First Class Ignorance 2.23.17

Published Feb 23, 2017, 5:05 PM

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all big have all so long looking back to back down, giving them bung just like the million bucks things. And it's Toby True good at the horty listening to me to each other for stun quick clean to Hoby, why don't you join yeah by join me into doing me? Honey said dot turn, Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn turn you love, you got to turn out to turn the water the wanter go comy, come on your back. Uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice. Come on, dig me now, one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. You know. I think I'll explain something y'all. You know when when I when I wake up in the morning and I say, uh uh uh dig me now. What I'm asking you to do is it's old school, you know, man, And you know you say old people say I dig you know, never stop saying it. I'm sorry, but dig me now. It's just I want you to don't you really feel me? I want you to understand what I'm saying because really, this morning inspiration is all given in the spirit of sharing and love. It ain't about to expose me in in any way. That's that's not the purpose of it. But I found that in my morning inspiration that is best that I use some things about myself. Use. I mean, what better example can I use? Because I know me, I know what's happened to me. I know exactly how I felt all along the way concerning almost everything, every aspect of my life. I now fully do really understand why God had my life spend the way it's spun. And here's the part that I want to give to you this morning, that first of all, whatever position you find yourself in today, we kind of come to one realization that we got ourselves there. We put ourselves there by a series of thoughts and actions. Thoughts. Thoughts turned into things. That's very important to know. Thoughts turned into things. So let's look at both sides of it. For people who think, let geative thoughts, it turns into negative things. And the direct opposite is true. For those who think positive thoughts, it turns into positive things. That's the deal. It's it's as simple as that, folks. It it you. I cannot break it down any any cleaner. I cannot make it any clearer, Thoughts become things. So the one glaring question for all of us always is on a daily basis, what are you thinking? What are your thoughts? What are you thinking? What are your thoughts? What are you thinking? What are your thoughts? Because I can assure you and it's not by a promise of mind. This is not a theory that Steve Harvey then came up with. This is a fact of life. This is biblical, this is spiritual, This is written, this is philosophical. This is the law of the universe. However, you need to drink this medicine to take to get it down and feel what I'm saying to you. This is just the way it is now and here the cold part, folks. It don't matter if you believe me or not. It does not matter if you have never been explained this or not. And it does not matter if you think it works in your life or not. It don't matter. Listen to me. It is the way it is. It is a scriptural, it is a spiritual, it is philosophical, and it's just one of the law of the universe. You call whatever you wanna call. However, you got to dress this thing up to put it in the phase that you can feel me. I want you to feel me now, because this is all it is. This is all it is. So when I say that you are where we are today because we thought ourselves here, are you best to believe that's true? You thought yourself here, no one else. See. Let me explain something. I got people around me who so badly wants to take credit for it, but I don't allow it. But because I keep pointing to the heavens, I keep pointing and and and and trying to say it out loud as many times as I can without being so offensive, that my life is by design, by grace and mercy, by blessings from God. My life is because God has seen it to be so. Oh, but I got plenty of people around me want credit for it and want you to not give credit to God and give it to them. I got that. I got that, But I understand that. See, I understand what that is. That's a person whose design is to get the credit. But it's okay, Uh, It's it's so clear to me what my father was saying to me. Man, I get it as I get older and older. He always said to me, Son, everybody come with you can't go with you see every you know, I don't know how people say that in church, you know, sometimes they go people come into your life for seasons, and I guess the same thing. You know, they season up, they're gone, well, you know. And then but then here the way they try to hold you though, See they got some cold tricks. Here the way they try to hold you. Oh you're gonna forget where you come from. Oh, you ain't gonna keep it real no more. And so you find yourself trying to not forget where you come from and keep it real no more. But but too, to what end is it to the good of your Is it to the good of your end? Or is it to the good of the end? To what end is keeping it real and not forgetting where you come from? If it does not allow you to progress and move forward. I got where I come from. I don't want to stay that no more. I don't forget where I come from. I know full well what I've been through. But that's what drives me, because I don't want to go back to that. That's the push for me. I don't want that no more. I don't want to go back where I come from. I don't want to keep it that real no more. It was real enough for me living in the car. I had enough of that real. I'm gonna keep it real now. I don't keep it real. I wanna go keep it dreamy. I want to go keep it fantasize it. I want I wanna. I want to keep it out of this world. I want to keep it off the chain. I want to keep it moving. I want to keep it ball and I want to see what that's like. So naw, I ain't gonna forget why I come from, But you ain't gonna hold me to that thought. See, thoughts become things all day long? Where's your vision board? Where are the things that you want written down? What do you think about the most? How grateful are you for what all God has done it for you? Where are you at with that? See? Here here another law? If thoughts become things? Huh oh, here come to moment, y'all. If thoughts become things, let me ask you this. If all you're thinking about is your debt, if all you're thinking about is what you ain't got, If all you're thinking about or is old, woe is me? If all you're thinking about is every time I turn around, I'm sick. If all you're thinking about it's the things in life that you're lacking, If that's all you're thinking about, And if thoughts become things, how much debt you think you're gonna stay in, how much, how much how much lacking you think you feel to feel your life with, how much most stuff you feel to not have because you keep thinking about it all the time. When you're gonna be grateful, when you're gonna say thank you, when when it's gonna come out your mouth, Man, that I may not be where I want to be, but I show am grateful for what you've given me so far, for the things I have today because I don't have to have these things? You know what that does? That then opens up room for more stuff to come your way. To be grateful fall. But if you're gonna be ungrateful, man, let me ask you. So. I ain't God, I don't claim to be, But let me ask you something. Man, If you're ungrateful for the things we've got, if we can't show no gratitude for what what we have, why would God give us some most stuff to be ungrateful for? What would he do that for man, I blessed you with that. You ain't like that I gave you this. You ain't saying nothing to me about that. You you ain't feeling me on this right here. So I'll tell you what, man, Let me stop giving this dude something because he just over here he ain't glad for nothing. Because if I give him some more, he gonna be mad about that too, Tad. Anybody feel me right now? So when I say come on, y'all dig me? Now, do you understand why I say dig me? Because I want you to feel and I want you to understand and come to the understanding, not saying you ain't because there's somebody people got a deeper understanding than me about this whole thing. I promise you they do, but they listen to me. I'm just trying to get you to walk up in this light, man, so you can go on with your life and quit tripping yourself out with your thoughts because thoughts become things, all right. All day you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Welcome to the ride, y'all, Steve Harvey Morning Show blasting off on this Thursday blast off. Yeah, how you feel today? Welcome to the ride. Y'all. Steve Harvey Morning