For The People Act, Pandemic Weight Loss, Quavo and Saweetie, LBJ Pepsi and more.

Published Mar 24, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's time to get it to doing what it do. This is The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sister O'dell is back with another one and she can't help but talk about the upcoming Verzuz battle between EWF and The Isley Brothers. Our forever FLOTUS asks for support in getting the For The People Act passed in order to expand voter rights. The crew talk about weight loss during the pandemic and what they do for exercise. The Chief Love Officer has some serious advice for a coach. Junior congratulates The Houston Rockets for finally winning a game. Quavo and Saweetie's split has led to a question about gifting that the fellas answer. King James parts ways with The Real Thing and goes to the competition. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about the mass shooting in Colorado.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on the don giving them like the million bucks things in the stove through good it to mother. Stay, I don't join join me. You gotta turn hur you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing, huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time, and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path. They go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, they don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a sure fire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, If you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong, you know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. The more you know, the older you look, that is no growth without change. If you're heading in a direction. It ain't nothing going right in your life? Could it be be the wrong direction? If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you never made the wrong self. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to? They ain't ever wrong about nothing. Man, They just it's their way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them powered trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them power trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this person. This person, I decided to stop doing business the way I was doing business. I decided to stop to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, you know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Forward dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why, because they're not the maker of it. So now, why are you letting you letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So, if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself and to allow the maker of this brand see without God, I'm none of this. I'm none of this. I want you to clearly understand I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for or fact that there is no way that I could have manufacted the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was gonna take, this is the outcome. Because of it, I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, Tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me, This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift, and then guess what. Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that. Then you have some supernatural things going on in your life and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working, the how I manage it all all that ain't none but God. That ain't nothing but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people. Sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. Then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real, it's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of it than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong if you don't tie this to your gift, you will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening to, ladies and gentlemen, it is upon us. The morning time is here, which means one thing. It's time to get it on, get it smoking, get it cracking, get it to doing what it do. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It never starts the same, ever, the same way in the morning. I refuse monotony brings about bottom, which brings about a staleness that inhibits growth. I am forever changing because I am trying to grow. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the damn Steve Harvey Morning Show. On the verge of the greatest verses of all times. April fourth, Osley Brothers against that damn earth wind and Fire. Whoa Shirley Strawberries. Well let's get it on, callin for rel That countdown is on. Good morning, Junior. You don't know nothing about this, but what's up? Morning up. I'm just gonna try to look and see what you do. Nephew, Tommy, stop top. I'm in the building. I'm in the building on this beautiful Quinton, not in front of the boy top of the morning top top. Yeah, man, so you're still excited about it, Husti. I'm going through some changes about it right now. I'm debating on like what what I mean? You know, I can't say it right now because I don't want to put no energy out there. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I do know I'm gonna do something. Well, what about the gear? What are you wearing? Are you gonna throw back now? And the fake suede vests with the shingles on it? Okay, with the sae fake suede pants with the Indian like the shingles down the side and the moccasins because I knew they was coming out in TPS. And how did you know that? How you get that information? Because because my boy day he had been the concept down in Cincinnati and he told you. Yeah, So when they came to Richfield, I already knew what it was. And so where did you find the outfit? Where did you go shopping? Shopping? Now, my system made it. Oh that's right, that's right. I had no money for no custom And that's when you also didn't have money for another ticket. So right, yeah, I can't cant abody. Of course you have to one of the fun things about, you know, and then a time out. No I'm gonna need a dress and all it's no, no, no no, no, no, no, no no no no you you ain't gonna wear the Indian outfit, so you can't go. And I bought my ticket. I bought the cheapest day ticket Day had, and just waited to the show started and kept my eye on the floor. And when I saw that opening on about row six, I eased on down and I parted right on up. Old player dressed up in like a pimp. He said, what's up, little man? I see you, I see I feel that as long as you were able to sit in that spot all the rest of the night. Yeah, okay, all right, coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, Sister Odell is in the building. Right after this, you're listening Steve Morning Show, well Stephen as women crushed Wednesday and our girls. Sister Odell is in the building. Year there's the music. Whoa oh, but now found she really well? Well, well, good morning, come on coome onr is every washed July truly blessed in highly favored. Good morning Collie, Good morning, sister Olddale, God bless you. How are you doing. Oh the girl, wonderful Junior morningsis Olddale is good to see you as usual, wonderful high boy. Yes, ma'am, good morning, good morning, I'm the boy. Hey Shirley, Good morning, sister Odell. Welcome back. Brutiful, brutiful. What's going on? Let's get it well. I gotta tell you something that you know we just talked about earlier, and Steve's excited. I wonder if you were excited about this, the versus battle the next one. Um, it's going to be between the Isley Brothers and Steve's favorite group, Earth Wind and Fire. You know what about it? I heard about it. Now I'm going to it. I'll be out there in Los Angeles at a revival. So I'm gonna just gonna step on out on that really fun of both those groups, girl, the Astley Brothers, you know, Ronald Ashley and Earn Astley. But it does you know it was his daddy old who but not not the Lord, not be not their Lord, and merci what that man could sand? That's where they got it from, girl girl, And so yes, I'm gonna go. You know, I'm gonna go on out there and support you know, it's Reel's music. Ye are you gonna take someone with you, sister Dell? No, Now, I'm gonna go by myself. I got a brand new outfit for it. Where were you gonna wear? What are you gonna wear? What are you I'm about? Just bring a brand new white missionary outfit? Okay? It right in killing the game? Just killing the game, man, I don't need a change. You don't fix you now. If it don't work, if it if it don't broke, that'sh it. Wow. Well, okay, we'll look for you because that this one is going to be