Eve of Valentine's Day, El Chapo, Mo'Nique and more.

Published Feb 13, 2019, 3:00 PM

This is the eve before Valentine's Day.  We have the best and worst ways to break up.  Will and Jada to White House????  Floyd Mayweather could care less about what happened with Gucci.  El Chapo is found guilty on all 10 charges.  Mo'Nique and Steve have a loving and heated debate about what happened before and after Netflix and Oprah.  8-time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney stops by to discuss health and wellness.  Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog speaks about being resilient and more.

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know, y'all back a suit, looking back to back down, giving them more like amaan buck things. And it's not doing me true good at Steve Harpen to move to other Steve, please, hobby, I don't join joined me to be doing me. You gotta use turning them. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it, h I sure will a good marting everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man? How good is God to me? And part of the mission and the reason that I have a radio show is to become a share of more and more of a shareff You know. I used to hearing my mother say it to me all the time. But God blesses you to become a blessing. And I think the more you understand that about yourself, I think the more blessings will flow your way. I think that once you understand the principle that you know. But it's kind of tied together with some other scriptures, and I'm not too knowledgeable about them, of course as usual. But I do know what I've heard. You know, and you know, if you look at something simple as do unto others as you would have them do unto you, wouldn't you want somebody to help you if you need it help? I mean, look, I don't know how to wind it down into some intellectual lecture. I just know how to get it down there to where I've been able to understand it. If there's a scripture similar that it says do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or if that's you know, in a prayer, would not you want somebody to help you if you needed help? You've heard you reap what you sow. Do you understand that if you so discord, that discord is gonna come your way. That if you hate, hate gonna come your way. If you blog nothing but negative comments about people, your life will be filled with negativity. If all you do is talk about people, then guess what somebody got to turn that gun around and talk about you. See, it just stands to reasons. So what I've learned in my life and through all the trials and tribulations that I've had is to take those lessons and share them with people in case you ain't heard it from somebody else. See sometimes, and the reason it seems like I'm redundant at times is what I am is because I'm always trying to find a different way to say the same thing. Because it's a funny thing. Man, You got to hear it a certain way for it to click with you. How many times have I heard of saying and then I heard it a different way that it clicked with me. You know, I've heard of this saying, right here, remember this now, everybody's not happy for you. We've all heard that, right, everybody's not happy for you. Well, that's very simple that I don't need no explanation. That simply means of all the people you know or do not know, when something happens to you and you celebrating it, everybody's not gonna join in on the celebration. That's all that is. But then you take it one step further. My father used to say something to me all the time. He says, son, everybody come with you can't go with you. I didn't get that when I was fifteen. Everybody come which you can't go with you? He said, you're gonna lose some of these friends you got along the way. You know, just just the space time, you're gonna grow in different directions. You know you're gonna do something ain't into. They're gonna do something you ain't into. They're gonna want you to go here. You ain't gonna make it. They're gonna disappoint you. You're gonna disappoint him. He ain't never lied. But I don't care where you get in life, how old you get, how far you go, who you think you are, what you make, what you say, what you claim to be. No this right here, everybody can't go with you. If you are constantly trying to improve yourself, you constantly have to take assessment of the people around you. Because if you are going to continue to go and continue to grow, then guess what. You got to have people that's own the goal and willing to grow. If you got people in your life that are not on the goal or willing to grow, how can they help you go or grow? Do that makes sense? So you have to constantly make assessment of the people around you, or else guess what you're gonna learn? The valuable lesson you know, the late boxing promoter butch Lewis. I was talking with butch Lewis one time and man with a good brother man, I'm talking about man with a good brother man Jesus. And I was talking with him and he shared with me a lesson that I had never thought of before. And he told me this. Let me say this clock. I don't know the time I got. I don't want Yeah, I got time. Butch Lewis told me this one time. He say, every successful man is doing what I call he got rope work to do. He got rope work to do. He got to put in work on rope. And I'm sitting there listening to butch Lewis and all the money he had made and all the people's lives he had changed, and all of the moves he was making, and his incredible skills as a negotiator on behalf of some very very wealthy people. He was just an amazing man with no education. But he read everything. He butch Lewis read all that, all the papers, all the periodicals. That brother knew everything. He said, you got to put in rope. And I was sitting there listening. He said, here's the analogy, little brother. He said, you are on rope. There's a thick rope. You have on no shirt, you have on some tattered clothes, you have on no shoes. Your shorts is cut off just below the knee, and they tattered, and you got dirt on you and you're sweating. There's this huge, huge raw rope over your shoulder. That's burn marks on all of your shoulder. Connected to that rope is a wagon. That wagon has all your weight on it, all your responsibilities, all the people you're responsible for, all your children, your wife, your family members, your employees, your co workers, your friends. They are all on that wagon. Man, they're just sitting there. He's saying, what you gotta do is you gotta pull that wagon up the heel. Now. The only thing with it is, can't nobody help you pull your wagon? You pull your wagon alone. He saying, Now, what you can do along the way of pulling your wagon, as you can find yourself a good wife, a good woman. He's saying that what that woman does is she get down off the wagon. She fan you while you pull it. She put water on you while you pull it. She puts stuff in your mouth while you pull it. She kicked rocks out the way while you pull it. But she but she pull it for you. But she is equally as important as you are on the pull of the He said, you hear me clearly now, young soldier. He said, NA get this hell, He says, people on your wagon that you're responsible for. But you want the people on your wagon to help you get your wagon to the top. So what you hope is that they got their foot hanging over the side pushing, They got one leg over the back, or maybe both legs over the back pushing. They got they might have their butt on the wagon, but they push you with both legs. They're back facing your back, maybe some of them facing you when one of them got left leg hanging over trying to push. And you hope that all the people on the wagon you pulling is back there at least trying to help the wagon get to the top of the hill. Here goes your problem. Though everybody ain't pushing, everybody ain't pulling, ain't bar everybody ain't pulling. Everybody ain't kicking rocks out the way. You got some people on your wagon that's just laying on the wagon, drinking lemonade, looking at you, talking about how long it's taking you to get your wagon up to the top. Can at you tell my whitest wagon so slow? Then when you start picking up picking up speed, they want you to pull harder, you to pull faster, you to pull mo. Then they want you to throw what you then earned on the way up the hill backed on the wagon so they can have mo. But guess what, they ain't helping you get more, but they got a sense of entitlement that since you got mold, they should have more. Everybody come with you can't go with you. Sometimes you gotta kick the people off the wagon that ain't pushing and pull it and say, hey, man, I'm sorry. I thought I could do this with you, and I thought you was going with me. But it's clear to me you ain't nothing but dead weight. And it ain't my responsibility to carry dead weight anymore. I have carried you as long as I have to carry you. You are no longer my responsibility. I'm responsible for my family, my wife, my children. I'm not responsible for you. You got to get off my wagon because I'm a man on rope. I'm on a mission. Baby, I'm pulling. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen. Man, I have your attention. Please, This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You feel me. It is the mourning Man. Moaning time, not evening, not afternoon. It is moaning time, m moaning time, Moaning time. Boy, good moaning, shiraling. Good morning, Steve, Good morning, Cave, good moaning Steve. You you morning up? You in the room. No, I can't get that loan, I said, morning up. Plead too high, nephew, Tommy mc steve live in Living Color. Lie morning. Yeah, Hey, how are you doing. I'm just trying to survive. You're trying to survive? What do you What do you mean? We just got to work? Yeah, what do you? Yeah, just trying to survive. But it's gonna be a good day, Yes, sir, I expected to be excellent day. I expected. Man, that's right, claim it. Yeah. So um, you know what we didn't talk about. We didn't talk about your appearance on Jimmy Kimmel. Yeah it was good the other night thing. Yeah, how was it for you? You know? And like I told Jimmy and bub biting me. Man, now you're ready stand up because you know I've kept my chops. My timing is still good sharp, you know, man, thinking about it, Steve, Tommy has I mean, your nephew has invited you out on several occasion. I'm saying, okay, okay, playing it, Okay, you don't do that little harsh to Tommy. Well, I don't know what see that I'm gonna come to. We'll just back one. Yeah, but Dad, he ain't gonna let me he okay, just what Tommy not going He ain't gonna let you. No, Tommy not gonna let me do no time to work out my set. You know, I need about an hour twenty every night. He ain't gonna