Favorite Super Bowl Snacks, Carla's Reality Update, Valentine's Day Tips and more.

Published Feb 1, 2018, 6:15 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show crew discuss the various favorite Super Bowl snack across the country, Carla's Reality Update on dating someone your friends don't like, tips on how to celebrate Valentine's Day and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them bo just like the Melican buck bus things and it's tub y'all do me true good to the hardy. Want to move to other stole hobby, Why don't you join yeah, hobby joining you to me? Honey, say you got to turn to go yeah, very close. You gotta turn you to turn out, turns to love. You got to turn out to turn water water go. Comey, come on your thing now. Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, this one today. I want to share with you. Uh. It's for all of us. It's for all of us. Uh, And here it is. There is a solution to all of your problems in situations. There is a solution to all of your problems and situations. If you are feeling this, are you feeling desperate about something and anxious about it? Are you feeling uncertain about anything? Are you at a loss for words? Are you is your direction unclear? How about that? If you can't find your purpose, that's a good one that stops a lot of people. If you don't know what your next move is, that's to go. I don't. I don't care what it is. If if if the relationship you're in it's all wrong and you don't know how to get out of it, it doesn't matter. There's a solution to all your problems and situations. And that solution without trying to sound like I've been knowing this my whole life, because I haven't. That solution to all your problems. That way to make all your dreams come true. The way around a lot of this and to the weakness that you feel at times, it's prayer, prayer, a connection with your creator. Up. Could that be the thing that's missing in your life. I'm just asking because whenever I get a little bit off track, all I gotta do is think, just a moment, Steve, have you been Have you been praying? Man? Have you been connecting with your creative? I know you're busy, man, I know you're busy, and I know at the end of the day you're done. You're done, and sometimes crawling into bed is all you can manage to do. I've said this. It happened to me last night again. I did all of this. But when I look and when I see things not moving, or I don't feel like things are going in the right direction, or I have a sense of being stagnant, all I got to do is retrace it. Because I'm working. There's no doubt about that. I'm working. But I'm a staying connected. Am I using that weapon that's available to all of us? And I pray and the answer is usually no? And so I know, okay, okay, man, I'm I'm getting off track hill because see, let me tell you something, man. The reason the reason I constantly talk to God is because life constantly changes. People who said they was going to do something for you one day have changed their mind the next. Somebody you thought was gonna show up that day called in late, had an accident and couldn't make it. That changes the parameters of everything. The meeting you had set up that had to be canceled because somebody was ill. That changes the parameters the time frame of everything. Because it's all connected. So if I don't stay in constant prayer and stay connected to the creative when these things happen, I'm not put in my bid. I'm not talked to him about how to handle it. Oh, I'm just not aware of it and what to do you next? And the next thing you know, it becomes a little stagnant that has happened to me. I gotta get back because prayer is the solution to all of my problems and situations. I have found that to be the case now. The only reason I'm telling it to you is because I know if you anything like me slash human being, then there are times that you feel anxious. There's moments of desperation. You have moments of uncertainty. There are times when you feel like you've lost your way, or your direction is unclear, or you or your purpose is a little blurred. You're not shooing anymore, or you don't know what your next movie is, or the relationship you in or the relationships you're dabbling in. They're just all wrong for you. Man, there is a solution to all your problems and situations, and it's prayer. If you're suffering from any of the things I just listed, or any other thing you could think of, just check your prayer. What has your prayer been lately? About it? And this is for everybody. I often find when I get that disconnection. Man, my my prayer and slipped off. I started feeling a little bit less, so I gotta jump back on it. I'm just offering you a solution to it, man, and and and and and and I'm giving you a solution that works one of the thousand percent for show. See, I ain't guessing at this one. I'm telling you what has happened in my life, how I did it, and it'll do for you. God has filled with mercy and grace. He knows we all messed up. He knows all of us have done some jacked up things that don't nobody know about. He know all about our past. Man, he know all of that. But he is so full of grace and mercy, so full of fifty five chances. But you know the thing about your life though, and the thing I had to come to terms with, and the reason I don't let my my out of the reason I don't let my past bury me, The reason I don't let my past define me is because my past I found out, or just the ingredients needed for me to make this cake I'm eating now. My past is just my ingredients. See you, you don't get rid of your past. They they ain't going know where they are the ingredients, but when you put them with something else, they look better, they taste better, It is better. All of our past are just the ingredients that have become the cake we eating now. Now, if you don't like the way your cake taste, then you gotta stop putting some other ingredients in there. Just because you started off and your cake was messed up, don't mean you came straighten out the flavor of your cake. You gotta put some different ingredients in there. So let's say your cake is trifling tasted, it's better. Your cake is better. Well, you got to dilute the bitterness. You gotta put some more goodness in there. So you gotta put some goodness ingredients to to take away the taste of the bitterness. So you gotta put some different ingredients in there. You gotta start living your life a little more kindly, a little more thoughtful, a little more sharing, a little more caring. And then after a while, man, those new ingredients combined with that bitter it starts overshadowing the bitter taste because the bitter taste is further behind you. Now, see something that happened to you twelve fifteen thirty sixteen years ago. Ain't got to be the flavor that's in your mouth now unless you let it be. It's the ingredients. Man. If you're sicking away your cake tasting, change your INGREDI is, put something else in your cake mix so you can get a better taste if you don't like the way your life taste. Pray Prayer changes things. I'm telling you, I've been here my mama saying for years, boy, prayer changes things. Do you hear me? Prayer changes things? Don't my mama? You said to me all the time. I said to my TV artist, is when they come see me on the talk show, before I walk on stage, I tell them these words my mother said. I said, my mother used to always tell me this, and it's bailed me out, and it might do the same thing for you. I said, whatever I get in trouble, I hear her words. She says, son, don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray, because prayer, prayer changes things, and you better believe something. It one hundred percent showed. Do you're listening, Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, boys, and girls, everybody might have your attention. Please Steve Harping Martin Show is now open running. We owning Cracking Charlotte. Hey, Steve, welcome back. How is your day off? Uh? It wasn't a day off, but I appreciate you asking who it was a day off from radio. But I have a fool run. I appreciate it though. I do appreciate you all stepping in holding the fold down. Appreciate Kevin Hart come here doing the thing boy crazy. He the only dude I let just do the show to trust nobody, but make sure Jay ain't on it when he owned some ignorance. And you know what I'm going to First of all, Hello, call Hello Steve and the food Top Top. I've got to find a way to control j Anthony Brown, and I think it's a good time to talk about it on the too damn much right now. And I've got to get his ass on the control. What's wrong? I just got to find a way what okay, what is he doing that? That's particular everything. First of all, we got to find out a way to do something with this breathing. We got to fix this breathing. You know what, Steve, the other night, I was watching the State of the Union address and he does not breathe as much as the president or so I was like, okay, Jay gets a pass because the president was breathing. Okay, I've been off, but I watched the address off and over. Uh the parts I did get to see. Yeah, he stuck strictly to the script prompted. Uh, that's the one thing they gnawed at him. So he played the role. He didn't get off that night. He stayed on script the whole night. Yeah, I didn't. I don't. I'll tell you that the four black parents that were up there, Uh, that that broke my heart. Man, That brother, man, I'm telling you man, that brother made me cry. I felt. Man. He was just sitting there. Man, he broke my heart. He he made me cry. Man. I sitting there cause because that boys and some pay all of them work. But I can identify with a man, you know what I mean? Like that because I know he want to do something, definitely, because that dude wanta do something, man, and he couldn't. That was it. Here's the thing that I do not like about the presidential State of Address. All the bibartisan standing up, clapping, partisan partisan whatever you call it. I can't stand that he ain't saying nothing so damn found. Yeah that's what we should have counted. How many tactics I'm telling you, Yeah, I'm telling you that that's that's the most aggravating part about it. Yeah, that draws the already boring speech out. And he wouldn't. He very rarely turned I want to he very rarely turned to the democratic side. He was playing to the plause. That was That was it. I don't talk about all right, Well, it's Black History Months. Steve so Junior is here with a little known Black history facts. