Family Feud makes TMZ. Childish Gambino drops new heat. Melania Trump unveils her platform. The Cavaliers win. Closing Remarks and more.

Published May 8, 2018, 2:45 PM

Steve gets a crazy answer on Family Feud. Childish Gambino has some new heat that has everyone buzzing. 'Be Best' is Melania's new platform. The Cavs and LBJ do it again. The Closing Remarks will talk about 2 people that are near and dear to Big Dog and more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bags all so long, looking back to back down, giving them back, just like the milking buck things and it's tub y'all do me true good to tea the hardy listen to move together for stout hobby. Why don't you join, yeah, hobby, joining into being me. Honey, you got to turn yeah, you gotta turn't to turn turn to love. You got to turn out to turn water water go, comey, come on your things at uh huh, I show we all good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice. Come on, dog me now want and only Steve Harvey's got a radio show, yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I wanna do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor, and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those, and you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really, you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessed. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let's let me let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messages people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See, I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But but what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want to stay off track, They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop you can. I tell you something. Everybody gets off track. Nobody does a diet exactly, meal per meal, calorie by calorie exactly. Everybody makes mistakes, But somehow. There are people who have made a success of themselves. There are people who are living their life's dreams. There are people who lose weight in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track. Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now that's that's but that's easier said than done, ain't it, Steve Yeah? Because see people, when you get off track. Here's some of the things that happened. See you get the Here comes tony sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See I told you, I told you, you know you. You you start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay. Here's another one. It ain't meant to be. You can hear it all. You could say it. Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. These are all things that people say to themselves once they get off track. You can't do it, well, I don't guess I can do it. Here's another one. I thought you said that you was gonna make it. You know, I was show hoping I could have made it. It comes external or internal. But these are just some of the things that's that I thought you said you was gonna lose weight. Well, you know I had tried to lose some weight. I'm just going down the list of some of the things that goes through a person's mind when they get off track. But let me ask you a question. Who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's it's quite the opposite. See, everybody in pursuit of a dream, a goal, and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They're going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell you something. Every six scessful person that I know ever met talked to set out and chopped it up with have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way, quite directed who I got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong along the way. The valor victoria of your class got it wrong along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in every in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has gotten a track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me, it is umpossible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed, that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you're here. Oh but you thought about it, Oh, you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you that story, they leave out the stuff alone. The way it was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace and mercy of God allowed you to get back on. His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the nay sayers outside and the big nay sayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest nay sayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. They takes some time for you to learn this. And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See, I have a lot of nay sayers out there, but I ain't operating for them, operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, Because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track? There's no such rule out there. Stop stopping her self from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard the saying it ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I never invite her. She's not invited. It ain't over to the fat ladies saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I have not sent her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times. How come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that. All right, stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. Thank you. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. You are listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is official it's here, it's today. It's going down right now. I am Steve Harvey. The following people I will announced to you are responsible for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Without them, this whole thing would not be possible because no one would motivate me to come in here every day. Therefore, without them, there is no us. And I'm serious about that. The moment Shirley Tommy Jr. Leave As you're done. I can't do this by myself. Here to be four hours of this damn radio. You're never be tuning there? Go? Man? What is he up? That? Did you hear what Steve said? He tripped? He just stopped talking for fifteen minutes. We're gonna play in the background. But do you ever just get tired of talking though? Just talking? Yeah? I really do. This weekend was really really enlightening for me because you know, my wife had something really really important to do and I couldn't be a part of it. So we couldn't go to the derby like we had play we at all but we've never been. We've been playing on going to the derby. We worked it all out and then something came up. My wife couldn't get out of a commitment she forgotten about. So I don't want to go by myself, you know. And so I went to play golf and I didn't have to talk as much. You know, a lot of cussing. You know, all don't go where you wanted to go. That's different, you know how you ask can't hit the ball? Man? Oh I do that? What the hell? Hey man? I hit one. Good morning everybody. How y'all doing. Let me tell you what I did. I'm off the te box. I hit the ball into a fair way barker, which is a saying trap up the fairway. I had a good shot to hit about two forty. It rolled off into the saying trap. Uh, I'm up against the lips. So I try to punch it out just to get it in the fairway. I hit it too hard. It rolls across the fairway into another sand trap. All right, come out of that saying trap. I hit it trying to make it to the green. I hit it into the sand trap on the side of the green at two forty. Dry was nice for me. So I've hurt it. Now I'm on the side of the green. I get it out the trap again. I'm up on the green. But I'm forty feet from the stick from the hole. Now that's my part, my part putting for part forty feet away. I missed that I bo get. I felt really good because I bow get that hole. Because I've been in every singing trap and just one over that's like outstanding for me. I did really good. Here's my problem. And I know you are not gonna understand this, but on two paw threes, on two paw threes, I triple bogey. On Sunday, I shot at nine. You're playing, you're behind off. Surely you don't understand. I heard that I shot at ninety yesterday. I ain't shot at ninety At a minute, you've been you've been shooting eighties, seven, eight nine. Lord, let's just go break. Okay, well, listen, coming up at thirty two after something funny, and uh, I gotta tell you about Meek Mill, what he did when a Philly fan asked him for an autograph. Okay, right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it is time for something funny. But first you guys know Meek Mill. Of course he's out of jail now helicopter Yeah yeah, yeah, So me Meek was at the seventies Sixers in Celtics game when a Philly fan just walked up to him and asked him to sign a custom Eagles jersey that read free Meek on the back of it. Okay, that's what I had in the back. Meek happily obliged, but rather than just signing his name, Meek sign did Meek free? I love that make free exclamation mark? Okay, must feel good to be free after all that time. And uh, you know it just