exciting. We're all excited about. I'm gonna I'm gonna go out there. I'm gonna do Verden Town Night a roller? What's your favorite Isley Brothers song? Can you see you like between the sheets? Okay? Really? I like tween the sheet? I keep hitting footsteps man, dog walking up behind? And you can't hardy hid that caused us? Footsteps the dog? Hey man? Church that it? Or earth win and fire? You have? I know you have a favorite front from them? Just Rea reasons? Dad, I'm here? What is it? The reasons? Dad? I keep all praising here? Have hurt him? Now? She only hurt him, heard him? What the hitch, I'm gonna turn to turn all they hoots in the church songs, yes case, you know, because I can sing them in the car when I'm picking up people in the van and they don't know. You know, old people can't call, so I can sing secular music and gospel music combined. You want to hear anohingain't name a song living for the love for the love of you said I'm leaveing for the love of you said, I'm leaveing. It's all being called ye must the jam down? Is it? I love holiday, loves holiday when it's fired, he is mine, mine and all just min, I'm he and I I'm always he. You're gonna laugh at yourself. Got caught up in that one, right there? I got for about um. What about that upbeat tune like fight the Power by the Isley Brothers. Doom Doom d come on, Fighting time is truly wastedom, Doom doom doom, ain't on. Guarantee time is truly wasted. You gotta fight the powers at me? White. We're just should saying that after rallies. True, we should change the word to fight white people. All right, All right, back in the shivil rights movement. Hey, who got social fight? Stand up fight? Bam? That was right. Reverend Me and Reverend Abernathy wrote that together. Yeah, I real it was really his daddy. I was more involved with. Okay, you know what, what was his name? Grab it grab it happen, It happened. All well, thank you, Sistro deal. We gotta go, and thank y'all, Bashwa thanks for having me of course, cstri Dell. You know what's coming up next, the nephew and run that prank back right another one from yesterday. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Hannah standing by with today's national news. President Biden says gun control should not be partisan, and he is pushing for the Senate to act now. Plus in trending news, entertainment news, common Say, the Roots, John Legend, Shack have all signed an open letter supporting for the People Act. Okay, we'll tell you about it at the top of the hour. Right now, the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got for his nav musty fellow, musty kiss yo yo yo yo yo child is must okay must fun Yeah the baby too year old baby must Let's go kenn. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Banessa place. Is he sitting? Hi? Vanessa? My name is Robert. I'm the one of the owners. You know, my wife Michelle. We own the Yeah, yeah, okay, I help you. Okay, we've been uh I think we've had your son, Malik, probably close to a year now. I'm all right, yes, you have is everything? Okay? So everything's fine, Everything is fine. I don't think we have a problem that we can't clear up. Um, I have a question for you. Have you been noticing anything different about Malik? Um? Like concerning hygiene at all? Hygiene? No, not that I can be called. What are you talking about? Okay? How old is Malik? He's too? Okay, Well, we as soon have come across a little glitch here that we're gonna try to take care of here at the at the daycare. Actually my wife didn't. I told her I would make the phone call and leave her out of it. I know you see her every day. One. Yeah, but what's the glitch are you talking about? What? What is this glitch? I'm sorry, glitch? What is this glitch that you want to talk about? I'm confused? Okay, Well, actually we're having is it seems like every day here lately for the last two months, Malik has been you know, very musty. You know, he hasn't been really sweety, but just real musty. Okay, you clearly have the wrong child because I give my son a bath every night, and most morning is before he leaves to school, I give another bath again. So yeah, I'm pretty positive you have the wrong child. Oh man, your son is Malik, right, and he's two years old. You guys have been here with us right close to a year now, correct, yes, and okay, and he's a cute little kid with the curly hair. I know exactly which one is. So what I'm what I'm saying to you is that we are having problems. He's just he's just reeking. You know, he's real musty. Okay, you know what, my son does not reek. I don't know what child you're talking about, but you're not talking about my child. I just told you and make sure that he gets a bath every night, So that's not my child. My child is very clean. Okay. Well what hang on, Vanessa. What I'm trying to get you to understand is I'm trying to this is why my wife didn't want to call. Okay, and I'm glad I'm actually the one that made the call. What we need to do. This is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna try a little experiment for the next month or so, fairment gonna I'm sorry, Well what do you mean experiment? What kind of experiment? Well, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some mantle deodorant on him for the next well just for the next month, and we'll see how it plays out. No, no, no, you're not. You're not gonna put anything on my child. That's not gonna happen. Okay, Well, man, I'm trying to I'm trying to fix the problem here. I just wanted to call. It doesn't have a problem. I already told you that my son is clean. You're not gonna put any DeArment on him, and if you do, it's gonna be a problem. Do you understand me? Okay, man, I'm not trying to have an argument with you. What I want you to know is I'm not trying to either. But you're trying. You're talking about putting Theodora I'll my child. You you can't do that. I'm not gonna have to happen in Please don't make me have to come not to that school for you and your wife. Okay, Now listen, we're gonna have to do something about your child. Your child is musty, okay, And you're sitting here getting an attitude with me, and I'm trying to let you know your child is not a nonsense. Maybe you're the one that is musty. Maybe you and your wife or musty. My child is not musty. I keep telling you that I based him every night. Which part of that don't you understand? I understand everything that you're saying. How maybe it's the soap, maybe something that is not taking effect. I'm not sure. Okay, maybe he doesn't smell, because I don't know what child you're not smelling. You're not using there on my child. Do I need to come down there for you with the cops and shoe your entire establishment. You don't want that to happen staying away from my child? Are you crazy? You know? Man of fact? Wres my son? Man? Your son is fine. Your son is in there with the rest of the kids. They're playing. You know, today is the first day I sprayed a little bit of mel theodor and under how that works. You look, Cheryl, can you come up for me for a couple of minutes. I'm I'm right now. I'll be there within the hour. Because you must be crazy. GI mean you sprayed my son spam. I just sprayed a little bit of the odor and on him, just to see if we can get the condition to do that. And I keep telling you, I said, there's nothing wrong with my child, and you took it up on here chalc to go and spray my child and you weren't about to do that. You think I'm right now? Okay, well, what are you coming here for? The boy is you're the son of the leak? Is fine? Why are you coming here? I ain't curling that fine? If you've gone around spread, how don't you space because clearly you're smelling and riaking and funky as hell. I didn't give you no I'm I promise you. I promise you, but I'm a SuperH y'all because you were crazy. Okay, let me say this man. Your son is Musty. He's been king for the US Musty. You know what, I didn't even try to hear you because you're you're you're clearly crazy. How are you going on spraining people's kids? Hello, it's my child. Did you smell the other kids? You know what? I'm about to get in my car coming down there for your because you must be crazy? Hello? Hello, Hello? Why did you hang up on me? I'm trying to fix the problem. Man one. I told you that I'm coming down there. I'll be there in ten minutes once, but I needed to let you know one more thing that's going on here? How could you possibly let me know? Because I'm on my waist right now? Where are you? Are you in your car? Where are you? I am heading to my car, not to get in my car to come