The crew brings an end to all the Trump/Harvey Talk. Steve gives his opinion on the happiness of Nudists. Tommy tries to convince him how great it is.
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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know, y'all bag all s all looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the mosen Buck bus things. And it's tough not do me true good to Steve Hardy listening to me together for Stu barn quickly, moy, why don't you join yeah? Joining? Men say you got to turn Yeah, y'all, you gotta turn you to turn out turn lovey got the turn out to turn water the want of y'all. Comey, come on your thing at it. I shall will good mording everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, I got a radio show, you know. I eventually wanted to syndicate after I was given the opportunity, But the whole thing about the radio show in the beginning was not my idea. My idea simply was, I asked God to make me one of the premier stand ups in the country. That's all I wanted from me. I asked him that in That's that's all I asked him for. He's done so much more for me since then. He's blessed me with so many more opportunities. He's opened up so many more doors, He's poured out so many more blessings. It's hard for me sometimes, really man, to even take it all in because I feel like, wow, man, billy me, thank you. I mean, I'll take him now. Don't get me wrong, but it can be overwhelming at time. I often used to hear my mother said, who was a Sunday school teacher? And I remember these words all the time. Now, God will open up the windows of heaven and poart of blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. I kept waiting on that day, Mama, where is that day? I got plenty of room because I'm dirt pole right now. I got room for a thousand dollars. I had room for I had all that. Now understand. One of the things, though, that He's done for me, that I've asked him for in my lifetime, is that he has made me matter. Okay, Steve, what do you mean by that? So? I used to ask God a long time ago one of my prayers was to help me matter that I want to matter to the people that I come and con attack me. Look, I just don't want to be a man that they meet. A young guy that they meet, and when they meet me, it don't. It doesn't cause a ripple in the in the pond. I want. I want to make ripples in the pond. I want. I want to be that rock that when you throw you try to count the ripples as it go out. I want to be a fourteen ripple rock. I don't know if you know what that means. But when I was a little boy, we should stand on the bank at ponds and stuff and throw rocks out into the water. We should either skip them or we throw them, and when they would land in the water, they would create these rings that go out. If you threw it high enough and it dropped straight down in that water, the little rings would start forming out like it would create a little waves. And these waves just look like circles in the water. And I remember one time I made fourteen of them, and that's always stuck with me as a little boy. That was because nobody in my circle could make fourteen rings, and they all counted them so they saw. So I enjoyed that because I had made a bigger splash, a bigger ring pattern than anybody else. So I've always asked God to make me matter in my own way make me a big ring pattern, see, because that's important to me. Now, it was important to me, but I didn't understand why I needed that to be the important part of me. Because here is the other part. You know, the thing that you know to who much has given, much is required. You've heard the thing do unto others that you would have them do unto you. You know those those things like that that you learned along the way. Well, if you matter to people, then guess what all of those become a real possibility in your life. See, you can't ask for the yang without the yang. You can't ask for it without without the responsibility that comes with it. See, God can't bless you with a lot, and then you think that it ain't gonna be a lot required. I have people pulling at me all day, but I have to remember that prayer I made. Now, I wanted God to help me to matter. That This is important, y'all because see, if your prayer is to matter, that means that you want to You want to matter in the circle that you in, No matter how big the circle you in, no matter how small the circle you're in, you want to make a difference. You want to have an impact on somebody's life in a positive way. If that's one of your prayers, guess what God are readily give you that. Because when you do something for the least of these, it's just like you've done it on His behalf or you've done it as him. You know what I'm saying. I don't know if I'm explaining that right, But when you do something for the less fortunate, you're doing God's work. God gonna bless you for doing that. So now here's a deal. So if your prayers to matter is to become an impactful person, then guess what God gonna help you do that, Because guess what, You're gonna do some work on His behalf because you're gonna run across somebody that's less fortunate. You're gonna run across somebody could that could use your impact. You're gonna run across somebody man that ain't quite knowing what your way to going because you haven't been down that dirty dog road before. You can say, hey, my man, let me let me pull your coat to something. You can do this now, But let me tell you what's gonna happen. If I were you, I would consider this that's making an impact. That's like the guy that passed out in the l a named lou Danzler out there that had this boys and girls sent out there in the hood. And man, I can't tell you the people's lives he impacted. I remember when Eric Davis, a bad baseball player, came back and spoken the group one time, looking at them kids and hug and Luke Damseling, thanking him man for changing his life. This guy became one of the superstars in the Major League Baseball and then just thousands of people that lives to he affective. And when he passed, what he did was he left an imprint. He left an imprint that's huge. And that's all I wanted. Man. I just said, Man, if I could make an imprint, you know what I mean, It's like you're walking through life, right and you're making footprints and saying, I want my footprints to be so deep that after I'm gone, people can still tell I had come through there. People have can still see that I that out. Oh man, he amen, Amen, Harve walked over there. Hold up, man, look right here, man, Steve Harvey came through here because I want my footprints to be so deep in the sand, that I'm matter to so many that even after I'm gone, I can still show you the way that even after I'm gone, I still have an effect on my children, on my sons, so that my sons can look up one day and gonna remember all the conversations we had. Man, my daddy used to tell me this, and maybe I can turn wanted to turn my sons into men. You're understand. Turn my daughters into ladies. You understand, so they ain't got to follow the crowd and get out here. You know, man, you you, you, You gotta wanna matter. Man, you gotta wanna make a difference. And so at the end of my life, when it's all over and the winds is blowing, the saying back in my footprints, I wanted to take a while. I wanted. I want. I want several sandstorms to have to come through that before my footprints get filled up. That's how much I wanna matter. Mattering is important. It's gotta be important to you. What's your legacy, what you're gonna leave behind, what they're gonna say about you. There's a cold thing, you know. When you die, you get a tombstone. Tombstone has your date of birth. Your tombstone has a dash, and your tombstone has the date of your death. Here lies so and so, so and so born such and such a day, dash died such and such a day. Now you would think that the most important thing on that plaque, on that tombstone is your birthday, or you would think that the most important part on that tombstone is the day you left here. But it's not. See when they put your birthday on the tombstone, they put a dash, and then they put the date you left here. The most important thing on that tombstone is that dash. What did you do while you will here? It ain't your birthday they're gonna celebrate. It ain't the day you die they're gonna celebrate. They're gonna celebrate that dash. What you did while you was here. It's the smallest thing on that tombstone, but it's the most important thing on that Man, what's what you're doing about your dash? Y'all? You gotta wake up to matter to somebody. You gotta make an imprint in the saying. You gotta affect some people's lives, and you got to do it all in a positive way. So we gotta wake up every day thinking about them footprints. We're laying down that legacy. We're creating that. That that what they're gonna talk about when we're gone moment. What you're doing about your dash? My dash is January seventeen, nineteen fifty seven. That's my date, my dash. I'm working on that right now now when I leave here. What I want them to talk about, Steve Harvey, ain't January seventeen, nineteen fifty seven. Ain't the date I leave here. I want him to talk about that dash man when he was on here. This is what he did. Man, that was my man. All right here listen, Steve, I got it. I got it, man, I said, I got it. I