made me think of you, Steve, because I know, yeah it is Meek free, yeah, me free yeah instead of Meek mill make free. Oh. I thought, if you flip it over, you freak meat, right, freak me. You just sounded like freak me if you flip it over, but meek freak meek free meet free. Yeah all freak meat? What do you? What do you say? Anyway? Because yeah, it reminded me of you. How you hate giving autographs and pictures and all that stuff up. You know, you just don't when you're in your your your zone and your flow and you're walking, you hate for people to stop you and ask you for stuff, you know, So I just wanted to get out of jail ship you pretty much want to sign everything. Yeah, but it reminded me of Steve. Yeah, meet free, I'll get out of jail. What I really want to do is sign that paperwork after release, which I've done, sivertized. That's a really exciting time that Yeah, I'll be I'll be looking at the guard make sure there ain't no problem. So what is the craziest thing? I mean, has anyone ever asked you know how some rock stars people want to sign their chest lett what I've signed a lot of breath? I have signed a lot of breath with a shopping what Yeah, just remember you took it there? What you ain't signed one breask? Nope? Oh man, you didn't sign a breast before? Quick? And no you mean in the jay put no back in the day and not. The potential lawsuit is too great? Ye see tell me you didn't think about that? Did you asked me to sign they breast? Why? As I'm getting sued for because it's your name that caused the infection. The lady give me a pion to sign too hard? He could be anything I got, scarring anything. Yeah, you have to think about those things now. Temmy Okay, I will keep you in mind. The next breast that's in front of me. Okay, they still ask you. I don't believe that at your but don't sign the breast now? No, can I sign a shoulder back? Why do you have to sign skin? There's paper? What I mean? Can how many? How many autographs? He thank you? That side total? What would you think that would be tough? Tommy? Just how many? How many of you think you've saying time? Okay, watched this huntle Come on, I gotta be about one point six meal at least of just signing my name. I know that. What one point six meal? That's that's way more than you have ever signed. Because I got that, I got that that that carpet tone, I got all that. All that from saying carpet tunnel. You got your carpet toneal came from you. It's not carpet No, I was what I was gonna say, that gonna be good? What the joke do? Carpet to joke out? Didn't do? God, I gotta apologize, apologize for even thinking. Man, want to know one point six million times one point six meal? Big dog? Yeah? Man, I'm just I'm just youre popular than we thought you were. If that's how many, and that's what I keep trying to tell. Yeah, I didn't know. I mean I hadn't been all overseas signing with the troop. Y'all have been asked somebody, Yeah, wow, starting to look at you differently, and I want you to one point what's not what's your number? The whole point? You can stop. It's not one point six, Steve, come on, sign more books? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, we don't even got two people. Hey, let's lead the people out there. Okay, I didn't sign books. Yeah, he's got you there. Tell me because I forgot about the books. Yeah, I got my got I got more breast, I got more. Yeah, you definitely have more breast. I catch it eating. I'm sorry. That wasn't funny, did Junior? That was not fun? That was not man. That wasn't fun at all. Man. Think this started with a meek story and happy belated birthday by the way to meet. He turned thirty one on Sunday. He celebrated in Miami. He right now is living his best life. He really is. Well, yeah, well we got to start making some money. Get in. He's playing. Ain't none of his transfer, not living his best life. He frees, we got to get to making some paper, partner, get back in the studio. You gotta do something. We need a concert. Do you need a record that he needs something? Well, concert would be great. That's a good idea concert would be And he's on a mission to help, you know, the people that he left behind bars for better things like that. Yeah, I admired m. But you got to get back in that studio. Yeah, he's in there. I'm sure he's in the studio. Yeah, I'm sure he's doing both all right. Well, coming up next, guys, Uh, nephew Tommy yet again, gonna run that prank back. Ready enough up signing some breasts. I'm ready, we'll do it. Run that prank back with the nephew. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about new music. Oh this new music video by Childish Gambino. You guys, this video is prinding in a major way. We're gonna talk about that, uh a little later on, but right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. What you got nef no half. I'd like to see it like daddy, sound like I got maybe got my w together? Have we've no, we've Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Resa. Please reesa Hi Resa. My name is Byron, Byron from the job. How are you? I'm okay, how are you buying? I'm good? Listen. I hate to call you after hours at your home, but there has been some new issues that will be going into effect. That was just tomorrow morning, and we're calling everyone letting them know the new changes that have been um issued that will take effect first thing tomorrow morning. So we're giving everyone a call, So don't be alarmed. It's just give me a call letting you know what the what the higher ups have changed. Okay, okay, there's no problem. Minutes to listen, Okay, as up tomorrow, what's gonna happen is when you guys come in, you'll be issued a new key card, and that particular card will act the registers when you come in and go out. Okay, all right. Second one is there will no longer be any personal internet at the job any longer. You won't be able. They're actually putting a block on all computers, all the computers will no longer be able to go to a lot of these sites that you guys go to that you've been um that's been available here in the past. Okay, okay, all right. The last one is reesa do you um, do you wear a hair weave? What do you wear a hair weave or a wig? Okay, well, here's one thing and hopefully you can get this change about tomorrow. There's no weaves or hair or wigs gonna be allowed uh at the job site from this point on. So as of tomorrow morning, everyone must be wearing their natural hair. You're joking. Uh, No, These are the issues that are gonna be that are in stated, and these are going to take effect as of tomorrow morning, seven o'clock. What to do with a check and just the first two I can understand punching in and then on the internet, Yes, that's something that that corporate. But hair we've and you're getting in us are they're looking down upon it. Uh, Wigs and hair weaves they have to go. So I'm assuming that if you, like you said, you do have one, it doesn't come out there. Taking it down now and prepare your hair to be natural as you come in to work. Tomorrow. I'm not taking my hair down. I've been here seven years and I've dealt with all the changes that y'all have made. But there's no way that I'm taking my hair we've down. I'm sorry. I wish your name Byron? Yes, my name is Byron, and I'm sorry. Let's get back to your weed. This has you're gonna have to do something. Is there's someone that you can call tonight to help you get your hair down and so you can look presentable with your natural hair tomorrow. No, my, We've called over two or three hundred dollars and I'm not about to take that down. I mean it takes along to them. That's take that down. Okay? Uh? I mean, is this something? Maybe you can take it down and just wear it on the weekends because as of now, you're not gonna be allowed to actually wear it on the property. And how will you know if someone has a weave or not? Are you gonna do head checks or something? Okay, I'm ma'am. I'm not quite sure what they're gonna do to check it. But by you telling me that you you have a weave, then I have to write it down that you have confirmed that you do, and we got to make sure that tomorrow morning you're not wearing one. But you don't know what my natural hair looks like from my weaves. Are you heard how much I pay for it? So it's a good weave, ma'am. It's not about how good you know with the quality of your weaver or anything. They don't want it. They want natural hair. I don't know what that means. But they're going natural. They're going green, they're going natural. I don't know what it is. They're going natural, and so will you. Tomorrow morning you need to come in with your hair completely down. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm not taking my weave down. Okay. Don't like that. Y'all gonna write me up or something? Okay, ma'am. Do you not want your job? Yeah? I want my job, But this don't make no sense. You're talking about personal appearance. I can understand y'all have address coach and enforcing a dress code, that's one thing. But but telling somebody to change that, have you lost your mind? Man? You're crazy, ma'am. I'm not good. I have other people that I have to call. Bottom line is, get your hat out and get your butt into work tomorrow and let's not go back and forth anymore. Okay, well, listen, by rand you're a lost mine. If you're thinking I'm taking my weave out, I'm not taking out at all. Risa is coming up in there with her hair and I'm gonna sit down at my desk and do my job. Y'all gonna have to drag me out that we've you lost your mind, you and your powers that be or whoever they may be. You tell them that I said that. Wa amnute, Wait a minute, listen. Are you telling me that you're coming in regardless with your hair on? Right? That's what I just said? All you? Then then we need Why don't you go ahead and bring some boxes in because you may I'm not you bring man, I don't want to have to pack. You get your stuff and box it up, and you're losing your job because you can't take you know what? You can do that because I'm a call the news station and tell them you're dragging me out of behind some weeds. Who's wrong? You're wrong? You're wrong? You stupid? Are you gonna? You need to watch your language? Young lady? Why I need to watch my language? I'm at home. You call me on my own home phone on my time. I'm at my house. I'm not on your fock. I say what I want to say on my phone. Okay? Can I say what I want on my phone and then I don't let you go and you can come into the work anywhere you want to tomorrow. What is it, Bob on? What else you got to say? I want to up. I want to tell you that your girlfriend, Jennifer at your job got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show say, I I know you, hey, reasons this is this is not for your job, baby from the Steve Way. More than is your gentlemen, your co worker got me to pray phone call with my blood pressure up. I'm gonna kill it tomorrow and I'm gonna pull a whole weave out. You want to come down there and watch me drink out of the blood pressure. You can't be doing that to me behind my weave. I paid too much money. I definitely been on my kids. Ain't nothing like a black woman and her hell oh man, Okay, baby, I got one more thing to ask you, girl. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Well, after this prank, he has to be the Stevening Show. God was going with your babes. She was gonna whoop your behind. I do know that always. Now she was serious about her weeds though, listen to this. You'll ready, yes, you Tommy two words that would be me? That would be me, man, and have it on a Wednesday. But right after him to work this thing I need for you to do. Tommy is look puzzled. That's to give you a minute, but he's not because he's not going. I need to be in the mirror working on all right, man, let's work on it. You ready, here we go you Tommy? Yeah, that time again? Come on you, Tommy. Who who's asked? Who's asked these? You? Tommy? That depends day. Well, Tommy, coming up at the top of the hour, we're going to talk about Childish Gambino a k a. Donald Glover. He's causing quite a stir on social media. Right after this. You're listening to The steven Show. Alright, actor Donald Glover, who's also now known as a Childish Gambino. The rapper, hosted and performed on Saturday Night Live over the weekend, he was great. He was in so many skits it was unbelievable and he performed well. Um. Also over the weekend, he released his new single, it's called This Is America, and after the show, the music video This Is America was released and it has gone viral. Guys. Uh. The song gives social commentary on guns, culture, racism, and police brutality. The video features a shirtless dandy Donald Glover and Uh. He's dancing with children in a warehouse one moment, then he guns down a gospel choir in the next clip. Uh. This video, a clip of it, anyway, is on our Steve Harvey f M Instagram page. If you haven't seen it, you need to go check this out. It is really really good. I think this is art and I think it is um. Oh man, I mean it's just yeah, it's it's just you know, I think what he's trying to say, Steve, you've seen it, right, Yeah, it took me a minute. I didn't get it the first time because I was I was sitting on the golf course watching it and I didn't. I didn't get it at first. Yeah, but you get it now, really really really rich yea. You know, um, he's making an incredible statement, you know while were dancing and party in our life away. That's what's my takeaway from all these tragic things are happening. Yeah, you know in our church, police brutality, bro, everybody, you know, all of it, but we just in and whipped. Yeah, becoming desensitized to to it all. You know that's going on around us. I mean it's great social commentary, it's very artistic. A lot of people are saying, this is what Kanye should be doing, you know, this is what he should be doing with his art. Well, hold on, man, hold on, a lot of people are saying that no, no, no, no, no, you can't dump this on Kanye. No, it's not a dump. That's just what they're saying. Well, I mean, if that's the case, jay Z should be doing it. Everybody should be doing it, We should be doing it. That's unfair because if that's not your psyche, if that's not where you're set and if that's not given to you, I mean, what yet that ain't then you just set out and go do But based on what Kanye is doing of late, you know, with him getting into politics or him getting Kanye is not into politics. Y'all, y'all stop this here. Kanye not running for president. Kanye not gonna be president of the United States? Are we are we serious here? Well, I mean he's commenting on he's commenting on politics. He has an opinion on politics. Yeah, he did say somebody or or somebody said he should run for president, but not not like that, but just his social commentary, his commentary on what's going on in the world. His political views is what they're saying he did. He doesn't have the money to run. Well, I mean a lot of people don't, but they get sponsors and donors and contributors to their campaigns. Name me one sponsor for to do this. Yeah. No, Donald Trump is in that house and everybody in that house for some reason losers, damn lamar law hid, damn man in their half. Can you you're losing? He listen at you. Danny loves anybody. A lot of people say that. Great. Well anyway, bottom line, go check out the video. It's from Childish Gambino. It's called This is America. You can check it out on Steve Harvey f m okay and make your make make up your own mind and what you think it's about. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, so you have yet another clip from Family Feud that everyone is talking about. It's on TMZ because well, it's funny, it's a little disturbing at the same time. On this particular episode of Family Feud, you asked the question, what might a man do if his ex wife was telling everyone that he has a teeny weeny kill her? Max gonna shut this down? This little statement about me goes no further to get it. You're getting I like it was telling everyone everyone. It is a bit uncomfortable. Yeah, yeah, it makes you a little slightly uncomfortable. It's funny. I'm glad it wasn't up there. But kill her though, kill Okay? Wow? But but the young dude, the one, the one that answer said killer. He was sixteen. He was a young right now. He knows at that age this can't get out at sixteen, this could ruin me that down, killer, he said something, This ain't going nowhere. Partner, I got, I got team. That was a crazy question too, though, Yeah, family few does that? Yeah, and people be talking to me what y'all got to do with these, Steve, How you be coming up with them answers? How you come up with them? I don't come up with nothing. I just I read the question for the first time while out there. I don't know any of the questions beforehand, and I show don't know what the answers. Oh no, I don't know how you could. Yeah, but but as a host you kind of played the game too. When people say stuff like it ain't up there, You're right, he didn't even turn around for divorce. Yeah, it killer what just a dictor just this this thing about me goes nowhere? No, lady, you're never I'm seeing plut the little dude with see team. I can't let this out. Yeah, as this parent when he got home, I'm know it's small. I'm only but I was like your reaction to the question, Steve, I'll let you have. Yeah, my face is saying what everybody at the house is thinking. Yes, that's what I've done that no other game show host. Do you know if you never said a word because of your face, if you never said a word, we would know what you meant for real? You Tommy, Yeah, what's up? Telling up about ten minutes at thirty four after the hour, we'll talk about First Lady Milannia Trump's platform that was announced yesterday. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Boy, have we lost some sleep over this? I'm so happy that it's finally here. Milannia Trump announced her eagerly awaited form platform yesterday sixteen or what's seventeen months into her tenure as First Lady. That's almost a year and a half later. First Lady Michelle, of course, that unveiled her let's move uh platform in February of two thousand ten, just eleven months into her tenure as a First Lady, and Laura Bush debut Ready to Read, Ready to Learn during her first year as First Lady or you can't get mad at Milannia was trying to figure out if she was still gonna be first exactly. Hers was a little bit slow. You can't get mad at this moment. Yeah. I think she really does move independently of the President a lot of times, though she does. Yeah, she does her own thing when they're together. The Yeah, he does his own thing too. You're right, Steve, You're right. Milannia is focusing her efforts on the well being of children. Let's take a listen and what she plans to do. Good afternoon, Welcome to the White House. As a mother and as first lady, it concerns me then, in today's fast paced and ever connected world, children can be less prepared to express or manage their emotions, and oftentimes turn to forms of destructive or addictive behaviors such as bullying, drug addiction, or even suicide. I feel strongly that as adults, we can and should be best at educating our children about the importance of a healthy and balanced life. So today I'm very excited to announce be Best, an awareness campaign dedicated to the most valuable and fragile among us, our children. But it's a good thing for her to focus on children. Um, I'm sure she cared deeply for children, as Hello to Milannia is doing just fine for her husband to be who he is and running the race that he ran and doing what he's doing in the presidency. I ain't got no problem with the woman hanging the Milani. You know she can dress, just give her that for always does. Oh, she'd be killing the game. But you know, and and then, but I'm not never been a proponent of dogging out the first ladies. You know, I've just never been a fan of that. I don't think that should happen. I think we got a big problem with the presidency. I think the rise of all nationalists and white supremacy and stuff. They're coming out of the sand now because I think they think they have a spokesperson. The sad thing about it is he doesn't realize it, but he's been but he caters to that, to that, to that base of people, and which is like scary man, because he just caters to it. For the first you can't be the president for all people? Why not? What's wrong with that? Well, he doesn't know all the people. Well neither yeah, neither did presidents before him, previous presidents, but they tried to be president the president for all Wait a minute, Jimmy Carter knew all people. Obama knew all people, Clinton knew all people. Bush did a better job of knowing all people. Kennedy, This, this man here doesn't know all people. His associating his association with immigrants is basically at his house and and and in his golf courses. That he doesn't understand the viable contribution that a lot of illegal immigrants have made to this country, and he's trying to act like he doesn't understand their value to the workforce. But they are very, very real and valid. You also don't have a heart for Dhaka because you don't get it. You keep wanting to hold the law up that you broke the law by entering illegally. Your parents did well, they were born here. But man, if you've been here twenty thirty years, why are we sending these people back and they've done nothing except work hard and pay texts. Yeah, that they don't even know what home is. This is their home. This is the only home they know that that right there is not not the way it goes. Man, I'm sorry. And he doesn't get it all right, um, and we don't know that he ever will. But we're moving on. Yeah, yeah, we're moving on. H Nephew Tommy has a prank phone call. That's up next. You're listening to stew Coming up at the top of the hour, we will have today's strawberry letter, the subject a stinky situation. But right now it is time for the nephew and the frank phone call. What you got nef see he yes, see yes, Chi, that's right, that's right, let's go man. What now? No, I don't care. It's been twice. I know he's SI. Hello, Hello, I'm just trying to speak to the man in the house. Please isn't me? Mr? Mr Jason? You guys? All right? How are you doing? Sir? All right? Who's this? My name is Mark? Mark? Giving you a call actually from Child Protective Services? How's your day going today so far? I'm good? You sure you calling the right place? Yeah? Definitely? You you you you're you're Mr Jason? Correct? Correct? All right? Now you're you're your girlfriend or your wife. I'm not sure if you guys are married or not, as miss Stephanie I presume, right, but uh that's it's my girl, but in their last name. But um, now you said you call them from WERE again child Protective Services, sir? And uh really what's going on here? Uh Jason? Is that you? Um? You guys have five children? Am I correct? Okay? Yeah? Now what we're having is we're gonna we've been getting, sir, a few reports that these kids aren't being taken care of properly na non no report from were? You know, we we take care of these kids that ain't and shouldn't nobody seeing you on no garbage like that that we ain't taking care of no kids. Na, we got five kids. It's hard out here, but we take care of them kids. I don't I don't even know we're getting, sir, We're getting reports that you guys are not feeding them properly, that some nights and some days these kids actually go without eating. Uh, that they don't have for clothing attire, all of them kids, every last one of the kids, they wear a designer they you know, uh fashionable? Is nah? A nobody not taking care of the kids. I don't even know where you're getting that from. Are you guys actually? Are you combing their hair and brushing their teeth in the morning? Come on, man like, like, is it you gotta be you? You play? No? No, I'm not actually And that leads me to something else. Uh. I've actually had a visit with the at the school today, and I visit with a couple of the children. I'm the younger son. I met with him today and we talked and I asked him a few questions, I said, I told him, I said, I have a few more questions I want you to answer and to be honest with you, Mr Jason. He he he stood up and looked me in the eye and said that, and I and I just I was blown away by and I said to wait him, excuse me. What did you say? You're at what I said? I said that, yeah. But but now now for my understanding, I asked him, But I said, where did you hear that kind of language being said? Where did you hear that from? And he said he heard it from his father at home. That's like, I don't talk like that around my kids. That's that's a bunch of like that. You're you're you're here, you are saying it. Now, you're cursing. Now I'm cussing to you. But I don't custom my kids like that. I don't talk to my kids like that. Man, If you're talking like this in front of me, the nine times out of ten, they're doing it in front of the kids as well. Hold on, hold on, hold on, holder, listen. I'm a grown man. You can't you calling me telling me about my kids, and you're gonna tell me how I can't talk to you. I don't talk around my kids like that. That's what I'm trying to tell you. So let me let me let me bring this to a nutshell for you. What we're doing today is we are coming by there and we're gonna we're gonna have to bring all five kids, and uh gonna hold on listen, you're coming to us to get who find you're not coming Listen to this now, I'm gonna keep it real with you now. I've been trying to hold my composure since you got on the phone. First of all, I don't appreciate you calling me like this, with noes like this. Now, the first three those ain't mine. They Dad live up the street. You might go find him in the pool hall somewhere. You're not coming to get them last two, sir, I'm coming to get all five children. Sir, listen to that. You will not be coming to get those last two. I can guarantee you you won't be coming to get those last two. I don't have to. I have to bring all five children. And that's just uh those are that's my assignment. That's what has to be done. Okay, when you can check this out. Assignment my if you step foot up here. Look, I'm not gonna even keep playing myself. Man. I do what I'm supposed to due by all those kids. You're not taking those last two out of head, I'm taking all five children. Are you hearing me? Hey? Check this out? Are you listening to me? That you talking to I'm like, keep raising your voice that like, I'm a grown man. You gotta slow it up. I don't know who you are. You better not be calling me with that, sir. I'm bringing a van in there at four o'clock and we're harller needy kids in the protective services. You understand that. You let me let me tell you something. See that's where your stuff that you're gonna tell me what time you're coming down here. That's some real gas. Bring you down here at four o'clock. I swear to God I will be waiting on your I don't want any problems. I'm letting you know that the problems my four o'clock show up at four o'clock. U huh, just four o'clock. Ain't nothing