Good morning and welcome to the ride! Thank God for Popeyes and Blue Cheese. The CLO addresses a specific type of performance issue. Don't you hate it when the passengers of your car just can't stay still? Junior has noticed a few things and can't hold it in any longer. The Splenda Daddy strikes again with an original track just in time for back to school. Wwhhen it comes to love, Tommy truly is a genius! Cardi B. stands up for MMM. The fellas give us the excuses people make to avoid the iron paradise. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about the benefits of opening your heart to God.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million buck things in it to be true. Good oft listening to the other forty I don't join jo. You got that turning you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your tha uh huh I shore will good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o, man Hey, you know to date, I just want to say something um um that I don't think I've ever shared this way before. The title is very simple, and that is it's been worth it to me, you know. I just I just kept thinking that this morning, that it's all been worth it to me. And what I mean by that is this relationship that I have with my heavenly father, it's been worth it to me. I can't even tell you the value that it has had in my life. I can't tell you how it's helped me to understand not only my purpose, but to better understand my past. That's that's that's critical, man, because I'm grateful for that, because so many people can't get beyond their past and event a set of circumstances, some calamity that besets them. Maybe it's been grief something, but it ties so many people up. It's been so worth it to me it, man, it's it's been worth having someone to go to when no one else was there. Do you do you understand what I'm saying. It has It has given me a place to go when no one else has been there. Oh, hey man, we're pulling for you. Hey man, hanging there, Hey man, keep your head up, all of that. But I gotta tell you, man, you get yourself in some circumstances and situations in this thing called life when no one can help you but God, When the only person that could possibly understand or know what you're feeling is God. The only person that I'll sit there with you through it all and understand everything about it has been God. It's been worth it to me, man, It's it's been worth it to me. It's been the biggest improvement in my life. I mean, man, as I look back over my life and forming a strong bond with God has been the most beneficial thing to me. You know these things you read in your in your in your in writings in the Bible or or whatever you're reading. You know, when you when you read scriptures and things of that nature. It it's it's been around a long time. It holds so much truth to it. I mean, man, it's like, how could this have been written so long ago and still pertain directly to today? I mean that that's amazing. That is amazing to me that. I mean, that has to be God at work to have written something so complete, so dead on point that if you read it today it means exactly what pertains to today. That's amazing, man. That's why my my my spiritual walker. It's just worth it to me. And I keep saying it's worth it, because if you're sitting out there and you're tripping like I was tripping, deciding NA, let me do. I got a few more things I want to do, a couple more girls I want to haul at cup, more things I want to get into. I got a couple more deals I want to do. I got a little bit more dirt. I want to roll up on me a little bit. First for while, man, I wish I had known. I really wish I had understood exactly what forming a relationship with God would do for me. It's been worth every person who out there who hate on me, that don't even know me, it's because I have a relationship with Him that I'm fine with that, or I don't care for it. But it ain't gonna stop me though. See, because I know for a fact that haters make you greater. I know for a fact that haters validate your mere existence. I know for a fact that half of them is out of envy and jealousy because of something you're doing that they wish they could do or they won't credit for, so they just now anything all that bam and now you just all over the place with people. Man, I'm so grateful for this relationship that it has not allowed outside influences that do not have my best interests at hard to throw me off. Course. It has just been worth it. And if you're sitting out there and you're wondering about the benefits of it, I can't even tell you what it's like to know that when bad things are happening to me, the calming piece that I feel that I know that that's gonna be all right too, that I know that this tool shall pass. That I know in my heart of hearts, man, that there's got to be a reason for this. And if I can just hang on in there, he gonna unfold that from me and he gonna let me see it. But the number one thing I always know is I'm gonna survive this one too, that this tool shall pass. It has been worth it to me, man, to have this thing called faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, and to know man along the way that, oh my goodness, man, even though I don't know who's next, or even I'm not really sure about the next step, I do know for a fact that some mooe is coming. I do know for a fact. It is a fact that God will take care of me. It is a fact that he will never ever leave me or desert me. If I just stay here. Why I'm supposed to be, He's coming. The Calvary's coming over the hill. He coming over the hill, and when he come over that hill, he gonna wipe out all this mess down here. That's that's trying to hurt me, that that I don't have to worry about my enemies anymore that my enemies that are all around you can surround me. You can shoot all the arrows you want. That's not to say that none of them ain't gonna come close. And I ain't gonna say that, you know, I ain't gonna be a little under some pressure, a little nervous about being shot at so hard. But at the end of the day, I know this for show. Ain't none of them gonna stick in me. You could shoot them, but ain't none of them gonna stick in me. No matter what you do, no weapon formed against me. Nothing you can't. You can't do nothing with me. Man, I'm so cool. It's been worth it for me. Man, you're listening. Ladies and gentlemen, it is upon us. It is the morning hour. It is a moment that we've been waiting for all night. To be honest with you, I was hoping I would be here when it arrived. I am here, grateful, motivated, favorite, and relentless in my pursuit of happiness. Even though the Constitution is not talking to us. I am in pursuit of my inamiable right to that pursuit of happiness. Damn it. Here I am, Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley's strong. I like it, Steve, good morning, good morning, and calif real good morning. Happy Friday. Never man legend that is Julia whatever up? Everybody morning, the old and nearly defeated and very bitter about it, but a survival j Anthony Bryant, whatever up, mister hardad ignorant at a whole another level, PhD in it mph your side, your side, it's Fried? Whoa, it's happening by f R I t y it's fried. Yeah, yeah, it's great. And you don't like Friday's y, nephew because it's too close to my tea. That makes a lot of sense. But if you sounded excited about I get excited until Sad to come call you know what? It's logic, right yeah, man, right up on Monday. God. So let me ask your question to me. Are you happy with what day? Am I happy with? What's your favorite? Days? Too close? Thursty? I like thirst why thirsty? Because we almost like the weekend starts for me actually on Thursday, but you're in sad. But who But if you don't like the next day with your Friday because it's too close to Monday, And that's what I'm trying to piece this together, half struggling over here, headache. This is your nephew. We got to worry about this to say. Then you got to think about you know what, Thursday is bold days. Thursday's fold days away from Monday. Either either way you go towards it, think about it. Monday is just bad. So Thursday's four ways away either way. You look at it well and see what you don't Why you saying Thursday and Friday using Monday because you can't say winnsday. I say, Quinny, what