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Can we go with something funny? First day of February Jr. Is here with little known Black history facts as he does. You do this every black every Black History Month, because there's always something to learn. Sure, thank you call it is all is something we can grow on us. Nothing I am becomes important, Tommy, look uh grow with Jay Chaplin Grover. Y'all don't even know who that he is doing. You know, they want to show y'all something. Colin Kaepernick was not the first one to take a knee. Okay, no, no, no, no. Grover Jay Chaplin back in nineteen six in Black Creek, North Carolina, played for the Chattanooga Black Lookouts. Your last this in the Negro League, now the Chattoga Black Lookout. All I'm saying is this the same team Satchel Paige played baseball. Grover Jay Chaplin paid third base. They own an eighty five game losing street Meatball, oh and eighty four as a starting pitcher. Find out Satchel paid who better? Better? Was not pitching? Played third base on one knee for the rest of his career, never stood again. That's grow with Jay chap So he was the first one to take a knee. Took a knee in the game though, Wow, nobody even knew it. Sestr Page went on to win two thousand baseball games. He went from picture yeah on his one knee. They finally he wasn't playing here the Norman I don't even know about two. Can I interrupt you for just one second. I'd like to add a correction to that. In eighteen forty one, the actual person that actually took the first knee of first Black to take a knee was meat Hook Zoomba. Who is that? He was a slave. He was in the field picking cotton and he just decided he wasn't picking no damn b so he took a knee right there was his name, him meets twelve way before. Yeah, callin Coopernika, all these people you're talking about meat hook took the first went on, took a knee in that field. I ain't picking a damn thing else today. Do what you want to do. Who I didn't get? Yeah, I'm sorry, y'all. Y'all heard, y'all heard about Gail Lien mccolor or back in him to first person to whoop somebody with a red tail comb. Let me tell you something. She had nothing. Now, she also the first person that said don't you move? Don't you went down here? After that redtail cones, they sold it, they saw it and sail to this day, yeah there we think shot out shot. See yeah, people getting popped by retail coats to this day. Ye, billy, and you can't run. You can't run because she had that. Your go home and ask that's a little known black anything, Steve, did you know that? Because that you didn't say anything. I was junior, young, so I don't want to dispute that one right there. Somebody, Well, she wasn't the first one to say, don't you move? You're talking about but uh, I can't. I don't know who mama made you that one. That a little bit before nineteen seven nine, Harvey said it to me clearly you lost Vera Harvey, your mama. Well she's what happened? What were you doing moving around? Damn much? Well don't you move? Move again? And see what happened. I was three, then we gotta go further back then. I knew how to be still. At three, I learned be still with you all my life had to be like when it were real hot outside in the room, in my room, by slept in at it when it was real mom is hot up here, be still. See I've been learning how to be still my whole life. You've been told when you got real hot, just be still. Now you just feel like dying. Yeah, yeah, dropping knowledge was good for the first day of black absolutely, Yeah, thank you. And I see that. I did want to ask you where you finished with your thoughts in the State of the Union from the President. Yeah, you know I listened to it, um, you know, for him for him. It was an excellent speech for him because and they drilled him to stay the course. So what he did was he had a chance and opportunity to lay out the Republican agenda so we could clearly see it. But you had to be careful, man, because I did not like the immigration way that he was talking about doing it because c it's not enough for him. Like he was trying to talk about the dreamers right in a positive way, but then he says, we was talking about America first and America's kids first, and then he said because Americans are dreamers too, Not that right there? Man. See is that type of talk right there. That's scary when you peel the banana back because you don't have to say that America a dreamers too. But what you're trying to do is slight the actual docer program which is created. Fuck the real dreamers were not you was born in America, anybody from the deport you and if I if it to take your opportunity. He definitely got the dream that right there. Man. Was so wrong of him then to blame illegal immigrants for coming over here and reducing the wage rate of regular hard working Americans who could get jobs. That's such an untrue thing, the falsehood of trying to make it like illegal immigrants allowing the wage scale for a needy working Americans. It's not true. But who hired him y'all rich people, so y'all can have a better and a higher profit margin. That's what's going on. And for him to paint the other pictures is dangerous. I didn't like it. All right, Steve, thank you, nephew. Tell me he's run that prank back is coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour MS and will be here with today's national news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Now the rain, what the Ring? It ain't Lord of the Ring, It's just the ring. Movie man kid is running back cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach an Yes, this is Hi Denied. My name is Gavin. I'm I'm actually the head jeweler here diamonds. Know how you doing. I'm good. You brought your ring in what was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my sales persons and you wanted to get it resized as well as getting a praise. Correct, yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him my own okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize of the ring. And first of all, let me be the person say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you, I'm getting married and stuff come there, well, congratulations to listen. I don't know how to tell you this now as far as your praiser list concern, I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybe fifty Do excuse me. I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you just said. And I understand that what I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial. For this is a Cubic Saconian stone and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, you wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my fan make and as much money as my father is putting down on his winding or half put down, and you're gonna understand everything you're saying. But Denise, honestly, what do is hold on? Wait? I need you to hold on because we need to convict us. Wait wait, man, First of all, I can't wait. Wait wait wait wait wait, hold hold on. I'm you wait wait wait what are you trying to what you're trying to do? I need I need you to repeat because what you just said to me, okay, need of personal stuff? Man? You oh you hit it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she calling man? Okay, thank thank Hello, victim. I want you to listen to this jewel that's on the phone. I want you to hit it. And he just told me what's what's the problem? What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on. Hello. Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds and actually your wife, I mean where your fiance rather, she brought her ring in to actually be re sized, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her and actually the ring is estimated to be only in the words of around fifty dollars. Fifty that's what the man said, dollars and he sweater, sir. Obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir. Now what you got to say about that fifty dollars, that's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. What did you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here Domonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years, and there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it, So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's out a mistake. I've been dealing with Jrewlry, I've seen it. I can't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's the jeweler you heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty He's impossible. I don't understand all the money that my dad is putting down on this wedding and you don't pay fifty You bought a cheap ring, sir. No, no, no, I did not buy a team. This is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You don't got to you that you show got that right? So what you got to safe for yourself? You kid, I believe that that's right, that this is obviously some kind of Oh it is a mistake. I'm mistake and thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife, and I would think you I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is wort. