Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is fired up and funky. New Year, New Decade and New Family. Let's get it. Huge shout out to our new station WUBU-FM in South Bend, Indiana. Uncle Steve and J. Anthony Brown have a story about Indiana. The first Church Complaints of the year is no less ignut. Uncle Steve has a brand new show with Facebook. One of our soldiers made a viral video about peace and positivity. Fool #2 talks about folks real new years resolutions. J. Anthony Brown murders another one just for Cowboys fans. New England is out of Steve is still at the core a Cleveland fan as the crew talk about the NFL Playoffs. Trump will be in NOLA on January 13th. Today in Closing Remarks, The CEO speaks to us about a new commitment in 2020, plus much more.
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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all bat all suit on back down, giving them more like the milking bu bu things and its cub y'all good it. Steve Hart listening to movie together for Steve. Please, Mommy, I don't join by joined me to be doing me. Honey. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn turn, turn, you got to turn them out, then turn the water the water go me. Come come on your back. I shall well a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Man. I love it when I run up into people and they say that to me. They say, hey, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Then they wink at man, I know they're listening. You know. I got a lot off my chest yesterday. I wanted to clear some things up. And I appreciate y'all giving me a minute, because sometimes you know, you just gotta say some things out loud. Not complaining, but hey, just verbalizing, but realizing that I gotta keep going anyway. And that's for my words this morning to you that I want you to keep pushing no matter what happens. I want to share something with you that's important, that's very, very important. See, you have to give God something too, bless you know, if your prayer is asking for God's blessings, you gotta give him something to work with. Now, you know, you got to show the spirit of appreciation or gratitude. You gotta let him know that you're in it for the long haul. No matter what happens. Don't turn around. You will never ever see what the end could be. If you turn around and go back, You'll never know what the end could have been had you stuck it out. You'll never know how good it could have gotten had you not just weathered the storm. That's the thing that gets most people. They get tough for them, It get hard for them, and then they let doubts set in, and then those doubts become facts and the next thing you know, they give up. Had you not given up, or had you given your best, what the results or outcome could have been. I look back on my life on so many occasions where in college I wasn't giving my best. Now I flunked out. Now it's easy to look at my life nine go yeah, but look at you now. But back then, Man, it cost me for so many years that failing to finish that, not giving my all, it cost me a number of years. I wish I could say that it didn't mean nothing, that it was just a blimp on the radar screen screen, But at the time it was major. And so you have a lot of decisions in your life that are happening now. You may be in your twenties, your late teens, you could be in your early thirties, and it is happening. But guess but you will eventually get through it. Provided one thing you never give up. You never turn around and go back. Had I written myself off because of one failure, see, and this is where so many people go but go wrong at two. You write yourself off after you failed at something, the one thing you thought you wanted to accomplish, and you failed at it. Now you write yourself as a failure. Now you go settle on end to life and just see what See what hand you get? Had when I flunked out of college, had I written myself off as a failure, I wouldn't be here today. When I lost my carpet cleaning company, I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. When I didn't become a diamond distributed in Amway or a direct distributor in am Way, even I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. When I bought a distribution kit to become a distributor of the Bohemian Diet and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure. When I became an Al Williams distributor and I didn't make it, I would have written myself as a failure, and I wouldn't be here today. Oh, I got a list for you. When I got laid off it for a motor company. Had I written myself as a failure, I wouldn't have made it. Do you need some more? Because I have a story filled with mishaps. I have a story filled with failures. A couple of things now, the grace of God and his mercy which is available to us all. See that's the key, y'all, Because of his mercy, because of his willingness to forgive and to even understand why we do the things we do. In all of my shortcomings, failed marriages, I'm talking about, man got it all wrong. I can't blame nobody else. It's just me. Steve ain't have it together at that point in life. I've could have ridden myself as a failure the first time I could. I just could have gave up on it after the second one. And please know that this is an admission. This ain't bragging. So before you start in with me, understand what I'm saying. I'm pointing out in my life a series of missteps and failures. But how I still get here today a couple of things. God's grace and mercy is first. But that's the key, that's for everybody see if it's God's willingness to forgive you, and God's the standing of why we do what we do because He's said we wasn't gonna be perfect. So in all of your imperfections, your creator told you you would not be perfect. He's sad it to you. It's out there. I don't care which one of the books you read it tells you that. So guess what With that in mind, he has a grace that he has. It's like a grace period. It's like when you don't pay your insurance premium on the day that is due. The next day. They don't just cancel your insurance premium. They have a grace period because they ain't trying to stop this money from coming in. But when it comes to God, there's no money required. He just gives you the grace freely. It don't cost you nothing. So you got to tap into that, y'all. You gotta get in touch with that, because that's an important part to making it understanding that his grace is available. So when you make a mistake, when you fail at it, he has a loophole in the contract with him that allows you to make mistakes, that allows you to get it wrong, that allows you to fail time and time and time again. But if you never give up, if you keep getting up, if you keep trying, if you keep striving, if you keep making the effort to go forward and not go back, God has a blessing for you, and He has it in abundance for you, and God will give it to you at the right time. But you got to be ready. Oh, I want it to be successful. But if he had given it to me back then I wouldn't have handled it correctly because I would have made some more mistakes along the way. So you make the mistakes to learn the lessons. Lord, they ain't God been good to me. I ain't gonna lie to you. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, May I please please have your undivided attention. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. Let me say something, This is twenty twenty. I never envisioned in my life getting to twenty twenty. I did not know it. I just thought it was so far away. That number seems so big. Glory to God that we are all here in twenty twenty. It's a new decade, baby, Steve Harvey Morty Show. It's open for business, bigger and better than ever. This morning show is going to a whole new level in twenty twenty, and you are along for the ride. Gonna be some changes, gonna be some dangerous stuff getting done on this show. Get ready, y'all, Here we go. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, happy news. I'm fine, yes, girl, okay, all right, all right, right right, ral right, well, well well, Colin Pharrell, Hey, what's up crew? Happy new year to my family. What's up radio family? Let's do this, mister, You guys, ladies, and GENTLEMENA the wonder boy, Julia Morning, Everybody, Twitter, Twitter, I made new deck. Ain't new me that ain't living pipes out there in them streets. Come on, come on out there, chemo free, chemo free. When you know how to ask me, did I have a good year? Come on? Yeah? Then Jay Anthony Brown? What God damn the too too? Baby? What's up? Steve Hard, Ladies and gentlemen. Gives me great pleasure to introduce a man who has not who has grown over the years, but who will not change in one area. One of the biggest fools I've ever met, and refused to become unfoolish. Huh, committed to it has turned it actually into a career. Hint twenty twenty baby, what to do? Twenty twenty vision man step, Oh my god? Last year? What last year? I was deep in chemo last year, deep deep, deep in. It has some free in the streets. Boy, Thank you Jesus, Tell me what you do man. I worked, I hustle, I hit the Atlanta I hit See, I hit Chicago, I hit Philly. Me and the boys, these radio boys right here, we hit Philly. I hit Eighth Town, wrapped up New Year's Eve, you understand. So yeah, and I did it all without that sling on. Babe, took that sling off, ran out there, dud it, tried to dance a little bit. We got man right. Haven't been to being out him. Yeah. Listen, guys, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna welcome some of our brand new family members in this new year, new decade. We'll get an update on the finish, getting update I should say, on how everyone's holiday went, and uh, some New Year's resolutions, you know, we got to do that all. Coming up right after this you're listening to show. It's a new Year, twenty twenty. All right, let's welcome our affiliates to the Steve Harvey Morning Show Family. Let's kick it off with South Bend, Indiana. Steve Harvey. W you be you mix one oh six? Yeah, Gil nice, that's South Bend, South Bend, baby, wow. Well that's up there close to where we met. Yeah, man, that's up in that area. More in that area. We met in Indiana. Me and Jay met in Indiana in nineteen eighty six. You sound like you're telling the folk story for real. Dog, he's twenty I met Janson Brow in Bloomington, Indiana in nineteen eighty six. Tell me the name of the club, Jay, I can't. I don't remember, man, I can't remember. Yesterday Nicks. That's Rights Comedy Club. Nicks Comedy Club. Yeah. What hotel was y'all staying in the Red Route na? I was in the Red room from homeboy had not checked in yet. Somebody told him he had to stay with me with I damned. I went to his room and knocked on the door. I went to the hotel her desk. They said, sir, you have a roommate. So that was my first road gig. I went up there and knocked on the door. He had sewing machines, TVs on both beds. I actually didn't have room for him that I knocked on. He can't do it, he said, He said, little brother was happening it. I said, my name is Steve Harvey j Anthrey Brown. He said, yeah, I say he's I said, I'm your roommate. He said, now now, now, you can't stay in here. Bro. I stood there with all my possessions in one bag, and I looked at him because I'm trying to figure out what he's talking about because I have no money to stay down the stairs by myself. I came to make this seventy five. I don't have money for this hotel. That boy told me, no, you're not staying here. I said, well, you know, I don't know who the old ass dude thing you're talking to. He was older than me. One thing. He was in the world of trouble because he didn't understand how who I was in eighty six. I hadn't had no money, had no read what, no Internet. It ain't even gonna know. I ain't nobody even gonna know. We didn't fall. He said, Now, brother, I don't do roommates the Saint Camp. I said, bro, I'm sorry, man, but I ain't got no money. I got to stay here, So I'm gonna give you the money. You gotta get your own room. He gave. Yeah. Yeah, he gave me twenty one dollars. Yeah, that's how much your room was, really twenty one? You do twenty or twenty five? Twenty one? Yeah? All right? All right? Moving on, all right, Today's fresh mix of RMBN, Old School, w j j x f M, and Hattiesburg Missus Sidday. Yeah, right about that. When two had his Burg missus sipping. I've been in three major fights in my comedy career. Two of them has been in the sipp. One of them was in Hattiesburg at a club called Bonny and Clydes. Yes Sos. Got in fight with some soldier boys or somebody down there, don't know who. They thought I was happen. Well, I was down there. Look had little little Asian dude was with these white guys. Show was over. I had done my show. I was about to go in it back and get paid. They said, man, you're a funny guy. Man tell us that made a racial slur against this Asian kid. And I said, hey man, I don't do that. And little dude was standing there. He said, Noah, go ahead, and he likes them. I said, no, man, day what I do. You ain't gonna tell us no jokes? I told her, dude like, I say, hey man, you need some new friends. And then one of them called me the N word. Well, I tell you what edy word. You ain't gonna tell little jokes? You got an end? Joe nineteen eighty six, Showtime ends on It, Showtime, Yeah, without hesitation. I'm here fun it. I have no money out of drove the Hattiesburg. I'm to get satinified dollar. I'm whip in your ass, partner. We knocked over a racket or glasses. I go in there to get paid. They break the fight up. I go in there to get paid. Dude, tell me I gotta pay for the glasses. I said, bro, I can't do that, man, if you ask anybody. So he bought a bunch of witnesses in a lot of a lot of they was all white. They said, now they started it. The black guy was actually cool. He was nice because he didn't want to do a racial joke. And they got mad at him, pushed him, and then huh they called him in where all hell broke loose. It was over after that. So Hattsburg, that was my Hatteburg story. Ain't been back, says welcome Hattisburg. That's the one to j k x uh, All right, let's move on. Today's aren't being an old school. And then we have a KTC x FM and Boumont, Texas. I had to fight in Beaumont, my comp I was working at the Beaumont Theater. Come on, I swear and okay, I was having a bad show, a very bad show. Yeah, somebody yell out in word ain't funny. Well I took a fence to that funny as you shoot that shit, and we started to fight in Bowmont, Texas, which is right up to Speeping where the clan hang out, or west Er texts in Vital, Texas, which is not far from you. So I had to fight left real early. Anyway. That's that's my story. You drive a speed limit inviter buddy through. That's what you do. Old comedia has just been all cross your country, just kicking as right, that's what y'all been doing. Yeah, I got the funniest thing to tell y'all week cover back. Well, my grandson and my daughter at the store. Oh okay, all right, all right, we look for that. All right. Well, welcome our new family. Thank you, and Beaumont, Texas. Yeah, appreciate you guys. All right, all right, we'll talk about New Year's resolutions, uh when we come back, and also church complaints and Deacon def Jam and Reverend Motown coming up right after this. You're listening, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news, including the latest on the situation in the Middle East that the President has gotten us into. Plus and Entertainment News will tell you about today's big premiere of Steve he was brand new talk show. It is called Steve On Watch on FAE book. We'll talk about it. Hold on, hold on, Uh, it's the first Monday. Of course we're gonna do church complaints coming up. But Steve, you wanted to tell us a quick story. You said about your daughter and BJ. Carle So my grandson BJ. We stopped at a little store. Now BJ go to a little school with even taught him how to act in case dangers try to abduct, dubbed him or approach him. And you're post to Holly, help help stranger, stranger danger And just at the top of your lung, we get out the car. BJ, I'm walking ahead. Fitting open the door. Look little gas station, like you know, just stop to grab something right quick. BJ does something crazy. Carley said, boy, if you don't stop, I'm gonna beat your butt. This little food at the top of his lung. Somebody helped me. I'm in danger. Somebody helped me. I'm in danger. I turned around. I said it man, you a little black If you don't shut your black ass all these white people looking. Is he okay? Ain't the boyfriend at the top of his Lord? I got in that car. I was laughing, so damn said beat your behind. Somebody helped me. I said, this is Steve bj. Yeah, BJ got a lot of energy. Man. He's a little bit much for the rest of them. He's a lot for the rest of the grandkids. They don't know how to deal