i'd say, Quinn quinsy? In time, I want to say Quinn. That's not it? All right, listen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll do a version of Ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this you're listening to show. All right, Steve, Time now for Ask the CLO. We have some good questions from Steve Harvey FM dot com. If you have some questions for the CLO, please please please feel free to write us. This one is from Jess in Hollywood, Florida. Steve says, my boyfriend and I are in our mid twenties and sometimes he is not able to perform unless he watches poor and first last night we were being intimate and he was really into it. Then he called me his ex girlfriend's name. I didn't say anything because I didn't want him to stop. It was his best performance so far. Apparently thinking about his ex girlfriend kept him in the mood. Do you think he secretly still wants his ex or is this just something that happens from time to time. Well, I got a couple of ideas here from you said that he only gets excited unless he's watching pown in your twenties. That's dangerous. That's dangerous because I don't even I very rarely hear that from a guy that young. Very rarely do I hear that. So that's kind of that's kind of odd right there, him calling and he only gets excited. Now, you having your best performance and all of a sudden he calls his ex girlfriend his name. Now the question you need to find out is his ex girlfriend a porn star has possibility written all over it? Maybe she an't one of them movies that getting real excited. Other than that, I don't know how long you all have been dating, And I don't know how long you can continue to accept being called the other girl's name that ain't. I don't know how long that's allowable, but I think you should have bought it to his attention so that he is aware of it and he can start working on it if it's serious. But I don't think y'all's relationship is gonna go nowhere, because if you got to have porno to turn you on at in your twenties, your rest of your sex years is shock man, damn dog. Because in my twenties I needed nothing. I just not a cool as if if just ready just walking around, ready the wind blow that right there, hot, just right here, hot, don't matter, I could Okay, okay, this is from its from Tony in New Jersey. I have a problem with my lady friend. I'm a bodybuilder, and I get a lot of women trying to holler at me at my d in my DMS, and they send lots of nude pictures. I'll show my lady the pigs and we laugh at them together. I found out the other day that my lady also gets nude pictures of men and her DMS. She clicked on a message by mistake, and I saw the picture of a naked man. She has never mentioned this to me, She said she hates the pics and she immediately deletes them. But why does she keep it from me? Should I be concerned? Well? You know what, dog? See hold up now, when you showing neked pictures y'all laughing? You know, so now all of a sudden, this ain't funny to you no more. See, dog, you got to be careful what you introduce. I don't know what your ass is showing your girl naked pictures of other women fault. I really don't know, man, I'm confused about that. Normally that you're you're inviting a hail storm into your house when you do that. So I don't know what that was. But then she gets me and sending her naked pictures too. But she ain't mentioned it to you because guess why, because she knows. Look at you didn't wrote a letter. See you see a picture your ass and wrote a letter. Y'all watching together? You just keep kid, Yeah, see problemer, So she already know it's a problem and the bodybuild Come on, man, come on all right, see yeah, it's it's it's it's it's not a problem that she might be messing around. But maybe she just didn't feel like dealing with this because you don't wrote a letter into a national radio show. You show her pictures, y'all just laugh. Anonymous in Tennessee writes, I've been married for five years and my mother lives with us. I'm a diabetic and I've been sick a lot lately, so my mother has assumed the role as my full time nurse and caregiver. This drives my wife crazy. My mother told my wife that she's been taking care of me all my life and it's not up for debate. My wife isn't having it, and their constant arguing stresses me out. My wife works long hours, and my mom is here when my wife can't be. So in a way, my mom is right. I'm stuck in the middle. Please help, No, no, come no, no, your mom isn't right. No, she's not right, all right. Your wife is the queen of the castle that can There's only one queen in the castle. It might be some damsels, it might be some some some other people at work, but it's one queen, and your wife is being rooted out by your mother, who's obviously taking some liberties with you. That your wife would like to be able to do. Now the fact that you're sick, Brod can't do nothing about that. Feel for you? Uh, you know, I don't know what you supposed to say to somebody with diabetes. I don't know. You don't seeing condoles? Okay, well you know, I don't know what you say to people got diabetes. I don't know what to say, nothing condolences or I don't know. I don't know what to say to him about the sickness. But your mother is not. She may have been taken care of you your whole life, but this your wife. Dog, See you said viles to your wife. Now, if your mother's there because you you can't provide for yourself, I don't I don't know what it is, but she lives with y'all, and it's creating a problem. She didn't marry you to live with your mama. Now. I don't know how sick you are, dog, but if your mother just over there because she won't just keep eye on you and check on you, then you got to change your living arrangements. Now, if you incapacitated in some way, then your wife gonna had to work with your mama a little bit better. But your mamma gonna had to back up and let your wife be the queen at the castle. Your wife's wife and dog. Now, you don't sleep with your mama, so you're gonna mess around here that in a minute. Yeah, yeah, we're going there and sleep with your mammy. You're gonna fee here that all right? Coming up next and have you in the building. Would run that frank back right after this. You're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss, we'll be here with today's national news and headlines. But right now it's time for the nephew to run that brank back. Problems at the valet, at the problems at the valet, all right, I'm gonna say one more time. I said, problem at the valet, all right, all right, past, oh all right, cat dog, if you would hello, hey, hold, I'm going Hey Tommy, how's it going? Hey man? What's going on? You doing all right? I'm doing good, doing good? What's up? Hey? Listen? I need you to do something for me. But you need your your your cartels. No no, no, no, no no no, not because we listen. If I got someone want you to do for me, I'm doing a plank phone call, and I want you to call this guy and tell him you're the valet downstairs, ask him for his ticket number and tell him, hey, we got a little bit of an issue. But my my manager's gonna call you back. Uh. Are you sure you want me to do it? You're the valet guy, That's all you gotta do? All right? What does the Mexican guy gotta be a de valet guy and you get to be the manager. What's up with that? I'll put a click on with Nick the car. All I want you to do is just killing you new to Vallet guy? Will you do that for me? All right? Man? I got you? All right? All right, all right? Hay On hay On? Hello? Hello? Is this mister Franklin? Yes? Can I ask us calling? Oh? Yes, Um, I'm I'm Orlando with Vallet. Did you start collectis with us about thirty minutes ago? Yeah? I did. What's what's going on? What's this about? I'm just gonna need your ticket number real quick. There's a small issue. And once you get the ticket number, I could have my manager just call you back five three four six. But why do you why do you need my ticket number? Is there something wrong with my car. Something happened. Um, my manager will call you back and he'll give you all the details. Oh okay, so, so something did happen to my car? Um? Once I give him my manager your ticket number, he'll call you back shortly and he'll tell you everything. Okay, Well, can you have him give me a call as soon