Good morning the start of today was about The Raptors. Father's Day is approaching The CEO talks about his experiences. Auntie DuVernay or nah. The iconic film director sets some boundaries. The Toronto Raptors stole one in Oakland and are up 2-1 in the NBA Finals. The Central Park 5 is a Netflix series that reexamines the crime that took place that ill fated day in Central Park. Sheryl Underwood from The Talk examines this whole Trump thing and where to find solutions. Our very own Shirley Strawberry has an upcoming event that shows support to domestic abuse victims. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us to stop waiting to make a move and more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the mother like the moking buck bus things. And it's cost me true good at Steve has listening to move together for Steve. Please by I don't join joined me to be doing me. Have you gotta use turn be hurting the You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out, turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it. Huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey. I got a radio show him just trying to give God some back, just some back of what even gave me, just a portion, you know. Just I'm just trying, man to to show some type of gratitude for all his blessings. I'm just trying to man, just just get it right sometimes, you know what I mean. I mean, man, you just can't do what you want to do and just live wrong all the time. Man, you got it at one point in time, Steve, come home. Man, come on, man, you could do better. I know you can, you know saying and you know what I had to do I had to stop saying I'm gonna try to do better, and I just had to say, hey, man, I'm going to do better. You know, trying it's just to put forth in that and then if it don't work, well, okay. But if you make up in your mind that I'm going to do something, then trying isn't enough. It's getting it done is the only thing that matters. See, it's the difference between doing and trying. We're gonna try to win the game, or we're gonna go out here to win the game. Now, trying to win the game means that you could lose. But when you got in your mind made up, most athletes will tell you that they go out there with the full intent and purpose of winning and winning only see they don't put the second place finish on the cover Sports Illustrated. Second place don't get you there. You got to win. And now take it out of the scope of athletics, but keep it in that type of type of analogy in life. Man, you just want to you want to win in life, don't you. I mean, at the end of the day, don't you want to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated the life don't you want to be recognized for your hard work. Don't you want, you know, to be recognized within the bonus structure down at your job. Don't you want to have your plaque up on the wall down at your job. I mean most people do. Some people could care less. Some people don't care about looking good or being their best. And that's cool, But I ain't talking to them though. I'm talking to you. I'm talking to those of you who want to be the best you can be. You know, people kill me when they're getting mad at at people here and he Brown knows and he hall up on an employee at them all. Man, the dude doing his job to the best of his ability, and he getting recognized for it? What they got to do? It all that you're talking about because you ain't up there. It's amazing, man, how people describe other people's success. He's so lucky, lucky? Hey man, Don't they kind of get you a little bit when people call you lucky when let me tell you what luck really is, y'all. Luck is when hard work bumps up into opportunity. Some people call that luck. But hold on, let's think about this. If you wasn't working hard an opportunity presented itself. What would you call that? But see, when you've been working hard, an opportunity presents itself and it bumps up into each other. Now people want to call that luck. But hold up here, go to part though to day, ain't paying no attention to Yeah, that opportunity came by. But if you had not been working hard and the hard work had not ran up in the opportunity, what would you have? No, sir, it's not luck, it's work. It is work, because as a scripture that says, faith without works is dead. But my mama was a Sunday school teacher. She taught me enough. Though now I know different between right and wrong, just like you do. You ain't gotta you know. Itcused me when people write a strawberry letter? Am I wrong for this? You know? Good? Well, look at let's read your letter? Are you wrong for this? You know you're wrong? What you don't need that's to be telling, you know? But I'm gonna do this anyway. Well, e see, go ahead, though, do what you want to do. But you know what, y'all, here's the best advice I can give you. This is what I really came to talk about. This morning. But I got sidetrack because I listened get out of your own way. So many of us are blocking our home blessings. We just in our own way. We are in our own way. And one of the most dangerous ways you can get in your way is to do it your way, to get it figured your way, and to lock in on your way and just the way it's got to go. Do you know how many people are blocking a blessing? Do you know how long I blocked mine with that mindset? Right there? Look, because it's the way you do it, Do you think that makes it the right way? You think jazz because you didn't thought on it long and hard, and that's what you really want. Do you really think that your way is the right way or could that be a better way? See? Until I started listening to God and started paying attention to his way, man, I was spending my wheels. Man, I was out here so determined this how I was going to do it. But you know, I had to learn how to get out of my own way because just because I could do it my way didn't mean it was the right way. I had to get out of my own way. Just get out your way, man, Now, what what does that mean? That means see set your goals, That means have your dreams. That I'm saying, set your goals, man, I ain't saying don't set goals. Listen to me. Set your goals. What is it you want to happen? What is it you'd like to have? What is it you like to be? What are you aspire to? Set your goals and set your dreams. Now, take your goals and your dreams to God and ask God to show you how. Man, you can save yourself a lot of pain. Listen to somebody who did it his way for so long. And when I finally got out of my way, out of my own way. When you've heard old people say let go and let God, you've heard them say that I didn't. I didn't get it, but I got it. Now let go and let God. And it's amazing little saying. Though now you know you may not. I get it now. It took me a bunch of years to get it too. But when I took my goals and my dreams and my vision to God and I said, God, this is what I hope for, this is what I aspired to, this is what I want to be. This is why I would love to get to Then I said, help me, show me how point me in the right direction. Let me follow your footsteps, guide me and give me a spirit of discernment. Show me who wrong? Because I meet people every day. Ain't up to no good with me every single day? Oh man, Man, I can't believe I run up into you. Man, the Lord told me something's gonna happen to me today. Well, see, I talked to him every day. He did not mention you to me. He ain't said nothing to me. He didn't tell me what was gonna happen. In mind. Now, I don't mean it can't happen because I'm open to it. So really, man, I'm and and please no, I'm listening as well as I've ever listened before. But but get yourself together, though, see no, your goals and your dreams, and then let God show you how to do it. He'll do it. You know. It's so important everybody, that you get focused, that you aim for something, that you dream of something, that you aspire to something. But it's the most the best thing you can do. After you do all that, Man, get God involved in it. Man, talk to him. I mean, why would you not what you got to lose. You ain't got to go down there and make no big scene and run laps around the church and run up there and throw yourself on the altar and scream and flip over and throw money in the air. You ain't got to do that. This you and God, man, This you and God. You know you got to serve and praise him the way you do it. You gotta let nobody else tell you highs done. It's a personal relationship. People kill me if you don't do it this way. If you don't come here to this church and you don't run around in this circle and you don't get flipped in the air, you don't, Hey, man, you better go have a relationship with God. See what that's about. You understand? Nobody throw you off with all that? All right, all right, y'all talk to him. He loved to hear from you. Today. You're listening morning show, ladies and gentlemen. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is in full effect right now. My name is Steve Harvey. The following people are my compiled todays Shirley Strawberry. Good morning, Steve Colin for real, Good morning Steve. The Little junior killed spates morning up. Yes, I am a smaller statue. Oh it's okay, don't worry. I'm about to announce nephew Tommy all right, Toronto. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Well to one boy, Well, they're at least they're not being swept by Golden State right now. They're controlling things like the dog yeah one twenty three one on nine baby yeah yeah yeah, well better not nobody come back. I don't you know, I'm so not interested in the final. It's not really interesting. It's not it's not it's interesting to me. I'm digging it because because I think Golden Steak gonna lose. That's what it is. That's it's interesting to me. Dey'repend to go down. I don't care who ain't playing. I don't care who playing. I just want to see the w and I wanted to belong to to run too. Yeah. I've never heard you say that, man, Yeah yeah, And I'm a light skid, you know, you know, supporter, you know. And then Drake over there, you know, you think gold Steak gonna play this whole series in Duran ain't coming back. I don't know, but he better hear it better bed. Okay, well come on end, they're gonna get somebody in this game. Yeah, okay, we'll come on because look at here, I'm telling you right now, Toronto got the game face out. They're not playing. Yeah, yeah, you'd like to go who's winning? Nada, no, no, no, Golden State beat the heck Rockets because when the Rockets was winning, you was with the Rocket. When I knew he wasn't gonna be from I am too, and I had enough sense to dope, Oh here we go. Now that's why you're not pulling for Golden State. Come home exactly like I'm just really body to beat the team that beat my team. Kay sense, Oh no, no, no, augument makes no, I don't come home. You think you think they're gonna see NBA Final and Durant ain't coming back you when we're gonna sleep me back from here, man Clay. I talked to Durant barber Sis Katie. That was nephew Twnna quick talking about that brother Ham. They show. Oh no he don't. We're gonna keep talking about you. He could see. Why are you gonna ativate demand because the aggivated I don't know Agiva, I see it. Y'all don't see agivate he y'all see him? Oh, y'all see his threes and jumpers and dunks. Y'all don't see aggivate hair. No, I see forty three and thirty five and thirty nine and twenty nine. All right, well listen, you'll see you friend when we come back. Father's Day is right around the corner, guys. And so Steve is going to talk about Father's Day gifts, dudes, and don't. We'll get to that at thirty two after the hour, right after this you're listening show. All right, Father's Day is sneaking up on us again, and June sixteenth will be here before we know it's Steve. So, how would you guys like to spend your Father's Day? Um? And Steve? What are your father What are your Father's Days gifts? Duth and don't. All right, my Father's Day will be at the mentoring camp with the boys who don't have father. Okay, I like that. And my kids sacrifice that day because they understand, because they get me all year long, so they ain't got no problem with it for Father's Day, just like Father's Day. Now, what's your next question? Well, uh, oh, go ahead. Tell me you have to come from my father to another father. How do you handle your kids taking you out to dinner? But then you got to pay the dog gonna be how do you handle that? Right there? I don't really Oh oh well your kids are young, yeah, and they don't have jobs. They got to get the money from you, so they're not really taking you out to dinner. We're just going to eat that. Yeah, you're just going to eat and it's your day. It'd be bling room in the restaurant. Don't worry, Yeah, don't worry. After you fake your death, Yeah, after you fake your death, tell me y'all playing with us? Well, I mean I wanted to be something for you. You get it. You can go to any restaurant, get a tape. It's not respected because you guys don't carry the children on that day. We're bond every day coming. I have to say you're a great father. I'm always really great father, little dude. I'm just asking chi boy. I thought that some great bonding. He get his seat, You get your when you come to the house. I'm gonna just baptized, all right. So Steve, what about this? I mean, you know we're talking about your saying Father's Day doesn't get the respect to say that Mother's Day gets it doesn't. But what about the gifts? What? What are some dudes and don'ts as far as gifts are concerned, do get him something he won't like? What? Okay? Like like you you have? Okay, then what do you want? Okay? So they can't get what I want? And what is that? What is that? I like a new air plane? Okay? Okay, all right, well you were right, you were right. So now that they're not gonna get me what I want, then you know what don't? But do you know it's you know people look at you. I don't have everything. Yeah, I don't don't have another time? Time? What's wrong with times? I have plenty times? Okay? What about this? Socks and underwear? Don't do that? Why? What's wrong with that? Because you won't even know if I got along? But if you need it? Yeah, why I got him? And still you don't wear drop? Huh? New row? You're telling me? He changes every day and then and then they wash it. I don't think they watch draws over excuse me, junior. Every day, every day you have new bed draws every day. That boy got some money. This boy got some money. Okay, okay, watch it. Hey, I don't have to have money to change your draw new When you watched the load of clothes, what what about? Have you watched a load of clothes? When do you put the white till over here? The dog colors over here? We're going on third three years in this house. Yeah, I saw the line you room three weeks ago, first time for the first door, and was stud He were like, oh, this is nice. What is this? Man? I've been going past that dough. I'd have seen it, but I ain't know you he man, Seriously, I haven't put a load of clothes in the washing machine. My son washed something for me last year at the camp. Yeah, you know how to wash you just had. I did. But these new washing machines that can't throw you, I don't know. I don't really look at it. I can't really I could because I could read, so I could figure it out, but I probably not gonna What else? What else? Okay? What else do you want? Okay? You said, don't get a tie, don't get sockswhere I like Cuban cigars if you can illegally get them in for me out of appreciate it the law. Okay, all right, that's not gonna happen. Yeah. What about um like couplenks and things like that? No, not in that go Well, you know what, my daughter Lloyd bought me a cold blooded pair of cuff links for I think my birthday. Okay, all right, see that was nice. Father's Day is coming. I probably won't even see I'll see two of my sons on Father's Day. But that's I got it. What about like um, because women like this, like a spa day, like a day at the spot, I won't go a little damn what girl? What you better send me? I pay for your hotel room and fla. But not if paying for it, he owed, he in comfort. We were going to Vegas. What are you putting them up where? Putting them in where everybody putting people off the strip? What you talk about off the strip. We had a gift at the Rio. They got they just remodeled. They got. Now when you walk in your room on you gonna see your window. Well now we figured it. Trip to Vegas. Okay, we can do that. Look a good gift for him Vegas. Some shades, some sunglass, Yeah, he likes, I don't want because I like to try. You gotta trium on, you gotta trym on. Well, look like I ain't gonna get nothing again. This ship all right? Coming up? Your nephew would run that prank back, Steve right after this. You're listening, Steve Hardy running show coming up at the top of the hour and entertainment news director and producer Ava du Verney is not your auntie. Okay, we'll tell you all about it. But yeah, she doesn't want to be your auntie. But right now, the nephew's in the building would run that prank back. What you got now? Your son and my daughter? Your son and my daughter? What about it? Do you hit? Ready? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Darren's Darren's father. Is this Darren's father? Yes, it's Darren singing. Listen, I'm calling you Leshawanda is my daughter? She go to college up there with your son. Uh And I'm getting the word I got a few minutes ago. Was that to do of them then run off and then got married together? I don't know what what what what make them run off and get married? Like wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, where'd you hit it from? I just got a phone call from one of the kids at the school saying that they didn't that this. The girl grew up with it, went to grew up with an Austle grade school. She called it, said the Shonda and dared then the red off and got married together. And they done say that done yesterday. But wait, wait, my father ain't my father, ain't I talked to him about three days ago. He ain't nothing like that. I know'ting yesterday. I've been calling Shonda and call it. Ain't nobody picking up. And I'm calling this the boys. They give me the boy phone number. I call him and ain't nobody picking up in the airs or nothing. It just ain't. It ain't like my baby girl to do like nothing like this here. But it's not like my father do nothing like that without talking to me first. So let me call down there and talked to Darren and uh, I can't give me your number. I'll call you back. I'm going down there to that school myself. I'm on fine from now. I gonna call you to let you know his now if I'm found out my baby girl and then ran off and got married because she didn't got pregnant. I promise you I'm gonna do something that boy years. If you got my baby pregnant, you wait a minute, now, wait a minute. Now, he doesn't do nothing to my son. Now I understand about your daughter. That's my son. Now you're going down and put your hands on my son. If if you got my boot, if you got that's my only baby, I got, well, I understand that's your only baby, because that's that's my only son. If you're talking about gonna put your hands on you're gonna have a problem. If you got my baby pregnant, your son Derek going, I'm gonna beat it. I mean, what's your name again? What's your name? Doing my name? It? Bot is my baby? What's what's your name? What's your name? Do it? Day? And I know how to tell you. Damn there. Look here, mister Dillard. Uh, you're not gonna put your hands on my son. Let me bring it him. And there's the only reason I didn't see her doing something like that because I'm taller. I'm taller years and years and years. You know, don't make no baby. You know what I mean, no baby not being married, you don't do it. He went, don't be good man. That means you're trying to make it right. No wish you did, mister Dillard. Mister Dillard, listen to me. Now. I understand that's your daughter, she's playing or whatever. But let me talk to my son before you go down there trying to do something crazy. Okay, let me tell you something. Your son didn't curse my baby girl and getting married and he didn't gotta bring it. I know what's going on. I know what it is. My son ain't done nothing to your daughter. Let me call down there and talk to him before you talk about going down and putting your hands on somebody. I told my baby Tom the little thugs a lot. He ain't none but the thug who who whoo whoa whoa. But don't think are choosing my son of being no damn third. Now, well, what kind of man grover to get mad at the age of twenty ain't talking to the parts and nobody wouldn't make them do something like that. Well, you talking about my tody. My son ain't done nothing because as you're raising him, who did you raising? You'm doning? You're in raising right? Wait a minute, now are you talking to I'm talking to you? Got my baby bringing I'm gonna beat your boy. If you done that, you're gonna get your too. My ho ho, who you think you're talking to you? I'm talking to you. I'm talking to your whole MANU has on nobody. You put your hays on my so you know clack, you understand me. That's my son, but about your daughter. But that's momaning of friend my baby. Hey man, hey, I Hey, that's my show. You're talking about putting your hands on You don't have a problem with me if my baby bringing out promises you don't never knowing that because I'm gonna do something that boy. You man, that's the last time on here. You're gonna get something my shore. Now, now you gonna sit down gat of your shot and they and I relaxed for a minute. Let me call my friend like I get back to you because that I don't come out. So I need to tell you what we're saying. Man, what you got. I'm gonna sum me the farther out at school to get the woman I want you to know one day for get off this phone. What is it? Man? Yeah, I'm listening. Is nephew caught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Mister Darren, you just got bring by your son Darren Junior. Oh, my uncle, that boy boy got medicine. And then no, I gotta high blood pressure. What I call is mama my time me. I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Moran still goes on Today. You know that don't go to Vegas. That's different. I keep talking about Vegas. You want to go? That's what that is? He lope, Yeah, hence that time, y'all. I am. I'm getting now. I'm getting ready to shoot my Ready to Love season two. I'm at I'm at a hundred and I'm still at this. I'm still stuck on one ninety two. But I'm trying to get to that one eighty five because I feel like I'm gonna look a lot better. That's where I would last year. I was at one eighty five. You're gonna look a lot different. I'm gonna look sexier. I'm saying you're gonna look bad, You're gonna look different. You're gonna look what did you eat your today? Better? What did you eat today? Tommy? Oh? I don't eat anything. It's more than sure. But yesterday I ain't gonna lie to you. I had faulk chicken wings. I did, and that that set me back. That set me back, David food ran five mile did yesterday, didn't do nothing. It was not that set you back? What was it? Something else? You don't get it? Ain't ever just well were they frieda? What weight you at right now? One ninety two? That's exactly where your ass gonna be when this season start coming up at the top of the hour entertainment news right after this you're listening to show. All right, guys, in today's trending entertainment news, referring to someone as auntie with no relation is usually a term of endearment, right well, Filmmaker Ava DuVernay does not see it that way. When she sat down with Van Lathan from TMZ everybody knows Van from TMZ Well anyway, he has a podcast, Ava revealed that she finds it slightly shady. She says, first of all, I have a real issue recently. I've been getting called on Twitter Auntie Ava. Why why? She said? Am I that old? Because I don't feel that old? Van tried to explain that fans use the term out of respect for what Ava brings to the culture. While she can appreciate the concept, she wasn't having it naturally. Social media weighed in and made Auntie a trending hashtag. Ava joined in to let everyone know how she prefers to be addressed. For the record, she says, she happily responds to miss DuVernay, Queen Ava, missape Okay, that's Auntie forget about no, no, no, no. So see if you deal with this all the time, Marjorie gets called a Marjorie. We're cool with it. That's you cool with it. Let me step in right here. Uh okay, uncle comes from a niece or a nephew blood. Okay, that's when you say uncle or auntie. If it's not your uncle or your auntie, then guess what. Guess what it's not yours? You your own. I am about to say how you feel like that? Because I call him Time. Ain't damn uncle, Steve, No, he says time. Why where is your Uncle's the right? Your uncle? Well right now, he over there, sit next you. No, No, where is your uncle? How many uncles you got? How man uncles you got? This one right here? No, how many. Oh, my real uncles, like my family, like your father by seven? Okay, are you proud of any of them? Not reading? This is the problem. Proud of this one I got sitting over here. This is the problem. What's the problem? Everybody? Dam uncle? Get your own uncle. Don't hold on, Timmy, wait a minute, won't do Why is you so possessive? Because this is my uncle. I'm the one that was born with a rich ass uncle. And if you wasn't, that's just that's just you just didn't get one. Okay, but watch this though. Okay, no, no, no, that's a person say that every time. But Snoop Dogg calls you uncle? Problem with him? Everybody say that? What now? When when I see Snoop? I will address this issue with what is that? Because I'm gonna get man. I swear to God, We're gonna be sitting right there. When I see Snoop, I would let him know this is my uncle and not you. Please Steve, mister Harvey, that's it. It ain't hey, uncle, It ain't that, ok everybody. I'm telling everybody cross the country, right, I think, get your own damn Steve belongs to the world. Tommy he's no, no, no, I tell you what, Tommy, you can't whoop the world as thats what you can't do. Try And because the word I'm calling about this way, Julian, I'm gonna say that I'm not being to try and whoop the world. Ask okay, just this whoa? All right? Look, Uh, we don't know what you just said, Tommy, But anyway, I've been to try and we still don't know. And it is time to go to headlines with miss Anne Steve. Come on, gentlemen, miss when we are no, no, and trip everybody. Okay, this is a trip with the news. Thank you. President Trump arrived in Ireland yesterday, expressing his respect for the Emerald Isles. This trip is really about great relationships that we have with the UK, and I really wanted