down, definitely, because you must be crazy spraining my child. Before you get to your car, I need I need to tell you one more thing about your side. Okay, please, you possibly have to tell me. I want to tell you that is Listen to me. This is nephew. Tell me to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend Sheryl got me to play FA call you master. I'm standing here in the park. A lot about can come down. Never never exactly what I was about. I'm gonna get her. I don't get it because I'm nigga. I know my child musty. I know my child is clean and you don't smell. I amna get her. I just talked to right here in a kill because you gotta call her right now. I said, okay, just chill out, I'll call her. Weet her. You know know is Molik license clean. Milik is always nice and clean and smelling light. So I don't know what the hell you were talking about. I was like, not my child. You talk the wrong child. You are about to get it. You don't even know. Oh Manana, you gotta tell me one more thing. But what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lake, the one and only Steve Hart running a shower? It goes out to all the musty kids out there, not a shout out. Parents know who you are. Your parents know exactly who you are. You must that's it. You just you just must stay. Okay, I'm gonna leave it. Catch me. Let's see what's first aper second a per second? Ready to Love Baby. That's season four getting ready to jump off. You don't want to miss it on the own network Friday night, April second, nine, eighth Central. Make sure you tune in and catch your boy all new season. Ready to love Houston, Texas. One more round in Houston and guess what, who knows where the next season would be? Stay tuned? Okay, all right, well, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're talking to the Steve Harvey Nation right now. We need your attention, Steve Harvey Nation. We still have work to do. Okay, We're inviting you to join our forever first Lady Michelle Obama, along with Tom Hanks, to Ry G. P Henson, Tracy Ellis, Ross, Chris Paul Kerry Washington, John Legend, Janelle Money Common, Steph Curry, Shonda Rhimes, Issa Ray, and many many more. They've all published an open letter calling on all Americans to take action by calling, emailing, and tweeting their senators in support for the For the People Act. Okay, it's a landmark bill. It's most critical civil rights legislation since the civil rights movement. For the People Act will expand voter registration and online voter registration. It will mandate two weeks of early voting for federal elections. It will make election Day a national holiday and restore the voting rights of convicted felons. The bill is currently in the Senate right now after being passed by the House. So there you have it. We have a lot of work to do. We need to call email all that, right, everything, yes, everything we can do that is within our power. Who can we get on the show to talk about this? It's warning behind it is a stay abriams. We need somebody who has impact in our community. Right, don't call here and don't nobody know you or care what you think. Don't be new to the calls. It's what I'm saying now. You know, we turn down people that's brand new to the calls, who are bandwagon politicians and bandwagon activists who find something new and hot and trying to build a name. We're not build We don't build names on this show. If you're Tamikamer, somebody like that Sean King that's been out there stomping and working hard, you're welcome, you know, Earl Pattison and all this. Professor Riley, No, no, no, you're not coming up talking Well, the further people act Steve is a set of legislative reforms to ensure that our democracy works for everyone. So we want you to go to when we all vote dot org. When we all vote dot org. Yes, that website is still up and it will be up. Go to when we All vote dot org to contact your senator today staying and woke people. They're trying. You know, you are listen this thing where they have to revote every so often on voting rights acts for black people. It's ridiculous. Yeah, it's rediculous. And do you know that there are senators and people who vote against it. This thing we are now, we are now a powerful voting block and reproved it this past election. We're not giving you that back. No, you're not going to vote to suppress us and come up with no new laws because because we see you coming now, we gonna get ahead of you. And if you support these bills in two years when the senators up again, listen to me, you will not be around actually and we will see to it. Yeah next year next Yeah. I went on the website when we All Vote dot org. There is a link right there. It's so easy. Just fell out the information that takes you to submit to your senator. Y'all. We have to stay woke. I'm telling you we can do this. They trying to backdoors y'all. Yeah, when we all vote dot org and get to your senter and let's past his People's Act for the people. Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much, and good morning everybody. Authorities and Boulder, Colorado said that the man suspected of gunning down ten people in the supermarket on Monday is being charged with ten counts of first degree murder one count of attempted murder. Officials say Ahmad al Alawi Alzi was born in Syria, but he was raised in the US. He purchased his gun, they say, less than a week before he used it. Boulder Police Chief Marris Harold announced the name of the victims, all of whom were white. Denny Strong twenty years old, Nevin Stadinsky twenty three, Ricky Ods twenty five, Trelona Barkonovyak forty nine, Suzanne Fountain fifty nine, Terry Laker Officer, Eric Tally fifty one, Kevin Mahoney sixty one, Lynn Murray sixty two, Jody Waters sixty five. By the way, Colorado has been the scene of some of the nation's worst mass shootings, including the one at Columbine House High School remember that in nineteen ninety nine where two students killed twelve calass mates and a teacher before taking their own lives. And then there was the massacre of twelve people inside a movie theater in Aurora, Carlovado for was a Batman opening. Meanwhile, Senate Democrats say they're pushing for a vote on a new and expanded gun control measure to try and again. In the wake of the second mass shooting in a week, President Biden says, what's the hold up? I don't need to wait another minute, let alone an hour to take common sense steps I'll save the lives in the future, and to urge my colleagues in the House and Senate to act. We can ban assault weapons and high capacity magazines in this country once again. Mister Biden is referring to the national band and assault style weapons that lapsed in two and four. Prosecutors say that the two alleged members of the racist Proud Boys group have pled not guilty to conspiracy and other charges in connection with the Capitol Hill riot. The two men amongst several alleged members of that extremist group charge in connection with January's insurrection. Authorities say they accused Ethan Ordain and Joseph Biggs trying to disrupt Congress's certification of Joe Biden's presidential wind, coordinating with other Proud Boys and Win to meet and how to storm up the Capitol. The huge Trump loving, COVID denying state of Texas has become the most populous state in the nation to make coronavirus vaccinations available now for all adults who want one, starting on Monday. And finally, the late rapper Big Pond received his props this week. The corner of the Grand Concourse and Ford and Road in New York's Bronx neighborhood named for him this week. It's now called Big Pond Plaza. And it makes no difference if you're Morena like me, Morena Bodycot's all good. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, it's Wellness Wednesday, and it's also been one year since Lockdown. Did you lose your stay at home weight? Yet? The Code fifteen people in the United States got gained an average of one point five pounds that is, one and a half pounds per month during the pandemic related lockdown, According to a study published yesterday by a JAMA Network. Open participants in thirty seven states and Washington, DC monitor between February first and June first last year, added on average about point six pounds of body weight every ten days after shelter in place orders were implemented and implement it in their areas. The data showed. So I gotta ask you, guys, this, are you still trying to lose weight you gained and stay at home lockdown from a year ago? What do you say? Oh? Yes, that and then something that was there before that, before pre COVID got up to you. Man, It's it's harder, junior. You got to two ten. Yeah, that's why I have to go get in the gym, man, I go to bathroom, stomach, my stomach, get the album before I walk in, before I even see me my stomach. Dog, I ain't gonna lie to you. Dog. At my age, it's increasingly harder to lose weight as you age. It really is. And what I've discovered is that's why I wear this T shirt all the time because I keep reminding myself to age less and to think about eating so I can age less. Workout now, I don't enjoy working out. I do not like working out. No parts of it, none of me. I don't like you. No, don't know that, man, I don't. I don't know what part of it is too. Like I like the atching at the beginning. After that, I'm ready to go. Yeah, I've been walking every day, y'all. Walking is goody. Yes, you don't have to run. That's what people think. I'm gonna get out here and run. Listen, man, if you haven't ran in a while, don't go out there and try to run. No, I'm not even that's shocking. Yes, you don't know what you're gonna do to your body, your shins, please, your calves, your knees, your ankles, your bottom of your feet. You're gonna have a misunderstand it. Yeah, start with walking, and you don't really have to do it. You don't have to run to get in shape. No, if you're not a runner, you just ain't the time to start. Yeah. Active, Yeah, do something, do something, walk whatever you can do. Yeah, because we see with this pandemic chronic disease and sex is an exercise in case y'all need to just get a game at it and get a workout here today by saying surely, go ahead. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have a quick round of Ask the CLO right after this. You're listening to show all right, guys, it's time now for a quick round of Ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is in the building. This one is from Garland in Pittsburgh. Garland, that's a name for you. Steve Garland says, I do basketball clinics with up and coming ball players, and I charged by the hour. One of my good buddy's sixteen year old son was training with me, but he stopped coming after my buddy lost his job. I offered to train him for free, but my buddy was too proud for that. His son called and said he was coming back to training and he'd pay me. He gave me cash, and I noticed a roll of twenties in the gym bag. I was at a loss for words. Am I supposed to tell my buddy about this first? Or is it okay to ask the boy about it? Asked his boy, But you gotta roll the twenties. We know what's happened. Everybody know what twenty Yeah, amen, but I would I would talk to your buddy too, man. I mean, you know you got to help Parry, you know, h Yeah, you got this point, go to prison. I can pay you. No roll the twenties in your gym bag. Yeah, showed up and said he could pay. And I saw a roll of twenties in the jim bag. You might want to talk to your son, period. Yeah, this ain't the time to be you ain't. This ain't your friend right right right? It takes a village. It takes all of us to save. Yeah, absolutely it does. All right, we're moving on. A year ago. This is from Beverly and Little Rocket. Year ago, I met a man that can sing his behind off. He was very romantic and he swept me off his feet. He moved in with me after four months of dating, and a few months later he landed a great job. During backup Vocal was on an album. He was making money and he started feeling himself. One Friday, he got his check and left the house and never came back. I noticed his clothes were gone, and he changed his number. Well, his checks still come to my house? Do I try to find them? Do I try to find him? Or throw them away? Well, throwing him away don't help nobody. You know, I know you're mad, But throwing away money, what do that accomplish? You know? So don't you know I'd say, hey, your checks is over here, but he changed his number. She can't get in touch with him. Oh well, just hold on to the checks. He gonna show him. Oh tell something, ain't nobody forgot about? No damn money, No not no dude, Yeah, because he's gonna be wondering where him checks. That just just hold on to the checks and you'll be able to get a couple of she answered. Or you cut a deal. I got your checks, you know, commit thousand dollars, I'll give them to you. You know you're doing good, something like that. Or you know you can't stand on the porch and you can open the curtain and they didn't want you set the checks on five? Yes, come on, yes, yes, good answers. Yes, I'm on cloak. Well you know when you say something ignorant? All right, Quentin and Memphis says, I'm thirty nine and my girlfriend is thirty six, and she has bought me a ring and is planning to propose to me. She can fide it in my mother, and my mom gave me the heads up because I've told my mother that I love this woman, but she's not my soul mate. I certainly don't want to marry her or cause her embarrassment at this engagement party she's planned for us. How do I break it to her beforehand without breaking her heart into Well, what you gotta do is say, look, I was talking to my mom and my mom told me what you was playing, and don't do that because I don't see a future with you. Show you just said he didn't want to break her heart. Okay, what you're gonna do. You're gonna marry her because the only way not to break her heart is to let her go through with her plans. So here's your choice. You can break her heart or you can ruin her life. I think she would pick the broken heart. And oh, by the way, not to mention you've been to throw a big section of yours out of the window. Two. She ain't your soul mate. What you're marrying a fault, but you you love her, but you don't want to break her heart. Yeah you all right? We all been in love with the wrong person. That ain't nothing new. Who ain't who he ain't been in love with the wrong person? Coming up next, I thank you Cello the nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject she wants to be the man of the house. But right now we're talking to the nephew about his prank phone call. We'll get to the strawberry letter in just a bit, but nephew, what do you have for us today? Please? It's trying to put some focus on my refrigerator. My refrigerator. Okay, okay, sounds pretty simple. Let's go get down. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach up mister. Please. This is Jackson. I'm the driver, man, I'm actually the delivery guy that's bringing you refrigerator over the day. Okay, what's going on? Okay, listen, I know we had a window that was from eight to twelve this morning eleven thirty now, so we run a little bit behind schedule. Man. We had some problems at the yard getting everything loaded up. Man, come on, man, you killing man, I can't, y'all. So y'all running behind. We're a little bit behind schedule. Man, we're gonna have we we'll beat up somewhere between twelve and four. Oh, come on, man, y'all know to do better than that, now, Man, I understand, sir, I understand. Actually it's it's act. I got a man, I got all my food in here and this and coolers and stuff. Man, I got everywhere. I man, So I mean, what's what's what's going on? Y'all ain't got the refrigerator. I'm trying to figure out. No, No, we loaded up. You know, we just had some problems. I think one of the fourth limps went out, and you know, it kind of pushed us back. So that four hour wind that we had from eight to twelve, man just got ruined. And now we're pushing things from our twelve to four. So between twelve and four, man, we would definitely be there. Man, y'all don't have to be brothers and man, it's all I spoke to them yesterday. Actually, the warehouse supervisor he's actually out today. He's not here he's not here. Yeah, man, Yeah, I'm supposed work here one you said, y'all gonna be hereuntil in between twelve and four. I'm supposed to do it, work in we want to Clark, I understand it, man, I greatly apologize. Man, this rarely happens, and it just so happened this morning. The fork Lymph was down and we had a lot of stuff to load up. You know, we got I got ten refrigerators on this truck, man, and one of them is definitely yours, sir. So I'm definitely gonna be getting into you as soon as I can't, man, y'all. So so man, yea, I'm pushing it. I'm supposed to do work. And then I scheduled everything, yes, around this, because I'm supposed to. You know, I gotta have a refrigerator hand on my food and stuff and in the kitchen and whatnot. The refrigerator went out. Did the refrigerator went out? Is that what happened? Yeah, it's very so did. I mean I hadn't had it for quite some times, which you