Good morning and welcome to the ride! All that can be said with The CLO is WOW!!! What is the plan if the pandemic was put on hold for a day? Bitterman is a Dennis The Menace at heart. Your misery is his joy. Endless love never gets old! If you are allergic to any type of food, speak up and/or get your epipen out. All I Said the chain. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us to start right now. Why wait?
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit on. Don giving them like the million bucks things and its coves not me good it ste listening to the movie together for ste Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. The water, the water go. Come come on your thing, h I show will I good morning? Everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on, dave me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o, man Hey, you know to date. I just want to say something, um that I don't think I've ever shared this way before. UM. The title is very simple, and that is it's been worth it to me, you know. I just I just kept thinking that this morning, that it's all been worth it to me. And what I mean by that is this relationship that I have with my heavenly father, it's been worth it to me. I can't even tell you the value that it has had in my life. I can't tell you how it's helped me to understand not only my purpose, but to better understand my past. That's That's that's critical, man, because I'm grateful for that, because so many people can't get beyond their past and event a set of circumstances, some calamity that besets them. Maybe it's been grief something, but it ties so many people up. It's been so worth it to me it, man, it's it's been worth having someone to go to when no one else was there. Do you do you understand what I'm saying. It has It has given me a place to go when no one else has been there. Oh, hey man, we're pulling for you. Hey man, hanging there, hey man, keep your head up, all of that. But I gotta tell you, man, you get yourself in some circumstances and situations in this thing called life when no one can help you but God, When the only person that could possibly understand or know what you're feeling is God. The only person that I'll sit there with you through it all and understand everything about it has been God. It's been worth it to me, man, It's it's been worth it to me. It's been the biggest improvement in my life. I mean, man, as I look back over my life and forming a strong bond with God has been the most beneficial thing to me. You know, these things you read in your in your in your in writings in the Bible or or whatever you're reading. You know, when you when you read scriptures and things of that nature. It it's it's been around a long time. It holds so much truth to it. I mean, man, it's like, how could this have been written so long ago and still pertain directly to today? I mean that that's amazing. That is amazing to me that. I mean, that has to be God at work to have written something so complete, so dead on point that if you read it today it means exactly what pertains to today. That's amazing, man. That's why my spiritual walk it's just worth it to me. And I keep saying it's worth it, because if you're sitting out there and you're tripping like I was tripping, deciding, now let me do it. I got a few more things I want to do, a couple more girls I want to hoil at, couple more things I want to get into. I got a couple more deals I want to do. I got a little bit more dirt. I want to roll up on me a little bit. First for while, man, I wish I had known. I really wish I had understood exactly what forming a relationship with God would do for me. It's been worth every person who out there who hate on me, that don't even know me, it's because I have a relationship with Him that I'm fine with that, or I don't care for it. But it ain't gonna stop me though. See, because I know for a fact that haters make you greater. I know for a fact that haters validate your mere existence. I know for a fact that half of them is out of envy and jealousy because of something you're doing that they wish they could do or they won't credit for, so they just now anything all that bam, and now you just all over the place with people. Man, I'm so grateful for this relationship that it has not allowed outside influences that do not have my best interests at hard to throw me off. Course, it has just been worth it. And if you're sitting out there and you're wondering about the benefits of it, I can't even tell you what it's like to know that when bad things are happening to me, the calming piece that I feel that I know that that's gonna be all right too. That I know that this tool shall pass. That I know in my heart of hearts, man, that there's got to be a reason for this. And if I can just hang on in there, he gonna unfold that from me and he gonna let me see it. But the number one thing I always know is I'm gonna survive this one too, that this tool shall pass. It has been worth it to me, man, to have this thing called faith, which is the belief in things that you cannot see, and to know man along the way that, oh, my goodness, man, even though I don't know what's next, or even I'm not really sure about the next step, I do know for a fact that some mooe is coming. I do know for a fact. It is a fact that God will take care of me. It is a fact that he will never ever leave me or desert me. If I just stay here while I'm suposed to be. He's coming, The Calvary's coming over the hill. He coming over the hill, and when he come over that hill, he gonna wipe out all this mess down here. That's that's trying to hurt me, That that I don't have to worry about my enemies anymore that my enemies that are all around you can surround me. You can shoot all the arrows you want. That's not to say that none of them ain't gonna come close. And I ain't gonna say that, you know, I ain't gonna be a little under some pressure, a little nervous about being shot at so hard. But at the end of the day, I know this for show. Ain't none of them gonna stick in me. You could shoot them, but ain't none of them gonna stick in me. No matter what you do, no weapon formed against me. Nothing you can't. You can't do nothing with me. Man, I'm so cool. It's been worth it for me. Man, you're listening to ladies and gentlemen. Have your attention, please. Uh, this is Steve Harvey. I'm trying to get your attention because it's it's didn't started. The morning show is own, huh. I ain't gonna tell you what station it is, because you hear my voice. You own the station you need to be on. Now. They had these things like Station I D and all like that, But if you listening to me, you already owned the station. I'm on. Too minute to go around the room announcing, but all of us great stations, and you greater for listening. Marny Shirley, Good morning, Steve so calling morning, Steve crew cutting up, juling your morning, their food, big dog getting the building, got your godbody in La. Yeah, yeah, check and make sure Junior has this coffee. I was just checking because Monica was supposed to put the cream and sugar in there. Steve, I didn't know they were relationship. Was that weight though? What they just got into a major argument about cream. I was listening. I didn't know that. I thought they had more of all, you know, co worker existed. This sound like something would like a relationship Tennis. Yeah the hell is your coffee yet? Exactly your clothes? He shut the room down with that. We're working on it, all right, working, but I'm not playing about my coffee though every morning the same thing. But who you're talking to like that? Yeah? You wait, get it though, she be over there. Just grinny girl. You better take care of you man. Yeah, she ain't got a problem. Come getting nail money and they stayed down, and you know she is about her now. You know, I've never seen all these years I've known Monica sip Monica. She never came in here to day without them dune and and she she alternates, she'll go to the salon and she does herself. Yeah, she's good. She can do them herself. I can't do really, I can't cause she's stay in the line. Oh yeah, that's what