Financial Statement, K Hart, Meek Mill, R. Kelly, Beyonce, Sheryl Underwood, Reality Update, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jan 10, 2019, 3:45 PM

Uncle Steve is in Vegas and he gives us insight about living paycheck to paycheck. Kevin Hart will guest host tomorrow's show. Meek Mill talks about lace front wigs. R. Kelly may have more trouble in Dallas and New York. Beyonce is spotted shopping at Target. Sheryl Underwood is back to talk about Pelosi, Miss Universe and Kells. Miss Carla is here with the first Reality Update of 2019 and goes straight into Real Housewives of Atlanta. Today in Closing Remarks, we have a replay of Monday (You have a say so in how it goes) and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all have a suit looking back down giving them more like the Millian buck bus things and the cubs me true good it, Steve ha listen to the movie. To other stud please don't join well by join me in doing me home. You gotta turn you, You got to turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your fahuh, I share will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, today is simple. I got it together. I didn't have to. I gave a little thought this morning. I actually got up in um went to the gym, and I make time for that too. Man. That's but that that's that's, that's that's kind of what I want to speak with everybody about today because I want to remind you and if you haven't heard it, I'm gonna share it with you. I want to tell you. I want to just talk to you about effort today, just about effort. You know, it's it's it's it's a word that people use to describe sometimes trying. But what I found out about trying is trying is just a noble way of saying you didn't get it done. I tried when and then everybody go, well, he tried, that was the best. Well, that's that's not exactly true, though, that that's that's not exactly true. You are, and I want to talk to you about that because I don't want you to be one of the people who just tried. See trying, I mean, I gotta tell you to attempt something, You're gonna have to first try. But I want you to change your mindset from trying to getting it done. See, that's a that's a big difference. When you say I'm gonna get it done and when somebody says to me, I'm gonna try. Those are two different people I'm talking to. I'm really more apt to listen to the person that says to me, I'm gonna get it done because trying to me, I know what that means. Man. And oftentimes when you've tried, have you ever noticed that you've not gotten it done? It's because when you go in with the mindset of trying, I'm gonna try, what try does is it allows you to fail. Trying allows you to fail, because if all you're gonna do is try, anybody can try. It's the person that has the mindset that I'm gonna get it done is the person who changes the complexion of things, who changes the outcome of thing, who gets a different results. I'm gonna get it done. It's very different than I'm gonna try. You know. Look, man, I know this sounds a little harsh, but you gotta stop feeding yourself these little old wise sayings that ain't it was a valiant tribe. Hey man, you talk to anybody that took second place in the super Bowl and see how they feel about their valiant try. The only way to gain God's real blessings is you have to try something. Steve your backpedalin, now, listen to me close. You have to put forth an effort to allow God to put his finger on something to bless on your behalf. You must start to attempt now insane getting it done, and I'm gonna try. That's a difference of two different faiths to me that I'm just talking about me. Now. You may be different, so I can't I can't say this about you, but I can't say this about me. If I say, I'm gonna get it done. I have a lot of faith in it. I am going to get it done because I just don't see failure as an option. A lot of times now, if somebody says to me, like the Olympic team invited me out to curl one day, which is throw these stones on the ice. If you're not familiar with it's very simple, and so I said, man, I'd like to give that a try. I went in full well knowing I may not come away from this little curling lesson as a person who could make the Olympic team. I just wanted to try it because I thought it looked cool and I always wanted to get it done well. I failed twice. I threw a stone completely into the other lane. I lost that little ice shoe, it shot out under me. But you know what, I kept trying though. I kept trying until I got four of them stones in that circle right where I aim. But now had I give it up after I failed, After I threw that stone in the other lane, after I shot my shoe down all the way to the bottom side, the little ice shoe they give you, I never did it, but because I was trying something got me together a little bit because of my effort, and it caused me not to fall the next time, not to throw it in the other lane, not to shoot my shoot to the back of the wall. All of a sudden, my trying became something now had I stayed out there and it wasn't so cold, and I went back week after week after week after week. I promise you I could get it done. I could at least know how to compete in a game of curling. Might not be the best. I might not win the championship, but I could have got it done to the point where I could have competed in the game of curling. So sometimes if you're scared to say I'm gonna get it done, just go out there and get started. You know, learn from every attempt that you make. See, don't quit writing yourself off as a failure every time something don't go right. When I failed on that ice, I could have said, man, can't curl. But hold up, man, I'm watching four other women out here curl for other dudes. I did curl a little kids out curling. Hold up, Pardner, you know, man. So I learned when I threw that stone on the other ice, when I when I fail, when when my shoe shot off? I learned from every attempt a little bit more about it. And then I said to myself, at one point time, man, I'm gonna get this stone in that circle. I'm gonna get this stone in this circle. And guess what I got it done. Now what you're saying to me, Steve, I'm saying to you that you gotta get started, that you gotta put forth an effort. Give God something to bless. Oh God, bless me, Oh God, bless me. Bless you? What? Bless you? Why? Bless you? How? Stop basing your results on what you're thinking. You gotta think higher. You get God in your life, man, He allows you to think higher, bigger, better more. I'm sitting up in my debt. I came up with a plan to get out of debt in five years. I came up with this plan right. I was sitting up and I was tripping on it. Now. I said, wait a minute, man, hold up, this is what I came up with. I said, God created heaven and earth, all of it, the mountains, the sky, the valleys, the oceans, trees, the birds, all of this. Man, Mount Everest, the Gobi desert, the Indian Ocean, all of it, made all of it in six days, and then he rested on the seven. So why am I taking to God the five year plan? If he can create heaven and earth in six days, why am I walking in there talking about helped me in five years? How is it gonna take God five years to getting me out of debt? And he made heaven and earth six days? Do the math? Hill, Man, I ain't that big. You ain't that big. You ain't in that much trouble. I ain't in that much trouble. See, God got a way of showing you some things, man, but it's gonna take some faith, and faith gonna take some effort on your part. Man, get out and do something. Man, you God to bless you a little bit and give you a little bit more courage. And then all them attempts you making is gonna and all this So I'll try you know what that turn into. I'm gonna get it done. And at the end of the day, that's what you have to do, because trying to pay your rent and not paying your rent, it's two different things. You can try to play or pay your rent, or you can get it done. Now how long you think you're gonna stay in that house trying. You got to go with the mindset of getting it done. And if you can put some stuff out there and give God a chance to put his finger on it and bless it for you the most stuff he can do for you, quit looking around what everybody else gotten. Gonna get some of it for yourself. Okay, all right, you're listening Dave Morning Show, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, man, I have your attention. Please like to welcome to two new affiliates, Dayton, Ohio. What's the call? Let us in Dayton calling w R o U y oh you rude to the que Welcome to WRU almighty Dayton o'how oh Patterson High School, home of the late great Wayne Nalls, and my main man marvel is Marvin Harden. I would also like to say good morning to Darrel Bennett over Bennett's Barber's shop, being cutting Hanson he was in college. Keep it up, man, wonder love saying what's up to you? Boy? You? And then the great status in sim We're in Jackson, Mississippi, Jaytown. Good morning to everybody calling for real. Good morning, Steve Harvey. What's up? Ain't none, ain't nothing but the put nothing but at? What's up? Broadcasting live from Vegas. Oh you're in Vegas. That's why you're so happy. You haven't even been asleep? Yeah him, No, No, I'm delirious. Yes, difference between being happy and delivering his sacks, dog and dog Gotta tell me now what you do? What you're doing? I'm up, I'm up. Eighteen at eight eighteen? What hunt? Eighteen thousand? What do you know? I would have left Vegas? Yes? For what? After eighteen dies were on the plane we handed on back home? Okay, trying to get this for these people looking for me? Eighteen at somebody sitting over here in the studio with his mouth poked out. What's wrong with you? Junior being Vegas and his side kickers here? You're the side to Vegas. Yeah, every six I took Junior to Vegas. He ain't been the same. He came back from the fight. He was different. Oh yeah, I can't. I can't see how he left me when you got on that you didn't see me. Why didn't you go? Junior? I had to work. You had had to work. He had to work. You had to work and work for who he had to work, Junior, Just so you feel that the plane was full man, all the tickets was Yeah, I know that. Yeah, Okay, we're gonna go though. You're gonna you owe me like a little kid. Yeah, I owe you. Yeah, he owed me a trip. Oh I like that, Junior. Women, I don't never asked for nothing. No, I took you to Vegas the first time. I owe you another one. Yeah. Every time you go, he y, when I move you just like that, DJ bring it back now you know