with him. He's a lot. He's so cute. All right, guys, it's time Reverend motown dickon death jam church complaints first Monday twenty twenty oh oh twenty twenty or two old or too old, bless it. Not only is it a new year, it's a new decade. And nah, we fend to see if things ain't changed a bit. Though over here this church of mind, they're still tripping. Let us begin with the first year church complaint. All through the new year, come old deacon, all right past the first of our happy new year to you. Let me get down the business. I the members are asking that you not asked them to turn to our neighbors this year, at least until our flu season passes, all right. They don't want to turn into their neighbors and say anything because nobody wants to get sick, so they're asking you to do that. Can you understand we who who is this that is passing this route? That was sister rob Roberta dix or Cicero. Don't want us or standing and touching each other. Well, no, it's not flu season is because she's one of our larger members and more people can touch her. Because she's around, she's available for more hand and that's what her complaint really is. So we're gonna ask her that in this new year that we have our new church weight reduction program that she signed up for. It's big news, happy new Years. Lots of memberships out there now playing it the fitness so forth and sold. All right, we just gonna stop pound cake every day and just see how that one. That's a start. No pound cake. Here's something here past the eyes. Sister Loretta Bailey is walking around saying new year, new meets. He says she is a new person and the tiding chicks. Then she wrote to the church they bounced the last year, all right, she say that's the old huh and she shouldn't be held accountable. She bound seventeen check last year. But what, Well, we're gonna have to write that off and allow her to be the new you, and hopefully the new hub Or will produce chicks with sufficient funds. We don't have the manpower to run down this money from a person that then wrote seventeen badge chicks. We just don't have a church personnel ain't all right, So we're gonna let it go, all right, if you want to, are you sure? I'm almost positive I ain't all a thousand dollars. That's why I asked you alone. It's twelve hundred and thirty two dollars. It's the amount of checks. Oh well, just keep record over there. If we start coming up short, we'll start running inquiries. All right. We're gonna do all right. Sister Clara the cat Lady, is complaining that the Bereavement Ministry has not sent her a card for the passing of her last two family members, Mister Whiskers and Lady Kitty. She said the pets are her family too, and she wants the Bereavement Ministry to recognize we don't do or dead pitch just he saved. We are short of personnel we got. We ain't got enough people to go around to visit the sick and shut in people. We're sure ain't got enough to be sending cards out for catch. Now, if a cat got nine lies, let's sit around and wait. They might come back, all right, Pastor, one of our deaf members, brother Sherman Lattimo, keep signing the if you signed doing doing your salmon, and the Deaf Ministry is upset about it and wants you to pick somebody else to do the job. I don't know why he keeps doing that. You know, that goes back to an old thing between me and Deacon Or. I stole one of his girlfriends or years ago, you know, because I had more game than he he got. He here, he can't talk to me. I ended up sweet talking hood and he couldn't trade. That's what happened. But I was forgiving for that, you know, I know what it is. I didn't let them know of work about. I got several fingers from Digon over years. I was just trying to pay it off because I knew what it fault. I know, I knew exactly what it fault. And I ain't really mad at him because I understand he told me that the whole time we meet me at one time. It actually words almost came out at male. He was, oh, man, all right, let's say it. All right, I knew, don't get mad called it the death ministry. Can't hear him. Don't worry about it him. See that ain't necessarily I know what he was trying to say, that he goes back to the pastor for church complaints. At the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening, all right. Today is the world premiere of Steve Harvey's brand new talk show. It's called Steve on Watch on Facebook. Steve is gonna give us this take, Yes, Steve, why don't you you explain what it's gonna be. Well, you know, it's just a show, people are first of all, it's not just a show. Well, first of all, it's the first deal of the of its nature that Facebook has cut Facebook Watch as an unprecedented deal. They've never done a deal like this. I was the first. God has always been good to me in that regard. It's a blessing, you know. Um, it's a it's a really smartly done show. And since it's on Facebook, this is the way it works. It's a new episode every day. The episodes are extremely short. It's not like the full TV show where you sit there. So all we do is create moments, show moments, and that's all we are are the highlights of the shows, highlights and moments. That's it. Tune in tomorrow, new highlights, new show. None of that stuff I used to do, Steve side deal, Um, what would you do for you know? One hundred? The monologue, the people I didn't know. The only celebrities that I interview on this show are people I request and know. Those are the only interviews I do. I don't interview anybody I don't know, so I'm doing it. I did a lot of motivational people. I did uh Mark Cuban, I've done crazy Man Mark Cuban, Terry Brash, I did Rick Ross. I did the dudes A quality control that control their megals and CARDI b their management team megs and what I call them because I think it's more inclusive of everybody. And I was against them calling themselves me goals when they should have been a mego there before you fixing phone? Yeah, I'm fixing it phone. So when I Steve say this is to me, and then when black people say to get me go. You know, my kid has been trying to tell me that the whole time that was on show. It's the dad. It's it's meant yeah what I said. But they anyway, So I'm coming. Then you're going to see some really really good guests. And then the advice is what I've focused on here, just a lot of great advice and stuff like that. So now I'm back. God is good and I'll tell you all off to add their particulars of it. All right, Steve on watch on State's book check it out tomorrow. Congratulations in order for you again, Steve, the blessings just keep on coming, yes, because God is in control what someone does for you that's intent for harm and no good. They have no idea how God makes it works in his plan. And if and if I had not, if I had still been on regular TV as it was, the opportunities that's in my in front of me today would not even have a chance to exist. So I learned a very very valuable lesson in this. When the door closes, walk up the hall, walking up the hall, because trusts me, as long as you have faith, that are more doors. Ain't one little rotary door and you keep going around around and shook around. Get out of that. Yeah, you know, thanks Jay, but that's what happened. If you got your faith in man, if you got your faith in man, that's what happened. You keep thinking, ain't no out like he had a hotel though at the end, the libby somewhere, you know, just keep going around. Yeah he don't. He just he just talking ahead and not talking about that. You're breaking it down. Yeah all right, you got him on the phone. Time to get caught up on today's headline, Steve let's goss. Okay, good morning, good morning everybody, and nice to speak to you guys, New year. Okay, this is entreput the news. Iraq's parliament, let's get to the seriousness, has voted to expel the US military forces in his country. That vote, of course, following the Trump Administration's drone strike and Baghdad on Friday that killed Iran's top military and intelligence commander, Cassim Solomani as well as a senior Iraqi paramilitary leader. Now, General Solimani's daughter says she wants her father's death avenge. Iraqi Prime Minister Dahala Doumadi said that the president. President Trump had called him and asked for his help in mediating with Iran after the US embassy in Iran was attacked by Irani and back militias. But then he says, the Trump administration launched a deadly drone attack. President Trump says