Family Cloth, Betsy DeVos, Cheating Stories and more

Published Mar 14, 2018, 2:24 PM

The Steve Harvey Morning Show discusses the new trend of Family Cloths, Betsy DeVos' 60 Minutes interview, the crews Cheating Stories, Craig Mack, and more

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Y'all know what time if y'all don't know, y'all back a suit looking back to back down, giving the mother like theming buck bus things and it's cub y'all do me true good at Steve Hardy, Yeah, listening to me together for sto barn to listen money. Don't you join Yeah? Yeah, well by you join me in being men said you gotta turning a love do ye close? You gotta turn't to turn turn my lovely got to turn out to turn the water of the hot go. Come come on your back at it. Uh huh, I sure will come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show. Boil Boil boy. I can't even tell you man, um. I've been doing some thinking and you know, just coming off vacation, I was really had some time to sit out and and you know, just recharge myself and and just think about a lot of things, and and and really spend some time with my wife and her and I, you know, just recommitted ourselves and and and just went over a lot of things. Just had a lot of long talks. Uh, you know, communication is the key, you know. And I'm a guy and I suffer with that as to do a lot of guys. I think a lot of women, uh say that they have a communication problem with their men. I'm no different. You know. I can write a book all day, but I still I am a man. I'm wired a certain way. It's not making excuses, it's just it's certain things that we have to pay attention to, especially when it comes to women, because of the way we're wired. And we were just sitting out there talking and having some conversations, and one of the things that I wanted to mention today to you as one of the principles of success being grateful at all times. It's difficult to do. Being grateful at all times. It's very difficult to do. I I find that to be true with myself. Now there are others that might be able to do it, but just just from talking and listening and and and and living and learning, being grateful at all times is difficult to do. But it's necessary be cause it's it's it's such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what's going on, it's going to be all right. And it's hard to see that when things are not going in your favor, when things have turned so dramatically the other way, and it seems as though you're the only one in the situation where you're involved with other people, or someone got an accusation against you falsely, or somebody trying to do something to you unjustifiably, whatever the case may be, when it's happening to you, it does appear to you that, oh, my goodness, man, this is horribly one sided. So it is difficult. It's hard to do to be grateful at all times, but it's so necessary, and I just I just want to point out a couple of things to you. First of all, the difficulty in being grateful in the hard times is that number one, the present circumstances. Oftentimes it's just so pressing and so overwhelming that a lot of your energy is devoted to trying to come up with the solution for that, or trying to muster the strength to whether the storm, or trying to just brace yourself to try to get through it, and in doing that, you don't It's hard to be grateful. It's hard to be grateful in pain, and I know it is, but but here is the trick for me. This is what I've had to learn how to do, and I I guess it takes practice to get here. It's not nothing you can just start doing right away. You gotta practice it in small increments to really get it. What I've always had to say to myself and what I've learned to say to myself is this is happening to me because God is working me through something. This is happening to me because there's some form of tests that I have to pass in order to graduate to the next grade, and that in order to be allowed to move to the next level. This is happening to me because there's something I need to purge my life, of my body, of my spirit, of something's purging in me. And when you purge something, it's it's painful. You know, It's like a person getting off drugs. The withdrawal is agonizing. I've been told and every documentary I've ever watched it it's an agonizing process to go cold turkey, to withdraw, to pull away after you've been doing something so long. And so I know that this process is tough when you're going through some pain, But when you're purging your system, when you're when you're when you're having to pass sugtests, when you're about to make when when you're being made ready for the next level. That moment right in there, in realizing that that's what's happening, that's where you find the gratitude. That's where I found the gratitude. I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it. But that's where you find the gratitude. The second part of it is is that God has never left me and all the things I've done, in all the mistakes I've made, all the lies I've told, all the situations I've gotten myself into from being greedy and wanting too much for me at the expense sometimes of other people, not doing it deliberately or in a vindictive way, because I've never had that spirit. I'm not a vindictive or mean person, but sometimes in my life, in wanting to do what I wanted to do, I didn't totally weigh out the cause and effect of the other person. I mean, can't just be real with you with that. I mean, how many times we hadn't all done that? Look, that doesn't don't make you a bad person. You know, good people do bad things all the time. I just happened to have come to the realization that unknowingly and and and not and not with malice intent towards a person. I've I've heard people looking at something I wanted to do without really looking at what the cause and effect would be on the other person. So in doing some of these things, I've created situations for myself. But God, through his grace and mercy, has allowed me to even get beyond that. So what I'm saying that God has never left me in spite of myself. He's always gotten me through. So that's the other part of it. To see that no matter what you're going through, you've got to understand that God has always gotten you through it, now, hasn't it. Now that may not be the way you wanted or the way you liked, But guess what, you can't do wrong and not pay for that. Now that that's not how this works. That's never going to be the case. But the great thing about God is he fires warning shots at us all the time. He gives us an opportunity to stop. You know, he don't fully punish us right away every time we do something wrong. Now, does it. You know eventually you're going to get caught doing whatever it is you're doing. You do understand that, don't you. But the first time, that close call, that was a warning shot for you to stop. Look, I know you're not perfect. I know we all sent us down here, so I know you're gonna make mistakes. One time. I know you was looking at her when you wasn't supposed to. I know you said something to him when you wasn't supposed those too. I know you got with her when you know you wasn't supposed to. And I know you got with him when you know you wasn't supposed to. So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna fire warning shot and maybe you'll slow your roll this time. But we keep on, don't see, See See that's what happens. See, we just keep on and then the next thing, you know, we get caught. Now, old Lord, have mercy, I won't out of this. Yeah. Well see you didn't dug this hole pretty deep, and he gonna get you out. But there's some things that's got to go down now because you didn't pay attention to the warning shot. See, had you stopped the first time you felt bad about it and said you wasn't gonna do it no more, the situation wouldn't be as critical. But because we don't stop, and we go again. But God always for gils. He always allows us to get back up again. He always gives us a mercy. He always gives us his grace. He always does that. You're listening to. Welcome to the ride. We are here. It's Steve harping morning. Shall we hold it down? It's the nephew in the building holding down. I can see if it's out today, But that's all right. We're gonna ride like we always ride in the building from the strawberry patch is the one me Suirley, my birthplace. Hey, good morning, nephew, have a fun day off Steve. We miss you. No, we don't know. We don't know. No, I don't And the mother of the year, spring break, she's doing it all. She's doing spring break adventures, she's doing till leading the whole nine yards color Peevie Pharaoh. That's it, nephew, I am working over time. Happy spring break out there? Can I just say this? Educators are amazingly underpaid. Yeah, man, And that week is too long ain't it man? Yes, come, don't. He just don't get you guys. All right, let's keep it moving. He's a comedian, he's a writer, he's an uncle, he's a he's a he take care of the family back home in Houston. The one and only junior board man. I didn't realize I did more than everybody. Shut out everybody in New Wall to see all tomorrow night. You're going to Yes, the game a roll convention. Yeah ahead performing even the laughing which do come on? Well we might wear sliding over to a segment there, put your hands to get our lord. Pocket man is here. You know the rules of the sigma. There's two of us. Everywhead to shouts out to all the teachers. My daughter who's a teacher. One daughter is a youtuching. My son is a out of body repaper. My daughter that's the teachers is going to be a principal and amount of time ever stop