Fresh off of Mothers Day - 05.15.17

Published May 15, 2017, 10:27 PM

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bag at all sung looking back to back down, giving them just like theming bu things and it's tub y'all to be true. Good it tat hart guy listening to meet together for study. Don't you join? Yeah? Yeah by joining me? Honey, say wait do you turn? Yeah? You got you gotta turn to turn at the turn you love it got to turn out to turn water wan go come come on your back now. Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig and now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show today. I want to just share something with you. Um along your way, um to wherever it is you're trying to get to. You know, every everybody has a different definition for success, and I'm not. I'm not here to tell you what yours should be. I mean, please pursue whatever you think success. He is aim as high as you can though. Uh, that's for sure. My father used to say all the time. I'm sure you all have heard it in different variations, but he used to always say, aim for the moon. Just in case you miss, you'll still be amongst the stars. Just say that to me all the time, So that always was in me to aim high. Now he was and saying aim with the intent to miss. He was just saying aim in case you miss, you're still amongst the stars. If you aim for the moon. But if you just aim for that first flow wind and you miss it, you know, usually run into some type of wall and nothing happens. You slither down. But a lot of times I think along the way, folks, you know, we just don't understand what all it takes, and so we give up along the way. But there's a couple of things I want you to prepare yourself for. You know. In my book, act like a lady, think like a man. I told her people that men love three ways. They profess, they provide, they protect, and that's the core essence of a man's love. Well, there's some other peas in life too. And uh now, the number one thing you have to understand about trying to be success full. And I guess I call this the four piece. I may come up with five along the way. I don't know. I'm just talking as it is given to me. So I'm gonna summer start by saying, as these are the four piece of uh success that you have to get ready for it. Number one, it's pressure, pure pressure. Being successful is just pressure. A lot of it is applied by the circumstance of what you're trying to go for and what you're trying to do, but a lot of it also is self imposed pressure. It's um, it's it's what you put on yourself to make it. It's it's a sense of urgency, it's it's a sense of necessity. But pressure is the first thing I want you to be ready for. And pressure sure comes in a lot of different forms, but it's gonna be pressured. As an old saying, the pressure bus to pipe. See, that's why most people turn around because of the pressure of trying to be successful. I want you to get it in your mind that it is going to be a pressurized situation on your rise to the top. Pressure wise, it's gonna be pressure. It's gonna be difficult to do. It's gonna be moments when it seems like it's real heavy. It's gonna be moments, man, when it feel like you're gonna burst us. All comes from pressure. Pressure, buster pipe pressure. But understand that that is what it is. Is not going to change. That's it. Prepare yourself, get ready for there to be pressure. The second thing I want you to understand is when you receive this pressure, you have to persist. You got to stay at it, You got to dive all up. A dog. Inness has a there's a song out He says, why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog in me? That's a funny line in that song, because really I was thinking about it one day. I was humming it and and and it, and it occurred to me, said, why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog in me? And you know, now you could take it into literal sense that the cat chases the dog because it's innately is in his spirit that cats and dogs are a lot of times enemies. Now people have pets and help proven that if you show love on both sides, they can exist. And that happens too. But naturally, innately, when your cat goes by a dog, your dog don't recognize him, that some barking going on. I'm talking, I just walking through the neighborhood or something. So but the reason that this dog's so persistent towards this cat's just cause it's in him. It's innately in him. And what I'm saying to you, just using that as an analogy, is that you got to be you got to be persistent in that. You got to develop some dog in you now, because pressure take some fighting back. See if you don't fight back against pressure, pressure buster pipes, so what you're think it will do to you? Pressure crack walls, pressure calls, explosions. So if you don't fight back to hold it in, you understand pressure does most people in the simple thing called pressure, the weight of what it feels like to want to be successful every and go day, over and over and over and over and over. It's just too much pressure. People crack. You got to persist. You have to persist. You can the thought of giving up can come, but you gotta get it out. You gotta persist. The next thing I want you to think about, there's another something that I've been thinking about for years and learn for years. It's called perseverance. See, to persist means to to to to to insist. Keyword and insist and persistence insists you must, you must insist that this is going to happen. Now, the persist I'm assuming means it's a pro action. It's some type of pro action that you go towards it to make it. You know, persist, you gotta be persistent. You gotta be constantly at insisting that it happens. You gotta be constantly at it. But the next thing I want you to remember is perseverance. Perseverance is important. Perseverance means that when you've done your best, when you've persisted, when you're fighting back against the pressure. Perseverance simply means I'm gonna I'm gonna hang in here. Now. I'm going to hang in here. What if if a crack come into pipe, I'm gonna hang in there. If the pipe bust, I'm gonna keep going. If I gotta put duct take silly glue, bondo mud, whatever I got to put on this thing. Man, I'm gonna use perseverance. I'm going to stay with it no matter what. So we're looking at the three things again. You got to understand that it's gonna be pressure that you're gonna have to persist keyword and persistence Insist. You have to insist that no matter what the pressure is, I'm gonna stay with it, but then perseverance. If it goes wrong. Man, you got to get in there and keep fighting. But then, Lord her Mercy, nothing helps you handle the three peas better than the fourth pace. You got to pray. You got to use prayer. You gotta talk to God. You gotta use faith. You gotta have some conferences with him late at night, early in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon, when you own the train, when you're driving, you got to talk to God. Man, you gotta get yourself some help along the way. Nothing is bigger than prayer. There is nothing bigger than prayer. Prayer will help you overcome the pressure. Prayer will help you stay persistent, and Lord her Mercy, prayer will help you persevere them is the foe Pas that just came to me today. God gave that to me. I'm passing it on. You're listening to show. I have exactly twenty one minutes after the hour. That would mean that it has begun, that the greatest show on Earth is off and on the run. It may not be conceivable to most of you, but I'll tell you one thing. It is the place to be and the thing to do. Those of you that are wondering what's going on today? Just hang on, hang on, it's about to get underway. Why did I learn how to rhyme? So swell? Well, it comes from playing with myself where you're just a little boy. You could sit there and just get it on all by damn. It's lonely. Iurs being great. That's what I was as a child. Everybody else was just sitting over there, just doing real regular old kids stuff. I was out there killing and cracking him over the head, trying to figure out my next move. Yes, I was a happy job and lone child. Ah, it was me theages and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morny Show. I was gonna snap like we go deepness to drain minimum, Yeah, deepness early. But his delivery was yea yeah. Do we learn anything there? Yes we did? What did we learn? He was a lonely ChIL child, a lonely rhyming child. Yes, damn right. It could have been a rap. Did you ever hear that while growing up? Stop all that rapping rhyming? Did you ever hear that about it talking? Just talking? Because I was only child, It's just just wasn't winners, just talking you just talked a lot of the conversation. Yeah, I talked a lot. I mean no, not really. I think my problem was uh huh ah, I had so many the problem look at you though, Yeah, what do you mean problem? Hey? Are y'all talking to me without an appointment? I forgot? So what we ain't from to do? We're gonna we're gonna start listening to this damn internet friend man, just TV. That was radio too, man. I mean, you know, man, I didn't even really know. You know what. It's an amazing thing about God. He shields me from so much because he understands the effect it is. He shields me from a lot. I just I just you know. It's like I've