Gambling maybe legalized in a dozen more cities. Tommy's Mother Kate checks in to talk about Tommy. The Strawberry Letter is the longest in history. Cardi B. fires back and Taraji P. Henson is taken! The Closing Remarks tells us to always be ourselves and more.

Published May 15, 2018, 11:33 PM

Gambling is starting to gain more traction. Fool #1's mom Kate calls in regarding his mother's day gift. Today's Strawberry Letter is the longest in history. Cardi B. and Taraji P. Henson are in Entertainment News. The Closing Remarks goes into the importance of making good use of your time and more!

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know y'all baby have all long looking back to back down, giving them bung just like theming buck bus things. And it's cos y'all to me true good to be the hardy listening to move toach other for stoar hand to honey, why don't you join ya? Join me in doing me? Honey? Say you got to turn? Yeah, you're going to do you go, you gotta turn, you to turn turn? You love me? Got to turn out to turn water want to go? Come come on your back at uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show? Man. I love it when I run up into people and they say that to me. They say, hey, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Then they wink at me. I know they're listening. You know. I got a lot off my chest yesterday. I wanted to clear some things up. And I appreciate y'all giving me a minute, because sometimes you know, you just gotta say some things out loud. Not complaining, but hey, just verbalizing, but realizing that I gotta keep going anyway. And that's for my words this morning to you that I want you to keep pushing no matter what happens. I want to share something with you that's important, that's very very important. See, you have to give God something to bless You know, if your prayer is asking for God's blessings, you gotta give him something to work with. Now, you know, you you you gotta show the spirit of appreciation or gratitude. You gotta let him know that you're in it for the long haul. No matter what happens. Don't turn around, don't go back. You will never ever see what the end could be if you turn around and go back, You'll never know what the end could have been had you stuck it out. You'll never know how good it could have gotten had you not just weathered the storm. That's the thing that gets most people. They get tough for him, It get hard for him, and then they let doubts set in, and then those doubts become facts and the next thing you know, they give up. Ever cross your mind, had you not given up, or had you given your best, what the results of outcome could have been. I look back on my life on so many occasions where in college, I wasn't giving my best. I flunked out. Now it's easy to look at my life nine go yeah, but look at you now. But back then, man, it cost me for so many years that failing to finish, that not giving my all, it cost me a number of years. I wish I could say that it didn't mean nothing, that it was just a blimp on the radar screen screen, But at the time it was major. And so you have a lot of decisions in your life that are happening now. You may be in your twenties, your late teens, you could be in your early thirties, and it is happening. But guess what you'll eventually get through it provided one thing, you never give up. You never turn around and go back. Had I written myself off because of one failure? See, and this is where so many people go but go wrong at two. You write yourself off after you failed at something, the one thing you thought you wanted to accomplish and you failed at it. Now you write yourself as as a failure. Now you go settle on end to life and just see what See what hand you get had when I flunked out of college, had I written myself off as a failure. I wouldn't be here today. When I lost my carpet cleaning company, I would have written myself as a failure. And I wouldn't be here today. When I didn't become my diamond distributed in am Way or a direct distributed in am Way, even I would have ridden myself as a as a failure and I wouldn't be here today. When I bought a distribution kit to become a distributor of of the Bohemian Diet and I didn't make it, I would have ridden myself as a failure. When I became an Hero Williams distributor and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure and I wouldn't be here today. Oh, I gotta list for you. When I got laid off it for a motor company and I ridden myself as a failure, I wouldn't have made it, DoD, Do you need some more? Because I have a story feel with mishaps. I have a story feel with failures. A couple of things now, the grace of God and his mercy which is available to us all. See that's the key, y'all. Because of his mercy because of his willingness to forgive and to even understand why we do the things we do. In all of my shortcomings, failed marriages I'm talking about, man got it all wrong. I can't blame nobody else. It's just me, Steve ain't have it together at that point in life. I could have ridden myself as a failure the first time. I could have. I just could have gave up on it after the second one. And and please know that this is an admission. This ain't bragging. So before you start in with me, understand what I'm saying. I'm pointing out in my life a series of missteps and failures. But how I still get here today a couple of things. God's grace and mercy is first. But that's the key, that's for everybody see if it's God's willingness to forgive you and God's understanding of why we do what we do because He said we wasn't gonna be perfect. So in all of your imperfections, your creator told you you would not be perfect. He said it to you. It's out there. I don't care which one of the books you read, it tells you that. So guess what With that in mind, He has a grace that he has. It's like a grace period. It's like when you don't pay your insurance premium on the day that is due. The next day, they don't just cancel your insurance premium. They have a grace period because they ain't trying to stop this money from coming in. But when it comes to God, there's no money required. He just gives you the grace freely. It don't cost you nothing. So you got tap into that, y'all. You gotta get in touch with that, because that's an important part to making it. Understanding that his grace is available. So when you make a mistake, So when you fail at it, he has a loophole in the contract with him that allows you to make mistakes, that allows you to get it wrong, that allows you to fail time and time and time again. But if you never give up, if you keep getting up, if you keep trying, if you keep striving, if you keep making the effort to go forward and not go back, God has a blessing for you, and He has it in abundance for you, and God will give it to you at the right time. But you got to be ready. Oh, I wanted to be successful but if he had given it to me back then I wouldn't have handled it correctly because I would have made some more mistakes along the way. So you make the mistakes to learn the lessons. And what I learned was every failure that I had was not a really a failure, It was a valuable gained learned experience. And when you get experienced, man, you gain knowledge, knowledge and wisdom. Next thing, you know, you ready for the next time. And then after a while, when you failed enough times at it and you've gotten it wrong and you've made the adjustments as to the person you are, because everybody different, then guess what. Here he comes. Okay, I see you get it. Now, let me go and get you to see how you do that. Then if you show appreciation for it, then he said, all right, I'm gonna add this to your pie. Let me see how you act with it. Okay, you sure appreciation. You help some people with it. Then he dump a little bit more on you. Then next thing you know, it's it's in buckets, fools. You you're just raining on you, you're just dropping it in that you just log Man, God, I've been good to me. I ain't gonna lie to you. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, listen to me. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's open now, it's live, it's vivid color, it's ignorant, it's appealing, it's up. No, it's it's what they call it's uh. What's this word? That um man? The guy to Chicago that was a program director for years, el Roy el Roy Smith, one of the great program directors of all time around this country. He taught me radio. He really did. I owe my career to l Roy Smith. He's the first Werson believed him. Him and Marv Dyson. They believed in me in in Chicago at w g C I, and that got me started when everybody else said in no way. But you know what l Ray Smith taught me one thing to always be on Railly Radio. Be compelling. People want to hear what you have to say. And Doug gunn It, I'm compelling. Welcome to the compelling Steve Harvey Morning Showing. All thanks to two black news ever run Smith and Marb Dison. Now, mob, don't don't mean you can call me and asked me for nothing. Let's put that note out there. Dear Mob, don't call me through Sherley, Shelly, don't act like he don't. Don't call me through Shelly asking for nothing. I just complimented you as one of the great radio me and of all time and all you and l Roy Smith and Dead of Grant compliments don't mean a favor. No, they turned into it. So Mob dis and I love you boy wherever you are. What is MOB doing? No, Shually, I'm chilling with his family, getting ready to move back to the city and joined life. He deserved it. He worked, smart guy, smart guy, l Roy Smith, San Francisco, Francisco, l Roy dogging here on the stage. That took us all ye, okay, Well take back everything I said. You took us offside back what I said about you before he got there, since you was made before he got there. Okay, everything I said it is back on. Better be compelling. That's compelling or I am compelling because I take mine back in the heart compliment my draws, no sir read, no sir read? You do me? I do you? That's the type of Christian I asked. I'm an entry level Christian dog dog old, yeah, I'm hand for how I switched. I'm new testament old, I'm back in forth. I forgive y'all. Do you well? Which one you want to be? I keep my brother but yeah, my brothers keeping. But yeah, yeah, that's compelling radio. Thank you, Errol Roy Morning, Charley quickly, Hey, good morning, Steven, call it quickly, Good morning, Junior, quickly, food quickly. Oh yeah, King of Pranks and Food. We have a great show today. We're going to be compelling. Something funny that's coming up. It's gonna be it's gonna be compelling, compelling. I don't know what it is, but it's gonna be compelling. That's how compelling it is. We don't even know what it is. I have a story about gambling for you. Steve. You're gonna like that. Yes it is. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, it's time for something funny, guys. But before we jump into something funny, the Supreme Court on Monday ruckdown a federal law barring sports gambling, in a sweeping decision that could lead to legalized sports betting in dozens of states. The Supreme Court rules six to three to strike down the professional and amateur sports Protection Act. The decision marked a defeat for the federal government and sports organizations who fought to uphold the current ban. In most states, the law had barred gambling on football, basketball, baseball, and other sports, with some exceptions like allowing people to wager on a single game only in Nevada. The Supreme Court ruling now gives states the go ahead to legalize sports betting if they want. How about that. Well, look, here's my opinion. I don't care what they do. We got a president here there's doing some stuff that really can affect our safety and welfare. People are dying because of his decisions. His decision alone to move the embassy over to drule Islam and the Palestines have a problem with that, and people would kill Yeah. Uh who say that the United States has staked their claim and put their thumb on the scale to weigh heavily in behalf of Jerusalem. Man, This is something that no other president has done in the past, because they known that it was you know, you would be end up picking aside. Well, he's picked aside. I don't even really understand it all, To be honest with you, I don't know enough about that part of the world. He no less than you know. That's what's really surprised. You don went over there and just done something no the U. S President has ever done, and it was the reason for it in the middle of the Mid East peace peace situations. Whose ass isn't more trouble than anybody else. But he gave the speech, though he did, and who wants to hear from him? Yeah? I had never heard him talk to him. He the son in law. I'd rather have at Vonka talk well. I mean, he's also one of his closest advisor, Steve. You know, Trump doesn't trust too many people, so he keeps family close by him. He really does. How didn't think of something funny to go to Jerusalem? Twit? Now, it's alright because you know we're talking about gambling gambling. Were talking gamble because you guys like to gamble. I know you, Yeah, you gamble. But I don't bet on games hardly ever. No, I'm not. I'm not a horse track. I don't do games and oh no, I might bet on boxing every nine and then, but that's the every blue move and Mayweather fighting. I'm betting straight be dog. I don't want all them. I don't know I bet on Mayweather every time he's ever fount. I put my money on mey Weather money. Yeah, I don't want that. I ain't that good. You know That's what I was gonna say to you five too. You know, you bet five dollars, you win to you get your five back plus two something like that. Ain't no big odds. But you know I win something I ain't never better getting now he out, I'm through betting. Yeah, I'm not betting on G three and I don't even know them. Carnello Carnello eating badass meat in Mexico. He can't pass a damn drug, blaming it on the meat. But I'm scared to go to Mexico and eat the meeting. Now, I'd probably go to Mexico and eat on the meat. I can't come back and look like that. Oh yeah, some of that Mexico meet that partner. Give me some of the extra meat on my tacos pack. I want a double burrito. I want the same meat. Cannello, I come back with that chifs and that body what you've been eating mad Mexican meat. Shoa got my shirt off taking another picture Phil Boat, but both body ready for the Mexico, that me come back in here and KP and nobody comes. But see if I'm really surprised. I thought you would definitely bet on your beloved Cavaliers or Browns. Yeah no him, No, I'm I'm really shocked right now. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, not just for trash talking. I ain't betting nothing on the Browns. Damn quote. I've been on the calves on the Browns. No him, not even five dollars. I had all my money on the on the calves were the Raptors if I had a bet, but I was just talking trade. Now looking now, they down one already, but don't mean nothing. But but you not the Browns. It out nohing even after the after the draft. No, I ain't even gonna bet on that, not even have to dry. I got to see what they play. They got same coach. You on how you got the same coach and one time and get players and you get new players and he did him the do the same thing he tell me to do. Would you bet on what uniform they're gonna play? Would you bet on that? I can't bet on nothing. I can't about nothing with the Browns. All I'm doing is Chi. Now I'm cheering from how does he keep his job? He got something on the owner? He got he gottes of the owner somewhere. Strip caught him in a father. Hey dog, Nobody in pro football goes one and thirty one. You can keep playing keeping that's one game in two years. In no sports, you get messed up on any job thirty two times and still keep your job. Mess you the weather man. Now the weather man can be wrong wrong every you know his ass gonna be out to the office. Please don mail to the office. How you miss a hurricane? There? My car is out in the ocean because you'll have talking about partly cloud and I got lava on on my front board. You didn't see that. Danniel has got all the news wrong. Two earthquakes in Hawaii to two Danielle, what is your report? I didn't see him Famin the volcano, Darnell n the ocean. To hear you talking about Parley Clowney my hand. Yeah, you like to see me, daniel in the little tight as. What's the problem. The one that quit fitting about four years ago is crying? All right, we gotta get out of here, guys. But darnel. Okay, coming up next, it's the nephew and run that brank back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment news. Cardi B has deleted her Instagram account. Will tell you why. Teraji p Henson, our girl is off the market. We'll talk about that as well, but right now, uh uh, it's time to run that prank back. Sleeping security to God, sleeping secure. He ain't sleep. I am on this one, scaredy boath man, help you. Hey, uh this circuit, this stuff I can barely hear. Is this is this a security booth down by the by the gate? Yes, sir, this security booth. Yeah. Listen, man, it's some people next door to me. They keep I'm here in a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on, but I ain't you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know I'm heard this lady scream or something. Man, but I just okay, sorry, you can give us the unit number that you're in. We could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, sir um Hello, yeah, okay, yeah, I gotta I gotta sleep in this auto. Man. So I'm honestly. People next door to me, man, they was, I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just I didn't want nobody to, you know, start not nothing, because I know they was aging pretty pretty heavily. Then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting. I hear, I understand, Sorry, what what unit are unions? Hello, sir? Are you there? Hello? Hello, hello, Yes, I'm here. Are you okay? You're security guy? Right, yes, sir. You called us about ten minutes ago and we've been trying to find out with unit you well, yeah, man, the people up here, man, they are and I'll be I'm hearing mold people over that now. And they're fighting. Man, I know I'm here too. It's gotta be too mean. And they're fighting this lady over but tell me, sir, here some kids over that to it. Sir. We need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, hello, sir, Hello, Hello hello sir. Hey, hey, look I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. If you please give me your unit number over that the argument man. I know, yes, you have said that they don't argument. I heard you when you said that they will arguing, sir. If you just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number. You hear the no it's coming from, we could have somebody to come over there and check that out immediately. So what the