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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag all song looking back to back down, giving them bung just like amazing buck things and it's toubles y'all to me, true good. It was the hard guy listening to move when to each other for stoo to handley. Why don't you join? Yeah, yall join me in doing me? Honey said you gotta use turn out? Yeah? Do you You gotta turn to turn out? Turn love? It got to turn out to turn want to go comy, Come on your back? I saw well good mording. Everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show man. God is good to me, Yeah he is. It's good to all of us. It's just we gotta stop sometimes and acknowledge it. All the small things that happened to you that they're just direct favor and blessings from God, all of them, all of them, all of them. Man. So don't take it for granted. Don't take for granted that you woke up this morning. Please don't take that for granted. That's a great You know what that says to me when he wakes me up in the morning. When he wakes me up in the morning, it says to me, Steve Harvey, and you can take this yourself. It says to me that God ain't through with me yet, that God still has a plan for me, that God still has a mission for me, and that God still has blessings for me. So I wake up every day and I try to realize. I don't always do it, y'all. You know, sometimes I wake up on the we're the wrong side of the bed, like you get off to a little rough stop. But I catch myself always somewhere and I go, wait a minute, man, hold on, you trip it? What you got your mouth stick out about? What did you forget the blessing that it is to wake up? Steve? For real? Man? So you're gonna get up in and you're gonna and you're gonna claim yourself not to be a morning person. Man, You know what I mean? People out here say that I'm not a morning person. Why would you lay claim to that? How would you make that part of your makeup? I'm just not a morning person. When if things go right, this is something you're gonna do every day the rest of your life. Wake up. So you're gonna wake up every day like that, and then you need certain things to happen in a row in order for you to get your motor started or if or on, order for your day to get off the right way. If you don't hear some bad news, that blow it. If you get up to go to work, that blow it. If you hit alarm clock, the sign of your alarm clock make me sick. Change it, Get another alarm clock. Do something, dude, whatever you gotta do to start jump starting your day so it doesn't start off where you gotta acknowledge your fact or leading creage to the fact that, Hey, I don't like mornings, man, I love mornings. Wake me up in the morning. Thank you, man, Thank you for waking me up in the morning. Thank you for giving me a chance another. Thank you for not being through with me yet man. Thank you for just getting me up so I could just go do it again. So you know, I just I just wanted to share that piece with you today, but also I wanted to talk to you about the process, the process of becoming success scessful at whatever it is you want to become successful at. Once again, when I'm talking about success. I'm not talking about money. I'm talking about whatever you want to be successful at. Now. If that's a financial thing, you're shooting for a financial goal, ain't nothing wrong with that. Cool. This is for you. If you're trying to become a success at school. This is for you. If you're trying to become a success down at your job, in your career choice, cool, If you're trying to be successful in a relationship. Cool. This is for everybody that's trying to be successful on whatever level. Here it is. You must understand the process. This is not instant coffee. We're making here your success in whatever area concerns you. This ain't instant coffee. Here, you put hot water on it. You got coffee. This is the process. Let's let's matter of fact. Let's use coffee as an example. A lot of people are not successful because of just that. They wanted to be like instant coffee. We a lot and put this hot water on it. Why ain't I got coffee? Because you gotta go through the process. Somebody has to plant something to get a real good cup of coffee. Somebody got to plant something, a seed in the ground. The seed is covered with dirt. This is the process of becoming successful. This ain't instant coffee. This ain't put hot water in it. Stir it up, dash your coffee, start your day to become successful. We all want this cup of coffee. But this is the process. Somebody has to put a seed in the ground. Somebody has to cover it with dirt. Someone has to tend it, someone has to farm it. Someone gotta look after it. Somebody gotta water, water it, nurturing, fertilize it. Then that seed sprouts up out the ground becomes a plant. Now, this plant got to be tended to water, nurtured, prune. Then after a couple of years or some time goes by, that plant bears of fruit or bears a plant, a vegetable whatever they phrase it, well, whatever they use as a term for, and it produces a coffee being. Now, this coffee bean has now got to be harvested. It's gotta get picked. See the same instant coffee yard. You know, Jan veil Day has gotta come down a dunkey. You've seen the commercial. He gotta pick it. Then they gotta pa back at you. Then somebody got to ship it. Now, after ship it's a coffee being in a package. But now I guess what on this d over here. Somebody gotta pay for it. Then it's got to be the particular brand that you want, or it's gotta be the brand that tastes best to you. Somebody got to purchase it. Then we take that being home. Now, guess what we gotta do. Still still got some work to do. If you got coffee beans, you got to have a coffee grinder. You got to meal it up to the right consistency. Then you got to put it in your pot. You gotta heat up some water to a to to a certain temperature, and then you gotta get it to boiling. I mean what you know, whatever temperature is, you gotta get it to ball and the near balling or whatever. And then it's got to do go through another process called brewing. It's got to brew m Then when it's done brewing and the roma feels the house and that fragrance that you love so much to smell a coffee if you're a coffee drinker, but we're just using this as an analogy, then you get to pull yourself a cup. That's the process. You got to understand. There is a process to becoming successful ain't no shortcut. There ain't no instant coffee that tastes better than the coffee I just described. And it don't last that long, and it don't belong to you. You didn't earn it. It's instant. It just don't taste the same. It's been freeze dried for your convenience. The best coffee in the world is brewed. It's a process. Your success is a process. Don't get deterred by the process. Don't give up because it seemed like it's too many steps. Keep taking. Don't let the process stop you. Be determined. As I always say, you got to get funking with this thing. You. You got to be a little mean sometimes. If you want to be a winner, you got to be mean. You gotta have some dog in you. I'm just gonna tell you the truth. You got to have a dogged determination. You gotta lock on like a pit bull and don't let go. You gotta be a sneak, sniff it out like a bloodhound. You gotta be able to run. You gotta be able to run like a wolf. You gotta have some dog in you. Man. You can't get determined. You got to go get it like a Labrador retriever. You got to have some dog in you. Don't let the process defeat you. That's what stops people from becoming successful. That's why there aren't more successful people in whatever area you're talking about, because the process gets to him. I'm tired of playing. I'm tired of picking. I'm tired of fertilizing. I'm tired of water, I'm tired of grinding. I'm tired of waiting. I won't I want to cough a night. It's a process. Success as a process. Don't turn around, y'all. Keep praying God to help you keep moving. Let's go. You're listening Steve Harvey eighteen eighteen minutes after that hour, y'all, welcome to the ride. Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's a good day. It's Groundhog's day, right, groundhog grown homes a groundhog, the young old. What are you talking about for me? You said it's grown home? Sounded like surely? Is it groundhog Day today? February February second hil my boy Butch birthday was yesterday. He's the youngest member of the one twelve Street Gang. He is finally in the sixty club. Yeah, all my boys, I grew up with has turned sixty, Many Calhoun, Brown, Ricardo, Prude, myself, little John, and then Butch was born February first, yesterday, So he's the last one. We all text to each other. We all still friends. Are you still calling little John little John? Yeah? Yeah, he's still a little wider. He's just saying he's still a little because all us is wid Yeah, that's him, onion all Little John now sunlou pimp. He was he older than us, he's still surely, surely, I don't know. It's he can't talk about he can't say that. You none of the he said it though, you know, I mean pimp di Oh, okay, they just multipl No, they don't multiply, Si, pimps don't multiply, Tully. You have to put your streets sayings in the proper place. I gotta good luck with that. Sure. First of all, when you say pimp, it don't even sound good. Let's call us say it. I was just repeating what you said. Okay, all right, Pimps don't Pimps don't die. They most multiplyever, go multiply. So I said, is your boy he's still piper? Sure to come across there, the one that went to private school on the show. But what you're saying about my education, what you're saying last time, last time I saw Sonny Calhoun, was that my star on the Walk of Fame. He came to I hugged him. I fell out. Man, My boys Sonday didn't the time I saw him before that, he was at Said's wedding because his daughter is good friends with Said's wife. Okay, yeah, Sonny Calhoun, my man. Always cool. I just like your your friend's names. They all have cool names too. Yeah, they're cool brothers. Man, do you know what? But you know, you know, we were from a different era though, and I just come to realize that it was a cool ara. Like I was telling the story on my talk show. I got in a fight with one of my friends and we just fought. Man. We put our dukes up. We fought. Next day. We was friends. So we're back outside now. You couldn't come on a hunting to our street and do none of us or no so oh no, man, we was a unit. Man. We walked to school together. Yeah, we had to go past two two little territories. But gangs weren't then, wasn't nobody killing each other. We just had fights this oigh street. You can't come on our street. You know. We't had nothing, just a little stuffs and stuff. Yeah, dude had a table leg one time at the gang fight board. He snapped the table leg off. That's gotta hurt. No, man, we just ran. But if you got hit with the table, you know, you know, and the fight ain't you know the fight? Ain't that ship You win table and you high, we're out. Yeah, that's it. Chain wrapped around they waged. They would try stuff like that. Once you bring your train out and start swinging it. That fight over all, girls. Dude was pull hair. That was the big thing. Pull hair. And you tried not to get your face scratched. Yeah, you don't want you don't want any scratches in your face, and you didn't want your hair pulled. The show took some hair pulling in a face scratching for some of the as moving out to wait. The fight. Had a couple of fights. Yeah, not a lot, though. You were talking proper during the fight. Damn it, get off of me, damn it. Nope, nosh, darn it. What are we working with a question today? Yeah, that question, same question. What was the worst. A lie you told, you know, when you're and trying to dating to work, I hadn't told him, tell us one, you have a lot on time about the documentary filming. Yeah, when I was homeless, I was really young, I told a girl I had a twin identical twin brother. Why, I don't know. I really hadn't worked that out. I just knew that it was gonna have to be two of me to pull off some of the stuff I was gonna pull off. Oh oh, he'll go and twin brother. When that, I told this girl. This girl had this sister that was so fine. Now I didn't see her sister. I talked to her when I came over, and her sister was a year older than her one year old. Her sister was fine. So I told her I have a twin brother, because you wanted both of them, and you know, because we was all three of us sitting around, we was cool. And she said, you're so nice. You got a brother. Yeah, anything, I have a twin brother, she said, really. I said you want to meet him? She said, I sure do. Cool here, be here tomorrow. So I called a girl, told her I wasn't gonna make it but he was gonna come over anyway. I took my dumbass right over that. They knew me right away. We're not idiots. They knew me right away. Well, no, it went for a little half second. But I had the same sneakers that I had on the day. Man, and they said, you got the same shoes your brother. Wait a minute, said Steve, And I cut my eyes like you know, uh, I let me tell you something. Them girls laugh so hard at me. Man, they man, I saw him somewhere. They was telling that story at this club one night. Look at this all right, we gotta go to break. When we come back. Black History Moment, day two of Black History Month, we have another little known Black History Month. We'll be back. You're listening to show thirty four minutes after that. We're back right after this. We got a couple of in Black History Month. Yeah, we're just doing it a little bit different on this show because we're getting so much of it. Black History Month is a great celebration of history all for the moncle February. So that's some great things going on out there that you can partake of. We've taken a different approach for one time every morning where we give you a little known facts in black history that you did not know. Yeah, and so these are things that actually happening. You don't, you don't don't really talk about this. So coming up next, we got a couple of found up. All right, what you got hey, listen up, everybody. I just want to tell you about something up. It was a summer of nineteen in Memphis, Tennessee. Melvin G. Woodson was shot in the right butt us at ten o five pm. Then the police arrived at ten nineteen pm. Okay, okay, ten thirty eight. Police found out that Melvin was actually shot over a dice game incident. Twelve fifteen police as if anyone has any information on this incident, please come down to the Memphis Police headquarters. But no suspects was ever arrested. This actually became known as the pilot episode for First forty eight. Who you didn't even know that to me all the time, that's the first time they actually crossing timeline over dice game incident at ten o five. He was shocked up. They knew that there nobody. They're getting the more information until ten thirty eight when they found out that it was over a dice game. Incident. And then when they found out this is an episode. That's the first one. See these are little known you never would have done this. They don't even talk about talk about hidding figures. I know hidden figures, no more anyone else anything. I got one here that y'all might not know about. Let's see here. Nineteen nineteen eighteen is when this happened. Is a long time ago. Dougas Morgan and his wife Sean and Morgan was traveling from Jackson, Mississippi, to Kansas City, Okay. Now, Dougas stomach was upset from some greens and neckbones that Sealman had cooked him. Really, they poured over to an outhouse so Douglas could go to the ball from Now they pull over and Seaman sitting in the car. But Dugas in the outhouse, Holly, Sean and come here, come here, she said, I'm not going in there, he said, but ain't no paper in him. And so I'm saying I'm not coming in there because can nobody standing there. I'm not coming in there bringing you nothing. So he said, baby, you're gonna have to do something. I can't make it to Kansas City like this here. So Seanman got a stick from one of the trees, broke it down, took some paper and wrapped it around now and kept wrapping it and wrapping it and wrapping it, and then took that paper and rolled it under the door. And there became the birth of the tarlet paper on the rock. Sean Shanman come up with that in nineteen and named it after her and lamed it after her. It's a little known fact. Thank you guys. Because you're just go to the store and you do what you just kicked the charming off the shelf. You don't think and don't mow the history. All right, we'll come in. Good history coming out, all right, coming up, run that prank back? It's time for it. What you got black History? We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, get ready, coming up at the top of our ms and gonna be here with today's headlines. But up next we're about to run that prank back. What you got food? I got black History. Since we're in the middle second, watching me work with Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach James James police speaking, Hey James, how are you doing? This? Is um Chad telling I'm calling from the from the job. How are you tonight? I'm going good. How are you? I'm very