out. Yes, you will pass the ti. Just one thing. They don't call him you Titians anymore. That's what cool? Yes, stylish, Well I'm old Istian though that's a washing sick. Have you ever been to Harris Salon where they say we are beauticians not magicians like to look like when you can't look like. He's a stylish always correct me. Do you right, Dad, I'm a stylish You know the ball shop and house and loons have changed, they really have. Yeah, all the price the pricing win up. Yeah price lag was sixty five dollars. Ladies, wish we could get a haircut for sixty five. My hair is short and it costs more than that. And that used to be junior spot. Yeah, me and Junior was just starting to hanging. That was the spot. He was okay, but but they got a pit outside. You used to go to the barbershop just hang out with just to hang out out. That was a low blow. That was a low blow that being on team time and I can't job job listen juniors barber shop they got brisket, links, reels, all that's outside. So the dude that's that's cutting hair. Okay, hold up, we'll finish that story. But I have a story for you guys. Your three comedians in the building. That's so gross and nasty. Wait if you're eating breakfast, stop wait wait, we'll be back at thirty two. After you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it is time for something funny. Before we went to break, you were just finishing up your story about the barbershop with Junior. Please go hang out with Junior bobershop. But the barber that cut Junior, he got to pit it out back. Okay, it's got brisket, reokes, it's got links. Restaurant took this out? Why he couldn't have he stopped? Wash his hand, run outside. Uh, please me with some attack. He's took it. Yeah, he spraying. He spraad it all over the Italian dressing. Run back inside, wash his hand, get the cutting their man that meat. You know, I've never been to this place, but there's got to be head hand, no hand. I don't know. I don't believe his hand. He's a pro. I'm not eating in the primate. They ain't never hung out in the hood. They don't want to stand yam, Would you go to a restaurant when well, you already been to a restaurant when he got cut hand? Serve food? Remember the movie Backs with halle Berry, not with her dream opening up a shop of salon with a restaurant next next to Yeah, black Marre. Yeah, alright, okay, let me get to this story before we run out of time. Okay, there is a new trend that has people throwing away toilet paper. You don't need that anymore. Uh, don't even think about it. There's for something called a family cloth. What's that it's basically reusable. Keyword in this reusable small cloth squares if people used to wipe and then they put in a basket, then they put in a basket. There's such a big trend. There are a lot of different options on the market. Wait, wait, wait, wait wait, So so if I come to your house, I'm going to use your clothes. Okay, A lot of things wrong with that question you just asked me. First of all, it's wiping. Okay, no, not to my house, No, No, okay, here, let me finish. This is really a big trend. Now. There are a lot of different options on the market. They come in a wide variety of patterns. Toilet paper make a difference. A toilet paper is one of those papers that staples that people rarely leave the grocery store without. But it seems that more and more people are turning away from the standard toilet paper now and there they use these family cloths because their environmental we're safe. What these people from what I listen, this is a new trend. You're going to be hearing about this. Let us be the first to tell you about this. So nicky I am, especially about bathroom stuff. No, for what happen when you get in in suley. You don't forgot your cloth? It's in the basket, didn't you just hear me say they throw it away and they put it in the basket, they use it and then they put it in the over and yeah, the family it's called a family cloth. So we lost Tobody his house and he's got initials on the towels. Don't use don't you got a grand You know you're not supposed to use those good towels. Not that's what you're talking about it when it says his and her, why do you keep looking at I didn't make these? Okay, let me store I just brought you. I'm just the messenger here, guys, but I can't help but think you got these class man. I would like to be in the house when you hear somebody to say, who did you use your mama quill? You didn't use the coda grandmama. Well, miss wild little Wallace can't use a cloth, he don't need a bed spread. Okay. Some people just only use the cloths for number one, that's it, okay, but number then they go back to the TP for number. You called a t P. You got it, you got you call it that. It's tole. Yeah, I'm trying. People are Indians. You're throwing me all Native American Native Americans. I'm sorry, I don't know the correct Well you should by now, okay. But when you love somebody's house and you see a sham wow in there, you just go wow. Normally doctor yeah, but but yeah, some people just use them for that, but other people use them for everything. The microfiber, well, let's see, they're they're just cloth, some cloth. And what color they come in you don't want? Do you want white? You don't want that's gold color? Jaw? Do you know when the clean though, you tip of that? What if you didn't put your clothes in the bath? Yeah, you gotta look, you just set us on the counter. Somebody got to watch their face at the ball. This is just the reason now you have to go around with bigger purses, carl Us, because you got to carry your own toilet paper. No toilet paper, because if you go to someone's house and they just have a close your own TP yeah yeah you have to. Yeah, we wipe when you travel and you go through t s A. You need to let them know. Now, if I forget my clothes, do I get do I borrow a cloth from you? It's a family cloths, ain't en. Yeah, we're not in the same family. I mean we're in this family. Your family yeah yeah, yeah, in the same house. Yeah yeah. I wouldn't suggest or advise, so I'm yeah, So where you go your uncle ki when you get through wiper and I don't want that cloth, You understand what I'm saying, Yes, and don't get it mixed up with the dish cloth whatever youth. You see how us in there washing dishes, went to the bathroom real quick. Left that cloth and that chicken salt taste difference. You got to you gotta make sure you lock that dough. I'm sorry. If you're eating breakfast right now, I hope you start. Does a chicken taste like chicken? Why? Oh my god? Yeah, this is nasty all right? Look coming up next, it's the nephew and run that prank back family cloth. You're listening to the Steven Show coming up in the top of the our Mrs Anna is gonna be here. She's gonna have our national news for today. But right now it is time for the nephew and run that prank back. Naw, what you got done? Workman's comp Yeah, that deserved it, done done. Workman's comp is Yeah. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your Vincent place. Who's calling My name is uh Ed from the human resources? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely, what's up? What's up? Well? Bencon wanted first of all check on you. We know you're got injured here at the job. How are you doing so far? Yeah? Man, I'm I'm making that man. You know, everything's cool and uh, you know, I don't know how long. The therapy is going pretty good though, but I'm a right. Okay, therapy is going pretty well. Yeah, it's they say. I'm doing all right. The pain level is about maybe a six still, but it's getting done it though. Okay. Listen, have you been getting your your on time? Yeah, I've been getting a man, and I appreciate it, but it really helps, man, because you know, I ain't able to work right now. They said it's gonna be a little while. So I appreciate that. Y'all the one defending the check, Yes, sir, yes, sir. We all want to getting the checks out and want to make sure that that's definitely getting there. So you're it's good. It's all good, man. I appreciate it. I appreciate it. Okay, let me we've got a bit of a problem that we wanted to check out. Now. You haven't been doing any any strainings. Uh no, no, no, no, I ain't been. I ain't. I ain't been working at all, man. I just you know, I've just been taking it either. I can't do nothing really right now. And they told me I could do nothing, all right, And then you do know the rules are that you're not supposed to do anything to jeopardize your back. Correct. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm straight. I'm straight. I ain't been doing nothing, man. Okay, Well, let me let me say this to you. We do have some um survalance cameras that are showing us that you've you've been doing something straining with I ain't even been going nowhere, come out surveillance cameras. I don't know how they go nowhere. Well, you know the stringingus work that you're doing is actually at home. At home. I'll be inside. I don't I don't do nothing outside. I don't wait, I don't even bob que man, what you know what you're talking about? Streams? Okay? Have you uh vincent? Have you have you been having have you been having sex at home? What's the kind of question? Who is this is? This is a supervibus something we're kind of Let me talk to the super I ain't know your damn. I'm with human resources. I don't know. Man, excuse me, dog, but I don't mean disrespect you. Is that because you're paying me, you know, looking out from me. Don't mean you can call me and and just say any compon like that? Man? About have you been having you having sex at home? Save that ain't under your business? Don't have have I been having sex or not? In it? Wait? What kind of mean? Let me talk who you're supervisor? Man, sir? The supervisor here to hear me? Women brought with my attention and we actually have you on surveillance. You've been you've been having sex? Now you can don't know I know not you know cambers in my house, I know that much. And who authorize him like that? Anyhow? Surveillance for me? You're not supposed to be having sex if your fact is hurting, okay, you you have, man, you've been you've been not having no damn camera and my what you're talking about, Uh, you've been curvetan for me and having sax. That's a damn lie, sir. What's your name? What? What? What's your name? Man? Un sir? And who ad because I'm look, I'm trying to be nice. You're pissing me off as you and her sir, sir, here it is and we find out. I'm gonna I'm giving you a warning. No, but I don't mean I'm giving me your warning. You let me find a damn camera my house? Telling me I can't hand no sex and all that I have sects. If you're that is straining with work and you're putting it on your back and we're paying you, we're paying you damn about what you caning me and what you ain't paying me. You're gonna call my damn fault tell me talking about you got some name of camera and my house? That's okay? Well, sir, sir Vincent, let me say this to you. You don't need you don't need to say nothing to me, but but your last name and then your supervisor name. That was okay, and you don't need to worry who the supervisor is. You need to make sure that there's no more sex going on until your back is healed. Look, you don't have to cut you out and hang up for you, man. I don't have time for this, man, y becausey'all to what y'all do, because y'all doing for people. Y'all think y'all can do illegal and talk to people crazy man when y'all was coming them. I don't appreciate that at all. Man, this is I don't know who y'all think you'll ears down there, y'all do something for them. I think y'all can just call them and say anything that. Man. I don't like that, and I ain't trying to be disrespectful, but you got me heated right now. Man's not be cameras in my house. Did you understand that I'm gonna tell you once and one time only, no more sex? What you do? Put your talk? Man? I'm sorry man, because I tell you one day that you think you're giving up some money. Now I'm gonna see y'all I catching camera my house. You ain't known how to never pay uh pay me no more. You're gonna pay me one big check that I'm shooting out of y'all. And now you understand that I understand I need I need you to understand one more thing. Are you listening to me? Man? You go ahead? Man, I'm y'all got me easy, man. And then after this here, don't even call me no more telling him because it's ridiculous. Okay, are you familiar with letter men? Familiar with what? Literally? Do you know? Literally you're coworking letter? Yeah? What about him? Literally got me to prank phone? Call you? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve arp and more than show filson. But you've been man, get out of here. Man, you're about to have me the lord talk about my check? Man? Man, what's up? Man? This is y'all? Have me going out? Man, y'all have me heed it. But I'm well, I'm gonna kicking. It's not to be called that is he on the phone? Man? He ain't on the phone. Man. I'm sweating, like oh so I'm still so I'm still getting my damn checked that. That's what that beans. Y'all have be heated. Boy, I thought y'all gonna take what's up? Man? Nice and here from y'all. Man, y'all got me though, Man, y'all got me. I got one more question, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Of course, no doubt, man, if the Steve Harvey Morning Show always will be especially y'all don't got me like this here see that you know you know you're not supposed to be having sex, if you don't work with comp you know that you ain't supposed be doing nothing. And take this money back. Nothing's gonna stop you went through with the out someone right, it's going down March sweet third Friday through Sunday. The Nephew is coming to Memphis, Tennessee. Chuckles, Comedy club. Ticket's on, say right now, that's right, The Nephew was coming to town. Laying in the cut we got comedy off Broadway. That is in Lexington, Kentucky. April fifth through the seventh. The Nephew is coming there being a minute since I've been there. And then wade down the line Montgomery, Alabama. Yeah, the Montgomery Performing Arts Center. That's me, that's Bruce, Bruce, that's j J. Are we ignorant in montgomer It's gonna be crazy, all right. That's what's laying in the cut right now. The nephew back out there doing it, doing it and doing it well, and doing it well with with tps toilet paper. I hope, so we can only hope you're gonna wipe him out. All right. Coming up in the town top of the hour, Missanna is gonna be here with today's national news, and ladies, there is a silver lining. Check this out, ladies. This is one is for you. You're welcome. Okay, you're welcome. There is a silver lining to being cheated on, ladies. Oh, look at all the guys Facebook you get when you find out our nation, our national news with Miss Anna's coming up next, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right. Before I start the story, just to the ladies, you're welcome. I just want to say that you're welcome. Ladies. Uh So, here we go. Even if you have no personal experience with cheating ladies, you still understand that it can be a soul crushing experience to have your partner be unfaithful to you. Nobody wants that. But but as terrible as it is to be cheated on, and I think we can all agree everyone in this room has been cheating it on at some point. Yeah, okay, I don't I don't want it. Okay, but it's terrible as it is to be cheated on. New research shows that there can actually be an upside to it, okay. According to a survey of five thousand, seven hundred and five people from nineties six different countries, women who go through a breakup because of infidelity end up feeling more self confident and they developed higher emotional intelligence after six months to a year. I love it. I have helped a lot of people, man, I have really moved this country along. Researchers explained that the woman who loses her mate to another woman will go through a period of post relationship grief and betrayal. I think that's true. We all go through that, the sad part when we're crying and we're heard and everything. But that experience will help her find a better mate in the future. So this is yeah, this pal Uh does that include call a key and cause and what I'm just saying, is that part of the grief and betrayal. There's no proof, there's no halts. That's right. And then after the whole o J interview with hypothetically allegedly in air quote, So I gotta ask you guys. Have you We'll go around the room. If you guys haven't cheated on? Yes and yes? Are you a better person because of it? Jake? Am I yes, yes and yes. I've cheated and I've been cheated on. Yes so much answers yes and yes. So you're a better person because you've been cheated on. I'm here on the what on the what? Yeah? What about to do with it? I know nothing? What about you, junior? Yeah, I'm a better person if you just take out the part when I was yellous. Let his hand go, let his hand out. Oh you caught them. Let but look at you now call him it's not wait you walked in on it? No? No, no, um, I did good? Good? Mine was mine was I was working at a club and I brought my friend to the club. This is my girl, So I knew she was like messed around with this other guy. You knew it. I knew it. Don't she know? You knew it. I don't think they know anyway. I don't never know any guys never. I go out to the car and then first of all, my cars. They're sitting in my car and it's steamed up in my car, had some nerve ner my car was steamed up. I'm like, oh, lord man, so they were sitting in my car and it was steamed up. I mean, did you not set it fire? Around? Now? What kind of car wasn't? I forgot none? But I had to go back and do a comedy show. Oh you had a lot of material. Guess what I just saw. Show you our final thirty seconds and nephew, I know I have what happened. I have been cheated on. It has made me a better Cheatah, you understand, because sometimes be a cheating a better person, well, a better person to know how to cheat now, because now it's all Once I'm cheated on, that's who was next a cheating contact? Once I walked in and saw you making cockle doodle sound, you don't do that with me? Yes? All right? Missing it's here, missing out of here with our headlines for today. Good morning, miss Anne. Sorry about all that you've been saying. You've been cheated. Yes, there's been another shakeup in the Trump administration, one which many people said they felt was coming, but were nevertheless surprised by what it did. President alstad Rex Tilson yesterday his Secretary State by tweet, of course, and spoke to the process he prepared to board Air Force One. We were not really thinking the same with Mike. Mike Pompeio. We have a very similar thought process. I think it's gonna go very well. Rex is a very good man. I like Rex a lot. I really appreciate his commitment and this service, and I'll be speaking direct over a long period of time. Later on, without mentioning the President's name, Tillison said it had been a pleasure to serve his country along with his colleagues in the State Department. Take the same oath of office, whether your career employee or political pointee, we are all bound by that common commitment to support and defend the Constitution, to bear true faith and allegiance to the