that's your Vegas potner, right. No, you don't wrote a fun ride before? Yeah, don't you want to do it again all the time? That's what this is. Yeah, yeah, I can't believe I see your point. You don't see that. Yeah, I understand. Wouldn't like when you would it like when you're getting married, you don't get to ride the fun the day after the birthday. On the day after birthday? What are you show you want to say you like when you get married? Junior? What did you ride? I got away? I got carried away? Im sorry, Yes you will. At thirty two after the hour, we're gonna talk about finances and all that. In thirty two after maybe marriage that's you. You're listening show. Everybody's jams around. Awre you feeling sluggish and way down to start the new year off? Well, guess what I am too? And I bet you didn't know. It's probably because of your digestive system. So I was backing we should do something about it. And who doesn't love a challenge? Manamians? Who's gotta do? Which challenge? That's super easy? Mena mensal traps and removed the ways that waves you down? So you're feeling louder and more regular, And who don't want that? So give it a try and check it out menamusal dot com and sign up now? Okay, Steve, So you know last break you're in Vegas. You've been partying and gambling all night. What are you there for? Though? Can't you tell us you haven't meeting the CS conference? What's that? It's a tech conference out here in Vegas? Uh? You know, opportunities are out here, you know, yeah, usting opportunities, chances to partner with some the next greatest tech firm, you know, our opportunity you never know. And I've had some interesting meetings out here. Very very blessed and fortunate man I was one of the speakers yesterday Nice and So I was interviewed by gentleman that heads up for the magazine on stage in front of them room full of tech people. So it was interesting. Okay, you're hustling, Steve Harvey know how to fall? So how are you going to make some money or not? Well, you know, you you partner with people, you know. I look for partnerships, that's meaningful. I look for people who are looking for an equity partner. You know that they are sharing their business idea and maybe they don't have the platform that I have. Maybe like I'm in sixty six percent of all American homes in one shape form or another. We talked it between seven and nine million people every week on this radio show. I got a pretty big, you know, social media platform. So I'm on radio, TV and social media and I could promote from any angle. That's that's pretty that's something to offer on top of all that. Yeah, hell, I'm fighting. It is like ass hell though, yeah famous ass as. Yeah, that's good. But you know, I don't realize he was really famous when he stopped traffic in Times Square in the middle of the day. What were they doing nobody's moving because it's there. Don't stay hark hell no. Yeah. They can't believe. Isn't it amazing when you see that. I see that because we saw in Paris, we saw traffic stock Man we we we wh God. But you know it's crazy. My kids the same way, calling him all the time. I want to dad, Yeah, yeah, yeah, da dad, dad Dad? Could you pay us at techen? You? Yeah? Yeah yeah. I saw an interview with Robert Downey Junior and he was talking about no, I take that back, Johnny Depp Sparrel right from Private to the Caribbean. So he thinking he's doing big things because he's Jack Sparrow Pirates of the Caribbean to his son. He invited Robert down to Junior over and so for dinner. His kids was like iron Man coming over here. I'm Jack Sparrow, the like by iron Man's coming over here. For so he was like that, you know your shipping lead. Yeah. So that's cool though, Steve, that's really really cool. Yeah yeah. And so you know, you just come out here and you try to make connections. I've met some really interesting people. It's some sharp African Americans out here. Not enough good by long shot, but black sharp ones out here that I met, you know, I mean, I do busy with anybody. I'm just it's good when you see African Americans. Yeah, out here in the tech field because that's where every thing is headed. So you know, so you can make there's a pleasure to sit and talk with some of them. You know. We had a good time, and I'll do today. I'll be out here today. I'll leave tonight, but we'll walk the floor and you know, try to make some contacts. Man, see we can come up. We see if I can, you know, get that paper hit one over the wall, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, let me ask you this a Steve. I was watching the news and I saw this report on CNBC, and you know, I was talking about how these the government shutdown and how the federal workers are in financial limbo. And it brought a spotlight this government shutdown of how people are not just government employees. We live in paycheck to paycheck. Oh yeah, you know, and they're saying this was a There was a survey and Career Builder that said that ten percent of Americans with salaries of more than a hundred thousand dollars as well, live paycheck to paycheck, So what kind of it? Yeah, what kind of financial advice can you give people? Steve, I'm gonna tell you something, man, It really is different not to leave paycheck to paycheck because what jobs do is they pay you enough to get to the next check. You end up working, and so you want something to show for your work. You want a new car, you know, you want some new furniture. Yet, you want your wife to upgrade the kitchen. You know. You want a lot of different things in life, and it costs money. So when you don't have the money, you extend yourself debt wise. And that's understandable, that's human nature. It just takes a couple of emergencies in one year to throw off your financial structure. If you've been saving fifteen percent and then you have a seventy five percent emergency that takes up seventy five percent of your check, well, how do you recover from that? Especially after after you have to go into your money that you keep trying to save and all of a sudden you got to go into that to get out this emergency. Yeah, it becomes quite difficult not to live check to check, and so the only thing, And I'm just so people can stop feeling horrible about themselves once you hit the emergency stairs twice, we really emergency as well. But you know that I want people to stop feeling so bad because you live in paycheck to paycheck because a lot of people are. Stop feeling bad about that because you check to check because the majority of the people are. And so what you want to do is to get out of living paycheck to paycheck. My own solution I've ever had is not to cut back. My solution has always been make more right. I'm sorry, it's the only way. It may not be the most professional advice you can get, but my thought is to make more who wants to go to work and then try to cut their cablelong so they could save money. Wow, turn your damn car in so you could save money, not car poo hill. All right, Steve, thank you for that. Yeah, Hey, everybody, I'm here. I made it. Hey, Shirley morning. Well you've been traffic traffic jam, Okay, traffic jam, couldn't We'll be right back. You don't come in here and just close out breaks like you've been sitting here. We'll be right right. Run that prank back right after this. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, guys in entertainment news Meek Mill? Whoa why is he in this? Why is he protesting lace front wigs? He ain't by myself? Well he just got that. Nothing long are we not having that? Though? You know social media was not having this. They weren't back yep, ye ain't nobody had on lace fronting there? Quiet had late but never you tell me it is here. Of course he's gonna run that frank back. We'll talk about Meek Mill coming up though. Never. All right, here we got for a hot brother, brother, let's run next. Hello. Hey, I'm trying to reach Alan. This is Alan Alan. How you doing man? My name is Bobby, Bobby Book. Uh what what can I do for you? I got your number man from the from the hospital. Did you just um within the last I guess three four months? Did you get a hot transplant? But then a half months ago? Yeah? I did? I did three and a half months ago. Okay, how you been feeling, man? Actually good, I'm actually up and around faster than I thought it was gonna be, you know, So I'm doing well. Thank you? Are you with? Are you. Are you with the hospital? No, no, I'm not. Actually, you know, they gave me your number. Man. I hope you Kate waity, but you you you actually uh the heart that you got was from from my brother. Charge Oh my god. Really yeah that's my brother, my brother. I'm so sorry about your brother. But wow, I gotta tell you he saved my life. Man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so so, I you know, I just want to call you man. I hope you on mind. You know, no, no, not at all. It's kind of like a little bit of my brothers. It's still living, you know what I mean, It kind of it kind of feels like my brother's still living. So that's a good thing. It's a good thing. Thank you. Yeah. Yeah, let me ask you this, man. I'm just curious because your Caucasian, right yeah. Yeah, I'm like, yeah, do you feel any any different having a black man's heart in your body? Cutting up? No, I don't feel any difference. Uh no, okay. I didn't really think about it though, And this this will just make me and the rest of the family feel good that we knew what he was dedicated to the things that matter. Twin, would you feel all right joining the naacp Uh is that are there some people are gonna be upset that I joined? I mean, is that okay? Well, you know, I don't know about anybody being upset. Man, It's just I know my brother that that's what he was a part of. And you know, you you walking around with his heart. Man, it would just feel different, feel great, you know, to have to feel like he would be back in there doing what he was doing and fighting for for injustice for the black community. Now you are Democratic or Republican? Well, you know, I mean honestly that I was Republican until Trump, and now I'm just really I'm kind of on the sense. I mean that guy's in the idiot you did vote for Trump. I did not, But I am a Republican, okay. So and the reason why, you know, because I'm just curious man about it. What I what I would hate to see is, you know, when twenty twenty come around, you know, you you over there in the voting, but you know, with my brother black heart and you and there, you know, voting Republican, uh, you