good, very good giving you a call. I'm actually the the regional manager over the over your department. Okay, everything's all right now, So they suddenly if you want to make sure I'm still coming to work tomorrow. Oh, You're definitely definitely, nothing like that. You're definitely come to work now. Who's your manager over at your office? Is it Brett? Right? Okay, Well, here's what we're doing, man. We're calling everybody in the company first of all today, but more importantly, we're definitely making contact with every African American in the company. And I'm letting you know that we're paying homage and much respect to Black History Month out something that we want to definitely let you guys know that's important to us. I think that is outstanding. How can I help Well, listen, we've got some things that we want to do for tomorrow and that's the reason why you're getting a call today. Are you up for helping us, you know, really really push Black History of Month within the company, Chad, I'm a team player. Whatever it takes, let's get it done. Okay, good deal, Good deal. I'll tell you what. Here's what we're gonna do. We've got a lot of people that we've given a call to, and everybody's gonna play different roles tomorrow at the office, So we wanted to give you a call. Do you mind if you're if you're really the team player that we think you are and I think you uh you, you've already made mention that you you don't mind doing what it takes, don't You're on the right track. Okay, good deal. Here's what we're asking man. We would we would like for you tomorrow to actually if you could find these types of articles tonight, but if you could wear a burlap shirt, some cut off pants, and no shoes tomorrow, that would really really help us out on the team that we're trying to get going for tomorrow. WHOA, we'll chat. I think I hurt you, but I'm not sure. Can can you please repeat that one more time? Leave? We want you to wear a burlap shirt, some cut off pants, and and just don't wear any shoes at all. That's the that's the attire that we would like for you to come into the office with tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, And we we're gonna give it a man. Everyone's excited about it, and we would like for you to come in tomorrow. Uh, Like I said, we're chat chat let me, let me, let me, let me give you I mean, since we're gonna celebrate black Shish and let me give you one fat. The year sixteen nineteen was the first African American slaves arrived in Virginia. Today is Sunday. Do you think I like that? Are you? I'm sorry? I didn't. I didn't. I didn't exactly hear what you said at the beginning? What what did you say? We've been over with? Ain't we in hell often? To come into the office here? Why some fluid your mind? What's wrong with you? Why you ask me to put on a baseball Who can come in as Jackie Robinson? Why don't you have there put on two piece suit to come in and hear it? Holder? What the hell is wrong with you? Well? What we want to do here, and I don't want you to get upset about this, James. What we want to do is we like you asking me to do, to be a slave. Well you know what I will do. But I mean we'll come up there. I will come up there and and uh, pretend to be you and you'll be on your That's what I will do, and show you some real black power panther movement on your Would you like that? Sir? Sir? What we want to listen, we're not here to create problems. What we want to do is we want to we want to pay a problem on the Sunday, the drift as a slave. That's a brother as up the problem. Okay, okay, sir. If we're gonna pay homage to black history, don't you think that all of that is a part of black history? High like the positive man, high like the positive. You're paying me today to work for you. This ain't no slave free labor. Do you understand that? No? I definitely, I completely understand it. But what if we don't have where where it started from? You know, we have to have we have to have all every single area of black history. Don't you think we have to have the beginning, the middle, and the ending. Okay, well, if you want to highlight some of them to be Frederick Dustin's, let me slick my hat back. But see the problem you got here? His father was a white man, See y'all like looking at our women. But y'all don't like uplifting the black man. So how about I do that? Let me be Frederick Dells. That's how I like that, boss. How about you, Chad you like black women? Uh uh, I'm here, or answer the question. I like all all, like all people, sir. What I'm trying to do is get a great, great environment within the company, and everyone is not a great avinment. So now the majority of the of the Caucasian people are gonna be masters tomorrow. Okay, what did you say masters? Did you gonna say masters? Yes, most of them are gonna be masters tomorrow. I'll be in there with my trainer to master ELC lawsuit on your talk about that. So do you have a problem with us trying to trying to uplift the black community? Do you have a problem with that? Man? You you ain't uplifting saying you know what I'm gonna do. I'm coming in the mars Barack Obama. But so you don't like to do you were running around you want to get somebody to come in and be a slave. You feel master, masterly, master me coming in as a black man like I've been coming into working like I'm go forever coming into work. We are a major farmer company, and you're calling me on a Sunday with like this, are you watch your sir? Sir. What we're trying to do is uplift the black community. That we're trying to do, say't talk about slavery, lift and kiss my black that's what you do, sir. I'm trying to What we're trying to do is play a homage to black history. And here you are being negative about the entire entire situation of what we're trying to do. To be a negative and I'm being like, man, I'm coming in as Barack Obama to mar like I said, and I'm a hair like choose on my sir. That's the There's one more thing I need to say to you. Okay, there's one moment. I'm sorry you just said. All you had to say? What's your name again, Chad, Sir, Chad Billingsley? What here you got to say? All I wanted to say to you is this, sir, is I am nephew tommin from the Steve Albit Martin Show. And you just got pranked by your co worker Kevin. Had to be some kind of joke because y'all playing on a Sunday. Man, I'm gonna kill no word about my job. I was getting ready to come that to Mirrow and whom every wife boy I thought looked like a math And don't let me see a brother dressed like a slave. I was on Wolf here. Oh man, hey, man, I gotta ask you, man, you gotta tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio station in the land and the Thieven Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Well, it's Groundhog Day and people are gathered at Gobbler's Knob to see what Gobbler's Knob. Okay, I'm gonna tell you this is according to the tradition, to see if the world famous groundhog punk Satani Phil will see his shadow and return to his whole h He has predicted six more weeks of winter like weather. Uh. If Phil does not see his shadow, he has predicted an early spring. I told you, guys, this was an important day for me in my life growing up in Chicago. We stop everything. They're in Cobbler's Knob. At Cobbler's Knob, this is going down on puncti. Gobbler's knob. What did I say, Cobblers? I know Gobbler's knob. Gobbler's knob. It's in Philadelphia, It's in Philadelphia. It's in Pennsylvania. Yeah, I mean Pennsylvania yet, but his name is Parks to phil the groundhogs. So here we go. They crowded. Boy, they this is big. This is big. People that live in cold people that live in cold climates. Though, this is how long has been going on. It's been going on a long time. Yeah, it happens in Canada too. Just don't make no damn sense. People ain't got they pimp in the game. They no, they ain't got nothing. The hog don't make no difference. Dog he don't hide and Nate just don't make no sense. All this is this little town to found a way to get these hotel prices up to folk. Yeah, to stop that damn old man. Come out there with them stove top hats on. They ain't got nothing to do. They over that, just pimp. Get the groundhog change and you don't even know what Palks of Tony. He's a different groundhog every year. But you know they're like tradition didn't die steeped in tradition. People like all this, you know, step tradition and stuff like. I like what I'm saying. It's just a way to get their hotel prices of the time because the day after it goes down, like what three dollars. But it's big though. They have festivals and they have breakfasts and tours. And I wish my significant