as possible, because I would like to know what happened to my car if something happened. This is I don't I don't really understand what's going on here. I'm sorry. I have to go, but you can't tell me anything else before you leave. I mean, there's no details that you can give me about anything with my car. Like I said, my manager won't handle it. I have to get going, perfect, Orlando. That's perfect. I got it from you, bro. I appreciate. Let's call him back. Hello. Hello is this Uh? Is this mister Franklin? Yeah? This is he can ask his calling. This is man. I'm the manager here down at the valet. Oh great, thank you. I've been waiting to hear from you. Oh my god, thirty minutes ago you you pulled in with a telling me a silver light great lexus, Yeah, that's that's yeah. That's my car. What what's going on with my car here? Okay? And what's your number? Is it five? Three four six? Yeah, that's that's my number. I mean I already went through this with the other guy. Can you just tell me what the hell is going on with my Okay? Are you able to come downstairs right now? No? I can't. I valiate over there. I'm at a I'm at a lunch with a client somewhere else. I'm not there right now. Why do I need to come down right now? Can you just what is happening? Okay? So here's the deal, sir. We have a we have a one of the valet workers here has gotten that and he left. He quit the job, and he's he's gone. He's left. The premise. The problem we're having right now is we don't see your car, and then you don't see what do you what? I'm sorry? What? Well, I'm okay, okay, okay, oh wow, all right? So my car is gone? Car is gone? Is that what you're telling me right now? Somebody company and took my car? Well, well, hey, we're looking on every flour and we're trying to figure out if it got part somewhere else. But he's gone and we're we're that's why we call to get your number on card somewhere else. Man, what the do you mean? Do I have a car or not? Did my card? Is? So? How many forces do you have? Howd on? Hey? I just bought that car. That is a brand new car, and now it's just are you kidding me? Right now? Well? Hold on, hold on, I understand, I understand. Let me ask you something. Is there a way? Um? Is there a way? Maybe you can come by tomorrow and we can try to work. Come now and just see it. You know, No, there is no way I'm coming by tomorrow for a car. That's listening today. First of all, we need to get the police involved in this. I don't even know, mister Frank. Right now, mister Frank, we don't want to get the police involved in this. We Who is we? Because I dam I'm sure why to get the police involved? So who is? I'm just saying, I'm listen, I don't want to lose my job because we lost the car. If you just give me some time to find in the car, That's all I want you to do is give me some time. Let me go by this guy's house. Where he lives and see if the car is there. You should already be in a car driving yo, ask to this man's house talking to me right now? Okay. The fact that you're not that it's malpractice. I'm calling the police. I'm suing the building on I'm suing the managers. I'm suing theo made the valet box. I'm sure everybody affiliated with your business you didn't see me right now, I'm okay, it's a parking Why are you? Why are you? Why are you upset with me? I didn't do that now, I didn't take the car. Okay. Why are you responsible for this parking lot? Are you a manager? What does your ocuproblem? Sir? Why are you going to manager? I'm the manager here. An Orlando called you earlier, okay, and we're trying to find out where the car is. We all really feel like if you don't even want the police involved, man, you're not trying to fund you're trying to come yet. Right now, I'm mad at Orlando, I'm mad at you, I'm mad at your company. I'm at the man who put the damn assphalt down in the parking lot. I'm mad at everybody right now okay, clip, okay, okay, okay, we came down. Okay, but let me ask you this here? Are you? Are you? Are you mad at um? Are you man at your wife? What? What if none of my wife? And why didn't steal my damn car Ain't your wife name Carrie? You know my wife's name? You know how I know your wife's name because your wife got me to call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey more. Damn, Frankly, you just gotta plaque baby, Damn. Oh boy, we're going to marriage counselorce. This was this is y'all. Have you have shared the boy? She said, he just bought this car. He loves this car. I started sitting in it when he ain't going nowhere. Wow, I can't believe it's always it's always the closest people. It's all tell you what I tell you. Who is not getting to ride in this car for a long time? Hey? Man, I mean it is What is the baddest that I'm talking about, The baddest radio show in the land. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby. I think I really got him ride where I wanted. You know what, I'm saying, I think and the two people, the two people call it that really Yeah, he's another person's calling with foolish fit and then another pool calling after that. You got to lay up, you lads. That's what we've learned today. That's the nay. You know, stupid as like a lasagna. You got the man, you lay up? Okay? Anyone? Stupid Lazarnia. Stupid Lazarnia. All right, catch me. I'm gonna be stupid. What's that? Twenty fifth, twenty six, twenty four, twenty fifth, Lee, what's the date? Y'all? Come on? Get into ye Why y'all don't know your dates? Now? Twenty four, twenty fifth Friday and Saturday September this month, I will be West Palm beat Flawder. Tickets are on sale right now, West Pom Just ward it is and Nephew is coming down to the improv. It gets the home sea a right man. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Now it's time for something funny. Guys. We're gonna talk about annoying things that grown people do while you're driving so when you are driving, so these people are in the car with you, riding with you the passenger, all the back seat of kids are just yeah, just you the driver. So you gotta focus yeah on road ye. And it's just little stuff that gets on just lott things man, like just that low steve like you driving right. I can't stand people point to stuff for me to look at. Yeah, yeah I'm driving. Oh look, oh look look you missed out, you've missed Oh you they got tomatoes? Don't saying look look, yeah I see that fat and I ain't that world man. I can't stand for people to sing that gets on my hard Come. First of all, you don't know the words to the tal I can't, And you don't sound nothing like nothing like the song the song? Are you even when you just change the station when they're singing to Twitter on talk, I don't talk, raider. I don't care what they're talking about. We started listening to talk the minute you open your mouth, and amazes and gentlemen, we are here to do. Like when we're going Crosstown to my Auntie High, I hadn't been there a thousand times, but my wife want to give me direction though on how to go this way? Go this, yeah, party five and then take fifty nine. If you take fifty nine, we'll get there a little quicker. But we've been there several times. I know where I'm like, come on, Steve, I can't dan when people driving they damn car looking over at an accident that they ain't in am about to get us in one over him? Yeah, I can't stand like over there, I can't tell you know what, Steve, that window, that window is not to be played with, okay, down, up and down? Ye yes, or women with hot splashes. Yeah, yeah, I can't stand that. That's why I got win the locked. That's why I got locked. Yeah, he got the lock to win. Take the job off. I'm not not doing it, not hal from you. I'm not gonna do it. You know. I can't saying. Right as I get my car washed and I come pick you up, takeing awhere, If you eat in my car and drop anything, I don't know when it. When you're driving, you always notice somebody dropping something. Got chips. I see the chip fall down your shirt and to a seat to my float, but you keep eating like it ain't down that okay, Okay. I hate to go there. I'm driving in my car. I look out the little just look out to the peripheral of my of my right side. Are you hicking? Yo? Know? Wait a minute, where are you dusting? That? A man I used to hate getting there somebody's car and don't nothing work. We ain't got no