got you, and I'm super bay. I got you best I ever had. Man. You. I have a question for you. What day is it? I have no idea what day it is, just so you'll know and get your bearings. Tuesday? Okay, surely yesterday morning at eight a m. Yeah, which was Monday to me? Huh, what you're thinking is Monday? But it in y'all's world. My yesterday Monday at eight am was eight p m. Sunday night. Who so today, miss Universe. The girls had to be in the theater at three thirty a m. In the morning. Wow, I showed up at six a m. We went live at eight o'clock a m. M hmm. What time did Miss Universe come on here? I think East Coast? It was seven? Maybe I think seven. I don't know, yah, seven, I think yeah, I think seven o'clock. Steve m Sunday night. I have Okay. First of all, let me say I'm grateful. I thank God for all my victories. I thank God for protecting me, for camping his angels around now, for forever holding me when it looked like it's crazy. You know what I've learned in this whole ordeal, the Trump visit, the Federal Court, the Mission Universe. You know what I learned in all of it. When you find yourself in a dog place and it feels like and you think you've been buried, you've actually been planted. Oh yeah, that's what my takeaway was over the past two weeks. That's that's that's profound. That Look, you know, somebody sent that to me. A minister sent that to me. He said, when you're in a dog place and you feel like you've been buried. Relax, you've actually been planted. Wow, it's just something else. God gonna have you push your way through because he growing you to another another plant. Because you know, if you take a seed and put it on the ground, you just throw it on the ground, nothing happens. You gotta put dirt on it. That dirt look crazy, but dirt is nutrients. Dirt is actually vitamins. It creates a struggle because that little seed has to push through something to get to the surface, to become what God intended for it to be. That was my takeaway over the past few weeks. I would think that was excellent. Yeah, I like that a lot. And yeah, and and might I say you did a really good job. I mean you were you were on point. Your jokes were they landed. The opening was funny. We we played a lot of it on the show yesterday. Uh, it was funny. You did a great I don't know because let me tell you something. Just beautiful to you here the crazy part. Listen to me. I just did miss Universe yesterday. See y'all, y'all another we whole another world apart. I just did me Universe yesterday. We saw it day before yesterday. Now I saw. I saw the end of the show was at eleven. I got on plane at three. Okay, so you end of the show at eleven pm. You got on the plane at three. I got to know. I got finished the show at eleven a m. See. I just did Miss Universe yesterday morning at eight am. Okay, I got you. Now, I did Miss Universe at eight a m. Yesterday morning. I got it, and then I got on the plane. I don't know the trust and believe it's so crazy. All right, all right, let me give you an example. If you all are wondering why it's just me and Shirley, there's some technical difficulty and we can't punch up Tommy and Carla or Jr. They're at work. We can see them, we just can't hear them on video. We can see I'm in Chicago. I ain't with nobody. So here's a deal. So I left Dallas, Texas from federal court on Thursday night. Thursday night, I left Dallas, Texas from federal court. Another victory. God again taking care of his boy. All this, you know you can I tell you what's crazy? This's been going on? This has been going on? Can I tell you this since I was thirty eight years old. Wow, and you just made six. This began when I was thirty eight years old. That's a long long time. Nineteen ninety three is when this began. So and you're done with it now you won. And man, I'm telling my own every single count that's a blessing, every sing counter. And I mean they had some counts because they were trying to do your boy, but it was just wrong. Man, it was just wrong. God came got me. So anyway, that's over with. So I get on the plane Thursday night. When I land in the Philippines, it's sad day morning. Now they they take me first of all, when I got to the airport in the Philippines, I've never had that many people meet me at the airport. When I pulled my shade up and looked out the window, the last time I saw that many people, Yeah, waiting at a jet for a jet to come off. My partner was being extradited and he had on cust of shackles. That's the last time I've seen that many people at the airport waiting on somebody that you were there greeting committee. Man, unbelievable. Unbelievable. Okay, that's good that you went straight. I needed that so bad. Went straight to rehearsal. I'm talking about from that, straight to rehearsal, walked in to rehearsal. Eight is six women in swim soup. It was a good day. Lord, Why is this happening to me? And I'm sixty? Alright? I know you have something funny for us, or something about your trip some more. All right, we'll be back with Steve something funny at thirty four after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Right, Steve is back from Manila, and it's Tuesday, Tuesday, you're back. It's crazy, man. And again I traveled fa whole day yesterday, twenty hours of flight time and got here and it was still the same. Damn good man. He came back. But going there, Tommy. I left Dallas Thursday night. When I got into Philippines, it was sad that morning, almost new. My whole friday was just gone. Wow you got some stories. Yeah, yeah, all right, Steve, well man, it's just been up. MS Universe was an interesting interesting Who you handled it though? Who you handled it? Yes? You read it slow, though you may read it slow and the win. Now, tell me, said you're reading like a third grader. You're gonna take doing do me what you did to me last year? I said it all up this ship. I was gonna be no mistakes right here. First of all, y'all gonna give me two cards, you're gonna separate them, and then and then don't even try that. Uh, and the first were second runner, first runner up bings that. Don't even try that because I ain't how we rehearsed it last year. Then y'all gonna add it on the card at the last minute. Oh no, hell, now y'all they're doing that either. Okay, Steve, what do you want to do? Didn't gonna be mad though? Okay, well, how do you want to do it the way we rehearsed it? How about that? I had everybody on point though, when they brought you the glasses Miss Philippines. That was hilarious. That was so cute. Yeah, I wrote that joke. That was really okay, that was cute. I thought that would be funny. She didn't want to do it, No, no, no, no, I that I didn't want to do that. She didn't want to do that. No, she was really really great, she really really I'm gonna tell you something, man, ms Kenya was the brightest, one of the brightest women. Damn man, she was so so sharp her career everything. Man. I thought her question was a little bit deep. Yeah, and all of it right there, you know, questions. I don't hey, hey, let's not start. You write jokes, Yeah, yeah, I write the damn jokes. I write no damn questions. I didn't got no damn votes. Man, I'm gonna take our listen, miss universe. You're gonna get off, yeah, because then I'll be an Uncle Tom question to Keith. Yeahs. But hey, man, one thing I have learned, miss me with social media. My takeaway at all this well, I don't give a damn about social media no moment. You know. It's interesting. There was a study um out I think last week that a lot of millennials aren't on social media as much as Generation X, the Generation Excers before them. And I've run into quite a few young people that don't do social media. I ran into what have that's interesting. I ain't ran into one, not now one. Well, your president is on social media for ship. Yeah, at night, late at night, and every kind of thing. That's how he's running the country right now through Twitter. Anybody surprised? He suprise? Where is the shock in this? Alright? I beg, didn't I beg every to go to post that would I be now here? We got a band going on, a travel band locked out. I can't believe you made it back in here, really, Tommy consul Pines wasn't one of the seven country. I still don't know. When you get in they put you can't tell you something off there would be bad. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up right after the top of the hour, Miss and will be here with our national news. She's of course going to talk about Donald Trump's firing of U Miss m Yates, the acting Attorney General, Sally Yates and uh. Up next the nephew on tap with run that prank back? What you got enough bumping grind? I don't see nothing wrong with a little bumping grind. Bumping grind is a prank. Coming up next. If you missed the day, I got it for you. Well, this is my jam. Hello. Hello, I'm Marcus, uh Marcus, Yeah, this is can you hear me? Can you hear me? Pretty good? Yeah? I can hear. Hey, hey listen. Uh let me turn the radio now, Hey listen, I live in and Uh. I live in an apartment building that you just moved into. Um, I live in Hey and you live above me. Uh and hey uh huh. I actually got your number from the leasing office. I told him I wanted to welcome you to the apartment building, man, But I don't want to really raise no eyebrows. But I was really calling about you know. You know, first of all, let me go ahead and say welcome to the building. Man. I hope that you and your h is that your wife that lives with you? First of all, thank you, brother, I appreciate it. But why would you need to have my number to do that? You could just came and knocked on my door man. Well yeah, yeah, yeah, we'll see what the reason why. I mean, I really called and got the number kind of reach out to you, man. I don't be wanting to start no trouble with nobody or nothing like that. I wanna, you know, I want I want my neighbors to be cool with me, and I want to be cool with my neighbors. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, So I was reaching out man, because you know the noise, man, I was, I'm I work at night and I sleep during the day. Man, but it seems like since you guys moved in, man, in the middle of the day, it's it's you know, I mean, I know what it's like to have a hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. You're hearing noises coming from my place in the middle of the day, right, I mean, I'm I'm hearing I'm guessing I'm here and you're making love to your lady. Man. I mean, now, man, no, no, you know what it is. You might be hearing something from another another unit. Man, It's definitely not coming from us, because I'm at work and my you know, my dad is dead, but she's on the computer and you know she's looking for a gig right now, okay, okay, okay, wait a minute now. So you live in apartment day right yeah, okay, see, I live in Hey. Your your bedroom is above my bedroom? Wait, man, hold on, hold on. You're telling me that you're hearing noises that sounds like somebody's making love coming from my cred at this time of day, and I'm not there, and only my woman is there. Dude. Man, you know I get it. I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I appreciate you calling and and you know, neighboring all that here you shake you in right, uh yeah, yeah, yeah man. Look, I mean you called me all right, so let's get to the bottom of it. One time. You're seeing you hearing this? What kind of news are you hearing? Exactly? Tell me, hey, hey, hey, you know what, man, it's probably just a big mistake. I mean, maybe she's just hanging some pictures or something. Bro let men pictures, man, wen't even pictures your I mean, you're calling me like you're hearing y'all camel going onto my crib. You're talking about man, hey man, listen, um marcus right, I apologize. I'm I'm I'm you know, I'm not my man. You're telling me I'm a man. You understand. I'm saying, I don't know what you are and I'm a man. No, I'm you don't understanding me. You're cooling me telling me you were hearing managers coming from our crib that shall like somebody And now you're telling me don't worry about it if you made him. Hey man, all I'm saying is maybe It's just a legitimate mistake. I don't say. Maybe she's hanging some pictures of movies and furnace or something like that. Pictures. Man, I keep telling you that you know pictures and then nobody hanging it. Shouldn't do no lies coming from my creb. Hey, man, I ain't trying to. I ain't trying to start no trouble man. You know what you're doing. Man, all I was calling about was trying to get a decent, decent rest man at work at night brought us all I'm talking about. Man, I'm not trying to. I'm gonna if you with the grave guys, ship, I don't care it. You're calling me telling me about my crib and I just moved into you. Hear noise it anyone doing on like that now, I don't believe it. I mean you got to write it, Jess when you live at Man you live said yes, man an apartment. Hey, and your place is about mine? Man me hold on, man, hold on, he put it old man? Hold on? What checking man? Because you're talking song through Hey man, Look, I'm not I'm not trying to have no trouble man. I'm not trying to handle trouble me you working there, gain I just thick the hours a week. Now. He didn't like this. Okay, okay, dog, I'm not all I'm saying is man, I thought I thought you was making love to your your woman. Man, That's what I thought. That's why I called you to ask her to keep the noise down. Ain't making up the more I ain't. That's where now he trust he could hear it, and I'm coming right to your crib to hear it. I ain't hear from your crib. No, No, don't hold the hell up, dude. You're not coming to my apartment to hear nothing. Man, I ain't got nothing to do with this on something to me. You don't know me. I ain't letting you in my house man about no man that you got going on upstairs. You gotta control your woman. Man, that ain't got nothing to do with me. I'm telling me whom you don't even know. I know seeping, I know shipping head, you, I know see if it out. They're weighing it out for the last two weeks between twelve and two. I know that you've got to you're talking to man, I'm coming to your count You ain't coming to my apartment. Man, I'm not a man. Listen, I know I ain't got nothing to do with it. I'm telling you I'm coming to your clip. Many. I got one of the things I need to say you, man, If you're left from my clip, I ain't even hold I got one more thing I need to say. All right and all right even to do. Listen, ain't better be telling me opening the door. Are you listening? Yeah, I'm listening. This is Nephew time me from the Steve Harvey More on this show. You just got pranked by your home board. Wait a minute, Oh what the man? Step away from a please, this is not your timing from the Steve Harvey Morning until your boy got me to prank you? Man? Oh oh are you at say dude, I'm right outside my partner, man, I'm man blowhad hang up man, Tommy, just Tommy Man? How you doing? Brother? Oh? Man? Man, Tommy? You you had me going now I was coming to up man. I'm serious, man, I got one more thing I got to ask you. I let you go. Man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Man, It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show without it down. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Whoa really? Who get started getting corrected? He's bad with a good spirit. I like it. No one thing about this presidency is you go to bed and you wake up and something different different. So I guess that trip to see Trump wasn't that bad, y'all. Hell, y'all got to talk about now, don't get off my ass. That's what you gonna do. That's going on, and we was gonna let it go. Let I just let it go. I just had to say one mode because she's got to talk about what happened overnight. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen missing, Yeah, thank you, Steve. Ah. Yeah, this is the for the news. Well, President Trump fired the acting US Attorney Generals Alliates last night because Yates refused to defend his new immigration order, saying she wasn't convinced that it was lawful and a statement. The White House says, Yates quote betrayed the Department of Justice. She was an Obama administration appointee who was weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration. So they got somebody else over there working. Meanwhile, the New York Senator Charles Schumer says he's calling on the Congress to repeal the President's executive Order. On NBC's Today Show the other day, Senator said that the order was poorly implemented and doesn't really address terrorist threats anyway. This focus on securing our borders in our homeland was obviously a major part of what the president campaigned on. Anyways, he says it's not from these countries. At one point, while talking about the band, the Senator seemed to choke up and cry. However, the President wasn't impressed. I noticed that Chuck Showman yesterday with sake tears. I'm going to ask him who is his acting coach, because I know him very well. I don't see him as a crier. It was about a five percent cheat, said the wards of real but I think they were fake years. On Saturday, the federal judge in Brooklyn issue to stay on deportations, and then the Compartment of Homeland Security said it's going to comply with that. Meanwhile, get this, there are teams the lawyers hanging out in certain airports including New York cities. JFK and Washington's Dullest to offer free legal help to anybody who may need it and lie the new band. You know, anybody who's like stating in a holding cell there or something like that because they arrived and can't enter. The tropic illinistrations still defending the statement and issued last Friday on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, where it made no mention of the six million Jews killed and made no mention of anti Semitism at all. Trumps spokesman Hope Picks has told CNN, they quote, well, despite what the media reports are, we are an incredibly inclusive group, and we took them to account all those who suffered unquote. And one more, President Trump, who was announced his pick to become the ninth Supreme Court justice tonight at eight. Even though the GOP is in control of both the Houses of Congress, you know, the first legislative battle of the presidency could ensue because, unlike some other Capital Hill actions, a simple majority in the Senate doesn't do. They need sixty votes, which means the Republicans will have to get no less than eight Democrats to go along with them. So stay tuned, we'll see how that goes. And finally, today is Scotch Tape Day, and perhaps appropriately it's also Hell is freezing over day. Now back to Steve having one show black people don't like that