsche announced that she and Simon have only been dating for a month. That's okay, though, because they are crazy in love and now engaged. Sometimes you know, you just know it doesn't take long. It's a month and you're crazy in love. Yeah, her friend is in the process of finalizing her divorce from her husband of two years, and Porsche says she has nothing to do with that. That's between the two of them. Her friend Fallon, who came on the show Real Housewives of Atlanta as a friend of Porsche's. So the question is, and Porsche said they weren't friends by the way, Porsche said, she is not my friend the show. Yeah right, but yeah, but that's not what it appeared that that was her friend and that she was going over her friend's house, and that she was going swimming over her friend's house and he was there. Her friend's husband was there at the time. So now you are dating this man and dating him from Gay and now you're in Gay but where he saw all that getting into pool? Yes, that one is beautiful too though. Yeah. So so our question is, did Porsche break the girl code never go after your friend's X. Oh and you know what, there's another rumor that she might be pregnant too. There's in that room. Well, Porsche, Yeah, it's a last for thirty days. You hit me, you hit me X. There's a rumor that she might be pregnant. Yeah, but you know sometimes sometimes all is fair in love and ward they say, if he's rich and this guy's rich, So I don't know. I think the money had a lot to do with the two and the fact that didn't you say earlier she's doing a show about this, Well, she's doing a show about her life. So they're saying she said that this had nothing to do with it. It's just the timing of it all for this to come out and then now you're getting a spin off because you know she had to spend off before about her having her baby. But I just think it's just you know, she broke girl cold. You don't go after her friends X right like that, and their divorce is not even final a lot, I know, but poor she said again, they are not friends. That's what she said. So how she get on the show? To how do woman get on the show? And you all those reality shows, sometimes they just made her friends. They do that. Sometimes they do that. They'll introduce this person as a friend, bring her in, it's her friend. But in this case, I know it's been going on lower than thirty days that ain't not that's A and b J. That's that's stupid. Friend. We're talking about girl code. Do you guys have a man code like with one of you guys? Absolutely Mary, one of your friend's wife, if your friend wife, No, not at all. So that say code and girl cold cross the board, the marriage code, the divorce code. Whatever. Still go back to my part of time, had man me get together? Now that sounds like no, you can't do that though, Plus every time you see me when you did that, I mean, I mean, you know with me, and it's just not safe. It's just not safe because men's reaction can also times be violent. But if there's a lot of money involved, does that change the dynamic I'm asking it just becomes a more expensive ass woman, that's all to do. Well, let me ask you this because she claims they weren't friends. So what if you and the guy weren't that close with y'all? You know, you have been over his house, you know, kicking it over there. Look, look, if you're not friends, that's a different thing. Well that's what she's saying. But you know, I mean once you've been over to the house. Yes, you know what I'm saying you can't. That's that's kind of shady. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I mean you was over here. You obviously saw something you liked. Why you was over here. Now you made it a point to get it. So since you got it, let me give you a little something else with it, and congratulations are in order. By the way, we'll have more Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. Well, there's a poll out that shows Americans are growing wary of social media. A new poll shows a growing majority of Americans believe social media is dividing the nation more than it brings people to other The latest NBC News national poll found that sixty four percent of Americans think social media platforms do more to tear us apart. By contrast, just twenty seven percent of all adults believe that those platforms bring us together more than sixty six percent of us use the platforms at least once a day, let's say at least once a day. That data reflects a majority among Republicans, Independents, and Democrats. Back in March of twenty nineteen, a similar poll found that fifty seven percent of Americans said social media divides us. What do you think, Steve and I don't really it's to me, it's not a lot of them. It's not a lot of great value. It's not a lot of upside. I think the downside of social media far outways the upside by a long shot, because it's so much intended. Yeah, it's so much intended to be negative on there. Even though you can use it for some great reasons and purposes. He can be great, beneficial, but it's so much hate. I mean, those riotous all of them got coordinated, you know, with social media. The Proud Boys, all the organizations was up there using it. So yeah, I agree. I just think I just think, yeah, I think it's used to harm being good. Yeah, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for ask the ClOH This one is from Kim in Detroit. Kim writes, I need your honest opinion about my man. I'm not an insecure woman at all, so I don't mind that my boyfriend works in the sex industry. In fact, I met him at the swingers club that he works in. I just happened to go to the club Saturday night without telling him I was coming, and I walked up on him kissing a email at the bar. He turned bright red when he saw me. He said, it's part of his job as bartender to entice women to get more drinks. Is it wrong to get mad if he's swinging at work without me knowing it? Why yellow you in the relationship with a dude that you met at the swingers club? Let me ask you something. When you met him at the swingers club, wasn't he in there swinging? So? I don't give a damn if he do work there. If you work there, you are swinger. Ain't nobody that knows swingers club watching all this activity going and you ain't trying to participate. They don't pay this dude let the bar to kiss women to get him to buy more drinks. You ain't got to do that at the swingers club? Who? And they ain't drinking? Who at the swingers club ain't kissing? Everybody in there kissing and drinking? That's what you're going hope that lead to mo I don't even understand what you're talking about? Am I wrong forgetting mad at your man swinging without telling me he was in that swinging for you? Mat him. I don't give a damn what his job is. Why would you get the job at the swingers club? Take it to because had to do? If you wasn't interested in swinging, You work at the strip club because you like stripples. Okay. Ain't nobody