let me do no hour. Ain't got that kind of common comic club see that. I want to see that right there. That's not Tommy's rules. Those are the club's rules. Yeah, but see, I got to work out my set. When you're working out, we're gonna do six shows a weekend. You just you can do the first part on the first show, then the second part on the second show, or get there early, be there a week Yes, I used to, Yes, that's how it works. Yeah, it's called the grind. Oh who do you think you're talking to? Coming up at thirty two after the ste This week Valentine's Day this week. You know, Thursday is Valentine's Day, It's the week of the most breakups of the year as well. We'll talk about the coldest way the crew broke up with someone. Right after this, you're listening to Steve, Steve Harvey, Nation, everyone, Tommy Junior, Carla everyone. You know. Valentine's Day is tomorrow, the day of love. And if you're a last minute person, you've still got time. I'm telling you you still got time. Uh and one eight hundred Flowers can help you. Those are our friends here. You've only got today to make this happen. Though, to do it right now, go to one eight hundred flowers dot com and check out the amazing offers on beautiful Valentine's bouquets and arrangement that start at only twenty nine ninety nine. That's right, guys, there's still time. You still got some time. You can get your bouquet delivered by tomorrow on Valentine's Day, but you have got to order today, fellas. Check out all the beautiful bouquets to choose from, starting at just twenty nine ninety nine. Go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, click that radio icon and enter my code strawberry. That's one eight hundred flowers dot com code strawberry code strawberry. Okay, so yeah, you're gonna get it. You're gonna get it. Yeah, I gotta get all these flowers today. Man. Yeah, yeah, I know. You guys have already done your thing. What are we supposed to do? I just told you first of all, I just told you and so so you need to get on the phone right now and get some oh yard full of rope. See now, what's wrong with walking out there and walking around? Ain't nothing? Go ahead and go do it. Do you even like being married? Go on and do that. I mean, it's it's it's no, you're absolutely right. Yeah, don't buy no ridge. Go out there and pick them ragged ass unkempt roses out, some of them, open some of them clothes. Right, yard roses ain't ever good. I'm trying to give you an easy, convenient, beautiful solution with one eight hundred friars. All your yard roses is already open. But um, you you must be a fan of Red Tuesday. I think that's what you are. Yeah, that's the daytime, that's the day when more people get dumped than any other day of the year. So that was just it's called red Tuth you're a fan of Yeah, I didn't high. Also, a survey by elicit encounters dot com shows that the week of Valentine's Day is the week of the most breakups of the year the entire year. Also no surprise if when it comes to the breakup, the most popular way to kick someone to the curb via text, then a telephone call, followed by face to face. So what do you guys think is the coldest way? Texas cold? Yes, Texas cold bloody? Yeah? Have you ever? How have you broken up? Steve? What's your worth? You know? I never really did no bad breakups with anybody? Really, I mean not really. I've had something done to me. I wrote my bike over who I thought was my girlfriend's house. What do you think? But it was your girlfriend? Right now? I rode all the way over there. I'm about about twelve miles to her. I rode my bike all the way the twelve miles. You know, you know how she told me it was old. She had her daddy sitting on the porch. Way Now you know hard daddy is a sixteen year old boy. What happened. Hey, mister Simon, don't missus Simon me, don't bring your ass round. She don't want you over here no more. And I damn sure don't want you over here no more. The kass home back where you come from? What it was he told her dad to break up with you from? Yeah, yeah, he told it to me. He was sitting on steps waiting on me. Hey, mister Simon, don't hey missus Simon me. That's cold. I was so confused. I'm tired, trying to look fresh. Yeah, I had that happened to me. That was a bad one, Junior. I didn't really, I ain't really don't nobody on Valentine's Day. But I've got dumped right before Valentine's Day. What happens like the week of? Yeah, like the week of I told you, like you know, I told my girls that she wanted to sleep. She was going to sleep. But then I go out to the little bar. She ain't there with another dude holding hand. You know what I'm saying. I'm in there looking like, I said, my boy, man, did your girl? I said, no, she sleep? He said, dog, that's your girl. She is sleep, not sleep. She awake. Hold man holding hand. I mean I went on that crime. Let his hand go. Show some respects for me, y'all. He had muscles. I wasn't for the fight. I told jokes at the time, I ain't make with twenty five dollars joke. Yeah, she didn't let it go though. Let y'all, let's let's get to no, we want to ask you first. Let's let's get to it. H Come on, what what happened? You know you got a story? Come on now, I've been dumped hard. I've been dumped at the skating rink. Why everybody there? This about ninth grade. That's the hardest thing for her to be out there skating with this other dude. And I didn't can and went Candy to the skating Wow, it cut me deep. It was David before you know. But you're celebrating that day because Balentie was on a Sunday. So we all at the skating were gonna say and I rolled up in there. Man, I got my God, I got my John Yeah, I got my John Wayne's shirt on. I got that out of Chess king John Wayne. Where it go? You know the buttons go crossways over here? Yeah? What is you're talking about there's a lot of point of the story, Steve, what he wore to the skating but John Wayne I heard that's what they did wear though, Steve, you never wear that to the skating ring through skating by the end when John Wayne shirts came out here, Yeah, yeah, So what happens? So you went in there with your flowers and your candy. They went in there with canny everything and just got crushed right there, right and what took the candy? But the dude ain't my candy. What she's saying, didn't like you at all. You're not eating my candy. As soon as you turn your head, don't take one of these skates off. Bust you upside back your head. You're not chewing man. I still by the pinball machine the whole night, didn't skating night. I was crushed. I've been crushed before. Wow, what is she saying? What she said she went back the skatesh Yeah, I hadn't seen the X and wondered what the hell I was thinking? Yeah, yeah, I think we've all yeah that that's happened. What Okay, all right, we're gonna keep this conversation going on our social media page. Okay, go to Steve Harvey f M. Coming up next, it is the nephew who got dumped at the skating race. So sad nephew, you gotta run that prank back though coming out, I bet you won't dump this. It was that John Wayne. Right after this. You're listening, Steve all right, coming up at the top of the hour. In entertainment News, twenty one Savage will be released on Bond today. Yes, yes, Yes, and Will and Jada h Will and Jedda Smith the next first family at the White House question Mark plus miss Anne will be on deck with our national news. But right now, it is a nephew in the building to run that prank back? What you got running back? Girl? Scout Cook at Hello, Hello, who's this? Hey? Um? How are you doing? Then? My name is Glenn Man. I'm working I work in building too. You work for Cludia Right? Yeah? What what's fun? So we probably met a couple of times. Uh do you have a girl? You have a girlfriend? Uh? Why what's up you guys? Do you guys live together? Or what? What is this your business? Like? What what's what's what's the deal, What's what's what are you asking about? My girl? Well? Let me ask you is here, what's what's what's going wrong with you at the job? Uh? What what do you what do you mean? What's going on? Like like me, I mean you you know you know, right? I mean so what like what? What's what's the deal? What? What? Who are you like? Who? Who the are you like? What? What? What the what? What is this for? Like why are you? Like? I don't even know you? Right? I just calmed down, bro, just calmed down, Like I say, my name is Man. I work at Gila too, you know, And I know I'm just telling you now. I know you. I know what you're doing, Okay. I know what y'are doing at the job. I already know, and a couple other people know what's going on. And I know you got a girl. I know you got a girl at home. I know that. What so so what? What? What? What the what what is this about? Like? Why why do you call my phone trying to harass me about the book? Like? Who are you? Like? What? What? What is your problem? Like? Hey, man, hey, hey, comeing down. Man. If I ain't trying to tell you a little secret or nothing like that, I ain't trying to do that, all right, But but but I'm gonna be real with you, okay, all right, Like I said, you know, I got one of your names. I got your number from one of co workers. Okay, I got your number. I say, I want to I want to give the car and you talk to him about something. That's how I got your number. So yeah, who gave you ten? We'll get to that later. Okay, we'll get to that later. But let me but let me say this though. I know what's going on with you and to the job, all right, and I ain't gonna say nothing about it. You know, that's just our little secret or whatever. But I do have something that I want you to do, though, what what do you want? Did? But what do you want? You call me bugging me about all this book, like, what do you want? What do you want? Well? Here it is, man, Listen, I ain't gonna say nothing about what you got going on, all right, That ain't that ain't even I don't even care about that. But here here's what I do want you to do. I do need some help from you, all right. Listen. My little girl is selling girl Scout cookies and I want you to buy fifty boxes of them. All right, Well, be a cash out because she got to have them soul by tomorrow morning. Are you kidding me? Bro? You okay, so you're on some black man's books and listen to who gave you my number? Because you want to call me? Asked me to buy some cookies and you should just bet a man and ask me about it. Like, don't be calling my phone trying to give me that book, Like come on, man, like I ain't got no time for this. Like I'm asking you to do is buy today? I'm cookies man, That's it. You know what I'm saying. I'm just saying, I do want you to buy some cookie. I need you to fifty box little girl Scout cookies. Can you do that? No? No no no no no no no no no no no. You