other would come home and Tabby would have groundhog say it back. I don't know what groundhog look like. It was something like a beaver, rat, rodents, squirrel, Yeah, all that mix. Yeah, this was an important day to me, not even because living in Chicago was so cold. If he saw his shadow, you know, that meant what that we're gonna have six more weeks of winter. He didn't see his shadow, Shelly, it's six more weeks. Went up here. I don't give a damn who come, But I was a kid. Steve walked up here to make Yeah it is every year it used to snow on Memorial Day. You're absolutely right, Steve. It was crazy. While we talked about this hill man growing up there all day. I'm gonna get you all some souvenirs. They got souvenirs everything I'm on the website, mugs and postcards and magnets who do that? This is We'll go up there people, Steve. This is a craft show and it's gonna be on the news all day tomorrow. Watch, I mean all day today. Watch any blocks in the crowd. I'm looking at the pictures. What I have never seen black came back and seeing the background. There was many blocks in the crowd. There were in uh that none of the people. You know, it's hey, man, where are you going bucks attorney for what day? Hey? You know what? It's actually more people up there for groundhold day didn't was that You're not gonna do it a thanks guys, This is and trip with the news. Good morning. Well, the fight has begune over Trump's President Trump Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorcer', whom the Conservatives love but whom the Democrats call a right wing idealogue. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell says Democrats should just get over what his party did to President Obama's nominee for the High Court, ignoring the man for eleven months, pretty much stealing President Obama's opportunity to appoint a jurist, just get over it. However, Senate democratically to Charles Schumer, says Gorser's nomination should tell voters something real important about the new president. Seems that President Trump, who has said he would be for the working man and woman, has not chosen someone who routinely sides with the average American. Schumer says he's concerned about how often Neil Gorsuch has sided with companies and employment discrimination cases, and how lenient he seems to be on political spending by corporations. Speaking of corporations, former Exxon Mobile quote CEO Rex Tillison has been confirmed to be the next Secretary of State, with Senators voting mostly along party lines fifty to forty three. However, several Democrats did jump ship and cross over in support Tillson. Meanwhile, the Senate Judiciary Committee has also moved up the nomination of Alabama Republican Senator Jeff Sessions to serve as a U. S Attorney General. Session is advanced by a party line committee vote of eleven and nine after hours of debate about his record on civil rights, including his alleged racist remarks. Actress Eva Longoria moving over to Empire coordinate Denline. The former Desperate Housewife has signed on for a multi episode deal in Juseason Empire, resuming on March twenty two. And there's more baby news. It's time. It's baby times too. The crowd. Soon to be parents are Beyonce and jay Z. Queen Bay announced greggers with twins via Instagram. She had a beautiful picture of herself all pregnant stuff. No word on how far along she is in coustious. Yesterday we got worried the Farrell and his wife had triplets. So it's the baby season, I guess. And now for some real black history time. Now for today's black history note. Note, a Black American family manufactured their own line of cars, trucks, and busses in the year nineteen fifteen. It was the Patterson family of Greenfield, Ohio. The patriarch of the clan was Charles Richard Patterson, who would escaped from slavery in West Virginia and settled in Ohio, where he ran a successful blacksmithing business, so successful that in the eighteen sixties the business became the Charles R. Patterson Carriage Company, and the family started making horse drawn carriages. After Charles Patterson died, his son Frederick, decided to manufacture automobiles, and the first car sold for eight hundred and fifty dollars. Due to a lack of capital, though, the cop and He ended its car line and went on to producing trucks and busses. The Patterson Car Company went out of business about fifteen years later, though, when the larger car companies overproduced and undercut their prices. However, that takes nothing away from the Patterson family of Greenfield, Ohio, a family of note, a family of black history makers. That's right now, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Shure. Everybody, all right, thank you missing Coming up next the butterfly. Eugene is in the building with his butterfly blog. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, eighteen minutes after the hour. Coming up next, Eugene is up next with the butterfly. But what is that? Man? It's just miss You know what I'll find out. We're good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, Stephen Timmy's Sharley College Junior. Good morning. It's a beautiful Fiori's dates out. How is everyone doing? Butterfly flap on flap on, Hey, butterfly Gene. Okay, what's going on? It's Thursday. It is chicken wing Thursday. Because let me tell you something. Right now is the time to get all of your wings that you're gonna have for the super Bowl. All right now, they are predicting to have one point three billion chicken wings consumed over the weekend. One point three billion chicken wings. I don't even know where their chickens either. I don't know where they are at the game now. That's in people's houses, um parties and things of that nature. Sal I want you to get out of your chicken wings. And I wanted to just take a low survey from you. I want to know what you like them? House Buffalo, Pama John, let me Peppertarry Hockey, sweet and side, garlic dry real who dry? And playing? You love? What? Right? Rub Buffalo Jr? Lemon pepper all date man Carline. I like lemon, pepper and garlic. The big dog. What you're like big dog? Damn Bobby Q? Yeah yeah, your chicken mean. This is always a big, a big argument with different people, you know, because the choice of dipping sofs blue cheese are ranch cheese. Blue cheese cheese. Girl, I love blue cheese and ranch, either one. Whatever you got, I'm good, come out j ranch. I don't just ranch till me what you like. I like ranch all day long, Stephen, I mean I like blench blinch. What is that? That's blue cheese and French combined? Blue cheese and French French. Is that pink looking stuff? Orange? Yeah, you're dipping Bobby Que's house in blinch. That's how your stomach hurt out of. That's how you run into the bay. That right there, dipping in and blinch. Here's the last question about chicken wings, because this is important to plants. Are drummats? Oh flats all day? I don't want to see a drummat flat druma you're drums jr. Chicken? Would you give it to me? He's the one though, flat drumma flats man. I love flak, but I won't flash. I will order order wings with just flash to love flat. Alright. We that is the blog first and points. Please get your chicken now, all right, because it's possible to run out. One point three billion chicken wings will be so over the course of the weekend. Wow, that's throughout the whole where else? So you made get your chicken the world. Yeah, but I thought it was just the US. Okay, all right? And land for not leave gal Patriots. Hey, Brady Lovedy, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're going to We're gonna go to the phones. What is the worst lie you've told to impress a date? Call us eight seven seven twenty nights, Steve. It's me. I was wondering Line three Cat Lolissa out of Mississippi. Hey, Melissa Lastera La listen, Heyla listen. Hey, Steve Hurd you this morning. Girl. I'm good. I'm good, fine as I can be, really well, I already do. I see your TV all the tast and you look sad to me, strong girl, strong, And so let me ask you something. What's the worst lie you ever told while you were dating? Well, the worst lie I ever told while I was dating? Um, Well, I met this guy at the church that in Carolina, well where I was visiting some people at and and he's really a really nice guy, looked really good. He served the army, and he was dressed really nice. He had a nice car and everything, and he was trying to talk to me and everything. So okay, I gave him my number. We've been talking for about a month and everything, and I told him that I had a BMW, which I don't have no BMW. So now you know, we're trying to get together for