Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve gave himself "the works" and did not recognize his own reflection in the mirror. Today's show is dedicated to all the brothers and sisters locked away behind the walls. God still loves you! The Chief Love Officer answers questions about social distancing, jealousy, alimony and more. Floyd Mayweather's daughter was released on bond in Houston. COVID-19 cases in NYC have dropped while cases in New Orleans have doubled those numbers in New York. Since we have been quarantined, the crew is asked what they are doing to pass the time. In Sports Talk with Junior, we find out the latest with the NBA and what he thinks about the NFL Draft, plus more. Fool #1 has a situation that we wants opinions on. An apology was issued to the Naval Captain that was fired for his concern over his crew. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO talks about a new norm and what good can come from this situation, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all sit looking back to back giving them like the mosiing bus things and it's not good to mother by. Don't join you gotta turn you got a turn to turn them out, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your back. Uh huh, I show will good Martin. Everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one it all. It's Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well all right, I've learned something and its sharing time. And I am ever appreciated. I do appreciate God for all that he allows me to learn in my life. One of the best lessons I've learned is that hardship teaches you some great lessons. Challenges brings about some of my best results. I think what I'm trying to say is in every challenge and hardship, every setback, I've learned something so so valuable. So here's what I've You know, I've known this, but I've just learned it at a different angle. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Now. I don't know how that sound to you, but I can't tell you how true it is. God being fair and just as he really is. He really is. He's a fair and a just God. What's most beneficial to us is he happens to be full of mercy and grace. And I'm telling you something, man, I've probably benefited from his grace and mercy more than anything else. I mean, really, man, if it wasn't for him just forgiving me, and then for him just touching my life the way he has, I mean, I'm I'm not hearing this position today. I'm just not. But a funny thing has happened along the way, even to you. If you look at it, is it your genuine appreciation and gratitude has been the key to you having more for your continued blessings and for making room for having to open up and pour out blessings that you don't have room enough to receive. If you look at it, see God being a fair and just God, which he is, why would he put more on you than you can bad? If you've noticed everything that's happened in your life, if you're still here, you've made it. You know, forget how rough it was, got that, but you made it. Forget what it sent you through when it hide made you feel you made it. Now, what makes people give up and you hear about people committing suicide is they leave the God out of their life and they start allowing that other voice to control. And if it's really true that God never puts more on you than you can bear, as long as you stay connected to God, you can get through anything. But you lose that connection, you lose that communication, you lose that relationship with him. If you're not having a relationship with God, then who you're having a relationship with now? And it ain't but two forces at work at all time. It's good and evil, it's positive and negative. It's God's satan. Now, this is at work all the time. So if you're not being positive about everything, you leave room for negativity to step in. If you're not trying to be righteous in your way, then you allow evil to step in. If you don't work on your relationship with God, come on, now, look who you're letting step in. So now I'm asking you to understand that God never puts more on you than you can bear. Okay, now that we got that clear, that's a fact. Okay, Now with that fact in mind. Let's go over this right here. Why would God, being as just and merciful as he is, put more on you than you can bear? Example, if God has given you blessings and all you're doing is complaining about him, you're never showing any appreciation of gratitude about it. Why would he give you some more stuff to be ungrateful for? Why would he give you some more stuff to complain about? Why would he give you some more stuff that you would not show any more appreciation for? I mean, this thing is real simple, man, ain't it if you think about it? So? A lot of times, man, when I was going through my positions of not having it and wondering at all like here, I ended up checking myself and going, man, I'm not even showing any gratitude or appreciation for the things He has done for me. Start showing some appreciation and gratitude. Because it's the key to having more. It's the key to continued blessings. It's the key to the wonders of heaven opening up and pouring out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. It's the appreciation and gratitude of what you already have as minimal as it may appear to be right now for you, it is still what you have. But if you've shown no gratual, no gratitude for the minimal, why would he give you the maximum. I mean, I'm just really just trying to put it real, real, simple, so I can keep unders standing this thing right here. So let me give you an example. In my life, I had gotten so busy at one point that I had begun to complain about how busy I was. This is true because I am busy, but it ain't the busy part because I asked to be busy. You know, I asked God to give me opportunities and to make a way for me. Well, in that you got to do something, and you got to get busy. But I began to complain about the business and how busy I was, and I noticed that a couple of things slowed up for me. So I had got to the point where I wasn't showing real gratitude for it. Well, I looked up and a couple of things started slowing down, and then I had to catch myself and I went, wow, man, you have got to start embracing the fact that you are this busy embraced the fact that what all comes along with it. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You got to start embracing the requirement part if you want to continue with the giving part. So I changed my attitude. I caught myself and I started thinking him and showing real gratitude for how busy I was instead of complaining about how busy I was. And then guess what, It opened up the windows of heaven and some more blessings got poured out. It just works that way all the time, for everybody, for me, for you, for everybody. So listen, y'all again. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to continued blessings. And your appreciation and gratitude it's the only way that you can get those windows of heaven to open up and pull out these blessings that you won't have room enough to receive. You gotta act like you're glad for what you got in order to get more. You feel me, Let's go one, two, three, four, Boys and girls, gentlemen and ladies, Vegans, serious meat eaters, this show is for you. But today I dedicate my shoulder. All the brothers and sisters is locked away behind the walls. Y'all, keep your head up. Man, God still loves you. Please understand that he does. Man. Everybody make mistakes. Everybody make mistakes. There's a lot of good people behind the wall. Man. I hope y'all. Man, just feel better, just that somebody out there thinking about you. Man, pull it for you, you know, make something out yourself. It ain't over all right. Welcome to the ride, Steve Harvey Morning Show, Charley Strawberry. No glamor just me, Good morning Steve. Who Well, we ain't there to see it, so okay worthy moment though I heard the woo yeah, yeah, no glam just me. Well, don't worry about the same over here, caller Pharrell, Girl, I am with you. Good morning, Lashes, Junior U morning. Everybody whoever said silence was golden. It was clearly talking time in my draws. Baby. That's how we're doing it right now. So I got up today and I decided I just shaved today my head, my face, did my mustache, lined it, trimmed it, died it. Just gave myself the works and looked at the mirror and didn't know who the hell I was, I said, welcome back, Steve Harvey. Yeah, because what I haven't grown a full beard, so I just been cutting it. Once you get past it scraggy rough you know, in a rough section, rough section, I just go on and shave it down. I had it, you know. I like it when you get to a certain point where it's all popped out and it's even great, and then it's just sticking straight out. Once it started growing. It don't grow all at the same time, so you gotta wait. That's a ugly shot. Gets accusedly killed it right about it now, you know. So that's what I did today. It's the exciting, exciting day for me. I shave. Yeah, I gave myself a pedocure, and I just I love. I can't stop looking at my feet. I'm so excited. And you did good. I