know, so it's just amount of time for we'll go out. So I try to even get a newes, you know, right, that's why. Well, now I can scared you. I can scaredu you next week sometime if you want me to. I mean, I can't. I can't afford that we're gonna pay for this food that I got to hear all over the floor to me. Let me get the hustler. Man. See if I can move as quick as I can. But twelve and four is the window. Man. Like I said, I apologize, miss, but we'll be that man. We're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna be that what you're refrigerated day? Okay? Okay, So so when you when you on your way, how about I want you to call me and let me know that you on your way so I know what's going on. We don't know. We don't know him to call when we're on our way. We just come on in and get some things set up. What do you mean you don't call not? You just called me just now, didn't. Yeah? Yeah, like I said, the problem is on us, man, I give you a call when we're in a round. Okay, okay, I appreciate this. Now you said twere you said between twelve and four? Now, ye, yes, sir, tween twelve and four we definitely be that we got you on the truck man. Okay, don't want I don't want to know, miss man. No, no, we got you, We got you. We'll see you a minute. Man, all right, they care Hello miss This is Jackson again, the delivery guy man with refrigerator. Well, yeah, listen, listen, battis man. We run into a few more problems here. Man. It looks like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator out till tomorrow. Sometimes you said, you said, what we run into a few more problems, man, And it's like we're probably not gonna get that refrigerator to the marrow into a few more problems, a few more problems like one s we got some problems with some um some more delivers we got just with all the delivers we got it. Just don't seeing we're gonna make it on your side of town to bear to get this thing taken. You're not gonna make it on my side of town? What kind is that? You? You you decide you want to take my money when I pay for when I paid for it, but you're gonna tell me you don't and you ain't gonna make it on my side of town. Well, well, we can definitely get out there to morrow. Man, we definitely can get out there the mar I can't. I can't hand them out to out here to morrow. I got chicken and beef and uh and man briscited all over here in my cloakes. And you go tell them you can't make it in You're just the mar What is that? Huh? You You ain't got no answers for me on that. I understand. No, No, I don't. I don't think you understand. So because I got sitting, I got food and ice and city in here and coolers all over the floor of my kitchen. You're gonna tell me that I did just you can't make it in here to the marrow with with with refrigerator here, because because you you you you you yelling on the back of ram yesterday where that is? I know you're spoke. I told him yesterday I had to have my work at one o'clock. I told him that I've seen that you gotta refigerated your own time because I gotta grass at work. Well, I said, I don't talk to you more like I said, sir, not working today, He's not he's not in the day in charge. Well, actually the lady name one that's actually in charge when Larry leaves. But uh, I don't even know if I saw mom. But but you reggive you what of y'all doing over there? Now? I did? We're gonna have it there. It was I took out my job for y'all had a refrigerator. I'm here there at home, and now you called me back, and so all I can tell you is we're gonna be there tomorrow. Okay, I'm not gonna go back and forth. You know, you know what you and refrigerator. Sorry, y'all you took that refrigerator, so you think the refigerator U. I don't want to know more. I'm going around from this school in my neighbor refrigerator, and I'm gonna go give me another from somewhere else because you playing around ain't got time for your men, sir. I don't know if I don't know if that's refundable. You know what you mean? You know that is refund When you got time, you're gonna take my money and you're gonna tell me that I can't have my money back. You can't get my frigerated on your own time, sir. Listen there's one more thing I need to talk to say to me because I want okay, but I have one more thing I need to tell you. Okay, are you listening? This will probably help everything. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harby Morean to show you just got pranked by your wife. You know what, I'm gonna fix her. So but when they have like frigerator, that's what I want to know. I tell you what. They showed up. The refrigerator showed so they can put it. Give it till man Frank King of Frank up like, hey man, he wasn't having none of them, none of this blank y'all doing over there. You ragged a blank blank blank you me. I ain't gonna get my money back. I gave you my money. You ain't got no frigerate. I ain't getting my money back. I've been taking my food down my neighbors. How I put it up in there? Man, I'm gonna give me another refrigerator. You take that refrigerator you've gotten, stick it up in your He got a whole, he got it worked out. No, he died though. He got them coolers in the kitchen. Man, he got chicken sitting there, young hacking ass. You're getting on my nerves with this here. Man, who you think you're talking to? I have told you I got all this food in there, cool alers. I saw all the kitchen float food in him. Y'all told me y'all going, But I told you to be about level o' clock. I don't got one job. My ask got to go work. Man. Oh man, that was a girl, right. I ain't gonna be able to call you before we come to hell. You mean you can't call me for me? You don't call me just now, didn't you? Yeah, we don't really call nobody before we came. What the hell you mean you're don't call him? But you didn't call me just now, didn't you? Nobody? Stupid? Ain't nobody? It was funny. I might be just as stupid, y'all. April sixteen through the eighteen at the start, John Burmaham, Alabama. The Nephews coming to town, grabbing that microphone. Yes I am. April sixteenth through the eighteen five show. It is Magic City Weekend. You're coming to watch the ball game. I'm gonna beat here. Come see your boy gets some tickets they don't sell I'm gonna be stupid. If nothing else, I promise you didn't. Ignoran is on the way. Say that. That's one thing I just promised me. You will be funny. I don't even know stupid. Be funny as stupid. Say that, then give him something for stupid. For stupid to work. Stupid, stupid, you're serious. I'm ready to love though, nephew, you are, Thank you, Thank you. Nas. Coming up, it's the Strawberry Letters. She wants to be the Man of the House. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, we want to say one more time, attention Steve Harvey, Nation, please join our forever first Lady Michelle Obama and the fight for the Senate to pass the Four the People Act. Okay, The Four the People Act incorporates key measures that are urgently needed, including automatic voter registration and other steps to modernize modernize our elections, and a national guarantee of free and fair elections without voter suppression. All right, go to when we all vote, or to contact your senator today. That's right. To contact your senator. They need to know what's on your mind. We want you to stay woke. Our work is certainly not done. We are not finished. We are not finished. We gotta continue next year. It's going to be the midterm, so we gotta do what we do. Yeah, we got a surprise for the right. We have a surprise for you. If you think we were just doing this once, you sadly mistaken. We're here for elbow yea, yeah, we Finns show you something. All right, we're gonna switch gears here and because it's time for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Thank your Nephew. Subject she wants to be the man of the house. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm thirty eight and I married my beautiful wife five years ago. We both have great jobs, and we bought a big house for our family. When we got married. She came with three kids and her nephew that she's raising for her sister, no problem. I did not have children and I loved being a father. All of a sudden, I have a job that involves a lot of travel, and for the past year I've been out working overseas and I came home as much as possible, but with the pandemic, it was challenging to get back home. That ended four months ago, and I'm back home for good. Since I got back home, I'm beginning to hate my life and my wife. She has become a very controlling person, and it's all because I left her alone for so long. I had this job when we met, and she knew what it entailed, so I was surprised by her attitude when I got home. Has given me an ultimatum to get rid of any female friends that I have, even if she's cool with them. Every weekend, she has a honey do list for me, so if I want to hang out with my boys, that's out. She keeps telling me that I have a lot of things to take care of around the house since I have been gone so long. She goes through my phone when I'm asleep, and it's not a problem because I leave it right there. If she wants to go through it. I have nothing to hide. Sex is always at her command, and she determines when it's over. I tried to discipline the kids and she always tells me I got it, So I let her have that and everything else she wants to control. I want to go back to the country I was living in last year. How can I get my loving wife back? Well, I gotta. This is what I see in this letter. I see that you, sir, are selfish, and you're a little whiny, and you and your wife, I mean, and your wife and I are not here for it is people change, situations change, and they're supposed to change. You've been gone, like you said, a whole year. You came back expecting things to be just like you left them. No, that's not the way life works. I mean, have you ever considered for a moment, how what she's been going through over here by herself. I mean, that's why she's so upset with you. Yes, she knew what kind of job you had initially, but that was five years ago, and you were gone for a very long time. She had to step way up. And may I remind you that she was alone raising four kids while she was still working. She was for all intents and purposes, she was the man of the house. Okay, And it sounds like she doesn't trust you anymore. What happened while you were away all that time? You didn't cheat overseas? I know it's not in the letter, but I gotta ask you didn't cheat overseas, not one time. I mean, you know, come on, you could tell Steve and I you could tell us if you did. You didn't put it in a letter. She doesn't want you around any females anymore. She goes through your phone. Something has caused her to change. To get her back, what I can tell you is you got to try harder. I mean, you guys have got to reconnect. I mean, where's the romance? Have you tried that? You didn't mention any of that. You just came back wanting things to be like they were. I mean, where's a consideration for what she's been going through? I think you should think about that while you're complaining about what your wife isn't doing. Steve, Well, she wants to be the man at the house. I see a couple of things wrong. I see wrong in both parties myself. She's thirty eight, you married. He's thirty eight, married to the beautiful wife five years ago, great jobs, bought a big house, got married. She came with three kids and her nephew. She was raising forces to guy said, no problem, said, I didn't have children. I live being a all of a sudden, got a job that travels him allot for the past year, been out the overseas working. Came home as much as possible with the pandemic, it was challenging to get back home. That ended four months ago, and I'm back home for good. Now since he came back home, I'm beginning to hate. I'm beginning to hate my life and my wife. Now you're gonna tell me why, But I'm gonna tell you why. She has become very controlling person. Well she hasn't. She had to be because she was in charge of everything. She had to take control with the four kids. Okay, and it's all because I left her alone for so long. Ta Okay, do you understand, bro, I had this job when we met, and she knew what it entailed. She had no idea you would be gone this long. She had no idea that would be a pandemic. She had no idea you wouldn't going to be able to come home for Hold on, Steve, hold that thought. Okay, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry letter, subject she wants to be the man of the house. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject she wants to be the man of the house. See, this guy married this beautiful woman, been married five years. She came with four kids. He loved being a father. They had great jobs, they bought a big house, they moved in. Everything was great. He has a job that he travels a lot. So that was it. The pandemic hit. It was hard for him to come from overseas. He's been overseas for a whole year, and now when he came back, he hates his life and his wife because he says that this woman has become controlling and it's all because I left her alone for so long. Well, you have your answer right there, sir. I mean she's been in charge of everything for a year. And then you said I had this job when we met, and she knew what it didn't tailed. Well, that's not entirely true. She may have known what the job entailed, but she did not know what the pandemic would entell, as did none of us. No one saw this coming. No, she didn't know that you couldn't come back home. But a couple of times in the past year, she didn't know that she was gonna miss her husband. The pandemic had them kids at home too, They couldn't go to school. So now she at home, she probably working for home. She got them four kids at home. That's a lot dug So then she gave you an ultimatum to get rid of any female friends that I have, even if she's cool with them. Now that came out of nowhere, So I'm going to as soon. Don't nothing just come out of nowhere. You have some female friends. That takes up whatever little bit of time you have to make up for being gone so long. And now you're sitting up on the phone talking to these girls. And you've been gone all this time, and ain't no telling what conversations you had with him while you was gone. On Like Sherley said, what you're doing. You've been gone a year? Dog, Come on Pardner, let's get see in the pandemic. So now she told you you gotta get altimated. You gotta get rid of all the female friends out there, even if she's cool with them. You're thirty eight, you're married, you're a father. I don't even see how you got time for female friends, which are taking up time that you would have to devote to your family. Since you've been gone every weekend, she got a honey dude list for me. So if I want to hang out with my boys women women do? You've been gone for a year, you're back. You got the female friends. You don't really want, want to give them up? Now you want you want? You don't want, no honeydo lists. You don't want nothing to do. She'd been doing all year with the kids. You got a honey du list on the weekend, and you want to hang out with your boys, partner, Come on, man, it's time for her to get a break. See you're coming home wanting breaks, but you really be trying to find need to be trying to find a way to give her a break. You could save your marriage if you would take some time out to give her a break. She keeps telling me, I have a lot of things to take care of around the house since I've been gone so long that that sounds like truth. She goes through my phone when I'm asleep, and it's not a problem because I leave it right there. If she wants to go through it, I have nothing to hide. Well, she found something before. Ain't a woman just suspiciously going through your phone without being suspicious? Partners, something happened that you ain't putting in the letter? All right? Sex is always at her command, and she determines when it's over. Now, ain't that always the case? Don't that's that's bro, We're done here. They do determine when it's over. You do realize that? Stop? Uh stay over it. I don't want I'm tired. Catch me in the morning. Okay, yeah, bro, So I don't know why you put that in the letter. It ain't a man know where going? I feel you, dog. I tried to discipline the kids and she always tells me I got it. So I let her have that everything else she wants and everything else she wants to control. Now here's the key to the letter. I want to go back to the country I was living in last year. See, wasn't all these problems over there, but now she was over here catching hell with the four kids, bro, And you don't really see that. How can I get my loving wife back? Well, the only way I think you can get her back has become the loving husband. Because right now, man, I was trying to be on your side a little bit dull. But tomorrow read this letter. You got to really you got to come in here and make her for lost time. Now she has changed, but the pandemic changed her. The little wild sex kidding you had and all that had to be a mother at the house, home school and at the house and working