velatized date DiVello task they steve and so now I'm so nervous. I don't know what to do because I don't have no bands. I told him when I was there, is it is that my b and deputy was to be a service during this three month service thing, you know that job of the characters and all. And then he has a nice curt on. Baby, baby, listen to me. They stole your car, they did. Yeah, see that's all. See baby, you gotta learn how to lie now, so something. Once you start line, you gotta start stacking. Not the best way to not have a car is they stole it. Yeah, they did. They stole my car, and and that's why I don't have it and everything. Now now listen to me, now, now listen to me. Listen to me. He already liked you, He already liked what he saw. We don't care what kind of car. Women dry men don't care what kind of car or woman dry. They just they just want what they want. So so don't tell no more lies because you're not good at this. Because this can't even throw a man into nothing. I ain't got no BM man stole my damn car. Hold on, I'm gonna be late, baby, I'm gonna be late. They don't stole my cohole. I'm on the line with the police right now, right back. I got to put the real into it now. See you, you ain't good at telling you right now, just when you get that they stole my car and be a little bit upset. But I wanted to come see you anyway. Okay, that's a great thing. Oh it's so good. I'm gonna try to use all of that. She's so excited. See, don't try key to line is total commitment. I got to write something so I can remember she's not what she does, right, So yeah, let this be the last life. Man. You gotta get back in the truth telling me yeah church convention, Yes, can still a beam? Are you still anything? No? No, you actually threw when you told her to laugh? Yeah they did, I mean oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, thank you listen. I don't know what. I hope it goes all right. For you stop lying though. Oh man, all right, when we come back after the break and four day and after that we got the break phone called you're listening to show forty eight minutes after the hour coming up at the top of the hour, that will be the Strawberry Ladder. But right after that didn't I don't befall that. I don't really know what I'm saying. I'm just really just here this morning. Why don't you have for us that nephew, my wife's doctor. Yeah, somebody like that, my wife doctor. I ain't able to think. I beat it whole playing out. There's get at it. I'm trying to get uh Andrew a place. Who's calling? This is Dr andrews. Oh yeah, yeah, god, how are you doing? Doctor? How are you doing? I'm all right, she's not that. She's not in right now. It's gonna leave a message something, yeah, leave messages that you know. She came in so she had an appointment this morning, right, right, right, right, right? Anything? Okay, everything is good. Everything's good. You know I've been Andrew's got to college just for question some time now. So yeah, yeah, I know, right right right, okay, Well, listen, can see if she's able to get back in tomorrow. I need to get one more good look at her, one more good looks? Is everything? Okay? I just want to check a few things, you know. If I get one more good look good look at her, I think I'll be fine on m hmm. Don't y'all do this like once? Uh once or twice a year and you wanted to come right back? Is everything? Okay? Don you could tell me, nuys, everything all right with my wife? Uh? Yeah, Gregg? Right, yeah, what's up? Tell to me? You know, I'm not I'm not prove to tell tell anyone what's going on with her? And there's nothing really serious going on? Okay, so you can relax on that part. But I just want to get one more good look at her, just to be sure, one more good looks for what if nothing serious going on? Well, I think uh, I think what she'll be fine. She'll be fine, She'll be greg. Uh hey, man, about the record, I'll tell you something man that uh and I don't really you know, talk like this, but off the record, man, you you and I Man, we're the uh, we're the only ones, aren't we? What? What? You and I? We're the only ones, aren't we the only ones. What are you talking about? What are you saying? Well, you know, we're the only one that's seen it, you know. Oh? Who what what are you saying that? Uh, just just stating that, you know, off the record, you, you and I we're there, We're the only ones. We know, we're the only ones. What what? What what are you saying? I'm not understanding. What are you saying we are the only ones? What? Well, well, we we have you and I have something in common. I mean you and I are the only one that that's uh you know, basically seen Andrea, what do you know? Wait a minute, that's not a topic of discussing, Dove. What what are you trying to say? What are you saying about my wife? I mean she's amazing, man, I mean, uh, whoa, whoa. I don't need you to tell me about my wife being amazing. Doctor, you lost your dawn, man. Well, I'm just saying she looks she looks amazing. She looks amazing. I don't mean any hard whoa, whoa, whoa. You ain't suppos to be looking at that in that type fashion? Doc? What the hell is wrong with you? What type of I'm professional? Is this here? You're telling my wife is amazing. You lost your down man. I can't believe I'm getting a phone call like this. This the most unprofessionallyst dove ever heard. But let's keep in mind, Greg, I wasn't really calling you. I was calling her. You know you ain't talking to her. You're talking to me, and you're gonna bring that type on the phone to me. Have you lost your minds Is there a way you can pass the message that, oh, I ain't passing nothing to her. Do you hear me? You're gonna make me do something crazy to you. I don't believe you called me with that type talking about my wife. Me and you and I got something in common. She's amazing. Have you lost your down? Mind sir? I didn't mean. I didn't think that when you did, you did, don't It was just a little no, no no. I was being a little playful with you. I didn't think that was gonna because they don't play. What's wrong with you? We're playing? I'm not playing, don't you ever? Not a fact. I need to see you. I need to I need to see it, have a session with you. We can talk about this here lost your dog on man talking about my wife. Amazing to you. You're the most unprofessional. I shudn't even go to you all these years, or was there any where you can get her to come in so I get one good look at of the mall. He No, no, she ain't coming down to that little ragg I'm coming down there. When I come down there, we oh, no matter fact, I'm on my way down there. How long are you're gonna be there? We can? We can straight now. I've left the office for today. I just wanted to call and see if I could get one good look at her for the No, then you're gonna get that what more good gonna look? No, No, let me tell you one thing. She ain't coming there to you. No, mo, no, mo, no mo? Is she coming back to see you? Wait? Wait wait, I don't want to lose a customer, not not like you. Ain't you ain't gonna lose a customer. I'm coming there to mom, make me an appointment. You can check my out, Tom. You see how you like that, sir? That's what That's not possible. I'm definitely gonna lose her if it's gonna hurt me. If I lose her as a class I don't want to miss seeing her. Don't hurt you. It ain't gonna hurt you that you lose them. It's gonna hurt you when I get there. Don't you worry about her? You got Greg, you got a can down. Okay, I was being I was being playful, and I that we you too old to be playful. Play I'm seeing you in the morning, first thing in the morning. Okay, what time you can? Can I ask you something? Greg? Do you have a brother named Tyrn? What they got to do with any saying? What they gotta do with my brother? What they got to do with you? Okay? What I wanted to tell you is this is not Dr Hendrix. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Your brother Tyring got me the plank phone call with you. I don't give us who you. I'm coming to see. What what's the fun I even did? What? Hey? Great? Great? Great pull up? Take this out your brother Tyring. This is this is nephew tim Me man from the Steve Arward Morning Show. Your brother Tyring got me the prank phone call you. That's what I thought you said? Man, man, oh man, stop for a minute, man, oh my goodness, boy, you lost your damn hol You don't do you don't do like that? Man, got my wife? Y'all what my brother I would be telling him. Person, you're gonna see Tying tomorrow. I'm gonna see him first day in the morning. Man, I'm ready to kill everybody. Hell no, Hey, I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the lands, the Steve oh Man? You like to say it's playing? Well? That stupid enough? Yeah, you're always stupid asking us stop. I'm just saying. I'm just saying, I keep you stupid. Now, let me tell y'all what's gonna be straight up stupid Southern fried comedy. Oh yeah, February and February eleven, Mississippi, he Man Fawares seven ten, Poor Smith, Virginia at Willet Hall. And then we go in February the very next day Washington, d C. Constitution Hall. Many serious. We'll get y'all the other days later. Thank you. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is shaw Berry letter. Subject, I want my husband to forgive me Stephen Shirley, I am a thirty two year old woman who has been married to a wonderful man for almost two years. We've been together for six years. Last year, my husband gave me a credit card and I racked up fifty thousand dollars in debt and put my marriage in jeopardy. We were best friends and did a lot together, but since I went crazy and started shopping with his credit card, it's been such a tumultuous, tumultuous relationship. I honestly think he hates me. Please help me. What should I do? I'm desperate. I have thought about so many horrible things to pay him back so we can live in harmony again. I can't take it anymore. You can't take it anymore. You created this problem. You did this fifty dollars in debt. I mean, who does this in these hard economic times. You say nothing about your financial situation, but I'm gonna say that, um, you know you're living way above your means, just based on your letter. I'm just trying to find out what in the world did you spend this kind of money on. I bet you don't even remember. You don't even have half this stuff to show for it. Right now? You know money is a number one cause for divorce. And while he may not hate you, he definitely hates what you did. He definitely does. I mean no man wants to go to work, work hard every day to take care of their family and then to have you spend it as fast as he can make it. That's disrespectful. It's very disruptive to the marriage. Yes, he's changed. Uh. Yes, you may think he hates you because you are not the woman he thought he married. As as as simple as that. You definitely need to pay the money back. You need to forget about doing all these horrible things that you're thinking about. But but if it means taking a second job, taking a part time job to pay it back, you need to do it because you have to rebuild the trust. You gotta get this money back in the bank account. Uh. You need to put yourself on some sort of budget as well, and maybe get some kind of help because you have a problem, Steve, Well, it's spend. Here's here's the problem. I want my husband to forgive me. This thirty two year old woman been married to a wonderful man for almost two years. They've been together for six last year, your husband gave you a credit card, you racked up fifty dollars in debt and has put your marriage in jeopardy. We were the best friends and did a lot together, but since I went crazy and started shopping on his credit card, has been a tumultualist, racialist. Honestly thinks he hate me. First of all, a man doesn't hate you, he hates what you did. Let me tell you how a man feels about this. I said in my first book that the three ways a man shows his love for you at the three pis he protects, he professes, and he provides. Provision is a major part for us. If you do what you did, a man considers that taking advantage of the provision side of him. And it's I gotta tell you something, honestly, it's hurtful to him. It hurts him when you does this. Shirley hit it on the head because he's thinking, Wow, I thought I could count on you. I thought you know you were with me, And and he takes it as a sign of disrespect and and and that's what you've run into here in your letter, ma'am. And so you now have see like this is serious. Now you now have guess what a trust issue here. See, women are always concerned about the trust issue with their man. But you can't create a trust issue with your man either with this death situation. And Shirley said it best again. No man wants to go out and work himself to death, and then you show no appreciation for by spending it. So you have a problem. And it doesn't matter how much you make. So in these economic hard times, that really wants to know what you spend fifty thousand dollars on y'all know, goodna, hear well, what y'all spending off? After the break of eighteen, after the hour, we're gonna have part two of Steve's response to today's Strawberry letter. You're listening to its real simple, lady, you've you've betrayed your husband's trust. You've shown a lack of respect towards your husband. You have shown a total disregard for any form of appreciation. And that's what you've done. And it's disappointed him because now when he thought you all were ahead, now you've backed him up in a fifty two thousand dollar hole. But now here go to hold though, here go to fifty thousand dollar debt. Now he y'all can't go get nothing y'all need because you didn't put a whole bunch of stuff on there. You want it and ships and surely please stop acting like you don't know where they's fifty went. But I'm just you is not just saying it's in the closet. Go in there. You just snuck bags in. Look at the trunk of your cop Look at your desk at work, it's all in that bags addresses, yes, red bottom, and jewelry. How many watches you got? Dollars up? And here this man just about six to his stomach. He about throw up every time to be all come in, minimum payment to grand and all this here, that's what's killing him. She didn't taint the card after a while, he ain't, no heir, you can run up in a month. In a month now, he ain't got the kind of card you got food you need to stop in a month, Steve, you can't run up well, no, no, no, no, nobody. God, he ain't got no black amics. You ain't got no black dog. Yeah. I have to this front porch coming up after the break at thirty four, after the hour, we're gonna find out what's trending, right, now, okay, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Everyone's favorite wines, cracking Aunt starts the party and skips the popo and Tyler Perry's hilarious Boo a Medea Halloween. Get it on Blu Ray, DVD and digital HD. Now all right, coming up, Shelly's gonna tell us what's trending right now? Why are we still talking the damn ground home? Because it's ground Nobody cattle, you don't care a and damn there everybody listening. I hear Shirley, what's treating in right now? What you guts? You? All right? Steve? Thank you? First of all I want to say to you, especially happy Groundhog Day. He just rolled his eyes. Well listen, punks and Tony Phil did see his shadow today. So that means six more weeks of winter if you're counting now as an adult. The adult Shirley is cool. The little girl Shirley inside of me is devastating. It's growing up in Chicago. Oh this is This was one of the most important days of my life because I wanted to know were we gonna have to endure six more weeks of cold and snow. This was so important to just wanted to know where can I pull my bike at? Yes, but you know I was a little girl too in Chicago, but I wasn't into it like this. This was my life, ground hug Day was my life. I'm telling you. So. Anyway, the little rodent saw his shadow. So six more weeks of winter, ladies and gentlemen, and now we have to say, congratulations. This broke the internet. Everyone's talking about it. Congratulations to Beyonce and jay Z. Yes, Beyonce posted a flawless baby bump picture of herself yesterday announcing that her family is growing by two. It was kind of cryptically, you know a lot of people were like, what does that mean? Well, it means that Queen Bee and jay Z are expecting twins. Okay, now show you how to do this. What's going on? Okay, Jennifer Lopez twins, Mariah Carey twins. Now Beyonce is having twins, and what's happening here? Yeah, Barrell had triplets the other day. So you know, these multiple births, get them, get them, you know, on out the way. I guess be done done. Everybody doesn't want to have babies late in life and all of that. You know, they want to you know, or one at a time or whatever. So anyway, congratulations, that's the main thing. Brianna congratulated, Uh Queen Bee and her big bro j as she put it on the Graham Um. Beyonce's mom, Tina Nolds Larsen, shared her excitement on not having to keep the secret anymore about the Tin twin blessings. Yeah, she was like, oh, you know it is when you have a secret you want to tell somebody. Yeah. While the Bee Hive and the rest of the world are excited, there are a couple of um