radio, we got no al We just send in here hot in silence, and it is starting to smoke tower. Alright, stee, let's get to the news. Ladies and gentlemen, miss A and trup. Good morning, everybody, this is a trip well. President Biden has promised state officials in the Gulf States, the Northeast, and the West that federal moneys and assistance is on the way. I want to express my heartfelt thanks to all the first responders and everyone has been working to save lives and get power back. And I made clear to the governors that my team at the Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA is on the ground and ready to provide all the assistance as needed. At the request of California Governor Newsom, I approved an emergency declaration for California for the Calder fire, which is burning aggressively toward Lake tah Basin and in the Nevada. It's one of the few fires that has ever burned from one side of Sera, Nevada's mountain range to the other. So far, it's burned more than two hundred thousand acres. Wow in the president as a recent disasters service deadly reminders that climate change is here. By the way, mister Biden's on his way to the Gulf Coast today calling out the insurance industry for what it's doing, or more like, what it's not doing for policyholders in Louisiana. One issue concerns requested reimbursement for disaster related hotels days. No one fled this killer storm because they were looking for a vacation or a road trip. You're able to stay in a hotel. They left their homes because they felt it was flee or risk debt. Do the right thing and pay your policyholders what you owe them. On the bright side, FEMA has announced some positive changes in the way that the government verifies homeownership for disaster relief applicants who may lack certain documents like a formal will, for instance, for inherited property. For years, that stipulations made it difficult for black homeowners to get government helped to rebuild after storms because their families felt, well, this is our house, you take it, and they never really put it in a will. But now FEMA under the Biden administration is going to make it easier for people in that predicament to prove that their homes were legally left to them. On another issue, the President Biden's issued a statement condemning the new restrictive abortion law out of Texas. Mister Biden says the lone star state that is blatantly violating the constitutional right to an abortion for women, and the President says his administration is going to start defending that right, looking for legislation to stop them. George's Attorney General and died. They form a district attorney who practically had to be drag kicking and screaming into bringing charges against the three white men who surrounded an innocent black Jaga Ahmed Aubery and shot him to death for no reason. Form a DA Jackie Johnson, whose white has been charged with violation of oath of office, obstruction of police officers a job. The Michaels and a friend surrounded Aubery and shot him to death. She's denied any wrongdoing. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, all right, So Junior is here today with this is a comedy segment you called Junior when dead? What's that? When did you know? We've been seeing a lot of things that been happened, but you just don't know when it started. Like, for example, when did kids get lucky? You ever go to the this little baby in front of you, when all my drawls was in the same luggage, when my grandmother all my drawls up against the Brazil When did kids getting lucky? I don't know when it started. When did people start wearing house shoes everywhere I had church? Somebody stepped out their house shoes to get to the altar. And now when you leave your shoes out here in church like that? When when did it happen? Like when did vegans get so outspoken? What do you You ain't never know? Who the hell wasn't vegan? Now? Hey, upsetting by everything you can't eat? That it had a mother cat vegas. I mean, when did they all the stump start they speaking up? When did we just never mind just wearing ripped jeans? Maybe you should get your ass for your jeans coat? Why am I looking at the Wayne draws. Just when did that start? We just don't know when it happened? Man, When people used to borrow money? Now the ain't cash chef, Yeah, but dinner you did the ass Remember I cannot borrow? Was important? Yes, they don't do that, no more, they don't do none of that. When did big guys just start showing their stomach with no results? You know, they don't don't care, no remorse, They just a stomach just out a matter of fact. When did women just start wearing their stomach side? You whended all of this half? When when did white kids get comfortable with saying the N word to black kids? Where did that start? When did we start knocking our kids? When did that stop? Knocker? My nephew is sitting up here making fs at school and we ain't been school a week. When did this start? Just when did it happen? We just don't know. We have to figure out when did that happened? That When we start thinking about it, stuff stuff changed. Just no, no, when did it happen? Wow, I'll tell your number. Okay, here's one that everybody knows. This something We don't even know when this stought? We remember when when did when the joggon sup member? When when it meant you was going jogging? Oh? Yeah, people wearing joggon suits a jogging No damn what you're talking about? That used to mean something you got on the jogging suit. I can assume your ass was going jock Nah. Nah nah. You're asking drive throughs. You're doing walking in sleeping. I just have work now. I'm in one right now? All right, thank you, Junior. I like that. When did All right? We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Come on, Steve introduced Jay. It's time for Murder another hit. Yeahd take offense, I take a fence. I know you do. Take total and we all probably gonna take ye the song, Ladies and gentlemen, It's time for Murder the hits yay with one of the best and regretful decisions I've ever made, Ladies and gentleman. Ye okay, so you know this is the song is not thank you. The song is not that bad today. I'm not I'm not really in salting anyone, am I actually making a dedication. The song is dedicated to all the side dads, all the hot poppers, all the sugar daddies. Splend the daddies. It's time for you to step up and help out. And I took it, took Erica about to do song. I can make you put your phone down and to say a message to what you need to do to help out. Check it out. Here we go. I can help you with them school clowns, clowns. I can have ya, can have you. I can have you with school clowns, clowns, clowns. I can have you with them school clowns, clowns. I can have you. I can have you. I can have you with them school clowns, clowns. I can get your kids in school shoes. Show Oh, I can get them mine and get them. I can get your kids and blue shoes. If I can get them penning paper. Oh, I need the mind, get them mine and get them penning paper. Yeah. Yeah, I can get your kids backpack right back. If I get a little bitty and new school bookies. Now am I getting that cookie? I can get your kids and buns. Fan, Oh, I can get it if any and I can get your kids and buns. Fan. If this goes out to all them brothers out there, get that. Can you help me called, especially around back in school time. Can you get me? I can get in it if I get it. Simple, I can get it. If I get it, I need it. Any I don't get it, ain't with it very simple it some I've ever heard bookies. Sometimes you gotta force the works a little bit. I can get it if I get it. Yeah, that change ain't no robbery. Say that change ain't no robbery right that time of year, because they were getting that cop help me throw it out there, show me some on the show I have them. Oh yeah, I didn't help you with the stool clothes. Little man be dressed. Yeah, looking just like just like it. They always looked like clubs. I know you did. Cute man. Yeah you call it. You walk into lit room calling your daddy. Man. I had a girl to that one time. Boy, girl have her little boy three years old. This girl, the boy came say, hey, daddy, I ain't got no kids. I'm so scared of that. I got I got him, never went back and she was fine too. On what you're not? I ain't got nothing to help nobody