same that you faithfully discharge the duties of our office. Tilson's last day in office is going to be March thirty one. By the way, Under Secretary of State, said Steve Goldstein, lost his job to yesterday because he released a statement saying that Tillson was unaware of the reason for his ouster and that Tilson had every intention of staying. He got fired for that. Now the President has nominated his CIA director, mom Mike Pompeo, to take Tilson's job. Pompeo known to be much more of a hawk, and he's a Tea Party Republican. Meanwhile, the President paid a visit to California yesterday for the first time since he was elected. He made a stop at San Diego to check out eight prototypes of border walls. Lawmakers from both sides of the aisle awaiting the final talent from yesterday's special election in a southwestern Pennsylvania a Republican Rick Satcone against moderate Democrat Connor Lamb. Lamb is claiming victory this morning with about a six vote lead. However, there are still some absentee votes to count. Animal lovers on social media calling for a boycott of United Airlines because the steward has put a ten month old dog in the airtight overhead been and when the plane arrived the puppy was dead. High school students were around the country expected to engage in some kind of protests at ten o'clock this morning over the shooting of those seventeen students in Florida and the lack of tough gun laws. Some students are walking out of class for seventeen minutes, others seventeen moments of silent stuff like that. And today finally is National Potato Chip Day. Just can't eat one. I could go for some chips with some eggs. Okay, feel back with more entertainment. Today's rending topics. Twenty minutes after the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Uh, the hip hop world, all things hip hop. Let's go to carl and find out what's going on. Carla. This is some sad news. Huh. Yeah, yesterday really uh found out and everybody was shocked that rapper Craig mac passed away. He was hailed as part of starting the foundation of bad Boy. You know he died. He was forty six years old. That's yeah, very young, James, Uh, due to heart failure and Craig Craig Mac. He rose to fame in the nineties with the platinum summer hit Labor in yeah, yeah, that was you got the brand new flavor in your ear. One thing about it. They're like in college, the party didn't really get hype till you heard flavor. That's it. Oh my gosh. It was summer, and I think that's when everybody, you know, we kind of started learning about bad boy entertainment, you know, and and and the record label and Puffy and Craig Mac and Biggie and Faith Evans and you know, all of this movement bad boy. But I think hip hop fans can't agree that Craig Mac didn't get that fame like Biggie Cat. I didn't know, No, he didn't. But he was good. I mean, he was very good, but he just didn't get the fame the biggie guy. But did. He did declare both Biggie Smalls and Craig Mac the foundation of bad boy entertainment. And that's true, that is so true. So our thoughts and prayers are with Craig Mac, his friends and family and his wife and his children. Uh, he'll be so rest in peace, Crack Mac. That's that's really sad, it really really is. Yeah. So the party didn't get started. It didn't get started til you heard that song right there? All? What was what was the dance back about? There's ninety but I was caught ninety six. This is just you know, we just right here. The baby don't prove you ain't a university. You could not wait baby dog parties. It was real. Yeah, man, I'm missing the homecoming mann'd yeah. Women, And I will say this though, you know, for turnity, you know, y'all, y'all stroke, y'all will take up the whole baby dollar and you're gonna get out the wait, what's the baby on the campus. It's it's where the basketball team played. But they though parties in there. That's what we have part We didn't have a separate facility at this HBCU. The basketball game was over right there, and you called it the baby called the baby. The baby done what same? But everything happens in everything happens in the graduation lune all all school information registration. Sometimes it's good to have everything. And one the basketball team was upset. Scuff marks on the bold. Alright, coming up in thirty four after the hour, the White House is giving the Secretary of Education Betsy de Vos the coal shoulder. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Uh, the hip hop world, all things hip hop. Let's go to Carl and find out what's going on. Carla, this is some sad news. Huh. Yeah, yesterday really uh found out and everybody was shocked that rapper Craig Mac passed away. He was hailed as part of starting the foundation of bad Boy. You know, he died. He was forty six years old. Yeah, very young, James, Uh, due to heart failure. And Craig Craig Mac. He rose to fame in the nineties with the platinum summer hit labor in Ye. Yeah, that was you got to pray a new flavor in your one thing about it. They're like in college, the party didn't really get hype till you heard flavor. That's it, that's it. Oh my gosh. It was summer, and I think that's when everybody, you know, we kind of started learning about bad boy entertainment, you know, and and and the record label and Puffy and Craig Mac and Biggie and Faith Evans and you know, all of this movement bad boy. But I think hip hop fans can't agree that Craig Mac didn't get that fame like Biggie hat didn't know, No, he didn't. But he was good. I mean he was very good, but he just didn't get the fame the biggie guy. But did he did declare both Biggie small Saint Craig Mac the foundation of bad boy entertainment. And that's true, that is so true. So our thoughts and prayers are with Craig Mac, his friends and family and his wife and his children. Uh, he'll be missed. So rest in peace, Craig Mac. That's that's really sad, It really really is. Yeah. So the party didn't get started. It didn't get started till you heard that song right there? All what was what was the dance about nine? But I was caught ninety six. This is just you know, we just right here the baby don't pray you ain't the university. You could not wait Baby Dog party. It was real. Yeah, man, I'm missing the homecoming man, what'd d Yeah? Women, And I will say this though, you know, for turned to Roy. You know, y'all, y'all stroke, y'all will take up the whole baby dog and you're gonna get out to wait what's the baby on the Campus's is where the basketball team played, but they the parties in there. That's what we have. We have a separate facility at this HBCU the basketball game and you called it the baby called the baby baby done say that everything happens there. Everything happens in their graduation luncheon, all all school information registration. Sometimes it's good to have everything in one basketball team was upset scuff marks on the pool. All right? Coming up in thirty four after the hour, the White House is giving the Secretary of Education, Betsy de Vos the cold shoulder. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it is today's Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss it. The subject what am I supposed to you with that? But I'm next and paid money? What you paid to do with it? It's the nephew right here with today's pranking phone call. What you got now looking up at the daycare? Oh that scares me. Huh. You know you never know what you want to hook up with. Somebody hooking up at that daycare. Let's run Hello, Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to reach free Tom this is free and you don't know me. My name is Lanny Ni. I know I wanted to call you. I've been looking for trying to get your phone number actually for like about the last about two weeks. Na, what do you need my numberfore? Baby? Can you get on with it because I'm on lunch, but I'm trying to hear meet my lunch and I need you to come on with Okay, now is your um? Your husband is uh? What is your name again? My name is Lani okay, and you ask about my husband? Now what about? Yes, that's my husband. See. The problem I'm having, MS Freedom is that I looked through my wife cell phone about two three weeks ago, and I have found out that this actual phone number below to your husband named and he'd been text messaging her stop stop stop because but see let me finish though he's been text messaging her different uh text message and stuff, but he want to meet up with her, and and how she looked the other day and stuff like this here but then but then even worse than this here is he you know done? Send some some some pictures of himself some some nicked pictures on the on the on the cell phone. No sir, not. I know not because if anything, if he's texting anybody needs to be an employer about a dog. I know that you're not saying to me, whole body, who is your wife? What's your name again? What's my name is Linnie? And my my my wife name is? My wife name is Denise? Denise? That ain't read thing with me. We pretty much have an offer relationship where we kind of communicate and I don't don't know about Denise. Okay, do do do your husband's last fold digits on his phone in sixty two? Yeah? That would be okay. See that what I'm saying, man, I'm not trying to call you, you know. I mean, I'm I'm disappointed in my wife because of these text messes and in these pictures and stuff. You know, I'm I'm the one. That's why I said, Okay, I need to call this man wife right here and see what you know? Do she even know it? I need you to body to meet it back up and required for me to look here. Okay, Denise, you're Linnie? Okay, Well, ain't supposed to meant it? What you know