Show, blasting off on this Thursday blast off. Yeah, how you feel today? Sometimes I feel like a motherless chick? What is that depression? What's going on? Just you know Black history mom just singing one of them was the last few days of it. He was doing a couple of slave because slave. I like it. I like it and I don't have hit it from there. The hits of seventeen ninety nine, here's no ways time facts to hit back then, man, man, are some of the famous cuts of all time. And here's one of your all time favorite swing Low, Sweet Cheery, come on coming full to carry Me home? Swing Low. Don't those songs remind you? Yeah? This is one of them. Are you know when they played late night on the commercial you can order the CD. Yeah that lady and Tom he's standing over there. Something crap and try to remind you, take you back memories. And here's here's when remember this right here? Pick pick pick cat turn cotton picking, cotton pick pick serious disco error. And here's the new one. I just got a brand new sock and his food and his food, so fool just got a brand new sack right now, And I'm so embarrassed right now. Usually I asked for it, but today wait, wait, wait, wait wait wait, just one that brought back memories, hurtful memories. I was it low. Then I got so man about the cry. Then I got sold. Ladies and gentlemen, you can get these cuts for nights. This is tell me. Just give me the announcement to category and watch me come up with and ladies and gentlemen. We also have the jazz cut. Dong, he knows this, Tommy, and Ladies and gentlemen. You will also get on this album of the cuts, some of the blues. It's been so hot, continue on, oh long, yes, so we are we still on the air because I'm made to carry. Are you quite good? Alright? Look when we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour, time for Steve something funny. This black history coming up, A little known Black history facts coming up. We'll be back at thirty four after jaysus, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back thirty four minutes after that. We come back after this song, Ladies and gentlemen, it's time again for a little known Black history moments. Things that happened in Black history that you didn't even know it. M hi. But I'm the rateful Jackson. I'm the first reporter fule slavery in Black hetor ever ever. Ever, you don't to hate this segment is to hate your sex. That no, and the Bill of Tate, and and and and and and and and and and specially with the great fortune we was in the past and making of this country. Gentlemen, d is a little known Black history moment. Who is up? That would be me, sir uh. It is May twenty one, nineteen seventy one. All right, But Veronica shan Tail Robinson went to the neighborhood stole which is called ms. Vivian's. They called him ms V. It was a garage. This is where all the kids went to buy candy, burger, soldier's chips and whatnot. Veronica bought a pickle and some candy. She had her little brother in her arms, and his name was Benandre Robinson. She was carrying him, which means she only had one hand to hold her pickle. She put Bonandre down for a second in the ms V didn't not have no bags for her to put her pickle and candy and right. Then it comes to Veronica Shantell Robinson. She took that pickle, bit off the top of it, took her pepperman, put it down inside that pickle, picked her brother up and carried him home. And that is the first time a pickle and Pepperman was created. It was nineteen seventy one, May twenty first long View, Texas on a Friday. Look at that. That's why we do that. Yeah, yeah, that's thank you for the stone of our child stone. Yeah, that's where it came from. That's where it came from. Veronica Shantell Robinson, nineteen seventy one. Little on black history, and they lighted out a very quick and short ones since we're talking about certain things or a little or person person packle pers pack. And he was nine years old and he had bought itself a piece of candy and he was eating it on the way home. And then when he realized when he got to the front door that his mama had told him not to buy no damn candy. Well, right before his mama turned around, he snatched that candy out of his mouth and stuck it down in his pocket. Oh, and that escaped a severe thrashing backhand and by his mama because she had told him not to buy that can. Well, the next day person had to put him pants back on and the candy was stuck in his pants, but he got it out and put it back in his mouth, and that, Ladies and Gentlemen, was the invention of the world famous candy. Now and later continues on this ignorant show with these ignorant people, it's run that pr back. Oh my god, that's wrapping everything. We'll be back. You're listening, Steve Harvey. Morning, All right, y'all, we're fat getting ready. Coming up at the top of the hour, it's gonna be here with today's headlines. Plus we're gonna talk about Magic Johnson being named the president of l A. Lake because that's huge. I gotta call my boy congratulating. Yet and messed up by a vacation this summer, though, I do want to say that playing a vacation together took another damn Yeah, Steve Harvey, Yeah, just changing vacation. I can't change my vacation, coach. I ain't got Magic Johnson money. I put my money down on my trip. I got to show up. But next, yeah, but up next nephew, time me running that prank back. Uh, we're doing the one from yesterday. No, we okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Resa. Please reesa. Hi Resa. My name is Byron, Byron from the job. How are you. I'm okay, how are you buying? I'm good. Listen. I hate to call you after hours at your home, but there has been some new issues that will be going into effect. That was just tomorrow morning, and we're calling everyone letting them know the new changes that have been um issued that will take effect first thing tomorrow morning. So we're giving everyone a call. So don't be alarmed. It's just give me a call letting you know what the what the higher ups have changed. Okay, okay, there's no problem. Minutes to listen, guy, As of tomorrow, what's gonna happen is when you guys come in, you'll be issued a new key card, and that particular card will actually registers when you come in and go out. Okay, all right. Second one is there will no longer be any personal Internet at the job any longer. You won't be able. They're actually putting a block on all computers. All the computers will no longer be able to go to a lot of these sites that you guys go to that you've been um that's been available here in the past. Okay, all right. The last one is reesa do you um, do you wear a hair weave? What do you wear a hair weave or a wig? Okay, Well, here's one thing and hopefully you can get this change about tomorrow. There's no weaves or hair or wigs gonna be allowed uh at the job site from this point on. So as of tomorrow morning, everyone must be wearing their natural hair. You're uh no, these are the issues that are gonna be that are in stated, and these are going to take effect as of tomorrow morning, seven o'clock. What does hair we've to have to do with any of these changes? The first two I can understand punching in and ben on the internet. Yes, that's something that that corporate. But have we've and you're getting interres are they're looking down upon it. Uh, Wigs and hair weaves they have to go. So I'm assuming that if you, like you said, you do have one, I suggest doesn't come down there taking it down now and prepare your hair to be natural as you come into work tomorrow. I'm not taking my hair down. I've been here seven years and I've dealt with all the changes that y'all have made. But there's no way that I'm taking my hair we've down. I'm sorry. I wish your name Byron? Yes, my name is Byron, and I'm sorry. Let's get back to your weave. This has you're gonna have to do something. Is there's someone that you can call tonight to help you get your hair down and so you can look presentable with your natural hair tomorrow. No, my, we've caught over two or three dollars and I'm not about to take that down. I mean, it takes a long time to take that down. Okay, Uh, I mean is this something? Maybe you can take it down and just wear it on the weekends because as of now, you're not gonna be allowed to actually wear it on the property. And how will you know if someone has a weave or not? Are you gonna do head checks or something? Okay, I'm ma'am. I'm not quite sure what they're gonna do to check it. But by you telling me that you you have a we've, then I have to write it down that you have confirmed that you do and we got to make sure that tomorrow morning you're not wearing one. But you don't know what my natural hair looks like from my we've. Are. You heard how much I pay for it, So it's a good we've, ma'am. It's not about how good you know with the quality of your weaver or anything. They don't want it. They want natural hair. I don't know what that means. But they're going natural. They're going green, they're going natural. I don't know what it is. They're going natural, and so will you. Tomorrow morning. You need to come in with your hair completely down. