First of the Month, 45 in Kenosha, Brandy Verzuz Monica and more.

Published Sep 1, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is rollin' down the river and the crew is rollin' with him! It's the first of the month baby!! The Chief Love Officer shakes his head at a man who made his soon to be wife insecure. We remember Coach John Thompson, Jr. from Georgetown University. 45 will be in Wisconsin today to meet with law enforcement. Alabama football marched on campus for social justice. The Brandy Verzuz Monica battle drew 1.2 million viewers and had a surprise appearance from Kamala Harris. U.S. Marshals found 39 missing children in Georgia. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us that the vote is the only way to make sure we are counted.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time? I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the milling bus things in the subbing me through, good Steve together, Please, I don't join join me. You gotta turn you are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go come come on your back. Uh huh. I shall well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice come on dig me naw one and only Steve Harley got a radio show. I was. I had my head down and it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that. Not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was was a huge help and understand about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people, and you know, I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, and you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know, sometimes, you know, we just lay claim to stuff and it's not always what's in our best interests, or it's not always a fact it's just what we decided we want it. And I was guilty of that just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about a relationship with God. It's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asks you to do something, if God asks you to be a certain way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same, and as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years and I counted on people. And you know, I got myself in a lot of situations, and I got out one a dire situation that I'd been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on, and then he made it away. It made me aware of the problem. And then, man, lord ha mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around. Man, the field get real clear when you're in trouble. The field clear is out. When you're in doubt, when you don't know what to do, when you need help it get real clear on the play and field. Then don't it. Oh, But when things is going right, it's time for a party. We throw in a celebration. We were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all of mine in God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all riding on what he say. I got it all riding on what she say. Na, Na, No, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my O on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people, I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most. Because his word is absolute. What he say he gonna do, he gonna do what he says. He's not gonna tolerate, He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it you can make it tolerable for yourself, but He's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm wondering how many people out there finding themselves in a situation like me, or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you, whetting people at the only one on that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God. It is the only one was the only one who was just right there, right there all the way through. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining, what he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know. I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation, then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said, okay, it's just me, you and God. And when we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful, we keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, we thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, it really really does. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, The Steve Harvey Morning Show is about to begin, rolling, rolling, rolling down the wheel ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve rolling what you baby? Rolling? Can fool? I love it? Rider die we're rolling, baby, good morning. How about that dog gone Junior killed Junior spage June morning? Up morning everybody and the King of Prank's nephew tumming and we're rolling, rolling, rolling on. Everybody good today. Everybody's good. Tuesday. It's Tuesday, baby, m m man, way late in the week, and that how you think that yesterday? I don't know, but I'm hurting out y'all. See it's tusy, y'all just got to work. It's later. I don't care, man, I ain't hard wake up this morning. But yeah, but listen, it's the first day of September. New month, new month. Oh it's September one. Yeah, god, this month September. Yeah. First, I ain't really mad. Yeah, you ain't really mad at it? Ain't we know what we lost? John Thompson, Georgia. Yes, yes, we're losing the legends. Man. This year twenty twenty hearts are hearts are just still heavy? Is a best man, It's no joke. It's not for the faint at heart. And he was crazy. And I kid you not because somebody asked me, as they said, mister hag just got to be the worst year of your life, sir, it's not even close. I can't believe that. Oh no, oh, oh no no no, oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Well, I mean, I mean, I mean, I mean, this has been some unique stuff that has happened. To quarantine, the virus, to social distancing the man, it's unique stuff, but it ain't the worst that's personally. Oh you're saying, Oh, absolutely, I've had. I've had some dramas in my life, man, that extended far beyond the quarantine. Yeah. Now, I've had some ugly years, man, And that's sad to say, but it's also true. But it's also a testament to the strength that God can provide you as a person. That and because of it, I can face this challenging time of COVID and racial injustice and the people in the White House. I could survive this because my track record, just like yours, of surviving rough times, and so I faced this with a little bit more confidence than some people would who haven't had the same experience as I guess. All right, well said well put coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, get ready for Ask the CLO the Chief Love Officer the CLO right after this you're listening to show time for Ask the CLO and listen. If you want advice from the CLO the Chief Love Officer, all you have to do is submit your questions to Steve Harvey FM dot com. This one is from Trey and Tallahassee. Steve says, I'm a thirty one year old male engaged to the love of my life. I recently got a great job as a finance manager at a high end car dealership, and my fiance came by the dealership a few weeks ago and she was greeted by several gorgeous black girls that work there, and I could tell by her reaction that I was about to have some problems. She asked if the girls always worked in tight dresses and heavy makeup like a fool. I said yes, because sex sells now several times the weeks she asked. Several times a week, she asked me, are we good? I must admit that the women make my job more enjoyable, but I'm committed to my fiance. Should I worry about her being insecure. Dog, you did it, bro, Come on, man, you brought this party on yourself. Why did you say that? Did ain't always dressed like that? Yeah? Second, my own pay them girls, no attention. I got work to do. I'm a finance director. No, you can't do whatever you think you gotta do. Say your call. You gotta get these people in here so I can make this finance work. Right, So you don't well, yeah, that's what I gotten. Yeah, but guess what the what I ain't gonna say is yeah, you know, sex sale. Yeah? Yeah, baby, they look good, don't they. Girl? You're right heavy makeup girl, that's makeup, all right. So just pretend like he didn't even see them. That was the best way to handle that, you're saying, Cela, all right. This one's from Nicole in Chicago. Nicole says, I overheard my husband talking on the phone to a female in my house. He has a history of cheating on me, but he promised to be faithful in marriage. We've been married for seven months and I was in our base and folding clothes when I decided to call my best friend. My cell phone was upstairs, so I used the home phone. I picked up the receiver, and my husband was telling a female that