unit number? Are you in? Again? Sir? Hello, sir? Do you hear them arguments? See? Let me hear snoring. I need the unit number. Let me listen. I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear, yes, sir, but I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just on the conversation. Hello, hello, hello, Hello are you there? Yoh yeah? Oh ay man, you're checked on them people, No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the union number from you. M sir. Dude, this fall every time he gets rid of film fall? How are you go? You got to get it? Keeps following sleep? Hey man, come here, dude, this guy follows sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of them to keep falling the sleep. Hello, stir, Hello, sun, hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. He's falling asleep. Every time I asked you something, if he falls asleep. He keeps telling me that over that fight, but I don't then he won't tell me to I don't sory, I don't know you. What the would you wake up? Sleep? Hey? I got a guy on the phone and he says if they get to hear some screaming over it by his unit, but he's falling asleep. I don't can't get him, get him to tell me with the unit number. Hey, dude, come in listen to this. Listen. Hello, I'm gonna need you to wake up, sir. Sorry, could you please give me the unity? Yeah? I gotta ask you something. How come y'all all y'all do just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door and of helping people that need help like you want you shut you out? Mean you need to do your damn job. You read a cop. I'm a red I'm a red cop. Fall asleep? Give me the you ain't number? Please? I give you the number, new un number. You're ready for the unit number? Are you? Are you listening to me? Yes? Listen to you, sir. Death isn't a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got cracked by your co worker? Yeah, crazy, Yeah, this is not funny, man, This is not funny. Y'all. Got me out here walking around this complex looking for people ing and screaming and you're sleeping. Five seconds put it out? Okay, let me let me ask you something, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land Harvey Morning Show? What do you think sleep and security guard? We think you one to team? How stupid? All right? Hello, yeah, Tony, yes on it. He just needs to hear time or or it's something I do. Hey, hey, hey, what's all the beat? And just open it? You don't even ask you're confirmed? Text me with it, happily leave somebody video got to be video it, send it in and if you do video talked up and actually have somebody trying to fight me, y'all need to quit that, y'all quick. We have some we have We need to quit what You're gonna have people really running up on me trying to do something to me. Don't do that. That ain't right. You know what, man? You you you you wanted them people. It amazes me man. You you do stuff and then we tell you the ramifications and not. It's alpha to me never remembers what he did. Steve, you know that that's somebody gonna on to whoop you Are you kidding me? Yes? What do you keep talking? You see when you're talking like this, we wanted you stupid day. All right, listen coming up at the top of the hour, Cardi B and Azalea Banks they had a war of words. Wow, wait till you hear this. And Taraji p Henson is officially off the market. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all, Mom, we called my mom in the your My mom was good. I bought it. I bought u something but it ain't got that yet for Mother's Day? Really yeah, two days ago. But all right, well, I hope you. I want you to talk to her, so hurry. Let me hurry up and get to entertainment news. All right, okay, and entertainment news. Cardi B has deleted her Instagram after Azalea Banks up. They had a big beef. It was between Cardi B and Azalia So I can try to be in this, Yes, okay, okay, you got it now, No, not really, but go ahead, all right, they've never heard of today, They've reunited, reignited. I should say they're beef. After Azalia recently slammed Cardi B on a radio show interview for having bad grammar and spelling. She even called Cardi a caricature of a black woman. Hardi be responded on social media. As soon as she did, she deactivated her Instagram and made her Twitter account private. Screenshot of screenshots of Cardie's lengthy clapback letter show. She went in on Azalea, whom she claims finds joy and belittling black women like Beyonce, like Rihanna, and like Remy Mott. She then pointed out that she does speak two languages fluently and addressed Azalea's caricature comments with just because I mix a few words up, forget to use commas or misspell a few words doesn't make me illiterate and doesn't make me stupid. And because I laugh a little harder or talk a little louder doesn't make me a caricature. I like her clapback card described, I thank your card I actually did like her clap man. I just want to thank Cardie representing me out there, because lord, no, I'm all of that. You do comment, I ain't never put a comments and you laugh a little louder, and you know, hey, I don't even know where to comma at on the tight thing, got no time to find I know what him got to you. You might be getting a call from Azalia. Well, I don't know how she calm if she won't to. But just while my response is whatever Cardi be just I never heard Cardie from me before. Man, I'm seeing Cardi beat from flowers, thank you and other entertainment news. We have to say congratulations to our girl. To Raji p Henson. Yes to Raji p Henson got engaged on Mother's Day. Yes, yes, yes, Junior not surprised. Yes she fly, Oh yeah, she's beautiful. To former NFL star Kelvin Hayden to they've been dating for a while. To Rage showed up a big diamond via the Graham with a caption he started with the Cardier love bracelet, but that was my Mother's Day gift. And then he dropped to his knee and I almost passed out. I love it, love it, love it, love it so congratulations for her. Yeah, and congratulations to our another one of our faves, Gabrielle Union. Her movie Breaking In is number three at the box office right now and brought in sixteen and a half million dollars. Congratulators, Will Packer, Yeah loved it. Yeah. Breaking In is about a home invasion thriller movie about a mom saving her children from home invaders. Please go check it out if you haven't seen it. We love and we have to support our movie, so try not to see it in Negro around there's a lot of talking lots. Were there any white people in the audience. The ladies win tomorrow when they have they don't. That's what the good good, alright, Steve. One of the top stories in today's headline news as the US embassy opening in Jerusalem and the violent protests continue there on the Godza border. So please introduce ms and and we can get all caught up, laies and gentlemen. Here she is uh miss ann trip, thank you, everybody, Good morning, everybody. Yes, that is one of the top stories. The US Embassy in Israel officially moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem yesterday, to the delight of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahoo, our greatest allied Today its embassy opened here. However, Palestinians lay claimed to eastern Jerusalem and had hoped to name it the capital of any new Palestine worked out as part of that to state solution to the Israeli Palestinian problem. Thousands of protests marched on Godza board yesterday. To make that point, fifty eight people reported kill. Presidential son in law Jared Kushner was on hand. He says it damaged nations are really far from constructor. As we have seen from the protests of the last month and even today, those provoking violence are part of the problem and not part of the solution. More people have been injured. A more than more international envoys and dignitaries did not attend yesterday's ribbon cutting, a lot of the mirroring of last December's vote in the United Nations opposing the embassy move me. While today is the day Palestinians actually called the nakva that refers to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians back in night when the state of Israel was created. Later this week comes a Muslim holy fasting period of Ramadan i mean, while there's to be a meeting at the United Nations later on today to talk about the violence over their Amnesty International is accusing Israel of war crimes. Thousands of community activists took part in yesterday's anti poverty demonstrations across the US. Inspired by the late Reverend Dr Martin the King's Poor People's Campaign back in nineteen Poor People's March design to be a multicultural, multi racial push for economic and social justice. It was planned and organized by Dr King, However, took place several weeks after the Nobel Peace Prize winner was assassinated, so it was led by the Reverend Ralph Anathy and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. Yesterday's demonstrations took place in Washington, d c. And in more than thirty state capitals, and yesterday was the beginning of forty days, they say of protests. Sad news. Margot Kidder, the actors who played Lois Lane opposite Christopher Reeves Superman, has died. She was sixty nine years old and had been in a car accident a bad one years ago and had struggled with the effects of that for years. First Lady Milania Trump underwent surgery yesterday to poor lead to treat a the nine kidney condition. They say she's okay, she's incorporating in the