know, And and that's something that I know my brother wouldn't be doing, you know what I'm saying. So I'm just I'm just asking. Well, I mean, I'm not happy with Trump, but if someone else in the Republican Party runs and I agree with them, I'm it's kind of like it's my heart. Now. I can't change my point of view just because of that. I mean, yeah, but but but but what you're not gonna do, though, man, is be in there with my brother black heart, and you up in there making some decisions that I know my brother wouldn't do. You see what I'm saying. That's a long way off, man, But I can't promise you that. I mean, if somebody runs and I like, I mean, I'm gonna vote the way I feel my heart and my head, tell me the hold one. Don't don't say what my heart because that ain't your heart. You know, I stand to my brother. Heard, so you got every right to ask me what you think my brother would feel in his heart. And I tell you you understand what I'm saying. I don't ask the way I feel. Man, Let me ask something. Have you have you been like craving different kinds of foods that you don't know? E? Have you been looking at I don't know? I mean girl like greens like my brother ate a lot of greens. Did you do you feel like you do woes and greens come down? I like greens occasionally. Yeah, okay, have all of a sudden, do you like women who have big butts? All of women in general? I didn't think about specifics. But you know, if they're good looking, they're good looking. Well waiting, wait a minute, what kind of calls this? Man? I mean you're asking me all these random questions. Why what? I don't understand where it was coming from. It's coming from my brother's hawt That's where it's coming from. You got my brother's black heart inside of you. You know. Yeah, I'm asking you. I'm asking you to do what my brother would do, not what you would do. You want to do it from your heart? You then you're doing it from my brother's heart. When you first called me about your brother, I was excited. Now I'm saying, how much did the hospital give you? Just this number? And you get to call me up? That's pribbly information. You shouldn't just call me and asking all these random questions. Man, I just got a heart test plan. Now you're starting to get me worked up. If I'm not trying to get you worked up. All I'm trying to man, Okay, okay, well, let me let me just come down. All I know is you got try hard and inside of you, and I'm trying to let you know the kind of person Troy appeals. Okay, so let me let me. Has your music change? Are you listening to more art and B? Now? I do like R and B, but I listened to hard rock. Tale that hasn't changed. Because what's in truth hard on stage in Troy hard, you understand. So you got to hand that's in your heart now. Greens did books in ACP. That's what I'm saying. Okay, trying to tell you about Choy. What are you crying? Man, I'm trying to tell you about Choy. Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Don't I know you miss your brother? Don't damn, I'm sorry. Okay, let me let me say this. Let me say, Okay, since you got my brother, I think it's the only right. And me and you we get together and go to go to a jay Z call so together. I think that's the only right a jay Z and be honestly, because so we go together because that's what me and my brother did. We we will go see him perform. Well, I mean they are to the best of all time. So am I buying both the tickets? Oh yes, Uh, you got trouble and you worry about about who's gonna pay for some tickets. I didn't know. I thought maybe you might want to teat your brother one last time. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, man, Yeah, no, no, okay, listen, I'm really I'm really sorry. I mean I get upset. I didn't mean the yell at. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Do you do you do you listen to black radio? Sometimes? I do listen to black radio. You never listen just the Steve Harvey more on this show? Boy. Yeah, he's one of the best man I had to follow when he was on Family Kid. He trade what He's got a nephew on the show, and he does trade phone calls. Yeah, and that will be me, Alice. This is nephew Tommy baby, Steve Harvey Morning show man out. Are you serious? Are you kidding me? I'm not kidding. Oh my god, dude, you almost gave me a second heart attack. Jesus, Oh my god, you've been pranked man by your wife robbing and her co worker Bridget Potting. You gotta tell me us what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It's your show, baby, Steve Harvey. Come on, man, alright, thinking as you coming up. At the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about Meek Mill and his protest over lace Frontway. Get a real cause you're gonna protest something. Social media wasn't having it. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening show all right? Tomorrow morning, guys, make sure you tune into the Steve Harvey Morning because Kevin Hart will be our very special guest host sorrow. Come cap. Anybody see his interview. I saw a little part of it, Good Morning America, Good Morning America with Michael Strahan. One thing he said that I loved, and he said it repeatedly throughout the interview. I'm done with this. I'm moving on. I'm done with it. So what do you have to say about this, Kevin? I'm saying this. I'm done with What about this? About the whole you know, oscar controversy, you know, with the gay statements he had made back back back into far The man apologized sometime. Yeah, and we recently apologize. Yeah, so that's why he said he's done. But he'll be with us tomorrow to drop it up. Steve. Yeah, but he's not gonna talk about that. I can tell you that based on that interview, he's done. We're gonna, he said, because it's never enough, all right, So we'll talk about that. We'll also talk about Kevin's new movie. It's called The Upside with Brian Crancy. That looks good. Yeah, that looks really good. So join us tomorrow morning for Kevin Hart and in other news, Steve, many women, I know, everybody wears a lace front wig from time to time. We wear weaves, we were we wear whatever we want to wear. Yes, I'm get ready to color my hair. You're wearing well, thank you. But apparently Meek Mill, who knew? I know you? Yeah, you don't. If if they're done right, you don't know. I do. That's the thing, Steve, If they're done right, you don't. If you don't take it off in front of me, I just don't know. I don't. Love you're not upset about no problem, But technically it ain't none of my exactly as long as you know what I'm say. If you're not my woman. I can't comment on what you're doing with your head, right, but you're not my woman. Miss mill Steve said lace front wigs are whack. I'm protesting them, and after being trolled, Meek issued this response, I'm sorry, I just had a few bad lace experiences that traumatized me. He said. You ever get food poison from eating something and never want to eat it again? He said, that's the same feeling. That is the same feeling. He said, I'm off Twitter, I'm still not ready for Okay, let me someone explain lace front to me. Okay, lace front, how they make them. They put like um hair, weave hair or wig hair on top of you know what, a piece of like um nylons holes, yeah, different, Yeah, and they and it matches your skin colors, so you can't tell where the wig begins and your skin ends. And they do it really good. They don't really well. Okay, but if you can tell, it's probably wearing Meek hair exactly. Yeah, that's exactly. Oh like if your starts back up your heads, you know, or it's too far down on your forehead or you made your point. Yes, I kind of think I know where you're going too much baby hair out something. If your lace front don't match the hair that showing, and if your lace front ain't the only hair that's in the front. All right, Steve got let's head on over to miss standing news. If your lace front, did you hear what I just said? Maybe your lace front is a lace nick the next piece of hand you see others And as the club gets longer in the night mowing mower, your health is being exposed. It's glowed on. So that should not be the case. Please introduce miss Anne. We only shifted in now meet and seen hot. Miss You can't get out of jail and see that. That ain't what you want to see when you get out of the ladies and gentlemen, miss and Trump. Thank you very much everybody, and good morn. Okay, this is answered for the news. President Trump held a brief meeting on the southern border will issue yesterday, I mean like real brief with how Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate democratically to Charles Schumer. But Vice President Mike Penn says the meeting pretty much ended as soon as it began, and that it was the fault, he says, of the Democrats the President called the question in the meeting. He asked Speaker Pelosi that if he opened things up quickly, if he reopened the government quickly, would she be willing to agree to funding for a wall or a barrier on the southern border. And when she said no, the President said goodbye. However, how Speaker Nancy Pelosi says her take on the meeting a little different what the President is claiming to be. The situation at the border is not solved by a wall, and we all been for border security. We take our oath to protect and defend the American people very seriously. This week, federal workers will miss their first paychecks, and Santa Charles Schumer is accusing the President of having a tempa tantrum. Mister Trump is going to be visiting the wall today, by the way, He's going to be in Texas. He's also brought the White House lawyer with him. Despite President Trump's claim of GOP solidarity on his side, at least three center Republicans, by the way, have expressed support for reopening the government while talks about border security continue. That's what the Democrats want. Some eight hundred thousand federal workers are either working for deferred pay or furlough due to the partial shutdown, now in its third week. According to two Senate Intelligence Committee reports, Russian operatives aggressively targeted Black Americans over social media in twenty sixteen and try to discourage them from voting so as to help Donald Trump get elected. The reports also revealed that since Trump's election that Moscow has been using the Internet to inflame racial tensions and pushed Trump's social agenda, and that while some other ethnic and religious groups where the focus of one or two Facebook pages and Instagram accounts, that the black community was targeted