I'm saying. She polish looks like I ain't. I don't draw outside the line. Yeah, but it's something with those. I don't know what it is, but it's something like cough, you got it. Now you're good. I'm good man, I'm here. What we're doing well a show? I did I put something in the microwave? I sup surely putting something in the microwave to heat. It is not cooking. It's in the kitchen, thank you. It's here in the studio. It's in a machine that heats stuff up. As far as I'm concerned at cooking, that ain't in my world. That's cooking, thank you. That's all right. Thirty two after we'll be back with Mark of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. The nephews in the building with run that prank back? What you got for us? Neff my roommate Benny, my roommate Bennett. It was loud in my ear. It's frank time. Everybody know it's prank time. Get ready, my roommate Bennett running that catch Hello, must meet to Devin. Yeah to see Okay, Hey man, this is Chris. I live a buf you. I ain't ever met you before, but you you you have. You've been calling the leasing office about complaining on me about I'm making too much noise away. Yeah, man, I'm my bad, bro. I was trying to catch you. Man. I could never. I could never catch you at home. Man. It's like you know, bro, I work a knife. I work at night. Yeah. Yeah, you're saying. I say I work in a day, but I can't sleep at night, broke. And I don't know what's going on in your apartment. I'm saying, I ain't trying to be in your business. I'm not trying to be your business player. I just can't get a sleeping night, man, because it'd be a lot of noise or a lot of noise, a lot of talking. And what you do is your business, bro. I'm just saying, pleased, man, But you ain't got to go to the leasing office. Man, oh you have to do. You know what's hall at me? You ain't the you know they got me written up like you know what one move complain on me. They're gonna put me out of something. Well yeah that, Like I said, though, I was trying to get I was trying to find you. You know what I'm saying. But we I guess we miss each other because you you working night. I work in a day. So you know when you're going, I'm coming, and when I'm coming you going, I'm saying, Brian trying starting. I'm just trying to, you know, go to work and pay my pay my bills. Man, time I be at work at night, man, you know what I'm saying. I'm trying to get my hustle on, like you trying to get yours on. Dollahlahlahl on. Okay, okay, let's make it my sense, bro, if you are working night, somebody in your somebody in your apartment, how can loud in them keeping me up? Square bitting it? Okay, you got a roommate us long, No, I ain't gonna roommates, man, Benny. Somebody in there talking loud, holding a conversation. It's like two people in there, talking loud every night. And that's brother. That's Spenny man, Benny be talking. Okay, you say you ain't got the roomance? How Who who is Benny? Who is Benny? Spinny? Is my bird? My parents? That's Benny Be talking like, man, stop going me dive listen mine what why Wait a minute, you're trying to tell me m bird? That was being man. I don't have bity two years, that's my bird. Birds don't even live that long. So so now I'm sucking night. I'm at the work because because a bird, that's what you want. That's what you called me to tell me. I'll call you to tell you. You You ain't gonna be putting this complaints on me, man, but I'm not. I'm gone. That's been in talking, man, spend it in yo yo yo, Benny. Wait a minute, hey, look, I'm telling you now do something with the bird then, or that's gonna be some consequestions and repercussions. I'm talking about some fried chicken around a man. Pretty is like a family member to me, birth too? Can Sam the chicken on the car flake box Kentucky chicken? Just so, Brian, Hey man, you don't tell me nothing better about my birth. Okay, brother, you know what, maybe man, you need to square of from front of each other because you don't you don't disrespect betty man. All right, all right, you take something, all right, all right? I bet that be on my table when I get home. If it's a bird, then I'll beat that. Beyall my don a table. Man. Amen, Then you ain't gonna sit and disrespect me and trying to tell me what you're gonna do to my bird. But you ain't gonna do nothing stupid to Benny. Tell you what I tell you what you can date you at home right now? What you got to work tonight? I bet you beat it. I'll bet that tomorrow. I bet you well these things liking good tomorrow. Man, an hold on a minute, man, wait a minute, dog, what you played do and start talking about what you're gonna do to my bird? Not and told you you file for going to the listen office calling me, y'all and now you're on the phone. I'm trying to work this out with you, and now you ain't trying to work right now. First off, you you called me and tell me that it's a bird holding a conversation with itself. I'm a stupid right now. But I'm hold the stupid even continue this conversation. Excuse me, I fly a night. I'm just serious. Man who use some areas or something like? Man, listen, bro listen, whatever it is, this is a bird or recording whatever. If you gotta do stuff to wait and it was a bird, man, I'm gonna be solid salted if this is a bird, I'm gonna really it's a bird. It's spenny, man, it's spinning you. All you hare to do is come to me and we could have had a little like me. Hola hola, hola. Okay, okay, okay, we're gonna have it like men and names. First off, leasing office wouldn't give me a name. What's your nine? My name Chris? Okay, Chris, I'm deafering. There we go, there we go. Listen, doal. I ain't for the past three months, you know what I'm saying. I ain't really been getting no sleep because of this bird. You say it's a bird. I don't believe that. But a bird like a bird. Come on, dog that's doing something bitter for to you? Well take them to work with you is I don't care, figure something out, but whatever going on up there with you and your buyre need to come to an immediate house or it's gonna be something down. Hey man, hey man, what you can't do is threatened me by what's going on in my house. Hoole man, look kill you ain't been it's being in nis whatever the nine years. You need to do something with that or it's gonna be some Really, it shows like why am I going back and forth with you about this? You keep telling me something about a bird. It's a bird. What's the problem with it? What's the problem? I understanding that people have pet birds? Say man, I don't give them if you have a pet bird. But really, this out all night long? How do you? How do you? How do you live with this thing? Come? They'll never shut up. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what Benny told me to tell you, though, God'll tell you what Bena told me. Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waite Chris White White Brother, I don't want to hear what no bird told you to tell me? Can I tell you what Benny told me to tell you? What? What? What? Then? He told me to tell you this? That this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pranked by your boys, Sean, Dude, did I get your man? Got me? God? You got it man, that guy, I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna have to wait to this dude. Get armed out and talk to him. Line talk somebody, you about some posing bird. I don't know what's the stairs, man, I do God, I'll be up our night and I'm saying I'm missing I'm missing my sleep. I'm missing now. I'm saying I'm missing y'alls in the morning because i'm robbing hitting the slow. But I got one more thing, as you what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane man, Steve More the shop. That is my roommate, Benny just wanted to do it. Oh man. Everybody got different kind of roommates. Mine just having to be a bird. You understand what I'm saying, my roommate. You're listening show, all right? Come on, Junior, time for truth to be told. Yeah, I'm sure listen. I want to say something. This is this is very important because I know this is happening to everybody truth be told. People who are allergic to food need to eat with other people who are allergic to food. But