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought in and his wife. Yet hold on, hold on, the man trying to explain, I'm trying to get to the box. Thank you, So you have I don't think you have the right ring. I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in the two in the morning on that dude, you know I ain't botto damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where you're the mistakes out here? Sta, you bought a piece of jump. He's doing it all the aid of hell. He's gonna make a mistake where you come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end world, where it's not on my end. Yeah, Hold don't, don't, lady, you want things that my dad is paying too much money for this wedding, so you're down on pay dollars. You wait till I tell him this. Chill. Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you're trying to pawn it off on us because you for fifty bucks money make and I get fifty dollars worth of a ring. Then he's hold on, let me talk to this. Where you do? I never heard of it. So your wife knows exactly where the shoes the one that brought the ring, And I'll tell you what I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on, you want to put it on make you You don't tell me what the I know what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I appreciate you coming in my household, trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this. I know the ring gotta be real. If I were you, miss the niece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming. I'm looking for your pocket, and you know what. You don't get the ring and a right me and you're gonna go in it. Could I say one more thing to both of you all better? I tell you what if they say that I don't want to hear me, and you're gonna have some more problems. This is Mathew, you tell me from the Steve Arvin Morning Show. Y'all just got prank. But the niece's sister that that why she ain't got no man to be man. Wow, that's how cool till you're about to start think, I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I would make I gotta ask you'll something. What is the baddest radio show in the law? Wow? Uh yeah, you need medical attention right up there with the State of the Nephew, right up there with that. Stay the stupid baby hell. Y'all want to look at it, go to Thomas Miles dot com. The latest c D is in Walmart across the country. It's called Won't He Do It? Won't He Do It? Won't He Do It? And Yes, I did? It? Is in Walmart. Get your this is the church I am made off in prank tape right now. And Kevin said he was gonna go to Walmart ta take a picture with him buying some of them, you know. And he's got a lot of Instagram followers and stuff, so he was helping tell me out that way. So that was nice of him. What's your goal on your prank CD sales? What's your goal? What are your targeting? Five hundred thousand? Y'all ain't gonna boycott music. I'm on that state me. I don't do this'n be gonna sail five thousand? You want to make you want to make five? No boycott on me. Don't come on right now. I'm trying to right out of hunted. Oh okay, but I don't want y'all to be on the pushback now since I see it be. I just don't want to boycott for you. Okay, you're listening to Steve Harvey show. Well, this past Tuesday night, all eyes were on two women, and President Donald Trump's like his wife Melania, and the pegn star named guts This, Stormy Daniels. Stormy Daniels. Yeah. Since allegations surface that Stormy slept with Trump in the months right after the birth of his son Baron Trump, Milania has avoided him. Okay. Insiders told The New York Times that she's furious with Donald Trump and last week they never acknowledged that. I didn't even know this. Did you guys know? Last week it was their thirteenth wedding anniversary. Know why because they didn't acknowledge it Because she cat him? Yeah, us her hands. I don't never remember she canceled her trip to Davos when he was going over to Swiss switch. I believe it when Baron was leaving the hospital as a baby, an infant. But but who's fit making this report? Because by storm? Yeah, who's who's come up with this? Because she's denied everything. Yeah, now she's showing a backtrack a little bit on her. Yeah, well she got paid off a hundred and thirty thousand dollars. Yeah, I would never say that she got paid off. You know. Reportedly she was on Jimmy Kimmel this week too, and she didn't say a whole whole lot of joke. Yeah, yeah, hey what again? It was Harlom Nights. Her name was what shin Sunshine? Turned in the Sunshine? That just one. He just turned into a store on me. Well, it might be something to it because Melania did uh come to the State of the Union address alone? And they said, that's the first that the first lady has not come to the State of Union address with her husband. Hey, y'all got three the first time something never has lacking the road through here. We have to do this exercise. Have you guys ever heard about this? Your your porn star name, how you come up with it? It's your pets, your first pets name, and the first street that you lived on as a kid. So let's do that real quick. Okay, Okay, I'll start say it again. It's your first pet. I think it's the name of your first pet and the streets you lived on as a kid. That's your porn star name in the first street. Uh huh, your street. So I'll start like mine would be Sparky Cornell, Cornell, Cornell, It's Chicago. What's your well dog? Our first dog was Ginger. That ain't for no man. My street was Green Fall, so I get Ginger Green. That ain't that ain't rentals? Yeah coming, that isn't sexy. Mine is not sexy. Sheridan's dog's name was Reggie and our street was Union. Reggie Union Trade. Take this Ginger, I take that red Ginger prim roll. That's that's mixed emotion. My first dog name was different dog. Cain't Weirdlie you you came up with that. Sparky my doll's name. I got to come up with that. I think that's the formula. Journal may not mistaken or something like that. Reggie Union, Marquis Cornell and oh kanki Ah take us to miss Ann Steve and thank you everybody. I guess mine would be what albany astro or astro. Okay, it doesn't work out for me. All right, Good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news and here we go. The White House has announced it's going to be conducting a national security review before Donald Trump decides whether to release a controversial and widely disputed memo that claims that both the FBI and the Justice Department improperly spied on his presidential campaign. And that's even though the President is said to be in favor of releasing the memo anyway, the Justice Department has already said that releasing the memo would act be extraordinarily reckless. Those their words from the Justice Department, and the FBI says it has quote grave concerns about the accuracy of the questionable memo. They're saying that a lot of the information and it has been judged up, switched, changed, and kind of made to look more damaging and dastardly than it really is. Meanwhile, the Democrats on Capitol Hill are openly critical of President Trump's decision not to impose earlier agreed upon sanctions on nations buying arms from Russia. Last some of the Congress vote overwhelmingly for those sanctions to take effect yesterday. However, the Trump administration informed the Congress that's simply putting countries on notice about the upcoming sanctions. Apparently did the trick and scutts, so he scuttled billions of dollars worth of Russian arms sales by just saying that they were worried about it. However, House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi questions the numbers that the President came out with and send a Democratic lea to Charles Schumer is also suspicious? President so afraid to sanction putent his associates, or rather up the Russian actors and officials. Why is President Trump giving Pootin a free pass when he attacked our democracy? What is he so afraid of the White House did did give Congress a list of wealthy and powerful Russians who could be sanctioned. They don't know where that list came from. The heads of Amazon, JP, Morson Chase, and Berkshire Halthaway Investments have joint forces get this to actually create a company that they hope will make healthcare cheaper and easier to acquire. The three execs are going to initially only target their employees, which all together add up to some half a million workers in the U S alone. They say the company will focus on technology and that the goal will be not to make money. After the announcement, shares of healthcare related companies on the stock market fell. According to a report, states are benefiting from legalization of marijuana the Drug Policy Alliance, as it found that pot related the rest are down while revenues are up in states where weed is now legal. Also, despite predictions and warnings, the report found no increase in marijuana use by kids under twenty one and actually lower rate of opioid related incidents. Advocates say the report provides strong support for the state efforts to legalize weed. And finally, today is National Hula in the cooler day. Okay, back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eenie Butterfly coming up twenty minutes after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve come on and introduced the butterfly for today. Be nice, have some sort of something. Eugene, Good morning everyone, Good morning Steven, Tommy, Shirley, Carline Junior, Good morning to everyone. You're so happy to butterfly. It's happy That's what I wanted to about Steven. Have you heard the news? Oh my god. So he hasn't made a decision here, But anyway, Kevin hard Is may possibly allow me Eugene Antoine Parkerson to go on his one city tour. He's got to go out of the country and in the country or someone to. So I'm so excited. I just want you to put a word in from me about that. I'm a very good opener. It clear. See I don't remember the conversation already called me and you're not going yesterday? Wait a minute, no, no, no, I want to believe listen. Is that a possible way you can put a word in for me that I can go out and do a very good fifteen minutes opening. See. Let me ask you something though, if you do that, how would you feel your obligation here on the show when when you and time he gonna do something, y'all do it a lot of remote from somewhere