FAA Fine, 10 Year Ban, Jussie's Song, Whiteness Fast and more.

Published Apr 11, 2022, 7:48 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride!  Someone needs to step up for real!  Pastor Motown is questioning everything.  "Sometimes the solution is inside of the problem.  Let the church say Amen." - The CLO  Tiger played and Steve pointed something out.  "Do you see........?"  What really happened in Entertainment News?  Biggest fine in FAA history involving Delta Airlines.  Jussie got a new song that Big Dog has a remix to.  How does one fast from whiteness?  The person who wrote the questions for this round of Would Your Rather was being hateful.  Today in Closing Remarks, a couple of familiar faces wrap up the show addressing whiteness in a particular establishment.

Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like a million bucks. Things in the stubs. Good to mother, Please, I don't join join me. You gotta turn you're going to do? You are? You gotta turn to turn them out? You got to turn them out. Turn the water, the water go. Come come on your baby, h huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I thank God for it every day. I try to remember that too, you know. I try to remember to be grateful. I think gratitude is one of the things that helps keep me grounded. You can go as far as you want in life. If you don't mind who gets the credit. Well, that applies to God too, don't it. I mean, you know, really, if you don't mind who gets the credit. I'm surrounded by very competent people. I'm surrounded by a lot of people who work hard on their jobs on their career, who are dedicated employees and also just dedicated to their families and you know, dedicated to their own set of aspirations. I don't expect anybody to work for me. Butever, I always look at my opportunities are stepping stones because I want everyone around me really to aspire to be more. I mean, that's really the way I am. I'm not any other way. I'm not trying to hold you to this position. You know, tell you there's no room for growth any of that. But even though I'm surrounded by these people, I'm grateful that God placed them in my path, in my life. But in my mind, in my spirit, in everything in me, the credit still belongs to God. I'm sorry, the credit still belongs to God. See if you were just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself, just for a moment. I know that's hard, but just for a moment, stop thinking about yourself and realize that maybe you are who you are because God is who he is. Maybe that's the case. Have you ever considered that? That's the strongest possibility I can give to you? You know, how do you think you're the one that made it through? How you think you the one after all of the ignorant decisions we have made? And oh my goodness, let's all be honest. Ain't we made some crazy decisions? I'm talking about, man, I have made decisions so adverse to my destiny and career, my promises. I've made some decisions man, knowingly you hear me knowingly do something wrong, and in spite of all that, I'm still here standing. Okay, come on now, really, really, all the dirt you've been done, everybody done dirt, all the mistakes you've made, You're in a position you in today because of what? Because you all that? Because you work harder than anybody else. Look, I work hard, I'll be there. I'll tell you in a minute. I work hard, but I don't think I'm the hardest working person out there. I'm pretty sure somebody didn't work way harder than I have. So okay, so you work hard? Okay, cool, I got all that. But man, what about his grace and his mercy? What about his favor? How many times, man, you didn't rely on that, even when you ain't know you was relying on it? How many times man, God hadn't shown you mercy? You ain't even deserve it? Do you know how many things I've done wrong? I just ain't get caught at it? You know. Let me see how simple I can be? Here? You speed you jaywalk. You lie to police when you get pulled over that you wasn't speed and you go to court and I argue you wasn't speeding when you was, You make you turns. I'm just doing traffic violations. Now, let's get off traffic for a second. Let's get on human violations. You talk about people when you're not supposed to. You indulge yourself in gossip even when you don't really have all the facts. You pass judgment, You lust for people that don't belong to you. You say things to people that you're not supposed to say. So, look, all of us, we all, we all guilty. Now see I'm not saying you do all of that, but I'm saying I'm pretty sure I hit you somewhere in there, just somewhere in there. You to lie before you know you lied recently. I mean, come on, And I'm just saying so with all that in mind. See, I'm just looking at the little things that we do that we don't get busted for. Not to mention the chips you stole when you was a kid and nobody caught you. Well, that elevated, didn't it. And some of y'all just didn't stop stealing. The next thing you know, you was in a car. Now you're sitting somewhere you don't want to be sitting because of a decision you made. But through his grace and mercy, couldn't it have been worse? Though? Without his grace and mercy, could not it have been worse? I know two dudes it got caught in the garage one time, trying to break in somebody's house, and the person in the house they broke into just happened to have a gun and held them into garage, caught them and hailed them to the garage to the police car. That's Grace and mercy right there, because they had all full right to shoot these two people, but they didn't. The Grayson Mercy. See, all of us have benefited from his grace and mercy. All of us have done a wrong, committed a sin, broken a law, and somehow, through his grace and mercy, got by, doing drugs, buying drugs, slanging drugs, doing something, got by, jump on somebody for no reason, got by, you know. So see how you figure with all that that can go on in your life? And then hold on, let me throw a couple more at you. You can't wake yourself up in the morning, mister big shot. You don't have the ability to control the breaths that you take. Really, mister big shot, really, let's get real basic with it now. You can't wake yourself up in the morning. That's favor, that's grace, that's mercy, that's Him allowing you to wake up just hoping we get it right. You know, God spared me through all the dirt I was doing just hoping. One day, man, can you just straighten up a little bit? When I finally straightened up, And I'm gonna just say it, straightened up a little bit. See, I ain't straightened up all the way. Say, I ain't gonna sit here and tell you that I just straightened up a little bit. He started blessing me. So the more blessings I got start going, Man, maybe I'll try straighten up a little bit more. So I straightened up a little bit more. Now I still got a long way to go, but I'm straighter than I was now. When people judging me, and as they will, and they do, because that ain't right, but they do, and I ain't walking just the way they walk, then here comes to criticism. I get it all the time. Stop wanting credit all the time, and give out some credit where credit is due instead of get having somebody patting you on your back all the time. Why don't you tell God, tell people it was really was God, man that you don't really know how you made it? That really man, you have no explanation for your success or you have no explanation why you still existing today. Why don't you tell somebody was God today? Don't be ashamed. It's the truth, ain't it. I mean, really, man, Let's give God some credit. Hell, give God the credit and the glory and the honor. And like that plaque said, you can go as far as you want in life if you don't mind who gets the credit. All right, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen, it is here to Steve Harvey Morning Shown this very very amazing morning man, another great man. Thank you? Have you said that to him today? Have you told the creator? Thank you? You should man? Oh Man. Gratitude releases a brand new attitude thank you for everything. Steve Harvey Morning Show says, thank you. Shirley Strawberry Colin for real, Mississippi Mona could kill space. Nephew Tommy yours truly, Junior. Yeah, what what's what's on your mind? I'll tell you what's on my mind. Uncle. You know, you ever feel like you'd do you ever feel appreciate it? And then when you don't feel appreciate it, you just have to go with it. You just have to just take it, just you and you can't say nothing. I'm your