if you allergic to eggs, you know people who are allergic to food. You have food allergies, food allage, Yeah, you need to eat with other people with food allage. I'm tired of this look. First of all, say something. Don't wait till we get to the restaurant. I did all my plate, get here, and you say I can't eat fish? Okay, where was all this information on the way to the restaurant before we got there? You could have been saying, so we didn't pass six other restaurants not in order. Uh, I can't even stand the smell of fish, or we'll get your fitping that because we were about to eat. I'm not feeling I'm nowhere else because you're to stick yourself. I'm sorry, because I ain't got time to be driving. You can ball my gage your feed. Just why you gotta keep changing restaurants because you allergic to fish. I'm fine with fish. Somebody can't smell it. They can't be around around sending them in the shops. I always wonder why you was twitching over that. I ain't know I feel sad, letting me know. Secondly, stop asking people what's in it? Okay, we don't. It's stupid everything in it. You can't can't come out every time to take you so, well, what's in that? When y'all ask me? You just ain't gonna eat because I'm you just need to eat other people who are leerging the food trying to please you that I like it the kind the right man. They should have organizations. Yeah, they need food allergy especially they're people as allergic to peanuts. Yeah, they can't the whole planet. Yeah. I was on the plane one time. We fitting ready to take off, and I'm sitting in first class and all of a sudden, to dude open up that side door where the catern come in. It got to take the stuff out, and we were already ready to pull off. Come to find out later, then got on the plane with a little boy that's allergic to peanuts and nuts. He has a nut allergy. Yeah, so they came in and took all the nuts off the plane. What so now I'm I'm because I'm hungry, I'm waiting on my little bowl of hot mixed nuts. Yeah, they then took all the nuts off the plane. So they're doing this. I don't really pay no attention. So the lady come around taking your order, what you want and I said like that. Now I'd say, could I please, just ahead of time, get the mixed nuts. I'm really hunger? Oh, mister harving him? So sorry that was the delay. We had to take all the nuts off the plane. There's a little boy on the plane that has a severe nut allergy. Okay, well wait a minute, hold what they I got to do with the other one hundred and fifty? No, no, no, no, no no, his little sick ass can't fly hollow who you look? Got a hundred and other people don't here? Got a ticket? We can't handle damn nuts. Course, a little old thought is in the back. And yeah, you know some of the rich ass named Bradley wanted them little boys in the back because he can't eat nuts. He can't he can't even smell on nuts. We don't need to be on the plane. Then, how you're functioning life like that? You're gonna pass by somebody, even the nuts. I got some nuts. I mean there's people with some really bad nuts out of there. Oh yeah, I ain't really tripping on that just if you're gonna get on the plane. You can't have it. Take all the damn nuts all, No, you can't do that because she can't smell nuts. Is smellow wow, he can't smell up. Now if you're sitting next to him and you opened up nuts, he has an allergic reaction. We need to put his ass in the bubble gat his ass a little astronaut suit so he can gonna live a little half half light. You roll for that. You can't even go to the ice cream truck as a boy because he had to stuff in there, got a nut on it. Yeah, buddy, buddies man, you can't go down to the stoll the candy counter. Are you about to fell on patties? Sitting up the sitting up in hire man? Almost? You know what too though? At Tisha school you can't. You can't see kids to school with nuts and the snacks. They are real strict rules on all that at school of what your kid can eat and have at school, what your own child can't have. You can't have all that because kid might be allergic to it. My wife Jackie, had a relative come about for Thanksgiving and say they some little girls and allergic to nuts? And what did y'all friday turkey in? I said, peanut on? Oh wow, she can't have didn't tell he don't need the damn take it cut her from. I'm not man. We out with a pardoner. We finished golfing. We're going to the crab shot crab shot, Yeah, he said nothing and asking about heat on eat shell fish? What hell you think? Where do you think? We asked in the ground here trying to ask for something else. He ain't got nothing else. Get crabs. They can't take him. They can do that for you, but the ass is even crab. We're not going nowhere else, I said, dunk, Are you for real? Man? You know I didn't even really know the guy. He just went with us. I don't gonna go with you guys. Man, guys are so funny. Okay, we sit up in the man we all and I ain't got three pounds of cray. I'm ready to go give me the big Yeah. We outside, we got cigars or his only crack, literally his ass sitting up in here. I didn't like nothing about him. He didn't smoke cigars and his ass couldn't ee shell So you didn't like don't tell you right now me and you will not be free. Yeah, you better take your eppn hold it to your nick like you a hospital. Because so let me ask you all this, what happens to them when they get around the stuff. What kind of can close up? They can break out? Yeah? Some of its severe? Yeah yeah, some of it really. But this joke we write name about that, it ain't buy none of them if they don't say nothing, Tommy asked, as usual. Yeah, yeah, we're talking about the ones that don't say something. I ain't saying nothing. We all get on the plane now, No, we find out did a little boy, a little nutty in the back can't be around? Yeah, I'm idn't bought a pay day in the line, but they d nutted the plane took it all off. I tell y'all, Can I tell y'all? No my pay damn yet to find out at thirty five thousand feet just how sick is a little land crazy? You're listening all right? So I see we have here little mean things. I know it's me. That is all me. This is all this is all me. I have been dubbed the meanest person here. Well, you're not really a mean person. Your honor is hell just old honor, bitter, just grunt. Yeah, very good. I take all that. Yeah, and the little things that give me enlightenment a little mean things that I like to do, like Okay, if I see somebody's dog using like using outside, I like to hunk the horn real loud and I didn't right in the middle, just make him. That gives me enjoyment. Yeah, Like if I see somebody running for the elevator, I'm on elevator and the hold of dough. I'm coming. I act like I'm holding the door, but I go through the mod You can make it. Come on, man, come on, act like you look. Yeah, I didn't stop pushing that button. And then when that dog close, I love it down right back down. So and if I see somebody in the store, his wife or his girlfriend, oh my god, so much. I love like when they're not looking, put condoms and loot in their basket when they get down your puh that check see that look on. Oh my god. When I see little ladies crossing the street but with the walk up that we didn't get right in front of the just hit the gait, hit that gas, wut your foot on the brake right, get that look fat rabbing straight up. Baby, I'm not yet. I don't mind taking your pocket space. I don't mind if I see you waiting, I get up in there. I know you wait. You're gonna work out for you. A lot of do this, A lotta go to a restaurant. In a restaurant I go to in my birthday. Get that church birthday, you know, but you gotta say low, you know it whatever diabetic and he's getting take. If I'm in church right and you got your baby face to me, I'm gonna make him cry paris turn around. That's one right. You're going in the ladies, in the ladies stories, like in the biggest of the big shops, and you switch the sizes right, you put size six on the fourteen, so she thinks she got on the stand. I'm coming down. It's coming out right so much. Just the last one right here on, Just the last one, hitchhickers, Oh my god, that's the best to the