else and they set it out for you all. And you don't even have a parisport. No, I don't have a passport as of yet. But yeah, well closer, you can go get clothes, you can get out of the country. Is you gonna have to go just like New Mexico. That's close. Yeah he not doing the Mexical. That's not gonna work. At least you'll be there, but it's not I want the guy wo open up, go to Hawaii's stage. That's nice, Yeah, you real nice, but that I'd be just one. That's nothing. You got to start somewhere, butterfly. I mean it's paradise. So what you're saying, Stephen, is my role here on the show was very important and you wouldn't want to You want to make sure that I'm here working aside alongside you. Is that what you're saying. I just said, how would you fulfill your obligations? Because the day you missed is the day you five Steve, you had you miss yesterday. But my missing yesterday wasn't to do to perform a job somewhere else. You said you did something somewhere else. That's what you're saying. All I did was I took off to let my friend Kevin Hart come on the Handling Show and promote all his business. I do that oftentimes with him. If you have some business, I let you do the show. But we all know you don't have well, when I get somebody that you're gonna say, you're gonna take off and let me leave the show. No, what are you so intent? We gotta go with you. We have to coming down. Please, thank you. Butterfly coming up at thirty four after the hour. We might finish. Yeah, we have to finish this. Uh name is Eugene. Alright, come on, thank you, Butterfly coming up at thirty four after the hours. Some super Bowl party. Man, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Super Bowl snack favorites can differ depending on where you live in the country. Of course, the super Bowl is this weekend, this Sunday, and Google has crunched the data to reveal the most uniquely searched Super Bowl recipes in each state, and some may surprise you or give you ideas for your bash this Sunday. Chili is the most popular search in Arkansas, Massachusetts, miss again, yeah chili, right right right, Minnesota, Missouri, New York and more So. That's good chili. But some of the recipes may surprise you. Some of the other state Super Bowl dishes include dill pickled dip with dried beef that's out of Alaska. Yeah, yeah, you said Northwest, which is it's dill pickled dip, dill pickled dip with dried beef. That's Alaska. How did you know that? Because I ain't been nowhere. I heard that. I ain't been nor where Montana got the heat? Yeah? Okay, um yeah right, fried Rice? Guess what what's the menuen countered at Burminham? Oh? Hey cheese? Thomas hit it all right, So here's another one, Fried Rice? What I don't want to because I'm getting Trump. So I like fried that comes out of California. You like, I haven't seen a chicken wing yet. Pork tenderloin, pork tenderloin? What is that Louisiana? Yeah? Yeah, what a gumbo? I don't tenderloin slide? Super Bowl min Yeah? What is Steve Holler? I'm trying to tell you know, I'm super Bowl Man. The tenderlan slat? How do you get them? Bobec yeah, fruit fried yeah, and bobecubecue sauce slough and French fried and two little bones on top of polk slide Like, yeah, okay, this one completely through me. Still ain't hitting my wings. I have not said one wing, not one wing. Okay, green beans with beef broth. This is gonna knock everybody sucks off where this is from. Okay, let me let me hold on beans. Green beans with beef broth for the super Bowl party that's in. That's probably you toss on one. It's in Mississippi. That's what Monica say. Always doing some backwoods man. What you say? What you say, Steve, They always try and do some backwoods ain't got no money for They're gonna put some green beans and some damn well, we got up in the cover. We'll just give me the it's super Bowl, get the broile. Don't lose that broth to super Bowl. We got plenty broth left from the holiday that out that one through me. Green beans with beef broth. I still have not seen one chicken wing. I bet you in my house. Yeah, because we what do we say the other day? It's like three something. I'm telling you my wife about three hunt away. Yeah, we're cooking. Did you buy every week? I'm going to actually eat healthy this year? What's on your way? Does that mean? Steve? Like? What? Well? What's on you? It's the first super Bowl that I haven't been in the Caymans in three years. That's right. We disagree with it. Yeah we were for the last two years. Yeah, we gets too late. Now we can't get a flank that's actually going to the super Bowl this weekend. I'm going to go to Vegas, right, taking Junior with Oh that's cool. Get my mind blowed again. Rat pack baby tuxes all day, changing twice a day, every day a tux seed or changing every day every day boxes from the time I wake up till I go to bed. M Yeah, okay, you got to go to ramping, go to Ryanos. We don't have time that time. We can have money to make it a game. What do tell me to understand what our purpose? He is going to? What is that? What is Ryano? I don't know, but don't sound like a gaml Ryano is a strip the cold list one on the strip. So we're explaining something I can show you. You ain't gonna have my ass on to you. Pick you up in the bus and bring young called coming up with the Rhino bus. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter, uh subject, strippers need love. See right there? What what right there? Is the main readon to get on this bus at Rhino, letting them tie right in the Rhinos on this strip in law family and Steve is going to Vegas to go to They'll send the rundo bus right there to the hotel and get you. What is your poets always get no bus? His fault. I ain't going to handle dawn bus picked me up. I'm on here with people I don't even know and go to some damn strip club. I got a brand. We all get the dog. I got kids counting on me, My grandkids look up to me. I can't be nowhere, no damn strip club. They're not gonna know you in there. Guys, See this is these are words from a non famous person. Ye yeah, what what you want me to say? How the hell they ain't gonna know my big lip ass ain't in the strip club. Comny big live people with a mustache and ball head and sound like me sitting up at a strip club. We look if I make a call and I just get you straight to V I P and don't want nobody really be I don't want to be in the v I p dog Tommy can on the real Tommy can't tell you something. I don't like people I don't know on me because I got some dollars. If you're gonna be on me, I want to know you and feels something for you. And at this stage of my life, Tommy, I didn't cut that out. We just don't wear your tucks. If you don't want people are on you, you know it's out of your clothes. You don't wear this, don't you know? It ain't my Tommy, Listen to me. It's not my clothes. Forget the shows, Tommy, take all that out. Okay, I'm sixty one years old. I'm a grown man. I didn't figure it out. I am not risking all that I have in love so I can go do something at a strip club. You're taking this way too serious. I just wanted you to your life re serious. Yeah, my life is very serious. But you got a family, Tommy. What happened to Vegas? Stay in Vegas? What happened in Vegas? That that's a damn commercial fool. That ain't true. I mean when pac Man Jones lost his money, all them shootings at the All Star Game. All right, let me let me run this break man, This right here is super Bowl trip. That's a tidle le super Bowl trip. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Martina. Please, he's not in right at the moment. Can I take a message or somebody can help you with Actually I'm giving a call to make sure double checking on confirmation for Mr and Mrs. Now, man, Now, that may be mistakes are she's going by herself. I'm not going, so that should you should just should be missing. That's all? Oh okay, all right, Well I'll tell you what we have. We have our schedule. We wanted to make sure we gave the confirmation and uh, you know with a big weekend like this, with double checking and making sure everybody's actually coming and getting their rooms because you know you're subject to get charged for it. And we definitely have the honeymoon sweet waiting on her honeymoons week. Man, we've been married seventeen years. What'd you talking about? Honeymoons s week? Well, we got you, you see Mr and Mrs. What's the name on that? Ms? Martina? Is that right? Yeah? That's my wife? Yeah, all right, and we've got Tony as well. Who who Tony? My name is Vernon? Say whatnot? My name is Vernon? Who the hell is Tony? So? Um? Wow, we we have where this is uh the wrong one. I think I got the wrong one. Man. Okay, did you guys make reservations here at the hotel and for the super Bowl weekend? My wife is going to this weekend to be with her sick auntie. That's when she told me. Now, I don't know len about and those, but you know what, yeah, keep talking to me, Yeah, okay, keep talking to me, because this is getting really interesting right here. She's coming to because I have a Mr. And Mrs Martina and Tony are coming. We have the honeymoon suite here for the super Bowl weekend, checking in tomorrow and checking out on Monday. I don't know, you know what this is right here? Because he now I got said she told me she was going to see her seek auntie, and I told her cool, I paid for the damn taking myself. I got my extra turn back and I paid for my damn self so she can go out there. And you're telling me this help for the mad reservations and because this about let's looks, I mean, what the hell now? Victor Victor what's your name again? But my name is Vernon, Okay, Mr Vernon, sir. First of all, I do apologize. I'm just a you know, old close here and and and the reservations and basically they just got us calling because it's a big weekend. And you know, if you if you don't come in your your your car to definitely get charged. And they got you know, well y'all been not charged. Nothing to my