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm not taking my weave now. Okay, what is that y'all gonna write me up or something? Okay, ma'am. Do you not want your job? Yeah? I want my job, But this don't make no sense. You're talking about personal appearance. I can understand y'all have address coach and enforcing a dress code, that's one thing. But but telling somebody to change that, have you lost your mind? Man? You're crazy, ma'am. I'm not good. I have other people that I have to call. Bottom line is, get your hat out and get your butt into work. Tomorrow and let's not go back and forth anymore. Okay, well, listen, by rand you're a los mine. If you're thinking I'm taking my weave out, I'm not taking out at all. Risa is coming up in there with her hair and I'm gonna sit down in my desk and do job. Y'all gonna have to drag me out there. We've you lost your mind, you and your powers that be or whoever they may be. You tell them that I said that. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, listen. Are you telling me that you're coming in regardless with your hair on? Right? That's what I just said. Okay, you then then we need Why don't you go ahead and bring some boxes in? Because you may I'm not you bring it man, I don't want to have to pack. You get your stuff and box it up, and you're losing your job because you can't take you know what? You can do that because I'm a call the news station and tell them you're dragging me out of behind some weeds. Who wrong? You're wrong? You're wrong? You stupid? Are you gonna? You need to watch your language? Young lady? Why I need to watch my language? I'm at home. You call me on my own home phone on my time. I'm at my house. I'm not on your fuck. I say what I want to say on my phone. Okay? Can I say what I want on my phone and then I'll let you go and you can come into the work anyway you want to tomorrow. What is it, Bob? And what else you got to say? I want to up. I want to tell you that your girlfriend Jennifer at your job got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tom from the Steve Harby Morning Show. He's just said, I know you, hey, reason this is this is not for your time, baby from the Steve Harby More is your gentlefer? Your co worker got me to pray phone call my blood pressure up. I'm gonna kill tomorrow and I'm gonna pull a whole weave out. You want to come down there and watch me drag out of the blood pressure. You can't be doing that to me behind my weave. I pay too much money. I definitely to on my kids. Ain't nothing like a black woman and her ha oh man. Okay, baby, I got one more thing to ask you, girl. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Well after this prank has show, God, did I make you proud? Proud is never the oppert term. It never is afraid, nervous, embarrassed, worried, ashamed, all of the add You are the king of pranks, So you are that. If you like my prank, you're gonna like me. March for Saturday night, Baby Lake Chole's Louisiana at the Civic Center of the Nephew coming to town me and everybody in my head. You don't want to miss me. Tickets on sale right now, Saturday March for what we're talking about. Come on late Chals, that's giddy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, you mentioned it's earlier. Magic Johnson has reunited with his beloved Los Angeles Lakers. The Lakers announced big changes to the structuring of its executive management team, including the hiring of Magic as the lakers newest president of basketball Operations. They did that on Tuesday. Now. On the same day, the Lakers also ousted its longtime general manager, uh Mitch cup Check, the executive vice president of Basketball Operations Jim Buss, and the vice president of Public relations John Black, the same point guard. Magic is also part owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers and w n b a's l A Sparks. Here's Magic Johnson, take a listen right now. It's just about building the winning culture again. That's what it's about. Now. They've been calling me, so I've been reaching back out to them. We've already talked. This is exciting time, but at the same time, it's work because the trade deadline is Thursday. Magic said he's not going in talking about you know, showtime and what they used to do and all of that. He's focusing on this young team and how to get them there, you know, to the playoffs, to the championships, things like that. As former player of the Lakers, of course, Magic won five championships. He earned three m VP Awards during his thirteen NBA seasons. And we couldn't be happier for your Magic. We love your congratulations. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you, man, I'm gonna call him, but boy, that boy right there, I like it. I Mean, he's a thinking man, he's a businessman. He's doing his life, man, I mean, and if he brings Kobe in like he talked about earlier. I mean, you know, you gotta get like he said, you got to get that that mindset back about winning, because all it's about is winning. Trying don't work in sports. You don't get paid to try. They pay for wins. You You don't get championships trying. You get championships by winning. Golden State has a winning philosophy, now you understand, So they expect, they expect to go out on the floor to win the game. If you're going out there just to play it, do the best you can, that ain't gonna cut it. Man, Magic knows that you're gonna get to the championship because when they win games, they don't get it said. They want championship stead they get anything in the trade. This little deadline that happened, Well, I says to that, Yeah, you know, they gotta try to make some moves, but they ain't got a lot of h They ain't got a lot of boggaining children. Yeah, yeah, you know what I mean. And then you know, to draw the free agents out there, the ones that is available, you know, like d rolls, Man, I would get the rolls from the Knicks. Well, your Magic or friends, maybe you could suggest that I think Magic gonna bring a lot of veterans to him anyway. Well, but you know, I mean I can't tell Magic nothing. Yeah, I guess you got Yeah. Yeah, I'm pretty much keep them to my Damn. I'm talking one of the greatest hoopers of all time. What the hell I'm gonna tell him? Yes, I'm just saying d Rolls would be a good fit out in l A because he could start the catalyst for that m you know. And then I think what they are to do is they are to go get this boy out of Detroit. It was a big boy DeAndre. Yeah, man, da go lure him? Okay, well maybe sure to trying to move us alone listening, No, no, no, I'm interested. I love Magic, you know that, the lovely, the talented miss A and Trill. Thank you, thank you, see Thanks everybody, Shirley, Carla, Tommy Jr. Everybody. This is entered with the news. Okay, the Trump White House is getting rid of the Obama administration directive that said the transgender youngsters should be able to use the school bathrooms designated for the gender with which they identify, leaving that decision instead up to the states. Some civil rights groups worried that the Trump administration move could lead to bullying and violence against transgender youngsters. Civil rights groups assuming the Milwaukee Police Department for wrongfully targeting tens of thousands of blacks and Latinos who there stopping frisk program. The American Civil Inmities Union says it filed his suit after reviewing several years worth of data to see if Milwaukee costs are routinely stopping minority residents without any reasonable suspicion of any criminal activity. One of the six plaintiffs in the suit is that Mr Charles Collins, who says he's been constantly harassed because he's black, gotten to a point where I'm always looking over my shoulders. You know, there's an anxiety in me. Mr Collins says that once he and his wife were stopped in their car, question and then released without any explanation or any I'm sorry or anything like that. The Milwaukee Police chief claims that the racial disparity and police stops only reflects the demographics of perpetrators and victims in high crime areas. That's what he claims. Sad news, the founder of Little Caesar's Pizza company has died. Mike Ilitch was both the founder of Little Caesars and the owner of the Detroit Tigers. And