did it last weekend. My nails. Huh. If I give myself a pedocure, you ain't gonna believe it. I know, good hair, Well, I don't know how to do that. I look like just trying to bend open. Get that foot in your hand, it's gonna be healed. Yeah, I got to put mine up on something. I used to do it before. You know, nails, I'm so popular. But you know you go back to your old s. The reason you used to do it because you had the money and go nowhere to get him done. That's why you used to do it. Yeah, but you know, Neil salons are on every corner now, Steve, they weren't, you know. But yeah, yeah, that too. Okay, I used to cut my own hair, how about that? Never did that? You know why I had the money? Go down that damn Bob. Clearly you can't do the back all right, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna do some asks to Cello because why the chief Love officers in the building in the Harvey right after this, you're listening Steve Show. All right, Steve, here we go. Time now for ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, and we have some good questions from Steve Harvey f M dot com. Keep them coming. This one is from bridget and Montgomery, Alabama. She says, my husband and I are young, newlywed. My younger brother was staying with us when the sheltering place started, and we allowed his girlfriend to stay with us too. This was a huge mistake. This twenty year old girl has the worst attitude and a potty mouth. She refuses to clean up, and she does not shower daily. My brother tolerates her foolishness and defended her for not bathing by saying, we're stuck in the house, so who cares. We care? She's stinky and she's a nuisance. They have nowhere else to go. How can we make this work? Wow? First of all, everybody got somewhere to go. Yeah, because the moment you can't come in here, you gonna thank of something now, just like they thought of your place. Maybe they need to think of some other place. But then who's gonna take on me in because you can't just go stay with nobody no more so you might be stuck with him, but you're gonna have to lay down. It's your house. You have to lay down. Rule Now. I don't know who don't want to show? You can't be up in here. You know, these houses ain't a meg we've we've brought already. Once you live in the same house with people, social distancing this gone girl, No, no, no, you got to do something in here. Yeah, you know, but I don't know, I don't know what's wrong with your brother, because let me tell you something, I ain't ever been that much in love with no damn body. Stinking is allowable, but that's a deal breaker, yes, stinking. And let me tell you something. Marjorie made me so bad one day, made me so mad. One day we was in here and talking and I had just worked out, and I ain't went on socks and my gym shoes now and I'm there behind my desk. I'm going to take them and put them a little spray on them. But I hadn't got to it yet. She came on the other side of my desk and said, wait a minute, what what what is that I smell? I should probably say? She said, oh no, oh no, you got to get up and go take a bath. Steve you No, no, we're not doing it. So hold on, bab I just took my shoes off. Now I'm going upstairs a show. But I'm on this conference call. Now I'm on a conference call. I got to put the call on hole. She talking to me about these damn shoes is under my desk. If your ass wasn't on the other side of this dish, you wouldn't even be in it. So guess what happened. Guess who I am. Guess what happened? My ass off that damn conference call. We're gonna stay up to that damn shower and do them shoes outside because we're Yeah, absolutely next, that's a deal breaker, all right. This is from Frank out of North Carolina. It says Steve, my wife has male friends that call her day and night to talk about their dating problems. Since we've been stuck in the house, she's been doing her online workouts with her male friends. But when I invite her to work out with me, she said, it's hard for her to stay focused with me. I don't think she's attracted to any of these guys, but I'm sure the guys are interested in her. If this iss was reversed, my wife would not tolerate me talking to females like that. How can I stop her without looking jealous? Well, first of all, you are jealous number two. You should be jealous at number three. Just reverse the situation. Ask your wife, how would you feel if I started talking to some female friends and they called me, And you are absolutely correct. Your wife may not be interested in none of them. She might be at the house board still but guess what your best to believe they're interested in her and you know that. So now sold you. This is your family, this is your wife. You could do it anyway you want to. And I know people gonna go with Steve. That's old fashioned. It's okay to have friends. Well not, I've been here, you know. Look look, look, look, you have all the friends you want because I can't have female friends. I wish I would. Margerine, who you talk? I don't talk to some girls. They got some dating problems. Hey, you got a TV show, on radio show solve all that. Ain'tbody fit to call this house? And then holding you on line y'all FaceTime and each other working out? What are you kidding me? That's that's and then I can't work out with you because I can't focus, but you can focus with these other men. Sounds sounds like a little problem with me. Partner. You stop where you must be young, Stop worrying about feeling jealous, because that's what this is. Yeah, and it should be. That's exactly what this is. It's called jealousy. It's allowable. M all right. See this one is from Cherrelle and Philly. She says, I'm divorced and my ex husband is a sorry deadbeat that cheated on me. I was a breadwinner during the marriage, so I was ordered to pay alimony to my ex husband after the divorce. I just found out that my ex husband is having a baby with the woman he cheated on me with. I plan to ask the courts to stop his alimony payments because I shouldn't have to pay for his child and that help for he cheated on me with. He said, I'm bitter and low down if I cut him off financially, Steve, what do you think? Well, he was bid in lowdown. See see all of a sudden, See you could be bid in lowdown, but I can't be bid in lowdown. See this time, I'll see all this. You go low, we go high. That ain't for every situation, right, tell you right now. I appreciate it. Sound good, but that ain't real life. Yeah, you go low, I go damn near jest ass low. You go low, I bridge your ass, I get up under that. You go low, I tunnel. I got a lot of way he's a doing it. But what you're not gonna do? I'm not sending the money over there for that now. And one of the ways you can get out of it is you can easily say and start filing for petition, because this coronavirus is allowing people to get out of aum under a lot of things. COVID nineteen. Yeah, this COVID nineteen. Man, you may be able to get out of this sending that child support, that alimony over there to a dude that ain't working, because you probably ain't working, and if you're working from home, which you probably ain't, you might as well gonna get out under Yeah, and don't be letting him make you feel guilty. They don't know a lot of nerves. You're dirty and low down if you leave me hanging right here. No, I'm not taking care of you and her and a baby many. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna get behind on this alimony. What you're gonna do? Yeah, all right? Coming up next, the nephew in the building would run that brank back right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with today's National coronavirus news update, and in entertainment news, Floyd Mayweather's daughter man this she was arrested and accused of stabbing a woman. And some good news Tyler Paris. Tyler Perry's generous, very generous, big tip. We'll talk about all of these series at the top of the hour. Right now, it's time for the nephew to run that brank back. What you got for his nav? Pump your brakes, mom, Pump your brakes, mom, momm Okay, watch yourself now. Hey, hey, hey, hey, pump your breaks. Let's go home. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Natalie. Please. Yeah, this is Natalie. Natalie. How you doing. My name is Darren. I'm with your Homeowners Association. Oh okay, hey Darren, how are you doing? Listen? Um, we got a we got a bit of a problem, if you don't mind me asking, who's who who actually brings your kids home from school? Uh? Each day? Oh my mom gets my kids for me and she dropped them off. Okay, okay, okay, Well we have a we have a bit of a problem. The kids are fine. There's there's no issue with the kids at all. But you know, we've had a meeting here at the HLA. We've been getting some complaints. Uh it seems like your mother is is uh really speeding down the street real fast, and you know everyone's complaining about it that you know, it's a lot of kids walking home from school and it seems like your mom is driving real fast when she's coming down the street to drop your kids off. Did you know anything about this? Uh? No, not at all. That doesn't even sound like her. Okay, what type of cards? Uh? Let me ask you this, Natalie, We're we're we From what I understand, it is a what kind of car is your mom had? Is a board escape or something like that? From a little suv? Is that what you're moms? Yeah, she has a little red stuv. Okay, all right, So the problem is that that's the same car. That's the one we're talking about. And it seems like, you know, your mother is is flying down the street and she drops the kids off, and when she leaves, she's flying back out of the neighborhood and a couple of times some of the neighbors have told her to slow down, and you know, I don't know if she's flicked them off or set something out the window, you know, but you know, this is stuff that we just cannot tolerate. Huh. Well, it really doesn't sound like my mom. But you know, okay, you know what, Natalie, what we're not gonna do is what you're not gonna do is act like it's not your mamma. It's your mother that's doing this. So what we need you to do is tell your mama to slow out down. So we don't ask problem, all right, because I tried to be nice with you at first. But if you're gonna be a denial figured it's not your mamma, then we got issue. First of all, Darren from h O A, I need you to watch your chauls and who is you're talking to? All right? I need you to climb that all the way down? All right? Have you said that I would? You need to slow your damn mama down. That's what you need to do. Slow your mama. What she can do is stand in the middle of the street and she flying down and so hopefully she can knock you out the way. Okay, don't talk to me like that. You're being ruined, disrespectful. I would ask her if this her, because I don't think it's hard. But you're not gonna talk to me like that, okay, So your mama can just drive down the street and damn what she wanted to do. Myama could do whatever she want to do. She'll grow on. Don she can't do it in the neighborhood that I'm a member of the h O and she can't do it there. Okay, I don't mind whatever your mama arrested with your kids in the car. If I got to, I wish you would. I wish you would have my mama arrested with my kids in the car. You're gonna have more problems than you ever had. Okay, you and I have my mama arrested. You're gonna get arrested and you're gonna be sent to the hospital. How about that. Okay, let me tell yourself to tell your mama, so slow down beneath streets. This is the last one. And I'm giving y'all this the last one. Well, you know what I'm saying. You ain't got to get no one. It's okay. We can have a real conversation about it. We can meet and talk about it, because ain't gonna talk to me like that. And you and I ain't telling my mama nothing. I ain't telling out a small own thing, not that. What you're gonna do? What's your mom, do there not that. Let's meet about it. And And I'm not bringing my husband too. Say you got so much to say, you don't say that. I don't want you to keep that same energy. Okay with my husband. I want you to talk to him like you're talking to me. I let me tell you something. I ain't worry about your husband and none of that. All right, I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this right here. I'm gonna say this right here. Tommy is the one that told us that your mama was speaking out the street commedy one said, Tommy, put it out, Timmy. Tommy said, your mamma was the one running up and down the street fast going part to pick the milling out. Tommy. The one said that I know who timmy shoes. But Tommy can kiss my. You can kiss my, and any other neighbors who got something to say about my mama can kiss my. How about that? You're gonna shoot it, let me shoot it. Do you know nephew Tommy from a Steve Harvey Morning show? Do you know who starts me? Why are you going? Mamaly's Mike's God like you talking questions even me about to get you wished up brother. Let's nephew, Tommy, you'll tis the Darius got need to plank fall call you baby, I always got down, Yeah, going down. Okay, back, it's a real mother. You know. I'm I'm getting back. Oh man, I how like my mama to me? Like, got me? You got me? Everybody coming this one more day before you go. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know, it's the Steve Harvey Martin Show. And tell Steve I said, hey, be working good and there you have it. You played tom your break, your break. Y'all. Wait though, y'all, wait, just give me a couple more days. I'm doing some I'm doing some some lockdown pranks. So y'all just hold tight. Comm Me got something for you. You planking people. Now, I'm pranking people that can't get out of the house. Y'all ain't riddy with it? You know where they? I mean straight IGNI y'all when I'm gonna get y'all some home runs in a minute. So y'all just just wait on the nephew. Okay, how's the show coming, Tell me it's coming, it's coming. Working with Jade's cool. Yeah, j j Jay so so damn fast, so quick, and I've been trying to keep Oh man, I'd be trying to keep up with him because Jay is fast, real fast, you know. Jay Man to Jay, old school Jay, that Jay. That dude come from that era when that was all it was. Wasn't no TV shows for you. You just had these jokes. That was it it was. There was a different dude created back then where he comes from. So that's that's what that is talking about. Man, It's like getting out there with with George. You're trying to just just just hate. It. Don't matter either Jordan, Jude, either way it goes, don't matter. Shut up, Julian balanced each other out and show all right, we gotta watch that coming up at the top of the hour. Yeah, Entertainment and national news right after this, you're listening to. Wow, this story right here, Floyd Mayweather's nineteen year old daughter Ayanna was busted for felony aggravated assault. This was early Saturday morning in Houston. That's right, Tommy. She's accused of getting into an altercation with rapper NBA Young Boys. Baby Mama. Ayana reportedly showed up a young boy's home and found him with another woman. Ayanna told the alleged victim that she was the rapper's Beyonce, so the woman should lead. Things escalated and at one point Ayanna allegedly stabbed the woman. Her name is Lepatra Jacob. Ayana Mayweather was charged with aggravated assault, and yesterday Ayanna posted bond and the Houston judge told her to stay one thousand feet away from the victim and no possession of any weapons. Floyd posted a video of him working out and boxing with his son with a caption never claimed to be perfect, but I strive to be the best father possible. I saw that. Well, yeah, you know, Floyd, listen, man, this isn't a reflection of your parenting. I think what people fail to realize is that when our children get out on their own or they leave the house, just like we did when we were growing up, we did things totally against everything our parents taught us or raised us. All of us did. And so in these times now with social media, all your kids flaws plays out more of a national attention. So Floyd, you know, ain't got to be perfect. You know he did, He's doing the best he could, but you're talking about a possible love triangle and stuff like that. Man, you get out of hand, these people start hand and then you know, cause now we don't know what the real story is. You know, did you get a knife out and you got cut with it cross your hand allegedly? Yeah, yeah, you know, you know, it's kind of like you call it with all the incidents witness No, no, no, no, I'm talking about when I say allegedly your your case in situation that never was made public because it wasn't called on camera, but sugar and gas taking no social media doing call a day call, it wouldn't be on this show, and neither would out, none of us would if we had cameras back and all. That's allegedly too right there, you know what this is. But hopefully there is a victim to hope that girl recovers fully, and you would the guy would have stopped it. He would have got between it and all nine one one, so you know, you don't know. Awful, Yeah, that's just horrible. Hopefully it really is. Get it together, yeah, all right, And other entertainment news, Tyler Perry to the rescue again. He's just so generous He recently tipped forty two of Houston's restaurant employees in Atlanta twenty one thousand dollars. Now, this is about five hundred dollars tip to each server and each employee of Houston's. And I mean, you know, Tyler's so generous, he really really is, and he's always coming to someone's aid. Yeah, Now where was he sitting in the restaurant with all him He probably did pick up the probably no, yea, he got it to go, Yeah, he got it to go. Yeah, Now it was at Houston's. Yeah, they said Tyler got a whole lot of money. If he's sitting in the restaurant, anybody go put him at yeah, all right, Time to get caught up on today's headline, Steve, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, everybody. This is Andrew put the News. You know, pretty much ninety percent of US residents are either under orders to stay home or being advised to stay home whenever possible, and there are signs that that strategy is working, especially in the region with the most coronavirus cases in the country that would be New