comes you mentioned hell to black people who strongly but immediately puckles. Plus you started talking about hell, we just we get scared. You ever thought about what hell you're gonna be? Like? No, I'm not trying to go there. Tell me this story is for you. This is really a story for you. The title alone, get naked, be happy. That's it right. She doesn't need to go any further. He says, we can all use the dose of happiness these days, considering what's going on in the White House, and apparently it's easy. Just take off your clothes, that's all you have to do. This is a new study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies. It found that nudists or natural naturists as they're called, uh they prefer to be called naturists, they're happier than people who prefer being fully clothed around their friends. Researchers found that people who hang out naked with other people outside of their immediate family are more confident about their bodies and listen to me, most people I've seen pictures of the go to nudist colony, asked don't need to be naked. But I ain't seen nobody fun at a nudists but their first Well which ones you went to? You? You said you ain't seen nobody to find at the newest guy, which the newest guy I'm talking about in pictures. You ever see pictures of people that do that? I'll not see man, I got film footage. I ain't saying nobody fine, I say, I don't think it's about being fine though, I think it's just about you. I don't want to see in your body ain't right. I don't need to look over there. Look, just keep your clothes on. I don't think it's sexual in nature. It is when men look at you and you naked, it's sexual. It's nothing else. Just say art well, I think that's how. That's what they're saying. They're looking at it as they're just being. When men see a woman naked, it becomes sexual. It's nothing else. We just think you ain't trying, But you should just walk to your mailbox naked man. Just feel it first. You gotta understand it, That's what they say. If you're not into the nudest lifestyle, try bearing it all. Just when you're at home with your partner. I'm fun walking around at the house like it. I'm talking about the fun of somebody. You ain't got no problem walking around the house. Neck just be naking, Steve. I don't went all the way down to the refrigerator, nack it. Don't it feel good when you hold up the refrigerator doing that draft hits you can. I'll tell you what though, when you trot down the steps and do hurt a little bit that I found out. So try it. Yeah, try You don't know, Steve, And I'll tell you know. It's a drawback to me. When you got to go to the bathroom neck it. There's nothing to stop you. You don't make it all the way, ain't anything the gravity going straight down, You ain't got nothing to stop you. You waited too late to get over that leg. Beware anyway. The butterfly waiting in the wings with this butterfly blog that's coming up when we come back at eighteen after the hour, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. To Win, to win, Okay, butterfly waiting in the wings. What he's going to talk about today? There's something? Who does he still have that whistle? Wos Yeah, super ball week to day week. Yes, what's he making to wear? Not that that thing out thing out like good morning everywhere and good morning Charlie, Carla, Stephen jin is not into daytime e good morning to all of you are butter get it? What's up your Jane? What's happening? Oh my guy? You know what you know it is? Um it is super about wheat you already now, already now there is now what's trending is who's gonna be the m v P. It's gonna be Matt Ryan for the Atlanta Halkins. Who else? Time Brady, you've been man swell my time, Brady, time ready for waining this day. So that's your pig, Tom Brady. You shouldn't even have to ask for me. Time Brady come up and a dog on. You better ask somebody, But you know I'm my friends in the layout him, Jawan, Jacoby, Yeah, Lorence, um um, what's the one? Jacquell Socrates, all of them what y'all already know? I know they pulled up because they's skillop cheering for pulling forward. He like Julio Johns Okay, the falcon he caught him. Jake Jack Julio Johns. But anyway, it's uh, you know, I hate to just write on y'all. All right, you are ready now, but maybe it's gonna be patriotic and it's time to be patriotic. What yes, So I have my own patriotic outfit. They're weird, white and blow. So you're gonna have whoa whoa. You're gonna wear the whole gear, the Patriots everything what's round. You gotta valuate it. Who got a pallet with it? We've been have a Boston tea party up in here. That's a weep in the hand. I'm inviting all of you all to my Boston teabody and be patriotic when you get to the door, and make sure you're wearing everything I'm not wearing that. It's gonna be so good. So um, I want you to um. I was gonna say, tweet me, but I don't hand that. Yeah, have a Twitter account? You have Instagram, Tell me to get me one. I need a Twitter account. I need my own because I want you to let me know who you think the m v P is going to be for the Super Bowl. Do the nephew Timmy, Now he just got to scoop it out. But at nephew, Tommy, hit me up and let me know. But let him know. You're hitting this for Eugene. Okay, but let me now, especially if you're I'm bumming for Time Brady, either Time Brady, Matt Ryan, Julio jowns Um, what's just out of those two matter? That's what I see it. You know it's town, That's who it is, all right, And I know Socrates are gonna be mad about this, but why the alpha so But we're gonna have fun. We're gonna I'll go into Houston to the super Bowl. We don't hand that tickets. We can come party. I see y'all. I love you and I love out my dirty bird friends. You're listening to Steve Harty Morning Show. All right. When we come back, we're gonna talk about which team in the NFL is the most disliked team. We guess. I bet you could take a guess. We know what it is already, know what you all just tell you. We ain't gonna do this now. I'm gonna tell you when we come Backland, nobody seriously treat it all right. For the second straight year, the New England Patriots are the most disliked team in the NFL Sprize. This is according to a new poll taken last week. It was released yesterday by the Public Policy Polling Organization. In the poll taken of three hundred and seventy eight NFL fans representative of the US population, of the people dislike the Patriots, once again edging the Dallas Cowboys as cowboys. At now of those polled said they feel negatively about the Patriots, um compared to only nine pcent who said they think of their Super Bowl opponent, Atlanta Falcons negatively. As far as who those polls are rooting for to win the Super Bowl, fifty three percent are pulling for the Falcons. Just obviously are pulling for the Patriots. And nobody asked me, so they can gonna take it up to yeah, you pull them for the Falcons. Yeah, yeah. Tom Brady said that this is the toughest year they've had, toughest one they've had all year. Uh, and he's of course, why still nobody else's plays. Tom Brady is the most popular quarterback among the fans with but he's also the least popular with Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan. Yeah, he is mean you gotta give it to him, Give that to him, wasn't. Matt Ryan was the seventh most liked quarterback, behind Brady, Aaron Rodgers, Eli Manning, Dak Prescott, Russellnburger, Ben rus You know him. We all know who Tommy like, don't you? Oh? Dak? No, Tommy like Johnny man Zale. Oh why he doesn't play anymore? No, but he people that drink just embarrassed the whole damn school. So why is it that they don't like them though? Because they win or what? People just don't like people. You know who you may not. Tom Brady as a person is a good dude. I just I don't I get. I don't like their team, but the boy a bad player. He cold, and the Patriots got a got a cold man strong. One of the most well coached teams in the league. I don't care who they get. They find a way to get to them. Mm hmm. That's interesting that you don't like the team but you like the leader of the team. I didn't let me play something. I didn't really care for Larry Bird, but jes this boy as a basketball player, I was in all of him. I went wow, I just didn't like Boston. That's kind of the team Boston. I didn't like. I like New Edition Boston. I like them. Okay. I like the city of Boston. I like the people have been to Boston. I've a great city, man, strong people up there. I love Boston. All right, we'll be back with the prank phone call. Okay, you're listening, Tory coming up at the top of the hour. Strawberry letter time subject. I lost weight and maybe my husband too. I lost weight and maybe my husband too. Yeah, well, no, that don't add up, man, Now, like you know, a little sick. Oh yeah, yeah, I get that. Ain't no problem with that. Well, she lost weight and she may have lost her husband too. That's what she's saying. She done something. She did something, dropped it weight and did something. Alright, man, it lost her Damn man, I wish you did well. Wait, annual skill too. All right, what's the prank, nephew? Can I paint your wife? See what this makes more than let him? Can I paint your wife? Hello? Hello, I wish just with a Mr. Please, Hello, sir, my name is Sebastian. I am with the Art Institute and I wanted to give you a call