to do this stop in Ireland. It was very important in me because of the relationship I have with the people and with your Prime Minister. And it has like a golf resort there too. Today he's in France because today is June sixth, that's right, internationally known as D Day, or the day that the US, the British, and the Canadian troops landed on the French coast at Normandy in order to dislodge the Nazis from France, and as Queen Elizabeth noted yesterday, the strategy won the day, but was nevertheless very costly in terms of casualties. Seventy years ago, hundreds of thousands of young soldiers, sailors, and ammon left these shores in the cause of freedom. Many of them would never return, and the heroism, courage, and sacrifice of those who lost their lives will never be forgotten. Many dignitaries will be in France and Normandy today, the marked at seventy fifth anniversary. By some estimates, over four thousand Allied troops were killed that day, another five thousand or so left wounded. In Florida, judge says that a sheriff's deputy now under arrest for not doing anything as a gunman was shooting and killing students and faculty inside of a Parkland High school last year. That guy's going to remain in jail until he surrenders his passport. After the shooting, Scott Peterson retired and moved from Florida to North Carolina. Peterson faces eleven charges. If convicted on all of them, he could face as much as one hundred years behind bars. The US Supreme Court says it will not consider the federal sentence given to a white now former South Carolina cop who killed an unarmed black man in twenty fifteen by shooting him several times in the back. Michael Slager's lawyers appealed to the nation's highest court over his twenty year prison sentence. Slager's a state trough of murdering mister Walter Scott ended in a hung jury, and Slager pled guilty to violating Scott's civil rights because he was hoping to get a lesser sentence. However, a federal judge sentence Slager based on the underlying charge of second degree murder. Saga claims that's unfair. Well, the first jury couldn't decide. Well, the High Court says, no, we're not going to weigh in on that. That means the thirty seven year old slayer will remain in prison until at least the year twenty thirty four. The homeless problem in Los Angeles growing. The results of the annual Homeless Council that some fifty nine thousand people are living on the streets of the city of Los Angeles. A twelve percent jump from over last year and today is whatever days. So sometimes sometimes you don't back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, all right, Junior Golden State Warriors and taking their beef with Drake to new levels? What is going on where? You know Draking? Uh push your t had a beef last year. You know, both we going back and forth over dis tracks and everything. And so the Golden State Warriors played Pushing T dis track you know, the story of Edition in a pregame playlist while warming up on the court last night in orc Arena, which did not help them because Toronto took the game one twenty three to one on nine. Now it's two to one Toronto. Do anybody think it's over? No, no, you can't. Never says over with them, now that's right. And he dropped forty seven last night. Man, Yeah he told everybody and Clay you know Leonard Lowary, you know Leonard had thirty Lowry had twenty three. Now this is giving them a lot of confidence. You need to know that it does. Yeah, it does, but let's not be crazy. I promise you, Durant and Clay is gonna be in this game. Game folk on fray. I don't know, Junior. It just seemed like Durant would have been back by now it's his calf, right, it's his calf. Yeah, it just seemed like he'd have been backed by nine dogs on the real injury. Yeah, it just seemed like he'd have been back. I mean, I know, you know, the longer you you sit out, you know, you know you can heal a little bit more. But I don't know what time. It wasn't crucial at that time. This crucial. They can't go down three one. Did Cousins A Cousins played that? He played Yeah, yeah, yeah, but he hurt again, Yes about his He need to trade his calf. That's where you beat these boys. They're gonna have to stay. Somebody gotta hurt, gotta be hurt. Golden State, man, if they just get any one of them back, they're gonna be They're gonna be formidable. You ain't gonna go on it. You're not going there without a fight for game folk. They're not just gonna hand you game folk. So who you going for? Timing, Let me hear you. I'm going for Toronto. They beat the Gold State beat the mess out of my Rockets. I'm going for Toronto, me too. You you kid for your rockets was not going to change, but Golden State was gonna do. That's all right, I'm pulling for Toronto. Let's go. I'm with Drake. Okay, okay, well you ain't. You ain't heard Drake saying that. I mean, I can't afford that the seat that Drake city in because that that's the Yeah, that's something afford. Nah, you can't. I know you. I don't don't believe that. How much you think them seats call? They showed it the other day. They got some seats that was twenty twenty thirty thousand dollars down this You got that in your back pocket? You can afford? Man? Do you know what that calls? At my house? My wife spending that kind of twenty thirty thousand? Boy, you keep that in your shell? No? Damn well shut up? What shale high? All right? Listen? Coming up next? Coming up next at thirty four after the hour, more backlash, more fallout for a Central Park five former prosecutor Linda Fairstein. She resigned from the board of her alma mater right after this. You're listening to the Steven show, all right, everyone's talking about the Netflix series When They See Us, which tells the story of Kevin Richardson, Raymond Santana, Antron McCray, Yusef Salam and Corey Wise. Also known as the Central Park Five, The series by filmmaker Aver DuVernay re examines the accusations, the false confessions, and the aftermath of the case against the boys, who were teenagers back then when they were accused of raping a jogger in Central Park. Former prosecutor Linda Fairstein is now facing a new round of backlash and criticism thanks to the Netflix series. Linda Fairstein, who is played by Felicity Huffman, is portrayed in the show as immediately convinced of the boys guilt, despite no physical evidence linking them to the scene and descriptions in their confessions that didn't match the crime scene. After Mattea's Riez, a serial rapist, confessed to the attack in two thousand and two and DNA confirmed his account, the men were then exonerated. As we mentioned, the backlash continues. Linda Fairstein has just resigned as a member of the board of trustees at Vassar College, and there is also an online push to boycott her bestseller crime novels and her books. So there you go. They're they're just I mean, you know, it's not a lot they can do because they those boys, their men. Now they can't get that time served back. But um, you know, yeah, yeah, I gotta watch it. Yeah, it's called when they see us. Yeah. Yeah, I didn't know what it was. I saw the billboards and then I saw and they pretty much excuse me, they pretty much stuck to the facts. Oh yeah, but it's their life after they get out that really disturbed. Yeah. Yeah, how they had to be treated. Yeah, and they see the city, right, and they got like forty one million dollars, Yeah, forty one million million. Because the system looked at him as if they were still guilty, and they would not admit to them being guilty. Yeah, you know, I go to the meeting like high, I'm a drug addict, I'm something. No, they wouldn't need to I'm a rapist. They would not admit to that. They would they would not. They didn't do it. They called earth those confessions. Out of them, those they said, only two out of the five boys even knew each other. It was crazy. Yeah, these kids didn't even know each other. They don't tape lying about the other boys. But he couldn't even remember their name, right right, Yeah, and Corey Wise we met him surely at the Circle of Sisters at our home station one or seven five in New York. I remember we had a chance. Yeah, we had a chance to meet and talk with him. Very very nice guy. And he was very young. He he was one of the youngest ones. They were like seventeen, really young. But yeah, Carl, I had forgotten all about that until you mentioned it to me that we have met him. I do remember that young man, very very I mean, after all he's gone through. He wasn't bitter or anything. And listened to the show Steve, they do light this whole thing, man, Yeah, and it wasn't Donald Trump. Didn't he have a lot to say around that time he got a full page and yeah, yeah, stopping I remember, yeah, you know, uh, there's part for his cause those young men, um man. Sadly, it happens to so many people falsely charged. I remember I was fourteen fifteen. If you got shot in the hood where we lived, and your parents or grandparents was around, and they knew it was like not too deep in you, like in your leg or back yond. They took it out at home because they didn't want to take their sons up to that hospital because you know, you got to report any gunshot because prosecutors try to build cases back in the day like they do now, and it wasn't no forensic size. They would put cases on dudes. Wow wow. So a lot of times, man, if you got shot in the hood and it didn't look like it was deep, they tried to get the bullet out at the house instead of taking you up the end. End did come to the police with that okay, duke they was pulling. It was a lot of that. Man. Well, when when you think about watching them, when you think about watching it, oh, I'm gonna watch it because the day you watch it, make sure you ain't got to go nowhere, because if you see somebody, you won't get mad. Yeah. But you know what I am. I am glad that this story is finally made it to the man stream of people where people can really get the truth behind this story, because that was just a terrible just blotch on this country. How they did those boys, you know, not the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last, but it was really horrible how they retreated. All right, nephew Tommy is up next with a prank phone call as we switch gears. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject keeping it all in the family, Keeping it all in the family. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for is enough? Well, Shirley, you know they have child day call. You know they have child Will you drop your kids off? You understand that, right of course, But they also have adult daycam. Will you drop your parents out? And how's this fun? Yeahtanding, yes, you there is the three too much? Well, we're going to drop somebody. Mama, hold on, run a kid. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach miss Sharon's. Please. Yes, this is Sharon. Miss Sharon's. My name is Evan. I'm giving you a call from adult daycare. Okay, because daycare. My name is Evan and I got your number and all your information here on file. Um, it looks like you're gonna be joining us starting on Monday. So we're excited to have you, and I wanted to just give you a call and kind of give you the lay of the land of what we have here and how how much fun you're gonna have being here most of the day with herself. From my understanding is you're gonna be here probably the majority of this year. What are you talking? What are you talking about? Being there? Where? Here? At the adult daycare? Adult daycare? Where where's that? What are you talking? Okay? You said your name is Evan, my name, My name is Evan, yes, ma'am. And your daughter is Diane. Diane, that's daughter. You know my daughters? Yes, Well she's the one that has You're signed up. You're gonna be at the adult daycare. So I'm assuming she's gonna be dropping you off every morning, and I tell you talking about Evan Evan, Hang on a second. All right, First of all, I don't know who you are. You don't know who I am. I don't know how the you know who my daughter is? But this is this is really uh inappropriate and weird. And what you're trying to get? What do you what do you want? Do you want money to me or you like a solicitor. No, no, no, no, ma'am. No, no, no, not at ams, Sharon. No, your daughter has signed you up to be here at the adult daycare during the day, so she's going to I don't know what you're talking about. There's no way she would do that adult day here. What do I need to doult day care for? So what? Well, evidently are you home alone most of the time during the day. Who cares if I'm home alone? Who? Why are you asking me that you're trying to break into my house? No? You are, man, I don't know, Sharon. Okay, look, I'm hooked up to that uh nine one month stuff. Thanks like I could just do a panicle right now and they'll trace this call and they will come to you and arrest you because you're harassing me. No, no, no, no, okay, miss Sharon, I'm not harassing you. Your daughter, Diane came in and up. Yes, she signed you up for you to go to this daycare Monday Friday. Why, she's at work, so she's going to be dropping you off and then she'll pick you up in the evenings on her way home from work. I know where you got that from. I don't know who told you that. Yeah, you got my daughter's name. And this is really just freaking me out, you know, a little bit over here, Ivan, because I don't know why you know my name. He's on my daughter's name. Ah. This is like the only reason I know you all name, miss miss Sharon, is because she came in and gave all the information and she has paid for you to come to the adult daycare on a daily by Yeah, yeah, yeah, hear ye hear what. You sound like a nice guy, you know what I mean, Like you're smooth, you got a nice voice, You're you're you know, like you know what to say. I don't know who the hell you are, though, I don't know what you're talking about. You know what I mean? Like, I'm not going to know daycare center. I'm not going with daycare center date because I'm fine. Just get that through your head. There's nothing wrong with me. I stay home, I got a dog, I walk the dog, I goree shopping, my daughter comes over. Everything's fine. I don't get no daycare center. Okay, Well, I understand what I'm saying that there is there is there a reason why she would sign you up, ma'am she must think. She must be looking out for your your the best, you know your health. Let me ask you, Let me ask you. Are you single? What are you single? Are you married? What does that happen? Dude? Anybody? I'm not coming to no date here center all right, Evan, Like, if you want to come to my house and you want to see how I live, you ten, I'm switching this. I'm switching it up. Okay, I don't need to come to your home. I'm more concerned about making sure you're comfortable here at the adult day when you get here on Monday. Yeah, I'm not coming there. That's it. I'm not coming there because there's nothing wrong with me. I'm not coming out of my house. But I'll pay you what Evan? You I don't know. Like I like your voice. I just like your voice. Miss way minute, mister? How old? How old you m? I'm fifty fifty. Have you ever been with an eighty nine year old lady? Wow? Wow? Nine? And you sound really nice? That's all. Like, at first I was scared of you. At first I wanted I'll be honest, I was scared of you. And now I'm not. Like, I don't know why I'm just not you know what I mean? Like you just sound like yeah, I don't know who you are. But okay, so wow, will you be here? Will you be at the daycare center like you? Because I like to meet you. I'll be at the daycare when you arrive on Monday. But I mean not, um, miss Sharon, I won't be able to I like that, Miss Sharon. That's nice. Oh ahead, gohead, Okay, So should I should I reach out to Diane about this? All reach out tour? Sure, reach out to her. Okay, Well, you're not gonna ok yeah, ahead, you're not gonna come in Monday, right, I'm right, I'm I'm like, I don't know if you're gonna be very just late the Sharon. It's not about me. It's about you coming in and you're gonna this is where you're gonna be, uh Monday through Friday from yeah, and all right, listen, you know there's there's there's there's other people your age here. There's there's a lot of ladies. You're aging a lot of me in your age here. I'm not in the ladies. I'm not in late. I didn't I'm not turning yeah, not into it. I'm I'm into you. Okay, um, yeah, I think it's a situation like your your daughter doesn't want you to be by yourself. Yeah, could you could I call you back? Can I call you back? Yeah, let's call you back. Let me call you back in a couple of minutes. I'm on the show and I got pulled my off of the thing. This is the first this is ever happened to me. Okay, uh, miss Sharon, Can I tell you who I am? I am Matthew telling me from the Steve Arby Morning Show. Your daughter Diane got me the prank. Call you, but I promise you you're different you. I promise you I'm different. I promise you. I'm different here related to Steve Harvey, like the guy on TV out of here. He is gorgeous and called me back. All right, all right, okay, I love you. Oh my god, think I kind of got Yeah. Yeah, see that. She started flirting with me, felling you, huh go there, sexy. Yeah that's what you want to be, don't but not like not with no me? That what you want? Yeah, I want to be sexy, but not to people. Careful, Yeah, be careful what you wish. Yeah, they're probably are gonna be pull it off in front of nobody, you know so sex. Oh God, that's you. The truth same by thank you, nephew. Disillusion. Coming up next, it's the Strawberry Letter, subject keeping It All in the Family. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on sex, on relationships, on dating, on work, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Bug hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter. Yeah, tell me. You might need to say that again, m bug hold on tight. Here it is you'd been warned subject keeping it All in the family. Dear Steven Early, I need your advice, but I pray that you are not too stern with me. I am a thirty one year old, successful and beautiful woman with two children, ages three and one. I am not married, but I am involved with a married man. It's my sister's husband. They have been married for twelve years, and I started sleeping with her husband five years after they were married. My two children are actually his, My sister and my Oh you go take miss Sloan. I told you, I told you this letter right here. I'm trying, I know, Okay, three and one. Yeah, she says, I'm not married, but I am involved with a married man. It's my sister's husband. They have been married for twelve years, and I started sleeping with her husband five years after they were married. My two children are actually his. My sister and my family members have no idea that I've been with this man for so long. Years ago. She was sleeping with him for five years, five years into their twelve year marriage. So seven, yeah, all right. My sister and my family members have no idea that I've been with this man for so long. Years ago, I started lying about dating a guy that lives out of town, and I told them that it's a crazy relationship, so they don't need to meet him. They do think that I take the kids to see him though. My sister's husband, he is the father of my kids, and he was happy that I could give him a family. After they found out that my sister was not able to have children. He has taken care of my children and I since day one. We have a house and a pretty comfortable lifestyle. He and I have been on yeah but right, there's more all right, And he and I have been on family vacations together with the kids, and I'm not sure why my sister has never suspected us. I was worried that my three year old would start talking and telling it all, so I had to limit the time that I let my children stay around my family. Now that I have two children by this man, I want him around full time. So I gave him an ultimatum. He said that he would never leave me, and he would never leave my sister. He said, the arrangement works and there's no need to mess it all up. I am so in love with this man, and I am willing to be truthful about it all in hopes that I can have him to myself. I know we are wrong for all of this, but we have a chance to make it right. What do you think he buy it or fight for this man? Please help? I'm with you, Steve. I was through. I was threw away about halfway through this letter. Really, when she said she's sleeping with her sister's husband. This has to be the most trifling letter I think we've ever gotten, and we've gotten a whole lot of trifling letters. But because, yeah, because you are just clueless. I mean, you're you're just clueless. You said it's wrong. You know it's wrong. Your brother in law, slash man is cheating with his wife's sister and he has two children with you. Why why would you do this to your sister. I don't understand why you would do something like this. You think you're helping because she can't have kids and you can. Yes, your children are gonna start talking and calling him daddy. Yes, So now you're gonna you're involving the children by depriving them of their father and their family because now you have to keep them away. No more family vacations. And like Steve said, where is this house? Your sister never comes to your house. This is when it's okay to say uncle, this is okay man. I mean, think if your brother in law had kids, they would be cousins and brothers and sisters. I mean, you're so in love with this man, you're willing to be truthful about it all in hopes that you can have him to yourself. That's not gonna happen. That's not gonna happen. Yeah, you're wrong for all of this. You don't have a chance to make this right the only way you There's nothing you can do to make this right. There's absolutely nothing you can do. What do we think? We think you're crazy? We think your brother in law man, he's crazy. Should you keep quiet or fight for this man? Fight for him? He's not even yours to fight for. This is your sister's husband of twelve years. I don't understand. I really really don't understand where your head is and all of this because you say, you know, you know it's wrong. You ask us not to be too stern with you, But what are we supposed to do? I mean, come on, this this letter is crazy, really crazy, and we don't have a lot of time, So Steve, take it away please. I mean, I don't know what to tell this woman. I really don't. I wish you had the road into Yeah, what do you say to her? I don't know. I don't I don't know what. Don't be stern me to hell? You ask me fault? What do you think? Do I keep quiet or fight for this man, the hell is wrong with you? Damn? You don't see, don't what's what's wrong? You trifled on so many letters due you always try to trick people at the beginning when O people didn't do something trick from this how they opened and that I'm a beautiful, successful thirty one year old woman. Oh it's something ugly about you. I can tell you that. Hey, unflated out damn letter. Yeah. Pert two is coming up with Steve at twenty three after the hour. Today's Strawberry Letters subjects keeping it all in the family. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Let's recap today's strawberry letter. Say, no, recap. I'm just fitting to get into it. Ain't no damn recap. Thirty one year old woman say she's beautiful with two children, three and one. She ain't married, but she's involved with a married man now, a married man that she involved with. It's her sister's husband. Now they've been married for twelve years. She started sleeping with the dude five years after they were married. They've been sleeping together seven years. My two children, the ones that's three and one, they are actually his first of all, my sister and my family members have no idea that I've been with this man for so long. You trifling. I don't know how you don't want us to be sterned. You don't understand how wrong you are. First of all, you're having an affair with the married man. But this married man you chose to have an affair with, it's your sister's husband. I mean, man, that's trifling. That's really really trifflic You was gonna see a married man, Okay, cool, I get it. Just go get you one somebody else. Now, your family and your sister, they don't have any idea about this. You know, you started lying to coverage by dating this man that lives out of town, and I told him that it's a crazy relationship, so they don't need to meet him. And now they do think that I take the kids to see him though, So I want to hear this. See, this is what I want wanted to learn. How did your family think that you take the kids to see him? And your sister's husband knows he's the father of the kids, and he was happy that you could give him some kids. After he found out that his wife, who is your sister wasn't able to have children. Now I've noticed how you started to weave this story to start to start adding so it can make sense to you. So my sister can't have kids. He's so grateful that I was able to give him two children. But this dude is screwing his wife's sister. Man, y'all trifling? Man? Okay? Then, and my sister's husband knows that he the father the kids, and he was happy because I could give him a family after they found out my sister wasn't able to have children. See, so now she trying to make a life. She hadn't done a service, and I'm doing something good because he wanted a family and he couldn't have one, so I gave it to him. He'd took care of me and the kids since day one. We have a house and a pretty comfortable lifestyle. Wait wait, wait wait we have a house where Yeah? But and what do they think you take the kids too? He and I have been on family vacations together with the kids, and I'm not sure why my sister has never suspected us. Wait wait a minute, how do you go explain this to me? Because I'm dumbfounded? How do you go on vacation with your sister's husband, and y'all didn't have two kids. How do y'all go on family vacation with the kids? What do the kid kids call him? Do the kids ever see him with hub? What y'all doing Christmas and Thanksgiving? What the hell is going on here? How long you think you and you keep talking about should you fight for this man or just be quiet? You ain't gonna be quiet with this too much longer. These kids they don't know this little crazy story you didn't wolve. I was warried that my three year old would start talking and telling it all, so I had to limit the time I let my children stay around my family what not there? Because they they think he is daddy, but he is they daddy, But he they uncle daddy exactly. Now I have two children by this man. I wanted him around full time, so I gave him an ultimatum. He said he would never leave me and