hospital. Finally, today's International Day of Families, and we are your family back, but we're entertainment at today's trending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Show. Steve, you have a phone call. Hello, Yeah, girl, what's going on? Boy? I'm hot as hell already, are you baby? That's why I wanted to call you, because I you know, I called. I text you yesterday. What's your happy Mother's Day? I got it? I got it? Okay, I got the packet. Okay, you're welcome. Hey Mom, not Tommy. I haven't gotten your packet. That's okay. I know it's coming. I know what's coming. I'm not I'm not complaining. I'm reported mother. Mother's Day was two days ago. Yeah, that's all right. I know he didn't overnight it. I know he's a lady brothers hanging out at all. I'm not even talking about that. And I don't want you all the things that I'm always asking, no, but I understand that. But what I'm Tommy that there is a delivery. Steve. This there's a reason you've got a big package. It's coming. There's a delivery coming to the house. So she just my Mother's Day was coming a year ago. I mean it's come around the same time every year. But that's okay because by my mother all year. Okay, So damn Tommy. You know you know that people have been calling me a mother without an old. They took the top off the old, invaded a youth who is a mother. Ain't Tommy, Why my sister got to call me thank me for a package. I said to her, How you ain't setting no package? Man? She got two huge boxes coming on number? Yeah, yeah, Tommy, do you have a tracking number? It just sent me a tracking number. It's a surprise. But you know it's gonna be be up thirst what month? What month coming up? We'll have more with Tommy's Mommy. I love her, She's said, sweet, we'll have it coming up in thirty four after the hour. Oh, Tommy, you're listening to Steve Show. Okay, here we are two days after Mother's Day and uh wow, Tommy, my mama something else now, don't even send a package a week ago? How did you send it? But what is it on putting it in a wagon? Coming from some people? Probably Pony expressed, heart get it, it's taking all this damn time. Well, that's all right. I don't feel I'm trying to say something real as moment as I get some You know what, even if I don't get enohing, Tommy, you've been a great food to me your Wait a minute, mama, listen, say what the end of me being your like you don't get nothing's over? No, I know, baby, you've been a great fund to me sometime. And I was just thinking about it. I've been more than put him out the family and that this could be sometimes you're doing it, sometimes you're not. You know, that's just okay. Let me just let me just say I was trying to surprise you. I bought you a brand new washer and dry that you've been asking for. They didn't have the one I wanted you to have. I trying to get you the best one. It would be that's what she'd been wanting. Man. Well, I already already content that my favorite bat my boot a boot thing about that, Tommy, just the minute somebody bought you were washing and draw her brut thing. Heard your mama kicking it with somebody. Hey man, I don't want to hear that. He would hear you, young people, we're knocking boot he's smashing it. Jake the fine chicken. Before I draw the line at Jake. Okay, y'all connect card listening them that guy find out he flipped me over. Don't blame um God. You're putting God on that. But what out really? How to tan you listening? I don't know why the have to help that real every year cause you gets and if that you want to see who see here? But neither of them came by the house or ste don't you put this on the radio be cause they'd be listening to all that, neiding them just to let themselves go. I know they even have they up. Yeah, what the hell is they eating over there? Neither y'all not wear pants no more? How to get somewhere and put a drape on it? Yeah, I know that about But why I could go into the fab you long time ago for I couldn't stand it. You know what, Steve? Now you know they don't want you to come because you don't eat the foo no anywhere ever, trying to take your wheel my boos. Ain't we're gonna make me some now, a boy, I ain't never had it like this. Stop stop, you'll quit laughing at MoMA. You just keep your person alive to yourself, please, But I'll call you when the packages with that lady as washing and dry. Mamad's made by Samsung study foul blowing up to dry. Hey, Kate, I gotta go, I gotta go to work. I love you cake, all right, Tommy spring phone call right after this you're listening Steve Harpy. Any show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's today's Strawberry Letters subject to my sexy neighbor is stressing me out? But up next who can relate? But up next it's the nephew with today's prank phone call. But you got now the choad director, Yes, the choir director, idiot. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Lorenzo. Lorenzo play speaking. Hi, this is Uh. I'm Bernard. I'm giving your call on behalf of Missionary Baptist Church and UH doing a follow up. Actually, you you've you've been the choad director there right for what is it close to six years now, five and a half years. Okay, and for my understanding, you're doing a great job. Everyone seems to love what you're doing on Sunday mornings, which is definitely a blessing for the entire congregation. Right. So, what I was giving you a call on is there seems to be a bit of discrepancy with some of the antics that is going on when you are directing the choir on Sunday mornings. Say again, now, no, no, come no, come again? You said as well, some of the members, who are you? Once again? I said, my name is Bernard, and I'm actually calling on behind what's your last thing? Sir? I'm not I'm not actually a member of uhuh, but I've been asked to give you a call and and bring some things to your attention and and and deliver the news that the church would like for you to have. Okay, what news that? Well, let me let me get back to what I was. I was stating that some people in the congregation are actually having a problem with your antics when you're directing to quy uh different things that they're not happy with. It is a sorrowful moment, I should say, for me to have to come to you and tell you that you know, as of today, with your Sunday, we're gonna have to UM ask you to step down as the Minister of music. How I wants that. Maybe I'm not hearing you correctly. You have a problem with the Holy Spirit getting the hold of me, so I direct the class. Well, it's not necessarily, it's not the Holy Spirit at all. If you can shot all day, that has nothing to do with it. I guess this different antics that you have. You know that the congregation is just not I need you to be a little more clear on what you're saying. Antics. Please tell me what you're saying. So is it that my half too long? Is it that I look too cute when I'm in the clad? What? What is it? So I'm not I don't want to hear it, be that I want to go take attack with you. Like I said, I'm not a member. All I want you to say it. Please say it your name. They fired me, they fired me today. I want you to say it. And I want to know if the path to hide me, why didn't he fire mean? Well, you know it's it's it's kind of like a business, you know, it's it's UM the higher ups, uh really really keep their hands cleaning on these type of things. And there's always someone that has to deliver the message. You know, And I'm and I and you know what, and I understand that, but I want you to explain to me what answering. Please tell me, Please tell me so I'm not listen. I'm not gonna sit no no, no, no, no no no no. You called to deliver the news. I need to know what answering. Okay? Are you wearing different hand styles every other Sunday is? Is? Is your had just completely different? And to the n B T Shop everything an the morning. I want to look to you just like everybody else want to look cute on Surtny the morning. Right right with that? So, like I said, I'm just a message. I don't have a problem with what you know. You're doing well. Who has problem with evidently people to them help with it. Now that I'm looking better than kay, let let me go ahead and ask you something else. Are you wearing blue contact lenses? I had on greater day? My day, I'm super was great. So I had on great tonight. When I'm going back for the music, I was gonna have my own green you're gonna, sir, you, Lorenzo, you were gonna wear green contact lenses? Okay, well are they prescribed? They prescribed if I bought them, Lorenzo. These are the type of antics that they're talking about. So, y'all, I want you to see I want you to see it, y'a, don't see it, please said, I didn't say it. That's that's that's that that never was stated, Lorenzo. But you asked me about my count at you asking me about my half, right, But I didn't ask you about anything else though, Lorenzo. Well, I just want you to get to the point. Please, sir, please, But what are you represent the church or what you hr department? I don't understand. I actually speak on behalf of past. Okay, well, I tell you what you tell be called me himself because I'm gonna show us at the musical tonight and I'm gonna have my green contact on with my dream. So, Lunzo, I'm asking you now not to show up for the actual musical tonight. I'm sure I'm gonna have you definitely won't be what's going happen for showing up? Y'all gonna put me at we can't put you out of the lord towns. But what we You won't be playing or participating in the music. Y'all trying to crucify me. Ain't nobody. Nobody's trying to crucify you. I'll try to crucify me. Okay, you know when I'm not gonna go back and I'm I'm so cute for all y'all. That's what the problem is. Hey, look, I don't have all day. I'm passing on the message and that's clear. I'm just letting you understand that your your job is completely terminated at this point. Is that understood. I know I'm coming to the program tonight and I'm gonna turn that. I've been remember that for five and a half years, and we're gonna do it right. I'll let you know who am I am? Wait? Wait, this is what because all of that, it's up about your antics. That's my answers. This is what the congregation is talking about. You. Did you just hear what you're saying? You have talk to me, y'all fe fingers at me? So I'm not pointing the finger at you, sir, Yeah, yeah, you point them at me. I'll tell you what, hold a one because I'm called Wait just a minute, I got one more thing to say before you do that. Are you listening to me? Yeah, I'm listening to you. Sure you're not gonna talk to me in that tone? Are you? You're that call and disrespected me with my hands. I got one more thing I want to say to you. Are you listening? I'm listening. This is nephew you timed me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your entire man's choir. What nephew? Who this is? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Lord Hammers, let me hang out my house for I'm called asked right now? You're laughing. I want to know who put you up? You all right? Man? Hey, I'm not all right. I gotta get ready to put the bad program to night. Well, there is a look at turn it out because they tell me you know how to turn a church out on Funday mar Oh, Lord murch you are right. I need you to call me before you have that's what you need to do. Okay, Man, I got one more question for you. What is man? What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve Harvey, so that every morning some people from the church. A man, you wouldn't got this dude right here, it's my hand too long? Am I too cute? Say it now? I want you to say it? They find me on radio. Defind me right now? Man is right there? Wow? Hello? Who is it you? Tommy? Who wants to know? Oh that she wants to go? You know what I made up my mind, Shirley, I am gonna go out. I think I'm gonna go out to South Dakota and do a whole album out there. What I'm saying, I'm gonna do South Dakota. All right, Well, thank you never that sounds great. Listen, I'm so interested. That fascinating. Okay. The subject of the Strawberry Letter, which is coming up, is called my sexy neighbor is stressing me. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. It is time for the Strawberry Letter. People, And if you need some advice on relationships, if you need some advice on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit strawberry letter. All right, Steve, anything you want to add to that to encourage people to write us. No, I'm not trying to encourage nobody write up, are you not? We're not because I'm tired of you. Go to learn your ownself. Help me, alright? Uh, buckle buckle up, buckle up, Hold on time. We got it for you here. It is the straw subject. My sexy neighbor is stressing me out. Be quiet, Jay, Dear Stephen Shirley, You're not going to believe this. I'm a married man and my wife and I just purchased our first home in a new community. To celebrate home ownership, my boys took me out for drinks. We ended up going to a strip club and I got very drunk, which are two things I had not done since I got married. The strippers were some of the sexiest women I had ever seen, and we pay for our own private v I p area in the club, so we each had a dancer that catered to us all night. My dancer did all kinds of freaky stuff to me. We did everything except go all the way right Afterwards, when I sobered up, I was disappointed with myself and I swore to my boys that I would never go to another strip club. Well, fast forward to two weeks ago. My wife and I noticed a moving truck next door, so we decided that we should go over and meet our new neighbors. As soon as we started walking toward the house, my heart jumped into my throat. Steve. Oh, he singled you out, Steve. One of the strippers from the club was standing by the moving truck. I could tell she recognized me too, But she but she, but she, but she played it cool. My wife introduced us because I couldn't say much. The stripper told my wife that she is a single mom and her child's father bought her the house. He told my wife that she works as a dance instructor and that uh and then she and my wife exchange numbers. As we turned to head back to our house, the stripper neighbor smirked at me. I was sweating bullets. My wife thinks the neighbor is really cool and it's planning to invite her to our housewarming party. Now what am I supposed to do? What? I think? I should just come clean and tell my wife what happened? What do you think? Help? All right? Well, um, congratulations on your new house. How about that? Um? And this is yeah, how about it? Yeah? Right? This is this is somewhat of a whole mess you've gotten yourself into. I mean, what are the odds that your favorite stripper who did all these freaky things to you when you were drunk with your boys at a strip club, what what are the odds of her moving right next door to you? I mean, really, um, this is unbelievable. And guess what, I don't trust you to know, uh, to do the right thing. I just don't. I don't, I don't. I don't trust you to to know all this information and not want to go over there at some point and at the or at the very least, can you just stop sweating bullets in front of her? Can you do that when she's around? Uh? Yeah, because your wife is getting real cozy with her. Your wife thinks she's cool. So your new neighbor, your favorite stripper, is going to be coming over to your house. They've exchanged numbers. They're going to be perfect neighbors, you know, girlfriends. It looks like, so either you get yourself together, brother, and I don't know how you're gonna do that, because she is your favorite stripper, and you remember all those freaky things she did to you at the club. You cannot go out again with your boys and get drunk and go to the strip club. You can't do that. And he's right next door. She's a dance instructor, Tommy. That's what she told his wife. You're you're in a mess. And um you you know, I know Steve's not gonna agree with me. You're gonna have to say something. You're gonna have to say something in terms of what, Yeah, you have to. It's not you have to. You gotta let your wife not because you can't hold it. He's gonna your wife is gonna find out anyway. You can't hold it. You may as well let your wife know something. You met her somewhere. You got to You got to what Dave your turn? What? I can't believe she said, Hey, man, I don't know this dude named Bro. Listen to Bro. Right in the middle of the answers, right in the middle of this letter, he says, Steve, Steve, he's just talking to me. He just says, Stephen Sirley. But just the first time Sheley, my name got put first. I think it's really just being cured. This letter really to me. Let me handle this man, go ahead, going ahead, Joe, stupid ad open your mouth, boy, my sexon neighbor, stressing me up. You're going into the truth matters to who the truth that already happened. It doesn't matter. It's time up for the truth. Now it begins to cover up. You ain't got tavern no more. Truth. Truth is, your friends want to celebrate your new ownership. Boys took you out for drinks. Now instead of stopping it just drinks, you ended up going to a strip club. Now you ain't just drinking now you're very drunk. First of all, you got to quit drinking. Listen to me, that's what my brother told me. Pass Service said to me. He said, once you feel something, you should immediately stop because the rest of it ain't in your blood system yet, he said, So if you continue to post, you ain't drunk. Jesus, the rules for drinking. Once you feel anything, you should stop cup the rest of it ain't in your blood system, and if you post some more in there, you're in trouble. That's the rule for drinking. So now he gotta quit. Then I'm gonna set this up and we're gonna go to break. We ended up going to of the strip club I got, which are two things I've not done since I got married. The strip us was some of the sexiest women I have ever seen, and we paid for our own private v I p area in the club. That's the best worst move you can make. You got to get it private. But I'm mercy, that's the best worst move you can make. I'll tell y'all love it when we come back. But you ain't been going to tell her damn thing. You don't even like strip clubs. Hey, I'll know all right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour, subject of the Strawberry letter, My sexy neighbor is stressing me out. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. My sexy neighbor is stressing me. This man boys took him on the congratulations for buying a new home. They go out drinking. They ended up in the strip club, where you continue to drink your answers strong, y'all messed around and go to the strip club, paid for your own private v I p area in the club. That's the best worst thing you can do. What goes on in there. No, I'll tell you no, no, no, no, she won't know. And then when I tell you, do you see why you can't go? Tell huck let me get we're going in there. So everybody had a dancer that catered to us all night. My dancer, the one that was on him, did all kinds of freaking stuff to me. Sure when he say freaking stuff to me, he ain't lying. We did everything except go all the way. Do you understand me? I know what he did. Rubbing, bouncing, squeezing, bite fighting, that's all that's going down in there. We did everything except go to go to all the way. Now, right afterwards, when I sobered up, I was disappointed in myself and I sware to my boys I would never go to another strip club. That's the good in him. He came back. But the shirt he woke to the strip club, he can't wear that one home. You had to stop by boys house and get a clean ship, because that should trifle. She's been sliding all up and down on it. He got glit on it. Yeah, you gotta get them shirts off then pass. You had to burn them. Them is in the trash can something tim damn pants got been burnt. Boy, Let me tell you something. Fast forward two weeks ago, my wife and I noticed a moving truck next door. We decided we go over and meet our new neighbors. So when we started walking towards the house, my heart jumped up in my throat. Steve, one of the triples from the club, was standing by the moving truck. Be damn, oh hemn. No. I could tell him. She recognized me too, but she played it cool. My wife introduced us because I couldn't say much. You was froze. You were stuck. The tripper told my wife. She's a single mom and her child's father bought her the house. Strippers got plenty of money. She could be there. The father probably bought her the house helped her, but stripper got money. Dance instructor. Now, hey, turn your mic off because y'all eaten in the Damn Mica, all I hear is nuts. She no, I don't go good. Yeah, I could tell her she introduced me. She recognized me too, She played it off. Mike couldn't say nothing. She said she's a single mom and her child father bought her the house. She told my wife that she works as a dance instructor, which she does. She dances, and she instructs me to put money in her phone. She is true, your dance instructor, and then she and my wife exchange number. Now you're sitting there going what is uh huh? Sweat? As we turned the head back to our house, the stripper neighbor smirked at me. I was sweating bullets. My wife thinks the neighbor is really cool and it's planning to invite her to our housewoman, Oh she coming, Oh the stripper coming. Because strippers don't get invited the house woter or she comes. Strippers don't get it. Strippers never get to family events, stripping down. Strippers don't turn down event, backyard barbeque. Strippers in there, going to plays and watch your baby if it ain't on strip night, stripper going still being the funnel with the outfit on that damn this stage? Ready? Now what am I supposed to do? I think I should just come clean and tell my wife what happened. What do you think? Son? Let me explain something to you. Don't you take this information because I got to talk to him, like keep myself. Son. Don't you take this information in your house that is not in your house. You don't take bad news into the house. That's nothing good can come of this conversation. It's all bad. Your neighbor not Now. You can't ever look over there. You came back your car out and pointed in that direction. You can't wave your kids, can't play with her kids nothing. A matter of fact, you must develop a hate for her because your wife is gonna hate her if you go in here and tell her this. Now, what strippers don't do is tell married women they strippers exactly. She's a dance instructor. She's gonna be cool. She know always you. Now, as long as you don't go back down to that true a club you cool. Do not go in here and tell your wife this ignorant asked information like Shirley has suggested, the dumbest damn thing you can do. He's not gonna be able to hold in. His wife is gonna find out anyway how because he's sweating like bullets. Just meet just seeing her and just sat and you don't think his wife is say, baby, why are you sweating because I'm hot in the winter. What she can't find out is that this woman been sliding him down his shirt and grinding on him and doing bounced lap dances. Bouncing. It's time to go, But can we just carry this on? I have a few more questions for you, because I mean, we're doing this from a male female perspective, and the female perspective don't count here. Oh I think it does. She's his wife to do it from a players yes, come on, married man. Yes, all right, we'll be back with part three of today's Strawberry Letter. My sex sexy neighbor is stressing me out. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Steve, uh listen. So why do you why? I mean, he has to be honest. At some point we're talking about today's Strawberry Letter. The subject is my sexy neighbor is stressing me out? A married man wrote, and he and his wife just purchased a new home in a new community. He and his boys went out to celebrate. They went to a strip club. The husband got very, very very drunk. Uh. He bought a private room at the strip club with one stripper in particular, who did all sorts of freaky things to him, he said, And um, when he sobered up, he realized that he was very disappointed with himself, and he swore to his boys that he would never go to another strip club. Well, um, fast forward to two weeks ago when um, a new neighbor moved in next to him, and who would think that it would be the stripper, but it was. It was the same stripper that was doing all these freaky things to him in the club. So he and his wife went over to introduce themselves to the stripper, but he couldn't even say anything because he was so nervous and sweating and and all of this. So so I think, you know, I don't think he's gonna be able to hold it. I just don't. I think he's going to give himself away at some point. So I'm saying he may as well come clean with his wife and maybe not tell her all the details, but tell her something. And so, so, Steve, you disagree with that, We tell what could you possibly say that would be? Okay? Baby? Yeah, And he talked to you, Okay, honey, let's talk when we first moved in here, my boys took me out. Yeah, oh my god. Yeah, you guys went out to celebrate. H we went to a strip club. Oh you did? Oh a strip club? He right there, right there? Oh? Strip Wait? Wait, what what do you mean? A strip club? Strip club? The going to strip club? Okay, so you and your boys went to have a drink, you just to celebrate, and you know some wives are okay with it. Yeah. Yeah, so you guys went to a strip club and what happened? I'm sure nothing happened, So okay, what else happened? What else? You know? We were just up in there at this strip club, you know, we you know, we was just in a strip club, drinking and stuff. It was crazy. Well yeah, I'm sure it was crazy because and did you drink? Because you know how you are when you drink. Surely I don't know what wife you're portrayed. Someds go to strip clubs with their husband's Okay, I didn't say. I didn't say me, and Nesto doesn't go either, but I didn't say me. Hold on, yes, you play the wife because well, no, I'm not mad, Sherley, It's just you're not being You're not what what not? Not very many? That's rare. You've been watching Instagram and wrap video. Go ahead, I'm out of touch. Hey baby, Hey, I just wanted to talk to you about something you a couple of weeks ago when we was when we moved in and fellas came by to celebrate with me and took me out. Well, well, you know, we went out to have some drinks and we ended up at a strip club. Okay, okay, So y'all went to a strip club. So why are you bringing it up though? Well, see I'm listening. Okay, hold hold on, hold on, I'm gonna have another hub. You fired yourself. What the problem, Well, it's nothing, that's it's nothing to go off about. Yeah, you didn't said anything. You gotta keep going okay, okay. And so so we went to your strip club. Okay, I'm just letting you know it. You know, it was it was, it was. It was wild up. Oh it was wild in the strip club. Okay, So how how wild did it get? Were you involved in the wildness? Well, you know, the fellas got got the v I P room. Oh you got a v IP We'm at the strip club. Yeah, what they did? I was just I was in there with him. Yeah, So what happens in the v I P Room? How important were you? You know what I mean? It's it's v I P is very important people. So I'm asking about you in particular, though, how important? Well they pay individual attention and so how much attention did you get? Mr? V I P. M. I had my own strip, you had your own stripper and whatever what it is now, I'm just trying to tell it to you. Now, what do you want him to say? No? I said, don't tell him everything. And you heard me say that. Go on, go on. When are y'all gonna let the conversation go? And I went to a strip club? Okay, thank you, Carlin, thank you very much. Now let me show you all how is really going? Okay, baby, yeah, I want to talk to you for a minute. Okay, go ahead. Right. You know a couple of weeks ago when the fellas took me out, Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, Well we ended up going to a strip club. That's irrelevant. Magic City strippers like naked strippers. You up in the strip club? Yeah, Magic, what's what you're doing going up in strip club? Well, we went out there to celebrate. I'm not to my weed. While was you in there? Man, damn baby, all the fellas went you know, I was with him. All the fellas jump off the bridge. You got jump out the bridge too. Here's wife flash, Mama. Come on, yeah, come on, yeah, you know I was with him, so I just went on up in there. I'm just letting you know. Okay, you was in the strip club doing what doing? You're doing nothing? You know, just in there. You know, I don't know. I wasn't. I got fried brock. You go all the way to strip club just get chicken wing. Really, you pass the chicken place to go in there with the naked that to get chicken wings. I'm booble the food, not the chicken wings, and stripple up. So damn good they are no baby, but baby, baby, baby, you ought to go with me sometimes just to get you. I got chicken wings and freezing. I got chicken wings. What I'm trying to do. What I'm trying to tell you. We's in people m hm. And the striput that was my VP escort. You had your own stripper, yeah, my own down Oh so damn the chickenwain not now you you told me when they get chicken away, stupid. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, for some reason, we cannot get off today's strawberry letter. We're already into part four. The subject is my sexy neighbor is stressing me out. A married man and his wife just purchased a new house. The married man's boys took him out to celebrate, where they take him, of course, to a strip club. The husband ends up in a private room with this one particular stripper doing all kinds of freaky things to him. All right. He sobers up, realizes that he was he was upset with himself for doing this, and he told his boys that he would never get drunk again. So fast forward to two weeks ago. Uh, this new community has a new neighbor. Turns out it's the stripper from the strip club, the new neighbor. Here we go with part four of the husband's husband and wife's conversation. I said he should tell some things because he can't hold it and he's not gonna be able to um keep it where it is, and I don't tell her. So baby, I went up in there get chicken. All right, okay, So you and you eating chicken and chickenwings is so good in the strip club in freezing damn chicken wings. Now you're gonna go down there with the strip go ahead, finish you a little story. Abo. How you going to neck club and get chicken wings? Well, you know when was in the v I P room m and you know, I'm just trying to tell you let me sit down because I'm standing so I need to sit down and here this Yeah, why is he telling you all that's too much? Shirley? How is that too much? When y'all ain't gonna leave it that I went to the strip club not to not too much? Can't tell her everything too much? Now you shouldn't show y'all gonna ask until you get everything. You can't leave it. Shirley is basically saying that he needs to go in there and said, your girl, that's the neighbor when I went to the strip club. That's what you're saying. Maybe this crazy. Remember that night we went out and me and the felt we went to a strip club. One of the strippers that's in the club. That's how that's moved across the street. Well, why didn't saw the lady when we went over there? I'm over in the house. Well, we was over there together. You didn't say. Now you act like you don't know the damn lady, y'all winking and blinking and and and and writing it down. I don't know. You know you said that the lady from the strip club. That's what you told me. She was one of the strippers after strip club? Does she know? You don't? I don't know, do you know? Huh? Yeah? I'm just how come we didn't say that over there? Why we got to get back? Why you don't want her to know? I'm your wife? I'm bad baby? Want mean we went over there together, Yeah, you're my wife. But when she told you she was giving me my own number, why you didn't say, oh, I got it from the club. Why you didn't say that. Why I ain't got a number from the club. Oh you just know you didn't get a number? No, hell no, why would I get a stripple? You'll go to the strip club just to get chicken wing? And she bumping and grinding, y'all blinking and winking and everything. And now she go over there and introduced herself to me. That made me look stupid. Now I'm looking stupid. Stepping my husband. But damn, baby, I hide it was hot when you walked over that prop yard. You knew that, you know the woman. You could have said something there, but don't open your mouth. I walk all the way back all that. What's stripping names? Because but that's the stripper's name, Glada name. How much money you spend if you how many you can hit me? How much money? Wasn't that much? Do you know? You know your neighbor. You know the famers paid for everything because they were celebrated. I don't know picking number out there, I don't know where it comes. Baby, you know v I p room it was strippers. I don't know you have nobly by five six hunters? You Lord Jesus, Father, God Jesus. Can we just bucked this house? God give me we got by the Lord, God, Jesus, give me a ship. Father, few things in your name about this Jesus, it wasn't your six hunter. You know how that hurts my spirit? You know how to you're standing over there with a strip of talking to the strip and you know and you don't get a strip of five hundred dollars to help my move in. What she's gonna do with the money. I didn't actually gonna move in that a brand new Damn god, that's your man, that's our money. No, baby, you can't bud car with no five hundred dollars. You can go toward it, and go toward it, and go to warter toward toward it. Can I say something through all of this, you know what I've learned? This whole situation where y'all just kept going and kept going shirley. It didn't even have to get that d No, you had to say I'm gonna tell you nothing. Just as this girl that's the neighbor, I saw her at the strip club. So I'm just letting you know. You might not want to be chick chatting it up with your girl and that over there, because they're guilty and they start acting stupid. Cut this woman yard every windsday. Say that's guilt for show. Bring it up. It's just a lie. Ain't nobody got to know? Don't say nothing. Well, if he can't play it all, he does want to, we can't. What's the best way. The best way he just said, he's not listening. I understand how women are bad. Yeah, because over there, you kids cannot go over there because the first thing that kid, I know your daddy when she tell your kids he come home with that. And what if the stripper says something, then you really and saying none of you go with every winds into a neighborhood, the family people, and didn't want to tell the women she has stripped. She's a dance instruct Well, it depends on how the husband is at I don't think she's gonna say anything. I just feel like it's the husband's job to give his wife a heads up about not being buddy chums with old girls. He had lap dance. If she is crazy enough to say something, you have already told your wife. So you want, let's go Part five. This was the longest Strawberry letter ever. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is the strawberry letter that keeps on giving. Man, it really is. Subject. My sexy neighbor is stressing me out right there because you don't know how to handle the truth. You're going to get busted. He can't handle it, that's all. That's it, all right, So a married man, I feel like yeah, this is what this trapped in the closet. Part five, married man does. Uh. He and his wife just purchased a new house in a new community. He and his boys were His boys were happy for him, so they all went out to a strip club. He got drunk, very drunk, ended up buying a private room in the strip club with this one particular stripper who did all kinds of freaky things to him. He sobered up and realized that he was mad at himself, and he told his boys he would never get that drunk again. Fast forward two weeks ago. I told you it's a new community. So a new neighbor moved in right next door to them, and it turns out it's the stripper who was at the club doing all kinds of freaky things to him. Okay, anyway, so he and his wife went over to introduce themselves to the new stripper, I mean to the new neighbor who told his wife she was a dance instructor. And he was all nervous and he just doesn't know what to do. I said, before anything goes any further out of hand, tell his wife something. Steve sits up so lutely no. Part five here we go. Now we're at the part with a lady is upset talking to her husband. And now I'm gonna show you how to get out of this. You over there talking to a stripper that you know that you knew, you knew before you went over there. I'm standing on the exchange. Yeah, baby, I don't know her. You don't know at all, not at all. That she didn't told you she met me at the strip club. I don't remember her at all. We was at the strip club, but I don't know huh. Just friends, just friends, No, no, no, we ain't friends. I don't know her. You didn't recognize it when you went over there. It's dog in there, it's dog and stripperly. But you remember the five hundred dollars? Remember that? Huh? I remember the five hundred because you asked me about how much of day spending were now money. The fellas treated me because it was celebrating me getting the house over here. None of your money, not a dollar mine. I still got all mine in the wallet. I left here with two fit to go go. Look at it. I'm gonna say this, and I'm only say this one time, but I bet that catch you even looking over there. I probably won't. I bet that catch you