he has a lovely wife and he is very happily married. I hung up, and when he heard it, he came down to the basement. He said he had to call her to give her closure. Is this a quick and convenient lie? Or should I be worried about him cheating? Why? Again, I had to give her closure right from the house phone. Yeah, I thought you know her number? He called her. But see he might have went into that speech when you picked up the phone. M that's what I think. I think you're right about that, you know, because why is he calling her from the house phone? Yeah? I don't get that. Man. That don't make no sense. Lies, all lies. Seven months of marriage, still lying? She what is he calling to my giving closure for what? Yeah? I thought men didn't do closure so well, okay, so now you know that what you think? That was a big fat lie seven months in? But she said it though, Steve, she said he has a history of cheating on me, but he promised to be faithful in marriage. She said that, Okay, so that was a lie too. Huh. All we can do is moan everybody doing it. So what should she do this woman? What should she do? I mean, I don't know what she should do? You. First of all, you gotta trust your instincts for starters. What does it tell you? But all of this, I'm calling women for closure. I catch people on the phone all it's too much you seeing somebody you ain't. Now, what's it gonna be? Now, that's possible. You could be talking to people just as friends. But you know you can't have that track record and then keep playing the record. Now, right, did you blow your lips? That was? Oh? That's me? All right, okay, So trust your instincts comes from the all right? Roderick and Las Vegas says. I'm twenty seven years old with a great girlfriend that loves me dearly. She cooks and cleans and gives me money when I'm broke. She's affectionate and gives me the best backrubs. She's down from me no matter what. I love her, but I'm still not fully committed to our relationship. I haven't cheated on her, but I want to and fight the urge to. I still want to have fun with other girls, and I feel like I'm missing out on something. I hate to waste. My girl's time and possibly hurt her. I just need more time. My dad says, the grass isn't always greener on the other side, is he right? Hell yeah, he right? Hell yeah, your daddy right, The grass ain't always greener on the other side. For see, you don't you twenty seven? It ain't out your system. You say you got a great girl, cooks all this heid back lubs, all this here, but here the part door give you money when you broke? Why is she with your ass? I got you got a great girl, but you just subscribe somebody you need back lubs all the time. You can't cook, and your ass stay broke and clean? Man? What does she and you sloppy? You can't cook, you're sloppy. She give you back gloves and you broke. The question for me is what does she see in you? Now? You're danding? Told you right, but you're gonna mess up and blow a good thing messing around But you ain't. I mean, bro really, what you need to focus on is getting yourself together. You want to mess with some other girls, go ahead, but what you are doing is exactly this. You are wasting this girl's time. Yeah, and you are going to hurt her because you're not gonna stop wanting what you want. And until you go over there and scratch that itch, it's only cracking because you ain't ready to sit down. All right, thank you, cello. Take Hey guys, all right, Coming up next, it is the nephew in the building with Run that Prank Back? Right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Annah standing by with today's national news, plus an other entertainment news. Some sad news from the college sports world. Legendary legendary Georgetown coach George Thompson Junior passed away. Yeah, that was really sad. Um. He was seventy eight years old. We'll talk about that. Plus in celebrity wedding news and he see Nash is married again and she introduced her wife to the world. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is here was run that Prank Back? That's what you got for us. I need a reference, you know what I'm saying. You know, that's how you do it when you when you want to know it by somebody, you want a reference. Yeah, I need a reference in instead. So that's that's Yeah, that's how we're doing a reference. Let's go come on, care Hello, Yeah, I'm trying to I'm trying to read Scotty please. Yeah. Yeah, what's up, Scotty? How are you doing? Man? I'm trying to actually get a reference for for Monica Monica. You're talking about Monica my ex wife. Yeah, I'm trying to get a reference on her if possible. Oh okay, So what's he applying for? A Job's he trying to go to work? Now? No, this reference is actually for like a relationship, a relationship, says a whole whole of ow boy way minute relationship with you? You're talking about a job relationship? No, no, no, no. See what this here is is that I'm finna actually start dating Monica on the regular, and I'm calling you for a reference to Wold Wold Wold whoa ho whole way? Man? Who did you say this is? And how do you get my name? Philip? Man? My name Philip? I got your number the Monica phone check this I failed. You don't need to call me with whatever you and Monica got going on. Y'all need to go on and deal with that. No, no, no, no, no no, I no got that brother, Hey, y'all, throw hear me out. What I'm trying to say is is that I figured if I could get a reference and figure out what kind of person she yills and get to get a you know, kind of get a background so you can kind of tell me what kind of person her good points of bad qualities, the whole not see, it might save me sometime from being in a long relationship. If I know what to look for, what's good? Man? Say? Say home boy, oh boy, I know, I know I'm not listening to this. I was mad for all year. Ain't nobody give me no rest? So don't call me asking for no like that. If you got number for Monica, you and Monica need to forget my Okay, hold on, hola, bro, Like I say, Man, I'm just trying to figure out. Hold up, I'm trying to figure out the good qualities in bad white like you know, do she want to cook? You know? Is she good in the bed room? You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to know. I'm trying to just know what to look for. Dog gus all man, I ain't trying to come to your main looking Oh but I just can't believe calling another about some I don't have a no more. The only thing I have to deal with is my child. You know what I'm saying. And you most definitely don't need to be a robber. Say, dude, I got to go Okay, okay, okay, but can you give me a good reference owner? That's all I'm trying to get out. The references don't die number ever again. And when I talked to Monica being heard, But hey, you ain't gonna have to worry about the relationship with Monica. You know what I'm saying. Okay, okay, hold on, man, let me go on break this to you. First of all, me and Baraka then dated for the lads year off and on we just find against Hold hold up, dude, the last year man, this woman just got a divorce a few months ago. Oh so you that duho must have messed up. I ain't look look, I ain't call not the reason why y'all broke up. I don't have nothing to do with that. Look here, Oh so you that slick, Say mate, why don't you slide your a little slick back onto that rock that you slipped from hunting a dog? I can slide right on back under the rock you're talking about. But what I'm trying to ask you is just right here. Many can you just give her brother some references? Man, somebody can look out for some signs that strip reference. Something gonna give you is when you don't have enough money when she want that twelve one hundred dollars bag, don't call me for that. When she needs some more money for this? Oh well, baby, I just gave you my check. What don't mean nothing? Or you pull up your bank account, ain't no money in that? That's the reference yo needs? Ain't so I need to hear from you, especially if you who was around with my why why we was married? Talking about married? Hold up the reference here, I'm gonna find your I'm gonna call Monica and I'm gonna track down then yeah in your reference? Then yeah, yeah, I get your reference. Then face to face like dog, ain't trying to have no application with you? Man? Oh well, you must have been trying to have something you die in my Okay, do let me okay, one more question man, and then I'm gonna be out your how I just like I said, I just wanted a few things and know some background on him? Man, you. You out of questions. On boy, you out of questions. Okay, but this this, I just need to know this because I want everything