he ordered the strike because the general was planning an attack on US diplomats and personnel. Trump supporters field he did what he had to do. Trump tweets that if Iran strikes Americans or American assets, that the administrations targeted fifty to Iranian cites, some very important to Persian and Iraqi culture. However, critics say that action would violate the Warpowers Act and otherwise be an act of war. Lebanon's his bellow leader, Hassan Nasrallah, meanwhile claiming that the president has ordered the strike to suit his own needs. Nzrala, an ally of the Persian and government, insists that Trump ordered the hit to boost his reelection bid. Trump critics point out that private citizen Trump once accused his predecessor, to Barack Obama on NBC of the very same thing. I believe that he will attack Iran sometime prior to the election because he thinks that's the only way he can get elected, Isn't it pathetic? However, Trump is defending his actions in the Middle East. Now, young people are wondering on social media if they might be drafted if the current situation turns into a full fledged war. The term warld war three has been trending a lot. The website for the Selective Services crash the other day because of the extremely high traffic volume. So here's the fact. The US has no actual draft folks. Okay, young men between the ages of eighteen and twenty five or asked to sign up, but they were first drafted for the Civil War. It was used since like the Vietnam up until the Vietnam War, but there has been no military draft since nineteen seventy three. It was officially abolished. Modern day US military is all volunteer. To change that, the Congress would have to pass a law and the President would have to sign it. At the movie Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker top the box office for the third weekend in a row, earning close to one billion dollars in the international box office, and Powers Back, and of course the big big thing with Power was who shot Ghost? Now Back? To the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show, guys, don't forget. We still want to keep our soldiers in prayer. As we know, more US troops are being deployed to the Middle East after threats from the Iranian government of harsh revenge for the killing of Iranian commander Cassem Solomoni. Uh. There is a viral video of a soldier on social media asking people of his generation for prayers and to try to stop posting jokes, jokes and memes about this potential war. Take a listen, hey man, we understand that I'm in a generation or what I'm saying, Yeah, ain't on a lot a lot of y'all post hilarious or whatever, which I gotta understand, man, somebody like me had been a hat this November in the middle of it. I mean, y'all then postal memes and stuff. Y'all can sit there and post a good little meeting about being positive for us. So down praying for us. Some man come over like my generation gouts tightened up sometime. It's like we're really going through this and a lot of us we're really not coming back. So like a prayer or a simple good look help. I mean, y'all, y'all can post it to your feeling. You know, you gotta be something funny. Aboudy, I said a fourth brand, so to come out of him. Man, hey, many, I salute your man. I'm here for ya. Yeah. See that's somebody that's really in it. You know that centipendy going. But that's social media. You know, there's such a playground for simplicity and the devil that there are. What he's requesting is just some positivity to go out about it. It's people are This is real life for these people, these soldiers man are facing a real life and death situation here. This would be war. This is not a game. People die in war, like that bro said, some people. Some people ain't coming back home. Man, this is real, man. We'll stop all this joking in playing about this man, because this is real for these young people over here. This is real for all these people. This is real for the families. Does left. We need the president to take the same damn attitude and be a little more lightening in his approach of talking to foreign countries, because you know something they just don't. That's exactly right. But what we're doing is we're asking a man to act presidential who doesn't know how, has no idea that clue left. But I'm really afraid for that situation because his reaction could be quite adverse to that, as it is to a simple if you just talk about him on Saturday Night Live. Now, you can't come put a bounty on our president's head. That can't happen. But when you do it, I'm very afraid afraid for our military or what the response could be. Yeah, we want to say thank you to all of the military branches for your service. Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are praying for you. Let's pray for peace. Yes, yes, there we go peace. Yeah. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, guys, j Anthony Brown, we'll switch gears here and tell us what you say you're gonna do for the new year versus what you're really gonna do for the new year. All right, we'll get into that when we get back right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve your man your boy in nineteen eighty six, as you told us earlier, Jay, and you're not staying here though, Junior and Tommy, all you guys are here for what you say, what you say you're gonna do. You tell them Jay, what you say you're gonna You know everybody roped running about this time. People make plans or I'm gonna do this. It's gonna be a new year. I'm gonna start off friends. Yeah, but I got it right here. What you say you're gonna do and what you're really gonna do. Now, you say you're gonna go to the gym and work out, but what you're gonna do is joining membership, go one day with your big ass and then you're gonna complain that jins is nasty and you ain't going back. That's what you don't do. That's what you're really gonna do. That what you really don't do. You saying you're gonna save some money this year, that's what you say you gonna do. I'm saving money saving You didn't save about five hundred as soon as that seal come around. It's all. That's what you say you're gonna do. But what you're really gonna do. You say you're gonna be nicer to your mother in law. You're gonna call on the phone trying to be nice. You're gonna figure about three minutes into this damn conversation. It ain't worth talking to her ass at all. That's what you say you're gonna do and what you're gonna do, ladies, you said everywhad I'm getting rid of him. He's useless, he ain't no good, he ain't doing n but taking me down. And I'm gonna be about me this hit. But what you're gonna do is let him hit it one more time and then you're gonna break it down. That's what I wasn't expecting that you donna let you gonna let it get it one? What you gonna do that? What you're really gonna do? You say, I'm gonna stop smoking that stuff. I ain't smoking no, because it ain't good for you. But you canna look at that big dash you got of this When I got to clean that up, I got to get rid of all of that. Yeah, he's letting that go the way. Jay, I got one. You got one. Let me here. You don't do and what you do you make your New Year's resolution that you ain't gonna cuss no more. You headed to your best friend. Hey man, I ain't gonna custom more. He said, Well, your fat ass should have said you was gonna lose some weight instead, Man, you just right man, kiss my, kiss Aney. That's what you're really gonna do. Herenney. Yeah, that's a resolution. As soon he said some about your weight, do some way. What you can do is kiss my you know what? Right right off? Black As Yeah, now that's go. Oh you say you're gonna spend more time with your grandkids because you love him, you don't get to see him much. They're gonna come over that one day. You're gonna figure out it's just better to sit in there, ass five dollars in a card and call it a damn. I don't need him over here at all, but not least you say I'm gonna read the Bible more, come over the God because I need him in my life. Figure out, Joel Osteen, come on in the morning, and I got this. I got to read a damn. That's what my gonna do. And what you're gonna do that? Jay, how about this? You got one? You got one. I ain't eating pork no more. I gave it up park every year. I'm giving it up right after first. I ain't gonnead of January first, sausage bacon all on the same plate with eggs. Gris. You weren't gonna give up no