by dozens. After voters in Wisconsin, by the Way, voted in a new governor last November, a Democrat named Tony Ebers, Republicans who still dominate that state's legislature quickly made moves to cut off the incoming governor's political legs, so they passed a bunch of bills during a not publicized lame duck session last month, and under the new laws, Governor Ebers will not, be, for instance, able to modify the state's voter ID law. His control over the state's job creation agency will be limited. Another measure keeps him from keeping his campaign promise to pull Wisconsin out the multi state federal lawsuit designed to get rid of Obamacare. Governor ebers says he's considering his options, his legal options. According to a new study, about sixty five percent of Americans say they're in debt. Twenty five percent of them think they'll die that way. However, households with incomes they're about fifty thousand dollars get this. They feel that they'll be out of debt. The soonest. I don't know why, but they do. Finally, it's sleepyheads day. Oh don't you wish you could sleep in today? I know, I hear you. This is the enterp with the news. Back to the Steve Barby Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. According to TMZ, you know, man, this is our Kelly thing. Uh. Well, in any way, he's not going to be charged for allegedly giving a woman STD and STD after the cops in Dallas closed their investigation. Wow, he's like he's slippery, isn't he? Wow? This is our Kelly. Yeah. Dallas PD looked into allegations that R. Kelly gave an anonymous young woman an STD after allegedly holding her captive as his sex slave in the docu, right, this is about giving her the STD. They're working on probably the captive captivity part and all that. You know, there's stuff going on in um uh Georgia and in Chicago and uh in no charges will be brought against our in connection to that case. Now. This is also according to TMZ. The woman file a police report last year twenty eighteen, claiming she'd met in Dallas the year before. She claimed he restrained her, applied her with alcohol and drugs, and gave her an STD. However, the alleged victim says the incident occurred in New York City and she will personally fly from Texas to Manhattan in the near future to file a police report. Meanwhile, R. Kelly is currently being investigated like I just said, in Fulton County District Attorney's Office in Georgia and the State Attorney's Office in Chicago has made a plea for any witnesses or victims to come forward to contact her office at seven seven three six seven four six four nine two at seven seventy three six seven four six four nine two. So I understand what they're saying. She's saying that she met him in Dallas, but what went down was in New York, and so you see why Dallas didn't Yeah, they didn't file the charges. So now she says, well, I will go to New York York, I fly up there. Yeah, wow, Steve, Yeah, this is I don't I don't know what what all that means for him. I'm not you know, this is a mess. Well, I mean I'm more of a proponent oh him just getting his ass. But he was gonna say that, I'm more of a proponent for that, all these court cases and stuff. I mean, you know, we can't vote nothing like that. I just say, you know, God, yeah, you know your paperwork. You gotta sector j tax me your money. You know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, you can't colect them too. Daddies, that was only special. Get in the room with him, you can't dog. Yeah. The greatest lessons have been really handled by ass. But the best I've ever seen. Yeah, well, I've seen a lot of things. Get cute. There may be something to that, because he's been in and out of court for years and years and years and nothing's ever happened to him. So you know, you guys may have something that man something there, you know, and nobody who's there will be acquitted. Over coming up at thirty four, after the hours, Steve Beyonce stops at Target. Yeah, pictures, Yes, and we'll talk about finances right after this. You're listening, all right? Yes, Beyonce, the one and only was spotted at a Los Angeles area Target. We all shot at Target. Yes, not mad at I imagine going down the island sing Beyonce. She was not pushing the basket though. She was not doing that. Her people were doing that. She was just you know, spotting. YEA one fan tweeted a snapshot of her in the baby aisle wearing an orange jumpsuit in some white sunglasses. They wrote, anyone in Westwood Beyonce? Is that Target right now? This is not a drill. This is not a drill. Yes, So our question this hour. Would you shop at a discount store like Target or Walmart even if you and your spouse were worth a billion dollars? Yeah? Yeah? I love Target? What I love Walmart? What not? Go to Walmart? Hop? Yeah? Absolutely? Also, there is a survey that says we're uncomfortable dealing with and talking about our finances. How uncomfortable Thirty two percent would rather go down to the DMV than work on a financial plan. Yeah. Twenty percent would rather spend an hour in jail than come up with a five year financial plan. Wow. Yeah, and a year in jail. What an hour in jail? I mean five year financial plan. Thirty four percent would rather post their most embarrassing photo of themselves on social media then post a screenshot of their account balances. Where are you and all of this? Steve, Oh, we can put helicraft that financial stuff. I ain't going to jail before an hour one hope with some money. Well, it's something that you avoid. Just don't want to want to deal with the budgeting. I don't. I don't like the financial meetings I have to have. I don't like them. My wife and I don't like, you know, and the part I don't like because I yeah, but it's always you know, you gotta hire people to watch over things for you, because you know, when it's coming in from a couple of different angles, you got to have people keeping eye on it. And then you got to pay these taxes, and you gotta make sure you're getting all the write offs that you qualify for, you know, so instead of just spending this money. What you do with the money you gotta have receivet what was it? You know? And all like you've been asking a lot of questions I don't want to do because I don't let them really ask me nothing about my money. See that's what the SA say. Yeah, I really don't ask me what I did with it. It's like coming out here to Vegas. So I think you're part I withdraw cash to come here. Yeah, you must be part of Steve. What they'd rather post their most embarrassing picture of themselves in social media than post a screenshot of their account balances? I think that's naked. You're part of that group. Yeah, I'll be asked naked account? What's going to happen? I really you be talking about body parts? Look at this, but be disgusted. You don't understand the big that's gonna be bad. God shot Steve Harvey? Is that Steve all right? Yeah? So you're gonna try to say you ain't got it right? Right, that's exactly a se What about you, junior? What which which category would you be in? You just started making money? I'll show you I don't just got this man. You look at this man. You want to see me six years ago? God? How many bank accounts you got? Both? Look at you? Both different bank a path? All right? What nephew, I hate to ask you which category would you be in? I know you don't want to spend an hour in jail. How many break accounts you got? Uh? Yeah? Serious? Eight? I got eight? All right now? I got em all right, A lot. Yeah, I ain't gonna put it up in for your back and look at them. All right. Well, so you're you're over there with all right, go to Steve Harby FM to comment. Nephew, Tommy's prank phone call is coming up next. What you got for us, nep We'll find out right after this. You're listening to the sty show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. Subject I thought I found the perfect man right now though the Nephews here today, good money. Nephew's right here. Truck driver exchange driver exchange. Now call it when you call a brother who was a truck driver here in the United States, huh, and tell him we've been seeing you the South half to drive for six months over there. This don't go too well, you play too much this, don't go just don't go too wet. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach fight. Yeah, this is Franklin. Hey, Franklin, how you doing? This is Roosevelt giving you a call from Human Resources USA? Hey, Hey, what's up Roosevelt? What could I do? All right? Man, I'm calling you from Human Resources Trains of Partners. Where you been here? You've been driving trucks for us for quite some time? Now? What do you you? Six? Six, six and a half years right now? Man, I'm eight and a half years. Two years short, baby, okay, eight and a half you? And how you doing? Man? I'm good man, enjoying this road life? Man? Is I love working with you guys? Man, the benefits is there? I mean I'm supposed to get a call from you. I mean, I hope everything. I'm sure you're on the road right now. You're probably driving. I wanted to give you a call. And is this a bad time? Can you talk right now? Yeah? I actually pulled ope, But man, I have to get something to eat. Man, Okay, okay, so listen, let me tell you what's going on here with what GTP. What we're doing is we are doing some job change, and uh, some of the drivers that we have have been pulled out of a pool and some of you guys are gonna be actually driving in different places now. So for the next six months, within the next thirty days, you're Franklin, You're gonna be Um, You're You're gonna be driving trucks in South Africa. You're gonna be or for about six for about six six months, you're gonna drive in South Africa. Holda, hola, hola. Yeah, listen, I ain't got no file in the South Africa. But y'ah, rather mind, I'm not going on the South Africa. I don't come out a job in the right handside of the row. And I love Africans. I love everything about Africa, but I'm not going I got a family out here in the United States of America and you're trying to tell me I got to go to South Africa. Come on, man, what type of that you want? It's it's frequently, it's part of the job exchange is what it is. Man, Okay, you change got going on on? Man, I don't want to be part of that job of shame. No, no, I'm not going to No damn South Africa. This is not happening. This is just listen to the track six months and you'll be back in the States. Okay, let me say this a national geographic program y'all got going on? Man, I don't know what y'all