girl. Yeah, I can't say nothing. Yeah, Tommy, like you feel appreciated. I mean, it's it's life we live. What what what? I don't even under saying the question. I'm just saying like, like, if it's something that you want to say, you just gotta keep it to yourself. You can't tell him like, I don't appreciate you, not not not appreciating me, Junior, ain't Junior, Junior, listen to me. Man, if you don't mind find brimstone, if you don't mind walking through hell, say whatever you want to say. What if you don't mind firing brimstone, you don't mind walks through hell? Don't say what you want to say. Just gonna let it fly, Let it fly, say what you want to say. I don't like what you got on. Do my dress make me look fat? A little bit gonna say it? Say everything on your mind? Do you like my makeup? Not? Really? Don't say it? You like this outfit? Never have say it? Go ahead, go ahead? You like this half style? You like this halmstyle? Right? No, say no no no no no no no no no no no. See, when you ask a question like that, it's because you really don't know. You must not have thought this out. So then you need to experience, because trust me, Junior, we've all experienced saying something we wish we could take back. Why do you need to be appreciated what I'm saying? Like you just want to be acknowledged for a team, like you know, like how hard you work? How hard up steve, or saying like I really appreciate everything you're doing, But you don't say nothing. You just walk around like it's obligation. But see, hold up though, Junior, Hold up though, Jimmy, you know you get what you give. If you want more appreciation, you have to show more appreciate it. So now let's get back to when the last time you told her you appreciate her? My ass, It's a simple question. It's whinn It's the last time you told her you appreciate her Friday, how you saying to Ja? What did you say? Yeah? Man, I really appreciate you. Man, I really appreciate you. I'm just say, you know, tell her why? Yeah? Okay, Now before that, when was the last time she said she appreciated something about you? Probably New Year's Eve? Well then, well then, well then you need to step up your game. I'm gonna tell you right now, you need to step up your game because last time they appreciated you. Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll have the pastors church complaint right after this. You're listening show. All right, it is Monday, guys. It is time for Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam the pastor. Yeah, we gallvel on this, Bulgarius moaned of attribution. Atribute we refalicate. As we sit here in the depth, revited of easyness, Oh your soul, we antiplicate, and as we go through the diamitiousness of abpentricity. So let us now begin with the abborguarity. Alborguarity. Aburguarity. It's a very big word, I know, that's what does What does this mean? It means exactly what I said, it did abu guarity. You got to study the word. Let it all begin, you, deacon, come on which in a very hospitious way. Yes, all right, we got a situation past the eye. Sister Olivia Dangel she ate Chinese food this fast weekend in red her fortune cooking that said, you will stumble into the happiness of your life. She took her leg off and stumble into Deacon Patterson's lap. And now sister Patterson is being charged with a Class B misdemeanor. Yeah, do we want to bear told the members of this church repeatedly when you go down to the Peking Duck, when you go down there for dinner, Yeah, eat your food and go home. Stop basing your life on this twenty five cracker that come at the end that's in the bag. Yeah, well you're not gonna crack over this cracker and determine how your life gonna be from the Peking Dunk. Amen, pastor Amen, Amen, Amen. Again, you never never say we was gonna bear since Patterson, We're not. No, we're not. She has to stay in the word word. Is it that someone needs to get her leg into the jail for her I don't know that's such the dang is down. She she fell into her brother Patterson's lap and sister Patterson, what the up behind? It's what happened, sus The Patterson is in Yeah, the wife. The wife, well, let's just move on her head to misunderstanding him. We just move on and leave her in jail. All right, man, let me all listens around them more fortune cookie. We know you get involved in all right, the blind Praise dance team and asking that we moved the front two pews so they can do their routine. That's come and sandy, but the members who sit on the front don't want that to happen. And it's your cow pass if you want to move the front two pew. But that's that's for the blind frame that whay do we have the blind Praise team in the first place? Let me go down the list of things that well, they worshiping and they can't see. We We have a two broken crosses, we've replaced the three stained glass windows. We no longer have a podium in the pool pit. We've knocked over all the flower plants. They've had to be replaced, or they did something with pails of water one day. We now have damage flows or we don't have, or we no longer can, or you use us with the steps is gone that the quad goes up to get into the stand. I say, let's disband the Brian the Blind Praise team. They're doing too much. It's in the hard to pass. Let it be in the heart they praise, dancing and not able to. Oh, they don't even know what they're doing. Oh okay, you know, and when it's time to twirl and you don't know whether you're twirling or not. What is we looking at? Yeah? And I'm tired of all these Mitch mac outfits. To begin with two. I don't know who who's picking the colors out, but obviously anybody looking closely. So all right, moving right along past the nine. Every year we have a different celebrity start off our Easter program. This year it's supposed to be Chris Rock it Out, but he has asked that all the members remained seated during the performance, U pastor, can you assure him that nobody would be jumping out while he's doing his starting off the Eastern program? Well, we're having a hole. Brother Rock has no fear here to Jack Pard Jordan Jerusalem because at the foot of the steps or I don't know who did this, but they've invited O. J. Simpson or to stand next to the stairway. Come up with that way if you want to. Yeah, you raise your hand to slap somebody over here might not have a hand. All we say, all right, last, but not Leeds Pastor. You're gonna have to talk to the seniors. He had the church. They have been yelling diapers from the youth, from the youth nursery. They said the prices have gone up, and they came to four of these high diapers. No mode, then I'm taking the diapers from the cheer baby from That's all right, though I would rather hear the seniors with the dippers owned than the small children. Oh no, wide a different effect. You know, when a when a baby do something on their self is one thing. When a eighty five year old dude, it's a whole another thing. This chemical smells is I'm supporting them on this hill. Thank you. Moving on, mother ferguson that he got to quit trying to wear them pull ups though, because I'm not the right side. Right after this, you're listening show coming up at the top of the hour in our Entertainment Report. You won't see Will Smith at the Oscars for the next ten years, and the Real Talk Show will tell you their fate coming up, And it is time now for ask the Cello. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. He's ready for your love questions right. This one's from Drea and Henderson. Drea writes, I'm twenty nine years old and I had a crush on a guy that works with my mom. We chat it one day and he told me that he thinks I'm sexy, but he pulled around with my mom twice. This guy is thirty two, so she's a cougar? Should I tell my mom about herself? Well, what you're gonna tell about herself? For you like a guy that has slept with your mama, This relationship is going nowhere. Nowhere. Take your twenty nine year old self and get a crush on somebody else. You can tell your mama about herself, but it's not going to change what has happened. So now, once you can't change the dinem amic support has happened, you just have to keep it moving. Yeah, he's attracted to you and you attracted to him, but he just slept with your mama. This is nothing you need to look into all pursuit. Your mom's a congo. Think it's gonna go well if she confronts her mom. Anyway, I do like I wanna do? He came on, I put it on? What now? What? What? What? What the problem is your snooze? You lose? Moving on to Felix Felix in Dover, Felix said, my homeboys and I went to a strip club and my ex was there with her crew. I left because I was uncomfortable. The next day my ex called tell me that one of my boys dropped her off at home. Shouldn't he have told me first? Or am I tripping? Oh? See all of this? You know, this is a new world here, this this new world girl going to strip club, this new world here. This was not happening in the seventies, eighties. It was just not happening. So I don't know what to tell you. You know, um, she could she your ex? You was uncomfortable at the strip club, you left. She called and told you one of his boys dropped off at the house. Yeah, so sys okay, So since being a strip club with her was uncomfortable, she'd decided to stick the knife in and dig a little bit deeper and make you even more uncomfortable. Don't you see what's happening him? One of us boys dropped off? All if all he did was drop off, you know what? Right, But now he shouldn't have called you and told you that he don't need permission from you to give an ex girlfriendios a ride home? Right, So he's stripping in other words, that's what he wants. Yeah, but I don't even know how I got to the point where he found out she needed a ride. That's h huh. You got to be into a whole conversation, and you got to be up in there to the strip clothes, and you got to try to find out if your girl had too much to drink that's why she needed to ride home, or she just pushed up on him to be messy. Either way, it's your ex dog. Go ahead on make both of merx him and her. Yeah, all right, all right, I'm moving on to Shell and Memphis. Shell writes, I'm a single mom and my eight year old is always in trouble at school, So I got to know the principle really well, and I ended up sleeping with him my kid, and I got mad at the principle. He said, I'm one of many? Should I report him? Now you want to report? Wait a minute, he said, you're one of many h that are mad at him. Well, it could because now her boy got suspended. Mmmmmm, but she was sleeping with the principle. Yeah, okay, so yeah, see that don't that's not gonna change your boy's behavior. Now, your boy, you see, instead of you're addressing the problem, you didn't undressed in front of the principle, the principle to now now you want him to cover your little boy that ain't high this work? She thought it did. He still has the principle to school and reprimand the children who do wrong. Your son is a repeat offender. See, you're not up dressing the problem. You undressing thinking that's gonna solve the problem. You don't solve the problem by undressing. You solve the problem by up dressing. Yes, And now she's trying to get vindictive and asking should she report the principle. But when you report, you still got a little stupid ass boy that's getting suspended. Your little dumb ass boy still died at the school getting suspended, and what you're gonna report the principle fare you slept with him? Yeah it was consensual, Yeah, yeah it was. But but but why are you gonna cost this man his job? Now? Was he saying you're one of many? Because he was saying you want of many women who get mad when their children get suspended? Or was he informing you that you own a list of women who he sleeps with. I believe the ladder what you said, the yeah, that he gets mad because she's one of the many women that he sleeps with. But if this man is single, I don't know what that's got to do with his performance something the school. And she's singled too, and it was consensual, And why would you cheat to the man? Why would you do to the man? You're right? And she got to know him really well, she said, Steve, So why would you do that? Always in trouble at the school, and so now you ain't did nothing to keep your son out of trouble so you could keep having to go see this man. Yeah, he just suspended your boy, that's why. But yeah, but we're not addressing that right because we're so undressing. So see you know now, and don't do this to this man, because this man's career shouldn't be up for grams. Because your little boy keep getting hither that ass suspending. Yeah, my little boy's always in trouble at school. So I got to know the principle really well, and I ended up sleeping with him. Thought hegether help? She did, She absolutely did. Now she's thinking it getting the principle in trouble all right, lolo and Edmonds says, my husband's parents have been staying with us since the last big tornado came through here. Their electricity is on now, but they won't go home. I told my husband they have to go, and he's afraid to tell them. How do I get them to go home? Cut your lights off? Yeah, call down there and get your lights disconnected for about three days and just keep saying, I don't know what the problem is. They just cut these lights off, and then they asked some move back home, and as soon as they move, tell them you're coming that night after you get off work, and then once they leave, you're going to carry your light turn back home. Yea, I create the same problem they started the problem. Sometimes the solution is inside of the problem that the church say, man, all right, coming up at the top of the hours, we'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to the morning show. We got to take a moment to say congratulations once again to Kataji Katangi Brown Jackson KBJ. Uh. She's our judge right now, but she's soon to be justice KBJ. We're so happy. Congratulations again on again, our congratulation. History, baby, that's history. First story, monumental, yes, and then with the Vice president announcing vote, Oh, that was just his story too. Yeah. So say what you want to say about you know, Joe Biden, say what you want to say about him, but look what he's done. First ever black vice president, first ever black Supreme Court justice. Female. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Say that all right? All right, So moving on to the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scientists. They've banned Will Smith from any of its events, including the Academy Awards, for ten years. Count them ten years. That's a long time, and it's all because of his slap of Chris Rock at last month ceremony. The Academy released a statement saying the ninety fourth Oscars were meant to be a celebration of the many individuals in our community who did incredible work this past year. However, these moments were overshadowed by the unacceptable and harmful behavior we saw mister Smith exhibit on stage during our telecast. We did not adequately address the situation in the room. For this, we are sorry. We want to express our deep gratitude to mister Rock maintaining his composure under extraordinary circumstances, and we also want to thank our host, nominees, presenters, and winners for their poise and grace during the telecast. The man goes, the band goes into effect immediately. Will Smith responded, saying, I accept and respect the Academy's decision, and he will get to keep this oscar. So there you go. For his role in King Richard, that's all that's waste. That's that's why he resigned on his own. He knew that's what was going to happen. You know, there's nothing there's nothing has happened to him, you know of period. So yeah, you should read this article. When Harry Lennox put out, you know, Harry Lennox is a incredible actor. He said, I Will should give Will should give his Oscar back and uh, for the integrity and integrity of the of the of the Oscars, you should give it back. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. He's not going to do that. Yeah yeah. And I don't know for me. For me, I don't know if him he deserved the Oscar that he got for the role that he played. What has to happen is that has to be some dire consequences for his actions. That's banning from the Oscars, I own. I don't even know what to do. That can't come to any of the awards shows and anything in the luncheon. He'd been in the business long enough, you know. Yeah, well, I mean that should be. Technically it should be. It really really should be. I think Rockets just being super super decent about the whole thing. But I'm telling you, man, there should be some civil suit that the Oscars against their oscars. They didn't protect him, they allowed this situation. They admitted in their letter that they didn't handle it right in the room. That that should be some type of compensation for that. This guy's slapped forever, forever, he's on video being slapped. Yeah, that's crazy. After a while, man, Chris rock said he's not gonna talk about it until he gets paid. So somebody we are looking to get paid. Okay, yeah, all right, So moving on. You know, there's been some back and forth about whether The Real was going to be canceled the talk show or not. Well it has been canceled and after eight seasons. Co host um Lonnie Love confirmed the news on social media. She blames it on COVID. Lonnie says, in my opinion, COVID costs till the show. It's been a great ride and thanks to the viewers for eight great seasons. She wrote that on Friday, So, um, that show will be missed? Um, And how is it COVID? Though, like the view still on? Yeah? I don't I don't know. I don't know. I guess she's trying to say, maybe people's viewing habits change with time they watch. Maybe, so is that it viewing change? Uh? Guests, the availability of guests, how to do the show change because they had to do it remotely, you know, and it just lost a lot of momentum doing COVID. COVID stopped a lot of stuff, man, But tell me has a point. I mean, other shows did the same thing and they're still on. I like The Real Yeah, the views, the viewers are a show that's been on this almost a heritage show at this point. Yeah, it's like good Morning America USA Today, I mean good Morning America Today's show. These are heritage shows that's been around twenty years. Man, they're not going anywhere because if you take them off the app, what are you going to replace some wit? You know, if you look at Kelly and now Ryan, yeah run, they still zoom and their show I did it Studio and wow, see I did it this year on the Zoom, you know. So it's it's like it was. It was a lot, but they were heritage shows. They've been around a long time many and their new shows coming. Jennifer Hudson's new show is coming. Ellen is leaving, Nick Cannon is leaving. But this is a hard time to launch because television has changed. Yeah, it's not the viewers ship it used to be because there's too many options and nobody watches TV like that anymore, right, right, you know, everybody streams, so it's like, you know, you gotta sit there. It's no more you gotta get that to the TV to watch it. You can you can watch it whenever you want to. That's why they even promote the Jewel Show on ABC and Hulu stream. They don't care where you get it. Man, I'll be watching themar too. Thanks. All right, Coming up in twenty minutes after the biggest fine ever from the FAA to an unruly Delta Airlines passenger, we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening. So, a passenger on a Delta Airlines flight headed from Vegas to Atlanta now faces one of the largest fines issued by the Federal Aviation Administration for their unruly behavior. The seventy seven thousand, two hundred and seventy two dollars fine seventy seven thousand dollars is part of the administration's efforts to crack down on disruptive passengers. That's a lot, a lot of money. Last year, the FAA established a zero tolerance policy and has since proposed close to two million dollars in fines against passengers since the start of it. The FAA accused the Delta passenger aboard the July sixteen, twenty twenty one flight of attempting to hug and kiss the passenger seated next to her, walked to the front of the aircraft to try to exit during flight, refused to return to her seat and bit another passenger multiple times. That's what this passenger did. The crew had to physically restrain her, The FAA stated, I mean that's exit the flight while while it was in flight. Okay, bit another passenger tried to kiss another passenger. I mean, this is just ridiculous. That's why it's so much money. Seven over seventy seven thousand dollars. In the words of my granddaddy, that's dope. You're on some dope. You his own something, dope. You over there kissing and biting and then trying to open the dope. Try to open the do while we're in flight, though, Come on, this is crazy. She should be bad forever, for life, forever. I mean, in addition to the fans, I can't tell you if I'm coming out that bad flom, If I'm coming out that bad room in the front and I'll see somebody up there trying to open that damn doughe the medical attention that's gonna be required for this person when we land. We would have to have ambulance and everything down there when we land. If I come out that bad room and I see somebody trying to open that damn dough. I know what happened if they duel. Yeah, oh yeah, everything will be sucked out, all of all of it. Yeah, the crew I carried Zimptis in my back pack. Oh you stay ready for something, your ass up. I got zimptime. Use it. People like cattle. I gotta take that cart that they served them drinks off ramp car. That's crazy. You're trying to open this dough. You're kissing people, you're biting people. Something seventy seven thousand dollars when you look at it like that doesn't seem like enough. No, it's not enoun You know she ain't got seventy seven thousand dollars now she doesn't, So I don't even know why they're That's another thing. Why are they even finding her that much? How will she ever pay that? So I guess she can't ever fly ever. That's good. That with that? Yeah, it's cool with it all right. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Jesse Smallett has been in the studio since he was released from jail, and he's released a new single call Thank You God. We'll get into it right after this you're listening to the stahow all right. So Jose Smallett has declared his innocence in a new song that he released on Friday on streaming platforms. Of course, this comes just three weeks after he was released from jail in Chicagott released a nearly six minute long gospel influenced R and B track called Thank You God. After Acquire sings thank you God for showing me my many enemies, showing me my enemies, Jesse does a spoken word verse calling out the press and law enforcement for supposedly falsely accusing him of the racist attack and the homophomic attack that happened back in twenty nineteen. So go ahead, uh, Steve with the if. Well, I'm gonna do the song or Jesse. Now, Before I do this song, I just want to say I recommend to Jesse that he goes somewhere and sit down and try to let this whole thing blow over. I need Jesse to stop trying to get us to think that this really happened. This just the part. We have to stop this part. So is this song about? Did you write it? No, Jesse wrote these words. I have a copy of the song and I'm gonna do it, and then I'm gonna do the song probably that he should have wrote, go ahead and let me hear. Okay, it's your turn. Now, it's your turn. Now the choir is just song. The choir is just so. Now I want to hear the I'm not gonna be able to hear the choir. No, no, they say thank you God for showing me my enemies. And then after that he comes in with a spoken word. This is what Jesse wrote in the spoken word. I'm gonna do it in my voice, in my tone, and then I'm gonna do Jesse's version. It's like they hell bit on not solving the crime, taking out the elements of racing, trans and homophobia. That's straight taking lives, but turn around and act like I'm the one that's killed the strides. I can't be mad. Take my ego out. Some people searching for fame, some people chasing that cloud. Jes remember this, This ain't that situation. You think I'm stupid enough to kill my reputation just simply to look like a victim, like it's something fun. Y'all better look at somebody else. You got the wrong one. Okay, I'm gonna meal. Oh no, they called me Jesse. Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. There you go, real name, Jesse. I told you, I said, Jesse, real name, Jesse, can't go. I love you like a subway sandwich. I'm gonna get yourself. Subway ain't the only way to get the fame. Doun. Yeah, I got jumped under bridge one night, brokintop hell of a fire. Yeah, took two Africans, took a moan all by my eyes, saying the team met me, had had a miracle, great again, hat on. They came at me, had a noose in the head, tried to tie on. They came at me. I was sitting there with it in my hand. I said, hold up, take a look. I'm a subway man, signed rich fair out of my hands. It was all on the ground. I had lost my hand. All of a sudden, I found like a whipping knee. I said, hold on, don't you know I'm Jesse smelling. That's your name, dammit, smelet, that's my name, Dammit, my sandwich. Where my subway? Thank you God? Thing coming up next to nephew and the prank phone call right after this, My stupid you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, coming up at about four minutes after the hour. It's my strawberry letter for today, and the subject is he needs some friends. He needs some friends. We'll get into that in just a little bit, because right now it is time for the Nephew and today's prank phone call what you got for his nev Before we get started, Shirlett, I gotta thank Charlotte North Carolina selling out five shows for the Nephew at the Comedy Zone this past weekend. I want to let y'all know I was Stupid Times thirty two, Stupid Time thirty two, right up in the random number thirty two, thirty two. I was on my way to thirty five. I got right up around thirty two. Stupid Time thirty two. Yeah, Queen's City. Yes, Charlotte, North Carolina. I appreciate y'all coming out. Yes. Reached out to Anthony Hamilton. He wasn't in time. We was. I was trying to link up with my dude, but you know he out there with Maxwell and Nil. You know he ain't got time. You know, come to hand out, boy, come hand out with me. Yeah, he with Joe. Yeah. The point of at all. You should have been at the County Zone with your boss. But next time, yeah, nice, nice, Tommy. Chu. I did everything, but I got to do everything I like to do in Charlotte itself. I did not get to take the ride to high Point, which is where the furniture is. You know, I'm a furniture for that. That's where you get all of it right there and high Point next, Christopher got next time, next time, I'll be back, all right, Yeah, you know it's time for me to focus on ready to live now. I got to focus on that, and they don't wanna focus on being a little stupid this morning. Y'all want some stupid? Let's go. What is that a question? Do you want it or not? Is it a choice we get whether we want it or nasty? You know. I mean, if you want some intelligence, I don't give it to you. But if you want, you know you can't. Okay, okay, okay, okay, let's go, Tommy, we like some intelligence. Everybody sit up. Okay, I'm sitting up. I'm sitting up. Did you just walk off? Let it just lives. He knows, he knows. Okay, all right, let me give it to you. Today's prank? Is it? No? No, what I thought, New Landlord is the prank? New Landlord? Let's go nega it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a um Marcus and see who's this? My name is Jason. How you doing? What's happening? Listen? Um? I'm trying to figure out if you guys are gonna be out of the house by Sunday? Um, not the house? What the hell you mean out of the house. Let me let me get the clarification. Are you guys that um West Jennings? Yeah? Okay? Are you you guys haven't start packing up or anything like that? Dude? Who are you? Okay? Are you kind of hear you? Get my number? I got it from mister Vernon. Are you Are you familiar with mister Yeah, that's my landlord. Okay, Uh, mister hasn't um hasn't made contact with you? Marcus? Now, I didn't talk to miss last gave him my favorite wow and who are you were here? My name is Jason. I actually who who are you to miss Well? I actually bought the property from miss six weeks ago. Six weeks ago, Yeah, I actually owned I actually owned the house now I'm it was my assumption that you and mister already you know, because I made my last payment less than six weeks ago, can you own this house? Actually, I'm sorry I'm writting this from mister. I gave him my payment less than six weeks ago. So you're saying, he got my money, you own the house, and what's up with that? Well, yeah, I actually do. I guess you know he's um. He actually told me that you guys would have been out by now, And like I said, I'm gonna I'm looking for everybody to be out by Sunday. You guys are gonna be able to get out of there by hold of First of all, I still got two more years on my lease at this house. You tell me you want me out by Sunday, well Saturday, if you could actually do it, dude, come on, you want me out of here on Sunday. What I'm saying, I actually have some tenants that are gonna be moving in on Monday. What I'm trying to do is actually get in there, get you guys out, get the place cleaned up so the tenants can move in and actually start unpacking all their things. They're wanting to move in on Monday. Hey, listening to him. Man, me and my family. We ain't moving. No, well, I don't know what the hell you gotta do. Who the hear you gotta talk to? But you better go and fix that because I wish I would come over here and try to tell me. I gotta get the hell about this house. Okay, sure, I'm the owner of this house. Now, I don't give it. I gave my money to mister Verney. You better call him, call somebody take it to fix it because we ain't moving though. Please, sir, I'm gonna need you ain't moving? Did you play? I need you out by Sunday, sir. Now, this is my house and you're actually arguing with me about mom. If you ain't listening to me, Man, you ain't listening to me. We ain't moving. I ain't. I still got two more years on my least, dude, my last payment. I paid that two months in events. Man, let me get you mind. It was it was who responsibility and let who had come on? Dog, you're tripping, don't call it me over about. I wouldn't come bring bring you here. You won't to all right, sir, I would be there on Sunday. Now if you're not moving out. I don't have to move you like I ain't moving overhe selling you over here, you won't. I'm not going back here half with you. I want you out of my house by Sunday. I bring up my people over here. Right now. We can start right now. I need you out of my Are you I ain't want to be about I'm gonna hear me. I ain't saying it no more? Are you're arguing with me about my property? Sir? Are you listening? I'm paying for this. I'm paying on this right now. I ain't moving no where. You hear me. I made you my kid. If you're gonna, ain't here. I got two with me and saying I can get them a better place. So I you hear me, hear me. Attendants that will be pulling up, ain't give it a bring whoever I want to bring. I got something wing on y'all calling in. I ain't received no notice, I ain't got a phone call from nobody else. I'm like, I'm listening to you talking to mister be calling me he one who got my money? Mister? This picture down? A phone call, no email, no taste, less know what the mister. I don't picture, my own company, and then my family. If we're gonna be here for another two years here, you're not like you there another two I hear to a better place. You're gonna be on it there. I'm gonna my family about this there, y'all bring you more me if you want to. Are you listening to me? You're gonna be all my day. You come in trying to hear you gotta take care of you. You ain't moving here and my family? Are you? Are you listening to me? Sir? What you gotta say? You're saying something different now I'm telling you if you're not out by Sunday, then I'm coming to move your stuff out by Sunday. You ain't moving, Bring over here if you want. Oh, I wish you woman? You excuse me you? I got something else I need to tell you. Are you listening? What? What are you listening to me? What? Say something? I want to tell you? This? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Malik, your son got me to frank phone call you. Come on, man, are you playing? Are you serious? Come on, dog, y'all see y'all all the other stuff. Manna, I'm gonna get the man. Yeah, y'all got me, dog? Oh man, I got you, man, you hey, yeah, I'm alright, man, i'mna let my blood pressure calmed down. He told me, y'all listen to the show on the way on the way to dropping the kids off at school in the morning every morning. Down. Oh man, I know you weren't getting at that house. Come suddenly, wasn't you, dude? Hemnna, We ain't moving nowhere, oh man, I'm already trying to save what. I'm trying to get them another spot. Hey, man, keep pushing, bro. I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is the baddest radio show in the land. You already know, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm nah, come on, dude, right, I ain't moving nowhere, right man, You know like saying that, I'm already saving up man, trying to get him a better spot. You know it's man hard working. You sent him in to him up and he heat him pay the rent too. It was son, No dog got my money. Dog. I wish you a blankety blank wood. That's my line. Come over here, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Bring your blankety blank over here. I got something for you. I come on, come on, fact blank you what blank? You right here? Yeah? You? All right? Thank you nephew. Coming up next the Strawberry Letter, the subject he needs some Friends. We'll get into that find out what that's all about. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, work, sex, parenting, or more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com. All you have to do is click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Never know, it could be yours. It could be Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter, Thank you, nephew. Subject he needs some friends. Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband and I are in our late forties and we've been married for twenty years. We have one son that was active in sports and he worked with my husband helping to build his trucking business. Our son is nineteen years old and he recently left the nest and moved out two hours moved about two hours from us to be closer to school. He decided to change his major and transferred to a better school for his degree program, and I was ecstatic. My husband tried to make him stay closer home, and I had to talk some sense into him so our son could pursue his dreams. As soon as my son moved into his new place in his new city, my husband went into a depressed mood, and I did my best to keep him company and entertain him as much as I could. I realized that my husband does not have real friends. He has guys that work with him and my son. He stopped talking to his buddies while he was getting his business going, so they eventually stopped coming around. All he did was go to our son's games, go out to eat with our son, work with our son, and watch movies with our son. It's hard for my husband to sit home and relax without trying to FaceTime our son. My son sent me a text telling me that he was moving in with his girlfriend and he's hoping his dad will reconnect with his friends so he won't call him so much. I didn't tell my husband about the text because I didn't want to crush him. Yesterday he said that we should go visit my son for Easter, and I made up a lot of excuses why we shouldn't. The only thing that keeps him occupied is sex, but I'm not going to keep doing that all the time. So he needs his friends. Should I plan a playdate for him? How do I get him out of this house more? You're certainly right about one thing, and that's the subject of your letter. The subject is he needs some friends, and your husband really really does need some friends. I mean, I'm happy that your husband and son are really, really close, but this is way too much. I mean, your son moved away to to you know, live his life and follow his dreams, and you've been an excellent wife who's tried to fill in the blanks of the board and your husband's you know feeling. But no matter what you do, that isn't enough. And you, guys, you and your son obviously can't go on like this because your son has a real girlfriend now and he won't be coming back or having you guys over anytime soon. I mean, notice your son didn't invite you guys over for Easter. Your husband said, you're going, I say, instead of planning a date because you asked about planning a play date for your husband. Plan a party, plan a dinner. Invite some of his old friends that he used to work with and some of you know, some of the his old buddies, I mean, he has some from the past. Maybe invite them over see if they'll come. You got to find out what they're doing. Invite some other couples over um, try to connect, try to you know, get some parties, going a dinner, going something, you know, so it can distract him from from being so needy where your son is. I've really never heard of this before, a father being so attached to a son that he won't let go like this. I mean all kids leave the next eventually. But if you have a dinner party or a house party or something, you know, maybe that way you can slowly get your husband to start hanging out with his guy friends or some people his age at least. And that's all I have, Steve, Well, he needs some friends. See this letter right here. I don't have to be like write a lot of notes on this. I know all of this right here. Uh, you know, y'all all in your late part. He's been married twenty years. You only got one son active in sports, and he worked with your husband. See I'm setting this up because I want you to understand what's happening, helping to build his trucking business. Okay, our son is nineteen years old, and he recently left the nest and moved about two hours from us to be closer to school. He decided to change his major and transfer to a better school for his degree program. And I was a stating, well, let me help you understand. Your son escaped. See, your son escaped, that's really what happens. Is your board nineteen decided he wouldn't be no damn truck driver. I don't want to drive no damn truck. I don't want to pick up no load. I don't want to be sitting there at the dispatch desk monitor loads and all this here, this ain't what I want, Daddy. So now I'm I'm going to two hours away. I'm gonna move closer, and i'm gonna change major. I'm gonna go to a whole nother damn school. I'm trying to escape. My husband tried to make him stay closer to home, and I had to talk some sensing to him. So our son could pursue his dreams. Okay, I understand that too, but you gotta let this boy go. He don't want to be in the truck and business. I want to drive no damn truck sending of her hall and stuff. So over it, this yo dream, Daddy. As soon as my son moved into his new place in the new city, my husband went into a depressed mood, and I did my best to keep him covered and entertainment as much as I could. I realized that my husband does not have any real friends. For your husband's whose life was tied to his son, sporting events, active and all like that, it gave him purpose. It's like it's like it's like when you leave a mama. But the problem we have, and surely you never heard of, is you've all heard of mama's boy, But this is a daddy's boy. But it's the reverse of mama's boy. Mama boys. He is a boy that's attached today mama and attached by the apron streams at a biblical cord and can't get him loosing. He can't have relationship with a woman because his relationship with his mama too damn quote well, a daddy's boy is a direct opposite. It's the father tied to his son and he can't function without this son. The son and decided, I'm not driving no damn truck. Hold on, Steve, hold on, I'm moving. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. The subject of today's strawberry letter he needs some friends. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject is he needs some friends. Well, let's look at this. This is his woman and husband have been married for twenty years, only got one boy. The man's whole life was wrapped around his son, sporting events, everything, and his dream and vision was had have his son involved in the trucking business or they were building the business together. As soon as this boy got nineteen and was eight eight able to make a damn decision, vote and go to war, he decided that he gonna move about two hours away from y'all because he tied in his hill. Because they don't want to be in a damned trucking business. Your boy don't want to drive trucks. He got a new dream and a new vision, got another degree program. The mother was ecstatic. Your husband tried to make him stay and talk some sensing to him so his son could pursue his dream. Well, when the sun moved into his new place in the new city, your husband went into a depression. And I kept trying to keep him company and then attaining best you could. And then you realize that your husband don't have real friends. What should realize? That your husband is a daddy's boy. See a daddy's boy. See you got a mama's boy, but you got daddy's boy too. That's when the father is attached to the sun. He had his whole life wrapped around the boy. He was living vicariously through the sun. That's no I just made that now, okay, okay, I mean you know, well, it's it's very very rare. It's very rare. But it is the direct opposite of a mama's boy. But the daddy's boy. There are men who are attaching live vicariously through their sons, go to all sporting events and all like this, and their whole life. And then a lot of sons move out and get on their own and their dad become depressed. That's really really I don't know if it's called the Daddy's Boy, but that's what we're calling it for this letter. But I know some guy knew a couple of friends of mine that lived their life like that. Sons really evolved in athletics, went on to college and everything and everything, and he didn't. He didn't go pro And I knocked their ass out because that's all he was had his whole that was his retirement playing. So anyway, uh and so now while he was building the business with his son, he was, he was