pork. That's what you're really gonna do with You decided that you gonna pay your ties this year. I'm paying all my tiesh this year. Next Sunday passed to pull up in the new ride. I'm not helping him make payments on news still, that's what I'm not. Oh hell no, I'm not getting all right, guys, thank you so much. Coming up next the nephew in the building with the frank phone call for it today. Right after this you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's today's strawberry letter. I got a good one for you. The subject is new Year, New Life, New Year, New Life. But right now, nephew in the building for the very first time in twenty twenty eight with his brank phone call. What you got now, new Year, new timing, twenty twenty brand spanking new prank call. This is Johnson's freedom call. Johnson Freedom Call. I'm gonna say it again, Johnson freedom call. Idiot. Let's go okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Franklin. Franklin Johnson's Lee. Yeah, this is him, Franklin. How are you doing today? My name is is Kyle Kyle Green. I'm with the Immigration Department of the State of Tennessee. Uh yeah, how could I help you? You were you were born and raised in Tennessee? Am I correct? Ye? Moder raised in Tennessee? Okay? Now do you do you still live in the Tennessee area? Now are you in a different state? I'm right in. That's still he is all I want to say. I'm the only consons he's still here, living good. Okay, all right, So here's what's going on. Um, it's been brought to our attention here at the Immigration that anyone in the State of Tennessee who has the last name of Johnson. Um. And I don't even know how to break this to you or tell this to you, but it's it's been brought to our attention here at the Immigration that anyone in the State of Tennessee last named Johnson for some reason. And we're gonna fix the problem. But for some reason they're saying no Johnsons are free, you know, like there's claws or something and some paperwork or whatever. But what we need is we need all the Johnson's to come in by six, by six o'clock to day so we can try to take care of the problem. If not, if all Johnson's that are not reported in by six, we have to get picked up. I know this is a Joe like we even I know this is Joe. Baby, I'm free. What are you talking about? Like, well, you each other about you're talking about the Johnsons ain't free? What do you what are you talking about? This bumpy Johnson got for that. I don't have anybody to check at Johnson's. Uh no, sorry, this is this is a real This is all right. I know this is crazy to get a phone call like this, but like I said, and we got some paperwork here. Everybody's scramming around trying to get to the bottom of this. But bottom line is we need all the Johnson's to come in because uh right right now in the state of Tennessee, no person was the last name of Johnson is free right now, and get the fun out in. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Are you black? Yeah? I'm black, but yeah, I'm Are you free? Yeah, I'm free? So what are you talking about? Coming to me talking about the since of my last name Johnsons. My family got to come down to immigration because we ain't free. Who the hell are you calling me talking about some crap like that? Man, Okay, sure the problem, we're gonna fix the problem, but we need all Johnsons to come in. We're gonna fix ahead of the census or something. I'm sorry, are you the head of the census? I know I'm not something like that. Like, why are you calling me talking about Johnsons? You are some uncle? Tim asked, pulling me talking about Johnsons that we ain't free and we gotta come down and you're threatening my family, this guy, I'm not. I'm sure I'm not. I'm not sure. I'm not. I'm not threatening you all right? Like I said, my name is Kyle Green, I'm with immigrations. I'm just trying to fix the problem. You know than me because your name is Green. So y'all sure, I'm not saying I'm better than you because my last name is Green. I'm saying we are you also saying that, Kyle, mister Green, my name is Johnson. He come from a long line of Johnson's, and don't let me have to bumpy Johnson all you because you saw how he was cutting off. So don't play with me. Okay, sure can we h? I want to help you and I want to help all the jobs. Okay, you ain't helping nobody but yourself, mister Greene, Uncle Tom. I saw y'all life in Django the house boy, I bet you when them lights getting green eyed, terns hower looking more thinks a good head, I'm glad o haapany, I got a wide nose and I'm proud to be black. And they're gonna have your life and ask for me, my friend, my family down. Then you got some got nerves. It's all this tabolism, amothers us. Okay, sure can I expect you to come down the immigration? That's a Kyle sound like a life's getting mother Kyle Green? That sound like h sir? Can I get you to come down the immigration by now? He said that had me come in. I'm gonna come down here with my god old hold Bucky Johnsons. Are we gonna turn it up? Okay? So is your wife last name is Johnson? Too? Worry bubble, my wife's last name is don't try to set huh? Okay? Is your is your mother still living don't worry about my mama still living. You don't have to. I'm about to hang this guy. You you're stunn across the line. Your life's getting bubble, Okay, okay, sir. All I know is that you know we got you. We were trying to get as many Johnsons has been good to come in. Tell me? Tell me is the one that told us to call you? Okay, Franklin, that's who told us to call you. Oh, Tommy said, you probably want to call Franklin Johnson and get him on the line because he you know a lot of the other Johnson's, and you can get him all to come in. That's what you think? You think? I'm that mother's going round the ball, Josa. That's how they came home from Africa? Was one black mother think I took him over the folk talk about it was going on daycases and it came way over here. I'm not rounding them, no, Jospa. Oh that was Tommy, Tommy Man. Tommy said you would do it. Tommy said you would be cool with him. I don't know, no, God, Tommy, he sound like whin too. Okay, do you know do you know nephew Tommy from The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Do you know that mother? Oh I got my blood breast? Hey man? Oh man, ain't Franklin, Yes, ain't Franklin? Pick us out? Man, Your boy Jay Rob is the one that got me the prak phone call you man? Oh he ain't. He ain't allowed over the barber kish Man? Was he a whiskey? Was he was? He? Was he drinking some of that whiskey when he calls you man? I don't know what anyone was when I called it, bro, but he wanted me to make sure. Frank Franklin, Jesus Christ. Oh man, and you gotta tell me this, ran frank and give it to me, baby Franklin. John you gotta tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? The Steve Harvey Show with Timmy What man? You was gonna get your blood kicked? Like Tommy? You know what Joe problem is. He's some green eyed light skin Tams Howard looking at whatever man Lucius Lyon, Yeah, friends too, all his ladskin friends don't be real man. And you what you gonna make me do is come up them blumpy Johnson, your ass all of his references was TV shows. All let's go out to all the light skins out there, right hein't catch your boy Martin Luther King Weekend. I'm in Charlotte, North Carolina. I'm at the Comedy Zone baby set, North calcilaka the Nephew was coming to town. M l K Weekend tickets on sale, red Nah, all the Johnson's in North Carolina. Come on out and see boy only the free one show. Right. Oh, why Luther King? We bring your papers, your paper motorized. That's really crazy. Nephews back Baby, I'm in the studio. I'm back all right, thank you, nephew. Coming up next Strawberry letters, subject, New Year, New life, question mark. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show. Well, guys, it's a new Year twenty twenty and the Steve Harvey Morning Show family is growing. Uh. Let's welcome South Bend, Indiana w U b U FM Mix one oh six Today's fresh mix of R and B and old school welcome. Nice Yes, Yes, w jj X F m Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Steve one oh two jj X that's today's R. What I mean now? Yeah? And uh finally um k tc x f M and Beaumont, Texas Magic five, the Golden Big Station. Yeah. So if Kevin Ye members, well that's great, we appreciate you. Yeah. Well, what we're gonna do now is a Strawberry letter. Listen, this is how we do it. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, all you have to do is submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. It's just that simple, okay, And we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. That's for you, James, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Strawberry Letter. Thank you enough you. Subject new life, subject new Year, New Life question mark. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a twenty year I am a twenty nine year old man and I've been married for seven years. My wife and I have two young children. I have cheated several times, but each time it was just for a quick thrill. I started hanging out with a coworker in Weary of twenty nineteen, and this was more than a quick thrill. I started developing real feelings for her. Shortly after we met, and I realized that she was a woman I'd always dreamed of. She made me want to be a better man, and I started eating healthier, going to the gym, and I opened up to her emotionally. She allowed me to completely express my feelings to her without judgment. She showed me that it's okay for a man to be vulnerable and to feel overwhelmed at times. She brought a level of happiness to my life that I never had before this time. I was cheating emotionally because this woman and I had never had a sexual relationship. I told her I wanted to be with her, and she told me that if I ever left my wife, I should do it because my marriage had truly run its course, not because I wanted to be with her. She suggested we take a break so I could focus more on my family. Haven't seen her in six months because she has moved across the country, but I think about her every day. I constantly go back and forth mentally about ending my marriage to pursue a relationship with this woman. She made me a better man for my wife and my family, but I just don't have the same feelings for my wife. When I talk to the other woman, I feel so alive and happy. She has fallen in love with me too, but wants me to do what's best for me and my family. There are so many things to consider. It's a new year and I could have a fresh new start. But would it be selfish? Please help? Come on? You know everything about this. What you're doing is wrong. You know that cheating for a quick thrill or emotional cheating whatever. You're being disloyal to your wife, to your family, to your two precious young children. And guess what this is how affairs start like this? Okay, make no mistake. What you're doing is cheating for play. The only reason it's not going all the way, or it hasn't gone all the way, I should say, is it's not because you haven't tried her because you don't want to. You say in the letter that the lady says said no because she wants you to focus on your family, and she moved across, but she moved far, so you've tried it just hasn't worked in your favor. That might not last because did you say in the letter that she's in love with you too? But she's still holding out, so hopefully she'll continue to hold out because I agree with her. You need to do what's best for your family. You're already doing what's best for you. I disagree with her on that part. You've been doing what's best for you and only you. That's why I can't even believe you fix your pen to write these words. Do you think I'm being selfish? Is it selfish? You know you're being selfish. Look what you've done. I mean, you know your wife doesn't know about it. According to your letter, you haven't. You haven't mentioned that she knows about it or anything. But I'm sure you know she's feeling something. With all the changes that you've done, going to the gym and eating healthier and all that, your wife knows something. I mean, you're wrong for putting your family through all of this. You really are, and you need to get it together. If you want this other woman, then do it the right way, and that would be to divorce this woman if this is who you truly want. But I think you should concentrate on your family. And yes, I do think yourselfish. Steve Well, surely understand what you're saying. I am going to try to understand where he coming from, because I think I understand where he's coming from. Twenty nine, been married seven years, two young children. You know, when you get married that young man who it's so much that you didn't missed out on, it's kind of hard not to try to get it back. It just it's difficult in real life. And now he says he didn't cheat it several times on his wife and everything, but now he got this co worker and it's different. And he just started developing real feelings for this girl and realized that she was the woman that I'd always dreamed of. See that as the problem we got Sherley. And then he says, she made me want to be a better man. And I started eating healthier going to the jail and opened up to her emotionally. Dog, what that's what? See me a little bit? You should have been eating right? All right, Steve, we're gonna have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after be our subject of today's Strawberry Letter, New Year, New Life question mark. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letters subject New Year, New life. Well, the only recap is we got this twenty nine year old man that's been married seven years, got a wife for two kids. He didn't cheated on her before, but this time he got a co worker in February twenty nineteen and its molding just a quick thrill. Now they haven't even had sex, but they didn't met each other, and he realized that she's making him a better man, got him eating right, going to the gym, you know, and he's opened up to her emotionally. And then the woman he says that he completely she allowed me to completely express my feelings to her without judgment. See, when you're in a relationship, you got in early. You've been married seven years. You got married when he was twenty two, so you missed out a lot of stuff in life. That's what happens to young people when they get married or when they get into a committed relationship. They miss out on so much that they wind up to date. They try to go back and recaptured. And that's what didn't happen to you. So you'd had some as you shouldn't have had, and now you got another one. But now this woman a little bit different, got you thinking this is the woman of your dreams. Right then he says, she bought a level of happiness to my life that I never had before. God. Dog, Now, Shirley, I know you don't like this, but boy, that people listening to this going, oh God, I know that feeling that you've never had before, a level of happiness. And this time he's cheating with this woman emotionally because the woman and I have never had a sexual relationship. But he won't too though. I told her I wanted to be with her, and she told me if I ever left my wife, I should do it because my marriage had truly run his course, not because I wanted to be with her. Did you hear that advice right there? She told him, let's take a break so you can focus on my family. I ain't seen him for six months because she's moved across the country. I think about it every day, go back and forthmitting it about ending my marriage to pursue a relationship with this woman. The woman just told you, don't end your marriage. End your marriage because it's run his course. Don't end your marriage to be with me. The woman don't want that. She kind of a smart girl, she ain't had sex with him. She know he's a good guy, but she's really trying to help his family out. She keeps giving him advice to make him a better husband, better family, because then he turns around it. He says, she made me a better man for my wife and my family. Well, see, brother, that was the purpose of meeting her, that was the purpose. You can't have everything now. Maybe her meeting you was to bring you into a light about yourself, to make you a better man for your wife and your family. But now you don't have the same feelings for your wife. And when I talk to another woman, I feel so alive and happy. Now you say she didn't fell in love with you too, but want me to do what's best for me and my family. She trying to keep you at bay Dog. You're taking the gift that she gave you of being with your family and your wife, and you don't want that. You won't hurt. But she just told you, don't leave me, don't leave your wife for me, leave your family because it has run its course, and bro you because you won't hurt you trying to make it run its