Fight Talk, Church Complaints, NAACP Image Awards, Kobe Bryant and more.

Published Feb 24, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's informative, inspirational and entertaining. All are present it's The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve talks about Wilder VS Fury fight and more. There is a new white lady in the Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem. Steve wins an NAACP Image Award for Outstanding Game Show Host. Congrats Big Dog! Fool #2 gives us what we missed from the award ceremony, specifically what did not make TV. Steve gives us his analysis and breakdown of the Wilder VS Fury fight. Kobe Bryant's memorial goes down today at Staples Center. What have you given up for love? That is the office topic question. LIfestyle icon B. Smith passed away from a long battle with Alzheimer's disease. Today is Closing Remarks, Steve talks about finding the motivation to not give up and so much more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all have a suit on looking back to back down, giving them more like the million buck things in the cubbings me good it, Steh, listen to move together for study. I don't join joining me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. You got to turn them out. Then turn the water. The water got me. Come come on your fad uh huh I sure well, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, man on man on man. I thank God for it. I thank God for all he's done for me, for all the little things that are oftentimes failed to thank him for that I take for granted for you know, I was. I was talking the other day to a buddy of mine. We had gotten to this conversation about God and and and in the conversation we had narrowed it down and we were talking about changing the way we are as people. You know that everybody has to change. You know, nothing stays the same. Everybody changes, and a lot of these changes can be for the good, and a lot of them are just they just with time. You know, sometimes it's aging that changes us. But no matter how old you get, you still have the ability to improve as a person. You may not have the foot speed you used to have. You may not be as agile as you used to be. Your energy level may not be what it used to be. Your desire to do some of the things that you used to do may be gone. The thing that doesn't have to change and will not change, is you. You have the ability to continue to grow as a person even when far the time and nature has taken its course. We were talking about everybody can change, and everybody has the right to reinvent themselves as they get older, and I equated it to jumping out of an airplane. You know, there are some people man who get to a certain point in their life and they and they jump from the airplane. Is now almost a stunt of some kind. It's almost like they life and got out of control. You ever seen somebody jump out of airplane and the parachute don't open, and they lifestart and it seems like they start spinning and tumbling and they can't get it together. And I've seen some mid air rescues before. But then there are times when you know when it hasn't worked. You know, you jump out that airplane and and and at first it's fun. I've never skydive before, but I would imagine when you first jump out of an airplane that they people describe it as a a sense of being free. And it's exhilarating when you first jump out the plane. But if you pull that cord and nothing happens. I never happened to me, but I can only imagine the panic that's got to set in, because no matter how fun it was a moment ago, the flying over to one another, holding hands in the air, the breeze, the descent of the feeling of all of a sudden, if you reach for that cord and that's not there, you're suddenly spinning out of control. And that's what happens in a lot of people's lives. When you first start your life, you jump out the plane, you're free, you're young, you ain't got nothing to where about it. But then you get to a certain point in your life when you go, okay, I'm gonna pull the cord now. And pulling the cord is an important thing, because here's the analogy my friend gave me he said, Man, use your mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Well, see what happens with a lot of people, is they in life. They jump out the plane and they and they having this free fall and it's fun for now. But they get to a certain point in their life where they got themselves in a situation, or they've had a little bit too much fun a little bit too long, or you know, they wasn't open to nothing and they just did what they wanted to do, or they started getting involved with drugs or drinking, or started running with the wrong people. So you jump out the plane. The first you're free falling, it is fun. But then after a minute, man, something happens and they realize whoa and they reach for the chord, and the chord don't work. Well. Now you're in the panic stricken situation. And my suggesting is what I've learned from the analogy that my friends shared with me, is that we all the sooner we can open our minds God, the sooner we could develop that relationship with him. It's like pulling the cord and opening a parachute. If you open up your mind to God, God is like a parachute. You know, God can slow your descent. God can turn this out of control free fall into a nice ride for you. See, that's what happened to me. I was spinning out of control. I had gotten myself into a point man while I wasn't doing real good. Oh, y'all would look at me and think, man Stevie man nam, I wasn't doing real good. I had spun out of control. I was. I was in a free fall and I reached for the court, but I was so far away the chord didn't open. Then I went to him and I pulled the cord. When I went to God, I pulled the cord and open, and he slowed my descent. And this is what I just believe. I don't believe now that I aged as fast as I was aging, because I got that parachute open. Now, you know, I take better care of myself, eating, I work out more. Now you know, I'm not out of control. I have a direction now that when then got up under that parachute a little bit, you know, and now I'm I'm I'm going you know, I'm still getting older, you know, so, but the descent is so slow. Now I'm able to enjoy the ride. I'm guiding my parachute over. Sometimes we go over to to a vacation spot over here, we float back over to it. But you know, I'm still getting old. I'm still going down. But the descent. Because I've opened my mind to God, the parachute has slowed my descent. And now I'm rocking back and forth. But I ain't spending out of control no more. You know, I'm able to enjoy the view now. You know, when you jump out that plane and you and you pull that cord and it don't work, you ain't looking at the view no more. You're thinking of only one thing. How can I slow this down? Well, now I'm able to enjoy the view. I'm able to see all the beautiful things on the horizon that God has for me. I'm able to see all the beautiful things around me that He's provided for me over these years. Because I've slowed my descent. I used my mind like a parachute. It works better when it's open. Open your mind to God, and so you can see the view, so you can slow the descent, so you can stop the out of control freefall that you've been on. That you can get your life together and see everything out on the horizon that God has for you. You know, it turned out to be a very true statement your mind. If you use it like a parachute, it works better when it's open. Y'all. You're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen, Ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen. Do I have it? That's what I'm looking for your undivided attention. It's about to go down for complimental players today, it's about to go down. Is it gonna be ignorant? Probably? So? Is it gonna be informative somewhat? Is it going to be inspirational? I promise you that will it be entertaining? Cut you damn radio up and watch this hill. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve, Happy Monday, calif Rell, Good morning, Crew show Monday. After the fight? What's up? What's up? Well? Luco's here? Junior bar Man? Morning? Everybody? Who that was Sutton, wasn't it? Jathany Brown? Mark me down for ignorant. I'll take too, egnath to go, Nephew Tommy. Nothing like looking at a good ass whooping? What's up baby? That's what happened? Wow? Well, Steve, you were there, Yeah, I was there. Yeah in the building. Come on, tell listen. Uh y'all saw it. Yeah, but you got inside you can see stuff we couldn't see. Yeah. Dante Wilder is a good fighter. Dante Wilder has what it takes to be champed. Sadday. He ran into a better boxer or skillful boxer on Friday. And what Dante Wilder has to do now because they're gonna do a rematch because he got too much guts. He ain't gonna just go down like that. But I am telling you right now, Dante Wilder has to change his corner. It's not Mark Brelan. Mark Brelan through that twal in he was correct. It's that guy that trains him with the water That's all he did with post water in every time he came over. Listen, man, the guy that he has to do. He has to get another person in there as his trainer. He has to get that man because he has what it takes. He just is not being told the things he needs to do to become to beat anybody. And man, like, what are some of the things he should they should have told him? Run watch the left because Jay, you don't think they could have there's anything they could He had to get nothing. If Dante Willer could have just got on the outside of Dyson Fury's right foot, that slows a big man down. You got to get on the outside of his right foot. You got that. That's for starters, and then some type of lateral movement to make the big dude have to find you. Ye hold that thought, Steve Hold, have been quick, bring me miss dann Wad and tell me what I needed to do. Coming up with thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll talk more Part two of this fight talks. Steve Harvey was in Vegas where it went down. We'll talk to him more right after that. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, So we were talking before we went to break about the fight. You were actually let me ask you guys a question and watch it on TV because I didn't see it on TV. So you know they put the cameras in the corner. Now, let me ask you a question. When Dante came to the corner of what was being said? Nothing nothing, nothing, nothing that I watched the fight. When you look outside of the ropes to see where your mama at is Glenn's over there said you get yours finish, okay, So now look here, nothing listen to me, at least the first people. You have a corner. If you have a corner with with with real fight dudes in it, right, that is something some counter to everything that a fighter does. That is some counter, especially in the early going. But you gotta be able to say, hey, get on the outside of his foot. But that comes from not watching tapes, not having a real serious game playing, because the game plan could not have been We're gonna do what we did last knockout, knockout. It was the plane because Tyson Fury came in with a new boy from Crump's gym. And I'm telling you, man, you saw a different fighter than the first fight. The only thing said was the only thing his cornic because the sails. I'm gonna leave here and go get you a big stick. I'll be right back, sure. But I was asking, see, what did you think about his entrance and all of that. I mean, I was sitting in front of Thomas Hearns and Mike Tyson, and so I had I'm having a conversation with two legends all through the fight. Man, I turned around, I asked Mike Tyson. I said, Mike, you ever seen anything like this? Said na, Na, take your shirt off, walk up the ropes and start whooping ass. Let's go a Mike said he ain't never seen the like. He said, man, that's what they do now, he said, he's costume. Oh yeah, Tyson, head man, how might say, walk down the rope, get in the ring, take your rope off, and start whooping ass. Tyson had Tyson had a toe with a hole in it. Yeah, yeah, over his head came out, took that towel off, no socks, short ass black shorts, short ass boots, and beat your ass soon after, right out there, first round, it's over. You're still getting your drinks and popcorn. Try and sit down, Mike, fight open. He didn't see it. Wilder didn't look right in his dressing room. He really looked to me. Look, he pays so much. He pays, he pays for an hour. Man. But dog, but now you gotta get warm. You know, it's everybody fighting a different way now. I went to Dante's dressing room before, and I didn't want to go in there because I wanted to leave him focus. But my boy Sam saying, no, man, he needs to see you in Greg Man because he said, a man, the whole world against this boy. He needs to see man that somebody just love on him. Trust. And so then Sam stood and said, I said, hey man. He was getting his hands taped. He was focused, had his head down. And then Sam said, big day, big d Look who here. He looked up. He said, hey, stayed judge. Man, who's up? So go get him? Man. You know, because I'm really pulling for the different right, I'm really really pulling for the dude. You know, Alabama boy, you know we all hey man, the arena. The arena was clearly Tyson people. Yeah man. Now the biggest applause of the night was when holy Field, Lennox, Lewis, and Tyson got ready. When Tyson climbed through the ropes, that damn place erupted because oh yeah, he was the last monster heavyweight that people came to see and they was in the ring. That was him in holy Field, the last great fights. I remember that fight. I was at that fight at the MGM because the team over it's a nicer place to throw a fight now. I like seeing them shake hands and hug. Now, when he hugged. He said, when he hugged the Holy Field, he said, you just can't. Can't he did? Of the end? Who else was there? Still? Uh, there's a lot of people. Man. Oh I saw Rick Ross. Me and Ross had a good conversation. Yeah, he posted that picture if y'all didn't. Yeah, I saw Ross Man. He was cool, weird least said, oh gee, what happened? Man? I don't understand. Ross was not understanding this loss. So you know, we talked. Dudes, it's a magic was I saw magic? U huh uh? Saw? I saw so many people, you know what. I did. Like Dante Wilder's entrance the Black Cast. It was nice on the tunnel. I like the little outfit. I like the outfit with the little lights on it. Now I'm not fitting to wear all that in there because then I gotta take it off. Yeah. Yeah, I can't come to fight and get undressed. Man. So so we kind of take away what you think another year of training, he'll be back. I hope that he changes his corner. Oh, we got that dude. That water got to go, not that he got to go. He's out. Tell me he's about this dude. I like I like Mark Brelan. I think he's smart. I think he's good for Dante because he's been in the wars before. It's the it's the God and White guy. I don't know his name, but he's been with him a long time. I don't care for him as a trainer man. He has to change his corner. It ain't timpany. He ain't had nothing to say. You can ask. We need to tell me something. The ref can give you some water. That's Tommy in this water, all right. Coming up next, it is Monday. We have church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. That's coming up right after this you're listening show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Hannah standing by with today's national news and in trending entertainment news, we'll talk about again more the Wilder Versus Fury fight in Laws Vegas. Plus we'll run down the big winners from the NAACP Image Award, and one winner is amongst us if you can guess who that is, yes, yes, yes, Also, this is some very sad news out of New York. Lifestyle guru B Smith has passed away. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. We'll talk about all these stories at the top of the hour. But right now it is time to switch gears. It's Monday time for church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon deaf Jam. Yes, oh, we all gonna do this different from now on or everyone news my m Reverend mole and ain't know who I am. I am Deacon deaf Jam. They't know that. And the Gelvil we are the leading constituous for the jp JJ, and that is that Jack Pott joined of Jerusalem ching ching hallelujah. Yes Lord, no hell in case you do not underderstand nor know that on Montys there is or vivicity or complaints or vivisity. It's what I said. Okay, you said Monty too. You put a t do you you know? Damn Toma daughter, Yes, down for this time for rehevingus church to complain. Yeah about something that's going on. So go ahead, or this is the leader or the complaint committee, ye, Uncle Tom Toma's mom better known as Deacon Death Jail. You on the side, Yeah, well were you? The he who brings it to you is the one who brung it. I'm just the message. I'm killing kill the message because you wouldn't get the message. If he didn't bring it, you need to you still need to miss it. We got time for complaints now here it is we have a problem. Brother. But now Tisdale I had triplets unexpectedly. Uh. He wants to send their kids to Africa to be raised there until they turned eighteen. Uh. He's say child support here seven hundred fitted out per person. He say over there, it's thirty cents a day. He won't come. He wants three three one way tickets, uh, for the church to pay for that path that we can get three one way tickets for these kids till they turn eighteen. We're not buying one way tickets. Were not sending them kids to Africa. You're gonna raise them kids yourself. You you took you more than three attempts to get them, and there was no asking for help for that. Wasn't so Now that you have triplets, deal with it. Be a man. Man up. Yeah, but the thirty cents a day are mad up? The sense better than seven fifty. Man. I'm just saying, all right, let's keep it going. Ay, that was not a white lady at ten o'clock serving us to day listening sister Kavanaugh's lights got turned out, she got dressed in the dog on Sunday Mart and he accidentally put calamine lotion out instead of regular lotion. All right, she is completely white and it won't wash out. They think we're gonna have the pressure wash out passing. She's asking, she's asking for eight fifty to get her lights turned back on. But she's not a's not a bad looking white lady. Up. He really didn't all be done. I shut up and talked to Hood in my office after serving for a half because thanking her for coming into joining with us, and I just knew more white people to follow. That was all I saw. It was the extra tize that we're gonna be coming in, all said, Praise God. Finally white member. That was just the Camana man. That's who that man? All right, moving right along. We got a problem here pass the Double D broad Drive is uh coming this sa this Saturday to what's the Double D by broad Drive. It is this common Saturday, and our goal is to recoup two hundred Double D broads for the less fortunate. Now, the ladies who are smaller than Double D are complaining that we aren't doing anything for them, and they playing on protesting the drive, saying that they're gonna march. It's the little bit of march, is what they counted, the little bit of march. How you want to hand? Just want to full wander or d BT marches. This is the fastest way to get to Dante Wilds them double D sisters is bout it? Bout it? I would be careful, of course if I have been slapped with a double D. Damn, k NEI got knocked out. I was at the up the Double D track meet one year and four women crossed the finish lines and all four hair cushions he himself to death on that hunted yard. There go ahead, and we want how much baby powder did they have on everybody? We damn that couldn't see the race. Here's another situation passing. We have a special against coming in that's coming Senday. You're gonna have to work with us out Sustin. Nicole Murphy will be coming to church, that's coming Sunday. Please tell all the sisters on the front road that they're gonna have to move, please path because all the deacons want to give her front row series. Oh I don't know what to what disannouncement is fold between me and you. I've already told you what we was gonna do about that. A lot of you're not wanting to get off the front row. We're just gonna put her fold away chair in front of the food you just handling that. Just don't worry about get everybody to move, drawing too much attention to the matter, all right, I just want her to be comfortable when she don't, don't worry about comfortable. I prefer she be shifting in hut. You all right, lads, but not least bastard. The iPhone members and the Android members almost had to fight this bad Sunday. They don't respect each other. The iPhone people claiming that they stuff is in the cloud and the Android people saying there ain't nobody in the cloud but Jesus, that's who's in the cloud. They are asking can they be separated? The Android sit on the left side and the iPhone sit on the other side. You're gonna have to talk to them. That's the one. This is just a young folk, old folk man. All the old people with androids and flip phones and all that. Let you can see to sit up front, because you can't see good here. Good so don't worry about that. Let's not concern ourselves with that. Jesus name ain't man. Amen, we worked it sure, show you all right. Coming up at the top of the hour. Thank you Vern and Deacon for the church complaints. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show well in today's entertainment news. This past Saturday night was the fifty first annual NAACP Image Awards, hosted by Anthony Anderson Show Yes, Yes, Yes, we love us and Anthony Anderson. Congratulations to our very own May we have a drum rolled? Please? Oh yes, Congratulations to our very own fearless leader Captain of this here ship, Steve Harvey Ship Standing game show Host. Congratulation, go ahead, everybody loves he Hey, congratulations Big. I forgot where I was? Text me first somebody else ticket? Where was that? I think I was in the ward show aired Saturday? Yeah, but my ward was on Friday? Maybe got you? Oh it was a lot on more Friday, That's what they said. Yeah, congratulations Steve. Yeah, everyone loves the Big Can we be honest though? Who else they gonna get to thank we're playing black people playing. We also have to congratulate the other winners, including Lizzo for Entertainer of the Year. She paid homage to Angela Bassett from the stage. Also, um, just Mercy one the movie excuse me, best movie one real big, more more big winners Tracy Ellis Ross and Murray Hardwick, Michael B. Jordan, Jamie Fox for Just Mercy, Angela Bassett and Rianna What the President's Award? And she was there looking as ever. Yes, yes she had it was elegant purple. She had a beautiful purple dress. Purple, yes, girl. You know. Wait a minute, y'all. Haven't see who had to fly jacket on on Saturday night? Y'all? Catch at the fight? Did you see who had to fly at the fight? Oh? What the blue cheese cheese? He was on blue cheese with that blue was I was kicking right there. Yeah, you know what was it? Called him blue cheese? Rights was velvet? You know what I'm saying. I was talking to Jane West. I'm saying, Hill, know, ain't you the dude on the socks? Now? Amenber that In a cool conversation with Jerry West, he said, my, my, my, West Virginia, buddy, Oh he's man. Yeah, he's from West Virginia. Uh huh, I guess a nice well yeah you um, congratulations. You do it every year. We're very very proud of you. Steve. Always did your gamble dog man? Did I gamble? Did your gamble back dog? What is about that? For? I ain't wing this time though? What did our gamble effort? Was sappointing? Tell you? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, but but it was working me this weekend though they comped all my rooms and all my food. Game of Couples didn't get beat as mad as Wilder, So count your blessing. We were pulling for you, wild were pulling for we heard in wildest conay do that to Nick? Start writing it all right, Steve, Time to get caught up on today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp, Thank you very much. Anne. Good morning, Good Monday morning, everybody. Bernie Sanders far and away the winner of Saturday's Nevada Caucus is pulling in a whopping forty six percent of the votes to mister number two Joe Biden, who came in with just under twenty percent. Now that it's Sandras is one of the popular vote in Iowa, New Hampshire, and now Nevada. He says this proof positive that Americans are done with President Trump. We are going to win across the country because the American people are sick and tired of a president who lies all of the time. However, new poll further stokes fears of moderate Democrats who are afraid that a Bernie Sanders nomination would ensure the reelection of Donald Trump. Sanders first called himself an independent socialist, now describes himself as a democratic socialist. But a recent survey shows that some fifty three percent of those poles say they would not vote for a socialist. A Guy of polesh finds at nine out of ten Americans say they would vote for a presidential candidate who was black, Hispanic, Catholic, Jewish, or a woman. Some eighty two percent of Republicans say though he wouldn't vote for a socialist, Twenty one percent of Democrats say they wouldn't either, or so fifty one percent of self described independence say they would not cast their ballots for someone who labels themselves as a socialist. Meanwhile, though President Trump sounds like a fan, the Democrats are Drinnie Bernie Tenders very unfairly because they don't want Bernie Tenders to represent him. It sounds like it's sixteen all over again, the Bernie Banders. Health officials in South Korea are reporting another one hundred twenty three new cases of COVID nineteen. That's a coronavirus on the fourth death over there, so Korea. South Korea now has the second most cases of coronavirus, about eight hundred, second most next to China. They are now cases in Iran, Italy, Israel, and Lebanon have joined more than two dozen other countries where people are infected as well. A second person has died during the Marty Grass celebrations in New Orleans. Police say a man was struck by a Marty Grass float and killed Saturday night, and a one was accidentally killed along the parade route last Wednesday night. Today, the country and basketball fans all over the world say an official goodbye to Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna. Private funeral held for the Bryant several days ago, however, public memorial services scheduled later today at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. Finally, very sad news. Former top model TV personality, author and Restora tour Barbara Smith has died. B Smith, as she was known, succumbed to early onset Alzheimer's at age seventy. Barbara Smith only the second black model to grace the cover of Mademoiselle magazine. She wrote three home and entertainment books. Her successful home products line was the first to come to a national retailer. And she was like on TV, Hi, I'm B Smith, Welcome to B Smith book Style. Barbara Smith was only seventy years old. That to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening all right, So Steve, you did receive your NAACP Image Award. Uh, We're so happy for you for Outstanding Game Show Host for Family Feud. We love family Feud too. What you Anthony Brown is here and uh he sang. There were a few awards as the NAACP um uh the committee, the NAACP Image Committee left out that they missed unctual awards that people winning a separate awards. They didn't get him on television, but these are winners. Also in the category of music goes out to Cora Jenkins who works at the bank and refuses to turn her radio off. The gospel station because she said that's the Lord music, Let it play loud. She won an award. She won an award for that. The best Drama goes out to Montel Montell Jefferson Montell Jefferson when he clowned, I mean completely clowned at his stepdaddy's funeral, had to be taken out, found out he wasn't getting a damn thing, and pulled up real quick, the real damn when he found out he wasn't getting or like that. The best CP Award, the Best CP Excuse Award goes out to Carter Griffin. Carter Griffin who said he was late for work when his uber driver went into labor he had to deliver the baby before he are and continue her route so she wouldn't lose her job. Oh that's a great line. Yeah, I like that. The last one right here. Most hair dudes on one head, the most head dudes on one head. Sister Lavelle Thompsons when she showed up with bangs, So it was wasn't some baby hair side birds two puff puffs on the side, And I like there was a great awards Jack. Even with some of the awards at the YEA, Yeah, some of the awards couldn't be a televis Oh yeah, you know the best Twerk award went to somebody last night too. I didn't know that at the end. They don't televiss it. But you say this, Unna say this down as a shake club. Una say this's got best twerker so much they thought it was six people applauding. It's un amazing. N like a good cloud then, like a good cloud. All right, well, thank you, thank you for putting us up to speed. Jay and Junior coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour trending boxing news. Wilder versus Fury. We'll talk about it right after this. Yeah, you're listening to show. Okay, So Steve, you were in Vegas over the weekend for the Fury Wilder fight. You were there Saturday night in Vegas. Uh, thirty one year old Tyson Fury and beat down Deonte Wilder and a big heavyweight matchup rematch wild Oh, let me see, let me look at I don't know. I'll go ahead, I'll look it up. Yeah, I don't know. He is thirty fourty one. Really well, he didn't look like that, say, he looked like yeah, give us your take on the fight. You were actually there. Yeah, man, I just it just uh. I was disappointed in it, um because that was things that could have been done. There were things that could have been said, and I think he could have been a lot better prepared. And yeah, I know he was saying that there was some issues going on before the fight. He didn't want to make no excuses, and the leg was a problem, but he could have been better prepared, especially when they saw the forward motion of Tyson. Tyson Fury had forward motion in the first round or two. When they saw that, then you got it. You got you gotta help your fighter make adjustments, but you gotta have fight being in the corner to do that. And they ain't got nobody in that self, Briallan. But I don't think Brillan is in charge of it. I think it's the white guy. I'm just calling the white guy because I don't know his name. He do all the talking and all that, you know, in all the interviews and talks about strategy and all that, and I just think that they went in with the strategy to do just the same thing we did last fight, and that's gonna be good enough. Well, it wasn't and when Tyson came out different than he did last time, there was no response to it. That's when you know you got to change your corner. Now. I don't care who don't like that right there, But if you go to your corner and I didn't see the fight on TV. So y'all could hear them d that conversation. When you hear him that in the car, when you don't hear nothing in the corners. The first three rounds, we heard nothing. We heard nothing nothing. That's why I keep saying, all said to do with this water, You ain't saying nothing he did, yeh ain't Tommy the water and the Vassili that's it, blood running down my damn. Hen your fighters, your fighters in the corner. He goes to the corner before. That's what it is. They've never had to happen. Nobody's ever had to talk to him. He's been knocking people a out. They ain't never had a conversation in the corner before. Like I said, forty one of them, you're exactly right. But like I said, when it's time, somebody got to know what to say. But there was no plan except we're gonna do what we do we're gonna go ahead and knock people out. Well, now you just in your corner, tyson, I'm dying. Sometimes there is no plan for a straight up asship. There's nothing you can do. You go to house, something, you go. Sometimes you just take the ass whooping, going home and hel for another day. Because that's what's the conversation in the corners, the conversation in the corner to your corner. You're saying, you to yourself, you're saying, I am getting my asswhoop, and from someone who's had the ass whoop. You know when you're getting your ass whoop, you know that there's nothing no about because if somebody says somebody that, you know what, all that's well and good. What's happening When I go back in there, it's straight ass whooping, So not nothing to do. That's nothing corner people? Is that my day over there? I turned it. I turned it on the fourth quarter. I thought he was gonna come through my TV fourth round, fourth quarter if he beat him like the Hawk, like the hawk Man Thorg's brother in the Avenger. I was walking by the TV J that sick