Gabrielle Union and Jada Pinkett Smith squash the beef. Did the Praise Dancers have a checkered past? George Zimmerman is back in news. 2 Chainz proposes. The Closing Remarks and more.

Published May 9, 2018, 2:45 PM

Gabrielle Union and Jada Pinkett Smith squash their 17 year beef. Fool #1 thinks the Praise Dancers might have been strippers in the past. George Zimmerman is back in the news. 2 Chainz proposes at The Met Gala. Steve talks about mentoring and tells the show how he proposed to his wife. The Closing Remarks talks about giving God something to bless and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit looking back to back down, giving the mo like the moking buck bus things and it's cub y'all do me true good to Steve Hardy, Yeah, listening to me toach other for still farther to Moby, I don't join yea yeah, well hobby joining men say you got you turn hur go, yeah, you gotta turn't the turn at the time, you lobby got to turn out to turn the water the water go? Comey, come on your back at it? Uh huh, I sure will. Hey, good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I've been saying it like that since I got it, too. I figured why I stop now. A lot of people get bored with stuff that works for them because they just want to do something different. Sometimes, man, repetition is good. Sometimes repetition is good over and over and over until it becomes second nature, and then it's almost like you ain't doing it at all. That's what I found. That's just a little piece of information. Y'all probably already know that. Though sometimes I'm just a reminder. That's it, all right. I gotta go one for you today. Yesterday, the other day, I was talking to you about the most effective weapon available to us as human beings, I think is prayer. I think prayer helps us in so many ways. But right now, what I wanna do is want to show you how prayer pays off. I want I want to show you what good it can do for you. Even me, I use it every day, and and the days I don't use it, I feel it that that, you know, the days that I go, you know, without talking to him as much, I notice it. I feel it. I feel a certain kind of way, you know, those uh, those that doubts starts slipping in again, that uneasy feeling of uncertainty slips in again, That that wondering what I'm gonna do start slipping in again. Happens to me, happens everybody, man, I think, I really really do you know, people would just keep it real with each other. Stop being this Christian this superman, because you ain't. You ain't the scripture that says that's none perfect, no not one, that's everybody, that that that covered all of us, don't it? So sometimes I think we're a little too hard on each other with that too, seeing it's how we're not perfect. Immediately want to just just oh man, you just want to kill when we find somebody do something wrong. But if you go public, everything go public now called social media. But anyway, I just want to talk to you about how prayer pays off. It's called all eye and money. People got money call it all eyes a return on investment. People always looking for a return on investment. You know, nobody, nobody in business really gives you money without understanding the return on investment. They don't even give money to charities unless they think it can do something with the bottom line. A lot of companies work like that. I found out out myself. Sad, but it is true. So since everything is expected to work on a return on investment, assume because we're human beings. So since we're all human beings, whether you're in business or not, you're still in the business of living. I think when you pray, you should expect a return on your investment. You talked to him, you spend time opening up to him, You bowed your head to him, you humbled yourself, you got on your knees. I mean, but really we're talking God here, so really, what you're doing ain't really about nothing. Be honest with you. A little bit that you do do on his behalf. It it just pales in comparison with what he does. But let's just say you want to call yourself invested, Well, let me show you how it pays off this because see, for me, this is for me. Now, pray pays off in different ways. That's what I had to learn. See, I was praying, but I was asking him specifically for what I wanted. I had the audacity, though, to turn around and tell him how to do what I wanted. That's amazing. Man. I can't tell you how many blessings I blocked coming my way by putting my faith in what I said I wanted and how I wanted him to do it. I want you to give me this. I want that person to go away. I want this person to accept everything you say. Then I want to go over here, and I want this deal to happen like this, And I want that person to just step aside and let me let me through. And then I wanted I was I hadn't mapped out. God must have been chuckling really hard. He had been going, boy, I made you to be funny. But boy, you're funny now. So you're gonna tell me how to do it. And you've all heard this right here. If you want to make God laugh telling me your plan, well that's what I did. And that's how we pray. A lot of times we pray, and we pray in the prayer with telling him how to work it out. Well, here's the deal. This is what I've learned. Prayer pays off in different ways. There's a different return of my investment when I pray. See, sometimes when I'm praying for something, a situation to dissolve itself or go away, sometimes I get courage out of the prayer. Prayer provide as me courage. That's just to go on and look at it. I guess face it. Then. Sometimes when I'm praying about a situation, sometimes prayer gives me hanging power. Sometimes, man, it just I look up and I'm just handling it better. Sometimes prayer gives you laugh at off power. Sometimes, man, you just got to laugh at off whatever. Man, you trip it, do you know what that is? If you could do that, you know, Sometimes it gives it gives you a show of strength, power. Sometimes prayer allows you to have the appearance that you got it all together. Nobody got to know the world. When the tornado, the hurricane, the swirling in your life, you're standing over there like the eye of hericane. You just and it's all swirling around you. But you standing there like the eye, you just as calm. That's what prayer does. So when you pray, man, it builds up a lot of things in you. You know what it's done for me. Prayer has built up character in me. It's made me have more character because I'm able to stand stronger on the things I say because I've been praying, because I've been asking God for all of those return of investments. I've been asking God for courage. I've been asking God for hanging that power. I've been asking him to give me the power to walk away. I've asked him to give me ignored power. I've asked to help me laugh at off. I've asked him to show me straight. But you know what I was doing, I was really praying, not really for them things be real with you. I was asking them to help me, Lord, help me. You ever done that? You have asked God for help and then all of a sudden, the list of these things show up. See, sometimes how you want the problem to be solved ain't the best way. There's a lesson to be learned when we make mistakes. And sometimes you got to stay in that fire and you gotta learn that lesson. But guess what, though, when you come out of it, you're gonna be better for it. You're gonna know more about it. Come on, y'all, pray. Ain't nothing wrong with it? You didn't tried everything else. Look where you're at now? What about prayer? Yew? People kill me? Man trying to talk me off this hustle right here. God ain't this, and God ain't You're on? They're on. The Lord left me. Lord don't leave no body man. Look at your decisions. God has never left you. You turned your back, you went the other way, You tried something else, You you you, you, you took another swing, You win another route. You look for an alternative solution. That was you. That ain't never him. He's solid, His word is true, It lasts forever. He do what he said, gonna do now all day, all night, twenty four seven height, he do it all day, all night, and then some more his word, don't ever change. It's true. It works for me. It worked for you. It worked for Jake's It worked for Old Steam, It worked for Kirk Franklin, It worked for Paula White, It worked for Billy Graham. It worked for Mother Teresa. It worked for Gandhi, It worked for Princess Arabs. It worked, man, it worked for you. What you're waiting for? Why don't you put praying your game? Watch what happened to you? You're sitting in that jail cell and you're struggling with it, and they're telling you bloody and blood out, you can't get in you. That's foolishness, man, What you mean God can get you out of anything. Look, man, if you hadn't read your Bible, he didn't got some people out some sticky situations. I don't know what you're talking about. If Daniel was in the lions den and Jonah was in the belly of the whale, what you're talking about? Where you are? You just sitting in the sale with some dudes around. You're talking about what they're gonna do. Man, you gotta be real. God can't nothing do nothing. Nobody, can't nobody do nothing to you? God won't give you to strift to handle. Prayer changes things. Man, you're listening out, ladies and gentlemen, boys and people. Do anybody listen to me? You're about to witness what's called mayhem, organized people help people missing, coming going walking out. It's just just crazies and all listen people coming back. Yeah, just got to do with management and on the shield. Just seem like, don't nobody give a damn. We got to stop. All is not caring, nothing to laugh about. This is nothing about. Hey, you can't stop it from being mayhem. This is nothing to laugh about. This is serious. This is our livelihood. So well you don't act like it. You act like it. I'm see right there, right there, right there, called up. We have told you, see right