going down the Magic City talking my man? Hey, you got any openings of for anybody wanted to fry broccoli? D ain't what you're dying there for, though, So come on, man, come on lady, come on. Your man is a swinger. Hey? Are you a swinger? Yes? Thank you? Swing? Swing? He swinging? Oh? I don't know what to tell you, man, And the words of my grandmama, I'm withching when you're right ahead. Moving on to Jasmine, who's a podcast listener, she says, I've been dating a man for seven months and he's really sweeting normally, but I don't know what's happened to him last weekend. He treated me to a Mother's Day dinner on Sunday and he bought the sandals I asked for the only problem is he got a size nine and I wear a seven. And later that night he did stuff he'd never done to me sexually and I didn't like it. I think he's got a big foot side piece that's freakier than I am. That nine. Come on, because he was thinking about something. What size you want? Give me a nine? If she don't want it, I got somewhere to take it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she did something to you and you ain't like it. Yeah, there's somebody else. You wear a seven and he bought a nine. Yeah, he can look at that shoe. No, that's a big difference between seventy nine. Right, coming up, it is our last break of the day on this Wednesday, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening show, all right Here we are, guys, our last break of the day on this hump day. Thanks to our remember today, Yeah, ady Dolphin always keeping us healthy, you know, telling us how to detox and and eat right. And you know he claimed us out this morning. Now that's what he did. He claimed us out. This moment. Steve's already lost nine pounds just today on this Wednesday. But you know, I just did it. Uh. I don't think I'm gonna do the whole twenty days because I just did it to detox when I came off the trip. And now that I'm back at work at Family Feud, I you know, my brain operates. I gotta have more cars, you know, I gotta have some carbs because carbs is brain fuel, you know. And I've been on these vegetables for a while now, so you know I feel better. Yes, ma'am. I had a question about Family Feud. How is it taping now this season? You know that the pandemic versus last time with celebrity Family Feud? Are you still well? At least? Now? We have an audience. We have about thirty audience members plus the family, so we're looking at about you know, fifty people, sixty fifty people out there all the time. They spread them out except for the families. They said together, but the audience members are well spread apart. They all got on man, so like, you can't tell if they're smiling, Okay, that's a little hurtful for stand up, then you can't really tell, but you know, if they and like okay, like to start the season Saturday, I had to do a COVID test. So when I pulled up on the set yesterday morning, they told me I had to do another COVID test And I said, well, Dren, what was the COVID test for Saturday? It was just Tuesday? What the hell did it happened? You ain't get the results back to Sunday. I'm at work on Tuesday. Well, we have to test every other day, and to get your cycle the same as everybody else, you have to test two days in a row. I said, that don't make no damn sense. Why don't you just test me when you test everybody else? Well, you would have had that needed another test, And they don't give a damn who you are star this show or not. Man you do we ain't got no show. We ain't feeling nothing. That's when I keep telling to let. I said, ma'am, you know I'm fascinated. I'm being careful. But if you test me and I come up positive, everybody going home, well you know we have to notify you ain't got to notify nothing. It's over. It's over. They do a really good job of precautions here. Out of Triller Studios here in Atlanta, and they're doing it really really good, y'ab old man. They above and beyond, so it's really safe. You know, we were very fortunate and last year with family feud that were zero cases contracted or contacted any whatever you want to call it, zero cases on our set. Last year swept very very fortunate in that, you know. So that's just a little bit of normalcy coming back. You got your audience, and yeah, that's cool. Cool. I mean, you know it's helpful, you know, because it's it's hard, man, I'm telling it's hard being funny with no audience. Yeah, mask oh man, yes, sir. I look at Late Night TV nine completely different because you know, they don't have an audience and they in there trying to in their living room, trying to get it, and I'm like, God, an audience bad. You know, it's ugly certain days though. You been seeing them slowly but surely getting back into the studio, but still get audiences part of it. Huh you got you need that energy, That's what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Did you ever think it's important? Did you ever think as a comedian, guys, that it would be like this, that you would perform without an audience. I never I never thought I'd go to that drought we went to that long No. I mean that's an almost unthinkable that that we would be forced to perform with no audiences. That that's unthinkable, because that's the very reason why you do it. Yeah, you thrive off of it. Got to have it. Yeah, we get well, all right, we're getting back Yeah, slowly, but surely Tommy's on sure, m I'm sure Junior, you'll be getting back on oh in the middle of the summer. Yeah, and exclamations for mm hmm. Yeah, so we can get back to that's going to see folks perform live. And you know how I want to go to this? Yeah? Me too. You want to be entertained, man, I want to see somebody live with some good music. Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, who would you want it? Well, I mean that's obvious Joe to see. But that's who Junior I want to say. I mean, well, sure, I can't see them. They're not getting back out of the road again. You don't think they're gonna get back to you. When you when you heard Joe he was coming to Atlanta, when you heard it, anywhere I'm buying tickets. Baby, it'll be to step over and sit down somewhere to stop. Well, now, twelve to fifteen year olds can get their vaccination, so we could reach that herd immunity if they I asked my daughter, she's thirteen. I asked her that she wanted to get in saying to say yes. She says she believes in science. She believes in it. And you know they want. You know, we don't know what it's like to go to school with mask on, not to do all of the things. You know, they look at it different. A lot of people are not comfortable letting their kids get yes. I understand that too. I understand that. I understand I can't walk you to your locker. Well, let's see y'all. Y'all have a great day. Talk to God. Everybody'd love to hear from you. We'll see y'all. The Monk for all Steve every contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Streame Harday Morning Show.