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Y'all know what time it is. I don't know. Y'all all soon long looking back to back down, giving them bung just like the milan buck things. And it's tub y'all, do me true good? Its the hearty this one to move to each other for stout, Honey. Why don't you join? Yeah? Joining me? Honey? Say you gotta turn yeah? Do you you gotta turn't to turn love? Turn you love? You got to turn out to turn the water the watery comy, Come on your things, got it? Uh huh, I sure will. I good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now or one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, got a radio show and got something to say to man. I thank God for it. I thank God for my life. I thank God for her in the midst of storms, he calms me. You know, I was going through another trial in my life. You know which is life is going to always be that? You know, it's a it's a I think the things that I say on the radio, I want you all understand that I do. So have to put him into practice all the time. And uh, I was going through something yesterday and I don't know how long I'll be going through it, but I'll be fine however long it takes, because I have something, man, I'm gonna share it with you. A lot of you got it, but I don't. I don't think some times we appreciate it until we have to use it. And and the thing that we got is prayer. Prayers available to every single person. Prayer is so important, man, it's so important. I'm not afraid to say it though. It's so so important to you because it's such a comfort, it's such an island that you can go to. I was going through something yesterday and somebody close to me knew about it, and they sent me something in the middle of it, and it said simply that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. See. And that was so cool for me, because you know, oftentimes I'm on the radio and I'm talking, and I know you all think I'm talking to you, but like I said, oftentimes because I'm just talking to myself, man, because I'm just like you. I'm just a human being trying to get through. I happen to come under attack, as does everybody else. I got trials and tribulations just like everybody else. So when I'm talking, I'm talking to myself a lot of time, and all of us are faced with things. But the beautiful thing. And one of the things I've always said that on your way to success, that's going to be our position. I've always said that the road to success is always under construction. I have always said these things, but I also have to hear these things. And I, even whoever I am, and all of us have to apply these things. And see what I was sitting there going through it. Man, somebody Texas to me to just simply said that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. And you know, man, what prayer enables you to do is have just a little closer relationship with God. It allows you to form a barricade when necessary. It allows you to have a place to go when necessary. It provides you a place of shelter when it gets real, real windy and real real funky for you, when the bullets and arrows is flying. There's a place that you can tuck yourself. I always like to refer to it as under his wings. I like to get tucked under his wings when the bullets and arrows is flying. You know, I do realize Man through my life, and I've been taught this over and over and over. Isaiah forty three one and two. That's someone to the effect that you can walk through the fire and you will not get burned, normal kindling set upon your clothing. And what I learned from that scripture, y'all, what simply is that if you do have this relationship with God, if you are making an attempt to be righteous, trying to live your life to the best of you, ain't stepping on No they're trying to hurt nobody. You're giving God some glory. You're talking with him. You know you're making some mistakes along the way. But you know what I'm saying, You ain't. You ain't just mailing it in. You are consciously trying to be a righteous person. Then there's a promise that he gives to you that he would be there for you. Now here's the promise. The promise says something just like this, that you will be able to walk through the fire and not get burned. Normal kindling set upon your clothing. Now what that means to me, my interpretation of it real simple. Some things are going to happen to you, and when they happen to you, it's not his doing. When when you come under attack, when you when when when the haters come from me, it's never his doing. But he gonna walk with you though, and allow you to walk through the fire, and you will not get burned. That's amazing, man, because I got a little fire going on right now. But guess what, they can't consume me with it, because in their attempts to do what they do to you, to me, to anybody is trying to go somewhere, mind your business, in their attempts to do what they're setting out to do. Here's a problem with that. Now, if you've got God, if you use this little weapon of prayer that he gives you, he'll provides you a refuge, but he'll let you walk through the fire. You will not get burned. Now, a part where it talks about won't know kindling set upon your clothing. That's kind of like if if you've been in the house that's been on fire before you know you can walk in and sit on the walls. It's a smell in the air. You can see the damage. I mean, the house has been on fire until the repairs come, the restoration. You can walk in there and know that there's been a fire. Weeks later, after the house has been on fire, you can walk in because you can smell it, you can see the seinge marks. But here's different houses. You know, I'm talking about just structural buildings that they don't have ongoing relationship with Gods. I ain't talking about your temple at church or nothing, so please don't go there. I'm just telling you a fact. A house does not possess a soul. A person possesses a soul. So your relationship with God is it's where your refugees. So now here we go. When you have a little walk with God, when you got some faith in him. Hear what happens to you, y'all when they come for you, when they attack you. The part that it says you won't get burned, but the no kindling that means when it's over, no kindling was set upon you that are being there won't be no sit on you, there won't be no seinge marks on you. You won't smell like you've been on fire. You won't even look like you've been nowhere near a fire. But the whole time the fire was raging all around you. But there's a place that you can go when your life is on fire, when you come under attack. There's a spot. There's a spot if you know God, if you if you're just trying to be righteous, if you just go over there and get over that, buy him just a little bit, y'all, if you just send up some earnest prayers and and pray it and mean what you say, there's a spot you can go that you can tuck under his wings, and you will walk through the fire and you won't get burned. Now he is DEPARTO. I want you to feel me. Now. It did not say in there that it would not get unggodly hot. That's the cold partner. Come on, y'all, because what did I tell you that to do or text me the other thing? What did I just tell you? I just simply said that God does not guarantee us a life free from trouble, but he does promise to be our refuge in the midst of the storm. Now I'm in one right now. But I want you to understand something. When you come for me, you don't come from somebody that's standing over there by himself. I have a relationship with him, and um I use continually on a daily basis, more than three times a day, that beautiful little gift, that weapon of prayer that he's given to me. So while a storm is raging, I want everybody to know I'm just fine. I'm now, I'm uncomfortable. I don't like it. I do not like what happens to me, no more than you like what happens to you. But I got news for you though I'm so covered, and I stand there in that place for refuge, man, and I drank that up and man, today I'm telling you, man, God's promises are true, that he'll be with you in the midst of a storm, that he'll hold your hand. God's promises are true. All you gotta do is lean on him. You feel me, check it out. You're to save my Good Morning Show. Twenty one minutes after the hour, Good morning, Sherley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve Harvey, Happy Friday, calling for Hello, good morning, It's Friday, Steve Mentoring kicking things off what's going on? Shoot, morning up, morning everybody and the food watch out then that Steve, what is going on? Which ya Friday? You know about the mother? Yeah, mother's dying. There many mothers. Good. We got our challenges uh um man. We gonna talk about that later when we have more time. The challenge it is, but it's going really really good. You know, boys are here, the mothers are here. All my soldiers are here from the United States on me. My fraternity is here, all the fraternities are here, the capitals are here, to alphas are here. Uh no, no sicking, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, Alex, there's on these two segments. Everywhere there's only one that can camp. You were in here. You're all the same too, and y'all just show up everything just everywhere. We represent baby, but you know, from and so you know, we're doing really good. My favorite mentor camp story is a young man uh named Reese who's eighteen and from the moment he got off the bus, man this he's been my most difficult, difficult boy to date to date because yeah, because yeah, this little dude man yoh yeah, well, Dmitri were nowhere near trouble. He just had some other But anyway, Um, he was past up, leaving at all his stuff on the porch, waiting on a van to come give him. The soldiers already Harvey, Mr Harvey. We can not get him to conform. And so he was out there. He was just gonna leave. They took all the shirts back and I said where is He said, he's on the porch. I went out to the porch, said