there what I tell you? I have told you. Why is she junior? Morning? Up? Jay? What I'm Steve him back? Man you Tommy, he's out too. He went to the store across the streets. He went to the stone man. We sent him to the store going to the stones early in the morning. There ain't no stones on the weight from his house to hire. He had to get a loaf of bread, a gallon of milk, get on the mic and get it a little lass up. Now he's trying to cross your street at traffic, a dozen eggs in a pound of bacon with his little anything left, getting someplace here, right and bring back my chain in good show down strange man, and I'm gonna read my receipts and count. Yeah. Well Jay's back, Steve, He's that's a whole another story. Yeah, he spent the last month or so. I've never seen nobody going to see his daughter get crowned as principal queen down in the country. That's such a big you know, here's a six day event. Yeah, evidently it is. They made her principal Queen of corn shucking. She's the principal. She had to ride around the whole town on the Shetland Pony, the principle of the thing. That's what it was. He'd been gone so many damn times, Junior said. She got promoted. What took him so long? He was She went from principal of superintendent in two days. The girl small, the nephews back with our stuff. Always needs something going to the stow the middle of the damn show. Crazy, We got thirsty taking care of him. Girls that's my life story. What's happening the good morning? I like that attempt though, good morning, Good morning. We'll be back talking about you and Jay right at No, Yeah, you got here too. They've been going six days watching his daughter walk cross. I don't know what side of that she's going over there and get the principal. A lot of pomp and a lot of circumstances. All right, we're coming back with something funny right after this. The guys are back together the band. Yeah, we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time for something funny. Good to have the band all back together again. Championship. Yeah to my daughter who became a princi Boa what Steve sa and it was so long she became the dean. How long was the ceremony? Yeah, because that's about how long he's been gone. You left in the April, it's come back in the whole new month. How wasn't ja? It was very very I cried, It was very touching. Did you become a principal? Am? Yes? I did? You? Did you speak on her behalf for it? And I didn't have to speak. Okay, Now, you know I'm on you know I'm on J team. You know, yes, you know, I'm team jam and your team Tommy. But you know, it's kind of funny that you was gone at the same time the cruise was going on. You know, that's just amazing. You just got smooth busted J. I'm team J. I'm but he just had to be going on the seat time the cruise was going on. Man, did you hear this? You hear this? State? You know I'm sitting up here squinting. Yeah, did you go back over there? How you started laughing? Did you swim back and that? What took so long? Jay? Whatever? Well, first of all, we need to check if if his daughter is really the principal. What happen? Boy, it just didn't take his long found out he was on board because I hope she is. I believe that she is. But it's a great excuse to get out of work. Yeah, yeah, she is a principal. You can't say it right. What's wrong the principle? The prince congratulated, but the timing your half. Yeah, it's funny. Junior asked you that you don't notice I have one? Do you know how you're doing on your cleans, your de herbs cleans. Charlotte is um en. I'm doing great. Yeah, I'm doing great. I've joined you've joined junior to Okay, so you're like you adopted what you stopped with the sixteen eighteen twelve whatever you were doing, I stepped on the scale because you hadn't lost a damn. Explain what you were doing, Steve. Now I ain't also explain what you were doing. You were eating. It's called intermitting fast. Okay, you eat eight hours and you fast for sixteen What I was so, I was eating from twelve noon to eight at night. Wow, and then once eight at night came. I didn't need to get into twelve news. But you ate whatever you want it. Well, you're still clean foods wold foods. So what does this cleans? Y'alla? Now? But wait but wait, okay, so why did you stop that? Because I said I'm gonna weigh myself. After week, I felt a lot lighter. But a man, I think I think it really, I think it's my scale. The clothes fit different everything before. I think scale elves are coming in at night Steve and setting your scales. So now you're saying, because that didn't work. He didn't lose any weight or anything. Now you're on the Earth's with JR. I love it. Yeah, tell me to cleanse y'all. Explain it to me. Cleans is twenty one day. You take six cleansing herbs. That cleans all of your toxins everything. It does work kidney, liver, kidney. There you go and colon. What do you eat? All raw foods, fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, drink lots of water and juniors on day you don't want to go the whole food food? Yeah, because he complains about the prices all the time. All raw yes, yes, like salads, yes. Remember when you were a vegan. Remember that was a long time ago. But now listen to me. It's just when you eat raw you get all the nutrients from the field. When you cook food, it loses the nutrients. You can steam the veggie, steam the vegims. You can do that. Well. I just want to say, vegetables taste better with the chicken. You're not trying to start anything. Beat greens. But I told you about my aunts. She loved She always cooked cooked a big pot of greens with hamhocks, but she didn't want the greens. She just ate the hamhocks. Don't let any greens get on her hamhocks. She would. I can say that when I stopped eating bread and meat, yeah, I lost what I lost a lot of weight. But I ain't gonna go back to that right now that we know. But I think you were happier during that. I got meat money, so it's not denying yourself. An if you drinking soda sugar carpet, well, I have all the meat money and not eat me. That don't make no sick pocket. I mean, I'm eating salad. Do you remember we were in that restaurant in Chicago and uh, it took a long time for us to give our food more. And so the guy said, uh, you order some boiled eggs or something like that. Order devil, yeah, tell it, tell it yeah. And the guy was like, I said, hey, man, I'd like to have faux extra devil eggs. He says, sir, what did you say? I said, full extra? Said that's not in you all's menu. I said, that's okay, I just want the full eggs. He says, I mustn't fund you that. I'm gonna have to charge you extra for these ain't I got eggs? Charge to let you know we're gonna charge you extra for these eggs, and you're gonna get right it down, all right? Coming up next to the nephew, you would run that breakback right after this, you go. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Carla is still out with her daughter. They're still cheering. Um. You know what now we cheer how much? Come on that brown stop out that jumping right in that little room. Tasha is a champion. It was gonna floor my little girl. Sydney, Sydney so cuteable children, that's right, support them. Coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news, Wow, the me Too movement gaining steam against r Kelly. Uh and come on Tommy with that prank phone call you guys CPS oh running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm just trying to speak to the man in the house. Please, isn't me Mr? Mr Jason? You've got right? How are you doing? Sir? All right? Who's this? My name is Mark? Mark giving you a call actually from Child Protective Services. How's your day going today? So far? I'm good? You shore? You call them the right place. Yeah, definitely you you you you're you're Mr Jason correct? Correct? All right, now you're you're your girlfriend or your wife. I'm not sure if you guys are married or not, as miss Stephanie, I presume, right, but uh that's it's my girl, but in their last name. But um, now you said you call them from WE again Child Protective Services, sir, and uh, really what's going on here, uh Jason, is that you um, you guys have five children? Am I correct? Okay? Yeah, Now what we're having is we're gonna we've been getting, sir, a few reports that these kids aren't being taken care of properly. Nnnna, no report from were I you know, we we take care of these kids that ain't and shouldn't nobody be seeing y'all no garbage like that that we ain't taking care of no kids. Nah, we got five kids. It's hard out here, but we take care of them kids. I don't I don't even know we're getting, sir. We're getting reports that you guys are not feeding them properly, that some nights and some days these kids actually go without eating. Uh, that they don't have proper clothing attire that ain't all them kids, every last one of the kids. They wear a designer they you know, fashionable is nah? And nobody not taking care of the kids. I don't even know where you're getting that from. Are you guys? Actually? Are you're combing their hair and brushing their teeth in the morning? Is come on? Man like? Like? Is it you gotta be you you pay? No? No, I'm not actually And that leads me to something else. Uh. I've actually had a visit with the at the school today, and I visit with a couple of the children, now, the younger son. I met with him today and we talked and I asked him a few questions, I said, I told him, I said, I have a few more questions I want you to answer and to be honest with you, Mr Jason. He he he stood up and looked me in the eye and said that, and I and I just I was blown away by and I said to wait him, excuse me? What did you say? You're at what? I said? I said that, yeah, But but now now for my understanding, I asked him, I said, where did you hear that kind of language? Being said? Where did you hear that from? And he said he heard it from his father at home. That's like, I don't talk like that around my