been in the middle of a hurricane and I'm the eye and I just sit there and God has taught me this. It's gonna be a lot swirling around you. You just stay in that eye, that center where I got you. Don't step out in that swirl and get caught up in it, and just let the swirl happen. It's gonna die down. You know what this is from We have been through this before, so that's what it is. So I accepted, Man, get on well we usually do. Yeah, now hear y'all, I think it's even better. Come back something funny, asked the CEO, the one to send the memo out that y'all want to put all over the damn TV. You're listening, Steve, Well, here we are. It's time for something funny and guess what it is today. Y'all can come on and get yourself warmed up right now, this is, asked the CEO. Yeah, what a good time I'm to ask me something too, fresh off the memo that's been all over TV? Is this your favorite segment? Hell? Yeah, yeah, people don't get it? Well, yeah, when do we start? Ye? Who asked the first question? All right? First? Want you want to be first man? Come on? Yeah, I have a very important question. And since it's so new and so personal, excuse what I do is I point at It's like a press comfort Go ahead, new man. Okay, thank you very much, Mr Harvy, Thank you very much for allowing me to ask a question. Thank you for your gracious just allowing me to ask you a question, to be in the same presence of it. Just get to the question, though I'm trying to. I just want to get all this out. Yeah, So my question is so serious that what I'm gonna do is I want to get Tommy to ask it. Okay, how about that? So kind of has my question I'm through. Oh yeah, yeah, that's exactly go ahead, Yeah, Mr CEO. There was an email sent out of no cussing uh here uh at the job. But it seemed like CEO, you've been doing a lot of cussing. It seems like you're contradicting what you're telling us to not do, but you're doing it yourself. No, I ain't contradicted nothing. Y'all can't cuss. You bet not cuss or you won't have a job. I can't about to fry me. Next question, question, That was his question. Yeah, yeah, question, Mr ceo, Mr CEO, Yeah, I just want to know summertime coming along, vacation season and starting up, and have you changed your mind your policy on the no vacation uh stance that you've had in the past, considering the memo that's floating around. Memo, first of all, is not floating around. The memo was leaked by a discruntial employee that ain't working in l A. That's what that was. Now, as far as your vacation goal, submit your vacations and then and I need a time frame that you want to have a vacation, and I determine whether you're going or not. Let's wait a minute. Huh, But you know we're all old vacation. I mean that's part of no no, no no. What you own is your check and that's what you get. You're not old of vacation, request of vacation. And if too many requests is on the same day, somebody ain't going. Well, well, sir, the problem is that you have all the vacation days when you want to go somewhere. Yeah, well, well, well it look like you need to get your own company. Then don't go We're never going to vacation question. We're stuck here, so you can't go on vacations. So the option is get your own company. That's the option question or we're stuck here. Next, but I'm not going to help, just squashing now, next question, come one. Okay, So we would like to talk to you before we actually go on the air. Run some ideas by you. You know, we send you emails and text messages and you don't answer. So how are we supposed to get these ideas and creativity going for the show. Well you ain't supposed to see. Why would I do show PRIP when I'm already great? Oh yeah, Mr CEO. Next question, Yeah yeah, a little man. You said that we have to make an appointment to speak with you. But we have to make an appointment with you. Who do we make the appointment with you? Don't get one? Talk to me? Next question, Make me understand that it's been brought my intention that you're doing some cutbacks. You've taken everybody's computer and replaced it with pen and paper. Uh, how are we're supposed to look up different things and find out what's going on in the world You took our computer? Well, the computers just huting the cutback, peing the papers old school m hm. Okay, what's your problem? Well I can't google you work people today you always want to google something, learn something. Go down to her library, find a card catalog, look at the book, get go see if the book is down, do it the way I did. If you don't want the job, move on, ce new Man. Yes, the question. Do you like us? That's obvious. Let's see, let's see what's going on. Okay, it's surely Strawberry with the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Um, okay, there have been several requests. There have been several requestsments to CEO for interviews. Uh, in light of this, I hate to keep bringing it up, with this memo that's out here from you and they no one can reach you. So consequently, we get the Texas, we get the emails, we get the calls. What are we supposed to say? Deal with it? Deal with it, deal with it. I'm dealing with it. You deal with it. Support your CEO. We do. We're exhausted. You exhausted. I got farted for interview requests from sing in all the way down the radio, dot online. You're a near as exhausted as me. I'm trying to figure out how the memo got to be such a big issue. We got North Korea blowing up bombs over that closure Russia, we got a president and find Kobe. You're sitting up in here, you don't know what spaster talking about. We got a whole world of chaos over here. The Republicans don't like the Democrats. The Democrats don't like the Republican. Bernie Sanders over that, trying to figure out what the hell are he gonna do if he's gonna be in four years to make a difference all of this is going on. Is somebody worried about damn emo from up man? That would be me. Deal with it. We will be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Guys, Uh, wow, you hear the latest. Uh you got your your issue, Steve. But Monique, our girl, Monique went in on Lee Daniels, Tyler Perry and Oprah Winfrey. We'll talk about that at the top of the hour. But up next right now, it's church complaints because it's Monday. Yeah, uh soup. Honored to be the past. Such a great church as jp j J of the jp JJ, that's the Jack Pott Joints. Gerald's Ali King Chene Pyley Liah. Try not to forget your role in this thing, Deacon, Yes, thank you well. On this Monday, as usual, begin to address the problematic institution that is this church. We reside with the most ungrateful membership in the history or congregation deaf Jaiman as their representative, or go ahead a pass that we are having a no weave Sunday every third Sunday. Yeah, Pastor, we don't think this is going to be good for the kids. We don't think they've app in church because they won't know who their mothers are. We're asking you if you approve for the kids to stay home. No, we've funded. First of all, I'm shutting down. No, we've Sunday we are. We are the jack Pot Joint or the Red Rusal. Ain't no jackpot if ain't no people in the joint. Yeah, Wes is allowed, thank you. We've drop offering in the trade. Okay, look at the big picture. Ain't no weaves without us? All right, no weeds Sunday is nack cancel. But I know, sister Bernd. Can you get on with the rest of them now, Smith, yes, fast. One of one of our white members, Billy Joe mcguilla cutty, who is also a member of the KKK just Um, found out on ancestral dot com that he has African American This sent he says he wants to say the N word freely at church. Now, well, let me just speak directly, hill Ain't nobody never liked brother Billy Joe, no doubt, and I'm going to allow him to use the N word so we can get rid of his ain't wantingful you come up in the here or brother Billy Joe? What what what with with with the N word? And and ain't nobody got this copy ancestry dot com but you and based on the look in the tone of your voice, it ain't gonna why why wash you woo please? I wish don't. Matter of fact, Deacon, don't even bring that. Tell him, I said bring and then tell me I said, act according, Yeah, he wants to use the word, but I ain't brace yourself for this one, Pastor. We have a new member that joined this past uh Sunday, brother Joiner Joint cherish Um and it is now asking that he can bypass being baptized, but we don't do that. You have to be baptizing. He asked you to not be baptisting, but he's asking for you to clear that where he don't have to be. No, no, no, we're not clear. As a matter of fact, I'm baptizing you myself. Deacon Ono needs you put lectra water in the pool drowning. We're gonna we're gonna be doing that. But what you att get baptized in the Mediterranean and we're gonna haveny water so deep. I don't know how long you can hold you, old ad bro, you better get rid of I tell you that he didn't give a first name. No we are we don't we we don't need a first name. Anybody in that family get shain't treatment. We don't give it to him. Who it is? Last name? Johnny? You want you want you you want to do in the church. Come on, I'm baptizing myself and give me my baptism with some brass knuckles. What happened, Pastory? No easy, we never heard baptized people. Doo. I'm dialing, yeah, don't washed with you, don't he oh lover, oh