ain't gonna call and try to manipulate me and defying like you're you're talking? Are you trying to make me fight? So? I ain't but you're nothing for you disrespecting me calling my phone, trying to act like you like just trying to manipulate. I ain't down with that, bro, I ain't do you. You don't want to buy my cookies though? So do you want me to call your your girl and see a ship on my good you gotta say the away for my thro man like, don't don't come near her. Okay, you don't call her, you'll come gear her. So don't come near me. You just get get out of here. I'm about to start this ninety figure out who you are, and come right after you, man like, because I ain't playing bro, I ain't all right. So I'm gonna tell you what, man, I ain't argue with you. I gonna argue with you, but I'll get off the phone right now. I'll get off right now, and I'm gonna your girl. I'm gonna call your girl and see if you want by some No no, no, no no, you ain't call nobody. You just get you get I try to god, I'm gonna find out who you are. I'm gonna find out who gave you that number. I'm gonna call you up like you know you donna call me trying to right me. Okay, hey man, hey, hey, you know what. Angels cool, we're still talking about it, all right, I'm gonna get the right. Don't like you so so, so I'll get off the phone like you want me to ag I'll do that but let me let me ask you here though, let me shoot this though. You sure you want me to call you? Sure you want me to do that? And right? Ain't that isn't that her name? Man? You something? Individuals? All right? Look how much of these cookies? How much you want? And man, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy. Yeah, Tommy told me you would buy the cookies. Tommy, Tommy, Amen, Amen, check it out. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey more than show your co workers got me to pray phone call you. O my god, I'm gonna kill him. So so, oh god, who listen? So listen, Adrian. We have beat. We have beat all the name so nobody knows the things at all. Okay, you're good, bro, You're good man, and you got me. Oh God, I'm I'm gonna go. I'm gonna take a nap man. I just used up all my Yeah, I'm done. Oh God, Like, hey, where you go? I am going off? You up? Man, I can't believe you got me on this little tell me this man, one more thing before you going age. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. The Steve Harvard Morning show Man, which is why he got played every morning. Kill me bro. Girls got a cook man, Scott black man. People, girls got girls that you got a black man? Come up with everything? Man. You know, I ain't gonna tell you, lady, you mess around somebody here at the job. Wow, understand if you buy my dog? Yeah, cook don't you a line? Can't you just draw the line? Girls, Scott Cookies? No, No, I erased line so I can get on across where I need to be. Okay, lemonade though, lemonade girls, Scout Cookies are good, then mints. I like those lemonades. Colleen, Texas. Baby, we're gonna have some girls Scott cookies for you. February fourteen, fifteen and sixteen. The Nephew is in town at twice It's Funny Comedy Club, Brand spanking new comedy club in Colleen, Texas. Tickets own sale right now. Two shows thirty two Friday and two Saturday, and then laying in the cut the following week. I will be in West Palm Beast flatted at the Improv. That's the twenty second, twenty thirty, twenty four and Nephew and maybe the Uncle well, you know we will see you know, we know if he can't do ten minutes here and tenutes that he don't want to show up. He don't want to work, you don't want to practice. I'm a headline the top Okay, bonafide certified head line. I'm nineties struggle. All right, Look, we gotta go, guys coming up at the top of the hour. Entertainment News twenty one Savage will be released on Bond today and Will and Jada Smith could they be the next first family at the White House. Yeah, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Former First Lady Michelle Obama thrilled fans with a surprise appearance during the Grammys, and she might have inspired another couple I'm talking about, Will and Jada Pinkett Smith to take a shot at running the White House. Don't do it, Willie, Willie, enjoy your life. Hen you got money, go right it out, will He's gonna be the genie in his next movie. Jadas Yeah. Jada has since posted a selfie with her and the former Floatus on the gram and then her husband Will Smith reposted it with the caption I'm telling you Jada we should call next in the White House hashtag Grammys mister and missus Smith in twenty twenty, it could happen. What do you guys think? No, you won't that. I think Will is thinking in the back of his mind of a possible political career. But you know, yeah maybe on the local leney. Yeah, yeah, So that's why he's knowing. I mean in service, yeah, all right. Rather, well, that's what it's supposed to be done. That. Yeah, that's what it's supposed to service. I know, but that's what it's supposed to be about. He's supposed to be working for the American people. That's what Obama do you Yeah, the president of all people Trump. Trump's never worked for people before. Yeah, he's always he thinks we work for him. He's got a to a sport for us, all right. Twenty one Savage will be released on bond today, penning an upcoming deportation hearing. UH twenty one Savages lawyers Yeah issued a statement saying he has asked us to send a special message to his fans and supporters. He says that while he wasn't present at the Grammy Awards, he was there in spirit and is grateful for the support from around the world, and is more than ever ready to be with his loved ones and continue making music that brings people together. He will not forget this ordeal or any of the other factor or any of the other fathers, sons, family members, and faithless people he was locked up with or that remain unjustly incarcerated across the country. He asked for your hearts and minds to be with them. Wow, that's kind of like that Meek Mill mentality, now, you know. Yeah, yeah, working for prison reform and things like that, talking about some prison reform and things. So that segration, yeah issues, yeah, yeah, yeah it's good. Yeah, it really is good. It really is good. I mean, you know, out of adversity comes some of the greatest moments. So you know, said it happened for him, but it could be a new awakening too. Yeah. He could start a movement, right, Yeah, they already started them, you know, but it can keep growing and snowballing. Yeah. He's trying to stay here, he's trying to be a citizen of this country. So yeah, he was supposed to perform with Post Malone at the Grammys, but of course he wasn't able to do so, but he's thanking his fans and supporters. Though. I started to go down there with post and do a little something. Oh did you? Yeah? You know, I just don't know nothing of the worries. As long as you weren't trying to do an hour and thirty or ninety minute. That's just when I work with Tommy. You're gonna do it on purpose. Tommy's family with everything in there. I don't care that he'll probably end up doing two hours. Tommy, you won't get a chance to go on. I'm gonna burn the roof down. But Steve, you're really thinking about it? Huh? You keep talking about it? Yeah, you know, it's in my mind. I don't know, man, it's in my mind. I've been thinking about it. How you want to do it? I want to do it Netflix down. How you want to do it? I don't know, man, I don't think Netflix wants to pay, so I'm not sure. I'll tell you. Well, we just go on tour and then we just film it. Then we set it to where we won't do and we made the chick all right? Think about that while we go to Missan when where you own it? Yeah? Miss and Steve Introducer, Ladies and gentlemen, miss An Tripp. Thanks guys, this is and Trip with the news and good morning out there. Notorious Mexican drug log al Chapo Gusman has been convicted on a number of narcotics and conspiracy charges. After a three month long trial and over week of deliberations, a jury in New York City found Gusmand guilty yesterday on all ten charges. The first count alone carries a guaranteed sentence of life in prison. Gusmand was charged with running a continuing criminal enterprise as leader of the cartel. Interesting enough, the drug people out there at the drug enforcement people say that his Cineloa cartel is actually stronger than ever even though he's incarcerated. Congressional negotiators are still ironing out the fine details on their tentative deal to provide more border security and stay off another government shutdown. However, as you'll hear right now, the President has one view of the agreement, while Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell as another. Am I happy at first lance? The answer is no, I'm not everything the President I hope to get, but I think it's a good step in the right direction. I hope he'll decide to sign it. That's the hope. The agreement gives a Trump and only about a fifth of the money that he wanted, though, gives him about one point seven billion, which is kind of what the Democrats had said that they were going to settle for. Anyway, he wanted five points something a billion dollars, and he says, you know, he's not getting that. Some of the Republicans say that he may be able to get some of the money from other places. We'll see. President Trump does say he intends to add to the degreement, and on a positive note, he says he doesn't foresee another shutdown, although he's claiming that if there is one, the Democrats will be to blame. Prosecutors in Illinois want to judge to revisit the light sentence given the white ex Chicago cop who shot and killed the black teenage Dame LaQuan McDonnell. Jason Van Dyke was the first Chicago police officer in almost fifty years to be convicted of murder, and Van Dyke's attorney claims that the effort to change his sentence is all about politics. Prosecutors say, no, it's not political it's a question of law. Police dashcam video shows a young LaQuan walking away from the officer holding a small pocket knife but ignoring his orders to stop. After that, Van Dyke shoots the teenagers sixteen times in the back and then as he lay prone on the ground, unprovoked, and claims that he did it because he feared for his life. Prosecutors originally asked to judge to give Vandyke at least eighteen years behind bars. Instead, he got seven and could be out in three years. In Denmark, two artists have unveiled the beautiful statue of a black woman called I Am the Queen Mayor, which represents a slave named Mary Thomas who had led an uprising in the former Danish colony of Saint Croix back in eighteen seventy eight. And today is National Yodeling Day. Back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, you're