best, because you know they've been out there for a while. You stopped by two blocks up and you have to help where you got what? Come on, I'm going that way? Didn't you dry your heads? Just to watch him in the Rivi. Look, oh my god, that is so much I know people still here was the best when he got he broke down right and you see it on his safe You hit that but and it up. You want lock all this up and nobody going down. Man. My favorite got to be the old lady on that walk. He come right right in front of the din. They turn and cut you off because they can't do that. That is just ross. I know you put them columns in that bath on God put me when trying to figure out which one of y'all right, who this who? You got this proud of yourself? You got another one? Come all right, I gonna move the right, okay, wait to get proud. Yeah, we all love movies. In the middle, right in the middle, middle seat, right in middle seat, right the whole movie. Excuse me, coming through, gotta pe then go back into me, come through. Still still had too much soda? How time in between you when you're leaving right right right, gott a peek. Im had too much soda. The little things I like a couple parties and this dude, fat dude kept getting me the man come by one bore all right, all right, coming up one of her favorite segments, The ignorance does not stop on this show, right or wrong? With the nephew and Junior coming up next. You're listening to the stew well. Time now to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. This one is from Billy in Ohio, Steve Billy Wright. But listen to this Billy Wrights. I'm tied up in an affair with a woman that loved to have sex on the back seat of her Chevy Tahoe. This past Sunday, I was at church with my wife and she pulled up to the church and texted me to come outside. I left church and went to the back seat of the tahoe. Afterwards, I nodded at the parking lot god guard and uh, I went went. I'm back in church The next Sunday, the security guard told me that my secret was safe with him. Should I trust him or not? First of all, Dog, First of all, should I trust him or nothing? Let's start with you stupid please dog, he the security guard. You had to climb in the back seat or y'all had to go into the back seat. Either way, you went in the back door or you climbed over the seat. He saw it, and he tell you a man, your secret safe with me? Should I trust him? Okay, let's say you don't trust him? What's your next move? What? Hold? Hold? Let me guess you're gonna have him killed? Dog? What the hell can you possibly do? Can you trust him? Dog? You're stupid? Man? We are you answering that? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, you could trust him? Why did you go out there and get in that card? I can't get past that leaving at a church church? All right, billy, you're on your own, so says a cello. All right. This one is from New Mommy and Monroe, Louisiana. She says, I'm a twenty four year old mother of a two year old boy, and I'm engaged to a man that is not my child's dad. He's planning to adopt my son and he's already talking about how he's going to discipline him. My son is at the age where he says no to everything, and he thinks it's cute. My fiance says it needs to stop now, and he needs something better than the swat on his butt that I gave him. He says he needs a leather strap on his butt. But that's a bit harsh for a two year old. How can I defend my baby from this? Well, I think that's a little harsh for tweet. I grew up getting spinks, but not at two. No, brother, you need to pull up and you need to talk to you, to you, to your future husband about it, because obviously he has no children. Anybody talking about striking a baby at two, I'm just gonna say, you need more. You need a strap on a two yeard? Are you kidding me? Now? You've been traumatizing, But you need to sit down and have a talk with him. I would suggest y'all probably need to go to some type of counseling about child weary because that's so many other ways to raise children. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, here's a question for you. Are wonderful funny comedians on the show. Now, just say, if the pandemic could be on hold for just one day, all right, things could get back to normal for just one day, what would you do on that day? How would you please that What we're gonna do starting in the morning, as soon as you get up. What you gonna do. Let's go ask Nicked no mask, no mask and naked boot one day, boots and shades on. And I'm feeling to walk outside of joy I'm blow up naked. I might drive over that Nicket to come get you because and we're gonna roll Nicked and go find some more nicket people that want to have a good ass tand o whole day, the whole day. What about your junior? Yeah, I want. I got a list of stuff i'mna. The first thing I'm doing is I'm going to a funeral. If somebody I don't even know, I'm walking down Holland now I'm not here, then I'm gonna lead there. I'm gonna I'm gonna then I'm gonna lead there. And then I'm going down to the courthouse just to see who in there. Who came? I just want to see who in here? To day, I gotta do stuff taking a long time. We got one day. I gotta be all the way out for the whole day. Yeah, yeah, okay, wait, surely tell everybody what they're doing again, all right, Letten. We asked the question. We posted the question to the guys. If the nephew. Were the nephew, if the pandemic were on hold for just one day, what would you do? And you heard what the nephew would do? And then Jay eventually we gonna pick up Junior when he leave out the courthouse and he were going to the naked fun Okay, I don't care what nobody? Would you travel? Would you go to? I would go to Vegas one day, I would go I would have one day, a quick turnaround, calling. You're losing a lot of naked time when you do, losing a lot of naked time, babies, But that's that's pour three hour flight, three hours back, six hours of neked you missing right there. You can't you can't give it up. We talk about twenty four hours. Baby, you gotta think, Baby, we can we can gamble. We can gamble naked. If you ain't got if you fly south with you, look at the naked people you're sitting with, you can look right at you. If I leave a courthouse, I see, I'm gonna stop on buy a kisa Yara. I ain't never been one of them. I'm gonna go buy a keisan yara. Who you turn to fifteen? Watch that so okay, so no masks and no clothes. Obviously you got it all. I want to free myself. Go ahead and free yours. Oh now that's what I would do. I go see Tasia bo I love me some Tasia. Yeah, she's about to have a baby. Yeah she is expecting. She congratulation, gradulating, get up the fight time and you never give up the fight. That's okay. Well, I ain't gonna be mad at the baby. The baby ain't doing it. Ain't got nothing to do with the baby. There's no thing we can do. And hopefully that we all for the pandemic. We can't go see Tagio's baby being boled. Let's just stop over that for tagious baby birth. Let's go do that. And why we and why we down in Carolina? We got to holland Anthony Hamilton come on ye yeah, yeah, yeah, his new song Mercy. Yeah. We gotta hustle bad boy right there down there. We gotta hol at him. He done the doing and thank him for Joe Biden to run for the presidency. And we got to go on down there. The go down at a high point, because you know, furniture is cheaping down the high point, you go down yes, and you know what we got since we out, and but one day we got to go buy the White House and get your ass side of out. We can do that then go on the hop. I like closing it out like that. I do. So what time? Well, what time is it now? Junior? Back ten thirty when we get doing that. But what we gonna do with the last hour and a half a nicket? What we're gonna what are you going to eat? You're going to a restaurant or something you haven't we got but one day we ain't got time to eat. You have funday the last hour were gonna need to spray down because we have definitely caught something might not be COVID, but it's something else coming up next The next few you hear me's here in the building with the frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is