card. Don't don't charge mat fact, I want to caunsel this reservation. She can fall back in as far as I'm concerned. This is the better walk up in here right now. Then walk up in here right now, because she this is just let's let's just slow let's slow down, a man, let's slow down. Maybe there's just a mistake here, I mean, no man, uhuh the hunting down suite at the No one day she told no wonder, I'm like, she told me she needed to hunt outs for them. Hold to mean for the hotel room. Yeah, well actually it's uh, well they must be splitting in here. It's it's it's about four hundred and something to night for this room. Excuse me, she wouldn't pay that much for my day and Winton ring. Wow. Okay, well I'll tell you what, sir. Is there any way I can I can call back and speak to Martina so I can go never in life called back to this okay, because she if you call back here talking about this, because I don't even normally answer this phone. Okay, this is her phone. She want to go runn aeron from me. But don't you never call this phone back again because she she ain't coming, not this lifetime. She's not. But uh, you know what, I want to thank you though, I appreciate you let me in on the brue was up. Yeah, I knew it. Okay, Okay, Mr Vernons, slow down something man, hang on. Okay, now listen. What I have to do is I have to talk to the person that made the reservation in order to cancel it. Now, you tell me your counseling right now, but I need to hear that from miss Martina that it's caused me. Did she get that she's gonna even talk to you? You can cancel it now, I'm telling you now, counselor, it ain't gonna be no honey new Okay, we didn't know for seventeen years. We got folk kids and I'm sitting back here and counseling. Now. I'm telling me the counsel. I cannot counsel it without speaking to her. I tell you what your best bid is to counsel that, because if you put a charge on it, I'm will drive to and find Joe. What's your name? Excuse me, what's your name? I'm Brian, Sir, Brian. If there's one charge with my critical I will find you. Sir. Do you mean do you have Tony's number where I can call him and maybe you know you know what. I'm gonna have a Tony's number the minute, because I got her phone. I'm going to go through it and find it because this is some and she's gonna do with Tony. So if you called back here, you're not gonna get her because she's gonna be over there with that. Okay, sir. Now there's one more person that's on the schedule on the room. A one more person. What they're doing the threesome? Uh? I'm not sure. Now I got another person on the on schedule on here. This can't get no words. Come on with it. You want to I'm sorry. You want the name of yo, I want the name? Yes, come on with it. You told me everything else. Okay, I got a uh somebody named Nephew Tommy excuse me, Hey man, this is Nephew Tommy Man for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife got me to prank phone call with you. I'm gonna I'm about being at that. Hey man. Okay, that's who she've been talking to on the phone. Yeah, yeah, you got me, Hey, But I gotta ask you, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest man radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is super Bowl Trip super Bowl weekend. I encourage anybody going to Vegas this weekend. You might want to stop it. Rano, It's just I'm just throwing it up. Did you hear anything slash mentor just I don't even me. I don't even mentor it on that part. Yes you do. Yeah, I think you and I have that going your hoods? Wouldn't my husband? No? No, I'm sorry. What if he's going to Rhinold's. I don't need to know that. Today's Strawberry Letter, Yes it is. Uh, strippers need love and support to we did like to stay. Everybody you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Um, if you need help with the situation, if you have a problem in your relationship, you have some issues going on, whatever the situation is, go to Steve Harvey f M dot com and submit your Strawberry letters. Steve and I could just read your letter on the air and help you out. Try to help you out at least with some advice. All right, So here we go with today's letter. Tell me come on, buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you. Hire. It is straw very letter. I think this is one you're gonna like. You like the subject anyway, the subject alright, py that title, nice and smooth subject. Strippers need love and support too. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a twenty five year old college student. I plan to go to medical school and become a doctor someday. After my last relationship went sour, I didn't think I was going to fall in love ever again. To my surprise, I met someone and fell in love again. He's forty one years old, and I thought we were perfect together. We waited close to a year before we became intimate. However, when I told him of my real occupation, he did not want to be with me. I am an exotic dancer. I told him, I'm just doing this right now to support myself while I'm in school. I will be graduating soon. He knows type of person I am, and he knows how deeply I love him. He said, if he was in a position to take care of me financially, he would and I could stop dancing. Recently, he broke up with me because of jealousy and trust issues. Why is it that men want women to hold them down with love, support and patience when times are tough, but most men aren't willing to do the same thing for us Now he wants us to still be friends. I'm not sure where to put him in my life, or if he should be in my life at all. I believe in myself and I believe in my dream of becoming a doctor. It saddens me that he isn't willing to stick by me. What should I do? Please help? Okay, Well, I I applaud the fact that you believe in yourself, and I applaud the fact that you believe in your dream of becoming a doctor. Stay in school and and please do that and get that done. He sounds serious as far as as that's concerned, and and I'm happy about that. Um, yeah, it saddens you that he won't stick by you, but you know, it's a double standard. I mean, I hate to say, it's just a double standard. We can't do what they do. They don't like us doing what other women do if we, uh are in a relationship with them, I'll put it like that. And usually I would say, if he doesn't support you, or more importantly, if he doesn't trust you, you don't need him in your life. But then again, this is very different. It's hard for um, your man who loves you very much to go along with you dancing exotically or if you're stripping. What if there's a difference in that in front of other men, I mean most men, unless they're really really evolved into something else, I don't know. Uh, it's just hard for him to see you, you know, dancing like this in front of other men. You didn't say if you were you know what you wore or you know whatever, if you're top, you didn't say anything like that. You didn't say that. But I'm just saying, your man isn't gonna be able to handle that, just to strip yeah, yeah, yeah, but she said she was an exotic dancer. She said that in the letter I'm an exotic dancer and the subject yeah, which run yeah exact, Yeah, exactly. But I'm just saying, so, you know, that's the issue he has issues with that, not the fact that you're trying to earn extra money for school or not that he doesn't believe in your dream of becoming a doctor. But he's just not gonna be with you dancing naked or topless or whatever it is, in front of other men. He's old school, Steve. Well, Shirley is exactly right. I mean, she's spot on with her response. It's kind of hard for me to add to this, but let me give you the male perspective here in case that's what you need. If you're a twenty five year old Cottege student and you plan it on going to school to become a doctor someday, then let me ask you this question, what does stripping have to do with being a doctor. See what young people oftentimes failed to realize and remember is that the things you are doing today are going to show up and manifest itself in your future. If you're doing some bad stuff today, it is going to show up and manifest itself somewhere in your future. It always happens. When you develop a criminal record as an eighteen year old, it's over with. You committed it, you did it, you apologize, you got sentence, you served, or you did your community service, whatever. But let guess what, at thirty, you still gonna have to pay for that. That's the problem with all sin. It costs you more than you want to pay and make you stay longer than you want to stay. Little sister, you twenty five years old, you're trying to tell there ain't nothing else you could do to become a doctor. Let's just say, let's just say you complete medical school. Let's just say you get an internship at a big hospital, and you all ready to start your career. Somebody at that strip club snuck a phone in and took your picture. All of a sudden, your pictures show up somewhere and the people at the hospital see it. Your career as a doctor is done. Done, It's over. And don't think it can't happen, because it happens all the time. In technology, these dudes got phones they secretly recording girls while they dancing, so they ain't play it back at the house. Girl, What does being a stripper have to do with you being a doctor? I don't care how good the money is. All money is not good money. You're twenty five. You hurting yourself. Now. Let's get to the forty one year old man that you date patiently waited you for a year before you got physical with him. Everything going fine until he found out what your occupation was. You don't get it. Why won't me and allow us? Weird? They expect us. Wait a minute, hold up, let's just flip the script. Let's just say you met this man and you were in love with him, and then you found out he was a pimp. Let's just say that. Would you stay with him knowing he was a pimp? Oh, Let's just say you fell in love with this man and you found out he was a dope boy? Would you stay with him because he was a dope boy? And he told you the reason he pimping out, a reason he's selling dope is because he gonna be a doctor one day. Just trying to make extra money. Huh, that's all and it's good money. M hmm. I'll be back with a little bit more to try to I don't see it, I don't steal. What are you shaking your head for it? Now? We're talking to him? Okay, subject, all right, the subject that strippers need love and support. Two. We'll be back with part two of Steve's response to today's Strawberry letter. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's get to part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letters. Strippers need loving. This girl the Metris, forty one year old man. She in love with him. He loved hu. They're talking about having a life together. All of a sudden, he finds out what she really does because now she's stripping. Now you'ven't justified because you're an exotic dancer. I told him, I'm just doing this right now to support myself while I'm in school. I'll be graduating soon. He knows the type of person I am and how deeply I love him. No, no, no, he thought he knew the type of person you were. He didn't know that you were willing to take your clothes off in front of strange men and dance around provocatively. Now, I'm sorry, it ain't ever fitting to be that that listened to me. Most men want somebody that belonged to them, and don't wan't they? Well, now, look, let me explain something to you. There are examples of women who used to strip. Yeah, I think it's easier for a man to accept the fact that you used to strip than it is for a man to accept the fact that you currently stripped. Everybody gotta pass in history. Everybody makes mistakes. Lord knows out of maid could lords so? But okay, and forgiveness is in order for most. It's hard to forgive a person who continues to do the thing that they're asking you to forgive them. For example, you keep crashing my car. I'll let you use it, you keep crashing. Every time you come back. You say I'm sorry, I'll give it to you again, and you crash it again. I'm gonna tell you think I'm gonna give you my car. It is easy for a man to forgive the fact that you stripped if you're not stripping anymore. It happens all the time. People have great lives after that. But you are continuing the stripping, wanting him to support you. He will support you. He will not support the stripping. It ain't no. Why is men always asking no, that's not the case. But you cannot ask a person to support something that goes against who or what they believe just because that's what you believe. You cannot do it. I'm sorry, sister, And the reason I have no jokes for you right now is because you're twenty five and I happen to have four daughters, and I am telling you for real, you are making a tremendous mistake. Don't care what's happening today. Two thousand and eighteen, people kill me. That times difference. You old school Steve. Okay, cool, calling what you want to call. But it is what it is and it's not gonna change. But like my father always told my sisters, and I never forgot this. He set my sisters down with my two older brothers one day. I was a little boy. He wasn't even talking to me, and I just heard him tell them, listen to me, Mona and Polka. You can't do what I do is still be a lady. That's just the standards. You can't do what I do and still be a lady. He said. I'm sorry, He's I ain't make this up, just just how he is and that's how he is, young lady, so keep that in mind. If I were you, I would stop stripping before you lose a man and a potential career, before the stripping gets out ahead of you and you have to pay for it later on. Alright, Steve, we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram you short thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my girls, Shirley, and don't forget to join me today at one thirty pm Eastern Time for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. Yeah, be glad. You're better. Be glad to use that word today, you hear me? Oh your uncle, Steve, it have been a different answer today. All right, oh boy, all right, Steve, let's move on. Can girl Carroll Underwood? She's here, Steve Harving, Steve, remindus your family herbage I was talking about. I just want to add your one little bit of thing, Steve. You was absolutely coret because I remember when I was trying to be a taste kitten, shall describe every don't say nothing, what is that? Okay? Taste Entertainment Center on six a third is a nightclub in Chicago, And remember they had the Playboy Bunnet and the Playboy matches well on six and third in Chicago. They had to taste kitten, and everybody wants to be a taste kitten. So I'm just saying, God, let you know what you can't do. I'm Pigeon told them bow legging. So I tried to get in the game right home at the family dead on Stoley Island and the Lord, let you know you ain't got to tell her for this, So go to college and do something with your life. I'm just saying, Steve, you are absolutely right. There are things that you cannot do, and that's not where your skill, said he is. You know, because Tommy I had roller skates, so baby, all the roller skates because I want to get that tip on his fast like roll. Yeah, just getting against Yes, that's right, bounce rock skating road. Baby, I was out there getting that money, snatching them twen these out of people head So, hey, this is what I really want to talk about. I really want us to really get out there, and I want all organizations and I'm I'm challenging all Greek letter organizations and Steve, we can do this. Buy out theaters for Black Panther and then let us bring our children to see I've said it once, I'm gonna say it again. The most money because the mineral that Iron Man Tony Starks suit is made out of is from the country that Chadwick Boseman is the king of. I'm glad to see this is happening. Y'all said the type it in their girl. The Black Panther is worth nine hundred billion dollars are some kind of money because the mineral is from the Motherland. I'm hoping that this will cause diversity. Why you can't have undesirable places be as wonderful as the paradise that is seen on Black Panther. So I'm asking all Greek letter organizations, Sigma Zata Council, everybody, all organizations, nonprofits, buy out theaters, Maddene's let's field theaters up with children to see Black Panther. And then let's make this the number one movie. Let's make in the first weekend five hundred million dollars or more. And like Steve say, check your ticket stuff and make sure it's a Black Panther so that you are getting credit for Black Panther. Let's make this the number one movie. I'm gonna buy out, and I think the one out and and chrish, y'all, what is rave? Is that what it's called used to be? Magic Johnson Theater. I'm about that out and we're gonna put some children in there and get pop on a candy chip in time. And you got the money, all right, Cheryl, thank you so very much. I love you too. Roller skates some baby all coming up in ten minutes. Sister Odell will be in the building. You're listening, Steve. Yes, Yo, she's here, Yes, she is. I'm here early. I ain't even have to come up the hall. I just got on in here. I said, it must want me. So him's good morning everyone, Hill. Hey, sister out there, how you doing. Good? Good junior boy, Good mornings, Odal Lord. I'm gonna pray for your voice. Yes, ma'am, you sound like me when I was fifteen. Hi, Tommy, Yes, ma'am, good morning. He's a good boy. You take care of your mother. That's the one thing I say about you. Yes man, Hello, Shelly, Oh, Hello, sister O'Dell. You sound so pleasant today. Well I'm pleasant today. You know everything's been going on. I listened to the other night to Dinna Trump's State of the American Union, State of the Union, addressed ma'am. Yes, ma'am, I was gonna ask you about that. It's funny you brought that. Listen to him, you know, he he don't read good an't for teller prompt. He just looked like it's a whole straight ain't. I wouldn't even look on at the Democrats. I guess he didn't care nothing about them, he said, you only ain't standing and clapping to him with right like a lot of love. And that little white woman nasty posy or she didn't give a damn nothing, he said, tims well of being up down picking little off sh I said, if this judge Judy looking for don't make an expression to say something about lad for the present day? I did. I was right with me. I said, boy, that Nashy prolong cause you look like your Judy. What I thought it was, Jared Judy one time you did. What did you think about the Congressional Black Caucus with their can take cloth? And that was cute? That was cute. They were pretty stone faced, ain't. I ain't about know what that meant though, but uh, but white folk, they just thank your so set from Berlin. They got them sick factory that they didn't know what that was. I felt so bad. I said, well, they're showing some form of unity they got but White Focus must have had a sale at Junior Junior. When I'm talking, y'all don't need no help. You just got in comedy two years ago, longer than get your little lash back in your place. Work on your unknown black history, fast man, need no help writing, no joke from you. You open for me something. I was just laughing. Okay, I thought you were saying something. You were just laughing. Keep on. I'm sorry I didn't. I'm fine off today because I'm touching. Well, you know, he got on my nerves, you know, for the president. Yeah, he just you know, he has him last American kids, his dreamers. To the hell with that docer the thing that he said that he African American unemployment Radar. Lowess just bed, well, that calls Obama. Y're nothing new with you. You don't care if a black person, y'all to prel let alone a job. That's something that's a lot on your mind to day. Girl, Can I say that that's all? That was Kanye right when he said George Bush care about black people. I