listening to show. Well, El Chappo, we all know him, the Mexican drug lord. He was found guilty and he could face life in prison. A jury in New York has convicted Joaquin Guzman, otherwise known as El Chappo, on all six counts he was charged with, which included operating a criminal enterprise, use of fire arms, and various charges of conspiracy to import and distribute cocaine, heroin, and marijuana. Prosecutors presented a mountain of evidence that showed Guzman oversaw the shipment of tons of cocaine and other drugs into the United States, generating billions, that is, billions with a b of dollars in profits for the cartel. Prosecutors also presented a video tour of a tunnel between Mexico and Arizona. El Choppo's lawyer also said they would appeal and cocaine does not stop flowing with the takedown of El Choppo. No, that's that's what his attorney said. Yeah, yeah, well, I mean, which is true when you think about it. Yeah, they don't stop, yeah, trust me. But he had a tunnel from Mexico to el Yeah. Yeah, we've got to make sure, you know, bath to them because how he left last time. Oh yeah, right, drove off. That's right, that's right, he got to take shower. Wow. But tunnels though, so, I mean, even if you do build a wall like we've talked about many times on this show, it's not tunnels already. Yeah, thousands of tunnels already already, yeah, what were talking about? But the urgency of this wall to be built to stop it all. I give you six months. Chapa be back home. No oh no, no no no, not from an American prison. No, you don't think nobody breaking out of American prison. Oh no, no, not gonna because he's gonna go to the what they call it, see the supermax prison, the one in Colorado, the guy that did the marathon bombing. They sent him there. They call it supermax prison. You're gonna stail by yourself. You don't see nobody help. Yeah, yeah, you're you're not digging your way out of an American prison. But you know, I've watched so many specials on him. He was an interesting guy, man, really really really brilliant man. He's just had it channeled the wrong wrong, as do most criminals. It's some brilliant cats out here, that's criminals. And he had enough money Steve to pay off all these judges and police officers and law enforcement and fition and you know, crazy wow. Yeah, he could have stopped though, but greed makes you keep groom. This is true, This is true, very very true. There you go. Yeah, that's very true. All right, well, coming up, tummy says sixth Monks. Coming up at thirty four after the hour, Steve. Monique will be a very special guest on your show. And things got a little heated on your talk show. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Today, this is the day A lot of people have been waiting for your special guest is Monique. And you guys don't leave any stone on turn I mean you, you guys talk about everything and and it got a little heated. Steve, here's a sneak peek. Take a listen and then we can comment. Take a list as we try to come through this. Because what I want really is for you to come through because I know who you really are, and so what I what I want you to do is come through this. What it do the way because you Monique, you're my girl. I love you like a sister. I hate what's happening to you. I hate what they're saying that's not true. I want them to know that you are carried, that you're a great mother, that you are incredible talent. I don't like the fact that you've been black balled. You can be unblackballed. You're too talented to have to worry about all this way. The next one coming from I want this to end for you, But I wanted to end for you, Monique because I love you, because these people are doing it the wrong way and you better than that. You are better than that. Wow, Steve, you know it's it's like it's it's like a really healing thing for me and Monique, you know, it really really is. And I've spoken to her since, and I think I think we're at a turning point because you know, Mo Mo Mo felt that she was unjustly done and and rightfully so in some cases, and admitted by more than one person that you know, some things probably happened to her that should not have happened. As a matter of fact, some things happened to her that should not have happened. And I like, you know, like I told More on TV and I've said it, you know, I just think you handled it the wrong way. You know, you can be right and handle something the wrong way, and she was right and was wrong in the way she handled it. But More and I talked, man, that's still my girl. My only regret was was, like I said before, that I didn't that I didn't. I didn't come to her aide sooner, you know, because I saw this happening, but I was so busy working TV show was Prime and all these shows working on weekends. I just, you know, I was just busy, man. But that's the only thing I regret was not coming to Mo and and sitting it down early on when this first started jumping off. That's that's my greatest regret. But we had such a free in conversation that's gonna be on TV today, you know. And was that a resolution? Yeah? I think it was. You know, I think it was. You know, we hugged for a long time after its old, you know, and then we talked even longer after this over, So I think there is resolution. I think that we were at the turning point where MO can feel, you know, some relief from this, you know, and some people, you know, I don't know how it's gonna work out, but but I know she's she's willing. And Steve, are you are you gonna address when she said that she was gonna slap you or something, because that's what was all over the tabloid. Yeah, I mean, you know, but okay, now, she said it, but she didn't say it, you know, you know how moment surely you'd seen me and Mole on the radio since too thousand. Absolutely, I would knock your ass in the flow if you look over here one more time. Mogen talking to me like that forever she said that. Yeah, you know, but it wasn't it wasn't talk. Yeah, yeah, yeah, And that's what I told people that called me and was like, they were like, what happened between I was like if they were just kidding, you know, it was there was no venom. Yeah, there was no no, not at all ensued or anything like that. They were playing, you know, I mean, you know now you know, if you're looking at it, you don't know me and moben you Oh god, she told him she was gonna bust. But but more talk like that all time to me. Yeah, you know, yeah, snatching papers out of my hand, throwing them in the floor. You ain't going in no damn break. Oh you don't. More crazy, man, I know. But today you know, look, you know we're gonna release the the the entire one on our on the internet, you know, tied you but what you're gonna see is, of course I edited down version because we talked for like forty eight fifty eight minutes, so you know, we can't do fifty minutes on TV. That would have been the whole show, all right, So make sure you watch Steve's talk show today. Check your local listings. This is a show that everybody's been talking about for the last couple of weeks. Okay, don't miss it. Coming up next, it is a nephew with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, subject hate comes in small packages. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you have for us? Neft today? As you know last yeah, titling. This is creeping past, creeping past. Hello, come on pasta as in preacher. Yeah yeah, not pasture past or yes, keeping past these folks alone? Why this is what I do. Let's go run it. Uh, I'm trying to be speaking, hug you got him? How are you trying? I'm doing it. I ain't doing too good. You'd have been over there praying for my wife again, right right, right, yes, sir, you came over here three times in one week. My wife already went through the operation and all that she's gonna be prying. I don't need you over a praying three times a week, because, honestly, I think it's so. I think it's something else on your mind when you come over here praying for my wife. I ain't stupid, brother, You kind of hold it. Brother, this is buddy, this is well. Your wife was on the second shot in list. I never actually to come back questioned that I come by. Okay, he ain't requested for you to bring your black to my house for no damn three times in one week, man, So you can cut that boy down with me. You can cut that bull holder. Brother. I came with sister Georgia the first time. The second time I came by myself because she wasn't able to come by, and I only stayed fifteen men, he's time. So what's the problem? Because I already know what you what you doing. I know you're trying to holly my wife. I ain't shoot how put your wife? I have a wife. Why would I happen to your wife? She's part of already know what you already know what you're doing. Man, you up in her so my white wine wine whine. No body at the house. I already know what you do. Let me tell you something. Keep your black away from my damn house. Did you want to pray for my wife and play my wife? Wait? You ain't wait, man, Oh, you can't talk to you lay hand. That's what you're gonna now, Brother, ain't gonna be none of that. Ain't gonna be none of that. You're talking to the wrong brother nine. Okay. Now, first of all, you're not gonna disrespect me and curse me out. Okay, that's not even the way brother should be talking to brothers. Second of all, if there's any laying on the hands, it's gonna be my hands laying on you. Okay. You ain't fro the lash. You ain't feel the lady, I know trying to lay my wife. If I find out what you know not you mess around with my wife, it's gonna be, I know, trying to do crazy. I'm just leting you talk. I'm gonna say it one more time. Keep your black talk around my First of all, I told you once again, you can't be talking to me like that. Now I'm trying to be cool about the situation, because I know you may be just upset. Okay, I can appreciate that. Okay, I have a wife, and I'll be upset if somebody who's coming back to my wife won't you won't show out with your wife. I do spend my time with my wife. I do you know what I'm saying. I don't anybody from my house. Maybe I do need to come out your house. And how that your wife? Were you welcome to maybe come come and come lay something over their own? Huh? God? Trying to do a holder hold the one man, Hold the one man. I told you before being disrespectful. Now, that was a very idiotic statement for you to make. Okay, that's what's going on. And if I catch your black said my house again, I'm gonna play this man, and then I'm getting on the phone with you. You your plasters any more than them, because if anybody come by my house again and I ain't there, I'm kicking your black got some promis you know, just that's it. Look here, brother, if that's