I need more than hugging and hunching. Okay, that's right right now, not about learning. Worse than hunch is like blind ye all right, all right, But right now, the nephew in the building, Frank phone calling us what you got for us today? Now my ain't is bike. Let's let's get a cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach bond. Hey man, this this this K dub Man. Listen, dud dude, do you know somebody to live on? Yeah, my mama, My mama stayed on. Who is this? Hey? This this K dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tindsley, she lived on. Now my auntie say you came over here and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of her garage. Okay, hold up, well, first of all, who is you? Man? I sold a bike at somebody garage? Who is this? Who is K? I don't know know Ka dub this is this is KA dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tindsley, little down the street from your mama, and my auntie just got you telling me you the one came away and took a bike and a tool box or somebody that grew man. First of all, I don't even know, no, damn, miss Tinsley. And second, Roy, I don't steal your your auntie, Miss Tinsley, say I stole somebody other. Put a point on the phone, man, put your amy on the phone. I ain't stole nothing from nowhere. I ain't gotta she can't talk. My any can't talk to you. Why she ain't talk? She said, I stole so no, my ain't my auntique death. She signed language me and told me that you do want stole stole the bike, your auntie death. And she told you she signed language you and said I stole the bike. Why do you get my numble? Hold on? Hold on? Okay? She said, quit all that damn lying you know, damn well, you're the one that stole the bike. A man, hold on, so your auntie it's cussing me. I threw you in sign language. You're telling me that I just stole the damn bike. Say man, first of all, I hell you even get my number? Man? I got some number? The street asked him from miss ain't your mama? Miss yeah, miss my mama. Okay, well you look man, the people down the street up, but then the news your number. I told them I needed to talk to you soon than I ain't. He told me that that you was the one that stole the bike out to gard Now, look, I ain't trying to Can you can't kick kick that? Can you sign? It was back to your ain't it? Yeah, I was back to her. Tell her that I said, I ain't stole no wife. How about that? Tell your ain't I ain't stole no damn right right now, man, grown man, I'm trying to tell her right now. Wait a minute, Okay, hold on, she's saying something. She said, Yo, black lying and you know, well you got that bike? They look him man, you yo, ain'ty that street with nobody on that street. It felt for my vama. I'm a grown man, so I gotta steal a bike for no deaf She must be dumb too, she deaf fan duff. She's like, I sold some ya I don't even know, y'all O you he ain't deafinitely dumb dude. Okay, my ain'tie, don't novel lie. And if missus Tennsley say that that that somebody took something, that dog she's telling the truth, I ain't it. Gonna be lying and just to be lying? Why she just gonna lie on you? Whych she gonna get you out? Man? You know what, I don't know what's going on, but I ain't got no reason to steal no bike. Now I gotta car that ain't paid for it. I got, I got a gone, man, I'm trying to get custed in my fun. So I'm gonna coming to somebody. Garad and still Mike as you cray it, you're crazy this she is ain't get out of my line with that. Hold on, hold on, hold on, my ain't it talk what she saying? Wait a minute, man, I'm trying to see what she's saying. You say that black No damn well, he took that bike and he better bring that damn bike. Looking. Man, I don't know why you stood on my line. Man, I ain't took no bike. Ain't he's lying? Do even si he? Do you gonna tell you something? You're gonna respect my ain'ting? Hey, man, you canna respect me? You call my phone with that? I mean you're trying to get money together? You calling someone who? Aren't you all you? I don't know this is. I don't know know who I'm gonna man. I'm K dub everybody, No ka dub. I ain't never heard or no more k dub on in my life. My mama's been staying on for fifteen years. I ain't never heard no K dub. I heard them, Miss Tensery I heard by no death. Ladies, I ain't seen no bike. Get the off my line. Many man, she see you gonna make me go down and steal something out of missus house. If you don't bring that, then I'm bike back. Got me bring somebody to my mama. And you want to tell about my way over there? Playing somebody to my by my house? My family is gonna be old for you. That just ain't you. Guys whoever down that gave you my number? Everybody you got me? Well, brow this up. I that's true. Dum you come by my mama house. You're back now stepping my mama. Glad you come by my mama. Play you walk? You got me up. You're gonna turn me to the dark side. Come on my way right now. I don't know we still on the phone. Or wait a minute, Wait a minute, wait a minute. What you're saying, ain't I ain't say nobody scared of your Oh, Craig, say tell yo death, ain't he to bring up outside? And I would blet you she hid him licks. I'm gonna be putting on your yo. I'll be. She's gonna be undeath to day. I bet she get cured when she see me whooping youa man. Literally, I ain't coming by myself home. The commy gonna be there with me. Commy gonna help me. Whoop your who the time Tommy, Tommy man nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your mama, Miss Burreau. Ah, that's right there, man, Mama, my mom would No. I don't like nobody with him. Man, God, your mama, your mama, My son loved me to dell. He don't let no, he take care of me. He don't let nothing go wrong with men't let nobody mess with me. He said. All you got to do with that act like you're gonna do something to his Momah. Man, well, I don't see everything. I don't see it because like id man, guy, I'm in the mirror. Sweet, I'm man for read y'all did this the man? I just want to go. I wasn't myself. Oh you tell my mama she wrong for that too, dude. What's up Max? You? Whatever you do, you have to change. Boy. You have to change you just like me before you love your mama. Ain't man. Hey, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man without a doubt. Man to Steve Harvey Morning Show man, get you timing man without doubt. Hey, man tell me Vera. I said, Hey, all right, I go. I was gonna go drop off a little two out of dollars she wanted. She wanted to play games, though, man don't like the one. Now, did I give it to you? Yeah? I did that. You want to know if I gave it to yourn because you know me, I try to get it. I tried to get to you. Let me tell you when it's gonna be given ticket, It's gonna be given to you. Chicago, Illinois. Here we come the United Center, Baby, Washington, d C. Here we come Eagle Bank Arena and Atlanta GA State Farm Arena, Chicago. You are on the thirtieth DC, you are on the first, Atlanta GA, you are on the second. It's the New Year's Comedy Live Fest. Tickets available at all ticket Master outlets. Here is the lineup. Earthquake in the Building, Eddie griffind in the Building, Cedric the Entertainer D. L. Hughley, hosted by yours truly nephew Timmy once again shy Town. It is December the thirtieth, watching DC January first, Atlanta, Georgia January the second State Farm Arena, all ticket Master outlets or you can go to the box office get yourselves from tickets. It's gonna be a hell of a show. Pickers don't say right no, yeah, I hope you come hang out with you boy and atl Man. I hope you back home by then January second slide. Man got a couple of things of Judge shot jumping off that Tuesday. So I gotta figure out, well, I gotta d I gotta promote the show. Come to June. O. What's then? What's gonna happen? I just want to go home right now, man, So all right, I gotta go. Grandson BJ played basketball. He playing basketball now. Yay, Tommy, I've told you earlier. I went to the movies yesterday. So I was getting some butter from my popcorn and I was standing next to it was very tall lady. She was in the catering business. So she was like, are you surely strawberry like that? And I said yeah. She was like, what we do is sit around when we were on our break and talk about when somebody is gonna whoop nephew Tommy, but overdose pranks, she said. She said, just like you all say somebody's gonna get them one day, it's gonna it's in the streets for real. Coming up the Strawberry Letter. The subject today, I need more than hugging and hunting. Will get into it right after this. You're listening to the Stry Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on sex, on relationships, on dating, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey, f M and klick. Submit Strawberry Letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one. Here that Jay right here, right now, that's for you. Then, yes, buckleve and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. Thank you, nephew. Subjects I need more than hugging and hunching. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am engaged to a sixty three year old man that acts a lot older than he is. His thoughts on sex and life in general shock me, and I need some advice I'm only fifty nine years old and I still enjoy sex, and I have tried to be patient with my man. He thinks I'm a freak because I try to initiate sex daily. He likes to grind and do a lot of kissing, but we rarely go all the way. I like to take care of him in other ways, if you know what I mean, But when it comes to me, he says that his mouth is designed to eat food and nothing else. He won't even kiss around it. I'm in love with this man and I am looking forward to a lifetime with him, but I am going to need sex often. He says demeaning things to me when I try to get him to be freaky with me, so I've stopped him from hunting on me or rubbing on me. In the bedroom, I just lie there and wait for him to go to sleep so I can handle my business by myself. I am letting you all know that I feel like cheating on this guy, and I have my ex on standby just in case. I have asked my man why he proposed to me, and he said he loves me and he wants to show me that there's a lot more to a great marriage than just sex. It's not that he can't perform, because he is always ready, he just doesn't want to do the do So should I follow my man's lead and stop pressuring him for sex? I'm afraid he may never change his ways and I may end up in a sexless man marriage. I'm not getting any younger. So should I marry him or move on and find myself in a more compatible find myself a more compatible mate. Yeah, I think you need to find yourself a more compatible mate. You and this guy don't add up sexually, and you may end up in a sexless marriage. The good thing about this is that you know this before you're married. You you've found this out before you got married. Yeah, he may never change his ways, and we as women always want the man to change. But it doesn't look like he's going to change. And you know he wants to show you. He's already told you that a great marriage can mean more than just sex, and that's not what you're looking for. That is not what you're looking for, So be clear. All the red flags are here. He's sixty three, you're fifty nine. You try to initiate sex daily at fifty nine he's sixty three. You said he acts a lot older. That's not gonna happen. Listen and stop pressuring him. Please stop pressuring him. No one wants to feel pressured. No one wants to be pressured. I think if you, if you get with this man, if you marry him, you'll be settling, and you shouldn't settle. Steve, Well, well, well, I need more than hugging and hunching. She's engaged to a sixty three ye old man and asks a lot older than he is. Okay, his thoughts on sex in life in general shock me, and I need some advice. Now. She fifty nine years old, she still enjoys sex and has tried to be patient with her man, and the man thinks because she tries to initiate sex daily, she's a freak. He likes to grind and do a lot of kissing. Okay, that's good, that's folk play. But we rarely go all the way folk with no payoff. It's what we're talking about now. I get you all worked up for no damn reason at all. I like to take care of him in other ways, if you know what I mean. No, we don't know what you mean. You're fifty nine, gonna type it? Yeah, bro Hill, Yeah, yeah, you know. I like to take care of him in other words, if you know what I mean. Okay, what what I like? Take care of him in other ways, if you know what I mean. But when it comes to me, he says that, he said, when it comes to me, he said, his mouth is designed to eat food and nothing else. He won't even kiss around me. Wow, she's pretty. Let's without saying it. She pretty much. I'm gonna have some thoughts you might want to get out of me, Lady, Dad, don't think you want my answers. Now, I'm in love with this man looking for a lifetime, but I'm going to need some sex often, he says the meaning things to me when I to try to get it be freaking. So I just stopped him from hunching on me and rubbing on me in the bedroom. I just lay that way through and go sleeps like hind of my business by myself. I'm letting y'all know I feel like cheating on this guy. See he was gonna Now this is what the letter really about. Y'all got all that was a set up for this. Hell, I'm letting you all know right now, I feel like cheating on this guy. This is what the letter is about. We can't help you. We ain't got no suggestions for you. We don't know what's wrong with him. Who the hell like the hunch all this hard kissing and hunching. Why I'm letting y'all know. I feel like she know this guy and I have my EX on stand by justin k this relationship is over. You got your X on standby? Why because he beat Jack Johnson? What because he the dude and all? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I'm just asking her what the problem is. Yeah, all right, when I come back, I'll tell you what the problem is. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subject I need more than hugging and hunching. That's coming up right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. I need more than hugging and hunching is gonna get to it? I need more the hook in a hundred sixty three year old lady man to this man act older than he is. His thoughts on sex in life in general have shocked me. I need some advice to grind and do a lot of kissing, but we rarely, rarely go all the way. I like to take care of him in other words, if you know what I mean. When it comes to me, he says his mouth is designed to eat food and nothing else. He won't even kiss around it. Around it. Now, let's think about this. He got a man that won't have sex and go all the way, and you got a man that won't even kiss around it. Okay, what's wrong with it? Hell? Yeah, yeah, go ahead and see no no, no, no, no, no, no, it's real. You't hit it. This is real. Here's a man that like to kiss and hug and grind a lot. You take care of many other words. In other words, if you know what I mean. But when it comes to me, he says, his mouth is desily eat food or nothing. He won't even kiss around it. What's wrong with it? It was wrong with it. I'm not gonna because she Shelly, Shelly, you listen to me. I'm he says the many things to me when I try to be freaking No, I want you to hear what I said. See Shelly, I'm gonna tell you something. I just lie away for him and go sleep, sing, handle my bears myself. I'm let y'all know, I feel like cheating on this guy, and I have my ex on stand by justin kse you gotta ex Why is he your ex? Question? Yea, what is wrong? Why does this? Yeah? It doesn't say she keeps getting exes? No, it says she got X on stand by. Everybody shoo him X. Well, what's wrong with it? Question? Listen to me, sir. You listen to me, Listen to me, but I don't hear listen to me. I love you because you're not listening. I'm listening. I asked my man why he proposed me, and he said he loves me and he wants to show me that there's a lot more to a great marriage than just sex. Now listen to this line, Shirley. It's not that he can't perform because he is always ready. He just don't want to do the dude. So Shelly, this other stuff she doing to him that lets her know he's always ready, but he don't want to do the dude makes me ponder the question, what's wrong with it? Something wrong with it? You all are not gonna mart Yeah, her fault. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't say I don't see it. I'm not saying this her fault. I'm just asking what's wrong with it? I'm wrong with it? Couldn't be a problem, there's nothing. He's a man that stayed ready all the time, but he don't want to go all the way kissing around it. He's a man that won't even kiss around it. Yeah, what's wrong with now? I have some theories, albeit wrong theories, because just because you are all agreed doesn't make you all right. Okay, I'm not mad. I'm not mad when more than one is gathered together my name, come on? Come on? Oh yeah, a time a man, Shirley, yea something wrong with it? No? No, why Shirley? Why there's something wrong with it? Always no, he's always ready, so she don't want to go all the way and then what she wants something else. He won't even kiss around He's not into that. He's just not into that. You're not into that? He's just not into it. He don't want her to take her, He don't want her to do that. What's wrong with it? He likes to kiss and all that he's just not into that all. That's what clothes on hunching anyway. But he into the other thing, Shirley, he's into the other thing well, because most men are when it's being done to them. Right, we all have to agree with that. I'm not okay, thank you? Yeah? Oh lord Jesus, Lord Jesus. We have all you guys, We have all run up into world where rolls the front door s? What is that? Definitely? Anyway, you can post your comments if you agree with Steve and the rest of uh, this elementary bunch we have in this room. You don't have to agree with, I don't care. Just type in us anyway. Or you can post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. You're listening show. All right, Jay, it's time now for comedy roulette. Here that go it. Take four something, put them on a wheel, spun the wheel with stop we do the damn thing? All right, here we go. Number one. I know what you're saying, but something in that story doesn't make sense. Here's another one. Do you ever have any good news? When you call ever number three, I ain't saying this house was nasty. But okay, number four, that's not what you said when they were out of the room. Okay, I'm just saying, all right, come on, cat te, word's gonna stop. Wait a minute. I stopped at number three. I saying the house is nasty, but the house is nasty. But the rest stopped me at that doesn't say dog, don't go in there your house or the house, the house, the house, the house. I ain't saying the house is nasty, but but I ain't saying the house is nasty. But look at at your off over there. I think it is, so he come out of out Hey man, look here. Um, I ain't really saying your house nasty, but do your dog always go right now, right down, dog? I mean it's it's it's just all of it, just sitting there. You ain't nasty. I I ain't. I ain't saying your house nast But when I was over there, I said do you smell that? And you said smell? What? Come on? Come on, come on, I saying your house fun. But I know good hair wear that smoller than corners. I don't dare well. I'm looking at the moment. Know I'm looking at that. Hey man, let me tell you something I'm not. I'm not saying your house nast, But why is your flies talking to me? Why are we having a conversation. I'm just saying I ain't got a good one. I can't tell how many times to hear that to pay good money for. But go run ahead, send the money. I ain't saying your house and nasty, but your carpet ain't supposed to be sticky. Okay, come on, Steve, close it out. I ain't saying your house nasty, but when your roaches come out the house, they death see each other off. All right, that's it for comedy roulette. Thank you guys, you're listening. All right, It's time as promised for All I said was it's very simple if you if you're in a relationship or been in a relationship, there's things that you have said, just little statements. Next thing you know, you're a full blown argument, just just out of nowhere. Like all I said was all I said, well, what would I do with the money if I want a lottery m And I said, you know, I said this, I say that. Then all of a sudden I'm we're in an argument. We're having a full argument. Oh make believe money. You know what I'm saying right sounds I'm coming. You know what I'm tilling. You've been the junior, Yeah, been there? Still in there something that you know. All I said was, you know, if I ever meet Beyance right, well, she knew the rest of the statement, and I meant it, you know, I mean that's what I meant if I met Say, hey, you know he allowed me to date husband and all I see, you got what you want to know? What I said, John, All I said was my girlfriend husband be tripping. That's all I said, Jane, my girlfriend husband be tripping. That's all I see. All right, I was on the phone the other day just you know, my girlfriend just talking. All I said was because it was just the two of us. Yeah, I didn't know Necesto was in the house. All I said was Morgan Freeman could get you know, I don't even talk like that, but that was with my girls. You're talking, Oh, man, the argument that has I'm sorry, woman, you know I don't said so much. Just pick one up. You know. All I said one time, well, you know she made me something. I just said, you know, when my mama baked it, she baked it different. Go do it? Yeah. Yeah, And when you talk about cooking and stuff like that, don't look over here at me. Okay, everybody glanced everybody, whatever's food, we always look at you. I don't know why. I mean a little simple things. It started, you know, like it. All I said was, if we weren't together x y Z one of your girlfriends, who did I get with? You know, that's all? We're back together. If we were together, I get well, you know you're dead. You hit weren't together? Yeah, you're dead. Man. You can't really say nothing about their body, No, you can't. I didn't want I did. I said something one time, I said, why her dressed so tight? Like he was on my damn right? Okay, okay, all I said, if she pregnant, it's a possibility. You know, I'm just if she spregnant, Wow, I can't you want to? Maybe it made me I had to give my car key statement. I walked in the room one time, she laying down on the bed trying to put the pants on. I said, that's how we got to do it. Now. We walked. We walked into this restaurant one time. All I said, me and my itches come here all the time, and then it helped it the gas. But brown you back again. I can't, No, nobody, I can't. Nor I said, I'm talking. I said to what side you were now? Because I was gonna to what side you were? God, you're listening show all right, Steven. It's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Steve a message, you're just give a holiday greeting to your loved one. Call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve and leave a message. Okay, good morning. I just want to say Happy New Year to you all. Happy holidays to you all. I listened to you all every morning. I'm listening to you all right now. I tell y'all, y'all have my day going, dude, y'all we're having me rolling. We appreciate you, Steve and Tommy and Shirley, Carl and Junior appreciate you all. On call from Monroe, Louisiana. Thank you all so much. Keep God first and everything second. Love you. Hey, good morning, Steve. Eva morning, So mon America guys wanted to stay out America open you guys, Enjoyian Christmas and Jordan Holiday. I listened Ira morning. Hello, Steve, this is Um. You need to Harris from Laurence, South Carolina. You want to say Happy New Year to you and your staff and continue keeping up the doing it and tell this time is that we love him too. He see the of comedy. I would like to wish you and your family real family are happy. I'm blessed. Holiday is from Thomas from the Dublin Gorgier Jelly Starbord. We love you, bye, good morning, and hitty New Year to the best morning show ever. I'm just want to send a quick shadow from Texas all the way to Nagara Falls, New York, wishing my friends and family the best of the New Year's subcase you're listening to show, well, time now to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one is from Billy in