around when he went down in second round. I caught him pushed him back on. All right to the weather channel. DA all right, coming up next to nephew in the building with today right after this chase, Oh man, you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. It's my strawberry letter for today, about four minutes after the hour to be exact, the subject she loves me, she loves me not? She loves me, she loves me not. But right now nephew in the building with today's praying phone call what you got for his next when it's one baby panta party? Hey? What panty party? I said, a panting party? Call? What panta party? What is that? That's a party? What an'tybody want to go? Let's go panty party? Let's gonna catch hello. Hello, Uh, I'm just had a wrong number. Um, I'm trying. My name is Marcus. I'm trying to find Is this the person that lives in um in nineteen eight? Yeah? Yeah, nineteen eight Gary? What's up? Um? I'm trying to find the lady that lives in in nineteen eight? Am I calling the right place? You're talking about? Bree? Bree? That's yeah, that's aid Bree. Is Bree available? Uh? Nah? Man? She she's probably at work. Oh okay, all right, well listen, I'm I'm I live in Um, I live on the eighteenth floor. I men, some of the guys on the eighteenth floor are throwing throwing a party on the rooftop and we were gonna we were inviting a few people. So I was trying to step yeah. Yeah, yeah, so we was gonna invite Bree. I've never seen you before. I didn't know you. So you live in the building too, Yeah yeah, yeah, man, I live in nineteen eight with it. Yeah that's my girl. What's up? Wait? Wait? The party? Uh okay, the parties Friday night? All right, a parties Friday night. So yeah, well, like I said, we was we were reaching out and um, you know, we wanted to invite I'd never like, you know, I've seen Bree coming in out of the building and um and uh you know, the doorman told me that you think she lives on the nineteen floor somewhere. So so yeah, I was trying to um, um coming here one year on the eighteenth floor. Yeah, I'm on eighteen four. Yeah, I'm at eighteen yl. So the parties, um, you know, is on Friday night, like about ten o'clock, ten to ten to one. We're inviting a few people out. So but but um, like I said, you know, I didn't I didn't know you lived um with Bree. But this is a this is a cool thing, man. But so we're having a um, we're having a panty party on Friday night. What panty party? Yeah? Yeah, on on on the rooftop. We're having a panty party. You know. We got food and drinks and all that kind of stuff. So I was wanting to see if she wanted to come out. So so that that's what you do, Margaret, that's what you're doing. Eighteen four, y'all just hit up folks and try to get dudes. Girls come to a penny party. A penny party. We have a party once once every you know, once every once a quarter. We throw a party. So you know, keep up this bullshit. Brother to me, the last party you're throwing doesn't matter what you calling me after language, the language, bro hold on, hold on. First of all, I didn't know Breathe live with someone in nineteen Hey, I've never seen anybody other than Breathe. Okay, yeah, because I worked my ass off. Dog, who are you Marcus? So so okay, I'm Marcus. But let's just calm down. Like I said, I'm trying to do, is invite Breed to um, you know, to a party. Now, Bree ain't coming to a penny party. What's the matter with you? Okay, So let's let let me ask you this, sir. I called for Breath. I don't know, yeah, and you got Gary if I don't know, if I don't know nothing about no Jerry, Okay, so breathe. What I have to let me know that that she doesn't want to come to the party. But since I thought I had to write number for Brie, well I'll do is find out how to get in touch with Breath directly, because once again I didn't know I was getting in contact with it. Gary. I thought I was get in touch with Brie. Yeah. Yeah, you never to be worth much to Breed man when I cut that off for you to call me, that's my girl, that's my girl. Okay, So it's your girl, all right. But like I said, I didn't know she had a boyfriend or anything. But that doesn't stop me from asking Breath if she wants to come to the party. Yeah, well, she ain't single, she's not single. The only the only thing single in nineteen eh is that single? That's the only thing that single up in nineteen eight. Okay, so let me answer this man. How long have you breathe been together? And I don't worry about what they in with my girl? Who are you? Hey? I think I think Bree can make her own decision or she want to come to the party, I'll just call her directly. I just got the wrong number mixed up, That's all it is. No, you got the right number, Marcus, you got the You got the right number and the wrong mother. Hey, dude, So like you're trying to say, Bree can't make up my mind on her. She want to come to the party or not, Breeze, you can make up. She can make up her mind if she wants to. I think she has made it up, Marcus, I think she has. Well, how do you know that? I haven't even asked her to come to the panty party. Listen, I'm at work right now. Don't come in with this boat. I've been in that building for years. I've never heard no panty party before. Are you gonna ask her to come to the panty party? Or do I need to ask you Marcus, my girl coming to no damn panty party? All right, all right, I see what I gotta do now. I gotta go to the doorman and get Breeze number. And I asked her to come. You're not gonna pass on the message, but I want her to ask. Let me tell you something. You better not come to the doorman. You better not come to nineteen eight. That's my girl. Stay the fuck away from her. So let me ask you this are you as saying the Breeze panties? Do you not want her? You do not want us to see her in the in the in our panties. I mean what, mother, don't worry about me or my girl or her pennies. You got me? Okay? All right, man, I'm not work lucky. You called me at work. I know you wet work. And because somebody told me you were at work. You know who told me you wet word? Gary could have told you that I was at work. Mother, bree told me you were at work. This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got what Hey, Hey Gary, Gary, Gary, Gary, listen to me. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey morning show. Your girl Brianna got me to plank phone call you. This is a prank. You are right, man, you are then. I'm in the closet right now, Man, get you the broom closet. Man, you may come home. How you doing me like that at work? Man? I need this job. I got bills the Hey man, your girl got me to prank you. Man, he said, you gotta brank my boyfriend. All you got to do and say something about me and he gonna go straight crazy. Oh my god, out of here. Come on. Broh my god. I love y'all. Show. That got do me right then? And I got one more question. Man, When is the badest, allow mean, the baddest radio show in the land. That's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come over, hey man. You could tell he was at work because he was talking through his teeth. Let's work moving, Steven, No, he was talking to him. That boy was so damn man, he was mad. He was really mad. I'm trying to talk to when you got Gary. Yeah, man, just trying to throw a little plant apart. That's all I want to do. That's all I like how he invited himself before he was even asked I'm coming to the party anyway. All right, let me put this one out there y'all this weekend. This weekend and nephew gonna be hanging out in Pleasanton, California, so you can listen to us on our Heart radio. Then you listen to us right now. I'm coming to Tommy t Thursday, Friday and Saturday. That's Pleasanton, Oakland, whatever you want to call it. The Nephew coming up there to the Bay Area. Baby, get your tickets. Tommy tas five shows one Thursday to Friday to Saturday, laying in the cut dot in Alabama and Montgomery, Alabama. I'm on Stupid be moving, don't don't don't stupid move Stuper know how to move. All right, nephew, thank you. Coming up next it is a Strawberry letter. She loves me. She loves me not as a subject. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please at your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now, bupa hole on time. We got it for you here. It is strawberry letter, she loves Me, She loves me, not is the subject. Dear Stephen Shirley, I have a real big problem. I'm a thirty two year old single father of two kids, and I fell in love with my doctor, who six years older than me. We had a loving and caring friendship that grew into a romance. It lasted more than a year and a half. When I found out she was married, it crushed me, but she told me she was leaving her husband. M It didn't happen. Eventually, I decided to try to move on from her. Every time I stopped talking to her to try to move past our relationship, she sent me a text saying she loved me and still wanted a future together. In January, I was celebrating New Year's with someone else, and she sent me a note saying she was going to fight for me and never give up. I explained to her that she needed to get a divorce first, then maybe we could establish something again. But I couldn't stop thinking about her and the promise that she would leave her husband. Eventually, we got into a major fight because I found out she was planning a family vacation with her husband. Hurtful words were spoken. She said that I was really being pushy, a bully, and verbally abusive, and she feels that she did nothing wrong to me. I tried to explain to her, not being honest to her husband and using me for an emotional and physical affair is just wrong. I still care for her, but now I just want to move forward with my life and forget about her. It's hard because we used to text and talk every day. I know it's best not to contact her. How do I move forward without feeling hurt or used? Please advise? Well, I mean, you know I can tell you this. The time will heal all wounds, because it's going to take a while, because you had some deep feelings for this woman not to feel hurt or not to feel used. And I'm going to tell you the same thing that I would tell a woman if the situation were reversed. You gotta let the situation go. You already try to do it once and then she pulled you back in. She's like stringing you along and all that this woman is married with no intentions of leaving her husband. No, she's planning family vacations. Don't you get it? That means she's a wife when she's not with you. Okay, that's what that means. And you got to understand that, and you got to deal with that. And yes, you have to move on with your life. She should change doctors too, Please do that, Please change doctors. Yeah, your friendship grew into a romance and now she's stringing you along. Don't let her continue to do that. You gotta be strong. You gotta get out of this. You gotta move on. There are plenty of single women out here, okay, and you have two kids to be an example for it as well. So move on. Let her go, all right to me? That's simple, Steve, Yeah, it's you know, I agree with what you're saying. But and you know, dog, I gotta talk to you man and man, now you know, partner, You know I could in this letter I have Shirley. He's giving you the same advice she would give to a woman seeing a married man. Well, I'm a man, so now I gotta give you some but from male perspective, let's look at this a real way. You're thirty two, single father, two kids, fell in love with your doctor. Now, you don't just fall in love with me. Something led up to this, and I can promise you you pursued her. See this is what you did, dog, because you know, I mean, that's how you fall in love. And I don't know what all the particulars of who called who, but you you wanted or you hit out him. Then you say you had a loving and caring friendship that grew into a romance. That's cause you was running out a dog. It lasted more than a year and a half. Now a year and a half. Hold up, dog, You've been with this woman a year and a half, and you, as a man, ain't pick up on the fact that she got somebody. I'm confused, man, when I found out she was married? What the hell you mean? When you found out a year and a half dog of seeing a woman and you just not finding out she married? It crushed me. But she told me she was leaving her husband. Oh, ain't we heard this before? Ain't ain't this role reversal at it? Best? She said she leaving her husband. It didn't happen. Eventually, I tried to move on from her. Every time I stopped talking to her and try to move on past our relationship, she sent me a text saying she loved me and still wanted the future together. Do you know what's happening here? Let's let's quit playing this game. It ain't no. She texts and say she loved you. Dog. You know what's happening. You will what you will? You whipped whipped, You whipped dog, That's what this is. She's six years old and you she did some things to you you hadn't had happened to you. Yeah, at six extra years and a doctor, she probably know all types of pressure points. She got you in at the climbing up a wall, she did, reaching them on the wall, pulling you back down on the bed. She's doing things you've been bit in areas you don't even know you had. You know, you and you you and that hollow, that breathless hollow. Yeah, you get that happened to you, breathless hollow. You know. And she texted me saying she loved me and Steve want In January, I was celebrating New Year's with somebody else jazz like on me. Well, I finish up right after this all right. Coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour, we will have part two of Steve's response. Title subject of today's strawberry letter is she loves me? She loves me not. We'll be back with Steve's part two response right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's get into part two and recap today's strawberry letters. She loves me, she loves me not? Thirty two year old single father two fell in love with his doctor who is six years old. The dog dog your doctor or these the kids doctor. See, your doctor is a woman. So what just got to be your kids doctor? Because you got a female doctor? What? What's she checking her? I mean they exist. I've I've had a female Yeah, urologists a little bit too. It wasn't a good relationship, but you know romance, y'all, love agis. It lasted more than a year and a half. When I found out, she was mad. What she told you it because men don't do research, because we don't need to, we don't care. She told you in a conversation, and she said she leaving her husband. It didn't happen. When you want to lead, like when she told you on Friday. You want her to pack up on Monday, and she told me she leaving her husband didn't happen. Eventually, I tried to move on from her. Every time I stopped talking to her, to try to move past our relationship, she sent me a tech saying she loved me and still wanting the future. Guys, she probably do in January. I'll celebrate New Year's Eve with somebody el Nah, you act like a man now, Nah? You New Year's Eve with somebody else. She sent you a note saying she was going to fight for me and never give up. Okay, with just a damn note, you're tripping for man. I explained to her that she needed to get a divorce first and then maybe we could establish something again. But I couldn't stop thinking about it, and the promise that she would leave her husband again. The key word here is quill is quill? See a note, attack and a note and you back again. I couldn't stop thinking about her, the promise she would leave her husband. Eventually we got into a major fight because I found out she was playing in a family vacation with her husband dog. What is you fighting with her about this fault? She married? She told you she was married. She planned a family vacation with her family. That's what married people do. What is you act like a little girl? Fault? She told you? What is you acting like a little girl? Fault? She told you she was married. She ain't left her husband. You will now? She planned in the family vacation, y'all arguing about it? For what? She got a family with her husband hurt for words were spoken. She said that I was being pushy, a bully and verbally abusive. You probably will and she feels that she did nothing wrong to me. She did, But dog, ain't we all heard a woman say this to a man before and now to here the other way around? It really sounds strange because all of us is what you're tripping for? Dog, plenty of women. But dog, you got a free lick? What is you tripping for? She told you she married and she's