about Um, I have a huge showing coming up where I am going to be displaying my portfolio and all of my drawings within it. But I have one drawing that I am looking to display that I have not put on canvas yet, and I'm looking to take something of essence to put on canvas, and I want to call you about getting permission. Wait, hold on, dog, just to stop you right now, I don't do that, all right. I'm not a model. That's not my profession, So you would not waste your time no more. You know what I'm saying. Just go ahead, Mr. I don't think you understand that my showing is gonna have some very important people there. I am, like I said before with Art Institute, and I said, I don't do that. That's not me. I mean, I hate you know what, would you just calling folks up to you a solicitorus on? I mean y'all just randomly picking out folks and trying to trying to get them the model of sir. Mr. No, I'm not just randomly calling people like I actually have done research in order to get your number. What what I'm doing is, I'm not calling you as f being a model that I'm going to portray on canvas. But you have something far more greater visually that I would like to hold on canvas. Now you're married to your wife? Is am I correct? The whole whoa whoa, whoa dub no for who is this seriously? Because I can give my number. I know, I give my number because you're talking about my wife and stuff. I know my wife. My name is Sebastian. I am with Art Institute. What I'm trying to do with capturing and and mortalize the beauty of essence on canda lives? Okay yo, for real thought, you just can't. You don't talk about my wife, all right, So I'm not. I'm not calling in a negative manner towards your wife. I want to I want to mortalize her and capture her on canvas, the beauties that she beholds. I've seen your wife several times, you guys reside, whoa, whoa, whoa? You see my wife? But wait, what do you see my wife? That? What? Why are you? Why are you? Why are you watching my wife? I've seen her. She she shops on a hundred and street in Hall, and I've seen her so many times there and she holds all the beauty that an artist would like to put on Kansas. Like I said before, I have a huge showing in May. You're welcome to come out as well. There's gonna be so many important people there. But I wanted to call and get permission from you about painting your wife. No, you ain't got that permission. Play well, you just can't. You just can't go around following my wife and trying to mortalize or whatever. I just said, all right, so so, but I would like to let you know I have taken the liberty myself. I have painted your wife's hit. What Joe, you have lost your damn mind. You can't be just walking around here painting folks head. You gotta get permission for that. What's wrong with you? If you are crazy? You don't understand your wife holds the essence that every artist wants. I don't care what he holds. You can't be going around painting folks heads. Is wrong with you, sir. That's the reason why I'm calling trying to get permission from you. I, Sebastian, want to put your wife on canvas because she holds the essence that every artist wants to behold. She mortalized the beauty of Cannon. Whoa hold of God? Hold of the hold of God. You're telling me you're walking around column painting my wife's head. Is that? What? What are you doing? Dude? You're a little too I'm only trying to complete my powerfolio. Oh no, your portfolio here? Listen it is if I see my wife's head anywhere, I don't care a new type of magazine. I don't care where, Bill or wherever. Yo, I'm gonna find your I'm gonna whoop you. Do you understand what I'm saying to you. I'm gonna s did you you understand that? Sir? I don't want to have a duel with you. Sir, here's a dual. They do what they do. In fact, what name is a bast ship? Who come name is? That's a bast ship? Sir. All I want to do is paint your wife in her rawest and purest foe. That's all. There's law and purest for me. What what do you want? Seriously, I want to paint your wife. I want to paint her in the nude. How don't you watch your my effective? Not not enough? That's what you should do? Tell me where you as you want to paint something, I'll give you something to pay. Tell me where you are? What five? Read me? What ho five? That's what's up? I want to whoop your read me, read me, paint me, paint me? You want your mind telling what you want to paint? My wife in a nude. It's gonna take them brush. She's a sticking up your should. She loves the essence that every person should. I'll give up what she whold as I don't give us ask me like that, sir, I must ask you. Do you think that you are the only person that has seen your wife in the new? Surely that's been men before you that have seen her in the new? That for you and my wife ain't no more? You came my wife? Is that what she's saying? Are you pry my wife? You? I want to pay your wife and the beauty that she bought and on canvas? Did you not understand? I just said, you know, I told you meet me on the corner of on and claim power. I got one more thing. I just say, nehing come in from the Steve Harmy Morning Show. You just got pay b your boy? What what this is? This is, nephew, This is Nehew timing for the Steve Harvey, Marty Joe. Oh oh oh man, y'all y'all, I would move a fushion for here. Dude, you've got me oh man, Yeah it was Sebastian said, yeah, dude, you get some bad. I was about to move with y'all. Bad. I was the paint brushes and now about the paint autumn with yall. He told me, man, he said, Man, he loved his wife, kid, I said, let me let me say this right now, loves you. Let me get one more thing from your man about the bedding. Yeah, man, subject the last one. Hello Stephen Shirley. I am a thirty five year old married woman who can truly say I am married to my soul mate. We've been together for eight years. My husband is slim. He weighs about a hundred and sixty five pounds. I was close to two hundred and fifty pounds when we started dating, and at my heaviest weight, I was two hundred and eighty two pounds. He loved huh okay. He loved my weight when he first met me, and loved it even more when I was bigger. He couldn't get enough of me when I was When I would complain about my hanging stomach or my cellulite, he would say I was crazy and that I wasn't big. He loved to play with my stomach rolls and to kiss on them. I got tired of carrying that load around and went on a serious diet. He thought I was joking because I have attempted to lose weight several times with no success. Now I have lost nineties six pounds. But now I am rethinking this weight loss. My husband doesn't look at me with stars in his eyes anymore. He still treats me the same, but I can tell he's disappointed. I knew he liked bigger women, and now I feel like I should try to gain my weight back to the size I was when he met me. I was just as active then, and I still had a clean bill of health when I was heavier. Should I compromise my weight for my marriage? Well, I don't think you should make that kind of of compromise. I really don't, because your your health is the most important thing. Even though you said you had a clean bill of health when you were heavier, you have to think about when you get older and things like that. I mean, and I just think this has to do with you and what you want. How do you feel about yourself? Do you feel healthier? I mean, you had to do this for a reason. You started losing weight. You said you got tired of it, so you went on a diet, so you know, apparently you were feeling some kind of way. I mean, do you look better to yourself right now? To me, that's what it's important for you. You say he still treat you the same. You say he's your soul mate. You guys have been together for eight years. If he still treats you the same and he's your soul mate, I mean, I just think your health is the most important thing here. You got to think about that. And uh, you know you can't lose weight or or gain weight for someone else. You have to do these types of things for yourself. Steve, Well, this is really an easy letter. Mm hmm. All this is is you know what, which one makes you the happiest. That's all this is about. If you're happy with losing weight, then you lose weight. Let him adjust, Let him adjust. She was two fifty two. Heaviest is to eighty two? She lost? How much she lost nine pounds, Steve pounds, so they put her around? What m after from two to Let's see, come on, y'all, just come on, what y'all doing on the show. Get these calculators out? Give me this one eighty six? You're still thick? One eight six? Nice? Now see now here go here go thing what you probably fied too. Now I'm just gonna go with that. Yeah, Monica, Yeah you probably five too. I'm just letting that. Just just drink that for a minute. Five to eighty five we over here, we stand up against the window and walk off. You'll be wondering who moving the loves se d before you go too far? Why is the refrigerator in front of the winder? You go, you go. You just got your dude, You're just good. Just got my das out of trouble, and I get right back in it. I'm tired of PC. I'm sick of politically correct. I don't do politically correct. I do damn jokes. Five and you're in the bad room. It looked like somebody to put the freezer in the bad room dry? Why is the bathtub walking? Crazy? Steve down that what he liked that what he