a man. I want everything to run smooth dog, and I want us to have a good understanding. Do you have a problem, man, with with your little girl calling me daddy? What did you just say? You ask me about money? Go hay, calmed down, dude. Come, I'm comments. I'm gonna pete. You asked about money? This about mine? Hey, I'm just asking. Here you are around me time I will come in. Oh boy, look I'm gonna find because you're bad. You missed the bad you dog number. Not only you got that, but man, you're talking about time. I'm just asking, do you manic? She called me by look here man at child there? Then cannot come out your mouth. You know what I'm saying. Say man, Man, I don't. I don't have time. But I'm gonna call that Monica and I'm gonna get you. Yeah, I'm gonna get you. I'm out of here. You want Why are you calling me back? Scotty, scotty gotty? I'm telling man, are you looking? Why are you not just handing? Man? You something homeboy? You don't have nothing to tell me home. I want to say to Scott Scotty, look just listen to me, man, I want to say this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your brother Brian got me the plank phone call you. Hey, Man, it's who Scotty Scotty. This is Tommy Man left you Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your brother Brian got me the plank fall call you say, Man, Man, Oh, I'm about to go. Man, Hey dude, I'm about to go. But listen over here. Man, Hey, Brian got one coming dog? Oh Man? You all right? Man? Yeah? Yeah, say man Man Tommy Man. Well, hey, I'm glad you were playing man because talk about my little girl. Brian. No, it's it's gonna be on in his world. Man, dude, Brian got you, Man, he got you. Good. Hey Man. One more thing, man, What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Man, Steve Me Morning Itself. Come on, y'all got I'm sorry, just give him give it to me with somebody hiring. Wouldn't it be good? Though? In your relationships you have a reference. You know what you're getting ready to go into you can talk to him. Well, you should do that yourself how much as you can. If I want to know, I you wouldn't want to y'all talking to here about all right? Coming, thank you, nephew. Coming up coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. In today's entertainment news, another legend has been called home. John Thompson Junior, the first black basketball head coach to win the n seed A National Championship, passed away on Sunday. He was seventy eight years old. His family said that mister Thompson had been suffering from multiple health challenges. John Thompson was the first black head coach to win the NCAA Championship, the national championship, and he coached at Georgetown University for twenty seven years. He sent some bad boys to the Prolactric Allen Iverson. Yeah, oh, he said, some bad boys to the pros Alan I tweeted, tweeted yesterday he saved my life. No man, I believe that, no man that he was a special coach. Man. He took kids that nobody else wanted fathered them and turn them into something. He and Alan Iverson's correct. Wow, and Allen Iverson wanted one of them dudes, man, Alton Ivan what still what history? Yeah, we're talking about practice. I mean is that we're talking about we're talking about he didn't need to go No, we're not talking about real brief. Yeah, real brief. Good guy. He was godfather coaching for black coaches. You know, when you take them to the title. That's why he are so many like Dick Cheney owes him a dead of gratitude to dude the coach at Arkansas, all of them dudes to speak about John Thompson, Man, he put black coaching on the map when he won at ncuble a thing man, the owls of Temple Cheney, the razor back or what's his boy's name with the mustache. I can't think I'm looking at him, big thick mustache. Oh, yes, black coach. That's when Todd Day was hooping back in the day. You don't. You don't understand who he made? No ducks, that's come on, j hey man, let me tell you something, Dick change, Yes, was I back get back on d the house on fire, get back? He used to say that to the players house. Yeah, to make them get back on defense. Get back on defense, your house on far black dude, head on that damn. I said, Okay, that's drastic. Yeah, but let me tell you what. They got their ass back on. D y. The urgency was there. Yeah, dog, I heard him do it, so I'm not making it up. Ain't a joke. That's how he didn't. But Thompson was the lead of his son. Took over in his footsteps too. But that boy Graham, he puts a lot of boys. Kenny Smith paid tribute to her, even though Kenney went to a North Carolina Yeah. Yeah, yeah, our condolence is going to the John Thompson family for sure. Great man switching gears now and other celebrity wedding news. Our girl we know her, Niecy Nash, actress, comedian. Most recently we know her from Claus got married again. She introduced her wife to the world. Niecy announced the marriage and social her wife. Yes, yes, is that what you're saying? Yeah, I did. She announced the marriage on social media saying she's now missus Carol Denise Betts Nisi filed for divorce from her husband Jay Tucker back in December, so we got to say congratulations, a big congratulations to niecy Nash and her wife, singer Jessica Betts. Make you happy, all right, Steve? Time now for miss Anna Lay gentlemen, miss Anne Trull hang everybody, and yes, here we go. Got a lot of news to tell you, and someone wanted to get a little bit deeper into authorities say that a man who was fatally shot in Portland, Oregon, the other night during clashes between anti racists and pro police supporters, is identified as Aaron J. Danielson. Danielson reportedly a member of the right wing group Patriots Prayer, though police are still looking, they say, into whether his death was directly linked to some earlier clashes between a caravan of Trump supporters and some counter protests as White House folkesman Kaylee mcinetny claims that Trump supporters will quote good Americans who wanted to protest peacefully when asked if the President would condemn the murders and Kenosha, Wisconsin of two anti racist demonstrators alleged by a white team from Illinois after police shot to Jacob Blake in the back and paralyzing mcinetny said the President had declined to weigh in, but that's changed. He has weighed in. He's now saying that the white teenager who shot three men in total was defending himself. President Trump has scheduled to visit Kenosha, Wisconsin, later today, even though the mayor there and the governor Wisconsin do not think it's the best time for him to come there. Vice President Biden meanwhile says that while Trump may quote believe that mouthing the words law and order makes him strong, his failure to call on his own supporters to stop acting as an armed militia in this country shows how weak he is. That's a quote, and Biden ads, is anybody think that's going to be less violence in America if Donald Trump is reelected since racial violence, COVID nineteen, health, and economic strife have all occurred under his watch. According to the latest tally by John Coppin's University, where than six million Americans have now been infected with the coronavirus, some one hundred and eighty three thousand US residents have died one hundred and eighty three thousand, and if that's not bad enough, experts say that while six million of the confirmed number of cases that may be an under count. Epidemiologists estimate that tens of millions more are not recorded because for every one reporter case, they say they have been at least ten other infections. Hurricane Laura toppled the controversial Confederate monument that was situated in the heart of downtown Lake Charles, only a few weeks after a jury voted to keep that particular Miami in place. As you heard moments ago, legendary Georgetown University basketball coach John Thompson has died. As a player, John Thompson won two NBA titles at the Boston Celtics. At Georgetown, he coached the Hyas for nearly three decades, leading them to three Final four appearances, and in nineteen eighty four, he became the first black head coach to win the NAC the nc Double, a national championship. Thompson coached and mentor such greats as Patrick Ewing Al Nivison. As you heard, he was seventy eight years old. And finally, actress Nias Nash, Yes, she got married yesterday, the singer Jessica Betts. Both women kept their relationship kind of quiet. Nisy was divorced from a guy named Jason Taylor in March. I guess you could say this is her coming out as well. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, what's going on in political news? Yesterday, Joe Biden accused President Trump of sewing chaos amid protests. Did you guys see Trump's tweet when he called the mayor of Portland a fool? Really? What? Really? Yes? Yeah, because he asked you not to come to the city because you would just incite people and make it worse because you're the divider in chief. Also, President Trump will be headed to Kenosha, Wisconsin today to meet with law enforcement, despite the governor's opposition. What, Tommy, but they don't want him over there? Yeah, so what if you If they don't want you, what is your aunt's going over there? So he's the president, he can that's never to say if they don't want you over that. He's meeting with law He's meeting with people that want to meet with him. Obviously, the President is going to Kenosha today to meet with law enforcement despite the governor's opposition, and Trump will not meet with the family of Jacob Blake. Also, the President refuses to condemn the white seventeen year old who killed two people and injured the third during the Connectional protests. Here we go with that again. I mean two systems of justice in the US because they left the seventeen year old walk down the street. It's really na what the President said about it too, you know, I mean a lot of people are looking at this. You know he was afraid to lose his life. Look, man, first of all, you don't have the right to take a gun down the street and kill somebody, just like police don't. But when this president won't, won't stand up and take a stand on that type of violence, you know exactly who we're dealing with. He's he's trying to win the election by scaring people. Now what Joe Biden has done that has been brilliant. It's Joe Biden says, no, it won't be a worse America if I'm president. It can't get any worse. And stop saying what will happen if I'm president? All the buildings are. I condemn policetality, but I condemn rioting and looting and all this is happening on President Trump's watch. This is the America he has created because instead of trying to heal people, he's constantly spewing out divisive rhetoric. And it's seventeen year old. He's not even old enough to carry a weapon like that, right, he's a minor. Right, So he rot the law by even walking around carrying that, and you won't even condemn him for that, let alone. No, because he's a Trump supporter. Well, his ass won't be voting this year. Promise you hard to vote dot org to register. Please, only sixty two days left until November third, vote dot or did you hear what you're saying? Vote dot org Both dot coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. We'll talk more about voting right after this. You're listening to all right, Uh, we can't say it enough. Sixty two days until November third. We want you to go right now and get registered to vote at vote dot org to get your dates so you'll know when to vote early in day. This is paramount. Okay, stunned, this is not a drill. If black people don't get to the polls. I've been watching the NBA players bag everybody that baseball players bag. I've been watching all the news commentators. Everybody listen to me. If you want everybody to know that black lives matter, then you have to make sure that black lives count. And you got to count by feeling out census, and you got to count by voting. You can stop being the faceless crowd. If you want us to be considered as as we matter, we matter when we count. You've If you want black back lives to really matter, black lives have to count. They count in the census, they count in the voting polls. If you go to the polls in massive numbers to make the statement that you need to make in this election, you can change the face of where this country goes for years to come, and you will send a message to the man in the White House that we are no longer accepting this type of behavior. Because if we want racial justice, you can't have a person in the White House that ain't trying to pass out none to make no damn sense. We can't keep screaming for racial injustice, start in police brutality when the president supports both. He supports police brutality. Every time you say black lives matter, he say Blue Lives Matter. Stop acting like this thing called justice is pie, where if we get a bigger piece, you get less. We just want the same thing. We want to eat from the same pie everybody else eating from, because chances are we made the pie, we cooked it. We gotta get to the polls. We have to do our parts. We only have one vote, but use it, like you Steve said, make it count. We have one choice at the polls. We have Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Listen to me. We stop saying what is he gonna do for us? Ask yourself this question the dude that's in there now, not only what has he done for you? What has he done to you? M see y'all tripping man with all this, what they're gonna do for us? Ain't nobody gonna do nothing for you? Per se point Blake, you know what you know? You know somebody shore is doing something to you. Though. You know what blows me away? Man? When when when there's looting going on, they blame it on Black Lives Matter peaceful protesters? Right? Yeah, but now when there is a shooting in a school, you don't blame that on n r A. You' you're gonna do that. Hey, no, you're not doing that. And you know why. Tommy nr A is one of the largest lobbyists in the United States. Yes, they contribute more money. Guns is profit, man, Who do you think? I don't know? Guns is profit? This profit in the hood. And they accomplished two things in the hood. They keep crime high, they keep the prison population full, and they're killing off a portion of a wonderful generation that can be contributed and making contributions to this world of society we live in. See, ain't nobody trying to stop poverty. Cause poverty leads to crime. Crime leads to more inmates. They're making money off it. It's a cur Come on, man, we got to get smart place. Oh systematic racism. Then the police don't care about us. They're just killing us. Man in the middle of Black lives matter more, some more murders, some more shootings because they don't care. And for them to shore and that are no consequences, nothing happens to them. So they continue to do it. And here's something gonna happen if we vote though, Yeah, that's true. There we go. We can change it. We certainly can. All right, We're gonna move on here and switch gears with the nephew and his prank prank phone call. Almost said Cone falls files phone call. Yeah, daddy doing cone files. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject picked me or your mama. Okay, pick me or your mama, my mama, you got my MAMAI okay, we'll get to that, but right now the nephew is here for today's prank phone call. What do you have for us today? Nev love, et cetera. Oh, you know that's that, that's that, that's that, that's that, etc. Charity, et cetera. I don't I don't use I don't use et cetera a lot. So when I do you that, I try to expound on it love, exectly, etc. Period. I don't know how to spell expected. Body, you know what I'm talking about. Ex Let's go Katy. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach out Kaylin Kylin. Oh no, she's not here right now. Who was speaking? This is doctor Elbert Listen. I was giving a call. Are you able to leave a message for it for me. Yeah, yeah, okay, would you let her know her sessions will be on Wednesdays at seven third sessions? What sessions you're talking about? Session? Well, actually, she signed up for a class. Uh an eight week class and it's every Wednesday night at seven thirty. Okay, what classes are you talking about? What kind of class? This is? Love et cetera? Have you heard of us? No? Okay, well let me kind of give you a little briefing here. Kaylin actually came in and filled out to take some classes and were love et cetera. So we teach different things. Uh, what is it like a seminar or something? Well, you we teach poor play, intimacy, sensual massages and things like that. And she I was actually here when she came and filled out the paperwork. She said she wanted to screwce up her love life with her husband. Are you her husband? Yeah? Yeah, I'm I'm a husband. But what I'm saying is is it's like a like a joint thing. Am I supposed to be there or something? No? No, no, no, no, this is actually her wanting to Actually I'm if you don't know about it, I'm assuming she wants to surprise you and show you some different things. When when she finishes her sessions? So when did uh? When when did she come in? Like she came in? Where where y'all located? First of all, Okay, she actually came in a couple of weeks ago and she filled out the paperwork. We're in the downtown area. She filled