got going on at y'all calling me. I'm in the middle of I'm talking like trying to eat me a cheeseburger from being on the road or one night, and you're talking about sending me to South Africa? What type of you on? Man? There's some foreign exchange program y'all got going on it. I'm not being part of this. You pulled my name out of pool like it was a su suitor. Come tell me that I'm up to be jobbing in South as This must be a joke, you know, No, I don't know. Not so good. This is a good thing, though, Franklin, I think you're gonna like it. And no, it's not a good thing. What do you tell me it's a good thing. I got wife and kids, But I'm what the fuck are you talking about? South Africa? Do they even have roadways out there? I'm not going to FA. Are you serious? You're not here. I'm not I'm not hearing this correct. Brother, I'm not hearing this correct, mister Roses, though I don't salad what okay, I can't playing. Just tell me South Africa? Are you serious? Okay, let's let planks hear me out here. Man. Let me like I said, they pulled names out of a pool, and you and about fifteen other guys are gonna be going to different parts of the world. What type of pool you pulled it in? You better be put me back in the shallow part. You're going to the deep end pullers, man, get the fun girl. I'm not going to South Africa. I'm not gonna Southrica. Don't I'm not taking the malarious shots, so I don't even gotta pass. What do you want me to go to about that point, well, listen to me, Franklin. We're gonna get you all the shots you need within the next thirty days, so you'll be shut to go. I'm not going to go around go to South Africa and trump one. Let me back in the country because of y'all off with right now. I'm not going to South Africa. It's a job exchange, Franklin. Okay, let me, let's type a job. So what so what we're exchange it. You're bringing South Africans over here and then you're bringing me over it. Y'all leave me. I'm not going my wife, it's not going to be happy about this. I'm not going my like. Someplace Facebook can tell you this. Your salary actually doubles the six months while you're over there. Don't try to Don't try to tell me about that with South African dollars or American dollars. What is it? What is it? Don't try that American dollars, Franklin, Franklin, it will be American dollars. I'm not going to know South Africa. I am not going that. Of fact, it before my last day and the bro y'all could come pick up this reglar and a talking like because I'm not going to South Africa. I don't care how you spell it or you say it. I ain't going. Okay, okay, Franklin. Listen, you've been into Country Company eight eight plus years, and I just gotta tell you you are obligating. You've been chosen out of a pool. All you have to do is six months, you're gonna get paid double. Your family's gonna be fine. You'll be back. I ain't obligated to do but driving truck like I do everything day, I'm not going. You can't tell me about being obligated. Let me tell you what I'm obligated to do. I'm obligated to th truck. I'm forced here and try right through your human resources window because I ain't going to South Africa. And I keep telling you that I told you that since you got on the damn phone, I ain't going nowhere. Okay, but but but but let me ask something, Frankly. You've been here for what its for eight some years? Man, you don't you don't want to continue your job here with the company. I don't give a about this job right now, trying to send me overseas like you're setting me up from them. I ain't going out of fact. Let me turn this truck on right now. I'm coming down and see you, mister Roses out. Okay, hold on, uh do you know Jermaine? Yeah? I know Rivers? But what are you gotta do with it? Okay? Let me go and don't say this, Franklin. This right here that you're talking to is nephew Tommy and your boy. Rivers got me the planking phone call you You just got pranked by your boy Jermaine Rivers. Oh that moment. Wait till I see Rivers. So you ain't no roads to go, and I ain't got to go to South Africa. No got man, this is nothing. Man, I'm just listening to y'alls on the road or Rivers. You want to play with us? I want to put some sugar in your trunk, all right, Franklin before we live, Man, tell me this. What is the baddest radio show in the lands. That Steve Harvey Morning Show? You can't stand, You can't. You can't tell black people they gotta leave. Man, you're a little more ignorant. One. I wonder one now. I'm trying to get started righting the one now I think so? Yeah, right yeah, And my first stop is Tampa FLOWD at the m Problem. I will be there January twenty four, twenty fifth, and twenty six. I will be in Tampa FLOWD. I hope the weather is good. You know why. I'm gonna play a little golf while I'm down there. I ain't played none this year, so let's get to it. Tampa's best place for it ain't a whole lot of people played none this year, Tommy. I know, really shit, I know that you ain't really said January winds ten. Yeah, that's a pretty sitting. It is pretty a lot of waters. You know what's nice too? What West Palm Beach? Yes, yeah, we have so much love there too. Shout out to West Palm Beach. Have you right back, We love you right back, loyal, loyal. So okay, so that's what your tour is looking like. First stop, Okay, well, I go to Steve Harvey dot com and find out everything you want to know about Tommy's tours and all that coming up at the top of the hour. Like I said, write about four minutes after today's Strawberry Letter subject I found the perfect man. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show. All right, here we go, time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live like we're doing this one. All right, Let's go to boggle up. Hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry letter subject, I thought I found the perfect man. Is there such a thing? We'll find out all right, Dear Saton Shirley. I know I am a hardworking, educated, financially secure, good looking, mature woman with a lot to offer. But since my divorce, I've been having trouble with dating because the men I meet say that I have too many prerequisites and they lose interest. My goal was to meet a man aged fifty five to sixty five, but instead I finally met a man that is seventy five years old. Oh it is five years older than yesterday. Okay, he's retired and he's everything that I looked for in a man. He's a sharp dresser, good looking, financially stable, and he has good morals. In the beginning, he wanted to come over every night and get busy, but I still have to go to work, so I had to cut him back to two to three nights per week and Saturday. RE enjoy going out together and we've even had a nice vacation together. There's just one problem. He refuses to go to church with me. This past Sunday he got mad at me and told me to stop nagging him about church. I could easily fall in love with this man, and we talk about our future and getting married, but the church issue upsets me. When we talk about marriage, I told him I could never say yes if he does not say yes to going to church. He told me that he will eventually just show up one Sunday, but it will be on his own terms, not because of my nagging. What advice do you have for me? My sister says I'm acting crazy and I should marry this man. She does not think it's a big deal. By the way, he does meet all of my other prerequisites. So what are your thoughts. Your thoughts are that I My thoughts are that I agree wholeheartedly with your sister. You can't nag him. Nobody wants to be nagged. You don't want to be nagged. He says he's going to show up to church on his own terms. Let him do that, Okay, let him do it in his own terms. He may, you know, not like your church for some reason, or you know, maybe it takes him a minute to get in the spirit or whatever. Give him time. I mean, you guys haven't even been together that long for you to be making these kinds of demands. On him, and probably if you'd let it go, he would show up to church with you one day. Come on, now, I don't think this is such a major issue that you have to nag him and nag him and nag him about it. This man is seventy five years old. You're a mature woman. You didn't say your age. But anyway, so far it's working out nicely. I mean, he's a good dresser, he's good looking, financially stable. You said in your letter, he has good morals. Okay, he has good morals. So I think you're putting pressure on this man. I think just smooth it out, weight a little bit, but definitely stop nagging him or guess what, you're gonna lose him. I'm gonna tell you nobody likes to be nagged. Steve Shirley one thousand percent correct. I agree with her sister too. What is this len about? Hell, both of y'all old, both for y'all old, and the man. Now, you didn't want to say your man, but you come talking about you want a man between fifty five and sixty five. Well he's seventy five, yeah, but he still looks he don't want to go to church. He don't want to go to church. He is sharp dresser, he looked good. He treats you right. He checks off all the blockses and blocks in every category. And you talking about they talking about marriage. You can't say, he can't say. You can't say yes to him unless he say yes till you, till you going to church, to him going to church with you. I have news for you. The reason I'm talking like this is called a bit up all night trying to put myself mine is a little congested. I have to apologize again. Don't go there. I mind his body frontic gambling the truth. Okay's Gary, say, what do you mean you've been up all night doing what acting? Christ see Schrley. You wasn't here. I'm in Las Vegas at the convention. Oh okay, okay. Then she was late, so you didn't know that. He'd have been here on town and you'd have known what's going on. Okay, I'm here, now go here. That's what you mean, you've been up all night? Exactly what I mean? I'm in here catching hell. I should have been in the being with my old seventy five. I don't know what the hell man, I don't know what I was thinking about. But I can't do this no more. I'm hurting sitting up in here. Let's get back to the letter. He said, if he don't want to go to church, you nagging him to go to church. Now, I have personal experience with this. My father didn't go to church much. He didn't. This is true. My mother and father were married for sixty folk years, wow, six time. I remember. My father would go twice a year, sometimes on Easter and sometimes Christmas or Mother's Day. My dad would go a couple of times a year. He went a little bit more later on, but my dad was never much of a church gore. My dad was wanting to find this man I ever knew because he liked this man, saying, you say he's very moral. My father was a righteous man. He was righteous man. This dude, he was just a good dude. Now you're gonna pass up on this man, like your sisters say, you being crazy? First of all, how are you gonna when you're gonna find another one of these shop dressing We're all meaning seventy five year old men that ain't got nobody, They not everywhere. How you found this one is beyond me? Or how he found you is beyond me. I do not know, but I'll tell you what though, you better stay with this man. If I was you. Now when we come back, I'm gonna take a different approach to why I think he don't want to go to church. All right, all right, we'll let burn two if thieves respond coming out on chill, who are your past? Yeah? So yeah. The subject of the Strawberry Letter today, I thought sales sermons on tape after services heard. I thought I thought I found the perfect man. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry Letter. Subject I thought I found the perfect man. Hello, this letter is simple. What I told you. I'm tired. Now listen to me, mad what you did? I'm on a delay. Come on, damn it, I'm on a delay. Not my system. Your stuff is working fine? Oh yeah, I'm on Steve Harvey gosh, mentally on a delay. You was just sleep strayed up all night long. But like I'm farting, It hurts, don't it hurt? Remember when you were to sleep on the air that time. I can't do it. When you fell a sleeping the owned while we was on the half. Yeah, when his shoes off, one shoe on. But wait, did you hear him? SA, that was some good sleep, Mike. I had them head sets on. They were so damn loud, I said, straight up. I looked at him to white men. I didn't even know where they came from, but I yelled. I was like Steve were he was doing an interview. He was doing an interview with some of our clients. Oh, dad saw me counting cards at the Steve coming back to the letter though seventy five years old, this simple, this lady Dayton, this man, he said everything, and she's ever wanted man seventy five shot dropping still sleeping within all this hill, get busy whenever you want to. But he don't want to go church with It's just that what's wrong with the church. Though, now we're gonna get into that. My father didn't go to church much either, So that don't make you a bad person. You could be very righteous person not be an attendee of church. But now you're saying you've talked about marriage with him, but if he can't say yes to going to church, you can't say yes to getting married. Well, he keeps he's pretty adamant that you nagging him about this church. Maybe he don't won't go to your church? Yes? Fine? Now, first question? Does your church sail the sermon on CD or audio after service? A lot of churches? Has he heard a see everybody? Pastor k't preach? This is true? See what I Maybe he don't want to sit up there out of that dry sermon? What type of church you? Is it? Methodists? That don't matter? Do it that? No? I'm just asking a question because it's if it's Methodist, ain't no drums? He didn't tabourines? All good tars? She's an okay? Well, whatever it is. Maybe your pastor is dry. Unless here's another thing. Maybe what's the name of yok dry head? Oh? Maybe your pastors dry? Now here's the next question. What's the name of your choir? What do you mean? What do you mean if it's got one of them names that mean they don't sound like the gospel? Song birds? Don't nobody, They don't never sound good. What's your old crows up there? The song birds? They got crazy raw? Ye not with you? Don't nobody want to sit through that? Now, don't nobody don't know. I just wanted to see how I can phrase this and call and let me say, yeah, careful. I don't think your pastor and your choir is up to part. That's all I have to say. And I think that that's just been demoralizing for them to have to sit through the services that you're doing. Next question, it's your churchill stole front next to a liquor store. See, maybe he's a form of alcoholic. He can't go down that next to that licor Stoke and sit down and try to make it. Maybe it's a zoning zoning issue with the church and the in those zonn in issues in the hood this licor Stoke check cashing players church Deycilly and the motail motail or dey kill check cashing place or churches oh yeah chicken yeah then, or somebody selling chickens. This answer to this is all over the place because I've been up all the night. Kind of apologize for this response to the strawberry Little Steve Rob gotta do you boo now he was crazy today Tomorrow I got to be at work. I gotta do three shows man talk shows. Okay, so so at some point you need to get some sleep, is what you're saying. Excuse me, Shirley, Steve, what is the advice to the lady that wrote the letter? I'm trying to get it out of him. Yeah, her chas go to the chicken house and he just knock coming. Stop nagging him. What to tell her? He ain't going down. He's got to stop nagging him though. That's a good point she's got to. I would say, don't wear about it because man, let me tell you something, it's hard to find good man and he's a good man. He righteous. He just don't go to church much. Now he may eventually like my father due my father ended up going to church quite often. But you know she didn't do it on it. Yeah, yeah, that's true. All right, Well, thank you, Steve. Uh email us your Instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey FM. Is your shoes off right? Nursing? No? I got them on all right? Coming up in ten minutes, guys, that girl Cheryl from the Talk is gonna be here. You're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys, Carla's Reality Update is back for the new year. Yeah, yeah, right, that's right. But right now, please Steve introduced our girl from The Talk, the One and Only shew the Pearl un That's right, baby, and I shall miss my Steve Harvey Morning Show family. Happy New Year, Happy New Year. And um, I know it's today after, but happy Founder's Day. Jasy Brown my brother of five Beta Sigma, so I have to say that. And we're coming up to the founders Day of Zata five Beta, So happy birthday, heavy founders day to all my my son. You know it, you know it. Listen, man, they got him, they got him, They got little Sure. First of all, Pelosi ain't no Joe. But no she's not. I love she ain't cracking, no smile. She came back with a vengeance. Held to the n to the double. No, no, no, you ain't getting no money for this. What did you say, Junior? Who do you say they was? You? Who you said it was? Ok? You said they? That's Joe Friday. That's Joe. That's drag that right there. That's what's the other dude that was with Joe Friday. The other dude Morgan, Harry Morgan. That went to play on mash That's that's Joe Friday right now. Oh listen, man, what I should have did my mother to call me and my mother old school shows right there, but they listen to me. They ain't giving him no rhythm. President Trump should have did everything he had to do when he had control of the House and the Senate. They ain't giving him no love. And that new dude that they got in the ball that they about to put into the Justice apology, Oh he hadn't already said, I'm cool with Muller. Whatever he trying to do, I'm trying to hear it. So this ain't gonna go the way he think. The Agent Orange is out the building, Commander and cheat old ain't happening no more if it's done, baby. And I'm a Republican. And when Republicans start bailing on each other, it's over, baby. And they're bailing on each other. They bailing. So what are you saying, Ryl, What's what's going on? Well, I'm gonna tell you what I think gonna happen. I think they building the legal case. See how they got Richard Nixon to resign with the Watergate. He went to the Senate and they said, we don't have the vote to save you from this impeachment, so he resigned. I believe Trump's is going to resign to save his family because all of this. I'm going to jail, all his friends going to jail, and he gonna go to jail. You think he's going to resign, Cheryl, Yeah, girl, he gonna quar Donald True gonna resign in twenty nineteen. Do you know why Muller is not talking? And he looked just like the boy off Law and Order Jny looked like the talk with that white man name. He looked just like him. It's over, it's done. Yeah, I thought he was still alive. No, no, yeah, he's still like way let me tell old the dude that used to be the song and dance man that was in guys and towns, he's the one going down baby, but way man, hold on, hold on, I got questions. What kind of lace front are we wearing? Now? Listen, y'all know I got the shiny boss spot in the front. So I need to know how was Usher usher? And he he got his head done too. Let me tell you, I need to know what they using? Is they? What are they using cremin nature. Yeah, so for eight what are they are? They're using afrocheen. The head is thick and beautiful when they walk bringing back Pimppet, Pippet, Pimpet Fried Die late to the side. I need to know what they use. You don't have to be balls. Well, well, I don't have no choice nothing. No, I have nothing to hang on. No, you got to have something to hang on in the front because when you I don't sweat, but I do get the vapors and that brings so you don't hold it down enough, so it lay down, then it rolled up. So now I need to know what usher is using. Flush your hands. Cute and young job. You see this yao? When he first Yeah, I like now Nick Cannon, Nick Canna was on ourselves he cut his hair off. Yeah, but I like that. I like that that curl that that was hanging down, you know, like he was off Cottage Grove. He looked like one of the dudes that be hanging out at the Guyfather. You know how to go back to Chicago. Listen to me, Steve Harvey. Yeah, the Filipino girl wanted to miss Universe. Yeah, all the Filipino every Filipino. I know. So I thought the girl from South Africa was going yeah, yeah, yeah, Yeah, she did a thing. She was fabulous, but she fumbled at the head at the end. Yeah, her question. She fumbled it and I think that cost her. That's what they could have easily given it to Miss Venezuela. Though she was gorgeous. Yeah she was. She looked good. Yes, you know, Steve, you don't brought it back. I tell you the Steve, I told you we was not watching Miss Universe. Last time we watched was in the mid seventy when that black girl won from Trinidad Tobago, that dodskinned