LoVa, I'm breaking in witnesses to h man O all right, past that. There was a situation this past Sunday. As you know, it was Mother's Day. The oldest mother h mother Jill Sender Cavanaugh, who was a hundred and three years old with sixteen kids, grand babies and party, two great grand babies and twenty one great great great grand babies. Um wanted to have all the pews on the right side of the church. But Moselle Sante says, all the Santees were coming in. It was a hundred and eighty m So if you were winding what was going on on the right exacity take. They was aguing about the puge. You're gonna have to fix this for next We are quite curious about that deacon. Uh huh that uproll and all the people look to say, and you know what I said, going on, why is it so many ugly people on the right hand side of it? They all looks similar. I said, I been dug going. I'm sitting over there, so I thought it was a Rumbe family came in, all sitting over there, all the people in the damn like that, all about the kasad that someone was eating the kassa crazy. You know, I thought you got to be sitting there and eat your mother days after. But I don't eating it with their lips though they never saw their teeth. They were just eating what they lips. Damn. It looked like a rombe friendly Why want you all know? Also, I've added that we're going to have oh oh, or memorandom service for Harambee, the gorilla that got shot. Oh h it for the head, a little baby in the park. And then we're specially we're collecting an offering for the baby that fell in the park with harambe right, Yeah, because Mama woked his ass so bad when he got out the gorilla cage, his whole left side and shut down. We're trying to get him in therapy. He was trying to rehab the baby. It's the baby could allow to go to the zoo in in mopath and they he will be at vacation violence and we'll be back to talk about Monique when we come back. Oh man, a lot of stuff you're listening, all right, ms Anna's coming up with our national news and our headlines. But excuse me, but first, let's get to this big story going around Hollywood about Monique. Uh. Monique went in on Lee Daniels and Oprah Winfrey over her allegedly being black balled in Hollywood. We're gonna, we're gonna try and get to this story as as gingerly as possible. Um. While performing at the Apollo Theater world famous Apollo over the weekend, a video surface of Monique telling the audience she was white balled by some black d's okay, fill in the blanks. Not only did she sing a lot, Lee Daniels and Oprah. She also threw Tyler Perry's name in the mix for not paying her or treating her fairly. She told the crowd the media muguls could all suck her d if she had one. Okay, apparently Monique called it white balding because it's white folks in Hollywood who no longer want to work with her. Take a listen, thank you, No, baby, I wasn't bat ball. I was no. I see. I know they'd like to say you talked to It would kill me not to sing the real It would kill me not to sing. You will not failing. So y'all, Okay, okay, that was Monique. Yeah that was there. Those precious too. That won't be done. I got the script. Let me just that's it right there. Thing about me. If you're my friend, yeah, I try to stay with you. Monique been my girl for a long time. But Tyler Perry is my friend. Oprah Winfrees my friend, you know what I mean. They're good people. They're they're good people. But I've always known Monique to be good people. So I think I don't know if this well, I know it's out of frustration. I know it's out of frustration. And comics, comedians. We take our frustrations to the stage, right there, could this be a big misunderstanding, just an all, a big misunderstanding or miscommunication, because I mean, I understand what she said, but absolutely right, that's wrong for saying because uh, and I ain't gonna I'm not with her this time, Steve, because I just did green Leaf, so I don't want to make no enemy. I just did it, just did it two episodes ago. You know what I'm saying episode totally totally disagree and I worked for Tyler. Yeah, that mean I ain't want my phone call to get this crazy. She's my girl, but I'm just saying I'm not with that. Yeah. Yeah, that's a tough one. Th that's we love all Yeah, but I love Tyler Herr man, that's my dude. Man. And Oprah just she's just been a real She's taught me man, so many things. You know. I mean, I've had some crisis moments and Tyler and Oprah have picked that phone up. Let me help you out, man, Let me help you out. Do this, do that? Do that? You know? So can you. But then I have been friends for so long, man, we toured together, We've done everything together. I wish I could just say it was just a joke. It sounded angry a little bit. Yeah, we need to get to the news though, introduced to see if that's gonna outweigh that memoir right now, yeah, right now, just being there for each other. That's why I'm kind of support. We're gonna play this back all morning, just about you. Are you gonna link at all? Right, Let's get ladies and gentlemen, miss and true, thank you, thank you, everybody. Okay, the news, oh boy, all right, okay. Euros Police agency says Friday's malware attack has hit at least one hundred and fifty countries, affecting more than one huer thousand organizations. Hundreds of cybersecurity experts on the job now dispatched in an effort to stop the malware from spreading further. Once people begin their new workweek today, please don't open any detachments of something, attachments that you really don't know. Don't open them, because it's a really world of trouble. By the way, North Korea launched another missile test over the weekend. The White House says this one landed and water is closer to Russia than Japan, and it's calling on nations to beef up sanctions against the Pyongyang government. Members of Congress demanding clarification in the wake up President Trump's Friday tweet where he seemed to suggested private conversations are tween he and James Comb. You might have been taped. So far, neither Trump or circus have anything. They're not confirming it. They said they have nothing more to say on the matter. But that upsets not only Democrats, with some Republicans like South Carolina Senta Lindsey Graham. He addressed the issue on NBC's Meet the Press. Can't be cute about tapes, that there are any tapes of this conversation, they need to be turned over. Sanda Graham is calling for a SUBPOENA coalition of twenty five groups from across the country held a Mother's Day bail out this weekend. Poor black women being held in jail forgot their bails paid, and the head of the group one of them. Many ways Southern is on new ground. Mary Hooks told the Reverend Sharpton about these women have told their stories, been tried or convicted. You have one out of nine black children without a parent, at home because they cannot afford bail. And as black people, we have a mandate to avenge the suffering of our ancestors and to earn the respect of future generations. And was on MSNBC and today International Baking Day, International Day of Families, and National Dinosaur Day. Reminds me of my favorite movie. Now back to the Steve Harry Morning Show. Your Gene the Butterfly coming up twenty you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Good morning everyone, Stephen, Timmy, Shirley, Carlo Jr. J Anthony Brown, Good morning. It is a beautiful, beautiful Monday, So good morning to all of you all morning. You know, right now I have to thank all of my fans that came out and saw me over the weekend in Dallas and the play Mama's Boy. I just want to say thank you, thank you, And all of the standing ovations that I received. I just want to say thank you so much. I'm understanding ovation every It was seven shows, Stephen. In every single one of them, people were on their feet for Eugene, Antoine Fergus, for you or while you was out there when I first came, when I when I graced the stage, when I came out, when I came to standing and don't nobody know you. I saw the play Steve and I again, Tony, don't don't do that again, Jake, don't do that. Don't do that because that has put us on And you know what, the movie that I have written for all of us, you're not gonna be in it due to your your attitude and your your actions. So they're I have written a film called Undercover Detectives. I'm about it because who stole proper raad money? Jay was in there. You know that Jay was in for Papa Rains money. Jerry did he still poperate money. But but you're gonna threaten him not in the next movie after he was in. His attitude has changed, Stephen. It just just took a turn last week and he just he just really he soiled me. He really did. Can I just think you now? But to set the record straight, Dancy Brown, Mr Harvey never saw what was Popery money a good shot. It was excellent. It was excellent and excellent and it only showed one time. Obviously no one else felt that way. Well, I thought it was a good play. Yeah, it was a good play. You need more people to agree. Why are you throwing south, Steve Harvey? How that salt? It's just just a soalthy person. It's just some mean Well, you just told Jay that you weren't gonna put him in a new movie you wrote. I just thought i'd bring up the play that you wrote. M hmm. Now that brought up the emails that you wrote, then I would be wrong. Moving at my email got more views in that damn place. You're gonna make me call TM. You're not gonna You're not gonna disrespect me on Friday. He was home Sanday morning, coming up next to Chance and he Brown will be here to murder another hit. We'll be back at thirty four. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it's your boys time. He's here. Time to slay another one, murder another one. Well, you know what somebody told me, family feud. I don't know where you got that man from a lot of merged. I'll be waiting on me, so Ben friends for years. We go way back like catleaxis. That's what he said, right, So what's the list? The list will probably get longer today we're gonna put the Kirk Franklin's name on the list. Oh my god, you mean the song is called happy and my song is called nappy? What here? Get out? You know? Her chemicals can hurt children, chemicals can change change. What will her chemicals do? Do you? Come on? None? Come on none, come on n I'll just let it just let it be never right now. I want to care what people say. If they has to pay. My hair is not meant to. Let let it be. Let it right now. Keep that hard come of bone stone, don't let the stone so I just use so great rubber. Three. That's what you're doing now. You won't hurt your fingers when you run through. Take it up higher. If it's not, that's what you do. Try a change, have some pride and let it beat it beat on the way you should know, now, said Jesus. Jesus, take Jesus, well, looks so nice and you just want to be if you're gonna been here, let it be nappy. Let it be nappy right now. Don't you want to be now and all that it's Christian and all that it's good. Let it be nepy right now about. I just want to be now, annoy you. I'm not gonna keep on getting a cock and weed with like send the front no weeds there then, happy, happy to be, had been tupid? Nappit just you flets of grease Roberts. Won't you run through through your hair? Don't be free to yourself? All the tellus in your head. That's what you're gonna do that. Break it down right now, come on, do what I say. You shouldn't know. You shouldn't know what I'm talking about. Take down again. Let it be napping. Break it down right, break it down, you little napping the dug out too, Let it be nappit. Let it be. I don't think that it's right, and don't think it's just that fool. Say take that hot as weird? Yes ja, yeah, just like her. Come on, come on to take a comb. Oh that is Christian? What their friend? That is God's littlest Christian? What they say? Down the family for you? Would you get him from? Where you got that man from? One lady said, I'm back. I was trying to find another way listen to that show. Now I found it. Now it lost him him. Wow, somebody, don't you got all the talent people on your show? Come on, come on coming up, mom Mique and what she said? Yeah, let somebody else be the headline. Did you see the video? Oh? Well with Kirk's name on the list? Else got something crazy? All right, we got a frank phone call coming up. We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all ready for it? Yes? Yes, yes. The prank right here is called Sary Get Mother, They get Mother Glory. Yeah, Roger, I'm gonna speak to Roger. Roger. Hey, this Calvin Man. How you doing. I go to the same church y'all go to Okay, I got your number from one of the guys at the church, and they told me that if I wanted to talk to y'all, could I could reach out to you or whatever are you doing today? I'm good, man, I'm good. I can help your your wife. Man. Does she I'm not trying to be disrespectful anything, but she seems to be real fit? Does she? Does she work out all the time? Yeah? She go to January once in a while. Brother, Yeah, who who is this bro? Like I said, my name, Calvin Man. We go to the same church. Listen, me and my wife been trying for a long time. Many actually have some kids, and to be honest with you, Roger, Man, it just ain't happened. Dog. I mean we've been trying and trying, but what I'm trying to do now is just find another type of way to make this happen. Now. You say your wife is in good condition, right, My wife is in good condition. Brother, What what did she got to do with trying to have a baby. She You know, y'all already got kids, don't you. Y'all got like from what the brother the church told me, y'all got three kids? Right then? We got three. I got two boys in the girl. Okay, here's what I'm trying to do, man, I was hoping that I could find somebody, a female that would be a good seregrant mother or what you know. What I'm saying is like because my wife, I mean, you know, we want to have kids, man, we want to have hold on. Brother, you just said you you're looking for a seragant mother, and the brother to church told you to call me. Well, no, no, no, anybody tell me to actually call you. I asked them about you and your wife. You know, I asked him for your phone number so I can actually call you myself, man a minute. So you've been you've been eyeing my wife. No no, no, no, no, not, I ain't been. You're looking at it wrong. Listen. What I was saying is that your wife just seems like a healthy, healthy person. I want to be able to have a healthy child, man, I really do, Man, that me and my wife wet. You called me about my wife and you want her to be a sargant mother for you. I don't even know. While me on the phone. Brother, here's the real deal, man, me and my wife we can't have kids. We tried and tried and tried, and you know, biologically, we've just been going through it and going through it man. And I was just you know, I've seen your wife. She healthy. I see you all at church all the time. And I was just like, reach it out, man, maybe somebody wouldn't mind being the sarrogan mother for for for me and my wife so we can have a child. I'll figured to sharegan mother. I mean, dog, hold on, brother, you're calling me to see if my wife can be a sharegon moune see your child. And I know it's crazy. It's crazy and and and I think you lost your mind, brother, Not all the members in the church. You're calling me to get my wife to have your baby. Do I know it sounds crazy, man? I do, But ignorant, brother, I'm you sound ignorant, you man. That's so many place to go at dr Baby. I can take you down to the county court and I still show you kids need a doctor right next. But you can go to Africa like like like all the rest of them, people are gonna find your baby. You're gonna call me and my wife twenty members in this church. Do you know how stupid you say? Brother? No, brother, brother, a man, listen, man, I'm not trying to come across like that. Man, are you trying to come across? Brother? You didn't done it to hear me out? Man, I don't want you to go ahead, brother, go ahead, man, Okay. We're looking for a Sarah good mother. We look, we've seen your your wife and we thought she'd be a great Sarah Good mother. And I know it sounds crazy for me to pick you out of all the people that go to the church. I understand that, man, I do, But listen, we would love for your wife to be the surrogate mother, and we're willing to pay for this but listen to them if you don't mind. We don't want to do this with no test tubes and all that way they mixed my seed with her with with with her eggs. We want to do this naturally. War war war war You're you just said, Man, you gotta understand a real man want to do. I want to do realistically. You know what I'm saying. I understand, brother, Hold are you on me that you want to have sex with my wife? But I mean, I mean you know you don't you want to have me lose all my christianity right now? Brother? You want to have a baby the real way though, you know what I'm saying. I don't give a damn having this fake way. You tell me you want to lay down in the bell my wife. Do you already got three kids? Think about the people that can't have a doctor baby. Man, take your there and ain't gonna doctor damn baby because you didn't go sit down psychotrict problem. I don't aunt have your baby. Do you know what you sound like? Don't crazy? I know it sounds crazy. Man. I don't get my number. Man to mean you get my number. I got your number for one of the brothers at the church. Now listen, I'm gonna just be real with you like a man. I wanted to come at you first and talk to you like a man and see you know if you was cool with the proposition. But look, come Sunday, I'm gonna go to your wife and just talked on I'm just gonna go. I'm just gonna talk to your wife. And since you lost your I told you to answer. No. Now you said me gonna go around me, And actually, which I'm gonna do is talk about wife. Right now. I'm telling you calling my wife. I'm gonna tell you what's really gonna happen. You calling my wife wife next Sunday. I didn't go through this here, I'm talking to her next Sunday, Next Sunday. I'm a whoop. You ain't gonna do nothing to me, your me and my wife who deserved the time too. You You ain't gonna stand in the middle of this. I'm in the middle of this. You talk to my Wife's next thing you want to I got one more thing I want to say to you. Man, Is you listening to me? You say what the you gotta safe? You can get off my phone? Is nephew till me from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboy? What this is? Who? This is? This? Listen this man? This nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. Your boy got me to frank phone call you. Man. I'm over here, Man, my head is spinning. Got me. I'm ready to fight. Brother. I got one more thing to ask you, big dog man. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Man to see if Harvey Morning Show Man, y'all got me? This morning man got me man? Stupid enough for you? Oh? Most definitely? Is that a question? How to keep you just about his life? Stupid continues June thirty. Magafest is going down at the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Center Convention Center in Dallas, Texas. June thirtieth, A Time to Laugh, hosted by Yours truly and Nephew Timmy. And the headline of the one and only where is that? That that is right by? Uh, that's not you know, all of us connected with the Junior Black Academy parts and let us all of that is one big, huge convention center and it's passed into the Omni Hostel. That's probably then that's probably what they used just called the Dallas Convention Center. Yeah, probably that's what it is is now the K Bailey Hutchinson, Hey Bailey Hutchinson Center for Maga Fish jumping off the comedy show June for who all on the show? Me? Said the entertainer J. J. Williamson. I'm forgetting this young lady's name. That's some um Insecure, that's a TV show on HBO. I apologize my understand that she's an incredible comedian. It's no, that's not the one that's the lead in the show. Hey man, I'm telling y'all this that this don't sound good. Let's just go anywhere the entertaining you and whoever I did that talk about person you don't know hogging about their name called they're hearing this. They asked Mortar Fish and Moniques on the show and make a fest. I'll tell you what a story about money coming up to it ain't gonna be shot this year. Put your out, man took finish, Tommy, come on, I'm done so broken up, Tommy, Come on, we got time. Go ahead, Kay Bailey Hutchinson. Conventions June Maga Fest, a Time to Laugh comedy show hosted by myself. That you the entertainer is the headline of tickets on sale right now. Oh my voice shot man, Tommy God, you so sensitive everybody the joint and relaxed, so crazy man. Strawberry letter coming up. Subject somebody better come and get this little boy. All right, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey show, all right, that is correct. The Strawberry letter is upon us. Subject somebody better come get this little boy. Before we get to that, we got to talk about Monique though. This is trending right now. Steve, you were your all new Steve, you and your memo. Yeah you're so, You're so yes. Yes. She went in on Lee Daniel's, Oprah Winfrey, and Tyler Perry over her allegedly being black balled in Hollywood while performing at the Apollo Theater, the world famous Apollo Theater. You know it well, Steve. Over the weekend, none of that video surface of Monique telling the audience she was white balled by some black d's. Not only did she single out Lee Daniels and Oprah, she also threw Tyler Perry's name in the mix. For not paying her or treating her fairly. She told the crowd the media muguls could all suck her d if she had one. I know this is crazy. Apparently Monique called it white balling because it's white folks in Hollywood who no longer want to work with her. Take a listen, thank you, No, baby, I wasn't bat ball I was. I see. I know. I'd like to say, it would kill me not to say the real would kill me, not to say I'm not fail all right, she sounds like it was so bad to stump your up for good luck. Got up and walked out. I just want to say, man, just what are you as violent as you can? Just you don't not them? Get it off, meet it off, and get this story at y'all pissed at me a by the memo. I just asked you not to talk to me. I didn't ask you to perform on on me. A matter of fact, I don't want you to. I just asked you to just make an appointment to talk to me. Stop and bushing me. That's all I asked people. After because I got five shows on the radio show, everybody to take advantage of me. I just asked you, man, if you could just give me a minute. Man, he know my space all the day time with your own personal agenda, I got to get lamb based at all over the damn te script. Well, Mo, me got a whole nother message for your mon. Man. He I suppoke Mo go vi, speak your mind, Mo mo nique more. When next time I'm coming out, next time do the story. We'll be back when this same story bothered me by the damn memo? How you like that memo? Now? I bet your brother had that memo in that request. Yeah, all of a sudden memo. Ain't that damn bad? Is it the time? In the love? Steve? Let's go let him. Let's nephew buckle up a long time get object. Somebody better come get this little boy. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been with my girl. I thought she was talking about Tommy up the Strawberry letter. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been with my girlfriend for about a year now, and I love her to death. I feel like I finally found my soul mate. Whenever we were around each other, you can just feel the love. But there's one problem. She has a very bad little boy. I have tried not to raise someone else's kid, but dang, her son is bad. He doesn't listen to anything anyone says to him, and he talks back to everyone, from his mama to his grandmama. He walks around the house pointing out what's all his, and he tells me not to mess with his stuff if I can try to. If I try to clean up his toys, he says, that's my toy. If I try to get something to drink, he says, that's my cup. When I'm talking to his mom, he tells me, that's my mama. Whenever I talked to my girlfriend about her son, she brushes it off or gets mad. She always says that he doesn't know any better because he's only three years old, but he acts like he's thirty three. Steve, this little boy even sits on the couch and watches TV with his hand in his pants like a grown man. I need your help. What I need your help? If I leave her because of her son, that would not be right. If I stay with her, I will have to put up with a kid disrespecting me, and that just ain't gonna happen. That's what he said in the letter. What should I do? Please help? Uh? This issue is definitely one to be taken up with your girlfriend, with your soul mate, with the love of your life. I mean she's a mother. She's the one with the issue. She really is. Uh. When you talk to her about him, she gets mad or ignores it. I mean, yes, he's only three years old, but three years old, Uh, they know right from wrong At that point, he needs discipline. I'm not saying, you know, beat the kid or anything like that, but she's definitely wrong for not not disciplining him and letting him know at that moment what not to do. He has the run of the house. They have allowed this. Where's his father and all of this? Is his father even around? Uh? This is an easy fix. I think, correct the baby when he does wrong? Yeah, where is his father and all of this? Steve, hein' got no daddy. I was wrong with the little boy now and nobody father. That's his whole problem. He has no male role model in his life. That is, a young man had come along and he want to beat at but the board have been running amok so long to tear but twos then extend it all off into his threes because thein' no checking balance on this little board. There is no checking balance on this board. Now, I agree with Shirley and that you have to talk to the mom about this, but this ain't gonna work because every time you bring it up, she brush it off for getting mad because that you know, that's how they are about their kids sometimes. And when you come in there trying to raise somebody else kids, man, because you see it going wrong, because you know of a better way, then guess what, bro, You're gonna have to implement your better way. How many minutes? I got one more? One more? You got to put them to the side. I haven't done it many times. Wait what you got to pull him to the side. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you when I come back exactly what you can do. But you gotta put a little last off to the side. Yeah. I've been with people having little boys before, asked me to help raise the ass. Okay, I'll tell you what. Watch this hill. You ain't my daddy? Okay, Well, where is punker ass at there? Yeah? Where is he? Yeah? I ain't. You ain't my daddy. I might not be, but you bet you don't know where it at. Though, first We're gonna get that straight. And when we come back, I'll tell you what you need to do to this boy. You're listening this letter. Somebody better get this little boy. And this man been dating this girl about a year and I love it. The death got a soul mate everything. Uh. But she got this little bad boy and he tried to You know, I have tried not to raise someone else's kid, but dang, her son is bad. He don't listen to anything his mama. You don't listen to his grandmama. He walked around the house pointing out was his tell tell't me messed with his stuff. I try to clean up his toys. He said, that's my toy. I get something to drink. That's my cup. I'm talking to his mama. He tells me, that's my mama. When I talked to my girlfriend about the sun, she brush it off or she get mad. She uh. She always says that he doesn't know any better because he's only three. The reason he don't know no better is because ain't nobody teaching him better. Children know