because we used to go everywhere again when we go to first about the don't work. Let's let's go there. He does not work. I don't know where it is when he got when he generally when he leaves the house, we're together. Where did they meet with? How did how did they meet? Two weeks ago? You say, because oh I'm listening to you now, you got I don't. I don't know if they meant two weeks ago. I'm just I just found him in the cell phone two weeks ago. That's what I'm saying. Now. You say, if you're saying he don't work, then evidently it must be doing the day while you go, or something I don't do. I mean you you say you on your lunch break right now? Yeah? Huh? And where's your wife right now? Wait a minute, do you know where your wife is right now? Uh? When she's both to be at work right now? And you know what I just could He told me he was gonna getting the tube, and when I called back taking a long he used it, okay, it's yeah, okay, if I don't have to go back in this housepital baby, baby, baby, Yeah, where's your wife? I need you to get we need to your wife. We'll see my wife works at a A A wait a minute, do y'all have do y'all have kids? Hell? Yeah, we got kids, and that's my problem. That's why I'm so upset. I'm working all day. I get up at fow in the morning to make sure I got everything prepared for the whole day. I got to get the kids. But we have three kids, one, two, and three? Yeah, okay, okay? Is he the one? Because he I do he because my wife works at a at a daycare? Do he drop him off at a daycare? Don't start your fab He's getting deeper if I get what daycare? Does your wife working? Baby? Because I see, don't start me. Yeah he dropping them off? If you tell me the baby, just tell me plump I swear line. Now she's been at this place called children's Academic. Lie, you bet not tell me this non working its w They're supposed to be watching our kids. So you see, I'm already and see but see, I'm already upset and being upset about this year is for the last I've been holding it for the last two weeks. I've been holding it. Ain't said nothing tipting ned Why are you holding it? Yeah? You are? You to the bag? How me I'll just when he kid this. Let me tell you something. I get up a foe every morning, and this I got. I have to be the work for six thirty every morning I get to that damn hospital. Our slave. They did come on his slave for him. Try to make sure he feels good as a man although he's not working. You know it wasn't his body, y'all laid off. But hey, I want him to feel good. I'll go he's not work because you know y'all don't feel too good when you're not work. So I wanted him to feel good. I tell the kids, you know it's gonna be okay. But I bet you this got that nothing is my wife. Don't be you know she's my wife. No, wait a minute, not for white a minute. See, I tell you it was ignicancy. You should have been called me long ago. Let me tell you how you eat to see she's a first of all, because she said she too. She said he raised that out. I say, I'm not a player game, and she's with my head and he's sending our neked pitts. He ain't got to be showing no, trust me, it ain't worse on. I was just with him because he was a good man. I guess mine just dumb too. I was gonna ask shoot here because he don't add what do you want to add? What came you asked me? You just taught me this here it's with your wife from name Denise. Yes, that's what I said. And this is the that's Watson the twins. Maybe we have twins? Do you hear me? Can I say something else to you? I don't need you to say. Can I say one more thing? What do you need to say? This is nephew time and from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Just got pranked by your husband, Gerald. Let me tell you something got today to be pranking me. He needs to be found about it. I'm going ahead to ship when I get home, kiss, non working, cooking the nice. Let me tell you all the thing this spade the situation because first of all, I'm a woman, so I won't wan't information. But the special thing is we need the job, just don't work. I couldn't leave work. I gotta answer something. Baby. What's badest radio show in the land? Definitely the Seed Harvey Morning So you're I'm gonna get during the call. We picked up your baby and just saw somebody after active and said, hey, let's hook up at the daycase not not at those prices line, thinking of you never know who you're going. You might find love at the day. I'm telling you now, all right, once again, it's going down at Chuckles Comedy Club, Mempis, Tennessee. And Nephew coming to town Memphis. It's that time, Bobbie qu and the Nephew in the same city at the same time, Barbecue and the Nephew, Chuckles Comedy Club. The Nephew is coming then a long time and then I don't even want to tell you all about about Mother's Day weekend, you know, Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina. Wait, we can go to them. Go ahead here, I'm just everywhere, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, you are Strawberry letter. What am I supposed to do with that? Don't say it like that question mark, which I hope it's not what I think. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show all right, before we got to today's Strawberry Letter, and oh boy, it's a good one subject. What am I supposed to do with that? President Trump worries that incredible Mexican climbers will scale the wall. You know he is uh in California. We talked about that. Uh. He's touring the US Mexican border just south of San Diego. He's checking out, you know, the potential designs for the wall and everything where he warned the engineers, UH that these Mexican, incredible Mexican climbers will scale the Just take a listen to this, geez, the round piece that you see up here or you see more committy back there. The larger it is, the better it is. Because it's very hard to get over the top. It's really deterred from getting over the top. Who would think? Who would think? But getting over the top, it's easy. These are like professional mountain climbers, your incredible climb. They can't climb some of these wolves. Some of them they can. Those are the wolves were not using What did they say in Forrest Gump? Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you might get. Can we say that abrought our current president? You never know what's going to come out of his mouth. Okay? Uh. Secretary of State or should I say former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is no longer the Secretary of State. He's just not there anymore. He's out. He will be replaced by CIA Director Mike Pompeo if he gets approved. And right, and I think he fired him via Twitter, right, President Trump says he will nominate Gina Haspell as a new ci A chief. Now that is a woman. She will be the first woman to head the CIA uh as director and the first woman so chosen. Also, today, the President is here in California, a state is going show him much love. You know, he never even came here during the campaign. He never came here him here. Yeah, this is his first time since taking office. While here, uh, in Calli. The President is planning on looking at prototypes for the border wall and attending fundraiser supporting Republicans and teachers get underpaid. Yeah, yeah, right now. Yeah, let's just get to the letter. Guys. All right, here we go. Buckle up and hold on tight. It's that time strawberry letter. All right, there's a hard one. Yeah. Before we do the letter, j I do have to tell you if you have small children with you had to turn away on this one. This is a very adult letter. Uh, and we're not kidding about that part. Subject what am I supposed to do with that? Dear Stephen Shirley. Of course, you know, Steve's out today, so it's me and the crew. Oh lord, my strength. I have been dating a man for four months, and recently we decided to be exclusive and to start being intimate. Okay, she gave him ninety days plus thirty more. Okay, alright, not mad at that. The other night I was over at his place and things started to heat up. I was super excited because we hadn't been going any further than kissing, but this night I was finally going to give him some so I let my hands wander down his body and I got the biggest shock of my life. He stood up and dropped his pants and my mouth hit the floor. Okay, I was eye to eye. Are you guys ready here? You're ready for this week? I was eye to eye with the biggest you know what that I have ever seen. I told this is about me anyway in the uh. This brother could scratch his ear with it if he needed to. I was absolutely petrified. He saw the fear in my face and suggested we just watch a movie instead. We spent most of the night in silence, and she was speechless after this, and eventually I asked him to take me home. Okay, since that night he has been calling and texting, But I don't know if I can continue with the relationship. What am I supposed to do with that? I really like spending time with him. Please help, Shirley. Yeah, you're supposed to be the president here. I'm just gonna say. I'm just gonna say. Maybe there's a blessing. I gotta say it. I have to say it. I understand you say, I understand how she feels about this particular situation. It is a scary situation. It really is. Um, it really is. I think there are sometimes you can have too much of a good thing, you really can, and in this case, it seems like that that is the situation. Um, I suggest taking your time. Well, you're gonna have to do that. Lots of lubrication. I said that. I mean, if you're planning on continuing a relationship. Yeah, yeah, I may even go to the doctor beforehand. Too much for her can please you? Then, when it