gonna be any that's woping going on, I'm gonna be kicking your I'm gonna lay my hands on you, and I'm gonna give you a good sanctified whooping, and then I'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray to heal you. Just put I'm gonna put up your so okay, because I've had it with you, you know. And I only went by it to visit your wife because I was asked to go visit your wife. Now that was a problem. You should have called the pastor. Okay, when you're not going to disrespect me my wife to church on the phone. Life you want to do somebody, you can meet me any place. Well, I've been man. You know. As a matter of fact, I can go anywhere I want in this town. If I be at your house talking to your wife, if the path asked me to go, I'm gonna be there. Okay, are you you know? You just you know it's you're like a stupid brother. Okay. You need to come to church. You need to come to church. You the ones you need to come to church more off. And that's the problem. You don't come to church more often. If you come to church more off, you wouldn't be talking to me like that. You wouldn't be worried about me and your wife. Because it must be something wrong at your house. You be worried about me fooling with your wife. Okay, so you need to check house. Okay, you need to check How about that? Why don't you do that? Why don't you Why don't you just check up? Okay? Common, say you the one that's cheating with my wife? That's all I know? Tommy, say you Common the one? Common, Say you the one cheating around with my wife? Tommy who? Who is Tommy? Tommy who? This is nephew Tommy, Man, this is never of your Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show Man. Your church member Laurence got me to pray ball, but not long for that. You know you're long, You're long. You know y'all know Highway to Hell, all of y'all you know none stop no, you know y'all just you know y'all just go. You know ain't gonna stop signs. You know, I funn't go. I'm gonna play for all of y'all, all of your brothers, and if you Tommy, Steve Harvey brother Lawrence is wrong for that. Okay, I'm gonna check him. I'm gonna check out. I'm couldn't go. I don't talk to you on the moment I'm paying, I'm gonna say, brother, brother, you go, man, you gotta tell me what's the baddest radio show with the lad Man Steve Harvey Moran. The show on that is on that slide all the way to Hell. I'm gonna go. I talk to y'alls later going at the past. You don't. You don't y'all don't m No, I'm too far, too far way, too left. Yeah, let me right. Hen just ain't for you, hap, but it's from me. No, I don't want to not go to Heaven. I don't want to be there. I don't want to Yeah, I just I want to walk through the gate. Well, you know, if you if you want to go there, timing, you have to do things that can get your ticket in stuff. You have to probably not praying the mast. Do you have to stop going there with people like the past. I just thought pastors need to laugh too, you know. Okay, Now he wouldn't really laughing at He wasn't. Okay. Remember, And I'm supposed to be stupid, and I'm not taking it back. I'm not looking back. I'm going forward into stupid. That's the problem of missing You're taking stupid in two thousand. But I'm brilliantly stupid. And that's the part you don't get. You the only one. If the early bird get the worm, why do the worm get up? Earth? You know what I'm saying? Why is you running out there? If the bird? I ain't gonna lie me that bird, I'm not even gonna face. Why you keep getting your ass up? If the early bird get the word? Why is the worm getting up? Ear? Why are you? Why are you doing that? You want the man sleeping sleep? That's that's brilliant boy. I'm not lying. It ain't the birth. It's the worm. Badly that boy that quit getting up early, get up by three and half another. I don't get it. Early bird, get the worry. Why is the word getting up like that? Why are you getting up early? You know this bird coming because that's news but pays and then you get on up and going by your day, going into yourself. Man, Yeah, I already came, run word. Get ready at Calleen, Texas. I'm coming to town baby, February fourteen, fifteen to sixteenth, twice the Funny Comedy Club. The Nephew is there all Valentine's Weekend tickets on sale right now. All right, we have more for all you early birds. Thank you never you tell me. Coming up next, it is a Strawberry Letters subject Hate Comes in Small Packages. Yeah, this is We're gonna get a little serious with this one. Hate Comes in Small Packages. That's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter, and listen. If you need advice on relationships, that's our specialty relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry. Okay, we could read your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right now. Let's go buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, subject Hate Comes in Small Packages. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a sixty two year old African American grandmother, and this past weekend, I took my five year old granddaughter, who I called baby Girl, to a playground in LA because the weather was just so beautiful. I kept a close eye on my baby girl, and I noticed troubling body language between her and a little blonde girl. Moments later, my baby girl dropped down on all fours and started crawling like a dog in the sand as three other white children laughed at her. I rushed over to them, and the children ran off. The look on my grandchild's face hurt my heart, and I could tell she was being bullied, but didn't realize it. She told me that she was fine and I let her continue to play. The blonde girl and her crew went back over to where Baby Girl was playing, and one of the boys had a small ball and he threw it, then told baby Girl to go get it. Baby Girl went and got the ball, and the little blonde girl yelled to her several times to drop it. At that very moment, I stormed over there to reprimand somebody else's kids. The little blonde girl's dad came over and introduced himself and excused the behavior as it's just kids being kids. As I stood there with this man, his little blond daughter told baby Girl that she did not like her braids and she should undo them because she does not live in Africa. Without flinching, Baby Girl grabbed the little blonde girl by her neck and slung her to the ground. Yes, baby girl. Yeah. I felt relieved and ashamed at the same time. When the dad said that this was unacceptable behavior, I told him that this was just kids. My precious granddaughter cried all the way home in my back seat. Later that night, I caught my granddaughter trying to take her braids out by herself, and it broke my heart. How do I explain this type of hate to an innocent child. I don't have the words. Please help. Wow, Yeah, you know, I mean, you know, this type of behavior is taught. You know this, it's taught in the home. It's you know, I mean, that's usually where it starts, because I mean, you've seen this experiment before. If you put random kids of different races andicities together in a room or wherever, they usually gravitate toward each other and play together. Because kids are innocent, they don't have any racism in their minds or in their bodies. They're innocent of all of this. These this behavior is taught. The best thing you know you can do as far as teaching your granddaughter is just build up her self esteem. You're a sixty two year old African American grandmother you've been through racism, you know it is like you know, I'm sure to be called the N word and to suffer racism. Those lessons you just have to prepare, as we all do. We have to prepare our children that this is a kind of world we live in. These are the kinds of things that's going that will happen. But just because you know, and bullying is also a part of this, you know that's wrong as well. But you you have to teach her just like certain things like racism and things like that, starting the home. Teaching starts in the home too. Making your children aware of what kind of world we really live in, unfortunately, is what we have to do as parents and grandparents. Steve, I know this letter is not a good one for me because you know, like I said the other day, now we got a strawberry, lets deal with some racism. I actually grow weary of constantly addressing the colored situation in this country. So let me just get my answers gonna be very short, and anybody can chime in that wants to. I probably knowing me, I'm glad I'm not in this letter because when the man came over and said, it's just kids being kids. Then we've just been two men being two men. You know, i'd have choked him out. Do not put yourself in this letter, I said, you know, I said, y'all, I'm just gonna have to ask you to excuse me because I told you this was not a good letter. I don't like this type of stuff. And now my reaction to stuff like this racism has always been violent. I've never not responded to racism violently. When I was in college faced with it, I reacted violently. I just don't. I'm not good at that. And so my answer won't won't fit on the radio at all, because, like I said, when he came over there and said, kids will be kids, Okay, but what is me and you though ain't gonna be Yeah, because we were not kids. Oh we men. Well, let me share what men men and men do. So you know, that's that's all, man, That's all I got to say, because you know, it's just it's sickening, it really And when you hit this happening at a young age, you know that being taught this, Yeah, so now here comes you mean, it's another generation like this on the way. That's sad because we've seen that experiment. So many times when you put children in a room, they always play together. They love each other, they play. They don't know anything about racism. And it's darker skin or you know, lighter skin, or blonde hair or dark hair. They don't know anything about that. They just they just play together. That's it as it should be taught. It's taught. I went through that. I was a little girl and I was living in Chicago and I came to Houston to see my grandmother for the summer. And I was seven years old, and my mother warned me that I might hear the INN word because I had never heard that before. And at seven years old, my mother didn't use the N word in our house, so I never I didn't hear. I was shocked that she said that I would be exposed to that and this little girl, I didn't know it was wrong. And I got out in public at twelve. It was just me and my mother, so you know, when I got to the day camp. Long story short, When I got to the day camp, we were going on a field trip to the amusement park and the little girl said, well, I'm not sitting next to her that in word, and yes, yes, I couldn't believe that. After our