A E G. Live exec and panic mode, you know, because Queen Bee is expected to headline this April at Coachella, the big music festival, and the pregnancy could affect her performance, you know. So because she didn't tell anyone. You know, Beyonce does not like one in her business. She's very very private. So we'll follow this story and and keep you up to date as to what's going on. But bottom line, congratulations seving twins. Jake. Isn't that just sweet? That's just due this son. She ain't gonna be a Conchella though, whatever whatever, I'll bring alright, come back after the break, after the hour, we're going to the phone. Eight seven twenty nine, can you give us a Holand now you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right? Coming up at the top right about five minutes after the hour, Carla will be up with her reality update. Of course. Yeah, we're gonna talk about last night's special showtime at the Apollo, Steve, uh huh, clown, and we're gonna we're gonna talk about being Mary Jane. And we're also going to talk about the Old Housewives of Atlanta Carla. But up next, we're going to the phones. Here's the question, what's the worst lie you've told to impress a date? Eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve. Let's sun five, Steve Harvey, Who is this Jon? Hey Ja? Oh my goodness? Yours funny? Well, here's your chance. What's the worst lie you ever told? Why you was dating? I asked three. I had this guy. He was so sweet and nice. He was in the church. You every saying, I'm like, okay, maybe after two shows with this guy, I compete with him. And you know, we went out on a couple of days three weeks say. You know, he was talking and every saying he asked me about myself. I was like, yeah, I'm single, I'm going out and doing all his own kind of stuff. I won't. I told my hand kids. I had three kids at the time. I thought we seen that we have a lunch. We should't at the table. We have a lunch, were eating my phone rang I answered it my thaughter. Hey man, what did your daughter ask you? Jane? I can't excuse me. So I told my thing. I felt student from it. Let me let me take this call. This's my it's one of my own. One of the kids in the neighborhood. They always calling me. Let me go out. He hitted this phone call when I came to hand fier, I can hand a fione with the kids on the phone. I had stuck out the lust of one and I came back here. He wasn't even here no more. He was done. Let me ask you a questions, kids. So I don't understand why he just rusting me. You know, I might have told a lie, but yeah, but let me ask you a question, though. Let me ask you a question. Listen to me. How old were you when this happened. I was thirty four at the time. Okay, cool, Let me ask you a question. Could he tell that you had three kids? I don't didn't know, because you know, no, I just have a nice shape, a nice body. So I mean I'm five five one in the hands, you know. I waited about one at that time. I was like, maybe like thirty, what there you too? Like? Fit? Sure? So I mean it like I handle, No, I handle, I handle strong, winkles in my face and that like that. I'm beautiful, you know, I'm beautiful, and chocolate and my makeup, you know, makeup a lot of more discards and every saying so I was looking my plas. Yeah, obviously, I think maybe he just got up because you was just crazy. I think so, Yeah, I think I think somewhere in that conversation he took that phone call as an outcast before the baby call. If you was talking like this, he was sitting there looking for out and I think when the kids called, that was his out because you were just talking too crazy to the man say so, I think so, I think, yeah, that's probably it though, baby hanging out. Hey, listen, quit talking crazy. Okay, I love you girl, Thank you. Jay. All right, let's go to line six and talk to James out of Alabama. Hey, James, what's up? Good morning on James, Shirley Thomas. Miss Trup, Miss Trupe is she's there? Okay, Okay, James, go ahead. I gotta take my hat off to you, brother, for going to meet this man and people don't understand that he's on a total different level. If you can't bring nothing to the table, don't don't even complain. And I'm glad you stepped back for some of us because most of people don't understand. So let the haters hate, brother. I'm proud of you, and keep doing your thing right, James, James, I needed that today because I was feeling hey, little got a little funky on me this morning. I started to come on the as say something to a couple of people. Steve, if you need yes man, you know what I'm saying. I can be your Barney man, because I ain't come here from no food. You know what? I bet he had a good lie? Who was your lie? James? Well, I was in Louisiana over about it's been about baby fifteen years now, and I told this female I was Sydney Thornton of the Pittsburgh Steelers. What I told you? Who Sney Sydney, Yeah, pitburgh Man, Sydney thought. Sitting thought they played defense dough. Yes, sir, you talk my big Sittingey thought, yes, sir, I'm I'm six one. I was three hundred five pounds at the time. You told somebody you were sitting Hey, Hey. It was a text time for me. So I had to top it off about Kanyak. I balled everything from champagne and the girl was so impressed. You went back to the room with me one of her friends. That was the best of minage I had, man, and I didn't know the girl didn't. I didn't know they were videotaping. Man. I was toxicating. Oh. I'm like, okay, get back, I'll leave the girl. You're gonna be down no longer after yell. So I went out with my boy desk till we come back to guy said, well, you got five phone calls. I'm like, well, what's what's the out? And then the lady called me. She said, look here, I'm taking this tape to the league. I want to be funny because I'm taking this this video to the league. You go right ahead. Why? He said, why? And then she came to the room because I showed her my ID and she looked at her girlfriend. She said, they ain't no sin. Could I have a copy of the tape? Please? Wow? He said, go ahead. I don't give a name a copy. Do you keep doing that? I didn't need a copy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's that time. It's that time. It's reality Update. Okay, So we were talking about showtime. Yeah, I just said, okay, yeah, we were talking about Showtime at the Apollo, Steve hosting. You know, he mentioned it earlier. So Shirley and I, you know, we were on the phone watching Showtime at the Apollo, and Steve was clowning because if you'll see this white woman seeing natural woman, you saw there, right jor Okay, So she was really, really good. She did her thing. Take a listen to the very end. This is her ending it. Come on, Carlin Golden played this clip from last night show. She came out here serious, that's the part I said, all hell, oh that's black like there s Oh. Now, you don't want to say anything. Okay, that was funny though. It was so good. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. Alright. So moving on Real Housewives of Atlanta. Here we go. Kenya is upset that Cynthia doesn't have her back. Now, Cynthia had a meeting with Kenya's ex boyfriend or boyfriend, you know whatever. They're kind of going back and forth Matt to find out what's going on, you know, and all of the arguing and destroying property, you know, they've been beefing Kenya and Matt. So Cynthia told Matt during their meeting that Kenya could be a bit of a drama queen. And later Cynthia told Kenya about the meeting and what she said, and Kenya was hot. She was upset as Cynthia. She felt like Cynthia wasn't being loyal to her, you know, saying that she's a drama queen and he's been the one going off. They've been arguing, coming up to her house, tearing up her garage, her car, destroying property. So she was a little salty at her friend Cynthia, who she felt again wasn't being loyal. So there you have it. Uh. And finally, Michael Eally, we gotta move on to being Mary Jane. I know, so good, so good. Michael Eally, he was our special guest on Tuesday, and uh, he promoted this particular episode the Return of Being Mary Jane, because you know, we didn't see it last week because we was all watching the new editions, you know. Et, Yeah, I wanted us to watch that then if all Baby and Mary Jane gonna be t go ahead. So Michael Eally was our special guest on Tuesday, and Steve interviewed him and he talked about his character Justin, who is on the show. H He Mary Jane accused him of getting her fired at her former job at CNN. And so you know Rhonda who's the news anchor on this morning show that Mary Jane worked on. It's called Great Day America, kind of like