York. However, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo can't forget how long the Trump administration took to start trying to fight the virus, and how it seems that the president still wants to start rolling back to stay at home in social distancing bands. We have been behind on this virus from day one, and this virus has kicked our rear end. Now is not the time to slack off on what we're doing. In fact, Cuomo's increased fines for public gatherings, which he said are still a problem because some people are just totally obnoxious. Right do you have to act irresponsibly in a way that could get you sick or someone else sick, and then I have to say an ambulance to pick you up and bring you to an emergency room that's already over burdened. Again, the governor has doubled defined for disobeying social distancing guidelines to one thousand dollars. This word out of Chicago. While Shytown is only twenty three percent black, see the officials say that the African Americans are nevertheless accounting for more than half of the COVID nineteen deaths. That's right, twenty three percent black, but over fifty percent of the COVID nineteen deaths elsewhere. Authorities say four members of a family in Louisiana have all died of the coronavirus. The members of the Franklin family ranged in age from fifty eight years old to eighty six years old. The coronavirus problem intensifying in the UK. In fact, the Prime Minister over there, Bars Johnson, has now been moved into intensive care because his COVID nineteen symptoms have been getting worse and not better. Johnson is fifty five years old. He was admitted to the hospital on Sunday after ten days of self imposed isolation. There have so far been early have around, have been around at fifty four to deaths rather in England and again as he was in self isolation, apparently his symptoms got worse and not better. So he's hospitalized. Well it was and then it wasn't. Now it is. I'm talking about the Wisconsin primary, which the Democratic governor Wisconsin TONI. Evers tried to shut down for health reasons postponed till June, but the idea was swiftly rejected by the majority Republican Wisconsin Supreme Court. The number of COVID nineteen infections on the rise in his state. Governor Evers issued an executive order yesterday afternoon calling for a primary postponement or at least no in person balloting, you know, by mail or something, but the Republican majority in legislature and the Wisconsin Supreme Court reinstated the election in only a few hours. Starting today, all Starbucks employees are required to where some sort of mask or facial covering at work. In fact, Starbucks officials say they provided their works with a tutorial demonstrating how to make their own mask. Finally, Tyler Perry's given folks upset about all the hairdresses and nail salon's clothed because of the Corona stuff. He was speaking to half the group Mary Mary Erica Campbell, and he put it like this, Oh, y'all run out there trying to get your hair done, trying to look cute. The case. There's another person that does hair. There a makeup too. That's an undertaker, the undertaken. Now back to Steve Harvey, Mornicio, you're listening to show New York's new coronavirus cases dropped for the first time yesterday, which is good news. However, in other parts of the country. The coronavirus death rate for New Orleans is double that of New York. Yeah, that's sad. In Chicago, research shows that more than half of the COVID nineteen cases are in the African American community. In Detroit, it continues to become a national focus, with Detroit having the third highest number of cases in the country. We all saw the viral video of the of the Detroit bus driver Jason Hargrove, who complained about it. Yeah, this was this was really terrible. He complained about a woman passenger not covering her mouth while coughing on his bus, and sadly, Jason Hargrove passed away from COVID nineteen. His widow m Yeah, missus, Desha Hargrove is pleading for everyone to please stay home. She said, this is serious and you don't want to be in my situation planning a funeral for your loved one. So Steve, we we just we have to encourage everyone to stay home. Please stay home. This is not optional. Look, we have to view it like this. You have to protect This is not just protecting yourself, so you don't get it. This is to protect anybody that you love. Let me give you an example of what can happen. You can go outside because you can get it airborne. You can get it off cardboard, plastic, stainless steel. I have a list of how long the COVID virus leaves on different surfaces. And it was sort of a man. I kind of got this today from somebody, and I'm gonna give it to y'all a little bit later on, and I'm gonna I'm gonna show you how it lives on certain surfaces. You can get it from anywhere, cardboard, stainless steel, countertops, airborne, direct contact. It's not just handwashing. You gotta be careful so many things. So now a delivery bag can come to your house, somebody with COVID nineteen who packed it, who doesn't know that they're showing any symptoms, could cough, put their hand on the bag, You pick it up, get it on your hand, take it in your house. Inadvertly you're not thinking boom. So now you've got to be careful. Now you get it, you don't know you have the symptoms, and you take it into your house with the people you love, and you got an older person living there who with a previous condition now you're hurting the people that you really love. It's not just you. We've got to get together so we can protect ourselves. I love ones and the other people in the public who are unaware. We're working very hard on this end right here. If we do these things, we can flatten this curve and we can get out of this. But until we all start taking this serious, every single person in this country, we're going to keep fighting like this. Coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna switch gears, lighten things up a bit. Here's the question, what odd, strange, mundane thing have you started doing to pass time? We're going to talk about that. Oh, all right, after this, we'll be right back. You're listening to show, all right. So, having to spend days on end indoors has so many people just incredibly bored that they're coming up with all kinds of bizarre ways to pass the time. Some people are I love this one. Some people are counting rice, just counting, yes, counting strug rice. Yeah. I like that one too. Yeah, just count the rice, the colonels, so you know they're counting strawberry seeds, et cetera. So Steve I gotta ask you, what strange thing? I know you're doing something strange. What are you doing to pass the time? I know you're not counting? Wait for I got these vapor cigars because my wife didn't ask me to cut back, So I got me some vapors about you and loves you. M Yeah, okay, yes, Steve and so. On the box it says, uh, this one particular brand that I like, you get eighteen hundred puffs. So I've been counting the puffs on this electronic cigars and I want to tell y'all, so eighteen hundred a lot of damn puffing. Let me tell you something. Do that at one time you ain't a's gonna get sick. Probably. Yeah. So I'm three days in and I'm on a twenty one hundred and forty two posts. You Yeah, I just write it down if there ain't got nothing to do, like you know, a little note section in your phone. So I just I count the puls you know, wh I'm walking around the yard. I puff a little bit, walk with the dog, you know, puff a little bit, walk with the dog, Drank some water, Puff a little bit, walk with the dog. Yeah, me and the dog. Then actually got close. I've actually began talking to him, like, what do you talk to the dog about? She and that wiping his paws off and everything. He's so sick of getting your damn pauls washed, he was. You know, dogs don't like that you wash, it falls off, you know, because she's been he's been outside. Oh, Marjorie is the Yeah, so the dog get his paw still, Like I'm going damn taking this too far. He feels the same way. So the other day I was out there with him and he laid his head on my left and he said, damn, man, I'm sick of the dog, he said, he said, He said, you know why, dog? I said, I know, dog. He said why ain't the only one you called dog? And I said, well, you know, so, raz we had type of exchange. You are very close. Yeah, yeah me. And that's the craziest thing out of that. What about you, Junior. YEA ain't gonna beleat this. But I actually sat here at the table and opened my blind and washed the tree bullet. It was naked when we started this quarantine. Now it just prouted those really amazing watching leaves come in. That is really something really you need to take in the nature. I sat here about four or five hours a day and do that, like watching paint. All right, nephew, I got nothing special. I have a my mama bought me. There was a couple of years ago, and I never used it. I've been pressure washing everything just because just like the patios on the side of the house steps to take you out in the yard, I've just been pressure washing. Seeing a sign of dirt, I see something, I'm gonna you know what, I'm a pressure wash that I'm a pressure wash. Can it just give me something to do. I'm you know, I'll be walking outside like I'm really going away. I'm going out here and pressure wash this thing. I'll be back out. That's it. That's all I got to do, right, Steve, I knew you have something else. I asked you for the first time three years of living here. You know where my look grandkids used to have the TP up that I had to buy for him. That time, the t people that prying when they was taking it back, so that we took that down until they just got it was back there. And so I walked back there the other day and took a headger. One of the things that cut shrubbery. Yeah, I cut it down, cut a little hole where I could see through the gate, and I've actually been looking at the neighbor's house, all right. Loving Up next it is the nephew with today's frank phone call. That's right about calling police and reporting they ask or something going on. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, Steve. I gotta tell you you're gonna love this subject. Tommy not so much. The subject is I'm way more stupid than Tommy. Wo subject subject is what I'm way more stupid than Tommy. It's gonna be hard to read right here right now though. The nephew is in the building with today's praying phone call. What do you have for us today? Nephew, your wife is cheating on both of us. Now, that's just disrespectful right there? You know that? Now, that's just that that right there, your wife getting on both us. Come on, come on now, you do not have any an it. Come on now, how dare you? I mean, how hell can a person be you know, wow to be cheating on me? And he huh, how do you do that. Wow, no loyalty whatsoever. Let's go get though. Hello, I'm trying to reach Terrence. Please, who's calling? Who's this? Hey? My name is Mark. My name is Mark. How you doing, bro? I work with um with your wife, Veronica. We're on the same sales floor together. I think I met you before, but I don't know if you remember meeting me. But um, I work at the job with Veronica. Is everything on right there or what's going on? No? No, no, everything is straight here at the job. Not a problem at all at the job. But I wanted to yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she's all right, She's perfectly fine. Man. Um, I just I just you know, I actually, like I said, my name is Mark. Man. You don't remember me, Terrence, But I just wanted to talk to you, Like I say, um, you know, I got some things on that that's been bothered me for a minute, and I you know, I just I just kind of wanted to reach out to you, and you know, just kind of have like a little a little hard to hard talk with you. Man. So maybe you know, uh, you know, we can get things in a in a better position. But I just wanted I just wanted me and you to have a conversation. Wait, man, how did you get mine? Veronica? Give you my number? Or how did you get my number? That's what I'm trying to like, what's going on? I mean I had, I had, I've had your number. I just I just I just had never reached out to you before. Well, like I say, though, man, this this, this has been bothering me for a minute and I wanted to get it off my chest so you and I can try to, I guess, fix this whole issue. But I just want us to see if we can fix it. You know, we fix the issue. What's the issue? I don't understand. I'm not following you. I don't understand what like what is the issue? So but now you know, like I said, I went on to talk to me, what's going on? Okay, Yeah, your wife, man is cheating on both of us, and we gotta figure out how we gotta do something about this. Man, all right? I mean, did you say she's eating on the both of us? What cheating? She is cheating on the both of us, bron It sounds like you said cheating. I don't know what you Veronica, listen to me, tears, Veronica is cheating on both of us. You say, Nica cheating on me and me, you know, and we gotta, we gotta figure out what we're gonna do. Man, But as a husband, I gotta you gotta, I'm gonna need you to step up and get this thing in order. What you're talking about. You say, Veronica is cheating on me with you. No, no, she cheating on both of us with somebody else. I know. I've been noticing her going out with this, you know, going to lunch with this other cat. So I'm like, I got pissed off about it. So I said, you know what, I can't take you no more. I'm calling Terence. You're saying to me that my wife has been cheating around a job with somebody else. She cheating on both of us. Dude, I don't get what you mean if my wife has cheated on what I mean you're calling me to tell me that she's cheating on me. I appreciate that, but I don't get what you're saying. You know, both of us say. I don't get that part. I don't understand what you mean. Me and Veronica have been, you know, kind of cool, you know, last eight months to a year, we've been you know, pretty tight here at the job. You know what I'm saying. So listen what you mean y'all have been cool. That's what I don't understand. Like, what do you mean y'all being cool? Because that's my wife. Tell me what you're talking about. Okay. All I'm saying is me and me and me and her been real cool. We've been real tight. You know. Sometimes we take lunch and then you know, don't come back. That's our thing though. But you know now, you know I'm noticing. You know, she she didn't want out, you know, she didn't want to lunch a couple of time with his brother named Alan, And I'm like, okay, no, no, it ain't gonna go down like this here. You know what I'm saying? Are you my wife? Man? Hey, that's that's not why I called you. I called you my wife. That's what I want to know. I'm telling you about this dude named Alan. I need you to step up as the husband and fix this. But you're telling me that my wife is cheating on both of us. Didn't you know, cheating on both of us? If she's she's cheating on me, you're telling me that you with my wife too, that you've been messing around with my wife. That's not That's not the part I'm trying to talk about. I'm trying to talk about this dude named Alan. Man, That's what I'm trying to get out. We're gonna to Alan. You saying that my wife plan it's some crazy yo. You know what, Man, I'm about to put my foot right up, yo, because play those games with her? She with me. We messing around. We're doing listen doing that. It don't work like that? Do you understand what I'm saying? Do I hear what you're saying? But your beef ain't with me. The beef is with Alan. No, she messing over She messing over both of us with Alan. Doalk? I'm about to call her because right here I'm telling Okay, hold on, bro, I just want you to deal with Alan. Are you about to stop right now? I'm at I'm at the job. Yeah, but I'm about to come put my foot You understand me? No? I hear you, man, Alan is the one that then blew this thing out of proportion. Dog. She messing over me and you with this here. There ain't no me and you. I don't share, do you see what I'm saying. Yeah, I hear you. You don't. You don't hear me. I don't know shit shit that goes on over here? Okay, Okay, I do, I do. I'm just saying, you know, what are you saying? Lets me right here, leet me right now. I'm about to come up in where you at? Right now? Where are you at? I'm at the job where what Ronnie? I call her Ronnie. I'm at the job where Ronnie at. I call her Ronnie. I called the ronnick Ronnie. I mean that's my little nickname too, all right, but well, hold on, hold on, hold on, ron Ronnie Nie right here, she's right where she right here? Right here? You want to hun? Okay, cool, man here, cool? But can I tell you what she's saying. I don't want to hear what she's saying. I'm put her on the phone right now, Okay, But can I tell you what she's telling me to tell you? She ain't telling you to tell me damn thing, because the only thing that you is my foot up. Okay, okay, but but but but Ronnie wants me to tell you this man, Just listen to me, Terrence. She wants me to tell you that this is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your wife, Veronica. You know what, I don't play this, y'all up up here, y'all up, I'm gonna give your old school woman you are no, I'm not all right. I'm in the car. I was on my way over there, about to go to jail at the round with y'all. Hey, let me ask you this man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You already know that's stupid enough? Yes, yes, to show the next show. I'm stupid enough just hanging in there, all right. I know to letters say somebody more stupid than me. But I did I display some great stupid to it right there. I beg to differ with them, but we'll see. We shall see. P and J Coronavirus Stay at Home Common Show hosted by Jay Anthon Brown and the one and only the Meet Nephew Tommy. It jumps off to Morrow all social media. I'll let you do not want to miss it, all right, get ready and you will see Day and Tommy at our best as we bring some incredible comedians Junior Boy will actually be on this particular show. You do not want to miss that. All right, We got Bill Bellamy in the house. He will be on the show as well as be Flat and Jay. Got some more coming to you do not want to miss it. It is on tomorrow, Wednesday. Stay tuned, all right, nephew, all right, coming up next the Strawberry Letters subject I'm way more stupid than Tommy. We'll find out right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, just a reminder, today is World Health Day. Let's celebrate my staying at home. Please. Um. We're just trying to work together to flatten the coronavirus curve. People, and we want to say thank you, thank you, thank you to all of our healthcare professionals who are out there on the front line, putting their lives on the line every single day. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Roet some of our hearts. Yes, we appreciate you, We really really do. Okay, and we're gonna move on. Time now for the Strawberry Letter. Some special people called, Yes they are, couldn't be me because I'll be calling you nah nah, I'm gonna need eight mans. Man. I need eight. Man, I'm gonna need some fresh. I need down to face me, face shield and all. You know. Until I get that, man, I'll see y'all. Yes, stay at home incredibly correct. Yeah, yes, yeah they are, yes, all right and U We're gonna switch gears here because it's time now for my Strawberry Letter. If you've missed it, if you need advice or anything like that, please please please don't hesitate to go to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. That's if you need advice and relationships on dating, work, sex, parenting and more. We got you, We got you. Just submit your Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry Letter. Subjects. I love the subject I'm way more stupid than Tommy. For you read this letter, h The slatter gonna had to be really something special for me to go along with that statement. Okay, well, we're gonna find out if you're way more stupid than Tommy. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty seven year old married man, with the most perfect wife a man could ever ask for. She accepted me with all my flaws and we never argue. Instead, she calls me out on my bs and we talk things through logically. I have a female friend that is single and bitter, and whenever I brag about my great marriage, she always throws shade. She always says that my wife is hiding something because women love to argue. She even implied that my wife may be cheating on me, because if she won't argue with me, she doesn't care about me. I started believing my friend and wanted to test my wife. I started picking fights with my wife just to see what would happen. One night, I started an argument and my wife was not having it, so she suggested that I go for a ride to cool off. I took my stupid behind over to my female friend's house. She poured up drink after drink, and we got comfy and drunk, and she took advantage of me. This was the worst sex I ever had. When I got home at three am, my wife was up and had been worried all night. I had to keep acting mad until I could take a shower and sober up. I felt so guilty. The next day, By midday, this other woman started calling and texting me like crazy. She wanted me to come over so we could talk about what's next for us. I was like, wtf us. My response made her furious with me, and she threatened to come to my house and talk to me in personal I'm all stressed out because she won't stop calling me. This woman is like one of the boys, and I can't tell my wife I had a one night stand with her. In fact, I don't want anyone to know. Stephen Shirley. What should I do? All right, Tommy, he's thank you. I was gonna say that even you aren't this stupid? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you're way more stupid than Tommy. You are absolutely right. You are absolutely right on so many levels, because I mean my wife, My wife listened to the show. Baby, I ain't never done nothing like this him for this boy hit it done baby for him. It is somebody most stupid than me. Babe, Baby, don't get points, but you ain't done this. So what did you watch? Yeah? Yeah, you're not stupid as this guy, So shut up the girl. But you're about to change that. Yes, about to help you here? Yeah, yeah. I mean, come on, come on, dude, I mean, you cannot be this stupid. Who is this stupid, this evil, trifling woman that you call your friend. I mean she set you up. You made the case for why married men and women should not have friends of the opposite sex. How can you buy all this stuff that she told you about your about your wife. Women don't like to argue. Where does she get that from? Especially mature women? They don't like to argue? I mean, come this is come on, but you made the case why we shouldn't have friends of the opposite sex. Also with drinks involved, and she kept giving you drink after drink, and then you're stupid behind drove home drunk. I mean, this letter is just stupid upon stupid upon stupid, just layers and layers and layers of stupid. She's no friend to you. She's no friend to you. She was just really trying to break up your marriage. That's all this is saying. That's what she was doing. She was in your ear. What do you mean, what do you mean all you know, just doing all of this and you say the sex wasn't that great, so it wasn't even worth it. You messed up really badly here, and you better pray that this crazy so called friend of yours does not tell your wife, and if she does, you better hope and pray that your wife that you can convince your wife to give you another chance. It's way more complicated than that, but we gotta go. Steve. Come on, this is crazy. The subject is simple. I'm way more stupid than Tommy. Now I found that hard to believe, but throughout this letter you proved me wrong, your ass, he is stupid. Okay, when we come back, I'm gonna tell you just hot damn stupid you really are. Okay, all right, Steve, thank you. We'll have part two of your response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subjects I'm way more stupid than Tommy. Yeah, you are. We'll be back right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject I'm way more stupid than Tommy. Well, ain't no recap. Let's just get it on. This letter says I'm way more stupid than Tommy. He immediately started proving his damn point thirty seven year old married man with the most perfect wife a man could ever ask for accepting me with all my flaws that would probably be including the fact that you're stupid and we never argue. Instead, she calls out my bs. We talked things through logically. You got a female friend that's single and bitter, and whenever I brag about my great man, she always throws shade. That's why she's single and that's why she bitter. She always said that my wife is hiding something because women love to argue, and that surely made a good point. Women don't love to argue. They really don't. Now they don't go there if you push him there. But that ain't what they like to do. I can tell you that or a fact. Okay, so now let's get that out the way now. She always says my wife is hiding something because women loved that. She also said that your wife is probably cheating on me. That's why she don't argue with you, so she don't care about you. Now, this is how stupid this fool is. Yeah, I started believing my friend Holdly Women Award. You started believing the single, bitter ass friend that ain't got nobody telling you about somebody that you got and don't nobody wanted her. Okay, all right now, and I wanted to test my wife. Hold let me back a little bit. Didn't you just say you're married to the man, the most perfect wife a man could ask for. You want to go home and test her? Folk? What? Because you're stupid ass friend saying something? And I'm gonna tell you who you're stupid as friend really is. Though I want to see it right now, but I can't. So I started picking fights with my wife just to see what would happen. One night, I started argument. My wife wasn't having it, so she justested I go for a ride to cool. Long great move. I took my stupid ass over my female friend's house. She pulled up. Drink after drink after drink. We got comfy and drunk. She took advantage of me. Now, see hold up, dog, listen to me. She didn't take advantage of you. For a man to have sex, you have to get yourself in a certain position, So anybody took advantage of you. Let's stop that hard. For a woman to take a man, you have to be aroused. You got a roused with them drinks in you. She took advantage of me. Now, higoto. This where the letter gets stupid. This was the worst sex I ever had. Oh and y'all don't know why because I'm I'm fenn to pick out a piece of this letter I found when I got home at three. Ayem, my wife was up, had been worried all night. I had to keep acting mad, and because I could take a shower and sober up, I felt so guilty the next day. By mid day, the other woman started calling and texting me like crazy because she can't believe you had sex with her. And I'm gonna show you why. Here it come, he comes. She wanted me to come over so we could talk about what's next for us. I was like, what us, ain't no, damn us. Then your response made her furious because she it was us last night. She was y'all and us last night, and she was furious with me. Y'all ready, here it comes, it comes. She threatened