it out. She said she was very excited. She wanted to do some different things for her husband. We just asked if she gets here a little earlier, probably fifteen minutes earlier, so she can shower and put a robe on, and then we can we can start class. Who who whoa whoa shower? Shower and rose? What's that? What's that for? I mean, you're not you're not upset about this right now? I mean, I ain't got no problem with you know us. We mean we know. I mean we married a couple, you know what I mean? So you know, anything the spice spice up the marriage. But you know, as far as me not being involved and her going out the bar so and you're talking about taking the bath and robe and all the other stuff. Man, she don't need to be there for no, for no meth like that. Man, Well, no, no, sir, it's nothing like that. I mean it's it's it's basically a class what people get in touch with her with their sensitive side and you get to actually, you know, you learn about for play, what takes put about talking about eight weeks? Though eight weeks? Eight sir, you might you must even how y'all even eight weeks it's only one night a week. It's only on Wednesday, So really you only have eight sessions eight sessions exactly. Okay, So why why did she have to have a role though, I mean why she not? Why she just not showing up at the work or whatever. Well, you have to bring your rope, sir. Everyone showers and then they put their robe on and we we actually coached them through. Here's how four play goes. Here's the intimacy, here's sensual massaging. No no, no, no, no, fan you you get you getting it twisted. What I'm asking you is you you you're really not explaining yourself enough, Like what do y'all do? Like like a classroom said, if I'm in the class, I'm taking a class. There's nobody touching me, ain't no, ain't no cold coming off, a nobody taking no group showers, caring on what you got, what you sound like? What's going Nothing? Nothing like that at all. But we do come in contact with our sensual side. Now she we'll have a partner in class. She'll deal with that one partner. It's not until the fourth session that we really get into some strong physical contact. Man, what are you talking about? What are you talking about? You're talking about a partner like you're talking about another woman like some of my teammate. It something what you're talking about? You call about another dude? Everyone has the opposite sex partner. Yeah, you got to be out your mind, sir. Don't even when you called, why are you even? Why are you even calling me with this right here? And you have to understand, I'm I wasn't calling you. I was trying to reach miss Klin. I don't care who are you trying to reach. Man, you call in my house talking about my wife or some role that some partners in and they don't get physical to the fourth session of Carien ain't gonna being no physical at all, sirt. Basically, your wife is trying to surprise you with a good thing. No no, no, no, no hold on you just hold on, gonna get this straighten down. Real quick. Hold on, wait, wait, wait, wait, what are you What are you doing? I'm gonna calling my wife, That's what I'm up. What you don't understand she's trying. It's not good for you to call. She wants to surprise you my wife. You let me handle my wife the way I want to handle it. You hold on, hold on this rule. You called me back when you get this message. Called me back at the house as soon as you get to see sir. Yeah, yeah, sir. She wants to surprise you know. Well we got surprised already, y'all Right, the first of all, she ain't gonna be coming down to y'all little sessions. And what do y'all say, y'all little do located that again? Well, Love et cetera is in the downtown area. How much this thing's supposed to cost anyway? Well, like I said, she signed up for eight sessions. It's it's uh one session per week. It's one hundred dollars ese sessions. She's already payed the eight hundred dollars, sir. Sheay what she's paid in full to do all eight sessions. Man, I know, well, she ain't paid no eight hundred dollars to y'all. She's starting this coming when she won't be there. I'm gonna tell you that right now. And if you if you got any of that money, you got any of my money down there, you better be coming back with it. I'm I'm sorry downtown, y'all Downtown. I work downtown. So guess what I don't will be there tomorrow to get my money? You love, et cetera is non refundable when people sign up for these class you can't change your mind like that. Look, man, that's paperwork. Don't don't tell me about what's not refundable. What was refundable was not refundable. If I show up, I'm have my money back right in my aim. Wouldn't make it? Would you feel a little bit more comfortable if I was her partner doing the sessions? Are you married, sir? Yes? I am. You are? Okay, So let me have a session with your wife about I do a year with your wife. My wife, My wife works with other men in the sessions. That that's fine, So long, good and knock your wife down about a good you know, year or whatever, and then we're gonna see how you like, sir. I'm not gonna go back and forth. We didn't go back the fourth. I'm gonna come down there. I'm get my love back, and I'm gonna go out forward with my with my business and then don't call it. I was no more. Don't work my wife taking name off the little Leger or whatever. Ain't gonna being no classes player. We're none refundable. I keep telling you that. Now, who do you think you're wishing? Your voice are? So I'm talking to you. I keep telling you we're non refundable. Don't tell me it's not refundable. Did she go to any sessions yet? No, she has not. Didn't using every share right, don't then use the service there? Right, But we've already partnered her up. We already have a partner for her. About that partner, let's the partner use your wife? How about dad? Hey quick? Bringing my wife into bringing my wife into what? I'm gonna bring your wife into what. Maybe the problem is you, Maybe you're not doing what you need to be doing at all. Then you talking soon we're coming down in tomorrow comes your money. You better have my money. It's gonna be your please. What am I supposed to tell I don't that's what I'm part of the he gonna get it kicked through. Do you know who her partner is? Partly I'm the only partner he got. We partnered her up with nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man. Y'all, y'all, y'all play man, that's funny, man, Tommy, Tommy is this time? Is this? Timmy doesn't have your time to time me? Look somebody up, man, y'all play some money. Y'all playing timey too much? Man? We got a that's that's wrong. Man, I gotta ask you. Come on, Drew, talk to me. What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Man, Steve? Want it so bad? Somebody gonna blank you up? Man? Huh uh huh. You know who your partners? Don't I'm coming down that hey, I'll tell you what, man, why not partner with your wife bout a year? Knock hut down off a body. Ye see how you like that? She's gonna had no male party, ain't going to beat you and man, get your wife to be the party. She's already looked up with a partner. Get your wife. He was bad and boy, that eight hundred, that eight hundred. I'll be down that to mar You best believe you're gonna give me mine. I problem that partner you. Yes, man, somebody got to do it. Somebody has to somebody has to call these people. Yo kanga pranks. All right, Well, thank you, nephew. Coming up next, it's my Strawberry Letter. The subject is take me are your Mama. Okay, we're gonna get into it right after this. You're listening to the String Show. All right, guys, we've been talking about it all morning, We've been talking about it all week. We've been talking about it a lot. Just a quick reminder here, there are sixty two days until November third election. Okay, go right now to get registered to vote, Go to vote dot org. All right. It takes a couple of minutes, and you can also get your dates for when you can early vote in your state. Okay, please do this. There's we're on a mission right here. We're on a mission. Wow. We got to get it done too. Let's not stop until it's finished. Okay, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Okay, bug a lappinhold on tight. We got it for you. Here. He is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you nephew. Subject pick me or your mama. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a young woman in my early thirties and I have been dating a forty four year old man for ten years. We have had a great relationship until recently when his mother moved to the city we live in. Since then, we've been fussing more and I'm really starting to dislike him. His true colors are showing all because of his mother. We cannot move on with our lives. Because his mother is stuck on her son not being with her whenever he has extra time in his schedule, she manipulates him into thinking she's going to die alone one day because he doesn't see her daily. I have made him realize that she wasn't complaining as much when she didn't live this close to us. He told his mother that we are finally going to get married, and she told him that if he marries me, she will not be around to watch it go down. I do not know when things change between his mother and I because we've always been cordial and respectful to each other. It makes me wonder if my man has told her something about me. He says he would never tell her anything negative about me because he knows how she is. This man loves his mama and he loves me. So I'm stuck in the middle, always the one trying to smooth things over with his mom while she doats on her son and overlooks me. I'm not trying to come between a mom and a son. But come on, we are grown people. We aren't married. We aren't married, so I can leave him at any time. And he knows I'm ready to call it quits, and he's begged me to give him one give him more time to talk to us mom. Should I leave him alone now and move on with my life or should I go through with the wedding and just avoid his nasty acting mama? After ten years, I say it's time to blink or get off the pot anyway. I mean, I just say, don't let this forty four year old mama's boy, because that's what it is have any more of your time if he doesn't put you first now before he marries you, what do you think marriage is going to be like with him? Every time Mama calls, he's gonna leave you and run right over there to be with mama. You say this man loves you, well, I gotta say this. Love would put you first. Love would stand up to his mama on your behalf. Love would not let his mom manipulate him. Love would not have to have you stuck in the middle. You would be upfront. You would be out front where you belong. And no, I don't think you should go through with the wedding and just avoid his nasty acting. Mama. You deserve way better. And it's time now for the boy, the son, the mama's boy, to let his mom know exactly how he feels about you. And you know, respectfully, of course it's his mom, but he's got to let her know that she can't do this. I mean, like you say, she wasn't doing it when she didn't live in the same city. Now she is being very manipulative. It reminds me of the Jefferson's the TV show George's Mom and his Mama and wheezy, that dynamic. So no, don't let this go down. If you feel like you need to get out of there because he's treating you not like the queen you are, then you got to go. Steve, really ridiculous letter kind of in a way, because there's so many things you forty for year old man, you and your early thirties. You've been dating a man for ten years. What is going got a great relationship until his mama moved to the city we live in. Oh, hell came to town. Now y'all been fussing. Huh, I said, hell came to town. Huh, oh hell, here come hell, your hell came to town. Now here's his true colors are showing all because of his mother. Here's what she says. We cannot move on with our lives because his mother stuck on her son not being with her whenever he has extra time in his schedule. Why does his mama know his schedule? Let's start there. So now every waning moment he got, he got to give to her. And then she always telling about she gonna die alone one day because he don't see her daily. I mean, it's cool if you can see your mama daily. I wish I could see mine. My mama was living. I didn't see her every day, you know, which had some more time? Would? I'll admit that, But every day, you know, you know, if you was twelve, I saw my mom married day I was twelve, I was at the house. I saw every day that I was sixteen, right up until I was seventeen and moved out. Once I moved out, I never really could go back to my mom and daddy house. Now, you Shirley's absolutely correct. You got a mama's born on your head, and it seemed like ain't nowhere around it now. He told his mother that y'all was finally gonna get married. She told him if he married me, she would not be around to watch it go down. What that mean? She gonna die, she gonna move back out of town, She ain't coming to the wind, and she gonna get sick. What do it mean? I don't even know what that means. I ain't gonna be around, lady. Why. Yeah, he can't marry you. The boy can't marry you. Jesus all right, Steve, hang on, we'll have perk two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour today's Strawberry Letters. Subjects picked me or your mama. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject picked me or your mama for it? For you, old man, she's been dating for ten years. That's tricky right there. And then his true colors came out when his mother moved into the city. And now she got the man thinking that, you know, and because if you're not spending all your extra time with your mama, it's a problem. Well it is a problem because nobody want to do that, not every damn waking minute, you know. And then all we got down to he told his mother that we was gonna get married. She told him, and she married me, that she gonna not be around and watch it go down. Dad, I didn't understand. Are you gonna do? Are you gonna lead town? Are you sick about it? You just ain't coming to the wedding whatever? And then the lady can't figure out when things changed between him and the mother, because they always been cordial and respectful. Then it makes me wonder if he just said something to the mamma, he say he not he just know how his mamma is. So now you stuck in the middle, always trying to smooth things over with his mom while she dotes on her son and overlooks me. Okay, this is atypical mamma boy or behavior. I'm not trying to come between a mom and her son. That's not that you should have to. If you're in a relationship with a man, you shouldn't want to come between. You shouldn't have to feel as though I'm saying that you're coming between a man and his mother. You shouldn't be made to feel that way. Something's wrong. Come on, we grown people. Now, she says, we're not married, so I can leave him at any time, now, okay, waiting to hold upon the brakes. All of a sudden, the truth came out. I can leave him anytime. He knows I'm ready to call it quits, and he has begged me to give him more time to talk to his mom. So you're ready to roll out? Sounds like, yeah, damn, the ten years that ain't gonna I ain't mad at you about that. Damn the ten years. They don't need to put in ten more in just like it, So damn the ten years, Damn the love, damn the wedding, vials to hair with his mama, I roll out, I pull up, pull up ducers purs who whoop? I'm about now? Should I leave him alone now and move on with my life? Or should I go through the wedding just avoid his nasty at your mama? That's gonna be impossible. Yeah, Shirley's right. And I was talking to somebody today, contractor at my house, and he said a counselor told him he went to counseling for his relationship. When a person shows you who they are, believed though, that's why the guy said to counselor. I've heard that, But he said, a counselor told him today, when a person shows you who they really are, believe them. Okay, you should believe him. He showed you who he really is, who he really gonna be loyal to, and who who's really gonna he's gonna place first? Surely said you should be first. Now he's shown you you not fit to be first. I need some time to talk to her. The conversation just's real simple, Mama, Mama, you're tripping now. You need to quit talking to her like that. This is my girl. Then you talking to a crazy got a feeling some kind of way in that a right. And if you keep doing that, I ain't bringing her around, and I ain't coming around, and you respect who I am and what I want to do. That's That's a simple conversation. Now, mama's boys, it is hard to have that conversation because they mama's boy, you don't talk to me that way. Shut your stupid ass up, and then he going and sit down somewhere. That's mama talking. Yeah, No, my mama ain't never done me like that, because number one, I ain't never talked back to mine. I couldn't. It wasn't liued, but yeah, it was my mother. But my mother never interfered. So I don't know what to tell you, lady. I was going about you seem like you said, rather casual. We ain't married, so I could leave him at any time. He know I'm ready to call it quits. He'd begged me to give him more time to talk to his mama. Should I leave him alone now and move on with my life? Or should I go through the wed and just avoid his nasty act? Mon, just go through with the wed, that's right, there. Yeah, should I just leave him now or should I just go through go through with the any that don't even sound right. Listen, listen to me and don't be half from me. Tommy Caller and Shelly, don't just sign up talking about you're gonna just go through with the wed. That is not what this is. I got this way too many. You can't just go through it moments in marriage. His advice I give to everybody. We were talking about this afterday. Now. Three things you got to have. You have to be in love with the person. You have to like a person, and you have to love the person. In love is different from loving them, So you need to be in love. You need to be uh, you need to like them, and you need to love them because on any given day one of them can be missing and the other two got to take take care. Any any on any date, one of them could just turn up missing. I don't like his ass today, man, So that's it, all right, I'm with Shirley Ron all right. Listen, post your comments. Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, it's Sports Talk with Junior. You know, right after this you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on Junior, Sports Talk with Junior. It's that time, you know, you know, sure, this is pretty cool. This is pretty cool. HBCUD We got it, all right. Alabama head football coach Nick Saban led the Alabama football team in a social justice mark on campus yesterday. The players wore Black Lives Matter shirts. Coach Saban said he's proud of the team and he's proud of our message. The Crystal Tide will play claus football starting in September twenty six against Missouri. So I thought that was the all wore Black Lives Matter shirts. Really good, you know, because you've been wondering where the college coaches have been on where their stands is on social justice, and Nick Saban's and the team going across the campus. It's really good because you know, look, Alabama makes millions, tens hundreds of millions of dollars off all these black football players. Football in Alabama is massive partner. Yeah, Auburn and and and and and and Alabama. You ain't gonna road board man, that war eagle. This is for real, boy, But go down there if you want to, as might not make it back now. I'm just all I'm saying. Man, and then basketball man. Last night on T and T shack, Ernie and Kenny and Charles, they all sported towels over their shoulder as a tribute to the late Georgetown coach John Thompson. Man. John Thompson, Yeah, man, coach is famous for sporting that towel on his shoulder during the games. Man. Oh he did that for seven years, man, I mean really, man, look at the players he put out Man, Patrick Ewing, Alonzo More. I'm a dog. I forgot about the Lanzo morning. Yeah he got another one. Did can't be Mutumbo. Dog. He turned out beasts he played when you played for Thompson, he turned out beast man John mm HM Georgetown. Yeah you know you know what you know? If you know he's used to play for uh for John Thompson. Dog, you'll be here time. You remember Sleepy floor Hell yeah, I know sleep what sleep played over that? He played over that too, Yeah, Sleepy was gold dog o Fella Harrington. You know David Wingate. Oh, I know win Gate was smooth Butter Black. Oh Man, Butter Black, win Gate. Dude, when you get all the nicknames from Uncle Butter Black, I mean game smooth, thank you. Oh yeah. Man, So man, rest in peace, coach, We love him man. All right? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at the top of the hour. Right after this. You're listening Steven Show. All right, So, Carla, what happened then with the versus battle between Monica and Brandy last night? Everyone was talking about it. Chah, what happened? Happened? You know who? It was tough, It was tight. A lot of people were saying Brandy one, I just I don't know Monica Monica off was so flies. He was so fly that she had some hits too. But check it out over I think one point two million people viewed and just viewers checking out the battle Monica versus Brandy R and B powerhouses all the hits and a lot of celebrities checked into check this out, Missy Elliott, Jaman, deepri Jah Rule, Tony Braxon, Lorenstate, mil John t, Boss, Tja Campbell, Martin Quest, Love the Network, b et Net check Yes, Timberland Swiss of course, Timberland Swiss, this's their thing. Carrie Washington, Erica, I do all forever. First Lady Michelle Obama, check wow and check this out. We're watching Monica and Brandy battle and a video call popped up, Kamala Harris pop Yes and Joe That's what I'm talking about. So the battle was we all we were all fans R and B music, and you know, they took a break during the battle and they had a message out telling people to register the vote. There was so many viewers there sending out links. They were doing work last night, so right next door to my studio studios where they were right next door. Did you see him? Seeve? Did you go time? You know? Monica is like, let's do it again, so again. Whom to'll be an agitator? Who I'm a fan? I'm gonna say it's a tie. I'm ana call it you know my too, and Tommy I change, I'm not the same. On my social media page that lets by, Carla did a poll and asked people before the battle, who did they think when it was fifty fifty? Who you got? So we'll see y'all do it again. We'll do it again today. Man, hit and they were on the scene, you know, doing R and B music when they were young. They were young girls, so they would dropping knowledge to trying to help young women in the you know, in the music industry and talk about the business. And you know, I'm impressed with him trying to turn out this vote. Yeah, doing business, taking care of business. It was the cover of people too. Yeah, And you know what, I don't I hate to break this up like this here. Un you said that was your studio they was at, but that ain't your studio. That's tire of studio. You just working over there. I did want you to know that that ain't too studio though. You just man, I just thought, I it's about to be another battle, and well, well let me shut the battle down. This ain't your radio show, but you own it. Oh whatever you want, all right, thank you, Carla. See if I got a quick question for you. Uh, you know, people are starting to have get together as parties now. Uh, not to mention this upcoming weekend day weekend. Yeah, I see, we're not talking about you bringing nothing. Just this is just Steves who show it is. So the question is the question is what is your exit strategy when you go to a party, you're unsure about whether you want to stay or not. And I know you don't go to a lot of parties now, but just barbecues this weekend. I just tell I take the baby home. The baby. Then I go get Tommy hand, take him out to the car. You know, all of y'all you forget what you do. Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. You're listening to the show. All right, So, Steve, this hasn't gotten much national attention. I don't know why, but more than three dozen children are now safe in Georgia after being rescued during a sex trafficking bust involving state and federal agents. Authorities said these missing children were considered to be some of the most at risk and challenging recovery cases in the area, based on indications of high risk factors such as victimization of child sex trafficking, child exploitation, sexual abuse, physical abuse, and medical or mental health conditions. Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr praised the rescue effort, which was conducted in Atlanta and Macon, saying I cannot say enough about Operation Not Forgotten and the men and women behind it. Did we catch any adults? Yeah? Yeah, some adults? Yeah yeah, Yeah, let's get all Yes. I was on IG this weekend and I think it was Mario. I think it was his IG. He did a post. Why isn't this the biggest story in America right now? People that are living in certain situations, you just don't know the story behind every victim or something. You know everybody? I guess. Look, let me get this out really quickly. There's a national network of community based crisis centers for for sex crime victims. Please call this number eight hundred six five six four six seven three. That's eight hundred six five six four six seven three, eight hundred six five six Hope. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, what's going on in political news? Yesterday? Joe Biden accused President Trump of sewing chaos a mid protest. Did you guys see Trump's tweet when he called the mayor of Portland a full really really horror Yes? Yeah, because he asked you not to come to the city because you would just incite people and make it worse because you're the divider in chief. Also, President Trump will be headed to Kenosha, Wisconsin today to meet with law enforcement, despite the governor's opposition. What Tommy, but they don't want him over there. They don't want him. Yeah, so what if you If they don't want you, what is your aunts going over there? So he's president, that's never so fence to say if they don't want you over that. He's meeting with law He's meeting with people that want to meet with him. Obviously, the President is going to Kenosha today to meet with law enforcement despite the governor's opposition, and Trump will not meet with the family of Jacob Blake. Also, the President refuses to condemn the white seventeen year old who killed two people and injured the third during the Kenosha protests. Here we go with that again. I mean two systems of justice in the US because they left the seventeen year old walk down the street. It's what the President said about it too. You know, I mean a lot of people are looking at this. You he was afraid to lose his life. Look, man, first of all, you don't have the right to take a gun down the street and kill somebody, just like police don't. But when this president won't, won't stand up and take a stand on that type of violence, you know exactly who we're dealing with. He's trying to win the election by scaring people. Now what Joe Biden has done that has been brilliant. It's Joe Biden says, No, it won't be a worse America if I'm president. It can't get any worse. And stop saying what will happen if I'm president? All the buildings are. I condemn police brutality, but I condemn rioting and looting and all. This is happening on President Trump's watch. This is the America he has created because instead of trying to heal people, he's constantly spewing out divisive rhetoric. And seventeen year old not even old enough to carry a weapon like that, right, he's a minor, So he pass the law by even walking around carrying that, and you won't even condemn him for that, let alone, no, because he's a Trump supporter, Well, his ass won't be voting this year. Promise your dot org to register please, only sixty two days left until November third, Both dot Oh did you hear what she's saying? Both dot org? Both dot old coming up, it's our last break of the day, last break of the day, Okay, And some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after the host normal late to day. You're listening to show there are sixty two days, sixty two days, only sixty two days until the November third election. We can't say this enough. Uh, go right now to get registered to vote. If you're not already registered. We've tried to make it as simple as possible for you by telling you to go to vote dot org. That's vote dot org. Takes a couple of minutes, plus you can get your dates for when you can early vote in your state. And remember, early voting is the key. Early voting is the key. Yeah, and we have to do our parts. We have to. Yeah, this thing is serious, man, you all, and we we can't say it enough, and we can't say it enough times how really serious this election is. And I kid you not, I knew, I know for a fact in our community that the election of Barack Obama was probably one of the greatest moments for African Americans in the history of politics in this country, I know for a fact. But now let me tell you something, this one right here that's coming up in twenty twenty. If you just look at what twenty twenty has been, this has been a challenging year. And you know earlier when somebody has said to me, Steve, this has got to be the worst year of your life, and I said, no, it has it. But for some people it has. But see, it's all in all, it's all relative, and it's all in perspective. I'm not saying if you look at twenty twenty the way I did, you have a better year. If you look at it the way I did, know this has been a real, real, real, real, real, real bad year for some folks. It's some people are one hundred and eighty some thousand deaths in this coronavirus. There's some people that really have lost some loved ones. It's people whose whole family has got right wiped out by corona. This is the worst year of their life. I was just saying it wasn't the worst of mine because of all the things that's happened to me, in my past. But I tell you one thing, though, I am going to make a concerted effort from this moment on in our morning show, as we have been doing since since we came, since the election started, for all of you that are people of faith. There is a Bible verse that we all have heard. Faith without works is dead. You know that simply means is it's beautiful to have faith, to know that God is everything, to know that God will supply and take care of your needs. Whoever's in the White House is not my leader anyway. My leader is God. But the scripture says faith without works is dead. Now what is the works? Works is a verb? That's where I think it is. Now, you can call me with It's a conjective, it's an adjutive steed. Now, faith without works? What is the works? The different works that's going on right now? See, you can have faith, but if you ain't out here protesting what we're really talking about. You can have faith, but you ain't out here trying to change policy. What are we talking about? See? If black lives really matter to you, then you've got to make it matter and count. If you're not a protester, what are you You gotta be dropping bombs from the air like we do every day. If you're not a foot soldier, you got to be in the back providing support in some kind of way for these young people out here. You got to be given advice. You got to be doing something. You got to be trying to change policy. You gotta keep talking to leaders about what it is that we need to see come about to bring about a change in this country. But the other part of faith without works is dead. You know, the most important part of this work. Because after we get through protest protesting, which is necessary, if we get through kneeling, which is necessary to draw attention, when we get through marching, which is necessary to get attention, we got to vote. All of this culminates with the vote. The vote is the only way to make sure we're counted. We can tell them black lives matter all we want, man, And you see how they ignore us. We've got to make them feel us. And the absolute best way for them to feel you and who you are is let them know that your black lives shouldn't be counted. We got to get to the polls and get counted. Man. We can make a difference, y'all. If we get counted, make them know that your life matters by being the one that pulls that lever to bring about a change. We are not accepting this anymore. We don't like leadership like this. We do not like the visiveness like this. Black people don't hate the police, but we're sick of people who are allowing the police to hate us and no repercussions behind it. That's what we're sick of. You would be sick of it if it was your kids dying, If this is what happening to white people, you'd be a Paul. And that's what we have now. We have white people who are appalled and outrage and this is the time to take advantage of it by getting to the polls with our brothers and sisters from another mother and making a change at the polls. We got to vote. We have to vote, man. If you don't vote, all this marching is for nothing. I'm telling you. You were mad about George Floyd Aubrey, were mad about Brianna Taylor, were mad about all of it. But if we don't vote, man, they ain't gonna go back to business as usual. You cannot afford to have this man in the white House again, are you listening to what he's doing? And for all y'all out that time about what Joe Biden ate, let me tell you what he ain't. He ain't a bigot, he's not a racist. He's trying to divide the country. He's speaking up against violence and everything. He's knocking the police who are doing this. And we got some of the white white house that ain't doing nothing like that. And we got the few knucklehead and black people talking about what he hadn't done for us because he got on a ride with your family. Nobody can't about that. And because you don't you freed some black people, or you freed some white people too that probably shouldn't have been in that along in the first damn place. Miss me with that? What have you really done? Nothing? You divided us? And in November we're gonna get rid of this. Right here, we have to vote vote dot org. Vote dot org for all Steve Every contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Morning Show