he was eighty seven years old. Now why should we make mention so much of his personal accomplishments because Mike Ilitch quietly paid Rosa Parks his rent for years. Apparently after Miss Parks was assaulted and robbed in the home where she lived in for years. You remember, remember she was robbed and beating up her own home. Well, Mike Illitch helped find her a new apartment in a safe neighborhood and then quietly paid her rent until two thousand five when she died the lake. Mike Ilitch, he was not African American, but nevertheless a wonderful man who did a selfless thing unheralded. He has passed. He was eighty seven years old. Finally, Oh yeah, jay Z is about to run this town. Jay Z is to come to become the first rapper ever to be inducted into the Songwriter's Hall of Fame, the first rapper ever. They say that since his debut album Reasonable Doubts, Sean Carter has become to he said, come to presonify the American dream and is being recognized for his quote remarkable word play. He's won twenty one Grammys, the most recent for the Collaborate with his wife Beyonce. And Yes, jay Z is about to run this town. Okay, now back to the Steve Harvey Boarding show. All right, thank you, Miss Anna's always. Now there's a lady who got fired for just being too hot on her job. She was just too fine, and some women are too attractive for their own good. According to this story, this woman got a job at a production company and her manager asked her for her number and to go out for drinks. Then five minutes later he texted her and said, your services are no longer needed. So he fired her after he asked for her number and to go out for drinks. Okay, yeah, but later he got fired. So the question I have for you, Steve is um, have you worked with um someone who their hotness was a distraction? You've had many, many jobs in your life, and of course this was before you were married. So a girl at was that the one you went by every day every day? This is like my favorite story of yours. Go ahead and tell her passed this girl every day? She was so fine? I said, I love him, every single story and you know, she just would look at me first. She thought I was just crazy, but all the dudes would start laughing at it. Man, Watch watch Hall, Watch Hall. I walked right past as soon as I get her attention, right, Hey, I love you. Kept walking right over there and talk to us. Sometimes, Supervisor run me off, I'll get ready, walk away. I love you every single day because I never missed work. I was never unemployee, didn't miss the job. Days on my job. Every day. I love you six months, every day for six months, six months, and finally we went out, Yeah, and then and cracking. My younger ass was overjoyed. And the dudes, all the dudes and the plant loved this girl. Man, How this little young ass b out of college? Man, because you know I flunked out of college. Now, I went straight to Ford Motor Company. When I flunked out and set me seven, I went straight to Forward. I was in Forward from seventy seven eight one. And that was it. Man, So finally cracked. Okay that I love you, But it took six months every day, but that's all he did that. But I'm talking about man. She wouldn't even speak to me at first, because dudes was just laughing at watch it. Watch this dude right here, Betty, don't say it today. They was taking betting number. They was betting, and I'm gonna say it every day. I don't give it to him. What y'all? Alright? Amen? Why you say that every day? Because I love him? Man, She ain't even giving you the time of day. We're gonna make that our question of the day. But before we get to that, coming up the Butterfly Eugene is here with his butterfly blog. We'll hear from him right after this. We'll be back at eighteen after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. A y'all, we're back, coming up the Butterflies next. We don't know what he got, but he next. I'm so you know, if we could get rid of any segment on the show. Good morning everyone, Stephen, Tommy, Shirley, Carly Jr. Good morning, Good morning, good morning. It's a beautiful Thursday. So hell out to you all. Okay, So today is um it's a couple of things. Today. Today's National Chili Day, okay, right, and today it's also National Dog Biscuit Day, Dog Biscuit Day. His name is Sugar of course, what wouldn't what wouldn't it be? My dog says, but his name is Sugar. He's a Yorkie. I have a Yorky to Her name is Fancy. Okay, man is Sugar. We said get our dogs together and do something. But a dog part. Yeah, I have a play date. Never be good and um. But anyway, I dressed him. He has sweaters and and things. That night he has a lot of clouds, So I make all of his clouds. But it's dog to skip day. So today, Carla, you have to God to get your Wait, wait, you make your dogs close to Yes, sweaters and hands and stuff like that. What's wrong with making hands clouds for the dove close? You make an't for yourself? Ain't good? Look crazy? Now that that clubs match too? So when we go out, you know, we're like, yes, yes, it's good. You have to see your junior. But Sugar, it sounds sweet anyway to make some pants for Sugar, because yes, pants short, you have some hills. You know what you want to do? You are you know what you are to do. You are to sell them. You ought to do a line of clothes for dog called sugar Bridges. You know, and I see that's creative. That's a good idea, sugar Bridges, and I'll sell them because I'm now can you help me do that and get me a m Well, how are you gonna come up with this great creation? And hey all, I'm doing this. I'm a creative person and it's a play on words to sugar Bridges. We get it. I get it. But ill time, Stephen, if you want to really really show me some love by my my dog loves the peanut butter and banana dog biscuits. That's the he loves dolls collar. You have to get your dogs and peanut butter and banana dog biscuits. No, feed my dog healthy snacks. I don't go there. You can get sick stuff like that. Yeah, you running collar, But then sugar sugar Bridges, owner, ain't that healthy? Look at my dog is very healthy and I'm healthy as well. My dog is very very healthy. We jogged, Butterfly. Can I call you just for the name to kept the product? Can I call you Bridges? O? Why my name is Butterfly or Eugene Antoine ferguson either one? Rich? Why would you call me bridges? Why does that? That doesn't even represent anything, trying not to drop the all see ju that's on called for. That's that's just so on called for. Now, when we're on the road doing shows, you don't act like this with me. Why do you do that when we well, soon as we're getting here? For all the people that at work you do this. What was you talking about? The consistent? You are not consistent when we at work, when we out on the road, you don't do that. Okay, man, I'm sorry, I apologize. Did you do your blog? I'm so confused right now? He didn't do nothing. I've been but I can't do nothing with you. Economy, sugar Bridges and sugar butterfly anyway. Okay, oh my goodness, I know not much time today, but just VI calling you sugar Bridges. Can we call you bridge for short? We gotta go goodbye. You're listening, all right. So there's this lady who got fired for being too fine, too hot at work. And some women are attractive, too attractive for their own good. Take this woman who got their job at a production company. Her manager asked her for a phone number, and then he asked her to go out for drinks. Then five minutes later he texted her and said your services are no longer needed. So after he asked her out, he then fired her. I guess so you know he wouldn't be dating an employee. Yeah, but but later he got fired too. So our question to you, our audience, yeah, is um, have you worked with some one and their hotness, their fineness was a distraction? Give us a call eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, your calls right after this, friend, Oh, I'm so good. I'm trying to shore out. What fun is you talking? Let's go Line one. Tianna out of Illinois. Tianna, Hi, Hi, y'all doing good morning, Mr Harvey's Hey, let me ask you a question, Tianna. Do you work with somebody in your office that's so fun that it starts a distraction? Well? Well, I used to, and he gave me some Google eyes in front of my husband and he said, you gotta quit, you to leave your job? Yes, sir, now I can fold my husband. I love yeah with the head. Say got to go bab lying about that. We together. We've been together going on fourteen years. That happened, uh last year around my birthday. Guys, walked by my husband and me sitting down for lunch and like and handing me a rose and kind of was like happy birthday in front of my husband. Was like, uh, go ahead, put in your