still willing to see you. What's wrong with you? Tell him? Do you know I like to see my doctor and she your doctor? Dog? I don't know if you got a doctor eurologist? Now, how you can't come that? That's funny? And what y'all nothing to do? Ladies? Or the morning show is killed? This damn show. This joke stayed when she told you I was married? What she said I married? I got some bad news. Now. I tried to explain to her that not being honest to her Huh, this is the line to kill me. I tried to explain to her, and not being honest to her husband and using me for an emotional and physical family. It's just wrong, Doc, What did you say? You think that she's supposed to go in there to her husband and tell her husband about you. That's just like telling a man he's supposed to go in there and tell his wife about the other woman. Ain'tybody fit to do that? Man? Grow up? See you got into a grown grown man game. Now you want to do some high school rules. This woman can't go in here and tell her hubs. She having a fair with you and using you. Bill Withers had a song about my friends feeling is they're appointed duty. They keep trying to tell me that I ought to not let you just walk on me, But they don't know that you could keep phone using me because the show feels good the way you using me, until you use me up. I still care for her, but now I just would move forward. Please ask the question again, Steve, I'd like to hear it. Please. She told you she was all right. Thank you, sir. What's your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM, on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. As we switch gears here, the city of Los Angeles is preparing for Kobe Bryant's memorial today. We'll tell you about it right after this. You're listening at ten o'clock am today, Thousands of mourners are expected to assemble at the State Center in Los Angeles to honor the life of Kobe Bryant and his thirteen year old daughter, Gianna. They both died along with seven other people in a helicopter crash in late January. Wife Kobe's wife, Vanessa Bryant, the Lakers superstar wife, describe the memorial service as a celebration of life. The proceeds from the ticket sales will be donated to the Mamba and the Mamba Sita Sports Foundation. That's an organization that will further Kobe and Gianna's legacy through charitable endeavors in sports. And today's memorial service will streamlive on NBC news dot Com and the NBC News Mobile app. Wow. You know, some people were saying that people were upset about the ticket price for the moral, but I think if you understand, that is designed to give money to the foundation. To the foundation, Yeah, and if somebody else said, y'all paid to seeing play, So it's a charge for a great cause. And that's if you don't want to go, don't complaining in the right. But you know, but let's not. Let's not complain because because you ain't because you don't want to pay the money to go do what you can't afford it. It's just all. But if you can't afford it, it's a beautiful thing to do to donate, stream it live, man, that's all, you know. But see guess what though, but see that I want to be there. It's so I could say I was at the event, but I don't want to pay to come on now. So now is this for the memory of Kobe or for your memories? Right? Yeah, that's right. Always have to be conscious, man, when people complain about something, you have to understand what the complaint is coming from. I just think that you know, it's a great cause to fill up that, you know, and do something for him. You don't remember him and his daughter's legacy. I like it. I like it. Yeah, you don't want to go? I like it? Man, go to work, man, Yeah, yeah, Yeah. And his money is going to this foundation though. Yeah. And the city is urgent fans if you're not going and you don't have a ticket to help with the congestion and traffic not to yeah, to stay away from the statelessenter rerouting traffic, all of that. Yeah. And like Vanessa Bryant, Kobe's wife said, uh, it is a celebration of Kobe and Gianna's life. Yeah, And we'll leave it at that. Coming up at the top of the hour, today's office topic, what have you given up for love? What have you given up for? Lot? Think about lots of houses, lots of day. We'll talk about it, Jay, we'll talk about it after this. You're listening to all right, So here's the question, the office topic of the day. What have you given up for love? What the officers doing there? Pretend who asked as these questions? And no jobs? Yeah? Why are you guys so touchy? Is this hard question? Y'all? Gonna answer for that hall for me. We're asking you, guys, what you giving up for love? I ain't. I ain't gave up nothing I lost. It's a difference. I didn't give up nothing. I lost what was tooking away from you for love? Yeah? Yeah, most everything I've ever done for a little. What I lost? I lost my so what did y'all wanted to go? I lost my ability for my damns. I lost my ability to eat what I want to eat, where I want to eat. I lost my ability to all who the hell I want to come? Man? I lost lost your freedom. I gave a lost freedom, my ability to have multiple people's phone number. I lost my ability to lay my phone around. I lost But you're not bitter about it, because you certainly don't sound like that. Well, now it's a different love I have. But in the past those loves were lost. I lost, Well, I mean, you know, we were kind of one came about because Harry gave up the crown for Megan. Give it Dad? What Harry Grave? What we're talking about Harry, Them just about Harry comes from what have you given up for love? That's all the fact of being right. I ain't been righting thirteen years being right right. Oh no, we had to get that up immediately. So you gave you gave up that? Okay, Tommy, Tommy, what have you given up? I'm not well. I stop doing what I would do? What it was? What is wrong? What what you ain't stopping? Yes, you're supposed to stop what you're doing for love? Tommy, Yes you are gave them reasoning, I reason, I just I reason. But I'm just saying what I'm supposed to give up. I think what I gave up. I want to hear what you gave about what me? Yes, damn man, gave it up, pulling up knowing that in that damn door. Peace of mind is gone. The minute I come in my house, it starts. Piece of damn man. All right, black girl is here. Hello, now's the dark girl? Good black girl? Blame blah blah bla house speaking because I have tell of a story you're doing. Hell about Prince Harry Yes and what he gave up for love the crown. He gave up the crown. What a stupid move it was. How dumb can you bell? You move out of the palace for love? Yeah? One does that? What about you? Dude? What did you give up for love? I'm still Hell. I kept quiet for love, black illegitimate child of Charles, and I've never come forward to tell anyone because I love living hell. No one ever knows it. I of the savage. I love the gods out the frock, I love the grass, the English tea, I love it. Oh. I love the fact that I have people wiping my behind. Oh you doom. Fact that I eat whatever I want to eat and someone washes the dishes. I have a person that puts on my pajamas for me. Oh what, Let's be nice, all right? Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show some sad news over the weekend. Um lifestyle guru, the very beautiful, the very pleasant, she was just on her game. B Smith passed away over the weekend. Yeah, very sad news. She was seventy seventy years old, as she had a long, long battle with Alzheimer's. This is according to her husband, Dan Gasby. Her name was Barbara Elaine Smith. We called her B Smith. Of course. She was a groundbreaking model restaurant owner and as I mentioned, lifestyle guru. She was diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's disease thirteen and you might recall her husband faced quite a bit of criticism a few years ago when he went public with the fact that he had a girlfriend who was living with him and helping him care for his ailing wife, B Smith. You guys remember that, Yeah, yeah, so r I P. B. Smith. Wow. I don't know how you're gonna deal with tragedy to tragedy hits you. You just don't know what you're gonna do. You're gonna Lane, I did so, won't you say? Jay, You don't know how you're gonna deal with tragedy until tragedy hits you. You can say what you want about other people, but when you hit you, you deal with it the best way you know how to. Yeah. Yeah, Wow, you were saying Carla, you guys went to her restaurant. Yeah, she used to have a restaurant. Yeah, Steve took us. All right, guys, We'll be back with more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. Okay, So Steve, you were in Vegas over the weekend for the Fury Wilder fight. You were there Saturday night in Vegas. Uh, thirty one year old Tyson Fury beat down Deonte Wilder and a big heavyweight matchup rematch. Oh, let me see. I don't know. Go ahead, I'll look it up. Yeah, I don't know. He is thirty four thirty one. Really well, he didn't look like that on saying. He looked like, yeah, give us your take on the fight. You were actually there. Yeah, man, I just it just uh, I was disappointed in it because that was things that could have been done. There were things that could have been said, and I think he could have been a lot better prepared. And yeah, I know he was saying that there were some issues going on before the fight. He didn't want to make no excuses and the leg was a problem. But he could have been better prepared, especially when they saw the forward motion of Tyson. Tyson Fury had forward motion in the first round or two. When they saw that, then you gotta you gotta, you gotta help your fighter make adjustments. But you gotta have fight men in the corner to do that. And they ain't got nobody in that self, Brillan, But I don't think Brilan is in charge of it. I think it's the white guy. I'm just calling the white guy because I don't know his name. He do all the talking and all that, you know, in all the interviews and talks about strategy and all that, and I just think that they went in with the strategy to do just the same thing we did last fight, and that's gonna be good enough. Well it wasn't. And when Tyson came out different than he did last time, there was no response to it. That's when you know you got to change your corner. Now. I don't care who don't like that right there, but if you go to your corner. And I didn't see the fight on TV, So y'all could hear them that conversation. When you hear that in the car, when you don't hear nothing in the corner. First, the first three rounds we heard, we heard nothing nothing. That's why I keep saying, all dude, the walk, you ain't saying nothing he did, ye ain't, Tommy? The water and the Vassili that's it. Yeah, that damn blood running down my damn your fighters, your fighters in the corner. He goes to the corner before. That's what it is. They've never had to happen. Nobody's ever had to talk with the morning keeping knocking people a out. They ain't never had a conversation in the corner before coming up, our last break of the day on this Monday break of the day, So if you're looking for it will be no more breaks. This is the last one, okay. And we'll have some closing remarks from our very unn double ACP Image Award winning Steve Harvey. It's closing remarks coming up at forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are guys with the last break of the day on this Monday. Yes, it is no more break say it right, Jay? No, No, I mean I said it once, but people away, it's gonna be another break. No, there will be no more damn breaks, okay, just the last damn number one. It's been a good Monday though, it really has. Yeah, it's great. It has great to be Yes, welcome back, welcome back. You know you know what, surely you know what I thought about though, what I thought I looked at the whole show. I missed you, guys, but I thought about something. But do you know Uncle Steve is the Moses and sick people. What do you mean he leading a bunch of sick people. Y'all? Look everybody but the only show got a problem. It ain't just me and Jay. Everybody got a problem with y'all. He leave, he leave people, he need people with short He leaves bipolar people, Carlo Jay diabetic, I got sick. He leave a sick people. And what do you do? Big eyes is not a guys, is a yeah, it's the beginning of something. I do not have eyes out that far due to some type of pressure. Really, have you always had him open that wine? My eyes have been big since I came from the womb. Okay am I right? Am? I right? Shut up? Junior, all those people to show sick you. You only heal the person we got. Oh no that's not true, true mind his mind has gone, Junior Solf. The better to see you, my dar. The other day, I was talking about finding the motivation to never give up, because it's such an important thing, man, Just the fact that you don't quit, that you don't give up on your visions, your dreams, your goals, your aspirations, and you have to find the motivation to do it. But you also have to remember that doing good is the right thing to do. And a lot of times, I know, man, you get tired of doing good because it seems like it's no payoff. There's a scripture I was reading the other day, Galatians six nine, and it was saying for us to not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we don't give up. And that's such an important thing, man, because sometimes it's hard to keep doing the right thing, especially when you're being done wrong. It's hard to keep doing the right thing and you don't see the payoff right after you do the right thing. It's hard to do the right thing when everybody else seems to be getting away with something wrong. So it makes it hard to continue to do the right thing. But you have to have the faith that you're doing the right thing, and you can't become weary in doing good, because, like the Bible says, at the proper time, you're going to reap a harvest if you don't give up. Do you understand how true. That statement is that's a promise of God that if you don't get tired and stop doing what's good, that eventually you're going to reap a harvest by just not giving up. That is a benefit to doing what's good. That is a reward for doing things that's good. You don't you have no idea how many seeds you're planning when you do something good you have to. You don't even know where they're gonna crop up, pop up where you're gonna harvest them later. It may not be even in the same field you plan it. I was of somewhere one day and I was going down the street and a girl had a flat tire, young girl, and I just thought of one of my daughters. Man, so I stopped. I just happened to be driving that day. It was years ago in LA and I stopped and I helped this little girl and she was on side the road just crying. She had a flat tie. She didn't know what to do, and so I still there, made a phone call, got told truck to come. She didn't have the money. I kind of somehow got into the tie station. I bought the new ties for boom, fixed her up. She went home. She called her father. He said, Steve Harvey bought me ties from my car. I ain't think none of the brother thanked me. Years later, I was on the golf course, years later, I'm talking about like five six years ago, and this happened like early, like in two thousand, so probably around twenty fifteen, sixteen something like that. I'm playing golf and this guy comes up to me and he tells me the story about this girl and it was his daughter, and he just told me about it, and he hugged me. He said, man, I wanted to thank y'all talked to you on the phone. But man, we finally meet and myles hoping I'll see you at this tournament. And so he hugged me, and you know, didn't think none of it. Next thing, you know, come to find out he worked for a high level company. The company calls me and the company wants me to do a deal with him. I signed and did the deal with the company. It was all because one day I stopped and I helped a girl that I just saw in distress because I just thought, man, this could be one of my daughters. On the side of his roll and she told her father and her father did a deal with me that turned out to be a very, very beneficial deal. You can't ever get tired of doing what's right, because in due time you will reap a harvest if you never give up. That's a promise from God. Keep doing the right thing, y'all. You will benefit from it. Those are my closing remarks that said, that's a wrap, y'all. Have a great weekend. Okay, and tell you mama there my said. Hey. For all Steve Every contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.