course. Now you're talking about this two twenty twenty twenty, New year, and all is here, so many things to consider. It's a new year, and I could have a fresh start. But would it be selfish? Please help? Okay, listen to the statement. You may you could get a fresh start. What your kids gonna do for fresh starts? What's your wife gonna do for a fresh start? She the only one getting a fresh start is you? So yes it isself And yes, you have to do a lot of things in life that you don't want to now. Dog, you could leave your wife and your kids for this other woman. But you're gonna pay for that. Oh, you're gonna pay for that. You're gonna pay dearly for that, little brother, and you're only twenty nine. Listen to me. You're gonna pay for that. So now, if you want to pay for it, go ahead. But you ain't gonna believe the price because it's high. The problem with seeing, like I've always said, it costs you more than you want to pay and make you stay longer than you want to stay. The payment for said it just it's just Jesus, father God. Hell, I've been alive six decades. All of them ain't been wonderful. So I have enough experience to tell you, partner, don't mess up a whole damn decade. Yeah, I've messed up some decade, partner. Yeah, a bad decade is a long time. It's a long time. I've had six of them, and I've messed up a couple of decades. Listen to me, it's a long time, man, that's twenty years. Stay home, stay with your family, make it work. Hello. Listen to the advice of that woman, be better, husband, refreshing, rekiller your relationship. You love to be foe. Hell hell hell, but when it is making hell, it just show gets stale. It didn't hell too low? All right, listen, guys on today's Strawberry Letter in your new life question mark at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please don't for got to check out the Strawberry Letter popgunty Man coming up at forty six. After the hour, Jay has murdered another hit. This one is dedicated to our beloved cat dog of the show. The Dallas Cowboy fans out there. Okay, the best Christmas ever, We're gonna hear it. Right after this, you're listening to the NFL playoffs are set and Junior is here. To break it all down right after Jay Anthony Brown murders another hit for the Dallas Cowboys fans. Oh cat dog, Come on, Jay, what's happening? Okay, everybody knows. I don't know much about sports. I'm just on this earth to do one damn thing. What does he the Dallas Cowboys, That's all. I don't know nothing about sports. I'm not gonna get into a sports argument. But when this ship, when they lost and they didn't make the playoffs, and all my Dallas Cowboy friends, I wrote something for you. It's special. Here. Go back. You tellas Cowboy fans how you got one. You didn't think that. Come back slow in the beginning of the yard. You need to shut up and sit down and buy your head. Listen to the damn you're the cousin. He came off with shot, playing with dollar shot, playing with the hell jot came y'all the play offs, playing with dollar shot, then playing without shot with he I'm bringing heat, He's bringing heat. I murder, hitting record every weakness I didn't you know. I murder hitting my Dallas fans to some and make me cry because they knew it. Why the Cowboys eight games that's why. Yeah, play with dollar shot playing job with ya, shot man without I know Jerry Jones, I give but don't give me ya saying playing without nut scout, play you wing your hand and I manage playing playing Church, play play well shot what wh who's that out? Finished? I didn't say finished? I know? Back down right, lay off shot out playing without come y'all the play off out Church, the play shot without without playoffs, play without you, playing without you? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, we're gonna tell you, um, we're gonna talk about it. Well, let's we'll talk about the playoffs. Yeah, we'll talk more about it and play without take out cat. You're listening to morning show, all right, guys, so the playoffs we can finish talking play off they playing without you, without pay without you, your feeling for y'all left. There's a lot of man I can't believe in New England. Gone, yeah, Junior Jani playing, Let's go over. Let's go over, Junior. Who you got all right? Well, you know we got the Houston Texas in the Kansas City Chiefs playing in Kansas City. Then we have the more Ravens and who the Houston Texas, Houston Bay Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm glad to be playing. Yeah, we're playing the Sun play Yeah, but it'll be all widow after this. It's clear I don't like Well, I'm from Cleveland. What out do you want me to have? What you want for y'all? I mean just a little bit. We work with you every day. Like I said, congratulations, I was pulling for y'all. I'm glad y'all want but and and technically I would love to see Texas win again. It's not not in Cansa city. Though it's possible, somebody, I really want Texas to win, tell you the truth. But my heart ain't. I mean, yeah, I'm gonna Texas to win, but my heart ain't in now. I got to go with what now you know? Just kned city man. Cleveland is in the playoffs at least one player because we keep seeing Baker Bayfield commercials. We still see that and dog he does got commercial though he does the worst commercials. Ain't no funny. Well, there's just no other commercials you need with a winning season, you can't be he can't do it when you're losing. That's how you think about is we didn't win this weekend. Ain't when you getting your ass so you can stop showed up in the game like he showed up on commercials. We'd have something all the time. Tennessee Titan, the Baltimore Ravens. Who you think got this game this weekend? Up? Come Tennessee Titans and the Ravens. I got to go with the Ravens though, thank you. Yeah, yeah, alright, Titans got a cold defense. I'm so glad that man. Thank you Tennessee man. Thank y'all, Nashville, thank y'all for whooping the Patriots. Y'all made my weekend. Thank you. But you know it's bottom up, it's over all right. The NFC, though, it's the Minnesota Vikings versus in San Francisco forty nine Ers, San friand San Francisco. Man, they're not gonna be playing. Their defense is too much. They're gonna lock them up. I don't know much about sports. I go with the team that had the best looking uniforms, and that would be the forty nine Ers. To me, they have been my favorite. They have been my favorite uniform him the entire time. Yeah, yeah, okay, all right, well what happened pasference? Yeah that was offensive passed interference and that should have got overturned. What about that? How about that? What about? Yeah? What about what's Tasha doing right now? Carl? Well, he was one number one Saints yesterday with a Saints fan on with the hood on, and I asked him to take the Christmas tree down and he said he couldn't come down to Valentine. Some type of bright light in him. I can't do anything right now. He couldn't even get a yeah, give a damn about that Christmas tree? Right, and Steve and y'all know this is coming off last year when the Rams, you know, another bad call. Yeah, yeah, No, seriously, man, it is another bad call. It's really too bad, man, because it's been three crazy things happened in the row, the touchdown with Minnesota, then that ridiculous call last year, and this was another bad call, man, and they have the right to overturn it. But if you look at that, man, I'm sorry that guy pushed off. Clearly he pushed off, head went back. I mean, man, it stopped him from jumping. You gotta overturn that. All right. We'll have more of the Morning Show coming up twenty minutes after the hour right after that. You're listening, all right. So word has it that President Trump will attend the National College Championship game in New Orleans. That would be Clemson versus LSU. That's going down next Monday, January. Louisiana votes for him. Dog, Yeah, they need he needs somebody platform right now time. Yeah. I remember earlier this uh, this college football season, Trump attended the LSU Alabama game that was in Tuscaloosa. Yeah, I remember they brewed him. Yeah yeah, yeah, he thought because that was in Alabama, it's gonna be cool. He don't know football, he know golf, he don't know football. And they lost that game too, and they asked him not to come back. It was a bad luck charm for them. Behind down no more. But don't he have something to do besides go to that game? He started