girl, Carla dude, though, I ran after her on the playground, pulled her down by her hair and went in and they had to call my grandmother and they kicked me out of the day camp. Sorry. No, that's thank you, thank you for sharing. So when we come back, I feel perfectly comfortable with our next All right, listen, we'll have part two of Steve's Sudden Response. He found one right after this coming up at twenty three after you're listening to all right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Um, this is uh. The subject is hate comes in small packages. These are kids being racist in this letter written in by a sixty two year old African American grandmother who took her five year old granddaughter to the playground in La, of all places. You think it'd be a little more liberal with it. Well, I mean, there are on a lot of things out here apparently not that though. Yeah, you know, y'all man, the kids. All right, you want me to recap the letter, Well, well you know what I'm saying. When I grew up, I grew up in all black everything. I went to all black elementary, all black junior high all black high school. I didn't even I didn't know white people went to school until I went to college. You just you, I mean, you know, I'm just joking, you know. Of course I knew they went to school because they had better schools than we had. But I went to a Kent State I had three white roommates, and it was culture shock for them. For them, not for me, because I, you know, worked with whites on my jobs in high school and all of that, and you know, I watched them on TV. I'm used to it. They had never One guy told me he's never even talked to a black person. I was the first black person he talked to. And one of my roommates was really cool. The other three that at the two week room change, I'm walking through the lobby and everybody in the line in my room except me. I walked through and said, hey, man, what y'all getting ready to do? Oh with us? And then I saw the signs say room change. Kind of hurt my feelings a little bit. They ain't want to live with you no more went down immediate, So you know, in the first day they was all down now and so my dude that I grew up with Prude. He was up the hallway. He had three roommates. I said, cool, they find the lead. The day they moved out, I went out there Drew Prude, matching down the hallway with him. That was my dude. We grew up together, we became roommates. That's sad. I mean the world, I mean, this is our real. Let me te what one guy told me. He said, man, I like you, but my dad says I can't live with you. His father told him, you're not living with the black I played. I played little league football. It was only two black kids on the team. And you meant league that right now. And it's only two black kids on team. And this other guy, kid Kevin Harvey, we we're on saying king together. And I didn't notice it. But when this, when when practice is over, you come around and get water from the water bottom and the and the coach squeezes it in your in your mouth, and they always put me in Kevin at the end. And my daddy was picking me up from practice this day, this first time him picking me up, and he saw what was going on, and he was living. He was a living. All I knew is that something like that going off on the coach and I was like, man, I'm gonna get kicked off the team. And next Dayted, me and Kevin we first in lane. I was like, whoa, what my daddy do? Yeah, your sir, well, I think, I think till you have to talk to your kids, because you know, I'm a young daughter and she her friends. You know, she just had a sleepover and we had three little white girls at our house. She has black friends, she has Asian friends, she has Indian friends. And these kids they played together, they hang together, they danced together, they go to school together. But you have to talk to your children. You can't avoid the conversation, yeah, about racism, and you have to talk to him. And I remember Tasha saying when President Trump got elected, it was kind of like a little change with some of the kids, like some of the boys and stuff at school because she found herself defending President Obama. He is because they was like, he's not a good president. He was a good president. What do you say? You see what I'm saying. It kind of brought out, yeah, a different type of conversation that she had never right because she was when she was born, Obama was black. She didn't even know that the president wasn't black. But I wanted to say to you, Carla though, when you told your story earlier about your mom preparing you, and usually that's what black parents have to do with their kids, if they have to prepare them. Look, you may be called the N word. There's a such thing as racism. We have to have those kinds of conversations in our family because or else, well, well, you know, it'll catch us by surprise. We don't know that, you know, Steve, you didn't know that these guys didn't want to be in the room with you because their parents didn't want them in the room with you. You didn't know that. But you know, you know, the sickening thing is the conversation that my father had with me going to school and how to deal with racism. Why am I having the same conversation with my kids. I can literally say the same things to them, the exact same thing. Yea, all these years later. That's that's what's really wrong. Yeah, that's the God's honest truth, it really is. And this woman who wrote this letter sixty two years old, so you know she's seen racism in her time, you know, she Yeah, she has. She's right, and she's trying to take her five year old granddaughter just out to have some fun at the place. Yeah, and then they're making her crawl on the on the ground on all fours like a dog and telling her her braids aren't good. She's not in Africa anymore, she doesn't live in Africa. What the heck? Vacation the first one. I know what, I could ship some people over that. I know they don't have all the conversation. They want to take then braids out. Well if I take okay, they got to go someway. We're gonna pack them in there sounds my baby girl defended herself and it's just a conversation that her grandmother and her family they have to keep having this. Yeah, she's only five. They well, you're right. Without flinching, it says, baby girl grabbed the little blonde girl by her neck and slung her to the ground. Baby girl had enough of it, she said, yeah, after she told her she didn't like the braids. Yeah, all right, Well, you know, bottom line is Black History Month. Have this conversation, you know with your children. We we we have to have it. Let's stop this hate. Uh you can email us your Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letters. Steve Harvey FM coming up in ten minutes. Steve Floyd Mayweather says he is not boycotting Gucci and the Cleveland Browns signed Kareem Hunt and some are outraged. We'll get into it right after Good Day. You're listening, all right, Steve Floyd Mayweather is not a boycotting Gucci. He says he doesn't give a darn about the Gucci boycott. He told TMZ Sports that no one tells him what to do or what to bud. I ain't never heard Floyd say darn. I ain't never heard Floyd say darn. He said darn. Okay, Well it's right here r n d A r n or And that's why he dropped a fortune at the Gucci store. On Monday night of this week. Money Mayweather rolled into Gucci and Beverly Hills, and when he was told about all of the stars calling for a Gucci band over a sweatshirt that resembled black Faced, Floyd said, well, tick a listen. You said they're gonna be upset with me. Oh, I love it, I love it, I love it. I don't she. The thing is this, I live for myself, right, I live with myself. I do what I want to do, when I'm gonna do how I want to. I'm not a follower. You know when everybody else they said everybody gonna boycott, I say, that's what this boy's gonna get on the yacht and live life right right, Maybe you don't feel that they were disrespects on making the black faith. My thing is this, we all know racism still exists, but that's not going to stop my drive. I got friends from all walks of life, and to me, of course, black lives matter first. But my thing is this, I'm gonna continue to go out there and live life and be happy and be positive. I wear what I want to wear, when I want to, and how I want to. Nobody can stop my drive. Nobody's gonna tell me what to wear it and when not to wear. Because half of the people that's on social media sare don't wear it is don't wear that. I ain't never see none of them supporting the Money Team. Oh he is a clothing line. You heard him, Money Team, The Money Team. Well so his Gucci yeah oh man, Yeah, he had a lot of Gucci bags, a lot of Gucci bag a lot. TMZ was also saying, you know, he was shading Ti a little bit because you know, he and Ti have beef and that one of the ones that called for the boycott. So you know, there you go, shade, Yeah, there, there you go. Yeah. Uh. In other sports news, Steve, this one's definitely for you. Cleveland brown signed a running back Kareem Hunt. Some called him the troubled running back right now because he's been a little bit of trouble. Hunt, who was the Chiefs, who the Chiefs released in December after a video came out showing him shoving and kicking a woman. Uh signed a one year deal with the Browns, but Kareem Hunt will be a restricted player, as there is no way he will not be facing a suspension when he finally does get off the Commissioner's exempt list, which makes him ineligible to play until the NFL completes his investigation into the incidents and decision on potential discipline is made now it's a source close to the situation told ESPN that the discipline process was still ongoing and nowhere near done. Let's take a listen. I've always believed that it is important moving forward to if a person wants to better themselves moving forward and be a better person, I'm willing to give them a chance. In terms of doing all the deep research I've done, I stilly believe that he will be a better man today than he was yesterday. Now that was Cleveland Brown's GM John Dorsey, he was, you know, you heard defending his decision to sign Kareem. So, yeah, you know, I saw that Kareem hunt situation. I've listened to what everybody says. Critics are outraged. I don't know what to think because on one turn of events, I don't want to see people have to over a mistake pay what they own with their whole livelihood. But at the same time, I have no tolerance or agreement for violence acted out towards women. I can tolerate men's violence with one another. I'm just saying that I don't recommend it, but I can tolerate it much better. I grew up in that world, though I come from a world where we fought each other all the time. You