what you teach them. Kids learn respect after you teach it to him. Children are born, like Mark Luther King said with the drum major instinct. All kids want to be first. They cry for attention, they look for attention, They throw transtantly for attention. Well, I once they started throwing these tantrums, you gotta give him that other kind of attention. So they don't want that no mote. So now he said, I will not put up with a kid disrespecting me. That ain't gonna happen. What should I do? Please help? Well, listen to how you do it through. First of all, I've had a little boy tell me you ain't my real daddy, and so I said, well, hell yo, daddy, ain't chill real daddy about that. See I've had boys tell me you can't tell me what to do. You ain't my daddy. Where is your damn daddy with his absence behind? Now I'm over here trying to help you teach you something you don't want. Man, miss me with that here, what you got to do? You've got to get this boy to respect you. The best way to get him to respect you, because see he never had no consequences. Now you can't give him consequences, but you can get his attention, and you start by playing with him. See this is how you teach your boy the alpha mayle through play. That's how they structure each other outside amongst each other, theyselves as friends. They play together. They determined amongst themselves who the alpha mayo is. Because they do that through play. It works in all animal kingdoms. So take him outside and play with him. Don't let him win a damn thing. He run past you, true shoestring his hands, he run up on you, push him in the floor. Sometimes, just play with him. Just snatch him, throw him way up in the air, scared little ass. But catch him. But but but put your man on him. Let him feel your strength. So he go damn this dude right here. Different. But y'all just playing. No, but you're playing just a little roughter, just a little bit. No, you don't want to hurt him. He ain't gotta get made to cry. But he's gotta have that sudden burst of strength coming from you. Like did he just snatch my ass up by the collar And now I'm up in his face and he talked to put me down that my shirt Now, well it is your shirt, but I got all of it in my hand. So, son, young man, you gotta put your man on this little boy, so he'll know the difference between his mama, his grandmama, and that alpha male sitting over there, because he has snatched my head so to the point where he'll start growing a respect for you, and then it will eventually turned around. But then you're gonna have to say something to him, just in his ear, just in his ear, just nobody, because I beat your just you know, just keep moving. You ain't gotta say nothing. I'm stronger than you. How your weak ass field to day? And then snatch him up right, throwing way up in the air, and damn there, don't catch him. Scares, have to dell. He's three years olf. You toss his grass up that nice y'all. No, but I'm just telling you how you do it. I don't want you to hurt the child. Don't hurt the baby at all. Don't hurt him, not all. But you can't play with him though, like me and play and rough him a little bit and have his attention. Don't hurt the boy. No, we aren't trying to hurt nobody, be abusive, but we do want his attention. And you get his attention with your strength, and after a while he's gonna go. Wait, a minute, you know, like take him somewhere and just hold him. And when he started squirming to get out, just tighten the grip a little bit, yeah, and then squeeze him where the voice don't come out there, and just keep that strength on him. I do it. I was. I was holding my grandson the other day. Little Beja. He want to get out, so he got a little wine. He do when he wanted mama's attention. So I just locked him up. I just scuosed him a little bit tighter. Did not make it where you just you just need to focus on your breathing, because Holland ain't working. How about you just breathe regularly. I just locked him and he'd be just squirting here. He was squiring with his mama. She damned and dropping because he beat me. You're squirming with me. That ain't nothing. I just put that strength on so now he knows when he goes over there and see pap pa, uh, Mr strong Land, let me quit trip it. And if I start tripping, gonna lock me up. So now let me just be quiet for this grip get tightened. You just gotta keep putting that man on him, and you're gonna be funny. Somebody gotta go down. I had a little no over here yesterday on Mother's Day. All came over here to see my little Noa. Just cool. He comes see me. He went right up to me. But I thought his ass way up in the air, his little ass get big. He come down, he go and then he going didn't. But at first though, Hey, I know he wanted to go, Hey, we're just too high. Now come on, come on too hot. Yeah, I know that's what he wanted to say. And that's what you gotta do. That's my answer to the matter. Now, what you want to talk about, Shirley, Well, um, it's not what I want to talk about. It's what you want to talk about. What we've been talking all morning. Well, Monique, Monique, what happened? Say that again? Happen that she went in on Lee Daniel's, Oprah and and Tyler Perry. Um, she was at the Apollo over the weekend. She was doing stand up. I didn't even know she was still doing stand up because it's been so long since we've heard from Monique. But she told the audience she was whiteballed by some black d's. Not only did she single out Daniels and Oprah. She threw Tyler Perry's name in the mix for paying her and treating her, for not paying her and treating her fairly. She told the crowd that media moguls could all suck her d if she had one, and take a listen to this. This is thank you. No baby, I wasn't bat ball, I was I see. I know. I'd like to say. It would kill me not to say the real would kill me not to say. Okay, uh, We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's Weekend Confessions with the Nephew, Because what nephew, I'm not here to help you. I just want to hear what you're going through. So get on the phone and give us a call at age seven seven twenty nine and Steve, the booth will be open confess. Weekend Confessions coming up, But right now it's um Ms USA. We got to talk about this. Congratulations to the District of Columbia d C has won back to back Miss USA titles. Karen McCulloch Kara McCullough is her name. She's a twenty five year old scientist working for the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. She was crowned on last night at the Mandalaid Bay Convention Center on the Las Vegas Strip. We know it well. Uh. She will go on to compete in the Miss Universe contest. The pageant was hosted by Julianne Huff, Ashley Graham and our man Terence j Uh. McCullough's win isn't without controversy though. During the first round of the question portion of a competition, McCullough was asked if affordable healthcare is a right or a privilege. Here's what she had to say. Take a listen. Do you think affordable healthcare for all US citizens is a right or a privilege? And why? I'm definitely gonna say it's a privilege. As a government employee, I am granted healthcare, and I see firsthand that for one to have healthcare, you need to have jobs. So therefore, we need to continue to cultivate this environment that we're given the opportunities of healthcare as well as jobs to all the American citizens worldwide. All right. People on Twitter, though, tweeted that healthcare should be a human right and not a privilege, so they disagreed with ms d C. Miss Usa. McCullough later went on to answer the second question of a night. It was about what feminism means to her, whether or not she has one herself. Here's what she said, Take a listen. I'd like to look lately transpose the word feminism to equalism. I don't really want to consider myself trying not to consider myself like this, like die Hard, you know, like, oh, I don't really care about men. But one thing I'm going to say is though women, we are just as equal as men when it comes to opportunity in the workplace. Alright, Uh yeah, some some Twitter followers were upset about that. They say, it's incredibly sad that in two thousand seventeen a woman is striving to occupy a position of influence without uh any understanding of what feminism really is. Hantag mis Usa, Why you say that? Steve it ha else. Congratulations to Terence j to Terence jj o't standard job the second year in the row boy and he ain't got nobody name wrong yet, So another big up to keep it going to Jake. And also another one more big shout out to more nice your boy. I'm with you on everything you do, but on this one right here, I just wanted to say thank you. And it ain't that I agree with what you're saying. I just want to say thank you, girl, thank you for being brave and jumping out there and saying what was on your mind and getting some of this damn heat off. Now all of a sudden, that damn memo ain't that bad. Why do you always have to make it about you. I don't have to, but when you can, you shoot, take advantage of it. Right I'm not gonna let this one go by. I want to Monique's her husband, Sydney, and just thank you the person recorded at the Apolo. Oh. This whole drama with Monique started shortly after she won her oscar for Precious, remember that, and then the rumors were circulating that