kids. That's that's a bunch of like that. You're you're just you're here, you are saying it now, you're cursing. Now, I'm trusting to you, but I don't custom my kids like that. I don't talk to my kids like that. Man. Sorry, if you're talking like this in front of me, the nine times out of ten, you're doing it in front of the kids as well. Hold on, hold on, hold order, listen. I'm a wrong man. You can't. You're calling me telling me about my kids, and you're gonna tell me how I can't talk to you. I don't talk around my kids like that. That's what I'm trying to tell you. Let me, let me, let me bring this to a nutshell for you. What we're doing today is we are coming by there and we're gonna we're gonna have to bring all five kids and uh, hold on, hold on, listen, you're coming to us to get who five kids? You're not coming Listen to this now. I'm gonna keep it real with you now. I've been trying to hold my composure since you got on the phone. First of all, I don't appreciate you calling me like this, with no like this. Now, the first three those ain't mine. They dad live up the street. You might go find him in the pool hall somewhere. You're not coming to get them last two, sir. I'm coming to get all five children. Sir, listen to us. You will not be coming to get those last two. I can guarantee you you won't be coming to get those last two. I don't have to have to bring all five children. And that's just uh those are that's my assignment. That's what has to be done. Okay, when you can check this out assignment like if you step foot up here. Look, I'm not gonna even keep playing myself. Man, I do what I'm supposed to do by all those kids. You're not taking those last two out of head. I'm just taking all five children. Are you hearing me? Hey? Check this out? Are you listening to me? Now? Half of you talking to I'm like, keep raising your voice that like I'm a grown man. You better slow it up. I don't know who you are. You better not be calling me with that, sir. I'm bringing a van in man at four o'clock and we're Harlot, the kids in the protective services. You understand that you let me. Let me tell your son, see that's where your stuff. That you're gonna tell me what time you're coming down here. That's some real bring you down here four o'clock. I swear to God I will be waiting on your f I don't want any problems. I'm letting you little problems my four o'clock. Show up at four o'clock. Uh huh, just four o'clock. Ain't nothing else to talk about. That's there is there is. I want you to have all the kids things. Don't talk about it. Be about it, okay, don't talk about it no more? Be about it. Four car You're gonna have a light skis all over you. Four o'clock. So I got I got one more thing I need to say to you before I know I get there today. I don't want to hear that four o'clock. So I got one more thing I want to say to you four o'clock. Let's say it, man, four clock. That's what I got to say to you. But I got one more thing to say to you. Can I say it? Say it? Say it? This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank, baby, You just got pranked by your sister. Who Jason, this is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Listen, hey, listen, I'm atation, everybody. Your sister Zinna put me up to this man and look, Regina needed that's man, y'all playing games with me. Got these kids over here struggling like excuse me. I mean, I gotta be glad you said you you you was enough. You time me because somebody pulled up here at four o'clock. They was getting a mother hoole stump in the top of their damn hood. I wasn't playing that. You know, damn that that you're scared the hell out of me. That's just point blank man. Man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Oh man, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. See I get right to the beat down and wait right there, push it right at the beat down. You can't mess with people's kids, though, we have told you that. What's that? What's the laying on? If you're not you want what you need to do for your keys? CPS, pick your key and that's what but he was doing it. Come getting who is it? Who are you? That's how it's gonna go down, Steve, mr who All right, listen coming up at the top of the hour, Mother's Day is this Sunday, guys, and I'm next in entertainment news. We're gonna talk about the single mom of five and now the law graduate Aisha Chance. Her recent interview on your talk show, Steve. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, this Sunday is Mother's Day. We just love this moment and interview from your daytime talk show, Steve, when your special guest was Aisha Chance, Jesus single mom of five who was now a law school graduate. Take a listen to this moment from your Instagram page. Your husband passed um. He was the father of two of my children. He passed away in two thousand and nine and I ended up going back to get my g D. My prophet is at church sick. He went back and got your g e D. Yes, sir, really yeah, alright, No, you were just talking about your church imployding of a role they played in your most definitely and as you went into law school how how did they keep you going? Um? Actually, law school was so far from my mind. Like I said, I was a high school dropout. Um. And when the father of my children passed away, my pastor at Ministers for Christ, her name is Louise Holme, and she said, God told me to tell you you need to go back and get your g D. And I said, I'm too old, I have too many children. And she said obedience is better than sacrifice. And yeah, what a story she has. Though he meant her back stay, she was using yes the spirit and her five kids were right there to see her through it. On the high school dropout went back, got a g e D. Then with the college come on, and then with I can't do this, come on that which baffles me. By my nephew, would he struggling with everything? Bathing for one about sixteen? Oh wow, we can't get him to learn obeyed? That is an incredible that at the camp. I want to bring him down to the camp. He really needs some motivation. I want him to so what I'm doing ain't work. He ain't win a year without somebody asks in the woods. I supposed to say that, though, tell me this little boy rees man with my greatest example from time he got off a bus man. We couldn't do nothing with this boy. This little boy was honor me, man, get your hands off me, don't get out of my face. I ain't doing nothing, y'all tell me, dude. Two days later, here around the corner, all the soldiers are sitting there with all his stuff rolled up to Mr. Harvard. We can't keep spending time with this young man's taking away time from these other two hundreds some boys in here. There's too many soldiers got to spend time with here. We just gonna let him go home. We took his t shirts and shorts and choose everything to camp. Got him. He can't keep none of this. I walked around and I said, recently, what's happening with you? A little man? I'm through with it, I told y'all, I'm through with it. I said, listen, man, I don't really lose boys down there. I said, all the years I've been doing the camp, I ain't lost the two boys. Well one of Mama, can't we out of here? This program ain't for my son. Y'all got him doing push up? What? What? Well? You know what life in the hand your son doing lady push up. He don't want to do all the push up. Well, I don't want to go work every day. But hell, if you're gonna groceries, you gotta get I said, lady, you don't take you, but I'm taking him out of here. So that's what that's what one we lost. So I'm talking to Rees, I said, my man, let me, let me explain it. Something I said. I can't let you go home, he said, Mr Harvid, no disrespect, because I really like you, like nobody else to this camp. But I do like you. I ain't gonna do nothing nobody tells me to do. I said, with son, let me tell you this this since she liked me, noticed that I loved you, Mr hard say you love me? You don't even know, man, I love you for coming here. I can't tell. I tell her when I come back. Take about a minute. I'm gonna tell you all the story, true story, this boy that came to my camp. Okay, few years ago. All right, Steve, let's go ahead and transfer on over to Ms Dan Ages and gentlemen, without further do our very own talented informative miss and trip. Thanks Steve. Good morning everybody out there, this is a trip with the news. Let's get started. Rumors, Yes, they were true. Apparently, President Trump says he is pulling the United States out of the Iran nuclear Deal and he's promising to reinstate quote, the highest level of economic sanctions unquote. It is clear to me that we cannot prevent an Iranian nuclear bomb under the decaying and rotten structure of the current agreement. The deal lifted economic sanctions on Iran and exchange for limitations on his nuclear program. Of course, the president's decision now raises questions as to whether Iran is going to continue to hold up its end of the multinational agreement negotiated by former President Obama and five other world powers. By the way, the other world powers say they're going to keep with the agreement, They're gonna still trade, and they're still not going to the lifting their sanctions against Iran. So it's all very very tricky. We'll see what happens. Housing and civil rights advocates are suing the Department of Housing and Urban Development, as well as HUT Secretary Dr. Ben Carson over the department's planned to suspend a rule that requires communities to fight segregation in housing The suit was brought by the National Fair Housing Alliance and two Texas based organizations. The accused HUT of unlawfully suspending an Obama era fair housing provision that mandated that state and local government's taken billions in federal funding have to for that money work towards rooting out discriminatory housing practices. The suit asked the court to force Housing and Urban Development to reinstate the rule. Earlier this year, Ben Carson