black girl. They commencing on she won, And now we watch every year because Steve, you make the show. You you make the show. I mean, the women are beautiful, but we're really watching for you. No, no, yeah, I'll be watching to see the outfit. No, the jacket. I was getting ready to say that jacket, that black Velvets shirts, that bling on it. What I say, sir, about to say something about it. That was a nice job. Listen to me, Steve. I need I need a thirty five wide but for the day time, I mean I need a forty two wide Steves like getting getting them buttons around my stomach. That was a cold jacket, white cold. That was cold blooded jacket. Yeah, I need a forty two wide right in the middle of the world. I hope they do it in the South Africannection. Oh, I'm gonna go to that. WHOA to the mother law change? All right, Cheryl, We thank you, we love you. Were you happy pre birthday? Steve Harvey. Don't act like I don't know when your birthday is to get there, because I know you had good meat at your birthday. Body all right. Coming up to the top of the hour, Kyla's Reality Update right after this. You're listening, all right, Cheryl. We had to bring you back in because you talked about a lot of stuff, but you did not hit Chicago Homie. R Kelly, Oh, let me chase. I'm Shunley Scrawberries. I was trying to restrain myself, but I have a personal story I want to hit. Yeah, I was talking to R. Kelly in the latest bathroom of the Copper Box. Shuny Strawberry, don't look at me, craz in the Copper Box. That's right right off on the Wild Wilde undress and I knew he was a tripped in. I was singing with a band called Platinum Touch. Tommy Touch, Yeah, that's the name of the band. Juniors, was Platinum Touch. You were thinking with the band for real, Steve, And I was singing, Uh, what's the song You're gonna make me love somebody else? But that's the Jones girls. If you keep on treating me the way you do. Yea, I sang my song, you know, and after I, you know, kept drinking that crown row. I had to go to the bathroom. So I went to the bathroom. Was Ara Kelly, Yes, And I knew he was strange then, because you know they have peppermint, they have deodorant they have. I said, what is You're gonna catch me? Caller? Catch me Reddy? Ready? And what is your black ass doing? Okay? Now people say, well, why is his music going up? Because people have a more of a curiosity. Now, Agnition was the cut, but we all knew something wrong with this negro when he made seemed like he ready and twelve play because that ignorant right now, let him tell you what they need to do, not listen. He got away with it because I think Now this is my personal opinion. They paid off everybody so that they wouldn't do what they need to do. That's what I believe, and I believe this is a colt. I'm telling the truth. Listen, it's common is right that the community we let the girls down. Immunity let the girl down. I love John Legend. Now he might sing soft and lovable, but he hard as a mug. Because John Legends say, I'd have had no compulsion to pull back on him. I wasn't supporting that. So you're gonna do the crime and the time deca gonna Yeah, that's that's I know. I just think that he is, you know, I think for me, just being honest, I was completely stunned watching this thing as me when people go I knew, I knew. Well, if you knew that and your aunts didn't do nothing, it's something wrong with you. You just like the people that worked for him. Sitting up there in black shadow and all that, I used to see him come here with don why don't you do nothing? I can honestly say I had no idea it was of this magnitude. Had I known this, I promise you I would have done something because I'm that type of dude. Man, Well, I don't care who you are. No, I don't care who you are, how who we are? That's right, But that is no way, and I feel like common and I feel like so many black men feel today. We feel like we let so many women down. And a black man, I take responsible responsibility for that, even though I didn't know how, didn't we know? But see what would? But what I'm gonna tell you, honest to God, true, when you go to people and they being brainwashed and they got Stockholm syndrome, even if you say you don't need to be about this life so odd that you will let this happen, and then people denying that it ever happened the family na, no, no, no, no no, because now we provide the out because we're saying that you know you, you knew and you was grown and family members. No, I'm saying that this dude right here, for what he did, his ass deserves to ask whipping for brainwashing them, Yes, making them feel some kind of way for destroying their selfis for taking advantage of for using them pokass mentality on all these sisters. That's what I'm baby, didn't even see his ass. Listen. I didn't even see him doing it to him like that, and I wish I had him because I would have done something. Now, what would you have done, Steve? All I can tell you is it wouldn't have been illegal. Well, let me tell you something. I think that it got to go further than this. You got to cut I believe I can fly out of space jam. You gotta lose the contract at RCA. See, people don't take this serious. Un tell you if them in the pocket, then the pot. You gotta hit him in the pocket. But I'm gonna tell you something from the things that I knew and the things that I saw, and when I would say, you know what that that girl looked kind of young? What is that? What is what is that going on? If people don't listen to you, all you're doing is talking to somebody with syl Get up out of here, I will, okay, But that's that's a child and then the family members. I'm not giving him a pass. I'm just saying we as a culture need to stop doing it to ourselves. You need to stop wanting to be famous so bad that you bring your child's child over that, or you don't want to admit that it even happened, knowing good damn well, you had a marriage license that you had to acknowledge. But you would say, oh, make my child famous, let my child go backstage. Me and Leslie Jones telling R Kelly jokes back then, trying to get it out. But all I can say is using your kids as your day meal tick. That's it's right. That gave them a chance to grow up and develop where they can make smarter decisions. That's right. Most child stars in this business, Shirley. You notice, for fast, most child stars, when that little cute period that little characters go, they have a dismal life because they've been coddled and they don't know the realities of life, so they've never been given the real shot of life. Then they grow up, they ain't cute them all, But when you're farting, they don't mean the damn thing. See Emmanuel Lewis took himself and went to college. In school, Emmanuel Lewis went on with his life. The average child star does not pick up the pieces. Well. And when we take our children and push them into the business, because that's their ticket. They want to be famous and rich. Caused the parrot. The parents won't that too, sending a pout. She's seventeen talking about if y'all don't let me, I'm gonna just do this. Well, i'll tell you what. You're gonna do it with the skin off your ass? How about there? You know, and you can't even talk about, you know what we would normally do. You can't talk about corporate punishment. Now, you can't talk about who has a responsibility for an underaged child because that's how he started. They may have been grown women by the time this story came out, you know, and people knew what was going on, and people worked with him. But why aren't people talking All the people that worked with him that wouldn't didn't want to talk about it on camera. I'm gonna say this, and I'm gonna end with this because they were black and it was a different socio economic background. Look how long this was allowed. Let's let's be real. Yeah, let's be real. We need to stop killing each other. We need to start having respect for each other, and we need to look out for each other. That jail house justice is no joke. No Jo, You're right, Thank you so much. We appreciate that so much. Wow, that kind of put it all into perspective. Yeah, switch gears. Here Carla standing by with the first reality update for the year for the one nine. All right, oh yeah, we're coming back with Carla's reality update. Right after this. You're listening to Steven show. Our girl, Carla is here with our first reality update of the year of the one nine. Carla, what you got girl? Get ready to get ready? Get ready? Get ready? It is Reality Update twenty nineteen. I introduced her. Shirley, you don't do that. Okay, Oh but you you're coming here late. Now, you're coming here late. You don't even know who you intro now this okay, many stupid Thank you, Shirley, Thank you, nephew. And wait a minute, Steve, you here for it? What'd you say? Oh? You know this is what I'm here for. All right, let's go with I'm an expert in reality okay for real? You created reality radio? Remember, yes, who I mean? Is I mean? All right? I am? I don't know Real Housewives of Atlanta Kinda that's kind of slow. I'm just struggling a little bit with the show. But here we go again. Candy and Porsche. They're beefing Porsche was invited to Todd's birthday party. Candy and Todd. She threw her birthday party for her husband. Porsche came to the birthday party. Porsche's current baby daddy, her current baby daddy, his ex girlfriend was there. The ex girlfriend was all talking to him and they were a little too closed. Porsche was like, what's going on? What's happening? Kids on the cheek? Long story short, Candy's crew kind of threw Porsche out the party, and Porsche was upset. She texts Candy about it, and Candy was like, I get back with you. I'm gonna see what's going on. Blah blah blah blah. So Candy didn't really see what happened, but her crew updated her and told her what went down at the party. I'm gonna tell you about that, but first I want to tell you about Cynthia and Mike Hill because you introduced them, right, Mike and Cynthia Bailey. Mike Hill, Yeah, so he came into town and uh, you know, they're dating long distance and they've been dating for a while. And Nini and Greg though they're still friends with Cynthia's ex Peter Peter, Yes, Papa s yeah, Peter got yeah. So Peter came by the house and they're, you know, Nini and Gregg right now on team Peter. So it's awkward. Yeah, it's awkward, right right, right, right right. So she was wondering what's he gonna pop the question. He did ask her to be his lady. So it was like, they're exclusive now, so when you go with me? Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. So she was like wamp. So they're really exclusive now. So you know, Cynthia's happy. Leading up to that, they had this Habachi grill party, Eva and all them through the party. So here comes Candy and Porscha. Oh right, So they have to really talk since Porsche got thrown out the birthday party. So that's why I had to lead back out to that. Porsche told Nannie and Cynthia that she was pregnant, that she's expecting, so but Candy doesn't know this. So yeah, they're at the party and they're talking and they're at the one of the other new cast members there at her house. I can't think her name right now. I think it's tunt Tanya, but anyway, they're at her house and so it just got heated and it Candy, you know, just real quickly, Candy and Porsche they're beef and they're arguing with each other and so, and I agree with what Cynthia was saying. Candy doesn't know that Porsche's pregnant. But Porsche, you know you pregnant. So calm all that down and all that yelling and should do though? What did they? What did she do? They said that she was causing drama, But Portione was like, her point to Candy was you're my friend, so you should have followed up and said what happened? You know what happened? Why did you get thrown out the party? And so Porsche felt like Candy wasn't her friend, and Candy was like whatever, you know, it just got ugly. But anyway, we gotta go hit me up at lips by Carlo. We can talk more about it. You're listening to show all right? Tomorrow morning, guys, make sure you tune into the Steve Harvey Morning Show because Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart will be our very special guest host tomorrow. Come on cap anybody see his interview. I saw a little part of it. Good Morning America, Good Morning America with Michael Strahand with Michael Strahan. One thing he said that I loved, and he said it repeatedly throughout the interview. I'm done with it. I'm done with this. I'm moving on. I'm done with it. So what do you have to say about this, Kevin? I'm say this, I'm done with What about this? About the whole you know, Oscar controversy, you know, with the the gay statements he had made back back back in The man apologized sometime yea, and recently apologized, Yes, that's why you said. He's done. But he'll be with us tomorrow to drop it up. Steve. Yeah, but he's all gonna talk about that. I can tell you that based on that interview, he's done. We're gonna have fun, he said, because it's never enough, he said, it's never ever enough. All right, So we'll talk about that. We'll also talk about Kevin's new movie. It's called The Upside with Brian Crans. That looks good. Yeah, that looks really good. So join us tomorrow morning for Kevin Hart and in other news Steve Um entertainment news. Many women. I know everybody wears a lace front wig from time to time. Yeah, I'm gay to color my hair, you'll wearing well, you're wearing well, thank you. I mean, you know, but apparently Meek Mill, who knew? I know you? Yeah, you don't. If if they're done right, you don't know. That's the thing, Steve. If they're done right, you don't. If you don't take it off in front of me, I just don't know. I don't know. I'm not upset about problem, but technically it ain't none exactly as long as you know what I'm saying. If you're not my woman, right, I can't comment on what you're doing with your hair, right. But he's not my woman, miss Mill. Steve said lace front wigs are whack. I'm protesting them. Uh, and after being trolled me issued this response, I'm sorry. I just had a few bad lace experiences that traumatized me. He said, you ever get food poisoning from eating something and never want to eat it again? He said, that's the same feeling. That it's the same feeling. He said, I'm off Twitter. I'm still not ready for Okay, let me someone explain lace front to me. Okay, lace front, how they make them? They put like um hair, weave hair or wig hair on top of you know, what a piece of like um nylons holes, yeah, different, Yeah, and they and it matches your skin colors, so you can't tell where the wig begins and your skin ends. And they do it really good. They do it really well. Okay, but if you can tell, it's probably where meek head exactly. Yeah, that's exactly. Oh like if your starts back up your head, you know, or it's too far down on your forehead, or you made your point. Yes, I kind of think I know where he's going. Too much baby hair something he don't if your lace front don't match the hand that showing, if your lace front ain't that only had this in the front. All right, Steve coming up our last break of the day, and Steve's closing remarks right after this at forty nine, after you're listening out the gate. Steve, you were so powerful with your first closing remark for us, and it's Monday, it's past Monday, and it's trending now and people are just into it and we thought it'd be good. You know, if you do that again, I mean, well, we're gonna play it now. Oh God, we want it again because I want to hear it, because you know, I don't write closing remarks down. I just do them from the heart, top of my head and my heart because I like for people to listen to me as i'm thinking. You know, I don't want people. I don't want to be scripted with people. So this is a this is a redo of what I did. I hope you enjoyed. You'll have a great weekend case thinking about it. And as always, as we set out on these new years, people have a tendency to make resolutions. I don't. I don't make resolutions for the new year because as soon as I think of what I want to do to improve myself, I don't wait to start improving at the beginning of the year. I start on Christmas Eve, Thanksgiving. I started August twenty second. It don't matter when the moment I think. So I used to do resolutions by don't do them anymore because life is too short to wait till the start of the year to begin. But how about if we look at it this way. Since God has afforded you this incredible opportunity called life, and we are all here, and even against all the odds, we somehow made it to twenty nineteen. I want to say this to you. You have a say soul in how your year ago. You have a say soul in how your year ago. You do not have to sit here and just played by ear. You have choices, You have decisions. You have the right to view it positively or negatively. You have the right to view your glass as have full or have empty. You have the right to accept righteousness or evil. You have the choice. That's the beauty about being a human. God. When he created us as creatures, as creators. As he created us as creatures, he gave us, as the human creature, the only one that has the power of choice in all areas of life. We can choose when we mate, where we live, how we live, who we mate with, where we stay, what we wear, how we dress, the climate we live in. Look polar. Bears have to live in polar regions. Penguins have to live. Fish have to live in the ocean. It's the way it is. Bears got to be in woods. That's how to. We can go live on the desert, we can live on the mountaintop. We get choices. Two nineteen is your year to make better choices. If you weren't happy with the way two eighteen went for you. You have a decision to me, you can change your thought process, and by changing your thought process, you can change outcome. Now listen to this. You can't do anything about everything that happens to you, as nothing you can do about what's going to happen to you, But you can do something about every single thing that happens to you. You can have the attitude so when it happens to you, it does not destroy you. You've got to stop letting mishaps that come along in your life wipe you out and cause you to paul so long that you no longer in perpetual forward motion and you wind up stuck on stupid. You have a choice to accept everything as a child of God, to say, you know what, He probably got something better for me. For example, they're gonna close the door on me in two thousand nineteen. You think I'm tripping about that. They're already told me they probably gonna close this door me in two thousand nineteen. All that means for me is God has another door for me to open, for me to walk through. He gonna open another door. These people that make these decisions at these networks and stuff they don't control my life. They controlled that little piece of section over there. I got the rest of it. I'm God in charging me. So every door that closes for you in two nineteen, if you understand that, that allows for an opportunity for another door to open. Maybe I need someone to rest. Maybe I'll be working too hall. Maybe this is his way of saying, Hey, Pardner, you're gonna slow down. I'm gonna help you slow down. I ain't fin the fall. I ain't gonna have to sell nothing, I ain't gonna lose nothing. But I've learned to accept God's will and understand that everything that happened to me happens to me for my good and my betterment, because the God I serve didn't bring me this far to leave me. You tell me, why would God lift you to the height that he got you too just to see you fall? That's not the God be served, That's not God. Don't let nobody deceive you. That ain't God. When something happens in your life, it's an opportunity, man. That's all twenty nineteen is. It's gonna be a series of opportunities. When they tell you no, it's going to create another opportunity. If they tell you your counsel, it's going to create another opportunity. If they tell you, well, we don't think so. It's because they don't know. You think I care about somebody telling me how they feel about me, or show our God they didn't think they made me? Then people didn't make me. Man. That just give me the opportunity to go do something else. I ain't gonna sit around me wonder trip about what you're gonna do with me. I know how to forge and pray and earn and work for other opportunities. This ain't the only country. I'm global. The God I serve is in a nationale. See that's what I know. Don't let two thousand nineteen get by you without understand that you have a say soul and just how it go. So come on, man, get your attitude right, keep talking to God, pray, ask for guidance and assistance, and see if God don't show you the way. That's how you get through two thy nineteen. That's how we got through eighteen. Thought you wasn't gonna make you better? I got to go, y'all have a nice weekend for all. Steve every contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening Steve Harvey more Ning Show