she was tacky, she was difficult to work with. But according to Monique, Lee Daniels told her she was black blacklisted in the industry for not playing the game. Because Monique didn't go around and do publicity for the movie Precious. She wanted to get paid for doing that, so that's when all the drama started. But Monique was always a sweetheart of person. Man, Monique was always a sweethearted person. Now her stand up has always had that edge. Oh yeah, her stand up has always been an edge to it. That that has always been Monique. Stop understood that part of it and part of this was her stand up. But and it was in the stand up act. I would look, can I be honest with you? I would well, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I would love to hear the joke that was being told, because we got a clip in the middle of it. Yeah, and I would love to hear because a lot of times we often put our social commentary in our in our in our routine. You understood why I took that back where I said no. First I said yes, and I said now I hit a joke after that? What followed that? What followed that, it was a good night, we love bless Mother's Day? Is this Sunday? I get CDs in the lobby? I mean it wasn't. Yeah, you got the clothes with that. That joke is a closing jokes drop the make and possibly or career. Oh my god, j you don't agree right, not at all? Lee? Call me yes, I will promote I will promote stuff, ain'ty Man, Tyler Man just did Green lead for Tyler. If you need something promoted, I got a little time on this show. I push it for you right here. Okay, in the spirit of Tyler. I don't know Lee Daniels at all, but in the spirit of Tyler and in the spirit of Oprah. Yeah, those people, I can tell you for a fact, are not, you know, blackballing anybody per se. They're just too big for them. You know, they may not pick you again, but that's on your own doing. But I don't think they're making phone calls going leave, don't touch you. Well. I wouldn't know that about Tyler to be true, awful at all. I just don't. All right, coming up, we can confessions with the nephew. You call us eight seven seven we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Alright, nephew, we can confessions. This is all your nephew. Yeah, I'm not here to help you. I'm just here to I just want to hear what you're going through and give us a call. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, it's time to confess. Whatever you did over the weekend. Don't call in here. What's your real name? Find you another name, and just let it all out and let the nephew here what you're going through. All right, let's go to the phone line one. Let's go to James out of Tennessee. James, go on, on, man, what's going on? Man, what's happening? It's all good. Man. My confession is that man, my girlfriend. She's always hanging out with her friends and her family on the weekends. You know, she's always going out of town with the many weekend. But when I tried to do it, you know, there was a problem. There was a big argument about it. You know, she I can't do what she do When I do the same thing she do. The problem. So this weekend, she decides she's gonna hang out with a mom and a sister. I said, cool, I gotta work. But I really didn't have to work, so I decided to go to Atlanta. You know, So when she called me, I told her I was at work. I couldn't talk on the phone. Normally that power it is when a man worked, But I wasn't doing the type of work that she out out was doing. So when she got back Sunday. You know, I came back in with my work clothes on, and she's like, how would work this week? Guy's a man? Work was good. I got our sweaty and where they worked, so work was dood man? So you made it thro them? She don't know nothing. I don't know nothing, man. She's going back out of town next week. He so am I you too? Coming back to work? Always keep them work close in there, keep keep them work clothes in the trunk, and keep them sweating so you can put that on when you come in. Yeah, that is not good advice. Timing about what he said, you stupid? Get back the hand to the ground. How many time many? I got a character for you called uncle overroad. Man. We have enough characters on this show. Thank you so much. Character. We can't get on your show, so we get on you. Let's go to line too and talk to t J out of Kentucky. He's smart. He didn't give us his real name DJ. They we're going on around. Good morning, Good morning man. What's your confession? All right? Don't judge me, man, but look I ended up skipping out on the Mother's Day Bill yesterday. Man. God, No, Now, first of all, we get there, they say it's aalottle, So no twenty five minute wait. I'm cool with that. I know it's Mother's day. They sent us down. It takes about fifteen minutes that's for the server to come by. They don't apologize for my drink was wrong. So I'll just order to order sam Adams they gave me above, Like I'm like, all right, whatever, just get just give me a gym being you can't mess head up, just jim being neat. Wait about another about fifteen minutes for that order. The fool My youngest daughter's food was burnt. My oldest daughter's food got there about fifteen minutes. Lay, I'm going, this can't be real. So it actually took another server to come by and like are y'all all right? Like all right, cool? So you know what, Like my wife was just completely fresh. As I said, go ahead, go to the car. She looked at me like what are you doing? Just go ahead, go to the car. And she was like, what are you doing? Just go to the car. Now, I know everybody know what the supermarkets. I went here and bought some gift cards because you know it gets a little kroked points whatnot. So I bought a little fifty dollars gift card. I look at the bill, I'm like, all right, hundred and fifty dollars, and I'm about third, about thirty ft from that front though. I slipped that gift card in there. I said, it's about two dollars on that gift card, Like all right. They went all the way to the back. I just slipped out, and my wife knew about it. My wife let me have it last night. We wait, wait, wait, wait, I'm a little lost. Maybe I missed the bill was one fifty, right, the bill was about what? Bill was about one fifty? And you left a gift card that was two hundred. No, I told you the waitress sounds about two hundred. I got it. So she so she bought a hundred dollars show. Uh huh okay, I should have tipped the other waiter that helped you. Yeah, so wrong. Do you think they might come looking for you out of that? Your ass? I own a restaurant, You need your ass cutting off my wife. That's what really just I know what you're saying that as a restaurant owner, you agree with everything. Come on, I always agree with you. Jack. You did you think t J A man as you. All right, let's go to line three and talk to Keisha of Illinois. T sure oy crew. That's he's Carlos y Um, Tommy Junior day. It's a lot of y'all right. Yeah, we're crowded. Uh huh. What's your confession? Baby? So my confession is, first of all, I can write a Strawberry book with my confession, but I'm a summary down. Um, I found out that my husband he was cheating, and he's been cheating the whole time he was married. He's been married for three So I decided, okay, I'm a patient person. I didn't get the information and just so balistic. I got the information and I'll put it in my art a little like, Okay, this is what I'm gonna do. So the weekend came and he worked nice, right, he worked like all night until like early in the morning. So I don't see him until the next day. So I was taking him to work. I had dropped my said I was like, look, I don't want to do this no more. I don't want to be married. I don't want deep juice I had he's had uh, I had handy here my phone and I was like, I got something to do and I got some wet a doe and he was like, are you on Winny about? Why do I want to leave? And I was like, I'm I'm leaving. I'm gonna put yourself out. So when I got home last I got every thing, I mean everything, and I put it all out, put it all out on the curve, left, went over somebody else house, and I wonder when he came home. It was morning, so I don't know what happened. Oh God, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. When you're hiring, posting your job on just one site isn't enough. So where do you go to find top talent? With zip Recruiter, you can post your job to one hundred plus job sites with just one click. Let's zip recruiters powerful technology, match your job to the right candidates and use their sample dashboard to find your perfect higher. In fact, over eight percent of jobs on zip Recruiters get a qualified candidate in just twenty four hours. Try it for free at zip recruiter dot com, slash strawberry that zip recruiter dot com slash strawberry. All right, all right, all right? Confessions baby. Yeah, we were talking to Keisha, right and before you close out the confessions I have on one time, but go ahead and finish. Okay, Okay, yeah, let's go. Let's be going back to Kisha. Keisha dropped off at work and told him that it was pretty much a wrap and went home and packed out his stuff and put it outside Keisha line three cats. All right, baby, So that's just it. You ain't gonna is he gonna even be able to get back home from work? Oh nah, because I'm not going to get his old dusty up. Let me tell