hour's notice. You ain't coming back from lunch. That he was trifling tripolin. His name was Leon, by the way, Well Leon would have had nothing but rose pedal sticking out his blood. Oh yeah, my hat. Look see I had to be I can't have my husband in jail now. So I was like, look, baby, don't even worry about it. Miss miss Tiana coming home with you. We moved from Beluxi, Mississippi to Illinois, and so now we're in Illinois and I works for him. I love that da coman, But you know, man, real women do that though. Real women go. You ain't gonna go to jail for this food right here. Let's get on out of here, dude, I'm not going to both putting on you on your books and coming up come there and see you know you got to be here, A got time for that. I love it. Tianna, you got a couple of relatives locked up? Yeah, because she knew right away I ain't going to be putting no money on your books. Now you got to be I gotta be running up and back to bath, to prisons and all that type of stuff because he want to be to know a little. He is wondering, what a helly at everything? Yea, no, no, I ain't got top of that. So we still together happily. Mary start years coming up. And that's about it too, I know that. All right, y'all give us a call eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we're still talking on the phones. Are you too fine? Is somebody at your job so fine that this is a distraction? And when we come back from the break for day after that time, it's playing phone called be next. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. What do you eat? After the hour? Coming up? Y'all coming up? Everybody? All right, we're good, top of hour. We got strawberry let him but few what you got? Y'all ain't many? Alright? Cool? Just leave it. Don't ask no questions because he elaborates too much. Just to leave him alone. Yeah, y'all ain't married, okay, cool? Cool? I want to hear it. M hm, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah, how are you doing? Brian? My name is Daniel. Uh wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen, Um you're you're Brian, um, Brian right, you're married to uh to Althea. Yeah. Hello, hello, yeah, yeah, that that's that's me. That's my wife's Yeah, okay, I got a question for you. Hello. Have you guys been married? Going on nine years? Now? We've been married? Now? Who is this? My name is Daniel. Were you um, were you guys married a Greater New Missionary Baptist Church uh let the Sea? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the name of that church. Yeah, great by nine years? Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? What's asked me all these questions? Okay, do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? Uh reverend right, Okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the right person, Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery a lot of information that Reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all. He never was a minister, and every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and voy so. And I hate to be the bear of bad news, but you and Alphea, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not married. Not no, no, not that you gotta have the wrong person, because then that then we got we got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he's he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, your wedding ceremony, he had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in sin for nine years. Hold on, hold hold on that. Let me tell you something. I ain't been living no fin. Me and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man, he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher. Sunday Sir, as of today, he has he has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings, for children. He's not allowed to do that, and we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped that. But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin and you don't you that. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible, so you're not living in sin. Oh now, doc, I am and living in no sins. I have been married for nine years. This woman ship been taking care of me and my kids for the past nine Wait. Wait a minute, guy, you guys have children. Yeah, yeah, we got to two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards, said, hold on, let me tell you something. My kids ain't no bastard. What about your kids, your kids on basketts? No, sir, my kids. My kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out. I'm telling you that man did my service and he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He's has done everything that he comes for me and my family. He is a preacher, sir. I don't. I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth, but I want you to know, and I need you to be able to tell out thea that you guys are not married and not as of right now. Now now, okay, so a heart of hun now back in olden days, but before all these all these cottages and stuff came came about. You telling me that there men making old days, that they weren't no preachers, that they weren't meant men after the clough? Is that what you're saying to me? Uh? What what? What are you? What are you? What are you? What are you getting at? Sir? What I'm trying to say is back in the older day baking and twitters and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days that man now he was from back then, and God called them and that's what they went on to. And all them people that they married back then, they did the same thing to day. You don't need no degree to say that that you're a preacher. You don't need no lights to say you're a preacher. Man. My wife would be married for nine years. My kids have been born in wedlock. We were married, we were mad by red. My friends and family day was on there, sir. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids, I hate to say it, your kids are bastards. Now O. Now I've told you, don't say nothing else about my kids saying I ain't no cuss up, but don't push me. My kids ain't no bass. You understand me, you don't get me up, Sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get you married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I am living in no sin. Look, now, you don't make me whoop your a. S s You're understand me and my wife we are been married for nine years. Don't shoot up here called me talking about the way. Ain't man that that man ain't option. You're understand I get out of my phone. You that's my life. Those are my kids have been born in red life. Do you understand, sir? So, I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't living a no sin. That's what I just told you. You ain't hear me. I ain't living in no sin. Maybe you're the one that's living up some sin. Now you ain't got nothing E said to me that. Man. If never, that's nine years ago. They get your a ss on my phone. So so I have one more thing, one more thing I'd like to say. You ain't done nothing else to say to me. You ain't get your ass off my d am phone. Now do you understand me? I ain't got time for this, sir. Can I say one more thing? What you gotta say on me now? Because I just wanted to let you know that this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harpy Morning Show, your wife, and I feel you got me to prank phone call you. Oh man, Oh lord, it dot you uh doty. I almost went in on your dog. You're gonna let me go down. Yeah, I'm gonna get put you up to this got me to prank you, man, Wow, man, oh man, hey man? You all right with me? Brother? I got to ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lands, The Steve Harpy Morning Show. Man, If you like my prank, you're gonna like me March for Saturday Night Baby Lake John's Louisiana at the Civic Center of the Nephew coming to town Me and everybody in my head. You don't want to miss me. Tickets on sale right now Saturday March for what we're talking about. Come on late John's, let's getty. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Good Bye here it is, y'all. Buckle up and hold the hallway, getting the pedicute just splashing his feet in the water while that's a subject. Tired of the game. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have been in a relationship with a guy for six years now. Through the entire relationship, he has managed to lie in, cheat, and actually blame me for cheating. He has disappeared for an entire week and reappeared the next talking about I've been calling you all day. He tries to make me believe that he wants a committed relationship, but he advertises himself all over the internet as a single man. Right now, he is without a job and is hanging onto me like I am his only salvation. The sad part is that I have been through so much psychological abuse by him, that I am not feeling him anymore. When I have sex with him, all I feel is discussed and I want him off of me. But I feel sorry for him, and every time I kick him to the curb, he calls begging and I take him back. Everything else in my life is going fine. That is the only problem I have. How can I get rid of this dude without feeling sorry and taking him back. He has asked me to marry him a few times, but I do not see myself having a future with him. He is dishonest and lives a double life. In front of me, he appears to be a straight up guy, but behind my back he is a straight up dog. I know this because of the many emails I've found to other women. Your advice has appreciated. Thank you well. Uh, you You've given every reason in your letter anyone can think of not to have this loser in your life for six years. You say he's light and cheated. Uh, he's disappeared for an entire week and came back like nothing. Uh. He's on the internet advertising himself as a single man. He doesn't have a job. You have sex with him, you feel disgusted. Uh, he's asked you to marry him. You don't want to marry him. What more do you need to to dump this guy? Uh, you have to get a backbone and speak up for yourself. You have to do that. He'll stop when you stop. I mean, you got to stop allowing him to treat you this way and feel better about yourself to know that you deserve better. Steve. Yeah, ridiculous again. Yeah, I get tired of saying the same thing over the women. So here we go. Let's say the same thing over to women. All right. First of all, I think here's a new situation I've come up with. Women. You've been a relationship with a guy for six years. Through the entire relationship, he has managed to lie in, cheat, and actually blame me for cheating. He's disappeared for on the time were comparing the next talking about I've been calling you all day. Okay, first of all, ladies, let's do this right here. Let's let's let me let me try to get through this way to you. When you write a letter like this, yeah something, stop calling this relationships. These are situations. You've been in a situation for six years. See, stop calling them relationships because you're actually trying to make us thank you guys something, and then you give us a page full of what you ain't got. Then he tries to uh. Then he tells he called, and when he disappears for a week, he's talking about I've been calling you all day. That's because you let him. Then he tries to make me believe that he wants to committed relationship. The reason this is going on for six years is because you want to believe that he wants to committed relationship. And he tells nothing, nothing that's committal, no thing. So this allowing you and trying to make you think he wants to be in a committed relationship, it's because that's what you want to believe. But then he advertises himself all over the internet as a single man. Listen to this one right now. He is without a job and hanging on to me like he I am his only salvation. He ain't working. You are his salvation. You are his life, his income, his roof over his head, his ride, his gas money, his lunch money, his money to take other women out. You are his salvation. He ain't acting like and hanging on to you like you are. He hanging on to you like you are his salvation. Question is why are you hanging on to him? Because he ain'tes your salvation. He don't provide nothing for you. He ain't even working. The sad part is that I've been through so much psychological abuse by him that I'm not feeling him anymore. Okay, and leave. See that's the answer to this letter. Leave. But then guess what When I have sex with him, all I feel is discussed and I want him off me. Okay, stop, yes see, let me tell you something. When a man get tired of having sex with you, guess what we do. We stop having sex with you and we go have it with somebody else. Said, yeah, yeah, you ain't making no dude have sex with you. Listen to me. When we tie and sick of having sex with you and your sex discussed us, we stop having sex with you and we go have it with somebody else. You listen to me to the next one. I am telling you that's what we do. You can't make us have sex with you and you discuss us. Discuss what you're talking about. See, we gotta be worked up to do this. You discussed me, but I'm worked up anyway. How the hell that's gonna work. We stopped having sex with you and we go having with somebody else when we come back, I'll tell you the rest of it. I guess you all don't believe me, but okay, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. I talked coming up in about fifteen minutes. Uh, our girl from Talk Sheryl Underwood to be here. And then I got part too of this letter right after this cher Oh, who's in a situation with this man who has been just messing her around the whole time. She allows this and calls all day after he's disappeared for a week, talking about I I want you back, And he would try to make you believe he want to commit a relationship. He act like she's his salvation. He ain't working. Uh, you know they have sex together. She can't stand it. It disgusted. She want him off me, but I feel sorry for him. And every time I kicked him to the curb, he calls begging and I take him back. How about this right here? Stop being his mother and require that he beat your man. See, ladies, you have to make up your mind in these situations you get yourself in. Do you want to continue being a man's mother, Or would you like for one day somebody to just be your man that you don't have to take care of and try to get right and listen to all this where you been and disappearing for a week. So if you were to ask him to just be your man, you could be in his mama. It would explain and help you through all of this. Everything else in my life is going fine. I can't imagine how everything else in your life is going fine. But if you wanna throw that in the letter, fine, we'll read it. That's the only problem I have. How can I get rid of this dude without feeling sorry and taking him back? See it's the feeling sorry part. You're feeling sorry for somebody who is sorry. See, when you're dealing with sorry people, you always got to feel sorry for them. Have you noticed that that you always got to feel sorry? If everybody that you always got to feel sorry for, have you ever noticed that they're just sorry? Wow? Yet everybody got one in their life somebody you always got to feel sorry for because they sorry, So stay always doing sorry? Mess. Two things you got to reiterate. One you said she thinks she's in a relationship and she's not. She's in a situation. See relationship in situations, two different things. Whatever. And then the other thing you said, she's doing this out of pity and men don't do that. I think that. No, no, no, let me tell you something. I feel sorry for him. I have sex, and when he's on me, I'm disgusted. We'll have sex with you if we discussed it with you. Ask any man in here. If we're discussed it with you, ain't having sex with you? I mean no, no, no, no, no, no, no no, no. We have I'm fenn to take care of me. Sex. It's all about me. Sex. Oh, we have, it's just what I won't say. But you don't discuss us. Wait women, hold on, hold on, you can have rate sex, will do you, and then we're leaving right after that. Okay. Ever, noticing he leave right after that, that's because the thing that he likes about you, you do that good. But sitting around talking with you, going to the house, I'm just trying to tell you about us and that, right, lady, that's not a relationship. I'm trying to tell you the truth. Thank you, Steve. Today's letter, like all of them, are posted on Steve Harvey dot com or you can hit me up on my Instagram at my Girls Shirley. I'm coming up. As we mentioned, Cheryl Underwood be in the building. You're listening to Steve Harvey coming up up next from the talk. Sheryl, you see it too. Just when you think this, everything will say. Hey. On my way to Central Manchester, Hertford, Connecticut. Funny Bone, Me and Mike Washington will be performing Friday and Saturday night. We got two shows on Friday, two shows on Saturday, and then on Saturday I will be meeting and having brunch with the Sorrows of five Bata Sorority incorporated in the area. Uh y'all asked the question, what's the question? Who what? What's your job? Cheryl is so sexy, so so sexy, so hot, so fine, said their hotness is a distraction, so fine, blow your mind. I gotta fine. Yeah, it's so fine. The dude that bring the checks around it bring to check a ride. That's right the way his fingers caressed the box with the checks. So sexy. Hey, you