he would never leave my sister. He said, the arrangement works and there's no need to mess it up. Yeah, it works for him. This food don't know how they say gonna work for him that he has no idea what's coming down the Pike for right. You have to pay for stuff like this. Brothers, I've done some wrong in my day, you guys to pay for it. I'm so in love with this man, and I'm willing to be truthful about it all. Wait a minute, you find what? What? What? What? What? What do that mean? You find to go be truthful with it to who, to your sister, to your mama, to your family. That's what you find to tell him. I just want to say one more thing when we come back on is all right? All right? All right, We're gonna do more, Steve on this letter. H this is a crazy letter, Keeping it All in the family. Uh. We'll get back into it part three right after this at forty six after the hour you're listening, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll get into more of the show with Cheryl Underwood. But right now, Steve, we want to get back into the Strawberry letter subject keeping It All in the family. This year old woman who claims to be beautiful, successful has been seeing a married man. The married man happens to be her sister's husband. She's had two kids with this man. They've gone on family vacations together, she's nervous that the three year old was gonna start talking and the baby will right now to three year old, ain't got the words for a check, but five oh yeah, oh yeah. She didn't have it together a minute. He has taken care of you, as her and the children since day one. They got a house together and pretty comfortable. They haven't been on family vacation together as with the kids. I'm not sure why my sister has never suspected us, which means you've kind of not cared, well, not no, kind of you have never gave a damn about what your sister think or feel because you want this for yourself. Then you said, now you got the two children bodies man, you want him around full time. So she wouldn't and gave a man an ultimatum. He said he would never leave her and he would never leave my sister. He said, the arrangement works, and there's no need to mess it all up. This thing is unraveling, as every time we read it, it's unraveling. So listen to this. I'm so in love with this man that I'm willing to be truthful about it all in hopes that I can have him to myself. Wait, okay, lady. First of all, let let me explain something to you about that statement, in hopes that I can have him all to myself. He ain't never gave himself all to no one person. You don't. You don't recognize that. You don't. You don't, don't you don't. You're not looking at that statement. I want him all to myself, but he don't want to be all to himself with nobody he doing it? Now, you're stupid. You ain't gonna be truthful about another day. You ain't about a damn thing. I'm gonna have him to myself now. I know we are wrong for all this, but we have a chance to make it right. He ain't. He stopped saying that we have a chance. You said you was going in there. He told me you ain't going in there. But now I say a damn thing. What do you think? Keep quiet? A fight for this man? You can't fight for something that ain't cho or should have told you that you can't fight for this man. He ain't cho us. All this is a disaster. All of this is wrong on so many levels. You have no idea that damnage you have done to an entire family structure. You have no idea, lady, and there's nothing we can do to spare you from the misery that's coming down your street. For this hanging there, get prayed up and ask for forgilt, that's all. And take care of those kids. Those are the ones that are really gonna suffer. All right. You can email us, you know, Steve Harvey FM, or listen to the Strawberry Letter podcast and Cheryl Underwood is coming up next right here, right after this you're listening to. All right, Steve, introduce our girl. She is here, Udies and gentlemen, without further ado, Shirley, Steve Harvey, Listen, President Trump's is out of the country. Okay, listen, Well we need to do right now. We need to go change all the locks at the White House. You need to let all the air out, the ties of Air Force one, they all need to come back, you know what I'm saying. So while he over there, why don't you just stay over though. But this is what I don't understand. I don't understand. They got the polls out where they say fifty four percent of the population believe that Trump's is gonna give reelected president. That's just sound like they not gave up already. Now we can't get the impeachment inquiry. They need to start it. See back when Nixon and the water Gate, Nixon had like I think he had it, like a sixty five percent approve of rated and then when they did they impeachment inquiry and all that stuff start coming out in all them earrings. Then people start bailing on Nixon because they knew what the real story was and they couldn't save him. But they told him, Hey, we can't save you, so you need to resign. Why am I telling you all of this? Don't give up now. If you don't like Trump as the president, do you? First, we need an impeachment inquiry, and impeachment is not gonna happen overnight. But you need to dig into this. You need to find out how the Russians took advantage of the fact that the thirst is real with Trump. He wanted to be president that bad that he could take help from our adversary, which in my opinion, means you should not be the president. You know what I'm saying, And you damn sure should not be presenting us now when you were talking about you wouldn't go to Vietnam, and this is the week where were celebrating what is yeah, seventy five year Listen to me, that's not what the commander in chief does. And now and then we got to figure out not just how we get this dude out of office, and if we can't get him out of office, then we need to vote him out of office. But then everybody say, but we don't want Biden, We don't want Biden. Why we don't want Biden? You know why you don't want Biden because everybody think they can win this. Biden is the dude that got the highest numbers in the little poem. Okay, so obviously somebody like Biden. Black people like Biden because he was President Obama's vice president. So why don't y'all stop tripping Democrats? And why are the thirty five of y'all that's running. Why don't y'all rock paper scissor this and decide who's gonna be the vice president and let's get on with putting this dude out of office if that's what you feel now. Last for not lest everybody talking about this high amendment and everybody talking about when women got the right to vote, well before that it was the fifteenth Amendment that gave men the right to vote, and then people sold us out. See, we gotta go back and study our history. While we believe in and supporting everybody bought ourselves. There was two amendment's Fifteenth Amendment, nineteenth Amendment. Then they start doing stuff to black people, so we definitely could not vote. Now let's talk about abortion before I go. And this is me talking not to Steve Harvey Morning Show. If you don't know anything about Fanny lew Hammer's life, then you need to study who Fanny lew Hammer was. Fanny lew Hammer was a civil rights person that got what they called back then Tommy Junior caller, Shirley and Steve a Mississippi appendect to me, what did she get? She got a histor direct me, she got sterilized without Hussey, so for a minor tumor. That's why she was saying that abortion was genocide. We don't all think alike, we don't all act alike, but we got to come together so we can protect our rights. So don't tell me, well Biden supports the High Amendment, Let him feel the way he feels. Because we got the worst president in the history of mankind in the White House and we're still fighting over who's gonna take this dude out. We don't need to be fighting over that. We need to come together and if we don't like him, as Americans, vote his ass right about the White House while he overseas on. Sorry, did I go to far Steve? I'm sorry, girl, perfect you, Thank you, Sue. Don't even look good with a tight vessel with its old lord embarrassing us. I just he the worst, and I'm a Republican in our case that get old Lord. Turn my mic off, I say something good jobs, Thank you, Cheryl. All right, coming up music and more fun on the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening, all right, Chirlette Strawberry, it's good news Thursday. What you've got going on? I heard you're doing something in the city of Atlanta, my dear. Yeah, well you know. I'm a member of the board on the Alma Gee Davis Foundation. It's a domestic violence foundation. She helps women who have been victims of domestic violence. Anyway, they're having their tenth anniversary this weekend in Atlanta. Yes, I will be one of the special guests. It's called Dinner for Divas. She does this every single year. She treats women who