looking that problem? Why would I look over there when I got anything? I won't just telling you that we cool. If I catch you looking over there, I'm not gonna look over that. I don't know this one. You might get hit by co because you ain't gonnaven look that way and see Claud's coming. I just be here by the calm you pull out, you just look the other way and keep driving. Let me catch you looking over that, let me see it. Look at me when I'm done s Why would I glass? How did I glance? Baby? I told you I don't even remember the woman she told about. She remember me, I don't remember her. I just I said what I had said, You said what you had said. I'm leaving at that. I'm done with it. So you're not be looking over that. No more right over there yet? Alright, slip up. Look y'all need to move. Move around the corner here. You know they can't move all right. I don't know if we're coming back with the part six, but anyway, this is the longest Strawberry letter ever, and it was a good one to Today, my sexy neighbor is stressing me out. We will be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. We are back. We cannot seem to get off this letter. We thought it was over, but here we are again. Podcast. We are very decisively divided between after air, y'all, the debate is raging every woman. Monica Shirley Halla insists that it is best to this man tell her the truth so she don't get blind sad. All of us are convinced that to bring bad news into your house is the dumbest mistake you can make. Well, when she found out, well, when she found out, we'll deal with it. And you all just don't want to deal with the questions and all of that that you think is going to happen. And I say that he has to tell her because the wife exchanged phone numbers with her, That's why. Ain't nobody tell her to do that? But it's done though, and they're gonna have and they're gonna have a housewarming party that she's going to invite the stripper neighbor too, So what okay? Dealing with you don't know that the stripper already smirked at him when they were leaving. The wife don't see that. She's gonna, Yeah, she's gonna see something. Why are we missing the that sin that you got a big, beautiful moved next door? Why are we avoiding this? Why are we not embracing it? Why don't we the fis that divides our back? Y'all? Build build a gate right there, walk back and forth? Why are we missing out on this? Y'all? Y'all amazed me. When a blessing comes, you don't see it. You turn all the way, you run this go towards it. When they switched them numbers. God, but at midnight, listen, she can't find out nothing by me in your district. Cool, all right, I'm not listen. I'm gonna come back here on Wednesdays, tightening up everything around here, everything you need him? All right, I'm gonna put the little gate over here on this fis. We go in and out this gate. That's how we're gonna work this, dame. But I don't want nothing else going on. You can't be running the street with her. You're a dead man. Yeah, in your sleep, you must think your wife is just stupid. He said twelve o'clock at night, and when when your wife asked you the gate is, she's nothing to see that gate. That doesn't hardaway gate. That gate I'm gonna put up there. Lasers, ain't no hand you even know. It's just it's not like ticket. So so you cutting gate was y'all. Yeah, she's gonna really Now, yeah I can. I'm gonna cut more than one neigh but I guess I need to do that. You're gonna end up cutting that whole block for free. You're awfully quiet right now, nothing, he says, Right now. We just agree to disagree. Yeah, we agree to disagree on the show. Yeah, we all have different opinions, which is what the audience had. Yeah. Absolutely on social media, you know, all the guys are gonna say, don't tell. All the women are gonna say tell. That's pretty much. Yeah, don't say nothing, don't open your mouth, cut your tongue at That's what I do. All right. We will be back, No, not with part seven. I think we're I think we're done. Now we're coming back with Steve's closing remarks at forty nine after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all right, Steve, last break of the day. Uh. Here we are with just one more thing and you're closing remarks. What you have for us today, sir? All right? Uh to date, I want to share something inspirational to all of you again. Uh. It's I want you all to understand something. It's not that I know everything, because I don't, but I have been through quite a bit. My life has and or a walking testimonial if I'm allowed to say that, I am a walking testimony of the power of prayer, what prayer can do to change a person. I am a walking testament of what grace and mercy is because God has forgiven me thousands of times. He has poured into my life above and beyond anything that I ever really imagined i'd have. You know, it amazes me when people say always knew I'd be here. I can't say that, because how can I say I always knew I'd be here when I didn't even know here existing. I had imagined some things, but I am beyond what I was capable of imagining back as a child. What how would I know any of this? And so what I want to talk to you all about it's a couple of things that it takes to become successful. And if you're willing to do a couple of things, you can be successful. One of the things is first things First, the Bible says a man without a dream or visions your perish. So first thing, you gotta want something. You gotta have some dreams. But after you have these dreams, you have to convert the dream into goals. The only way to convert a dream into a goal is to start planning how to make the dream come true and then start taking the necessary steps towards the goal, which can still be your dream. Now here's a cool thing about taking that step in the right direction towards your dreams. Your dreams can change, which means the goal will change and your dream will change along the way, because you're going to get exposed and see some things that you didn't even know existed before, and you'll add that to the vision board, and then and then and then and then you'll make that a new goal. It's just gonna be a lot of that. And so what you have to do is you have to keep on pushing. You have to keep pressing forward because all of that is going to change, Trust me, it will. So you gotta convert the dreams into goals. That's simply making those dreams have a plan of action. The next thing you're gonna have to do is you're going to have to be willing to give up some free time. You got to get rid of free time. Time is something you can never get back, and free time often is wasted time. I'm not saying you can't have no free time, because everybody needs some free time, but you gotta limit the free time until you get to where you're going. See when you see a person who's wealthy taking some time off, they've accumulated some stuff where they can take some time off. But if you check to check, you ain't got that. You don't have that. See, wealthy people accumulate time and wealth, so they have a reserve. So when they out of work for five eight weeks, they still got income coming. They still got money being made. But for those of you that's on the hustle and the grind, you've got to cut into some of that free time. Take some of that free time and turn it into productive time. See is p T time? See FMT is free time, but PT it's productive time. And you've got to swap those two out so you can take advantage of your times in the date. People ask me all the time, man, how you do all that that you be doing? I got the same twenty four everybody else got. I've just decided to remove some of the free time and replace it with productive time. And then here's the deal. I spend all my time building my dreams, so when I get some time, I can live my dreams. Do you understand me? That's the exchange that you have to be willing to make. Y'all, success is not gonna walk up to the door and just present itself in the basket, bring the dog bail and walk off. And you open it up and there is the mailman. Don't drop it off. It's a grind and a hustle. I say it all the time. The dream is absolutely free. The hustle is so separately. I'm on the hustle man. I invite you to get on the hustle, and folks, you can do it. You can do it, man, if you, if you, if you swap out some of these free time for productive time. If you take all this stuff you dream, nothing comes to a dream about some more dreams. Eventually you gotta swap those dreams out and replace the dreams with goals. If you're dreaming of a big house, you gotta make the goal in a big house. If you're dreaming of owning a business one day, you gotta make that owning a business a goal. It's gotta be a necessity. You gotta want to be successful like you want nothing else. You gotta want it. You gotta break it, you breathe it, you gotta dream, dream dreaming, you gotta live, and you gotta eat it. You gotta taste it, you gotta want it. You gotta get funky to get it. You got to get funky to get it. Man, you got to have a lot of dog in you. So if you want to be successful, convert those dreams into goals. Keep on dreaming and just keep converting them into more goals. Take some of that free time, get rid of it and turn it into productive time. You can change the course of your life. That's the truth day alright, Steve, I can't drop a knowwedge, Thanks oh quickly tonight J at the j Spot tonight for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.