I wait him for one hour. Reese's back in the camp. Yeah. I do not lose boys. I don't lose young men. When if a mother entrusts a son with me, I can't put him on the bus and send him back like we we can't fix him. Everybody's fixable, everybody's redeemable. We don't give up on no boys at this camp. Not a one. We is back at the camp participate. What was troubling him though, you know, it's plethora of things. But he was convinced in his life that if he controls all of his decisions and he can have the power to say no, I don't want to do nothing, that that empowers him and enables him to control his life. But what I had to teach him was you have to do a series of things that you're uncomfortable doing in order to be able to one day do what you wanna do. Come on, they're not by not by not participating, or you gotta get real comfortable being uncomfortable. I want to be like you. Well boy, you guys to get busy. And so that's it. We're saving boys. Top of the hours, seven o'clock. I got announcement to make about the Flint situation. Stay tuned, Yeah, coming up next something fun. You're listening, Steve Hey, y'all, welcome back uh with j Anthony Brown has come up with a series of things that he don't want for farther day. It's the most forgotten day, forgotten what you see, people don't even take it careless. They could really, I'm saying, it's not up on me. And I've seen I've seen some things that they all that they have for dad, that people will buy that Dad just don't want. They have a candle that you can buy that smells like fun. Who wants that? Why would you? Why would you want it? Why would you want to give your dad? How about your work? But your dad? If if your dad is baldhead. You've seen these hats that have hair on them to calls. He can't grow hair, and why would you give him a hat with hair on it? That's stupid. There's another one. It's another one. They have an underwear repaired kid. A kid a look what the fathers of Father's Day? But I know your drawings have been a little rain. But instead of buying new drugs. That's a chilling kid. Never heard of it? Yes, okay, by your daddy, No damn drawn. That's say. They have cologne, Steve everybody. They got cologne that smells like bacon. What why do you want to smell like bacon? Yeah? Every day? It's like from the world. Is that bacon that smell? Huh? Daddy already fat? We know he God. They got this cup that's shaped like a comoe. Have you seen this slick at the hi it's a coffee mom. Yeah, why would you? Why do you want your daddy to have day? You drink coffee? Ye? That? Yeah? You don't want daddy, don't want no damn ties. Daddy don't want ties. You got the best gift of all. You really got a good gift. You really do, man. You got the best your body was the body wash? Hey, man, I gotta tie one year with a fish on it. We know you'd like to fit you even notice your daddy throw the fish back? You ever noticed that wanted on my top? Have you gotten like really bad gift? Lime? Bring shocks before lime was in? Yes, I got lime is popular now, but back in the day they have this other thing. It's a shaped like a gun. You can get a gun. One's yellow, ones red, and it's a gun that you put mustard in one and catch up in the other. So come said okay, and they're selling the problem. Keep enough of a man, right, that's not so bad for your burgers and the logic logic, logic, Yo, yo, what you got man? Daddy? I know you don't like bees out there when you bob killing, So I bought you a can of wasp and hornets. You brought me you can use it. Boy. You bought me hunt man washing hunt game. You know you gotta bike. You got a computer and iPhone. I got a can of wasp and horny killing. You work for your bugs. There's a cologne out there that says it's shaped like a bomber, right, and so the tagg is dy on the don't even say that here's the deal. It's Father's Day. Go to Walmart and give your dad the entire new collection of built soaps. They come in a bar and they come in and wash a body wash. And you got frequances like Big Surf, Big scot Atlantic Surf, you got Prohibition, you got Havana Bay, you got all types of stuff, man, all designed by your boy Steve Harvey with the man in mind. None of that, none of that body wash that's sound like he's made for girls. For your daddy. This is called built b I LT. Because it's built for me. Get your sexy owned ladies. Have your man smelling like you won't even smell, so you could spend more enjoyable time with him. Wink wink. Yeah, Walmart, go to day to Walmart, and I promise you he'll love it. I promise you will. Father's Building. Yeah, I'm gonna get to my husband's son. Hey, y'all, I'm telling myself something, because ain't nobody gonna get me nothing. So Father's Day, honestly, in Carl, I'm sure you can can attest to this in some way. But I didn't have a dad, so Father's Day didn't mean anything to me. It wasn't top of mind. Yeah, it wasn't. I mean, Mother's Day was everything to me, So I'm talking about camp. Yeah. Now I feel what you guys are saying. Dads and you have children. Yeah, I'm getting nothing. Yeah, I get texts Happy Father's Day, not even hey dad, you're getting some build soap. Let me go ahead and just do flight your hopes. Right now, I'm gonna get some soap and send it to myself and be surprised when I'm looking for here, looking for my dad, looking for a car. You're gonna get it. Yeah. The light came on last week, Well it's gonna be on this week too. You're gonna smell good looking at it that much. Okay, So what's the best gift you've ever gotten? Left alone? We see we can't win, you know what. Happy Father's Day to all your father and coming up, coming up next, Tommy's run that prank back right after this year. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all be back. We're back. Tommy's out on vacation again, but we got his pranks, so we don't need him vacation. We got enough of your stuff on tample Man, I ain't got to sit here and here no attitude, he ain't got shut down, he ain't got the one. I ain't got to figure out if I'm talking to Eugene old Man Thomas or you tim me, you're gonna be about to run that prank back. And then at the top of the hour, I have my statement about the Flint Flint, Michigan situation, which is really, man, I mean really this You know, normally I don't address things, but this right here really really kind of ticked me off because you took me completely out of context, and I think it's so completely unfair. After after all I've you know, attempted to do and stood for with the Flint water crisis. For you to even not even here all out that what happened? Did you just start just just I mean, man, just trying to roast me. Man, just just that one. Folks. Really, okay, come on see because you know how you get. We'll talk about it. Yeah, we will, We'll talk about it. Seven. All right, here's the prank. Bring me some paper paper. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to Charles. I'm looking for Charle. Yeah, this Shalotte, I'm una. This Sholotte. How can I help you? Hey, listen, um, I'm I'm a my speaking with I'm sorry this scotty man. I'm I'm out sitting for reader. She's y'all okay, okay, yeah, yeah, she told me she was going outtown. What can I do for you? Brother? I pought y'all on the way man, Yeah, I mean the house bolth our house. Yeah, I think let's see, yeah, we're full houses down. Okay. Now, she loved me a number man, love me, y'all know me? And then she loved miss Darks. No, I try to call me Darts, but then nobody answer the phone. Yes, she know. I'mly in church around this time, readA said she was gonna be gone for a minute. So you say you're doing there right right right there? She told me if I got any emergency anything, that I could reach out to y'all a call y'all right, right, right, okay? Are you are you busy right now? Man? Well? Actually I'm in the middle of cooking my wife from dinner and uh got some meat on the grill. But other than that, you know, okay, I mean you you you are you able to help me out with something? Right quick? Or you got you got time for that. But like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking. If there's something I can help you with, I you know, I don't mind coming down there and and uh showing you doing whatever it is that we need to do. Okay, Charlie, with you out in the how any paper, man, any paper? Yeah? I think I got some newspaper. What you're trying to No no, no, no, no, no, no news, But I mean some paper? You have some paper? What notebook paper? No? See man, listen, Charlie, I, like I said, my name is Scotty. Man. I know you don't know, man, I didn't got myself in a a little situation here down here read the house man, and I I didn't. Man, I'm in a situation I actually and in the bathroom man, and it ain't no paper in here. Dog. So you're saying you won't be to bring use the toilet papers, I mean, if you're on mind, I'm sitting here my legs and got no my my cane, feel up my my whole little body, man from buck down, I can't feel nothing in my feet everything and went to sleep on him. Hold up by this dude down here at read the house saying he wants me to bring his hey because he didn't got numb sitting on the truck. Man, look at here, bro, I'm in the middle of cooking. I wish I could help you, but you know what I mean, I can't tell you here about four hours the time can usual to run down here right quickly. I'm at the back door. I say, Man, I understand all that you're saying, but like I said, I'm in the middle of cooking for my wife. We're having a little special occasion because our kids and stuff going, and I can't delive like that just to come bring you know, papers. Now, what I can't tell need to do is if Reida got one of them tis or something down. Man, I'm not using nobody town like. That's disrespectful. Man. Okay, hey, but loryer your voice. Man, you called me to help you, and you acting like I caused you to not have no guys in the bathroom. All I'm asking for just and they're gonna take you no more for two or three minute. Run