happened to me, I just thought over my shoulder and went home. I hate him. We're not talking about but no, you're absolutely right. But you're you're complaining on one and then when you find I finally run into a man's blessed like this, and then you don't want Sometimes it can be too much of a good thing. It depends if it's too much. It depends on what she can handle. If you want to stay in there and deal with this situation a man like a lady should tell a man if he has if she has a lot of kids, right, you should tell him upfront. Should a man tell a lady we first look when I need to let you know, we we overpack, if we go to the ample, we got to pay for extra legs. Just tell a man tell a lady that this is what I mean. I appreciate the fact that they they've gone, like I said, a month past the thirty day uh trial period here. Um, but this is a lot. I mean if you can't handle itally literally you can't handle this, I suggest you, you know, move on, you guys. Can Is there some ladies that they listen to this? Wait? Wait, you know it is, you know it is. It is a subjective. Yeah, it absolutely is. If you can handle it, go for it. She doesn't seem like she can handle it, all right, we're gonna have part try. Oh she well, she knows herself obviously when a piece, we gotta go all that thought. All right, pull that Part two of you, guys is a responsive. We'll talk to deal with part two of this letter at twenty three after you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Uh, here we go with part two of today's Strawberry Letter. The subject what am I supposed to do with that? A young lady wrote this. She's been dating a man for about four months. Recently they decided to get a little closer, to get intimate in their relationship. Like I said, they've been dating for four months. Uh. Come to find out when they did decide to get intimate, was that your phone change? Is that her calling you? Perhaps? Anyway, So they decided to become intimate, and the other night she was at his place, things kind of got heated, you know, they started kissing and everything, um and uh, her hands went there and she decided she discovered that he was very very very extremely well doubt extremely well endowed. Uh, and you know, she became fearful because it was you know, yeah, I mean, we know, we know you know, you know, I know more than fearful. She said she was absolutely petrified. Those are her words. So my suggestion, yeah petrified. My suggestion to her is if she's that afraid, if it's that humongous, and I just don't think she should. You know, what's the question? It's this. It's the same as it is as the subject what am I supposed to answer? We are from what am I supposed? Okay, so this is what she wants to know. What am I supposed to do with that question mark? But she really likes spending time with the You can do one, yeah, yeah, First of all, when you see it coming it, you gonna put both arms around it. You don't want to be involved in early get to know it, get didn't know it? I got one, I got good. Blocked the doors so the heat won't come in with it. Put that cold out, you know what? You know what? You can get some strain and go fishing with fish with you. Utilize what you said, Embrace the guy putting it for you. What you got to tell you? If you can't get something off the top shelf, stand on this, you go that. She absolutely pet What she didn't do with it? She get ridio couch, sit on it, so petrified that he saw the look on her face, and we suggested that you want to make some money. You don't need a toll Trump, you got that. You're stuck in a ditch, called to him. I got it. She is she in the gymnastics. Don't let down there and vote vote over. Come on, Jane, Oh man, you got some carwork you need to do. You want to put the cor on it, then you can slide up. But it didn't get that muff. You've been blessed. You want to add onto your house. You need a crane. You don't need a crane. You got. I'll tell you something. Are you having a party? You having a party? One game? They like to play his limbo. Just get down on. You want to add on to the room. You want to tear that wall down? You decorate? Wanta tell that whole wall down? Hold less, dude, let him sing it not all that down? Check this out. You and your girls want to have your own little little part like a girl's night out. You know that. You know y'all like having a little fun of the pole. Pole in there. You don't need no pole. Bring him old, but bring him on. Everybody can get on. Yeah, I tell you we're trying to good health. This is great health. This is something she could do is swat busy. They need somebody to ram that though. Yeah, now that's how you stopped crying. What we're coming in looks yes, yes, don't want to do that. This is this is a double Dutch dream come true. Jump with Jeff Broke. Bro bro you wait, you gotta wait for you get get get get a good and don't go into now. I'll tell you what. You know, a lot of people are into these X games. You know a different types. You're not not, you know I talking about you know, like you know, like bungee jumping is different. You know what I'm saying. What what better thing to bunch your jump off? You go down to come back up, you jump with it, go down your back. I got something I think she could do, you know, I mean, if at all, if he's over there, when he's there, hang your coat on this thing and let's just put your coat on that and let's just go. You know what time it is, it's baseball season. Somebody need to sign this boy. Ba Bass is loaded bringing it coming that Damn I don't see it now. Check this a hold up? Shirt. You know down in Texas they got a company called three Movies. Yeah, right, and that's how if you're getting ready to move from the house in the truck. Yeah, in the truck right there, one man, and you can move all that sound one man. But she asked us showing what could she do with if the toilet get back? Then him over there and unclothed, just come out? Did you get down in there? A little band? That ain't gonna ball? You don't need that. Well, you guys are right about one thing we have come on the ball. You need to do the presentation, but a point you needs that projection. Yeah, now nobody's looking at the presentation. Ship. Oh damn, we have to go. Guys. You can email us through Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter? Add my girls, Shirley coming up about down you guys coming up in about ten minutes. How to deal when you've been ghosted. Tips to help ease the pain of someone disappearing on you when it comes time to break up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ghosting, guys, is a pretty cruel way to end a relationship. We all know that because guys don't like closure, right, but the practice of breaking up by suddenly ending all communication with your partner is on the rise. So just shut it down everything. Yeah, no closure, No more calls, no text, no showing off. Just ghost you know what something well you like? Men don't like, you know, to be confronted, and yeah, that's how they do it. Yeah, they're just onto the next to the next. I'm different. I like the one more tame. You know what I'm saying, but a good time. Let's do it. One more tame for the rope, you know what I'm paying. And then you're but we get no, Yeah that's what that's close your carla for you different? We stay all right, he dried that over here, you get closure. We both laid down, we both got it. Were good, We're good. Let's walk away. All right, here we go. A recent study of thirteen hundred found that of people say they've been ghosted and admit to doing the ghosting. All right, jay, So here's some tips to deal with it. Give yourself dedicated wallowing time, you know, to wallow in the sorrow, just you know, block off some time. You're gonna be sad, You're gonna hurt. Women don't need that, No, especially you tell me because you're so sensitive, and you know you are. But I don't mean I ain't gonna go wallow with somebody else. You're not. But you know what, it's funny you say that because Steve does say that the best way to get over a person is to get under a new person. Yes, absolute, men do that. Okay, don't go looking for answers. You know what happened? What did I do? Yeah? Don't don't second guess yourself, don't overthink it. It's just done. You have no idea what the other person is thinking. And don't please do not go looking for an apology. That's another tip. You're not gonna get down. No, no, no, no, I'm not gonna get trying to get closure from your ghoster. He's gone or she's gone. Let them go. They're probably gonna lie anyway. You know, they're probably not going to tell you the truth. Uh. And the other the other tip is to force yourself to find the positive spin. M. That's interesting. Yeah. According to a dating coach, if there was a lesson to be learned, try to, you know, find a lesson better off? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, what did you do you know yeah, or it wasn't my fault, you know whatever. So so these are yeah, just learn. There's the lessons about just cool. I'm surprised you guys didn't say it here down here is that? How you waddle in a car and you key the car are the words of O j H. But we can him in this. Yeah. So you guys have any dump stories. You guys get dumped. I know you do. Ja My god, come on, what just one time? There was this one time when um I had said and then she she told me she loved me, which was not true. He didn't love me. And it was this big dance. It's like back in the day. We'll go to this dance and she had her other boyfriend there, and so I go to the dance and she said meet me there, which is never a good sign. When you go to pick them up, you pick them up. And when she said meet me there, she was done with context clues, Jay, context clue. And not only they were dancing, but they were really really nast they was grinded. Yeah, what kind of change? I was so crushed. I was in the sixth grade. That's when I started to drinking. I got your daddy bottle. I had just got off the phone with it, right. He said, well, I'm going to bed. I said, all right, well we'll talk to marrow and then you know, the feller said, hey, man, let's go out to the bar. When we go up to the bar and we have the childen leave and having drink, and my boy said, hey, man, ain't that your girl over there? I said, no, man, she went to bed. I look first, she's sleep, man, And she was sleep alright. She had her eyes closed, but her toue was in somebody else's mouth. I said, no, no, not in front of you and everybody. That was the worst ride home that everybody saw. Everybody saw. Fellers, let me have it. You have the worst to break up stories I've ever heard. Guy. It was like telling jokes too, so you know, it was like I had enough to keep her. It was easy, very important. Yeah, it was easy thousand three right men, men, they're not detectives like we are. Look first, when the guy said, isn't that your girls? Looked first? Yahoud say she was going to sleep? You believe that? Why would she lie she going to sleep? I know, I said, I'm going to sleep. Why don't guys, lie, why don't you lie? Come tell me with your story? All right, me gonna break mad Down Comedy Club, nineteen nineties. I'm I'm the host for the weekends. You know what. All sum along, I'm pretty much the host. And I started dating the Spanish girl. But it was really deal for two weeks. It didn't lay alone. Started out with making out in the back room in the green room. I I'm linking this chick right here. So then by two weeks later I'm hosting. I get all stayed by ten minutes early and I'm supposed to be and I go to the same room we were making audience. She's making out with another comedian and I don't know, I got to bring him up neck, damn. And that wasn't funny. Okay, call that story all that story. We gotta come back and talk about that. I love this, all right, um, and we're gonna talk about o J as well. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right. Before we left to go to break, we were talking about breakups, the worst breakups we had. It's not really Redicus quittin stories yea a ghosting stories all right, nephew, you were on deck. You talked about the girl you were dating in the Spanish girl about two weeks only two weeks flat. I'm I'm the host at the comedy clubs that matter. That she was Spanish. Oh drop, Deck's pretty. I just that's just how I remember. Oh, and that's what she used to call me, said happy call, said poppy. When you hear pop turned you on? What they never didly turned a few more people off. I get on stage early one night and I'm bringing up this guy. And now he comes to the stage. I said, well, oh girl that I go to the same room we was making out in his shield with the headline, I said, I beat damn excuse me, headliner. Oh I'm sorry. Well I'm the host. That's a big difference, Pacheck, not the headline. I don't know that. I thought we was going together. We didn't know that at all. With the head Poppy, don't come in here, don't look in this room right now for me when I bring it to the stage, giving up for this blanket, and about the blanket and blanket and guess what else he been? No, you told everything he wanted. I mean he didn't know. Yeah, he didn't. Yeah, he comedy clubs, love stories or something else. Yeah, you already know who it is. She didn't. Let's put it this way. Certainly the Spanish girl and who Junior about to tell you they worked together. Junior has the absolute words. Tommy told me just date the girl and gone about your bill. Okay he said that. No, not falling. I didn't say date just go by there. Yeah and keep it moved, keep it moving. Now he told you this. He told me that, but no he I am at the comedy club and now Tommy were together. It's not he not liked that moment. Good changed. She's doing good. Now you know, she got her life together. I have moved in. You moved in, Yeah, moved he moved. I didn't move you trying to tell him I can. I moved in. Now we all we living over in the hood. Now you're what I had to She had no car, never used my car. He committed this. We're in a relationship until the girl, saying girl until oh no, not Poppy. No, they're best friends. They're worth it. They hang out to get him until the day that I'm over there, Dolbell ring on Valentine. They now I didn't got some car in some candy. Of course, Dobell opened up twenty seven balloons and flowers and all the types. He said, all right, thank you bye. She rushed him off. I said, well, who that's from? She said, my mama, Your mama bringing no devil. Miss You can't wait to see you all. She messing on me with the deputy did that patrol the club. I couldn't believe. Twenty seven balloons, candy, flowers, all this in the house. All of a sudden, Wow, she is with the guy who is the security for the club. So now I got to see him. I can't say that because he got a piston. Yeah, I told timy Times said, what did I tell you? Didn't I tell? Just go by there? Man, I was crying. I couldn't perform nothing in the club. You couldn't performing back there to your husband? Be worth breakup stories ever? He said, go by there. That's it now, he I am. Two weeks later, y'all gonna stop talking about she is better than her. You're losing friends. You're such a good person, he said. She had a daughter. I'm into it with her baby dad in there. It's like you can't come by here and just say what you want to say. Go in the room, going the room. I got you helping with a hard work. I'm telling jokes. Helping with hard work. You're cooking and if they got April all that boy, you ship naked cooking. I'm in the health saying I wasn't making baby about a hundred fifty a weekend at the coming because I can't with a whole one fifty. Oh yeah, I'm man to help him do the best I game. You know what you're I didn't know she was missing with the deputy that the club story about breakup and through in the church were about the church. Pass it on. This is the pastor. Yeah, yeah, pastor, God missed over me with my best friend. Right, okay, we cut y'all together about four we made hustling. We're hustling together. You can't work the harder than you got. We had the number one outside work seventh dog did this was header every week we're making seven. This is the story that made me fall such a sweetheart. Man, let me tell you something. So now all of a sudden I find out that she didn't missed over me with my best friend. We all, yeah, we cut your and we all go to the same church. Pastor got announcement to make this Sunday more than his daughter because yeah, we all go church. It's her father's church. They say, you know, past it, I got an announcement to make my daughter is pregnant. The whole church looked at me. I said, hold on, wait a minute. We were everybody knew he was date. Yeah, because he being up front by the church. What's going on? You know, he ain't know. He wasn't. He's a great man. So then he said could the other family stand up? And everybody glost. I said, yeah, right there, Uh that's it. And now you can't go to the comedy little you can go to the church. Yeah, I see the boy at the bomb shop. Boy could have been your dad. Look at you. Now you let but Tommy told me not to go. Don't do it always somebody always tell you always get one always. All right, we gotta go more of this craziness when we come back, and we'll got to o J. We're gonna get to you. And yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay. For some for some reason, we got into breakup stories. But we didn't hear everybody stories. It's hard to top, Junior, but you got some. Yeah, yeah, it's correct. All right, let's go. Okay, Carl, you want to go first. Come on, Okay, let me tell a question. Does yours end up in the police being? Kate came from so Okay? So for allegedly, I was in a relationship with this guy for a very long time. And Tommy knows him in Junior knows. So I was in this relationship with this guy for a very long time and I found out that he was cheating. My family tried to tell me, my best friend everybody, but like you, Junior, I didn't listen. He's a good man. Come on, you know, That's what I was telling everybody. So when I figured it out, I did some detective work. You know, we're good at that. This is how I figured it out. I came home and went out of town with my mother. And so when I came back from the trip, the house was sparkling. I lived together clean, Sureley, I'm talking about from clean. Yeah. So I walked into my closet, I mean, my shoes were together, the clothes were hung up the right way, everything was just it was just spotless, and it was too perfect. It was too perfect. So I said, we've been in this house. He was like, what you're talking about? What you're talking about just cleaned up because you've been out of town. And I said, when I find out, when I started putting all this together, it's gonna be a situation. So I called my mama, Mama, her grandmother and them on the three way. I said, while I got home and the house is clean. So they all said together, when you know what that means, she's been over there, I said, huh so yeah. At that point I took you know, back then we had the CDs. Remember the CD racks? Oh yeah, I took the whole thing of c ds, threw them out outside the door, all on the front. Nothing's wrong with that, ready, you see that? So he ran outside. I felt like I was