know, it's it's much better now, but I'm from that place right there, So I don't I don't really see how I'm you know, I'm I'm exhausted talking about this. Really, I just get sick of it. Well, it's a lot, it is, it's a lot, It's a lot. It seems like the Cleveland Browns are trying to give him a second chance or the fact that interested in winning it was that well message, yea, we know that's the bottom line too. Yeah. The National Organization for Women issue a statement saying the message this sends is that money matters more than women. Women don't matter to the NFL, which is rather surprising because they're a big part of the viewer audience. Well, I want you to understand now, Kareem Hunt is on Roger Goodale's exemplest. Yeah, is so what doesn't mean anything that the Browns signed. It doesn't mean anything. I mean it means something, But he's got to give permission from the commissioner to play. Well, they have to complete their investigation right now. They've Cleveland has done their due diligence. And I got some friends that's close to that situation up there, and they did tell me what exactly happened. And I just think that we're going to have to wait and see what comes out of this. Oh, we don't know the whole story there about the investigation. No, we don't, and I just have to reserve judgment until then. Now, what I saw on the video was file Yeah, you know what I saw. Yeah, But for the Browns to sign him, they did some due diligence. That's some stuff that has come out about it. Yeah. A source close to the situation told ESPN that the discipline process was still ongoing and nowhere near done, and that Hunt met with NFL investigators in January as part of the process. Steed, So it's still ongoing process. Yeah, So it's a it's a story. Well, you know, we'll keep an eye on for sure. He's um wow, what happens? Yeah? Is he a good player though? I mean I never heard of him until I saw the tape. Is he Yeah? And he has a trouble passed though. I was reading about his family and he comes from some Wow. All right, Well, we'll move on and keep your keep our eyes on that one. Coming up at the top of the hour, Steve's Health and Wellness segment with eight time mister Olympia, our friend Lee Hany. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, A friend of mine has a record that hasn't been broken in all of bodybuilding. Eight time mister olympiad He's been on a show with weight loss challenges. Whether you are into challenges, if you just want to get looked better. In two thousand nineteen, if you want to get fit, Lee Haney has created a book that's gonna get you in the best shape that you've ever been in, and he's gonna get it to you in two thousand nineteen. The name of the book is called Fit at Any Age, and he's here now to tell us about the book Fit at any Age. Please welcome eight time mister Olympian, mister Lee Haney your side. Hello, look at him all right, good morning, Good morning extra man Lee. How you being man, brother? I am doing great, Steve. It's an honor to be on the show with my family there again. Just thank you so much. Love you got. Well, let me start with this and then I'm gonna let the group jump in because they've been wanting to talk to you about this fitness. Because we got fitness at any Age on this show. We got all the way from the youngest member who is junior, and all the way up to the oldest member who is Jay Anthony brown Man, if you could get him to just have a fit thought process. So if okay, now this is your book, it's called Fit at Any Age, and you share with us your forty plus years of expertise and exercise and nutrition. So just give us the basics of the book. League well, Steve, I outline an exercise program with movements that can be done right there in the comfort of your It combines the combination of strength movements to build strength around the skeletal system. Then we also have core movements or strengthenings, but balance and control of stabilization. We also have cardio movements there to help give your level of cardial conditioning, which is very important. Then we also talk about stretching for flexibility to sort of avoid stiff this. Then we go into a nutritional program and with nutritional foods and products that's in and out of the system. Because one thing we want to be conscious of this we manage ages to use foods that's going to be in and out and nothing that caused the system, you know, like red meat or like possible things like that that hang around for you know, forty eight hours and more so we got to be conscious of all of those different things as we age. Lee, I'm assuming that you're talking about food that doesn't stick around long fibrous foods exactly exactly fiber like you know, turnip, green cabbage, squash, sweet potatoes, you know, whole queek, whole grain, these other type of foods that have pushed weight out of the body. They do what they need to do by giving us energy and then they pass the paths off. What's left over is weight, and so that's very important to keep the system nice and clean. And then we talk about them pullans of good quality of water, which is a streaming important pushing weight out of the system and keeping our entire systems functioning properly. So the things like that that we're discussed in the books. Then we talk about age management supplementation. We talk about then pour the detops in the body, because some of us, a newly can walk around with fifteen twenty pounds of weight in our systems and not even know why we're looking the way. We don't why we don't feel good, and that's one of the problems there. And let you talk a lot about exercise. Of course that's your thing, but you you talk a lot about new atrition and the foods we eat and all of that. Um. Of course, you know we just got off the Super Bowl. Uh. We talked on this show Lee about how many millions I think it was even billion. Yeah, billion of chicken wings that would be consumed on Super Bowl Sunday. Uh, tell us about chicken wings. What we've discovered from you about chicken wings. And you know how we love us some chicken wings and they almost say yourself together to Yeah, I don't like to go against the wings, but well, the truth of the matter, chicken wings is one of the worst things that you can eat. It's black, consuming a bucket of grief, be ward going raditory of veins which is saturated fat. Yes, it's turrible. Now listen, if you if you're going to have a watch an upper wing, it should be a drum, you know, grill something along those flap, you know, Lee, You know when you put that flap in and put it out and them two bones, it's still together. You know what I'm talking. You know the fact of about that does taste good. I mean it's delicious, but that chick had always come back for revenge if it gets his revenge sooner or later. Okay, okay, so mister Hayy, let me let me ask a question. Me and you at the house. We got the grill on, we've fend to put something on the grill, big game on. What do you put on the grill for us to be so unhapped? Okay, this is what I would do. I would do some grilled chicken bread and listen to we gotta have some wings. We're gonna do some drum matka. We're gonna yeah, yeah. Then we're gonna have some turkey burgers and again it things we're gonna digest and break down quick. I'm not gonna do steak. It's gonna take pointed hours to stake the digest and a healthy person. Then we're gonna follow everything up. But for mixed green salad, you know, maybe some paint appum, which is digestive ensign, you know, And then we're gonna have planted water and yeah, we can have a little you know, some shoulder. I prefer ginger l because we have ginger there which is great for digestion and planted water. So you know, so when you're putting your meals together, think about things that's gonna help your body breaks us down and digest. That's important because when you're talking about health, seventy percent of what you eat, when you eat it, and how much you eat, we're determine your overall health and trying to achieve your health and fitness goal. To train it is only and not the down play them for the training, but nutrition is everything for repairing you sell giving us energy. Well, I'm gonna tell you what listened up, everybody. Here's the deal. The name of the book is called Fit at Any Age Fit at Any Age? Lee tell me right now where where we can get the book called Steve Harvey Nation Fin. To get the book, you can go to leh Any dot com at l E e h anywye dot com and order your autograph copy. I'll personally autographed up for you. And guess what shipping is free free shipping. Then for those who like to do the books, you can order that on Amazon, or you can go to Bonds and Nobles to pick up a copy there or Cobo or Kendall. The personally autograph copy you have to come from Lee Haney dot com. Fit at Any Age is for everybody. Get on board. This is our man Lee Haney, Lee, thank you so much. God bless you. Drummass baby drumasts at any from now. All right, coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to show, all right, guys, Steve Hartley, Nation, Steve Temmy Junior, you guys, come on. Valentine's Day is tomorrow, all right, don't forget that, guy. Love. If you're a last minute person, you still have time. I want you to know that you've still got time, and one eight hundred Flowers can help you. Okay, they are our friends, they will they have your backs. Okay, You've only got today though, to make this happen, So do it right now. Go to one eight hundred flowers dot com and check out the amazing offer on beautiful Valentine's bouquets and arrangements. I love their bouquets, I love their arrangements, and they start at only twenty nine ninety nine, right, Carla, Yes, they are beautiful. Yes, there's still time to have your bouquet deliver flight tomorrow. Thank you, Tommy, thank you. You can have them delivered tomorrow on Valentine's Day, but you have to do it, right now, order today. Okay, check out all of the beautiful bouquets to choose from, starting at just twenty nine ninety nine. That's less than thirty dollars. Guys. Come on, go all right, come on, go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, click the radio icon and enter my code Strawberry. That's one eight hundred flowers dot com code Strawberry. Okay, we want everyone to have a great happy Valentine's Day and night. You know that's right. He surely roses means something, don't they like a little for friendship? Friendship? Yeah, what's pink? I forgot what pink? I forgot pink? And I forgot what? I don't know? What about some daisies out the yard? What a dude at work? One eight hundred flowers. That's perfect time you go do that. Yeah, one eight hundred flowers. Coute this all day? What roses? Dal? Do you guys feel pressure? Though? I