put the anti discrimination rule on hold, asking allowing cities to put off complying with it until after the year, and that's whether suing. According to The Guardian newspaper, cops in California dispatched a bunch of squad cars and even a helicopter last month to detain three young black women who were simply coming out of their Airbnb rental in Rialto, a city about sixty miles east of l A cops stay. A white woman called on to say that women were taking luggage out of the house, so that they were probably rob turns out all three were filmmakers. One is the late Bob Marley's granddaughter. They filmed the exchange put it on Facebook. They told the first cop on the scene that they were Airbnb renters. He said, I never heard of Airbnb. The other officers had, they canceled the copter. Last week, cops in Colorado removed two Native American teenagers from a college touring bus because a white parents said they didn't look like they belonged. The NFL Players Union has filed the grievance against the National Football League on behalf of Colin Kaepernick's friends, safety Eric Reid, who knelt beside his teammate during the twenty sixteen season. And finally, today is Bugs Bunny Day and Hairstyle Appreciation Day. It would have beautiful. We'll be back in more entertainment. Today's training topics twenty minutes after the hour and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Well, divine designs. They were so beautiful floated up are you wanted to tell you? So? The campus far boys from single parent homes headed up by women. You're Steve Harvey mentoring camping. So I'm talking to this little boy at the camp and he's standing there. He said, ain't Mr Harvey you know my father? What I know your father? M Yeah, y'all friends. I have no friends that don't take care of the kids. Board to me, off, Man, I got no friends that don't take care of their kids. That's one of the qualities or being my friend, that you handle your business. I don't have. No don't handle your business. Friends, your kids and your business. He pulled out a wallet. He had a picture on me and his daddy. I know his daddy. I said, hey, man, so and so your father. Why you here? He said, for me and my father. We're not close no more because he got married to this other woman. She won't like us, so he don't come around no more. I said, we're that time you talk to your daddy about two years wow. I called him up from my ranch. I said, yo, Yo, what's up man? How you doing? Steve? What's up? Boy? Was happening with you? I said, man? Long time? Yeah? Man? I said, hey, man, I got a little prominently to talk to you about. I said, your son is at my mentoring camp. You know. His mama was saying, somebody going over there? Man, he said, I just met him. I said, hey, man, you gotta come get your son. M I said, dog, This little boy said, y'all ain't talked in two years. You gotta come get your son. Dog. This camp is for women who handling these boys by their self. I said, this, dude, show me a picture. Men you you gotta come get your son. I just do you. I live up your responsibility. I'm feeding your son, clothing him in housing. Then for a week out here, I'm paying money for your son. Doc, you're rich, You've got money. All the poke kids out here need help. I'm taking care of your son. I said, Paul, No, you gotta come get your part. You gotta come get your songthing next to u. Oh, Steve, Man, that's gonna create all types of situations, I said, Dog, you think that's gonna createation? I said, you, let me cut the radio switch and tell everybody who you are with this business and your boys sitting out here. I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you what problem is. Forty five minutes later, he was out there, got his son, just ran up to cry. That's a heartwarming story. Now I'm a war Well he came and got him here. Man, I'm minute, and you're born. I know you. You are my daddy free and I ain't got no freen You don't take it all right, coming up in about ten minutes, right about thirty four after on this Woman Crush Wednesday, Gabrielle Union and Jada Pinkett Smith have squashed their beef. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show today is Women Crushed Wednesday. So let's talk about this trending story. Uhum, Gabrielle Union and Jada Pinkett they're saying this beef that they supposedly had. Uh, it's a media creation, That's just what it was. The media created it. They hyped it. Sure. Jada Pinkett Smith recently revealed that she and Gabrielle ended their seventeen year feud, except no one really knows how it even got started. How did the beef start? Gabrielle Union doesn't even know. Uh. While promoting her new Facebook show, Red Table Talk, Jada told Extra that she and Gabby haven't been speaking, haven't been on speaking terms over this fight that she can't even remember. So they haven't been talking. They don't even know why they haven't been talking. But now the Gabrielle Union she has explained her side of the story. During the chat with Hoda Kadby on the Today show, Take a listen, Jada nor I ever used the words huge, So it just became more of a media a media creation, kind of like back in the day. Neither one of us actually knows what originally, you know, took place back then, but the people we had around us, We're like, well, you know how she feels about you, and they were like, well, you know how she feels about you? And then it was like okay for garl B for seventeen years. And even though we're both very outspoken women were both activists, our husbands or friends I've worked with, our husband, we were we both felt we had too much pride and too much insecurities to just say, hey, did that ever actually happen or was that a creation someone else who did not want to see two women rise together? Because we're both talking about, you know, how to stop you know, human trafficking, sexual trafficking, We're both outspoken about, you know, black lives matter, We're both outspoken about so many things in our community, and we both have huge platforms. Imagine if we came together and that's what we actually talked about on her show, how we got over ourselves, how we both evolved, no feud excellent. You used to go around. Yeah, yes, you're the one that gets mad and stuff speaking speaking for just get mad and I still get mad. I mean we all do. You would have some non speaking weeks though you know that. No, I don't know. I'm the only one that's required on this show to fix it with some form of guilt. And he don't even have to do nothing. I said, Shirley, how you don't get mad at time? Me like you get it mad because he's stupid? Can you expect that of him? Steve Harvey? No, there's no excuses. Remember that time we was in l A. I don't even know what I did. She still remember that. I bet I had to. I bought her some balloons and the dude was on the elevator with the balloons. Because Shirley bust all of the days, all the days I elevated full of blues, busted them. We have a flowers. She didn't. She busted all the blue. She didn't had about flower six hundred dollars. You know how many balloons? Man? Six hundred dollars. And then we had remember our promotion pictures we had sent out. I cut Steve's head. Steve's pictures, all of them. What it's coming out? You see this just as crazy, the one that sent you the scriptures in the morning, the very one in the words Carlo Brow. Yeah, hello, all of that. But like we married, I ain't get no benefit one of those is just come on, let's talk it out. The peacemaker. I just want to know you was talking about trying to do with that. Thank you, Thank you, junior. Have you changed? Have changed? Okay? Mad One morning I had come into work because we had to come in at four am to do radio in Dallas. M lot makeup on me glittle, Shirley said, Steve, what is that on you? What? I don't know. I'm just over this. I look like I'm actually on the post. Yeah, where is just coming from? Here? Exactly? On this women Crush Wednesday, We're gonna crush on Jada Pinkett Smith and Gabrielle Union. Glad, Now, if you tell me has a praying phone called coming up? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's Today's Strawberry Letter. That's subject don't hold my past against me? But up next the nephew is here with the praying phone call. What you got my Wednesday woman? Crush is j Lo? I just want you to know that, Okay married many what you married? We own in Houston? What's wrong? He's stupid? I can't even have a Wednesday crime. Come on, let me hear you put your wife on their food. Okay, Lord, he'll never learn Steve j Lo on your damn pageant. Okay, We're just run this day, praise dancers, run it. Hello, this is the day that the Lord is made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. How you doing? I'm looking for this is full from the church. How are you? Oh, I'm brother Fuller. How are you? I'm good, I'm good. Um. We wanted to give you a call about the about the praise dancing. That's at the first of all. I wanted to really show you how much, uh, you're doing a great job over there with the praise dances and you you definitely do a great job on h Happy third Sunday that you guys actually perform. Everybody seemed to really like it. Well, thank you, thank you. What can I do for you today? It was a bit of a situation with um, you know it's been brought to our attention. We actually had a small gathering, a little meeting about it and wanted to I've been elected to actually give you all and who is this? I'm sorry, who are you kid, brother Fuller? Uh huh? And and who are meeting uh some of the brothers at the church and and uh path to actually sad in for a moment on it. And I was actually elected to actually just give you a call and and nothing that. I don't think we can't get rectified and you know, move on slouthly as we normally do. But I just think it's we wanted to reach out to you and kind of make you aware of it, if it's if you don't mind, okay, Um? And what things are those? Well? Since