with coming up next, nephew, tell me he's prying phone call. We'll be back. You're listening Stry Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. Here's the subject for today. My wife is living like she's single, live in my bathline right now. The nephew is here though. Yeah, with today's praying phone call? What you got for us? Now? Brand spanking new. Just when it's called triple cast free people pass and they can you know the family might not have enough money, Paul them, cass just one cat, triple can three people, one can the concept? Okay, this can work. Thank some money they can. Listen Jenkins Mortuary, This is Calvina Man. Help you. Hey, how are you doing? You? Calvin? How you doing? My name is Brandon Man or Brandon Giles. Kay, I'm calling. We've got somebody that has passed. Actually three people we passed away. Yeah, I thank you for that, man. It was kind of expected, so you know, it wasn't something that caught us off guard. But you know, but all in all, you know, we're still grieving about losing our loved ones. But h but I wanted to give you all a call. We're trying to um pick a particular funeral home on who we want to um take care of. Yes, yes, sir, yes, sir, okay, I can definitely help you with that. And uh, once again, I just want to to you know, just let you know that we can pretty much do the whole game that we we can make sure that you're need to take them from you know, from from now on. UM, we're here for you. Tanting to get that out. What does your meme need? Uh? You said three people? Sir? Yes, yes, yes, I wanted to bring attention to you. Do you guys customize caskets? Yes, we do goal plating, uh, engraving. We even have a new thing where we can put the picture of the person on the outside like a semigloss coating. That's a couple of hours. Yeah, I don't. I don't need that all. No goal or nothing like that. Listen, listen, what I want to do. Is it any way that you could maybe uh customize a casket that can accommodate three people? Um? Uh yes, like we we can. We can customize each individual casket for each individual. No, no, no, no, Calvin, that didn't want to ask. What I'm saying is if I want to like like I like I said, d my could they was all close? You know, I don't have a problem with all three of them being in the same casket. I get you. Um uh you know, to my knowledge is as far as I've been in this business, I've never uh, I'm not really sure we can actually do that. I mean, I mean, I mean, but what's the problem if we can get them all in there and we'll serve I mean, I think that's a I don't even think if for one, it's legal in this state or any state, three people in one casket, um, and ethics wise, I uh, that's not really something that how can I say that we actually you know, but if you customizing a casket, Calvin, then you ought to be able to put as many people in there, if you make it deep enough and wide enough, ought to be to get three people in there. Right. Well, the customization is is the outer side of the casket and maybe you know some people, uh even put TV screen on the inside or some of their there their loved ones, memorable mementos. We customize it for that, you know. Colorwise, So what about when when is a person real big? Uh? You know, A heavy said person. You know, you gotta have a casket that can accommodate them, right, yes, But okay, so so you ought to be to put you ought to be able to put three people in one casket if they can fit, if you put two one way in one the other other way, then you ought to be able to have all three of them in there at one time. Um, is there anybody else around you and your family that can help talk with me about this? I'm talking right now. I'm trying to get I'm trying to accommodate my cousins and get them straight. And I'm asking you can we get them in a casket, that one casket that can accommodate three people. If you put two pillars on money in one pillars, that's not something we're really uh, That ain't some of you just used to doing, Calvin. But I'm calling you telling you that's the way I want this customize man, right all right? Brother, look brother, brother, just just chill out with customs, all right. So we're trying to get three people. I have a standard plan, it'll be a low end standard plan for three individual caskets that we ain't gotta we all have enough money for three individual caskets. I keep telling you that we got room for one casket. We we just need to big enough, man, so you could get everybody in there. Close the dope. I'm not gonna I'm not. I don't want to go back and forth with you, sir. I know this is a time, then go. You ain't gotta go back and forth with me. Buildings to our knees. I can bear my family. It's I don't really know what to tell you, sir, but I'm just really trying to help. I'm trying to Won't you tell me you're gonna get three people in the casket looking good? We cannot do that. You hauling that man, I'm the one going through bereaveing. I understand that. But you are, you're you're you use the foul language it. We can't do it, brother, you hear me. No, that's no hold on my cousin. Them said they wanted to you. No, sir, No, okay, Look look, hey man, y'all gonna bury these three people, and you're gonna put all three of them in the same damn casking man two two on one on one end and one on the other. One man, sir, if you're drinking. Just ain't nobody. Let me tell you something, man, Let me say this to you. Your name Calvin, right, yes, yes it is. Okay, so Calvin, Calvin, let me say this to you. Either y'all gonna bury my cousin is the way I want it, or Calvin, you're gonna get your who you're talking to. That's what's going now. Now, now that's it, right there, sir. I've been trying to be as professional as I can this whole conversation. It's as crazy as it is, but now it ain't nothing crazy about. No, no, no, no, no. I told you I want you to bury my cousin. Come on down here. I got some places to put your body and your cousin's body. How about that? Huh are you telling me? Yeah? Because you know you don't. You don't sound too damn confident. You don't sound too confident, Calvin. I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna tell you right now, this ain't the place and I'm not the one you will be in the ground messing with us. Matter of fact, if you come here, I'm gonna you up. How about that? Okay, Calvin? Okay, Calvin, let me tell you something, Calvin, Me and Tommy gonna be down there to day. Then I'm bringing Tommy with me. Who it's Tommy? Huh? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Baby, you just got Frank Calvin. Yo, y'all have me ready to whip everybody? Tell y'all, I just want to move up to Reginald. That works. Yes, I'm gonna. I'm gonna Reggie. You bet watch what you drink? You bet watch with your team. I'm on your to revenge. Man, Hey, Calvin, give me this man, what's the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. Man, you know it's nothing but the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all, y'all got got me? Got me, y'all ain't with me? But I'm just like two bodies this boy, one body this way, had to foot three different pillows. We work that thing, ie cat. Yeah, well you're probably gonna need ten j You're probably gonna need five on each side. Roll. Yeah, but you saved some money, Jay Dolly, like like bunk beds for three people. All right, I got a bad idea. Go ahead and let me just put them in there and fold. Thank you. That up Next is my Strawberry Letter for today. Subject to my wife is living like she's single. I'm living my beast. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, this time now for the Strawberry Letter Today. The subject is my wife is living like she's single and listen. If you need some advice on relationships. If you need some advice on dating and work, on sex and parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. A simple we could be reading your letter live on the air to buckle up a whole long time. We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter. Yeah. This is a letter where you, our audience, write us and we give you advice. Can make up? No, no, no no. People think we do though, because they're so crazy, but no, here we go. Subject my wife is living like She's single. Dear Stephen Shirley. I have been married to my childhood sweetheart for eight years and we have two wonderful children. Early on, we had problems in our marriage and we separated for a short period, but we worked things out and I thought we were back on track. My wife a minute that during our separation she had flings with two other guys. She compared me to the guys she had the flings with and bragged about the money and the nice things they had. I am an educated guy and I have a great full time job and a part time job for extra money, but it's not enough for my wife. She told me that I need to be making six figures to keep her happy. She has a demanding full time job, so she doesn't do much around the house. I cook, I clean, I take the kids too and from school, wash the clothes, help the kids with homework, and maintain the law. She neglects my sexual needs too, because she goes out most days after work to unwind, and when she comes home she says she's exhausted. A few days after Christmas, she told me that I need to find a nice woman that will appreciate me and the little bit I have to offer, because she needs more. She told me that after I found her texting one of her old flings, I asked her to see the text and she showed it to me. The guy was asking her for sex again, and he said that their chemistry is unmatched. I am trying to stick out for my kids, but I cannot be her doormat in the process. She doesn't respect me as the man of the house. And I am not sure how we got to this point, but she is very disrespectful. Do you think I should try to stay for the sake of my kids? Or make her wishes come true? And leaves? Who wrote this? Let the husband the husband? It seems like a letter that a wife would write, but now this time the husband wrote this one. And you know, doesn't the grass always look greener on the other side. I mean, she's, you know, thinking that these guys who were taking her out when she was on a break from you, you know, spending money, a nice things and all that. Yeah, but she came back home. She's not with him, so the grass always looks greener on the other side. I have to ask you, though, what do you want to do? I mean, you're asking us should you stay for the sake of your kids? I'm sure you don't want to stay with a wife who continues to disrespect you like your wife does. I mean, kids are no kids. You don't have to take this man, You don't have to take you do know that, right, I mean, where's your dignity, where's your self respect? Getting your kids and leaving her will probably be the best thing you can do to save yourself and your two children. Okay from this mama right now, she's just out of order. I mean, you says she's disrespectful. She's all of that. You sound like a good man, a hard working man and all of that. You know, you're cooking and cleaning and doing all this stuff and taking the kids at school, working two jobs. You shouldn't be a dormat for her, So you're right about that. She definitely is disrespecting you, and I think you should take her advice. I really do. I think you there is a nice woman who'll appreciate you. There are plenty of them, as a matter of fact, who'll take you and the kids. So um, get on out of there. Okay, you don't have to take this. Steve who wrote this letter, he did. My wife admitted doing our separation. She had a fleeing with two other guys. She just been out there just lounding, not know off fail she's been doing what lound just out here just showing her natural two flings. That was enough. She gonna compare the guys that she had the flings with, bragged about the money and the nice things they had. She gonna come back home and tell me about it. Well, you might want to stay your ass out there, so disament from me. You ain't going to brain you have to come back. Steve Harvet, tell me this here. Who you think I am? But who you talking to? Then let's go. I am an educated guy and have a full great, full time job and a part time job for extra money, but it's not enough for my wife. Somebody told me something one time. I just want to share with you, a very very wealthy person. He said, if you got one job and it ain't cutting it for you, why would you go get another? One of them said, if you got a job that ain't cutting for, your next movie is you're gonna have to open some type of little hustle on the side of business. But he said, always talking, he said, don't go get another job. Oh okay, he said, because you got one job ain't working for why would you get another? One of them? Right, So that was a very educational thing I learned. She told me that he needed to be making six figures to keep her happy. Now you got two jobs that ain't making six figures. So you're just working all the day and you still ain't making six figures. But this health a right here and told you that's what you need to do to make her happy. Get on back out there and get the flaming again. Yeah, what you probably need to do now. She has a demanding full time job, so she don't do much around in the house. Now what y'all listen to this? Right here? He working two jobs already, Right, she got a demanding full time job. But he say, I cooked clean, take the kids to and from school, washed clothes, help the kids with homework, and maintain the loan. Already got two jobs. I just told this help. I got a full time job at a part time job. I ain't got time for this hill, right, Hang on, Steve, hang on. We're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour's subject my wife is living like she's single. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, Part two of your response to and that's this woman don't want this man. When they separated, she had a fleeing and now she compared the guys to her. He do all the work and he got two jobs. She neglects my sexual needs because she goes out most days after work to unwind, and when she come home she exhausted. Question when she out there unwinned after hard day work and when she comes home she's exhausted. What you think she exhausted from unworked unwinding ain't exhausted. It's when you getting wound up that's exhausted. It's when you get somebody winding her up real tight. And then what that's what is get getting tight? Now? She do that three times a night. Boy, she coming in this house tied as hell. Then a few days after Christmas, she told me, I need to find a nice woman that appreciate me and a little bit that I had off. Well, you know, she just told you, you need to go find you somebody post and dog gonna you can do that, Yeah, because she needs most she told me. I found I found her texting one of her old friends. I asked her to see the text. She showed it to me. First of all, you're not finna be that comfortable in my house where I asked you to see the texting him. Yeah, you're gonna have seen me somewhere in my life go off on somebody where you would have you would pause and go you know what. Showing him to text right now probably ain't gonna be the best thing because he has an ignity side to it, and I don't want to see it. But na, see, you ain't never demonstrated that. Let me see what you're texting, Hilly. Oh you're comfortable with him? Yea. The guy was asking her for sex again, and he said that the chemistry is unmatched. I'm trying to stick it out for my kid What women did I read that the guy was asking her for sex again and he said that the chemistry is unmatched. I'm trying to stick it out for my kids. Is missing? Who asked? What did you start before you said, I'm trying to stick it out for the kids, but I cannot be her dormat in the process. She don't respect me as the man of the house, the man of the house. Dog, you ain't been the man in the house. Then she went out there and had them too fleas. I'm not sure how we got to this point, as that's why you typed the letter. You're not sure how you got to this point. I'm I'm crystal clear how you got. Y'all was going wrong in your lives, your childhood, sweetheart, y'all got married, hadn't experienced no light. Then y'all had some problems in the relationship. She went out there and had a taste of light. And the taste she had wasn't the taste you've been giving up. See what you had been laying down, she thought was fool. Then she ran out there and ran up into rowdy rodding it pipe. She ran up the rowdy roddy pipe. Then she ran up in the big big dusty rolls. Then she ran up in the or the junk yard. Then she ran up in the earning