have been victims of domestic abuse, like divas. She put she puts on this elaborate dinner for them. It's a it's a formal affair. Everybody has to wear, you know, the long gowns and every just to make them feel special and to know that they can survive and you know, and to looking forward now. But anyway, Yes, it's at the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta. And if you need some more information, if you want to get involved or be a part of it, go to Alma G. Davis Foundation. That's almag Davis Foundation dot org. Slash events. Okay, and hopefully I'll see you there Saturday night. That's nice. Surely give them that Dinner for Davis. Yeah. You know, people don't talk about it a lot. It's not a sexy subject. It's not a fun subject to talk about. But you know, it's still happening every day, you know, where women men, you know, are being violated and you know violence, Yeah, and definitely abuse. It's the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of fifteen and forty four in the US. All right, yeah, wow, sure, So go to the Alma G. Davis Foundation dot org slash events for more information, and we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys. In today's trending entertainment news, referring to someone as auntie with no relation as usually a term of endearment, right well, filmmaker Ava DuVernay does not see it that way. When she sat down with Van Lathan from TMZ. Everybody knows Van from TMZ, Well anyway, he has a podcast, Ava revealed that she finds it slightly shady. She says, first of all, I have a real issue recently. I've been getting called on Twitter Auntie Ava. Why she said? Am I that old? Because I don't feel that old. Van tried to explain that fans use the term out of respect for what Ava brings to the culture. While she can appreciate the concept, she wasn't having it. Naturally. Social media weighed in and made Auntie a trending hashtag. Ava joined in to let everyone know how she prefers to be addressed. For the record, she says she happily responds to miss DuVernay, sis queen Ava, miss Ava. Okay, that's auntie. Forget about it. No, no, no, So see if you deal with this all the time I can. Uncle Marjorie gets called a Marjorie. We're cool with it. You cool with it. Let me step in right here. Uh Okay, uncle comes from a niece or a nephew. Okay, that's when you say uncle or auntie. If it's not your uncle or your auntie, then guess what. Guess what it's not yours? You your own? Damn what I'm about to say? How you feel like that? Because I call him? Time? Ain't damn Uncle Steve? No, he says some time. Why where is your uncle's there? Right well, right now? He over there? Next you? What you no? No? Where is your uncle? How many uncles you got? How many uncles you got? Jim? This one right here? No? How many? Oh? My real uncles like Faither's brother by seven? Okay, are you proud of any of them? Not reading? This is the problem. I'm proud of this one I got sitting over here. This is the problem. Who's the prophet? Everybody? Uncle? Get your own car? Hold on time? Wait a minute, won't don't. Why is you so possessing because this is my uncle. I'm the one that was born put a rich ass uncle. And if you wasn't, that's just that's just you just didn't get one. Well, I'll tell you what timing you can't whoof the world as all right? Look coming up our last break of the day, and we'll close out the show with some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine after the hour. Right after this you're listening to all right, Here we are live break of the day. It's been a crazy day as usual the time we like, right and here's our fearless leader to take us home with closing remarks. Today, I just want to pose a question because I try to find different ways to motivate people as as I ask God to help me find new ways. Today I just decided to try this. I just want to ask you a series of questions because I'm just trying to get everybody to get to moving towards their dreams. I'm just trying to get everybody to get started on the pathway of accomplishing your visions and your goals and your dreams. It's going to take some action though. You know, you can't just want something. Have you ever people say if you want something bad enough, it'll happen. That's not true, that's so not true. Do you know how many times you've actually wanted something really bad and didn't get it? What? Who? I don't know who said that? Why? Why they tell people that if you want something bad enough, it'll really happen. It can happen, No, it won't. It requires an action. Faith without works is dead. If you don't do anything, you can't stop expecting to get everything. If you don't do anything, you can stop expecting to get everything. Now, God is going to give all of us some grace in spite of our shortcomings and lack of effort. He will give all of us some grace, and we'll all get some things that we really don't deserve. You know. It just provides us breaks. But in those breaks, he's trying to sustain you, just to get you to say, wow, man, if I had just done a little bit more of what could I have had, or if I had done a little bit more of what could have happened. So my question today for you, it's just I'm asking you a series of very, very simple questions, maybe four or five you're waiting for? What? Tell me what is it you're waiting for? Because oftentimes when I talk to people, I get some responses that just throw me off, you know, because what you're waiting for? What? What is it going to take to get you started? What is the motivation? What is the button? What is the trigger that fires you to get going to moving towards your dreams and visions? You're waiting for what? I don't understand. Are you perfectly comfortable where you are right now? Have you decided and settled in that this is it for me? Have you gotten tired of waking up and asking the question, whow It's got to be more to my life than this? What? Have you just gotten tired of that and you don't want to deal with it no more? So you just decided what that You're just gonna lock in like where I am? It's cool? You all right with that? Let me ask you another question. Have all the ducks ever lined up in a row? Because if that's what you're waiting for, let me just ask you. Has it never been set that while I see exactly step by step, I'm gonna ge down, gonna get everything is perfect. I'm gonna start now. If you're waiting on the perfect time to start, you may never start, because there is no such a thing as the perfect time. The perfect time is now. That's the perfect time. If you're waiting on something else to happen, it probably ain't gonna happen because you gotta figure like this. Suppose it don't happen what you're gonna do, then, see, you just got to come to that conclusion. Suppose it don't happen what you're gonna do. Then suppose you don't get to degree what you're gonna do, then you're gonna fail. Suppose you don't get that job that you got your eyes on. So you don't get that job. So now what you unemployed the rest of your life because you didn't meet that deadline. You can't make another one. You're waiting for. What what's it gonna take to get you started? Have your ducks ever all lined up in a row? The answer is no. The perfect time to start is now. Let me ask you this question. Does it appear to be getting any closer even though you're not moving towards it? Oh? Does it appear to be getting any closer? Even though you're not moving towards it. The answer is no, it's not getting closer because you're not walking towards anything. If you don't walk towards something, please stop expecting it to get closer. It will not happen. Success is not a magic trick. It's a series of steps that people take over and over and over and over, and in spite of what happens, they take those steps. Anyway, Does it appear to be getting closer even though you're not moving towards it? It's probably not. But could that be why you're not getting what you want because you ain't moving towards nothing? Last question, Could it be that you just don't want anything more? Maybe that's it. Maybe you don't quit wanting a new car. Maybe you don't quit wanting a bigger house. Maybe you don't quit wanting that second home. Maybe you quit wanting to open up a business. Is it that you just don't want anymore? Just answer to these questions. Now, let me tell all of y'allself. Put God in your life and it can change all of this. You can go to God and ask God to strengthen you. You can go to God right now and ask God to give you the desires of your heart, but enable you with the character to make him come true. Ask God to strengthen your character, Ask him to strengthen your will, Ask him to strengthen your stick tuitiveness. Ask God for his help, because God is going to make your dream come true. Business. Those are my closing monks. Drop it, baby, drop it now. Yes for all Steve Every contests, No purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening tow