Tania has any of the praise dances they became praise dances? Was was was was any of them strippers? I beg your partners. Was any of the praise dancers that at the church that you have on the praise team right now with any of them strippers in the past. I'm sorry, sir, I don't I don't really know who you are, um, and I don't really understand this line of question. But like I said, i'm brother Full. I don't think we've met. But uh, like I said, I've been elected to give you a call. Not now. It seems like what happened is this past week when you all actually uh danced, it seemed like a couple of the girls was actually a gy raiding during the praise routine. Hey what chat raiding? Brother Full? I don't know who you are, and I don't know what you saw. None of my girls which I raiding. They were dancing for the Lord. And I think if you look through your Lord's I perhaps you would see them better instead of maybe you were looking through the chat rating. No, No, she's a couple of the girls. We can point them out. A couple of them have uh strip girl, a tendency is up. And then because some of them has been girls the disease. You know what, sir, I think we need to complete this call. Perhaps I need to compets up. But speak to him myself, because you know, I don't know what you do all days, but I have a real job and I'm sitting here holding the conversation in my office about jar rating strippers in the church. Are you kidding me? Listen now, here's a couple of things that they're talking about. Some of the girls feet a real ass you when you all a performance and they want to see and maybe you can you can. I don't know. Maybe I don't know if y'all need to grip or whatever that y'all don't. Y'all don't put lotion on. We're not sure what that is. As well as the total filers. Everybody has three, four, five different designs and everything is it? Any way, y'all can be in unison with you're toting upon us. But the most important thing ill the JI rating doing the dance routine. I don't know what your feet look like. I don't need you calling me talking to me about my girls their feet, their nail powers. Perhaps your man should be on Jesus instead of on out how about that man? From my mind, I don't have time. I don't have time. I don't want your mama and to be on Jesus when somebody's shaking them. But at the church, that's the problem, you know what. Look, I'm at work now, I'm trying to keep a work tone. You don't make me curse up there here. Now, let me tell you something. Don't call me anymore. I will deal with pastor. If he has something to say with me, he can say it to me personally. But I'm done with this conversation. Are you gonna deal with the jy rating? Is what we want to know? Maybe you know what? It just hit me. Maybe you're one of the ones that's doing the GI rate. Look, let me tell you something. My girls are gonna rating, and neither am I. Now I am done with this conversation. Do you understand? But listen, I'm done or you're done with this rating. That's what we want to stop so we can We can't praise the Lord if the booty isn't shake you know what chart? Look, I gotta go to work. I gotta go now again. I don't know what your issue is. It sounds to me like you have an issue which I rating booties. And I heard so much gyrating booties in one conversation in my entire life. My mind is set on Jesus, I don't know what you're man, it's set on what to tell you. Before you was a praise thence uh the ministry over the ministry? Did did you all use the strip didn't do no striping? Now did your wife do any striping? What did you I'm gonna do any striping? What did what? You heard? What I said you? How do you like? Somebody call? You would ask you if your mamma get some strip and how do you like that? You know what? I want to know? When is the next rehearsal? That the way I can come and pick out who it is that's doing this town. Well, you don't have you know, have any vinuges that my rehearsal. I don't want to see you at my rehearsal. I don't want to. I don't want to see any part for you in my rehearse if I see you near one of my girls. That's why I'm coming after you myself. Do you understand me? You need to find out who's doing that job. You need to say your but in your own high and I'm good y'all. Ain't this and when the plate is being plays, because it ain't no telling her you act with them one coming through it? You know what? That's it. That's it. You called me, disrespecting me. I'm at work. I can't even have this to more. You know what, don't call me no more, don't look at my girls no more. Man, come to the church and see what I got for you. I don't want know is you're gonna stop the job rating? What is doing moving? That's what they're gonna do. It You talking to like that you're supposed to be Anna yea does have done? Listen to tell you now I'm getting ready to get when I got one more thing to say to you? Pol your love, How you ain't got a thing to say to me? I said I was dealt, And I said I got one more thing to say? Is you listen? You know what? Man, get off my phone. I'm gonna say it anyway. This is nephew Timman from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your entire praise and ministry congregation, all your girls got me the frank phone called you. Oh I'm a shot for real. Oh I'm think I'm cursing on the radio. Oh I think I'm gonna have to show. I got one thing to ask you. Tell you what is the baddest radio show in the lad nobody else but the Steve Harvey More on the show that is praise dancing. You know what I'm saying, do a little scripping from it if you don't mind. Lord's Tommy, Oh Jesus, a little scripping substantly in my prayers. I can't hear you. I've never really I don't like you. Don't like praise dancing. It's not in the whole idea of the praise. No, you can the Lord are not in there. Well, I don't get the white face. That's what that's the mind turned around and the whole church seated. I can accept our love, you have it, but the white face praise dance and they're excellent. You guys just don't appreciate it. Art form. It's an art for I want the same pedicute, though everybody told God to be same. I don't like to do from sides of the people on the team. They don't look it, don't look the same at the big plation, it's not the same. Turn. You can't focus. I want you on that. Wait on somebody to catch up. Yeah. The little people turn all the way. They back around weird, quicker than the big room. Now, you gotta wait for the big When it turn around, you really spin and you're skinny. You come back around. Were waiting. See when you're big. It ain't a spin, it's a rotate. It's a turn of rotest. Not a spin, it's a rotate. And now we're just in here looking at this mayhem, this this organas turn once they come out that turn that they never get caught back. And then the big one got shot on. So when the arms spread out like the arms are not all the way up with the right right, your wings don't really look like wings. Right, Today's Strawberry letter. Uh, the subject don't hold my past against me. We'll do that right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for the letter. And if you do want advice on relationships, on sex, on dating, on work, on parenting, whatever it might be, submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit draw Berry letter. All right, a special announcement that I'm just a side. I'm going to start a petition to praise Just please send it. Please sign your name. Your name will be held. I'm just looking for the sheer number of people listening with bugle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. They're so stupid. Everybody wins. Subject don't hold my past against me, Dear ste even surely I have a question and I need your advice. When should I tell a new love interest that I have been to prison. I am not the average parole though I am an older woman that served a lengthy prison term as a first offender for transporting drugs. Since my release from prison, I have earned a degree and I have a great career for many years, I own a home, and I'm an upstanding member of my community. No one would ever believe that I have had a considerable amount of my life controlled by the Department of Corrections. So when is it appropriate to disclose this information to a man. I don't want to share it up front because I don't want to be judged unfairly. I also don't want to wait too long because I don't want to shot the man. In my last relationship, my man did not hold it against me. We broke it off for other reasons since him I met a man and we were talking about people being in prison and he had he had strong views against it, so I didn't pursue anything further with him to avoid telling him about my past. I want desperately to be in love, but I'm afraid to be open and honest with guys I meet. It may not be you know, it may not be that big of a deal, and I'm worried for nothing. What are your thoughts? Well, um, I think the timing is everything, and I think you should be honest with him. And you're right you shouldn't wait too long if he's a new love interest. I'm assuming that you guys are dating and going out to dinner and such things. So even though it's hard for you to bring it up because you don't want to be judged, you know you have to bring it up. So one night at dinner as early as possible, you know, if not the first date, the second date, go ahead and tell him. You know, people have to like you for who you are. You you you did what you did, You paid your debt to society. You spent many years in in prison. You said, now that's over. You know everyone gets a second chance. I think you deserve a second chance, and you've proved that with your second chance, you've become a better person. You say you're an upstanding member uh in your community, you own your own home, you've you've had a great career for many years. You have a degree. So I mean you're you're clearly a changed person. So if the person who you're with uh liked you, and UH you know if you