of that bow both for zeal ran up into the chic and ran up into some people that was tossing up, keeping all up in the air and getting flipped. Andrea Jian ran up in that rando, sat, you got some I got something flat its gorgeous. Jean ran up there and ran up into some rick flat whoa and got turned the old ut out. Now she come back home and shed here with little tiny teen, litle little little chemic to frogs, keeping in here playing Sesame street keep him been out there in the streets and ran up into the ww L. He hadn't been in bed with the undertake all. I hadn't had a date with Triple X. Been all over the place, getting throwed from ConA to coner, tossed into the ropes, flying off on the turn buckle. Then all of a sudden, Dwayne Johnson his hands on it, soup flavor, put her in her head lock, put her in a soup flavor, and all of a sudden overhead fires, carry over boom. She was on the ground. Now she back at the house. You ain't picking up the one across the rain. Yeah, you ain't jumping off the top rope. You ain't used none of the tree. Now, she don't want you know. That's how you got to this point. What you need to do is do like she said, find you somebody that appreciate the little bit you got, that little bit of money you're making, that little bit of love, and you that little teaspooner thing you've been just shelveding around like you like you've been just dropping. You've been dropping bringing hamlework that ain't hammelework. That's number two leaded pencils. Work you've been doing. You ain't been doing what you thought you would do. She went out rand set. All right, we gotta get out of here. Guys, email us, your Instagram us, your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M. You're listening. What are some of the what's the dumbest thing you've ever done for love? Completely fall? Yeah? Stupid? How long you give her now? Ste What about you? Steve? What's the dumbest thing you've ever done for love? Jesus? The list? While you, yeah, you want someone else to go, but while you, I'm trying to go ahead take her back. After she cheated, though, and explained to my family why it was all right? Yeah that was that was still yeah that I ain't never done that journey. You ain't never done that. Oh yeah, I stole a necklace. It's what you can't be prep from the main company the girl. Yeah, because I didn't have no money and I was crazy about it, and I got caught going out the door. White dude had on a sweatshirt and gym shoes. He was fast too. It was fast too, just wasn't quite fast and though he had me. And then when I gave him my jacket, though, and I was so thin then that didn't mean nothing to me. It was damn near irrelevant. I slipped out that jacket so fast. I just let my arms go, little black spaghetti. He had the jacket. That white dude I got out on a prospect, that white boy star chasing me. That dude was fast or he had no idea who he was chasing. Dog Dog, I was un catchable back then. I looked back. I said, man, he's still on hill. And I just went on and just dropped it down in Nitro was gone. Put that black on him head when you're scared. When you're scared, dog, I would put that black speed on it that he hadn't seen. Sound like an indie car, Yeah that was. And he yelled at me back to the store again, or to be years, partner, don't worry. And when I did go back and may company, I looked, I had a bid and everything I was grown. Yeah, you went back in. All right? All right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for comedy Roulette. Come on, Jay, quickly set this up. Take some subjects, put them on a wheel. We can make it fun. And we down to three comedians, but we can do the damn thing because that's what we do. Steve's comedian, Timey's a comedian, and I'm a comedian. All right, comedians, here we go. We have three new categories on the wheel today. Comedians, here we go. Things you say to women who have a mustache, you're tickling me, baby. Excuses people make who don't like to fly, I got it, I got it. Yeah, that's a good one, all right. And finally, excuses people make not to go to the gym. Let's spend the wheel. Christal, let's go. You go it been not laying on mustache. I'm gonna leave you do the mustache. Can we go? Excuses people make not to go to the gym. Love it, I'm gonna start it off. People mate, not to go to the gym. Don't none of my workout clothes match, so I can't go down there. You know what, man, they didn't have no parking up front. I just I just went on back to the house. Man, I can't park way back then. Yeah, that's that's that defeats the purpose people make not to go to the gym. Yes, yeah, the reason I don't go down to the gym, I ain't fat ash him not comparing the fat that size. I ain't, but I ain't that that. I ain't excuses people make not to go to the gym. I don't like the sweat in front of other people. It's just not deal for me to do that. So I'm not gonna go to the gym. It's not sexy. You're not gonna do you know what. I would have went, but I got that jock edge thing going on, and I just ye, it's too much on me right now. I just I'm gonna have to go later. I just waited column. I can't. I can't people not to go to the gym. It's excuse people make not to go to the gym. I want to work out on that lifted tho that, but that lifto that, But I wan't. But I don't know how to announce it. So I ain't gonna go down. I'm announce it, lit it up. I know it's not come out to me, you know what. I was trying to lose some weight, and then I started realizing that I just I just like being fat. I just ain't going. I'm cool with me. You know you're good. Yeah, come on people. Excuses people make not going to the gym. All the trainers down now they fit and trim, how they know what to do for somebody like me. It can't relate to me. I can't relate excuses people make that to go to the gym. When I go inside a place where people work out, my asthma kicks up, so I can't go that. I ain't gonna that's me, that's me. I was gonna go. I was gonna go, but I wanted to go to the steam room, but they be naked in there. I don't know if I can't my naked ain't ready for their naked. I'm not good with good excuses people make to not go to the gym. They don't have no hand sanitizing now, I didn't see none last time I was there. Yea. Excuses people make not to go to the gym. I just don't feel comfortable putting a towel on my butt. That's been on somebody else. But I just don't. I love it. I'm with you when you right. I like that one, all right, guys, thank you. Coming up next, we got music, more fun, more foolishness at twenty minutes after the hour you're listening Morning show. All right, this is some really sad news here. Carla is we gonna to our girl chat a really sad story, and Cardi B has chimed in. She's clapping back at people trying to justify the murder of Instagram model miss Mercedes More. Cardi B called the situation so sad and cursed out the people. You know how Cardi B is. She cursed out the people who were trying to justify it because of her lifestyle. Cardi says, y'all hate on a bad chick dead or alive. Wow. Cardie says she was a sweetheart. Yeah. Mercedes More, whose real name was Janet Gagnier or Gagnier, was found dead in her apartment in Houston earlier this week in an apparent murder suicide. Carla. Her mother says that her daughter was very cautious about her surroundings, but unfortunately someone was basically stalking her and killed my baby. Her father said he discovered her body on the floor with her clothes torn up, and went upstairs to find a man with a knife in him, still alive, and said I just couldn't do nothing but stand there and call the police. Mercedes parents believe this man was crazy, follower and stalker. Wow, this is such a sad story. But this is just a warning too to all of the young ladies out there as social media influencers Instagram, y'all gotta be careful. It's some crazy people out there. Lord have mercy. This man murdered her. It's so sad, y'all. Be safe. Don't get tell you a location every five minutes. Just be careful. Yeah, that's true, that's true. All right. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So Junior is here today with this is a comedy segment. You call Junior when dead? What's that about? When did you know? We've been seeing a lot of things that have been happening, but you just don't know when it stought it? For example, when did kids get lucky? You never go to that this little baby in front of you, When all my drawls was in the same luggage, when my grandmother all my draws up against the Brazil. When did kids getting lucky? I don't know when it started. When did people start wearing house shoes everywhere? I had church? Somebody stepped out their house shoes to get to the altar. And now when you leave your shoes out here in church like that? When when did it happen? Like? When did vegans get so outspoken? What do you mean you ain't never know? Who the hell wasn't vegan? That he upsetting by everything you can't eat? That it had a mother? I can vegans? Is I mean? When did all this stuff starts they speaking up? When did we just never mind just wearing ripped jeans? Remember used to get your ass for your jeans? Told? Why am I looking at Duayne's draws? When did that start? We just don't know. When it happened. When people used to borrow money? Now they't cash haff Yeah, but dinner he didn't the ass? Remember I cannot borrow? Was important? Yes, they don't do that, no more, they don't do none of that. When did big guys just start showing their stomach with no results? You know they don't they don't care, no remarse, They just the stomach just out a matter of fact, When did women just start wearing their stomach side? When did all of this happen? When? When did white kids get comfortable saying the N word to black kids? When did that start? When did we start knocking our kids? When did that stop? Now, because my nephew is sitting up here making fls at school and we ain't been a school a week, when did this start? Just when did it happen? We just don't know. We have to figure out when did that happened? That started thinking about it? Just stuff stuff changed? M No, No, when did it happen? Wow? I'll tell you another profile. Okay, here's one that that everybody knows. This something we don't even know when they started. But remember when when did win a jogging? Sup? Member? When when it meant you was going jogging? Oh? Yeah, people wearing jogging suits ain't jogging? No, damn what you're talking about me? That's used to mean something you got on the jogging suit. I can assume your ask was going jock nah. Nah, you're asking drive throughs. You know you ain't doing walking in it? Sleeping right now, I'm just saying at work now, I'm in one right now? All right? Thank you, junior. I like that. All right, coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this, we'll be back at forty nine after you're listening to. All right, Steve, here we are last break of the day. Boy, oh boy, what a day it has been. Oh my goodness, um, but a great day, A great day, all of them been good. Yeah, yeah, all right, Steve, you can take us home with some closing remarks. Well, here's here's something I want to share. I've really gotten into this mode of sharing some of the things I've learned this year when I was when I've started doing these morning meditations. And I just started it this year, everybody, So I'm not like, you know, I've been doing this for years anything. I just started it this year and it's probably been one of the best changes that I've bought about myself mentally, spiritually for just to have the right state of mind to continue up the road. And I just want to talk to you all about about your relationship with God. And once again, this is not that I'm an expert at this, because trust and believe I'm not. I'm growing every day with this I'm learning, but I'm in a sharing mode of trying to share you what I've learned. So you don't feel like you don't want out there tripping on this thing, because I have too. And so I just want to talk to you about what happened to me when I just started to give God a bigger presence in my life. And I want you all to listen to this. If you're on the outside like I was, or you borderline like me, if you gave God a bigger presence in your life, what could happen if you just gave him a chance. I just want to throw this out there, just what could happen if you would just give him a chance to have just a bigger presence in your life? Because what it did for me, man, it brightened up some of the dullest of my great days. You not have some days? Man, while I felt overworked, overstressed, the monotony, it over it all. You know, when you when you give God a chance, God can put a sparkle in the routine of your daily life. Because see what happens is and I found this to be true in my situation, and maybe some of you can relate to this. You gotta repeat so many tasks day after day. You know, it just gets monotonous. You got it. You go to work at the same time, you drive the same route. You got the same task at your job. You work around the same people, you said, at the same cubicle or the same station. You work in the same route. You know, you drive the same way to work and take the same amount of time. You listen to the same music. This monotony, this monotony can oftentimes dull your inky and when you're when you get monotonous in your thinking, it does it and then your mind slips into neutral. So you know, you know what I mean, when your mind isn't stimulated, when your mind slips into neutral because the monotony, you can do it with your eyes sleep. You don't need to even think about it. You know your way to work, you know the way home. You ever noticed you'd be driving all of a sudden, you just know that this is your exiting just monotonous. Your mind can slip into neutral. Well, when your mind isn't neutral, it becomes unfocused, and then it's vulnerable to the world. It's vulnerable to the devil. You remember, old people used to say the idle mind is a devil's playground. This is what it's talking about. And when your day to day task become monotonous, your mind can slip into neutral and all of a sudden and idle mind is the devil playground. And then that just pulls your thoughts down with and as your thinking process start to deteriorate because it is monotony has become so mundane, you become confused about a lot of stuff and you feel like you ain't got no direction. But the best way, the best remedy to refocus your mind is that relationship with God. You need God, man, you really do. And I ain't. I ain't talking like I've had him my whole life, even though he's been around me. My Mama raised me in the church. I sleep it off. I was doing my thing. But man, in the total realization of it, on the real, just on the low low, you need God, man, you really do. He offers you guidance, saying, companionship, and it can clear up a lot of stuff for you. Man. And look, I ain't trying to tell you, man that you got to become Bible thumping off or you know, or what have people thinking of? You as a holy role or something like that. Now I've known that's what you're running from because I try to duct the terminology myself and that labels that people put on you. But man, don't trip on that. Don't trip on that. I'm telling you, man, go farm yourself in relationship with God. It becomes so helpful to you. What would happen if you just gave God a chance. Let me just think about it, man, if you made more room in your heart for God, what could possibly happen? I mean, look, you got so much that's going on in your life, so many challenges and barriers and things that you up against, and so much indecision and confusion and wanting to know your beck, your next move. Well, why don't you try this? Man, Why don't you sit down and just tell God that you really needed that, you really need some help, and you really need a companion and you would love to have his advice and his counseling. You ain't got to go nowhere to do that. Man, You could just do that today, but it would slow the hound some of this tripping. I'm telling you, man, God performs miracles all the time. God make dreams come true. What would happen if you just gave him a chance. Open up your heart a little bit, man, make God a greater presence in your life. Man, and he could do some miraculous things from All you got to do is ask he don't ever walk away from people are seeking him. Okay, talk to God. He'd love to hear from you. Y'all. Have a great weekend, Okay, I know I will, all right. Thank y'all very much for all Steve I re contact. No purchase necessary, avoid were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.