didn't say that. Now we know, I think Donna Trump care about black people. What you want me to say that he that's me that this speech of the other night. Yeah, I was proud of the Black Caucus though they was unified and everything. And then some of them just said they wanted to go and so they could see so he could see their face. Not clapping. I mean, wasn't a soul clapping over the hum Sometimes they clapped when they were talking about building the infrastructure for the company. Everybody clap for the country, and the rest of the time, I just looking at Nashal, going, Lord, pits your face. You ain't even trying around there. They did President Obama the Republicans the same way, though. It was excellent. Yeah, he speak hand and he thought that that man could talk this and here can't even read that. I felt so bad for him. I wanted to go, Lord, let me help him out and talk. We talk about Jay's breathing on the show. President Trump's breathing is heavy. It seems like it's he and cheve Burgers every day at the White House. All right, that's what they told me. He has cheat Burgers. A big match Some'm at the White House every day, Yes, ma'am. Oh you know what the super Bowl is this Sunday? Yes, Lord, I might be that. I'll be up there. I'm going to Minnesota forward. Are you really? Yeah? I don't go to the game or nothing. What you're just going? Yeah, I'll be up there. You know. I interrupt parties. Oh super Bowl parties. Yeah, I'm a party bust. I go in and all the tricks and help us that's up there that came in the sale and make money. I save souls that away. You messing with them? Uh huh. I knocked poles down, everything knockge hamming. I can't knock it down. I just put a crimp in it hard, with a crimp in I see the super Bowl after party crashing all. I'm gonna bush up all in party. Put your clouds out. You don't have. Girls are sometimes a slide down the pole with a booty on it. If you put a crimp in the pole, that don't hurt them. Mess around to tell yourself you ever been on the wait wait a minute, hold on, when did you get ready? Nothing want today? Damn going on? I'm good, I'm sorry, I slive, You're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. I ain't get ready, get ready to get ready? It is that time she is here with reality. Well never you. Let's start off. We're talking about what's on the gram Instagram. So did you guys see Kim Kardashian's picture? Yeah, the topless one. Yes, nobody you saw. I missed. You missed the picture, right, nobody missed these pictures I saw. I didn't get it, but I saw it. Utiful girl. I just think I don't know she. I love Kim Kardashian, don't get me wrong, but it's like she's revealing too much now being a wife and a mother of three. Yeah, it's kind of like, so, where is it? I don't care? Look at me. I'm hot like that. Yeah. Yeah, so it's like she's on another level though. She's on another level and she's gorgeous. I love Chloe Kardashian. There is no hate from me on the Kardashian Girls. But when I saw that picture, I was like, Wow, maybe we were revealing too much. Just because you can doesn't mean you have to or you should. Yeah, what do you guys think? Did you guys? Well, they're looking at their phones. I don't know why you let me have my homework out for you do your report while they're looking ahead. Carla really really married? Man, I have to remind you. Hit me up a little spark, Carla, tell me what you think about. I'm not in support of the pictures, uh huh, but I'm looking at the picture. Okay. So you think she's revealing too much right now? Too much? She married, n't married, And a lot of people remarked about her. Braid to you, was she have vacation somewhere? I don't know. I don't know what the deal is. You know, a lot of people were, you know, saying, you know, how that we get into this thing about Yeah, it's a culture thing about you know, I guess white stealing our our hairstyle el and it's okay, but if we wear it, you know, that's the braids doesn't bother me. It was the topless. It was the picture itself about. I just think that she's revealing too much as a mom and a wife, right, yeah, her bare naked breast. Yeah yeah, I ain't got hot involved. Okay, Well, let's just move on because that's just what our beautiful part of a woman. Don't get me wrong. But the human body is I don't even know why we're looking at the braves who care about the But a lot of people did bring that up as well, a lot of comments on that, So that's what's trending right now. People were talking about that all week. Probably she said why she didn't know he's hoping. She did say this was art. Well, not not when you're standing right, but not when I can see your medicine. Candy, you got to crap that out. This is art. Don't don't, don't don't. All right, moving on, here we go, Real housewives up, Atlanta. Let's just move on. Cynthia Bailey her new boyfriend. Okay, well, yeah, she's dating this guy Will, and um, she told Will that she trusted him, but there are some rumors and stuff out about his behavior if he still had a girlfriend. But Will said that he was committed to Cynthia, and Cynthia kind of meant she wants to take it a little slow. She just, you know, excuse me, fresh off of divorce from her husband Peter. On one of the shows. Remember they mentioned Steve show. Yes, and they're saying, this guy Will was on your show before Steve. Your daytime talk show, but they did Candy, Candy. She mentioned it to Cynthia that this guy Will have been on your show talk show as a dating segment as as a bachelor. Yeah, yes, that is him, exactly him. Yeah. So anyway, Eva Marcel, you know her from America's America's Next Top Model. She was a winner. She is on the shows right down. She seems like she's a friend of Ninie's on the show. I guess they're gonna work her in, but they're Candy had a big party to celebrate her cover of Essence magazine. Candy is on the cover of Essenced. Yeah, she's beautiful up Candy. Anyway, at the party, Eva told Nani on the way to the party that Will, Cynthia's boyfriend, this guy that she's dating, was at an event with her and her man, and that he was there with his girlfriend. H So all that came out at the party, Will didn't like all of this mess. Going back and four, things got a little heated between him and Eva. So here's my question to you guys. Have you ever dated, or you know, had a relationship with a significant other that your close friends did not like that person? Because at the end of the day. Yeah, because you see what I'm saying, because Kenya, Nini and Candy are kind of looking at Cynthia like see didn't like him in the first place, you know, issues like that. But so he does he have a girlfriend? He's saying the timetable, you know, on that is a little off. But we'll see. I guess it'll all play at a little bit more. So what do you guys, I'm Steve. You said, yes, you had you dated someone and your friends didn't like a close friend. What happened? Man? Do man? It right? It was? It was a disaster. Man, was it was a disaster because well they were right, your friends. Yeah, I ignored it. They and I ignored it. Wow, what about you, Junior? Absolutely, Tommy told me not to date the girl. Oh, Tommy told you. Tommy gave it out. It was good. I mean, I'm just hitting here with you. Listen to me. If Tommy tell you stay away from a girl, you need to run. Yeah. But here I am. I just thought it. Yeah, you know, I just thoughted, And I'm just didn't making excuses for the girl. You don't understand her. She talked to everybody like that. What what? How? How was she talking about everybody faith, you know, just going around like that's her thing, right, we just started doing comments. Yeah, okay, this happened to me. What about you? Absolutely? Yeah, I mean I dated in him anyway. My mom told me, you know, dating him anyway, and yeah I did too, getting in well, yeah I got a divorce. Yeah I was engaged and all that that was. That's allegedly was allegedly. That's allegedly all right, hippie up, I lift about carl. Let's tell me if you you've been in that situation when close friends didn't like your significant other, let me know the outcome and lips about Carla. We gotta go to reality. Update will be back at twenty after. Yeah, allegedly you're listening to the Steven Show. Alright, guys, here we go. The Day of Love. Valentine's Day is only a few weeks away now, so couples everywhere making plans to celebrate this love holiday. But you don't have to show up major cash for an expensive gift, or you don't have to go out to a crowded restaurant for an overpriced dinner for two on February fourteen. You don't have to do that now to show your love. Sex therapist Isaiah mckimney suggests these tips, uh for streaming things you know, um oh, steaming, I'm sorry. These tips for steaming things up in the bedroom on Valentine's Day. Okay, you guys, listen, all right, I say, put some effort into planning. Okay, think about what you might want to try in the bedroom or what you want to wear, you know, don't just go all willy nilly with it. Plan something and can you do whatever you want to do in the bed room? Do you get a chance to do whatever you want to do? Uh? Well, I can't get to dig it in there, I mean, sound scared. I know when I can pull it back now now she listening to this. No, no, I can't just get it in. Just get that too crazy? I mean, I can't have my wife hanging from no damn sailing. What do y'all asking? Here's your uncle. I don't know where you got the seiling fan from. Ain't nobody said nothing but no damn sailing. I mean, I can't have the buy place on half her head and then the rest of her hanging out the back. She's looking back at me time and it's getting ht in here. I can't something's something I can't do. You know, we just we just working out that new bed with both sides go up and down. We don't figuring out because I still had the one with a whole match. Yeah, so she didn't like that. That back. I don't like it either. I hope that answers your