you something, this man, it should be a whole another show about how people cheat on Facebook. The brother then cheated with everybody from the lady who gave us a dog, so one of my students parents, the dude being busy. Okay, So when I get him the phone, it was a bunch of screenshots of his Facebook messages to the chick mm hmm. So he just couldn't understand, like, oh my god, oh my god, you can't explain that. But he's he's you've been going in his phone? How long you've been going through his phone? Look, I'd go into brother's phone, but it didn't even matter that I was going in the brother's phone. He had a whole Facebook alias page that he was like doing everything where and the brother was sook that everything was there. Okay, a husband, but what is she calling her brother the husband? But the brother? Brother? You through? She's really through, you know, we know she's through men. She's calm, she's calm, calm. Yeah's decision. Yeah, she's calm. As a matter of my cousin is that I'm relieved the brother gonna be gone. Okay, brother once she referred to as the brother and you're the husband, y, yeah, you're damn yeah. You're gonna keep the dog too, baby, Yes, yes, where's the dog going with him? And with you? The dog got to go with him, especially if you're gonna be uh messing with the lady who didn't gave us the dog. Yeah, you don't want that dog, that dog life of music. You turn that all getting Michael Vick. Boys, can you check me, Michael House, I get treated better over there. The dog don't even know why. It's got to go. Keisha with you, girl, we know two people through. Yeah, good luck Keisha and the brother and Monique. Let's go with Let's go with line six. Um, Tommy, let's go to Kevin. Kevin. Good morning morning. How y'all doing this morning? Good man, real fast man, when you got a lot of time. What's your confession for? My confession is I hope up with my married X over the weekend. M Okay, Kevin, you're married? No, I'm single? Okay? Is she mad? Yeah? May education to run your segments a degree? Damn? Go ahead, Kevin. The thing was five. I went out right and went to a certain club and we met up. You know, I was sitting at the bar and having a few drinks and she came up and she recognized me. So we got to talking right. So after we left the club, man, hey man, just hang on, we got to hit all these carryovers. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere, y'all. You're listening show all right. I love that we are in Weekend Confessions. We got Kevin still on the line. Yeah. Yeah, that was line six, can Kevin? Yes, sir, go ahead and finish man. Yeah. Well, like I said, we do up and I got to hotel room. Man, I'm gonna just put it like this, Toment. It was fifty Shade Darker Part two. Just put it like that. You with some working, didn't you? Yes, sir, I don't know how she made me proud? Sir, did you make me proud? Yes? I did, Yes, I did it. You're married? That's married, Kevin. Man, I'm curious. No, I'm I'm single. But she called me the next day and wants to know if she should tell her husband. I told I was up to her and I hung up the phone. No, tell her? Huh what now does she like? Ah? I want to yump you. Not Kevin. You don't care, King, you don't care about it. But my thing is that that was on hurt. I was not there looking for it. Yeah, a weapon. That's what your think should be. Yeah, you think you're gonna hung up again? Man? Probably not? Okay? After that? After that, tell your husband. Yeah, what if she tells him and he comes looking for you, Well, he doesn't know where I say it, so she might tell him I got something fun me if he do sound good on the phone. This is crazy. Right here, you're done, Kevin, he's done saying he putting in is a great work partner. So he's done. We're clear. He's done. Right, some fun? All right, let's go to line for uh, and talk to Jonah out of Mississippi. Jonah, good morning, Good morning, how y'all doing this morning? Good morning, good morning. What's your confession? Hey, Tomma, you want somebody else do your segment? Dog? I'm good. My partner had me to deliver his mother, I uh, Mother's Day present, because she had I got I got there and I guess she had just got out the shower. She came to the door. She had it fully, I mean she had a big long housecoat on. I gave her the gift and then she said, but you want something some breakfast? I said, well, yes, ma'm I don't you know. I stood with that. She picked their plate. I sat down at the nook to eat, and by the time I heard her yell and she had burned her hand on the stove. I rushed in and to help her out, and I happened to step on the house housecoat and it came open. Yeah, and uh, I'm like, oh, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, and kind of turn her head. She was like, maybe that's okay, but you you act like you ain't never seen a woman before, ye And I'm like, well, yes, yes, ma'am, but no ma'am you know, and she said, well look at don't act and um I put him dog Jah, can we came? Can we come back to Jonah. That's the best confession. You don't ever had a weekend confessions. We got Jona on the line. Jonah went by his boys mother's house and drop off a kil She cook him some breakfast. She burnt her hand, he stepped on the him of the house coat. Everything came open, and that's where we come back to Jonah to get the rest of the store. Yeah, Jonah was on line for a cat Jonah Line four out of Mississippi. Yes, And after the house coach came open, like I said, she came on to me and it was more or less like what you're gonna do now? I felt uncomfortable, But after she made the first move and grabbed me, yeah, and it was more like attention. Yeah, Yeah, I had to go for one. I know, okay. And she just kept the burnt hand in the out the whole time. She has an island in the middle and she put her hand under the water and to one leg up on it. So she was taking care of hand and taking care of you at the same time. So your son, multi tasking, incredible, Mama. The leg up on the island, that's good. How long was you over there? How long did this go on for the siven minutes? Go ahead, John, Now that's how you bring over mother's day present? Though, just like how does she look attractive? Ladies? Well preserved for her age? Okay, I like Judge Wallace's mama. Right, you got the hell out of it. Go hold upon, johny you stood up and put it in work for forty five minutes. Yes, sir, I'm a man. This boy man, that's right, John, I think Jona just found freedom, he said, I'm a man. You talking about that time you put it in forty five minutes standing straight up work with a nap I could. Okay, So John, let's talk. Let's talk about your boy, because this this is one of your partners. What mama right? Yeah? That's I know you feel a little bad about that part. Huh? Yes, sir, Yes, sir, you ain't tolder no tell him no, no, I got But are you going back over to mama's house? Though? Yeah, I don't know about that one. You re you may go? Then? What it sounds like, John coffee? If my boy go I have to go with him if I mean, you know, but other than that, you're gonna tell me when when your boy go out of town. You might not slide back by that just to check on him. Sound like John Coffee, like the drink sun No sucking because to the rest of the you know, in his triplines. I mean, you know if I keep popping up like that. Oh yeah, So what would you do if he asked you to take something else back over to his mom and you just have a fit. You can't do that? Yeah, I might have to make an excuse up. I don't I don't know when you know, I just I don't lie. How is his mama? Man? See between fifty five and sixty? Oh them good number boy, and she's well preserved for her. Yes, yes, how you thirty nine? You're the man. You're the man in the fifty five for the five minutes your record. He said he didn't know. Sure. I had to give you to how he could understand it when you reckon you may go back. Well maybe right, but you have been a little while ago forward when you you got anything to take over your mama house. Ain't doing that right? You'll tell you said, I live but not be forthright about it. Slaves that come out slave men talented. He just made it, He just made freedom. That stuff must be gonna turn him to a slave. And I said, the guard ain't gonna over there. Hush, oh no, suck your real name, John Confident Jones my name, man. I don't know him to give advice, man, but you ought at least swinging back a couple of time to check on mom and just make you see how mama doing. Get you some more breakfast, and get the leg hiked up on that on that island one more time. I'm supposed to be turning out, not getting turned out. You're going to make over there and stop laying. You're probably calling from there right now in the kitchen. It's just crazy. She upstairs and something or that leg? What did you say, Steve, did she get back with that prescription? It's gonna okay, off your chance. I appreciate your color, man. I have a good day, all right, I reckon, we reckons. We will hush now, uh man, Okay, it was a good day. It's a good day. It's a good day. One thing about it. Afterwards, though, I don't feels no waste time long minutes. Steal feels no waste. Come on, Jane Cleveland, A couple of him thized over. You keep the cone breade. Y'all have a great week. Here for all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.