Ohio. Steve, Billy right, but listen to this Billy Rights. I'm tied up in an affair with a woman that loves to have sex on the back seat of her Chevy Tahoe. This past Sunday, I was at church with my wife and she pulled up to the church and texted me to come outside. I left church and went to the back seat of the tahoe. Afterwards, I nodded at the parking lot god guard, and uh, I went. When I'm back in church the next Sunday, the security guard told me that my secret was safe with him. Should I trust him or not? First of all, dog? First of all? Should I trust him or not? Let's start with you stupid? Please that dog. He's the security guard. If you had to climb in the back seat or y'all had to go into the back seat. Either way, you went in the back door or you climbed over the seat, he saw it, and he tell you, a man, your secret safe with me. Should I trust him? Okay, let's say you don't trust him? What's your next movie? What hold? Hold, Let let me get you're gonna have him killed? Dog? What the hell can you possibly do? Can you trust him? Dog? You're stupid? Man. We ain't asking that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you could trust him. Why did you go out there and get in that card? I can't get past that leaving at a church. Church. All right, billy, you're on your own, so says the cello. All right, this one is from New Mommy in Monroe, Louisiana. She says, I'm a twenty four year old mother of a two year old boy, and I'm engaged to a man that is not my child's dad. He's planning to adopt my son and he's already talking about how he's going to discipline him. My son is at the age where he says no to everything, and he thinks it's cute. My fiance says it needs to stop now, and he needs something better than the swat on his butt that I gave him. He says he needs a other strap on his butt. But that's a bit harsh for a two year old. How can I defend my baby from this? Well, I think that's a little harsh for two years, and I grew up getting spinks, but not at two. No, brother, you need to pull up and you need to talk to you, to you, to your future husband about it, because obviously he has no children. Anybody talking about striking a baby at two, I'm just gonna say, you need more. You need a strap on a two yeard? Are you kidding me? Now? You can traumatize this baby. You need to sit down and have a talk with him. I would suggest y'all probably need to go to some type of counseling about child weary, because that's so many other ways to raise children. Now, coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour, our last break of the day, and of course Steve Harvey will have some closing remarks right after this. You're listening to show. Here we are, last break of the day, last break of the day, with just one more thing, Steve, I'm glad for one, I think we all are that your closing remarks are back. Yeah, they're always inspirational. You always motivate us to do something. Really, I was just now I don't want to sound you know, but anyway, what I was just asking God, what could I do more? What could I do? And it was just put on my heart to share more, you know, start takes a moment out at the beginning and the close of the show and just try to encourage more people. You know, I've learned so much over the years. You know, I've had a tough goal of it, as many of you have. Mine, ain't my story animal richer are deeper than nobody else's. So I just try to share the information that I've actually learned because I've learned a lot. And one of the things that I've learned is about when to start. You know, whenever you come up with an idea or thought or move you want to make, or something comes from your imagination. The thing that I find that stops people oftentimes is when do I start? Now, here's the thing with starting. What people do is they delay the start by overthinking it. And if you overthink something, guess what will eventually and you overexplain it to other people Eventually the how it won't work, it's going to come up. So you have this fabulous idea that you've thought of, right, and then you share it with some people and he said, man, I'm gonna go do this, And you start talking it over and you start thinking it through, and you share it with more people. The more people you share with, and the more people and the more you think it through, you know what, you keep coming up with the mishaps, the things that can go wrong, and you end up delaying the start. The other the thing that happens is people try to line all they ducks up in the row before they start so they can just go on and start knocking them down. That's a mistake because that almost never ever happens. I have yet to see any deal I've ever done, any project I've started go just the way I thought it was gonna go. I have never seen that. I have yet to close a deal that just with smoothly, no wrinkles, no bumps, no nothing. I've never seen that. So when you're waiting to start and then that they say is hidden, and you're waiting to start to get your ducks lined up in the row, you're delaying the process. You know when the best time to start is right now, because right now alleviates procrastination. If you wait on the ducks to get lined up in the role and you're listening to the naysayers, procrastination has already set in and taken place, and oftentimes it takes hold. So what I found is when I come up with the idea, I start the process. Now, I start the process. Now. Look, man, you can easily do that. It's simple things. What stops people is you try to figure out all the way through. You have this goal that you got and you say, okay, I'm gonna do this, then if I do that, then if I do that, and then you get stuck because you go, well, what happens after that, because you've never been in that area before, you've never gone down that road, so the unknown strikes you. And then because you can't figure out what you do when you get to the unknown, you stop. So now you couldn't line up all your ducks in the role, so the process to success is delayed. Again. Stop doing that to yourself, and y'all start now. Do it now. What you have to do next will be shown to you. It'll your first step will lead you to the stats second step. Now, sometimes on your journey you make a bad turn. You gotta make a U turn and come back and cross over the other bridge instead of going that way. But until you take one step, you'll never know where the next turn is. If it's a fark in the road, if it's a U turn, if it's a been, if it's a valley, if it's a mountain. You gotta start today. Stop delaying at everybody. Whatever it is you want to do, start today. You may be surprised that you can actually get yourself further than you thought you could with nobody else's help. Now, in order to be successful, you're gonna need somebody's help. But to start, oftentimes you just need yourself, start the process. God will show you the way. He really will. He always has. I say this often to people. God will get you through. For everybody's listening right now, Name one thing that God hasn't gotten you through, and if He hasn't gotten you through it, he's currently pulling you through it right now. And you know how I know because you're listening to the radio. How you listening to the radio. It's because he's pulling you through something right now. He's gotten you through all the other stuff, but he's pulling you through right now. If you start the process, God will pull you through. But you'll never know until you start. Start, Start something great. Don't participate in no mess this year. Stay out of mess. You know what mess is. Mess looks like, it ain't right, it don't feel good, it don't sound good. It's mess. Stay out of mess this year. Remove yourself from messy situations so you can move in the right direction. Start this year, man, make it happen. Okay, start today. That's the best time. Thank y'all for listening. Hope that helps you. Thank you all right? Thank you? Yeah, that's good. All right, tech us home. Well, y'all have a great weekend, close your clothes, I have self. Good weekend? Yeah yeah yeah yeah we give him a pad. Yeah. Happy Thursday. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to show