question, Uncle Steve um So. She also suggests the sex therapists build up the excitement on Valentine's Day. Research has shown that women who engage in sexting with their partner during the day, I'm more likely to um reach your orgasm during sex in the evening. What's been going on in the morning and we can't get to it. It's called work. I'm talking before we kids ready packing lunches. It's called you know, showering, brushing teeth. Let's take these showers at night. They already know how to brush their teeth in the morning. Like it better at night. What is the wrong with the night, because the morning makes the rest of my day go belt. Everybody don't want you in your breath in the morning, not everybody. You ever saying something to your girl early in the morning, head away, that's what you know? Okay, my bad? All right? It Also here's another It says, take your time. Okay, when it's finally time, you know, to get it in. Don't rush things, take your time. The sex therapist advice is spending at least guys, listen to this guy's spending at least. What do you say, Tommy? I know who when my number? What for? Play? How much time? Guys? Oh that that that about two minutes that we're gonna do that minutes jr thirty how long I think? I think it's a forty five minute or deal to an hour. I didn't reach. Here's the closest I'm talking about all the way down to it. I'm just turning to you know, I incubate mine. You know, I get mine. I get I had a brawl on. I had a brawler on. Y'all. Y'all kids, try two minutes and all this hits time. See that's if wet thirty he got twenty five minutes in here, Well, I incorbates well, she sang twenty minutes. And you know what, we need to stop it right here because we need to come back more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, yeah, we're right in the middle of the Valentine's Day tips to make your Valentine's Love night go, well, you spend a lot of money. Player is not every time timing. I'm just saying, if I do folk play four hours, I hadn't already reached it ain't I can't do nothing for you. But I'm talking about tim four players more than just I'm talking about sitting in front of the five she got that outfit on that you bage for you, sitting over there, got some silk pajamas on, no shirt, and then you know, y'all over that, you know, dropping stuff in each other's mouth, grapes and shocolate and pull and stuff on it and taking it off without All. Right now, Tommy, I'm talking about while in five places going, then you work your way down out the chairs. Next thing you know, y'all in the flow, the music is going. I got some candles lit up in here, and I'm just putting in this work. Man, that's just real work, because I know it's gonna pay off in the end. Y'all still got nice pajamas and launch Roy, what are you talking about jacket got a whole warm up when she comes to Bady, it's like a warm up suit. Damn. Then well, see they have all of them had that time, all of that hunting, and she's listening hunting out. It's a hunting out fit, camouflage paying. We get cold ragged ass rag on your head that you've been holding up on that got sulfur eight in glovers made. We washed it. You're not you're not on the stage. You're doing your stand up right now. What we can't have the touch us that I touched your char on the stage out and we washed the scar focus, the sex therapist says, twenty minutes. The youngest one on the show was the closest. Yeah, but mine don't go like that. I ain't twenty minutes either. How did you used to go to? You read it? Okay, I'll be where you are. You read it ready? Okay? Cool? When that go off? All right, I'll be here my whole ordeal seventeen minutes the thing every team back to the remote or eighteen done? Eating the sandwich. You're watching Low and Order. What's that you're pulling on? That chocolate and something your different melted foods, right, you know, and don't just think chocolate. You know, you gotta expand you gotta get off into the cam mails and butterscotches and stuff like. Oh, I ain't even saying nothing. Did you kiss that? He got chills and still here room? Yeah? You didn't care that, y'all. Slide on down and chill. He got a five place all that? Wait? Wait, you ain't got a chair on the five I ain't. No hell is you calling me the shadow? Oh? I got the five place? I just weren't gonna tell you about it. Oh my goodness, the fire place. I wasn't gonna tell you. Here's another tip from the sex therapist. She says, try something new for couples who really really want to spice things up. Try something like a blindfold or something. No, I need to see what going on. Oh I just see it coming. I got a handcuff one time. If you want to hear about it, we can come back. Where's the kid Steve's handcuffs stories? When we come back, you're listening to the Steven Show. There we go, all right, Steve, last break of the day. Just one more thing you were going to tell us about your handcuffs? Story. We were talking about twitters. I got out of college. I met this girl at this job. I had don't forget you gotta do closing remarks. It might not make it. You're going this is closing, come on at all. It took me a while to convince it to go out with me. Finally when I went out here did about six some times. I'm sitting down and pulling it on thingcause I can. Man, I got this girl, this girl going, oh my god, this guess the one. I didn't really know who I was pulling it on too. I just kept pulling it and pulling it on. You know, when I'm with you, my heart just my heart matters, and my heart ain't mattered to me, and so long you actually make my heart matter. I'm girl, you don't even understand. I had it going on this girl. Finally, Man, one evening, she said, you have got to come home, and I don't want you to leave. I said, I finally got here. Thank your Lord, go by there. We get through having dinner and shot up and everything. Thing getting a little crazy up in here. So she said, I got some out. It's been just a fantasy of mind to do with you. I got these handcuffs. The handcuffs had fur on, so I didn't think nothing of it. So she said, I want to just handcuff. Y'all said, now, you know, just just just for a little bit, because I don't like being handcuffed. She said, I would never hurt you. This half her handcuffed me, but inside the damn fur was metal. I mean, I mean, so now I'm handcuffs. As soon as she handcuffed, she changed. What do you mean she changed? So I said, hey, baby, let me do this right here. Put the key in my other hand. She took the key and throw it behind the dresser. We got damn problems. I got boxer draws on with the lips on them. You know, I had the boxer drawers. I thought they were sexy. I found him had the lips prints on them, and it kisses all over the drawing. Yeah, I'm sitting up in here, man, sure what I think? That ain't what it wants. Just had some lips and lips by calling, come on with the story here, man, And I just half her through this key behind the dresser, and she turned around all a sudden. She looked evil. I said, right, and she said, I'm Finnish show you something. And she took her teeth and started tearing the draws off, and I'm scared. There's too much teeth just to why you whiting help? This helfer was gnawing on me. I'm talking about she eating me. Damn near alive. I mean, she just taking like questions. I'm just gonna do little nibbles, but I don't like that. I don't like bite flinching, and this, damn I'm she got this little wrought iron, little bed kind of rough iron, and I'm on the bars and I'm snatching every time she bite. I'm snatching because I'm I'm you know, I'm convulsive. It's uncomfortable. So every muscle in my body then locked up. Now I'm skinny as hell back then. I ain't got no fat. So you're biting muscle, skinner asks muscle. I just didn't here flinching, and that's all I'm doing. And she said, why don't you act like a man? Got to do it right there to me, So I'm trying to I'm trying to get my hands out of the coast. My arms is so cut up from trying to snatch. Finally, man, I just couldn't take it no more, and I just pull as hard as I could, and I bent the ball so far back then it popped out the little hole in the top. I had one hand free, but I got a piece of the bed in my hand. What I'm trying to beat this half off me because this half ain't trying to stop. Let me do what I've been wanting to do. That's a fantasy of mind screens on thick. I said, okay, cool. Finally man got enough strength. She rolled off. I got my other hand over there by the ball and just pull hard as I could and broke the bed post on that side and got my hand up off that ball. You have seen my skinny neked ass trying to be in over the hand and dress and get that damn key over the dressing reaching for the key. She say, I want to do something else to you. I turned around and said, hold up. When I've been over like that, you don't you do nothing. Now. I'm just trying to get this damn key. I can't put my draws. Ain't them off you being over you stoop. I'm trying to get this key time. Man. I finally got that key. Man got them cuffs off. I didn't didn't take me no time to dress because I ain't got no draws, no more. He didn't beat them off. They we had worked the next day. I couldn't even look at her age. Yeah, she was on my job. Closing remarks. That was my god. That there was love remarks. There was closing love remarks. Wow you had some experiences. Yeah, I've had a full life. Yeah, this sixty one being packed? Oh man, my six d one been packed? How many relationships? How many? How many full blown? Seven eight? I'm good. I'm good. I'm good. That's that's why I look. Man. When people tell the man, we're gonna go strip club, we're gonna do this. No, No, I'm good, man, aren't we Glad we didn't have social media? We were coming out. I wouldn't be on the radio, I wouldn't be on here. Well, I wouldn't have a career. Thank you Jesus, thank you everybody. We'll let you get away with it. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.