liked he liked that. Ain't nothing wrong with that. I think she's collar. I five three fine two eighty five? She lost almost a hundred pounds. What eighty five? The man like what he liked? What's wrong? Feel good about yourself? Do what makes you happy? So now you don't went from a bay winder to just a window. I'm a knock boy, Okay, I'm not. I don't give a damn listen to me. Do you know to know what y'all not going at this? When they're mad at you, they're mad at up. It ain't mad at me. By everything. I'm sicking at the bottom feeding as people kiss. Now for real? Why I can't tell no more damn jokes? Okay, say nothing by nothing no more? Why I'm on here for what y'all want seeing? In what y'all want? This to be? Headline news? That ain't what I do? I do damn jokes. I tell a fried chicken joke tied to a black person. Ain't nobody saying nothing about that? I make one damn joke by somebody else eating something else? Now here comes to damn email? Get back to email. Oh god, we gotta go to break. Yeah, and now to eighty five. Now we gotta go to break, so there can't be about fried chicken or fried rice. This is just about two eighty two, gathering yourself. I break. I'm sick of this right here, and Steve Harvey show back to the letter, She said, very cautiously. No, we haven't played it yet. Here it is I lust waiting maybe my husband too. That's oh, y'all, politically correct people, This is not the show. Turn your radio it sunrise and I'm still good. All right here we are repart to see response to the Strubberry letter. I'm gonna give you an example of what I ain't fitting to be, not on this radio show. Say that again. I'm gonna give you an example of what I ain't fitting to be. See you all the punk cast people talking about they're gonna get a petition? Has Steve took off the radio? I walk around in the circling march with your asked for three days, because that's all long you're gonna be out there. Yeah, intend to getting me off the air. I get out in the circular hole of sign with You ain't gonna be out that long because you don't know how to march long. This a't se is the letter. This letter is all about being politically correct. So here's you won't answer this letter. You are slim, ma'am. You are very slim and fat. It is such an ugly word. You are not fat. Please stop calling yourself fat. When he loves your roles, you still have roles. If you five two and one eighty five, you still have roles. He can still kiss your stomach. It's just less stomach. Now it's okay. Now we're doing politically correct praising you. Shut up, man, because you're marching against yourself. I'm marching against my old ass. I'm gonna beat you to the punk. You ain't got to get a petition. Take Steve off the our, get rid of Steve, get rid of Steve, getting rid of Steve. I'll get a sign and get out that what your non committed ass, because I know you ain't gonna be out there but for the eight hours they're gonna picking my states. Make it out of here. For what all this that's going on in the world to day And you're wearing about me meeting with the president. You at your damn mind, man, gonna find I am letting it go. I'm watching it out of my system now, and let's get back to this letter about this woman who is not big. She you are only two hundred and eighty two pounds. That's a beautiful way, and you should continue to support people in this weight range because it is the Christian thing to do. I wish I was two hundred and eighty two pounds, yes, so I could be politically correct and say that loved me the way I am. So what I have folk chins? What difference does that make? Can't you love me? I hate them right now to lay on my face and kiss all four of them. So now this is the new politically correct comedy portion of the show. I think every should get to two eighty two so we can all feel comfortable around each other and support our sister who in her weight loss or weight game. That's what I think we should all do. Listen, all of us get on the program and get up to two eighty two and show people who are larger than us that we love large people too. We're willing to be you. It ain't no, damn, that's what it's gonna get. If I decided going to be some punk as radio host, but I ain't. Don't all that time and you can tell that other dude on the other station. I got something for him too. You're listening, Steve Harvey. All right, ladies, you're welcome. You're welcome, You're welcome. Coming up, girl, coming up at about forty eight after the hour, the one and only Mr Blue Eyes himself, Michael Eally, Michael Eally, Michael Elie will be our special guest. Who just did you hear what I said? What is this unusual whistle she got? Did you okayd you here? I said, Michael Michael, Yeah, and bothered over here we turn the air. You so, Bobby, But I adn't know you were crazy until I watched the whole where you've been living. All right, Steve introduced, sir. She is here, the lovely and talented one. Ladies and gentlemen, ain't what to hear your show? Y'all minute ago, y'all turn out. Michael Oh, he's coming at forty eight after the hours, girl, ladies and gentlemen, miss and thank good morning. This is a trip with the news. Okay, let's get serious. In Quebec, a man is in custody in connection with what Prime Minister Trudeau says was a terrorist attack. On a Quebec city mosque during evening prayers on Sunday. Six people were killed, another nineteen were wounded. There about forty people in the mosque at the time. Sources identify the suspect as a guy named Alexandra Bissonet. Some of his college acquaintances say that he doesn't like immigrants. Meanwhile, vigils are being held in honor of the victims, and police surveillance of other Muslim houses of worship in Quebec has been beefed up. The man charge were shooting eleven people and killing five at the Fort Lauderdale Airport earlier this month was formally arraigned yesterday. Esteban Santiago pled not guilty that all twenty two counts against him. Pascus say Santiago flew from Alaska to Flada early this month, and that once in the airport, he took a gun from his check luggage, loaded into the bathroom and began shooting inside the airport's baggage claim area. With the combined charges against him not but now we got him and he say not guilty. See SUP. In this country right here, this damn due process on in this country. You're only guilty. Once you're convicted. You're not guilty until you are. He shot them people, he on tape. Now we got to spend all this money, some taxpad this taxpayer money. Now, mhm m. You know some people can get in baggage claim and shoot him. I'm with that. I'm actually with that. Ain't gonna lae to you. I'm actually man man, just like that man winning that kill all the men and some people in the movie. Sit his ass down in the chair, put a seatbelt on him, hand his hand some popcorn, and then his attention and shoot all around him. Being him that we all started doing this here cause all this mess out. Well, damn gouna control loans, you know, as we trudge on, Thank you, Steve. The White House standing by its executive order restricting immigration to seven mostly Muslim countries. Civil servants who work at the State Department of protesting the controversial immigration bands and the White House folks and says if they don't like it, they should just quit. Meanwhile, the public apparently agrees with the President on this one. A new RAS Mustin poll shows that fifty seven percent of those Americans asked agree with the travel and refugee band, while only thirty three are against it, so they apparently agree with what's going on right now. Thank you, because the protests at the World I don't I don't think they have television. Maybe not. Back to the Steve Harvey morning. M all right, we'll be back lates with Michael. Really you're listening to Steve har Yeah, we're back. I got it coming up. After this is Michael e special guest. No, that's how you say, it's Steve. Well, we will let you see it. How you roll to Michael Eally after this will get y'all no closer to the gates. All right, we've been waiting all morning for this one. Our special guest is a dynamic actor that is known for his gorgeous blue eyes, for his great roles on screen, and he has been in a numerous amount of hit movies and now he has joined the cast. We're so excited about this. Of being Mary Jane. That's right, it starts, of course a good friend Gabrielle Union. Let's find out more about his role and this season. Please welcome to the show, our friend, Mr Michael Eally do. Good morning, good morning, Good morning, Mike. Let me go and get in here. Somebody know how to talk to them? Man, Mike, how you doing? Man? Yeah, I'm good man, these these two girls right here. I think you know it's I've tried to talk to him. Hey man, how you doing? Man? You're good, I'm good. I'm blessed. Man, I'm blas look at you. Yeah, you're blasted. Man. You keep doing it, man, you Mary Jane, just back tonight at ten nine Centric. Your character Justin Talbot is Mary James nemesis and new co worker. To tell us about this role man, so um so yeah, but you know they asked me to come on board and and kind of shake things up a little bit. And you know, Justin comes in and some of his his you would be considered controversial, and so what he what he really does it is kind of come in and you know, just when Mary Jane thinks she you know, just about to