once you tell them, excuse me, they like you for who you are, They're not gonna hold that against you. I mean, there have been many people out there that have done time and have gone gone on to do upstanding things, and I think you're one of those. So UM, tell him, tell him as soon as possible. First, just if not the first date, definitely the second date. Steve. First of all, congratulations, yeah on picking yourself up and turning yourself around. Shall I not say yourself, Let me say praise to God for picking you up and turning your round. That God is in the forgiving business. God is in the delivery business. God is in the dust. You off bin this. God is gonna make your dream come truely. You are a result of that, the fact that you're an older woman and you certain lengthy prison term as a first defender for transporting drugs. You've earned a degree, you have had a great career for many years, you own a home, and I am outstanding, upstanding member of your community. No one would ever believe you did a considerable at the time control by the Department of Correction. So when is it appropriate to disclose this information to a man. I don't want to share it upfront, and you shouldn't. This is nothing you need to share upfront. It ain't really ain't nobody's business yet now surely gives good advice. I happened to disagree with sharing this with a man on the first A second date, personal second date don't mean nothing. I think you reveal this information to a man once you all are about to be intimate. Then the relationship going somewhere y'all just talking and dating what it is now, if you feel like it's about to get intimate, then you need to reveal this information. And I'll tell you why. Because a man is now more vested in you, he's developed feelings for you without, as you say, being judgmental. Because remember the one guy she was liking and she tried to share it up from you know, uh, he set up and had really strong feelings about people that have been to prison from he's out, you know what I mean. So that has happened to her so rightfully. So she's concerned about running off a good man too early. So first and second date is out of the question. I disagree. I think it's something you keep. Let a person get to know you, get to understand how you are and feel you without having that information to taint who you really are, because it can happen, cause people are human beings. I got Should nobody judge everybody? Should faith take your faith value for what you are. That ain't how people are operating. Let's not be naive. So simple. You wait until you're about to become intimate, and then you drop it on it period. Now anybody don't like that information, I'm sorry, too bad, but that's when I would do it now. Any question, Shirley, I've been to the opinion you say that right now when you when it's about to become interested. Now, I don't have any questions. We we do disagree, I guess, go ahead, No, I guess we do disagree on that. I think you should the earlier, the better you know, and and give the person the other person the option of whether they want to continue the relationship. People do have strong Indians about you know, people who have been to prison. So I just say the earlier, the better timing is everything, of course, and you know, give them the option of whether they want to hang in there or get out. That's my opinion. Hanging there for what relationship? Ye gotten a degree? Got it? We'll finish this one, okay, all right, we'll be back with part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's go with part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter subject don't hold my past against me? See and the reason I think that, Well, this woman is questioning she needs some advice because she's been to prison before for a large part of her life, and she's wondering when is the right time to inform a man that she has been to prison because she's not the average parole lead. She says, she's an older woman, Sir, the lengthy prison time as a first defended for transporting drugs. But since her release from prison, she's earned a degree, she has a great career for many years, she's a homeowner and an upstanding member of her community. No one would ever believe that I've had a considerable amount of my life controlled by the Department of Correction. I think you have a fabulous story to him. I think that you are a story of redemption, overcoming, forgiveness, and God's grace. I think you have an incredible story to tell. I think if you told that story, if you peel back and remove the layer of secrecy as the story, this is my story, this is what I'm from, and this is what I've become, more people would resonate with you. I really feel that way. Now, as far as dating a man, if you don't want to take that route, then I don't think you should tell him on the first or second date. I think you should wait until you're about to become into because you all know. Okay, when I get what I see next time, I better daughter, women know that? What what? What if they're gonna have sex on the first day? You know how we get to that? See what? What? Why are we talking? I hate him because she already if you listen to the letter, it's not a woman like that. Should she wait till they're both undressed? That's my dog team Jay all day long? Don't you add to this? Makes sense? Though? One more time, Jake, because I don't believe what you just said. I don't believe you said what you just said. Should she wait till they're both undressed? I know you like what you see. You don't mind if called the you know that man? So anyway, right, you hired him your story as a story redemption and overcoming, to write a book about it, to mentor young girls to go into prisons and tell your story. I think your life has great value to I think your story, your past, is your story. But you can stand up and make the announcement. I've held this from you off for so many years because I was a shame. But I'm no longer a shamed. I'm actually proud. I'm actually filled with God's grace now, and I want to share story. In nineteen I was convicted for drug traffic I got caught up in a situation I was young, bold. I've been to jail for twenty years. I got out in two thousand five. Now a lot of people gonna start clearing out to you. Come on hard. Some people there we go, we set killing up. Okay, so the ones that are left right, so we're gonna see some walk out. But the people, those little ones that are really with them, okay, dog Christians anyway, But dog, couldn't we tell them like right after we do it? Can we tell me then let's keep through it all that ain't on my mind. I don't want jail on my mind. Why we don't. I know you enjoyed it, But that's how it's gonna go. Jack, it's going down now, he's coming up. Taking the moment you got caught up, Junior. I have one more, Just one more you yell out, lights out, I'm sorry, sign or something like could you roll over and get my paints from under the bid? You laying on my pain. I agree that she has a great, great, great story. We just we disagree on when she should tell him. Yeah, but I think I think story and just take the take the whole veil of secrecy off of it, man, and tell your story. See if you tell your story, that keep people from telling it? Yeah, you tell your own truth. You reveal it what they're gonna say exactly. She used to sell truths? Well, yeah I did. Yeah, but he saved me. God gott to save you from something. I think you have a great story of redemption. I say, pulled back to curtain yourself and walk out on that. And who's gonna be, what you're gonna be, what you'll find out? Who you cool people? Is right? That's all you gotta do is it's pull the curtain back on that plate and let him sit there and watch that for a minute. You'll find out who with you? Who are all right? At the set? You could sing, Oh, don't you know? That's just sounds working on the chain, Dan. Really, most people in her life they already know it though, because she has to. I mean, you know, they got to do background checks, so she's yeah, she has a great career for I go to over here. Well, you ain't so fast, baby, your head all the way in your boat the restaurant and get up against the wall. Yeah, and walk along the wall until you get by the kitchen. Don't Why did you put that in your pocket? What is that about? Why are you soap skinny? Why is your favorite movie you want to watch? Hey? Why did you fouling your butt? What? What is you put on the button? Night? Guy? Long? You and all right? Listen, we gotta get out of here. Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl Shirley. Please join me this Thursday for the Strawberry Letter. The Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Okay, why is everything coming up? In about ten minutes, Steve has ten things that your ex should never see you do. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, ten things you have for us that your ex should never he see you do. Let's go. These are things fellas that you don't need your X to see happen to you. You're ready for the first list. She cannot see you on the bus, better be driving it. She driving back and your ass at the bust one. Here's another thing. She beat not pull up at the restaurant and your ass is the valet. What what? Here's another one. She cannot be driving down the freeway and look over there and your car is broken down. Another these are things that your ex can not see happened to you, y'all in line? Huh at the wal Mart? Yes, she be hand you and you don't know it. In your car. Don't go through. God, kid, you turn around and it's hurt. That's why I left you in the front way. There's another thing, your mama case see happened to your girl. Your girls, I mean your girl, your ex girl can't see this happened to you. You're to move back and to your mama. She drawing off some pack to your mama for Mother's Day. You asked him about the basement with some hot shoes and a wife beater and a white people pack of cigarettes behind you you damn janny and a coat on because they no heat. And here's one that you can't have happened to you. She find out no cold up, this happened to you. Your ex send you a text that was meant for someone else. But the text say I'm in the shower the doors open, followed by I'm sorry that that's cold. That's deliberate man, instant crying, I'm in the shower the doors open, followed by I'm sorry. That was not for you. Here's another thing your ex can't find out about you if you mess around and lost that good ass job. Uh, she walked into you. You now you're down at the windy You repentish in the salad ball. She and there with the kids, right, mama, ain't that Mr Jo? Shut up? Let him work. That's cold. That's cold. Man, You come to church walking. It all went bad. But here's my favorite one of all drumroll cat ladies and gentlemen. This is the top thing that your ex can never see happen to you. It is your new girlfriend look just like your brother dog man, man that out, No baby, this is my new lady. Excuse me. You know you can't let him see you do gay ever ever, ever, ever, ever? Can I never have a movie if you got it going on like that. You cannot let your X see your new girlfriend talk to you crazy outside. You can't do that that. Somebody ain't got it together. Let me tell you another thing you can not see you do Washington car. That the car in return if they pull up in that car and they look at to see you out there Washington car. Is that what you don't want her to see you do out there? Cleaning? Porter Potti is clean, Porter Patty. You don't want husbeah, we broke up that man you know you don't like You cannot be the mascot at the birthday part. Cannot walk away and sit man, No SpongeBob square fancy her baby. Birthday part cannot be. That is he checking what you're doing and check it job can not be at the birthday part they have the man. They're not gonna go for that. Glad your ex cannot see you rummaging through a trash. You have lost all your shame everybody else. But she can't see that. She cannot see you riding around town on your car and you got that little doughnut on that he got new time, your money, your ex can see you. She had to stop. Yeah, she can't see you pull up next to her. You don't know it's her. You're on your brother bike. Oh my god, like, hey, trying to make it to work. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what you can't see. She got the kids and pull up to McDonald's window and you work in the window in your order. Please you thought I recognized, Say he is one that really hurt. They cannot see you with your shirt open. It's some flip flops in a y'all. They cannot see you over you all right, get it together, guys. Wow. Coming up at the top of the hour, two Chains proposed again to his wife. And we're gonna ask Steve and Tommy, well certainly not Jake, how they did when they proposed. Yeah, right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, well, look who's here? Got here fresh out of the gym? Is your voice. Alright, Carla, because Steve said you were doing some holleran hey, the cheery girl, my baby flip better than exactly yes, all of that screaming. Yes, I'm back from Orlando, Florida. Thank you. Let me get you some green girl. See you sound sexy, Go with the sexy, go with thee. Do not kill anybody in here. Tasha is a champion though. Oh that baby. It was a big, big dance summit, cheer summing. Tommy's daughter was there and his wife. It was big. It was big for the cheering dance world. Is past weekend in Orlando. It's awful. You don't know. When your daughter does something, we get more days. I don't know why you came right that. They've been going about two weeks. You guys, thank you. That's awesome. Yeah, yeah, we love that baby. All right. Well I gotta ask you this, Carlin. Did you see this two chains proposed again to his wife at the met gala on the red carpet. Yes, and two chains in Keisha Ward have been married since two thousand thirteen, but that did not stop him from getting down on one knee to pop the question again. How romantic? And this is a really romantic part, Jay, are you listening? No, not at all. He upgraded her ring, He upgraded her ring. He upgraded her ring, I should say her bling. Uh. So, did you guys know the President proposed to First Lady Melania Trump at the met gala fourteen years ago? That was back, of course, in two thousand four. Uh. Donald Trump gave Melania a fifteen carrot engagement ring. Uh. And now how ironic that Mr Trump is not even welcomed at the met gala. That's according to yeah take folk. Unitor in Chief Annamal Tour says, uh, you're not welcomed here. So so Steve, tell me, how did your guys proposed? Do you remember? H yeah, clip oh what happened? Okay, this is probably the road man most romantic. I think I'll be a bit Okay, okay, drive through at Popeye. I didn't have no money. She paid for everything. That's when I knew this was the woman romantic romantically. It's the questions, Yeah, you don't see the drifts. You don't see the romantic and took took my college class ring off and gave it that because I ain't have nothing. Now, but we didn't get married. About sixteen. You're like, boy, that's romantic. I know what women hanging over with dad. I can't wait for somebody to do me like that. When we poised today, boy will be the crame you hear me? I have a tear in my eye right now. All right, come on, Steve, show him how it's done. Well. I took Marjorie to La Pamelia. You all know where that I took you all there, the one and only in cobbo Um. We checked into the room. I had prearranged it with the make you the manager of the restaurant. So I took my ring that I gotten her. She didn't know I had it to the manager and gave it to it. He put it in the safe until dinner time. She decided at dinner time she didn't want to go to dinner, let's just have room service. Okay, you're the mess up every day. So I said, no, no, that we really really got to go, really have to go. The managers expected us. So she got dressed. We go down there to the restaurant. We're sitting there. I got the wine seller reserved private. But the wine seller is like in the kitchen, but it's glass all the way around it with the bottles in it. But the people in the kitchen can leak in the wine selling. You can look out into the kitchen watching fixed food, but you're in the private room. Real sex, real real code. So we eat the dinner. Dessert comes. I know her favorite dessert is chocolate chocolate molten lavacate. So they bought it under the silver dome and they set mind down and they opened it. They took hers and it rolls up, and then she looked up under there and she peeked down and she saw that ring. Holly, she started, oh my god, Oh my god, oh my god. And then she just started crying. She just started crying. She came jumped on my lap and she cried. She cried. All the people in the kitchen were standing around the wine selling clapping the food right now. So she finally gets up because she gotta go get herself together. She go in the restaurroom up down there, I'm king right now right. She in the restaurom, I thank to manage, I slide him is tipping everything. And so she in the bathroom next to this girl and the girl is crying too, and she goes, honey, I know what you're going through. They just go sick, don't. They don't ever get anything right, she said, Andre says, I'm not. I'm crying because I got a ring. And she pulled a ring on the shoulder too. She said, Honey, that ain't no ring, that's a rock. And they hugged and everything. Margie came out of the bathroom with the girl. They hug and I just wanted to see who did Oh my god, Oh my god, are you Steve? Yeah, you got your Steve Harvey. And I wasn't even this then. You know, ain't no way in here. That's better than two pieces of biscuit right there? Two want to I want to get here. Jay's story and food Enjoyment. Go to all social media at Steve Harvey f M and tell us about your marriage proposals. Were they as good as Tommy and Steve's coming up in twenty after Best and Worst States for Working Moms. We'll be back right after this. You're listening Dave Harvey show. Mother's Day is the Sunday, guys, We know that. And wallet Hub has just come out with their list of the best and Worst States for working Moms. They judged all fifty states and the District of Columbia in fifteen key metrics in areas such as childcare, professional opportunities, and work life balance. Some of the best states are Vermont, Minnesota, Massachusetts, District of Columbia, Connecticut. Uh yeah, New Jersey, and New York. Those are some of the best states everywhere. Now I want you guys to chime and what are what do you think are some of the worst states. I'll start it off with Louisiana, wo, Mississippi check correct, that is correct, Arkansas, No, that's not on their What about Georgia, Yes, Georgia is on there. South Carolina Steve, yes, No, not North Carolina. Probably. Yeah. The worst states are Louisiana, Alabama, South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia, and Texas. You guys got all of those. The only one you left out was Nevada. That the Nevada for the worst states for working moms. Yeah, we love Vegas. What are you talking about, Jay? Okay, well, Carl, you and I are both working moms. Um. Yeah, you know, my mom helped me out a great deal with raising shared and thank god, but it is Yeah, it's hard, we can do it. Yeah, I don't want ye about all and not only do you come to you go to all the functions in all the Yeah you're there, Yeah, we're there for the alleys and the taboos. And then call me the hair. Yeah yeah, I have to have two daughters in the summertime. When he was spend summer with me, I would do their hair. But it looks right at all. Yeah, they were mad about that they had some baby weeks. You know what, that's a bad daddy. You're gonna be with your daddy this summer. Comes get to him. We're gonna get your baby weeds in your secake. Mama, gonna bradge your hair, and you ain't gonna take it down to you get back to me looking bad. We're gonna put put the baby here. Why is that so funny though, Because because you can a single daddy and you're about to have your daughters for the summer, you need to invest in Thomas baby right testimony about a baby. You know, my daughter came to me this summer and she stayed with me, and I couldn't do her hair. But thank God for Tommy and his baby wigs. We had four different baby weeks. We had a front lace baby week, we had a very nice, curly, curly baby week, and then we had the super outfro baby. My baby was at church every Sunday looking so different. Thank you, Tommy for all you've done for the falls out there who after kids in the summer. Tommy, baby, you know what that makes me think of, though, what I want to come back. Please reboot in Living Color Man, Please reboot. That's the one to bring back, because baby wigs would be perfect, and you know Homie would not play that. You're not phone all right, We'll have more of this ignorance when we come back. Right after baby weeks. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. George Zimmerman back in the news. You know him, the Florida man who was acquitted for the two thousand twelve killing of Trayvon Martin back in two thousand twelve. Well, Zimmerman was arrested again last week for stalking, and he was arrested for stalking and arresting a private investigator whom he threatened to feed to an alligator. Zimmerman was booked into the Seminole County Jail following an investigation into claims made by a private investigator who accused Zimmerman of making threats um the p I. His name is Dennis Warren. He was hired by a production company that was making a documentary about the Trayvon Martin shooting. Warren says he stopped talking to Zimmerman when he started making threats, but Zimmerman continued to stalk and harass him and the documentary's producer. At one point, Zimmerman suggested that he was going to feed Warren to an alligator. Deputy say they've recorded fifty five threatening calls, sixty seven text messages, thirty six voicemails, and twenty seven emails from Zimmerman over a ten day period back in December, and one of the Texas Zimmerman concluded a link to an article in which he was quoted as saying, I know how to handle people who mess with me. I have since February of two thousand twelve. Anyone who messes with my parents will be fed to an alligator. And you know that Zimmerman has been released from jail on bond talking How does he keep talking to all the right people? See, all this conversation is directed at the right people. He killed his little boy, That's who he killed. Now he running his mouth with his little private He talks to all the right people. What do you mean you know who to pick at? He no easy target. It's some people out there that he can all this bravado and grand jill. He could take all this to a certain group of people and we put a stop to that. All that vigor, come on, see all that, all that he got, all that he got. Some coward ass messy, a little punk ass talking about talking about anybody messed with me. I've been a boy, boy boy, you killed a boy. It's what you coward. You killed a boy with a gun who was unarmed. That's what you did. You ain't a badass, dude. You're not just feeding the alligator to see everything you're gonna do. You stop all that talk. I know people don't do no talking. Yeah, don't talk at fifty seven Texas. No, no, And what I'm doing, what you're trying to feed me? Put it I'm doing? Yeah. Yeah, there's some people that that don't talk. Next thing, you know, you're a nursing behind with me. It's somebody talking. There would be no talking. I got some people that will not even somebody to get on you think it is alligant when they show up, they come to deliver a hand. All it is that obviously he does not want them to make the Documentarimman, just that you've heard that. Yeah, and some people to deliver it, deliver it, talk tough, don't. And these are two film producers and people like that, like you say, Steve, these kinds of people not you know, people that would come after him, I promise you, his dame. But over a ten day period, threatening calls, sixty seven text messages, thirty six voicemails, twenty seven emails. Geez, all right, we'll be back to close out the show with Steve's closing remarks at forty nine. After you're listening, Dave show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. Time for Steve's closing remarks. Okay, um, today Tommy sent me something, sent me a caption that I'm gonna keep because I oftentimes keep on quotes in my motivational folder in my photo stream, and I just look at them from time to time when I'm feeling a certain kind of way. Sometimes I just need a little uplift myself, you know. And Tommy sent me this today, and I'm gonna share it with you, and it's gonna call me, cause me to expound on it a bit, because it's something I really do believe in. It says, do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. Do not ask God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. You know, folks, it's very simple. God can put his finger on something to bless if you give him something to put his finger on. But you can't. You can't ask God to do something, and you're making no effort. Lord, help me get a job, but you ain't putting in no applications. Lord, help me do right. But all you ever wanna do is wrong. You're just you're just committed to wrong. You know, you you you gotta make a move in the right direction. You know, faith without works is dead, So what time he sent me? Do not ask God to guid your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. It's something all of us, and all of us are guilty of it. From time to time, sometimes we get complacent. Sometimes we just get the feeling side fire. So you know, man, I guess it ain't meant to be oh Lord, whatnot you know? Look, man, you can complain your way through life if you want to, but you really have to make any tude adjustment. You gotta get two things moving, your attitude and your feet. Those two things have to get moving. You gotta start taking steps. You may not know the weight how to get to the finish line, but the finish line is somewhere. It ain't where you at. The finish line is never where you're standing. So you gotta start taking some steps. And once again, you may not know all the steps necessary to get to the tape, but you gotta start the process. Man. So, like the caption says, stop asking God to guide your footsteps. If you ain't willing to move your feet, you got to put it into motion. Look, it's just a dream when you're thinking about it, but you gotta put some You gotta put your dreams to work. Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes. You gotta take your dreams and put work clothes on. The man, you gotta start stepping in the right direction. You've gotta make a move towards the light. You've gotta step towards the finished line. You've got to start to get the way you're trying to get to. You gotta get to go. You gotta go to get period. You cannot stay that wherever you're trying to get. You can't be right where you at. It can't be. It can't be. I'll give you this. This is this is a silly example. But let's say your family reunion is in Wyoming, which I know is not. That's why I said, And you drive to Wyoming. When you get to Wyoming, and you reach Wyoming, the state of Wyoming, you still got to do something because what where is the family union at? It just can't go to whelm me. Well, I'm here, Lord, you here, you well, you even when you get the way you say you're going, you got to move around. Let's say you get to the park where you're holding the family reunion, and you get to the park. Once you get to the park, what what you gotta do something. You're gonna play softball, volleyball, You're gonna sit there on a tree, play domino, You're gonna bob kill, You're gonna make eliminade. You constantly gotta be doing something. There is no when you get there, you're there, There is no more movement required. There's movement required throughout your life, because wherever you're trying to get to it ain't where you at. I can promise you that it's never where you at. I'm doing very well in my life. It ain't where I'm going. How would I be just I'm here now? This is this in what No more dreams, Steve, no more visions. You want nothing else you you here, This it for you. And it doesn't matter me that people look at me and go, man, you got all this. I don't need see what you're tripping for. I ain't tripping. I just want to be more than I am. I'm really trying to be a better person. I really really am. I'm not content with the person I am. I could improve. I could actually be a better person. So I'm in the process. God ain't through with me yet. He's working on me. I'm trying. I'm better than I used to be, but I'm still got my feet moving. So I'm asking God to guy my steps. But I got my feet moving. Man, stop asking God to guide your footsteps. If you ain't willing to move, your feet can't happen. It's what you want. Come on, man, stop that dude, that you're being unreasonable to God guiding your footstep and moving your feet down the path. That's too different that you got to do that. You make one step, he'll make two. So if you don't make the one, you cannot expect him to make the two. He can touch you and bless you, but you gotta give him something to bless you. Gotta do something. O. Case said that, I was watching TV. That's it. Stop asking God to guide your footsteps if you're not willing to move your feet. Thank you, Tommy. That was my clothes up. Drop it? Okay? Who now that actually sounded like a like that was encouraging. Yeah, a good way to start the day. Keep it going, all right, y'all, have a good one. Have a great weekend too. I'll be working. I'll be working whenever. For all Steve Harvey contests, no for just necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.