else to talk about. That's who there is there is. I want you to have all the kids, things picked and a body. Don't talk about it. Be about it, okay, don't talk about it no more? Be about it. Four cars. You're gonna have a light skis all over your four o'clock. So I got I got one more thing I need to say to you before I below I get there today. I don't want to hear that four o'clock. So I got one more thing I want to say to you. Four o'clock. I say it, mant clock. That's what I got to say to you. But I got one more thing to say to you. Can I say it? Say it? Say it? This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked, baby, You just got pranked by your sister. Who Jason. This is Nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Man listen, hey, listen, I'm a tation heverybody. Your sister Razina put me up to this man, and look, Regina needed That's why happy man. Y'all playing games with me. Got these kids over head struggling like excuse me? I mean you said to be glad, you said you you You was nephew till me because somebody pulled up here four o'clock. They was getting them hole start in the top of their damn hood. I wasn't playing that, you know damn that that you're scared o out of me. That's just point blank. Man. Man, I gotta ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Oh Man, Steve Harvey Morning show Man. That ISPs trying to check the service. Sometimes you got to put a little thread on some people. Let him know. I hope you ain't treating these kids, right, that's what we do. We come over, we pick them up, You pick them up, put him in the car, take them away from you. If you don't know what you're doing when you can come over here, you're not taking these kids? No, Well you said they came to your house twice though, Steven, what was that about? Somebody I know in my life had filed a complaint that I beat the kids. Oh okay, in your previous life, I got you. Man came on over. Well, yeah, why I told his ass and not do something? He did need to use a belt? Yeah, goot your built or Stefan, don't reach your bild. What kind of belt you will be killed with? You know, it don't matter. Dog. If you're in my house and I'll tell you to do something, and the first first I give you the one on it. Yeah. The second time I tell you and you do it, you get a punishment now the third time. I'm assuming you don't believe fat meat grease. That's that's exactly right. I always wanted to I want to jails, never wanted no whooping. I didn't want it, but I'd rather have that than a punishment. Dog. I wanted to die. All right, thanks, are you're gonna make me kill you? Could you please? Here? Dry letters up next to the subject a stinky situation. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's berry letter is sponsored by one eight hundred Flowers. One eight hundred flowers dot com wants to send you to France. Yes they do. One eight hundred flowers want you to honor your mom this Mother's Day by sharing how she would you with everything she does. We want to hear your hashtag mom's who Wow story. For a chance to win a trip to Province, France. Visit one eight hundred flowers dot com slash when to enter and get the rules. Okay, uh, and now it's time for the letter. Listen. If you need some relationship advice, if you need some parenting advice, if you need help with your sex life, We're here for you. You can email us your letter and let let the code cracker and me help you out. Submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click Strawberry letter. All right, what when did your mom wile you, Steve? I want to hear it. I got into that huss on the back of the Oh Tessy, I thought I didn't know no other words, every other word I know when you just put a t on it, I thought it was tissy the whole time. That was part of that because I was doing a commercial on tie. I won't smoking. I want you put some tissie right here, some tissy right there. I want some tissye on me, somemmer everyone, I want some tists. While she came in the bath from Miami and couldn't hear good and that I was saying something you want, Yeah, I don't know you do. I want some to see some tissie right here, some tissy right there. I want some tissy on me, someone everywhere. And I'm doing that TV commercial in that me just put into that hot water bottled down with the cord on it. I shot the first scene from Glory before Glory came out. Title that. Alright, let's get to the letter. You're crazy, Steve. Here we go strawberry letter, all right, subject a stinky situation. Dear Stephen Shirley. I met a very nice man three months ago and we headed off pretty quick. He has been taking me on a lot of nice dates and we have really good time together. I thought I had finally met the man of my dreams until two weeks ago we ended up back at his house after a great dinner date. We both were ready to be intimate, and we knew it was about to go down, so we started taking off our clothes. He took his shirt off first, then his pa ants and Stephen Shirley, a funk I had never smelled before, hit my face, hit me in the face. I realized that the smell was indeed coming from him, So I told him that I no longer that I was no longer in the mood and I needed more time to be sure I was ready for intimacy. As I left his house, I thought that maybe he had a long, busy day at work and didn't have time to freshen up before that date. But he's not a small guy, so he should have known better. I didn't say anything to him about it. A week later, I decided to give it another try to see what happens this times. As things guide it, that same body odor hit me in the face again. Now I can't make Now, I can't make any more excuses for him. He is a grown man. When he's fully dressed, he looks clean, and he smells like a nice cologne. But when he starts taking his cloves off, it's unbelievable. I don't know how he can walk around like that. Am I wrong for not being honest with him and helping him work past the smelly issue? Besides the funk, he is a great and loving guy. What should I do? Oh? This is horrible. I mean, this really is bad. This is this is really really bad. This is because I mean, this is like a deal breaker right here. This is a deal breaker. Uh. And I don't know how he doesn't know it because we smell ourselves first, don't we before anyone else does? I mean, is this is this some sort of he's got to smell this? That's all I can say. If you like him, if you want to have a future with him, you have to tell him. You should tell him. You have got to tell him. I don't I don't know if I would stick around for this. I don't know how great he is. I don't think I would. Um, but it could be that he just doesn't know. Although I don't know how he doesn't know. Maybe he doesn't he has a bad sense of smell. I don't know. But this problem has to be addressed, and you have to tell him. That's all I can tell you. You have to sit him down and tell him. And if it's a medical issue, if he's sick or something, you gotta go to the doctor and and get it checked out. This is bad. This is a deal breaker breaker, Steve. Well, First of all, let's get this clear. This ain't medical. See, let's go through this. Let let me tell what happened. You finally met a man of my dreams ago. We ended up back at this house after some dayton We're both ready to be intimate. We knew it was about to go down, key word, about to go down, so we started taking our clothes off. He took off his shirt first. He knows to do this first because just to break in move okay, all right, took off his shirt first, then his hands. Wait a minute, come back, what she is a person into it? You can't just snatch you know, he no, let me take your shirt off first. Ready, now to pants. Stephen shellon a funk that I had never smelled before. Hit me in the face. It in gulf the room. That's what you're trying to say. I can't see it. It had been contained in the pans. Hats, got a belt on it, draw all wrapped around it, pairs legs, its been oozing out to bottom the whole night, all around his ankles got funk on it because that's the only outlet. When you got passed. You're walking so and when you walk and you're spreading, and there's people behind y'all going, what is that? But you don't know it? But when he pulled him passed down, I only got a minute. So I'm gonna have to tell you when I come back. I'm gonna let you know what happened when the pass came down, why happened, and why it continues to happen, and how you can fix it. Okay, all right, we're go When the past came down? Well that part two. If Steve's response coming up in twenty three after the hour you're listening to Steve show, all right, Steve, let's go when you left off in part one, you covered the top area. Now now part two it's the bottom area. So let's get to it. The Strawberry letter for today a stinky situation. Let's recap Steve. This woman that meant the man in her dream. They've been going out. He's lovely, wonderful. One day they went out. Weeks later, great dinner date. We're both ready to be intimate. We knew it was about to go down, so we started taking our clothes