like kind of you know, start this great new life, someone from her past that um, you know had somewhat made her miserable, um shows up to try and throw a big monkey wrench in her program at that point, bring it on, Well come on me, Well that's gonna be awing. Well, one thing about all your characters. Man, I gotta tell you this, I have never seen you play a role that was not extremely believable. Yeah, even when your ass was under that bed, man saying, man, I never looked at easy this way. Christ was under this bed really looking real spanky brain as an actor, man, you were, you're Gabrielle, y'all your friends in real life? Man, what's that like to work with your friends in a in a role like that, to put you all own opposite ends? You know, honestly, it's it's why I'm why I'm doing the show. You know. It's like I saw I saw her at a wedding and she was like you know she you know, she came out and we started talking about it, and you know that's when I realized, you know, yeah, this should be this should be great. Actually, because we've never really worked together, even though we've been in the same projects, we've never really worked together in so um, you know, it was an opportunity for us to kind of kind of work together. And Gabrielle and I, you know, we talked for years about certain issues that affect you know, what's going on culturally and such, So it was an opportunity to kind of work together. And if you know, anybody that knows Gabrielle knows that she had opinions, she had thoughts, and she would let you know them way that you'll be like, damn, all right, I got you, okay, And so, you know, like working with her, it's like, what's what's fantastic is what's happening off screen. You know, what's what's fantastic is what's happening off screen and the conversations that we have about about what's going on. And you know, when I started working on this, you know a lot of you know, I got a lot of her insight, as you know, with regards to you know, birth, to the nation and everything else. And so it was it was very interesting and also at the same time very fun because that is how God lives her like fun. Yeah. You you you've got a lot going on, man, How are you balancing all this? You? You? You? You your father again? Yes, congratulating married you welcome your second child late last year? How are you balancing this career, this fatherhood? Man? It's it's been it's been rough, you know what I mean, I think, um, you know, like I left, I left to go shoot the show and I was going back and forth between Atlanta in l A. Because I told him, I just I don't want to leave my family right now. It's just it's just not a good time for me to leave. So fortunately they were able to work it out so I could go back and forth and um, you know, um my daughter, Um is just I mean, I'm you know, I don't have words. I don't have it's uh, you know, she just when she smiles, I just I feel like I gotta I gotta protect that to the best of my fie. Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah, yeah, we did. We did. It's a long term commitment, you know, the life long commitment, and I just I just I prayed for the time to watch her grow up. That's what I'm play for. Well, yeah it's coming. Um, it's gonna involve several death threats, like we talked about ahead, put a couple of boys and check you up, putting the baseball all of a gun up under somebody's checks and then it's gonna come a point in their life. Here was really good about parenthood, like like okay, like now you're torn because you don't want to leave your family right now, it's gonna come a time where you get in position like me where you want to leave cut the lights out in my office when they walk in the house so they don't see me in there, coming there and talk to me. All that's coming to. Yeah. Yeah, it's a complete turnaround, man, which is where you just go. You know what I've done, my damn John parenting, figure it out? Come on, Yeah, yeah, I did. Come the time when your kids, you know, they got their own friends and they don't want to hang out with you anymore. Yeah, I decided I'm gonna I'm gonna milk this time where they're they're obsessed with me. You know, I'm gonna milk all the time my hand while they're obsessed with me, say, and they don't want to spend time with me, I can have that attitude, I don't want to spend time with you. I was glad my friends got friends here with cause so I can quit dropping them off. I think it's great. Hey man, uh, this is a fabulous guy. This is a fabulous show Being Mary Jane. It's hot, man, you got you got some great cast members and that the storyline is great. Being Mary Jane is back tonight. Everybody at ten pm, nine pm Central Time on b ET. Uh. He's he's a new nemesis of uh Gabrielle Union Mary Jane and they're going at it. Man. It's good gets kicked off tonight. It's gonna be hot. Hey, Michael Eally, keep working, boy, keep on working. Yeah, keep doing it. I'm gonna keep doing And I appreciate this what you guys, every time, every project, every time. Thank you so much, Thank you man, appreciate thank you, gentlemen. Michael E. Keep being fine. That's what you're doing with that. Can't help it. You're married, job, your job, that ain't your job. Keep telling you'll your job, follow you at home. Stuff you say on the air, follow you now. The question the question we had earlier now Michael was walking around naked, it'd be all right, huh. The question we had earlier today that that's cool with y'all. You don't look like Michael I have at Allmasmic, the men in our family, none of us have been fine. When are you gonna make the damn adjustment? Where are you fine? Where are you fine? Come on now active bank, cuteed pad down any where else you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Come on skill. Huh. So we love the New Editions story. Million people? Yeah, now over twenty million. I mean, you know, unbelievable. That story was so good. I want to see the Joda See story. Yeah, yeah, I see New Edition lasted for a long time. The relevant. I don't think Jodacy had enough hits. Oh yeah, well together as kids, they yeah they had some hits, but they weren't together. They were just as acting as the same, right whereas New Editions started when they were little boys that they grew up in the business and you see all the ups and downs and the relevant today. Yeah, they just got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame a couple of weeks ago. So yeah, they're still doing it in touring and everything. But a fantastic story. Fantastic, fantastic. People are still talking about it. It was really good, Yeah, really good. All right, God, what were you saying saying, Steve, It's back from this universe? Philippines? What beautiful lady, what beautiful beautiful young I'm gonna tell you one thing, though, Its first country I've ever been in in my life. Ain't see. No black people were the only ones, not a nil Wold when they saw signing autographs, I bought all the black people in Manila. I did not see a single black person anywhere doing nothing. The first country I've ever been to, I did not see a single black person, not one. Mm hmm. Okay. They little my ass over there, the king and then me. Well, and you were a little apprehensive about going right, you didn't know, well, you know, I was cool with going you know, I didn't know. You didn't know how you were going to be reseist. I shouldn't hear nothing about no jokes and nothing. Man. That was really cool. There was really really warm. It's great. The enthusiasm. Let me tell you something. When the girls got on the bus to go anywhere, at one point there was two fifty thousand people watching the girls. Let me tell you something. The rehearsal, the dress rehearsal the day before the full dress rehearsal sold out. Wow, So it was more people that you know what. I'm just saying, that's your observation. I'm just saying I was. I was really pulling for Haiti at the end. I thought Miss Columbia was was fabulous. Oh my god, she was beautiful. Man. All of them thought all of them were. I mean, I'm gonna tell you who I really I thought had a really good shot, and she did. She only lost by one vote. That was Kenya. She was very, very smart too, man. She was one of the most impressive. She lost her parents at a young age. She was in a life threatening accident at five. She lost her parents at a young age. She's the first person for her country to represent Kenya for Mission. An incredible story, this woman. Man. And then for the first time, they had a black woman as Miss Brazil. First black woman from Brazil. Yeah, I saw her. She was beautiful Canada, Miss Canada. I loved her answers too. She was confident. Yes, Canada was thick. They had that was she was controversial because she was dumb, largest size woman in the paget and they were trying to tell what some people saying, she doesn't have the right side. The woman was right. Yeah, she was I don't know where, very confident. I loved her and it was energy. Girl needed something to eat. Yeah, I'm just a little babe and suit just hanging on. Come on now, you need to need some fellows, Come on here, man. How was Junior? Did he lose his mind. Yeah, he should do good here. I probably had to tell you that. You know. They shut Junior's bank card off. Yeah, yeah, yours in the casino. They shout a bank card off. They said, based on your bank