getting his business going. They all his friends stopped coming around because he was busy. All he did was go to your son's games, go to eat with your son, work out with your son, watch movies with our son. Is half and my husband sit home and relax without trying to FaceTime our son who lives away. Now here's a dangerous part watches. My son sent me a text telling me that he was moving in with his girlfriend and he's hoping his dad will reconnect with his friends so he won't call him so much. Okay, him Temple was happy that boom with this girl and bore them movie in the girl that daddy always FaceTime. Daddy gonna FaceTime at some inn appropriate moments. It's bore nineteen day in that house like rabbits, and most of the time they're gonna be doing something and your daddy gonna be FaceTime and that boy can't pick fun. Daddy huh nod, hold on it, wait a minute. Day. So now he'd have told his mama, you gotta talk to daddy getting reconnected, so he ain't got to call me the money. Now, you didn't want to tell your husband about the tech because you didn't want to crush you rush. Yeah, but we're here, grown ass man. Hey, look, you're calling him too much. He want to live his life. He to move his girl in now. He in love with this girl now. Yesterday he said he wonna go visit his son for Easter. Someone ain't got no babies. You ain't gonna see your grandkids. They'll side of nineteen. He ain't even gonna come home for Easter. Him and that girl. Let me tell you what they fit to do on Easter. She fit the dress up like a bunnet rabbit and hitting the high the eggs all over the house and they're gonna have an Easter egg hunting. Every time she picked up an egg, he gonna reward huh with this special made bunnet soup. See, that's what they fit to do on Easter. They ain't even gonna eat on Easter. They just gonna have a basket with candy and that they're gonna be feeding each other. Boy, he Finn had the best Easter he ever. Hey, without your ass, daddy, Daddy's boy. Yeah, and then she's gonna talk about it. So you made up a lot of excuses why we shouldn't go. And the only thing to keep him occupied is sick. But I'm not gonna keep doing that all the time. So he needs his friends. Should I plan a playdate for him? How to him? How do I get him out of the house? Bod you have to plan a play date. You gotta contact his friends and go, Hey, look, Herbert, he ain't been paying y'all no attention because he but he really misses y'all want to get out of the house. Now. We need a barbecue, We need a card night poker, we need a boy's night out. I don't give it that. When do y'all go to the strip, club. But you got to get Herbert out of this house and get his mind occupied. He needs some friends. You got to call his friends and get in touch with him. Tell them that he's depressed and he needs to get out of the house and let him go ahead, got it. You gotta go bowling, and so go bowlding night man. Go get you in the go go to the gym, work out with your friend. Go what, go to a game about football? Game? No, then he gonna start crying sherely because he used to go with all his games with his sons. You do this, surely stop, dude, you find it. They don't live in the NBA city. This ain't from no NBA city town. They live in Willewine, Virginia, somewhere like that little little body right in from Atlanta, New York or nothing like this. This ain't no New York problem. This is a small town problem where a man got his life wrapped around his son. This is a small town problem, all right right. Hit us up on Instagram at Steve Harvey FM to comment on today's Strawberry Letter. You can also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now. Coming up next, we have Sports with junior. And that's right after this you're listening show. All right, it is time now you know what time it is Sports talk with junior junior. What you got? Okay? Sure? A little sad this morning. Duwayne Haskins, the Ohio State quarterback who was drafted by the Washington Commanders, has passed away. On Saturday. He was hit by a dump trunk while final cross Interstate five ninety five in South Florida. Now, he was number fifteenth over on the twenty nineteen draft from a high state Universe of versity and then he later signed up to two years with Washington. He signed with Pittsburgh Steelers where he was training in South Florida for the upcoming season. And he was training with some other quarterbacks, runbacks and wide receivers. And he was twenty four years old. That's sad man. So Cleveland boy. He quarterbacked for Ohio State. He got drafted by the red Skins. I believe he went to Glenville High School, same high school I went to. He was coached by the great Teddy Gin senior from Glenville High School. Famous coach. Should have to send all them boys to the pros. Sad occasion man sad. It is, man, that really is man. Well, man, what you think about Tiger playing in the masses this weekend? Oh? It was great man to see him out there. Man, I'm glad I didn't bet that thousand dollars on him that I started to. I would have made a lot of money if I did. I started to, I just forgot. I just don't put a grand on him because the odds to him winning. Who I was gonna be nice? Yeah, but I'd be even more depressed. You know. It's good to see him out there. Sad. He wasn't a good day for him, you know, but he played, and for him to even play was a miracle within itself. Man, that dude has a special capacity. Hey, dog, do you see when he on the golf course? Dog gave me twelve deep lined up? Now, I noticed when they line up when he's teeing the ball off, people be lined up. Man, one hundred yards down there watching him. I'm gonna tell you right now, if I'm in the pro am tournament, y'all got to get out the way I'm here and cause yeah, because it is because one of these balls I'm gonna shank. One of these drafts I'm talking about dead off into your face. I'm talking about Dog. I'm live Ricochet and hit three four people. Let me tell you this though you found out Okay, you remember when Tiger woods one all four of the majors, the iron set that he used to win the four Majors sold for five million dollars? Really even use these? Would you buy a set of clubs from Tiger? Will five me? Do you know what I'm gonna do with five million dollars? Cut on by damn clubs? With five million dollars, Man, I got a new ranch house late, ain't TV. It's not going to improve your fuck off game if you couldn't play the fir play Dog. I thought a new set of Taylor clubs for a friend of mine, and it ain't game to him yet. I'm gonna go down there and tell him them with Tiger all right, coming up at the top of the hour, a church in Illinois has been fasting for Lent. They're fasting from whiteness. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the Stave Morning Show. Well as Lent comes to a close this week, and Oak Park, Chicago church that is led by a white pastor No less is trending because the church announced that it's been fasting from whiteness. Okay, the church is first United Church of Oak Park notified church members in March that they would fast from whiteness by not performing songs or hymns written or composed by white people during Lent. In this fast from whiteness, of course, I cannot change the color of my skin or the way that allows me to move through the world. But I can change what I listened to and whose voice I prioritize. So that is kind of the plan for our worship services through Lent, said pastor John Edgerton. The church is affiliated with two denominations, the Presbyterian Church and the United Church of Christ. The church also has a sign in the yard that reads fasting from Whiteness. After news broke that the church was fasting from whiteness, the church released a statement that read, our intent was to lay aside our usual frames of reference and open ourselves to hearing the Gospel message through the voice of black people, indigenous people, and people of color. The press release also stated that worship services in Lent have been diverse and beautiful, So there you have it. Okay, whiteness. How do you know how the new they can't go to my church. They can't go to church I grew up being right now sixty four nineteen sixty volts that church been fast and against whiteness. We ain't sung a white song. We ain't got a white him book. All our songs is black and original hits. That's new for the First United Church of Oak Park, and they have a white pastor, so it's new for them. Good step. It's a good step. I bet your service a lot longer. It's a good step for what what a is y'all talking about? Yea they