from the house. The pandemic ate ups ate up a lot of relationships, dog the family dynamics change. They are all home now. Now you're back, and you want to sit on the phone with the girls and hang out with your boys. She's gotten used to handling everything. She's been doing it for a year. She got a system in place. Now now you have things you have to get back to. You gotta get you. You gotta get a lot of up keep back with the kids in the house. You got to gain her trust back. And if you don't want to put the work in, brother, then this marriage is over. Yeah, and now let me tell you what's gonna happen. She's gonna have some proof and all this money you're making oversees them two good jobs. She's finna get half that. You do, understand that. So you can get your loving wife back if you get back to being who you supposed to be. Dog. And I hate to dump this on your playoff, but really that's what it sounded like in this letter. Good luck. All right, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demandable you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior is here with sports Talk. What you got Junior? First of all, can we just say congratulations to the Rockets for winning a game. We want to just say that for them. Yeah, twenty straight losses, we're proud of y'all. Wait, welcome to March. Welcome Dame won again, says February fourth. Wow. Yeah. So, but also fans were looking forward to Mike Tyson and Evan the hold of Field whatever fight. Then it's not gonna happen. It's been canceled. Good. Yeah, it's been canceled. Man. It was really scheduled to take place during the Mother Day weekend at the hard Rock Stadium in Miami Gardens to Florida. But twenty five million apparently wasn't enough for Mike Tyson to return to the ring, and according to holy Fields camp, there were intense negotiations for months and he just said we were we're negotiating with good faith all along. It appears he just ended up wasting our time, so Holy Fields manager Chris Lauren said meanwhile, and another source that Mike Tyson and even originally agreed to split the prophets fifty fifty, but Tyson wanted more money. So yeah, hopefully there's uh, there's some, there's some you know, there's some hope for a future fight. But twenty five get hurt. Let's let's get hurt for twenty five million times. Why you wouldn't get hurt for twenty five I would? But you you gonna want to be Mike Tyson hurt. You don't get to enjoy your twenty five million. Yeah, you know, hard to have a good time when your nose ain't on your face. You got twenty five million, but you got people feeding. It ain't good. Yeah, it's not worth it. It's not it's not not twenty five ain't worth doing that, you know, I don't. I don't think that. First of all, it wouldn't have been a really good fight because you've seen the best of them. But it would have been interesting. Mike, Mike, don't care about money like that, no more. That's the difference. Yeah, got we need money. Yes, I'm fighting. I'm fighting anybody for twenty five millions, would you fight? Would you fight Timing? Would you fight Time? Twenty five dog? Tim mass behind? For twenty five million, you're gonna get I know you're quicker than me and all that, But for twenty five million, you're not gonna blue leave am my old ass gonna put forth? How many? How many rounds you think you could really go? Man? Two minute? Man? Oh, you gotta do too many. You don't want too many two minutes? Two minutes? Them them fights is two minute rounds. Yeah. I can do about to two minute rounds. I'm talking about the time. I can look sharp for about seventy eighty seconds, shop on my toes, everything everything. Nice job fight yeah right that second round? No, dog, you're gonna look like a whole nother fight out. All right, Thanks Junior. Uh, we'll be back with more of the Sea Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, guys, hip hop artist Sweetie and Quavo from Amigos are no longer together. I think everybody knows that by now. And now, Yeah, you're you're broken up about it, aren't you? You're heartbroken. Sweetie is insinuating that he cheated on her, and according to him, she's not the woman he thought she was while there Heaven. Rumors circulating about the car he gave to her that he'd repossessed the Bentley in the wake of their public split. Those rumors are not true. Sources directly connected to Quevo said it didn't happen. The word on the street was that he'd sent the repo man out to Sweetie's house in the wee hours of the morning to take the car back. He'd supposedly leased it and never put it in her name, and the deal he struck with the dealership allowed him to end the contract early. While that story sounds likely, it's not true. So here's some question, guys, here's a question for the guys. Have you ever taken a gift back after a breakup? Junior? Starting with you, Oh no, I had no money, no gift for you I had. I just had to leave, that's all I You didn't take it back? Yeah, yeah, I took myself out of that situation. And no, I couldn't. I didn't have the money. Then, all right, all right, okay, Steve. Have you ever taken a gift back after a break up? Oh no, I couldn't. What do you mean you couldn't? Now, I had to stay clear once I break up. It's pretty ugly. So I got what you got? Yeah you got. I don't get what you had. You had, you have all that. I gave away houses before. I don't let alane a purse. I wish I would be asking you for that shoe back. I got to get clear, dog, I didn't let houses gone. I ain't got a chance of Yeah, I don't got a chance of getting nothing back mon relationship. I don't even give it there or you want some money here now a matter of fact, I hadn't paid to get out of relationship get give gifts back. I paid money to lawyers and government and all types of stuff to get out of the stuff I've been in. No, no, no, no, no no, clearly I've never gotten anything back. I paid to get ghosts. Okay, I already no, look at I cut my losses. I know what it is. If I buy you something that's yours, ain't no problem. And if you don't want to leave, I buy you something else. All right, here we go? Uh nephew, have you ever taken a gift back after a breakup? I tried to take a gift back, but I couldn't do it. It was gonna cost me more money to take it back. Then when I bought it what it was, I bought some breasts. I bought some thirty six double d's and couldn't you know that's about what I think right up in there. I couldn't get that back. Cast wave more money to uh take them back in order for what I paid for it. So yeah, they're still walking around with what I didn't bought a little Oh I damn, show, how did it go? What did you say? I want my breast back? That's what I want. I want my breast back. I bought them their mind because the thought of her being with another man with my breast. Uh huh huh. I kind of feel you on that one. Uh huh you. I mean, surely when you look at the big picture, you over there with Darkneill and my breast. Oh no, So you've been salty about that for a while, every since I spent that money. H Steve, did you know your nephew had Uh? Did you know this about your nephews and the breath? Yeah? But I explained, what did you tell? What did you do with you belong to that person? You can't get that back. They don't take it out and hand you the silicone. I wanted to don't get him on my wall. I wanted my own breath. You don't get that. I tried to tell him that, But that's his problem. Though. Everything he give and do is be for He wants something in return, and I understand that. I don't even breath no mo just because of that. More up Today's trending stories coming up on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending making money moves news on the NBA Legend, Lebron James has just signed a new multi year endorsement with pets Coo, leaving Coca Cola in the cold after a seventeen year run with that company. I didn't know what happened that long he did. He was with cocon Sprite, same thing he did write, Yeah, but I you know, it was seventeen years. Of course, there were hints of this new deal back in January of this year, when he has already been promoting Mountain Dew Rise, Pepsi's new Mountain Dew energy drink. But the questions are answered and King James will be joined by other wellness influencers and athletes and cheering Mountain Dew Rise, which is supposed to have a caffeine content of two cups of coffee with other vitamins and such. Coca Cola doesn't seem to be too broken up about it and acknowledging the split. They're saying it is mutual. What else? Yeah, what else can they? Right? Well, I'm gonna tell you right now. They are broken up about it because leaving Coca Cola is one thing. Leaving to go to PepsiCo that's a whole another thing. That's your only competitor, Yeah, your competitor Yeah, that's their only Ain't nobody in the class with Coca Cola except PepsiCo. They spend money in a different way, but Cola is a huge brand, many a huge brandy. All right, well, congratulations Lebron. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this, Banta, ain't even you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, it's time now for a quick round of Ask the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey is in the building. This one is from Garland in Pittsburgh. Garland, that's the name for you. Steve Garland says. I do basketball clinics with up and coming ball players, and I charged by the hour. One of my good buddy's sixteen year old son was training with me, but he stopped coming after my buddy lost his job. I offered to train him for free, but my buddy was too proud for that. His son called and said he was coming back to training and he'd pay me. He gave me cash, and I noticed a roll of twenties in his gym bag. I was at a loss for words. Am I supposed to tell my buddy about this first? Or is it okay to ask the boy about it? Well, you're better asked this boy. But you gotta roll the twenties. We know what's happened. Oh yeah, everybody know what twenty Amen. But I would, I would. I would talk to your buddy too, man. I mean, you know you got to help parents, you know. M Yeah, you got this point, go to prison. I can pay you. No roll the twenties in your gim bag. Yeah, An showed up and said he could pay. And I saw a roll of twenties in the jim bag. You might want to talk to your son, period. Yeah, this ain't the time to be you. Ain't this ain't your friend right right? Right? Takes all it takes all of us to save you. Yeah, absolutely it does. All right. We're moving on. A year ago. This is from Beverly and Little Rocket. Year ago. I met a man that can sing his behind off. He was very romantic, and he swept me off his feet. He moved in with me after four months of dating, and a few months later he landed a great job doing backup vocals on an album. He was making money, and he started feeling himself. One Friday, he got his check and left the house and never came back. I noticed his clothes were gone and he changed his number. Well, his checks still come to my house. Do I try to find them? Do I try to find him? Or throw them away? Well, throwing him away don't help nobody. I know you're mad, but throwing away money, what do that accomplish? You know? So, don't you know I'd say, hey, your checks is over here, but he changed his number. She can't get in touch with him. Oh well, just hold on to the checks. Oh I ain't nobody forgot about no damn money. Not no dude, Yeah, because he gonna be wondering where him checks. That Just just hold on to the checks and you'll be able to get a couple of questions answered. Or you cut a deal. I got your checks, you know, commit thousand dollars, I give them to you. You know he's doing good, something like that. Or you know you can't stand on the porch and you can open the curtain and they didn't want you set the checks on five? Yes, come on, ye, yeah, yeah, good answer. Yes, I'm on close coming up. It is our last break of the day and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening Morning show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Wednesday hump day, midweek, Yeah, midweek. Yeah, what's on your mind, Steve? I don't you know, I'm really good. You know, I'm looking at our country and I watch how we are now ted crews. After the Boulder shooting. He made another statement. Man, he is just that dude. Here we go after every mass shooting. We have this conversation that we need to do something, but nothing we're proposing to do is gonna stop these mass motive murders. He's such a liar. Nothing that nothing that they would agree to do could stop these mass murders. This doesn't happen in certain countries because you can't own these types of weapons in certain countries. They are banned. You cannot sell them, you cannot bring them in. Yeah, this is all about money. It's as simple as that. And that these parts politicians have proven in this last election and the support of Donald Trump, that what's important to these politicians nothing is bigger than their money and their power, and in order to get the money in their power, they have to maintain the position. So they're never going to get rid of these gun laws until we get rid of them. See now, the NRA is the biggest funder to the Republican Party, and they put money behind these candidates, and these Republican candidates that don't support the Second Amendment, they withdraw their funding. So they're going to do it. And it's a sad thing, man, that they're willing to sacrifice so many lives and not care. They genuinely do not care, because they care more about their position, power, and money than they do the lives of innocent people. This country is so free that we are freely destroying ourselves. You know, this bowlder shooting guy, they walk him out in handcuffs with blood running down his leg. He took his vest off and everything in shirt and they walked him out. That don't happen to black people. You know. We look at the way this country is, and what I'm getting more and more sick of is the Republican Party and their senators and the people who backed them, because they really don't care about other people. They care about themselves too, because they put people in there who only care about themselves. And I'm sick of not saying it, because if you vote for these people, it's because you believe in the policies of these people. And if you re elect these people, you heard what they said and you must be okay with it. And it just bears true with the fight that Donald Trump put up this election. They believe what he says to be true. And seventy two million people voted for him. You heard everything he said. You heard it, the misslum Band, the killing, the Docker program, the wall, the anti gay rhetoric, all of this stuff right here. All of this. You talk about physically disabled people, you talk about anybody, you dog every black person that has an agenda. Anytime you come out with and get on your soapbox is something to do with blacks. It's the kneel and it's the Black lives matter, and you make statements that are completely false, and these people here and they back him. This is the United States we live in. This is it. I'm sorry, Well, I'm just talking about Donald Trump and to what he's still fell and represented and how and how they voted for him. And this is the country we're in, man, And what we just proved in this last election as people of color, is that we are powerful voting block, and once we see something about themselves, we don't usually give that back. So we're going to be effective in the next election, the simpler elections too. We're gonna start voting in everything, and we're gonna start showing up and we're gonna get behind this People's Right Act, and we're gonna make sure that this gets through our Senate, our Congress, and we're gonna make sure that the Voting Right Acts for Black people never have to be voted on again. Why do we have to go and vote on this every so many years determined? If we can just go vote again, and we're supposed to be Americans, Man, y'all miss me with all this talking about how great it is over here. America's a great country that has a lot of great problems, that needs a lot of great fixes. And we got a lot of people who ain't trying to fix it. And I've been looking at them, from climbing over the wall to the way they handle that, to the voting to everything, and they just keep going. And these are the things that we have to be conscious of as voters. Man, who's in here voting against the Voting Right Act. Who's in here pushing to leave gun laws the way they are? Who in here is shooting down every time we have a shooting, they got a stand up and defend guns and all this here, These are the people that have to be removed. This country is turning a little bit, and it's never been this way before. When Georgia turned blew, that was scary for them. Texas was almost that was scary for them. They trying to do stuff about this man. They see the turn coming, but there's nothing they can do about it. Y'all, we will never ever let them play a short again. Those days are done. You're gonna count us, you're gonna recognize us, and you're gonna respect us. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.