records, there's no reason your ass should be in the Philippines. He tell them he was working for you. Now, I ain't nothing you can do, man, they shut him down. So I was the banker over there, all my crew whenever. Yeah, I was the bank of everything. So I made money off of it, you know rates, Yes, they charged place what what what? What? What? You just say it so naturally don't even realize yeah yet on my money. Yeah, I ain't damn atm mission. You come over here and getting my money. It's attack on yeah, yeah, I'll attack on them highs. Hell. Yeah, I'm I'm I'm I'm predatory, Linden. I actually practiced predatory. And then don't come to me. You come over here, man, you need a thousand, ain't no problem? Man, Well did he have enough money to get back home? Now you're scaring me not know he had plenty, but you know, the money and paysos over that Philippine pasos. So it's like one to fifty. So they had thousand dollar bills, but the thousand dollar bills was really twenty dollars. Oh man, I had so many thousands. But you should have seen me at the gate when I turned in my money so I could gamble because we was in a casino standing for casino over that too. I just went over. The man just turned in like seven thousand dollars. I couldn't even care the money out I had. My stuff is shopping bags. I had so many here to guy, I had full fled Swat team with me everywhere I went. Yeah, and they swat wagons are open. My son did a video of it. The Swat wagons are open. They don't pull up and open their doors and climb out. They just put up the stars. Shoot the president over there just committed to slowing down the drugs and the Philippines. And let me tell you something, they're killing some people over there. If you over there selling drugs, you're not going to court. Ain't no trial or nothing. But I had it was. It was the most secure place I've ever seen though. And the people were absolutely beautiful over that. Man. The Philippines was absolutely the people were so so kind man and so appreciative of having the event and the hotel I stayed in. What was the name of the hotel? Solid there so real? Stay? Ain't that the so real? The sweet I had Lord him mercy, Lord have mercy presidential site. Lord this presidential speed right here. This was not playing man. I had so many rooms in there. I had a little butler, but he was a my Tai fighter, and I recognized him as a MITI fighter because I tell Bias walk we talked about. I wanted him with somebody so bad. I pushed somebody on the elevator so he could just show me over there fighting beat a little dude or everybody a little over you're listening, Steve boy the story, Steve great stories. I just I just really and all honestly. I appreciate God so much the more live because what what He takes me through and allows me to survive and puts his angels around me and protects me and forever keeps me moving forward. You know, uh, somebody sent me a thing that says, some people hate you simply because they can't understand why God keeps blessing you after all you used to be m hmm. Do you know that you all are running into that problem, that you all are running into the same problem. A lot of people just hating on y'all because they can't understand how God keep blessing y'all after all you used to be. See did you got a lot of people in your life that are holding you to your past and cannot understand how you've risen to the whatever position you in and how God keep blessing you and keep you from going on what after all the stuff you used to do which people don't understand. For the most part is that God is in the forgiving business and people aren't. So many people aren't. They haven't gotten there yet. They can't let it go, and they can't forgive no, and and they and so many people make decisions about you without all the information, but all of a sudden they have a full opinion of you. That's somebody expecting people to forgive me. People ain't gonna forgive you, ain't some some will. But but Tommy's right, though, it's you can quite expecting to everybody to do it because then not, because some people really do enjoy hate it. Actually, they actually are under the misguided notion that their hate of you for some reason validates them or makes them better. That's a sad way to live. I don't think this is a sermon on clarification. All right, I come to preach on the Trump visit. I come to uh set the record straight for my beloved brother. Uh with all that's going on in the world today, and he's making a lack the hell is you wear about a damn visit for Yeah, okay, can't get on the plane on mold without getting sit back hold he did that? Uh done five the turn of general. He did that. The insulted. But John Lewis, that's what he did. And I don't like set up on the camp pain trigger said he's gonna repeal Obamacare. Now what he said? Not at all? This is happening. What the hell is we surprised about? Now? Now, sit your tail at the house and don't vote ignorant as black folk talking about hold my vote now that you didn't have it, what you're gonna do with it? Now? He they're now taking your vote and packing it up in the center point the crack, the darkness of your behind. That's what has happened to your vote now? Yeah, packing it in too. MC packing it in too much. We gotta go. Why we gotta go now? We need why because this sermon, this servon libler continues here listening Steve Alright, music, so child cheating, time time to go to break right now. We will be back to close out the show at forty eight after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I still contest, love contest going on all right when we come back. Um, Yes, our one last thing, the top reasons for cheating. We talked about this a lot on the show, so there's some reasons. Yeah, come on here now, Yes, come on, Johnny over, people down, Johnny, Yes, sir, you know they broke all kinds of records. Yeah, I'm all, hello, what the hell did that? Boy? Do? They broke all kinds of records at b ET. I mean, over twenty million people watch the new edition story. I mean people are still talking about it on social media. I mean, it's anyone, man, what they really need to do? That damn Earth winning fast story? Oh look at you. I'll be glued. But all the people who want to go see it, the damn they're dead. That's the only thing really, don't Yeah, the truth? You mean just watch it on TV. You said, go see it like in the theaters. You mean the TV. Yeah, you know, I'll be concerned, you know, because you know you can't get them all because you're old. People for get that. I didn't know was it weekend? Alright? You people don't know. More's go oh why that boy hair like that? Lady Verdeen have been like that. That's the only thing. Man, you just came my my group, man, just well hard man. Well it was a great, great movie. Yes, yes, it's all of that ground Johnny, you could say, yes. He So that's when I became a new Edition fan. I was because the candy. Yeah, and that was part of their longevity too, because they started off as kids, like we said, with a canny girl and you know, and then they went to man. Now that was That was Johnny Gill's favorite song, he said when he joined. When he joined the group, yeah, he said, let me change your way. That go though, But that's made Bobby's head even bigger. See, I'm the start. Bobby was clowning. But it was his idea to the group. Now that I didn't know watching the movie, I did not know that that it was his idea and that's why they loved Yeah, that's why they were so loyal to him. And Bobby wanted to be a superstar and out of the group, and then he wanted to be in the group. It was so good though. It was just really, really a great When I first heard that Whitney Houston was dating by Brow, I didn't even believe it. Oh. I think a lot of people, yeah, felt the same way. Yeah, she was like the pop princess. Great moment for them when they was on that all. I went to one of them award shows in Vegas. They wore the white mink coach, but Peter was there. Yeah, I know they didn't. What happened? Johnny said, throw it. See what happened, Bobby. People just putting their little cans of red paint down. Yeah, Bobby said, throw it. See what happened? They putting them a little cans or paint down. Act like they ain't han nah, try to play it off. Yeah, man, Bobby, I was walking past a lady with a coat on one time. I wouldn't I didn't even know they was out there pick and I passed by. These people had a coat on, hair, some type of fur on. This lady said look better when it was alive. And then I was walking with one of my hood partners from Cleveland, so I didn't really pay no attention. And then she started following. I said it looked better when it was alive. I didn't know what she was talking about, really really didn't. I was just walking in New York and so my boy Big say, hey, man, who who who this blanking to blank talking? And so I didn't. I said, what what you're talking about? So they're a guy that was with them went hey, hey, I should I should ruin the coat like you ruined the animal's life. I turned around, Big saf went over to and grabbed him and says, I'm doing real quick. The dude put the sign down and call the cab. My boy says, some biggie wig grabbed me by the college saying something doing. He put his sign down and got in a cab. Yeah. See y'all them all. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show,