that from white? They in there. I don't know. I don't even know what y'all talking about. What this is beyond huh, this is beyond my realm of thinking. You got a church and you're going fast from whiteness. Y'all in singing God, it's not something guy he raised. They singing this light of mine now they're singing that. Yeah, that's they're singing now that I'm climbing up out on the rough side the mountain every day, motown, Motown, and they should all do the service. We give me a church. Come on de jail. I'm right here, passed that right here, we gavel this morning. Yeah, oh for lit to mitigate, annihilate, Yeah, and separate all whiteness for my service. Keep it black, pastor keep it we all gonna keep it black. That's right. Keep it black. Oh? The deacon bold, yeah, oh black, the usher bolt deacon yeah is black. Or the nurses guild that ain't gonna be Yeah, they're gonna be black. Or the people that watch the babies doing service, Deacon they black eye yes. Or the people out in the parking lot to watch the cars keep from getting stolen. Deacon jet black. The people they gonna come the money after the service? Who is the deacon light skinned black? Black skinned black, but black dope black people across the street that's got the store open after church let out that sell the hot dogs and real saying we're just who is they deacon black with black with attitude, have no idea holding up a little bit hot more. Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. When we went to break, we were talking about the church in oak Park, Chicago that had fasted for from whiteness for the Lenten season, and they're just about to wrap it up, and they say, worship services and lent have been diverse and beautiful. But Pastor Motown and Deacon deaf Jam are we are taking this little thing another step free. Oh, we are having a complete and total white hour of all our services and surrounding auxiliary function. We've talked about a number of things that we're not having white nor mold. The gloves that the usher board is going, well, we are dining them. Doc Brown, Yes black, Oh that right now? Or any or body on the sick and shutty list, they all limits black. We ain't visiting normal white folks. They're sick and shorty ain't. We're doing it for lit no matter of fact. Matter of fact, all the lift in our pockets out that that not be white nor more, no that's black were lit. Yeah, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after anybody testified, Ah black back when we come back, stay black. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is time now for a round of would you rather? Would you rather? Laugh? Inappropriately during sex or laugh inappropriately during arguments? Which one is better for you? I'm probably doing inappropriately during sec or laughing that argument. You're gonna really stretch that out some money. I don't ever recall laugh and doing sex. Never had a funny moment you laughed in an argument? Now, But I'm trying to figure out. I'm going back in my review board in my mind, trying to figure out whe're doing sex? Have I even chuckled? I've probably been laughed at? Probably? Wow? Yeah, I can't go with your net with Nephew. I've never laughed at. Well, I've done some things doing sex. That's laugh half for bold, but that's an off air conversation. Go here, Shirley, next one? All right, oh, who'll put this in there? Would you rather eat Easter dinner at Shirley's house or number one? We don't even know what be ills? Yeah, we're going to go ahead, Shirley. What is it? You had a number one for McDonald's for Easter dinner? Hell yeah? Number one? Hell yeah, I don't even know what number one is? Number one, Big mac here. I ain't had Big Mack in years. Number one, I ain't had a big mack in years sims out right all of you right, you know, man, today is a cheat day for me. No cheap day, not a deaf wish cheap date. Not the last This is a cheap day, Shirley, not the last supper. He moving moving on. Would you rather drink a pint of your mate's bathwater? Or would you rather sink your phone with your mate's phone? I'm drinking. I'm drinking. I'm drnking that water on ice. Yeah, I'm drinking that. You can make it a tea or put it on ice. Drink. I drank a whole turb of bath water before we do the BA, before you think your phone up with your mate's phone. Okay, all right, I get an I V you can run it straight through me water the bath water. Yeah, all right? Last last one, last one, guys, would you rather shave your dry head with a disposable razor or would you rather wear it uh a turban like Nick Cannon for a whole month? Shave your dry head with a disposable razor or wearing back my head? That's it for would you rather? Today? Coming up? It is our last break of the day, and at forty nine minutes after the hour, we'll have some closing remarks from the one and at least Steve Harvey right after this. You're listening to show all right, guys, here we are our last break, last break of the day on this Monday. Wow, we've learned a lot today. Jesse Smalllett has a new song out uh spoken word with a gospel choir behind him. If you missed it, we're gonna replay that tomorrow. Yeah, okay. And also there's a church in um Oak Park, Chicago that during this Lent season they have decided to uh fast from whiteness. Okay, the pastor's white, so they are gonna sing any hymns from white um composers or songwriters or anything. They like the diversity. They said it was beautiful. They let um you know, other races um do the service for lent. Oh so they back to white. Now they had it back to right right, not always how it is? Isn't that always how it is? Nephew, Well, we we at the jack Pot joint of Jeruth. We have joined in yeah, with the lit proceedings of this church with the minister who is white. Yeah, he's right. So in order to support his church, we at the jack pot joint or going to make sure that we're having a complete and total white out doing lit. That's right, that's right. If you've missed did some of the things that we're doing Hill. We're removing all white gloves from the usher boot. That's one. We are not having any white folks in the parking lot. No, that's another. And we're going to add on a few more. No more white embroidering on any of the choir roads, no more white out. Okay, we're gonna paint the bottom of the baptismal pool that's gonna be black, making it look like deep water. So no more white kids is allowed to come to Sunday school learning on your own with the other lies that's been told. Oh, we are going to take all church friends, yeah, and get a brown magic marker. Yeah, and color in any pictures of Jesus. We're gonna stop that live all right, painting painted path to painting when when joining in with the white out for at the white church, and since the minister at the white church is white, we're putting him out and replacing him with tapes of Tdjkes. Yeah, you out for show. Now we we white it out. Path having at from down at the car wash for the building fun on Sadday. Yeah, we're no longer using any white rags or sponges on the cars. Black shammads, black shammonds, black shammas. We're gonna do all soul for the baked goods in the bake sale. For the building fun, we normal white flowery brown flower, almond flower would do something that will be no more white lights in the track. We will all have black lights, black glow and yeah dark like normal white lights they sat. All the lights gonna have to be yellow, blue, black, red, green, all that. We're not having that. No more white to go plate at the dinner, come in here, stuff is white. I don't know what you're gonna all and doing the East for this East, all eggs must be dyed. Don't hide normal white eggs protocol. We're doing a white out from live. Also, all the white walls in Hill, let's go the white walls out of hill. We are looking at all awesome all weddings, all weddings from now hell here at the church. You know you ain't all that no way, but ain't no more white gowns. And I'm white. You know you ain't really white gown. People knew how bad here, Deacon. Yeah, don't nobody show up with no white teeth until they said the way ain't grinning? Ain't no more grinning doing lint. White teeth is out. And last, but not least, normal pickups for the elderly, the sick or disable in the white church vans painting, rap it do something. That's what we're doing for lint. That's the Jack Park Jordan Drew, thank you so much for don't you get talked to God? He would love to hear from you for all. Steve, Every contest no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.