to come to my house and talk to me in person. I'm stressed out because she won't stop calling. Here we go. This is it. This woman is like one of the boys. I can't tell my wife I had a one night stand with her. In fact, I don't want anybody in the mote. No, you know why because she not only was one of the boys, she looked like one of the boys. See that's listen to me, y'all. This he got drunk, had the worst sex he ever had. It wasn't no. I had always been curious about her. Now she wanted the boys because she looked like one of the boys. She don't he don't want nobody to know. And you cannot tell your wife. Why would you. You gotta go over here and talk to this chick and you got to say listen, yeah, this can't go no further. I really like you as a friend, and I don't want to hurt our friendship. You gonna have to play the game now part that's gonna make you sick to your stomach. We have such a great friendship. I can talk to you about anything. I'm sorry this happened. I don't want this to come between our friendship. Your friendship means too much to me. You got to get into this game deep now it's play active. But what your stupid ass bed not do. It's going there and tell your wife this happened. If your dumb ass do that, don't stop listening to our show. We don't want you as a listen to no more. Really no really, you gotta meet her or diary anything, just throw it away. You don't want your ass listening to this damn show no more. If you take your stupid ass in there and say something your wife, your dumb ass, your stupid ass to learn the lesson that. Go over there and fix it like I told you, and get back to the best wife on the planet. That right mess round had the worst sex you'd never had because she ain't got no practice, she ain't had no sex. Nobody else wanted it Today Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and face just like her al turning and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up in forty six minutes after the hour, Junior sports news about the NFL Draft that's coming up right after this. You're listening, all right, So junior no team gathering through the twenty twenty draft. What's what's going on? You know, the draft coming up on the twenty third or this this month, and it's gonna be probably the worst draft you've ever seen. What the same, because ain't nobody getting no hat, ain't nobody getting no jersey? Matter of fact, um, none of the NFL owners GM's coaches. They will not be allowed in the same room for the twenty twenty NFL Draft. Nobody. That mean when your phone read take all the phone calls, because you'll know, you'll know who the hell are calling over. It's gonna be your uncle boy. Anybody called you yet, No, you're on the phone many, Man, I'm just checking the damn you ain't got trip. I thought you'd be gone by now. It's gonna be a hundred sit virtual draft for the big day. Man, it's gonna it's gonna be bad. It's gonna be But you know something, man, I kind of like it like that because it's cool, because it's always just a draft. Man. They they make stars out of these cats before they get in the league, have played one down. A lot of them turn out to be busted, get drafted early, and you know they make this hoop line and all this. We gotta wait see what they do and all this here. Man, just call the damn name. Yeah, just call it, you know, see that because they're not gonna be able to do it. Man. And half these kids you ain't never even seen them before. You don't even know what school they played call, they answer, let's go. Don't even know damn draft over with man, man, we can drafted. The Texas drafted somebody last year with a left guard right with nobody had a Sun Valley somewhere. We didn't even have no college tape for him. He was the first round page. We didn't know what school he played, and y'all just traded DeAndre Hopp, Thank you, man stupid. He's stupider than the guy in the left Yeah, right right now, y'all dumber than the brown. At least we know why we ain't nothing. Well, you know what the in the NBA, the league is negotiated with the players trying to figure out how they can save the rest of the season. Though they are trying to figure that part out. Hey man, get on out there. I don't need no people in the stands, just somebody to play. Let's play something. Man, play the game. I don't care. I watched Sugar Ray Leonard weekend watch act like you've never seen it. Yeah, Jordan ben retired. I watched it when his last his last championship. Jordan's game the weekend, Yeah, the NBA Finals, Yeah against the Utah hit last shot as a booth game, your close games for a time. We're gonna have nothing nothing right. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about quarantine quarrels right after this. You're listening show. All right, here we are, we're back. Hey, Hey, can I can as yall just tell me if I'm wrong? All right, y'all, y'all, just give me your honest I'm just I'm gonna tell you right, yes, yes, jack Jackie sent me to the store. Your ass is dead wrong. He sent me to the store. And I guess I'm I guess I'm going a little too fast in the neighborhood and I didn't got pulled, though this is yesterday. Is it wrong that I let the window down and started sneezing and coughing out the window? Is it wrong that I did that? As he was coming up to the window, and do you know he backed off and said, don't worry about you, just slow down and went on back to kids. It was well, you got out of the ticket. So I was pretty clever. Yeah, And I struggle using the word clever, which yeah, yeah, you got a better word, Steve, what you got? No, really, clever ain't too much too far. Let's call it. That was that was Lucky thanking. Yeah, you say quick? Hey, ain't nobody say quick? Yeah? Veteran comedians Shirley make you live up too quick? You ain't quick yet, You're gonna make you live up too quick? Can I tell in that moment? Yeah? You go ahead. Okay, So y'all remember yesterday when Shirley asked me to do the title of the Strawberry Letter. You'll remember that. What are you looking at me? Yeah? Yeah, because you say it. Yeah, you know, working from home. You know, my husband been Once we got off the air. He was sitting what sotosh was sitting in the then with his top and he said, to mask your question. I said yeah. He said, you're on the air, right, I said yeah, yeah, yeah, I just got out there. And he said, what were you kept hauling about your booty on the air? I said, what did you talking about your ass? What is disgusting your ass? Sorry, carlat to me to get your I try to explain it. I said no, no, no, Shirley, just lights away. I say, you know booty and that was the subject of the star Bayed Ladder. He said, but you kept saying it over and over, and I was gonna walk in there and said, what was you trying to draw attention to your Thanks Shirley, you got me and you're working from home. Man, Yeah, she kind of had your ass out there. Hush, you're not gonna pull me in that. I'm not even saying. I'll just say, but she's safe over here, homie, Thank you, Junior, Thanks Carla. You know who you talk doing the quarantine? Anybody over sidified? Lord, have Mercy up on the phone. Don't let her call if it ain't Sunday. She got time, She ain't got a way to go. What is she talking about? Any and everything? Do you know there's a fight up in Brenham, Texas? Did you know her sister Milby and Catherine ain't been talking for the last two weeks. I don't know why I'm talking about it. So I'm saying you wanted somebody to talk to something. Yeah, but it's not huddle. She talked so slow, because you know, old people don't tell you right off the bad when they come on the phone. They just be like, Junior, ain't not getting the loan, doing doing the crisis, doing the quarantine. They can't go nowhere they beat it, don't. I just I just need somebody else to talk to you. Oh, you can call me once a week. I appreciate waste. We talked about once a week though, we just talked on like week because Junior talked about an hour, because you know, we got to catch up. Yeah, I ain't talking a little dude one talking wait a night too. Yeah, yeah, I said that's nice. You said once a week or once a day. No, no, once a week. I don't need a body call. I ain't talking a little dude that day though, I've been talking to my wife every day. I'm telling you right now, we are out all right. Coming up more more of today's strending stories of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. At twenty minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening to this Dave Harvey Morning Show, the acting Secretary of the Navy, Thomas Maudley blasted the now fired commander of the USS, Theodore Roosevelt, and called the former commander, Captain Brett Crozier, naive and stupid for for intentionally leaking a memo that he sent to his Navy bosses warning about coronavirus spreading aboard his aircraft carrier. Captain Crozier wanted to let his sailors off the ship to stop them from being infected. The captain was fired. We all recently saw on social media the massive salute to Captain Crozier and the sailors thanked him for his actions. While mister Acting Secretary of the Navy, people believe you got it wrong, and