know, I'm glad that we could laugh and have fun, but I think there's some things that we should pause and take notice. Of it, and especially those of us that sit in front of and behind and produce product and news, because an attack on the free press should not go unchecked and unnoticed. When people hollow fake news, there's some buzzwords that I want the people to listen to. When they holler states rights, that's the same thing they hollered to keep us not just enslaved but oppressed because your states are normally controlled by conservative state assemblies. Now you have people say, well, wait a minute, the press has always treated us differently. Yeah, you wright brothers and sisters. But when you talk about fake news, then in the way that people get news, today's chulte scrawberries from the social media. They don't get news from the newspaper. They don't get news from reading something, seeing something, or someone saying something, and it's documented. So people can get fake news anywhere. So anytime you can click and view and you don't have time to confirm and verify, then somebody could tell you it's fake. So let's get the National Association of Black Journalists and Hispanic journalists and Asian journalists to band together in solidarity. Why because we need fact chesty, we need the media, but we don't need the bias in the media that always has a black man to be violent, that always as a black man to be doing the purple walk. See, if you didn't have the media, no one would ever have believed that I Matil was murdered because there was a black magazine that had that casket open. No one would believe that Dr King and Mega Evers were assassinated. No one would believe that they use water hoses and dogs o freedom riders. No one would believe that that was people being beat on bodies under. No one would believe that we as blacks, were free and then enslaved and brought to America. So we must fight when someone says fake news because we must keep it real. I'm out, Did we just we just? Did we just get ready to sure so profound alright, Cheryl, thank you so much as always, Jordan's roll roll, Jordan Rolle, Thank you Cheryl so much. We are going to the phones. Please call us and tell us who as your job is so sexy and so hot that their hotness is a distraction? Eight seven seed you're listening Steve Harvey. Morning out, All right, y'all coming up at the top of the hour. In about ten minutes. Mike Epps was my special guest on my daytime talk show yesterday. Uh uh my and my buddy got into uh his trouble in New Orleans. Oh yeah, we're gonna talk about it, but up next. So our question to you, our audience, is, um, have you worked with someone and their hotness, their fineness was a distraction? Give us a call eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, your calls right after this. Let's go to line too and talk to Big G also out of California. Big Good morning to your man. What's up with you? Man? What's going on? Boy? All right, man, all this way all out here. Man, I just want to call in with my store and guarding. Uh what. I had an office setting I worked in and I had a new girl for the front deck and it was amazing house. Mean, not only myself, but several of the guys kept going back and forth to the office, to the front office to ask her different questions to see if they could help her on the you know, we got we got him out of here, like you know with that look. Yeah, but I just wanted to call in and say that it was very distractive, and U I couldn't even have to get my work done because, you know, trying to get after girls said that befont dead. Yeah, kept walcome, you kept walking back out there exactly. Yeah, we're all frying for the spot. You know, everybody's trying to go out on the big what or whatever, you know, being that she's new in the office. But I also want to call interest to say that, you know, we support you out here, man, Roger, Steve, Harvey family just to you every morning, and h I just want to let you know that, man, we got you out here, all right. I appreciate that. Man. I don't know where coming from. Huh. I know you I know, you know because for those name series out there, and I want them to come, you know, each secular names. But I didn't see them of that Chambers on in the middle of the sixties, so I didn't see them. So you're saying, uh uh yeah, see that, you know what, man, and you're write about that. You know, they talk all that smack. But these a lot of people, man, just show up for headline news stories. You know. They ain't really they ain't really newsmakers. They just commenting on news They a lot of people say stuff to be trying to be relevant, and they use you as a way to become relevant, which really shows how irrelevant they are. And so I've I've I've learned a lot on my journey. Man. I appreciate people like you that call in and say we got you, we know where you come from. I appreciate that, man. That means a lot to me. Thank you, man, man, because you know, we know that they catapult off you. Yeah, see that, that's what's really going on. Yeo, they catapult holde off you. I got one dude though, when I see him, yes, so yes, so when I see him, are we're not doing that? Let's go, let's keep We're not gonna do see there you go. We're gonna, We're gonna We're gonna make Tommy, I got you. We're good, Tommy. Hello, Mike. Check Tommy. No, No, we're not gonna do that. Tommy trying to talk me off the wall, right man, that was folks, Let me get let me get okay. Yesterday, on your daytime talk show, you welcomed your good friend and fellow stand up comedian who is currently on tour in the Festival of Laughs. The one and only, Uh Mike Epps, You guys reminisced about the early years of your careers, including Mike's big break on Russell Simmons where everybody got their big break death comedy Jam, and then you know, Mike went on to be in major hit movies like Next Friday in The Hangover. Well, Mike, yeah, I mean great in those movies. He talked about how he found his gift of comedy growing up in a very large family with lots and lots of siblings. But we love Mike's joke that he told on social media about you, Steve going to meet President Donald Trump. Take a listen. Mike's got more than two and a half million followers on Instagram. He recently posted a video talking about me and that man. They sent that to you, Yeah, they sent several hundred thousand people have watched it up. Here's this food. I just talked and I found out what he wanted to meet up with Donald Trump about. He wanted to meet up with Donald Trump. But he's trying about that White was trying to buy through hoods. That thing. See that. So many of my so called friends, you know, have just eaten me alive. For going to meet with the President of the United States, which like mind boggling to meet stupid food right here. Damn. I love Mike Man, but surely what happened though, because I didn't hear back? Well, okay, Speaking of Mike Epps, he was arrested early this past Sunday morning along with another man um for allegedly attacking a tourist knew they were down to New Orleans. New Orleans police said that Epps and his friend Thomas Cobb allegedly attacked a tourist at Harris Casino. We know Harra's, We've been there many times while the tourists was visiting for the NBA All Star Game. Now, this is according to the New Orleans Advocate. The victim said that he was headed to the cash out area when he saw Mike. The man said, oh, Mike Epps. The next thing I know, he started hitting me in the face unprovoked. According to the tourist, I had a handful of chips, so I just basically been bent down to protect myself and then my friends ran over and got in front of me, and then security got there. So that's the story, accord. Yeah, it's a lot missing it's a lot missing. Tell you right now, man, that ain't Mike ELPs you start, he may have said that. Yeah, the guy probably said something to him. Maybe Mike didn't have a good day of the tables or something, you know. No, no, no, that's that's not says more to the story. Oh man, there's some holes in this miss some chapters missing. Yea man, because Mike Epps, he that ain't even in the way he is as a person. Man. And if all these years, I mean, Mike ain't been in no fights on the road. No, And if you're out and you speak to him, he will definitely smile and speak cool, real cool dude. Yeah, No, it's I absolutely believe it's some stuff missing it. Oh, it's a lot, miss. I'm with you on that one, Steve, al right, so, uh, Steve, I could see you saying this. On the other hand, could be a fight. Now. I don't know if you guys heard about this. When Jamie Fox is in Croatia right now filming robin Hood Origins, but over the weekend, two men