down here right quick and bring the paper man and then you get on back to your tuner. Well, what you were saying, like what you need to do. But you said you had emergence, that's out the house or the dogs had got out of uh, you didn't locked yourself out the house. But I'm not gonna come down there bring you know, take me because that don't sound like emergencies. That's not like some personal And furthermore, because you're in the bathroom just jump sun your clone getting the shower like so I'm nothing the dog. That's like I said, I'm norm right now, man, I need some help, and so you want me to come down, then bring you some toilet papers and pick your number. You can't get up out the call. If I want to help you things just then that's why I'm trying to tell you I'm in any money, you see. Man. Okay, Well that like I said, Man, that don't sound like commergent, like a little quick fix to get your drawings in and like your drawings there, go get you some moth. I mean, I'm not saying to walk full houses down there to bring you some toilet papers your legs, No, I'm high. How are you gonna get up and over the stought? The backdoor is open. All you gotta do is come in here and reaching here and pass me a roll of paper. Man, That's all I'm asking you to do. Mr. Child I understand that, but I'm not gonna come down and bring you no papers. I'm not going to bring you and bring me some paper down here, man, don't you man say? Man, who the hell you thank you? Hiling that you need me? I don't need you. Well, won't you do something? Man? You see I'm sitting in a situation the reader left y'all number that y'alla helped me while I'm down to your house watching man. Just you're crazy, baby, Man? What wrong with you? You're gonna call me asking me to bring you some new paper. I told you that I was in the middle of fixing me and my wife from dinner, and you come calling me talking about some paper. Man. I don't want to hear no I know, and I ain't coming down there to bring you know paper man. Hello, childie, you're gonna bring this paper? Man? Then, look like I told you before, I ain't going to bring you know paper down there were don't waiting on on this street like old on man. I can't just you can't just leave me here and I'm numb like this, but not to come bring no brown man, no toilet paper because he is responsible when he going into the restroom. That sounds like a personal problem. You you too wrong for that that this is set your wat though this is an emergency. Man. Man that don't sal in the emergency. That sounds like a personal problem that you got going on. Come on the door when I get off of here, man, you know me off with. I don't give them about you being man not a saying. As soon as you get your coop out of there, you so that you come on down here. I'm coming down that I'm gonna trick. I'm coming down there the way I am just like this, and I'm a wolf for not helping me while I'm gonna sit your weight load. Bring you don't. I got one more thing I need to say to you that I'm gonna do, is you're listening? Bring your so I got two snake skin shoes and fit right up, clean up on it. I got one more thing. Is you listening? Man? What man like I said? What you got to say? Man? That's this nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got franked by your neighbor reader. Ain't this bank kept up from the radio stage, and it is this comming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, I'm anna whoop reading got you coling mom? Man, you had me. I was gonna come down there man and bow down, and you better be glad I'm eating. I can't leading. Hey man, I gotta ask you man, one more thing. What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Show. Y'all played practical jokes. So folks man, all right, uh my cups finally has squashed the beet between he and Kevin Hart. Finally it's done it. Yeah. We don't even know how it all start. Did you know how a beef just gets out of hand? Know what happened? Yeah? But you know they were exchange jabs at each other on social media over the past few years. Now the rivalry. Rivalry is officially over. Glad to report that Mike posted a video of him and Kevin on The Graham After that. Kevin jokingly said in the clip that FEDS admitted that he's bipolar. He said, face to face, man to man, we are where we're supposed to be. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, we're back everybody. Hey listen, um. Two days ago, we were cracking jokes about the You know, I was playing the broken hearted biddle of another Cleveland. You wouldn't plays paying no, okay yea to the Golden State War because a little bit. I'm a huge Calves fan. A man and I we're talking trash about our teams and our cities. That just so happened that the man was from Flint. We got to talk in trash. He said, Cleveland don't deserve nothing. Wait a minute, hold on, where are you from, partner? So he said, Flint. Now in the in the business of trash talking. I don't know if you've ever been around sports trash talking, but once you start talking trash, everything is a goal. So I got the Calves lost. But Cleveland don't deserve nothing. So I made a joke directed at him. It's he and I would talk. So he's from Flint, but this is a city from which I got great affection and respect and so much so you know that I've devoted a full hour on my daytime talk show to raise awareness about to Flint water crisis. I also had Hillary Clinton on my show shortly after that when she was running for president, and I pressed her to offer solutions over what I called on TV and I quote one of the great catastrophes of modern time. That's what I really felt, that's in my heart of heart. And I met with a lot of the people from Flint and we talked it all out. Well. The caller laughed at my joke because I told him this was your trash. I talked. The two things I said about him because he from Flint, was when last time you took a lead free baar. But what I'm getting hung up about and what they're trying to kill me over is I told him go drinking glass brown water. And I said that, but in the context of trash talking, I did not say that is no fresh water in the city of Flint. That I wish the people are flinting e or harm. I never said the city of Flint. I was talking to this one guy that I was trash talking with, and that was the context. The caller laughed at the joke, and and it was taken into context that it was offered. Now, folks, any attempts to craft this into anything else, anything more than that it serves nobody, no one. Now, if you just want to make a news story about me, how about this right here, how about Steve Harvey again, it's down at the boys camp with two hundred boys with two hundred mothers. But no, no, no, no, no, no, no no. That that ain't the news story. The narrative becomes, this is what he said about our city. That's the city, folks, Flint. That's what I said about the man that I was talking trash with. We was talking trash about a sports game. That's it. That's it. Don't take this no where. This has got to be And I normally don't address stuff, but I actually called and you can ask him. His name is Mike. I called the news director of the Flint TV station because they started running stories people talking about boycotting the station. I said, wait a minute. Last night from the camp, I called him directly, and what I just said to you, I put it in an email and send it to him, the news director from the Flint uh NBC affiliate. M I sent it to him. I can't do anything more. And in the context of trash talking, I was talking to this one guy. I never said the city of Flint can miss me. I hope all y'all suffer. Ain't what I said, So come on, y'all really your dude, man, Well, since you a I sing it, I'd like to point out that, um, we did try to stop you. You were in the throes of trash talking with this guy and uh, the guy I think his name was Kenneth, if I'm not mistaken, but he did call in and he was talking trash and you guys just got into it and and and that's all the trash talking thing o Monday morning. And we did try to stop. Yeah, we just trying to stop me, but were talking trash. Yes, you can't stop me. Steve. We were like, Steve, too far, We're talking trash, right, Yeah, that's all it was. And it was about sports man. I just really, hey, you know what if Kenneth he this, Kenneth, can you call in to the station at seven seven the dude that called from Flip somebody get kided phone the phone and Kenneth, did you take court? I said that await or was it in the context of trash talker. I just won't know how he felt now, if he felt bad about how to apologize to it. But I want him I wanted him to hurt like right, That's where trash talking is it is. You get you get carried away with it. You just get caught up in. I get you in an argument with you and you said, shut up. Well that's not good when you when you when you put that out there like that to go off into he can go off, you can get away from you. He can't get it. Comedians right, because we're a comedian. We cannot lose the trash controllers. That's what it is. You can't out crack me. My crack has to cut deeper, and you're crack when you gotta draw a line. He's dring it now, he's running Now is the problem? Don't the problem? Problem? And I've said it a hundred times. Problem with the line is eye line is way further waiting y'all. So when y'all say y'all cross the line, we need know we was over there, yeah, because then we're looking at his way way field. Alright, alright, coming up, we're gonna do. We'll talk about Bill Cosby when we can. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Are you guys concerned about Bill Cosby? I mean really concerned did you see Bill, I didn't see it. What happened? Okay, he channeled, bizarrely, I might add some of his past magic as he left the courthouse. This was Tuesday night. This is after a lengthy day of deliberation in a sexual assault trial. Because we shouted the catchphrase from fat Albert remember that as reporters shouted questions at him. Here it is, take a listen, okay, keep Mr Cosby. We ain't need you, don't need hey, hey, hey, Steve, your thoughts. Excuse me. I know it's tough for you. See, that's your friend after the Flint christ I mean maybe he was calling somebody Hi, Hi, I don't know. He's he can't say nothing. That's your friend. No, that's your buddy. Man. That's like me going into court for something. Seriously watch that. No stop it stop don't because everyone I'm coming out of court. And they said, Mrs Harber ms hug do you have a comment, and I go show you look, show you a little you little to now no not righting everybody, everybody, no hold of out wolk Be reported asked me, So it's your hearty, that's your heart. How do you feel about the verdict? How do you feel about the verdict? Survey says, this is not the time for that. How about this come into the stage. Yeah, no, no, no, it doesn't work, does not work. Not right there, don't know, not right there? No, don't don't Can we hear that one more time? Just shock again? No, no, no, no. And it was a fool one too. It was from the hit one more ten. No. No, like my grandmother used to say, no, ma'am. No, man who was who was standing next to security and police officers and he's regular entourage. Yeah that normally that would have been a good time to trackolate. Yeah, I say, somebody shouldn't form tackle. All right, Hey, should we play one month? Ja, let me go on. You know what, when you call me from now, that's gonna be on my phone. All right, coming up, j Anthony Brown will be here to murder another hit that's coming up at thirty or four after the hour. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. All right, y'ay, we're back. It's time to get down the business. You know, we've tried to make this show just a lot more entertaining, which I think it is, And so folks, thank you all for riding with us. We got a new theme song coming shortly. We've adjusted the clock. You all have responded very well to it, and ladies, gentleman just allows us to be a lot more ignorant for you so we can keep you laughing throughout the day. One of the additions has been this food right here that mixed reviews about whether we should have bought him on because he's too damn much at times. But it is now time to murder another hit. All right this Stevens, We're gonna go back in the past and get one. It's about the Census. It's almost that time. This is a t I song and you can do what you can have whatever you like. So that's what my song is about. The census sign. You can vote for whoever you like, so check it out on Steve Harping Morning Show. Here we go, all right, here it is. It's a sensus. What a creed, one of a color, one of a tribe, of a group, one of a gathering, whatever association you belong to. Mark it down, get it done. C in a night here a dog? Yeah, what's your sex and race or type? Mark whatever makes you feel right. It's a sense of me wherever you lie. Yeah, you can be whoever you lie. Gain't on straight rain, dark or light and negro with the touch of hell buying the people. You can be wherever you lie. It's a sense of me wherever you lie. Yeah, mark what you want to tell him? You belong to the driver of lavor flavor plus you get and live belong to. You can put whatever on There be a Christian mixed with musslim I swear yeah right, big live brother on check coming, tell him you were training, but you gotta straight love a bi sex, no right and no need to deny. It's a sensus. Feel that out and be quiet. What's your ex, race or type mark whatever makes you feel right. It's a sense of me wherever you lie. Yeah, you can be wherever you lie. Ain't all straight rate longer, light thing, negro with a touch of albino people. You can be wherever you lie. It's the sense of me wherever you lie. What's your sex and race or type time mark whatever makes you feel right. It's the sense of me wherever you lie. Yeah, you can be wherever you lie. Yeah, ain't all straight rate dark or light thing negro with a touch of albino p meteor with the touch of albino don. Yes the hell I've wanted the name thing, I got youse, damn pranks, Now I got you hit. Where the hell is wrong with me eating many foods? You ain't. You can be whatever you like and touch up albino. You can something trending with a straight gay level. Yeah, you can be that. It could be whatever, do whatever you like. You're just you're just filling out stuff on the sisse once it makes sense, it's not good anymore, you know what I mean? Stuff to make sense? Oh my goodness, Thank you sir. It's not allowing me to do that. Thank you's paying me to do that. Thank you so much, man, to get it off your tail. Good about feel good about myself. Your comedians are growing crazy. This is how we eat. This is how we eat, man. But I gotta tell you, man, that's a real thing going on in this country where like a sign fail said it, he said, political correctness is killing comedy. You can't, I mean because of the internet. Now anyways, you fan, it's almost can't tell jokes almost frank phone calls coming up right here. We'll be back. You just wait, you're listening string show. Hey, y'all coming up at the top of our we got strawberry letter. Uh, gonna be a good one to day. But right now it's time for Tommy's pranks. But check this out. He he's what we play. What we want? My boat, my daddy's boat. Yeah, they like Tommy dude, my Daddy's both. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Mr. Wilson, Please, Mr Wilson, how are you today? Who is My name is Williams. Well, listen, we've been getting a few complaints are about some things on your property there. Uh. Actually I'm with the homeowners Association. Wanted to reach out and give you a call today. Oh, well, how are you doing? Pretty good? Listen. UM, got a few things I kind of want to discuss with you here that seemed to be uh a problem that's taken place in the neighborhood there. Um, it's been brought to our attention down here at headquarters that you have, um a few things on your property that are are not functioning that really shouldn't be on the property. Uh. You have two cars supposedly in your dry five way there that are not being used, been sitting there for quite some time. Well, yeah, what what one of them I'm currently working on. I'm almost I should have it repaired. I'm just waiting on get wait, wait and get a little extra money to get to take care of the other cars just function and I just don't drive. But I have more than one car. Okay. Now, you you also have a a a camper that seems to be has been there for at least eight months now, that's that's sitting there? Is that correct as well? Yeah? Yeah, I'm I'm working on getting some storage for that is, but it ain't really been there eight months, just maybe around about six seven. You're not in sixth and uh, you know, I'm looking at our past records and stuff. It seems like there was a complaint before about the you know, keeping the yard, uh, pretty cutting all of that kind of stuff. And I'm just looking at past complaints that I have here. Now the biggest one that I have that that's concerning your property, sir, is um supposedly in your backyard. Now there's a you have an old boat that's in your backyard. Yeah, yeah, but I don't see that nobody Well, well, I mean it's it's it's kind of a sore eye for the people. I think. I think you guys backyards actually bump up against each other, and you guys have a chain link fence between the two of you all, and I think the boat is must be just a sore eye for the family that's behind you all. Well, you know, I don't see myself getting rid of that boat. So I got a cover on it. Everybody else got a boat. I don't see. What's the problem is. Well, okay, here's here's what's actually happening. Mr Wilson. What's gonna take place is this. Now, we're gonna give you a fourteen day uh extension uh fourteen days actually to to move the car that is not functioning, the camper as well, and definitely the boat we need. We're gonna need those three items. I ain't got. No we moved boat. I just told you I was working on so well for stores. Do you know how my stories called no boat? Now care, I'll get that, take care. But the boat. The boat, the boat my daddy gave me, and my daddy gave me that that that's the only thing my daddy gave me before he died. Now now I'm not moving that boat nowhere. The boat won't just fun. If I take you down that to the water, it works, sir, and I understand it wholeheartedly. You know, I'm basically I'm just a messenger I have. I'm gonna have to get the non functioning car that's not working properly. I'm gonna have to get that out within a two weeks notice, as well as the camper and definitely the boat. Now, I gotta get that out. That's gotta be gone. I'll tell you what I ain't moving. I'll tell you that what you're gonna do. You gotta either move the boat. I'm gonna have somebody come over and haul all of these things away. Well, i'll tell you what. I got thirteen reasons why you won't go over and touch that boat, and I got to moan or two to two. I got thirteen, and then I got another twenty six added on to that. Why you won't bring now want me to touch my daddy boat because my daddy gave me that. Well, I'll be damn any of you. You know, I'm tired of you with me that cross street because I'm not at liberty to give you the name who's reported give me something? Because I know that you eight months and ain't nobody say so. Why hell y'all me about how to vote in the backyard of my daddy gave me, sir. The language is not necessary. The bottom line is I want to camper out. I want to vote out, and I want the car that's not functioning moved with them two weeks or I'm towing it out. I'll tell you when I give you a personal invitation to come over him, put the vote, the camp and the car, and I will beat you like that's what beat you, sir. U Wow, I'm gonna allow one car to stay. I just want to make sure that you know that I've given you the statement over the phone, letting you know that what what has taken place here will take it. But I ain't moving my boat. You're gonna move your dad's thinking vote. I don't bring the loan somebody, sir, trust me, Trust me. If we come there, we're definitely gonna be bringing authorities with us. Would go to because I love my daddy, ain't now want you. I'm gonna touch my daddy boat that's left me. I got one one thing I need to say to you, sir about this in situation excuse me. All I have to say is this. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your brother. I got to pull up, all right. Man's your brother told me and he said, Man, he'd be going eddie with the homeowner socier. He said, Man, just call him and tell him he got to move all this thing, he said, but most of all, tell him y'all gonna all off that boat. He said, he had that dog on boat. But I love that they know that. I got one more question for you, don't, baby, Tell me is what is the baddest radio show in the land? All right? He's crazy? Yeah, it is Father's Day weekend though, Happy Father's Day. Uh, Steve, you're at the mentoring camp with the boys and any camp having a great time. Man changing these boys lives, which this is all about. Man. I wish if the reporters want to come and report something, you know, they could come down here and report this. You need some headlines, you got it? Yeah, this is life changing. This is Yeah, this is the real work that's being done. This isn't a joke. And uh, Father's Day is here and I'm I'm you know what I'm grateful about Father's Day, that I am a father, that being a father has changed, you know, on my closing remarks and the I'm gonna talk about father. What speaking of Father's Day, a great Father's Day gift, ladies, go to Walmart and by your husband the brand new built soap collection, by him the bars and the body wash in all fragrances. You won't spend forty dollars and it will be absolutely fabulous. Just go by the whole collection. It would be a great gift. Get him the Prohibition, get him the Havana Bay Old Havannah, get him the Big Surf, get him the Big Skies, Mountain. African Black. What's that African Black about? It just smells so delicious. And all of these soaps are natural too, so if you have allergies, you don't have to worry about it. They're all natural, and it's just a great brand and it's so affordable, So get at it. Go at it, man. You know what, I've never heard a woman say. I've heard men say this before on Mother's Day, Well why do I have to get her something? She ain't my mama? But I've never heard never say. I've never heard women say they always get their their husband. Lady will call you daddy. It's right, ja. I mean I ain't even yeah, yeah, he's right, because I ain't even a father. You've been called daddy yes time. But I'm working it right though all day, Daddy, big daddy. You can't even get it out, Marjorie, daddy. Oh my girl call me daddy. Okay, okay, So since we're here, what's the thrill in that for a guy to be called daddy? It's a yes. The room though, Yeah, hunty, what you say? What you call me? Really? You will be in the mill and do or something. You go hustle. All right, Uh, we'll be back with the Strawberry Letter right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, the crazy Strawberry Letter is up next. But first, Steve, you're at the mentoring camp. Let's talk about your your Steve and Marjorie Harvey mentoring camp this weekend foundation, and let's thank our wonderful sponsors who care about our children. We do want to say thank you for mentoring and uh for our community you know as a whole, just giving back. We want to thank Choice Hotels International Steve Joyce of course every year. Just thank you, Yes, the U S. Army, thank you, U S Army. Yeah, US Fish and Wildlife thank you. We want to thank the Academy Sports and Outdoors and see W. Matthews. Thank you to our great sponsors. Al right, ma'am. Yeah, who just gives you know. Yeah, And the camp is great for these boys. Man, it's such a life changing event. We haven't lost a single boy this week, not a single boy. Uh, you know that. It's a funny thing. They come here with the attitude if they've seen scared straight and they know how I go, and so they come here with you. You can't touch me, you can't do nothing. But we're not trying to do that, man, We're actually trying to change your life. And if you allow us to allow you to participate in the program, the disciplinary action activities that we have, the team building activities that we have, which are the things that boys have to learn how to do, you know. And we're teaching a lot of African American boys. We have whites of Latinos down here, we got Asian kids down here. But we got to teach these kids that you really are responsible for your other brother, that this is not a video game. You can't shoot these people get a pellet and you get to keep going. Now, when you shoot somebody, it changes everything for a lot of people. And when you teach them teamworking and make them responsible for one another, it's some of the first times that they've understood it. Wow, I'm actually nected to this guy that he is not just another body over there. He's my brother. And for them to learn it's really really gratified. It really is, you know. And I'm gonna also thank Choice Hotels because Choice Hotels helps me on so many levels. Not only do they provide all the rooms for the mothers and a lot of the volunteers, they are also have an awards program where they helped me with the flights. That's incredible, man, this is the hotel Choice Hopes. Just Steve Jobs, man, that's my buddy, the U S. Army. But I say Steve Jobs yead he well, you know, but once again, let me let me correct that. You know you're talking about apple hold on tight Strawberry letter, subject so angry I'm seeing red. Dear Stephen Shirley. I begin this letter by saying I hate my husband of twelve years. I feel as though he has made a fool of me, and I feel stupid. The thought of him makes me sick to my stomach. When he says I love you, I want to say, kiss my butt. I'm at the point in which I don't even care to confront him for what reason? Another stupid lie? Okay, you can tell me that he lies to me because I am the one he doesn't want to hurt. But when he lies, at which point does a man realize that he is hurting me? He's still hurting me at this moment. It is not Uh do I leave him? But how do I lead? And this is why I am writing you. I know getting even is not the right choice, but it would make me feel better. I would like your opinion. Here's what I came up with so far. Set him up. I know he is meeting a woman in person that he meets online. He doesn't even know one of the women he's talking to is me. Do I talk to him first, ask him what I am lacking that makes him look elsewhere? Do I just get my ducks in a row and walk by the way. I would rather put a knife in a print of his profile and put it over his side of the bed while he is sleeping. What do you think, uh? I say, get some billboards. That's what we were talking about earlier, anyway, the latest trend. Right anyway, if you got an extra two dollars laying around. But my favorite line in this whole letter is when he says I love you, I want to say kiss my butt. Wow, that says a lot about your relationship. You're that angry, You're you're very, very angry and emotional. You want to get him back, you want revenge, you want to feel better, you said. But I gotta ask you, really, is it worth all of that? Is he worth this? Do you still love this man? Do you still want a relationship with him? Can he be trusted? Those are the kinds of question you need to be asking yourself once you calm down, and I get that you're upset right now, I understand this, Uh, I kind of think you are still feeling him because you asked the question do you talk to him first? And do you you want to ask him? What are you lacking in all of that? So if you if there's still some feelings there that you have for this man, go ahead and talk to him. But you gotta ask yourself is he worth all of this? First? Steve Man, Uh, thank you, Shirley nice response to all that. YadA YadA YadA. He go a deal. But I ain't got nothing to say to this, won'tan My notes is all for the man. Oh. First of all, when a woman in a letter opens up by open, let me begin this letter by saying, I hate my hope man. He has no idea the hell he I hate my us. But then she says when he says I love you, I want to say, kiss my boy. That's my favorite plays something to y'all. Let me say this to you right here, right now. The word hate and but cannot go in and sit things. And if a woman hates you, I can assure you, but it's not the word she's using. I hate my husband. When he says I love you, I really want to say kiss my whole all of it, put it in a box, and don't miss a corner. My favorite parts. Twelve years she's been made a fool of. She hate him so much you don't even know what he did into three A force of the letter is over. The whole first is about hating hate. She is on fire. I know, getting even ain't right. It's not the right choice, but it would make me feel better when a woman says that you find to get something done to you because it's fending to make her feel better. Because right now listen this message. Is anybody out there who may know this guy, if you even think you know him, if you have a Christian bone in your body, please notify him and tell him. Steve Harvey said, get out, well you can getting out trying to escape because you online talking and one of the women you're talking to is her boy checkmate girl two of Steves. It's coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, finish up with your response to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. So Angry I'm seeing red, Steve, I have no nothing to say to this woman because I'm afraid of Yeah. I don't want her to turn none of this on me. This is for the dude that's doing his girl wrong. Listen to me. Hell hath no fury like a woman school at the top of the letter when she said I hate my hood. This is not good for