overreacting. I took all the clothes, all his clothes out of the clean closet. How you gonna go to waiting the eggs Hill and you ain't found nothing? And she hasn't gotten to the park yet. The clothes outside, yeah, but she has some set him on fire. Yet We were okay, and he deserved it. Go ahead, Carlin, all the clothes outside on the yard. Yeah, finally, finally he left. He didn't admit to anything. He left. Then I finally ran upstairs until our office. We had like an office in the house, and I got the phone rack, yes, at the phone records, and went through each one, and I called not that you need that I didn't know, and then bam, she picked up the phone. Whoa. And that's how I found out. And she and I got to talking, and I asked her if she knew where I lived, and she told me where I lived and all of that. So that's how I found out. My face right now is that emoji? Is that emoji you know with your eyes with the ones with the eyes buck, that's my face right now. Nobody fault Southwestern detected work Carlin, that that you needed it? All right, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are breakup stories. We've spent the better part of this hour talking about breakup stories. All right. So and why are we doing this? I don't know. Oh yeah, because we found this story about how people leave They just trying to get trying to get closure all that. Okay, So so my girlfriend and I were dating these guys, and so we decided to cook dinner. Mostly of course, she handled that, you know, I know, you at the table, at the table and all that stuff, you know, right, look at the she was dating this guy she had just met, and I was dating someone that I had just started dating. But what I didn't tell him is that I was also dating this other guy. You was dating two people. I was, Yeah, I was dating another person, but I didn't really like him though. I didn't like him like that. I didn't like him like that. But every day he would come over my house. He would bring me beautiful roses, beautiful flowers, all of us. He was a nice guy, but you know how you know, sometimes you don't like him. So the night came, it was I just say, he was a sweetheart. So we had our other guys came over. We were, you know, having dinner. We're gonna have dinner at my house, so they came over. We were in the kitchen preparing everything. All of a sudden, there was my doorbell, right yeah, my doorbell ring. This is a true story. And for some reason I just got a lump in my throat because I didn't know who it was. So I went to the door. No, I told my friend, I said, go to the door and see who that is. So she went to the door. It was him, my brother. So she looked at the people hole. There he was standing with a beautiful, beautiful guest, beautiful like me. So so she was like, surely it's so, I said really, So yeah, I didn't say yeah. So I guess he kind of heard us in there, so he knew we were in there. So he rang the doorbell again, and he kept ringing the doorbell. So yeah, so we were in there. Oh my god, what are we gonna do? So so the guys that we were dating, we were getting ready to eat dinner. He just kept reading, Yeah, they're in there. He just don't Yeah, they hear it. So I had to tell him, okay, this is a guy I'm dating, but I don't really want it. So he got up, went to the door, opened the door, and they had and they got into it outside. Yeah they did. They got I know it was you could have that could have been a boy. I had to set the table. Yeah, I was busy. We were getting ready to eat. The plane deal with that. Yeah, So I mean, yeah, they got into they didn't fight, fight, but there it was words, exchange, what you do? What it was an ugly breakup was Yeah, he did take a fa You know, I'm always about the right, so yeah, yeah, yeah, we talked the next day. It was it was a bad break Can I just say it was a bad break This is not really a breakup story. This is a way you've dogged a man out at the door story Roses. Yeah, I'm sorry, I haven't already our last break break. You're not gonna do any closing remarks. All right, Well we'll be back, and we'll come back with part two of Carlo's breakup story. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. I want to say, this guy's right up the beat. I appreciate you three guys judging me like you're judging me. Okay, all right, yeah about our breakup stories. We all have breakup stories. They don't all have to be good. That was mine. I've changed really a breakup story. It was that was a break We did break up after that at the door with the flowers. Yeah, we broke up after that. But carl you were in the middle of your story. All right, So here's the breakup story. I was on. I was in college and I had my boyfriend's car having a round boyfriend's car riding on campus. I was stunting. You couldn't tell me nothing car. My girl was with me and this this young lady was one of Tommy's friends. To rest in peace. She's no longer with us. The name was Suavett, but that was my girl. So we were having around on campus. So I had to drop suave had off to her dorm and then I would go to my dorm. So I pulled up. That's what she dug down in the car, tender lights off. She said, hate that your boy right there right there hugging out girl. And I said, girl, yeah, that's him. And so she said, so what you want to do? Now that's who you want with? Oh, yeah, that's who you want. She said it was right, okay, put the carm part open the doors quietly. Was he all up in her face with it? Oh? He was kissing her everything, everything, It was everything Jay so said, so what's up? So he turned around. He was like, what what's up? What are your girl right there behind me? So swave that moved to the side. So I was standing right there and saw that was like, handle that right there. So I said, well, who is she? I said, what's going on here? And he was like, nothing's going on. So then the girl was like, well who is she? Who are you? Right? Right right? Meaning? Who am I? So I'm I'm his girl? And then she said I'm his girl. Here we go, here we go, keep going standing there with folded Wait did you hear what? Jay said? Carla? What did you say? Jack? What couldn't both you talk about me? Go ahead? You mean lady at the door. I didn't go to the door, remember, So anyway, so long story short, Swab was like, give me the keys, and I said, what you about to do? And she said follow me to the car. He was like, what you're about to do? He running after her? Everybody knew about so I read it after Swaan man, he read it after me? The girl running after him? Holy sh She keep asking who am I? Who am by we get to the car and so Swaven was like, so what's the deal? Are y'all together and y'all not together? So you know, she wanted me to like really confront this guy. So he wouldn't admit to anything. He was like, just give me my keys, just give me my keys. So then she gave me the keys and she looked at me, gave me the knod. So I had the key to the car right and he looked at me. He said, he's been now order an allegedly story that was a young This is where it was. Yeah, this is where it all, you know, cashing you as KK was right. Anyway, he grabbed the key for me, got in the car. She got in the car with them. They drove off and I'm just standing there and left you. He left you standing there. Yeah, he left his car. Yeah, he went back to his dorm. So I saw him the next day, they walking hand in hand. So I went up to both of them and he was like, you know, it's over. I quit you yesterday. I hope you said that. Yeah, that was it. That was you, junior boy. It's the priv first time I got called. We're talking about breakup story. First time I got call. Cheating the first time, trying to cheat. Now cheating, I'm trying to I'm talking all yeah, that's what happens. So once I did that, well, I'm in the park a lot of the comedy club and my recognizable car. I didn't shuck everybody at the comedy club. No, I'm driving the Blue Cavalier. It ain't like I got to hide this blue Cavalier. Everybody knows the two dogs. Blue Cavalier belongs to Junior. It's not a problem. It ain't getting well. I'm not in the Blue Cavalier. And rain got another cheek in the car with me in the Blue Cathni kissing. I hear a tap on the door. I cain't see because it's raining. I cracked the window too far. You like a cracking just to your ask, No, I wrote it down to the should the leap? Yeah? So did she see the girl over that? She dove in the car? About ever been shown through the window trying to get snatched in a little cavern lit And the girl I was kissing didn't even help. I was I was offended. How do you see how assualted me? I got an umbrella hit. She hit me with umbrellas, scratching me with figuring. Now I haven't cheated. Do you have a show later on? Yeah? With that Timmy tea. Then let you do it, though, Could you do your show that night? No? I gave him back the money because she wasn't leaving because she She's like, I'm killing Timmy is on the north side of the North side of Houston. She's like, I'm killing your life was threatened. Yeah, yeah, and I was scared to us. Damn first time I cheat. I'm gonna get keeps. I need to do better. Then the girl's gonna call me next day. She said, you alright? D you all right now? Alright? He got ice on my face. Why you ain't help escaped within an in my life. And that's why I have to be the way I am to yees a sweetheart, you're still a sweetheart, I learned. Alright, it's time. Hey, in the words of my uncle, I have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Yeah, on this beautiful Wednesday, I know it's an up day. And that's what got you all in this trouble. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.