a fight the world, you know. Yeah, he never had a fight in his life. He don't turn your back on your anybody. He never been in the service at all, you know. Yeah, No, that's right. I don't like war. I do not like war. War does not solve anything nothing. Too many lives get lost. Yeah, but with him, with what he done, well, you know, when you go to the un until everybody to kiss you behind. You're not going to expect people to support you when you get into trouble. So they're just but they can give it him. But his supporters, his constituents, they are with him no matter what. Kids, Yeah, it ain't gonna be a lot of white kids go over there for that. So all right, will have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening, all right? Today is the world premiere of Steve Harvey's brand new talk show. It's called Steve on Watch on Facebook Wteve is gonna give us this take? Yes, Steve, why don't you you explain what it's gonna be. Well, you know, it's just a show, people are first of all, it's not just a show. Well, first of all, it's the first deal of the of its nature that Facebook has cut Facebook Watch as an unprecedented deal. They've never done a deal like this. I was the first. God has always been good to me in that regard. It's a blessing, you know. Um, it's a it's a really smartly done show. And since it's on Facebook. This is the way it works. It's a new episode every day. The episodes are extremely short. It's not like the full TV show where you sit there. So all we do is create moments, show moments, and that's all we are are the highlights of the shows, highlights and moments. That's it. Tune in tomorrow, new highlights, new show. None of that stuff I used to do, Steve side deal, Um what would you do for? You know? One hundred? The monologue, the people I didn't know. The only celebrities that I interview on this show are people I request and know. Those are the only interviews I do. I don't interview anybody I don't know, so I'm doing. I did a lot of motivational people. I did uh Mark Cuban, I've done Crazy Man Mark, Terry Brash, I did Rick Ross. I did the dudes a quality control that controlled their megals and CARDI b their management team megs. Yeah, well I call them because I think it's more inclusive of everybody. And I was against them calling themselves me goals when they should have been um going Therefore, you fixing phone? Yeah, I'm fixing the phone. So when I Steve say this, the U me go. And then when black people said did get me goo? You know, my kid's been trying to tell me that the whole time there was on show. It's dad, It's me. Yeah what I said. Anyway, So I'm coming back the see some really really good guests. And then the advice is what I focused on here, Just a lot of great advice and stuff like that. So now I'm back. God is good and I'll tell you all off to add their particulars of it. All right, Steve on watch on Facebook check it out tomorrow. Congratulations in order for you again, Steve. The blessings just keep on coming, keep coming, Yes they do twenty because God is in control. All right. Coming up, our last break of the day and our first rank of the day for the twenty twenty, and our first closing remarks of the brand new Steve Harvey is coming. Is the last brand of the day twenty twenty. Damn it, it's new. It's a new decade. All right, Kate. We'll be back at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to show. All right, here we are. It was a great Monday, Thank you guys. Yeah, it was fun. First stay bad fun. First day back, they're playing without you. You know who you are. You know, we don't need to go with us again. You know, playoffs make us go over this again. Man, you ain't going because that's his sole purpose for living. He said, he's not really into football. Before we get to Steve's closing remarks, we got to give a shout out to the great, the legend Eddie Murphy for the great job that he did on Saturday night when Yeah, we gotta wonderful good memories. Great dummy, I love but where I was really mister Robinson's neighborhood. I loved yea velvet Joe times. Yeah, the beginning when all the boys came out, that was really good. You look at at Netflix's budget right here. I'm ready, okay, all right, Steve, congratulations. You know, uh, this is a new year, this is a new decade, and I think for all of us, we get at this point of these new years and we started making what we call resolutions, and we start talking about the year to come. But this year right in here can be quite different for you. It really cared if you make just a small a few tweaks into your mental approach to twenty twenty, you can, if you haven't already, you can begin to live the life of your dreams. You can at least get pointed in that right direction that is available to all of us. Because all of us have the power of choice. You get to decide. So let's talk about a couple of things. First of all, when you get a new year, a new decade, a new opportunity, it's filled with hope. Man, this is gonna be my year. How many of us have said that already? Man, this is gonna be my year, which is the way to look at it. Then you look at the promise of a new year. Man, this is the year when things are gonna turn around. I'm gonna get it together. Then you look at this year with anticipation. Man, I'm really looking forward to going at this this way. Man, this is gonna be great the anticipation. But here's two things that you need to adjust. I'm gonna give you two quick things that you have to do that can change the outcome in twenty twenty. First of all, instead of hoping, instead of anticipating, instead of wishing, instead of sitting there dreaming, I want you to do nothing wrong with any of those, but I want you to think of one more thing to add to this commitment. Twenty twenty can be different. If you commit to it commitment, you're all in, all your vested interests, one hundred and ten percent effort, sticktuitiveness, determination, commitment. You have got to be committed. The second piece that I want to give you is this piece right here. Instead of hoping looking for them, sitting in just anticipation, change that slightly and live your life after you commit to whatever it is you want, Live your life in expectation. Go into twenty twenty committed to the things you want to do, and I mean commitment. When you commit to something that means you all in. When you commit to something you mean that is no option, It has to happen. Get committed. And after you commit to whatever it is you want, here is the thing. Live your life in expectation of those things. So once you commit, now, let me explain something a little bit about commitment. Commitment comes along with some things. Commitment comes along with faith. Commitment comes along with a work ethic that's really really hard to to to even stop. See when you when you have work ethic, you want people to go, oh my God, this guy's really determined here, and you know why because he's committed. Oh my god, this person has a lot of faith in this ideas that he's working on. That's his commitment. His faith is his commitment, and his worth work ethic is his commitment faith to what out works is dead. Those two things put into the commitment equation is what commitment is. Commitment is faith and commitment is work ethic. You need the two of those. You have to have the two of those. You can't just hope and live in anticipation and promise in dreams. You got to put some faith in work behind it. That's the commitment you need for twenty twenty. And after you commit to it, fully commit to it all in in twenty twenty mass of effort to guess what you got to live your life in expectation. I expect this to happen. Anything else is unacceptable. As long as it's within the will of God. You cannot miss. You cannot miss. I'm telling you commitment and expectation. Add those two things to whatever your resolution is, whatever your hopes, aspirations, dreams, or promises of for twenty twenty, add commitment and expectation you change the game. You change the game. Those are my closing remarks to day. Let's go get it in twenty twenty, y'ard, this will be the greatest year of your life if you commit to it and live your life in expectation. We'll see you tomorrow. Back you have a great weekend. For all Steve Every contests, No purchase necessary, void we're prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harveyfm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.