no man. Once a woman utters them words. Here, come the billboards, come the internet. Last, but Steve, she's fed up. I got all that once again, shert. I'm not saying anything to this woman. Just want the fellas. I'll need this in my life. But listen, and I'm serious, No, I'm very serious about this. If you think you know who this guy is, if you have even considered Christianity, please call his brother and let him know. Because see, let me show something. The Strawberry Letter is meant to help people to solve problems. Sometimes we laugh with the Strawberry Letter. This is the first time we've ever had a Strawberry Letter that is exposing a murder plot. This is not what the Strawberry Letter is supposed to be about. It's over here, by the way. I would rather put a knife in a print of his profile and put it over its side of the bed. Why he's sleeping What do you think? Yeah? I take it literally, knife and a print of his profile in his profile. Oh you don't hear it. Hum, she's blowing up some steam, Steve. Come on, blowing off, Steve with a knife in a sheet that you're sleeping under on your side of the bed. The knife is in the print blow all, Steve, take a drink for a walk. That's not how we do it. Steve, Are you scared? Yes, this woman here, I don't want her coming after me. She's fed up with his lies. She sped up with his mess. That's why he somebody noticed. Man. Please, for the love of God, tell him there is a murder plot out for his death. I don't know what y'all think it is, but she set him up though she wanted all. Steve, we gotta go. Thank you, Thank you, sir, email or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls, surely, and don't forget. If you have any issues. If you want us to answer them for you to give you some advice on whatever you're going through, hit us up on Steve Harvey dot com. Submit your letters to Steve Harvey dot com. Switching gears now, Steve, please tell us a funny Father's Day story about your dad. You have so many Father's Day Yes, just a regular day. Yeah, you don't want to fabulous things that my father taught me well so much about yo, But this was the one that I've used with my sons and has helped me. Okay, I was. My father says something, and I answered, you know, because if he asked you something, you know, you're supposed to answer, right. But he made a statement after that, and so I made a statement after that. My father stopped and looked at me. He said, what did you say? I said, uh, I don't like that either, because my daddy said he didn't like something, and I said, I don't like that is He said that ain't the way to work. At him, he said, you don't understand. He said, you're going back and forth with me, and I'm sitting that to myself. I said to myself, yeah, because we're talking. I just said it to myself right, very low, very low in my mind and without of fact, like it wouldn't even have registered if my brain was connected to a machine. He said, boy, you you you're going back and forth with me. I said yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm doing because we're talking. That's what talking is. He said to me. He said, let me help you understand how it's work in this house. Right here. We don't do back in foth. We just do foth. And you know, I looked at him like that little dog on ain't commercial hand he said, we don't do back in forth in this house. We just do foth ain't no back, and I went, I'll be damned this dude, right him, it's stillogical. I said that to myself too. Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's unfair that you ever said this one under your breath and they heard it. Oh you make me so sick. Uh can run away? Mama told me take her came sick to you somebody, Mickey, Mama, don't do that. Oh Shelly, what we got? All right, Steve, here we go. We want you to call our audience call us and asked Steve. This is asked Steve. Asked Steve about some parenting or Father's Day advice. Okay, if you have some uh questions, you want to ask Steve about Father's Day, about parenting, any advice you want from him? Right now is the time eight seven, in seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be back. All women like for their man to be well grown. So here's what I did. Like, I created this soap called Built. You can get it at Walmart and they're very very affordable. But I made them especially for men, and I wanted to create a men's lines with fragrances and a word that sounded like a man would want a y that a built soap comes in different fragrances, So I created a big sky fragrance. I got African Black, then I got Atlantic Surf. I got South Beach. But my two favorites is Havana Bay and then it's prohibition. Get it. Go to built on Facebook, everybody and ladies go to Walmart. Get him. The whole collection is very cheap. You're listening to morning show. All right, Steve. Let's go to the phone. People want to ask you some parenting questions. You're a good dad and everything. They want to ask your advice. Let's go to line one and talk to Ron out of Virginia. Ron, Hey, man, what's the situation? What you got? My mother been with the same man for forty years since I was eight. I want to give him some special right and I wanted to make uh. I can't give him your dope. I can't. You can't give a man I wanted to get you, but I can't give me. Okay, all right, I rememb We'll get soaked for yourself. Tell me who are you trying to get this phone? Now? My stepdad, who have been in my life. Just I was eight, been with my mother's forty years. Yeah. Now you notice I didn't say me and this is a good gift to give to other men. I said women, you could get this to a man. So how much you want to spend? And tell me that man? Let me help you out about about one? All right? Let me think. Let me ask you a couple of questions from it. Does he work with his hands and see a carpenter? Does he work on cars? Does he have a insurance job? What do he do? No? He works for Bank of American Security? Okay security? Does he play golf? He? Okay? Does he smoke cigars? Does he drink? Okay? Man? Does he drink? Okay? Cool? Here's a great idea for you. Hundred and fifty dollars. Uh, I want I want him to smoke a really mild cigar. What city you live in? Hampton, Virginia? Okay? Cool? Yeah, they got him over there. Just what I want you to buy your father? I want you to buy your father four acid cigars, acid by him? Four acid cigars. Acid cigars have a flavor tip on them, and they're very very smooth smoke ascid cigars. Story, do they have Acid cigars, the Couber Cooba, the Blondie, the Ascid for teen hundred and an extraordinary. They're all good by him four cigars and then buy him a bottle of zakappa Za copper rum comes in real pretty bottle. Man. It's not that expensive if you can get the ex So that's the that's a really really nice rum. That wrong with them foul cigars is a real nice manly gift and bottle is gorgeous. So when he's sitting out, it's a pretty bottles like pyramid shaped bottle with a big wooden top on it, and it ain't that expensive. So you get that in them foul cigars you bought at the one mark. He gonna go, Man, that's a nice gift Sony to get hi, uh Steve, because you put me on hole so I can tell you. I need to give Tommy a message. Man, it's important. Man. Okay, well what's her name? And get the board opper take that message for you, all right? Right, all right, well we'll get to you. Run back to you. Let's go to line too and talk to Aaron out of California. Aaron, Yes, ma'am, Hey, Aaron, good morning, Good morning. Okay, good man. Uh what gonta do for you? Yes, sir, I actually have have a question. It's uh regarded the path of the day. You know. Just just before I get into that, I want to say no Jafany Brown and definitely get addition to the show. You guys got a bunch of stars over there, kind of like the Warriors. You know, I wasn't thought of that, but in the real quick kind of like the war Yes, oh no, you don't know the you don't know who the NBA world. Come on, don't get it right now up there in the stage. But I do have a question, sir. You know, I do know that you know you aren't your father and your mother, you know, and um, my father hasn't necessarily been a father. You know. I'm a father of my daughter, and I'm a stand up guy. I'm there a ntember cent at the time, mine less when I was eleven. Try to come back when I was like twenty eight, and we're on and off, and he would show up and try to be entitled as a father, and I feel like he just a dad. So should I still get him a Father's Day gift and honor him as a father? Even though he don't sell. Well, let me ask you a question. Let me ask you this question right here. Does it serve either of you to not have a relationship with one another? Does it benefit either one of you? No, it doesn't, Okay, And you seem like a good dude, because what you've done is you've instilled of the fatherhood roll in your daughter because you've seen a picture of what it looks like and what it doesn't look like. So you've done the direct opposite of what your father did in your life. That's a true statement. Okay. So with that in mind, he's a man with that has a shortcoming. He has a character flaw when a man doesn't do his daddy duties. And he anybody can be a father. That takes a special man to be a dad. Somebody call you daddy. That's a different thing. So he has a character flaw. But because he has his character flaw and you, now, being a full blown man father and her daddy, you could teach him. You're old enough to teach him. And forgiveness is not for the other person, brother, forgiveness is for you. So if I were you, instead of spending money on it, just send him a card and write down what you feel in the car and give him that for father this day. You ain't gotta buy him a tie, no colo, you haven't spend no money. Get a card and write down how you really feel and what you would hope that the two of you could have before something happened to one of y'all, before y'all leave this earth. That may serve you far better than figuring out what not to get him. Just give him that and it helps. Should I worry about the repercussion, meaning like you know, it'll be like an argument or something like that. I really don't have the energy, you know, check this out. He can't argue with you when you write let him ark. But an argument takes two people. And once he started argument, you could say, look, bro, I said what I had to say that if you don't want to move forward from here, I'm okay with that too, because I'd have made it this far. H hown do your business man. You'll be all thank you, so I appreciate it. Thank you. Happy Father's Day, alright, Steve, great advice. As always. Coming up of the top of the hour, we'll share with you some highlights on Steve's father's Day celebration from his Emmy Award winning daytime talk show. It airs today. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, you have something really special on your talk show today. Uh, You're gonna highlight some men who play the incredibly important role of being a father figure two young kids, starring your son in law, Ben Raymond, who is married, of course, to Carly. Ben will share his personal stories of his journey as it is detailed in his new book. He's got a new book. It's called Playing the Game Without a Coach. Take a listen. This is my son in law. He just finished his first book all about his life call Playing the Game Without a Coach. Please welcome Ben Raymond. Look, I mean, you know we've had many talks about all of this, but I didn't know someone that I saw on the tape. Man, it was pretty powerful. How how did you? How did you find the strift to not give up? I think for me, ultimately, uh, many dark days, many days where I always asked myself and was wishing for a better life. You got to find the opportunity within the opportunity, and I think sometimes the biggest opportunities are are those in those darkest moments, And I think that's that that was the charge and ultimately through my life learning forgiveness. You know, always ask myself, you know, why me? You know, my mother bipolar schizophrenic, lost me in foster care at six months and then gets me back and I go house to house and my father is nowhere to be found, and my stepdad goes to jail. And I think for me, I had to ultimately forgive those closest to me, but more importantly forgive myself, quit blaming myself, and ultimately use that as a stratos for stratosphere to reach greater heights. Some of your hardest days though as an adult happened a few years ago. What happened? You know, um, A lot of folks know my journey finding my father. So I'm at seven years old and didn't see him again for twenty years, find found him in federal prison on the internet search and during that journey, UM, where some of the greatest days when he got released. He got released two years after the day that I found him, after doing you know, fifteen years in prison and got to take you know, game go and take him to the Cowboys game, spending a lot of time, but ultimately my father went back into the system. You got sentenced for twenty five years in um at one of the biggest moments of my life. I had just recently got engaged and I was looking forward to him being at my wedding, and for me, I went through a period of time. I was just angry. You know, why did I go through this journey? You know, why me again? You know, I find this man who I love and now he's gone. But in that journey, I found out that I had a sister. I never knew I had. You know, for twenty seven years I was walking on this earth. I never knew I had a sister. She knew about me, but I never knew about her. And if I didn't find my father and go through that journey, ultimately forgiving my father and I love my father today. In fact, my sister and I we're gonna visit my father right around Father's Day every year and we'll be we'll be seeing him again and continue that that relationship because you know, ultimately, you know that is my father and I love him. Well. Your sister, uh Devita is here, where's the Vita Heyvia, when when did you being connected me and been connected ten eleven years ago. He actually drove down to Tennessee to come see me. Um, just seeing I always knew about being my whole life. My dad always told me about him, So actually getting the chance to meet him, I was super excited just seeing him, tall, light, bright, big lips. I was like, Yeah, that's my brother. Even though we were apart that long, I felt like I knew him forever, like we to this day. We have like a great connect and I feel like I'm called Ben, you know for anything. I'm sure he feels like you can call me for the same. Wow. That's that's that's such a you know, and it's it's a lot of stories around the world like that, especially in this country, you know. But it's it's it's sort of it's really crazy. When you hear it though, and you see somebody, you go wild. I've had a I've had a sibling somewhere my whole life that I never knew about, you know, and then you find them. All of that's compelling to finding your dad. Okay, tell everybody why you decided to write the book, Well, you know, for me, the journey, Um, was some of the darkest days, and I found myself for so many years, you know, trying to figure out if I made it. You know, I wanted to help somebody. I always will be that guy that was mentoring kids, are working with people, and people will come to me for advice. I never knew my story was powerful. I mean I was the person that was ashamed of my story for so many years. You know who's gonna walk up and say, hey, my mom, is my polars gets in front of my dad's you know, in order to be found. You know, your stepdad's in jail. You you're embarrassed. For so many years, I was a star athlete, but on the inside is broken and I always wanted somebody who looked like me, you know, who could mentor me. And I didn't have that. And I feel that playing the game without the coaches that book that can help anyone. Doesn't matter where you come from, doesn't matter who you are um but ultimately your opportunity is the one you find and the one you sees he's got a great story. I wanted everybody to stick around because being is gonna be revealing. How having a son of his own who happens to be my grandson. A little b J has changed his life and that's not all. B J has turned in one. This is his birthday and so we're gonna be celebrating and everybody's invited, so don't go away. Uh you know. I think that his story in the book. I think it's a great book for single mothers that's raising boys without a father in their life. You can go to Amazon dot com. You can go online. I think to Being Raymond dot com. How do you how do you find it? I think that's it. I am Being Raymond dot com. Go to I am Ben Raymond dot com and order the book. It could be a great reading for your son to understand what that's like. So, you know, and I think that him sharing his story can help other single mothers who had these boys who are feeling all these different emotions about not having a father in the life. And that's what this whole manory and campus about being is down here with me this week. My daughter is here, serving both of my daughters, my son works, uh Junior, and all these cats. Man. I mean, it's a great program. We're down here working changing boys lives, not giving up on anybody not giving up on anybody. And that's that's what it's all about. And so you know, I love Ben saying how much he loved his dad. That that just warmed my heart. Was he still loves his dad. You know that that means something. But um, anyway, Happy Father's Day, you know, because for the fathers who are there for their kids. You know, Happy Father's Day to you to the father's who are taking care of kids. And to those mothers man who raised their sons without the dad's thank you for being able to bring him to the kid. You know, you know what I mean. They intrust their kids destinate. They're hoping that we can help them. And that's all the program is about. You know, tough love down here, but it's mostly love and uh, it's been very very effective. So that's it. We've got a great camp. Happy Father's date man, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, gee, thanks dad, this is just in time for Father's Day. Matthew Knowles says Beyonce's weakness is public speaking. Uh. Matthew Knowles recently spoke at Howard University. He's Beyonce's father, of course, and form a manager. He explained to a young group of students the portins of knowing your artists weaknesses. According to Knows, knowing his artist strengths helped him as a manager, and he used his daughters as examples. Everyone thinks that they're the greatest, and and they should, he explains. As label executives, we have to know the limitations of the artists. See, I would never have Beyonce up here public speaking. She's not good at it. Meanwhile, Solange, Yeah, that's what he said. That's what he said about his own daughter. You know that she's not good at it. Um. I mean, but there are a lot of people. I mean, you ask people what's the number one thing that they're afraid to do, and so many people say that they're afraid public speak public They don't like to get up in front of a crowd and speak. That's one of their biggest fears, the biggest fears. She's probably one of the, if not the greatest living performer of our time right now. That girl's show is amazing. But I don't I don't. I don't know if he meante the way it's coming across, I don't know, I do there's no benefit to use her, I guess because she's famous. Used her as an example. But once you started talking about other people's shortcoming, you didn't have to turn around and talk about Hill. Yeah. I don't know that. I'm not sure. Maybe he didn't mean it like that. He came out, yeah, like what. But you know, she's been a star since she's been a child too, so she's you know, been fifteen years old, so she's probably had not you know, didn't have a lot of but you know what, sopic speaking may not be strong. She's a