Captain Crozier is hailed as a hero for risking his career to save his sailors lives. The captain should have received gratitude and not punishment. Sending prayers of healing to Captain Crogier because he has now tested positive for COVID nineteen. Man, after all that, you know, he lost his job. Yeah, he lost his job trying to save other people. Yeah. See, man, that's when the Navy, that's when the other seat you got to be a look and see. I don't think that you can go against the naval court in the regular court. I'm not sure about that. I think they have a separate judicial system. So that's like, that's like that's an injustice, man, cause some butthole's been sitting around. You don't tell that about our naval ships, all right, Marl of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour you're listening to show. New York's new coronavirus cases dropped for the first time yesterday, which is good news. However, in other parts of the country, the coronavirus death rate for New Orleans is double that of New York. Uh, yeah, that's sad. In Chicago, research shows that more than half of the COVID nineteen cases are in the African American community. Uh. In Detroit, it continues to become a national focus, with Detroit having the third highest number of cases in the country. We all saw the viral video of the of the Detroit bus driver Jason Hargrove, who complained about it. Yeah, this was this was really terrible. He complained about a woman passenger not covering her mouth while coughing on his bus and sadly, Jason Hargrove passed away from COVID nineteen. His widow, Um, yeah, missus, Desha Hargrove is pleading for everyone to please stay home. She said, this is serious and you don't want to be in my situation. Planning a funeral for your loved one. So Steve, we we just we have to encourage everyone to stay home. Please stay home. This is not optional. Look, we have to view it like this. You have to protect. This is not just protecting yourself so you don't get it. This is to protect anybody that you love. Let me give you an example of what can happen. You can go outside because you can get it airborne. You can get it off cardboard, plastic, stainless steel. I have a list of how long the COVID virus lives on different surfaces, and it was sort of amazing. I kind of got this today from somebody, and I'm gonna give it to y'all a little bit later on, and I'm gonna show you how it lives on certain surfaces. You can get it from anywhere, cardboard, stainless steel, countertops, airborne, direct contact. It's not just handwashing. You gotta be careful so many things. So now a delivery bag can come to your house, somebody with COVID nineteen who packed it, who doesn't know that they're showing any symptoms, could cough. Put hand on the bag, you pick it up, get it on your hand, take it in your house, inadvertently you're not thinking boom. So now you gotta be careful. Now you get it, you don't know you have the symptoms, and you take it into your house with the people you love, and you got an older person living there who with a previous condition. Now you're hurting the people that you really love. It's not just you. We've got to get together so we can protect ourselves, our love ones, and the other people in the public who are unaware. We're working very hard on this end right here. If we do these things, we can flatten this curve and we can get out of this. But until we all start taking this serious, every single person in this country, we're going to keep fighting like this. All right, coming up our last break of the day. It's the last break of the day, sad life, yes, sorry, and coming up some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening show. All right, here we are, last break of the day on this Tuesday, last break of the day. It was a good day. Huh yeah, you guys think, yeah, yeah, that's all we got. Yes, yeah, as we learned, you know, get used to this. New normal, you know. Yeah, I gotta change that light and infridgerated that what I got to do today when I get off here with y'all. Wow, it's out out. Oh time, he's raining out here, man, So yeah, walking in the backyard is out. I did something other dad never done. I literally cig on and see how long I could walk in the rain yesterday before it go out. Losing It doesn't matter time. Yeah, yeah, I can't do my makeup tomorrow. Okay, you know, try to think of things to do. Steve might We'll clean that chimney that's dirty, you know, Mike, we'll clean that. Are you watching that new show we teld you about Steve on Netflix Wentworth? Yes, yeah, I just started. That's so good. I fell asleep, so I gotta go back catching later on to day. All right, let's go closing remarks. You know what, during this time right here, I want to tell you all, talk to you about upside, because there's an upside to this situation. You just got to look forward. You know. It's all in what you hope for and inspire. It really is, man, It has a lot to do with it. Your attitude through the whole thing. You can win behind this and as precautions we all have to take. We got that. But there's a victory in this for those who believe there is an upside. There's a lot of possibilities after this. Because this is going to be over. Nothing lasts forever. Then we don't know. We can plan and all like this, but we just really don't know. But the one thing I do know that this two shall pass. This is not the end of the world. This is not the end of time. It's going to pass. And all I'm thinking about are the possibilities. Number One, I'll be relaxed, We'll all be refreshed, We'll all be well rested. So guess what the possibilities when this is old. It's almost endless. There's a lot to be grateful for during this time right here, but you have to look for it. You have to look for this time of refreshment and ease. You have to look for the time to improve several areas of your life. You have to look for the family time. You have to look for the ability to get to know one another better. You have to look for It's a lot of grateful stuff some people are walk coming out of. It's gonna be better cooks. It's just all types of things. Possibilities and gratitude is everywhere. And then there's going to be opportunity behind this. That's going to be an opportunity for you to change and grow after this, because nothing will be the same after this. We will go back to a new norm after this. So guess what. Sometimes when you don't jump, sometimes you get pushed. Sometimes when you don't jump, you get tripped off the cliff. But one way or the other, behind this there would be a new norm, I think. And but in that new norm will create an opportunity for a lot of people to reinvent themselves. Some of us needed to move on from a situation anyway. This may be the gift inside this box, but we got to open it. There as a lot of joy in this time right here, but you got to look forward. It's some fun stuff, some funny stuff, some joyous moments happening in this, but you got to look forward. There is also a lot of hope in moments like these as a lot of times, man, were you now if it wasn't for hope, what would you do? Think about that for a moment, if it wasn't for the element of hope what you do hoping that when this ends, you can go ac over here, hoping when this ends, you can start doing this, hoping when this ends you can become that hope is very valid in a time like this. There's a lot of that going on right now. I hope this ends. I hope we flatten the curve. It's a lot of hope. When this hope can be a positive spin. You know, there's a lot of dreams that can come out of this. You've had a lot of time to sit around. You could dust off some of those dreams, you know, some of those things that you forgot about, some of those things that you stop, stop striving for. You know, some of those things, you know, some of those things you thought you didn't have time for, some of those things you thought wouldn't be a good time. But since we thought about what was going to be a good time, did anybody think that this would be happening at this time now? Which just goes to showcase none of us predict the future. Now, you got all these people going back over years and this psychic said this or this minutes to have predicted this and so forth. And I ain't disputing that but really know, because if they really know, if they really knew, wouldn't they have really done something about it. So looks a lot of times in here where you can fulfill a lot of dreams and dust them all. You can make plans. You got time now, you can set goals. You get pretty creative right now because you got the time. There's a lot of good can come out of this time. You just got to look for those are my closing remarks or as always I would love to say, have a good weekend. But when Sadday and Sunday get here, guess what it's gonna be, just like Thursday. So now we got to worry about the weekend no more, because if coronavirus ain't no more weekends, they all days for all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void were prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. Complete contest rules visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.