hurled racist insults at him while he was in a restaurant. Uh from what I understand, they called him the inn word, it just wasn't him. Uh. They were being arrogant and rude to everyone. It says. The police caught them charged them with disorderly conduct, though they're still investigating so there could be additional charges. Jamie talked about the incident and two Instagram videos. He said the guys used a word that's the local equivalent of the inn word, but he didn't say what provoked them, if anything. Jamie has since deleted the post and now he only has video up about how much he likes Croatia over there. Yeah, tap plus, you don't get in fights in Croatia, don't. You don't get in fights in Manila. You don't get in fights in Kingston. It's prisons. You don't want to go to Okay, Okay, you don't go to Mexico City and get thrown in jail. San Diego, Cool, Seattle, you can see that, ye open there. You're Lincoln, Nebraska. You you'll be finding other drunk cottage students in there. Yeah, I'll tell you what you can't. You can't get thrown in Rikers. That ain't. You don't want up there. It's just too much happening, it ain't. You know. It's a lot of a whole lot of places you you don't want to be in Calahoga County. I'll tell you what not to go. Yeah, but definitely not Croatia, Croatia dog nor them some tough people over there. Man, hanging there, Jamie. There's more to this story as well. I'm sure I wonder what the locally, but that's why Jamie didn't hear him, because he didn't recognize n And then somebody his boys like nif that's that's Croatian for Jamie. Yeah, wow, yeah yeah, man, but lay Low, just do your tape and go home. Yeah, you ain't got to blend in with the locals. Everybody ain't happy for you. They're just not man. Everybody's just not happy for you. I don't care what you do, man. And like the reason probably the reason Jamie took the thing down about what the man said in Croatia, so it was just not further fuel the fire. That was smart, and just leave up good stuff about Croatian because you got to live amongst those people. Man, why you film? You know? And man, the whole idea really is to be able to come home. That's what I say to all military people when I speak with him. Do whatever you got to do to return home. Your goal is to come home. Yeah, your goal is to come home. They got the generals that we're about, the strategic strategy and how to win and all like that in point of place troops and all like that. Who to go forward? How many it is seeing? Your job is do your best to come home, man, I say that to all souldiers. All right, when we come back from the break at eighteen after the hour, Pastor Motown Deacon Death Jam, we'll be right here. All right, when we come back from the break at eighteen after the hour, Pastor Motown Deacon Death Jam, we'll be right here. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next Pastor Motown Dick and Death Jam. They're here. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Yes, he don't let me out that often and now here I am. I'm sorry, Bill Tone gotta delay one, did it? That's what time ideas, ever more and ever will be the delicious Reverend Moretown and I am the Roulette Rumbling Deacon Deaf Jazz and the gavil We truly it's gonna be representing the jackpot Joint Jerusalem change. Hallelujah, whoa, whoa, whoa, Hollo hollo, hollo. Oh back at your ball tonight. We are taking the jackpot joint on the route, all right, but come on half on the road again, just so we conceive kind of go and make sure that we get it all in. Don't stop again. We're gonna do it again in the city of city, be at the strip club, sitting, sending, sending, sow in money, making it rain from. We'll be gambling the whole night long to my pockets grow strong tonight. Oh black girl, white girl, trying this girl on, this real girl, trailing girl, dreaming girl, Russian did it kind of girl, an girl, tiger girl, rusing girl. You know we was gonna trying to remind me, don't forget that that's a girl. I'm but I met a girl. I met a girl one time, really a holy meet, and I met a girl from bethele him carefully better, the better get out of that, a shot that I don't need to take. I didn't really know where that was going, but I just figured, don't worry about Babylon and all that rule them saving them like that. Deacon, what's your specialty? Board. This evening passed. But we're gonna start off and do but net now that's that's I got my mind set on that. And uh, what's wrong at the table, at the table table in your room. We're not no Now I'm gonna play Downstaird. But I got hold on, I got new with it, wor I got a pocketbook. It's on the ball. Try to crazy horse, got it, crazy hard, great horse got it. They rule it niked black jack, niked craps niked video poker I had and you know this how it passed. I've heard some members members have been I need to demon after after the night over the right, right off the strip, right, go down past Tropic Cantle, make shop. Left, go in that parking lot, park on the side. Won't see your car. And what's the past word to get in past the strip? Um? Buffalo, buffalo, get you in the side. We come back from the break at thirty four, after the hour, we'll have some back to back jams. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. When we come back, coming up, we got time for just one more thing. Some women are too hot to work for, some men are too hot to work with. But after the break. If you got somebody that's just a distraction, we'll take one more call. Eight seven seven nine. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next. We got for just one more thing right out of this song, we're gonna go to the phone, all right, Steve, just one more thing. We've been talking about this all morning. The lady who got fired for being too hot at her job. Some women are too attractive for their own good. Apparently this woman got a job at this production company and her manager asked her for her phone number. He asked her to go out for drinks, but then five minutes later he texted her and said, you're fired. Your services are no longer needed. No, let's get busy. But you know what I think happened. I think she turned him down and then after right, and then that's why he lost his job. And he got because he did. Because what you do is you go out with her first, then you tell her she can't come back after you see what's happening. Oh, that's the g move. You don't do it like that. That's stupid. You end up losing your job too. All right, Well, let's go to the phones. Eight seven seven First of all, let me ask time to because Tommy, yes, sir, are you in that position at all? When women around you so fine? It's a distraction. I mean there's a few around me there that make me quiver sometime. Yeah we can, I say that, Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, Well, ain't know whether you can. You did? Okay, ask the question again because I'm confused. Ask him one more time. No, no, he answered it. I'm confused. Surely he only got one job best here, so who is it? I'm very confused though. What you're confused? You meant? I felt you were asking him as if he were the hottie at the job to answer that. No, caller, stop that, you're messing with my self esteem. Caller, stop that you your self esteem saying. Let's go to phone. All right, let's go to line at one and talk to Bisman out of Kelly, California. Hello, Hi, is your name? Yes? Don't start talking about n He talks about people names, you know. I just wanted to make sure sometimes no, no, no, no, no, see what your anathing does? Tell me what talk about it? What not to busman? Okay, Bisman, have you ever worked with somebody that's so fine? It's a destruction. Yes. Actually, at my previous job, there was a guy and he worked above me. I worked at UM Well, I'm not going to dispose I works, but but he was really attractive and we end up started after I left the job. We end up they for quite some time. But he was crazy, so I just but he was really handsome. Yet, you know, it's a lot of cute people. That's crazy. I've noticed that cute and crazy almost go hand in hand. It's very He was much older, and he'd have any kids he had. You know, I had a good job, no kids. I'm like something I ought to be wrong with him because you're just a good catch and he was crazy. Too good to be true. She said, all right, thank you, busman. We appreciate the call. All right, y'all, appreciate you all to day. Listen, have yourself a great weekend. We're close, We're closer than ever now. We can't begins for me right now. Yeah, I'm with you. Right after I finished the most shows. That's the minimum you gotta do us. Y'all, have a great weekend. We all love. I love to you in the mall, y'all,