the Today Show. Kind of sound like yes girl, ter loved me some Termer Hall. But anyway, Mary Jane working on this morning news syndicated morning news TV show, and Rhonda, the head anchor, is trying to force Mary Jane out of the newsroom by of course hiring Justin and Michael Eli's character, he's kind of like a puppet for Rhonda's what Mary Jane is calling him now. Also shout out to former reality star in hip hop artist Curtie B. You if you watch Love and Hip Hop New York, the New York franchise of that show, you know your girl Cardi B. She is truly off the chain. Well, she was a guest star on Being Mary Jane and she was playing what else, a reality star. Her name was Mercedes. Now in this audio clip, Mary Jane, she was mad at Cardi B. They had a morning show interview and the interview it went all wrong. It was a disaster, and uh, Mary Jane was very upset with Mercedes. So take a listen to this. They did listen to ask country Demma, I was trying to help you help me to what. I don't need your game? Hope? You know what they am do a buick? Yeah. So Cardie B, you know, she's doing her things. She's moving on to acting and having her rapping singing career, and I don't think she's gonna be on Love and Hip Hop anymore. She says she doesn't have time for shooting that show and the drama that yeah associated with that show. Heard that she talks about that, and she's moving on, trying to be a star, moving on the bigger things. Kind of like when Nini U yeah, yeah, was doing. So that is your reality update. I think that's all we have time for. Alright, one more time, put your hands together to show your love for the white ladies. She could sing. No, that girl could say. Yeah she could. She said you were there, right dude, Yeah it was. But it was good to see her. She was actually killing because we didn't know what she was gonna do. We didn't know. All right, Thank you, Carlos always coming up. Hang on tight. The pastors are coming up next. We'll be back. You're listening. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next, pastor Motown, Deacon Depth Jam. Here, it's time, Oh it's time, and that's what time. We gotta get to it. I'm Motown, I'm deaf, jam and here's the sermon today. Bring it past that. If you're guilty, it's someplace that you just can't go no more. Alright, alright, alright, alright, how they're talking about freeing h huh. He stayed down on the street from a school. Not now, you know he gonna go that way wherever he goes there, Well, he's going down by that school. You go to the grocers, though, he gonna pass by that school. You can't go to the grocery store. You can't go to Disneyland. No damn. More. We better not catch you down there at Disneyland. No damn. That's right, that's right, that's right, sitting up being here. You know, for most of us, it's painful to watch some of the TV shows. He's sitting there with prop Cole. He to take kids cable. He can't watch Nickelodeon, no more. That can't believe here, luck Wow. He down at six Flags, just in the pocket lot, drunk, pop corn and cotton canny, just passing it out. Look, he'll look on hell, look hill. Get in the cock, Get in the cock, Get in the cock, get in some places he can't go. That's right, past, that's right. Back Sunday school, not not not where the lord of the question. I don't do that. Don't show up down here no more in the garden class, come the lot, don't come to the cubs. Call me. I don't do that. Not the guy. You can't go. No. Well, so let's get this situation put in this paper proper perspective past. Let's yes, yes, you know, you know I'm all for that. Sooner they free him. YT's just go down, pull him out. Yeah, and his ass were a box of girl Scout cookies. That's right. And then throw him in the shower. That's what he liked to be in the high Let's do it just like that, but taking it too far now, slow down to stay on the skirts of the joke. Up in the middle of the joke. Now, I got to stay away from that now. But let's just do it like I'll tell you what we can whooping with we can what's what? Well, let's get him proper with some powers. I didn't say. You went right back over there. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, let's get to these back to back jams. Let's go cat because all right, y'all coming up, we got time for just one more thing. We'll tell you about it right after the break for day after that. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we come back. We got time for just one thing. Stories out Lebron James is mad. Okay, I don't know what that is. He seemed like about it from Cleveland, and man pointed out, nephew, Yeah, all right, here we go, just one more thing before we get out of here. In case you missed this. Charles Barkley recently called Lebron James whiney and inappropriate for criticizing the Calves. Lebron responded by taking personal shots at Charles Barkley. He said, I'm not the one who threw somebody through a window. I never spit on a kid. I never had unpaid debt in Vegas. I never said I'm not a role model. I never showed up at to All Star Weekend on Sunday because I was in Vegas all weekend partying. Lebron continued by saying he spent fourteen years in the game and represented the NBA the right way and never got in trouble. Charles responded saying that he won't take Lebron's remarks personal and he won't back off what he said about him now super Bowl. Okay, First of all, I like both of these boys. I like BOLTI boy Cha Barkley been my dude, long time man and old, and so is Lebron. You understand that they're just good dudes. You know, I don't. I don't like it when you get like this. You know, I don't like it to get personal. Chuck Chuck doing his job as a commentator, Charles Barkley doing his job as a commentator. But then see when you say a man Whitey thought you you know you're going at him and now he gonna fire back. You know what I'm saying, get a little personal. So you know you gotta you gotta try to look at both sides and weigh it out and just go damn brothers. But hold up, because you know Barkley is a legend. Lebron James is arguably, come on now, the greatest basketball player well on the planet right now, he is the greatest basketball player. No, no, Michael Jordan will go down as that. I do believe it should be really hard to be what Jordan did for the game. That's not a well no, no me and you are now wait a minute, what kind of person want to get into organ because you know what what what what what I think happened is because of what Jordan did for the game Internationally, that jump symbol is worldwide. You know, it's like Jerry west On them socks and that and that that NBA logo, He just you know, some things because they were the first. It's kind of hard to top that, you know, But Lebron James is like the greatest basketball player on the planet right now today. Now he's gonna go down. That's one of the top ballplayers. Jordan will always have that special thing. It's like, you know, when it comes to duncan you know Dr Jade was the guy that put that on getting like Genevieve was my first, but I don't have help logo nowhere, but she was my first. So still it was like anything really to do with the NBA the first have a littlego. We're not talking, we're talking about the NBA. That's what talking your thoughts. You know what time? You know you're talking about the first? You know, I ran up into my first DC went back to it, and she scared me. I don't want to see my first. I don't even want to see you. She scared you. She looked the same. No, that's going that's what I I threw myself away for you a minute while I gave myself away to all my say that one right there, people change over the game, change over the game myself away for you? Was I drinking. I don't remember, y'all, remember you'll first I saw mine at the mall, I did it. I saw him at the moment first boyfriend, I bumped into him and his girlfriend off screen. Keep walking, Shirley, I haven't because I don't live in Chicago anymore. So, yeah, Julia, I know you've probably seen your first Yeah, I've seen, and I've just seen. Okay, sing it. You don't keep into That's what I'm saying. I walked right past. She didn't know. I'm trying to. I would speak and say hello and how are you well. First of all, she's wide so right now, so it took a while for her to turn. By the time she saw me, I had walked by. All right, he said, stupid, that's the truth. I love it though. Sure he looks straight. Craigy, there was no way I was talking to Hill. Yeah, you remember me. That's what it is, Steve, especially with you, I know famous, you remember me. Hey, we gotta go, Steve right. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.