off. He took his shirt off first. Then in his past and as the lady wrote, Stephen Shirley, a funk that I had never smelled before hit me in the face. That's cause it had been released. It's been locked up a belt, got it in drawings, got it in passed leg told it is once you pulling them passed down. We wrote a song about it, the Hot Tops. When the fun kissed the face, all the people start to jail. I'm come on, get with me. So now you're with him. Now I realized that the smell was indeed coming from him. I told him I wasn't in the mood. And let's make sure he's ready. Here, she said, but he is not a small guy, so he should have known better. Whit What did that do? Don't worry about that. A week later I decided to give it another try to see what happened this time? Things got heated the same body or to hit me in the face. Now I can't make any excuses for him. He's grown, man, He's fully dressed, he looks clean, he smells like Knights cologne. But when he started taking his cloth off is unbelievable. I don't know how you can walk around like that in my wrong from not being honest when helpn work past? The smell issue's not wrong. He didn't got used to it. He can't smell what you smell. It's stay. You ever been on people's houses and they gotta smell to it, and you'll be going, Man, how y'all sitting up in the hill? See they they living? Now? See he lived with the phone. Now let me tell you why he stayed. Because inside them pass it's crevices and cracks, key words cracks. No, you were what you want? It's the unleashen. It's like you've seen that movie Prides of the Cribbin when the cracking, the cracking cracking. That's what he got. The cracking leaves in his pass and the cracking comes up out the water. Key word crack and crevices. The cracking comes up and devours everything in his pad. The cracking. He takes his pants down. It everywhere is all in the room. Flowers start fine, paper start burning on the edges. Your eyes is watering up. And he's standing there a large man. This man needs a bath. First of all, he is not cleaning himself properly. He taking bird back. He needs to get he tapping up on top. He got to getting some water. He needs pine salt. I'm gonna just be real with you. He needs folk caps of pine saw in his bath water. Really, your pine saw stuff you clean the toilet with. Well, don't he smell like about? He needs to run some bath water and put that little man in the boat from tide and boating. He need to drop tide and bowls and tablets in that damn water with him. He got to get something bubbling in there. See, I can't tell you what I really want to tell you because I had to rethank my answer because there's a lot of words in that. A lot of people ain't gonna understand. But let's just say cracks and crevice. We know what it is. Yeah, we got Let me tell you what. Let let me tell what the real Probably that center split that thing right there, it's it's got some something going on. It's got something going on that he's not cleaning itself. Probably he used the bathroom and he wiping himself like he twels. See when you're grown, you got to move God to do a little bit different. You gotta put a washcloth next to your toy which so you need a budate. He need to installed a budate today. Need to date. Tell that damn shower out, move it over a little bit. You need to put the date on this tote. Toto has a toilet seat that you can buy youall. It's an automated toilet seat that you you don't have to buy them. See, I had a toilet that do the washing, drying, all that spray all that every single time you go in there, and it keeps me, keep me baby fresh. If you don't have that money, they make a toilet seat that sits on top of your toilet. You take your toilet seat off and you install it and it will shoot your hot water. It will dried for you. It will put pressure washing on it. He got to get pressure now. If he don't, if you don't have the money for that home deepot sales, pressure washing, that's gonna hurt, even on his lowest settings. Is not made for the human body. But he needed to grit his teeth in bear wood. It fresh fresh. Yeah, see under his fribe. It's his privates he needs now. Now, he's not gonna do this here because it looked real scary. He needs He needs to pack Alko corn starch on him. I had a rash one time and I put Alko corn starch on me, and I forgot that I had it on with this girl I was in college and pulling my drawl or she saw him white pellets. Only that girl started crying. I didn't know what she was crying about. I was thinking myself, I feeling pretty proud. He don't be afraid of it, and it ain't gonna anything's gonna bite you. I looked down, saw him white balls with Alko corn starch on. MENA, what I'm with you on? The pressure was all right coming up in ten minutes, we're gonna recap some trending stories and update you on Chloe and Tristan. Sounds like they're back together. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Hard Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, We're gonna talk sports with the Fellows as usual the Big Cavaliers Raptors match up with last night. And speaking of basketball, it looks like Chloe Kardashian has gone public in her support for baby daddy Tristan Thompson. She cheered him on Saturday night at the Cleveland Toronto game at Quicken Loans Arena in Cleveland. Chloe is the most um uh, certainly showing that she and Tristan are back together despite the cheating scandal right before she gave birth to their daughter. So, Steve, I mean, are you with it? You're cool that they're back together? You have any comment on it? Whatsoever? People make mistakes. I think this young man probably learned an incredibly valuable lesson about what he did, and um, you know, people have the right to try to move on and heal. You know, he's a father the baby. You know. Everybody want to say, well, I don't know, I leave him. Well, not not so fast, Not so fast. It's steal the baby's father. You still have feelings for the man, he obviously have feelings for you. So everybody with this ain't I'm leaving. Well, I got you, I got what you're saying. But oftentimes when people weigh the whole thing out, sometimes it's worth trying to salvage. That's all I have to say. And I think that's what they want to do, then I think that's good for him. I think we should go for the baky happen. Yeah, all right, okay, moving on. Uh United Airlines flight attendant Steve appeared to be heavily intoxicated. I don't know if you heard about this, but this is during a flight from Denver to North Dakota. This is according to the Toronto Sun. United Airlines has issued an apology for the passengers of flight eighty nine after receiving several complaints about a flight attendant who may or may not have been drunk or high during the flight. A passenger complained on Twitter about the flight attendants actions during the flight. Uh it said the tweets said, thanks you unit it for a terrifying flight. Drunk or stone Steward is endangered. Everybody's lives. Boarding announcements were if your seat belt isn't fastened, you're flet up? Yeah full yeah, I was jr. If you'll see as you are, Steve as much as you like, cousin, yeah right here supporting up well. United has issued an apology, Thanks United for a terrifying flight. Drunk or stone Steward is endangered everybody's lives. Boarding announcements where if your seat belt isn't fastened, here ft up? What thank? I'm lying? You don't want to see bad. I ain't got to tell you what his extac is. You better get off here. She didn't told him jokes while she was so booked and she got drunk, and they came exactly Steve, exactly fine. I sit here and burn your heads there, just cuss. I'll be off to man. Somebody got a report. I jump out this exit though, follow me. Look that baby louds. The truth tells the truth. Ain't even a loss of cabin pressure. Put your mask on your dad. Babies can breathe longer than anyway. This is what the tweet said, Thanks United for a terrifying flight. Drunk or stone Steward has endangered everybody's lives. Boarding announcements were if your seatbelt isn't fastened, you left up. That's crazy. Yeah, man, wow as comedians. Now, did you guys hear about this story? You know Kim Young, the comedian that started Hangover and the TV show Dr Ken. Well, you know he's he quit. Well, I'll tell you the story. He was performing at Stand Up Live Comedy Club and Phoenix. Okay, you guys may be familiar with stand up Yeah, yeah, yeah. This was on Saturday night when a woman began having a seizure in the third row of his audience. He initially thought he was being pranked, then realized that the situationtion was very serious. Young reportedly cleared the area and monitored the woman until paramedics arrived. Then he stepped right back on the stage and continued his set. But you know he's he's a doctor. You do know that he's a medical doctor. He has a medical degree. He earned his medical degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine. Back so you have to ask why did he choose to be an actor and a comedian. I mean, I guess that's where his heart really yeah, his heart really yeah. He's very funny. He was hilarious and I've had him on my show before. When you can do this or be a doctor, why would you be a doctor? Yeah, funny lady's all right then yeah, yeah, yeah. But you jump off the stage in the middle of your set, you save her, and then after that, when the paramedics come, you jump right back into your seat. And that's because he good see how to jumped off stage and went to the back, stay away from the situation to avoid any potential loss. You had to do that. He always think of the lawsuit, a lawsuit involved and no matter what the shake it, I don't know. I love that though. He jumped right back on stage, right back into his set. But yeah, I guess he does love this more Steve, like you said, than being a doctor. But he can, you know, do it if needed it. Can be a doctor and save your life if needed. If he can't, because I've been killing him, you know how to do it. Oh no, CPR, you don't know how to do all right. Uh, we're gonna be back with sports highlights. We'll talk about the Kentucky Derby and uh it's the go to sporting event of the year. You know that for celebrities, and they were dressed really fly. He saw any of them on the internet. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show a right, So, Steve, I thought you were actually going to the Kentucky Derby this weekend, but you went golfing instead. Well, I couldn't go because my wife had an event over the weekend. And you saw last night she was at the met gala, uh dressed in Doe Cabana who asked her to wear their gown and she sitd at said at the Doekbana table. You know she's in the fashion and houses like her. She really good friends with Stefano and dom Dominica and Sol. They we couldn't have went to the Derby without her. I could have went if Now, if my wife didn't go, I wasn't gonna go, and you're not well, you wasn't going with me, so I could have went. I ain't as well. Did he want to go? But his anniversary was this weeknd. You're quill, but won't ask me in a heartbeat, because will know what to Wow, I know what to Where you get a hat and a suit. We can see your hats and your hats ain't come into the derby with me, not them. A little bit of peel box hats. Now that ain't right, people mistaking you for something else. We're gonna the hats I wear like jazz head. This wouldn't jazz had this? Ain't it jazz even just the derby brims for doors and women wear I wear Stanzy brin. What's wrong with you're being peel box because it'll be confused? Steve, what's up man? How you doing? What's up with the monkey? All right, we're gonna say congratulations to justify Justify one the running of the Kentucky Derby on Saturday at Churchill Downs in Louisville, and next year we're gonna be there. But we want to tell about the calves and the raptors. We can talk about it all, we talk about it all, but first we're gonna get pet for the fact that we could have gone to the dirty together and had a good time. But no, you don't want to do You can't go now win unless ain't mard you're going. You can't be around no horses without right now, I don't get this part. I can't have you round no horses. What do you mean you can have me around the horse. I don't. I haven't been around you and your horse that you what did you're talking about? To make? Get the damn jock out of here so we run this race. I ain't no damn jockey now. Now, people up here and putting you up on horses and everything. You got the best sea that the damn ty Okay, stop stop because I'm not that short now, No man off round the ground? Round even got round? Where's this guy? We've got peel hat coming around? Got on the leopard short heaper on the way to come from the hands on, full blown suit. He's coming around the corner. His horses starting to tire. The black jockey's horse is starting to he's on the back stretch. The horse is squeezing, folks. That's cause y'all, little chunk ass two hundreds some crown height of a jacket the weight of a grown ass made oh many you're laughing. That's not laughing. It's just know I am. What's in the out there? What is shut up? Really? What's in the mint julipe thing? What is that? Is that lemonade? Yeah? See that's the other reason you ain't going with me. Uh I want to ment you. Let me have to lemonade. Please? If it were lemonade, why wouldn't they call it lemonade? I thought it was just a fancy, fancy lemonade meant Julie, That's what I thought. What is it? It's a drink, it's a cocktail. I thought it was the kernel be drinking them me and do that's what he was drinking. You need to go down here though. No, I don't belong. No, no, no, no, no. I like that. I like where you're gonna that I don't belong. Yeah, I like that. I'm not classy enough to go. Ain't nobody never asked you to call? No? Okay, so let me answer this here? Could I have fit in? Where? Ain't mar? You would last at the gala at the Met Gallery, both of y'all really, man, the club would be bottom. Know what you're talking about? What did you're talking about? Tom? You don't have no steff on the read you suits? No, no, sup, you don't make that jump on oscar jump boy. It's cold. He got a cold and velvet shut up? He would springtime. You don't wear velvet. Now you ain't got no velvet jumping Churley know that you do never Ma'm was said to put the roughers on it. That gave that little uh get that Thanksgiving speech had a little people from shoes with the buckles on it. Yeah, see tell me whenever you want to talk about you know clear. Yeah. I think it's because once we start going to my childhood and how he did me as a kid, I'm not going to do yesterday. You're still traumatized by all of that. Oh my god, all right, I gotta give it up for you, big dog Cleveland caval Leers, foe. Oh going to the big show, baby. Anybody surprised? Oh you are? You're surprised. I ain't surprised at all. All right, you think I'm surprised. All right, welcome to the show. Now. Now you know you're on your way to balk You about to play Boston whatever? Who also went for Oh last night, they ain't got carries, but they're doing pretty good. They didn't swept. They don't swept Philadelphia. We all thought Philadelphia was gonna do the dog on that. Yeah. I really thought Phillip was gonna do. So what happened? It didn't, It didn't happen. Grown folks game game, US play, US experience. Okay, too many hood boys on Philish, I mean on Boston. Yeah, yeah, so you got Cleveland getting ready to play Boston. Baby Houston. Of course, Houston doing that. Man, do you know are you aware of this statistic that Houston shot more three pointers than two pointers this year? Yeah? Yeah, they three balls. That's why I worry about them, because they to me, they live and die by the three mm. Chris Paul, Chris Paul be balling at mid range shot. He got that boy go to work. Man. I'm happy for him too. Man, I'm really am having because I hope he gets to go to West Conference fire he had never been in his career. Yeah, I want him to head anything. Well, well they're going to the front. Yeah yeah, all right, we'll be back with much more of this foolishness right after this. You're listening to the Morning show. All right, guys, enough of Tommy being around head talking. You're talking to them. I don't think any of you all are ugly. I don't know if you really think. Yes, look really really close at Tommy. Okay, let me just stare at him for a couple of seconds. Yeah, it's nice siye, nice nose. I love his teeth. Yeah, he's got great teeth. Turned Sideway, it did hit, But did it they hit? You? See it did the strangeness and then the strangeness come over you? What did you laugh for, sir? Because you from the side. I need to stop telling people you were tracked. I did not say that that, Steve, I did, sule, What did What did you laugh for? Because she was surprised? He shocked me, Tommy, turned to the other side, Sideway, turned to the other side, to your right, turn your chain to the right. What did your laugh because both sides in the same same right even bigger, sir, because on your right side is your bed side. She really last it when you shut up and let me hear him? Shirtle what boy, you shock it? I'm not laughing. What are you laughing at that? What? I need to knock the traffic shocking? He startled me when he did that, I stared. You were just looking at it. I was okay, okay, let's do this, shirt Okay what Steve looking? Steve did on his face? Okay, yeah, yeah, see them big I see his lips? Yeah, of course, how can you miss them? You see all that I seemple. Don't forget its temple. Alright, dimple's big dimples. He's got great teeth. Yeah, alright, pillar mustache see the caterpillar. Of course, he's known for his mustache. Turned them big lip sideway. Let's see what sideways And that's not I'm my whole is bad. I'm a whole is stack of money up next to the stack of money on the same side. I have the same reaction. Tommy, Yeah, yeah, you see it. Shall Yes, you are fine. That deal with a girl not to mention sexy. Oh my god, big lifts and a stack of money. Yes, we have learned time that when you ugly you have to have extra attributes. Yeah, and right now only things can say you here money. But when you put that picture you and that rose us on the Instagram, a lot of people go, man, that's a nice car. Dude. Hey man, when you when the car is prettier than you, when the car is prettier than you, I will never do that again. The side you remember after hit Cock when he used to come over and then our last Hey that was a classics show, Yes it was that you have a Jimmy cricket from the It's time. Well, we'll be back with more of a Steve Harvey Morning show. We're cute. We're cute up in here. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Alright. Actor Donald Glover, who's also now known as a Childish Gambino the rapper, hosted I'm performed on Saturday Night Live over the weekend. He was great. He was in so many skits it was unbelievable and he performed well. Um. Also over the weekend he released his new single, it's called This Is America. And after the show, the music video This Is America was released and it has gone viral. Guys. Uh. The song gives social commentary on guns, culture, racism, and police brutality. The video features a shirtless dandy Donald Glover and uh, he's dancing with children in a warehouse one moment, then he guns down a gospel choir in the next clip. Uh. This video, a clip of it, anyway, is on our Steve Harvey f M Instagram pay age. If you haven't seen it, you need to go check this out. It is really really good. I think this is art and I think it is um man, I mean, it's just yeah, it's it's just you know, I think what he's trying to say, Steve, you've seen it right, Yeah, it took me a minute. I didn't get it the first time because I was sitting on the golf course watching it and I didn't. I didn't get it at first. Yeah, but you get it now, really really really rich. Yeah. You know, Um, he's making an incredible statement. You know, while were dancing and party in our life away. That's what's my takeaway from it. All these tragic things are happening. Yeah, you know in our churches, police, brutality, everybody, you know, all of it, and we just in and whipping. Yeah, becoming desensitized to to it all. You know that's going on around us. I mean, it's great social commentary. It's very artistic. A lot of people are saying, this is what Kanye should be doing, you know, this is what he should be doing with his art. Well, hold on, man, hold on, a lot of people are saying that no, no, no, no, no, you can't dump this on Kanye. It's not a dump. It's just what they're saying. Well, I mean, if that's the case, everybody should be doing, we should be doing it. That's unfair because if that's not your psyche, if that's not that, ain't that you just set out and go do. But based on what Kanye is doing of late, you know, with him getting into politics or him getting Kanye is not into politics, Kanye not running for president? Are we serious here? Well, I mean he's commenting on he's commenting on politics. He has an opinion on politics, is what they're saying. Name me one sponsor for you think is going to do this. Donald Trump is in that house, and everybody in that house, for some reason, loses the damn Lamar lost his damn man in that house. Knye, you're losing. He listen to you, Daddy lost. You ain't even in the house. Well anyway, bottom line, go check out the video. It's from Childish Gambino. It's called this is America. You can check it out on Steve Harvey f M. Okay and make your make up your own mind and what you think it's about. Okay, alright, Steve, coming up our last break of the day, closing remarks. Okay, get ready people, right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, it's time for your closing remarks. Yeah, my closing remarks today is kind of gonna be a combination of things. But it's two people who passed recently. One of them was a great playwright and producer, Shelley Garrett, famous for all the beauty shops and all of that. I remember going to see those plays. Shelley Garrett passed at age seventy one, one of the great playwrights and producers of our times. Really really nice guy too, man, so I only met him a few times. I know Tommy worked with him quite a bit, but wen't really really cool people man, Shelley Garrett passed away. A more not so famous person was a guy who worked as my personal chef in Chicago for a year and a half. Problem with his name was Chef Judson Todd Allen. He passed away a couple of days ago after working out and passed from a heart attack about forty years old. And U chef uh Justin Todd was just a warmhearted person man. He always was in a great mood, always accommodating, excellent, excellent culinary skills. One of the nicest guys I've ever met. And uh, Monica Barn informed me that he had passed, and I called my wife immediately because he had even come to our home in Chicago and fixed meals for several times, and so Margie was heartbroken. And uh, we send our condolences out to both families. Um, I know Todd's chef, Todd Allen's mom and brother had gone to the hospital after they found out. So our condolences goes out to both families for people who knew them, for the gift that they had in this world, very very talented people. Man. One was food and one was entertainment, but both of them left the mark. You know, when people can say kind things about you, not only when you're living, but as you've gone away, that's that's a testament to who you were as a person. And for me to take this time out to mention those two people's because they crossed my path and it made a difference. So Kelly Garrett's family condolences. One of the great playwrights and producers of our time was really at the forefront of what was later to become this great empire to Tyler Perry built. I mean, he was doing those plays long before and kind of set the mark, and all types of players were born off of that. But Chef Justin Todd allen Man, what a what a great human being. He was made very very helpful to me many many times really really sad news. But to his mother, his brother, whoever, he's all left, that's the only ones I know. I know this that he was important, that that he did his time extremely well. He was important, that he mattered to people, and that's all any of us can hope to do. You know, when we passed, there's three pieces of information on the tombstone. It's the date of birth, and it's the date of demise. Mr. Year you were born in the year you passed. Those two dates are almost tombstone. But the most important information on that tombstone is that dash. It's the dash. I was taught that that's the most important piece on your tombstone. Your birthdate is one that's a guaranteed, and the date of your demise that's a guarantee. But the most important thing is that dash. It's what you did in the middle of those birth and death dates. It's the thing you did that people will talk about the most. So what I've always been taught to do was to work on my dash. You're already here, and all of us will have to leave this world sooner or later. But dash, the dash is the mark that you leave on this earth. When you go away, you will you will be what people talk about. Those two men worked on their dash. I'm working on my dash. Make sure you're working on your dash. Make sure that all of us are putting the place together, a marked together. That will ensure that our dash will be talked about in in in grand terms to some people. And you don't have to be famous now to make your dash matter. The people with the biggest dashes are not famous people, but people who do their own the ground bootwork in our neighborhoods and our communities, at our churches, at our schools and our community centers, as law enforcement officers, as teachers, as as people who just mentor who tutor. That's your dash. Work on your dash, because your end date is coming. That's for sure, the end date, it's guaranteed to come for us. All what you gotta work on is that dash, because that's all you have, is that dash. So those are my closing remarks. I'm working on my dash, but I'm really sad about the passing of Shelly Garrett and Chef Shuts and Todd Alan. I hope this gets to their families and let them know that we thought about them today on behalf of all of us on the Morning show. We will miss them. Deal in our prayers and heartfelt condolences goes out to both families. There are so many others. Those are just to to to wo mentioned. Those are my clothes remarks to day. Thank you all right, Steve, Yeah, you can drop the mic on that one as well. Let's leading hang on in there. I'm a gonna do the rest of his day to day, all right. What do you have? Oh? Talk shows meeting? You know, just same on the same. I only got one more week to talk shows though. Really then you're going on hiatus, going to work at Family Few full time. Yeah, I don't know what a hike about. Hi hell, trying to get this boat body together. You'll have a great weekend, man, I'll be a family few this weekend. Like I said, y'all have a great man. I'll be working. Peace outums, all right, by for all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.