problem. And that's when how many people can't speak. I don't want to do that, and how many people are afraid to do it? And don't I mean you remember when she was with the group, Kelly would do most of the public speaking, but when Beyonce would say something, it would be good. I mean, it wasn't. It wasn't. I don't like it. I don't like you know, I mean comedy doing comedy and then speaking, it's just for me, it's totally different, different. And I watched Steve doing it over and over, I because I know I'm gonna cuss. So he's brilliant at it. Though, is Steve really is he really has that in factor because he can do and he's a good listener to so even in interviews sometimes he's a good listener. Sometimes he's a good listen sometimes yeah, well he's out standing on a TV sit right now that is my real life. But sometimes you can listen like he's listening now to say something right, listen to speak. But I think it does sound like Matthew Knows was talking about himself as a manager. As a manager, you have to know what your weaknesses are. You know, he didn't have to like you know out there like that about Beyonce. Turn that music on and watch what happened? Baby. He's probably speaking when you got all this, you know you can hire some well she spoke well when she said, you're not gonna be my manager anymore, dad father. But anyway, I mean everybody has weekends. Everybody has stuff that they don't like to do, or that they as a family said anything about to comment or because I don't think they're just baby watch right now, Steve, Yeah, I think they really ain't got time for that. But Matthew is not a mean guy towards his key now, you know he said anything. I don't think Matthew knows or say anything mean or nasty about children. I've never seen him do that before. So baby was just taking the wrong away, you know. All yeah, he still heard daddy. You're listening Morning show. All right, we're back, We're back. Hey, Father's Father's Day weekend is this weekend. Don't forget your Dad's I know it's not as big as Eastern Christmas, Thanksgiving, fourth of July, More Day, Labor Day, Valentine's dayDay, another's day's right, you know, gunho holiday groundholiday as big as any of those days, like dad, not, it's not. It's not great, not to my husband or nets though. Too happy with your Father's Day, Father's Day. I'm saying right there, you'd rather have his birthday to get his man a damn Father's Day, Father's Day every year every year. But surely okay, happy Father's Day to my husband. Times throw out. That's the shame. And ladies, a great gift for your husband is Built soap this year. It's a new soap line is out in all walmarts. Go get Built Soap built. It's built for men. It's comes in wonderful fragrances. Get the body washed and the bar of bars are huge. The bars are huge. I made him so Tommy, couldn't you? You know it's so crazy. What is the thing that guys can't give other guys soap? That's just not cool. Well, you know you're not supposed to care about how smell? Man? Have me? Hey man, when you're washing up, thank the meres certain gifts men don't give men. Here's some nice wash clouds. No you don't, you just do. There's for a set of linens. Hey man, Hey hey, hey, hey man, bought you a scarf? Hey man, A bunch of some pajamas. Just don't know another guy, Jake, Hi, looking these jeans? Jay say none of that? What can you do? I got your nice peaky ring. No, no, the you know, the fishing equipment, Nickels, cigars, you know, tools, stuff that tare him down. No clothing item, your ball playing? You buy him a pair of Nikes, you can, yeah, basketball sporting equipment, golf clubs, you know some golf ball? What what did you look worried about my jaw? Dude? A bunch of some sunscreen? Hey hey, no, nothing came by a man, nothing would care? No, come on now, no, you can give him some off glove. You can get my baseball glove. You can buy the baseball yeah bad, yeah, yeah, you can get his ass a pack of hot dogs. Yeah before you got him a skincare product. What about like if his eyes are going bad like some glasses. I don't don't know my prescription dogs in my eyes. It's gonna take it with my eyes fall. It's gonna take you away to jokes right there, blind as I got one. Here's we give this to each other all the time, ladies. How about this a coupon to the spa. All right, we'll be back to close out this show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all be back time for just one more thing. I've been a great week, man, great week. Oh yeah, it really really has. It's been a great week. Tommy's been great. You know what. We got him, We got a breaks, We got him good. We're good sending pictures zip like I wish Tommy was zip lining and the zip line fake like it to break this is you know, don't break, you know, like snap, I am doing it. Tommy's father's her father, Quiet Jrs. Going in fatherhood. Thank you? Hey, you know so I'm gonna tell you something I feel about fatherhood I'm thinking of. I don't know that I speak to all men, but I do think that I can speak for a great deal of me, and I think that fatherhood for me and a lot of men, it's challenging, it's daunting, but it's rewarding. And I think those of us that have taken the time out to attempt to be not only good fathers, but good dad's, it takes a lot. It takes a lot, especially when you count yourself as one of those fathers who are responsible for the welfare of your family. And that's a big challenge for a man, and especially for men who have grown up without seeing that as an example in their life. It's a lot tougher for these guys when they haven't had a close up view from a man on how to be. And most of them turn out to be great fathers because they do the direct opposite of what their father did to them. They just do the opposite, and that's a blessing. It's kind of like similar to what my father always told me. My father always says, son, listen to me. Knowing what not to do is just as good as knowing what to do because it can save you a lot of pain. But there are so many great fathers out there. Like we say, Father's Day is not as big as Mother's Day, and we understand why, of course, and I don't think it should be. A mother is totally different. Man. She gave us life, she bore us, she brought us into this well, she carried us, she nurtured us, she helps us. But my hat goes off to the fathers out there that is doing the right thing, those fathers out there that's going to work, that's making it happen for their fund, for their family, and being a great father and a great dad. Ain't got nothing to do with how much money you make. It's how much time you put in, what percentage of yourself you give to others. Often teach my sons that you will not know what manhood truly is until you love somebody more than you love yourself. You'll know what manhood is all about when you love somebody more than you love yourself, When you would lay down your life for the life of your children, your family, your wife, that's manhood. Now I'm not saying you're not a man because you don't have those things, but the epitome of manhood, the totality of the totality of it all, it's when you love someone more than you love yourself, when you are responsible and the caretaker of them all. My hat also goes out to the fathers out there that's being daddy's to children that ain't yours. I said. My hat also goes out to the fathers out there that's being daddy's to children that ain't yours. And you women out there who are fortunate enough to have found a man who loves yours, who loves yours like they're his. Man. Man, oh man, oh man, what a blessing is that? Because the father that's supposed to be being a daddy ain't being a daddy. And this man to stepped in and said, hey, put that weight on my shoulders too. I got you, and I got everybody connect it to you. That's a hell of a dude right there. And it's a bunch of them out there, man, it's a bunch of them out there who just put that thing called manhood on and fatherhood and daddy hood and wear it and no matter what come with it, they wear it. My hat goes off to father's everywhere. Man. God bless all of you. Man that may I offer just a personal piece of advice. Whether it's going good for you or it's going tough for you, if you include God in it, it'll go better for you. That's for show. You need God to be a great father. You mean God to be a great dad. You need God to be the man that you want to be. It's tough out there, but y'all do keep your head up. It's uh this Sunday. Happy Father's Day, Jay, Happy Father's Day, Tommy at Father's Day, Steve Harvey, Happy Father's Day to all the men out there, man. And one last day. If you are a father but you are not being a dad, this would be a good time to step up. It's okay to say to your children, I'm sorry, you know what. I made the mistakes at my daughter's wedding after the dance, and I couldn't let her go, and we were standing in that crime, and it was time for me to give a speech. Part of my speech was I had to apologize to my daughter Brandy and call it for not being there when they were small. I said, I made a lot of mistakes as a young man, but I spent all my life trying to make up for that. Sometimes you get it wrong and God wakes you up and gives you a chance to get it right. So for those of you out there that ain't been doing it right, it's time for you to get it right. Tell him you're sorry, Tell him you made a mistake. But moving forward, you wanted to be different and see how I go. But if you're a father, God don't release you the responsibility of being a dad. Happy father, Steve. Wow, Steve, that was great. That was good. Yeah, man, you won't take me time. That was impressive. I like what you said, meaning it's never too never too late to be a dad. Y'all. Have a great weekend is here, I'm going on vacation. I'm gonna get it done. We hold you down, Steve, We'll hold you down. For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless other I stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.