wanted to ask you that on Valentine's Day? You do you feel do it? I think you know it's the thought. The roses is just the start. Yeah, you gotta do dinner. You have to acknowledge. Yeah, it's some kind of way. But you don't have to go to a restaurant. No, no, you don't. I mean because I like to, but I like having a chef come by and do it. Yeah, I like that. Yeah, a male chef. That's Timmy got that type of money. We're going by Earl Houses. He already who was Earl though our parting he already was kicking. We're just going by Earth. We're gonna try and go from there. He sus linked in the end of the shape. Yeah, we're going by Earl. Timmy got that chief money. Yeah. Would be like, why y'all leading each other like that? But do you expect any anything from your wives friends? Yeah? But we got to do like Valentine's at lunchtime this time. Why do you have to shoot it because I got to go to Killeen. So we're doing it early. Oh, you're gonna work on Valentine's work. Yeah, that night you're working on Valentine's night. I'm working that night working. Okay, if you all had to work that night that if he has to work now, it wouldn't bother me. Honestly, it wouldn't as long as he as long as he acknowledges, you know, me in some kind of way. I think that's that's nice. Yeah, and he does. He always does, even if if it's not Valentine's Day, which is great. Yeah. Yeah, and you too are to stick. What have you done for him lately? Year? What have you done for him? Well? You know what, I have this dream. I have this dream that I cooked. I mean everything. You gave him your dream, but I did so. Huh. You're told him what was in your dream? That was it? Yeah? And he's sitting and listening at home, Stach, but his stomach touching his back. I was in the kitchen getting down. Okay, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. Happy Valentine's Day. You're listening to Steven Show? All right, Steve, Today, this is the day A lot of people have been waiting for. Your special guest is Monique. And you guys don't leave any stone on turn. I mean, you tell you guys talk about everything, and and it got a little heated. Steve, here's a sneak peek. Take a listen and then we can comment. Take a list as we try to come through this. Because what I want really is for you to come through because I know who you really are, and so what I what I want you to do is come through this with a different way because you Monique, you're my girl. I love you like a sister. I hate what's happening to you. I hate what they're saying that's not true. I want them to know that you are carried, that you're a great mother, that you are incredible talent. I don't like the fact that you've been black ball. You can be on black ball. You talented to have to worry about all this. Where the next one coming from, I want this to end for you. Well, I wanted to end for you, Monique, because I love you, because these people are doing it the wrong way and you better than that. You are better than that. Wow, Steve, you know it's it's like it's it's like a really healing thing for me and Monique. You know, it really really is. And I've spoken to her since, and I think we're at a turning point. More felt that she was unjustly done, and rightfully so in some cases, and admit it by more than one person, that you know, some things probably happened to her that should not have happened. As a matter of fact, some things happened to her that should not have happened, and I like, you know, like I told More on TV and I've said it, you know, I just think you handled it the wrong way. You know, you can be right and handle something the wrong way. And she was right and was wrong in the way she handled it. But More and I talked, Man, that's still my girl. My only regret was was, like I said before, that I didn't come to her aide sooner, you know, because I saw this happening. But I was so busy working TV show is Prime and all these shows working on weekends. But that's the only thing I regret was not coming to Mole and sitting it down early on when this first started jumping off. That's that's my greatest regret. But we had such a free in conversation that's gonna be on TV today. Was there a resolution, Yeah, I think it was. We hugged for a long time after Wars old, you know, and then we talked even longer after this over, So I think there is resolution. I think that we were at the turning point where MO can feel, you know, some relief from this, you know, and some people, you know, I don't know how it's gonna work out, but but I know she's she's willing. And Steve, are you gonna address when she said that she was gonna slap you or something, because that's what was all over the tabloid. Yeah, I mean, you know, but okay, now she said it, but she didn't say it. You know, you know how moment surely you had seen me and Mo on the radio since two thousand. Absolutely, I would knock your ass in the flow if you look over here one more time. Mopen talking to me like that forever she said that. Yeah, you know, but it wasn't it wasn't in it was There was no yeah, there was no no, not at all ensued or anything like that. They were playing, you know, I mean you know now you know, if you're looking at it, you don't know me and Mo the oh god, she told him she was gonna bust. But but MO talk like that all time to me. Yeah, you know. Yeah, all right, Steve will come back on this Valentine's Day eve and you'll have some clothes remarks for us on our last break of the day. We'll be back at forty nine after the hour. Right after this you're listening. All right, Steve, last break of the day, take us home with something good. Closing remarks, well, let's go. I think I should keep it on the up upswing for everybody again. I want to just talk to you about what it really takes to make it, what it really takes to make it. Now. Look, I can, oh, you know, sit here and tell you a bunch of stuff that you know, sound like I'm really into public speaking, and I know all of what I'm talking about all is here in YadA YadA YadA. But at the end of the day, what people really want is real simple things that they can do to make it. People want to be successful, man, they really do. They don't They don't want to not know what it's like to be happy, to be free, to be successful. They they want a simpler how should I put this? They want somebody to explain it to them and simplify it. That's what I'm trying to say. Well, guess what, I don't know if I'm the person that's qualified to make it the simplest. But let me tell you what I do. Though, If you want to be happy in this life, if you want to be successful, you're gonna have to develop a couple of things. Now, here's the thing that I want you to understand. Most people have what it takes to be successful, but if it does not start with the belief that you can be successful, you can never bring out the qualities in you of success. Listen to me again. Everyone has it in them to be successful, but if you don't bring them out, and that starts with the belief. If you don't have the belief that you can be somebody, that you're worthy, that you're qualified, that you're capable. If you don't start with that basic belief, it can never happen. So first things first. In order to be successful and happy in this world at whatever level you're talking about, happiness, success is for you, it has to start with the belief that it is for you. I believe that I should be successful. I believe that God wants me to be prosperous. I believe that He comes to give you life and give you life more abundant. But you got to develop some things, man, and the way to develop them is start with the belief and hang on to the belief so strong that these attributes develop themselves. Resilience if you believe hard enough that you can be successful, that you can be happy, it will automatically start to cultivate this thing that's in all of us. It's called resilience. All y'all got it. Everybody got it. You are resilient people. All of us are resilient. Hell, if you can survive the projects, you resilient. If you can survive public schools, you resili If you can survive walking through gang neighborhoods because you still want education, you resilient. If you manage to get yourself a high school diploma or a ged, you are resilient. And the more belief you have, the more these attributes you can develop. You got to be tough. You know how you get tough. You got to believe that you tough. You got to believe that you can hang in now when all is against you. That's how you get tough. You get tough because you keep facing the test and you keep passing them. But all of that, you came past the tests unless you believe you can. Y'all, don't hear me. All of you have an inner strength. Listen to me, man, Don't you know even a homeless person has an inner strength? What is it that gets a person to live under bridge, or live in the refrigerator box, or live in some of these homeless encountments. Do you know what really makes them live there? Because they have an inner strength. It's still some fiber of them that's telling them to hold on. Because if it wasn't, everybody would just get rid of their self. Everybody would end it. But you know why people don't end it because you really do have an inner strength. It takes something to be homeless. All everybody can make a mistake, man, and wind yourself up in a situation. For homeless people have an inner strength. They have a toughness. It's tough being homeless, man. They have a resilience because for some reason they just won't give up. And even though we judge them when we're driving by, look at them sitting on that corner just asking for money. They didn't gave up. No, no, it's another form of giving up. But I'm telling you, even in your darkest moments and your lowest points in your life, you have resilience, toughness, inner strength. I got news for you. It can help develop your faith because if you believe hard enough. The Bible says that faith is a substance of things hope. For that simply means that when how you develop, it's really the essence of it's is hope. Do you remember when you was living you hope you got a bike for Christmas and you went out there one year and the Christmas and the bike was under the tree. You remember when you used to hope? You graduate from high school, you mess around and got a diploma. Did you remember hoping one day you get a job and now you're working. Faith is a substance of things hopeful. But if you keep hoping hard enough and believe that something can happen eventually, that hope times in the faith you got to have dreams and visions so big that it dwarfs all your fields. This is how you make it hope. You got what I'm saying? All right? Dropping babies, drop it for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.